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Zamboanga Peninsula Region IX
3rd Quarter Examination in Reading and Writing Skills 11
Directions: Read each question carefully and comprehensively. Choose the best answer and write the letter of your answer on the
1. ______ is one way of generating ideas by listing down ideas.
a. Outline b. bubble organizer c. venn diagram d. brainstorming
2. A _____ is used when you compare and contrast things.
a. Outline b. bubble organizer c. venn diagram d. brainstorming
3. What is the main purpose of exemplification?
a. offer solution b. provide clarification c. express ideas nicely d. discusses an issue
4. Which pattern of development involves specific observation?
a. Problem-solution b. narration c. description d. exemplification
5. Living with parents after marriage is being practical.
a. Claim of fact b. claim of value c. claim of policy d. claim
6. Which of the following statement is TRUE about brainstorming?
a. It is formal way of generating topics to write about. c. brainstorming can be done at the end of the witing
b. It is a kind of restricted association d. brainstorming creates new ideas and solves problems
7. Graphic organizers actively engage a wide variety of learners by integrating text and visual imagery. Which of the following is
NOT a benefit to the students?
a. Making it easy for students to classify ideas and communicate
b. Guiding students in demonstrating their thinking process
c. Helping students increase reading comprehension and writing composition ability
d. Encouraging students to organize essential concepts and ideas
8. What pattern of development explains why something happens?
a. Process analysis b. exemplification c. persuasion d. cause and effect
9. As mentioned, the definition can be developed in several ways. Which is NOT a method of definition?
a. By example b. by purpose c. by its origin d. by what it is similar to
10. Why is the process analysis essential in developing ideas?
a. It helps determine textual evidence c. it discusses a series of steps needed to achieve an end
b. It formulates a conclusion d. it is used in the decision-making process
11. To create a concept map, where do you begin and then jot down different ideas, points, facts related to or support your topic?
a. Middle part of the page b. upper right part of the page c. upper left of the page d. bottom part of the page
12. Students should wear their identification card inside the school campus. What type of claim is this?
a. Fact b. value c. policy d. argument
13. Advocates should heighten their call for gender equality in the workplace. What type of claim is this?
a. Claim c. value c. policy d. fact
14. It is the main argument presented by the author to the reader, which may be agreed upon or not.
a. Assertion b. counterclaim c. claim d. critical reading
15. Which of the following graphic organizers is applicable when you compare two elements?
a. Hierarchical topical organizer b. Venn diagram c. bubble organizer d. concept map
16. This refers to the statement you make to reflect your judgement and generalization about a text you have read.
a. Evaluative statement b. counter claim c. claim d. assertion
17. These are declarations made emphatically, especially as part of an argument or as if it is to be understood as a statement of fact.
a. Evaluative statement b. counter claim c. claim d. assertion
18. The new enrollee bulk in the nursing course because majority of the freshmen did so.
a. Slippery slope b. complex question c. straw man d. bandwagon
19. The janitor told the principal that it was the students’ fault.
a. False analogy b. accident c. anonymous authority d. hasty generalization
20. To create a ______, write your topic in the middle of the page then jot down different ideas, points, or facts related to the topic.
a. Concept map b. outline c. bubble organizer d. Venn diagram
21. The students still got low exam scores despite the effort that the teacher exerted, so the teacher went on a vacation.
a. Affirming the consequent b. irrelevant conclusion c. appeal to pity d. appeal to force
22. This pattern provides details on the idea by using a sensory or spatial pattern.
a. Definition b. description c. classification d. division
23. Which of the following is not a property of a well-written text?
a. Coherence and cohesion b. organization c. paragraphing d. writing mechanics
24. How do you understand logical fallacies?
a. Similarities b. highlights of the text c. errors in reasoning d. errors in grammar
25. It’s the condensing or writing of material in the readers’ own words.
a. Annotating b. contextual reading c. outlining d. summarizing
26. It is underlining or highlighting the important ideas or points in a text.
a. Annotating b. contextual reading c. outlining d. summarizing
27. “Bambie did not like cats and have never owned one.”
a. Explicit information b. implicit information c. critical reading d. critical thinking
28. It refers to the information not directly stated in the text.
a. Explicit information b. implicit information c. critical reading d. critical thinking
29. Readers need to read between the lines to understand the details that the writer is trying to tell.
a. Explicit information b. implicit information c. critical reading d. critical thinking
30. “The road is flooded; ______ it is not safe to be driving outside.” Choose one pattern that best matches this sentence.
a. Hence b. suddenly c. need d. solve
31. “although instagram and tumblr have significant similarities; they also have striking differences.
a. Narration b. problem-solution c. comparison and contrast d. persuasion
32. Joyce teaches her boyfriend how to cook chicken adobo by following her Nanay’s recipe.
a. Process analysis b. description c. exemplification d. persuasion
33. Choose one pattern from the choices that best match the thesis statement “Teeth bleaching can be done in five steps.”
a. Sensory pattern b. process analysis c. comparison and contrast
34. In developing this paragraph, the writer creates a general statement and a topic sentence with more examples.
a. Description b. division c. exemplification d. classification
35. It refers to words that send a signal to the readers, leading them to identify each development pattern.
a. Static words b. adverbs c. linking verbs d. transitional expression
36. This information appears as links and is usually accessed by clicking and shifting to different web pages in a matter of seconds and
a. Hypertext b. intertext c. http d. www
37. It is the interconnection between similar or related works of literature in terms of language, images, characters, themes
a. Hypertext b. intertext c. http d. www
38. Intertextuality can take place .
a. Within the same medium/style b. across medium/style c. across culture d. all of these
39. he meaning is not vague; no further explanation is needed.
a. explicit information b. implicit information c. critical reading d. critical thinking
40. _______ is any idea that is clearly stated in detail, with no possibility of confusion.
a. explicit information b. implicit information c. critical reading d. critical thinking
41. It does not need clues anymore. You just have to read the written information.
a. explicit information b. implicit information c. critical reading d. critical thinking
42. Which is the ability of text to be linked with other texts by means of the links?
a. Context clues b. hypertext c. inter text d. hyperlink
43. Which of the following focuses on the process of composition and allow the readers to produce the meaning of the text.
a. Context clues b. intertext c. hypertext d. hyperlink
44. The famous Philippine adaptation movie of wolves and vampires was inspired by “Twilight”.
a. hypertext b. http c. linkage d. intertext
45. Which property of a well-written text constitutes proper paragraphing and logical order of presentation of ideas?
a. Organization b. language used c. cohesion and coherence d. writing mechanics
46. Which property of a well-written text constitutes features that facilitate textual continuity.?
a. Organization b. language used c. cohesion and coherence d. writing mechanics
47. Which property of a well-written text refers to the appropriate language used in writing/speaking?
a. Organization b. language used c. cohesion and coherence d. writing mechanics
48. What is the meaning of the term "explicit"?
a. Obvious and apparent b. Not expressed clearly c. true in some cases d. maybe incorrect
49. __________is a form of language analysis that does not take the given value but involves a deeper examination of the claims.
a. explicit information b. implicit information c. critical reading d. critical thinking
50. Good Moral and Right Conduct (GMRC) integration should be made of the Curriculum.
a. Claim of Fact b. Claim of Value c. Claim of Policy d. Argument
51. It's more fun in the Philippines
a. Claim of Fact b. Claim of Value c. Claim d. Claim of Policy
52. Which of the following types of claim Asserts matter of judgment than a fact?
a. Claim b. Claim of Policy c. Claim of Fact d. Claim of Value
53. The School Principal of Baliwasan Senior High School-Stand Alone asserts for an action to be taken on Child Protection Policy.
a. Claim of Fact b. Claim of Value c. Claim of Policy d. Argument
54. A claim that asserts judgment for the good of many people.
a. Claim b. Claim of Policy c. Claim of Fact d. Claim of Value
55. How many types of assertion are there?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
56. ________ are made as a contrast to the perspective of the argument stated.
a. Evaluative statement b. counter claim c. claim d. assertion
57. _____ ______ express one's judgment and generalizations about a text that you have read
a. Evaluative statement b. counter claim c. claim d. assertion
58. The following are Policy claim, except.
a. There should be a recommendation to stop the opening of classes in August.
b. Mass Testing for COVID-19 should be implemented immediately.
c. We need to wear face mask all the time.
d. The City Councilors of Zamboanga must declare the City as COVID free.
59. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Claim?
a. Is an opinion, idea, or assertion that need to be backed up with evidence and reasoning.
b. It is not just something doing in a class but useful skill.
c. Certain that the audience will agree.
d. Does not attempt to search for an agreement
60. Which type of claim answers the question “Is it moral or immoral?”
a. fact b. value c. policy d. argument
61. Which type of claim answers the question “ Did it really happen?”
a. fact b. value c. policy d. argument
62. Give me P10 000 or else I’ll tell all your secrets to your family.
a. Appeal to Pity b. Appeal to Force c. Conseques d. Bandwagon
63. Please do not fail me with your subject. I am taking care of my sick father.
a. Appeal to Pity b. Appeal to Force c. Conseques d. Bandwagon
64. Life imprisonment results to criminal doings.
a. Post Hoc b. accident c. straw man d. wrong direction
65. “Cause you were Romeo I was a scarlet letter and my Daddy said stay away from Juliet”
a. hypertext b. http c. linkages d. intertext
66. Carla met her husband on and now they’re happily married.
a. hypertext b. http c. linkages d. intertext
67. To access the novel you wanted to read please log in to
a. hypertext b. http c. linkages d. intertext
68._________ is a statement used to express the writer's feelings directly, beliefs, and opinions. This is generally used in writing formal
papers like thesis and dissertation.
a. assertion b. basic assertion c. emphatic assertion d. I-language assertion
69. ________ is a statement used to express empathy or understand the literary author's feelings and emotions.
a. assertion b. basic assertion c. emphatic assertion d. I-language assertion
70. It focuses on using the pronoun "I" if the author wants to express negative feelings and opinions, which can be best used in writing
a reflection paper.
a. assertion b. basic assertion c. emphatic assertion d. I-language assertion

Test II. Enumeration. (Use the back portion of your answer sheet)

71 -75. Give 5 Graphic organizer mentioned in the discussion.

76-80. Give atleast 5 patterns of a written text.

81.-85. List down 5 critical Reading Strategies.

86-90. Give 5 Logical fallacies

91-92. Give the 2 types of information.

93.-95. List down the three Levels of Language Used

96-98. Give the three arrangements of details under coherence and cohesion.

99-100. Give atleast two signal devices.

“Honesty is STILL the best policy”.

“It’s better to achieve a score that’s low but with dignity than a score that excels but obtained by cheating”.

Prepared by: Mrs. Lea B. Baid

Teacher II

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