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Teaching Exams

• Teaching Exams • Teaching Exams

• •
• This book thoroughly covers the NTA UGC - NET/JRF Commerce (Paper-II) syllabus
in order to provide the aspirants with a better understanding of all
aspects of the subject. It is written in concise and lucid form which is easily
understandable and reader friendly. This book has also been written to meet the

requirements of other teaching related competitive examinations like TGT/PGT, etc.

UGC-NET examination is a test to determine the eligibility of Indian

nationals for 'Assistant Professor' as well as 'Junior Research Fellowship

and Assistant Professor' in Indian Universities and Colleges.

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Salient Features of the Book
C) •
Comprehensive and structured content with diagrams
Paper - II
and tables for better retention.
Chapter wise 50 Practice Questions have been
included as per the latest trends.
Sub-topics of every unit is comprehensively covered
• (/)
as per the latest syllabus of NTA UGC-NET.
• m
Previous Years' Questions have been segregated topic-wise
and included along with the answer keys.
• -




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1. Business Environment and International Business.............................................1-76

2. Accounting and Auditing............................................................................................77-203

3. Business Economics..................................................................................................204-256

4. Business Finance.......................................................................................................... 257-314

5. Business Statistics and Research Methods....................................................315-372

6. Business Management and Human Resource Management................ 373-497

7. Banking and Financial Institutions..................................................................... 498-569

8. Marketing Management ..........................................................................................570-637

9. Legal Aspects of Business..................................................................................... 638-694

10. Income-Tax and Corporate Tax Planning......................................................... 695-732

1 Environment and
International Business


The total surroundings that have a direct or indirect
bearing on business activities are referred to as the business
environment. In this context, the business environment Internal External
refers to all the external factors that may have an impact Environment Environment
on how the business operates. However, some experts
have defined the term “business environment” in a much
broader sense. They believe that business activities are Micro Macro
influenced not only by external environmental forces, but Environment Environment
also by the internal environment that exists in a business
organisation, such as the resources at its command, the Internal Environment
value system, the mission and objectives, and so on, that
There are a number of internal environmental
its management has.
factors that influence the strategic decisions in a
The external environment includes economic,
business. Some of these factors are: value system and
sociocultural, political, technological, ecological, and
ethical standards, mission, goals and objectives of the
legal factors., etc. while the internal environment
companies, physical assets and facilities like nature of
includes value system, vision, mission and objectives,
organizational structure, corporate culture, human available technology, production capacity; financial
resources, the survival and success of any business is factors such as financial position, composition of funds,
determined by both internal and external environmental sources of funds, capital structure.
External Environment
Important Features of Business Environment The external environment encompasses a variety of
z Business environment is dynamic. factors which are largely beyond the control of individual
z Business environment is complex, multifaceted and firms and which may provide opportunities and impose
has a far-reaching impact. threats to an organisation. For example: economic,
z It helps in identifying the opportunities for, and demographic, political, legal, socio-cultural, technological.
threats to, the business. The External environment can be broadly classified into
z It helps in identifying firm’s strengths and weaknesses micro environment and a macro environment.
in view of the technological and global developments. z Micro Environment: The micro environment refers
z It enables the firm to analyze competitors’ strategies to the environmental forces which are in the immediate
and formulate the necessary counter strategies. contact of the business such as customers, competitors,
z It helps in evaluating the present strategies, marketing intermediaries, suppliers, workers and the
formulating long-term policies, and developing public.
future strategies. z Macro Environment: Macro environment, are the
larger societal or physical forces which may have an
Types of Business Environment impact not only on the business but also on its micro
There are two types of business environment which environmental players. These are economic, politico-
can be defined as follows: legal, socio-cultural, demographic, technological,

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2 and
BASIC ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES z Cost Accounting: The purpose of cost accounting is
to analyze the expenditure so as to ascertain the cost
Over the centuries, accounting has remained of various products manufactured by the firm and fix
confined to the financial record-keeping functions of the prices. It also helps in controlling the costs and
the accountant. But, today’s rapidly changing business providing necessary costing information to
environment has forced the accountants to reassess their management for decision-making.
roles and functions both within the organization and the z Management Accounting: The purpose of
society. In 1941, The American Institute of Certified Public management accounting is to assist the management
Accountants (AICPA) had defined accounting as the art in taking rational policy decisions and to evaluate the
of recording, classifying, and summarising in a significant impact of its decisions and actions.
manner and in terms of money, transactions and events z Stewardship Accounting: In earlier times in history,
which are, in part at least, of financial character, and wealthy people employed ’stewards’ to manage their
interpreting the results thereof’. With greater economic property. These stewards rendered an account of their
development resulting in changing role of accounting, stewardship to their owners periodically. This notion
its scope, became broader. lies at the root of financial reporting even today which
In 1966, the American Accounting Association essentially involves the orderly recording of business
(AAA) defined accounting as ‘the process of identifying, transactions, commonly known as ‘book-keeping’.
measuring and communicating economic information to Indeed, the accounting concepts and procedures in
permit informed judgments and decisions by users of use today for systematic recording of business
information’. In 1970, the Accounting Principles Board of transactions have their origin in the practices
AICPA also emphasized that the function of accounting employed by merchants in Italy during the 15th
is to provide quantitative information, primarily financial century. The Italian method which specifically began
in nature, about economic entities, that is intended to be to be known as ‘double entry book-keeping’ was
useful in making economic decisions. adopted by other European countries during the 19th
Accounting can therefore be defined as the process century. Stewardship accounting, in a sense, is
of identifying, measuring, recording and communicating associated with the need of business owners to keep
the required information relating to the economic records of their transactions, the property and tools
events of an organization to the interested users of such they owned, as well as the debts they owed, and the
information. There are some branches of accounting debts others owed them.
which are as follows: z Social Responsibility Accounting: Social
responsibility accounting is a new phase in the
z Financial Accounting: The purpose of this branch of
development of accounting and owes its birth to
accounting is to keep a record of all financial
increasing social awareness which has been
transactions so that:
particularly noticeable over the last two decades or
 The profit earned or loss sustained by the business so. Social responsibility accounting widens the scope
during an accounting period can be worked out. of accounting by considering the social effects of
 The financial position of the business as at the end business decisions, in addition to the economic effects.
of the accounting period can be ascertained. Several social scientists, statesmen, and social workers
 The financial information required by the all over the world have been drawing the attention
management and other interested parties can be of their governments and the people in their countries
provided. to the danger posed to environment and ecology by

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3 Economics

MEANING, OBJECTIVES AND elements behind the deviations in estimated costs.

That is to say, the manager selects cost reduction
SCOPE OF BUSINESS ECONOMICS output levels and also avoids the time and material
Business economics is a field of study that reviews wastage to attain the desired profit percentage. This
the implementation of the economic system in business also constitutes the implementation of Break-even
operations. It assists in utilizing the nature and importance analysis.
of financial analysis to clarify business problems. The z Costing Decisions and Strategies: Valuation is the
branch of Business Economics covers all the issues which root of the company’s earnings since its success is
any business owner or firm can face concerning the mostly based on the accuracy of costing decisions.
management of the organization. Several factors can Moreover, the key aspects incorporate pricing
affect the working of a business, ranging from internal methods, price discovery in numerous market forms,
matters to external issues such as the environment. Since product line pricing, and differential pricing.
this branch of study covers a wide spectrum of possibilities z Profit Management: The manager must be able to
in business management, we can say that the scope of devise a more or less precise evaluation of the
the subject is large. We can understand the scope of company’s expected gains and pricing at distinct
business economics in details by a diagram below: output levels. To clarify, uncertainty reduction assists
the firm in achieving higher revenues. While
Demand Analysis comprehending the importance of business economics,
and Forecasting profit calculation and profit planning are the most
difficult concepts.
Cost and Production z Wealth Management: It infers regulation and drafting
Scope of Business

Analysis of capital expenses due to the involvement of a huge


amount. Disposing of the capital assets is quite

complicated and hence, demands a substantial
Costing Decision
amount of labour and time. Subsequently, this
and Strategies
requires the business to manage current assets and
current liabilities properly.
Profit Management
Objectives of Business Firm
It is clear from the above discussion that the modern
Wealth Management approach to financial management is to give answers for
three questions: where to invest and in what amounts
z Demand Analysis and Forecasting: This aids in how to raise and in what amount, and when to pay
directing the organization to arrange production dividends. These aspects relate to the firm's investment,
schedules and harness resources. Additionally, it financing and dividend policies. In order to meet them
assists the leadership preserve and boosting the rationally, the firm must have an objective. It is generally
revenue base and market position through discerning agreed that the financial objective of the firm should be
various factors affecting the product demand. the maximisation of owners' economic welfare. However,
z Cost and Production Analysis: The business there is a disagreement as to how the economic welfare
economics definition entails the production of cost of the owners can be maximised. The two well known
assessment of various outputs and recognizing and widely discussed criteria in this respect are:

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4 Finance


Finance as a resource, refers to monetary means of A business can raise funds from various sources.
financing assets of an entity. Finance as a discipline or Each of the source has unique characteristics, which must
subject of study describes how individuals, governments be properly understood so that the best available source
and corporate organisations manage the flows of money of raising funds can be identified. There is not a single
through an organisation. best source of funds for all organisations. Depending on
At the present state, the academic discipline of finance the situation, purpose, cost and associated risk, a choice
includes the following specialised areas in its scope. may be made about the source to be used. For example, if
a business wants to raise funds for meeting fixed capital
z Public Finance: Like business organisations,
requirements, long term funds may be required which
governments(local, state or federal) raise and spend
can be raised in the form of owned funds or borrowed
a large sum of money, but unlike business
funds. Similarly, if the purpose is to meet the day-to-day
organisations, they pursue non-profit goals. To deal
requirements of business, the short term sources may
with governmental financial matters, a separate and
be tapped. Some important sources of finance has given
specialised field of finance has emerged as public below in detail:
z Securities and Investment Analysis: This area is of Commercial Paper
interest to individuals and institutional investors. It
Commercial Paper (CP) is an unsecured money
covers mainly measurement of risk and returns on
market instrument issued in the form of a promissory
investment in securities.
note. It was introduced in India in 1990 for enabling highly
z Institutional Finance: Institutional finance deals with rated corporate borrowers to diversify their sources of
issues of capital formation and the organisations that short-term borrowings and to provide an additional
perform the financing function of the economy. instrument to investors. Subsequently, primary dealers
Therefore, it mainly studies saving and capital and all-India financial institutions were also permitted
formation and institutions involved in this process to issue CP to enable them to meet their short-term
such as banks, insurance companies, provident and funding requirements for their operations. Individuals,
pension funds, etc. banking companies, other corporate bodies (registered
z International Finance: International finance studies or incorporated in India) and unincorporated bodies,
economic transactions among nations, corporations Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) and Foreign Institutional
and individuals internationally. It is concerned with Investors (FIIs) etc. can invest in CPs. CP can be issued for
flows of money across international boundaries. maturities between a minimum of 7 days and a maximum
z Investment Decisions: Managers need to decide on of up to one year from the date of issue in denominations
the amount of investment available out of the existing of `5 lakh or multiples thereof. However, the maturity
finance, on a long-term and short-term basis. date of the CP should not go beyond the date up to which
z Financial Management: Business firms face problems the credit rating of the issuer is valid.
dealing with the acquisition of funds and optimum
Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCBs)
methods of employing the funds. Thus, financial
management studies financial problems in individual Foreign currency convertible bonds are equity linked
firms, seeks low-cost funds and profitable business debt securities that are to be converted into equity or
activities. depository receipts after a specific period. Thus, a holder

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5 Statistics and
Research Methods
The following data shows the weekly income of 10
Central tendency is a numerical method to explain families.
the data in brief. There are several statistical measures Family
of central tendency or “averages”. The three most A B C D E F G H
commonly used averages are: Arithmetic Mean, mode, I J
median. Weekly Income (in `)
850 700 100 750 5000 80 420 2500
Arithmetic Mean
400 360
Arithmetic Mean is simply the mean or average for Compute mean family income using assumed mean
a set of data. There are two more types of averages i.e. method.
Geometric Mean and Harmonic Mean Arithmetic mean Solution:
is the most commonly used measure of central tendency.
Income d = (X–
It is defined as the sum of the values of all observations Families d = X–850
(X) 850)/10
divided by the number of observations and is usually
A 850 0 0
denoted by X . There are some methods to Calculate
B 700 –150 –15
Arithmetic Mean
C 100 –750 –75
z Direct Method: Arithmetic mean by direct method
D 750 –100 –10
is the sum of all observations in a series divided by
E 5000 +4150 +415
the total by using this formula X  F 80 –770 –77
G 420 –430 –43
z Assume Mean Method: If the number of observations
H 2500 +1650 +165
in the data is more and/or figures are large, it is
I 400 –450 –45
difficult to compute arithmetic mean by direct
method. The computation can be made easier by using J 360 –490 –49
assumed mean method. 11160 +2660 +266
Illustration-1: X =A + =850 + (2,660) / 10
Calculate Arithmetic Mean by direct method from
the data showing marks of students in a class in an = `1,116.
economics test: 40, 50, 55, 78, 58. Thus, the average weekly income of a family by
both methods is `1,116. You can check this by using the
direct method.
X 40  50  55  78  85
X   56.2
N 5 Calculation of Arithmetic Mean for Grouped Data
Grouped data are data formed by aggregating
individual observation of a variable into groups, so
∑ X = sum of all observations and
that a frequency distribution of these groups serve as a
N = total number of observations. Convenient means of summarizing or analyzing the data.

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Business Management
6 and Human Resource

PRINCIPLES AND z Intangible: Management is intangible. It is an unseen

force. Its presence can be felt everywhere by the
FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT results of its effort which comes in the form of
Managing is the art of creation and maintenance of an orderliness, adequate work output, satisfactory,
internal environment in an enterprise where individuals, working climate, employees satisfaction, etc.
working together in groups, can perform efficiently and z Continuous Process: Management is a dynamic and
effectively towards the attainment of group goals. an on-going process. The cycle of management
The essential features of management reveal its continues to operate so long as there is organised
nature and importance. These are discussed below: action for the achievement of group goals.
z Universality: Management is an universal z Composite Process: Functions of management cannot
phenomenon in the sense that it is common and be undertaken. sequentially, independent of each
essential element in all enterprises. Managers perform other. Management is a composite process made up
more or less the same functions irrespective of their of individual ingredients. All the functions are
position or nature of the organisation. The basic performed by involving several ingredients.
principles of management can be applied in all Therefore, the whole process is integrative and
managerial situations regardless of the size, nature performed in a network fashion.
and location of the organisation. Universality of z Creative Organ: Management creates synergetic
managerial tasks and principles also implies that effect by producing results which are more than the
managerial skills are transferable and managers can sum of the individual efforts of the group members.
be trained and developed. It provides sequence to operations, matches jobs to
goals, connects work to physical and financial
z Purposeful: Management is always aimed at
resources. It provides creative ideas, new imaginations
achieving organisational goals and purposes. The
and visions to group efforts. It is not a passive force
success of management is measured by the extent to
adopting to external environment but a dynamic life
which the desired objectives are attained. In both
giving element in every organisation.
economic and non-economic enterprises, the tasks of
management are directed towards effectiveness (i.e., Managerial Functions
attainment of organisational goals), and efficiency (i.e,
goal attainment with economy of resource use). A function is a type of work activity that can be
identified and distinguished from other work. Experts
z Social Process: Management essentially involves
have identified several managerial functions as important
managing people organised in work groups. It includes
elements of management. While Newman and Summer
retaining, developing and motivating people at work,
have identified four functions namely, organising,
as well as taking care of their satisfaction as social
planning, leading and controlling, Henry Fayol has
beings. All these interpersonal relations and interactions
recommended five basic functions namely, planning,
makes the management as a social process.
organising, commanding, coordinating and controlling.
z Coordinating Force: Management coordinates the Most authors present the following five as the essential
efforts of organisation members through orderly functions: planning, organising, staffing, directing and
arrangement of inter-related activities so as. to avoid controlling. Luther Gulick and L. Urwick have coined an
duplication and overlapping. Management reconciles acronym for seven functions namely POSDCORB which
the individual goals with the organisational goals and stands for Planning, Organising, Staffing, Directing,
integrates human and physical resources. Coordinating, Reporting and Budgeting.

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7 and Financial
OVERVIEW OF INDIAN FINANCIAL SYSTEM Others. These institutions unlike commercial
Organisations deal with only financial assets like;
The word ‘system’ in the term ‘Financial System’ deposits, securities, loans, etc. These institutions
implies a set of complex and closely connected or participate in financial markets and mobilise the savings
intermixed instructions, agents, practices, markets, from the surplus units either directly or indirectly.
transactions, claims and liabilities in the economy. z Financial Markets: This is a place or mechanism
Finance is the study of money, its nature, creation, where funds or savings are transferred from surplus
behaviour, regulations and administration. Therefore, units to deficit units. These markets can be broadly
Financial System includes all those activities dealing in classified into money markets and capital markets.
finance, organised into a system. Money market deals with short-term claims or
In other words, Financial system is a system, which financial assets (less than a year) whereas capital
facilitates the process of the Basics system of capital markets deal with those financial assets which have
accumulation by transferring financial resources from maturity period of more than a year This classification
savers to the investors. With financial resources, the is artificial as both these markets perform the same
investors create physical assets, viz. land, buildings, function of transferring surplus funds to needy units.
plants and machineries. The important component of Another classification could be primary markets and
the Indian financial system can be understood through secondary markets. Primary markets deal in new
the figure given below: issue of securities whereas secondary markets deal
z Financial Institutions: These are institutions which with securities which are already issued and available
mobilise and transfer the savings or funds from surplus in the market. Primary markets by issuing new
units to deficit units. It can be seen from figure given securities mobilise the savings directly. Secondary
below. These institutions can be classified into, markets provide liquidity to the securities and thereby
Regulatory, Intermediaries, Non-intermediaries and indirectly help in mobilising the savings

Private Bank
Commercial Banks
Public Bank
Co-operative Bank
Institutions Regional Rural banks
Financial Institutions
Institutions Foreign Bank
Financial System

Unorganized Secondary Market

Financial Markets Capital Market
Organized Primary Market
Financial Assets/ Money Market
Fund Based Leasing, Hire Purchase, Consumer Credit,
Service Bill Discounting, Factoring, Insurance etc.
Financial Services
Fee-Based Issue Management, Merchant Banking, Credit
Service Rating, Debt Restructuring Stock Broking etc.
Component of Indian Financial System
8 Management

MARKETING to the final consumer or user to satisfy certain needs and

wants of specific consumer segment or segments with
According to the American Marketing Association emphasis on portability, ensuring the optimum use of
“marketing is the performance of business activities that the resources available to the organisation." In other
directs the flow of goods and services from producer to words, Marketing can be described as a process that
consumer or user “. involves all such activities that ensure the supply of goods
Philip Kotler, a well-known author in the area of and services from the producer to consumer. Contrary
marketing, defines marketing as “a human activity to general understanding, marketing is no longer simple
directed at satisfying needs and want through exchange selling and buying of different products. In a broader
processes". sense, a viable marketing involves a series of decision-
Based on the above statements we can develop a makings at various levels right from production,
process-oriented definition of marketing, as “the process handlings, storage, packaging and transportation etc., to
of ascertaining consumer needs converting them into the final stage of sale to the consumer. These activities/
products or services, and moving the product or service functions can be understand by the below diagram.

Marketing Functions

Buying Production Selling Financing Transportation Marketing Intelligence Pricing

Market Information System Preservation and Storage Sorting and Grading

Packing Decision Making

According to diagram if we see the another definition z Marketing is a totality of all the management process
which describes marketing as an organised set of activities that identifies and supplies consumer requirements
initiated by business people to determine market demand efficiently and profitably.
and supply of the goods and services to the consumer to z Marketing is relates to various steps taken to identify
his/her satisfaction. Marketing term has been explained largest group of consumers, produce the required
by many other authors as given below: product or service and distribute them to the
z Marketing is a process of Planning and control of consumers efficiently.
activities related to flow of materials from suppliers z Marketing is gathering and displaying the commodities
to the end user. for sale in the markets and selling them in the original
z Marketing is a process of planning and executing or in any other form suiting the consumer.
policies for primary production and distribution of z Marketing is summation of all activities involved in
goods and services to satisfy the needs of individuals transfer of goods from producer or seller to the consumer,
and groups known as consumers. including packaging, storing, transporting etc.
Legal Aspects
9 of Business
INDIAN CONTRACT a legal obligation it is not a contract. In case of social
or domestic agreements, generally there is no intention
Broadly speaking, a contract is an agreement made to create legal relationships. For example, in an
between two or more people to do or to abstain from invitation to dinner there is no intention to create a
doing a particular act. A contract invariably creates a legal relationship and therefore, it is not a contract.
legal obligation between the parties by which certain Similarly, certain agreements between husband and
rights are given to one party and a corresponding duty wife do not become contracts because there is no
is imposed on the other party. A contract has been defined intention to create a legal relationship. This point can
by different authorities in various ways. Some of the well be illustrated by the famous case of Balfour v.
important definitions of contract are as follows: Balfour. Mr. Balfour had promised to pay 30 per
According to Salmond “A contract is an agreement, month to his wife living in England when she could
creating and describing the obligations between parties” not accompany him to Caulon where he was employed.
According to Sir William Anson “A contract is an Mr. Balfour failed to pay the promised amount. Mrs.
agreement enforceable of law made between two or more Balfour filed a suit against her husband for breach of
persons by which rights are acquired by one or more to this agreement, It was held that she could not recover
acts or forbearance on the part of others.” the amount as it was a social agreement and the parties
never intended to create any legal relations.
Elements of a Valid Contract In commercial or business transactions the usual
An agreement enforceable by law is a contract. presumption is that the parties intend to create legal
An agreement in order to be enforceable must have relations. However, this presumption may be negatived
certain essential elements. According to Section 10 – All by express terms to the contrary. The case of Rose & Frank
agreements are contracts if they are made by the free Co. v. Crompton Brothers is relevant here. In this case
‘consent of the parties competent to contract, for a lawful there was an agreement between Rose & Frank Company
consideration and with a lawful object, and are not hereby and Crompton Brothers Ltd. whereby the former was
expressly declared to be void. appointed as selling agents in North America. One of
Thus, an agreement becomes a valid contract if it has the clauses in the agreement read, “This agreement is
the following elements: not entered into as a formal or legal, agreement and shall
z Proper Offer and Proper Acceptance: In order to create not be subject to legal jurisdiction in the law courts.” It
a valid contract it is necessary that there must be at was held that this agreement was not a legally binding
least two parties, one making the offer and the other contract as there was no intention to create legal relations.
accepting it. The law has prescribed certain rules for You must note that whether intention to create legal
making the offer and its acceptance that must be relationship exists in an agreement or not is a matter
satisfied while entering into an agreement. For example, for the court to decide which may look at the terms and
the offer must be definite and duly communicated to conditions of the agreement and the circumstances under
the other party. Similarly, the acceptance must be which the agreement was made.
unconditional and communicated to the offered in the z Free Consent: For a contract to be valid, it is essential
prescribed mode, and so on. Unless such conditions that there must be free and genuine consent of the
with regard to the offer and the acceptance are satisfied parties to the contract. They must have made the
the agreement does not become enforceable. contract of their own free will and not under any fear
z Intention to Create Legal Relationship: There must or pressure. According to Section 14, consent is said
be an intention among the parties to create a legal to be free when it is not caused by (i) coercion (ii)
relationship, if an agreement is not capable of creating undue influence, (iii) fraud, (iv) misrepresentation,

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Income-Tax and
10 Corporate Tax
Income tax is one of the direct taxes levied by the z The value of any benefit or perquisite obtained from
Central Government. It is considered direct as it is payable a company either by a director, or by a person who
in the Assessment Year, directly by the Individual, Hindu has substantial interest in the company or by a relative
Undivided Family, Firms and Corporate Bodies on the of such director or person.
income earned during the previous ear(Accounting/ z The value of any benefit or perquisite, whether
Financial Year). Therefore, any student of income tax convertible into money or not which is obtained by a
must know the meaning of the terms income, previous beneficiary or a trustee from a trust will be treated as
year, assessment year, total income and who are the taxable income in the hands of the beneficiary or the
persons liable to income tax in India. trustee, as the case may be.
Income tax in India is a tax paid by individuals or z Any compensation or other payment made to the
entities depending on the level of earnings or gains person managing the affairs of a company in
during a financial year. The earnings may be both actual connection with the termination of his office and
and notional. income derived by a trade, professional or similar
association for specific services rendered or done to
Meaning of Income its members and chargeable profit under Section 59.
z The value of any benefit or perquisite whether
Section 2(24) of the Act defines 'Income' to include
convertible into money or not, arising from business
the following items :
or the exercise of a profession under section 28 (iv).
z Profits and Gains: This is one of the major sources of
z Capital gains from the transfer of a capital asset.
z The profits and gains of any business of insurance
z Dividends: The definition of dividend has been given
carried on by a mutual insurance company or by a
in Sec. 2(22) which expands the meaning of the term. co-operative society computed in accordance with
z Voluntary Contributions received by a trust created Section 44.
wholly or partly for charitable or religious purposes z Any sum chargeable to income tax as profits and gains
or by an institution established wholly or partly for of business or profession or as recovery of losses,
such purposes, or by a scientific research association expenses or trading liability in respect of which the
or sports association. assessed had been granted a deduction in a previous
z The value of perquisite or profit in lieu of salary. These year or deemed profits.
have been defined. in Sec. 17 and will be dealt with z Profit on sale of a license granted under the Imports
while discussing income from ‘salaries’. (Control) Orders, 1955.
z Any special allowance or benefit, other than perquisite z Any cash assistance received or receivable by any
included in above specifically granted to the assessed person against exports under any scheme of the
to meet expenses wholly, necessarily and exclusively Central Government.
for the performance of the duties of an office or z Any duty of customs or excise repaid or repayable to
employment of profit. any person against exports.
z Any allowances granted to the assessed either to meet z Any winnings from lotteries, crossword puzzles, races
his personal expenses at the place where the duties including horse races, card games and other games of
of his office or employment of profit are ordinarily any sort and betting of any form or nature whatsoever.
reformed by him or at a place where lie ordinarily z Any sum received by the assesse from his employees
resides to compensate him for the increased cost. as contributions.

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