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1. refers to the manpower /employees working in an organisation at different levels.

(Dealers, clients, personnel, rival)

2. Human Resource Planning refers to the process of estimating manpower needs.

(Past, current, obsolete, future)
3. HRM is concerned with the dimension in organisation.
(Competitors, government, people, international)
4. , development, motivation & maintenance are the four basic functions in the HRM
(Advertising, acquiring, retiring, transferring)
5. HRM is i.e. applicable to business as well as non-business organisation.
(Profit motive, sustainable, pervasive, and redundant)
6. leads to development of employees to higher position.
(Recruitment, career planning, attrition, exit)
7. is paid to employees for the services rendered.
(Notice, compensation, warning, deed)
8. Strategic HRM refers to the of HRM with company strategy to achieve organisational
(Elimination, integration, resistance, none)
9. Under HRM organisational people are not treated as strategic resource.
(Traditional, futuristic, Strategic, futile,)
10. Human Resource Planning is a strategy for Procurement, development, allocation & of
human resources.
(Marketing, technological, exit, utilisation)
11. Job Specification & Job Description are the components of
(Job Search, Job Design, Job skill, Job Analysis)
12. A statement of minimum acceptable human qualities necessary to perform a job is referred
(job design, recruitment, selection, job specification)
13. Job Design is of Job analysis.
(Not a part, includes, component, none)
14. is the process of increasing the scope of the job by adding two or more jobs into a single
(Attrition, job enlargement, job enrichment, selection)
15. Internal source of recruitment includes promotion, transfers, & former employees
(Campus placement, Walk-ins, recalls, press advertisement)
16. represents the first contact that company makes with potential employees.
(Training, selection, appraisals, recruitment)
17. Selection is also termed as
(Head hunting, marketing, expansion, none)
18. references help to cross check the information provided by the candidate
(Psychological test, key word search, reference check, job analysis)
19. is a positive function
(Recruitment, Selection, Exit formality, choosing candidates)
20. E – selection is & time saving
(Lengthy, complicated, economical, traditional)
21. Strategic HRM refers to the of HRM with company strategy to achieve organisational
Elimination, integration, resistance, Opposition

22. Human Resource Planning refers to the process of estimating manpower needs
Past, Current, Obsolete, Future

23. HRM is concerned with the dimension in organisation.

Competitors, Government, People, International

24. , development, motivation & maintenance are the four basic functions in the HRM
Transferring, Retiring, Acquiring, Advertising

25. HRM is i.e. applicable to business as well as non-business organisation.

Profit motive, sustainable, pervasive, and redundant



1) may be defined as a process of increasing knowledge, skills & capabilities

of people at work
(Performance appraisal, selection, human resource development, human resource
2) Off the job training methods include special study, role playing, simulation &
(Job rotation, internships, vestibule, and apprenticeship)
3) Training is also called T-group training or laboratory training.
(Off shore, on the job, sensitivity, induction)
4) is the systematic & critical evaluation of quality, worth or merit.
(Recruitment, Appraisal, Selection, Retirement)
5) Traditional methods of performance appraisal excludes
(Ranking, Assessment Centre, Grading, checklist)
6) includes systematic collection & feedback of performance data on an
individual derived from no. of stakeholders.
(Critical incident, Management by Objective, 360 Degree, Checklist)
7) aims at developing attributes of promising employees in the future period.
(Voluntary retirement, Recruitment, Potential Appraisal, None)
8) The demerit of 360 Degree appraisal is found to be
(Quick, easy to collate, time consuming, none)
9) stands for the forward looking employment policies of the organisation.
(Layoff, Career planning, Attrition, None)
10) Career planning, manpower planning & succession planning are
(Substitutes, contradictory, complementary, none)
11) is a process by which individuals are scanned to pass on the leadership role
within a company
(Career planning, manpower planning, succession planning, none)
12) is a process of helping, guiding & coaching a mentee for improving their
(Supervision, Warning, Mentoring, Retiring)
13) is not a type of counselling
(Directive, Participative, Submissive, Non-Directive)
14) Directive counselling is mainly oriented technique.
(Employee, employer, counsellor, supervisor)
15) Training & Development is a
(One time, short term, periodic, ongoing)
16) Self-assessment, Rating Committees & top management help conduct
(Critical Incident, Grade Rating, 360 degree, )
17) is also referred to as goal setting approach
(Selection, attrition, management by objective, none)

18) The act of increasing the knowledge & skill of an employee for doing a particular job
is referred to as
(Succession, Layoff, Training, Appraisal)
19) Job rotation is a method of training wherein employees are from one job to
(Demoted, included, transferred, none)
20) Spill over effect means that the performance appraisal is influenced by
(Current, future, past, none)
21) leads to development of employees to higher position
Recruitment, career planning, attrition, exit

22) is paid to employees for the services rendered

Notice, compensation, warning, deed

23) Under HRM organisational people are not treated as strategic resource.
Traditional, futuristic, Strategic, Futile

24) Human Resource Planning is a strategy for Procurement, development, allocation &
of human resources.
Marketing, technology, utilisation, Assembly

25) Job Specification & Job Description are the components of

Job Search, Job Design, Job skill, Job Analysis

Chapter 3 – Human Relations


1) Cordial human relations are for the growth of an enterprise.

(Desirable, Undesirable, Dangerous, Not necessary)
2) Developing human relations in an organisation is a
Continuous, harmful, periodic, statutory
3) Human relations groups morale & job satisfaction of employees
Destroy, improve, support, complimentary
4) Maintenance & improving human relations is to employees &
organisation. Beneficial. Harmful, troublesome, dangerous
5) Leadership involves guiding & employees. motivating, criticism, controlling
6) Transactional Leadership is also called leadership. Transformational,
democratic, autocratic, managerial
7) The basic needs according to Need Hierarchy Theory are needs. Social,
psychological, physiological, human.
8) Theory X is based on assumptions of human nature. positive,
negative, general, natural
9) Motivation is the of management process. Conclusion, essence,
drawback, unstable.
10) Salary & bonus payment are factors of motivation. Monetary, non-
monetary, general, capable.
11) Every grievance is important & urgent to . Company management,
concerned employees, superior authority, and co-worker.
12) Grievance procedure should be . Lengthy, time consuming, prompt,
13) Employee grievance leads to .industrial dispute, cordial industrial relations,
employee motivation, and cooperation.
14) High morale absenteeism & turnover. Raises, reduces, stops, accelerates
15) is a feeling of injustice at the workplace. Grievance, motivation,
Direction, absenteeism
16) Theory assumes a negative approach towards employees. X, Y, A B
17) Under leadership style, the leader makes all decisions by himself without
consulting the subordinates. Autocratic, participative, laissez-faire, Situational
18) According to Abraham Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory, level needs to be
satisfied before other needs. Lower, Middle, higher, Same
19) ERG Theory stands for relatedness and growth. Existence, Empathy, Energy,
20) Theory X assumes approach of the managers towards employees.
Traditional, professional, general, casual.
21) is a general term used to describe overall group satisfaction. Morale,
General Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction, Job Satisfaction.
22) type of leadership style is mostly followed in Government organisations
Autocratic, Bureaucratic, Democratic, laissez-faire

23) According to Need Hierarchy Theory -needs are the basic needs of
human beings. Physiological, Psychological, Social, Self Esteem
24) Theory X is based on assumptions of human nature.
Positive, Negative, General, Neutral

25) Human relations approach has application. Universal, Special, General,

Chapter 4 – Trends in Human Relationship Management

1) Human resource information system related to the of human resources

employed in an organisation. Counting, valuation, appraisal, estimation
2) The purpose of downsizing is to achieve of manpower in the organisation
workforce. Right sizing , plus sizing, shortage, wrong sizing
3) means reducing the size of the organisation. Attrition, downsizing,
upsizing, downgrading.
4) Trade Unions HRA. Opposes, supports, permits, interested.
5) Sexual harassment at workplace is _. Unethical, tolerable, permitted,
needs control.
6) Workforce Diversity is in any industrial society. Desirable undesirable,
normal & natural, dangerous.
7) Empowerment participative management. Discourage, opposes, supports,
8) Absenteeism leads to disturbance to normal flow of factory work, cost
reduction, reduction in sales. Reduction in customer
9) Workers can pick & choose clients. Part time, virtual, portfolio, expelled
10) Result oriented managers feel . Stressed, happy, angry, unhappy
11) International HRM undertakes management. Human resource, expatriate,
rational, deceased
12) had proved to be more tolerant. Gen X , Gen Y Gen Z Gen A
13) Competency mapping facilitates of human capital. Rejection, acceptance,
measurement, unacceptance.
14) is a specific format to obtain information about candidates applying for
the job
Application Blank, Invitation Letter, Interview Letter, selection letter

15) manager plays an important role in counselling and stress management.

Human Resource, Finance, Operation, Marketing.

16) Competency mapping facilitates of human capital.

Rejection, acceptance, measurement, unacceptance

17) had proved to be more tolerant. Gen X, Gen Y, Gen Z, Gen A

18) International HRM undertakes management. Customers, expatriate,

rational, deceased

19) Absenteeism leads to . Disturbance to normal flow of factory work, cost

reduction, reduction in sales, Reduction in customer

20) Empowerment participative management. Discourage, opposes, supports,


21) Workforce Diversity is in any industrial society. Desirable, undesirable,

normal & natural, dangerous
22) Sexual harassment at workplace is . Unethical, tolerable, permitted,
needs control

23) means reducing the size of the organisation. Attrition, downsizing,

upsizing, downgrading

24) means reducing the size of the organisation. Attrition, downsizing,

upsizing, downgrading

25) The purpose of downsizing is to achieve of manpower in the organisation

workforce. Right sizing, plus sizing, shortage, wrong sizing

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