Customs - Paper 6

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IQ මයස්ථ් නය, කින්න්ය් /IQ Centre, Kinniya/IQ

Open Competitive Examination for Recruitment to the Post of

Assistant Superintendent of Customs and Inspector of Customs - 2023
Resource: AF Abdul Halik (PhD in Linguistics (Final year), MA in Linguistics, BA in
English (Second Class Upper Division, BBA, HNDE (Merit)
Subject: English language

Test 01
Fill in the blanks using the words given below.

(Independence /conflict /history /peaceful /threshold /differences /household /overseas

/solemn /depth)

In this grave hour, perhaps the most fateful in our 1. ……………………………, I send to
every 2. ……………………… of my peoples, both at home and 3.
…………………………….., this message, spoken with the same 4. ………………………..
of feeling for each one of you as if I were able to cross your 5. …………………………. and
speak to you myself.
For the second time in the lives of most of us, we are at war.
Over and over again, we have tried to find a 6…………………………….. way out of the
7…………………………….between ourselves and those who are now our enemies; but it has
been in vain.
We have been forced into a 8……………………………….., for we are called, with our allies,
to meet the challenge of a principle which, if it were to prevail, would be fatal to any civilized
order in the world.
It is a principle which permits a state, in the selfish pursuit of power, to disregard its treaties
and its 9. …………………………. pledges, which sanctions the use of force or threat of force
against the sovereignty and 10. …………………………………. of other states.

Test 02

Read the following dialogue between the Custom Officer and passenger and complete
the dialogue.

Passenger: Good afternoon, officer. I'm here to declare my items.

Custom Officer: Good afternoon. Welcome. …………………………………………….?

Passenger: Certainly, here it is. I have a few items to declare – a laptop, a camera, and some
gifts for friends.
Custom Officer: Thank you. ……………………………. Are these items for personal use, or
are they intended for resale?

Passenger: They are all for personal use. ……………………………………………………..

Custom Officer: Great. Do you have receipts for these items?

Passenger: Yes, I do. Here are the receipts for the laptop and camera. The gifts were
purchased a while ago, so I don't have receipts for those.

Custom Officer: That's okay. …………………………………….. I'll need to assess their

value to calculate any applicable duties. Could you also please describe the gifts?

Passenger: Certainly. The gifts include some local crafts, chocolates, and a few traditional
Custom Officer: Got it. ………………………………………………………... Now, do you
have anything else to declare?

Passenger: No, that's all. Just the laptop, camera, and the gifts.
Custom Officer: Thank you for your cooperation. I'll calculate the duties for the laptop and
camera based on the receipts. As for the gifts, please provide an estimated value.

Passenger: Sure, …………………………………………………….

Custom Officer: Perfect. I'll process this information and let you know if there are any
applicable duties. Thank you for your cooperation.

Passenger: Thank you, officer. ……………………………………………..


1. We mainly need receipts for the electronic items

2. Let me review the form.
3. I appreciate your help

4. The laptop and camera are for work, and the gifts are for friends I'm visiting.
5. I'll need you to estimate the value of the gifts since there are no receipts.
6. I'll need you to estimate the value of the gifts since there are no receipts.
7. Could you please provide your customs declaration form?

Test 03

Read the following passage and answer the questions.

Ebola, no threat to tourist arrivals

The spread of Ebola, the fatal virus that has taken the death toll to over 45,000, predominantly
in West Africa, has posed a serious threat to global travel following travel restrictions to and
from the epidemic-hit region.

Countries which attract a large number of tourists each year are bound to be hit by the spread
of the deadly virus, according to travel experts. Officials of Sri Lanka Tourism said the spread
of Ebola could have a major impact on visitors to the country. However there was no need to
panic as no infected case has been reported among visitors to the country.

“We have taken steps to minimize the impact with the support of the Health Ministry”, an
official said. City Hotels Association President Shanthi Kumar said that health checks are being
done in all city hotels for contagious diseases and added that there has not been a single case
of Ebola infected traveler to the country. All precautions have been taken to prevent the spread
of the disease.

“Hotel occupancy rate is around 65 percent which is slightly lower than last year’s figure of 68
percent. Occupancy rates are low due to more hotels and rooms being built in the country” he

Sri Lankan Convention Bureau Managing Director Vipula Wanigasekara said, “We don’t see
any impact and there is not even the slightest fear at present. Besides, the health authorities
have taken measures to prevent from infected people entering the country and this would a
relief to all those who are worried about this. “The crisis is in Africa and not in Sri Lanka which
is totally out of the picture. We need not panic as many countries have taken steps to prevent
the spread of the disease “he said.
Sunday Observer 19th October 2014

(i) Where has Ebola spread mostly?

(ii) Which countries would be mostly hit by the Ebola virus?

(iii) Mention the authorities which gave assurance that there is no Ebola threat in Sri Lanka?
(iv) “This year hotel occupancy rate is slightly lower than the last year.” Give reason.

(v) Give meaning for the following words

a. Precautions ………………………………………
b. contagious disease ……………………………………….

(vii) Make sentences using the following words. Do not copy sentences from the passage.
a. minimize ………………………..
b. prevent ……………………..
c. infect ……………………..
d. take steps …………………….
e. global ………………………

Test 04

“The import process in Sri Lanka faces hurdles like bureaucratic delays, currency fluctuations,
and high tariffs. These challenges not only slow down trade but also impact businesses and
could contribute to the cost of living”

What do you think about above mentioned statements. Give your opinion. Use about 100

Test 05

Write an analytical essay on the following topic. Use about 300 words.

“Navigating economic challenges: an in-depth analysis of Sri Lanka's current economic



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