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This agreement made on _____________ (w.e.f. ___________ between National

Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (Formerly DOEACC Society) B.O. Shimla
(NIELIT), a unit of National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology, an
autonomous body of Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communications
and Information Technology, Govt. of India, having its office at Cedarwood Building, Jakhoo,
Shimla (herein after called the Centre) which expression shall include its successors and
assigns all the persons for the time being in the management of the Centre on the one part
___________________________(hereinafter called the contractor) on the other part:-

Whereas the Centre requires services of contractor for carrying out certain activities
relating to project at __________________________________________________
(hereinafter referred to as services).

And whereas the contractor is in a position to execute the said services of this Centre.
Therefore, it is agreed by and between the both parties here as under :-

1 That the contractor is hereby offered contractual employment as Computer

Operator initially upto ____________.Unless extended, the contractual employment
shall automatically cease on the completion of the said period. The contractor will be
paid salary package per month shall b as under:

Basic Pay 6108/-

HRA 916/-
Medical All. 560/-
EPF Deduction 733/-
Salary Payable 6851/-
Employer’s share 816/-
CTC 8400/-
2 The contractor will be required to deposit a sum of Rs. 4200/-(Rupees Four thousand
two hundred only) as security for faithful execution of the contract which will be
recovered from the salary for the first month. This amount of Rs. 4200/- will be
refunded on completion of the contract or in case of default in the fulfillment of terms
and conditions of the contract or if he/she leaves employment without proper
resignation, the amount of security deposit, so recovered, will be forfeited.

3 Working hours and holidays will be as per norms of the department in which deployed.
The Contractor will be entitled to one day's Casual Leave during a month. However, the
leave shall be availed of after prior sanction of the competent authority.

4 Due to exigencies of work, the contractor will be required to attend the office on
Saturdays/Sundays, holidays and beyond office hours as and when necessary.

5 In case the contractor had been contributing to EPF before joining this Centre, he/she
should give EPF Account Number and other relevant details for taking action to
transfer the amount lying in old EPF Account to new Account No. to be allotted for the
services under this Centre otherwise he/she may furnish an undertaking that he/she is
not a member of any PF before joining this post.

6 The contractor will be required at all times:

 to maintain discipline, punctuality and absolute integrity;

 to maintain devotion to duty; and
 to do nothing which is unbecoming of a member of the staff of a noble
organization or is not in the interest of this organization.
7 He/she will be expected to assimilate these virtues.

8 No TA/DA will be paid and the contractor will be required to join at the place of posting
at his/her own expense.

9 If the duties assigned to the contractor require visits to outside stations, he/she will
have to travel to other stations, according to the orders given by the competent
authority of the department. He/she will be paid traveling allowance for such visits in
accordance with the rules as may be in force from time to time.

10 The contract shall be terminated during the period of currency on any one day on 15
days notice from either side.

11 The contractual employment is initially upto _____________ and is purely temporary

against the assigned project. In case the project is abandoned/ discontinued, due to
any reasons before the said period, the contractual employment shall be terminated at
fifteen days' notice. He/she will not be expected to leave employment during the
contractual period
without giving 15 days’ notice before leaving the job failing which salary for shortfall in
notice period shall be recovered.
12 This contractual employment shall not amount to any employment obligation on
regular basis in future in this Centre or department.

13 The contractual employment is subject to verification of antecedents of the contractor

as considered fit by this Centre. An adverse report on his/her character or conduct
would render him/her ineligible for the appointment. Services of the contractor would
be liable to termination in such an eventuality.

14 The decision of the Director, NIELIT, Chandigarh Centre in all matters relating to this
contract shall be final and binding on the contractor.
15 Your salary would be released on receipt of payment for the relevant salary month
from the deptt., where you are being deputed. You are required to open your salary
account in Punjab National Bank at place of your posting within seven days of receiving
and accepting the appointment letter, and furnish the copy of the pass book for
disbursement of salary.

16 The contractor undertakes that he/she will take clearance for all things outstanding
against his/her name from NIELIT, B. O. Shimla/Department. In the event of his/her
failure to do so, he/she will be liable to pay all charges including any legal expenses,
NIELIT, B. O. Shimla makes in getting the recoveries affected in addition to the
forfeiture of the amount of Security Deposit.

In witness thereof, the parties have set their hands to the agreement on the day and
month and year first above written in the presence of the witnesses.


B.O. Shimla- 171001(H.P.)

(___________________) DIRECTOR INCHARGE

1. Witness : _______________ 1. Witness : ________________

( On the behalf of NIELIT)

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