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4th edition

geography for key stage 3 OXTORD

<rosemarie gallagherxrichard parish>
cjanet Williamson >
4th edition

geography for key stage 3

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< ianet Williamson >
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1 It's your planet! 4 5 Rivers 78
1.1 Earth's story: it begins with a bang 6 5.1 Meet the River Thames 80
1.2 Earth's story: life develops 8 5.2 It's the water cycle at work 82
1.3 Earth's story: the timescale 10 5.3 A closer look at a river 84
1.4 Our time on Earth 12 5.4 A river at work 86
1.5 Our place on Earth 14 5.5 Five landforms created by the river 88
1.6 Earth: a very special planet 16 5.6 Rivers and us 90
1.7 Changing Earth 18 5.7 Our water supply 92
1.8 It's all geography! 20 5.8 Floods! 94
5.9 Flooding on the River Thames 96
2 Maps and mapping 22 5.10 Protecting ourselves from floods 98
2.1 Mapping connections 24
2.2 A plan of Walter's room 26 6 Africa 100
2.3 Your mental maps 28 6.1 What and where is Africa ? 102
2.4 Real maps 30 6.2 A little history 104
2.5 Using grid references 32 6.3 Africa today 106
2.6 How far? 34 6.4 Africa's countries 108
2.7 Which direction? 36 6.5 Population distribution in Africa 110
2.8 Ordnance Survey maps 38 6.6 Africa's physical features 112
2.9 How high? 40 6.7 Africa's biomes 114
2.10 Where on Earth? 42
7 In the Horn of Africa 116
3 About the UK 44 1
7.1 Meet the Horn of Africa 118
3.1 Your island home 46 7.2 The Horn of Africa: physical features 120
3.2 It's a jigsaw! 48 7.3 The Horn of Africa: climate 122
3.3 What's our weather like? 50 7.4 Coffee farming in Ethiopia 124
3.4 Who a re we? 52 7.5 Life as a nomad 126
3.5 Where do we live? 54 7.6 Working as a salt miner 128
3.6 How are we doing? 56 7.7 Life on the coast 130
3.7 London, our capital city 58 7.8 In the city: Addis Ababa 132
7.9 Djibouti: a great location 134

I4 Glaciers 60 7.10 How is the Horn of Africa doing? 136

4.1 Your place ... 20 000 years ago! 62
4.2 Glaciers: what and where? 64 Key for OS maps 138
4.3 Glaciers at work 66 Map of the British Isles 139
4.4 Landforms shaped by erosion - part 1 68 Map of the world 140
4.5 Landforms shaped by erosion - part 2 70 Glossary 142
4.6 Landforms created by deposition 72 Index 144
4.7 Glacial landforms on an OS map 74 Key for symbols in Your turn questions
4.8 Glaciers and us 76
Literacy Numeracy
M It's your planet!

The big picture

Welcome to Chapter 1 of geog. 1, the first book ofgeog.123.

This chapter tells the big big story of how Earth, and we humans, got here.
And it prepares you for what you'll study in geography. Here's the big picture ...

Earth is around 4.5 billion years old. (That's 4500000000 years old.)
Did you know?

♦ Dinosaurs were on Earth

We humans {Homo sapiens) have been here for only about 200000 years.
for about 164 million years.
There were other species of humans before us.
♦ That's over 800 times
We began to spread across Earth only about 60000 years ago, from our home longer than humans
in East Africa. Now we are almost everywhere. (so far)!
Earth is being changed all the time by natural processes. For example, rivers
carve valleys in it. % you know?
We change it too. For example, we build towns and cities and roads.

ere tended froman
Your goals for this chapter Wike species...
By the end of this chapter, you should be able to answer these questions: ♦•••but not everyone
How was Earth formed, and about how long ago?
Around when did humans like us (Homo sapiens) first appear - and where?
Around when did we first arrive in the land that's now the UK?
Didyou know?
What do these terms mean?
evolution mass extinction geological timescale eon fossil
When was the Precambrian eon, and what life existed then?
Give one fact about each of these periods, in the geological timescale:
Carboniferous Permian Jurassic Quaternary
Give three examples of natural processes that change Earth, and three
examples of ways we humans change it. What if...
What kinds of things will you learn about, in these branches of geography? ♦ we were taken

physical geography human geography environmental geography over by creatures from

another planet?

And then...
When you finish the chapter, come back to this page and see if you've met
your goals!
1.1 Earth's story: it begins with a bang

u Planet Earth is your home. Here is the first part of its story - and yours!

How Earth began

Once upon a time, long long ago, But suddenly, about 13.8 billion It was the start of the Universe! In
there was nothing. No Universe, no years ago, there was a violent an instant, tiny particles had formed,
stars, no Earth, no people. explosion of energy: the Big Bang. from which atoms would be made.

About 2 million years after the Big Over time, trillions of stars formed, About 4.6 billion years ago, in a
Bang, the first star appeared: a hot in groups called galaxies. (And died galaxy called the Milky Way, a very
glowing ball of hydrogen gas. when their reactions stopped.) special star was born: our Sun.


Dust and gases spun around the ... and the rocks merged to form Soon after Earth formed, while it
Sun. A force called gravity pulled planets. One of these was Earth. was still hot soft rock, a smaller
them together to form rocks... It is around 4.5 billion years old. planet struck it.


One 4ay, billions

ofyeqrs later,
humans would land
. on the moon.

The impact flung rock and dust into Slowly, over millions of years, Earth's ... the crust was split by boiling
space. Gravity pulled them together. surface cooled, and a hard crust liquid rock (lava) from below.
The result: our moon! formed. But often ... These were the first volcanoes!

Around Earth was a layer of gases: As the crust cooled, water vapour So this is Earth, 3.9 billion years ago.
the atmosphere. It had a lot of condensed to form rain.This poured Soft inside. A hard crust. An ocean.
water vapour in it. down.The ocean began to form. And ... bombarded by meteorites!
So you hear the
ocean calling >

Thousa nc|5 of
us would fit on
a full stop.

They fell into the ocean, carrying ... that led to something amazing, Those first tiny cells in the ocean, far
compounds from space. It may have around 3.5 billion years ago: too small to see, would one day lead
been these compounds... the first tiny living cells. to someone special: you!

The start of life

So, around a billion years after Earth formed, there was life: tiny cells that could
reproduce by splitting in two. Look at the diagram on the right.

Sometimes a daughter cell was a bit different from the parent cell. It passed
the difference on when it split. In that way, cells changed or evolved over time.
This process is called evolution.
▲ A cell splitting. It gives two 'daughter'
cells. Next, each ofthese will split.
Where next?
All living things on Earth came from these first tiny cells, through evolution.
But it was a tough journey. Several times, vast numbers of living things were
you know?
wiped out. For example, during ice ages. You'll find out more in the next unit.
Wlth 3,1 the theories in
fhis unit!
Your turn

4 We can’t say the Big Bang is a fact - because nobody was


What was the Big Bong?

there to see! It is a theory that fits the evidence. But one day,

How did Earth form?

someone might be able to prove it is wrong.

Show these in a flow chart, in the order in which they

Do you think these are facts, or theories? Explain,
happened. Start with the one that was longest ago.
a The moon formed when a planet collided with Earth,
our moon formed the Big Bang
b Rain is made of water droplets.
living cells appeared Earth formed
5 Many millions of people believe that God created the Universe.
our Sun formed the ocean formed
Is it possible to believe this, and the Big Bang theory?
Earth’s surface cooled
Try to explain your answer.
You can add drawings if you like!
1.2 Earth's story: life develops

Now read about how life on Earth developed - from simple cells to us.

How life on Earth developed

For over 2 billion years the only life Different types of cells joined up. By 500 million years ago, there were
on Earth was cells in the ocean.They And by 550 million years ago, soft- animals with shells - like these
evolved, and grew more complex. bodied animals had appeared. trilobites and sea snails.

| We think it lasted
I 500000 years! |

Around 475 million years ago, the About 440 million years ago came a But life hung on. In the ocean, fish
first life moved onto land: simple mass extinction: many species died flourished. Bony fish with jaws
plants that had evolved from algae. out over quite a short time. appeared. On land, new plants grew.

Around 395 million years ago, fish Then, about 360 million years ago,
began to adapt to life on land, using there was another mass extinction species appeared. Lush forests grew
fins as legs. Things in the ocean suffered most. on land. Butthen came disasters!
We call this one the
Permian mass extinction

First, an ice age. Next, a dry period. Some say the cause was a huge The surviving species continued
And then, 248 million years ago, the eruption of lava, in what is now to evolve. And around 230 million
biggest mass extinction of all. Siberia, that lasted 1 million years! years ago, the dinosaurs appeared.

Shockwaves raced
across Earth.

About 200 million years ago, the Then 66 million years ago, a huge With the dinosaurs gone, mammals
first small mammals appeared - in a asteroid struck Earth. 75% of living and birds flourished. Apes and many
world where the dinosaurs ruled. things died. Goodbye, dinosaurs! other species appeared.

By 2 million years ago, in East Africa, Over time, other human species We spread out from East Africa. And
a species of human, related to apes, evolved. And about 200000 years now we live almost everywhere on
had appeared, walking upright. ago, we appeared. Homo sapiens! Earth. Including in your house!

So that's the story of how we came to be here. Again, it's a theory - but with
lots of evidence to support it.

Clues from fossils

How can we tell when different plants and animals appeared? From fossils.
These are the remains of ancient plants and animals, or traces such as
footprints, preserved in rock. Scientists can work out the age of the rock.
That tells us how old the fossils are.

Imagine a reptile living in the ocean about 200 million years ago. It dies. Its ▲ The fossil of an ocean reptile or 'sea dragon'
body falls to the ocean floor, and is buried under mud and sand. Later, this that lived around 200 million years ago. It is
turns to rock. Later still, ocean floor is pushed upwards, and becomes land. nearly 2 m long. Several fossils like this were
And one day, a human finds the fossil, and goes 'Wow!' found in Somerset, UK.

1 Below are some words from this unit. But jumbled up! a Dinosaurs roamed Earth for a long time. How long?
Write them out properly, with their definitions. b What do we think put an end to them?
lelcs - the units from which living things are made You belong to the species Homo sapiens.
loveve - to develop and change over time a When did it appear? b Where did it appear?
pessice - a group of living things of the same type
What was the Permian mass extinction?
rondasusi - these dangerous animals once roamed Earth,
Help! Another mass extinction has begun. Write about it.
but are now extinct
What is happening? Why? How will you save yourself?
smalmam - warm-blooded animals with hair; the mums
produce milk to feed their young Evolution is still going on. So how might humans be different,
100000 years from now? Get thinking!
One of the words above describes you. Which one?
1.3 Earth's story: the timescale

Read about a timescale that shows time since Earth began.

Earth's timescale
Earth is 4.5 billion years old.That length of time is hard to grasp!
To make it easier, scientists divide the time into blocks, using what they
learned from rocks and fossils. They call it the geological timescale.
(Geology is the study of rocks.) Look at the next page.

The scale starts at the bottom, 4.5 billion years ago.

The first huge block of time (almost 4 billion years) is called the
Precambrian eon. It lasts until the first simple animals appeared.
The next is the Phanerozoic eon. It's the one we're living in.
The Phanerozoic eon is divided into three eras.
- In the first (shown in blue) all kinds of species flourished. ▲ Cheep cheep! This dinosaur lived around 66-100
We can only guess what most were like. million years ago, in South America. It was like a
- The second (in green) had the dinosaurs. bird-but too big to fly.

- The third (in orange) is our era. Mammals are flourishing!

The eras are divided into smaller blocks called periods.
The names of some periods
The drawings show how life developed, as time went on.

The Silurian period is named after the

They are not to scale.
Silures, a Celtic tribe who lived in Wales.

The periods Carboniferous means 'coal bearing'. Most

of our coal dates from this period, when
The periods are named after places where geologists studied rocks. big forests grew in swamps. Dead trees got
Or after tribes who had lived in those places. Or after different kinds of buried in mud. Over time, the wood turned
rock. For example Cambria is the old Roman (Latin) name for Wales. See into coal.
the box on the right for more.
Cretaceous is from the Latin word for chalk.
Several periods ended with a mass extinction, or a change in climate. A lot of chalk was formed in this period,
This then affected evolution in the next period. Only the species which from the shells of sea creatures.
survived could evolve.The rest became extinct.

Your turn

Where is today on the geological timescale: top or bottom? Say which period is named after:

a Wales Devon

a What is an eon? Glossary?

ex r>

b How long did the Precambrian eon last? the ancient kingdom of Permia, in Russia

What kinds of life appeared during that eon?

the Jura mountains in Europe
a tribe called the Ordovices who once lived in Wales

Not many fossils have been found from the Precambrian eon.
See if you can suggest some reasons for this. What happened to bring an end to:
the Permian period? b the Cretaceous period?
a In which era did the dinosaurs live?
b In which era are you living? You have to explain what the geological timescale is, to

c In which period are you living? a class of 9-year-olds. Write down what you will say.

We still burn something that formed during the Over 99% of all species that ever existed are now extinct.

Carboniferous period, for fuel. That something is... ? See if you can explain why.
The geological timescale 1
How long
ago? The evolution of life

in Period
several early Neanderthals
today human (overlapped
Quaternary species with us)
We (Homo sapiens) appear and spread;
ice ages come and go
start of the
2.6 mya human family
L mammoths elephants
apes, chimpanzees, rhinos, horses,
sheep... evolution continues
23 mya
Paleogene horses
mammals, big and small, flourish on
land and in sea; birds flourish too giant whales
66 mya
Cretaceous flowering plants
ends with mass extinction due to
asteroid; no more dinosaurs

•u 145 mya
■u Jurassic
life recovers quickly; more dinosaurs dinosaurs
appear; first birds

200 mya pterosaurs

first dinosaurs and mammals; lush
first mammals turtles
forests; ends with mass extinction
250 mya
ends with huge mass extinction giant insects
probably due to volcanic eruption first reptiles

290 mya trees in swamps -

Carboniferous will become coal
lush forests; reptiles on land; giant
insects: ends with ice age
300 mya
Devonian first insects
first animals on land; ends with
mass extinction, cause unknown first fish with jaws vertebrates
invade land
420 mya (the start of our jaws!)
first bony fish; more land plants

445 mya
Ordovician first fish - the first vertebrates
first land plants; ends with mass (animals with backbones)
extinction, due to ice age
485 mya
first animals
life begins to flourish; first animals with with shells
540 mya

covers most of the time since
- 600 mya
Earth began
single cells appear; over time
they evolve into more complex cells
4.5 bya

mya millions of years ago

bya billions of years ago
1.4 Our time on Earth

u We humans have been on Earth for only a very short time.

Find out more here!

The Earth clock

^d you know?
♦ sapiens i$
Latin for wise man !
^'d you know?
♦ We were in the
SlOne Age until about
40°0 years ago
Look at the clock below.The twelve hours represent Earth's age: * We^de tools and
4.5 billion years. So each hour is 375 million years! from stone.
Earth formed at noon on the clock. Now it is midnight.

Look at the green band. It shows that single living cells first appeared on Living things
Earth before 3 o'clock in the afternoon - and are still here, at midnight. I species of human
(Bacteria are single cells, and there are lots of them everywhere!) i
For most of the time, single cells were the only life on Earth. animals on land
This table gives the times when different things appeared: plants on land
animals in the ocean
On the Earth clock single cells
Living things When they appeared began

first single cells 2.40 pm (afternoon)

first animals in the ocean 10.24 pm (night)

first plants on land 10.44 pm

first animals on land 11.02 pm

first dinosaurs 11.23 pm

first species of human 20 seconds to midnight

us (Homo sapiens) 2 seconds to midnight

So humans have been here almost no time at all, in Earth's long story.
At the beginning, there were only a few of us. Today there are over D'd you know?
7 billion. Some experts think there will be 11 billion by 2050!
Read page 13. Then try'Your turn'. knewhowtomake
400000years ago!

Look at the clock above. a What is a land bridge?

a Where did animals appear first: in water, or on land? b Look at the land bridge at A on the map on page 13.
b Which have been here for longer: plants, or us? Today, it’s under water again.
Which living things have been here longest? Turn to page 141 and see if you can find out what that

We have not been here long, compared to Earth - but we stretch of water is called.

have done a lot! Say how each of these land bridges helped us, on our journey,
a See if you can come up with a list of ten important things a the one at B on the map b the one at C
humans have done, to improve our lives. (No silly ones!) (Check pages 140 -141 ?)
b Then compare your list with your partner’s, It is 40000 years ago. You have just reached Britain.

a Look at the map on page 13. What does 40 tya mean? What is the landscape like?
b Which of these two continents did we reach first: What are you wearing? What are you carrying?
i Europe, or N. America? n Oceania, or S. America? What will you eat? Where will you sleep?
Which did we reach first: Australia, or Britain? Write it all down! Add drawings?

Out of Africa Key

As you saw on page 9, we humans first appeared in East Africa. □ under ice, 20 000 years ago

We began to migrate from there about 60000 years ago. □ land exposed as
water levels fell
This map shows our main routes. It took us 20000 years to reach Britain I
start of our journey

our main routes

60 thousand years ago







Hindered by ice...
There was one big problem as we went north: ice! 60000 years ago, Earth was
in the middle of an ice age. (It ended about 10000 years ago.) White on the map
shows places that were covered in sheets of ice, at the peak of the ice age.

The ice sheets grew, and retreated, time after time. So at some point we left
Britain again, because of advancing ice. We went to warmer parts of Europe.
Then we came back about 12 000 years ago, when the ice was melting away.

... and helped by ice!

All that water frozen into ice meant less rain. So there was less water to flow back
into the ocean. Its water level fell. Some ocean floor got completely drained of
water. It turned into land we could walk on.

For example, look at A on the map. We walked from Asia to North America along
here, around 15 000 years ago. Exposed land like this, which is usually under
water, is called a land bridge.

How we changed on the way

When we left Africa, we had dark skin. But as we moved north, away from
the Equator, the sunlight grew weaker. Our skin changed in response, over
▲ Experts say we knew about boats before
thousands of years. So now we have a range of skin colours.
leaving Africa. So we could have made some
Experts think we had also developed language, before we left Africa. As we journeys by water. Perhaps in dugouts like this
moved further away, it changed. Now there are thousands of languages. one, or on rafts.

1.5 Our place on Earth

u We have spread over most of Earth's land.

Here you can look at some of the places we live in.

Where did we end up?

Today, we humans are living almost everywhere.
Some of us even live in the desert, and the Arctic!
We all have a place. Let's look at a few.

Adja's place - a small village in Mali, in West Africa. This is her

outdoor kitchen. She's cooking for her family on a wood fire.
She gets water from a well.

Hassan's place. He is a Marsh Arab. He and his family live on

an island of reeds in the marshes in southern Iraq. They go
everywhere by boat.


Alona's winter place. Her family are reindeer herders, in Vitor's place - on the street in Recife, in Brazil.That's him
Siberia in Russia. They move around the tundra with their front left. His mum died and now he is homeless. He's made
reindeer and tents, to the best grazing places. friends with the other street children.

Emi's place. She lives in an apartment on the 31 st floor, in Sela's place. She lives in Tonga, a country of 169 islands, in
Tokyo, Japan.Tokyo is the world's largest city. At night she the Pacific Ocean. It has 117000 people. And like the UK, it
looks down on the bright city lights. has a Royal Family.

So what's your place

Your place is a tiny dot on the planet. Billions of people may never “'d you know?
even have heard of it.
♦ L Inra'O/,9be^U5.
But you have memories of it, and feelings about it, and pictures of it
in your mind. It's home - at least for now.

n°w Spain.

Look at the six photos of places. 4 Now imagine you are standing outside your home.
Which place would you most like to spend time in? Which country are you in? And which continent?
Why? What can you see around you?

Which would you least like to spend time in? Why? What can you hear?
Rank the places in order of preference, with What can you smell? Anything?

your most preferred place first. How do you feel about this place?
You could show your answer as notes on a drawing.
Now choose one of the six places. (It need not be your
favourite.) Imagine you are there, looking around you.
Take your time. Relax. Now:
a What can you see?
b What can you hear?
c What can you smell?
d How do you feel about this place?

In geography, we always like to know where on Earth

places are.
So turn to the world map on pages 140 -141.
It shows the countries we’ve divided Earth into. 5 Think of a place you have never been to, that you want
For each of the six photos, find the country where it was to visit one day. (A town? A mountain? A country?)
taken. Then say which continent it is in. What do you think it will be like? Do a drawing!
Earth: a very special planet

You know a lot about Earth already. You live on it! Did you know?
But let's step back and take a broader look at our planet. ♦ A force called gravity
keeps planets and moons

Earth's place in the solar system in place.

♦ It also stops you
As you saw on page 6, Earth formed from dust and gases spinning flying off Earth!
around the new Sun.

Earth is one of eight planets that circle the Sun, non-stop. As you saw on page 6, the Moon was formed when
It is the third one out from the Sun. a smaller planet struck Earth. It circles Earth non-stop.
It is one of the four inner rocky planets. Six of the eight planets have moons. (Mercury and Venus
(The four outer ones are mainly gas or ice.) have none.) Jupiter has the most moons: 67!

As well as the planets and their moons, other objects are on the move too.
For example, there are many thousands of asteroids and comets.
Asteroids are big chunks of rock. Comets are rock, ice, and frozen gases. Did you know?
The Sun, planets, moons, and these other objects form the solar system. mmBtltS°faSteroid5and
COmets often fan t0 Eartf)
Earth's journey around the Sun ♦ we call the
Earth travels non-stop around the Sun, taking you along for the ride.

One full orbit takes a year - and gives us our seasons. What if...
♦ ••. Earth
It spins as it goes, like a spinning top. A full spin takes a day - and gives us

stopped spinning ?
day and night. When your place is turned away from the Sun, it's nighttime.

What's Earth like? D'd you know?

♦ EarthtraVeiSdround
It measures about 40000 km around the middle.

It is mostly rock, plus a core made of two metals, iron and nickel.

Inside, it is very hot. So hot that the rock is melted enough to flow like very ^^ajombojet.

thick tar. At the centre, the temperature is 6000°C.

Over two-thirds of the surface is covered by ocean. That's why Earth looks
blue from space. The average depth of the water is about 4 km. Why...
♦ • • • don't we feel
Around Earth is a layer of gas, that travels with it. It is the atmosphere.

^rth speeding around

It is about 100 km deep, but most of the gas is towards the bottom.
the Sun?
It is all around you. You breathe it in. You call it air.
What's so special about Earth ?
There's one thing that makes Earth very special. As far as we can tell, it's the
only planet in the solar system that carries life.

And what rich life! Today there are about 1.2 million known species, on Earth.
They are all descended from those first living cells. Here are three of them:

Jellyfish. They first appeared over The African elephant, our largest land And this species: around for only
500 million years ago.There are animal. It first appeared over 7 million 200000 years. As you saw on page 12,
hundreds of different kinds, and you years ago. There are only about there are over 7 billion of us - and the
find them in every ocean. 700000 left. (Why?) number is growing fast.

But scientists think there may be over 7.5 million species not yet discovered, on
Earth. Most will be small and hidden away, for example in the deep ocean.
D'dyou know?
Earth: always changing ^^ientiit^eep looking for
There's something else about Earth. It has been changing ever since it formed -
l,fe'’o^er pianels..
and it is still changing. Because of natural processes, and because of things we
humans are doing. You can find out more in the next unit.
andln other parts of
the Universe

Your turn

What is the solar system? Suddenly, one day, we pick up radio signals from another
planet, in another solar system. They were sent out by living
2 Name a planet in the solar system that’s likely to be:
a hotter than Earth cooler than Earth things! Should we invite them to visit Earth? It is upto you

Give reasons for your choices. to decide. Give us your reasons.

What age are you?

b So how many times have you been around the Sun?

Look at the diagram on the right. It shows Earth spinning,

a It’s dark at X just now. Why?
It will be bright at X twelve hours from now. Why?

Of all the facts about Earth on these two pages, which one
do you like best? Why? Equator Sun

See if you can write address, showing where you are

in the Universe. Don t forget your galaxy!
1.7 Changing Earth

KJ Here you will find out how natural processes, and we

humans, are changing Earth.

All change!
You might not notice that Earth is changing. But it is, all the time.
It's being changed by natural processes. And by us.

1 Changed by natural processes


Deep inside Earth, currents of hot At Earth's surface, other things are And everywhere, rock is being
soft rock are flowing - causing flowing: rivers, waves, glaciers, wind. broken down to soil, in a process
earthquakes and volcanoes, and They scrape and shape the land as called weathering. (It is mainly due
even making mountains grow. they flow. to the weather.)

2 Changed by us

As you know, humans like us appeared only about 200000 years ago.
(Or 2 seconds ago, on the Earth clock!)
But we have made huge changes to Earth already.

We've cleared away most of the We have built villages, towns and We have divided Earth into over 195
forests, and chased away wildlife, cities. We have built roads all over. countries, and put borders between
to set up farms. We've dug up the Now you'll find humans nearly them. You may need a visa (a special
ground to get fuels and metals. everywhere. pass) to get through.

▲ We cause it - and it harms us and other species. The wind carries air A mountain gorilla. Fewer than 900 are left, thanks to people
pollution all around the world. hunting them, and chopping down their forests.

Are the changes a problem ?

Natural changes can cause big problems. For example if an earthquake strikes
your place, or a river floods it.

But the changes we humans make are causing bigger problems. Like these: ♦ ••• we killed off
a(l the gorillas, and
We have killed off many species of plants and animals, by destroying their Pandas,and tigers, and
habitats, and by hunting. whales, and... ?
Experts say we are making Earth warmer, by burning fossil fuel - coal, oil
and gas.This global warming will bring disasters, such as terrible storms,
floods, and famine. *-a ^disease
Many of the changes we make cause conflict, and even wars.

We have created an unfair world. Many humans have plenty of everything. durnans ?
But many have almost nothing.
You'll find out more about these problems, and think about how we could solve
♦ ... do we
them, in the rest of your course.
humans go to

1 This is about natural processes that are changing Earth, When humans appeared, Earth was a wild place with many
a Give two examples of changes they produce thick forests. In what ways have we changed it?
b Do you think these processes went on before humans Write a list. See how much you can add to it.
appeared on Earth? Explain your answer. Think about where you live. Is it being changed by humans?
Which natural processes do you think we can control? What changes are going on right now?
Think about the problems listed on this page. Then write them
Choose one natural change that you think is helping us,
in order, as short bullet points, with the most serious one first.
and say why
Now think about the
Now think about where you live. Do you think your area is
questions on the right.
being changed by natural processes?
What are your answers?
Do you notice any changes?

| Whose planet |
i is it anyway ?
1.8 It's all geography!
Find out what else you'll learn about Earth,
in geography class.
1 Physical geography -
Glorious geography what our planet is like

Geography is linked to almost everything that's going on,

all over Earth. That makes it really exciting I It will help you
to understand the world.

Dividing up geography
It is a big subject. So we divide it into different kinds of
geography. You'll study the three kinds shown here.


You'll learn about glaciers, rivers, the coast, the

weather, climate, and rocks. And about earthquakes
and volcanoes - and how the continents are moving

2 Human geography- 3 Environmental geography -

how and where we live our impact on our surroundings

You'll learn about how our numbers are growing. We share Earth with other living things... but we are
And where we live, and how we earn a living. You'll destroying their habitats. We are polluting the air and
study some countries... and see how and why some ocean. We are making Earth warmer. What can we do?
countries are poorer than others. You will think about all this I
Get ready togeog!
To be good at geography, you must get nosy!

Look at places. Ask questions that begin with

Who, What, Where, How, Why, When ...
Look for clues. Find the answers.

And enjoy!
Z------------- ------------------ <

Who is effected How qo I feel
by the changes? about it?
___ >

Your turn

Copy and complete: Time to get nosy! Study photo B for clues.
Physical geography is about... Then answer these questions:
Human geography is about... What is going on in the photo?
Environmental geography is about... How did the place get to be like this?

In which kind of geography might you learn about this? Who do you think is responsible?
how clouds form b where coffee is grown Now make up three new questions about photo B,
protecting pandas d where trainers are made and what’s going on there. (No silly ones!)
caves f pollution that kills fish (Hint: Who? What? Where?How? Why? When?)

Photo A below shows people on holiday. Ask your partner to try to answer them.

Why might people choose a place like this one? Now, try to think of a change that’s going on in or near your
List as many reasons as you can. place. (For example, a new road being built.)
After each reason, write (P) if it’s about physical Make up some questions about the change, like those above.
geography, or (H) if it’s about human geography. Then see how many you can answer.
p Maps and mapping

On planet Earth, with around 7.1 billion other ** Europe, with around 740 million other
humans (that's 7 100 000 000), including you ... ,• humans (that's 740 000 000)..

Everton FC

Liverpool FC

... in the British Isles, with about 68 million ... in Liverpool, with around 470 thousand
other humans (680 000 000)... other humans (470 000)... number 181

Anfield Road, with ... in this room,
4 other humans... all alone.
The big picture
This chapter is all about maps, and how to use them. Here's the big picture ...

We humans are spread all over Earth - but we are connected to each other Did you know?
in many different ways.
♦ 5000 years ago we
We use maps to show where we live, and what places are like. thought Earth was
• There are many different kinds of maps. flat - and you could

Using maps is a key skill for a good geographer. (That's you!) fall off!

Your goals for this chapter What if...

...Earth really

By the end of this chapter you should be able to answer these questions:
were flat?
In what ways am I connected to people and places all over the world ?

What are mental maps, and how can I make mine better?

What does the scale on a map tell me?

gid you know.
# Maps over 4500 years
What's the difference between a sketch map, and the maps in an atlas?
old, drawn on day
What are grid references, and how do I use them to find places? tablets, wetefound
How can I measure distance on a map?
in Iraq.
What are the compass points, and why are they useful ?

What are OS maps, and what kinds of things do they show?

what if...
♦ •••mapshad
What do these terms mean ?
not been invented i
Equator Prime Meridian latitude longitude

And then...
♦ • •. have
When you finish the chapter, come back to this page and see if you've met atlases?
your goals!

Your chapter starter

You are flying back to planet Earth to find Walter.

You have his address - but you don't want to ask for directions.

Would the images on page 22 help you to find him ?

There are special drawings that would help you much more.
Geographers just adore them. They're called....... ?

2.1 Mapping connections
Here you'll see how we are connected to people and places
all over Earth - and how this can be shown using maps. Liverpool

Walter connected
Walter. Alone in his room in Liverpool - but connected to people and
places everywhere.


A postcard from Warkworth

in Northumberland, where
his cousin Violet lives.

A card from his Uncle Jim

who lives in Cornwall. His shades. Made from oil
that once lay under the
ground in Nigeria.

He chats to his friends in Hong

Kong and Los Angeles. (They
This CD has music from used to be at his old school.
Jamaica and Kenya.

This top was sewn last

month in China, by a lady
called Lily. He bought it in
Kirkdale, just down the road.

His favourite footba team.

Hes lucky. He lives in
Anfield, near the stadium.
[ A kite he got Iasi summer in
Redwood Village, a holiday
I camp on the Isle of Man.

[ His favourite book. It's a .. .

|| His MP3 player, ]
present from his granny
1 who lives in Shrewsbury. ‘ HE made in Japan, j

Mapping connections

The world


Page 22 showed images of the world, and Europe, and the island where
Walter lives. (It's Great Britain, or just Britain.) Above are maps of these places.

With maps it is easy to see where places are, and to show connections
between them.

The maps above show Walter's connections from page 24. But that is just
the start! All day long he is connected to hundreds of people and places -
through school, the internet, the things he owns or uses, the food he eats.

It's just the same for you.

► Lily in China, who
sewed Walter's top.

Your turn

See if you can match the letters on the maps above to Imagine the UK is cut off from the rest of the world.
the places named on page 24. Start like this: A = No news, or letters, or phone calls, or food, or other goods,
(No peeking at the maps at the back of this book!) from other countries. And no internet
Then give your answers to a partner to check. a List all the things you would have to do without,
Walter is connected to Jamaica by his CD. That’s an b Which three things would you miss most?

international connection. Pick out:

Places I am connected to
two other international connections for him
Place Connection
t two local connections
two national connections
I’ve been there.
(Try the glossary?)
You too are connected to hundreds of places.
Make a big table like the one started on the right. Friends/relatives live there.
Leave room for three places, for each connection.
Add more types of connection. (Music? Clothes?)
1 eat food that was grown there.
Now fill in the table, for you.
2.2 A plan of Walter's room
Here you will learn what a plan is, and what a scale tells you.

A photo
This is Walter's room.
He tidied it for the photo.


» 'rXuit.M' '.

the cqt?


A plan Plan of Walter’s room Scale: I cm to 30cm

This is a plan of Walter's room - a drawing window

of what you would see looking down from

the ceiling.

A plan is really a map of a small area - for
example a room, or a house, or your school.

The scale
The plan is a view of the room, but shrunk.

In fact 1 cm on the plan stands for 30 cm

in the room. That is the scale of the plan.

You can show scale in three ways:

El In words: 1 cm to 30cm
0 As a ratio: 1:30
(say it as / fo 30)

0 As a line divided into cm, then

labelled, like this:

30 60 90 120 cm


The scale is always marked on a plan, so

that people can tell the size in real life.
Working out scale
Be careful with units!
This is the plan of a table in Walter's kitchen. The table is
8cm long in the plan. It is 160cm long in real life. Look at this scale.

10 12 m

_l______ I

Here 1 cm represents 2 metres.

You can write this as 1:200.

The 2 metres has been changed to centimetres.

That's because you must use the same units on each
side of the symbol':'

1:200 means 1 cm to 200cm or 1 cm to 2 m.

8cm on the plan represents 160cm in real life.

So 1 cm on the plan represents 20cm in real life.

So you can write the scale as:
20 40 cm

1:20 or 1cm to 20cm or i

Your turn

You will need a ruler for these questions. Make a chart like this and fill it in for Walter’s room.

Look at the plan of Walter s room. What do X and Y Walter’s room On the plan In real life
represent? (Checkthe photo!) How wide is it? Measure the
wall by the desk.

On a plan, one wall of a room is shown like this:

How lontg?

The plan uses 1 cm to represent 60cm in real life. How lon<0 is the bed?

So the scale is 1: 60. How long is the wall in real life? How wide is the bi<g window?
How wide is the doorway?

Below are walls from another plan. The scale is 1 : 50.

How long is each wall in real life? 60 cm
8 This is a new chest of
a ----------------------------------------------------------
drawers for Walter’s room:
b -----------------------------

Using a scale of 1 cm to 20cm, draw a line to represent:

a 40 cm b 80 cm c 2 metres (that’s 200cm)
Write the scale beside your lines.

If the scale is 1 :300, what length does each line represent?

See if you can give your answer in metres.
a -------------------
a To draw a plan of it, which surface will you use?
b ---------------------------------------------------------------
the top the side the front
b Draw the plan, to the same scale as Walter’s room,
O '.

1 kilometre is 1000 metres. See if you can draw a line to

c Will the chest of drawers fit through the doorway?
represent 1 kilometre using each of these scales:
9 Find three things in the photo of Walter’s room that are not
1cmto1km 1cm to200m 1cmto100m
shown on the plan. Why are they not shown?
Write the scale beside each line, in any form you wish.
10 How would you draw a plan for your room?
See if you can write a set of instructions to follow.
______________________ ________ ______________________ /
Your mental maps
You are a map maker! You have made lots of maps in your head.
Here you'll think about them - and get a chance to sketch one.

Mental maps
A mental map is a map that you make, and carry around, in your head.

It is really a sequence of images, like a movie. It helps you find your way.

You have lots of mental maps. You use them without even thinking.

For example you have one of your home, that helps you get from your don't
bedroom to the bathroom or kitchen, even in the dark. And one of your 9et lost i
route from home to school, and to shops you like.

Sketching a mental map

It's fun to'see'your mental map in your
head, then draw it on paper.

You end up with a rough map or

sketch map.

Look at the sketch map on the right.

Walter drew it from his mental map for
his local area in Liverpool.

Do you think you'd find this map easy

to follow?


▲ Walter follows his mental map to the post

office, with a parcel for Violet.


|~| mainly koUSeS

I | roads
□ park
£ 'I'reeS
Your own mental maps
You have mental maps of your home, and your local area.

Butthat's not all. You have mental maps of other places you visit,
and places you see on TV. You have mental maps of the UK, and
even the world.

On the right is Walter's sketch map of Britain, drawn from his

mental map. What do you think of it?

They are gappy

Our mental maps show things that are important to us.
Such as paths we use, shops we like, places we have fun.

But they leave out lots of things. Some have big big gaps.
Some are quite wrong, and can get you lost.

You can make them better

You can make your mental maps better and
better.The secret is: Look around. Keep your ■tallesF moUyvfann
eyes open. Observe! A

It's fun to build up your mental maps, and fill had fun here
in places. It's likea qame.
Koreans W&K& here
The better your mental maps are, the better ▲ How Wolter 'sees' Britain.
§ $

your grasp of your world.

Whdt if...

•••your mental
maps were
almost blank? n
Your turn

1 Now, take a few minutes to picture the area around


What is a men tai mop?

2 Think about your mental maps. See how many you can list. For your school, in your head.
b Using your mental map, draw a sketch map of the
example, do you have one of your route from home to school?
area. You can colour it in if you like
Look at Walter’s sketch map A, on page 28.
c Compare your sketch map with your partner’s.
a List the things he marked on it.
i Do both show the same things?
Beside each, say why you think he picked it.
ii Do you think everyone’s mental maps are different?
Is Walter’s sketch map easy to follow? Let’s see! Give
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
directions to get by road:
Look at B, Walter’s sketch map of Britain.
from Walter’s front door, on Anfield Road, to Tim’s house.

Compare it with the atlas map on page 139.

You could start like this:
Is the shape roughly right? Are his towns and cities in the
• Go out front door and turn right.
right places? Give him a score out of 10.
• Walk along_________ until...
• Then ... Over the next week, pay special attention to the area around

from Tim’s house to the bus stop into town school. Look around. Keep your eyes open. Note the names

from the corner of Walton Lane and Priory Road, to of streets and roads. Observe!

Anfield Stadium Then check: Is your mental map of the area changing?

2.4 Real maps
Here you'll compare a photo, a sketch map, and maps drawn to scale. Warkworth

all the open land outside the

First, the photo loop of the river is farmland

This photo shows Warkworth in

Northumberland, where Walter's
cousin Violet lives.

It's an aerial photo - taken from the air.

Look at the loop of the river, and the farmland

Norman castle.
Next, the sketch map
2 Coquet
Below is a sketch map of the same
place, which Walter started. He drew
it from the photo. (You'll do that too.)

Note that his sketch map has:

title, a frame, and a key


some labels and annotations (notes


just enough detail to show the
shape and layout of Warkworth.
(Not each building and tree!)

▲ Warkworth, from the air.

Warkworth, where my cousin Violet lives. (Not to scale.)

There is farmland
around the

These houses are

tucked into the loop
of the river




homes and gardens


farm land

open green areas

The castle was built over 900 years ago by Normans,
but rebuilt later. Quite a lot of it is in rums.
Now, a map drawn to scale
Look at this map ofWarkworth.

It is not a sketch map. It is an accurate map, drawn to scale.

See the scale below.

It uses symbols to show things. They are given in the key.


main street DO

street buildings

road/path church

footpath PO post office

cemy cemetery

The same map with a grid

Here is the same map again. But this time, grid lines
have been added.

The grid lines divide the map into squares.

The columns and rows of squares have been labelled

(A, B ... and 1,2 ...).

The post office is in square C3.


The cemetery is in square C4.

You always give the letter for the column first.

o 500 m

1 Draw a sketch map (like the one Walter started) for photo A Next, look at map C above. In which ways is it:
on page 30. Keep it simple. And don’t forget: a like your sketch map? b different from it?
- a title, a frame, and a key

Where is the castle, in map C? Tell us in words

- labels and annotations

a On map D, the post office is in square C3.

2 Now swop sketch maps with your partner. Give the square for: i the castle ii the bridges
a See if you can agree on a fair way to score them. What is in: i square B4? ii squared?
For example a mark out of 10 for the shape, 1 mark for

Do you think the grid lines in map D are a good idea, or

each correct label, and so on. Write a list,
a nuisance? Explain your answer.
b Then give each other’s maps a score.
_______________________________________________________________________ j
2.5 Using grid references
In this unit you will learn how to find places on a map,
using grid lines with numbers on.

A photo
This aerial photo shows part of the River
Mole valley in Surrey.

In the top right is the village of


Walter went fishing in the Mole when he

visited his cousin Kim. (The fish fled.)

A map of the same place The River Mole valley near Mick eham
This is a map of the same place.
Like all good maps, it has:


a frame around it


an arrow to show north

a scale


The map has grid lines too. And this

time each has a number. (So that's Mickleham
different from map D on page 31.)


river church

— railway pub
main road post office
_ secondary
Sch school Fredley X
€^5 buildings Manor
= track/drive
public path
; raised bank
(embankment) Beechy \ Nicols
Wood ' Fleld

31 32 33

0 0.5 1 km
Four-figure grid references
Grid references are made from the numbers on the grid lines.
They help you to find a place quickly.
The school is at grid reference 3246. Fredley Manor is at 3244. Look:
47 —

- o



32 33
1 31
...................... J



To find the school, go to the square To find Fredley Manor, go to the A grid reference always gives the
where grid lines 32 and 46 meet in square where grid lines 32 and 44 number along the bottom first. This
the lower left corner. Then look for meet in the lower left corner. drawing shows how to find square
the label 'Sch'. Then look for the manor. 3246. Walk before you climb!

The grid references above are called four-figure. Why?


Six-figure grid references


There is a school and a church in square 3246. You can add two

extra numbers to say where each one is in the square. Like this:

Divide the sides of the square into ten parts, in your head, lool

as shown on the right.


Count how many parts you must walk along to reach the
building, and how many parts you must climb. 3
For the school you go 3 parts along and 5 parts up.
So its six-figure grid reference is 323465.
The one for the church is 325460. Do you agree ?

We usually show all six numbers black.

32 1
J ch UH :h

7 33

Your turn

Look back at the map on page 32. Name two things you can You can t see the river on the photo. How can you tell
see in the square with this grid reference: where it is?
a 3245 b 3246 C 3046 d 3144 Describe what you will see, if you stand at 313453 facing

Give a four-figure grid reference for: south. (With your back to the north!)
a Lodge Farm b Cowslip Farm c Nicols Field How far is it from Lodge Farm to Cowslip Farm, along the
What is at this grid reference on the map? track? See if you can think of a way to measure it, using
312468 b 308448 C 309461 the scale. (Would thread or paper help?)

See if you can give a six-figure grid reference for: In what way are six-figure grid references better than
a Mickleham Hall b the post office c the pub four-figure grid references?
i How far

E Here you'll learn how to find the distance between two places, on a map.
You will need a strip of paper with a straight edge.

□ As the crow flies

'As the crow flies'means the straight line distance between two places.
To find the straight line distance from A to F, this is what to do:

Lay the strip of paper on the

map, to join points A and F.

Mark it at A and F. '

1 0 4 7 8 9 10 11 km

3 Now lay the paper along the

■___________ !____________!___________ !___________ !___

scale line to find the

L distance AF.
__ >
From A to Fas the crow flies is 3.5 km

□ By road
Roads bend and twist. So it is further
from A to F by road than as the crow
flies. This is how to measure it:

r? Lay the strip of paper along the

straight section of road from A

I to B.


Mark it at A and B.

Now pivot it at C so that it lies

along the next straight section,
C to D. Mark it at D.

Move along the road in this way,

section by section, until you
reach F.
10 11 km

Place the paper along the scale

line to find the distance AF.
From A to F by road is 10 km

Your turn

The photo and map on page 32 showed part of the River Mole valley in Surrey.
This map shows more of the same area. (Are both maps at the same scale?)

river i church

railway pub
railway O post office
Sch school

Juniperhill main road buildings
secondary woods
Manor road
Juniper == minor road fields

X public path
fl ■ • -Cox Hill
Country Park raised bank


i Burford ’X

** ***\
• • <
♦♦ t Farm
▲ St Michael's church, Mickleham.

x Pixholme
0 IV
* Court

▲ Juniper Hall.
i I X J

1 How far is it from Mickleham church to Westhumble station, 5 Every day, Kim’s mother collects her from the school (Sch) at
as the crow flies? 276103 and drives her home by this route:

How far is it by rail from Westhumble station to Dorking From the school, go right on the B2038.

station? Measure along the railway line. At the roundabout, take the A24 north for 0.9km.
Turn left onto the minor road, and continue for 0.5km.
3 About how far is it by road from Mickleham Hall (273129)
Now take the road to the right, and continue for 1.4 km.
to the hotel at 274117?
Where does Kim live?
4 Walter arrived at Westhumble station, to visit his friend.
6 Juniper Hall and St Michael’s church are shown above.
His friend had given him these directions:
a Find them on the map, and give six-figure grid references
Walk from the station towards Cleveland Farm.
At the junction with the minor road, turn left.
b Your friend wants to walk from the church to Juniper Hall
At the next fork, take the road to the left, and walk for 0.7 km.
Write instructions. Don’t forget to give the distance!
Where does his friend live?
Which direction


Here you will learn how to give and follow directions, using N, S, E and W.

The compass points


N, S, E, W are the four compass Don't get east and west mixed up. Here B is north of A.
points: north, south, east, west. Remember, their letters spell we! F is east of A. C is west of D.

We can add other directions in between, like this:

What if...
♦ •••you got lost in
a remote place, and had
NE stands for north east (or north Here, G is north east of H
no compass?
of east). SW stands for south west J is south east of H.
(or south of west). K is south west of H.

1 You are standing at C in the first grid above. Treasure hunt

Look for the 0 near the main gate. From here, if you go
Which direction do you face when you turn towards:
a F? b D? c A? d B? 2 squares N, then 1 square NW, you’ll arrive at the letter 0.
Now follow the directions below, in order.

Page 37 shows where Walter went on holiday.

For each instruction, write down the letter you arrive at.
The bowling alley is in square D5. What is in square:
The letters will make a word.
a A10? b F6? c C4? d F2?
♦ Start at 0. Go 2 squares W.

You are at the hostel. In which direction is:

♦ Then go 8 squares N and 4 squares E.
a bike hire? b the riding school?
♦ Then go 1 square N and 5 squares W.

In which direction is:

♦ Next, go 2 squares SE then 4 squares S.
a the duck pond, from the pizza place?
♦ Then go 2 squares SW and 1 square SE.
b the gym, from the bowling alley?
Then 3 squares NW, followed by 4 squares E, then

c bike hire, from the kite shop?

3 squares NE, then 2 squares N.

How far is it by footpath from the door of the hostel to the

What word have you made?
door of the bike hire shop? Use your ruler, and the scale.
8 a Now choose your own word, with at least five letters -

To get from the cafe to where Walter stayed:

but not more than eight.
♦ From the cafe door, walk 50m SE, then 65m N.
Write instructions for making this word, like those in
♦ Then turn right and follow the footpath for 40 m.
question 7. Start from the 0.
♦ Next walk 10 m SE, then 10 m SW. Ask a partner to follow the instructions.
Where did he stay?
Map of your holiday village


10 hire io


9 lake




1 main



"] water footpath seating
1 cm to 10 m
□ □□

living area car route

1 1 grass 1 1 picnic tables
food and shops bike trail I=—1
| woods
activities riding trail □ entrances
2.8 Ordnance Survey maps
Here you'll learn what OS maps are, and what they show,
and howto use them.
Did you know?
What are OS maps ♦ ^Ordnance Survey
Ordnance Survey maps or OS maps are maps of places, with lots of detail.
They use symbols to show things. They have numbered grid lines. ri^din for the army.

The OS map opposite shows Warkworth (from page 30), and Amble.
The key below has the symbols. And there's a larger key on page 138.

Roads, paths and boundaries Vegetation
i ■ — n -- ii main road
Coniferous trees
------------- : secondary road Bracken, rough grassland, heath
Non-coniferous trees
=====-------------------- = minor roads
path Marsh, reeds or saltings
--------- footpath; bridleway
edge of field
railway track

cutting; tunnel; embankment Beacon

building; important building Leisure and tourism
j places of C with tower

parking golf course run by English Heritage

j I worship J
with spire, minaret or dome or golf links
used for old and

| (current and | information centre

without such additions Tlame
+J former) boat trips ancient sites

Abbreviations public phone slipway for boat nature reserve

CH clubhouse Cerny cemetery public convenience V picnic site other tourist feature
PO post office LBSta lifeboat station (toilet)
Sch school W; Spr well; spring

Your turn

Look at the OS map. Name the river that flows through Warkworth has a population of around 1600. Now look at
Warkworth. Where does it flow to? (Page 139 may help!) Amble. Its population is about... Which of these?
a 1000 b 2000 C 6000 d 9300
Find it on the map, and give its four-figure grid reference:
a Northfield b Gloster Hill c North Pier How did you decide?

How many of these are there in Amble?

What is at this grid reference on the map?
a 243045 b 277041 C 247057
a schools b places of worship c cemeteries

d 243065 e 236058 f 275049 Find one of these on the map and give a six-figure grid

4cm on this OS map represents in real life?

reference for it:
a a post office b a club house
The top of an OS map is always north. Look at the photo of
c a public phone box d an old bridge
Warkworth on page 30. Where is north on it?
10 What clues are there on the map, that Warkworth and Amble
Violet’s house is marked on the photo on page 30.
get lots of visitors? Give as many as you can.
Find it on the photo. Then find it on the OS map, and see if
you can write a six-figure grid reference for it.
11 Write a section for a travel website on things for tourists to
do in Warkworth and Amble.


OS map showing Warkworth and Amble

1 l\.

08 A


Barns I
you know?
On OS maps,
^represents either
* ^50 metres, or
♦ 500 metres


05 Pilot Beacon
Pan Rocks

Wcllhattfh Point

Amble .

High Hauxley

23 24 25 26 27 28

0.5 1 km 2 km 3 km
Scale 1:25 000
In this unit you'll learn how height is shown on an OS map.
♦ are some
A hilly problem places hilly and
others flat?
These photos show Alton Towers, where Walter spent time shrieking.
So what's the land like around there? Is it flat? Or hilly?

A Better before lunch?

The OS map below shows the area around Alton Towers - and tells
you how flat or hilly it is. The map shows height in two ways... Spot heights give the exact height
of a spot, in metres above sea level.
Contour lines join all the places at the same height above sea level. The number
on a line shows the height in metres. Here, the lines are every 10 m above sea level.

44 f f , -----------------
—4• v Upper
o Ellastone AW. f»o>


k Ellastone. ■ AshtonC
Crump wood53 Close
Prestwopd High

Bradley Gallows
Wthe Green
Jvloors^ rbour

41 131
✓ X
'• r xCWMd Fm^ JcfffGymeado

&VG,c?J9al® ’<«
\ v<W6od
Great Gate
U^'PJ>«na Pm* Cottage
r 5
Birchwood moor

40 Up?
i^Croxden [87 Woodhay I
3 =aB - .
XM*»? <Wair
Abbey View ft gSsXSf*
Armilage^gss X . ,-<^Chimnoy:
^Pomthoma Woodhouse ° UrO V


/» ® • u Fields Fm 11X
V *^-3 JjjC
13 14

0 0.5 1 km
Scale 1:50 000 I I________ I

More about contour lines

The contour lines are marked on this hill at 10 metre ... like this. They are close together where the slope is
intervals. On a map, you see them from above ... steep, and further apart where it is gentle.


where contour lines are very far apart, it means the ground is flat,
where they are very close together, the ground slopes steeply.

<^ep3ge 139.)

Your turn

1 See if you can match the drawings to the contour lines. a Which square on the map do you think has the steepest
Start your answer like this: A - land? How did you decide?
b Which square has the most flat land ?
Did you have any problem in deciding? Explain.

What can you say about the land around the Alton Towers
theme park? Is it flat, or a bit hilly? Explain.

Say whether you go uphill, downhill or along flat land, if you

go by road:
a from the phone box at 056391 to the phone box at 052400
b from the bridge at Quixhill (100412) to Prestwood (103423)
c from the roundabout at 103403 to the church at 100409

Look at the River Churnet, flowing past Alton,

a Is it flowing along steep land, or flat land ?
Give your evidence
b Which way is it flowing: towards the top of the map, or
the bottom? How did you decide?

A challenge! You have to plan a walk for a group of students,

These questions are about the OS map on page 40. starting and ending at Waste Farm (0943)
♦ It must beat least 10 km long. (Look at the scale.)
a In which square is the main part of Alton Towers?
You must keep to roads, tracks and footpaths
♦ ♦

b Why did they call it Alton Towers?

Try to make it interesting, with some variety!
Look at the pointer from panel 1.
For example, any rivers? woods? villages?
a It points to a contour line labelled 200.
Plan your route and draw a sketch map of it.
What does the number tell you?
Mark in things you can see or visit on the walk.
b Look at the next line down. What is the height here?

Work out the length of the walk, from the OS map

About how high above sea level is:

Give your sketch map a title and a north arrow, and say
a Quixhill (1041)?
whether it is to scale or not.
b Highfield Farm (0739)?
c the phone box at Stubwood (0939)?
Where on Earth
Here you'll learn about the special grid lines we use
to say where places are on Earth. Why...
♦ ••• doesn't Earth
Grid lines around Earth just roll around in

Earth is like a ball. So how do you say where you live, on a ball ? space?

You cover it with imaginary grid lines, and number them!

This shows Earth with its grid lines.

North Pole, 90°N The lines that circle Earth from top to
bottom are called lines of longitude.
They meet at the North and South Poles.
(The South Pole is hidden on this drawing.)

lines that circle Earth from side

to side are lines of latitude.

This special line is the Prime Meridian.

Its longitude is taken as 0° (nought degrees)
Lines to the east of it are labelled E.
Lines to the west are labelled W

This special line is the Equator.

Its latitude is 0°
Lines to the north of it are labelled N
Lines to the south of it are labelled S.

Latitude goes from 0° at the Equator to 90°N

the North Pole and 90°S at the South Pole.
This line is 15 S.

Longitude goes from 0° at the Prime

Meridian to 180° east and west.
This line is 60°E.

Here the grid lines are shown every 15°. But you could choose any
interval. For example you could show them every 20° or 30°.

Using the lines to say where a place is

Coordinates "thep^e Meridian

Look at place A on the drawing. It is 60° north of the Equator, and
15° east of the Prime Meridian. So its coordinates are 60°N 15°E.
You can give the position of any place on Earth using coordinates.
Did you know?
Degrees and minutes
Degrees are divided into minutes. 1 degree = 60 minutes, or 1° = 60'.

Look at B. It is halfway between 0° and 15° north of the Equator. °Uttheh

So it is at 7° 30'N. Its coordinates are 7° 30'N 15° 00'E. Do you agree?

Showing Earth on a map
Earth is round. So how can we show it on a flat map ? There are many ways Why...
to show it - but they all cause a little distortion. Here is one example:
* • • • is it hard to
draw a flat map of
180° 120°W 60°W 0° 60°E 120°E 180°

/Tropic of Cancer
20°N 20°N


I Jv k
20°S yTropicTif (ZajftkQm 20°S
Prime M eridian

40°S V

60°S Antarctic Circle

-South PoTe
180° 120°W 60°W o° 60°E 120°E

Here the land masses are the correct sizes, relative to each other.
But their shapes are a little distorted. They look a bit different on a globe.

Looking up places in an atlas

The five main lines of latitude
Suppose you want to find Paris.
Look at these lines of latitude on the map above.
First, look for Paris in the index at
Equator 0°
the back of the atlas. You will find
Tropic of Cancer 23° 26'N
something like this:
Tropic of Capricorn 23° 26'S
Paris, France 63 48 52N 2 20E
Arctic Circle 66° 33'N
The first number is the page

Antarctic Circle 66° 33'S

number to go to.
They are all linked to the Sun's position in the sky, at certain times of year.
The other numbers are the

Look at the two tropic lines. The region between them is called the tropics. coordinates for Paris.
Look at the Arctic Circle. The region above it is called the Arctic. (The0 and' are often left out.)
All the land below the Antarctic Circle is part of Antarctica.

1 What is: a the Equator? b the Prime Meridian? On the map above, the grid lines are every 20°
a Which place is at latitude: i 0°? ii 66° 33'N ?
2 Look at Earth on page 42
n o-

Which two places are in the tropics?

a See if you can give coordinates for the place labelled:
i C ii D Which place is in Antarctica?
See if you can pick out the place with coordinates:
You don’t need to include minutes
i 34° OO'N 113°30'W ii 29° 50’S 116° 30’E
b Which place has coordinates 22° 30'N 15°00'W?
_________________________________________________________ >

About the UK
You know a lot about the UK already. You live here!
See if you can answer these questions.

A The UK is ruled by a monarch (queen or

king). True or false?

A This city is... ? The river is called...? The building with the big clock is... ?

▲ About how many people live in the UK?

21 million ? 64 million ? 97 million ?
▲ It's the highest mountain in the UK. united
It's called... ?And it's in... ? KIN6DOM

▲ The UK and the Republic of Ireland are

separate countries. True or false ?

A What is the name of this famous ▲ Is this road sign in the UK? ▲ Dinosaur footprints have been found in
landmark ? And where is it ? Yes? No? Maybe? the UK. True or false?

The big picture

This chapter is all about the UK ... to remind you of what you know already,
and to tell you some more! Here's the big picture ...
“id you know?
- 12 000 years ago, nobody was living in the British Isles. But as the centuries
* is the eighth
went by, more and more people arrived. lar9«t island in
* We have spread all over the British Isles, and carved them up like a jigsaw. the world.

Now they are home to two countries. The United Kingdom (UK) is one. 4 Greenland is

It is in turn made up of four nations. the largest.

The UK is a place of contrasts. For example some parts are colder and
wetter than others. Some are more crowded.
Did you know?
London is the UK's capital city - and by far its biggest city.
♦ The land that's now
the British Isles once lay
Your goals for this chapter at the Equator.

By the end of this chapter you should be able to answer these questions:

Which countries and nations make up the British Isles?

Did you know?
The UK has several mountain ranges. Where? And what are their names?
♦ Britain was joined to
Which are the UK's main rivers, and where are they? (Give at least six.)
France 20 000 years ago,
■» Which parts of the UK are the warmest? coldest? wettest ? driest? when sea levels were low.
You should be able to describe the patterns. ♦ It could happen
Which parts of the UK are the most crowded? And least crowded? again,one day!

■* What do these terms mean?

urban area rural area population density

Which are the UK's biggest cities, and where are they? (Name at least five
of the top ten.)
What if...
See if you can give at least four facts about the UK's economy. You could • • - Britain were

mention some exports and imports. still joined

Give at least four geographical facts about London, the UK's capital city. to France?

And then...
When you finish the chapter, come back to this page and see if you've met
your goals!

Look at the photos and questions, on page 44.


See how many questions you can answer.

Choose one photo, and say a bit more about what it shows.

Then see if you can think of five other facts about the UK.

Do you think it's a good country to live in? Why? Or why not?

Your island home
This unit is about the UK's main physical features.

The British Isles

This shows the British Isles from space. (We added the red lines.)
Look how jagged that big island is. Look at all those mountainous areas!


quite flat

border between

border between



> M

▲ You'll find places like this in the UK... A ... and places like this.

Your turn

Look at the satellite image on page 46. There are thousands of rivers in the UK. Turn to page 139,
Point to your island. What is its name? and see if you can identify rivers A - G, from these clues.

See if you can show where you live on it. It’s the longest river in the UK. It rises in Wales.

Where are the highest mountains, on your island? This one flows by the Houses of Parliament.

Where is the flattest land on it? Stoke-on-Trent sits on this river.


Newcastle sits on this one.

Now look at this map.

This one runs along part of the border between England

What do you think the orange colour shows?
and Scotland.

Did Aberdeen get part of its name from this?


This one flows to the Wash, on the North Sea.

One group of islands is not shown on the satellite image.

(It’s off the top of the page.) What is the missing group of
islands called? Check on page 139?

Photos X and Y above were taken at

A and B on this little map.
Which photo was taken at A?
Explain your choice.
Now compare the two places shown
in photos X and Y.
Is there anything similar about them?
What’s different?
Write your answer as a paragraph.

You live on an island. Is that a good thing?

Make a list of advantages of living on an island.
Key Now list any disadvantages you can think of.
a-j upland areas Which win, the advantages or disadvantages?
k-m islands
a country Finally, write a paragraph saying where on Earth the British

sea areas Isles are. Pages 140-141 will help.

include these terms in your paragraph:
See if you can name the places and features marked Equator ocean continent
with a letter, on the map. Page 139 will help. Europe France Arctic Circle
Start your answer like this: a -

3.2 It's a jigsaw!

u In this unit you'll see how we humans have carved up the British Isles.

Building borders

20 000 years ago there were no But over time, different tribes arrived. In the end, borders were built
borders in these islands - because They fought over things like land, between different areas. We still have
nobody was living here. trade, and religion. them today.

Two countries
Today, the British Isles is divided into two countries:
the United Kingdom (UK) and the Republic of Ireland.
The UK is the green part on map A below.

The UK is in turn made up of four nations: England,

Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.


South West

0 100 km
L l

But that's just the start of the jigsaw. For example England
is divided into the regions on map B. These are in turn
divided into smaller areas. Look at map C. Each area looks
after its own services, such as schools and hospitals.

Some facts about the British Isles
Flag of UK

2^ U2

Flag of Republic

of Ireland
the British Isles

Area (square
130400 77100 20800 14200 70300


the United Kingdom 53.5 5.3 3.1 4.6

Flag of this
British nation

History box
1171: King Henry II of England 1536: Henry VIII unites
Great Britain 1801: Ireland becomes part takes control of Ireland. England and Wales.
(or just Britain) of'The United Kingdom of
1100: England, Scotland, Wales 1707: England, Scotland and
Great Britain and Ireland'.
and Ireland are separate Wales become'Great Britain'.
1922: the Republic of countries.
Today: England, Scotland,
Ireland gains independence.
1276: King Edward I of Wales and Northern Ireland are
England takes control of Wales. still united as the UK.

Your turn

So-what about you? b On your copy, colour in part of each map, to match its
Which country of the British Isles do you live in? label. (So for the first one, colour in only Great Britain.)
b Which nation do you live in? c Work out the population and area for the coloured parts,
Which region do you live in? If you don’t know, compare using the data in the table above. Fill them in.
the maps on pages 48 and 139, and see if that helps. 4 How did the British Isles end up as two countries?
This shows where Walter lives: The history box above gives key events.
Draw a timeline from the year 1100 to today.
(For an example, see question 2 on page 53.)
You could use a full page, turned sideways.

On your timeline, mark in arrows at the key dates,

and add labels to show the events.
c You can add small maps or flags or other symbols
to your timeline, if you like. Give it a suitable title.

Great Britain United Kingdom British Isles


•jSL <

Show where you live, in the same way.

(But if you live in Liverpool, do it for someone in Land’s End.
See the map on page 139.)

Make a bigger copy of the table on the right. (Rough maps (millions)
are fine. But make sure you show the borders!)
( )

What's our weather like ?
Here you'll learn about weather patterns across the UK.

What is weather?
Weather means the state of the atmosphere. Is it warm ?
wet? windy ?

Look at the weather map on the right, for a day in October.

Using the key, you can say that around A that day:

♦ it was quite cloudy and wet, but there was some sunshine.

the temperature was around 6°C.


there was a south west wind (it blew from the south west).

♦ the wind was quite strong (around 38 miles per hour).

Our weather is changeable

Our weather can change from day to day.

♦ It can be different in different places on the same day, as

the weather map shows.

Which parts are colder? warmer?

Although the weather can change from day to day, there are
patterns. For example, some areas are usually colder than What if...
others. Look: ♦ were
warm and sunny
a The north is usually colder
than the south, since it is
further from the Equator.

Average temperatures: It's colder on high land than

January, around 4 or 5 °C on low land. The higher you
July, around 13 or 14 °C go, the cooler it gets.

♦ ■ ■ ■ does it get
colder as you go up

3 mountain?

I •'J
A '

Q The west coast is warmer than^ Q The south is warmest since

the east coast, in winter. it is nearest the Equator.

That's because it's warmed by Average temperatures:

a warm ocean current, called January, around 6 or 7 °C
the North Atlantic Drift July, around 16 or 17 °C
____________ _____________ / warm ocean k_____ ___________________ >

Which parts are wettest? Average annual rainfall

Look at the map on the right. It shows the

average rainfall in a year, for the British Isles.
Some parts get a lot more rain than others.

Overall, the higher parts are wetter.

Follow the numbers below to see why:
The rain falls on the
So the water vapour cools

windward side of the hill
and condenses. Clouds
-the side facing the wind.
form. It rains.
<______________ >
3 The other side -
the leeward side

High ground■—’
-stays quite dry.
forces the warm,
moist air to rise.

warm, Key

prevailing wind
average annual
rainfall (mm)

Your turn - 600

What s the weather like where you are today ? Mountains help rain to form. How do they do this?
Describe it. You might be able to use some of these words: Overall, which side of Great Britain is wetter? See if you
sunny cloudy rainy dry calm can explain why. (Page 46?)
cold warm mild windy stormy

On the map above, B gets far less rain than C. Why?

Look at the weather map at the top of page 50. And now, a challenge. On the map below, the British Isles
Find the place marked B. Say what the weather was like is divided into four zones
around B that day, as fully as you can. What's our weather usually like?

Make a bigger, simpler,

Look at boxes 1 - 4 on page 50. Does the weather map copy of the map

match what the boxes say? Give evidence! Colour the land in each

Look at the rainfall map above. zone in a different colour

Four places are marked on it: A, B, C and D. Then add each label

Which one of them is the wettest? below to its correct zone.

Which is driest? warm summers, mild

Which one may have an average annual rainfall of: winters, not so wet
i 2000 mm? ii 500 mm?

What are prevailing winds? (Glossary.) mild summers,

In the UK, the prevailing winds blow in from the mild winters, wet
south west. (Look at the rainfall map above.) warm summers,
mild summers, cold cold winters, dry
They carry lots of moisture. Why? (Page 140?)
winters, not so wet
___________ >

Who are we?
Here you will learn that we're all descended from immigrants.

you know?
The long march * London is less than

An immigrant is a person who moves here from another country, to live. 2000 years old.
Oam«cus, the capital

20 000 years ago, nobody lived here. (Much of the land was covered in ice.)
So we are all descended from immigrants - even the Queen! of Syria, is over
10 ooo years old
Over the centuries, many groups of people arrived. This drawing shows
only the main groups. New groups are still arriving.

people hunting Celts, to find Romans, to extend

for food, as the ice land to farm the Roman Empire Saxons, to
melted fiooooi [8OO'i r43
take control
8C .AD
Vikings-first as raiders,
[ 800I then some settled here

Normans, to
take control

Huguenots from France, to escape persecution

Jews from Eastern Europe, to escape persecution
Irish people, to escape from a terrible famine in Ireland
More Jews, fleeing from all over Europe

Poles, Italians, and others, looking for work (Britain was short of workers after the war)

What if...
♦ • ■ • nobody had
come to the UK?
West Indians from the Caribbean, looking for work

What if...
♦ weallhadto
Indians and Pakistanis (and later, Bangladeshis), looking for work
flee from the UK,
because of a terrible


looking for work

Ugandan Asians, thrown out 1999

of Uganda by a dictator

2004 onwards
Kurds, Kosovans and others, driven .
from their countries by war

Poles, Latvians, and others from other European Union countries,
52 looking for work; they have the right to work here
• r

All mixed up
So we all carry the genes of past immigrants
Descended from Dayib, a
Somalian trader who sold

spices to the Romans.

in our cells. How exciting! Look at these.
fl flj
! Ji a Roman commander
who lived in York.
Descended from Olaf a
Descended from Danu,
Viking wood carver who fell
a female Celtic warrior
for a girl from Nottingham.
who was killed in a battle.

LtTtJ z>’ M
I Descended on his mum's side
I Descended from Gytha, i | Her grandparents came [Tl
S| from Anne, a Huguenot silk 11
1 a wealthy Saxon woman i here fifty years ago, from iiOM
■1 weaver w ho fled to London, jK
1 who owned 500 cows. JS 1 a small villaqe in India. wH

What about you ? Who are you descended from ?

Your turn

What is an immigrant?

This shows the start of a timeline for the main groups of

immigrants since the year 1 AD.

(43 AD)


(500 AD)

re­ t—i—r i—I—r i------ [------ 1------ :------ 1------ I------ 1

William the Conqueror, the
In 2012, Chya fled over the
1000 1500 2000
of AD Norman who took control of border from Mali to a camp in
Year (AD)
England by force in 1066. Mauritania, to escape rebels.
Now draw your own timeline for them. Like this...
a First draw a line 21 cm long. Divide and label it, with
1 cm for each century.
Draw an arrow for the Romans at 43 AD. Label it.
Repeat for the other groups on page 52.
After 1900 it gets crowded - so take care.
(Try making all your arrows different lengths.)

Now look at your timeline.

When was the biggest gap between new arrivals?
b In which century did most new groups arrive?

Look at these five terms:

A refugee B invader C economic migrant
D emigrant E asylum seeker
a First, write down what each term means. (Glossary.) Josh. He's leaving the UK with Joy arriving from Jamaica in
b Then choose what you think is the best term for each his mum and dad today, for a 1956. She is a nurse. She wants
person in the photos on the right. new life in Australia. to find a job.
Where do we live
Here you'll see how we are spread unevenly around the UK. The UK's 10 largest cities

Name Population

Population density 1 London 8.31

2 Birmingham 1.07
The population of a place means the number of people who live in it.
3 Leeds 0.75
The population of the UK is around 64 million.
4 Glasgow 0.60
5 Sheffield 0.55
Population density is the average number of people living in an area,
6 Bradford 0.52
per square kilometre. The map below shows how this changes around
7 Manchester 0.51
the British Isles.
8 Edinburgh 0.50

Look at the key.The darker the shade, the more people per square 9 Liverpool 0.47
10 Bristol 0.43
kilometre.The palest areas are the least crowded.

Did you know?

♦ The UK is the 22nd
b Wst country in the

world-by population.

Did you know?


Persq km, on average.

* fence has l 19

♦ The USA has 34 i



0 Population density
people per square kilometre
[ I over 250

WALES □ 50-250
«? *

] under 50

Cities and towns

population in millions
□ o

more than 1 000 000

400 000 - 1 000 000
100 000-400 000

• 25 000-100 000

Urban or rural?

A -
Look at photo A above. It shows a rural area. A rural area is mainly
countryside, but it may have villages and small towns. Where the UK population lives

B shows an urban area. Urban areas are built up.They include larger
towns, and cities.This city is Birmingham.

Overall, 19% of the UK's population live in rural areas.

What about you ? Urban or rural ?

Your turn

What does population density mean? Which has a higher population density: an urban area, or

Look at the map on page 54. It has letters marked on. a rural area? Photos A and B above may help!

a What can you say about the population density: Name: a an urban area near you a rural area near you
atX? atY? atZ?

Now look at the pie chart above.

Use the term people per square km in your answer. a Which one of these statements is true?
The population density around Y is low. A Most people in the UK live in the countryside.
Using the image on page 46, try to explain why. B About half of us live in towns and cities.
Look again the map on page 54. C Nearly 1 in 5 people in the UK live in rural areas,
a Overall, which is more crowded: the UK, or the Republic b See if you can explain the pattern in the pie chart.
of Ireland? (Why might people prefer to live in urban areas?)
Which nation in the UK is the most crowded? 10 Finally, use what you’ve learned to write a report called
The population is divided very unequally among the UK’s The pattern of population density in the UK.
four nations: England has roughly 84% of the total; Scotland, Make it at least 50 words long. (Try for more!)
♦ ♦ ♦

8%; Wales, 5%; Northern Ireland, 3%. Say where the most and least crowded regions are.
See if you can find a good way to show this. Try to use all the terms from the white box below in

The table on page 54 shows the UK s ten largest cities. your report.

Five of them are marked on the map, labelled A to


highest land flat land south east England

See if you can match each letter to the correct city.
central coast least populated north
Start like this: A = (Page 139 will help.)
Scotland Wales Northern Ireland cities
What does this term mean? urban area rural area

How are we doing?
Here you'll look at some different aspects of the UK.
j But still a little anxious!
Loses sleep over some things. Like ...
If the UK were a person ... - how to improve healthcare
- terrorism
Imagine the UK is a person. What is that person like?
- how the government can pay back all
the money it has borrowed over the years.

Over 40!
There are more people aged —
over 40 than under 40, in the UK. Doing fine, thanks!

______________________________ The UK is the world's 7th largest

economy. In other words it comes
7th for the amount of wealth it
But young at heart...
produces each year,
Almost 1 in 4 of the population is under 20
years old. (That's over 15 million people.)

Buys things from other countries

Smart! For example oil, coal, gas, cars, steel,
The Industrial Revolution began here. goods like iPads and computers,
The inventor of the internet was British. and lots of food and clothing.
The structure of DNA was worked out here. And services too...
There are lots more examples. _________________________________

Sells things to other countries
--- □

Talented! Sells oil, cars, chemicals, aircraft,
World-class for music ... fashion ... medical drugs...
the media ... computer games... And services such as banking and
and more. insurance, entertainment, tourism.
_________________________________ z

Sporty! A
World-class in some sports. Works hard
(Could do better, in others.) Works in factories and on farms,
_________________________ z producing things to sell. But mostly
offers services - like teaching you,
looking after you when you're ill,

Loves... serving you in cafes...

jeans and trainers, a cup of tea, fish
and chips, ice cream vans, animals...
___________________________________ j
You'4 look so much
better with fur.

Loved by...
tourists from other countries. Around
30 million a year come to visit!
_________________________________ j


Differences around the UK

V •f

Overall, the UK is doing fine, compared with most countries. But its not
* •••everyonein
the same story all over the UK.There are big differences.
tf,e UK stopped
Some areas are wealthy, with people earning lots. Others are run down,
and people may not be able to find any work at all.

Look at page 56. See if you can pick out five facts about the Look at your answers for question 7b. Did you have jobs for
UK that you did not know before. Write them down, in your each sector? Which sector had most?
own words! 9 a What does the economy mean ? (Glossary?)
b Name three things the UK exports.

Box 3 on page 56 mentions:

a the Industrial Revolution b DNA b Now name three things the UK imports.

What are these? 10 Look at photos X and Y above.

The glossary may help. One of the two places looks quite wealthy. Which one?

What is your evidence?


See how many examples you can give, of British musicians


who are stars around the world. (Singers and/or groups.) The other place is quite run down. How can you tell?
Why might an area become run down? Try to think of

Box 5 is about sport. Which sports does the UK excel in, in

your opinion? Which sports could we improve in?
at least two reasons.

11 Now, what else would you add to page 56, to describe the

Box 7 is about tourism. What a lot of tourists!

UK? (If you think of something negative, try for something
What do you think attracts them to the UK?
positive too!)
You could show your answer as a spider map.

Box 8 is about the work we do. Around 30 million people

go out to work, in the UK. You know some of them! Job sectors
List at least 15 jobs that people do. Primary: people take things from the earth and the ocean.
Examples: farmer, fisherman, miner.
7 Jobs can be put into groups or sectors.
The white box on the right shows the three main sectors, Secondary: people make things in factories, or construct
things on building sites. Example: builder.
a Read about the sectors.
b Think about each job in your list for question 6. Tertiary: people provide services for other people.
Examples: doctor, teacher, taxi driver, hairdresser.
Then write P, S or T beside it, to show the sector you
think it belongs to. (Pfor primary!)

London, our capital city
Here you'll learn something about London, and how its population has grown.

Our capital city

population: 8.3 million, or 13% of the UK's population Greater London^
share it contributes to the UK's wealth: 19%
% of its population born outside the UK: 37%
daily commuters from outside London: around 750000 HAMSHIRE
secondary schools: around 660 LONDON

hospitals: around 80
cinemas: around 110 SURREY KENT
premiership football clubs: 5

shops: thousands

places to eat: thousands

How did it start?

2000 years ago, London was just marshy ground beside a big river,
the Thames. And empty except for some Britons living in huts.

Then the Romans arrived, in 43 AD. They built a wooden bridge

across the Thames. They brought goods in by boat, and unloaded
them beside the bridge. Soon, a small settlement grew around the
bridge. They called it Londinium.

Londinium grew fast. So the Romans made it their capital.

By 407 AD, the Roman army had left Britain. Londinium went
downhill. By 450 it was almost empty. By 600 AD it had started
growing again ... and it kept on growing.

London today A Heading for Londinium ?

London is still the capital, long after the Romans.

It's the biggest city in the UK by far. It has nearly 8 times

more people than the next biggest city, Birmingham.

It covers an area of 1610 sq km.That's big!

Out of every 100 people in the UK, 13 live in London.

Look at the City of London in the middle of this map.

This was the extent of the city in the Middle Ages.

Today, London's full name is Greater London. It's made

up of the City of London, plus 32 London boroughs.

The City of London is now a financial centre.

The Stock Exchange is here, and all the big banks. What if...

It usually ranks as the world's top financial centre. It Romans

tad stayed
earns a lot of money for the UK.
Londinium was in this area
away? boundary of City of London


A multicultural city London's ethnic mix

Over the centuries, people came from all over, to London. Today, it is one Group % of population
of the world's most cosmopolitan cities, with people of every race.
White British 44.9
Over 300 different languages are spoken on London's streets.
White other 14.9

Mixed race 5.0

Black Caribbean 4.2

Black African 7.0

Black other 2.1

Indian 6.6

Pakistani 2.7

Bangladeshi 2.7

Chinese 1.5

Arab 1.3

Other Asian 4.9

Other 2.2

▲ One happy school.

Your turn

This is about the graph you drew in question 4.


Where is London? Describe its location as fully as you can.

(The map on page 139 will help.) a The population of London was greatest in 2010.
Is that statement true, or false? Give your evidence!
Which counties border London? (Look on page 58.)
b When did the population grow fastest ?
What’s the difference between the City of London and
(Where is your graph line steepest?)
Greater London?
c The population fell after World War II but is rising again.
Now you are going to draw a graph of the population since (In 2013 it reached 8.3 million.) Where do you think the
the year 1600, when Elizabeth I was queen. The data is in the new people are coming from ?
table on the right below. It’s best to use graph paper,
London is on a big river, and near the coast. These factors
a The graph has been started below, to help you.
helped it to grow. See if you can explain why. (The maps at
The vertical axis is for population, in millions.
the back of this book may help.)
Continue it up to 8 million, and label it.
London is counted as one of the top world cities. Why do
you think that is? See how many reasons you can give.

How the population of London has grown

Year Population Year Population
(millions) (millions)
1600 0.2 1940 8.6
1700 0.6 1950 8.2
1800 1.0 1960 8.0
1820 1.4 1970 7.5
b On your graph, plot the points for the data.
1840 1.9 1980 6.8
(Four points have been plotted as examples.)
1860 2.8 1990 6.8
c Then join the points with a smooth curve, and give your
1880 4.8 2000 7.2
graph a title.
1900 6.5 2010 7.8

The big picture
This chapter is about glaciers - how they form, and how they shape the landscape.
Did you know?
Here's the big picture ...
♦ 75% of the world's
Glaciers are like rivers of ice. They flow! fresh water is frozen

Today they cover about 10% of Earth's land. in glaciers.

But in the past they covered more of Earth, during ice ages.

Much of Britain was covered by glaciers during the last ice age, which ended Wd you know?
about 10000 years ago.

Glaciers scrape and shape the land they flow over, giving special landforms.

We can still see these landforms in Britain today. * 11 covers almost

14 million square
Your goals for this chapter
By the end of this chapter you should be able to answer these questions:

What are glaciers made of, and how do they form ? Did you know?
What's the difference between an ice sheet and a mountain glacier? There are giaciers

Where would I see glaciers on Earth today? eW continent...

- dnd in more than

Where would I have seen glaciers in Britain, 20 000 years ago?

40 countries
What do these terms mean ?

glacial glaciated glaciation

Glaciers shape the land they flow over. How do they do this ? What if...
What do these terms mean ? ♦ ... another
plucking abrasion freeze-thaw weathering crevasse ice age came to

till moraine erratic drumlin Britain?

How are these formed ?

corrie arete pyramidal peak U-shaped valley hanging valley

Which glacial landforms can I pick out, on an OS map? ahr- " 311 the

In what kinds of ways do glaciers benefit humans ? (Try for at least two ways.)

And then...
When you finish the chapter, come back to this page, and see if you've met
your goals!

/ I'm just
! scraping b
Your chapter starter

Look at the photo on page 60.

What is that blue and white stuff?

How did it get to be there?

What is happening to it - and why?

Where do you think this place is ? Guess ?

4.1 Your place... 20000 years ago!

KJ Find out what your place was like, and why, 20 000 years ago!

It's time to travel

Climb into yourtime machine. Press the button. And whoosh!
Travel back in time, to see your place ... as it was 20000 years ago.

What will you find? It depends on where in the UK you live!

v r

If you live in the white area on the map below, you'll find If you live in the grey area, there's no ice sheet. But it has
thick sheet of ice, when you arrive. There are no humans or been snowing, and it's very cold. There are no humans -
other animals. No grass. No trees. It's brutally cold. but you may see woolly mammoths, and bison I

Why was it like that?

Why was your place like that, 20000 years ago?

Because around 110 000 years ago, Earth got colder and Key
colder. A new ice age began. (There had been many □ ice sheet

others before it!) I I tundra

Over time, an ice sheet spread over much of northern

Europe, and most of the British Isles. Look at this map
and key.

It did not reach the grey areas. But these were still very
cold.The ground was frozen deep down.The surface
thawed only in summer, giving thin boggy soil.Then small
plants grew. This type of environment is called tundra.

By 10000 years ago, Earth had warmed up again.The ice

age ended. The ice over the British Isles melted away.
And today we have ice for only short times, in winter.
There was more land then!
During the ice age, water levels in the ocean were much
lower than today. (Up to 120 m lower.) That's because so

□□ □□
much water was locked up in ice. The water drained away
land exposed as
from shallow parts of the ocean floor. They became land. water levels fell
Look at map B. It shows that when water levels were low,
ocean and seas
the British Isles were joined to the rest of Europe!

What about people? a


20000 years ago, there was nobody in the British Isles. BRITISH i
We had turned up earlier in the ice age - 40 000 years ago.
We had walked here from other parts of Europe. But as
the ice sheet spread, it got too cold for us, so we left.

Then about 12 000 years ago, when the ice sheet was EUROPE
shrinking, we came back to the British Isles again.

The animals
But there were animals here, 20 000 years ago. There were
woolly mammoths and bison and Arctic foxes, which could
survive the tundra winter.

And in summer, when plants grew in the tundra, large

herds of reindeer and antelope arrived from other parts of
Europe, to feed.

When the ice age ended

As Earth warmed up again, the ice melted. The water levels
rose again, and cut us off from the rest of Europe about

8100 years ago.

But the ice had changed the landscape - and we can still
see the results today. You'll find out more on later pages.

► Mammoth tusks could grow to over 4 metres long.

Fossils like this one have been found in the UK.

What is: a an ice age? tundra? (Try the glossary?) Get ready! You’ll travel back 20 000 years, in your home
place - and stay for three days. You can take only 20 items.

How long did the last ice age last? And when did it end?
First, pick out where you live, on map A. Is it in the white

Look at map B. It shows that the British Isles were joined

part or the grey part? (The map on page 139 may help.)
to the rest of Europe, in the last ice age. Why was this?
Now write a list of what you will take with you.
Then they separated from the rest of Europe again. Why?
Beside each item, explain why you will take it.
Suppose they had not separated. How would your life
Good. You’ve arrived! What’s it like there? Write a
be different today?
for us!
4.2 Glaciers: what and where

u Here you'll find out where the ice is on Earth today - and start

learning about glaciers!

What are glaciers?

During the last ice age, ice covered about a third of Earth's land.
Today, it covers about a tenth. \ j
I f

The ice does not just sit there. It flows! We call it glaciers.

Glaciers are large masses of ice, that flow across the land, and down slopes.
Giant glaciers, that cover huge areas, are called ice sheets. ▲ /ce oyer Earth during the last ice age.

Where are the glaciers ?

As you'd expect, glaciers are found in Earth's coldest places. There are some on
every continent - even Africa! Look at this map:

•T’ *- r
♦ ■••is it called
ASIA Greenland ?

I \


Did you know?
♦ Earth is flatter at the
South Pole than the
Key North Pole ...
□ glaciers ... because of the weight
| | land of Antarctica's ice.
□ water c7


fl Far from the Equator, at the top and bottom of the Q Earth's other glaciers are much smaller.

world, ice sheets cover Antarctica and most of Greenland. Most are high up in mountains, where it is also very cold.
Between them, they have over 99% of Earth's ice. Most of Earth's big mountain ranges have glaciers.
They are more than 4 km thick in places. Picture that! We call them mountain glaciers in this chapter.

Glaciers depend on snow

Rivers depend on rain falling from the sky. Glaciers depend on snow!
Did you know?
In those cold places, snow falls layer upon layer. Over time, the layers below *J'aciers^ only on land,

get compacted to ice, like when you squeeze a snowball very hard. It could a n Cethatf0rms^en
take a layer of snow 10 metres thick to make a layer of ice 1 metre thick. an Unfreezes over is
wiled sea ice.
As it gets thicker, the ice gets heavier and heavier. And eventually it starts to
flow, under the pressure of its own weight. A glacier is born!
Glaciers flow
Glaciers don't just sit there. They flow.

How can ice flow? First, ice flows inside the glacier, because the ice crystals slide
over each other, under pressure. And second, the ice at the bottom of the glacier
may melt; then the whole glacier slides along on the water.

Ice sheets flow just a few metres a year. Mountain glaciers flow faster down their

slopes - 300 metres a year or more.

Where do they flow to ?

A mountain glacier flows down the side of the mountain, in a valley. And
eventually it reaches a place where it melts.

In ice sheets, the ice flows out to the thinnest parts, like when you pour syrup.
In Antarctica, it flows into the ocean in places, and floats as an ice shelf. ▲ Watching that river of ice flow by (very very
Bits of the ice shelf break off now and then to form icebergs. slowly). TheAletsch Glacier in Switzerland.

A Made it! As a glacier flows, cracks or

crevasses form where the ice gets squashed
or stretched. For example where the glacier
A Looking down on Antarctica from space. The flat parts are ice shelves, where the ice
flows round a bend.
sheet flows into the water. (We've put blue dots on them for you.)

What is: a a glacier? b an ice sheet? You are a scientist. Your job is to study the glacier in photo
How could you prove that it was flowing? Tell us!
The UK has no glaciers today. Why not?
How would you work out how fast it was flowing?
See if you can name five countries that have mountain
The middle of a glacier flows faster than the edges.

glaciers today. The map on page 140 -141 might help!

Think of a way to prove this too, for your glacier.
Image A above was taken from a satellite. Which part of
Crevasses can open up quickly - and close up quickly too.
Earth was the satellite over at the time?
You are in photo C. You fall into the crevasse. It is 20 m deep.
a the North Pole b the South Pole c the UK
It creaks loudly. It is closing! What happens next?
Explain your choice.
_____________ ______ ____________ /
Glaciers at work
In this unit you'll find out how glaciers shape the landscape.
Scrape an<l
shape, 24/7.

Glaciers work as they flow

As you saw on page 65, glaciers don't just sit there. They flow. And as they flow,
they scrape and shape the landcape, like giant bulldozers.

They do three jobs:

1 They pick up or erode material.
2 They carry it away, or transport it.
3 Then they drop or deposit it.

Let's look at these processes in more detail, for mountain glaciers.

1 Erosion
Glaciers pick up material in two ways.

The plucked rocks and stones scrape bits off

the glacier bed, as they are carried along.
This is called abrasion.

□ The ice freezes around rocks and

I stones under the glacier. Then it

! tugs or plucks them out.
▲ A glacier went this way! These deep
scratches in the rock are the result of abrasion.
Freeze-thaw weathering makes plucking easier. First, water under the glacier
They are called striations.
freezes in cracks in the rock. As it freezes it expands, so the cracks get bigger.
Then the ice thaws. The cracks fill with water. It freezes again. The ice thaws
▼ Another glacier in the Alps. Look at the debris
again. And so on ... until the cracks are so big that the rock breaks up.
on it. Glaciers often look very dirty.

2 Transport
The glacier then carries away the material it has eroded. This drawing shows
a slice through the glacier. Look how the material is carried.

As the glacier pushes Some is carried inside the

along, material that falls glacier. For example, debris
onto it is carried on top. that fell into crevasses.

Q A lot of material is frozen

| into the base of the glacier.
3 Deposition
As you go down a mountain, it gets
warmer. So eventually the front of the
glacier reaches a place where it melts.
Look at this photo.

As the ice melts, the load it is carrying

falls to the ground - as rocks, stones,
sand, and clay, all mixed up together.
This mixture is called glacial till.

The water from the melting ice is

called meltwater. It runs off, and will
feed a river or lake.

Meanwhile, higher up the mountain,

snow keeps on feeding the glacier.
So the glacier keeps on flowing down ▲ An Alpine glacier melting. The end of a glacier is called its snout. The meltwater
to the place where it melts. looks milky, because it carries lots of tiny particles produced by abrasion.

Glacial landforms
Words to remember
The result of all this work by glaciers is glacial landforms.
glacial - to do with glaciers
(Landforms are features in the landscape.)
That's a glacial landform!
The UK has glacial landforms in the areas that were glaciated during the
glaciated - covered and shaped
last ice age. You can see them in England, and Scotland, and Wales, and
by glaciers, now or in the past
Northern Ireland. (Look at the white areas in map A on page 62.)
Most of Ireland was glaciated during
There are many good examples in the Lake District in England. So we the last ice age.
will visit the Lake District often in the rest of this chapter.
glaciation - the process or results of
being covered by glaciers
l/l/e're studying glaciation this week.

1 A glacier is like a great big bulldozer. Explain why. Now look at photo C
a What is the liquid, and why does it look milky?

a Start two lists, with headings Processes and Features.

b Why is it appearing here?
Then put each term below in the correct list.

glacial till striations melting Freeze-thaw weathering breaks up rock

abrasion meltwater plucking a See if you can write a set of bullet points to explain
b Now do two or three drawings with the terms in italics how it works. Add drawings if you like!
as labels, to show that you understand what they mean. b It makes erosion easier, for the glacier. Why?

Look at photo A. What does it show? Describe it as fully Now it’s time to start your own glossary about glaciation.
as you can. Use the correct terms from this unit. You’ll need at least two pages. To make your glossary:
a list all the words you met about glaciation so far
4 Look at all the debris on top of the glacier, in photo B
b beside each word, write its definition.
How did it get there?
4.4 Landforms shaped by erosion - part 1

Here you'll get an overview of the glacial landforms shaped by

erosion - and a closer look at three of them.

First, an overview
Let's compare a landscape before and after it had glaciers, to see how they changed it.

Q Look at this landscape. A mountain, rivers, and valleys 0 Then the climate changes. Heavy snow falls year after
carved out by the rivers. This area has a mild climate. year. Lower down, most of it melts away again. But high in
It gets plenty of rain - but very little snow. the mountain, it builds up. Mountain glaciers start to form.


0 Thousands of years later, the ice age has settled in. Q Now the ice age is over. The glaciers have melted. But
The glaciers have grown, and flowed down the valleys. they have left a changed landscape. Look at the features
They have joined to form a big glacier on lower land. named here. They were all created by erosion.

▲ A classic corrie in the Lake District.

Its tarn is called B/ea Water.

► And another. That's Bleaberry Tarn.

The long lake is Crummock Water.
A closer look at corries, aretes and pyramidal peaks
The last drawing on page 68 showed the three features below. Look back at it!

A corrie begins as a sheltered hollow, where snow builds up year after year.

Q The snow com pacts to ice. When the Q Through plucking and abrasion,
▲ This famous arete in the Lake District is
ice is thick enough, it starts to flow. Now it's the hollow grows deeper, and the walls
called Striding Edge. The lake on the left is
a glacier! First it flows within the hollow. steeper. Freeze-thaw weathering helps. called Red Tam.

Q Eventually the glacier is big enough Q Later, when the glacier melts, the

to flow over the edge of the corrie. It's corrie is revealed. It may have a lake in it.

off on its journey down the mountain. These corrie lakes are often called tarns.

Arete Pyramidal peak

two more pyramidal peak
corries behind
A A famous pyramidal peak: the
Matterhorn, in the Alps. It has four faces.
Look how steep and pointed it is.
Over SOO climbers have died on it.

Sometimes two corries form side Imagine three or four corries around a
by side. The glaciers erode the rock mountain top.The glaciers erode their
between them, leaving a sharp ridge back walls, cutting into the mountain
of rock. It is called an arete. top. It becomes a pyramidal peak.

1 Study the drawings on page 68. Then decide whether this Next, choose either photo C or D.
statement is true, or false. If it’s false, write a correct one. a Draw a sketch of it, and add labels and notes,
a Glaciers tend to flow down river valleys. b Now draw a diagram to show how the landform (arete or
b A glacier has no effect on the shape of a river valley, pyramidal peak) formed.
c Glaciers make a landscape smoother than it was before. Imagine you are right there, in the photo you chose.
Look around. What do you see? How do you feel?
2 Now choose photo A or B on page 68.
Is it an exciting place to be? Write the answer as a blog
a Draw a sketch of the scene, and add labels and notes,
for your new geography website.
b Draw a set of diagrams to show how the corrie formed.
4.5 Landforms shaped by erosion - part 2

Here we look at two more glacial landforms, from the drawing on page 68.

D'd you know?

Two more landforms shaped by erosion ♦ Thef^ous fjords of

The last drawing on page 68 showed U-shaped valleys, and hanging valleys.
Out by glaciers.
Like the other landforms, these were shaped by erosion. Let's see how.
♦ Then sea levels r0Se,
U-shaped valley
Glaciers take the easy route down a mountain.They follow old river valleys.

Up in the mountains, a river carves out widens and deepens it, through When the glacier melts, a river may
a V-shaped valley. But when a glacier abrasion and plucking. The valley flow again. Now it's in a wide valley it
bulldozes its way down the valley ... becomes U-shaped. did not erode. It is called a misfit river.

Compare the two photos below. The first shows a V-shaped river valley.
The second shows a U-shaped valley carved out by a glacier.
A wide valley like this is a very big clue that a glacier has passed through.
The Lake District has lots of U-shaped valleys.

▲ A V-shaped valley in Wales, cutout

by the River Twymyn.

► The U-shaped valley seen from Newlands

Hause in the Lake District. The little misfit river
to the right of the road is Keskadale Beck.
◄ Two ribbon lakes in the Lake District.
The nearest is Buttermere.

▼ This is Scale Force, the highest waterfall

in the Lake District. (Almost 52 metres.)

Now look at the photo above. It shows two lakes in a U-shaped valley.
Long thin lakes like these are called ribbon lakes.

Imagine a glacier scraping along the valley. It reaches a place with softer rock,
so it digs this out more deeply, making a trough. When the glacier melts, the
trough fills up with water.That's how a ribbon lake begins.

Hanging valley
A hanging valley is a small valley that hangs above a larger one.


large glacier

Imagine a large deep glacier moving Then, when the ice melts, it reveals If a river flows in the smaller valley, it
along a valley. A smaller one joins it. the smaller valley hanging above the will splash into the larger valley as a
The smaller one is much less deep. larger one. waterfall. (Look at photo D above.)

Your turn

1 Look at photo B on page 70. 4 a What is a ribbon lake? Why do you think it is called that?
a How was this landform formed ? Explain in 30 words (not b These drawings show how
copied from the page). a ribbon lake forms.
b Now draw a sketch from the photo, and add notes and Make larger copies.
labels. Don’t forget a note about the river and road. Add labels and notes to
explain what is going on.
Look at Scale Force in photo D above.
How was it formed? To answer this, do some drawings. 5 Now choose one photo from
Add notes to them, in your own words. this unit. Imagine you are in

Look again at photo D. Imagine you were here 20000 years that place. What can you see,

ago. Would you have been able to stand where the man is
hear, smell? How do you feel
about that place? Tell all!
standing? Explain your answer.

Landforms created by deposition
Here you will learn about landforms created when a glacier melts.

As you go down a mountain, it gets warmer. So as a glacier flows down
a mountain, it reaches a point where it will melt. But it may melt even at the
top of the mountain if the climate warms up! Look at these diagrams.

Q A glacier flows non-stop, carrying its load of rocks, Q But suppose the climate changes and the whole glacier
stones, sand, and clay. When the front reaches a place where melts. Material that was on top, along the edges, drops
it melts, everything falls to the ground as till. The deposited to the ground. It forms a ridge called a lateral moraine.
till is called moraine. It builds up into a ridge called a (Lateral means side.) Material that was frozen into the base
terminal moraine. (Terminal means at the end.) falls all over the valley floor, as ground moraine.

The second diagram above sums up what happened to the glaciers in the British
Isles, at the end of the last ice age. They just melted away.

But think about this. Although the glaciers have been gone for ten thousand
years or more, we can still see ridges of moraine in places I These give us clues
about the routes the glaciers took, and where they got to. Look at photo A below.

ground moraine, as far

as ewes can see ...

. »■

A A glacier stopped here! A terminal moraine at Borrowdale in the A Ground moraine is a thick layer of till deposited along the melted
Lake District. Now it's covered in gross and ferns and bushes. glacier's route. Today it may be gently rolling farmland.
A glacier can carry huge rocks.
When it melts, the rocks are dropped.

They may be a long way from where

they started - and very different from
the other rocks around them. They
look clearly out of place.

These stray rocks are called erratics.

► An erratic in a field in
Kentmere, in the Lake District.

Drumlins are another sign that an area
has been glaciated.

Drumlins are low hills, shaped like the

backof a spoon.

Experts are not sure how they formed.

But all agree that the smooth shape
is due to a glacier flowing over
deposited material.

► Drumlins in the Yorkshire Dales -

not far from the Lake District.

Your turn

What is: a till? b moraine? Drumlins are shaped like the back of a spoon.

Answer in your own words I Look at this diagram.

Which type of moraine is found: glacier flowed this way

a along the edges of a glacier’s route?
b all along the glacier’s route ?

I wish that glacier ha4

Look at photo A on page 72. ^stoppedsomewhere else! J
How did that ridge form? Now look at photo D above. In which direction do you think
What would you expect to that glacier travelled, thousands of years ago?
find, if you dug down into it? a from X to Y b from Y to X
Why might the farmer feel
Moraines, erratics and drumlins have something in common.
this way about it?
They are the result of tpoionesdi by csgleari.
Now look at photo C. See if you can unjumble the two jumbled words.
a How did this big boulder get here?
And now ... if you began your own glossary for glaciation
b An error is a mistake. Boulders like this one are called
(in question 7 on page 67), it’s time to update it.
erratics. See if you can explain why.
Glacial landforms on an OS map
Here you'll explore an OS map for part ofthe Lake District,
and look for signs of glaciation. Key
under an ice sheet'

The Lake District □ 20000 years ago I

Lake District
The OS map opposite shows part of the Lake District National Park. National Park

area shown on OS

20 000 years ago, during the last ice age, this area was under an ice sheet. -4
map (next page)

As temperatures fell... SCOTLAND national border
- Glaciers formed on the highest land first, since it was coldest, with most snow.
L0J '
- They flowed down the valleys to the low land, where they all fused together. Lake District
- The ice spread. And eventually, it became part of the ice sheet that covered National Park

much of northern Europe. (Look back at the map on page 63.)

Then Earth began to warm up, and the glaciers melted away.

Clues from the OS map

The contour lines on the map give lots of clues about the landforms the glaciers left
behind. Look at the two examples below. Then try the 'Your turn' questions.

U-shaped valley Corrie

1 The sides of the valley are steep, so 1 A corrie is rounded, so the contour
the contour lines are close together. lines are curved, a bit like a horseshoe.

2 Butthe bottom ofthe valley is quite 2 Its sides are steep, so the contour
flat, so the contour lines are far apart. lines are close together.

3 There may be a ribbon lake in the || 3 It may have a lake in it - which may
valley - as here - or a misfit river. be labelled 'tarn' on the map.

Your turn

U-shaped valleys are a sign that an area was once glaciated. 5 There is a tarn in square 1615.
Look back at the U-shaped valley in photo B on page 70. Find it on the map. What is its name?
Then find it on the OS map. Where was the photographer What kind of landform is it sitting in?
standing? See if you can give a four-figure grid reference. There is a photo of this tarn on page 68.

The map shows three lakes (and part of a fourth). See if you can work out where the photographer was

They are r_____ lakes. Complete the word. (Page 71 ?) standing. Give a four-figure grid reference.

Which is deeper, Crummock Water or Buttermere? In which direction was the photographer facing?

What is your evidence? (Blue lines?) ' In the Lake District, a waterfall is often called a force.
About how long is Crummock Water, in km? (Scale!) Photo D on page 71 shows a waterfall in the OS map area.

Now look back at photo C on page 71. The photographer Find it on the map, and give a four-figure grid reference for it.

was standing in one of these squares. Which one? There are many crags on the map. (Glossary.)
1714 ft 1913 C 1914 d 1813 Give a grid reference for a square with crags in.
b Are crags formed by erosion, or by deposition? Decide,
Keskadale Beck appears in photo B on page 70.
What do you think a beck is? and give your reasons.

Find Keskadale Beck on the OS map again. How can 3 Now see how well you can describe the area shown on the
you tell that it is a misfit, from the map? map. Is it hilly? Crowded? What about rivers, forests, villages?
See if you can find another beck on the map, that looks What do some people do for a living? Give your answer as g
like a misfit. bullet points, or as a spider map. *
A§kill Knott 1
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Scale Hill J

< High Moss


High Nook
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.Little Gowdftr
Silver Cove iCrag

0 0.5 1 km
Scale 1:50 000 I ' I
4.8 Glaciers and us

Do glaciers matter ? You can think about it here!

2 Presenting a challenge

Do they affect us ?
Today, most of us live far away from glaciers. But do they
affect us? And do they matter? Read on ...

1 Bringing in the tourists

Many people dream ofclimbing Mount Everest, in the

Himalayas. It is Earth's highest mountain. It sits on the border
between Nepal and China. (And it's a pyramidal peak.)

The photo shows the Khumbu Icefall - like a waterfall, but

We no longer have glaciers in the UK. But they left some
it's a glacier. It is the most dangerous part of the climb.
stunning scenery behind - and it attracts tourists.
Around 16 million people visit the Lake District a year, and If you want to climb Everest, or other high mountains, be
spend almost £1 billion.That's Lake Windermere in the photo. prepared for glaciers. Don't forget your ice axe!

3 Supporting life

People depend on glaciers for survival, in

some places - and especially in Pakistan.

The great River Indus runs down through

Pakistan. Up to half its water is meltwater
from glaciers in the Himalayas. Farmers use
the river water for their crops.

Several other major rivers are partly fed by

glaciers. For example the Ganges in India,
and the Yangtze in China. Many millions of
people depend on these rivers for water.
’ •


4 In need of protection 5 Melting!

Antarctica has 90% of Earth's ice. The land below the ice sheet
may be rich in mineral resources. People might like to mine it.

Nobody owns Antarctica. But seven countries claim slices of

it: the UK, France, Norway, New Zealand, Australia, Chile, and
Argentina. Other countries may want to make a claim.

One day, these claims may cause conflict. But for now, mining
Glaciers are just ice. So if Earth warms up, they melt. And today,
is banned by the Antarctic Treaty. It protects Antarctica as a
Earth is getting warmer.
place of peace and scientific research.
Scientists are watching the ice sheets closely. They appear to be
melting already: their ice is getting thinner.

The trouble is, the more they melt, the higher the water level
in the ocean will rise. Many coastal places may flood, affecting
1 many millions of people.

Mountain glaciers are shrinking too. Look at the photo on

the left.

Earth has warmed up often before. This time, most scientists

agree that we humans are the main cause. Mainly because of
all the fossil fuel (coal, oil, and gas) that we bum. You'll find out
more about this later in your course.

Glaciers help some people to earn a living. Look at the photo with the sign.
See how many examples you can give, of people who depend a The glacier would have looked different in the year 2000.
on glaciers for a living. (Not only the farmers in box 3!) In what way?
b The change is explained below, with some words missing.
Glaciers help people to enjoy life.
See how many examples you can give this time. Write it out, with suitable words filled in.
It is getting in this region. So snow falls.
Mount Everest is in the Himalayas, in Asia. If the Himalayan
That means there is snow to feed the .
glaciers melted away, how might it affect:
So the glacier has .
children in Pakistan? climbers tackling Everest?
6 See if you can explain these two statements,
Seven countries claim slices of Antarctica (including the UK
a People all over the world pose a threat to the ice sheets.
and France). Why would anyone want to own land that lies
b The ice sheets pose a threat to people all over the world.
under an ice sheet? Think of as many reasons as you can.
___________________________________ J

The big picture

This chapter is all about rivers, with the RiverThames as our example.
Here's the big picture ...

A river is water flowing to the ocean, or sea, or lake, or to another river.

Did you know?
There are millions of
As it flows, it shapes the land - by picking up stones and soil in one place,
riv^son Earth.
and dropping them in another.
There are about 5000
We use rivers in many different ways, as they go on their journey. 10 the UK. (Some are
When a river overflows its banks, we get floods. W small.)
The RiverThames is the longest river in England.

What if...
Your goals for this chapter ♦ ...our planet
By the end of this chapter you should be able to answer these questions: had norivers?

What is the water cycle?

How does the rainfall from the water cycle feed a river?

Explain what each of these river terms means. (Draw sketches?)

♦ The We in Mica is
source mouth tributary confluence river basin the
Monges, river
watershed floodplain riverbed riverbanks * 'tis6«5Jkm/ong

How do rivers shape the land ? Use the terms erode, transport, and deposit
in your answer.

How do these get formed ?

V-shaped valley waterfall gorge meander oxbow lake '"^oivnetj

In what kinds of ways do we use rivers? (At least five.) 3 river?

What causes floods ? And which factors make flooding more likely?
(See if you can give at least three.)

Where does the River Thames rise, and which sea does it flow into?

Name some settlements (cities, towns, villages) on the River Thames. ♦ ••• do rivers keep

(At least six!) oo flowing 1

And then... ♦ • ■ ■ do we like

dvers so much ?
When you finish the chapter, come back to this page, and see if you've met
your goals!

Your chapter starter No, I cj

NOT get
aa )

. socks w
You are flying over a city at dawn. You look out the window. Page 78 shows the view.

What is that winding ribbon ?

Look closely. Do you recognise anything on it?

Which city could this be?

What's the wide bright area at the top of the picture ?

5.1 Meet the River Thames

Here you'll learn about England's longest river, and Did you know?
its journey from source to sea. .* The River Severn

do we give
lsthe ingest river in
rivers names?
It starts as a puddle! the UK.

Look at these photos of the River Thames.

This is the start or source of the river: a spring seeping up Here is the Thames 20 km later, near Cricklade. It is just
in a field in the Cotswolds. (Look at the map on the next a stream, wandering through meadows. But it is on a
page.) The site is called Thames Head. mission. It is heading for the North Sea, over 300 km away.

This is it 20 km further on, at Lechlade, on the edge of the This is Henley, halfway on the river's journey. Between
Cotswolds. The stream is now a river. It is deep enough for the source and here, fifteen smaller rivers join the Thames.
boats and barges. No wonder it has got bigger.

£ 1
\ --Ip

And here it is in London! The Thames flows through the The journey's end. Over 50 km from the centre of London,
city. That bridge is the Millennium bridge, and the building and 346 km from its source, the Thames flows from its wide
with the white dome is St Paul's Cathedral. mouth - the Thames Estuary - into the North Sea.

A map of the river

This map shows the route of the River Thames, and some Key
of the villages, towns, and cities that grew up along it. village, town, city
The smaller rivers that join it are called tributaries. n capital city
• limit of tidal Thames
] range of hills



Thames Hea
Marlow (
Cricklade Henley Southend-on-Sea
, Y
Thames Estuary
Reading Staine; Teddington

0 20 40 km
i_________ I_________ I

The tidal Thames

The photo on the right shows the Thames in London.
Find a similar photo on page 80. What do you notice?

Both show the same scene. But the water level is different.
That's because the Thames is tidal, from Teddington -
marked by a red dot on the map above - to the sea.

As the tide rises in the North Sea, sea water moves up the
Thames Estuary and through London. The water level in
the river rises. As the tide falls, water drains away again.

The water level on the tidal Thames changes non-stop,

from high to low tide and back. There are two high tides
and two low tides each day.

▲ Low tide in London. Some river bed is showing. 6 hours from now,
the water level will be several metres higher, like on page 80.

Your turn

1 See if you can give six facts about the River Thames. What exactly is the Thames Estuary?
Include facts about its length, and location in the UK. See if you can explain these facts.
2 Now draw a sketch map of the Thames. You do not need to The Thames has much more water in it by the time
show its tributaries. But mark in and label: it reaches London, than it had at Lechlade.
- the Cotswolds, the range of hills where it rises The water in the Thames in London is a bit salty.
- at least six settlements (cities, towns, villages) along it The Thames pours over 60 million cubic metres of water
- the Thames Estuary, and the North Sea into the North Sea per day - and still does not run dry.
- the tidal stretch of the river. (Use a different colour?) Do rivers really matter to us? Decide, and give your reasons!
5.2 It's the water cycle at work

Without the water cycle there'd be no rivers - and no you.

♦ The rain that falls on you
Here you'll find out why.
has fallen millions of
times before.
What is the water cycle ? It may have fallen

Water sloshing around in the sea this week may rain down on you next week. on a dinosaur.
It's the water cycle at work. Follow the numbers...
The clouds get carried along
.. precipitation.
by the wind. The droplets
The water drops fall as rain
inside them grow into larger
(or hail or sleet or snow).
drops, leading to...
_______________________ J Some will fall on you!

The warm air rises. As it rises

— a

it cools.The water vapour 1

condenses into tiny water I
droplets.These form clouds.

Some of the water runs along the

ground, and some soaks through
it, heading for the river.

The sun warms the sea, turning

water into water vapour, a gas.
This is called evaporation.
Salts in the water are left behind.
The river carries the water back
to the sea.The cycle is complete.
| And then it starts all over again... J

We'd die without the water cycle

We depend on the water cycle. Our bodies need water. There is plenty in the sea.
But we can't drink it, because it's too salty.

The water cycle turns salty water into fresh water, which we can drink. It scatters


it over a large area, as rain. The rain feeds rivers, and underground stores of
water. And we take our water from these.
Crops need fresh water too. The rain provides it. No rain, no crops. No crops, no
food! So without the water cycle, we could not survive. ▲ Borrowing from the water cycle.

How rainwater reaches the river

D'd you know?
Rain makes rivers! Follow the numbers to see how:
ttin9 above rock that’s
i0^ing in water.
* T^water is ca//ed

D Some rainwater just runs
along the ground.This is
called surface runoff.
____________________ >

El The rest soaks into the

rj ground.This is called

As it soaks through the soil, some 0 Together, the surface runoff,

' runs down the slope to the river. I throughflow and groundwater
7 I This is called throughflow. I feed the river.

£ /z
Q------------ -------
The rest soaks right down, and fills —7 The
■ up the pores and cracks in the rock. is called the water table.
L Now it is called groundwater.

• '-rThis rock is impermeable. Water cannot Groundwater is always on the
pass through it. So no groundwater here. move. It flows along slowly.

» » * • A

Your turn

1 a Make a larger copy of this flow-chart for the water cycle

and rainfall


b Then add these labels in the correct places:

rainwater feeds rivers evaporation atmosphere
Copy this diagram, to show how rainwater reaches a river.
2 A - G below are definitions.
Add the missing labels, and a title.
a You have to find the matching words in this unit!
b Then write out the words and their definitions, See if you can explain why:
a rain does not sink right down to the centre of Earth
this water is held in rock, underground
b the water level in a river falls, if there’s no rain for months
the name for water in gas form
when water soaks down through the ground (/....) c a river can fill up very fast in very wet weather

a longer name for rainfall Suddenly the water cycle stops working. No more evaporation
the process that turns water into a gas (e....) from the ocean 1 No more rain! And now, two months later,
the process that turns water gas into water you have to write a news report about how the UK is coping
does not let water pass through with this big change. Not more than 250 words.
5.3 A closer look at a river

Here you'll learn more about the course of a river -

and take another look at the River Thames.

The river's journey

The watershed is the dividing
A river runs in a valley: an area line between one river basin and
with higher land on each side. the next. It's usually a ridge of
higher land

The source is where the river

starts. It could be a spring, a lake,
Smaller rivers join the main
one.They are tributaries.
a melting glacier, or a hollow
where a lot of rain collects.

-W | The flat land beside the river, which

may flood when the river overflows,
is called Its floodplain

The point where two rivers

join is called a confluence.

fl_The river gets wider

•C from source to mouth,
and carries more water.

Rain falling in the area inside the
red dashed line feeds the river,
This area is called the river basin

The mouth of the river. This is

where it flows into a lake, or the sea.
A wide river mouth into the sea is
called an estuary. Here, fresh river
water mixes with the salty sea water.
The river's long profile __________________ ____________y

A river flows downhill from source to mouth.

This drawing shows its long profile - a side view,
showing how the slope changes.

♦ The long profile curves down like a saucer.

♦ You can divide the river into three parts:

- the upper course, where the slope is steepest

- the middle course, where it is less steep

- the lower course, where it flattens out.

♦ This river finally reaches sea level.


The river's channel

A river carves out a channel for itself.

This diagram shows the channel in cross-section

(as if you'd sliced across it).

Its shape changes along the river, as you'll see

later. In the upper course it is shaped like a V. the river bed.

Your turn

Milton Keynes


Cricklade Marlow SEA
Henley London

WindsorV^L Thames Estuary

Reading! Maidenhead^ River Thames

village, town, city
capital city
Thames river basin

Terms A - F are about rivers. But they are jumbled up! Will rain falling at Milton Keynes reach the Thames? Explain.
A crouse B tmuoh C lavely The first box below gives places on the Thames’s journey.
D tsyaeru E ooldfianlp F thareesdw
a First, see if you can unjumble each term, Thames Estuary Windsor 12 m
Lechlade Reading 110 m
b Then explain what it means.
Oxford Staines Om 29m
The map above shows the River Thames and its basin.
Thames Head (source) 45 m 73m
Some of the tributaries are named.
a Give the names of three tributaries of the River Thames.
a First, list the places in order, from the start of the journey,

Which tributary joins the Thames at Oxford?


b Then beside each place, write its height above sea level,
Which one is shown in the photo on page 32?
in metres. Use the heights in the second box.

Name the place at the confluence of the Thames and:

i theOck ii the Kennet Now, see if you can explain why ...
a a river grows wider and deeper as it nears the sea
Rain that falls at Luton ends up in the Thames - which is at
b the biggest settlement (town, city) along a river is often
least 40 km away. See if you can explain how this happens.
close to its mouth.
5.4 A river at work

u A river changes the land it flows over. How does it do that?

Find out here.

Off down the slope...

A river flows non-stop, day and night, on its way to the sea, or a lake, or to
join another river. It flows downhill as fast as it can, by the easiest route.

As it flows, the river changes the land it flows over. It wears it away in
some places by lifting material from it. It carries the material along.
And then it drops it somewhere else. Let's look at those processes now.

The three river processes ▲ Down the slope, by the easiest rou te.

fl Erosion

Erosion means wearing away.The river erodes the land it flows over.
Look how it happens:
In a fast-flowing river, water is
forced into cracks in the bank.
The water dissolves soluble minerals
Over time this breaks the bank up.
from the bed and banks.That helps to
It is called hydraulic action.
break them up. It is called solution.

The rocks and stones wear each

Rocks and stones and sand in the other away too. They bang together
water act like sandpaper.They scrape and knock bits off each other.
the river bed and banks and wear

This is called attrition.

them away.This is called abrasion. \___________________ J

1 Transport

Next, the river carries away the eroded material. This process is called
transport. The material is called the river's load. Look how it is moved:
/ X
The heavier material is carried along
Dissolved material is carried along the bottom. It is called the bedload.
as a solution. You cannot see it. The larger stones and rocks roll along.
Sand and small stones bounce along.
<_______________________________ /
Small light particles of rock and soil are
carried along as a suspension. They
make the water look cloudy or muddy.

Q Deposition

Then, as the river reaches flatter land, it loses energy. As it loses energy, it
drops or deposits its load. The deposited material is called sediment.

But dissolved material

The biggest, heaviest, stones and stays in the water. It will
pebbles are deposited first.Then smaller end up in the lake or sea.
ones. And last, the smallest particles.

What happens where ? Did you know?

This diagram shows how the balance between the processes changes, as you

he Barnes rises on/y
godown the river. Look how the shape of the valley and channel change too. no ,T’afaove$ea/eve/.
♦ .
The river's long profile
ls quite flat.

in the
river loses

The river valley, in cross-section

In the upper course, the river i Now the banks are being eroded, In the lower course, the channel
erodes downwards. The result is i so the channel is getting wider. is wider still, and a little deeper.
a V-shaped valley. i A floodplain forms, where the It holds a lot more water now.
(Well look at this again later.) i river floods time after time. The floodplain has got wider too.

Your turn

Make a copy of the drawing above, showing the long profile


material is carried away erosion

material is worn away deposition and cross-section. Add ONLY these labels, in the right places:
material is dropped transport the river's long profile cross-section through the river valley
mainly erosion upper course mainly deposition
List A shows the processes that go on in a river.
both erosion and deposition lower course middle course
Write them in the correct order.
river channel floodplain V-shaped valley
Beside each, write the correct term from B.
Then give your drawing a title.

Now look at photo A on page 86.

Which is the main process going on here?
Explain why you think so.
b What part is being played in this process by:
the water itself? ii the stones in the river?
Use the correct technical terms in your answers.
Look at photo B. What’s going on at X?
rs -Q

Do you think the river is flowing quickly, or slowly, at X?

Explain why you think so.
Could X be in the river’s upper course? Explain.

4 You are dying of thirst. Which river would you rather drink
from: the one in photo A, or the one in photo B? Explain.
5.5 Five landforms created by the river

Find out about five of the landforms a river may create on its journey.

AV-shaped valley
The five landforms In its upper course, a river erodes sharply downwards,
cutting like a knife. This gives a steep valley. Rain washes
This drawing shows five landforms created by rivers. soil and stones from the sides. So over time, the valley
The boxes will tell how they formed. becomes V-shaped.

You'll find V-shaped

valleys in the upper
course of the river. erosion
You may find waterfalls
and gorges there too.
Look at the V-shaped valley in this photo.
___________________ >


Meanders and oxbow

lakes are found in the
middle and lower
oxbow lake

A waterfall From a waterfall to a gorge

A waterfall is where water tumbles
over a ledge of hard rock.

ledge plunge

The hard rock erodes very slowly. The Erosion of the soft rock leaves a ledge of hard
soft rock below it erodes much faster. rock and a hollow called a plunge pool
______________ _ ______________J ____ ' ____ J


f ---------- Ox

< _______ j /

The waterfall forms because there In time, the ledge falls into the Steps 1-3 are repeated.
is softer rock below the hard rock, plunge pool. The debris from it The waterfall gradually retreats upstream,
and it is easier to erode. helps to speed up erosion. carving out a gorge

A meander
A meander is a big bend in a river. It starts as a slight bend. Look how it develops:

slower flow deposition growing


faster flow

wearing away

Q Water flows faster on Q So the outer bank Q As the outer bank Q Overtime, as the
the outer curve of the gets eroded, but gets worn away, and process continues,
bend, and slower on material is deposited the inner one grows, the meander grows
the inner curve. at the inner bank. a meander forms. more'loopy.
V_____ __ _____ > \>

An oxbow lake
An oxbow lake is a narrow U-shaped lake near a river. It's a meander that got cut off.

river cuts straight across

lake gets
filled in



As erosion continues, Then, during flooding, Soon the loop of the In time the lake will
the neck of the meander the river takes a meander gets sealed get covered with
is worn away. It gets shortcut-straight off. It turns into an weeds, and fill with soil,
narrower and narrower. across the neck. oxbow lake. and disappear.

Your turn

1 Make a table like this, and complete it for the five landforms
named in first drawing on page 88.

Landform Created by ...

V-shaped valley erosion

V-shaped valleys are found in the upper courses of rivers.


Draw a diagram to show how they form. Label it.


Look at this river, flowing

over layers of rock.
Draw diagrams to show
how a waterfall develops.
5 Look at the photo above.
Most rivers have meanders.
a What is happening: i at A? ii atB?
a What is a meander?
b Draw and label a sketch to show how this part of the
b Explain how a meander forms. (Use diagrams?)
river might look 150 years from now, after many floods.
E Rivers and us
Find out how we make use of rivers, with the River Thames
as example.

How we use rivers

Think about how wonderful rivers were, for our ancestors.
We are at

They gave water, and fish.They offered an easy way to travel, and
transport things, if you had a boat. Much later, when industry began,
they powered spinning mills and other factories.

So it's not surprising that we chose to live beside rivers.

Over 70 settlements - villages, towns, and cities - have grown up
along the Thames. (And more along its tributaries.)

And we still depend a lot on rivers, just like our ancestors. ▲ Windsor Castle, by the Thames. It's one of the royal
homes. Henry VIII is buried in the chapel.

Making use of the River Thames

As a water supply. That's the main use. Water is taken In producing electricity. That's the second biggest use.
from the Thames, cleaned up, and piped to millions of In power stations, steam drives turbines. River water is then
homes.Then the used water is cleaned up and put back used to cool the tanks of steam. This power station is beside
in the river. (See page 92.) the Thames at Didcot, not far from Oxford.

In factories. Factories use river water for washing In farming. For much of its journey, the Thames passes
materials, and cooling equipment.This is the Ford factory through rural areas, and farmland. Some farmers use river
on the bank of the Thames at Dagenham, east of London. water to spray their crops in dry weather, and as drinking
It takes water from the river. water for their herds.

Fortransporting cargo. Roman ships once sailed right up For transporting people. In London, thousands of people
the Thames into London, bringing goods from Italy. Today, take river buses to work every day. Thousands of tourists
ships dock at the Port of London, east of the city. (They are enjoy Thames cruises. This shows a cruise boat at Henley,
too large to go further.) half way along theThames.


For fishing. People once fished in the Thames for their For other sport and leisure activities. There's rowing
dinner. Today they still fish - for sport. (Over 250 000 and canoeing. Swimming. Picnics. And river walks. You can
fishing licences are bought every year, for fishing in the follow theThames Path for 294 km, from the source of the
Thames and its tributaries.) river to London.

Your turn

1 a Show all the ways the River Thames is used. Give your Now choose one use of the Thames that is not likely to apply

answer as a spider map. You could start like this: in central London. Again, explain your choice.

We use other rivers in the UK too, not just the Thames. See if
you can pick out two uses that are likely to apply to all rivers.
Give your reasons.

River water is used in power stations that burn oil and gas, to
make electricity. Many fast-flowing rivers produce electricity
b Now number them in what you think is their order of without burning anything. It is called h... ? (Glossary?)
importance, for people living in the Thames basin.

Now turn to page 97. The OS map shows Purley-on-Thames,

1 = the most essential for well-being.
a suburb of Reading. This map has clues about some past and
2 Choose four uses of the Thames that are not likely to apply present uses of the Thames. See how many you can find.
at Cricklade, near its source. (See the photo on page 80.) (The key on page 138 may help.)
Explain your choice.

Our water supply
We depend on rain from the water cycle, for our water supply.
We pump it from rivers and under the ground. Find out more here.

Where our tap water comes from

Turn on the tap, and out comes water. Magic!
Q The water goes to a water treatment plant
But where does it come from ? Follow the numbers. | to be cleaned up. Particles of soil and sand and
other things are removed. Chlorine is added to

treatment plant
iC :

n Across the UK, about two-thirds of

I our water supply is taken from rivers.

It is usually pumped from the river
into a storage reservoir
Q “he rest is groundwater. A hole is
I bored down to an aquifer - a layer of
vj rock that holds a lot of groundwater.
The water is pumped up.


The clean water from the treatment

plant is stored in a covered storage
reservoir. From there it flows to your
home, in underground pipes.

sewage works

They carry it to a sewage treatment plant

There, solid material is removed as sludge.
Then the dirty water is cleaned up by bacteria,
which feed on substances in it.

When it is clean enough, it's put into the river!

So we just borrow water from the water cycle. We take water from rivers
and aquifers, clean it, use it, clean it again, and put it back in the rivers.
Water supply in the Thames basin
In theThames basin, 40% of the water supply is ground water from
aquifers. These also feed the Thames and its tributaries. But quite often,
there's a water shortage in theThames basin. Why?

First, the Thames basin does not get that much rain.

And second, it is home to over 14.5 million people, or nearly a

quarter of the UK's population. They use a lot of water!

Imagine it's a hot dry summer. No rain for months. People drink more
water, and shower more often, and water their plants a lot. But look:

A A dried-up river bed in the Thames basin. What
happened to the things that lived in the water?

If there's no rain, and we keep taking And if we take more water from the


water from aquifers, the groundwater river too, its water level falls even
level falls. So there is less water to further. Fish may die. The river may
feed the rivers. even dry up.

So we can't keep on abstracting (pumping out) water. Instead, we face

a water shortage, or drought. There may be a hosepipe ban.

Use salty water?

Beside the Thames, in east London, is a desalination plant. Here, salty
river water is forced through a special kind of filter to remove the salt.
Next, it is treated to make sure it's safe to drink, and tastes good. And
then it goes into the water supply.
▲ The desalination plant at Beckton, in east London.
This plant can provide water for nearly 1 million people a day. It treats salty water from the tidal Thames.

Your turn

1 a About a third of the water that we use in the UK is Rain is free. But every home has to pay for its water supply
groundwater that is pumped up from aquifers. and sewage disposal - perhaps several hundred pounds a
Explain what the two terms in italics mean, year. Do you think it’s fair to have to pay? Explain.
b Where do we get the rest of our water from? When there’s a drought, we are asked to save water at home.
2 When you wash your hands under the tap, you are washing See if you can write down at least five ways you could save
them in rainwater. Draw a flowchart to show how the water. (No funny ones!)
rainwater reaches you - and where it goes after you use it. Do you think desalination is a good idea? Give your reasons.

5.8 Floods!

What are floods ? And what causes them ? Find out here!

What are floods?

Floods occur when water overflows the river's channel. Look:

H It has been raining heavily for weeks. The channel filled

Here the river is flowing in its channel, as usual.
Alongside the river is the floodplain, a fairly flat area that is right up, and now the water has overflowed. That means
likely to flood. There are people living on it. trouble for some of those people!

What causes floods?

It has been raining heavily.The soil
Heavy rain is the main cause. It quickly finds its way
soaked up rain - but now it's so
to the river, as this drawing shows.The river's channel soggy that infiltration is really slow.

When there is a lot of snow and it melts quickly, that

can cause floods too. runs over the surface
and into the river.

Flash floods
The water level rises
A burst of very heavy rain can cause a sudden flood rapidly. The river floods.
called a flash flood. This happens so fast that people
get no warning. They can get trapped, and drown.

Adding to the flood risk

If rain can soak into the soil quickly, there is less chance of flooding. So anything that slows
down infiltration, or prevents it, will add to the flood risk. Study the drawing on the next
page. Then try these 'Your turn' questions.

Your turn

i The sentences below explain how a flood occurs. They are List all the factors that contribute to flooding.
in the wrong order. Write them in the correct order. Now underline the natural factors in one colour and the
The river fills up with water. human factors in another.
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

The ground gets soaked. Which group of factors can we do something about?
More rain runs over the ground and into the river. Look at page 95. Why are floods:
Heavy rain falls for a long period. not really a problem, if they occur at X?
The water rises over the banks. a big problem, when they occur at Y?
Infiltration slows down. b How would you stop floods reaching the homes at Y?

Factors that contribute to flooding

:ii: ‘if.
' /
,! i'LjMki.
1 . >7, ' / /"T
Heavy rain
Rain is the main factor. The heavier it is and 77 !! ’'!i
the longer it goes on for, the greater the risk
y ! ■' !
of flooding. The soil will be so soggy that the
I // /
/ Z // J
Steep land
Coin Lil n,n
rain can't soak away.
■ /
Rain will run down a steep slope
quickly - before it has much of a
chance to soak into the soil. I
H i ■:
-v '
' /
VF / // '‘ 1 ■' ?

/ j /7 ' i /,"

7// /
Impermeable rock
//j r* !I<
/ f •• If there is Impermeable rock (such 7 ■/

as granite) below the surface, rain Tributaries
will not be able to soak through. The more tributaries the river has,
the greater the chance of flooding.
•—X \ 1 »
They may all be swollen by rain too.



Built up areas
Rain can't soak through concrete. So rain that falls
on our streets runs down the street drains, and is
usually carried to the river. The river swells.
(But if the street drains are blocked, streets can
I flood quickly just from the rain.)

Cutting down trees

Trees help rain to soak into the soil. It is caught
by the leaves, and trickles to the ground. It runs ■V

into the soil along the tree roots.

So if you cut trees down, you increase the risk
of flooding.
L __

ri^, e <

< * */<
* h
5.9 Flooding on the River Thames

u Here you'll explore flooding on the River Thames,

and some reasons for it.

Year after year...

Almost every year, there is flooding somewhere along the
River Thames. Look at these photos.

▼ Twickenham, 2010.

▲ Oxford, 2007.
▼ Abingdon, 2007.


London mouth


| Yes I DID get rrjy

I socks wet. fjjj

▲ Windsor, 2003.
► Purley-on-Thomes,2012.

The graph on the right is for questions 1 - 4. It shows rainfall for

Monthly rainfall for 2012, Thames basin
each month of 2012, in the Thames basin. The red lines show
the overage rainfall for the month, over the previous 30 years. monthly rainfall
— long-term average
1 a How much rain fell in January 2012? Choose one:
about 26 mm about 42 mm about 65 mm

Rainfall (mm)
b Was January wetter or drier than average, that year?

2 In fact there was a hosepipe ban in January - March of 2012, in

the Thames basin. See if you can explain why, using the graph
and the facts in the blue box.
3 The graph shows that April and June were much wetter than
usual. But the Thames did not flood in those months. See if you
can come up with a reason. (To do with soil?)
4 a The ground in the Thames basin was really dry at the end
of March. But by the end of October it could not hold any Feb
more water. It was saturated. Explain why.
b The Thames began to flood in November, and flooding The winter of 2011 was unusually dry, in the Thames basin.
continued in December. Explain why. By the start of 2012, groundwater levels were low.
\_ ________________________________
5 Photo E shows flooding in Purley-on-Thames, a suburb of
Reading, in 2012. Purley is shown on the OS map below,
a How can you tell from the map that Purley lies in the 6 You want to prevent flooding of the houses along the river in
floodplain of the Thames? (Hint: contour lines!) square 6676. What will you do? Try to think of something.
b Which is more likely to flood: a house at 668764 or a house Choose photo B or C. What’s it like there? What damage has
at 655762? Explain your answer. been done? Write a report for a newspaper. (At least 90 words.)

\ Y
> 5 br—t *

i—- e— _
i \ ------ S'


65 67 68

Scale 1:25 000

Protecting ourselves from floods
Here you'll find out about ways to reduce the risk of flooding, and
protect ourselves from floods.

We can't stop floods % you know?

Floods can drown us. They ruin homes and businesses. Flood damage can cost
a fortune to repair. (For example, over £1 billion in the UK in 2012.)

We can't stop heavy rain. So we can't stop rivers flooding. But we can reduce the
risk, and the damage. Below are some ways, with the River Thames as example.

Long-term solutions
'Long-term' means they will last for a long time - we hope!

Build embankments (high banks).These embankments Dig new river channels. The Jubilee River above looks
along the Thames in London were first built to hold an natural - but it's not! It was dug out to divert water from
underground sewage system, and Tube lines. the Thames, in order to prevent flooding at Maidenhead,
But later, the walls were made higher as flood protection. Windsor, and Eton. There are plans for others too.

Take care where you build new homes. Local councils Let nature help. Allow land along the river to soak up
now weigh up the flood risk, before they allow new homes flood water, as nature intended. Plant more trees too.
to be built in the Thames floodplain. They may refuse This common land beside theThames in Oxford is called
planning permission. Port Meadow. It regularly floods.

Short-term solutions
When we know floods are on the way, here are some things we can do.

Put up portable flood barriers. This shows them being Put anti-flood shutters on homes. You can buy metal
fitted in Oxford, next to the river, because floods are shutters like these to stop water coming in through doors
expected. They'll be taken down later and stored away. and windows. (Or else try sandbags.)

The Thames Barrier

London can also be flooded from the sea. So it has special
flood protection: the Thames Barrier.

This barrier has a set of giant steel gates below the water.
They are raised when there's a risk that high water levels
on the Thames will meet high tides coming in from the sea.
Their job is to shut the sea water out.

Who decides?
The Environment Agency works with local councils in
England, to decide what to do about flooding. It gets a
grant from the government to install anti-flood structures.
▲ The Thames Barrier. These piers hold machinery for raising the steel
It also keeps an eye on water levels in rivers, and gives out gates, which usually lie flat on the river bed. They swing up to close the
flood warnings. gaps between the piers. (Now look for this on page 78!)

Your turn

1 This is about the long-term solutions on page 98. How do these help to protect people from flooding?
You can answer using their picture labels, A - D. See if you can explain by drawing simple diagrams,
a Which solutions aim to keep flood water in? a embankments b digging a new river channel
n n-

Which one aims to keep us away from floods? c setting aside fields to take flood water
Which one do you think would cost the least? The solutions in E and F are called short-term. Why?
d Which two are likely to cost most?
Do you agree with this person’s
2 You are in charge of building a new town near a river. Which idea? Write a thoughtful reply.
solution(s) will you choose, to reduce the risk of flooding?
Now see if you can design a
Explain your choice. (Draw a sketch map of the town and river?)
flood-proof home. Draw sketches!

* 4 -'-
The big picture
This chapter is about Africa. Here's the big picture ...

Africa is a continent. (Not a country!) And it's where we humans started.

Did you know?
It has 54 countries.
the Sahara is
Their borders were mostly established by Europeans, who took over most 94 million sq^
of Africa at one stage. * •••andtheUSAis
The countries are all different - but they have a number of things in common. 98 million sq km

Your goals for this chapter

By the end of this chapter you should be able to answer these questions: Did you know?

lodV-Hppos ire fOund
Where is Africa ? You should be able to point it out on a map of the world.
on‘y in Africa.
How good is your mental map of Africa? See if you can sketch it roughly,

A9roup of hipp0s is
and mark in and label these:
called a pod.
- the lines for the Equator and Tropics
- the oceans around it
- the Red Sea, and Mediterranean Sea, and Suez Canal
- the River Nile
- its tallest mountain, and biggest lake
- at least two mountainous regions Did you know?
- its three main deserts.
Some European countries played a big part in creating today's map of Africa.
Explain how, and name at least three of them. Wens) inhabited.

Name at least 12 African countries and their capitals. And say roughly where
they are. (For example, in West Africa ?)
Give at least five facts about the human geography of Africa - about people
--•W humans
and their lives. For example, how big is the population ?
had not left
Name Africa's four main biomes, and give at least four facts about each of them. Africa ?
You should be able to mark them roughly on a sketch map of Africa.

And then...
When you finish the chapter, come back here and see if you've met your goals!

Is that
Your chapter starter

Page 100 shows Africa, and parts of two other continents, from space.

Which parts of the image are Africa?

Some parts of Africa look green, and some look golden. Why do you think this is?

What are those dark blue patches within Africa?

Two oceans are shown, and a number of seas. See how many you can name.
What and where is Africa
Here you'll compare Africa with other continents - and think you know?
about your mental images of Africa. * At^eir closest
Africa is omy
Africa: a continent 14 kni from Europe.

Africa is not a country. It is one of the world's seven continents. Look at this map.


I*** i ASIA



Tropic of Capricorn


Note how the Equator runs across the middle of Africa. Most of Africa lies within
the tropics.

Compare it with the others

Africa is the world's second-largest The continents by land area The continents by population
continent, for both area and Continent millions of Continent millions of
population. Look at these tables. square km people
Asia 44.6 Asia 4300 (or 4.3 billion)
Africa 30.1 Africa 1111 (or 1.1 billion)
Did you know? North America 24.5 Europe 743
South America 17.8 North America 565
the Grid's
bestlong-distance Antarctica 132 South America 407

runners are African. Europe 9.9 Oceania 38

Oceania 8.1 Antarctica people only visit

True or false? Your answer for question 4 will help you decide.
Lots of people think Africa is a country. It’s not. It is a continent.
A Africa is the least crowded of the inhabited continents.
See if you can explain the difference between a country
B Europe has about twice as many people per square km
and a continent. (Glossary?)
as Africa does.
Now, a challenge. See how many African countries you
C Africa has more people per square km than either North or
can list, without looking at a map. (There are 54!)
South America.
Then swop lists with your partner. Turn to the map on

page 108. Give your partner 1 mark for each correct name. This photo shows the place marked X on the map.

Subtract 1 mark for each wrong one.

Look. This graph compares the areas of the continents.
M illio n s o f square km

a There is an ocean in the photo. What is its name?

Using the graph, decide whether each statement below is true, b Name the ocean off the west coast of Africa,
or false. (You can check the table on page 102 too.) c At X, the days are warm all year round. See if you can
A All of North America would fit into Africa. explain why. (Look at the blue lines across the map?)
B South America and Europe together would fit into Africa.
We all have mental images of Africa (pictures in our minds),
C Africa is about three times the size of Europe.
a From where did you pick up your mental images of Africa?
This graph compares the populations of the continents.

p o p u la tio n (b illio n s )


True or false? (Check the table on page 102 too.)

There are more people in Africa than in Europe. b Above is a view of Nairobi, a city at Y on the map. Does this
Africa has more people than North and South America photo fit with your mental images of Africa? Explain.
combined. Some people think Africa is full of poor people, with no hope.
More people live inside Asia than outside Asia. This is a stereotyped view.
4 The population density of a place is the number of people a What does stereotyped mean? (Glossary?)
living there per square kilometre, on average. b See if you can think of ways to make sure that your views
The population densities for the continents, rounded off, are: of Africa are not stereotyped.
Africa, 37 Antarctica, 0 Asia, 96 Europe, 75 Now it’s time to start a big spider map, as your summary for
North America, 23 South America, 23 Oceania, 5 Africa. Use a double page. Mark in facts you know already.
See if you can find a good way to display this data. You could group them under headings such as: Where is Africa?
(A bar chart? A pictogram?) Don’t forget to add to your spider map later.
6.2 A little history
For a time, most of Africa was 'owned' by Europe. Find out more here.

Africa: our cradle

You, me, the Emperor of Japan: we are all linked to Africa ... because that's
/ Ancient Egypt
where humans began! [ (-3100-30BC)

Look at this map. We think that the first species of human appeared around X, Mali Empire
(-800 - 1500 AD)
about 2 million years ago. It was related to apes. (X is in today's Ethiopia.)

Then around 200 000 years ago, our own species emerged (Homo sapiens).
And about 60000 years ago, we began leaving Africa, and we spread around Kingdom of Kongo
the world. (See page 13.) (-1400-1914 AD)|

African empires and kingdoms

Humans spread around Africa too. And if you could travel
back in time, you'd find many African civilisations, empires,
and kingdoms. The map above shows just three.

Ancient Egypt. This civilisation lasted for over 3000

years. It ended in 30 BC with the death of Cleopatra,
the last pharaoh.
The Mali Empire. (About 800 to 1500.) It grew very
wealthy, mainly through selling salt, gold, ivory,
pottery, silks, and slaves, to other parts of Africa.
(Slavery was common in many places.)
The Kingdom of Kongo. (About 1400 to 1914.)
It depended on trade in ivory, metals and slaves.
From 1857 it was controlled by Portugal.
▲ Portuguese envoys kneel before Alonso I, King ofKongo. (He ruled
▼ These paintings in a pharaoh's tomb are over 3200years old.
1509 -1542.) The Portuguese got slaves from Kongo.

▼ Mansa Musa, once ruler of the Mali Empire, was famous for his
wealth. We think he was the richest person ever - richer than anyone
alive today!


The Europeans arrive

Around 600 years ago, Europe began to take an interest
in Africa. In 1420, Portuguese ships arrived to explore the
west coast.The Dutch, the British, and others came later.

They found lands rich in gold, and ivory. And something i

else they wanted: slaves.

So they began trading.They swopped things like cloth,

beads, scissors, and guns for gold, and ivory, and slaves.
The slaves were shipped across the Atlantic to North and
South America, and the Caribbean, to work on plantations.

The Atlantic slave trade lasted for over 300 years. At least
12 million Africans were taken. ▲ Elmina Castle, in Ghana. (See the red dot on the map below.)
The Portuguese built it. The British took it over. It was like a warehouse.
Slaves were held in the dungeons, waiting for ships.
They carve Africa up
Who colonised Africa?
When the Europeans arrived, Africa was a collection of
thousands of kingdoms and states and smaller units. All had
their own ethnic groups, and languages, and customs.

Fora long time, the Europeans just traded. But then they got
greedier. They colonised places (took control of them). So
they could ship out what they wanted: things like timber,
gold and other metals, coffee, cocoa, and spices.

The Europeans fought over colonies. But ini 884 they got
together in Berlin, to carve up Africa among themselves.
They created new countries by drawing lines on a map. Key
Look at the map on the right.


Independence! French
In time, the African colonies grew tired of being exploited. Italian
They struggled for their freedom. Libya was first. It gained Portuguese
independence from Italy in 1951. Zimbabwe - Britain's last Spanish
African colony - did not gain independence until 1980. independent

We all share one link with Africa. What is it? Using 50 - 60 words, see if you can explain why European

Ancient Egypt was based around a great river. Which one? countries wanted to colonise areas of Africa.

What did the Mali Empire and the Kingdom of Kongo have The African colonies grew tired of being exploited, and fought

in common? for their independence.

a What do the two terms in italics mean? (Glossary?)
Two European countries between them colonised about two-
b See if you can explain why they wanted to be independent.
thirds of Africa. Which two countries? (Look at the map above.)

When they drew the country borders, the Europeans forced

See how many African countries you can name, that were
different ethnic groups and cultures together. What kinds of
British colonies. (The map on page 108 will help.)
problems could this cause? See how many you can think of.
____________________ _________ ______________ /
Africa today
This unit will give you an overview of Africa, and its people, today.
♦ • • ■ are there so
Africa's countries many different
Today, Africa has 54 countries. You can see a map of them on page 108. languages? What if...

♦ everyone in
♦ 23 of them are smaller than the UK, in area. the world spoke the
Only 4 have more people than the UK! SW language?

Africa's people

The population is around 1.1 billion. And it's young! Half of the people in There are hundreds of different ethnic
And growing fast. It's expected to Africa today are aged under 20. And groups, across the 54 countries. Each
double in the next 35 years. 85% are under 45. has its own language or dialect.

We women 3
lot of farming!

For example the Tuareg, the nomadic But countries also have 'official' On average, over 60% of Africa's
people of North Africa, speak dialects languages. English is an official workforce are in farming. In some
of the Berber language. language in over 20 African countries. countries, it's up to 90%.

But some countries have industries So Africa has some wealthy people But nearly half of the people live in
that earn them a lot. For example and places. Many people live very great poverty, with less than £1 a day
mining, and oil and gas production. comfortable lives. to live on - for everything.
◄ A diamond mine in Sierra Leone. Buckets
of mud are passed up the slope from person to
person. At the top, people will sieve the mud,
looking for the precious stones.

r With love from Africa?

Africa's natural wealth

Africa has large deposits of many metal ores. Such as aluminium, copper,

cobalt, iron, uranium, and lithium. W you know?

It is one of the top continents for gold and diamonds. * China is Africa's top

It has 10% of the world's known oil deposits - and may have much more. tradin9 partner.

* There are over

Thanks to its range of climates, it can grow a wide range of crops to sell to

'"*•»» Chinese H,;„

other continents. Like cotton, tea, coffee, rubber, fruits, flowers.
in Africa.

Africa's challenge
Africa is facing a big challenge: to use its natural wealth, and the talents of its
people, to end poverty. African countries are working hard on this.

Your turn

Which two facts do you find the most surprising, in this unit? Country Life expectancy (years)

The population of Africa is about... how many? Nigeria 53

Sierra Leone 47
Africa’s population is expected to double in the next 35
UK 80
years. What problems might this fast growth cause?
(Think about things people need ... like food, shelter, water.)
Look at the table. Life expectancy means how long
In Africa, half of the population is aged under 20. a person can expect to live for. In Sierra Leone, it’s 47 years.
Is such a young population a good thing, or a bad thing? (The figure is an average so some people live a lot longer.)
See how many advantages and disadvantages you can list. a What kinds of things would help you to live a long life?
English is the official language in Ghana and Nigeria. Why? (For example, enough good food? Doctors?)
b See if you can suggest reasons why life expectancy
Millions of young people in Africa
is low, for the two African countries in the table.
speak their own language at home,
but learn through English at school. Now look at the two photos at the top of this page,
Do you agree with the man in a What’s the link between them?
the red cap? Explain. b Diamond mining is hard, messy work. How can you
tell, from the first photo?

6.4 Africa's countries
Africa has 54 countries. Find out more about them here.

Compare! j

The countries and their capitals

Look at all these countries! Can you spot any that you have never heard of?


S £ A



Khartoum B^marl
Ndjamena ' OjibouMk^z^^
''j )
a Addis \
® Ababa ■>
O Abuja
°^souki 'orto Novo
■ Juj2r_ 1
Malabo U
Yaounde Bangui 5° •Mogad,shu
—SaoTomej •P*</ KENYA
Brazzaville Bujumbui
C4B/WA-ir^ A
(Angola) \ \

Luanda >•

Did you know? ANGOLA iLAWI

4 OnlVttW'aand OCEAN Lusaka BL
t\bena were never \ . M
HarareD Antananarivo
colonised. ZIMBABWE
GaboroneD Pretoria luto
S -

country names are SOTHO

MALI shown like this SOUTH
capital cities

Did you knowp

f * Africa’st0P football

* • • • p/ayed every


◄ Cairo, Africa's second largest city.

(Lagos is first.) Cairo has over 9 million people.
That's more than London.

See if you can find and name these African countries. Africa has different regions. Look at this map.
It’s on the east coast, and its name begins with K.

It is tiny, and completely surrounded by South Africa.

It is a big island, larger than the British Isles.
Q - Ci

It is just north of Nigeria, and a bit larger.


It is small and thin; its name starts with T and has 4 letters.
Now see how many countries you can find, beginning with:
a M bZ cL eS

When the European colonisers met in 1884 to carve up Africa,

they drew new country borders on a map.

f Look. I want A
\two more bits. )

You have ten


Look at the map on page 108. Which countries have straight

borders, or parts of borders, that look as if a ruler were used? See if you can name countries in each region, as follows:
See how many you can find. three in Central Africa four in North Africa
three in East Africa four in West Africa

4 Below are some capital cities, from the map.


four in Southern Africa

For each, see how fast you can find the matching country.
Then write down the country and its capital. 6 Now look at Cairo, in the photo at the top of the page,

Addis Ababa b Lusaka a It is the capital of... ?

Nairobi d Tripoli b See how much you can discover about it, from the photo.

f Kampala Now draw a sketch from the photo, and add notes to it.


h Libreville Don’t forget to name the river! (See page 112.)

6.5 Population distribution in Africa
This unit is about where people live in Africa. You will explore Country Population
a table of data, and a map. Algeria 33333000
Angola 15941000
Benin 8439000
How many people, and where?
Botswana 1840 000
Africa is home to about 1.1 billion people. Look at the list on the right. Burkina Faso 13228000
It gives the population of each country. Burundi 7548000
Cameroon 17795000
People are not spread out evenly. Some places are more crowded. Cape Verde 421 000
The map below shows the population density.The deeper the shade, Central African Republic 4217000
the more people there are, in that area. Chad 10146000
Comoros 798000
Cote d’Ivoire 1655000
Dem. Rep. Congo 71 713000
Djibouti 906000
o' Egypt 80335000
Equatorial Guinea 504000
Xz Eritrea 5880000
Ethiopia 85237000
Gabon 1 384000
Gambia 1 517000
Ghana 23 000000
Guinea 9402000
Guinea-Bissau 1 586000
Khartoum^ 34 708000
Lesotho 1 795000
Liberia 3283000
Libya 6037000
Madagascar 18606000
Malawi 12884000
Nairobi INDIAN Mali 13518000
Mauritania 3069000
i Kinshasa
• 6 Dares Salaam Mauritius 1 219000
Morocco 35 757000
OCEAN Luanda
Mozambique 20367000
Namibia 2031 000
Niger 13957000
□ Harare Niqeria 154729000
TropiCofCaprlcorn Republic of Congo 4013000
Rwanda 7600000
SaoTome and Principe 183000
Seneqal 11 658000
Durban Seychelles 81 000
Sierra Leone 6145000
Somalia 9832000
South Africa 47432000
South Sudan 8260000
Key Sudan 36787000

Population density Major cities Swaziland 1 032000

people per square kilometre population in millions Tanzania 44929000
over 3 6100000

over 100 Togo

_J 10-100 1-3 Tunisia 10102000
□ 1-10 • 0.5-1 Uganda 27616000
] under 1 0. 1-0.5 Zambia 14668000
Zimbabwe 13010000

A Lagos... ▲ ...and Lagos.

Your turn

What does this term mean? (Glossary?) 7 See if you can explain these. (Pages 112 and 114 will help.)
a population b population density It is sparsely populated along the Tropic of Cancer.

Look at the table on page 110. (Glossary?)

a Which African country has the smallest population? b Most of the coastal areas are quite densely populated.

Which has the largest population? People like to live around East Africa’s great lakes.
c The population of the UK is around 64 million, or There’s a wiggly strip of high population density in Egypt.

64000000. Name the African countries which have 8 Lagos, in Nigeria, is Africa’s biggest city. It is growing very fast.
a larger population than the UK. People are moving in from rural areas. Look at this graph.
d The population of London is about 8 300 000. How many
African countries can you find, with a smaller population Population of Lagos
than London? List them.
In the table on page 110, the numbers all end in 000.
We rounded them off. Why do you think we did that?
P o p u la tio n (m illio n s)

a See if you can name a country with a high population

density overall. (You’ll need the map on page 108.)
b Now name one with a low population density.

Copy this table. Then fill in the missing population densities,

in the right places, from the list in italics. The map will help!

Country Average population density

(people per square km)
Nigeria What was the population of Lagos in 1990?
Q- r» o" aj

UK 256 What was its population twenty years later, in 2010?

Why might people want to move from rural areas to Lagos?

Population densities: 88 15 A fast rise in population can put a big strain on a city.

Look at your completed table for question 5. What can you See if you can explain why.
say about the population density of the UK compared to the

Many new arrivals end up living in slums, like the one

three African countries? Answer in at least 50 words! in photo B. What difficulties might they face?

6.6 Africa's physical features
Now learn about Africa's key physical features - and where
they are on the map.

Mountains, rivers, deserts, lakes...

Study this map for a little while. Then try 'Your turn'.

% you know?

OU ofEQyPi across the

Red Sea.

133m I it Sinai
f Lake>

Ms. i 3415ft

'Lake Chad 4620m
Ras. La^
z Terara

Niger ,4095m LaHr-'


Mt. Cameroon^-
Gu/fofGui, Delta Ifurkana
nea Principe •

z----- -
Sao 7om£ flake
; V~’f 5895ml
fl Pemba I.
Tanganyika A Zanzibar

Key 9
ATLANTIC ) f (LokeNyasa 1
AA/GOLA Cj / iLftake f
land height Cj< 'PLATEAU
above sea level in metres
Victoria y j
\? \ \ Falls //
more than 2000 m
1000-2000 m Oiiov pngo-
500- 1000 m Swd mp

200-500 m
Kalahari Desert
less than 200 m
land below sea level

highest peaks with

heights in metres
Orange Did you know?
-—- river ♦ The Kalahari Desert is
lake Cape of ■ really semi-desert.
Good Hope
♦ It has lots of vegetation
after rain.

Your turn

The world’s longest river is in Africa. 7 Now see if you can name Africa’s second and third highest
Find it on the map. What is it called? mountains. (They are also marked on the map.)

Is it flowing towards the north, or southwards? 8 a This photo was taken in the world’s largest hot desert.
It has two tributaries. Name each, and say where it rises.

It is in Africa. What is its name? (6 letters!)


i What sea does this river flow into?

ii What do you notice about it, where it reaches the sea?

Now name five African rivers that flow into the Atlantic Ocean.
Include one with the same name as a fruit!
This photo shows the famous Victoria Falls.

b Where in Africa is it?

c Is it mountainous? Flat? A mixture? Give your evidence,
d Now name two other African deserts.

9 Many of the things you own and buy are made in China.
They reach the UK by sea, in container ships.
They usually take the route shown on the map below.

a Which river are they on ? Look on the map!

b A river joins Lake Victoria to Victoria Falls. True or false?



To the west of Lake Victoria lies a long thin valley with several
lakes. It is called ... ?

Which part of Africa is the most mountainous? The north?

The south? Be as clear as you can, in your answer.
Where in Africa are the Atlas Mountains?
Name two other highland areas in Africa.

The photo below shows Africa’s highest mountain,

a Use the map to find out its name.
b Even though it’s near the Equator, it has glaciers on top.
Explain why.

Using the maps on pages 112 and 108 to help you, describe
the route a ship takes, to get from X to Y. Include the names
of the African countries it passes. You could start like this:
The ship sails through the Gulf of Aden. Then it...

10 It’s time for some work on your mental map of Africa.

Practise drawing a rough sketch map of Africa. Be quick!
Mark in and / or label these:
River Nile at least two other rivers two oceans
Red Sea Mediterranean Sea Suez Canal
Kilimanjaro Lake Victoria three deserts
Equator Tropics three mountainous regions
Africa's biomes
Here you will learn about Africa's four main biomes.

What's a biome? Hot desert

A biome is a large region with its own distinct climate, plants,
and animals. The climate dictates what a biome will be like.
That's because plants and animals adapt to suit the climate.

Africa's biomes
Africa has different climate zones - so it has different biomes.
The panels tell you about the four main ones. Check colours.

♦ Hot in the day - up to 50 °C. But very cold at

night. (No clouds to keep the heat in.)
Very little rain. Some places get almost none.
Very strong winds.
Plants must be able to find and store water,
and protect themselves from heat and wind.
So you'll find low spiny shrubs with long roots
and thick stems, and wiry grasses.
There are camels, antelopes, and ostriches too.
All have adapted to survive for long periods
without drinking.
TroPj< of Capricorn
There are other animals like vipers, scorpions,

and tiny rodents, that hide from the sun in

shady places, or down burrows.


This biome lies between the desert and the savanna, and

is always warm or hot. (But a bit cooler than the desert.)

There's some rain over a few months of the year - but you
cannot depend on it. The rest of the year is very dry.
It has grass, and low shrubs, and scattered trees.

You might see wild dogs, and lots of rodents.

Most people farm.They grow crops like maize and chick peas.

Some raise animals: cattle, goats, sheep - and camels in north

Africa. But rains often fail, so crops and animals may die.


Savanna Rainforest


The savanna is warm all year, with a wet season and Warm and wet all year - but less rain than in the
longer dry season. Amazon rainforest.

It is rolling grassland, with scattered trees (mostly There are thousands of species of plants: from low
acacia trees). shrubs and ferns to trees up to 45 m tall.
You may see lions, elephants, giraffes, zebra, and Animals include chimps and gorillas, many kinds
gazelles. (Africa's game parks are in this biome.) of monkey, snakes, hippos, and hundreds of
People living in the savanna grow crops, and species of bird.

raise animals. In many places the soil is worn out Much of the African rainforest has been destroyed.

and useless after years of crops, and overgrazing. People chop down trees for timber and firewood,
Desertification is a problem. and to clear land to grow crops.

Your turn

What is a biome? Which biome has the most lush vegetation?

See if you can explain why vegetation grows well there.
Let’s start with the hot desert biome.
It does not have much vegetation. Why not? Look again at the map on page 114. See if you can find an
Give two ways in which plants have adapted to the overall pattern. (Hint: start at the Equator!)
climate in this biome. Now compare the satellite image on page 100 and the
: The Sahara belongs to this biome. Which countries map on page 114. Are the patterns similar? Describe what
share the Sahara? List them. you notice.
The semi-desert region next to the Sahara is called the < Next, compare the maps on pages 114 and 110.
Sahel. Which countries lie (at least partly) in the Sahel? Which biome is the most sparsely populated?
Suppose there is hardly any rain in the Sahel this year. See if you can explain why.
What might the consequences be? Is the rainforest biome densely populated?
You are visiting a game park in Africa. See if you can explain what you notice.
Which biome are you likely to be in? Which biome do most people live in, overall?
Which animals might you see? Try to explain why.
Name five countries which share this biome, Look at the photos of the different biomes.
d Desertification is a problem in this biome. Which one would you most like to spend time in? Why?
What does the word in italics mean? (Glossary?) Which one would you least like to spend time in? Why?
In the Hom of Africa



1 ' w *



The big picture
This chapter is all about the Horn of Africa. Here's the big picture ...

The Hom of Africa is a region in north east Africa.

Did you know?
It is made up of four countries: Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia.
» The four countries are all different - but they have a lot in common too.
Your goals for this chapter the labels!)

By the end of this chapter you should be able to answer these questions:

Where is the Horn of Africa? You should be able to point to it on a map.

Which countries make up the Horn of Africa? You should be able to draw Did you know?
rough map of the region, with countries and capitals marked in. * ln a^°ut 10 million

Name these physical features of the region, and mark them on a rough map: years now, the
H°^of Africa wiH have
- the main highland area, and its highest peak
beconie an island.
- at least two rivers, including a tributary of the world's longest river
- a flat area that's below sea level, one of the hottest places on Earth
- the lowest point in Africa
- two volcanoes
- the sea, gulf, and ocean that border the region.
Did you know?
♦ Describe the climate patterns in the Horn of Africa: temperature and rainfall.
What can you say about these, for the Horn of Africa ? he Ark of the Covenant.
population % living in rural areas life expectancy GDP per person (PPP) the stn 3 CheSt COnlainin9
♦ Give at least three facts about each of these, for the Horn of Africa: M tabletS°n^hich
- growing coffee Moses received the Ten

- the nomads and their way of life ^niandments.

- salt mining in the Danakil Depression
- the coast, and earning a living on it
See if you can give six facts about Addis Ababa.
Djibouti's location helps it a lot. Explain why, and how.
♦ • • • do camels
have long
And then...
When you finish the chapter, come back to this page and see if you've met
your goals!

Your chapter starter

Look at the woman and her camels, on page 116.

Where do you think she is coming from ? And where is she going ?

What do you think is in all those plastic containers ?

What do you think the climate is like, in this place?

What can you say about the landscape?

Meet the Horn of Africa
’ion of Africa that you'll study in this

Meet the region _.

mt what makes it a 'region'. Did you know?
chapter... and find o’ ♦ The Queen of Sheba ruled
part of the Horn of Africa.
Where's the Horn of Africa ? ♦ Her kingdom stretched
from Yemen across to
Northern Ethiopia.

Did you know?

♦ Experts say we humans
first appeared in Ethiopia,
about 200000 years ago...
♦ ... and began to spread
around 60000 years ago.

ise it is shaped kke
That’s because
is caked
The orange area on the map rhino’s horn'.

the Horn of Africa.

Four countries fAfrica Look at this urap.

•in the Horn of Africa

There are four countries





INDIAN Highlands: the largest area ofhigh land in Africa.
The Ethiopian

Did you know?

♦ Eritrea used to be part
capital cities
of Ethiopia.
♦ After 31 years of
People sometimes include other countries too: Sudan, South Sudan, and Kenya.
In that case, the correct name for the larger region is the Greater Horn of Africa. conflict, it split from
Ethiopia in 1993.

A Looking for us ? Many fossils ofearly human species have been ▲ Nearly 80% ofpeople in the Hom ofAfrica live in rural areas.
found in Ethiopia. These girls are collecting water from a well, in Eritrea.

The Horn of Africa as a region

In geography, a region is a large area where the places have something in
common. The four countries in the Horn of Africa have a lot in common.

They have a long shared history. There were several ancient civilisations in

this region, that crossed today's country borders.

Ethnic groups are spread across the region. The Somali people live in
Somalia, Ethiopia, and Djibouti. The Afar live in Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti.

This region is in the tropics. But much of it is semi-desert. Only the Ethiopia
Highlands get a lot of rain.
There has been a great deal of conflict over the last 50 years, both between
and within the four countries. ▲ Stopping for a chat in Asmara, the
The region is poor - but is now developing quite fast. capital of Eritrea.

Your turn

London has a population of about 8.3 million. Which countries

The countries in the Horn of Africa
of the Horn have a smaller population than London?
Country Capital Area (sq km) Population (millions)
a Now look at photo A. Write a list of words and phrases
to describe the landscape it shows. (Is it flat?)
First, make a larger copy of the table started above. b Do the same for photo B.
In the first column, write the names of the countries.

Study photo C. How much you can tell from it, about peoples
In the second column, name their capital cities.
lives in that area? Write at least 35 words in your answer.
In the third column, give the area of each country.

It’s mental map time!

Choose from the white box below. The map will help!
Study the second map on page 118 for a few minutes.
Now give the populations. (Use your common sense!)

Now close the book. Sketch the map. Label the countries.
Area (sq km): 1 127130 637660 23000 117600
Mark and name their capitals.
Population: 9832000 85237000 5880000 906000
Assess your map. How good is it?

2 The UK has a population of about 64 million. Which country Repeat a - c. See how much you can improve.
of the Horn has a larger population than the UK?
7.2 The Horn of Africa: physical features
The Horn of Africa has almost everything except glaciers!
Find out more here.
* • • • are there
A map of the physical features volcanoes ?
Mountains, rivers, lakes, deserts, beaches, volcanoes... the Horn of Africa
has them all. Key

□ □B
lower and
flatter land
'•tDonakiT K
^Depression ▲ volcano
a highest peak

Dashen -

D|dyou know?

^keA^l is the second

* lest lake in the world.
-"ne salt means it
d°es not freeze.)


The Ethiopian Highlands

Look at the Ethiopian Highlands. They are the largest area of high land in Africa.
They are divided in two by the Rift Valley, which holds a string of lakes.

The rivers
The map shows some main rivers of the region. Note how they all rise in the
Ethiopian Highlands, which provide most of the water for the Horn of Africa.

The highlands provide water for other countries too. Look at the Blue Nile.
It leaves Ethiopia and heads north, joined by its tributary. In Sudan it joins the
▲ The Blue Nile Falls, about 30 km from
White Nile to form the River Nile, which flows on to Egypt. (See page 112.) Lake Tana, the river's source.
▲ Around the Dallol volcano, the heat below ground forces salty water ▲ The volcano Erta Ale. Inside the crater is a lake of lava (molten
upwards. It evaporates, leaving these coloured salts. rock). There are only four lava lakes in the world.

The Afar Triangle

This lowland area is shaped like a triangle. Look at it on
the map. It is named after the Afar people.

It has the lowest point in all of Africa, Lake Assal.

It has volcanoes, and suffers many earthquakes.

That's because Earth's crust is being torn apart here,
from below. (There is more about this on page 129.)

Look at the Danakil Depression. It is about 100 m

below sea level. (That's why it's called a depression.) It is
one of the hottest places on Earth, with very little rain. ▲ Behhhh / Herding goats in the Ogaden.

Around the Dallol volcano is a strange landscape of

brightly coloured salts, with pools full of sulfuric acid.

The Ogaden
This is a plateau. Many of the people here are nomads,
who rear animals, and travel with them to find grazing.

The coast
Look at the long coastline. Somalia has the longest
coastline in Africa. And coast means beaches!
▲ The beach at Mogadishu. This ocean is called...?

Look at the map on page 120. Give two interesting facts about the Afar Triangle.
a Which country has most of the high land?

Which country in the Horn of Africa:

The Ogaden is a plateau. What’s a plateau? (Glossary?) a lies along the Red Sea? b borders the Indian Ocean?
Name the highest and lowest points in the Horn of Africa. The map shows the Gulf of Aden. What is a gulf? (Glossary?)
Name the lake where the Blue Nile rises. Now look at the photos. Which of these five places would you
a A river flows up through the Afar Triangle, but does not most like to visit? Explain why.
reach the sea. Its name is... ? Mental map time again. Study the map on page 120. Then
b Describe the pattern of rivers in the Horn of Africa. sketch your mental map. See how good you can make it.
________ __________ /
73 The Horn of Africa: climate

u Here you'll find out about the climate in the Horn of Africa,
and how it influences farming.

Climate in the Hom of Africa Key

Climate means what the weather in a place is usually average July
like: how hot or cold it is, and how much rain it gets. temperature °C

□ .□□□
How hot? 25-30
The Horn of Africa is in the tropics, and the Equator crosses 20-25

it. So it is generally hot all year, on the low land.

But the higher you go, the cooler it gets. So it is cooler up 10-15

the Ethiopian Highlands. Look at map A.

◄ Temperature in
How much rain? the Hom ofAfrica.

Rain is in very short supply in some places. Look at map B.

◄ Population density in
the Horn ofAfrica. (Spot
the capital cities!)

number of people
per square kilometre

over 100
nder 1

annual rainfall (mm)
2000 - 3000
200 - 600
▲ Rainfall in the Hom ofAfrica The two palest areas
have least rain, and are mostly semi-desert.

The palest blue areas on the map get no more than 200 mm of rain a year.
So they are very dry. The next paler blue areas get no more than 600 mm.
So they are quite dry. But the deeper blue areas get lots of rain.

Rain does not fall steadily through the year. There are rainy seasons, and
dry seasons. Some areas have two of each in a year.

The big problem is that the rains are not reliable, in the drier areas. ▲ The graves of two children who died in the
famine of2011, in the Horn ofAfrica. It is thought
They fail every few years. Then vegetation dries out. Crops shrivel.There
that over250 000 people died in Somalia. More than
may be nothing to eat or drink. The result is famine. Thousands may die.
half were children.

Adapting to the dimate: farming

Growing crops
Most people in the Horn of Africa depend on the land to survive.
People grow crops in this area. For example wheat
They grow crops, or rear animals, or both. Look at this map:
and other grains, coffee, cotton, sugar, bananas.
Some rear animals too.

Rearing animals

Some crops are grown here, but it's mostly too dry.
So people rear animals: goats, sheep, cattle, camels.

In dry seasons, people travel with their animals to

find food for them: grass and leaves. They take their
homes with them. They are nomads.

▲ Farming in the Hom ofAfrica.

Look at the coffee farming areas in Ethiopia. Coffee is Ethiopia's

top export. You will find out about growing coffee in Unit 7.4.
And Unit 7.5 is about life as a nomad.

But not everyone farms. In later units you'll read about other
ways people earn a living.

1 Overall, it is warm to hot in the Horn of Africa. Why? Compare the patterns in maps A and C.
(Look for it, and the Equator, on the map on page 141.) a What similarities do you notice?
b See if you can explain any similarities you find.


What does map Ashow?

n cr

Which place is cooler, V or W? 7 Now compare the patterns in maps B and C.

Explain why it’s cooler there. (Page 120 may help.) Explain any similarities you notice.

What does map B show? Map D is about farming. Compare the patterns in maps

Give the annual rainfall range at: i X ii Y and D. If you find similarities, try to explain them.
Which place, X or Y, is in a very dry area?

a The climate in some parts of the Hom of Africa can lead

Which statement is true, for the Horn of Africa? to great suffering. Explain why.
A Overall, the upland areas get a lot of rain. b See if you can explain why young children suffer most.
B Overall, the upland areas are very dry. 10 Look again at map D. There are strips around Z, where
Map C shows population density. Explain what that is. people grow crops. Try to explain this pattern. (Page 120?)
7.4 Coffee farming in Ethiopia
Not far from you, just now, someone is drinking Ethiopian coffee.
Find out about coffee farming here.

The home of coffee

Ethiopia is the home of coffee. The story is that over
1000 years ago, a goatherd noticed that the red berries on
a certain tree made his goats very frisky!

Today, coffee is Ethiopia's top export. Around 15 million

Ethiopians depend on it, directly or indirectly, for a living.

The life of a coffee farmer

Almost all of Ethiopia's coffee is grown on small family
farms. Many of the farmers have got together and formed
groups called co-operatives, to sell their coffee.

▲ Abel and his friends. (He's the one in the

Abel's story
middle.) They are coffee farmers too. That's
I have about 700 coffee trees, and now it's picking time. My wife helps. And his house.
the older children too - they stay out of school. You pick the cherries when
they're red. So we go up and down, up and down, looking for red ones.

We carry the sacks on our backs to the co-op store. It's about 10 km away.
They weigh them and give me a receipt.Then they put them in the pulping
machine to get the coffee beans out. I collect my money.

I never know in advance how much I'll earn. Sometimes it's so little I cry.
Because it means no shoes for the children, or school uniforms, or pencils.
And no medicine if they're sick.

Last year I got 20 birr a kilo for the cherries. (That's 66 pence.) I had 1050 kilos
so I got 21 000 birr. (That's £690.) Not much for a year's hard work, is it?

I suppose we're lucky. We grow maize and beans for the family, and avocados
and ginger to sell in the market. I plant them between the coffee trees. I don't
know how we'd survive without them. We'd starve!

▲ Each cherry contains two coffee beans.

They can be extracted by machine, or by
letting the beans soak.

“id you know?

?o \lttakssal^st
30 (0^ beans to makea
Did you know?

Coffee cherries
CUP Of coffee.
are fruit.
* that's 15
c°ffee cherries'

◄ After the coffee beans are extracted and dried, they

are checked by hand. Some are rejected. All that work, to
bring us a cup of coffee I
roasted coffee
The best coffee
in the worlc|!


▲ Coffee beans ready forexport. They go to the port in Djibouti. A The beans are roasted before they're sold to make coffee.

Black gold
Around 2 billion cups of coffee are drunk every day, around the world.
Shoppers spend about £50 billion a year on coffee. It is one of the world's most
valuable crops. They call coffee black gold I

But most of Ethiopia's coffee farmers are poor. Why ? There are many reasons.
Here are two:

Other countries grow coffee too. The more coffee there is, the lower the

price, and the less the farmers get.That's how the world market works!

Four big companies buy up about half of the coffee beans grown around

the world. They push for the lowest price they can, to make more profit.
They don't worry too much about the farmers.

But there's hope!

Many coffee co-ops in Ethiopia have joined the Fair Trade movement.
They sell their coffee beans directly to smaller coffee companies, who pay a fair
price - plus a bit extra to help the farmers'communities. For example, to help
them build a new school, or dig a well. Then, in the shops, many shoppers are A Fair Trade coffee from Ethiopia.
happy to pay a bit extra for FairTrade coffee, to help the farmers. Look at the Fair Trade logo.

Your turn

1 Use maps D, A and B in Unit 7.3 to help you decide The price the coffee farmers receive per kilo of beans
which statement is true. changes every year. Try to explain why
A Coffee grows best in a very hot dry climate. b What problems might this cause for the farmers?
B Coffee trees need warmth, but also quite a lot of rain. Do you think it would be better for Ethiopia if the farmers
2 Suppose you buy some Ethiopian coffee in a supermarket. grew food instead of coffee? Give your reasons.
Many people have played a part in bringing it to you. Now ... design an advert for a Facebook page, for Fair Trade
See how many you can list. Start with coffee farmer. coffee. Be persuasive!
7.5 Life as a nomad
Read about the nomads, who travel with their animals
to find grazing.

Sanyo's day
My day starts early. I get up at dawn, and help my husband, Madar, to
milk the camels. He likes to sing to them first!

I give the children camel milk, and maize porridge. Then Madar and the boys
take the animals off to graze. We have 4 camels and 65 goats, so we're doing
okay - at least for now.

A lot of my day goes in fetching water from the well, and searching for
firewood. Later, I'll bake bread and make goat stew. After sunset, we go to
bed. We have only one torch for light.

Tomorrow Madar will walk about 25 km to the town, and sell two goats in
the market. He'll buy maize and other things we need. And next day we'll
pack up the hut and load the camels and head off to the next place.
X ■
No, it's not an easy life. The rains are such a worry. Madar would hate to settle
down in one place - but I'd like the children to go to school. I hear there are
special schools for nomads now. Maybe we will find one. ▲ Safiyo's portable home Somalia.

Who and where are the nomads?

Nomads are people who rear animals, and travel with them to find grazing.

In the Horn of Africa, nomads live in the dry areas, where there's too little rain
for crops, and the land is not fertile. They follow the rain, because wherever it
falls, grass and other vegetation grow.

There are at least 10 million nomads in the Horn - and perhaps many more.
Over half the population of Somalia are nomads.

▲ Safiyo's kitchen.

◄ At the well. Nomads depend on wells

and seasonal rivers for themselves and their
animals. (Seasonal rivers flow in
the rainy season.)


▲ Offagain. The camel carries the hut. It might take two weeks or A Many families in the Horn ofAfrica are semi-nomadic.
more to reach the next grazing place. A family may stay in one place They stay in a village like this one and grow some crops, while
for a few months, ifgrazing is good. the men of the family travel with the animals.

Enterprising people...
By moving around, following the rains, the nomads do something amazing.
They turn poor land, and natural vegetation, into meat and milk. Enough to live
on themselves - and sell to other people.

Thanks mainly to the nomads, countries of the Horn officially export hundreds
of thousands of pounds'worth of animals each year. There are unofficial exports
too, because the nomads ignore borders. They move between countries of the
Horn, and down to Kenya, and sell their animals in different places.

...and a tough life ▲ A school for nomads in Somalia.

The teacher travels with them. The children go
Many factors make the nomads' lives more difficult. Here are three:
to school in the morning and herd animals in
Unreliable rains. Without rain, their animals cannot survive. Sadly, the rains the afternoon.

fail every few years in the drier parts of the Horn of Africa.

Conflict. For example Somalia had civil war for over 20 years, and peace is

still fragile there.

♦ • •. we were
Competition for grazing. Often too many nomads turn up in the same area.

all nomads?
That means less food for their animals. It often leads to fights.

Why do people become nomads? When there is drought, nomads really suffer. Why?
Imagine you are a nomad, like Safiyo and her family. In Nomads are very important to the Horn of Africa. Why?
what ways might life be difficult? List as many as you can. What would be helpful for students to learn, in nomad school?
(Think about washing? cooking? rain? illness? ... and more.) Write a list. (No silly suggestions!)
Fetching firewood and water is hard work, for Safiyo and What if all the nomads decide to settle down? See how many
other nomads. Why? (Some of the photos may help.) consequences you can predict. (Both good and bad.)
___________________ ____ ______________ /
Working as a salt miner
This is about mining salt in Ethiopia, in one of the world's
most hostile environments.

Salt in the Danakil Depression

This map shows the Danakil Depression. As you saw on
page 121 it is low: over 100 m below sea level. And it's one
of the hottest and most hostile places on Earth.

In the past, when sea levels rose, the Red Sea flooded the
depression. Then when they fell again, the trapped water
evaporated, leaving thick beds of salt.

Today, most of Ethiopia's salt is mined from these beds by

hand - just as it has been for many centuries.

Dejen's day
Dejen whacks his pickaxe into the ground, breaking the salt into slabs.
Someone else will follow him, levering the slabs out with wooden poles.
Others cut and shape them into neat blocks.

The sun blasts down. It is over 50°C. There is no shade.The ground burns
through his sandals. Dejen is used to it. He has been mining salt since he
was 16. But sometimes he think of Yonas, who died from the heat last year.

That's it! The camel master has enough salt to load up the camels. He pays
Dejen 150 birr for his work (about £5). Now they'll head back to Hamed Ela,
the village two hours walk away. That's where Dejen lives. He'll go home
and rest. At dawn tomorrow he'll be back here, hired by someone else.

Meanwhile, the salt caravan will carry on towards Berahile, over two days'
walk away. The camel master will sell the salt to a salt merchant in Berahile.
It will go by truck to Mekele, the centre of the salt trade - and from there,
all over Ethiopia. ▲ Dejen at work. By the end ofhis day, his
feet feel like they're on fire.

Did you know?

* ln the Danakil
D^ion, there are
dbout2° 000 camels
Worl<ing in the
salt trade. IDid you know?
* 'nEthi°Pia, blocks of
Sa t Were once used as

◄ Cutting and shaping the salt

into blocks.
◄ The salt caravan. It is heading back to
Berahile, the camels loaded with salt.

V Sometimes guards travel with the caravans,

to protect them from bandits. Those leaves are
khat, for chewing. (It's banned in many countries.)

A worry for Dejen

One thing worries Dejen. There is talk of building a paved road all the way
from Berahile to Hamed Ela. It would follow the route in the photo above.
And one day, trucks may take the road, with machinery to mine the salt. There
will be no need for him and his pick axe, or the camels. What will he do then ?

The Afar (the ethnic group) control the salt flats. They collect a tax for each
camel passing through Hamed Ela. They say they will not allow machinery in.
Ever. They will fight it to the bitter end. But what if they fail?

Ten million years from now...

Ten million years from now, nobody will worry about the salt beds - because
they will be under water!

Why? Because the Danakil Depression and AfarTriangle are slowly sinking.
They are in the part of Africa where Earth's crust is being torn apart. In time
the ocean will flood in. A big chunk of East Africa will be cut off from the rest
of Africa. It will become an island.
▲ The blue strip down East Africa shows
We can tell this is happening from all the earthquakes and volcanic activity in where ocean will flood in, millions ofyears from
the area. You will find out more about it later in your course. now. The result: a big new island.

Your turn

There is a lot of salt in the Danakil Depression. Look at the main photo at the top of this page. Imagine you
Where did it come from? are in that place. What do you see? Describe it.
The highest temperature ever recorded in the UK: 38.5 °C. How might a paved road to Hamed Ela change Dejen’s life?
Now imagine you are doing Dejen’s job, in over 50°C. Try to think of both positive and negative impacts.
How does it feel? Write a paragraph. Make it gripping! (For example, would it be easier to get fresh food?)
Why is salt so important? See how many of its uses you can One day, far off in the future, most of the Horn of Africa will
list. (For one thing, livestock need to eat some salt.) be part of a new long thin island. Explain why.
7.7 Life on the coast

KJ The Horn of Africa has a long stretch ofcoastline.

Find out about earning a living on the coast.

capital city and port

E • □
A long coastline
capital city
Look at the coastline of the Horn of Africa. It is long! Around
5600 km. Somalia has the longest coastline in Africa.

The map shows the main ports. Only Ethiopia is landlocked.

So it has no port. It uses the port at Djibouti.

By the Law of the Sea, a coastal country has rights to the sea
and sea floor up to 200 nautical miles (370 km) from its coastline.
This area is called its exclusive economic zone or EEZ.

A country can stop other countries fishing in its EEZ, or

exploring for oil, for example.

The coast: a natural resource

The coastline of the Horn of Africa has some beautiful beaches.
And sunshine. And coral reefs, where you can snorkel and dive.
So the coastal countries could earn a lot from tourism.

Their waters are rich in fish, including tuna, swordfish, and lobster,
which people pay a lot for. So they could earn a lot from fishing.

But Eritrea and Somalia have had few tourists. Their fishing
industries are run down. That's because of years of conflict in
these countries. (Djibouti has been doing better, as you'll see in
Unit 7.9.)

However, one group of people did work hard along the coast.
They were pirates!

See the next page for more. Then try'Your turn'.

▲ Swordfish: worth a lot.

Which countries of the Horn have coastlines? The coastline of the Horn of Africa could attract lots of
Think about the advantages of having a coastline. tourists. But not many have visited it. Why not?
List as many as you can. The ocean off Somalia is always a busy place for shipping.
See if you can explain why. Map B on page 134 may help.

Ethiopia is landlocked. What does that mean?


Which port does Ethiopia use to export its coffee? Now think about those pirates.
What does EEZ stand for? a What made the fishermen become pirates, at first?
Why is an EEZ very important, for a coastal country? b More and more people became pirates. Why? Give as

Do you think the UK has one? (Yes? No? Maybe?) many reasons as you can. (For example, is Somalia rich?)
Piracy off the Horn of Africa
Before 1991, many people on the coast of Somalia earned a living from

In 1991, civil war broke out in Somalia.The country fell apart. Foreign fishing
boats seized the chance to fish illegally in Somalian waters. They came from
as far away as Korea and Japan.

The fishermen fight back

Some fishermen were angry that the fish were being taken. So they armed
themselves. They surrounded illegal fishing boats, and fined them.

News spread about this quick way to make money, and others joined in -
fishermen, and ex-soldiers, and people who could use GPS to track ships.
Soon, all kinds of ships were being hijacked and held to ransom.

A very profitable business

Between 2005 and 2012, pirates collected around £257 million in ransom
money. A pirate could earn up to £47 000 in a single hijacking.

Business people invested in the pirates, buying them faster boats and better
weapons. In return, they got a share of the ransom. Spies in other countries
told the pirates about ships on the way.

Shipping protects itself

Large ships travelling near the Horn began to carry armed guards. Warships
▲ Pirates guard a hijacked ship in 2008.
from several countries now patrol the area. It seems to work.There were
The crew are on deck because the US Navy
only a couple of hijackings in 2013, plus a few failed attempts.
asked to see if they were okay.

Peace-and fishing?
By 2013, a fragile peace had returned to Somalia. People hope it will last.

Piracy could start up again at any time. People say the only way to end it is
to develop the fishing industry, and export the fish, so that they can earn a
decent living. Now there are plans to do just that.

▲ Hands up! Pirates surrender in 2011.

The men in the grey boat are part of a
special force formed to fight piracy.

•< A big catch: the Sirius Star, an oil tanker

from Saudi Arabia, was hijacked in 2009.
The parachute is dropping ransom money -
3 million dollars.
7.8 In the city: Addis Ababa
Like every city in the world, Addis Ababa is a place of contrasts.
Find out more here.

Introducing Addis
Addis Ababa is Ethiopia's capital city, and the biggest city in the Horn of Africa.
It has a population of around 4.2 million. (So it's half the size of London.)

Addis has a special status in Africa. Many international organizations are based
here. One is the African Union, which represents 53 African countries. Its aim is
to promote peace in Africa, and improve people's lives.

▲ Addis has houses like this one...

▲ 4 view of the city, looking towards the centre.

What's it like?
Addis Ababa is on high land: over 2300 metres above sea level.

You'll see fine buildings, and shopping malls, and modern blocks of flats.
And all kinds of businesses.
It is growing fast. The population increases over 140 000 people a year.

It has lots of people with no work: over a quarter of the workforce.

And think about this: the government owns all the land, and over half of the
houses, which it rents out. (The government owns all land in Ethiopia.)

The housing problem

Addis has one big problem: slums. In fact over 75% of the city counts as slums.

The slums are mostly run-down housing which the government rents out at
very low rent. There are also thousands of shacks people built illegally.

Life in a slum is not easy. You may have to queue for water at a tap in the street.
You will share smelly toilets - holes in the ground - with many households.
There will be lots of rubbish, since there are no bin men in the slums to collect it.
And your roof might leak ... »

► ... and many like these...


Next stop,
the market.

▲ You'll see a lot of these in Addis: share taxis. The weyela (conductor) ▲ You'll see a lot of shoeshine boys too. Mebrete is fourteen. He
shouts out the destination, and takes your money. started polishing shoes when he was eleven.

But the good news is...

The good news is: the government is building hundreds of
thousands of cheap new flats for slum dwellers to buy, and
clearing the slums away.

You put your name on a list, and the new flats are awarded
by lottery.You could be lucky!

Di<l you know.

you know?
♦ 4 hundred years
a9°, Britain had some

* lta<y tried'
▲ Up go new flats for slum dwellers.

Your turn

Where in Ethiopia is Addis Ababa? Addis gains over 140 000 more people a year. They mostly
Study the photos of Addis Ababa on page 132. arrive from rural areas. What kinds of problems could this
Then write down four things you notice about the city. cause for the city?

Now see how much you can say about the climate of Addis, Look at the photo at the bottom of page 132. Why might
from maps A and B on page 122. people build shacks like those?

The government owns over half of the housing in Addis It will cost a lot of money to clear away the slums in Addis.
Ababa, and charges low rents. Would this be a good idea for Why should the government bother? Give as many reasons
the UK? See if you can give pros and cons. as you can.
7. 1 Djibouti: a great location
Here you can learn more about the smallest country in the Horn of Africa.

What's it like?
4- Djibouti is a tiny country: not much bigger than
Wales, and with fewer people than Birmingham.

It is mostly hot and dry, and is mostly semi-desert.

❖ Its capital city is also called Djibouti, and around

70% of the population lives there.
❖ About 77% of the population is urban. Most of
the rest are nomads. main cities and towns
□ capital (-630 000 people)
Djibouti has few natural resources. (Salt is one of
• 20 000-50 000 people
them.) But it has one big advantage: its location.
° 10 000 - 20 000 people

A great location
Djibouti sits at the entrance to the Red Sea. Look at map B.
F Mediterranean
About half of the world's container shipping passes along the Red Sea, on
journeys from Africa and Asia to Europe and back.

And that's how Djibouti earns money.The city has a port where ships can
Red Sea-
load and unload cargo, and get fuel. It acts as the main port for Ethiopia.

Other countries like its location too. France and the USA have military bases <
in Djibouti. And warships from several other countries are based there, to ATLANTIC
fight piracy in the Indian Ocean. Djibouti earns money from all of them.

For the internet too...

It's not just shipping. Djibouti is a hub for phone and internet traffic too.
It partly owns the cables that lie along the bed of the Red Sea, linking
major shipping
Europe to Africa and Asia. The cables have landing stations at Djibouti. route

A Early morning view of Djibouti, the capital city of Djibouti. ▲ Waiting for their ship, at the Port of Djibouti.
▲ In the market in the capital city. The fruit and vegetables were ▲ Djibouti exports salt from Lake Assal. It is the world's largest salt
grown in Djibouti. reserve. It sits at the lowest point in Africa.

The challenges it faces

Djibouti can't grow much food, since it is mostly
semi-desert. Some fruit and vegetables are grown
there, but most food is imported.

So most people earn a living by providing services.

(Many are linked to shipping.) But unemployment is
very high. Over half of the workforce has no work.

And that means poverty. About 75% of Djiboutians

live in poverty - and over 40% are very poor.
$ t
This is a big challenge for the government.To help create
jobs, it is making the port bigger. It is welcoming tourists.
And it has invited foreign banks in. It plans to become the
financial centre for the Horn.
A Over you go / Tourists on a diving trip off the coast ofDjibouti.
Meanwhile, it's spending more on education for its young
Tourism helps to createjobs.
people, to give them the skills for work.

Your turn

1 This is about Djibouti. But some words are jumbled, and In spite of its great location, Djibouti does have some
some are incomplete. Write out the paragraph correctly. problems. List them.
Djibouti is the llesstam country in the Horn of Africa. It is in A good education for its young people will help Djibouti.
a brilliant tiolocan. It sits where the G of meets See if you can explain why. (And is the same true for the UK?)
the R S . So it can earn a lot of yemon from spish.

Tourism will bring jobs to Djibouti. See how many kinds of jobs |
2 Now see if you can draw a sketch map, with labels and you can list, linked to tourism. (For example, taxi drivers?)
notes, to explain why its location is so important for Djibouti.

Now... design an advert for a business magazine, to attract

Decide for yourself what you need to show.
companies to Djibouti. .
-------------- W------------------->
How is the Hom of Africa doing ?
Here you'll explore some data, to compare the countries of the
Horn with each other... and with the UK.

Using data to compare countries

Data means facts and figures. Using data to compare countries is like being
a detective. You can learn a lot - and it's fun!

This table gives some data about the countries of the Horn, and the UK.

Djibouti Eritrea Ethiopia Somalia UK

Population (millions) 0.9 5.9 85.2 9.8 64

% aged Mor under 34 41 44 44 17

% living in towns and cities 77 21 17 38 80

How long a new baby is likely to live for (years) 62 63 60 51 80

% of population with access to clean safe water 92 61 44 29 100

What % of workforce are farmers? under 30 80 85 71 1.4

GDP per person (PPP) (in dollars) $2700 $800 $1200 $600 $37 500

GDP per person (PPP)

No bee No hcmevj H
Look at the last row in the table. It tells us how well off the countries are.
GDP per person (PPP) may sound difficult. It's not really!

4 GDP stands for gross domestic product.This can be found by adding up Mo fcaWJigiTje
how much everyone in the country earns in a year. It is given in dollars. No love Ntj Fe-fite
GDP divided by the population gives you GDP per person. NoVtorK No Money

A dollar can buy more in one country than another. So next, GDP per person
is adjusted, to allow for this.The result is GDP per person (PPP). It lets you
compare countries fairly. (PPP stands for purchasing power parity.)

Clues from GDP per person (PPP)

If GDP per person (PPP) is low, it is a sign that a country is poor, overall.
Outside a primary school in Eritrea.
So if you go there, you are likely to find that:

4 many people have no electricity in their homes.

* many have no piped water. They fetch water from a well, or a river.

many have no access to a proper toilet or latrine,

many do not get enough food to stay healthy.

* there are not enough doctors, or clinics, or hospitals.

a large number of people are unemployed, or underemployed.

You will find that people are poorest in rural villages.
But remember: even in the very poorest countries, there are some rich people.

► Many countries (including the UK) give aid to the Horn ofAfrica.
Aid can take many forms. This doctor is part of a Chinese team
providing medical care in Djibouti.
k An oil rig set up by a Canadian company in Somalia, to explore for ▲ A Chinese company set up this shoe factory in Ethiopia,
it This photo was taken on an open day in 2012. not far from Addis Ababa. It employs 2000 people.

how are the countries of the Horn doing ?


the countries of the Horn of Africa are not well off. You can tell from

low GDP per person (PPP) values.

are many causes of poverty. You will look at them later in your course,
r these countries, one factor is the years of conflict they have suffered.

good news is...

7 may be poor today- but the good news is that the countries of the Horn
developing quite fast, and especially Ethiopia. All these play a part.

More and more factories are opening. (Primark, Tesco, and Asda all have
clothing made in factories in Ethiopia.)
Companies are exploring for oil and gas, with high hopes of finding them.

Education and healthcare are improving, with help from other countries.

Roads and railways are being improved. ▲ His mobile allows this cattle trader to

The use of mobile phones and the internet is spreading fast. check cattle prices in different places.

Your turn

See if you can pick outtwo rows from the table, that show In one country in the table, only 29 people out of every 100

big contrast between the UK and the Horn of Africa. have access to clean safe water. Which country?
GDP per person (PPP) gives us an idea of how well off the Many people in the Horn of Africa are unemployed. Many are
people in a country are, on average, underemployed. See if you can explain the difference.
a What is its value for: i Somalia? ii Djibouti? iii the UK? Conflict can make a country worse off. Try to explain why.
b It is bigger for the UK than for Somalia. How many times

How could this help a country in the Horn of Africa?

a finding oil and gas b new factories opening
In which countries of the Horn is life expectancy less than better roads and railways d better healthcare
65 years? (Glossary?)
Look at the message on the wall, in the photo on page 136.
Which Horn country has the highest % for urban population? Then write a similar message to suit your school. <
Ordnance Survey Symbols

ROADS AND PATHS 1:25000 LAND FEATURES 1:25 000 and/or 1:50 000 TOURIST INFORMATION 1:25 000 and/or 1:50 000

[J Parking
Motorway Buildings
Dual carriageway
Public building Q Visitor centre
A 30
Main road
B3074 Bus or coach station
Secondary road
Narrow road with passing places i Place C with tower
H Information centre

Road under construction i of Worship J with spire, minaret or dome

Road generally more than 4 m wide (current or |
+ J former) I without such additions sports centre
Road generally less than 4 m wide
© Chimney or tower C Telephone
Other road, drive or track, fenced and unfenced
Gradient: steeper than 1 in 5; 1 in 7 to 1 in 5 & Glass structure
X CTh Campsite/
Ferry; Ferry P - passenger only ZX M Caravan site
(Fj) Heliport
a Triangulation pillar
Go f course or links
X Mast
* f Wind pump/wind turbine
A*^ Viewpoint
1:25 000 1:50 000
Bridleway Graticule intersection PC Public convenience (toilet)
Byway open to all traffic
Restricted bridleway
...... ir.m Cutting, embankment
Picnic site

RAILWAYS 1:25000 Quarry

0) Pub/s
Multiple track Spoil heap, refuse tip or dump
Single track

Narrow gauge/Light rapid transit system Coniferous wood Cathedra l/Abbey

Non-coniferous wood
Road over; road under; level crossing

Mixed wood Museum

Cutting; tunnel; embankment

Station, open to passengers; siding Orchard

Park or ornamental ground
s v Castle/fort

Forestry Commission access land Building of historic

County, Unitary Authority, Metropolitan District or
London Borough £B7 National Trust - always open

English Heritage
National Park

National Trust, limited access,

HE1GHTS/ROCK FEATURES 1:50 000 observe local signs

National Trust for Scotland


Contour lines Nature reserve

■144 Spot height to the nearest

metre above sea level AL Water activities

ABBREVIATIONS 1:: 25000 and 1: 50000

PO/P Post office PC Public convenience (rural areas)
PH Public house TH Town Hall, Guildhall or equivalent
MS Milestone Sch School Other tourist feature
MP Milepost Coll College
CH Clubhouse Mus Museum
CG Cattlegrid Cerny Cemetery
WATER FEATURES 1:25 000 and/or 1:50000
Fm Farm Hosp Hospital

ANTIQUITIES 1:25 000 and 1:50 000 Marsh or salting Slopes

r-y .Towpath Lock Low water mark

Roman Battlefield (with date) Lighthouse (in use)


villa Aqueduct"
Weir-5^" Normal tidal limit A Beacon
Non-Roman Visible earthwork

• O Hfirfoo A Lighthouse (disused) „. ,

13x0 Footbridge ^hl.n8!c..
======== Canal (dry)

Map of the British Isles

• red labels show places and

Key rivers you study in this book Shetland
international boundary

national boundary


A highest point in the UK

towns •John o'Groats

largest cities

large cities and towns

Land height
measured in metres above sea level
more than 1000 m
500-1000 m

>*,ns 7
River Dee ^Aberdeen
200 - 500 m
100-200 m
less than 100 m Ap*’ Dundee
land below sea level 6 SCOTLAND *
z Loch
Lomond .

Glasgow® •
NORTHERN Edinburgh
1ILLS iWarkworth

fl/ver •uponTyne North
Tyne • Sunderland Sea

Be fast r Stockton-on-Tees
DISTRICT Gos ••Middlesbrough
Bradford #.
NORTH Corrib wpreston •
Blackpool# •Preston %
• ’Leeds®
Irish Sea looHc #upon-Hull
ATLANTIC Huddersfield#
OCEAN \>"ey •Dublin
Bolton® Manchester
Anglesey Liverpool* ^Stockport
Warrington®-^1 •Sheffield
R. Dee yStokj-on-Trent
□ .•. • Nottingham
O SAiton Toyvers Derby 3
Cardigan f* . Jelford® Walsall #Leicester _
Bay *
• FEN^ Norwich
Wolyerhampton •■Birmingham fPew^b^High
WALES | Dudley # #Coventry
^Solihull ^Northampton
Rivd* ft Ipswich
p|Ver R,v*'Cb •Milton Keynes '’®oU^v
BEACONS <$Z# Luton
• Newport J
Basildon Southend-
Swansea Cardiff* • London • Son-Sea
Scale 1:4 500 000
Reading# ■
NORTH Bristol Channel J Bristol SALISBURY
One centimetre on the map represents PLAIN
45 kilometres on the ground. ATLANTIC EXMOOR

0 180 km
Southampton O</fy Oq


90 135

<t Bournemouth * * •5
Poole## Portsmouth Brighton
Transverse Mercator Projection
• # Torbay Isle of Wight
End 139
international boundary
Map of the world
capital city
“id you know?
* EarthM600 million
E FYROM (FormerYugoslav years old.
Republic of Macedonia)
* Weighs 6000 million


mill>on million
z JZ §



CO C/5 C/5

! " I"

> ?




Equatorial Scale 1: 95 000 000


American Samoa *

fmxti \ (
* fftl •La Paz

Falkland K (U.K)
• r •Bunley

America OCEAN

The continents and oceans

Amazing-buttrue! World champions
Nearly 70% of Earth is covered by saltwater. Largest continent - Asia
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Nearly 1/3 is covered by the Pacific Ocean. Longest river-The Nile, Africa
10% of the land is covered by glaciers. Highest mountain on land - Everest, Nepal
20% of the land is covered by deserts. Highest mountain in the ocean - Mauna, Hawai
Largest desert - Sahara, North Africa
♦ Largest ocean - Pacific







NS r

CHAD •Saipan


Uuiu Lumpur




Canberra •


, MMllingnin


you know?
The world has'
0Ver 190 countries
Over 7 billion people
over 6000 different

□ geological timescale - it shows the time since

abrasion - scraping away material drumlin - a long smooth hill shaped like the

abstract - pump out water to be used as a back of a spoon, created by a glacier Earth began
water supply (from a river or aquifer) geologist - a scientist who studies rocks,

aerial photo - a photo taken from the air earthquake - the shaking of Earth's crust, earthquakes, and so on
caused by sudden rock movement glacier - a river of ice
aquifer - underground rock that holds a large
amount of fresh water economic - about money and business glacial - to do with glaciers

arete - a sharp ridge, shaped by a glacier economy - all the business activity going on glaciated - covered by glaciers, now or in the
in a country; if more goods and services past
asteroid - large chunks of rock that orbit the
are being produced and sold, we say the global warming - the rise in average
Sun; it is thought that they are material left
over when planets formed
economy is growing temperatures around the world
economic migrants - people who move to a
asylum seeker - a person who flees to another gorge - a narrow valley with steep sides
country for safety, and asks for permission to new place to find work, and to improve their
standard of living gravity - the force of attraction that holds
stay there planets in the solar system, and holds us on
EEZ - exclusive economic zone; the area off a Earth
atmosphere - the layer of gas around Earth
country's coast, where only that country has
grazing - land with grass and other vegetation,
the right to fish, explore for oil, and so on
where animals can feed
bedload - stones and other fragments that roll embankment - a bank of earth or concrete
or bounce along a river bed grid reference - a set of numbers, or numbers
built up on a river bank, to stop the river
flooding and letters, that tells you where to find
Big Bang - the explosion of energy that led to
something on a map
the formation of the Universe emigrant - a person who leaves his or her own
ground moraine - the material a glacier drops
biome - a very large area with a similar climate country to settle in another country
all over the ground when it melts
throughout, and similar plants, and animals eon - the biggest block of time in the
groundwater - rainwater that has soaked
geological timescale
down through the ground and filled up the
capital city - the city where the country's Equator - an imaginary line around the middle
cracks in the rock below
government is based of Earth (at 0° latitude)
gulf - a large area of ocean that is partly
climate - what the weather in a place is usually erosion - the wearing away of rock, stones and
enclosed by land
like, over the year soil by rivers, waves, wind or glaciers

condense - to change from gas to liquid erratic - a large rock that's different from the □
types of rock around it; it was carried there hanging valley - a valley that hangs above a
confluence - where two rivers join larger one; if it has a river, the water will pour
by a glacier
continent - one of Earth's great land masses; down to the larger valley as a waterfall
evaporation - the change from liquid to gas
there are seven continents Homo sapiens - our species; there were other
evolution - the process by which new species
contour line-line on a map joining places that species of humans before us
of living things develop
are the same height above sea level hydroelectricity - electricity generated when
exploit - to make use of a place, or people, or
country - humans have divided continents into flowing water drives a turbine
things, for your own benefit
political units called countries
core - the inner layer of Earth, made mainly of 13 ice age - a time when Earth's average
iron plus a little nickel famine - when food is scarce; people may
temperature was lower than usual, and
corrie - a hollow where a glacier started; corries
starve to death
glaciers spread
are also called cirques, and cwms flash flood - a sudden flood usually caused by
ice shelf - a sheet of ice that is attached to
crags - steep rugged cliffs
a very heavy burst of rain
land, but floats on the ocean
flood - an overflow of water from the river
crust-the thin outer layer of Earth, made of immigrant - a person who moves here from
rock flood defences - structures built to prevent another country, to live
flooding; for example an embankment
impermeable - does not let water pass
floodplain - flat land around a river that gets through
deposit - to drop material; rivers deposit
flooded when the river overflows
sediment as they approach the sea independence - when a country governs itself;
fossil fuel - coal, oil, natural gas the European colonies in Africa fought for
depression - an area of sunken land
freeze-thaw weathering - where water independence
desertification - where land is being turned
freezes in cracks in rock, making them Industrial Revolution - the period (about
into desert, often through overuse
bigger; eventually the rock breaks up 1760 - 1840) when many new machines
DN A - deoxyribonucleic acid; it forms the were invented, and many factories built
fresh water - the water found in rivers, lakes,
genes that tell our cells how to develop
wells, and streams; it is not salty infiltration - soaking into the ground
drought - there is less rain than usual, so there
is not enough water for our needs s international - to do with more than one
galaxy - a group of billions of stars

invader - enters a country to attack it OS maps - detailed maps of places drawn by source - the starting point of a river

irrigate - to water crops the Ordnance Survey, to scale sparsely populated - not many live there

species - a type of plant or animal

land bridge - land that is exposed when sea

permeable - lets water soak through spot height - the exact height, in metres, at a
levels fall; people can walk across it persecute - to punish or treat cruelly (for spot on an OS map (look for a number)

landform - a feature formed by erosion or example because of race or religion) stereotyped - about fixed opinions people
deposition (for example a gorge) plan - a map of a small area (such as the school, have, that do not reflect reality
or a room) drawn to scale striations - grooves in rock, caused by
lateral moraine - the material a glacier
deposits along the sides of its route plateau - an area of fairly flat high land abrasion when glaciers flowed over it

latitude - how far a place is north or south of plunge pool - deep pool below a waterfall suspension - small particles of rock and soil
the Equator; it is measured in degrees carried along in a river
population - the number of people living in a
lava - melted rock from a volcano place
leeward - sheltered from the wind population density - the average number of tarn - lakes in corries are often called tarns in
people living in a place, per square kilometre the Lake District
life expectancy - how many years a new baby
can expect to live for, on average precipitation - water falling from the sky (as terminal moraine - the ridge of material
rain, sleet, hail, snow) dropped at the front of a melting glacier
local - to do with the area around you

longitude - how far a place is east or west of

prevailing winds - the ones that blow most till - a mixture of rocks, clay, sand and other
the Prime Meridian; it is measured in degrees often; in the UK they are south west winds sediment dropped by a glacier
(they blow from the south west) transport - to carry things along
long profile - the side view of a river from
source to mouth, showing how the slope Prime Meridian - an imaginary line that circles
tributary - a river that flows into a larger one
changes Earth from pole to pole; it is at 0° longitude
tundra - a cold region where the ground is
pyramidal peak - a sharp peak on a mountain,
EJ created by glacial erosion
deeply frozen; only the surface thaws in
summer, allowing small plants to grow
magma - melted rock below Earth's surface; at
the surface it is called lava □ El
mantle - the middle layer of Earth, between
rainforest - has lush vegetation, with many underemployed - has paid work, but not
the crust and the core different species of plants and animals
enough, or not making full use of skills
manufacturing - making things in factories refugee - a person who has been forced to flee
unemployed - has no paid work
from danger (for example from war)
mass extinction - when a large number of urban area - a built-up area (town or city)
ribbon lake - long thin lake in a trough created
species die off; for example because an ice U-shaped valley - a valley shaped like the
age arrives by glacial erosion
letter U, carved out by a glacier
river basin - the land from which water drains
meander - a bend in a river

media - forms of communication, such as TV,

into the river □
rural area - an area that is mainly countryside, valley - low land, with higher land on each
radio, newspapers, the internet
but may have villages and small towns side; it was carved out by a river or glacier
meltwater - water from a melting volcano
volcano - a place where melted rock erupts
mental map - a map you carry in your head
V-shaped valley - a valley shaped like the
savanna - has grassy plains with scattered
meteorite - a chunk of rock that lands on letter V, carved out by a river
Earth, from space
migrant - a person who moves to another part
scale - the ratio of the distance on a map to the E3
real distance water cycle - water evaporates from the sea,
of the country, or another country, often just
sediment - a layer of material (stones, sand falls as rain, and returns to the sea in rivers
to workfor a while
and mud) deposited by a river waterfall - where a river or stream flows over a
moraine - material deposited by a glacier
semi-desert - dry, and not much vegetation
steep drop
multicultural - has different ethnic groups
settlement - a place where people live; it could water table - the upper surface of
El be a hamlet, village, town or city groundwater
national - to do with the whole country (for water vapour - water in gas form
sewage works - where the waste liquid from
example the national anthem) our homes is cleaned up, before it is put back watershed - the dividing line between one river
nomad - a person who rears animals, and in the river basin and the next - usually a ridge of land
travels with them to find grazing sketch map - a simple map to show what a weather - the state of the atmosphere - for
North Atlantic Drift - a warm current in the place is like, or how to get there; it is not example how warm or wet it is
Atlantic Ocean; it keeps the weather on the drawn to scale weathering - the breaking down of rock,
west coast of Britain mild in winter slum - area of very poor housing caused mainly by the weather; it turns into
solar system - made up of our Sun, the soil in the end

oxbow lake - a lake formed when a loop in a planets, their moons, and asteroids and windward - facing into the wind
river gets cut off other floating objects

A G population density 54,
Addis Ababa 132-133 GDP per person (PPP) 136 precipitation 82
aerial photo 30 geological time scale 10-11 Prime Meridian 42
AfarTriangle 121,129 glacial landforms 67 - 75 Purley-on-Thames 97
Africa 102-115 glaciers 64 - 65,76 - 77

Alton Towers 40 global warming 19
Anfield, Liverpool 22,28 gorge 88 rainfall in UK 51
Antarctica 65,77 Great Britain 49 rainforest 115
atmosphere 16 grid references 32 - 33 Republic of Ireland 48
groundwater 83 ribbon lake 71

Rift Valley 120

Berahile, Ethiopia 128 River Coquet 30,39
Big Bang 6 Hamed Ela, Ethiopia 128 River Thames 80-81,90-91,96
Blue Nile 120 height (on OS map) 40 River Mole valley 32
British Isles 46,48 Himalayas 76 river channel 85
Horn of Africa 118-137 rivers 80-93
hot desert 114 rural area 55

channel (of river) 85 human geography 20

climate, in Horn of Africa 122
coffee farming in Ethiopia 124-125 salt mining in Ethiopia 76 - 77
colonies in Africa 105 ice age 62 savanna 115
compass points 36 ice sheets 64,65 scale 26,27
confluence 84 immigrant 52 sediment 86
continents 102 infiltration 83 semi-desert 114
contour lines 40-41 sewage treatment plant 92
corrie 68,69 sketch map 28,30

key (for map) 28,38,138 solar sytem 16

Somalia 118,130-131,

Dallol volcano 121 L spot height 40

Danakil Depression 121,128,129 Lake District 67,74 Sun 6,16
deposition by glaciers 67 landforms linked to glaciers 67 -75 surface runoff 83
deposition by rivers 86 landforms linked to rivers 88 - 89
desalination plant 93 life on Earth 7-9,17
direction 36 Liverpool 22, 28 throughflow 83
distance (on map) 34 London 58-59 transport of material, by glaciers 66
Djibouti 118,134-137 long profile 87 transport of material, by rivers 86
tributary 84
E M tropics 43
Earth 6,16-17 maps 22-43 tundra 62
Earth clock 12 meander 89
earthquakes 129 measuring distance (on map) 34 U
economy 56 mental maps 28-29 United Kingdom 48,44-57
embankments 98 migration from Africa 13 urban area 55
Environment Agency 99 migration to the British Isles 52 U-shaped valley 70
environmental geography 20 Milky Way 6
Equator 42 Mount Everest 76
Eritrea 118,136 V-shaped valley 70,88
erosion by glaciers 66 volcano 121
erosion by rivers 86 nomads 123,126-127
Erta Ale volcano 121 North Atlantic Drift 50 W
Ethiopia 118,124,136 Warkworth, Northumberland 30,39

Ethiopian Highlands 120 water cycle 82

evolution 7 Ogaden 121 water supply 92-93
OS maps 38-41,75,97 waterfall 88
F oxbow lake 89 watershed 84
flash flood 94 water table 83

flooding factors 95 water treatment plant 92

floodplain 84,94 physical geography 20 weather 50
floods 94-98 piracy 131 weathering 18
fossils 9,10 plan 26-27 woolly mammoth 62

4th edition
Did you know?
* ^^areglaae^^
every continent...
••andin more than 40
The geog.123 course has been fully revised to match the countries.
new National Curriculum at Key Stage 3.

4.1 Your place... 20000 years ago!

There was more land then!
Find out what your place was like, and why. 20000 years ago!
During hie ice age. 'water levels in the ocean were much
lower than today (Upto 120m lower} That's because so
It's time to travel
Climb into your time machine Press the button And whoosh!
much waler was locked up in ice 'he water drained away
from shallow parts of the ocean floor They became land Clear objectives
Travel back in time, lo see your place as it was 20 000 years ago Look at m<ipB It shows that when water levels were low,
the British Isles were joined to the rest of Europe1
Whal will you find > It depends on where in the UK you live!

What about people?

20000 years ago, there was nobody in Use British Isles
Wt> had turned up earlier in the ice age - '10000 years ago
We had walked here from other parts of Europe But as Rigorous and
the ice sheet spread it gol too cold for us, so we left
Then abou112 0C0 yea rs ago, when the ice sheet was
shrinking, we came back to the British Isles again
uniquely engaging
The animals
But there were animals here, 20000years
s. 5

woolly mammoths and hi son and Arctic I

survive (he lundia winter
And hi summer, when plants grew in the tundra, large
herds of reindeer and antelope arrived From other parts of
Great case studies
Europe to feed
If you live in ill e grey area, thereY no ice sheet But it has
been snowing, and it s very cold There are no humans - When the ice age ended
but you may see woolly mammoths, and bison1 As Earth warmed up again the ice melted The water levels
rose again, and cu t us off from the rest ot Europe,
Why was it like that? But the ice had changed the landscape - and we can still
Why was your place like that. 20 000 yeais ago' see the i esults today You'll find out more on later pages

because around 1 10 000 years ago. Earth gol colder and

cola er h ne»v ice age began. (There had been many

others before it‘)

Over time an ice sheet spread over much of northern
Europe and most of the British hies I ookal this map


and key


ft did not reach the grey areas Bur these were still very
cold.The ground was frozen deep down The surface
thawed only in summer, giving thin boggy soil Then small Activities
pienIs grew This type of environment is called tundra.
By 10 000 years ago, farlh had waimed upagain.The ice
«q« enM The ovw the anuth Mi me***: w*.
And today we have ice for only short times, m winter

geog.1 teachers handbook

ISBN 978 0 19 839308 5

geog.1 Kerboodle Lessons. Resources, & Assessment

ISBN 978 0 19 839311 5

geog.1 Kerboodle online student book Kerboodle provides digital Lessons,

ISBN 978 0 19 839314 6 Resources and Assessment for your
classroom, plus a Kerboodle Online
geog.1 workbook
Student Book available for separate
ISBN 978 0 19 839305 4
access by teachers and students.

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OXFORD How to get in touch:
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