Home Economics: Technology and Livelihood Education 6

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Department of Education

6 National Capital Region


Technology and Livelihood Education 6

Home Economics
First Quarter-Module 7
Food Preservation

Writer: Maria Minviluz S. Sidel

Illustrator: Patrick R. Mella Jr.
Cover Illustrator: Christopher E. Mercado

City of Good Character 1

What I Need to Know

Good day learners of Home Economics! In this lesson you are going to:
1. Explain the different ways/methods of food preservation like drying,
salting, freezing, processing etc.

What I Know
Before you proceed to the different activities in the module, answer
first the short pre-assessment activity below to find out what you already
know about the topic “preparing feasible and practical budget “
Pre-Assessment Activity
Read and understand each item carefully. Answer the questions correctly by
choosing the letter of the correct answer.

____ 1. It is the process of adding vinegar, salt, and sugar to fruits and
vegetables, soaked and placed tightly in a container?
A. canning B. drying C. pickling D. smoking
____ 2. What preservative agent Mrs. Cruz will use if she wants to preserve
the pineapple jam?
A. salt B. spice C. sugar D. vinegar
____ 3. Which method of food preservation that uses a preserving variety of
foods by sealing it in an airtight vacuum container.
A. canning B. curing C. salting D. smoking
____ 4. It is a method of food preservation wherein food is exposed near the
fire and smoke until it is cooked. What is it?
A. canning B. curing C. salting D. smoking
____ 5. The following are the benefits of preserving abundant fruits and
vegetables at the certain time, EXCEPT:
A. an extra income C. preserve variety of foods
B. preserve delicious food D. selling processed food expensively

City of Good Character 2

Lesson Different Ways Of Food Preservation
(drying, salting, freezing and
1 processing etc.)

What’s In

This activity will check if you were able to understand our previous lesson.

Have you ever been to a province near the sea, wherein fishing is the main
source of livelihood? Some of them sell fresh fish, while others preserved it to
prolong the life of the fish.
Do you have an idea on how they are going to preserve the fish?

What’s New

Do you eat dishes similar to those in the pictures? They are examples of
preserved foods. Food preservation is the process of preventing food spoilage
by creating condition under which microorganism cannot multiply and grow.
Can you identify how these foods were preserved? Write the answers below.

What is It
“Read the following information. This will help you understand the

Different Ways or Methods of food preservation

1. Drying- the oldest and simplest way of food preservation wherein foods
are exposed under the heat of the sun to eliminate the water content.
Examples are fish, meat, fruits, corn, beans, pork skin, and so on.
2. Freezing/Cooling- is a method that turns the food into solid state at a
very low temperature that maintains their freshness for a day.
3. Adding Preservatives- prevents the growth of microbes in foods

City of Good Character 3

 Vinegar is used for pickling vegetables and fruits (atchara)
 Sugar is used in making jelly. jam, marmalade, and fruit
preserves. Syrup is a mixture of sugar and water
 Salitre (saltpeter or potassium nitrate) is used in making ham,
bacon, tocino. and longganisa (native sausage) Be cautious in
preserving food using salitre for its not recommended to
consume too much due to its negative effect on human health.
 Salt is used for preserving fish or sea foods, meat eggs or
4. Fermentation- Soaking or saturating the food in adequate amount of salt
to prevent from spoiling or even taste better this can be used as a sauce,
seasoning, or viand. Examples are Bagoong (tiny shrimps or fish), Fish
Sauce (Patis), soy sauce, vinegar, cheese, or yogurt)
5. Smoking- Food is exposed near the fire and smoke until it is cooked.
Examples are tinapa (fish), ham, and tapa (beef).
6. Canning- Preserving foods in cans such as milk, sardines, meat
products, fruits, or juices.
7. Boiling / Sterilizing- Preserving food, usually boiling the preserved in the
bottle to kill the microorganisms

What’s More
Offline Activity
Write five (5) different preserved foods available in your home and
discuss/explain how it was preserved
1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________

Online Activity
Using the internet, download pictures, create a presentation of
different preserved foods available in the market and explain how it was

What I Have Learned

What are the different ways/ methods of food preservation?


City of Good Character 4

What I Can Do

Your next activity is very challenging!

Are you familiar with these foods? Write at least 2 methods on how to
preserve these.

1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________


Did you find the last activity interesting? Alright! So, you will proceed to the
next activity.”

I. Match the method of food preservation in Column A with the

processes used in Column B. Write the letter in the blank before
each number

_____1. Adding Preservatives A. Preserving by smoke

_____2. Canning B. Applying the heat of the sun

_____3. Drying C. Salitre”, sugar, salt and vinegar

_____4. Fermentation D. Soaking or saturating the food in salt

City of Good Character 5

____ 5. Freezing E. Preserving food in cans like milk
and sardines

F. The lower temperature prevents

micro-organism in processed food

II. Explain how these foods were preserved by writing the preservatives
added to the following foods.

1._______________________ 2.________________ 3. __________________

4. ______________________ 5. _____________________

Additional Activities
“This will be the last part of the Activity. Good

Have you eaten pickled papaya or “ Atchara “?. With

the help of your mother or any older member of the
family. Explain the process of preserving papaya pickles
or “Atchara “
(End of lesson 1)

City of Good Character 6

What I Need to Know

Are you ready for today‟s lesson?

If you do, then expect to learn the following:
1. Identify the use of the tools/utensils and equipment and their
substitute in food preservation /processing.
2. Prepare a plan for preserving /processing food.

What I Know

“In this activity, you will be challenged because, this will measure how well
you understand all the questions below. Good luck and be happy!”

Pre-Assessment Activity
Read and understand each item carefully. Answer the questions correctly by
choosing the letter of the correct answer.

_____ 1. What is the most suitable cooking utensil used in tenderizing a fish?
A. frying pan B. kettle C. pressure cooker D. sauce pan
_____ 2. What will you use in measuring soy sauce as one of the ingredients
in "Making Tocino”?
A. colander C. measuring spoon
B. measuring cup D. weighing scale
_____ 3. Preparing a project plan is necessary, before doing any activity.
How can it help you?
A. for accurate and easy preparation C. for exact procedures only
B. for evaluation of the output D. it is a waste of time
_____ 4. In which part of the project plan where the aim is stated?
A. design/sketch B. evaluation C. objectives D.
_____ 5. Which part of the project planning discusses the steps on
“How to preserve food”.
A. evaluation B. objectives C. procedure D. sketch

City of Good Character 7

Lesson Tools/Utensils and Equipment and
2 their substitute in Food Preservation

What‟s In
Are you fond of “guessing game”? Let‟s see how well you are by answering
the following:
Can you guess who I am?
1. I am the one drying your hands after washing.
2. I carry your food from the kitchen to your table.
3. I am used in knowing how heavy your ingredients are.
4. I am used in paring and cutting fruit and vegetables.
5. I drained the water from your fruits and vegetables after washing.

What’s New
Tools and equipment contribute to the success of food
preservation. It is also important to know what kind of tools you are to use
as substitution, if not all tools are available.

What is It

I know you‟re very excited in doing the next activity. In this part, you
have to read the lesson well. Here, you will learn a lot! ”

Tools and Their Uses ILLUSTRATION

Cutting tools -used in paring. Peeling and cutting

Chopping board- used when cutting or slicing food.
Measuring Spoon -used in measuring ingredients in
small quantity
Measuring cup-for dry ingredients.
Glass measuring cup -used for liquid ingredients

Mixing tools-wooden spoon, tongs, ladle, turner used

for stirring and spooning food
Mixing bowl -used for placing and mixing ingredients.

Weighing scale-used to weight the ingredients.

City of Good Character 8

Colander and Strainer –used to drain fruit and
vegetables after washing.

Funnel-used in placing liquid in containers with small

Hand towel- used in drying hands

Pressure cooker-used for processing low acid food like

meat, sea foods, poultry, and veggies.

Food processor-Is a multi-use tool pulverizes tough

hard food like nuts and seeds.

Pots, trays, pans, and container for ingredients during


Project Plan on Preserved Food

A project plan serves as a guide in accomplishing task and
procedures in evaluating preserved food. Here is an example of a project
plan in preserving food.

I. Name of the Project: Salted Eggs

II. Objectives
1. Use appropriate tools and ingredients in preserving salted eggs.
2. Follow the correct procedures in preserving salted eggs.
III. Ingredients and Tools Needed
A. Materials/ Ingredients:
Materials Quantity Unit Cost Total
duck or fresh chicken 8 pcs P 7.00 P 56.00
Rock salt 2 cups P 5.00 P 10.00
water 4 cups
Jar with cover
Total P 66.00

B. Tools Needed: Jar with cover, saucepan and gas stove

IV. Procedures:
1. Wash eggs and place them in a jar or plastic container.
2. In a saucepan, make a brine solution by dissolving salt and
water. Boil it for 10 minutes stirring constantly. Let it cool
4. Pour the brine solution over the eggs, Place in a jar, Make sure
that eggs are submerged in the water.

City of Good Character 9

5. Cover the jar and store in a dark place for two weeks.
6. After 2 weeks remove the eggs from the container and boil them.

V. Evaluation:
Table 1.1. Use the rubrics for finished product.
Criteria Excellent 20 Fair 18
Cooking The procedures are The procedures are
procedures followed correctly followed with minor
Food Appearance Right in appearance The preserved food is not
and appealing so appealing
Taste / The preserved food is The preserved food is not
Palatability well blended and well blended and lacking
flavourful flavour
Packaging Packed in a sealed Packed in a sealed
and Labelling container and properly container, but not properly
labelled labelled
Cooking outfit Complete cooking outfit Incomplete cooking outfit
and utmost and utmost safety rules and utmost safety rules
safety rules are observed. are not observed
were observed.

What’s More
Offline Activity Identify the following tools in food preservation, also write their

1 2. 3. 4. 5.

Tools Uses

Online Activity

Download five (5) photos of tools and equipment in food preservation

and write their uses.

City of Good Character 10

What I Have Learned
It is necessary to use the tools and utensils properly in preserving
food and also their substitution in their absence. Also prepare a project plan
before doing any food preservation.
Why do we need to use the right tools and utensils in doing any food

What I Can Do
Prepare a Project Plan for Food Preservation (preserve food of your own
Note: Write your Project Plan in a bond paper
I. Name of Project: ____________________________________________
II. Objectives: 1. ______________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________

III. Materials and Tools Needed

A. Materials
Materials Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost

B. Tools:

IV. Procedure: (Write the steps in doing the project)

V. Evaluation:
Use the rubrics for finished product.
(Refer to Table 1.1 on What is it?)

Showcase the knowledge and skills you have learned in this lesson by
answering the assessment activity.
I. Read and understand each item carefully. Answer the questions
correctly by choosing the letter of the correct answer.

_____ 1. The class of Ms. Sidel wants to preserve “Bangus Sardines”.

What is the most suitable cooking utensil to use in tenderizing the
A. frying pan B. kettle C. pressure cooker D. saucepan

City of Good Character 11

_____ 2. You were asked to measure the amount of soy sauce as one of the
ingredients in "Making “Tocino". What will you use in measuring?
A. colander B. measuring spoon C. tray D. weighing

____ 3. It is used in placing liquid in containers with small openings

A. colander B. funnel C. mixing bowl D. tray

_____ 4. It is used to drain fruit and vegetables after washing.

A. colander B. funnel C. measuring spoon D. mixing bowl

_____ 5. In which part of the project plan is the aim stated?

A. evaluation B. objectives C. procedure D. sketch
II. Match the utensils in Column A with their uses in column B.
Write the letter in the blank before each number
_____ 1.Chopping board A. measuring dry ingredients
_____ 2.Glass measuring cup B. measuring liquid ingredients
_____ 3.Knife C. where food is placed when cut
_____ 4.Plastic measuring cup D. paring, peeling, and cutting food
_____ 5.Strainer F. measuring ingredients in small
E. straining food to remove lumps or
drain food in small quantity

Additional Activities

“This will be the last part of the Activity in Lesson 2. Good Luck
In the absence of the following tools, what can be used as a substitute?
Write your answer on the space provided.
1. tray_________ 3. tablespoon ______
2. colander _________ 4. measuring cup _______
5. mixing bowl _______
(End of lesson 2)

City of Good Character 12

What I Need to Know
Good day learners of Home Economics! In this lesson you are going to:
1. Preserve food applying the principles and skills in food
preservation processing
2. Observe safety rules in food preservation/ processing.

What I Know
This activity will check if you were able to understand our previous lesson.

Pre-Assessment Activity
Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if incorrect. Write your
answers on the blank before each number.

_________ 1. Sweet fruits are used in making/ preserving the vinegar.

_________ 2. Before placing processed food in a container, it must be cool.
_________ 3. Be sure that the food you are going to preserve is fresh and
_________ 4. One of the preservatives used in meat products is “salitre”,
which is good to human health.
_________ 5. Prepare all the materials needed and make sure that tools and
equipment are very clean before starting the task.

Food Preservation (Tocino Making)

What’s In
Last time, you have studied about the different methods of food
preservation. Let‟s find out if you can still recall. Write the different Ways or
Methods in preserving the following foods below.
1. Eggs -_____________________________________________________________
2. Fish -_____________________________________________________________
3. Ripe pineapple -___________________________________________________
4. pork and chicken thinly sliced -____________________________________
5. papaya, carrots, onions, and spices-________________________________

City of Good Character 13

What’s New

In today‟s lesson, you will have an exciting activity because you are
going to preserve one of your favorite viand for breakfast and perhaps you
will learn to love cooking.
Be reminded that the success of good food preservation starts with
proper selection of ingredients. As much as possible ingredients should be of
best quality to ensure best quality products, too.

What is It
Online: Watch the video and you will enjoy the topic on food preservation.
Click this link: www.filipinocooking.net

Offline Activity: Read and understand the recipe below.

Homemade Pork Tocino


2 tbsp. soy sauce 3 drops red food coloring /catsup

1 tsp. garlic powder ½ cup sprite
½ cup sugar ¼ kg. pork

1. Make a marinating sauce by adding or mixing all the ingredients except the
2. Stir until it is well-combined.
3. Add the pork, mix it until it is fully covered with the mixture.
4. Place the processed pork in a container cover it, put in the fridge for 2 days
5. Cook the “tocino” in a small amount of water, let it dry and add some oil to cook.

Food preservation can be done safely and sanitarily if the

following steps are done correctly.
 Prepare the necessary tools, equipment, and ingredients before starting the
 Wash hands thoroughly before handling food and ingredients.
 Concentrate on the task to avoid accidents in the work area.
 As much as possible, sit down while doing the task to avoid getting tired
 Be sure to know how to use the different tools and equipment in food
 Keep the work area clean.
 Try to work as fast as possible to avoid air, exposing the food for so long.
 Be sure to add labels to all ingredients to be used to avoid the mistake of
mixing the wrong ingredients.
 Return everything to their respective storage once you are done with the task

City of Good Character 14

What’s More

After reading/watching the video in making „Tocino”. Answer the activity

Arrange the following steps in making “tocino”.
Write numbers 1-5 on the space provided.
_____ Stir until it is well-combined.
_____ Cook the “tocino” in a small amount of water.
______Add the pork, mix it until it is fully covered with the mixture.
. _____ Make a marinating sauce mix all the ingredients except the pork.
_____ Place the processed pork in a container cover it, put in the fridge for 2

What I Have Learned

What do you keep in mind in preserving food?
Write your answer below

What I Can Do
“We have more exciting activities, Enjoy!”

List down at least five (5) foods that can be processed/preserved based on
availability of raw materials and market demands in the community.

Showcase the knowledge and skills you have learned in this lesson by doing
assessment activity.
Assessment 1
From the given recipe in “tocino” making with the help of your mother or
older companion at home, you are going to make your own tocino. Be sure to
observe safety precaution at all times to avoid untoward incidents.

City of Good Character 15

Assessment 2- Rubric for Finished Product
Copy this rubric in a short bond paper, then, asked somebody in your
household to evaluate your finished product using this rubric.

Table 1.1
Criteria Excellent 20 Fair 18
Cooking The procedures are The procedures are followed
procedures followed correctly with minor errors
Food Appearance Right in appearance The preserved food is not so
and appealing appealing
Taste / The preserved food is The preserved food is not well
Palatability well blended and blended and lacking flavour
Packaging Packed in a sealed Packed in a sealed container,
and Labelling container and but not properly labelled
properly labelled
Cooking outfit Complete cooking Incomplete cooking outfit and
and utmost outfit and utmost utmost safety rules are not
safety rules were safety rules are observed
observed. observed.
TOTAL 100%

Additional Activities
This will be the last part of the Activity. Good Luck!

Aside from Tocino making, think of a profitable food that you can preserve.
Write your recipe in an index card.

1. https://www.slideshare.net/Kanchchana/preservation-methods-
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hqW_RUeTqQ
3. www.filipinocooking.net
4. Deped Commons- TLE 6 Lesson 9,10 and 11
5. Home Economics and Livelihood Education6 Second Edition
Josephine Bernardino Ma.Gracia A. Fulgencio
Estifania Gloria L. Lee, Alma L Paragas, and Edita T. Rafael
6. Life Skills Through TLE
Gloria Peralta, Ruth A. Arsenue, Catalina R. Ipolan,
Yolanda L. Quiambao, Helenay Ann C. Ariola
7. Fun with HELE 6, Nora Soriano, Erwin Callo, ABIVA Publishing House

City of Good Character 16

Development Team of the Module
Writer: Maria Minviluz S. Sidel
Sarah T. Publico (Teacher II, IVES)
Genedina M. Basilio (MT II, SRES)
Resurreccion R. Marte (MT I, BES)
Language Editor: Crisanta A. Deogracias (MT I, MalES)
Internal Reviewer:
Marciana R. De Guzman (Principal, Parang Elementary School)
Reingelyn P. Donato (Principal, Leodegario Victorino Elementary School)
Joseph T. Santos (Education Program Supervisor-EPP/TLE)
Illustrator: Patrick R. Mella Jr. (Teacher, SNES)
Christopher E. Mercado (MT I, JDPNHS)
Management Team:
Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, CID
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Joseph T. Santos
Education Program Supervisor-EPP/TLE

Ivy Coney A. Gamatero

Education Program Supervisor– LRMS

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division Office- Marikina City

Email Address: [email protected]

191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines

Telefax: (02) 682-2472 / 682-3989

City of Good Character 17


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