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By: Matumelo Ramalieletse

Author behind Simple escapes reading on Facebook
Book genre: Fantasy, thriller and romance

For more of my work, please join: Simple escapes reading on Facebook

Contact details: [email protected]
Cell No: 065 619 3518
What the hell was that foreign scent?
Tlotla Akela Molapo whose eyelids were too heavy to lift wondered with
her fogged brain due to the hangover that was draining her down. She
was under the aftermath of substance abuse but she was sure she smelled
something. It wasn’t a bad smell. In fact the scent left her nostrils
begging for more. It was so foreign yet so familiar.
As a Luna Wolf she could make up few thing about the smell.
1. The smell belonged to a human being, a very delicious scent. Fresh
and foreign.
2. The inviting scent belonged to a male. A male of her kind. A wolf.

She forced her heavy eyes open, stealing a glance right by her side. The
opened bedding cover next to her confirmed that she had company but he
wasn’t here anymore. The silky sheets beneath her made her realise that
she wasn’t in her room. Not even her home. She stood up with a curse, a
bit relieved that she had a shirt on that dropped to her thick knees. Who
undressed her? And whose shirt is this? She wondered, warily scanning
her surroundings. The luxury around her was new to her eyes. The hell
was she? She wondered.
The only memory her head was giving her was that they were celebrating
her 21st with her varsity friends. They hit a club or two but she has never
been one to drink to forget herself. Except if her drink was spiked. The
thought of her drink being spiked infuriated her wolf. She felt the urge
to kill something. She marched for the door to open it and wipe the
existence of who ever might have spiked her drink.

Opening the door her face bumped into a chest. A steel of chest. She
swallowed, her wolf crawling back where it belongs when it felt him. She
was mad, had questions but now that the moment she is been angry for
her entire life was finally here, she didn’t know what to do.
She is always known that she was a chosen to Mkhonto Dlomo The
Predator. That’s the truth she knew from growing up and the connection
she felt from deep in her heart. The man was supposed to have come
straight to her when he came from the mountains but he never came. She
got angrier with each year passing by that the man she was married to
and had an impeccable connection with never came for her.
21 years later when she celebrate her birthday and decide to kiss a guy
for the first time in her life he shows up. More like kidnap her.

“My father killed a man because he kissed my mother and I just killed a
man because he kissed my wife” dominant, intimidating tone came in
reprimand. She could feel him breath fire right over her head. But this is
Tlotla Molapo. A girl who can run her tongue. She wasn’t about to be
intimidated by a damn chosen husband that hasn’t been in her life for as
long as she could remember.
She arched an eyebrow, looking up to meet his stare. The spark was still
there. A damn beautiful bastard he still was. Her heart swelled with joy,
but she didn’t allow it to melt her.
“And who the hell do you think you are to show up in my life and tell me
you killed a man because he kissed me? If you must know, I have kissed
more than your finger count” the last part was supposed to make him
jealous but the smirk on his face had her growling in annoyance.
“I would kill them all” he dared her staring deep in her eyes.
She got lost in his dreamy eyes a bit, she missed that look. She was young
when she last saw him but she never forgot his look. The look that
certifies that she is this man’s mate. With one shift she found herself back
on the bed. Dreamy scent all over her. Content she felt to be in the arms
of Her Predator, the one who calls her HIS QUEEN.

The excitement, the rush, surely this must be what people are always
raving about. Making out with the one you love. She is never been
touched by a man before, well except that dude she kissed last night, and
it was only a kiss that went cold the moment it ended. But this, this right
here wasn’t just a kiss. She would remember it for a while, if not forever.
The connection between the two was impeccable, for a moment she
allowed him to worship her lips with kisses that waked the wolf in her.
Akela fought for her recognition, releasing her claws and marking the
back of the one that excited both her and her keeper.
His moans in her mouth were oh so sweet. Her wolf lost touch with
senses. Akela was way too deep, recognising their mate she wanted to
mate him same time. But Tlotla’s human senses overpowered the wolf in
her. She pushed him off her body. Regret immediately consumed both her
and the wolf in her. She didn’t mean to push that hard. It must be the
excitement. Wolfs are stronger and much aggressive when excited.

Mkhonto hit the ceiling and then came tumbling down the floor. But he
landed with balance, he didn’t fall. Akela wasn’t pleased with Tlotla. She
is more of that inner voice in person though she was much crazier than
the second human reasoning.
*Don’t you dare kill my man Tlotla* Akela barked in her head. Tlotla
found herself rolling her eyes.
At times she wished they could be two different beings so she could put
Akela in place. Sometime she was too wild and that reflected on her. She
was presumed to be a wild girl while the wildness was from the wolf in
Mkhonto by the wall smirked. She was fierce and feisty. A damn Luna
wolf that was his. She wouldn’t be his if she was a weakling. That only
did justice to the predator in him. His scowl that almost appeared harsh
on her was only a turn on to her. She found herself admiring his looks as
he kept by the wall.
He was too pleasant to a woman’s eye. A delicious yummy sin that was
very wrong but kept calling you for more, he appeared to be. His broad
shoulders, steely abs and that v structure trailing deep into his ripped
jean had Akela fainting and waking up only to faint once again.
She couldn’t help but admire his dreamy physique. He was a sin on two
legs but gladly this sin was hers to sin. She was as helpless as the wolf
in her. He wore authority like his second skin. His hard penetrative stare
on her only heated her blood up. She ached for more of his touch as he
stared at her. Akela on the other hand was ready to open her legs for this
beautiful bastard.

“You must be famished” he finally said. Abandoning the wall and coming
to stand by her side on the table.
*His tone! Dear fara God!* Akela was now ready to drop babies for this
man. Everything about him was just too dreamy and like a drug meant
to hook her in. It was hard having a whore wolf that knew its mate and
wanted to rub on him while she was trying to be mad at the man.
“You never came” Tlotla managed much to Akela’s annoyance,
“I’m here now” he said staring down at her. She wanted to look in his
eyes but she choose to look down because those bedroom eyes of his were
only making Akela wild,
“Why now?” she questioned,
“You disrespected me” he said only to earn himself a scowled look from
his queen. This time Tlotla stared at him. She always puts the blame on
Akela for her behaviour but truly speaking she is just a no nonsense just
like her wolf,
“You kissed some dude” Mkhonto felt the need to explain,
She scoffed. He really came because she kissed a guy? Then she should
kiss more to get this man’s attention.
“Well I guess you can leave me the hell alone now, you saved me from the
kiss of a lifetime” she was annoyed. She wanted him to say he came
because it was time. She wanted him to say he came because he was
ready to take her home, but he said none of that,

“Where are my clothes? And why the hell did you undress me?” she is a
bit worked up by now.
She got off the bed opening the drawers in search for her clothes.
Mkhonto only stared admiring the fire in her. He was sure going to get
burnt here,
“Ey motho!” she snapped her fingers before his eyes. He was just staring
at her with a look she couldn’t explain,
“Kare where are my clothes?!” (I asked………) she asked again, much
closer to his chest now. He kept his silence, all he wanted to do was look
at her.
Tlotla on the other hand got an invitation on his chest. He had a tattoo.
She saw it but now that she was closer to him she melted. A blush swept
her off as she really looked on his chest. Italic words enclosed in a circle
that must mean something were written ‘TLOTLA MOLAPO MY
QUEEN’. The tattoo ate almost his shoulder and chest.
“You can touch” he said with a smug seeing that she was melting.
Words failed her. She could only stare at his beautiful chest. Akela was
now in labour the way she was so excited. She felt butterflies dance deep
in her navel. Her legs were too wobbly to keep her on her feet. This man
was sure a drug.

“Hey” smoothly he called her. He wanted her to look in his eyes, not his
chest. He cupped her face urging her to look up,
“I came back because I belong here, with you” now he sure was saying
the right things. He said staring deep in her eyes.
“I waited Khonto” she is not sure where the ‘M’ in his name went but
Khonto came better from her lips.
He smiled, the first grin she can proudly say she put on his face,
“I know my queen” he leaned down and pecked her lips. She didn’t fight
him, instead she put her small hand on top of his hands cupping her face.
She felt the need to touch him back and that was the only touch she could
survive. She knew touching elsewhere would lead in Akela giving birth
once again,
“I’m here now, and I’m ready to claim what is mine” he continued to add
making her feel like jelly under the scorching heat of the sun.
He picked her back to the bed. Gently placing her on the pillows. His
strong hands went on to unbutton her shirt as he laid her beneath him
but she grabbed them. Horror written on her face,
“What are you doing?” she asked, holding his hands
*Let him do us please!!!* Akela screamed in her head,
“You trust me?” he asked,
“NO!” she was quick about the answer. He broke her trust a long time
ago when he didn’t come for her. Her response brought him to a fit of
laughter. She is definitely not a shy girl.
“I would like to look at you” he said still holding to her buttons,
“You are looking at me” she was lying beneath him, what more look does
he want?
“The predator would like to see you” he explained but this only confused
her more,
“Isn’t he looking?”
He chuckled,
“Please. I need to see you this way” he begged, his tone came different,
really pleading with her.
She sighed. This was her husband, he was still going to see her naked
but this is not how she pictured things in her head. She got her little
hands of his and let him be. Gently with ease he worked all the buttons
of her shirt off and undressed her.

She was a big girl. She is never had a thin bone in her. She was never
ashamed or had any insecurities with her body but this man’s look had
her feeling somehow. He undressed her and stood by the bed. Only
looking at her body up and down like a hunter spotting its prey.
She squirmed, feeling a bit embarrassed. This was too exposed for her.
The only person other than her mother who had seen her so naked was
her sister that she shares her apartment with. Her sister always tell her
she is beautiful. They both walk in their undies in their apartment and
that is comfortable for her. But laying like a chicken waiting to be
marinated for a man was something new to her.
“Your perfect” he finally said when he was satisfied of staring at her. His
one knee dropped on the bed as he reached for her panties,
“NO!” she grabbed his hands once again. It was one thing laying naked
with her breast for the man to see but her nunu?
*TLOTLA!* Akela wished for a better keeper by now. She screamed
when she held Mkhonto’s hands trying to free her of her panties,
“I need this my queen” she popped her eyes. It came to him that she must
have interpreted that wrong,
“I need to see you, nothing else” he corrected himself,
“I don’t understand”
“You’ll understand with time, please” there must be a living whore in
her….well there was, Akela. She took her hand of his once again, though
this time she was starting to grow a little nervous.
Her white lace panties were rolled down her thick thighs down to her legs
where he grabbed them for a sniff before he shoved them in his pockets.
Tlotla’s jaws literally hit the floor. What kind of freaky shit is this? She
wondered as he closed his eyes for a while looking up like he was
savouring her scent or something.
*What’s he doing?* at least she wasn’t the only one bewildered, even
Akela was a bit confused.
When he opened his eyes the look he had was animalistic. It was hungry
and wild but soft on her at the same time.
He looked at her once again. Now without panties making her feel like a
really bad girl. Her heart was beating in a way that she didn’t know it
could. Afraid but excited at the same time. Some call it mixed emotions.
He pulled her to the edge of the bed, spreading her thick thighs apart and
she wanted to say something but all her words died when she looked at
him. The look was still soft but there was something dominant and
intimidating about him now. This shit shouldn’t be happening but it is.
He fell on his knees down the bed and spread her up to his face. She
squirmed. Nervous, embarrassed, confused…a lot was going through her
mind as the man just stared deep inside her vagina.

“KHO….” She gasped when he touched her folds opening her up,
“Shhhh!” sweetly he said. She could feel him breathe deep inside her
vagina but he didn’t do anything. He was indeed just looking.
When he was satisfied she felt a peck right inside her lady part. He closed
her up and kissed closed her lady part. She quickly closed her legs when
he got up. Her heart was hyperventilating. She is heard them all from
her friends about sex but this was new to her. No one told her that
husbands sometimes look inside your vagina.
She followed him with her look but when he took off his jeans she gasped,
“Khonto I told you nothing is happening between us” she was quick to
“And I agreed that nothing is happening” she is never seen it before. It
was huge and right there and she didn’t want to look but Akela,
*Tell him to spread his legs, I want to see something* Akela said
sounding too impatient. She wasn’t going to say that. She tried to keep
her look on his upper body as he climbed back on the bed. He picked her
back to the pillows and laid right next to her face to face.
She was blushing once again. All the horror he just did gone with. His
hand was cupping her cheek and neck caressing her lips,
“You’re beautiful. Perfect in every way and you’re all mine” clearly he had
a way with words that weakened her,
“I should be home, my sister must be worried” she said not able to keep
his look,
“You’ll call her and tell her you’re with me” he said, still touching on her
like she was a piece of gold,
“How did you find me? Did you spike my drink” she calmly asked, unlike
when she woke when she was ready to murder someone,
He smiled,
“I would never drug you. You overslept because you are with me. As for
finding you, let’s just say I have my ways” she rolled her eyes and that
tickled him well,
“Are you going to leave again?” she hated sounding so vulnerable but she
wasn’t certain that she would survive not seeing him again after this
“Never” the word came final and sure
“Why didn’t you come all this time?” she waited for him all her life,
“I wanted you to enjoy your childhood and everything without me and the
pressure of us being married” she rolled her eyes. All her life she was
reminded that she is someone’s wife,
“I waited for you on my eighteenth birthday” that’s the day she gave up
on him,
“I was sure you would come. I dolled up, wearing a weave for the first
time in my life thinking you were finally going to come” he laughed,
pecking her lips,
“I’m sorry I didn’t come. I was always going to come when you turn 21. I
wanted you to grow a bit” silence stretched between the two as they fell
in each other’s eyes. His hands brushed on her short haircut. She was
rarely beautiful. Nothing much to doll up on her face but she was just a
lovable creature,
“Don’t ever wear weaves, I love you like this” he said still brushing on her
“Don’t ever wear t-shirts as well, I love my ndoda bare chested with my
name written on his chest” Mkhonto laughed,
“So your one of those?” he asked still consumed by laughter
She frowned confused and he explained,
“The Indoda must women”
“Of course. Indoda must give me money” she said tearing him apart with
“I’m listening” he said,
“Indoda must spoil me” he nodded with a smile
“Indoda must be honest with me, I hate being lied to”
“Duly noted my queen” he said,
“And while we at it, this is me giving you the platform to come clean of
anything I should know about you. Anything that I might take as you
being dishonest if it comes up in future”
He sighed. Things just took a turn too quick,
“I’m a 34 years old man my queen. Your 21. Obviously there are things I
did in my life but now that you’re here I can only promise you that, you’re
the it for me. I’ll not mess around on you” she wasn’t satisfied of his
“So there are things I should know?” she asked,
“Yes. And I’ll tell you. But today is the first time we meet. Do you really
want to spend it grumpy about the things I did when I was waiting for
you to grow up?” he arched an eyebrow in question,
“Fine! We can let it go for today and maybe tomorrow”
“Thank you. Plus I have my own version of ‘Umfazi must’ that you need
to hear” she laughed, hard
“Okay, Khehla laka, I’m listening” (……,my old man,….)
“Umfazi must be generous with the wound” he grabbed her sex, making
her gasp,
“And she must be very very generous. That’s the only thing my woman
should know”
“Hmk! I need to go” things were getting too hot,

He grabbed her waist, pulling her closer to his hot naked body. He kissed
her, picking her to lay on top of him. He pushed his legs between hers.
She was spread out once again, but this time in a steamy kiss. He was
grabbing on her ass and squeezing as he kissed the morning lights out of
her. Akela was ready, legs wide apart,
*Don’t disappoint me, please* she said in her head, making Tlotla
laugh inside Mkhonto’s mouth
“You good?” Mkhonto asked still kissing her, he wasn’t letting her go,
“The wolf in me is just too excited” she confessed as they continue to
exchange mouth passion. He knew what that meant,
“The predator is not talking to me at the moment” he confessed back. At
least she wasn’t the only one with a crazy creature. Their moment was
disturbed by her ringing phone. It rang in one of the drawers. She knew
it was hers because of the ringtone,
“My phone” she managed still in his mouth,
“It’s your sister, she is been calling the entire night” he didn’t want to let
her go but Tlotla abruptly pulled off the kiss to get her phone. Bohlokoa
must be worried of her.
‘Hlokoa!’ she picked the phone panting naked on top of a naked man,
‘Where are you? You didn’t come home last night Tlotla!’ she was
screaming. They both share an apartment. Her sister is done with school,
she is an intern in one of the law houses in the kingdom,
‘I’m with…..i….’ she stuttered, blushing at the man who was waiting to
hear what she’ll call him,
‘I called the rents. You didn’t come home, I was worried’
‘Dear lord Hlokoa!’
‘Your father is furious, he said something about picking your scent to find
you’ Bohlokoa said,
‘Thanks for the heads up!’ she dropped the call and jumped off Mkhonto,
“We need to get dressed, my father is on his way here!” she informed him,
“FUCK! HE IS GOING TO FINE ME!” he wasn’t supposed to touch her
in any way before he formally claimed her.

She knew she had no clothes but what’s coming out of his mouth invited
a furious scowl on her beautiful plump cheek face. It had to be some kind
of a sick joke but sadly he can’t be joking when her father was about to
grace them with his definitely wrathful presence.
“Pardon me?!” she is furious,
The smirk on his face only invites more ire in her. If only she knew the
how crazy she drove the predator with that supposed scowl on her face.
He liked them feisty and fiery. His own code was an ff. His woman must
be an ff or she wasn’t his. Now before him stand his chosen with all the
elements he wants in a woman. Her scent. The exotic fusion of lavender
and coconut on her skin penetrated through his skin and sent correct
signals straight to his hard cock, making it jerk off. The predator growled
his arousal, all he wanted was to lay her down and fuck her in all the
corners of this little room. It’s what the anger in her did to him. It did the
opposite of what it’s intended,
“I said I got rid of your clothes” and he is says it again, not afraid of the
anger growing on that beautiful face. Somehow she became prettier when
“And you call yourself a 34 years old?” this was the actions of a two year
old to her. Who throws away a woman’s clothes because he wanted to
stare and touch on her all night? Only a pervert would do that.
*I think he is a psycho but don’t worry, we love them crazy* and
then Akela doesn’t stop in her head. How is she supposed to show her
anger when her wolf is going wild with desire?

“At least tell me you had a plan because I’m not going out to see my father
in your shirt” her hands homed her chest in a fold because she wanted to
strangle the smug off his face.
His hands where pushed in his unzipped jeans because his throbbing dick
was refusing to be forced inside the jean. There was a smirk on his face
as he stared at his queen grow in rage. He knew everything about her.
The stubborn and difficult gene in her.
He thought she wasn’t going to agree to undress for him so he threw away
her clothes leaving her with no choice. He only dressed her in his shirt
because he didn’t want to scare her. He had went for a hunt and he didn’t
want her to wake completely naked. She would have freaked out and
released Akela.
But his aim from the start was for her to wake up completely and utterly
naked under his scrutiny.

“I was going to buy you clothes obviously. I didn’t think your father would
hunt you down before I had my way with you” the bastard!
*Tell him to have his way with us now!* Akela was honestly a freak
waiting to be unleashed,
“You’re unbelievable, what do you suggest we do now because he might
knock any minute from now?” she asked,
“I’ll handle it. Stay in here” obviously she wasn’t going to go out to face
her father with a man’s shirt that barely covered her big ass. But she
knew her father would drag her home with.

“Koko! Bafo! Sdudla!” a knock interrupted the two. Tlotla found herself
frowning more at the man. He didn’t tell her that his brother was here,
“Is that abuti Sakhe?” she asked in a whisper,
“Sdudla your father is here, I suggest you stop having sex little girl”
Sakhe continued to shout on the other side of the door,
“Fotseg bafo!” Mkhonto barked him off the door,
“You didn’t tell me your brother is here?” Tlotla was appalled,
“They are all here” all? Jesus come collect him. He could have shared the
“I’ll go talk to your father before he storms in here” Tlotla was just numb
glaring at him. He jogged the bed to her side and grabbed her waist on to
“I might need this my queen” he said this grabbing on the his shirt that
she wore,
“I can’t exactly meet your dad parading my chest” now she had to stay
completely naked in the bedroom. Even her underwear was still in his
jean pocket.
She could only sigh as he undressed her again and took his shirt. His lips
found their way back to her sweet tender lips. He wasn’t going to leave
the room without kissing her again and grabbing on her beautiful nunu.
Tlotla gasped when he grabbed her lady and parted her a bit slightly
inserting his finger. She closed her eyes in desire feeling his finger tease
on her clit. He took the finger straight to his mouth sucking as he walked
out buttoning his shirt. She was left numb and in utter shock.
*Next time he inserts his finger, relax and open wider, please
maan! I’m not about to die a virgin wolf!* Akela’s anger had her
smiling at herself as she left in the room. She looked at the sheet and his
belt laying on the bed. Her father knows nothing about fashion, sure this
will do.
He knew when he picked Tlotla’s scent that she was with Mkhonto.
Mkhonto is one of his pack members and his daughter’s mate. His scent
he knows even from afar. In his mind he thought he was just going to
walk in on his daughter and her husband, but no. The entire Dlomo boys
are here and all stupid. They know Mkhonto is not supposed to have any
‘private’ moments with Tlotla until he is formally claimed her in the
mating ceremony, but here they are giving him room to have private
moments with his daughter.
When he arrived in here he just said ‘I want my daughter’ and that
talkative Sakhe went to fetch her. He wasn’t about to ask where she is
because he can sense that she is right in the house.
Sakhe forces himself on the one couch between the twins when he comes
“I thought you were bringing my daughter” Majara glares at the three
squashed on one couch before him. It’s amazing how they all resemble
Dlomo. He feels like he is staring at younger versions of his best friend.
He would have went in there and fetched her but he is learned his lesson
from his little sister,
“She..she is coming. Please don’t eat us” obviously they know what he is.
He narrows his eyes at Sakhe
“Whose house is this?” he questions. It’s a beautiful house located in
Maseru west.
They borrow each other looks instead of giving him an answer,
“You look very hungry. I’ll go make you some food” Sakhe say jumping off
the couch,
“I’ll make you some tea” Zizwe follows behind him,
“I guess I’ll make you some eggs” Muzi waste no time following the two
to the kitchen. He is left appalled wondering what that was all about.
Lucky enough the bastard pissing in his yards appears with a head bowed
just after the three have left the room.

“The GG!” he gives him his hand that Majara doesn’t take. He reeks of
his daughter. Lord know which parts of his daughter those hands were
“Why are you trying to disrespect me?” Majara barks at him,
“I apologise Lupus. I know I wasn’t supposed to do this but I just lost it
when…..” Mkhonto trailed off,
“When what?” Majara clapped,
“Papa” Tlotla appeared with a weird smile wearing……what an ugly
dress she was wearing, her father thought to himself,
“Why are you trying to annoy me Tlotla? Do you want to kill me?” Parents
and drama! Why is he dying because she didn’t sleep home? Tlotla
dropped her head and came to stand by him,
“I’m sorry papa”
“Nyori papa?! Do you want to kill me?” (Sorry……) Majara was very
annoyed with this girl right now but his drama was unnecessary, who
said the whole Lupus would die because his daughter slept out?
“I’m really sorry papa, please let’s go home” Mkhonto tried to send a gaze
message to her but she didn’t pick it up. She only frowned confused of
what he was trying to say with his eyes. He didn’t want her to go.
“Tell your father I want five cows. One for each of your stupid brothers
and two for your ass. You know you’re not supposed to touch my daughter
in anyway before you show face and do what is expected of you” Majara
hissed with his daughter’s arm clapped on his,
“I apologise the GG”
“NXA!” he took his daughter’s hand and walked out with her.
*I told her we should go home but she refused* Akela snitched.
Lupus can hear her because she is an offspring to Lupus. Tlotla gasped
to the lies Akela was feeding her dad,
“Kore Tlotla even the wolf in you is wiser than you ngwanaka. Why don’t
you listen to Akela at least because she is smarter than you” (…
child……) Majara continued to bark as they walked to the car. Tlotla
maintained her silence because she didn’t want to argue with the whore
wolf living in her. Now she is a liar on top of everything.
The angry Lupus and his daughter took the back seat while one of the
drivers took the front seat driving them. Tlotla kept her stare down in
shame. She could feel her father’s intensive stare on her,
“Did he do anything to you?” her father investigated. If he did, he would
pay more than a fine of five cows,
“No papa” she still looked down, shamefully not able to afford her father
a look.
Majara took in a deep breath to calm down. He hated himself for making
his daughter feel afraid for a few minutes. He liked his daughter talkative
and telling him that she is a married woman. Not this shamed afraid
little girl. He needed to calm the fuck down.
“Hey, look at papa my pride” he named his daughter Tlotla his pride. He
picked her chin urging her to look at him but there were tears in her eyes.
Her baby girl hardly cried,
“Baby I’m sorry I didn’t mean to shout” she is still 21 years for crying out
loud. Of course she’ll make mistakes but she needs guidance, not a father
that’s going to shout every mistake she made,
“It’s not you papa” she managed through the sobs,
“Then what is it? Did he hurt you?” she shook her head and laid her head
on her father’s lap. He brushed her short hair and the shoulders that her
ugly dress didn’t cover,
“Talk to daddy my pride, why are you crying?” he could feel himself heat
up. You can come for him in anyway but not his family, especially not his
only baby girl,

“Papa I love him so much” she rose from his lap with a confession,
“Huh?” even Lupus was lost,
“I love him so much papa, I’m scared”
“Lord of Lesotho!” Majara exclaimed. He couldn’t believe he was starting
to get worked up over someone who is crying for love,
“You’re crying because you love a man?” he needed to understand,
“Eya papa. This feeling is too deep” Majara rolled his eyes. He didn’t
know how to comfort someone who is crying because ‘the feeling is too
“Papa do you think he loves me?” he could pick the fear in a her question,
probably why he answered because he didn’t want his girl shattered,
“He would be a fool not to” he assured wiping her tears way,
“He didn’t tell you he loves you?” he asked,
She shook her head no tearing up all over again
“I’m sorry my baby. I’ll make him say the words” that he would, he’d do
anything for his daughter,
“No papa!” Tlotla jerked off his lap,
“He’ll say the words when he is ready. I don’t want you to force him to
love me. I want him to do things that he wants to do like he did today.
Papa you should have felt his touch, his lips, his…..”
interrupted not wanting to hear what Mkhonto did to his daughter,
“It’s an Afrikaans song my lord” Letha
“I don’t care it’s my favourite, hit that volume” Majara refused to hear
more trauma than he had already heard with his ears,
“You would rather listen to Jacaranda than listen to me?” Tlotla couldn’t
understand why her father would choose an Afrikaans song over her
sharing some details,
“Aren’t you hungry my baby” after Mkhonto the other thing she loved is
food. That should be enough to make her forget about Mkhonto until they
got home,
“Oh I’m starving papa. You’re paying akere?” like she ever pays,
“What do you want to have? Letha please drive to the mall” he ordered
the driver
“NO! Any drive through papa, I have assignments to finish” she lied. She
didn’t want to be spotted out in public wearing sheets.
Later the same evening she sits with her sister in their apartment talking
boys. Well, she is the one doing the talking because she is the one with
the boyfriend.
A box of pizza and a half empty bottle of wine that their parents would
freak if they ever saw decorates the table in front of them as they lazy off
in the lounge.
“I still cannot believe he didn’t see that you were wearing a sheet”
Bohlokoa remarked with a light laughter. She saw straight when they
walked in that she was wearing a sheet with a man’s belt holding it over
her waist to make it look a bit presentable,
“My father knows nothing about fashion. Speaking of, we need to go
shopping” Bohlokoa glared her
“I need to give him a woman look when he sees me. Not a 21 year old who
wears crop tops” she is those thick ones that could still rock crop tops.
She had plenty of those and shorts in her closet,
“I don’t think you should change the way you look to accommodate him.
He’ll love you the way you are” Bohlokoa advised,
“I know but Hlokoa you didn’t see that man. He makes me want
to………….” Her phone rang on the table. She didn’t recognise the
“Aren’t you going to answer that?” Bohlokoa asked
“I don’t know this number, it’s a +27 number….” it hit them both,
“IT’S HIM!” they both exclaimed,
Tlotla coughed first clearing her voice. She wanted to sound like an angel.
‘Hey’ she said with a tone that even she couldn’t recognise. Bohlokoa
narrowed her eyes in shock at that baby tone that just came through her,
‘My queen’ there is just something those words do to her when she hears
them. She melted at the strong stern tone coming on the other side.
‘What are you doing?’ he asked when he picked that she might be
blushing and out of words,
‘Sleeping’ Bohlokoa lowly laughed at Tlotla’s new tone. She sounded like
a baby,
‘I would like to sleep as well if you could open for me’ he said,
‘I don’t understand Khonto’
‘I’m outside and your detail might see me if you don’t open soon’ she
popped her eyes running to the window. They were on the fifth floor.
Looking down she saw him in black with a cap on facing down.
‘12269. Use that code’ she held her scream turning to Bohlokoa
‘The bed better be warm!’ immediately she let off her scream when he
dropped the call

“What?” Bohlokoa asked,

“He is here. He is coming up now” Bohlokoa could only laugh at how
happy she looked,
“He is going to sleep here” she shared in excitement but the frown that
gathered on Bohlokoa’s face brought a frown on her as well
“What?” she asked,
“Your bedroom. You’re going to sleep with him in that bedroom?” damn!
She forgot. Well our girl is not the tidiest there is out there. She was
taught everything but not cleaning. She tries but growing up with help
left, right and centre isn’t very good, especially now that one is grown,
“Ausi Hlokoa can we please use your bedroom” Bohlokoa shook her head
“Never!” Bohlokoa on the other hand was better than her sister. She could
keep a clean room at least, unlike someone with a chair of partially dirty
clothes in her room. There was just that one chair she dumped clothes
that she could still repeat. Their cleaner only came once in a week.
“What am I going to do?” this should be a lesson to always keep her room
“Make him tea and keep him a bit in here, I’ll quickly go tidy your room
a bit”
“Thank you ausi waka!” (…….My sister) she blew Hlokoa a kiss who
receive it with an eye roll,

Soon after Bohlokoa left the room a knock came through. She fixed
herself one last time before she went for the door.
And there he stood. A bloody drug of a human being. He had black
tracksuits, black trainers and a black cap that made him look much
“Are you going to invite me in?” she smiled, not because of his words but
because of Akela. She could feel her wake up,
*Christmas doesn’t come twice in a year, let’s use this chance
wisely, I beg* said the dirty wolf living in her,
“Come in” she stepped aside with a smile for him to walk in,
She closed the door and when she turned she found herself being pushed
back to the door. The man had her pinned on the door with his breath
blowing right on her face. He smelled like a cologne of love, something
that only lovers could smell,
“I realised something after you left” his one arm sneaked behind her
waist while the other hand held the side of her face making her look in
his intensive sexy stare,
‘Mmm’ she managed, not knowing what do say because the man had a
way of making her feel weak,
“I was too busy satisfying the predator I forgot to say the most important
words” she looked at him, soft, keeping his stare. She could see what he
was about to say and that it comes straight from his heart,
“Please look in my eyes” he wanted her to believe the words he was about
to say,
He cupped her face with both his hands looking right in her beautiful soft
“I love you Tlotla Molapo. I love you. You hear that?” she nodded, out of
words and breathe,
“I have never said that to anyone. And I don’t want to say that to anyone
but you, you hear me?” she nodded again
“What do you say?” he asked,
“I think you should really kiss me right now” Mkhonto laughed, pecking
her forehead before he devoured her lips. No woman has ever made him
feel this way.

She took shopping her two childhood friends Tebatso and Relebohile. She
is a friend’s person, unlike her sister, Hlokoa, who refused to hang out
with them. She usually does that, especially when there is Tebatso in the
group. Deep down Tlotla thinks her sister is a lesbian in hiding and might
have a crush on Teba (Tebatso). She is never really specified why she
finds Tebatso not her type of tea but she definitely doesn’t click with
Teba. The secret lesbian thing in Tlotla’s head births from the fact that
she is never heard her sister talk about a boy. Not even a crush. She is
always the one talking boys. Hlokoa just laughs and adds her two cents
useless opinions here and there.
“I think we should start with food” Lele (Relebohile) is a food lover like
her. She suggest immediately after her driver drops them off at the mall,
“She’ll not lose weight if you keep suggesting we eat every two minutes”
Teba commented. Much to Lele’s annoyance because she rolled her eyes,
“Tlotla what do you say?” Lele posed the question at Tlotla. Tlotla was
smiling staring at her phone chatting away. She wasn’t paying attention
to the conversation at hand,
“Hello friend! Come back here” Lele waved her hand over Tlotla’s face,
“Sorry guys!” she locked her phone and threw it in her hand bag. She had
been chatting to a pestering old man who was telling her of how he can’t
wait to see her again tonight. Last night he did nothing but whisper sweet
nothings in her ear and slept. He left before the sun could come out so
her detail wouldn’t see him. He promised to be back again tonight.

“Is it Thulo?” Teba excitedly asked seeing the smile on her friend’s face.
Thulo is the Friday night guy that she kissed. Teba is the one who knew
the guy, she hooked her up with the guy,
“Who is Thulo?” Tlotla questioned, she didn’t even know the guy’s name.
She wasn’t paying attention to his introductions and advances,
“The lover boy you kissed on Friday. Where did you two end up vele?” she
would afford her an answer if she knew as well, but she woke up safe and
sound in the arms of the one who not only kissed her soul but her wolf as
“My father fetched me, I don’t know about your friend” she lied,
“Where are we eating? I have to tell you guys something” she continued
to add. Lele was happy that they both outnumbered Teba about food,
“The Link” Lele was quick to suggest. She had been craving for those
mouth-watering humongous burgers of theirs.
Tlotla on the other hand who usually agrees with her on food stood still.
She felt her wolf wanting to go feral. Akela usually did that when she
sensed danger approach them. Tlotla kept still, listening to her wolf’s
emotions allowing it to show her what it was desperately trying to catch
as danger,
“Tlotla!!” Teba called seeing that they left her a bit behind.
She didn’t respond. When this happens she always make sure to be in
tune with Akela. It could be a message from her Alpha brother Aragorn.
He usually communicates with his pack through the pack link that binds
their bond as pack. But this wasn’t that. It was more of Akela being
frustrated that they are both under great danger but she can’t exactly
confirm it, though she felt it.

*Turn* Akela stiffened in her. She was alarmed of something or rather

someone behind them. Tlotla turned her head slowly, ready to go all shit
on whoever it was but her frown dispersed when saw a grown old woman
standing my an classic Mercedes Benz staring right at her,
*Who is she?* Tlotla asked Akela, they had an internal communication.
Her stare didn’t leave the old woman, she glared right back not backing
down. She wasn’t about to be scared off by fossils,
*Not certain yet, but something about her stare makes me want to
eliminate her wrinkled ass. Let her come closer I’ll tell you* Akela
warned. Tlotla was immediately wary. Her wolf is never wrong in most
“TLOTLA!” she snapped back to her friends after her internal
conversation with Akela. But she was alarmed and kept stealing a glance
over her shoulder watching the old woman come,
“Guys we have to go back” she announced taking out her phone to dial
her driver. Akela’s weariness made her uncomfortable,
“But Tlotla you promised that we are shopping today. Why do we have to
go back?” Teba complained,
“I can’t say but we really need to go back” she could feel Akela heat up.
Akela’s craziness sometimes overwhelmed her. She knew she could
transform broad daylight and handle the old woman if she felt her a
threat. But she knew how much they have to be discreet about who they
really are as royal house. So getting the hell out of the mall was a more
befitting choice than letting Akela go loose.
When she took a turn with her phone on the ear the old woman was
nearing them. She wasn’t scared of the poor old woman but the way Akela
reacted alarmed her. She was raging in fire,
“Princess Tlotla!” the old woman finally caught to them and greeted with
a smile. One could see that she was fine in her days. Her long hair sat on
her shoulders neatly combed back. It appeared that she wasn’t your
regular old woman. She looked quite like a sophisticated old rich woman.

“Eya nkgono” (Yes grandma) Tlotla responded, desperately trying to

musk the disgust her wolf emitted through her at the sight of the old
woman. She could spot a bit of annoyance on the old woman’s face when
she called her ‘Nkgono’
“It’s an honour to meet you princess, if I may please have your hand” the
old woman asked with her hand extended,
*DON’T TOUCH THE BITCH!* Akela growled in her head. She knew
better than to go against Akela’s wishes so she just stared at the old
woman’s hand,
“Dumedisa motho a moholo Tlotla!” (Greet the old woman Tlotla!) Teba
nudged her,
“It’s very nice to meet you nkgono” Tlotla said not giving her hand,
“Guys let’s go!” she was already walking off as she said. By now Akela
finally picked what scratched her bitchy side about the old woman. She
knew their mate, not just know him but intimately knows him. Wolves to
wolves mate is quite an intelligent concept. A wolf can sense anyone
who’s sensed their mate in any sexual way, even if it happened ages ago,
Tlotla wanted herself as far as possible from the old woman. Her wolf was
clawing on her fighting to free which made her a bit weak because they
were in internal battle. Akela is the crazy kind of bitch that doesn’t care
about keeping discreet from the public, she wanted to handle the ex-lover
of their mate right there and then,

“Tlotla that was very rude, why would you not shake the old woman’s
hand? Is it because she is not of your glass” Teba was disappointed in her
“Honestly Teba if Tlotla doesn’t want to touch anyone’s hand it
shouldn’t………” Lele trailed off seeing the sweat shooting on Tlotla skin.
She suddenly appeared a bit sickly, fighting to keep on her feet as she
held on her knees staying a bit behind,
*Akela please!* Tlotla begged her wolf to calm down. She was weighing
on her wanting out. It was quite an emotional draining task to tame a
wolf who sensed their mate’s scent on another being. She could have
passed and not approach them, Akela would be fine but her coming to
them made Akela want to show her just how much of a real bitch she
could be as well,
“Tlotla are you okay?” Lele worriedly asked. She was hyperventilating
and suddenly reddish.
“Princess Tlotla!” the old woman caught up with them again. She called
behind Tlotla and her friends once again,
“FUCK OFF OLD HAG!” Tlotla growled. Her tone came out hoarse and
a bit gravely due to the howl from the wolf in her that she tried her best
to hold down her throat,
The smirk on the old bitch only aggravated Akela’s anger. She could feel
her claws coming out ready to paint the mall red with the woman’s blood.
It was a difficult battle trying to keep Akela at base and having her anger
want to rip through her.

Just then a foreign scent that definitely belonged to their kind distracted
Akela. Before she could investigate the scent both Akela and Tlotla were
flying in the air carried on the man’s shoulder that they both didn’t know
or didn’t see. The only thing they could both make out was that the man
was a shifter wolf like them,
“Put me down dammit!” Tlotla fought the man carrying her, Akela
unleashed her claws and drew the man’s back. Just when she took out
her fangs to bite the bastard she was thrown in backseat of the car,
“Calm down momo” the man she was thrown next to said very calm. She
only didn’t explode because she knew the man but she wasn’t sure which
one he is. She cannot tell them apart,
“I’m not momo and why are you kidnapping me?” she questioned one of
the twin brothers. The other day she didn’t see them, she knew they were
there but because her father had fetched her she didn’t get a chance to
see them,
“I’m not kidnapping you momo, I’m saving you” he was still calm as ever,
eating peanuts throwing them in his mouth like a hobby of some sort,
“I can take care of myself, thank you!” Tlotla roared. She didn’t
appreciate being shoved in the back seat of the car like some weak ass
woman who can’t take care of herself,
“No one doubts that but your man wouldn’t have Nick guard on you if he
felt you could entirely take care of yourself” she rolled eyes, she was going
to address it with the 34 year old trying to play saviour on her life,
“FUCK! THE BITCH CLAWED ME!” in the front seat the man who had
her on his shoulder hissed glancing at his bleeding back as he jumped to
the driver seat,
“Pardon yourself?!” the twin enquired, in a tone that left a threat
lingering in the air,
“I apologise but she didn’t have to claw me” the guy said not turning to
look at them,
“Drive the fucking car and stop blubbering shit!” the man in the front
seat appeared to be white. His fluffy hair and white skin confirmed
Tlotla’s suspicions,
“Is he Chinese?” Tlotla asked loud for the man to hear as well. She hadn’t
caught his face as yet,
The twin laughed out loud chewing on peanuts,
“Why Chinese?” the twin continued to ask still trapped in laughter,
“Chinese people are the second race in Lesotho, by now I think their
language should be made official and introduced in schools” the twin
continued laughing away, he had also realised that there were lot of
Chinese in Lesotho,

“Are you hungry?” the twin asked after he stopped laughing,

She frowned but said “Yeah”
“Good. You’ll cook, I was shopping when we stumbled upon you” she could
only roll her eyes. He was still her brother in law and she couldn’t exactly
disrespect him. But she wasn’t going to cook,
“What’s your name? And how do I separate you from your twin?” she
asked, inviting laughter to the man once more. By now she wasn’t sure if
she is funny or he is just someone who enjoys laughing,
“You really can’t tell us apart momo?” a grunt escaped her, she hated the
name momo because she doesn’t know where it comes from and it
sounded like something you would call something big,
“I’m not momo!” she repeated, a bit stern this time around,
The twin just laughed her off,
“I’m the handsome one, you’ll see” she rolled her eyes,
“And the name is Zizwe” at least she got the name, but she knew the
moment he stands by the other one she’ll not be able to tell which one he
“What did she say?” he continued to ask. The humour in his tone was
gone, she picked her stare to look in his eyes and found that the
playfulness had vanished with,
“Who is she?” asked back,
“Someone who shouldn’t come anywhere near you” he afforded her that,
“Because your brother is fucking ancestors that dream in black and
white?” the white driver laughed. Zizwe by her only side smiled and
“Did she say that?” clearly he underestimated her intelligence,
“I’m a wolf. Your brother is my mate. She didn’t need to say shit for me
to know that she knows my cock” that’s the exasperated Tlotla for you.
Mouth so foul, Zizwe dropped his in shock. He hadn’t expected her to be
so raw,
“It’s yours?” Zizwe questioned failing to hold the amusement on his face,
“From birth” she claimed looking out the window. Mkhonto was really in
trouble. He needed to explain why his wrinkled ex-lover was chasing
after her. And why he would fuck an ancestor anyway.

Upon their arrival the vehicle came to a complete halt outside that very
same house in Maseru west. Zizwe grabbed the door for her and held her
hand straight to the house. The driver guy tailed them with grocery bags.
“Look who I brought!” Zizwe screamed as they walked through the
kitchen. Heads rose from the living room where it looked like they had
been enjoying soccer. Amongst the faces she barely recognized she didn’t
see the man she desperately wanted to see. As a wolf herself she could
tell she was in the presence of an Indian pack she didn’t know.
Akela was immediately uncomfortable. Wolves tend to hate surprises.
She felt like they walked into a surprise that wasn’t good at all. And the
foreign pack had an intense gaze on her sensing that she is shifter wolf.
Some appeared a bit annoyed at her face, some were just stoned. She
didn’t know what to make of the situation so she dwelled into her brother
in laws who were all over her like flies on tripe.
“Come here Sdudla, you’re so grown!” she smiled as Sakhe pulled her for
a hug and passed her on to Muzi,
“Momo” Muzi embraced her as well. This momo thing was really
annoying her and her wolf, they both didn’t like it.
Now she can tell Muzi and Zizwe apart as the three ushered her to the
kitchen. Well she can tell them apart now because they both had worn
different clothes so she knew who Zizwe is and who Muzi is, just for a
“Where is he?” she directed her question to Zizwe,
“He’ll be home shortly” Zizwe said,
“I still cannot believe this is you, I was changing your diapers just
yesterday and now you’re this grown woman” Tlotla gaped at Sakhe. Sure
they know her from when she was just a baby but she sure as hell can
attest that none of them changed her diaper,
“Remember that time when she pooped on herself and we were left with
her alone at night” Muzi added only making her gape more in shock. All
this has to be a lie. She intends on asking her mother all this,
“And her pukes! Christ!” Zizwe added
“And for all that, you owe us” it was Zizwe again grabbing her shoulders
ushering her to the counter where the driver guy had put the grocery
“We cleaned your puke, your poop and your cries weren’t very nice” Sakhe
added opening the cupboards,
“You’ll cook for us, right momo?” Muzi said with an arched eyebrow in
“You’re all not going to manipulate me to cook. I know you all did none of
those things” Tlotla folded her arms to her chest. She wasn’t afraid of
doing the pots. She knows her way around the pots quite well. Her
grandmothers taught her at a very tender age to cook and she mastered
it. They always reminded her that she must know how to cook so she
feeds her husband. They only thing they didn’t do was teaching the girl
how to really clean. She was a princess, and she was going to be a queen.
Obviously she’ll still have help even in marriage.
“If you all could ask nicely, I will cook” she added seeing the three stand
before her trying to think of things to say to make her cook,
“Can you cook for us Sdududu, please” Sakhe pouted his lips making out
that ‘dududu’
“Net for calling me that, I’m not cooking”
“Sdudla please” he retreated back to ‘sdudla’
“We haven’t had any proper meal since we arrived in your man’s house”
Sakhe was the brave one to ask,
“Promise never to call me Sdudla or sdududu” Sakhe was quick to nod,
Tlotla smiled, nothing was hectic about that,
“Your all cleaning up the kitchen when I’m done” she negotiated, cleaning
wasn’t even anything she liked doing,
“It will be spotless” Zizwe jumped on to the negotiation,
“Good. If you could all give me room, I’m sure I’ll find my way around the
kitchen” she turned on to the sink to wash her hands before she
rummaged through the kitchen preparing lunch for them. She decided to
use what was in the shopping bags. She didn’t know what they ate and
what they didn’t eat so using what was in the shopping bag was ideal.

One hour, thirty minutes later she was done with food and plated for her
brother in laws only. She wasn’t about to bother about a pack of shifters
throwing daggers at her. The three were happy. They happily ate also
not minding the bulk men filling the living room,
“For a moment there I thought you cook stones” Sakhe commented going
for plate number three dishing for himself. She had made them simple
lamb curry with pap because there wasn’t much ingredients in the house,
“Honestly Sakhe, leave some for later” Muzi complained. He seemed to
have table manners and stomach manners unlike Zizwe and Sakhe. He
was still on his first plate. Zizwe was on plate number two and Sakhe on
number three.
“We’ll order some pizza later” Zizwe waved him off following Sakhe on
the stove with his empty plate. Clearly he was going for another plate as
“Can you both at least leave some for Twebankie?!” Muzi begged the two
scrapping the two pots emptying everything in it,
Tlotla found herself flushing. The name Twebankie tickled her fancy,
“Don’t worry, I dished for him” Tlotla lowly said to Muzi besides him,
“I put his food in the microvan” she added
“Thank you. Those two eat like animals. You’re really an amazing cook,
olady is going to love you” he added making her blush.
Zizwe and Sakhe took seats once again with their food. Zizwe had another
mountain of pap and Sakhe had the whole pot eating from it.
“Listen Sdudla, if you cook for us again tonight, I will…………”
“NEVER!” Tlotla interrupted before he could even finish
“Come on Sdudla, you want to starve your man? He is been eating out
since he arrived here. Maybe if you make him something small I’ll make
sure he gets it” Tlotla shook her head, she wasn’t touching the pots again
“When are you bringing him home?” Muzi chased the light mood over the
table with his question. It wasn’t something bad he asked but somehow
Tlotla felt the table grow a bit uncomfortable at his question,
“Me? Isn’t he supposed to bring me home?” Tlotla asked. She could see
the internal communication amongst the brothers as they borrowed each
other looks,
“He is but……” Sakhe jumped in to the conversation but trailed off
chasing for better words,
“Maybe you can give him a little push” Sakhe eventually said inviting a
frown to Tlotla,
“Push how? I don’t understand”
*My man is here* Akela woke up in her head stretching her arms like
she was about to get physical. She usually sleeps when human things
bore her, but the scent of her mate woke her up before he even walked
through the door,
Tlotla’s question was left unanswered as the man walked through the
door looking like he had just stepped out of a vogue magazine. He was in
a black formal fitted angle grazer pants, black polo neck and a green
military coat that hanged just about his knees. The car keys he had been
rolling on his finger and the black file clapped under his arm almost fell
when he his eyes landed on his mate. He hadn’t felt her.
*Now that’s the man of my interest. Don’t scream at him please*
Akela was very awake and drooling. She could feel that Tlotla was mad
at the man,

“My queen” his cologne engulfed all of her. Her anger was immediately
disperse with replaced with nothing but a pull of desire. She hated what
he did to her but she knew she had to fight all this feeling and stand her
ground. Right now she was mad but because he is got his unique way of
making her weak, the anger was subsiding and Akela wasn’t making it
easy because she is a gone girl.
He kissed the top of her head and her shoulder before he brought her up
with from the chair. His arms wrapped around her waist. He kissed her
chin, then her nose and lastly he devoured her lips. Forcing his sweet
tongue in her mouth and she when she gave entrance, the kiss was erotic,
sensual and soul consuming. A deep growl rumbled through his throat as
he kissed the daylights out of her,
“Mkhmm!” a deep clearing of throat came just beside the lovers making
them pull apart. It was Sakhe,
“I don’t appreciate the disrespect!” he hissed. Both Mkhonto and Tlotla
frowned at him,
“I’m still an uncle in this house and you both will respect me” Tlotla was
more confused but Mkhonto rolled his eyes. He picked her and made her
wrap her legs around his waist disappearing down the passage with her,
“Uncle my ass!” Mkhonto barked as they disappeared,
“I missed you” he confessed sucking her nipple through the shirt dress
she was wearing,
“I missed you two but I’m mad at you as well” she managed, her voice
disappointing because it refused to come out as stern as she would have
“I know, I’m sorry sthandwasami” (…… love) Nick had already filled
him in but he didn’t mention that they brought her along with.
They finally made it to the bedroom where he threw her hard on the bed
making her laugh. Tlotla was giggling as he watched him make a turn to
the door where he locked and started striping off his clothes,
“Lose the dress!” he ordered,
She frowned,
“Khonto I’m really mad right now, we should talk dressed like normal
people” she said,
*Don’t scream please! You can still make your point without
screaming at my man* Akela reprimanded making her expel a sigh of
“By now you should know we are not normal people baby” he was in his
birthday suit. Making her feel a bit uncomfortable because she still
couldn’t look at that giant hanging between his legs. He did the honors of
stripping her of her clothes when he was done with his,
*He is growing hard, look at it* Akela wanted to stare but Tlotla tried
her best to look the other way,
“You don’t like bras” he commented seeing that the only thing she had on
beneath the dress was just her cute little panties. Tlotla was trying to
find her voice. The man just had a way of taming her before he even
claimed her,
“I swear your pussy makes me curious every time I see it” he was taking
of her panties now.
Tlotla frowned but found her voice,
“Curious?” she enquired,
“I have never met a woman whose carpet doesn’t match her curtains” talk
about being confused!
“I don’t follow” she said,
Now that they were both naked he laid besides her on the bed and picked
her thigh to lay his giant dick between her thick thighs,
“I mean your hair is black but your pubic hair is white greyish” oh he
talked about that. They both laughed,
“Akela’s fur is white. It didn’t show on my hair but most of my pubic hair
took her colour” he smiled, pecking her lips and then pulling off,
“You said you wanted to talk to me” how do you talk to someone with his
now really hard dick resting between your inner thighs?
“How am I supposed to scream when we are like this?” he laughed,
“You make me a pervert my queen, but you’ll get used to me. Now speak,
what are you mad about?” he asked again,

“I take it you know I run into your old skank?” he nodded with a sigh,
“First I want to ask, why would you sleep with someone who holds a black
and white birth certificate?” he laughed,
“Let’s just say she is a ghost from the past that is obsessed with me. When
I slept with her I was boy, barely understood what she was doing to me.
She had convinced me that the predator needed that to settle in my body
but as I grew it became just a simple fuck then the next thing I knew she
was all over me refusing to set me free”
“Are you still fucking?” Tlotla questioned,
“No. It stopped ages ago” he said looking in her eyes, somehow she was
glad that they laid face to face and she wasn’t shouting
“What does she want from me?” she continued to ask,
He pecked her lips and then pulled back again,
“She wants a talk with you”
“Why?” she needed to understand that,
“She claims that I marked her” Mkhonto felt her stiffen and wanting to
pull out of his hold but he held her tight,
“Did you?” he hated the hurt that was accompanied by that question,
“If I did, I don’t remember” he said,
“Does she wear your mark?” he swallowed,
“Khonto I asked a question, does she wear your mark?” she was close to
breaking down,
“I recognized the mark but I don’t remember how………..”
“THAT’S BULL!” she pushed him off her. Clearly Akela was as hurt as
her because he landed down the bed with that mere push,
*Let’s get the hell out of here!* Akela was as hurt as she was, the spark
in her tone was gone with,
“TLOTLA LET ME EXPLAIN” voice were rising, he grabbed her dress so
she had nothing to put on,
“You think I’ll not walk out of here naked?” Tlotla asked pissed,
“I need you to calm down so I can explain”
WEARS YOUR MARK?” she shouted,
“I don’t remember doing it. Yes I recognize the mark on her neck and I
can tell it’s mine but I don’t remember doing it. Please calm down and
allow me a chance to solve this” he begged,
“How?” she questioned
“How?” she repeated because deep down he knew there was no undoing
a wolf mark. Wolf to wolf claiming meant the alpha male biting on the
female wolf’s neck to mark them as theirs for eternity. A wolf can only
mark one female. The rest the wolf marks after that wouldn’t be
recognized as his true mates.
“Please give me my dress I have to go” he was someone’s man, not hers.

“I’m not letting you go before I fix my shit!” he insisted, refusing with her
dress and underwear. The act only angered her and Akela more,
“You can barely answer the simple question how? Because you know
there is no fixing this. You belong to another so I beg you, don’t make this
even harder. Give me my dress or else I’ll walk out of here naked for your
brothers to see” he couldn’t have that, he is too possessive and territorial
of her. The predator growled at the thought of other men looking at what
was his,
“At least allow me to say this few words” he stepped closer in an attempt
to hold her but she folded her arms. It stung that she froze out on him,
“I was young Tlotla. I was just a kid and I was fooled by a woman who
was supposed to be my teacher. I don’t even know how or when I put that
mark on her. Please understand that and allow me a chance to fix my
mess. Yes I don’t know how but I have gathered friends I made from
school to help me eliminate her. She is managed to not piss me only but
them as well. I ask for this chance my queen, I promise you; my heart,
my wolf, my soul, everything that makes Mkhonto Dlomo the man and
the predator belongs to you. No one else. I don’t care if she wears my
mark. I don’t acknowledge that mark because the only mark I have
longed to put on any woman is you”

She dropped herself back on the bed with a sigh. As hurt and angry as
she was, he was really sincere and she could feel that he was truthful,
“I honestly thought we would be fine Khonto. I didn’t think you would
have a wrinkled clit teacher obsessed with you to challenge our union. In
my head from when I was young I thought we would instantly click and
get on with our lives”
The glaciers were slowly melting. He took a step closer and dropped on
his knees before her. He cupped her face and pecked her lips before he
“That wrinkled clit teacher is got nothing on you. She is going to suffer
dearly in my hands for making me put tears on my beautiful queen’s face,
you hear me?” a bit of smile spread on her face,
*I believe him* she rolled her eyes, inviting a smile on Mkhonto’s face.
He knew with those eye roll that it could only be Akela going against her,
“She adores me, doesn’t she?” he asked still consumed by smiles,
“You have no idea” her tone was carried with a defeated sigh,
He grabbed both her hands and kissed them,
“I might not know how for now, but I promise you my queen that I’m
going to fix this shit, you hear me?” she nodded,
“Good, now let me give you an oral apology”

“Oral apology? Aren’t we talking now” the freakish smirk on his face
made her aware that he got something else in his mind,
*Oh finally! Remember to take a deep breath, relax and spread
wide please!* Akela was forgiving and ready for oral apology,
“Spread your legs and lean back, my baby” he said pushing his way
between her legs. Surprisingly she was just stunned. She didn’t move an
“I want to apologies in every way my queen. Let me see how wet you are”
he gently pushed her down the bed and she didn’t fight,
“Fuck!” he hissed at the sight of her pink, swollen, glistening folds. Her
scent was delicious before he could even taste it. The predator groaned
his approval wanting to have his way with her,
“Easy tiger!” Tlotla brushed his head feeling the groan that the predator
released. As much as he tried to suppress it she knew it was the
predator’s lustful groan,
“My queen I’m going to eat you until you scream that I’m forgiven” the
promise in those words were real. She took a deep breath, relaxed and
spread out, as per Akela’s instructions,
He slid his hands under her ass and brought her sex closer to his mouth.
With no warning whatsoever he smashed his sweet mouth right inside
her pink dripping heaven. It felt like a French kiss inside the vagina. His
lips were wetting her other lady lips sucking on them like he would her
mouth lips.
“KHOOOOOOHOOO!!” she let out a shrilling scream as he suckled hard
on her clit. Unfamiliar pleasure rushed through her like a day wave
crashing against the shore. She had never felt anything like that. Sure
she is given herself a finger every now and then but this was something
totally different,
“Oh baby!” she moaned nicely when his tongue swiped through her folds
and circled her clit before flicking it with the tip of his tongue,

“Khontooo it feels really good!” she pressed his head down not to let go of
her lady part. He was merciless in his assault. He licked, nibbled, sucked
and grazed his teeth a bit making her moan and whimper under his
He groaned and growled with her clit right in his sweet lips. The act
intensified her pleasure. It was too much and almost ripping through her
soul. She tried to wriggle of his hold but he only lapped on her flowing
juices not letting go,
“Baby….it’s enough” she could barely make words,
*DON’T YOU DARE BORE ME* Akela was quick to dismiss her. She
wasn’t about to let her deny her her full oral apology,
Growling he brushed her clit a bit with his fangs, making it clear that the
predator wasn’t willing to part with her delicious addictive taste anytime
“BABY!” Tlotla moaned, the pleasure was too much,

“You haven’t said the right words my queen” his words came right inside
her, only making things worse for Tlotla. There is nothing called too much
pleasure but this has to be the first definition. She kept orgasming under
the bastard but he wasn’t setting her free. He kept lapping for one orgasm
after the other,
“I need the words” he murmured as he nestled his tongue inside her pink
heavenly hole,
“KHOOOOOOOO!!” Tlotla cried out. He was swirling and stabbing the
hole of pleasure with his tongue sending sparks of agonizing bliss
through her entire body. With each tongue thrust she could feel
something huge built within her. She was chasing for the words she was
supposed to say to stop him but how was she supposed to think when he
was shattering her all so delicious,
*OH YES!* Akela took words from her mouth when he drove his finger
inside her and bit gently on her clit. She exploded, moaning and
shuddering. She felt herself pee all over him but the bastard didn’t stop,
he drove his finger in her hitting the correct walls. The pee wouldn’t stop
and for some reason everything was starting to become dizzy,
*That’s how a man should apologies. Tell him you forgive him* the
bloody witch wolf knew what she was supposed to say all along. She
needed her pleasure before she could fill her in,
“I forgive you….i forgive you baby” Tlotla said with a tone she barely even
knew, she was weak as hell.
He stopped. Everything ceased for a moment as she tried to catch her
breath. She was shaking and her thighs were trembling. She could feel
his smirk on her even though she wasn’t looking. She had her eyes closed
because she was trying to let her body consume the pleasure.
When she finally opened her eyes the bastard was staring at her, licking
her juices from his bottom lip,
“You bastard!” she exclaimed, her voice still weak as hell,
“I can’t wait to fuck you Tlotla, you know that” he bit his bottom lip with
the promise loud in his eyes,
“You’ll not squirt only but you’ll cry for me to stop when I finally do” he
stood between her legs and spread her out again,
“Now let daddy release as well” she could feel her traitorous clit react
again as she watched him stroke his giant staring right inside her well
lady. Her body was so responsive to him in a way that she barely could
understand. He was stroking his giant but she could feel the pleasure like
he was moving in and out of her.
When her walls vibrated she knew he was near and she was near as well.
Another last orgasm ripped through her with her legs wide apart making
her tremble once again. Mkhonto on the other hand released right on her
stomach before he fell on her panting,
“And some bitch thinks I belong to her when I can fuck you without even
touching you” the connection between them was impeccable. There was
no way he could belong to someone but her.
He couldn’t help but smile to himself seeing that his queen died from her
first oral apology. She was drifting away into a beautiful sleep and he let
her be. He kissed her and laid her properly on the pillows. Then he went
to the bathroom and grabbed a warm towel cleaning her up and then him.
The edge of the bed was wet with her pleasure waters. It appears she is
not a creamer but a squitter. He smiled to himself dressing up then he
grabbed a fleece and covered. They’ll change the bedding when she
wakes. At least she wouldn’t sleep on top of a wet bed, her happiness had
only sprayed the lower part of the bed.

In the lounge he went to join his alliances and brothers but they all stared
at him like he was some kind of a devil walking in. He didn’t bother
asking what their problem was because he could almost think of what
could be bothering a group of testosterone in one room,
“Where is my wife’s bag?” he glared at Nick who had been on her guard
for a day. Nick pointed it on the counter where he had put it with the
shopping bags.
He rummaged through her bag and took out her phone. He texted her
‘I’m with my husband, please cover for me’ that would be enough to
make sure Hlokoa doesn’t call the parents again this time around. He
threw the phone back in the bag without waiting for a response. Then he
finally joined the displeased looks in the lounge. He knew who was going
to go first and he indeed opened his mouth,

“I have never felt so traumatized. I’m very fragile right now” he almost
laughed at Sakhe but held himself,
“She is a kid you know that!” Sakhe said in a stern tone. He didn’t like
what his ears heard. Her screams were quite loud,
“My wife, let’s correct that” he said,
“You could have been gentle, did you have to murder her like that?!” Muzi
added his exasperation as well. At least now he understood why his
brothers were mad, but still, it’s none of their business what he does with
his mate. What he doesn’t understand is the scowled looks on the pack
he calls friends from school,
“Chris?” he glared at his beta
Chris sighed,
“Do we have to bow to her?” clearly they didn’t like that their own chosen
Alpha had a mate like Tlotla. She appeared too weak to be a mate to their
Alpha. She was too human than a wolf,
“Without a question” the pack sighed exchanging looks,
“Is she really your true mate?” Geffrey asked. They were more dominant
wolves than humans. They didn’t understand why the predator whom
they respected and appointed their own Alpha would choose a wolf shifter
who is more dominant on the human side for a mate,
“You think I would be risking all your safety for a piece of ass? That’s my
chosen. The gods chose her for me and I respect that. She is my true mate”
he spat
“Why would you go for a wolf shifter, your quite too strong to mate a wolf
shifter” Chris
“Good thing it’s not your shit to understand. Let’s get down to business
and stop poking your nose in my shit” arrogant he could be, especially
when he felt cornered.
He cast his look at Nick for an update,
“She just approached her but she didn’t touch her or say anything
alarming” Nick reported,
“Do we have anyone on her tail?” Mkhonto asked,
“Yes. Shawn is on her tail”
“She is still in her form?” he continued to ask. The wolverine had a way
of changing faces. She could take any face and body of anyone she wanted.
“Yes, Shawn reported so about thirty minutes ago” Chris filled him in.

Mkhonto took a sigh resting his head on the couch rest. He closed his eyes
in wonder. He wondered what the fuck the wolverine wanted from him.
He went to Germany after school. She chased him there, they ended up
fucking again. Then she disappeared out of nowhere. Rumor had it that
she was on the run because Lupus was looking for her. She totally
disappeared since then but now that he is about to claim his mate she
showed up. With his mark claiming that he already marked her. A wolf
knows his mark. He couldn’t believe when he sent her a picture of her
mark so he agreed to see her so he could see it. It was indeed his mark on
her neck. He is got no memory of when that happened. She claims that
he marked her the last time they fucked when they were in Germany.
She wants him to claim her and consummate their mating. She is got this
crazy idea that she’ll take a younger fresher body if he agrees to totally
claim her. He is not even considering her nonsense. The only reason he
hasn’t retaliated on her is because she mentioned that he is a father as
well. To a 20 year old that is only a year younger than his true mate.
Some really fucked up shit. This means he is 15 years older than this first
born. This bitch not only raped him at 15 but left the product of her
assault to live. This is the part he hasn’t told his wife.

“Dator we really need to talk” Chris pulled him from his thoughts.
His pack is here because they all believe that the wolverine also molested
them at school but with them there was no babies involved. Taking out a
woman like the wolverine isn’t a one man show. She is a powerful woman
and connect with the right people. Hence why he called his pack.
“Sure!” he said to Chris,
“Have you talked to Lupus?” Chris as his beta is only doing his job but he
can be as pushy as fuck.
As far as Lupus knows the predator is still a member of his pack. He
hadn’t found a way to ask Lupus to break his link out of his pack and
endorse him,
“I’ll get to it” he said. He only wanted to solve the wolverine mess then
claim his girl and lastly ask for Lupus support,
“Lupus would be more than happy to see you spread your wings. The man
is a god. Obviously all those who are under him are destined for
greatness. I don’t see him refusing to endorse you and break you out of
his pack link. Every alpha wishes to see a member of their pack grow to
be an alpha of their own pack. We choose you to lead us and you cannot
fully do that until you break out of Lupus pack” Chris and his persistence,
“Listen up. Chris, Nick, Geffrey, Tom and Shawn who is not here. I know
my responsibilities guys. I know you choose me to lead you for a reason
but allow me to handle this shit my way. We solve the wolverine, I claim
my girl and then I ask Lupus to free me. Can we do all that in order?” he

“What about home? What about your responsibilities back home? What
about us, your family?” Muzi was very hurt listening to him make plans
but doesn’t mention anything about going back home,
“I will go home” he said
“When?” Zizwe questioned,
“Just fucking great!” Mkhonto barked to himself seeing Sakhe walk out
with his phone on his ear, he tailed behind him,
“What are you doing?” he asked his brother who was making a call,
“I’m calling our father. You have responsibilities waiting on you at home.
Dlomo is grown and he wants to step down. He sent us here to fetch you
but you keep stalling attending your wolf shit. Your chair is waiting
Mkhonto. We need to go home” Sakhe,
“We will go home. I just need to solve this wolverine shit”
“You don’t have time to solve that shit. Tell your Alpha. He’ll solve it for
you. Your needed home Mkhonto”
“My Alpha is my father in law, do you think he’ll let me have his daughter
when I tell him?” Mkhonto snapped,
“I don’t know papa Tlotla that well but what I have been told is that he
is a reasonable man. He’ll understand that it wasn’t you. You were a child
that was taken advantage of” Mkhonto could only sigh letting his fears
consume him, he didn’t think Lupus would understand,
“And you said it yourself, this woman is hiding from Lupus, that’s why
she keeps taking different forms. If Lupus is already on the search for
her, give her to him. Let him finish her and we go home with your bride.
Do you really want be some wolves Alpha than go home and have the rest
you deserve? The only thing you were ever meant for was to take the
throne after our father. Now he is tired and he wants you home. Please
do that for Dlomo”
“Bafo you all don’t understand”
“And I don’t want to understand. You were named Mkhonto Dlomo to
take the throne. That’s the only shit I recognize and understand. Your
wolves shit can wait. You have been at it all your life, it’s time to go home”
Sakhe barked,

“Can I please have a word with him abuti Sakhe” Sakhe and Mkhonto
jumped at Tlotla’s soft tone approaching behind them. Sakhe was quick
to leave them, he couldn’t look at Tlotla,
“Did I do something wrong?” Tlotla asked as Sakhe almost ran out of her
“They heard our sexy moments earlier” she popped her eyes in shock,
He pulled her waist to his body and pecked her lips,
“You looked beautiful cuming for your husband” she rolled her eyes,
“Why don’t you want to go home” now she was clear why his brothers
asked that she push him to go home earlier on,
“My queen this people don’t understand” he said with a sigh pressing her
on his body and running his hands on her big ass,
“Make me understand” she urged,
“I’m two people in one. Mkhonto the next king and the predator, the
Alpha of his pack. I need to satisfy both sides but I can’t find balance. My
parents want me home for the throne but the predator this side is
establishing his territory and making a name for himself”
“Does it have to be this side?” Tlotla asked,
“Not really but he needs his reigns as well”
“Then ask your pack to follow you. If they believe in you, they’ll follow
you wherever you go. Go back home and be a king and an alpha to your
pack. As long as you build your territory closer to home, I don’t see any
side complaining” he smiled,
“You’re smart you know that?” she could only blush,
“I’ll talk to my pack and hear what they say”
“While you do that, I need to go home” she said,
“I was hoping you’d spent the night” she giggled,
“I’ll try tomorrow, but today you need to take me home. My details are
already in trouble with my father” he didn’t want to let her go but he
She could have slept over but after her Friday escapades when she
dodged her details for a night club she didn’t want to put the poor decent
men who guard her under her father’s wrath. Majara was still livid that
they missed doing the one thing they are employed for. Tlotla wasn’t
supposed to have spent the night with Mkhonto if they knew what they
were doing. And him, hearing from Hlokoa only exasperated him more,
he was close to firing them but Tlotla assured her father that it was her
She begged her man to bring her back and now she walks back in their
apartment with a heavy chest ready to share all the details with her
She is a bit confused walking in, to find Teba and Lele with Hlokoa in the
lounge. Hlokoa usually cannot stand Teba.
“Oh thank god!” Hlokoa rushes to her and crash her with a hug,
“Whats the matter?” she asks her sister who is clinging on to her for dear
“They said you were kidnapped and you didn’t respond my message”
Bohlokoa explain. She was with the two when that Nick guy just grabbed
“I wasn’t kidnapped. Sit down and let me share some very life changing
details with you” Tlotla helped Hlokoa back to the couch. She took the
table before the three girls,
“Ladies! I have just been finger fucked!” she screamed her happy details
expecting a scream back but they only popped their eyes. Bohlokoa was
wincing, she kept popping her eyes like a frog,
“What’s the matter with you all?” she couldn’t understand why they
weren’t happy for her,
“Anyway you all should wish your men have skills like mine. I swear his
fingers went to private school” she moaned looking up and crossing her
“I can almost feel his tongue and finger take turns with my nana”
Bohlokoa was shooting sweat. Her two friends looked like rained
“Oh come on guys. I can’t be sharing such pleasant details and lona all
you do is stare at me” they were killing her vibe,

Behind her she heard something fall hard on the tiled floor only to turn
and find her parents….well her mother had fainted. Her father was on
his knees trying to pick his wife,
“Honestly Mabataung you can’t be fainting at the little wild cat we gave
birth to!” she froze as well. Immediately feeling like a rained chicken. She
didn’t miss her father’s look as he scooped her mother in his arms and
passed on the bedrooms. She usually needs a bit of rest to wake up from
her passing out sessions.
“What the fuck!” she hissed at the three,
“We thought you were kidnapped, so we called your parents” Teba was
quick to explained as they whispered before Majara could come back,
“Fuck it maan! You could have showed me a sign or did something”
“We kept popping our eyes…….” Lele trailed off when her father walked
back in to the room,
“Young ladies, you are excused” Majara dismissed the girls. Hlokoa
attempted to go with her friends but he grabbed her back and shoved her
on the table next to her wild house mate.
“You have sex now Tlotla!” Majara hissed,
“Papa it wasn’t sex, it was just his tongue and…..” Hlokoa nudged her.
Majara definitely didn’t want to hear that because he shut his ears with
his palms,
“Are you trying to kill my wife?!” Everyone knows Mabataung can faint
until Jesus comes back,
“I’m sorry papa” she resorted,
“And you? Why do you insist on covering Tlotla’s shit? Bohlokoa you’re
the elder in here, why do you allow her to gallivant like this?” Bohlokoa
dropped her eyes,
“It will not happen again papa” Hlokoa
“Damn right it won’t. You both moving back to the palace” they both
popped their eyes. They fought so hard to move out of the palace,
“Papa I swear I’ll put my foot down and not allow her to go out with him”
Hlokoa begged,
“Ey! I don’t want to hear it. You failed, you have been covering for her”
he threw his gaze at Tlotla,
“And you and your finger rapist husband” Tlotla held her laughter tight.
It would only make him worse if she laughed,
“Why can’t he take you out like a normal man? Why is he always
kidnapping you?”
“This time it wasn’t a kidnaping papa, he was actually saving me from
that old whore teacher of his, who claims that he is hers” in a minute she
saw the anger in her father vanishes to what looked like a frown, then
shock, then anger again,
“What old woman?” he asked,
“Eish papa this is between my husband and I” Majara narrowed his eyes,
“Okay fine! There is this teacher of his that’s been following me. She
claims that he marked him but he doesn’t remember when or how. She
wants to challenge our union”
“THE FUCK!” the two girls both pulled back a bit scared when he stood
up roaring. Akela didn’t even want to show. Lupus scared the shit out of
her as well,
“Wena keep legs together! I’m going to buy you metal underwears with
padlocks and lock your busy legs in. The man hasn’t even claimed you
but your already letting him do unholy things to you” it was the hardest
thing for him to do. He wanted to curse but she was his daughter and he
had to choose his words wisely,
“I can’t believe the bitch is back!” the two girls watched him go back and
forth. First he was mad about Tlotla addressing her, then he was mad
about the supposed ‘teacher’
“I need to find Mkhonto!” he stormed out leaving them stunned.
*I’ll never forgive you if he kills our man* Akela shared her two cents
once Majara was out of the door.

She honestly feels like shit for being ‘Kidnapped’ once again in one
weekend. Now coming back home from school she doesn’t find their
apartment nice and quiet as she would being the one who arrives first.
There are three mothers drinking wine in the lounge. The only thing she
is grateful for is that the house is sparkling clean. Courtesy of her own
mother. The queen and Mamolete are just a bit messy as them but one
can hardly notice because they always make sure that their surrounding
are clean.
“Oh you’re back baby” it’s Mamolete who sees her first. She is not much
of a drinker like the other two Zulu mothers. Even now she holds a glass
of juice while the two drown in Drostdy Hof. An entire 5l box is gracing
it’s self on the table. By the look of it, it must be half way down.
“Eya mme I’m back” she takes a deep breath and drag her fat self in. Lord
knows what this women are doing in their apartment!
“Number 1, number 2, number 3!” she stoops down to kiss them in order
as a way of greeting them. Number one is regarded as her mother, then
Mamolapo and lastly Mamolete. She regards them in the order they came
in to royal house.
“Just my little whore that we are here for!” Mabataung spits sipping on
her wine. The two giggle holding in their laughter. Honestly she thinks
her mother’s drama is out of this world. Who faints because their
daughter gets finger fucked? It’s not like she was doing it with some guy,
it was her husband that her family knows very well.
Last night when her father left here in search for her man, her mother
didn’t wake. Majara even came back to pick her up and she was still out
of it. Only today she is wide awake and back with her crew, probably to
address her wildness.
“SIT DOWN!” Mabataung barks behind her. She was just going to change
into something comfortable. Jeans can be quite uncomfortable for a big
Instead of arguing with the drunk Mabataung, which hardly happens,
she drops herself on the single couch before them. A sigh of exhaustion
part her before she borrow them her stare back,
“Your mother told us about…about the things you get down to, baby” and
then starts the queen. They must have given her the ropes because she
is the youngest of the crew and the girls relate to her more,
“Are you on any contraceptive baby” Mamolapo continues to ask. She
holds the urge to roll her eyes because this is coming from a woman who
is on baby boy number five. Yes, five boys. No twins there, all singular.
The king is pumping those boys like it’s no one’s business. She should
consider contraceptive herself.
“No mme Mamolapo I’m not on any contraceptive” she articulates,
*And we are not getting on any* adds the wolf in her who appears
when she likes,
“Why not?” Mamolete jumps in,
“Because I’m not having sex” she must as well put it as it is, they are here
for the sex talk so there is no need buttering it up,
“But you get finger fucked and muffed!” well her mother is not buttering
anything as well. She spits it as it,
“Next thing Mkhonto’s little penis will be sliding through you and making
me a grandmother” this time she rolls her eyes. She really tried to hold
*If only she knew that our man walks with a giant between his
legs* Akela stretches herself and sits back to listen properly,
“Honestly we shouldn’t talk about my brother stuff, I don’t feel
comfortable” Mamolapo reprimands her enraged mother who just rolls
her eyes.

“You know that’s how it starts baby. Next time he’ll want more than just
putting his finger and tongue in there. That’s why we are here to talk
about contraceptives with you” Mamolapo carries on,
“Which one would you prefer?” she adds after sipping her wine,
*Honestly I like it raw. Skin to skin is the best. Go for anything as
long as it doesn’t include condoms* Akela’s advice comes before she
can even think,
“I have never really thought about it Mme Mamolapo” she tells the truth,
“Because you just want to make me a grandmother Tlotla!” her mother is
just livid. She is not adding anything helpful to the discussion,
“When do you have a gap this week? I’ll make an appointment for you
with the family doctor” Mamolapo gently asks,
“Good. I think that’s all we needed to cover, right ladies?” she turns to
her crew. Momelete nods but Mabataung doesn’t seem satisfied,
“I thought we agreed to put some sense into her” Mabataung,
“This is sense” Mamolapo argues,
“She is going to have sex whether we like it or not, the only thing we can
do is make sure that she doesn’t fall pregnant at her first attempt”
Mamolapo continues,
“And the man is her husband. Obviously they are going to bang. The only
problem is that he hasn’t claimed her as yet and she is still in school” she
Her mother is still not satisfied but it seems she is alone in her anger
“When is Bile visiting us?” to this date, Bohlokoa, Tlotla and Oarabile are
still the only girls in the royal house. Bile is 14 years old now. A very
powerful little girl she is growing to be. Her and Hlokoa like having her
“I’ll bring her this weekend” she smiles at Mamolete,
“If that’s all can I go change?” she looks at the women in question but
Mamolapo clears her throat and say,
“You’ll go change baby, I need to ask you something about your sister
before she gets here” this time she feels a mood change with the three,
“How is she?” there is an agony she can’t exactly place in Mamolapo’s
tone. Bohlokoa is still the only daughter she is got. She is on baby number
five because she was hoping for a girl but they all come out replicas of the
king even between the legs,
“She is fine?” Tlotla is a bit lost because she doesn’t understand why they
are suddenly so sad,
“Is she dating anyone? Does she talk boys?” Mamolapo,
“No she is not dating anyone and she doesn’t talk boys. I think she is
lesbian. Maybe she is not ready to come out” it’s what she always thought,
The three woman all sigh sadly borrowing each other looks,
“And her wolf?” this time her mother is back to her sweet self as she ask,
“She is still a latent” (A latent wolf shifter means a person who can’t fully
shift into his or her wolf but can still extract claws, fangs and all the wolf
“I think she never healed” Mamolapo articulates with a sigh resting back
on the couch rest. Aragorn did implant in Hlokoa after she was done with
her therapy when they were kids, but Bohlokoa never shifted. Lupus
described her as a latent wolf. He said at times if a person went through
doleful childhood, the emotions of the past traps their wolf in. Some of
latent wolfs never shift, while some do when they finally let go of the
things that wounded their souls.
“Or something worse happened to her. Maybe she never really told the
truth” her mother sadly added.
By now Tlotla was confused, that’s why she asks,
“Can you all please share what you’re talking about?” she asked,
Heavy sighs fills the room. Her mother and Mamolete looks at Mamolapo
like they ask for permission. When she nods her mother steals a glance
behind, at the door and leans closer to her,

“Baby your sister was violate sexually at a very tender age” Mabataung
Tlotla freezes. No one ever told her. She can feel Akela heat up. The couch
she holds suffer the painful effect of Akela’s claws,
*Where is the bastard?!* Akela growls inside her. She is very protective
of their loved ones. She just want the location to go finish the fool,
“She went to therapy for almost five years. That’s why your brother
implanted on her when she was a bit older. We thought she was okay but
her wolf still being trapped in her it only means she never healed”
Mabataung continues to add,
“Who was the man and where is he?” Tlotla asked,
“He is dead. It was her biological mother’s boyfriend. Please don’t tell her
about this” her mother continues
Tlotla nodded,
“We just worry about her. Honestly we agreed for you two to move out
because we thought she would relax and come out of her shell. But to this
day my baby is 23 years old and she is never even had a crush. Not even
comment on a man’s looks” Mamolapo said with a sad tone. Now this
information scraps the lesbian thing in Tlotla’s head. Her sister was
sexually harassed at a very young age. It explains her being a latent and
always in her own shell. They make an agreement with Akela to make
sure that she heals.
By now she is sure that the man is obsessed with her. It’s a Monday
school night but he still sneaked in their apartment for a sleep over but
he got a call that required him to go through his paper work which was
right in here in his house so he dragged her to his house with, in the
middle of the night. He promised that he’ll bring her back early in the
Sadly for her Mkhonto is been consumed in his office since they arrived.
It’s around 23:00 hours of the night. She is usually asleep at this time
and probably explains why she is swaying her big ass left to right making
a sandwich in the kitchen. She felt like a snack but the house lacks proper

She is only in her matching black silk night wear shorts only. She
deserted the gown freely because Mkhonto assured her that they are
alone in the house. His brothers are spending the night at the palace with
their sister and the pack went hunting. They usually prefer their wolf
form more than human form hence why they mostly take advantage of
the night to shift freely and do as they please in the darkness. He told
her that they usually come back in early hours of the morning. So she is
free walking half naked in the house under the impression that they are
alone until she feels an intense gaze from her back as she stands by the
The way Akela boils in her, it tells her that it’s not Mkhonto staring at
her. Immediately she is showered by regret but the person is already seen
her. The shorts only covers her bums. Slowly she turns to find that driver
guy standing right by the door. He definitely hates her guts. She sees it
on his annoyed expression that he is failing to compose,
The kitchen door opens disturbing their staring contest. This time walks
in the other one that looks like he eats lemons for a living. He is a
handsome Indian guy but that serious face makes him look bitter and

“NICK!” the guy who just walked in hisses at the driver guy throwing
daggers at her. He take his coat and passes it on to her glaring at the
guy. At least this bitter painful one makes sure to look away. She
wouldn’t accept the coat but she was taught to show politeness to those
who shows it to her. If you become a bitch, she becomes exactly that as
“Can I turn now?” the guy ask after she is covered herself with his coat,
“Yeah” he turns back. The other one shuffles off the kitchen like she
smells of a dead rat,
“We apologies for intruding” the coat guy say stepping closer in now that
she is proper,
“No. I shouldn’t walk around like this, I was told you guys prefer sleeping
out because you like dog mode more than human mode” the guy laughs,
“I believe we have never been properly introduce. I’m Chris” he gives her
his hand and she takes it,
“Tlotla” she say but he shakes his head,
“I would prefer if you said Akela more than Tlotla”
“Why?” Tlotla continued with her previous task making her sandwich
“Let’s just say we prefer the wolf in you than this”
“Are you dissing me?” he didn’t expect her to be such fire, a smile grabbed
his face,
“NO. I wouldn’t dare diss my female Alpha. I was just trying to say we
relate more to the wolf in you than the human” Chris explained
“Is that why you all hate me?”
Chris shook his head,
“I’ll speak for myself. I don’t hate you. I hate that you’re more human
than wolf. In my eyes you’re very weak to take a place next to my Alpha.
You’re like a disabled wife that will forever be in a wheelchair” Tlotla
gaped at him. She didn’t mean to laugh but she eventually did
understanding where he is coming from,
“Good thing your wolf ass cannot do anything about it” he laughed. She
appeared to have this fire that he hadn’t expected her to have,

“How does it feel?” Chris asked leaning over the counter.

When she frowned he saw that she was lost,
“Having something so magnificent in you yet choosing to be nothing but
a weak human” he explained,
“I would say it feels great because it’s all I have known my entire life. I
have been a human more than a wolf. And my wolf and I get along quite
well that way”
“Do you shift under command or you shift on your own?” he continued to
“I’m the descendant of Lupus the great. Do you think I shift under
Chris smirked,
“I guess not” he said amused,
“I think today I know what they say when they say ‘don’t judge a book by
its cover’. You’re not what I had expected you to be. I’ll bow for you when
the time comes” he pat her shoulder and attempted to walk off but she
stopped him,
“You’re also much better when you smile. I had this image of a guy
sucking lemons when I first looked at you” he laughed,
“Do you want a sandwich?” she had noticed him stealing glances at her
“I would appreciate it very much”
“Come have a sit, let’s eat” she plated the extra she had made and poured
him a juice,
“Tell me all about your pack. I don’t know their names. I have this weird
names I made up in my head and they are all not very nice” Chris
chuckled enjoying her sandwich.
“Before that, I have a confession to make” Chris said with a smile,
“I ate your husband’s food that you put in the microvan. Why didn’t you
dish for us?” Tlotla laughed,
“I wasn’t going to lick all your wolf’s asses. I saw that you all hated me so
I didn’t even bother”
“Can I be included in your meals from now on, you see I’m very nice now”
she laughed,
“And going back to the pack, the ugly bastard I found you with is Nick
Mkhonto frowned at first walking into the kitchen seeing Tlotla laugh
along with Chris. Chris was his beta, the right hand man and the most
difficult. If she could crack a bitter man like Chris, surely the rest will
come along. He wants them to fall in love with her on their own and
respect her. He is not going to force her down their throats. He wants a
pack like the one he comes from, where no one was forced to do things or
did things to please the alpha. He is got no doubt that his girl will
eventually win them over and they’ll bow for her as well when he finally
takes his place as their Alpha.

He finally decided to walk in. The predator was growing a bit jealous. In
his fucked up mind she has to smile because of them only. Seeing her
crack up with another wolf made him growl. He was starting to claw on
Mkhonto in a way that made it clear that he’ll retaliate if he doesn’t walk
in and stop her from grinning to Chris,
“Chris!” he acknowledged Chris grabbing Tlotla from behind. Her head
landed on his chest. He kissed the top of it glaring at Chris who laughed,
“You possessive SOB!” Chris affronted him laughing,
“Why are you two back so early?” he hadn’t seen Nick yet but the predator
picked his scent. He knew he was in the house,
“Let’s step off a bit” Chris gestured that they talk away from Tlotla. He
would tell him to say anything in front of her but knowing that it could
be about his supposed ‘son’ which she doesn’t know of yet, he allowed him
to lead them outside,
“Thank you for the sandwich bad bitch wolf” Chris joked with Tlotla. She
was telling him that she is a bad bitch wolf. She afforded him a smile and

“What’s up?” Mkhonto asked immediately as they both stand outside the
“Your baby mama was here” Chris informed,
A frown gathered on his face. It still unsettled him how he cannot feel or
pick the wolverine’s scent. As someone he’d had sexual relations with, it
was supposed to be easier for the predator to pick her scent. But whatever
devil waters the wrinkled whore bathed with made sure to block his sense
of smell when it comes to her,
“We picked her scent nearing yours and came back. We found her parked
outside the yard but she fled as soon as she saw us” Chris continued to
“What the fuck does this bitch want from her?!” Mkhonto barked to
himself. It exasperated him that the wolverine somehow seemed to be
after Tlotla. She only showed up whenever he is been around Tlotla. And
finding her is another task that could only probably be mastered by
witches. She shows when she wants to be seen and just when you think
you have her, she takes another body. At times she just vanishes in one’s
“For now the only thing we are clear of is that she wants her. You
mentioned that she wanted to talk to her” Chris reminded him,
“Yah. She just wanted to rat me out that I marked her. But the way she
is going about it now I’m starting to think it’s not that only she wants
from her” Mkhonto,
“You think she wants to take her out?” Chris asked,
“She would be stupid to start a war with the god of wolves”
“She is already in war with him, isn’t he looking for her?” Chris asked
but then remembered
“What did Lupus want last night?” Lupus rocked up on them in oddly
hours last night having a brief meeting with Mkhonto outside,
“I don’t know either, he received a call before we could talk and he had to
bounce. But he promised that he’ll call me back as soon as he comes back
wherever he was rushing to”
“I guess we’ll find out when he finally calls you” Mkhonto nodded,
“You can go back to your girl, we’ll keep guard tonight in case that whore
comes back” Chris
“Thanks man” he could only be grateful.
“Oh Dator!” Chris called him before he could disappear back into the
house. The pack called him ‘Dator’ short for ‘the PreDator’,
Mkhonto didn’t say a word but turned to him,
“She is a viper, I was very wrong about her” Mkhonto laughed his lungs
out. They’ll all eventually come around. If she could win Chris over who
is his Beta, then the others should be peanuts to her.
She had already shifted to their bedroom when he walked back to the
house. As beautiful and sexy her silky short pyjamas where, he preferred
her utterly naked. The sight of her body was like a Savannah cider
staring you in the face. You know it bring out the worst in you
‘alcoholically’ but knowing how good it does you, you give in and have one
taste that will lead to an entire bottle down,
“Lose those pyjamas sthandwa sami” (……my love) he ordered walking
in to the bedroom,
A sigh of relief parted her lips. She had been worried that he was mad
because she felt the predator’s displease with her laughing with Chris,
“You’re not mad?” she asked,
“Why would I be mad?”
“Because I was almost naked with your Beta. You said we’d be alone in
the house today so I got comfortable” he laughed kneeling his way on top
of the bed,
“They can look but none of them will touch you. I’m actually pissed that
you smell of him because you were wearing his coat” Tlotla rolled her
eyes, his pervert ways were sometimes too much. He pulled her leg and
made her fall on the pillow. Her silk short pants were pulled off her legs
together with her panties. Then he took off her top as well and cupped
her small boobs. He liked how they fit in his hands,
“Your perfect now” he got of the bed and stripped his silk pants off which
was the only thing he had. Then he climbed back and laid beside her.
Again his dick found its sleeping position between her thick thighs,
“It’s very warm in here, I wonder what it’s like inside” he said settling
his dick between her thighs. Tlotla could only roll her eyes but Akela had
something to say,
*Tell him our stove is on 15, top notch stuff*
“I cannot live without you Tlotla. I regret coming near you on Friday
because now I find it very hard existing without you when I know you’re
here. My wolf and I find it hard to go on a day without you. You
understand the need for me to have you all the time, right?” she nodded.
She obviously felt the same way too but at least she could get hold of
“I’m glad you understand because tomorrow morning I’ll drive you to
school and pick you up later on again” he added,
“My father wants us to move back to the palace. He feels that I gallivant
way too much now that you’re here” Mkhonto smiled,
“Lupus needs to chill, you’re my wife”
“I worry about my sister though. I feel like I leave her alone a lot. Can I
please bring her along, even if it’s not every day because I know she’ll not
agree as well” Tlotla asked,
“I don’t have a problem with Hlokoa, she is my niece” Tlotla smiled, now
she just need to convince Bohlokoa to tag along
“And me? What am I to you?” nothing warmed her than hearing him
claim her,
“A very wolfy wife of mine…….” Mkhonto’s words fell short as someone
literally banged the door,

“DATOR YOU MIGHT NEED TO COME NOW!” Chris whose tone came
too alarming from the other side of the door made Mkhonto jump off his
bed and quickly slip into his pyjama pants,
“Stay in here, please baby!” he begged his girl and quickly kissed her
check without waiting for a response.
In no minute he was outside the door where he felt the commotion only
to find the wrinkled whore painting her nails before his pack. Now they
all came back when they felt her inside the yard. She had two wolves
besides her who played guard. They all knew each other very well, they
all came from her capable hands.
“Rine!” the name that once upon a time came out of the Predator’s mouth
in a very sexual way came out like a curse today. She was indeed proving
to be a curse in his life,
“Hey Papi” the wolverine continued to paint her nails before them. What
a disrespectful old woman
“This is not the saloon Rine!” Mkhonto hissed,
“Oh relax will you? I just like looking good for you” he was heating up,
“What the fuck are you playing at? My mate is here” the predator was
already growling inside him. Which is something that proved that she
cannot be their mate. He didn’t approve of her and wanted to eradicate
her even though she wore his mark,
“I’m the only mate of yours baby” the baby from her lips sounded like she
was calling him a baby that he is to her,
“I don’t take kindly to being disrespected you know, especially when it
comes to the one whom I call my mate. Please get rid of that stupid fat
before I get rid of her myself” she continued to add looking unbothered by
the flame of anger growing inside Dator’s eyes,
“Stupid fat?!” the word definitely angered the predator. He roared tearing
off his pants as he immediately phased.
“Calm down the predator. I’m the mother of your first born” the wolverine
calmly said now rolling something in her hand. It appeared that she could
control the predator with that thing she was rolling in her hand. He still
appeared angry trying to charge at her but somehow the big snake skin
wolf was also cowering back as she rolled the thing in her hand,
“What’s that in your hand?!” Chris questioned seeing that she could
control the predator with that thing,
“My nail polish, you want some? I can paint you as well Chris” she
sarcastically said not taking her eyes off the predator who seemed to be
in battle with himself,

“If it isn’t the old hag with a wrinkled clit” Tlotla appeared arms folded
standing by the door,
“Good thing Papi told you about me. I’m actually here for you” The
wolverine glared at her back,
“Did he tell you that he marked me” she pulled down her shirt exposing
her mark,
“Yeah. You know what else he told me? That he fucked your wrinkled clit
to the moon and back, so try something else old whore” she wasn’t a bit
bothered because she already knew the information,
“So you understand that you’re disrespecting me by sleeping with my
mate, right?”
“Your mate?” Tlotla laughed,
“Maybe you should have asked Noah to take you on his ark, who knows,
you could have scored your old clit a mate in there. Bitch your too old to
be his mate” Tlotla was insulting her. She wasn’t easily intimidated as
she thought,
“Bring her head!” she turned to the two wolves besides her ordering them.
But that was her mistake. No matter the control she had on the predator,
the only mate that the predator recognized and would kill for was Tlotla.
The two wolves roared, lifting their heads up and exposing their fangs.
Tlotla stood calm ready to let Akela do the wonders for her. As for the
pack beside her were also calm. They knew that the predator wouldn’t let
anything touch on his true mate.
The two wolves charged. Jumped up with their claws and fangs out ready
to disintegrate her into pieces but both of them landed in the predator’s
grip. He caught one with his hand while the other one he caught with his
tail. He ripped the throat out of the one in his hand and stabbed the one
he choked with his tail that had sharp spikes all the way from his back
to the end of his tail. Like always the wolverine vanished. Like a gust of
wind she was no longer there.
The two wolves were dead but the predator wasn’t satisfied. The thought
of them being here to kill his mate kept the anger in his head. He wasn’t
letting them go. As dead as they were he kept smashing them and ripping
them pieces for pieces,

“Hey, don’t go there” Chris warned Tlotla who was attempting to go near
the predator,
“He is losing control, he needs to calm down” Tlotla,
“He’ll harm you. Right now he is not in his senses” Chris continued to
warn her restricting her with his arm. Even them they knew better than
to come between the predator and his price. He’d only calm down after
the two beast had no bones or flesh for him to tear off. But the act of the
predator going feral like that had dire consequences on Mkhonto the
human. At times it would take months for Mkhonto the human to surface
from the predator if he had gone feral like that,
“I’m his mate” Tlotla argued,
“But he hasn’t claimed you. In his calm state he recognizes you but now
in this feral state he won’t unless you had already mated. Don’t come
between him and his prey, in a month or two he’ll transform back” month
or two? She couldn’t take that, the predator would have drained him by
“I know what I’m doing” she said,
“He’ll kill me if I let you get close to him only for him to hurt you, let me
do my job as well” Chris begged but his words fell on wet ears,
“If you touch me again, I’ll rip off that hand” stubborn she could be. She
shoved off his hand that kept holding her back,
“Let her die!” Nick hissed. He didn’t like how she didn’t listen to their
Beta. Tlotla only threw him a dirty look and proceeded to the predator. If
she didn’t have a pressing task, he would regret barking at her like that.

“Hey buddy, look at me T.Rex” she gently called nearing the beast tearing
off the dead wolves into mincemeat. The predator didn’t even turn to look
at her. He was consumed by the blood of the dead wolves to even pick her
She took off her bracelet, the one he had made for her when he was still
in the mountains. She still kept it on all this years. She threw it ride
besides the predator and immediately his attention shifted from the dead
wolves. He looked at the bracelet besides him,
“Yes buddy, here. Look at me T.Rex!” she waved at the predator sniffing
on the bracelet. When she waved her hands, that familiar scent hit his
nostrils. The guys backed off as he took steps towards her,
“I suggest you run Tlotla!” Chris advised cowering with his guys. His
words were ignored,
“Come to mama my baby!” she snapped her fingers like she was playing
with her favorite pet. Not moving an inch as the predator came close to
He stood before her. Face transformed into beast mode but the moment
she picked her hand and brushed it on his face, he softened. He bowed
his head so she can easily reach him. In predator mode he recognized her.
His tongue lapped her face licking her all over. She giggled grabbing on
his neck.
The guys behind her were astounded. None of them knew how to calm
the predator down when he was in his mode. In every fight he had been
he would easily shift from wolf to human because he was under the pack
link of Lupus. But with them it was different. Bringing back the human
always took months for him to come back.
To all it really clicked then and there that she was his true mate. Only
one was still not happy about this scene.
“I think we have our Alpha female. It’s time we started treating her like
one” Chris proudly said to his pack. Muffled growls responded, and he
took that as a yes.
“Khonto, I need you to come back to me baby, I know you’re in there” she
whispered in the ears of the predator. His eyes flashed human, the
predator stare softened growing back until they couldn’t come anymore.
She felt his hold soften as well, not that he had gripped her hard but the
predator’s hold on her was more claiming. She felt him wrap around her
growing warmer on her skin until she saw his legs grow back to normal
and everything back to human. In the end he appeared wrapped around
her with her back pressed on his chest.
He took a deep breath kissing on her shoulder,
“You okay?” she softly asked, not able to look at him because he had held
her so strong,
“Why T. Rex?” he asked, bringing her to fall in fragments of laughter,
“Have you seen yourself? You look like a wolf dinosaur with those spikes
and that skin” he could only smile, holding her closer because it’s what
the predator wanted. Oddly he liked the nick name their mate gave him.
T. Rex.

It’s one thing to be loved by a man. But to be loved by Mkhonto Dlomo
the predator is a sheer bliss that cannot be put into words. Tlotla woke
up in a perfect mood today. The man she loves is still very much asleep
and she decided to pamper him. She knows how much transforming and
going feral actually drains one’s energy. Her aim is to make her man the
most scrumptious breakfast before she goes to school. He promised to
drive her.
Technology made that world a better place. Within an hour in the kitchen
a delivery man knocks delivering everything she ordered online. The
house is clearly a man’s house. It lacks proper grocery and she wasn’t
about to make bread and polony for a scrumptious breakfast.
*Don’t make it a habit of spending our money on men. It should be
the other way round, no man should eat a woman’s money* Akela
barks in her head. She is not pleased with the number of plastics that
now decorates the counter. She ordered a lot since she thought she is
going to be here quite often. And by the way, it’s her money but because
her and Akela are one, it’s their money.
*I’ll make sure he replaces it* she cools Akela down. Whom she can
almost imagen nose wrinkled up in displease,
*He better. I love him but I’m not going to be broke for a man*
Akela. This time she only chuckles. Tlotla is never a dull girl. She is got
a very weird wolf which at times she wonders how she would have turned
out like had she actually been a human.

“Momo!” She would be startled at the tone coming behind her if her wolf
was unfamiliar with the tone and scent. But she is relaxed and a bit
happy to see him. Problem is that she and her wolf cannot tell which one
he is,
“Eya abuti” she mumbles going on with her task around the kitchen,
“Please count me on that breakfast momo, hangover is killing me” the
unknown twin brother jumps on the counter to sit after taking out a
bottle of energy drink from the fridge,
“Only if you’ll clean the kitchen when I’m done” her negotiation is
received with a light laughter. By now they are well aware that cleaning
is not her best skills,
“Are the others here as well?” she continues to ask,
“I thought you all spent the night at the palace” Tlotla,
“We had dinner at the palace and hit a club or two after that. We got back
in the morning” that explains his hangover,
“Did you talk to him about what I asked?” the unknown twin continues
to ask and just by that she remember who he is,
“Abuti Muzi!” she exclaims. Meant to say it internally but it came out
loud. It’s the twin brother that asked her to push Mkhonto to go home.
“Don’t tell me you didn’t know which one I was” Muzi
“I didn’t” they both laugh,
“It will take time for me to be able to differentiate you. But answering
you, I didn’t really talk to him. I asked what he wanted, and he wants
both roles. For the human in him and for the wolf in him. I think you all
should support him instead of wanting him to neglect the roles that the
predator needs for the human in him” Tlotla
Muzi sighs,
“Does he really need to be an Alpha though? He is already a king to be
named, that’s powerful on its own”
“Powerful for Mkhonto Dlomo, not the predator” Tlotla argues,
“All I ask is that you consider that he is a two in one. Two lives but in one
man’s body. He needs to satisfy both lives in him. What he needs is
support and his brothers to be by his side. Help him be who he wants to
be and you’ll see. He’ll go home sooner than you think. He is even
considering moving his pack closer to home just so he can navigate
between his two roles”
“Is it?” Muzi asks consumed in shock. They actually had thought that
Mkhonto no longer wants to be a king because he had been dragging his
feet and refused to go home,
Tlotla nod,
“That’s actually better. Thank you for making me see things from his
“Your welcome abuti Muzi, now go wash up. Breakfast will be ready in
few minutes” Muzi smiles jumping off the counter.
Some men don’t deserve to be pampered. She deprived herself some
tender cuddles in his arms to make him breakfast in bed, only to be
awarded with a frown that almost looks intimidating but because she is
Tlotla, she is not about to be intimidated by few creased lines on a man’s
“Smile baby, this is breakfast in bed” she explains gently walking in with
a tray in her hands.
The man definitely woke up on the wrong side of bed. He offers her that
cold look until she puts the tray on his bedside table,
“What is it?” her small hands cup her thick waist as she glares down at
He pulls her arm and throws her back to her side of the bed. His gown
that she had won is discarded with. He grunts. Finding her dressed in
her panties and his t-shirt beneath the gown. By now she is sure her man
is a pervert, so she doesn’t fight him when he gets rid of his t-shirt and
her panties,
“I hate waking up without you” and he finally speaks. Hovering all over
her now that she is naked. He kisses both her cheeks,
“Your face is all I want to see every morning” her forehead and chin are
both awarded with kisses as well,
“This face is my reason for breathing” the man woke up to make her
blush. He pecks her lips longer, just touching his lips to hers. It feels like
he is drinking her in.
“And as for this body…” he desert her lips for her boobs. Both they are
also kissed,
“It drives me insane” he is on her navel. Tracing soft feather like kisses
way way down,
“I want to rip you apart every night you lay next to me” he parts her legs
and kiss the slit of her lady part. When he comes back up Akela screams,
*Tell him he is getting replaced!* he can’t just kiss them like that,
“You can cook?!” It’s not hard to hear a bit of shock in his tone. Now he is
on the tray that he didn’t care much for earlier. Tlotla is panting on the
bed trying to catch her breath,
“Yeah!” she manage, with labored breathing,
“Are you sure?” he is murdering the plate. Clearly he is a foodie like
Sakhe and Zizwe,
“You can’t kiss me like this and leave me wanting” she is still on that one.
Mkhonto stands with his plate laughing at her,
“When is your class?” he asks
“We need to wash up fast, I don’t want you to be late”
“Your right. I have to go home and dress as well, I can’t go to school with
yesterday’s clothes” she sits up on the bed with a sigh.
He disappears in the closet and comes back with a shopping bag. He
throws it on the bed and say,
“I bought you some clothes the other day, they arrived after your father
fetched you” she is quick to look through the bag. Her smile makes
Mkhonto laugh,
“And..” he raises his index finger in pause. He is still holding his plate
eating. He goes to his drawer and pulls her two panties,
“…You have clean set of panties” he throws them on the bed,
“You washed them?” shock carries her tone as she ask. He always makes
sure to take her panties after their indecent acts,
“I’m going to wash this one as well” he picks the dirty one that he took off
her. His pervert ways are too much. Who washes a woman’s panties?
School was amazing because she was dropped off by the man she loves
and now he is coming to pick her up once again. She can get used to this
treatment. She is not sure what he said to her detail or how he manages
them but he is totally taken over her protection. Her father though hasn’t
called to complain of her dodging her detail. This only means that they
haven’t reported anything to him.
Her smile falls to a frown when the car represented before carry Nick and
Shawn. She can now knows who is who, thanks to Chris. The man who
promised to pick her up is not in the car.
Shawn gets the door for her and offers her a smile. In the front seat of
the car sits that Nick who stares at her like something so dirty and so
foul through the rear view mirror.
She doesn’t greet him but hop in and focus on her phone. One thing about
Tlotla is that if you give her your bitchy attitude, she’ll level it up.
“Where are we going his queen?” the question comes from Shawn who
just jumped in the driver seat. For a moment she is confused until she
sees his text. He sent a text while she was still in class.
‘I’ll pick you up later baby, I had to take care of something with
Chris’ his text read.
“To my place” she finally answered and the vehicle moved. Her going to
her place would give her a chance to talk to Hlokoa. She continued to type
on her phone replying her text and chatting away. Her head wasn’t on
the road.
‘I miss you’ she sent the text to her father seeing his online. The reply
was the sharp emoji. She laughed that her student finally learned. At
first he didn’t know how to use emojis until she taught him. Her phone
rang, it was her dad,

‘Papa Tlotla’ she couldn’t help the smile buttering her up,
‘Tell that fool of yours I’m still the only man in your heart’ she rolled her
‘He is my husband papa, no fool at………’ immediately her line went dead
when a huge sound exploded through her ears. For a moment she is not
sure what is happening. There is that stinging sound in her head causing
her to deadly shut her eyes and ears. Akela is panicking as well inside
her. They both feel like they took quite a hit on the head forcing them to
shut down for a moment.
When she finally opens her eyes, she finds her head upside down. Her
legs are above and her entire body is below. Still, she is consumed by
confusion and ache in places she cannot place at the moment,
*AKELA!* she was too quiet, she wants to know if she is fine,
*What is happening, are you okay?* she continued to communicate
with the wolf in her. Panic loud in her tone,
*I think we are involved in a car accident* Akela clarified feeling
unsettled inside her. Everything was covered in smoke and haze. She
couldn’t tell where or how the shifters in the front were.

“HIS QUEEN!!” her side of the door was abruptly opened. A bloody face
of Shawn appeared to her upside down the door,
“Are you okay?!” he questioned undoing her seatbelt. Gently he pulled
her outside the car that was covered in smoke. He scooped her in his arms
and walked a safe distance from the car with her,
“Are you okay?” he continued to ask placing her on the grass. Her head
and left leg were bleeding,
“I’m…fine” she could feel the stinging sensation on her head. She touched
on her forehead and came back with blood,
“Something or rather someone hit at us and ran” Shawn explained
tearing off his shirt to bandage her terrible wounded leg. There was a
bone pointing out of her leg. She hadn’t felt the leg pain because it was
still too hot. The pain that was striking was the forehead pain,
“Call an ambulance, where is Nick?” she managed to ask,
“I think the car threw him out. He wasn’t in the car when I woke up” she
frowned, it appeared she was out of it longer than she had though,
“OUCH!” She winced in pain as Shawn fastened her broken leg. The pain
only shot then and it was excruciating,
“I’m sorry his queen. Let me find a phone to call the ambulance” Shawn
was about to stand when he screamed in agony. The only thing she saw
was nails painted in black that looked like digging forks tightly wrapping
around Shawn’s neck. She tried to stand but her leg wouldn’t let her,
“WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!” Tlotla yelled,
the wolverine appeared behind Shawn throwing him away.
“You don’t give up, do you?!” Tlotla barked in disgust. She wasn’t going
to go away without a fight.
*AKELA!* in internal communication she summoned the wolf in her.
White blue eyed wolf phased. Akela took over Tlotla limping up with her
fangs and claws exposed to the wolverine. Unfortunately her back left leg
was broken. She was bleeding but she took a stand before their opponent,

“Oh cute little thing!” the wolverine underestimated her. She snapped
her fingers before her making her feel like just a puppy but Akela
grabbed her hand with her fangs. She could feel Akela separate her
fingers with her hand,
“LITTLE BITCH!” she roared, trying to stab Akela’s back with her other
free digging forks nails but Akela dodged. She jumped to the other side
with her fingers in her mouth. She spit them right before the wolverine
who crumbled on the grass holding her hand with no fingers,
“YOU ARE DEAD!” the wolverine growled transforming. Akela didn’t
wait for her to take full transformation but charged. She clung on to her
back stabbing her front hard with her claws. Her fangs bit hard on her
neck. She could feel her transform regardless of how hard she wounded
her. The old hag was way too strong. Instead of weakening from the
wounds, it felt like she was feeding from her wounds. They only made her
stronger and powerful.
Akela found herself at the back of a brown furred female alpha wolf. She
was ridiculously huge and strong. The brown wolverine wolf raised her
tail and fastened it on Akela’s neck. She came back with her floating in
the air and shuttered her hard on the ground. With her tail still choking
the white blue eyed Akela she lashed on the ground repeatedly with her
body. Tlotla could feel her bones disintegrate. She couldn’t let Akela take
that much pain. She took over the transformation. With her human teeth
she bit hard on the wolverine’s tail.
The brown wolf growled in pain letting her go. She dropped her hard on
the ground making her bones break further. She lied a vegetable ready
for the wolverine to come jump her. Right now she knew she couldn’t
move. She was just immobile ready with her fangs and claws to still fight.
Her neck allowed her to turn to the sound of a black furred wolf battling
with the wolverine. From his scent she picked that it was Shawn. The
two wolves battled fighting not to go down. She sighed when her father’s
scent roamed in to the atmosphere. The wolverine attempted to run as
well when she picked Lupus’ scent but on the other side appeared the
predator. They had felt through their connection with Tlotla and Akela
that something was very wrong with her.

Now she was out numbered. Four wolves against her. Lupus was at the
back, the predator at the front, Shawn on her right side and Chris on her
Without wasting any minute Lupus jumped attacking her from the back,
the predator attacked from the front. Shawn attacked from her right side
of the body and Chris from her left. The four wolves were ready to pull
her into pieces but she vanished thorough their fangs. They found their
heads heading at each other like they went for the ball at once. She wasn’t
there anymore.
A howl of anger erupted from the wolves. The bitch had escaped once
again. For Tlotla she allowed painful darkness consume her. She knew
she was safe, hence why she gave in to the pain in her body.

They have been gathered in Queen Mamohato hospital for the past three
hours with no word. No one is saying anything but doctors and nurses
are running in and out of her ward. It’s the waiting that drives them
Majara feels the anger in his wife before she even appears. He called
home immediately when they arrived to the hospital but somehow she
already knew.
She is accompanied by the king himself. The entire corridor is cleared
before they walk in. Mabataung is a ball of flame as she walks to them.
He can tell that today he is going to see colours to her he is never seen.
He sits with Mkhonto and two of his pack members. Seeiso throws a pity
look at him and dwells to Mkhonto and his guys,
“Where is my daughter Majara?” Majara? His jaw drop. Not even in a
single day until today she ever called him by his name,
“Mama Tlotla” he gentles his tone,
“Where is my daughter Majara?!” the livid Mabataung is definitely
“Baby they are still busy with her” he is honestly not to blame for this
but Mabataung doesn’t care. The king’s secretary walks down the
corridor with Tlotla’s doctor. They come to stand before Seeiso who was
talking to Mkhonto,
“He is here my king” the secretary informs and steps aside,
“I would like you to discharge princess Tlotla and organize an ambulance
to transfer her to the palace” the king tells the doctor,
“My king with all due respect, the princess is badly……….”
“I wasn’t negotiating, that was an order” the poor doctor nods and say
“As you wish my king” he hurries down the corridors,

“Say what is happening, why are you transferring my daughter to the

palace without talking to me?” Seeiso steals a glance at the furious
Mabataung, more of asking for permission. She is too angry she keeps
rubbing on her hands pacing up and down like she is summoning a
lightning. Seeiso doesn’t want to piss her more than she already is,
When she nods at him, he looks at Majara and Mkhonto,
“Before I say anything, you all should know you made papers” he hands
them his tablet. The story is all over the socials.
*Wolves battle in Lesotho. And the princess of the Kingdom in the
battle* there is lot of nonsense and speculations written but the pictures
are not fake. There is Lupus, the predator, Shawn, Chris and the
wolverine being attacked by them. Tlotla is lying flat on the grass.
They hadn’t thought people saw all this. It was brought day light.
“Did anyone see us phasing” Majara question Seeiso, horror written in
his tone,
“One newspaper had the image of Shawn and Tlotla transforming though
they weren’t clear to see that it was the princess. I have already taken
care of it. It didn’t make it to the tabloids but the media outside……..” he
trails off shaking his head. This is really bad for them,
“Anyway, moving from that. There was a video as well of all of you
fighting the wolverine but I took care of it as well. From the video Mama
Tlotla believes that, the wolverine is not our type of normal wolf that any
of you can kill. Even if any of you manage to kill her, she would still find
a way to live again through another body. She believes that is a witch
wolf and only her kind can take care of that” Seeiso explains,
“And her kind is?” Chris asks,
“She is a white witch” both Chris and Shawn frown at the normal angry
woman pacing up and down,
“No she isn’t?” Chris finds it hard to believe,
“She is” Mkhonto assure
“Wait, so this bitch is a witch on top of everything?” Majara is never been
so pissed,
“Yes. That’s why she is been slipping through your fingers but not for
long. I’m ready to give my daughter what is rightfully hers. Tlotla will
end her existence” Mabataung informs through gritted teeth,
He asked the family to leave him behind and promised that he’ll catch up
with them later. His intention was to take care of the little thorn in his
yard. He drove straight to his place with his beta (Chris) and his head
enforcer (Shawn).
Shawn told him everything that happened. Somehow Nick is still
nowhere to be found. Even from the photographs and videos roaming the
internet there is no sign of Nick. Clearly he is got a mole and it’s obvious
who it is.
“Remember when you asked what Lupus said the other night?” he sits
with his pack and his brothers in the lounge. His question is directed to
Chris nods,
“I lied. We talked. Lupus warned me that there is mole amongst all of
you. It was clear that the wolverine was following my queen. Which
meant there had to be someone feeding her information about where she
is. And that someone Lupus suspected that it was one of you because you
all were following her as per my order. We agreed to keep cool and watch
things, and it didn’t even take long. The mole is Nick” he told
“Why would he do that?” Geffrey asked,
“I don’t know and I don’t care. But he is dying today”
“He is the youngest of us. I doubt he would have any relations with the
Wolverine, let’s give him a chance to explain himself” Tom,
“You all can ask him anything, I’ll give you all that chance but I’m not
going to listen to his lies. I’m done and I’m letting you know that there is
five of us now. Nick is dying today” he was done. They knew there was no
changing his mind. It wasn’t nice to know one of them is going to die,
especially when they weren’t sure that he really was working with the

“He is here!” Mkhonto informed retreating back into the lounge. He could
tell from his scent before he even made appearance. He was about to
leave the lounge but he sat back down.
Through the kitchen door Nick walked. A lousy scar on his forehead was
the first thing they saw. He looked too fresh to have been in an accident
except for that scar that he clearly could have clawed his skin to have.
“Gentz. You okay?” he looked at Shawn. Shawn nodded,
“And her? How is she?” he continued to ask now looking at Mkhonto,
“Where have you been?” Mkhonto couldn’t afford him an answer,
“The car spat me out. I found myself in some culvert when I woke”
“Really?” he nodded,
“And I guess your forehead was hurt from the accident” he was quick to
“How bad! Follow me” Mkhonto got off his chair and led them to the
basement. Nick knew that shit was about to go down but he was sure
that he’ll come out alive. The other wolves now believed Mkhonto’s
theory. He was too fidgety and that scar was clear that it was clawed.
Which he could have done himself just to cover his tracks.
Getting to the basement of the house which is just and open wide space
they formed a circle. As the Alpha he took his place inside the circle. His
brothers didn’t join this one. They choose to remain in the lounge.
“I don’t take kindly to being disrespected. Especially when it comes to my
queen. If you all wish to follow under my command, you’ll do as I say,
right?” he looked at them and they all nodded,
He turned his cold stare on Nick,
“You have been working with my enemy………”
“I didn’t…………”
“Don’t you dare interject me. I’m telling you, not asking. You have been
working with the wolverine and today is your end because of that” his
calmness made Nick see that there is no point in trying to argue, he is
going to kill him but if he tells the truth he’ll not die. Nick thought.
“Yes I have been working with her” he admitted,
“Why?” Chris asked,
“Because she is my mother” he dropped a bombshell that had them
drowning into a moment of silence,
“And you are my father” he added looking at Mkhonto. For a moment
Mkhonto froze. He glared at him in nothing but bewilderment,
“Your Indian idiot, do I look like I can produce Indians from my scrotum?”
“Oh this body?” he changed. To a beautiful boy that looks exactly like his
father. Dlomo would have a fit if he saw this. And as for his brothers
upstairs, he cannot have them see this. They would want him to keep
him. He is never been so thankful that they stayed upstairs.
*I’m killing this* he told the predator. He needed his confirmation to
finish this thing that looks like his father. It’s what he truly wanted to be
able to wrap things up and leave. He didn’t want to start his journey with
some bastard son lurking in the shadows. The wolverine was his only way
to him. Foolishly he didn’t think she had put him right under his nose.
Looking right at his father’s younger image, he has no remorse or feelings
whatsoever towards him. He is like a creature awarded with his father’s
face. His cold heart doesn’t even warm up at his sight. He still want this
thing dead. It’s not human in his eyes and he refuse to father anything
from the wolverine’s womb,
*Feed my pack. They are famished* that’s all the approval he needed.
In everything he does, he has to be in tune with his wolf,
“Dator pack, feed” he barked. Staring right in the eyes of his so called
The little Vulamasango’s photocopy popped his eyes. He thought him
having his blood and his father’s face was going to save him,
“I’m your son” he begged. Unfortunately it did nothing to his cold heart,
“I SAID FEED!” He glared at the rooted pack staring between him and
what used to be Nick,
“Dator he looks like you, let’s……”
“Chris. Don’t make a mistake of questioning my orders. I gave an order
and I expect all of you to follow”
Shawn was the first to prep himself, he twisted his neck and started the
transformation. They all phased and stood starved beast sniffing on the
“Father please” the begging tone didn’t touch his cold heart. He took a sit
on the last staircase of the basement to watch the end of his own son. The
wolves waited for his final order in wolf form as the boy begged for his
“Next time you come to earth, choose a better mother and father” He spat
right to the boy’s face before he gave him to his dogs
“FEED!” they jumped him. Chris dislocated his lower body and took a
corner to eat. Tom chopped the head and devoured the meal in peace.
Geffrey and Shawn shared the body. Nothing in him flinched as he
watched his pack eat his own blood.
He only wondered in thought. Now he can finally claim his girl and leave.
The wolverines’ got nothing on him and he trust the white witch to end
her witchcraft wolf ass.

It hadn’t been an easy week for those who hold her dear to heart. The
doctors said she’ll never walk, or even sit. Her spinal cord and back bones
are damaged beyond repair. It’s quite some heavy painful news but
Mabataung doesn’t care much about all of that. She knows and
understand the power she possess. She’ll fix her daughter up like she is
brand new from her womb once again. She’ll be radiant and without any
pain when she is done with her.
What worried her though was that she hadn’t woken up or even as much
flinched since her accident. She is been out of it for a week now and it
was really starting to bother even the white witch who had been sure of
her recovery.
She wanted her back in the palace because she saw from the video that
was circulating through the socials that the wolverine woman is a witch.
No wolf can just vanish like that, unless aided by witchcraft powers.
She is ready to give her daughter what is rightfully hers, but she needs
to be conscious for that to happen. They had agreed to give it to her as a
gift after her mating ceremony, but now matters are forcing her to give it
to her now.
She cannot find the strength to leave her daughter’s bedside. Maybe it’s
a mother thing but she cannot function well knowing that her Tlotla is
still in coma. Until she wakes this will be her home. She wants no
disturbance but only her daughter to wake, but it seemed the odds were

She glared at the door of the room they prepared for Tlotla as it creaked
open bringing Majara and Mkhonto into the room. They were both not
her favorite wolves at the moment. She thought that they could have done
better to protect her daughter. Or maybe she just wanted someone to
blame and this two were perfect to be burdened with the blame.
“What’s he doing in here?” she glared at Majara. She made it clear that
she doesn’t want Mkhonto anywhere near her daughter. He was the one
she blamed the most. That was his old skank that attacked her daughter,
“Let’s go eat MaNgcobo” Majara internationally ignored her. He
stretched his hand out to her. She hadn’t left Tlotla’s bed in a while. She
slept next to her daughter. Paranoia had her by the tits. In her head she
thought that the wolverine will somehow come back to finish off her
daughter if she leaves her side,
“I don’t want to eat. I want to be right here when my daughter wakes up”
if stubborn was a person it would be her for that week only. He
understood but at that moment he had it with her and her stubbornness.
He forcefully scooped her in his arms when she least expected it. She
fought, a good fight and some screams but it was a losing battle. She is
still just a human regardless of her powers, and taking on a god wolf is
pointless even for a white witch.
“Lock the door! And don’t touch on her back” Majara shot at Mkhonto
before he left the room with the woman clouded by anger.
Mkhonto hadn’t seen his queen in a week. All because of her mother but
today Majara saw the pain that he knows very well in Mkhonto. The pain
of a wolf denied its mate. It’s a heavy pain that eats on you, the wolf
inside doesn’t care much about the ‘whys’. When it wants its mate, it will
claws and fight the keeper with everything until he gives in and drags
himself to their mate. That’s the only time the wolf will rest.
Majara saw that in Mkhonto, he knew that keeping him further away
from Tlotla will only cause more harm and damage to the predator and
his daughter. Even though the two haven’t mated, only a fool can deny
the connection they share.

Mkhonto waited for the screaming to die down the passage before he
stepped closer to his queen. The predator growled in anger at her sight.
He wanted her awake and feeling on her and her wolf. At that moment
he couldn’t even feel Akela. If it wasn’t for her heartbeat he would
thought that she was no more. The thought of it alone dragged him to a
place of despair and agony. He cannot imagen life without his queen.
With a heavy heart he dragged himself to the door and locked. Not
because his father in law told him to do so, but because he wanted to feel
her in a way that would satisfy him and the predator. The only way he
knows how to community his love to her, is when she is utterly naked.
His love for her is naked, without barriers or shadows shading this
beautiful queen of his.
He took off his clothes first. His shoes, clothes and everything he had on
his skin. When he was satisfied of his birthday suit he continued on to
peeling her of her clothing as well. Lucky for him she was just in her
nightdress and panties. It was an easy task to get rid of those and climb
the bed to lay besides her.
Regardless of the advice he was given, not to touch her back. He held her
and settled her to lay on her side. He only wanted to feel on her in a way
that makes the predator feel complete. And that happens when she is
utterly naked in his touch.
It’s been quite a battle between him and the predator this past week. He
was threatening to go feral and kill anything in the way of him finding
his way to his mate. But he managed to find ways to tame him, until
today. Today he knew that if he didn’t see her, his own wolf was going to
choke him to death.
“My queen” softly pecked her lips. His one hand was tenderly holding her
waist to balance her and make sure she stays in position. The other one
was roaming all over her face.
Her lips, he brushed them with his thumb. They were so soft and inviting,
yet without life.
Her eyebrows, he also brushed them with his thumb. She is a simple girl,
but beautiful as hell. In his eyes there is no beauty greater than her, and
it pained him seeing her in that state.
“Baby I need you to wake up” he pecked her dry lips once again,
“Do you know the pain your putting me through seeing you like this?” if
he had an audience they would attest that he was indeed in pain. His
tone was moving on some gravelly throat, probably because of that lump
he was trying very hard to swallow,
“Tlotla Molapo you’re my sanity” he confessed. Despair and agony loud
in his emotions,
“Baby do you know what it’s like to hold my sanity in the palm of your
hands? Tlotla I’ll go crazy of you leave me. I cannot have a life where you
are not there. I know I have a pretty fucked up past but I’m ready to own
a time machine….” He allowed to trail of as he chuckled. Stupid he can
be for making promises he wouldn’t be able to keep, but he knows that
he’ll try his all to own the device if it even exist just so he can erase the
shit of having a school teacher and sex teacher like the wolverine,
“….I’m ready to own the time machine just so I can rewrite my past for
you. For us baby. I’m ready to claim you and take you home” he paused
to breath, a smile creeping on his face as he thought of what he is about
to tell her next,
“I called my mother. She is happy that we are finally coming home, she
said she bought you clothes already” again he allowed humor to consume
him, he wouldn’t put that past his mother,
“I haven’t been the best son to her. At times, I see that she longs for my
love. I think I do give her love but….” Again he trailed with a heavy sigh,
“…but my kind of love was cold. But not until I found my way to you. I
think that you being in my life is warming me up. I’m ready to warm up
to my mother and sisters. She was so happy when I called. I could tell she
was close to tears because I never do that. But because of you my queen,
I reached out to the one woman who’s always longed for my love when
you weren’t there to keep my cold heart warm. And it worked. Her angelic
voice did tame the beast in me, but only for a time. Now I need you to
wake. Please wake up for me my queen” she didn’t even as much flinch.
She was just immobile closing her eyes but he wasn’t about to give up,
“MaDlomo I’m begging you, vuka mama” the predator growled, much to
his annoyance. He rather he calls her anything but not MaDlomo. As
much as he is an animal he understand how manipulative and conniving
ancestors can be. This one was his mate, the Dlomos’ can chill in a back
sit, with this one he called the shots, not them.
“MaPredator” he corrected himself, smiling while at it as he felt the
predator relaxes,
*Brand her* the predator ordered him,
*Her parents will see* he was not comfortable with the idea of branding
*She is ours, brand her!* the predator barked. He knew what he was
doing and he hates it when he questions him,
He was hesitant at first but the predator started raking his insides,
*Chill damn it! I’ll do it!* he snapped at the predator clawing him from
the inside. He could feel his skin scratch right from the inside,
With a sigh he said,
“Im sorry baby. I have to trust this fool in me” he laid her back on her
back. Staring down at her he battled to find the most hidden places to
mark her up. Branding her meant that he should scratch her skin with
his claws and fangs. It’s a wolf thing that makes one’s blood rush.
He hoped that he’ll be able to control himself once he started. Her neck
would be obvious to start with but that was reserved for the mating
ceremony. Staring at her plum breast he swallowed the desire to start
right there,
*BRAND HER!* the motherfucker roared. Now he was not sure where
to start. Those tiny little breast were really inviting and salivating. He
was trying to resist but the predator wanted to sink his teeth right there,
“Fuck it!” he lost the battle. Grabbing her tiny breast in his mouth
realizing his fangs. He grazed the skin that covers her breast with his
fang, leaving gentle lines of bruises as he grazed both her breast. The
urge to taste her blood was there, it was hard to hold himself but he tried.
He wanted to sink his teeth in her, in every way but he knew he wouldn’t
stop if started.
Froom her breast he drew her with his teeth heading way down low. She
was warm but now he could feel her blood rush. She was coming back.
“Come back to me baby” he murmured on her skin. Letting loose of his
claws. His claws raked the sides of her waist and she squirmed,
“That’s my girl! Come back to me my queen” he repeated raking the side
of her waist. A smug drawn on his face as he realized that he just
discovered one of her soft spots,
“Khonto…” his smug turned into a complete smile. He didn’t stop
drawing her skin with his fangs and claws as he went back up to her face.
It came out faint but he heard her. Reaching her face he was welcomed
by those beautiful eyes flickering. A faint smile and eyes trying hard to
keep awake. He made sure not to squash her. He balanced his weight on
his elbows and peck her lips and her lazy eyes,
“Thank you for coming back to me my queen” he caught a smile,
“Don’t close those eyes for me, you hear me?” she nodded, looking fucking
beautiful than ever in her worn out state,
“I’m going to dress you and call your father, okay?” she nodded again. He
kissed her once again and climbed off the bed. He quickly dressed up and
dressed her before he marched for the door,
“Khonto…” she faintly called when he was about to leave the room,
“Mami” he stopped and turned to look at her,
“Don’t leave” she was weak but he found comfort in that she was awake.
Even the predator was relieved,
“I’m not going anywhere” he assured her and went to kiss on her once
again before he left to call her dad
“I’m really sorry” Mabataung sincerely apologized to her son in law. She
realized that Tlotla would have long woken up had she not been difficult
on him. They didn’t believe him when he barged into the lounge and
announced that she was awake.
Mabataung hurried to kiss her daughter when they entered the room.
Majara on the other hand was just staring at his little girl. He was
washed with so much relief that he doesn’t know how to react. Seeing
Tlotla like that for the past week was quite difficult for him but he had
to be strong for his wife.
“Papa Tlotla” Tlotla faintly called for her father. He expelled a heavy sigh
and stepped closer to his daughter.
“You look terrible” Tlotla mocked him. He smiled taking her hand and
running it on his nostrils to feel the life in her. His daughter was very
much back and he couldn’t be happier.
“Thank you for coming back my princess” he stooped to kiss her forehead,
“Stop crying mama, I’m fine” she managed to wipe the tears flowing on
her mother’s cheeks. It was the tears of joy. They had a very difficult week
with her in that state.
“How are you feeling my angel?” Mabataung collected herself sniffing
away the sobs,
“I’m okay mama but I feel like I cannot move my back or lower part” the
three in the room borrow each other looks,
“You’ll be fine my baby. I promise” Tlotla nodded to her mother,
“We are all going to step out a bit and call the doctor in to examine you
first before I heal you, okay?” her mother continued to say and she nodded
once again, though she was confused,
“Can he not leave, please?” she reached out her hand to Mkhonto at the
Mkhonto took her soft hand in his and squeezed on them,
“My baby kore o rata bashanyana even waking up from your death bed
obatla monna next to you” (… love boys so much even………..bed you
want a man next to you) the room welcomed gentle laughter,
“Papa leave me alone, this is my husband” Majara melted. Now this was
his daughter that he knows. He grabbed his wife out and allowed the two
wife and husband some privacy with the doctor.
The doctor kicked him out. He refused to examine her with him present.
He had to follow her parents out. Now outside her room he stands with
her father. Mabataung hurried to make her daughter something to eat.
“I meant to ask when we get some alone time, the mole? Did you find out
who it was?” Majara questions Mkhonto in a whisper as they both stood
outside Tlotla’s room.
Mkhonto expelled a heavy sigh,
“Yeah. You were right” they had a talk the other night where he told him
all about the wolverine,
“It was one of my guys, Nick” he added with a grunt,
“And the so called Nick was my ‘supposed’ son” he finished with what
looked like disgust written all over his face,
“I don’t follow” Majara enquired some more sensing that there was more
to the information he had been presented,
“We thought the guy was Nick but it turned out that he had taken Nick’s
body all this time. He was my bastard son with that evil” Mkhonto
enlightened him but only for Majara’s frown to deepen,
“When you say was, I take it you killed him?”
Mkhonto nodded,
“Did you confirm that he really was your son?” Majara posed a question
that had him frowning,
“He looked like my father the most. That’s the only confirmation I got
and his word calling me father” a bored eye roll accompanied his words,
“Other than that?” the scowl and frown on Lupus’ face was rather
Mkhonto shrugged and asked,
“What?” he couldn’t see what was making Lupus doubt the information
he had given him
Majara sighed,
“Let’s just say I find it too hard to believe that a conniving devious bitch
like the wolverine would put your son right under your nose. Don’t you
think it was too…..i don’t know, but I would like to think that she put all
this bastards in a safe place somewhere. She wouldn’t put them right
where we can sniff them up. Did you even feel the scent of your so called
son?” Mkhonto didn’t like the direction of the conversation but it was
bringing light to him he hadn’t seen,
“No. I felt nothing, even the predator didn’t pick any connection between
“Which is odd because if he was indeed of your blood, even if you denied
the connection, you would have felt something” Majara allowed him a
moment of silence as he made sense of his scenario,
“What are you saying exactly?” questioned Mkhonto,
“What if that wasn’t your real son? What if she put that one right under
your nose for her other malicious reasons?”
“He looked like me, like my father” Mkhonto insisted,
“We are talking about a woman who can rock up in here looking like you.
She can do anything she wants. She probably has duplicate copies of your
real son just to drive you crazy. I’m not trying to stop you from going
home but I need you to still be alert. I don’t think that was your son”
defeat consumed Mkhonto who was so sure he was done,
“Did you feel any connection with yours?” he posed the question at Lupus,
“I didn’t see the thing and I’m glad I didn’t. Your father killed it but when
he finally took me to a place where he buried it, I did recognize that it
had my blood and scent”
A sigh of defeat passed through his lungs before he cursed,
“Fuck my life!”

She would be lying if she said she was not scared at all. But who wouldn’t
be? Being woken up at witchcraft hours by your own mother whom you
know weigh a paper compared to you but today she carried your fat body
in her arms like were just an infant.
Shit like this don’t happen. It was unreal and somehow scaring Tlotla but
she knows what her mother is. She didn’t think strength came with her
magical powers but today she was proven otherwise. She kept to herself
as her tiny mother cradled her like a baby out of the house.
If she didn’t recognize the indifferent yet calm expression on her mother’s
face, she’d blurb out and ask zillion questions but as a young woman she
could see that her mother was in a different element and zone.
Appearance wise she was still her beloved mother, though stronger as
she was able to carry her from the third floor of the palace to the
backyard, outside. Her eyes appeared a bit brighter in the darkness of
the night. There was something in her eyes that insisted on holding
Tlotla stare. Even when she had attempted to take her eyes away from
her, there was a pull that just drew her back in her mother’s radiant
Mabataung gently laid her on the cold grass damped with midnight dew
waiting on the sun to evaporate into space.
Tlotla held a curse that threatened to shoot out of her tongue when her
skin came in contact with the wet grass. She was just in her night dress
for heaven sakes! This woman could have dressed her in warm clothes.

Up above the skies she allowed her eyes to drown in the beauty of stars
decorating the midnight skies. Stars really do have a way of making the
darkness of the night beautiful. A shooting star crossed while she was
still admiring the skies, she could only smile. Something in her urged her
for a wish but she didn’t. She knew she would have wished for whatever
her mother was about to do to work so she could walk again but that
would be doubting her mother’s skills. In her heart of heart she believed
in her mother and knew from the look in her eyes that she will walk. She
only smiled at the wish star and let it pass on to grant someone’s wish
who really needed it, if they really do work.
Taking her eyes off the skies, she looked at the palace shading them. Nosy
family members were standing by their windows. They didn’t sleep. They
all wanted to see Mabataung heal her own daughter in the backyard of
the palace. Her eyes travelled to the third floor, up to the room that was
turned into her recovery room. The large zulu creature that wears the
tattoo with her name on it was also staring by the window. He hadn’t left
her side since she woke up. He disappears during the day to wash up and
run some errands but at night he always show up to sleep on a couch in
her room. Well he sleeps there for the parents to think so but the minute
the palace lights dims, he takes his rightful place right by her side and
takes the couch once again in pregnant hours of the morning.
The bastard could feel her stare even from such distance. He blew her a
kiss and she melted. It wasn’t a physical kiss but she could feel it caress
her in a way that made her feel like he had touched her.

“Tlotla” her mother grabbed her attention from her own type of poison,
Looking at her mother she was hit by a very bright radiant light
surrounding her. She hadn’t seen what actually happened since she was
laid on the wet grass because she was drooling over her own man.
Even then she wanted to say something to comment on her mother’s
powers but she couldn’t find the right words or there was a force
forbidding her from doing so.
The woman was surrounded by a white bright light that shot straight
from the midnight skies. One couldn’t see where it started. It was a wave
circulating from the skies to her. She was standing right within the wave
looking at her astonished daughter on the grass.
“Baby at this moment I stand before you as a white witch. The last of my
kind but today I’m going to rewrite that. From today there will be two of
us, then you’ll give me a beautiful granddaughter and there will be three
of us, if you make more than one granddaughter then there will be the
four of us and so forth”
“But before I pass on our female gift of the house of Lupus” she fell on her
knees besides Tlotla,
“Allow me to heal you and fix you my princess, do you agree?” Tlotla was
quick to nod,
“I need words baby?”
“I agree mama” she found her voice. Though it felt like the force had lifted
off her which had rendered her mute the entire time,
“Thank you baby” she watched her mother rub the palms of her hands
together. She wasn’t mumbling like healers. She was just humming
rubbing on her palms that slowly created a haze of bright light as she
kept on rubbing,
“I, the mother of wolves, the last of my kind. I undo what was done by
evil. I bring the pure grace of white witch powers on this young soul. I’ll
mend her with my powers. I ask that you my guides lead me on this one.
Show me where and how to touch her to undo what was done by dark
heart filled with evil” Tlotla only listened. She understood that she wasn’t
talking to her then,
“This is going to hurt a lot baby” now her mother was talking to her. She
was still just rubbing her palms together,
“Try not to scream a lot or else I’ll have two wolves disturbing me” she
chuckled as her mother warned her. She took a deep breath readying for
whatever was about to come.

Her mother opened her hands and put them on her head. She felt like a
hammer hit her hard from the head. The pain travelled downwards
making her feel like she was electrocuted. She shook vigorously as the
white witch power travelled from her head down wards looking for
anything that was broken by evil in her. The moment the force touched
on her back she screamed, but her mother’s words came to her
It was really painful. She could feel her bones being moved back to place.
It hit straight from the heart but her mother’s hand on her head made
her bare all the pain. She could feel the sound of each and every bone
that was dislocated take back its original place from her back.
She felt numb and exhausted after the rearrangement. Her eyes denied
her to keep wake any longer. She could feel that her poison was now near.
As to when he moved, she wasn’t sure,
“You can take her back to the house Khonto” she heard her mother’s tone
carried with humor that her poison groaned at. Khonto was her thing,
not anyone. In his arms she faded to sleep as he carried her back to the
Waking up her eyes roamed around to find her certain type of favorite
creature. On a couch that now almost look like him he was slightly
snoring. She wouldn’t mind waking up to such a beautiful sound. Call it
love but the girl found her man snore so soulful. Hell she would lie on his
chest with that beautiful melodic tone of his snore playing in the
background. That’s what love does to one. Even the most annoying things
you find them romantic and funny when in love.
It was a perfect time for her to test her legs without him fussing over her.
She gently slid out of the bed with ease. She could feel that she wasn’t
100% as yet but she managed to take careful steps out of the bed to the
man sleeping on the one sitter couch.
Gently she perched herself on his lap. His wide spread legs made it easy
for her to take a sit on his lap. An eye roamed on something taking a
throne between his legs,
*Look at that! Jesus!* it could only be the whore wolf living in her
admiring the beast visible between his legs. He was in military green
track pants that made it easy for the beast to be seen. Track pants
honestly needs to be considered as men lingerie. No man looks normal in
track pants. They are all hot and inviting when wearing those simple
She chuckled at her wolf. Akela was all about ‘Ndoda’. Anything that has
to do with their mate she became very much alive.
She turned her one hand around his head and stroked the back of it. The
other hand took a dance on his slightly parted lips after she stole a kiss.
The man smiled. She definitely woke him up.
“My queen” he muttered, eyes still shut,
“My hubby” his smile took all his face. He secured his arms around her
waist and finally opened his eyes,
“I want this for the rest of my life” he said staring deep in her eyes,
“What?” she was a bit lost,
“I want to open my eyes and find you there every morning” his smooth
tongue did the things to her. As for her wolf, poor Akela was fanning
“I want to wake up next to you as well” she leaned down and sealed it
with a kiss,

“How is your back? Should you even be walking as yet?” he was brushing
on her back,
“I’m fine even though there is still some pain. I think I need to take it
ease until I’m 100% okay” he nodded in agreement,
“Let me call Hlokoa, I ……” she tried to get off him but he held her tighter
and interjected her,
“Where are you going, I’m still enjoying this”
“I want to call Hlokoa to bring my laptop. I’m behind with my school
work. I need to catch up and push some assignments and tutorials” she
had been out of it for a week,
“You don’t have to worry yourself about that anymore, I’m taking you
home with” he nonchalantly said but only for him to gain himself a frown
from his queen,
“What?” he asked struck by confusion. He didn’t understand the frown
on her face,
“What do you mean I don’t need school anymore because you’re taking
me home with?” she tried her best to enquire in a very calm manner,
“Baby you don’t need school. We are leaving soon and I’ll take care of you
as your man” she glared at him. Disbelief dancing with her emotions. Not
even once in her slightest thoughts did she think he was such a typical
“Let’s back up a bit, your saying I should just give up on my education
because you’re finally taking me home?” only now he realized that the
conversation might have taken a certain turn,
“You don’t need it baby. It’s not like I’m going to let you work”
“Mehlolo!” she exclaimed with a once clap and got off him. She hurt
herself a bit as she got off him in range,
“You see!” he was all over her as she winced touching on her back. He
helped her back to the bed. Also now a bit furious that she is not careful
enough. She doesn’t know how difficult it was for him this past week to
see her lie like that on the bed.
“You need to be careful Tlotla maan!” he was covering her up as she now
sat up straight on the bed,
“Khonto please enlighten me here. Do you think I’m going to be a house
wife just popping babies?” come to think of it, they have never had such
conversations. She thought as she saw the answer in his eyes before he
could even sum up the response,
“And take care of me, what is wrong with that?”
“You’re crazy if you think I’m made to be just a house wife. I’m finishing
my degree and I’m going to work. Get that in your head today” she sternly
said glaring at him,
“Why are you being difficult?” his tone was losing the calmness,
“I’m not being difficult. I’m not giving up my dreams for marriage” she
“We are not talking about your dreams here. We are talking about you
wanting to have a career that you don’t need. There are people who really
need jobs out there Tlotla. You’ll just be taking an opportunity that could
have benefited someone who really needs it. You don’t need a career”
“Get out!” she choose to kick him out before she cursed the hell out of
“I said out, Mkhonto!” oh she can call the ‘M’ in his name after all,
“If you’re going to be my queen, you’re not going to do a single thing
except to sit at home and take care of our house. Get that in your stubborn
head while I go wash up”
“Wash that brain of yours while you at it. I, Tlotla Akela Molapo……” she
was interjected by the wolf in her head,
*Don’t involve me in your independence shit. As a female wolf I
know my job is to drop pups like no one’s business* typical of Akela
as well,
“Tlotla Molapo is not just a house wife material abuti. I’m more than that
and I refuse to be a tamed wolf popping pups left, right and center
without a career. I’m finishing my degree, whether you like it or not”
“We’ll see about that!” the bastard stormed out before she could say a
“Such a typical man!” she barked to herself alone.

For a minute she was consumed by rage and utter disbelief. Men can be
so annoying and narrow minded when they like. She didn’t understand
why she had to give up the things she wants for marriage. Not once had
she thought their first fight would birth from something so petty. Do
couples still argue about things like that? She didn’t think so. It’s just
Mkhonto being the descendent of Shaka Zulu. Hell, stubbornness is
nature for Zulu men. It’s their way or no way at all.
Words failed her to describe what just happened. Was she being her usual
stubborn as well? She didn’t think so.
Luckily her mother walked in while she was still in personal debate. The
first thing Mabataung noticed was her sour face and the absence of
Mkhonto in the room. The couch Mkhonto camped on the past couple of
days was empty.

“Morning baby” Mabataung offered her greetings which were returned

with a forced smile and a head nod,
“Where is your man? Is he responsible for making you suck lemons so
early in the morning?” Mabataung continued to ask seeing that she was
in a very foul mood.
“Mama did you give up your career for your marriage?” she asked
something totally different from what her mother had asked,
“Where is that coming from?” Mabataung asked with a frown that now
almost matched hers,
“Khonto wants me to stop attending school because he is taking me with
Mabataung folded her arms,
“When is soon?” Tlotla shrugged,
“He hasn’t clarified yet”
“You’re graduating next year Tlotla. If he waited for you to turn 21, one
more year will not hurt for you to finish your studies” it was difficult. She
hadn’t really thought about the logistics of their mating. Will this be a
long distance marriage? Somehow she understood where he was coming
from but giving up her education was out of the picture. If she wasn’t in
her final year she would opt for online studying but now it’s in the middle
of a semester to change preference.
“Am I going to be in a long distance marriage?” she asked her mother who
“I don’t know. You two need to talk and reach a conclusion that has
nothing with you giving up your studies. And to answer you, I didn’t give
up my career for marriage. I stopped working because I wanted to, not
because your father made me. He was ready to give me any position I
wanted at MDM. I choose to be a house wife because I wanted to. Hear
me?” Tlotla nodded with a sigh,
“I hear you mama”

“Good. I’m here to check on you, how you feeling?” she sighed, pulling
herself back to her real problems. She couldn’t walk the past week. This
woman made sure that she walks again. Mkhonto problems can wait.
“Mama thank you so much” she smiled at her mother who looked a bit
“I can walk” she continued to add seeing the confusion on her mother’s
Mabataung smiled and sat beside her on the bed,
“I knew you’ll be fine. I have never doubted our gift” she brushed her
chubby cheeks,
“I have something for you. Last night you zoned out before we could finish
everything” Tlotla paid attention. Her mother’s tone was now guarded
and stern.
“This is for you” she took out a radiant white feather from her gown
“I was told to pass it on to my daughter when she turns 21. And you’ll
pass it on to your daughter, who’ll also pass it on to her sister and
daughters when they rich 21. This is the feather from the great Greek
stallion called Pegasus Grace. With this feather she offers us her eternal
powers of white witch gift. Do you accept the gift” she had talked to her
before about it, she knew that one day her mother will share her gift with
her. It just never occurred that it would be today,
Tlotla nodded staring at the radiant feather,
“I need you to say something baby”
“I accept the gift mama” Mabataung smiled,
“Here then my princess. Keep this close to your heart at all time. Those
who holds our powers will visit you soon to activate it” she handed her
the delicate feather which Tlotla looked in admiration,
“What do I do with it mama?” Tlotla asked,
“Keep it close to your heart until our guides come to you. Maybe you can
wear it around your neck so not to lose it” Tlotla nodded at the suggestion,
“Thank you so much mama” Mabataung could only afford a bright smile,
“Why are you giving it to me now?” Tlotla continued to ask.
Her mother picked her chin urging her to meet her stare,
“Because I want you to deal with that evil witch that put you here and
show her who we really are. She is going to come for you and your
happiness. I want you to be ready when she does and kick her evil behind
back to hell” Tlotla laughed throwing her arms around her neck to hug
“I’ll show her that I come from two power houses”
“Exactly my baby. Let’s go help you bath. Your doctor will be here any
minute” Mabatuang said trying to help her off the bed,
“I got this today mama. I told you I’m fine” she gently slid out of bed
showing her mother,
“You shouldn’t overdo it though, maybe you can use crutches until you
feel that your back is no longer in pain when you stand” she nodded at
her mother as she balanced with her. They made their way out to bath
and have breakfast.
In Tlotla’s room she sat with her helping her with her school work. She
had called earlier and asked that she brings her laptop. She trapped her
then and made her help. Which she is not even sure she of what she is
doing. She is an intern in one of the law houses in the kingdom. She
knows nothing about accounting but here she is today doing it.
“You owe me big time for this” she is been complaining since they started,
“I’ll do the cooking for an entire week when we get back to our apartment”
Bohlokoa laughed. Tlotla will offer anything but not cleaning,
“I want you to clean our apartment every day for a week” the glance she
got was enough of an answer. The door opened before she could laugh.
Papa Tlotla walked in with a stoned face. She threw her eyes to Tlotla to
enquire if they were in any sort of trouble. Tlotla shrugged because she
was also clueless as to why her father would just walk in looking like he
ate potatoes since he was born.
“You have visitors” Majara projected his stare on Tlotla,
“I don’t want no funny business” he continued to add. Tlotla and Bohlokoa
shared looks. They both didn’t know what this is about,
“Okay papa” Tlotla said even though she was just as confused.
“They’ll sit over there and behave” he pointed the couch far from the girls
“No funny business!” Majara added once again, now a bit louder like he
was telling someone outside.
With that stoned face of his he stepped aside from the door making room
for….Geffrey, Tom, Shawn and Chris all walked in like they are walking
on ice. Tlotla was a bit astounded as well. She hadn’t thought that they
would come see her.

They all walked in like bunch of mutes and squash on the same couch.
Majara cast his cold stare on them before he walked out of the room.
“Fuck!” Tom sighed out loud when he was sure Majara had disappeared
the scene,
“Hooo! Is he always that cold?” Shawn asked looking at Tlotla. They all
bared gifts in hands. He stepped forward with a bouquet of roses and
handed it to Tlotla,
“I’m glad you’re okay his queen, you scared me the other day” Shawn
handed her the roses which she receive with a smile and asked…..
“Are you okay? I never checked on you” he was the one that was involved
in an accident with her,
“My wolf genes are dominant than my human genes, I heal faster” he
showed her his arm that was bleeding the other day that it’s now healed
and okay,
“Move over idiot!” Geffrey pushed him over before Tlotla could respond.
He presented her his own gift which was a huge white teddy bear with
blue eyes. Tlotla laughed accepting the gift. Akela was already groaning.
Geffrey bought a teddy bear that had her features. White in color and
blue eyes.
“You can cuddle her while you recover. Maybe we can call her Akela point
two” Geffrey added making Akela groan out loud. Tlotla laughed enjoying
the torture on Akela,
“Thank you Geffrey” it appeared Geffrey was nice as well.
Tom also pushed Geffrey off side for his turn,
“I heard that blue and white are your favorite colors, so I thought maybe
something blue, something white will make you heal faster and come
back to the house and cook your delicious food which some of us only eat
with our eyes” the room welcomed laughter as Tom handed her a set of
blue and white morning gown with slippers,
“Thank you Tom. Now that I know you’re all nice, I’ll make sure you all
taste my food as well” Tlotla said with a smile looking at her presents.

“CHRIS!!” Tom called for Chris who was still forced on the couch like
Majara was still in the room,
“CHRIS!!!” Geffrey raised his voice louder than Toms’ but he still didn’t
Chris appeared to be struck by shock. His eyes were all out focusing
on………all the eyes in the room followed his stare only to find him
holding Bohlokoa stare. The two had held each other stare in a way that
the shifters in a room knew what it meant and what was happening. A
box of chocolates that Chris had in his hands slipped off. The impossible
happened right in their presence.
Bohlokoa felt something like a pull in her forcing her to hold his stare.
She wanted to look away but what was inside her kept her there and
became alive. For the first time since she was implanted with wolf genes
she felt it. The wolf in her becoming alive at the man stare. She could feel
that she wasn’t alone in her body. Someone or rather something just
became alive.
What pulled her stare to the unknown man was more like gravity. It drew
her deep inside the man soul making her see the content black furred
wolf through his eyes. It felt like it was pulling on the being inside her,
making her blood rush in a way that excites her emotions. She kept the
stare as well because it felt like a quest, something she’ll search until she
dies. She wanted to not let go of his eyes. For once it felt right having
power of a damn man. Not just any man, but a shifter. She felt in touch
and in power through his eyes. His eyes woke the being in her that never
took form. His eyes broke all the walls she wasn’t aware she had formed
around herself. His eyes made her long for something she promised
herself never to long for. A man’s touch.
*He is ours* the voice she had never heard before came in her head. It
wasn’t her conscious voice. It felt like the voice of someone who resides in
her. The voice was claiming and commanding. It felt like she was one
with the voice. She’ll do whatever it wants for all her life.
She was startled. She jumped only to break the pull that had connected
her and the unknown man. The man stormed out before she could even
collect herself.
“He imprinted!” one of the shifters said in shock following him out,
“Fuck!” another one added also leaving,
“His queen we’ll see you!” the last one said already marching out of the
door. Bohlokoa was left with Tlotla’s shocked stare. She didn’t
understand what just happened to her.
“What?” she asked with a shrug staring at Tlotla,
“Your wolf just woke up” Tlotla said still stunned. She could feel and pick
the scent of the wolf in her sister. It appears she was just a latent waiting
on its mate to imprint on it.

The door flew open disturbing the two girls who were both worn by a
blanket of shock. Majara barged in first. Behind him was the king who
was also pushed further in by Puso. All three joined Tlotla who was
staring at her sister. Bohlokoa hated being the center of attention. It
made her shy wolf crawl back but the wolves in the room recognized it no
matter how hard it tried to hide. The scent of a new wolf was something
that the old couldn’t miss. It lingered to their wolves almost like the scent
of a new born in the house,
“My baba?!” the king pushed himself to the front. He failed to contain the
shock in his tone,
Bohlokoa glared at him. She was now a big girl for her father to keep
calling her like that. They had talked about it couple of times and he had
toned it down, but now he just went back to it,
“How are you feeling my baba?” the king continued ask regardless of the
scowled look on her face,
“I’m fine my papa, will you all relax” she said with a sigh,
“Do you feel it?” Majara stepped forward and asked,
She nodded,
“Does she feel relaxed around us?” he continued to ask,
“I think she is a bit shy” she could feel it clung on her,
“I guess congratulations are in order my baby, come here” Majara opened
her arms and she fell right in his embrace for a hug,
“Does she have a name?” Bohlokoa asked getting off his embrace,
“Your Alpha must name him” her alpha is Lerotholi. As the one who
implanted on her she falls under his pack,
“But he is in Oves” disappointment was vivid on her face,

“No he ain’t” gasps filled the room as they all turned to the tone of
Lerotholi from the door. He had long left home after he turned 16. As
much as his parents tried to stop him, it was clear that he belonged in
Oves. With each year passing by as he grew, he detached from this world
more. They let him go take his place in Oves at 16. He is been scarce here
at home, only shows up for special occasions or when he misses his family,
“Son!” Majara flew to engulf a 19 year old who groaned in his arms but
smiled as well,
“When you’re done squashing me, I have a name to give father” even at
19 he was still formal as ever,
“Fuck off!” Majara hugged him tighter before he finally released him to
scan him,
“You look like a man now” whatever that meant. Lerotholi continued to
receive hugs from Puso and the king. He ruffled Tlotla’s short hair and
moved to his sister. His height and physique argued that he was younger
than Bohlokoa. One would think Bohlokoa was the youngest one,
“Sis” he stared at her with a smile that Bohlokoa returned,
“Now I know why Aragorn wanted me home” he smiled at Bohlokoa,
“Let me see” he opened his palms gesturing that they should hold hands.
His eyes captured those of Bohlokoa pulling her wolf out to bow to its
alpha. Through her eyes he saw her wolf. Grey furred with brown eyes.
It bowed.
“Ivy” he named it looking deep in her eyes “Come out and let me see you”
he gently ordered the wolf still staring deep in her eyes. Bohlokoa felt
herself shake. Something was vibrating deep inside her fighting to be
“Yes Ivy, come out” Lerotholi calmly added not letting go of her stare. The
vibrations stopped when she starting feeling the expansion. She could
feel her little body expands from the size of a human to that of a creature.
The expansion wasn’t bad until the alteration of her bones. That one hurt
but the pain felt like something one can get used to,
“Allow her to take the body, it’s hers as well now” Lerotholi aided as she
was struggling to let Ivy take her legs. When she relaxed, her clothes all
ripped to pieces. She didn’t feel naked. A grey fur covered her up before
she fell on her hands standing a grey brown eyed wolf.
The wolf bowed before Lerotholi. The others stepped closer to touch it,
make it familiar with their scent so it gets used to them. She was really
“Everyone, I give you wolf Ivy” they all bowed flashing their wolf eyes so
Ivy can see that they were the same as her,
“Who imprinted on her?” Lerotholi turned to ask Tlotla,
“WAIT. Someone imprinted on her?” Majara questioned,
“It’s her true mate that brought her out. She was always going to come
out when they meet” Lerotholi explained,
“Don’t tell me it was one of those shifters” Majara said staring at Tlotla,
“It was. Chris”
“When is Chris dying?” the king’s question tickled the room
“Welcome to my world bro” Majara laughed patting his shoulder. They
watched wolf Ivy transform back without command. This meant she
didn’t need command to transform. She could do it on her own now that
she is been acknowledged by her alpha.
He had been seated with his brothers sulking the morning away. He
wasn’t even invested in the topic going on in the lounge until Sakhe
brought her name up.
“It’s Sdudla isn’t it?” Sakhe enquired staring at him.
Mkhonto sighed before he nodded with his head,
“What did she do?” Zizwe asked,
“The correct question should be what happened” Muzi corrected,
“She wants to finish up school”
“And the problem is?” Muzi asked,
“Aren’t you all here to drag me home? I’m finally ready to go home but
she is telling me that she is got school. Lord knows I’m not going
anywhere without my wife. It was better to stay away from her before
because I hadn’t explored all this feelings and the connection we share.
Right now I don’t think I or the predator could survive without her”
“When is she graduating?” Zizwe asked,
“Next year”
“Simple then, knock her up” Sakhe advised,
“Ima baby maker, just because you go around making babies doesn’t
mean it’s right” (Wait….) Muzi
“I say talk to her. Use baba’s connections to get her a transfer closer to
home. I’m sure universities accept transfers as long as they have the
same course and whatever is needed for a student to transfer” Muzi
“Your right” Mkhonto smiled at Muzi. He hadn’t thought of that,
“I’ll call Dlomo. I’m sure he’ll know someone who knows someone who can
make this happen for me” Mkhonto,
“Plus he is desperate for you to come home. He’ll do anything” Zizwe
“Great. Tomorrow I’m bouncing. I need to sort out the claiming ceremony
thing with the elders so I can take my wife home” Mkhonto informed
“And your wolves? What are you going to do with them?” Sakhe asked,
“That’s another thing I need to sort out before I take them. I need to sit
down with Dlomo and make him understand that my responsibilities are
beyond the throne. I’ll finalize everything about them when I come back”
they nodded,
“So we are all going home, right?” he asked, his eyes on Sakhe the most,
“We’ll go back when you finally go home as well. You can go sort your
things out, we’ll be right here” Zizwe,
“Sakhe!” Mkhonto glared at him,
“I’m still relaxing maan!” Sakhe
“You have a woman at home!” Muzi reminded him,
“Exactly. She is at home with my parents. Can I enjoy Lesotho just a bit?”
they sighed. No one was pleased with his response but they let it slide,
“Do you even still love that girl?” well Mkhonto didn’t let it go,
“Of course I love my Mila” he didn’t stutter about it. He was sure and
they knew no girl next to him except for Milani. She is been his girl from
when they were just teenagers,
“Then what is going on?” he shrugged to Mkhonto’s question. He had no
intention of answering him as well because even he didn’t understand
what had brought the cold breeze into their relationship. Luckily, he was
saved by Mkhonto’s pack barging in the room like they saw a ghost.

Mkhonto glared at his beta before him. It was Chris. He looked at him
expectantly because he could tell that he had something to report. The
others reeked of nothing but shock.
“Chris?” Mkhonto urged getting of his couch to stand before him,
“My alpha” Chris bowed,
“I’m listening” he shoved his hands in his pockets so he controls his anger
if whatever he was about to tell him was going to anger him,
Chris swallowed before he took a huge breath in and looked in his eyes,
“I….I…..” fuck! He is not a stutter. It appears his wolf was still consumed
with desire,
“You reek off…….” Mkhonto stepped closer to smell him. Now he picked
something that made him frown at Chris “You’re consumed by affection,
what is going on?” Mkhonto questioned,
Chris sighed “I imprinted” he confessed,
Mkhonto’s frown deepened. This guys were more of animals than
humans. They fucked with other wolves, not humans. He didn’t
understand where Chris would have met a mate broad daylight and
“Elaborate!” he ordered. This was definitely going to piss him off because
he doesn’t need a war with humans.
“It’s…her sister. I didn’t even know she was my latent. I looked at her
and everything just happened. You know we cannot control it. Once I
looked in her eyes, she controlled me. Her wolf………”
“WAIT!” Mkhonto shouted,
“You all left here saying you’re going to see my queen. When you say her
sister, you mean my niece?” he continued to ask,
“Yes” Chris boldly admitted “What’s her name?” he didn’t get a chance to
“Her name is fucking stay the hell away from her. That’s my sister’s kid!”
“Not biologically!” Sakhe chirped in,
“Dator you know I cannot stay away from her. I. Have. Imprinted” Chris
gently paused the each of the last part for him to understand,
“Fuck man!” Mkhonto threw himself on the couch,
“Did it have to be her? Her father is a whole damn king” he was ranting
out though he also knew that they had no control over it,
“I have to see her again. What’s her name?” Chris didn’t care. As long as
he reported to his alpha, that’s all that mattered,
“Come sit next to my figure, I’ll tell you all about her” Sakhe patted his
plank hip bone. Chris immediately squashed next to him rubbing on his
hands. He was nervous. This had never happened to him before, not that
they had many mates for it to happen countless times. But he had never
felt his wolf so in tune and consumed by desire. Everything about him
now is all about her. He cannot let go of that innocent scent of hers that
hit his nostrils hard waking the wolf in him. Now he is not just Chris. He
belongs to someone. And that someone is a hybrid. Not a wolf that he is
been into wolfs all his life.
“Tell me everything about her” he said in anticipation staring at Sakhe,
“Okay. Her name is Bohlokoa Molapo. She is wears size 8 on shoes,
“HAAAAA!” gasps filled the room interrupting Sakhe’s lies.
“I think you should go get to know her better without hearing lies from
someone who was born to lie all his life” Muzi advised. Chris wasted no
time getting on his feet.
“Your right. I need to hear her voice!” a wolf in love was untamable. The
only thing they wanted in that state was to be close to their mates.

She thanked her two details which she left outside in the parking lot and
jogged up to their floor. She hadn’t slept here last night. Everyone was
still hovering over her and fussing. But today she put her foot down and
came back. Not that she is got work to do but she felt she could do with
some alone time with this thing in her so she can get to know it better.
Walking through the door she is welcomed by a foreign scent. That’s one
of the things that annoyed her with this wolf thing. One can smell even
emotions. Everything has to pass through the nostrils first before the
brain can identify it.
Now the scent that engulfed the spacious kitchen and living room wasn’t
something that alarmed her. It instead drew her in and made her want
to drown deeper into this delicious scent.
She neglected the thought of calling her details and walked further into
the house. Ivy was also calm as well. Another thing that she was warned
about. They said she should listen to Ivy all the time. She’ll let her know
if they are in any sort of danger. So feeling on her calmness she knew
whoever was in the house was welcomed with her wolf.
*He is here* Ivy finally spoke. Wolf character mirrors that of the keeper.
Ivy here was shy and reserved just as her keeper. While a certain white
blue eyed wolf was wild and carefree just as her keeper.
Momentarily she froze. Not to Ivy’s words but to the stare that she felt
bore deep into her soul from behind. The wolf thing was still something
she was getting used to. It amazed and shocked her at the same time of
how she could feel his soul intertwined with hers just from his stare.
She stood. Nervousness and excitement having a field day with her. His
stare felt like a safe home. A protection she didn’t even know she needed.
An assurance she didn’t even know she needed.
She allowed her chest to drop as she expelled a shallow sigh. The man
was taking careful gentle steps towards her. She still had her back on
him though she could almost feel all his movement. It felt like he was
walking on ice and trying his best not to break it out.
When he finally took a final stand behind her, she was engulfed deeper
into that delicious scent. A combination of his cologne and his
individuality natural scent. She felt the hairs and the nape of her neck
rise in……not fear but some sort of anticipation filled with excitement
when he stooped down to her smooth long relaxed her and sniffed on it.
She bit her bottom lip to chase off the smile that threatened to crack on
her face. She wasn’t sure why she found that tickling to her soul.

When he was satisfied of her back, he came to stand in front of her. Her
eyes saw only his shoes as she had been staring down. Black trainers
with grey sweatpants were the only thing she saw. She couldn’t risk
looking in his eyes. His eyes did things to her yesterday. His eyes made
her lady feel things she vowed to never feel. His eyes reached to that part
she buried and made sure it came alive.
Now with him centimeters away from her, she couldn’t risk looking in his
“Hi” the man finally said. Her skin was immediately attacked with
goosebumps. She could feel herself struggle to breath. It felt like she was
breathing too loud and she wanted to control that but her heart beat and
emotions received a different memo than the one she wanted to show on
“I’m Chris” good for you man she wanted to say but words still failed her.
She wanted to curse so bad when he gently hooked the bottom of her chin
with his index finger and urged her face up so he looks at her. How can
one man have so much impact on her? She wondered as she kept her eyes
shut. She cannot risk those blue eyes staring deep in hers. Even if in her
wildest dreams she never thought she would be enticed by a man, and a
white one while at it.
“Please look at me” she wasn’t going to, she wasn’t going to, she repeated
to herself but the man had to cup her waist and draw her closer to his
divine scent. His other hand was still urging her face up. Now there was
no escaping, and he had to have that smooth tone that caressed and
consumed all of her,
“I’m begging you” he didn’t need to say it. She could feel that he was in
need of her eyes. She could feel that he longed for her look.

With a deep sigh, she risked it all. She opened her eyes. The blue eyes of
an Indian man came deep in hers. Now with no distance between them
she could tell that she was in trouble. Her heart betrayed her. She wanted
those arms to hold only her in that manner. She wanted those eyes to
look at her only in that manner.
She wondered what urged both of them to smile at each other. Like fools
they just grinned in each other’s eyes until Chris stooped down and
kissed her forehead.
“Your mine, you know that?” he asked with that smile refusing to leave
his facials,
She quickly nodded,
“Are you mute?” she held a giggle at this question but shook her head no,
“Please say something. I would like to hear your voice” his voice was a
like a drug she couldn’t live without. She wasn’t sure about hers though,
She heaved a sigh before she called on her voice,
“Would you like to sit?” she finally said. A blush that she interpreted as
smile claiming her face. She couldn’t risk standing anymore. Her knees
felt wobbly and threatened to drop her any moment,
“Perfect” Chris muttered. His thumb brushed on those beautiful lips that
just offered him words for the first time. Her tone was as perfect as he
had imagined it.
“Yes I’d like you to sit next to me for the rest of your life” the poor thing
flushed. Her not dark, not light skin tone was glowing at his words. He
loved everything about this innocent human in his arms. Fate fucked him
up big time here. Not even once did he think he would end up with a

He took the lead and pulled her to the couches. It was clear that the poor
thing was frozen. When he settled them down she immediately pulled up
and asked,
“Can I….i…..I will be right back” she finally managed after stuttering for
a moment.
He smiled and nodded watching her scurry out of the living room into the
passage that went to the bedrooms. He had slept in her bedroomed. Her
scent directed him there. He was disappointed not to find her yesterday
but he took a nap in her room waiting on her only to wake up in the
middle of the night when his wolf was clawing on him because of hunger,
“Chris….” Her sweet angelic tone came down the passage in hurry before
she showed face,
“Don’t leave, please” he smiled looking at her. It was vivid that she was
as taken and scared as he was,
“I’m not going anywhere” she smiled and walked back.

In her room she quickly changed the skinny jeans and jumped into lose
pants accompanied by a vest. She wanted to let her body lose. Maybe she
would stop being so stiff, she thought. She took a huge breath as she
looked at herself in the mirror.
“You got his Hlokoa!” she assured herself in a whisper dialing the one
person she knows will be more than thrilled to hear this and probably tell
her what to do because she was clueless. She is never had a man in their
apartment before.
‘Tlotla’ she whispered when Tlotla picked,
‘Why are you whispering?’ Tlotla asked,
‘He is here’ she said still in a whisper,
‘Who?’ Tlotla
‘Chris. He is here’ she clarified. Tlotla’s wild laughter roared through the
‘That’s why you’re whispering….’ She continued to laugh
‘Stop laughing, what do I do?’ she honestly didn’t know,
‘Okay. Take a deep breath and make sure you wear some nice lace
panties’ Bohlokoa’s jaw dropped. What does her panties have to do
‘Gosh I wish I was there to see your face’ Tlotla burst through the
speakers laughing,
‘I bet you’re so flushed’ she composed her laughter and sighed
‘I’m kidding about the panties. Offer him something to drink’ that she
could do. She sighed,
‘And be yourself. Answer anything he asks and ask him things you want
to know as well’ Tlotla continued to add,
‘Okay. I can do that’
‘And ask him if he would like anything to eat’ Tlotla
‘So that’s all?’ Bohlokoa asked,
‘No. Kiss him, use your tongue’
‘I have never kissed anyone and I don’t want to use my tongue. He kissed
my forehead though’ she blushed ‘and it was nice, I can do that as well’
she added
‘You’re not kissing the man’s forehead Hlokoa. You’re going to kiss his
mouth and push your tongue in, make sure that you touch that small
tongue at the far back of his mouth and suck it too. The one that closes
his throat” bohlokoa gasped in shock staring at her reflection in the
‘Suck him good I beg. Don’t embarrass us. Just suck his tongue like you
do a lollipop, girl he’ll be on top of you and sucking you nana as a reward’
the hell! Bohlokoa glared at her phone in both shock and disgust before
she said,
‘Bye Tlotla’ and dropped the call. How wild is this one? She shook her
head and threw her cellphone on the bed. She was not going to suck a
man’s tongue like a lollipop and touch that small tongue. Ewww! Tlotla
needs prayers!

Walking back in the lounge she was all consumed by butterflies all over
again. The man kept his eyes on her until she took a sit on the couch
opposite to his. He patted the space next to him with a smile. She blushed
and stood,
“Would you like something to drink?” she asked before she could sit next
to him once again,
“I would like that very much” she nodded and walked to the kitchen. The
only drink in this house was water, juice and wine that they hit from
their parents. The parents liked opening things when they were in their
house. As far as they know the two don’t drink.
She opted for wine. Though it was hot because they stashed it in their
secret place behind the cupboards. Two rinsed glasses and a bottle of
wine. She hated that it was warm but there was nothing she could do
about it.
“Excuse the temperature of the wine. It’s not exactly chilled” she
explained pouring into the glasses and handing him his,
“Anything from you is perfect” she didn’t know how to answer that except
to blush. She gulped enough staring ahead as she felt his eyes on her.
Now she had sat next to him.
“You look perfect” he added still staring at her as he enjoyed his wine,
“Would you like something to eat?” Chris laughed her question. It was
clear that she knew nothing about this.
“No. I would like to have your name if you don’t mind” he wasn’t sure if
she matched his track pants and t shirt on purpose. He was in grey
sweatpants with a black t-shirt and she just happened to change into grey
pants and a black vest as well. Her beautiful hair was now let lose
touching on her back. For a black girl she really had a beautiful long hair.
“My name is Bohlokoa” she said still failing to look at him,
“Bohoko please look in my direction” she wanted to laugh but downed the
laughter with wine. He wasn’t even aware that he had mispronounced
her name.
“You’re beautiful” he admired after she finally turned to look in his
“Thank you”
“You understand why I’m here, right?” she did but she shook her head
“I’m here because you’re my mate. I think in human words you call it
soulmate. I’m here because with you is where I belong. I hope you don’t
intend on chasing me away because you’re stuck with me for life” he said
with that look that made her flush,
“Would you like to meet my dad?” he frowned but eventually smiled,
“If I may ask why?”
“He made me promise to introduce any man that ever put a smile on my
face if I ever meet one” she said,
“Okay. I would like to meet your dad” she nodded.
Comfortable silence stretched between the two. Bohlokoa was looking
anywhere but him, while him on the other hand stared right through her.
“What happens now?” she asked when she couldn’t take his stare
“I would like us to kiss” she choked on wine. The thought of sucking on
the small tongue at the far back crossed her mind. It was disgusting and
gross. She thought it would better if she took the lead because there was
no way she was sucking tongues like lollipops.
She quickly jerked up when he least expected it and kissed his forehead.
Chris was left stunned as he watched her nervously sip on her wine. They
kiss man’s foreheads as well? He is clearly in for a different ride. He
thought to himself staring at her.

Finally getting a call from a man that never checked on her since he
stormed out yesterday kind of made her and her wolf happy. He just said
he was parked outside the gate and would like to see her. She took
support of her one hand crutch and changed quickly before she dragged
herself to the gate.
“Where are you going?” mothers who don’t work! She cursed beneath her
breath passing the three bored royal house wives in the lounge. She
couldn’t wait to go back to her apartment. Her father promised to let her
go back after the results from the doctor came back clear,
“Outside” she responded her mother,
“Why did you change to that?” she was in a very short simple summer
floral dress that exposed her thick thighs in a way that her mother found
“It’s hot mama”
“Tlotla you’re someone’s wife. Start dressing like one” Mabataung,
“I think she looks beautiful. The dress is designed to be short anyway and
those thighs deserve a bit of sun” Mamolapo vouched for her. She blew
Mamolapo a kiss and hurried out before her mother summon details to
accompany her for the sun.

The man after her own heart was parked right by the gate. He looked like
a dream in casual. Black ripped jeans accompanied with a white simple
t-shirt that touched his muscles in a way that made a woman swallow
her desires. The white sneakers completed the look to perfection.
If it wasn’t for the crutch, she would catwalk her way to him. She could
feel the disapproval before she even faced him. He had this scowl on as
she walked towards him.
“Where is your father?” he immediately asked as she stood before him.
He was standing outside his black Audi R8.
“Work, I guess” she shrugged. She wasn’t certain,
“But he is not in the yard?” she nodded to his question engulfed by
He stretched out his hand and pulled her to his chest. Their bodies
collided in a way that washed both of them with desire.
“What’s this you’re wearing?” his breath came on her face caressing her
skin. He turned her and pinned her on the car as his had travelled
southwards to caress her thick yellow thighs,
“I don’t like this dress” his hands and the groin growing against her
stomach said otherwise,
“I don’t want fools seeing my assets” she rolled her eyes but quickly
gasped when he pushed his hand deep between her inner thighs,
“KHONTO!” she scolded. He can’t touch her like that in public,
“What did you intend on archiving coming to me with this cloth?”
“Behave!” she managed to push him off her but it was just a waste of
energy. He grabbed her back and picked her to his waist. Her crutch fell
on the ground as he picked her and walked to the back of the car with.
He settled her on top of the car and spread her enough to make space for
him. His hands couldn’t stay away from her thighs,
“Khonto someone will see us!” her tone wasn’t scolding enough. She
couldn’t help the smile gracing her face,
“I don’t care. You’re my wife” he was one creature build in his own unique
way. Even when she was sat on top of the car he was still taller than her.
He leaned down and cupped her face. In her endearing beautiful eyes he
stared as he pecked her lips repeatedly before he captured her in a
senseless kiss that made her forget about them being parked outside the
gate. Her small hands wrapped around his neck as she pulled him closer.
Akela urged her legs to totally wrap him by engulfing his waist with her

“I love you Tlotla Molapo!” he confessed panting as he finally broke the

kiss after what felt like enough time,
“I love you too Mkhonto Dlomo!” she was just as breathless,
“You drive me crazy you know that?” she smiled,
“I’m sorry Khehla laka” (……my old man) she caressed his new fresh cut
that was so good on him. He laughed throwing his head back,
“I don’t like fighting with you baby” he said leaning down and pecking
her lips once again,
“I don’t like us fighting too” yesterday was the most dull day after their
“But I’m still not going to give up my studies for us to be together” she
He sighed “I might have overreacted. I’ll sort it out”
“What do you mean?” she asked,
He took a deep breath in holding her gently from the small of her back,
“I’m actually here to tell you that I’m leaving” a frown grabbed her
beautiful face,
“What? Why?” she wasn’t ready to not have him as yet,
“Don’t panic” he pecked her lips to calm her down,
“I’m just going home to talk to my elders so they can come sort out our
claiming ceremony. I’ll be back very soon I promise. And I’ll have a
solution to our tiny problem when I come back”
“When are you leaving?” she already felt different. She didn’t want him
to leave,
“Now” sadness engulfed her,
“Hey!” he cupped her face “I’m coming back” he assured,
“I know it’s stupid for me to be sad but I really don’t want you to go. The
last time you left me you never came back. What if……” he didn’t allow
her to finish,
“I’m coming back baby. I’m coming back I promise” he assured her once
again. He caught a sad smile,
“You trust me?” she nodded,
“Then trust that I’m coming back okay” she nodded once again and tried
her best not to fall apart. She wasn’t sure why she felt this way but it felt
like he wasn’t coming back.
He glanced at his rolex on his wrist and picked her off the car,
“If I want to make it home before the sunset I better get going” that
sadness hit her once again but she smiled. She didn’t want to make him
change his mind. He was leaving to sort out their issues but somehow it
felt like he was leaving. Her woman instinct were telling her something.
“I love you, okay?” she nodded “Baby?”
“I love you too” she managed past the ache in her heart,
“I guess I’ll see you if you come back” she added as he held her hand
walking to the side of the car,
“When I come back Tlotla. What’s wrong baby?” he could feel the sadness
in his mate,
“I’m just being stupid. Have a safe journey okay?” he picked her crutch
and gave it to her,
“I’ll let you know when I arrive” she nodded and smiled as he kissed her
once again and jumped in his beast sport car. He winked at her before he
drove off. She stood there watching the car leave with a piece of her heart.
She felt her heart shatter for no reason at all. Tears dwelled in her eyes.
*Am I losing my mind Akela?* she asked her wolf when she had no one
to ask,
*No. I feel it too*
Home. He arrived safe and sound. He was glad to step on the Dlomo
grounds after what felt like forever. He hadn’t been home in a while. He
waved at everyone who stopped to watch him get out of his car. Some he
didn’t remember, some were totally new faces. He took a deep breath as
he looked up the Dlomo mansion that sat up above the long stair case.
Whoever designed the house was dramatic and ancient. But it was still
beautiful regardless.
With a sigh he grabbed his small bag on the passenger seat and carried
it then closed his car. He decided to call his girl as he walked up the long
ass stairs to the main entrance.
‘My queen’ she picked on the first ring. It was clear that she had been
waiting for this call,
‘My Khehla’ he laughed,
‘I just arrived baby’ he heard her sigh
‘Thank god! I don’t know why but I really had a bad feeling about your
‘You can relax now, your Khehla is safe and sound. Let me get in the
house, I’ll call you tonight’ he said,
‘Okay baby, I love you okay’
‘I love you too my queen’ he dropped the call immediately and opened one
of the two huge double doors,
“Helloooo! His heaven!” he called for his mother walking into a huge open
living room. The face that appeared was that of Milani approaching from
the kitchen. She was pushing a huge stomach that definitely had a baby
inside. Sakhe didn’t say anything about Milani being pregnant again.
“Sawubona Bhuti Mkhonto” she wiped her wet hands on her simple
maternity dress. Clearly she was due anytime soon. He was just shocked
that Sakhe wasn’t home with his heavily pregnant girl. She tried to give
him her hand but he pulled her for a hug,
“Unjani?” (How are you?) he asked setting her off to look at her,
“I’m okay” she said with a smile though he could see that she was a bit
“He didn’t come with you, did he?” she sadly asked,
“I have a project that is keeping him busy but I promise he’ll come back
home very soon” he didn’t know what to say but he wasn’t going to tell
her that Sakhe is doing nothing in Lesotho,
“BABA MKHONTO!!!” the scream that interrupted them was that of
Gcino running down the stairs. She was now 14. Sakhe and Milani’s first
daughter. He hadn’t seen her in a while and she was so grown. He was
just happy that she still knew who he was.
She jumped right in his arms and he embraced her. She was a female
photocopy of her father.
“What did you bring me?” he had totally forgot about her,
“I’ll take you shopping tomorrow and we’ll buy anything you like” she
“Maybe we can take bhuti Mike as well. He is a very sad human being”
Gcino was a busy mouth as her father,
“Who is Mike?” Mkhonto threw his question at Milani,
Milani frowned and said “He is you’re……” she halted and lightly
spanked Gcino’s arm,
“Go call grandma and grandpa” Mkhonto put her down but Gcino was cut
short as her grandmother came down the stairs
“VULAMASANGO!” MaDlomo stood up the stairs definitely shocked.
Dlomo quickly joined her but also stood up there next to his wife. The two
appeared to be having a squabble up there.
“What’s going on?” Mkhonto asked Milani next to him,
Milani appeared to be nervous. She instead asked “Would you like
something to eat or drink bhuti?”
“Maybe it’s about your weird son baba Mkhonto” Gcino spilled the beans
with no care at all,
“NDLOVUKAZI!!” Milani scolded Gcino who shrugged,
“Come here Gcino” Mkhonto squated down so he can see in her face,
“What do you mean my weird son?” He asked,
“Bhuti Mike baba. He came with his mother a week ago” Gcino filled him
in. His eyes welcomed his father who was now standing behind Gcino.
“Mila take Gcino out of here!” Vulamasango’s tone came cold and
alarming. Milani was quick to collect her daughter and leave the scene,
“Baba what is going on?” Mkhonto asked seeing the cold expression in his
father’s face. A hard jaw breaking fist landed on his face. He didn’t expect
it. He was on the ground as his father climbed him and threw more and
“VULAMASANGO!!” MaDlomo appeared with a figure behind her. The
cold Vulamasango only stopped then. Whoever was standing behind her
mother made his heart jump. From the floor with blood on his face he felt
him. Gently he appeared behind Boitumelo looking exactly like the one
he fed to his wolves.
“His mother brought him a week ago wena nja. You go around leaving
your seed all over the world. What am I going to tell you’re in laws?”
Vulamasango crushed his nuts before he walked out of the house,
shouted behind Vulamasango. Mkhonto looked at his blood. This one
wasn’t just an image. This one was his son. He felt him. The predator felt
him. He had so much questions staring at the shy boy who was hiding
behind boitumelo in every way.

Women will know. Women will know but turn around and doubt
themselves. His queen knew but she doubted herself. He saw it in her
eyes that she was shattering. He drove off with a heavy heart seeing his
queen crumble like that at his departure. He knew if he waited any longer
and she said the words ‘Don’t go’ he wouldn’t have left. He drove off
leaving her aching. It was hard but he comforted himself with the fact
that he was leaving for them. He was leaving to sort his issues so he can
finally never part with her.
He didn’t slept a wink the whole night. There is nothing he regret like
coming back home. He couldn’t pick his phone and lie to her so he didn’t
call her like he had promised last night.
She called again now in the morning but he still didn’t pick it. It only
meant that she also battled with sleep because it was wee hours of the
To say he feels like shit doesn’t describe it. What does he say? ‘Hey babe
I found my son with that wrinkled whore home’ and the fact that she
doesn’t know about the so called son was another thing. He was so
relieved and happy with the knowledge that his bastard son was no more.
It meant he can never hurt his queen by telling her that he fathered a
son with that witch wolf. But it seems her father was right. Whatever he
fed to his wolves wasn’t his son.

Dinner last night was cold. He asked his mother questions but she denied
to answer any of them. She promised that she’ll tell him everything when
his father was back. But Dlomo didn’t come anytime soon. As for the boy
he couldn’t even look in his eyes. In his heart he felt it that he wasn’t
going to kill this one. His heart denied and the predator it.
“This is not Germany” Vulamasango’s tone came through the door
already barking, not that he was sleeping anyway,
“Dlomo if you could at least talk to me instead of hitting me!” he stood off
his bed,
“You’ll find me at the kraals if you want to talk!” Vulamasango left his
room after that.
He jumped to his bag on the couch and dragged the first pants he saw.
The second hurried trip he made to the bathroom where he just brushed
his teeth and checked his face before he rushed out to catch up with the
angry father. To his luck he caught him by the stairs outside and walked
besides him heading to the kraals.
“When did you become a yellow bone?” Vulamasango glanced at the
visible purple bruise on his cheek,
“You haven’t lost your touch Dlomo, you still hit like Mike Tyson”
Mkhonto said with laughter,
“Is that why you named my first grandson Mike? You were inspired by
Mike Tyson?”
“Baba about that, please hear me out first” Vulamasango raised his fore
finger to pause him,
“Don’t annoy me before your forefathers. Go on and tell them your home”
they had stopped before one of the kraals. He had totally forgot about
some of his family rituals. He glanced at his white shirt then at his
father’s raised eyebrow. Right by the kraal entrance was a bucket filled
with cold water,
“Baba I’m going to catch cold!” yerrr! He wasn’t ready for the ritual,
“Get in there Germany. Don’t annoy me more!”
“Fuck!” he cursed beneath his breath stripping his clothes. He threw
them to his father who caught them and stood outside the kraal with a
content smirk on his face.
Being an African child can be so disgusting. Which other race smeared
their males with cow shit hailing their ancestral names telling them that
they are back home? It can only be tribes in Africa. He was only glad that
he hadn’t had anything to eat. Or else everything he ate would have come
up his throat.
The content grin of the bully father outside the kraal was priceless. He
could only imagen that cold bucket of water that awaits him after all this.
“Mkhonto stop playing!” Vulamasango barked outside the kraal. He
wasn’t smearing enough shit on his skin,
“And be loud. You’re speaking to people beneath the soil. They must hear
you” one wouldn’t miss the joy in his tone. He clearly enjoyed this torture.
“Mkhabela, Dinangwe, Khweba, nina oDlomo. Ngibuyile mina uMkhonto
wenu esibayeni senu sakwaDlomo. Please welcome me home and guide
me. I didn’t desert you or my post as the heir to the throne. I was fixing
myself to be a better man for the throne than the one standing outside
the kraal…..” (Clan names. I’m back as your spear inside the kraal.
Please…..) Vulamasango narrowed his eyes at him. He was deliberately
pissing him.
When he was done he walked out of the kraal to his father who stood
outside next to the bucket. He picked the cold bucket of water with a
smile. He was ready to rain him.
“Wozogeza boy!” (Come bath my boy!) Vulamasango gestures for him to
step closer. He dipped the small metal cup inside the bucket and poured
the cold water from his head down. Mkhonto gasped in cold. He was
shivering as his father repeatedly bathed him with cold water,
“This is not Germany. All the Germany nonsense should go back to
Germany” he said bathing him. The water felt like it had ice cubes,
“Did you pour ice cubes in here?” Mkhonto questioned his father who
“No son. This is river water. One of the herders fetched it early in the
morning for me”
“This is torture” Mkhonto remarked through trembling teeth,
“This is home. Go clean up. You’ll find me in the study after breakfast so
we can talk” Mkhonto grabbed his clothes to his front and ran back to the
After breakfast he followed his father to the study as he had said.
Vulamasango showed him to the sitting area and took a couch opposite
to his.
“You go first. What brings you home now?” Vulamasango enquired,
“I’m here to ask you to go the Molapos and fetch my wife for me. I’m ready
to come fulfill my responsibilities here at home” he said,
Vulamasango smiled,
“I’m happy to hear that. When do you want this done?”
“As soon as possible. Even if you can do it tomorrow I’ll be more than
happy to take the throne” Mkhonto said,
“The throne is not a child’s play son. I’m glad you’re finally fulfilling your
responsibilities and I’m more than happy to step down. I need to take my
wife and travel the world. I was only holding on for the sake of it but I
feel like I lost myself on that chair. I hope you’ll be a better man and king
than I was……”
“Baba I was only joking earlier” he thought his father’s words birthed
from the joke he made inside the kraal,
Vulamasango shook his head,
“It’s not even about that. I’m being honest Mkhonto. I lost myself on that
chair. It’s not as rosy and attractive as one sees it. The weight here….”
He patted his shoulders “It’s too much and soul consuming. I was
desperate for you to come home because I feel like I have no soul anymore
to give to that throne”
“I’m ready to take the weight of your shoulders baba but I need my wife
next to me when I do” Vulamasango smiled and nodded.
“I’ll call your uncles and the Molapos to arrange a day. Tlotla is already
your wife. We paid your dues when you two where children. This
ceremony is just a matter of pleasing the wolf side of both of you”
Mkhonto nodded,
“Muzi tells me that you have other responsibilities besides the throne?”
Vulamasango enquired,
“Baba you know that I’m two in one” Vulamasngo nodded
“The predator was chosen by his people to lead them as well. He is got a
pack that is now my responsibility. It’s just couple of guys I was in school
with for now but I’m hoping with time when I have secured a territory
for them all that will change. In short, what I’m saying is that, I have a
task of being an Alpha besides the throne” he explained,
“You think you’ll be able to multitask both?” Vulamasango asked,
“Yes” he nodded,
“If you say so, I’ll not stand in your way. What do you need from me?”
“I need a secured secret place close to home where I can home them”
“Something like a cabin?” Vulamasango
“That would be perfect as well. We’ll sort everything out with time. I just
need them to feel free and still be close to me whenever I’m needed” he
“I’ll see what I can do. Is that all?” Mkhonto nodded.
“Now about your son and his mother, Mkhonto what were you thinking?”
he finally addressed it
Mkhonto sighed
“Baba you remember the wolverine?”
“How can I forget that whore who taught you how to fuck?” Mkhonto
rolled his eyes,
“She mothers that boy. I was one of the students she made babies with.
Baba you know this, Lupus told me that you know” Vulamasango shook
his head,
“That’s not your offspring with the wolverine. I would have killed it
myself like I killed Lupus’s”
Mkhonto frowned
“Then who is he and who is his mother?” he didn’t understand,
“Come with me. Maybe seeing his mother will refresh your memory”
Dlomo said getting off his chair,
“She is here?” he asked
“No. I wasn’t going to disrespect Tlotla like that. This is Tlotla’s home. I
kept her with aunt Nokubonga (Uncle Kay’s oldest wife)
“WAIT, Dlomo I don’t understand!” he paused with a sigh
“Let’s go Mkhonto you’ll see for yourself”
Arriving to aunt Nokubonga’s house Mkhonto expelled heavy a sigh as
they got out of the car with his father. The predator was too quiet as well.
Which only meant that he was also pretty nervous as he was.
Up above the balcony of his grandfather’s eldest wife’s house he saw
something or rather a fiction of his own imagination. He shook off the
unsettling feeling in his blood and the pictures his mind was trying to
portray. It wasn’t possible. He convinced himself as he followed his father
to the house.
“If it isn’t our heir!” Aunt Nokubonga smiled engulfing him in a warm
hug as they walked into the house. He returned the hug as well because
he was happy to see her after such a long time,
“How are you gogo?” Nokubonga laughed. She was old but not old to be
called gogo. They just called her that because she is married to Uncle Kay
who is an uncle to Vulamasango. Vulamasango’s kids called Uncle Kay
Mkhulu and his wives gogos,
“I’m okay son. What did you bring me from Germany?” it’s what everyone
was asking him,
“I’m going to take all of you shopping” he lied. Tickling Nokubonga nicely
who finally let him go and went to stand before Vulamasango with a sigh,
“There hasn’t been any development Dlomo” Aunt Nokubonga filled him
“Hopefully there will some sort of break through now that this one is
here” Vulamasango said with a sigh as well and asked that they go ahead.
Nokubonga gave them permission to go further into the house.

When they stepped to the balcony they were welcomed by a very frail
woman’s back staring into space. His father gestured that he should step
closer. Taking careful steps towards the frail woman sitting on a rocking
chair like a window of a soldier than never returned from war, his jaws
literally hit the floor. His mind wasn’t playing him earlier. What he saw
was real.
“Zitha?” her name parted his lips almost as a whisper,
“She doesn’t talk. She is been like this since she arrived here last week”
Vulamasango enlightened him. The so called Zitha didn’t even as much
flinch. She stared into space like she didn’t have company around her,
“She only spoke once when she arrived with your son. Since then….”
Vulamasango trailed off shaking his head,
“She is the boy’s mother?” it wasn’t hard to not miss the horror in his
His father nodded,
Mkhonto shook his head “No. I was with Zitha about……” he didn’t
“I cannot have a baby with her. I refuse” he shook his head
“You see why I hit you yesterday son? You’re reckless. Mkhonto a man
knows when he left a seed in a woman’s belly. You impregnated this
woman and didn’t even bother to look behind. Your wrinkled ass whore
found her and captured her. Now this poor thing is like this. She doesn’t
even know where is home” Vulamasango explained but his explanation
only confused Mkhonto further,
“Let’s sit down!” Vulamasango said with a sigh seeing the confusion on
his son. They both sat on the couch sitting outside the balcony with Zitha
sitting before them still lost in space,
“Do you know this woman?” Vumalasango questioned him,
He nodded
“How?” he continued to ask,
Mkhonto sighed
“We dated. We were in the same varsity in Germany. She happened to be
the only South African woman with me in class. At first we became
buddies and then dated. But it didn’t last. She just up and left and didn’t
even complete her studies and I never saw her again” he explained,
“And you didn’t look for her?” Vula
“We were just dating. It wasn’t anything serious”
“Well let me fill you in ke. Apparently your old whore abducted her. She
was pregnant with your son when she disappeared. That woman took her
and captured her all her life torturing her like this. She gave birth in a
cave, alone Mkhonto. And somehow the boy survived. The wolverine kept
her there with whatever witchcraft trapping her and her son in the cave.
They couldn’t leave. They both survived on cave water. Ate whenever one
of the wolverine’s goons remembered to feed them. And you know what’s
worse? She took her all the way from Germany and hid her in Lesotho.
Right in that mountain school of her. But she was kept in a certain cave
that only she knows of” Mkhonto had no words. He just stared at his
father with no emotion.
“Last week when she arrived here, Mike told us that they both were
sitting in the cave that they had been captured in when an old man who
introduced himself as Zwelithini Dlomo walked into their cave and asked
that they follow him. They don’t know and cannot explain how but they
followed Zwe right through the wolverine’s goons but none saw them.
They walked Mkhonto. A freaking long walk to freedom all the way from
Lesotho to KZN. Do you know what that feels like? They both couldn’t
barely breathe when they arrived at the gate. They crossed a freaking
river barefoot Mkhonto, following Zwe who let them here. They say Zwe
spoke when they arrived at the gate and said ‘Now that the one who was
given your image is dead, it’s time for you to come home Dlomo’. Zwe
disappeared after those words”
“When was this?” he was filling in the puzzle,
“They said Zwe came to them Tuesday night but they made it here on
Friday” Tuesday night was the same night he fed Nick to his wolves. It
was fitting though he still had doubts,
“Baba it could all be lies” he wasn’t ready for that kind of reality
Dlomo shook his head,
“Your sister saw them before they arrived. She told us before we went to
sleep that night that tomorrow morning your son is coming home. And
we woke up to frail beings sleeping outsides the gate. Your know
Mhambi’s gift”
“I need to air!” he stormed out before his father could call him. This had
to be a dream.

A lot is going all wrong. I didn’t think coming home would be opening a
can of worms. This is not what I thought awaits me at home. I just
thought I was coming home to please my desperate father and ask for
him to fetch my better half for me. But I found nothing but my past
waiting on me home.
I’m exhausted as it is thinking of this situation. The beautiful mama I
call my wife is going to leave my ass if I keep this. I’ll not lie, part of me
wants me to keep shush and proceed with the claiming ceremony without
telling her. She’ll find everything when she gets here. But then again I
have to reflect. Do I want to start our future based on lies? The answer is
a big no. I’m cruel and cold but I can never be that to my queen. I owe her
the truth and I’ll give it to her when I go back to Lesotho.
For now I can call her and redeem myself from my guilt stupidity that
made me not talk to her in two consecutive days since I have been home.
Guilt had me deep and I couldn’t find the gut to just talk to her and
pretend. Hopefully she picks up. Her drama can drama more than the
word drama I know.
*Beep, beep* the phone doesn’t go through,
*Try calling with another one* the predator is as desperate as I am to
hear her voice. He is been quiet and kept to himself in all this mess but
the thought of our queen has him waking from whichever hole he was
sleeping in,
My queen and drama! I don’t know if I’m blocked with the number she
knows but calling her with my other number that she doesn’t know her
phone is ringing…..
‘Hello’ the animal in me relaxes. A simple ‘Hello’ of that beautiful voice
of hers does so much to me,
‘My queen’ I tone as sweet as I can,
‘Nxa! It’s you? Keo hlohile horeee…..’ (……..I hate you….) the beep sound
follows the words I barely understood. She dropped on me.
With a sigh I rest back on my seat. I know calling her again will be just
a futile exercise. I’ll ask one of the guys to go give her the phone when I
come back. I expected this drama, not that I blame her.

I’m parked outside UKZN premises waiting on the two beings I call
sisters. I asked Mhambi for help with the Zitha situation. As much as I
want to deny everything, I can tell that the boy is mine though he appears
a bit younger than what Nick had appeared to be. I wonder how old he is.
I haven’t attempted even a single word with him because he hides under
my mother skirt. I think he doesn’t like me much. Maybe he blames me
for what he went through with his mother. But my honest truth is that I
didn’t know.
Whatever the wolverine did to me really fucked me up. I couldn’t even
feel that I planted a seed out there. What I know for now is that I have
to clean up this Zitha mess before my queen gets here.
Zitha went through a lot for dating me and carrying my seed. She didn’t
get a chance to finish her studies, and it’s all because she dated me. I owe
her for that. Paying that debt has to start with me finding her family.
All I know is that once she said she was from Mpumalanga, a place called
Balfour. I don’t even know it but with the help of my seer sister I’m
hoping that we’ll find it.
And thank god! Here they come. I have been parked outside here long
enough waiting on them.

Twin things! I don’t know why they are not getting in the car. They are
both standing outside the car tapping on their left foot simultaneously. I
wonder if it means something.
“Get in the car” I say lowering down the window,
“Not before you promise us something” that would be Ngelosi. Staring at
them I actually notice something. Or is it my eyes deceiving me? It’s
impossible, they are twins,
“I’m listening” I dismiss the insanity my eyes sees. This girls are twins.
Even though they come from different mothers we all know that they are
twins. They have been growing simultaneously and looking exactly alike
but now Ngelosi looks…….no maan!
“You have to buy us a make-up kit” Yerrr! I know nothing about that,
“Okay. Is there something else I need to do for the both of you to get in
the car?” I’m not ready for this drama,
“Yes, tell Tlotla to accept our friend requests” I’m tempted to laugh. I
didn’t even know that she is on Facebook,
“I’ll tell her, anything else?” seems all is well.
Mhambi jumps in the passenger seat and Ngelosi occupies the back.
“How are you bhuti?” Mhambi kisses my cheek,
“Sho skhokho!” that’s Ngelosi’s greeting from the back,
“I’m not your friend wena!” I scold the talkative one at the back as I start
the car,
“How are you both?” I continue to ask,
“We are good bhuti and it’s good to see you home” Mhambi say. She is a
bit reserved and shy unlike the one who wants a make-up kit from the
back. I know it’s all her who wants this makeup kit. Her long eyelashes
that look like they are too heavy for her eyes says it all.
“Why is Tlotla not accepting my friend request?” Ngelosi is only
concerned of that, she doesn’t care that she hasn’t seen me in a while. All
she wants is to be accepted on facebook,
“She is so hot. I love that picture of you that she posted but she removed
them all two days ago” she is on her phone as I steal a glance at her from
the back,
“I was posted?” I didn’t even know that,
“Yeah but she removed all the pictures, I would show you if they were
still there” this only confirms that I’m in deeper shit than I thought.
“Did you bring her clothing?” Mhambi steals me from Ngelosi. She asked
that I bring anything Zitha wore recently. She promised to trace her
parents with the scent from the clothing. I went to gogo Nokubonga and
asked for anything she wore recently and she aided me.

I hand Mhambi the jersey I was given and she deeply inhale it closing
her eyes. I keep glancing at her as I drive off to Mpumalanga. When she
finally opens her eyes she is quiet. Something heavy clouds me from
saying anything. Even the talkative at the back is quiet. Somehow she
understand what is happening because she is staring at me through the
rear view mirror urging me to keep quiet as well.
When Mhambi heaves a deep sigh that almost feels like it’s followed by a
light burp the heavy cloud in the car evaporates with.
“Here” Ngelosi quickly hands her a bottle of water from the school bag
she was carrying. I feel like she understands her twin sister so well,
“It didn’t drain you, did it?” Ngelosi continues to ask after Mhambi has
taken a sip of water,
“No. They are just a normal family with a greedy father though. They
don’t practice any dark magic or have any difficult ancestors. It was easy
finding them” I don’t know how that is relevant until Ngelosi explains
from the back,
“She gets drained when she connects to someone’s blood who is heavy and
have difficult ancestors or involved in witchcraft”
“Oh!” I say before I glance at Mhambi,
“I’ll lead you, don’t worry” she assures with a smile,
“Do you think Tlotla will agree to tag me on my………” this is going to be
a long road filled with Tlotla. She is got a fan in this two it’s very obvious.
Mhambi instructed me to kill the engine outside this house. It’s one huge
house I didn’t expect. What I know is that Zitha was from a well off
family. Her studies were funded by her father as she had said.
“You can go in bhuti, Ngelo and I will stay in the car” Mhambi say as we
park outside the house,
“Come eat Mbi, you must be starving” Ngelosi say from the back. That
school back of hers is got things I see. She takes out some rolls and snacks
as Mhambi climbs out to join her in the back seat. I leave them eating in
the car as I go inside the huge metal gates. I’m doing this for Zitha. It’s
the least I can do for her. She went through things she doesn’t deserve
all because of dating me.
At least there are no guards. There is a Ranger and BMW parked outside
the house. I head straight to the kitchen door and ring the bell. The door
immediately opens and I’m welcomed by a young girl in black and white
maid uniform.
“Hello sir” she greets before I do,
“Hi. I’m Mkhonto Dlomo, I’m looking for……” I don’t even know their
names but I just know that Zitha’s surname is Vilakazi
“I’m looking for Mr. Vilakazi” I finally say when I remember her surname.
She makes room for me to come in and disappears down the passage.
In couple of minutes she walks back in the kitchen with a man whose
belly makes entrance before he does. He looks like a normal rich man.
The frown on his face I’ll excuse it because he doesn’t know me.
“Dlomo?” I’m stunned. He knows me?
“King Vulamasango’s first son, right?” he say seeing the shock on my face.
I nod,
“To what do I owe the pleasure of being visited by royalty today?” the
man knows his story I’ll give him that. Not everyone cares about royalty
this side.
“I think we should sit down sir” I suggest due to the magnitude of the
news I bring,
“Esther bring my favorite bottle” he say to the maid before he leads me
further into the house.
We both settle in the dining room sitting on opposite chairs. Something
about him is very greedy. He appears like a man who would do anything
for money. Someone like one of those rotten corrupt ministers.
The girl brings two glasses and a bottle of Jack Daniels. I don’t refuse the
glass he offers me after pouring for the both of us.
“I don’t know if I should say my king to be, or my prince. I hear your
father is stepping down soon” he really does know a lot. And for the fact
that it hasn’t been made public that Dlomo is stepping down but here he
is knowing, it means he is got proper informants.
“I’m here about your daughter, Zitha” I would like us to cut to the chase.
He reeks of desperation and I don’t want to involve myself with such. A
desperate man is very dangerous.

For once I see emotions on his face. He is consumed by sadness at the

mention of his daughter.
“My Zitha, izithakazelo zikababa!” he looks up fighting back tears,
“There is nothing I regret like sending my daughter to study abroad. She
disappeared without a trace” he shakes his head with a sad sigh before
he finally asks..
“What about my daughter Dlomo?”
“Zitha is alive and with my family sir” I shoot straight to the point,
He frowns. Glares at me in silence before he finally asks,
“With your family how? Why? She is been there all this years?” I cannot
afford him those answers now,
“We were in the same university in Germany. Something happened to
her and I think you should come with me to fetch her” I don’t want to
divulge all the details right now. He is still consumed by shock as it is.
“My daughter is at the palace as we speak?” he loves his daughter. I see
it in the tears voluntarily falling down his cheeks. She is not exactly at
the palace but my grandmother’s house is also a royal house. I nod.
“Oh thank you god!” he exclaims out loud getting off his chair,
“Are you sure it’s my Zithakazelo Vilakazi?” he just needs assurance.
“Zitha is with my family sir. You are welcomed to come fetch her” I insist
“Thank you so much Dlomo. Let me call her mother and we’ll all follow
you” I have never seen a fat man run so fast. He is up the stairs screaming
“Mavilakazi! Mavilakazi!”
I wait for him and Mavilakazi. I’m glad they are going to fetch their
daughter. I’ll handle the cultural side of things after Zitha has settled
with her parents. I owe them damages for the boy.
Vilakazi and his wife agreed to follow me. I dropped the girls back at
school and headed straight here. I can see Mavilakazi is hysterical in the
car. She needs a moment and her husband is consoling her. I can only
imagen. Reuniting with her daughter that just disappeared from the face
of the earth more than a decade ago, it must hit hard.
Zitha still sits up on the balcony of my grandmother’s house lost in space.
She doesn’t even flinch or look down to her emotional parents crying in
each other’s arms as they look up and see what is left of their daughter.
I leave them crying outside and head up to Zitha. Whatever happened to
her in those caves must be huge. She is so fragile and so lost.
With a sigh a squat beside her on the rocking chair she sits on. From up
here I can see that she sees her parents but she is just emotionless and
staring. I wonder if she even knows that they are her parents.
“Hey. I don’t know if you recognize them but they are your parents” I say
the words though it feels like I’m talking to a rock.
“I’m really sorry for what you went through Zee. You didn’t deserve that
and I’ll make sure you get justice. I wish you had told me that you were
pregnant, maybe I could have fought to find you. But I’m not blaming you
or anything. I’m just so sorry I don’t know what to say” I really don’t, and
the fact that she doesn’t say anything but just stares ahead is frustrating,
“I’ll make sure you receive counselling and take care of the boy until you
heal. He’ll always be here and you’ll see him whenever you wish” I get up
and squeeze her shoulder before I attempt to leave but she stops me with
her words just when I make it to the doors,
“Where is your wife?” she ask, still staring into space. I turn with frown,
“My wife is at home, why do you ask of her?” she knows about my queen.
All my exes knew that I was a married man. I never hid that truth from
any of them,
“She and I needs to talk” oh she can stand now? She struggles getting off
the chair but finally gets on her feet. She is very fragile. I’m staring at
her in shock as she walks towards where I stand,
“I didn’t tell your father everything” she say standing before me. She is
very weak and it looks like it’s quite a task for her to be standing,
“Your grandfather said I’m the mother of their heir. You owe Vilakazi not
just damages but lobola as well” the fuck!

I don’t know how this Adam’s creatures think. He ignored me for two
whole days without even sending even a single text and now that I’m
giving him a taste of his own medicine he calls me childish. Childish is
his 34 years old ass that failed to keep in touch with me for two days
when he had promised to do so.
I’m beyond pissed at this moment but I find comfort in the little fact that
his people showed up two days ago. The preparations for the claiming
ceremony have started. Fear and I have always been parallel lines, but
for the first time in the history of being Tlotla Akela Molapo I’m a bit
I have always had my family that I know and grew up in. Not that I have
never considered the Dlomos as my family but the thought of leaving this
family that I know and grew up in scares me. I hope I walk into a loving
family. I know they are loving but one never knows what happened
behind closed doors.

I haven’t spoken to that creature of mine in a week. He didn’t call for two
days and I escalated it to a week. I know he should be back in town today
since the ceremony is set to take place tomorrow afternoon. Maybe we’ll
just meet there because even with the fact that the claiming ceremony is
still going ahead, I’m also still very much pissed at him.
The last time we had any form of communication was when he sent me a
text using a number I don’t know. He simply called me childish in that
text and never bothered to call again.
I swear matters of the heart will have one going crazy. I blocked all the
number he tried reaching out with but I still cried myself to sleep hoping
for him not calling. I hate how vulnerable and needy love has made me.
I wanted the man to call yet I blocked all his numbers. Sometimes I feel
like I’m losing my mind for loving him.
“And this one?” that’s my madly in love sister. I never thought I would
see the day Bohlokoa falls in love but here it is. She is trying on outfits
before she chooses the one for her date this afternoon. I came back to our
place a week ago when the doctor certified me fit enough for my father to
let me go.
“That one is a bang” she sighs at me in defeat. She thinks I’m not helping
enough because I agree with all the outfits, but truth be told, Hlokoa
looks amazing on almost everything. She is one of those that will rock a
flour sack but still look stunning.
“Just call the man Tlotla” she remarks throwing herself of the couch. I
know I blocked him in all ways but damn! I check my phone every two
minutes hoping for some sort of communication. And now knowing that
he might be in town I’m worse,
“Let’s talk you. You still remember your to do and not do list, right?” this
is me distracting myself with her cute love life,
“No more kissing a man’s forehead Hlokoa please maan!” I have never
been so embarrassed by my own like her,
“You grab those lips and smooch him like…….” I’m put to a halt by our
ringing intercom. I watch her melt like rama put under the sun prepared
for baking when Chris’s tone comes through asking to be let in. She flies
off the room to finish off the rest of her look while Chris come up.

I’m all smiles when I get the door for him. I deserted the crutch three
days ago. The happy face I had turns sour in an instant when I get the
door and see who tails behind him,
*Don’t yell at him, be calm and mature* I roll my eyes to the wolf in
me as I let them. This love thing is very complicated. Hlokoa was scolding
me for keeping at my phone a minute ago hoping for his call but now that
he is here in person I’m back to mad once again,
*Girl, are you checking those brackets out* my man is fine. That
hunky body and cute face of his must have made him dodge
confrontations. But he is not going to get away with it on me.
“His queen” Chris greets holding a bouquet of roses for his special
someone. The nervousness on his face is as cute as my sisters,
“She didn’t change her mind, did she?” he lowers his tone roaming the
room with his eyes. I want to laugh but then again I’m overwhelmed by
set of emotions that hits just like when he left. I honestly don’t know
where this sadness engulfs me from but it’s there and I hate that it comes
when is see him,
“I’ll get her for you” I just want to fall apart in pieces on my own. This is
not even me. I never cry, especially for no reason at all but love is got me
so twisted I’m suddenly turned into a ball of emotions,
“Knock knock, you might want to leave the room” I force a smile walking
into Hlokoa’s room. She is so nervous. If I was in my perfect moods I was
going to have fun with her,
“Are you okay?” the nervousness on her face is suddenly wiped off by
worry when she turns to me,
“I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. I’m just being silly for nothing. Chris is
waiting for you” I assure her,
“Chris can wait, Tlotla you never cry but here you are, a mess. What
happened?” I wasn’t even aware the tears had already dropped. How do
I even explain this?
“I’ll be fine I promise, go have fun” she shakes her head and pulls me to
the bed,
“I’ll not have fun knowing that I left you like this, tell me. What made
you so sad that you’re crying?” I heave a sigh to suppress the lump on my

“He is here” she frowns,

“Mkhonto” I add seeing the confusion on her face,
“Isn’t that a good thing? You have been staring at your phone the entire
time hoping he’d call while you blocked him” we both chuckle, it was
insane of me,
“It is but I suddenly have this apprehension about us. I feel like
something bad is going to happen, or has happened I don’t know Hlokoa.
I know it’s crazy but I feel something” one thing about being a hybrid is
that some emotions aren’t even mine. Akela will express what she feels
through me, so at this moment I don’t know if it’s Akela going through
whatever or am I losing my mind,
“Have you talked to him about it?” she asks and I shake my head no,
“Then talked to him baby. That man loves you, and you have loved him
all your life. Even when he wasn’t there you still loved him and told
everyone who cared to listen that you are a married woman. If this feeling
you feel come when you see him, I’m sure he’ll come clean and tell you
what you need to know. I don’t think he would hurt you by hiding things
from you. Whatever you’re feeling is there and it comes with him because
you become this overwhelmed when you see him. Sit down with him and
talk to him, okay?” I nod,
“I will. You need to go, I’m sure Chris is in ICU now with nerves”
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay Tlotla? I don’t want to leave you
like this” she worries too much,
“I’m fine sis please. Go, I’ll talk to him as you advised”
“Call me if you want me back, I don’t like seeing you like this”
“I’ll call you” I promise her and she engulf me in a hug wiping off this
stupid tears
“I’m going to bring lots of junk when I come back”
“And wine please, our stash cupboard is empty” I add behind her as we
walk out of her bedroom. As sad as I am, I tail her to the lounge because
I want to see Chris’s face when he sees her. I have never seen such a cute
couple like them.
As expected Chris’s jaws literally hits the floors. I find myself smiling.
“This is for you” he gently give her the roses when she stands near to him,
“Thank you” she doesn’t know what to do with them. Her being this
clueless is because she is not even into romantic movies. If she had at
least watched some romantic movies she would know a thing or two but
not Hlokoa. This girl watches those sad documentaries about starved
kids deep in Africa that I don’t even think exist. She always sleeps when
I make her watch my shit. But I think I polished that mind of hers. Last
night we were going through things she needs to say and not say,
“I’ll take this for you” I grab the roses,
“You look….wow” Chris bends down to kiss her forehead. She is blushing,
“You look handsome as well” she gets on her toes still in heels trying
to…what’s she doing?
“What?” Chris asks because it seems she is trying to reach his face,
“I want to kiss your forehead too” this girl!
“Oh!” Chris leans down a bit and this doomkop student kisses his
forehead. Didn’t I say no forehead kisses? I want to hit her with this roses
but I’ll do that later when we are alone. Chris grabs her hand ushering
her out and say “I love your forehead kisses”
“I love yours too” I wash my hands. Two dumb and dumber. They can go
ahead and kiss foreheads for all their love story.

The smile on my face is wiped off by the one occupying our lounge. I had
totally forgot about him. And just by the sight of him those emotions hit
me once again. Akela’s silence confirms that I’m not wrong. She keeps to
herself when she is emotional too.
“Babe” he gets off the couch and come grab me. He throws Hlokoa’s roses
on the couch and pulls me down the passage. My bedroom is his
destination. Right now I don’t even care about the mess in the room. At
least the bed is made though.
I know his love language is naked, so I don’t ask question when he strips
me off my dress and every little garment on me. He frees himself as well
and picks me to his waist. One thing I’ll commend him for is picking a
girl my size like I’m nothing. I don’t even feel like I’m fat around him. He
can whisk me in his arms anyhow he wish.
He lays us on my bed, his giant taking its position between my legs. That
sadness hits hard as I stare in his eyes. Now I know I’m not mad, he is
keeping something from me and he is convinced the predator to close on
it too,
“I’m sorry” he finally say, pecking my lips as we lay face to face,
“Please tell me” I beg,
“Not now baby, I’ll tell you but not now” this man doesn’t understand,
“Khonto I’m not okay. I need to know now” he shakes his head,
“I’ll tell you when we get home. Our ceremony is set to take place
tomorrow afternoon, I’m taking you home with immediately after that” I
know I wanted this but it suddenly feels so rushed,
“I told you I’m not leaving school” he takes his phone that he put on the
bedside table and goes through his emails and gives it to me. I’m reading
an email that says I have been transferred to UKZN,
“You can call your school and confirm, did you have any classes today?” I
shake my head no,
“I’m sure your dean would have called you but you should check your
emails as well, I’m sure they notified you” I feel like I’m gambling with
my future here,
“Shouldn’t they have called me to ask if I really need the transfer?” I ask,
“They called your father. He is the one responsible for your fees. He
agreed because I talked to him” sigh! I wish I had been called, this is my
future here, not Majaras,
“Why didn’t you call me for two days and ignored my calls”
“Baby please. This is part of the things I’ll tell you when we get home.
For now I just want us to……” he kisses me. I’m all over the place, I don’t
want to kiss him but I do as well. Something is different in his kiss, I
sense and feel desperation in it. In no time he is pinned me beneath him,
his legs force its way between mine. He is all over me and it’s very nice
but this is not how our first is supposed to be,
“I love you my queen, only you and will always be you” he murmurs in
my ear biting on my ear lobe. His giant is in his hand and he is directing
it in my opening,
“Khonto no” I say with a voice inflicted by desire,
“Baby I did everything you asked me, let’s have our first baby” our first
what? Is he trying to knock me up? I push him off me. I didn’t mean to
push so hard. He hit my ceiling and it comes crumbling behind him. I
cringe on his behalf, I honestly didn’t mean to push him off so hard. I
expect a scolding from Akela but she is still just clinging on me in
“Baby I’m sorry” I abandon the bed to give him my hand. He is just
smiling. Thank god!
“Come here!” he pulls me to his chest. His one had secures the back of my
waist while the other one cup my face “Let’s have a baby my queen. I need
you to give me a son”
“I’m not having a baby until I finish school. We talked about this, where
is this coming from?”
“Baby nothing will stop you from going to school pregnant” whatever he
smoked is really messing with him and I’ll not stand it,
“I think you should leave” I get off his hold,
“My Que……”
“EY! LEAVE MY HOUSE!” Yerrrr! I grab his clothes and throw them to
him. What the fuck is his problem? We are mating tomorrow and today
we are having babies? Over my dead body!

This has to be the most complicated situation I have ever gotten myself
in. I say it’s complicated because I don’t know how to act or carry myself
in this nerve-wracking situation I have put myself in. I only find comfort
in the little fact that the man besides me somehow seems as nervous as
I am.
His hand hasn’t abandoned mine since we walked out of the house. Even
in the car he was gripping on my hand like I was planning on escaping
him. He endured the torture of driving with one hand because he didn’t
want to let go of my hand. Not that I’m complaining though. I like the
feel of his touch on mine. It doesn’t leave me in fear as any other man’s
touch except those that I call family. His touch is somehow calming and
assuring even though he hasn’t said any of those words.
I think it’s safe to describe him as my first love. He makes me feel things
I denied my body to feel. He makes me nervous, nervous in a way that I
would still choose being in this nerve-wracking situation with him over
and over again.

His gentle yet secure grip only abandoned me when we parked outside
this lodge I haven’t seen before. I don’t know if trust just naturally comes
with when you agree to date a person but I know if I was in my sane
senses I wouldn’t have agreed to drive this long distance with a man I
barely even know. I’ll blame all this bad decisions on dating. So far I can
describe dating as a scam that everyone always describe it as. You keep
making bad decisions but there is no will to quit or stop. I want more and
more of this bad decisions and I want to keep making them for him.
“Dator thought we mind do with some privacy because I don’t do well in
crowded places” he explains getting my door after we have parked. It’s a
beautiful place a bit out of town surrounded by large palm trees,
“They call this place……” I hold my laughter in as he trails off failing to
pronounce the name written in bold letters facing the entrance,
“But it’s the correct place. The navigator pointed us here” he adds having
my hand once again as we walk towards the entrance,
“The place is called Molimo Nthuse lodge” I assist him with the name. He
doesn’t try to say it but just steal a glance at me with a smile.

“Mr and Mrs Ahuja, welcome to Molimo Nthuse lodge” we are welcomed
by a butler at the door who leaves me gobsmacked. Ahuja? Tlotla is going
to have a field day of laughter with his last name,
“Thank you sir” he nods to the guy and pull me with as the guy leads us
to the one table set up inside a very edgy cabin like restaurant/Bar.
The butler guy scurries off after his made sure we have settled on our
Chris Ahuja is all smiles blushing on the other side of the table as we
wait for the waiter. Maybe I’m blushing as well because there is just
something inviting and settling about those blue eyes on me. I don’t want
them to look at anyone the way they do me. It’s a calm secure feeling I
get from his eyes,
“Why are you smiling?” don’t I blush further? Why is he smiling as well?
“Mr and Mrs. Ahuja?” I enquire with a stupid smile failing to respond his
of why I’m all smiles,
“You don’t like the title?” nop, not yet. He laughs when I shake my head
no. We are both disturbed by our waiter for the day,
“Mr and Mrs Ahuja, my name is Thabang Bitso. I have been tasked with
serving you today. I hold the beverage menu in my hand. The food was
specially prepared for you by our chef as Mr. Ahuja requested. I will leave
this drinks menu here and stand by the counter waiting for your call”
Chris offers him a nod before leaves,
“So bohoko….” It’s a terrible way to pronounce my name but I seem to
enjoy it coming from him,
“What is so captivating about you? Why did you steal my heart?” I laugh.
I have no answer to any of those questions. All I know is that I’m no thief,
“When did I steal it?”
“When you looked in my eyes and refused to back down” he looked first
but I guess it’s a debate that we’ll hold for as long as we are together,
“What are you going to have for a drink?” he asks signaling for the waiter
to come back. We are both going through the drinks menu
“I’ll have your whiskey cocktail” his choice of drink forces me to look up
at him,
“I’ll not be driving when we get back” he must have seen the horror on
my face. The waiter laughs before he glances at me,
“I’ll have an apple martini” the waiter jots down and leaves.
That nervous silence fills the space between us after the waiter has left.
Tlotla scolded me about this shyness. She said I should contribute to the
talks and ask questions as well,

“What is your favorite movie?” I ask. She said I should ask this and told
me which I should say is my favorite. She told me about the characters
should the conversation lean on my favorite movie.
“I can’t say I have any favorite but I do watch them. What’s yours?” the
name is escaping me a bit……fifty what maan? What’s that movie Tlotla
said I should say it’s my favorite……. She said I shouldn’t dare mention
any of my documentary movies. Oh yah…
“Fifty shades of grey” he chokes. His hitting is chest suddenly turning
purple. This is the problem with white people, every emotion infect their
skins as well. Did I say anything wrong? To his luck the waiter places his
drink on the table which he grabs and gulp it all at one go,
“Another one?” the waiter asks,
“Please” the waiter smiles,
“I’ll bring the food as well” Chris nods at him before he leaves because he
is still trying to recover from whatever episode that was.
He finally composes himself with a sigh when all he is tried failed,
“Are you sure that’s your favorite movie?” oh he is still there,
I nod.
“Why?” his tone is covered in shock that I don’t miss. It must be a really
epic movie to shock him like this,
“Why shouldn’t it be my favorite?” I pose the question back at him,
He sighs,
“I just pictured you as a Cinderella type of movies girl”
“Who is Cinderella?” he glares at me for a while before he frowns again,
“So you really watch fifty shades?” he asks still very much shocked,
“Yes” he is in disbelief,
“Why?” bathong! He is still at it. Eish…. Konje Tlotla said who are the
characters……. Hanna and…. Was it Christiano or Christian?
“I just love Hanna and Christiano” I hope I got the names right,
“Hanna and Christiano?” I would say it’s shock Chris day. He is
bewildered this time around,
“Yes” I boldly say. Tlotla said I should act sure and confident,
“Hm it must be fifty shades of Lesotho” I don’t know what is that
supposed to mean but he is laughing his lungs out. Maybe the movie is
comedy. I should watch it because it seems to be tickling him.
Our food arrives while he is still laughing,
“On our next date we are going to watch the movie together, right” he
stares in my eyes, like he is daring me and I find myself nodding.

“Tell me about Bohoko Molaphu” we have recovered from the movie

scene, but he decides to murder not just my name but my surname as
“Molapo” I correct him. My father will not forgive him for butchering his
He nods. He is avoiding saying it once again because he is going to
butcher it all over again,
“You should get it together before you meet my father. He is a king and
he’ll not take kindly to his name being butchered like that” he smiles,
“When am I meeting the king? I trust you to have taught me all about
your names and culture when I finally meet him”
“I would have arranged it for this weekend but they were busy with the
claiming ceremony. It should be anytime next week” he nods with a smile,
“I look forward to that. So who is Bohoko?”
“Bohlokoa Molapo is the girl before you. There is nothing to tell about
this girl except that she is who she is before your eyes” he is not satisfied
with that answer,
“Come on. I’m sure you can do better than that, tell me about your
childhood then”
“I don’t like talking about my childhood” I hope he doesn’t dig further
than that because it’s as far as I can go about my childhood,
“Okay, I understand” I’m glad he doesn’t push. I was already growing
“Do you have any boyfriends I need to sort out?” this one chases all the
uncomfortableness out of the room,
I shake my head no,
“Thank god! I was going to lose my mind” I laugh,
“And you, who is Chris Ahuja?” I pose his question back at him,
“Chris is a guy originally from India. I was born from dominant hybrid
lines in the Nagzira wildlife sanctuary. I was born with a volatile wolf
that made me freeze my father to death at the age of 12, and that’s how
I ended up here in Lesotho at the school of supernaturals” I’m staring at
him, not judgmental but shocked,
“You killed your father?” he is not afraid to agree. He boldly nod with his
“Why? And what do you mean you froze him?” I continue to ask,
“Since I was born the only memory I had of my parents was seeing my
mother in a pull of blood every morning. My father was an abusive men
who took pleasure in beating up my mother. When I turned 12, I had
enough of watching my mother nurse her bruises every morning. I froze
my father to death with my eyes only and that’s when my mother dropped
me here and never bothered to see me again. But I have no ill feelings
towards her. I made a family that loves me with my volatile wolf here”
“You freeze things?” I’m stuck on that part. Somehow I don’t care about
how he ended his father’s life,
“And warm them” he adds,
“Can you show me?” he laughs glancing around the room,
“Not in here, but let me show you something” he grabs my apple martini
glass and put it on focus before his eyes. He stares at it for less than a
minute and I see the whole glass cracking up as it freezes. It literally
freezes before my eyes and to say I’m stunned is an understatement,
“Should I liquefy it again?” he asks seeing the shock on my face,
I’m quick to nod,
Again he focuses on the glass staring at it and I watch what was solid ice
inside turn back to liquid. I’m not touching that drink once again. What
if it freezes my inside?
“This is the gift that made me end up in Lesotho and meet my true mate
while at it” It’s one unique gift,
“You’ll not freeze me, will you?” he laughs,
“Never, I would freeze myself first before I even touch you” that’s a relief,

“And you, how is it coming with along with Ivy?” I frown,

“How do you know that her name is Ivy?” he wasn’t there when Lerotholi
named her,
“I’m your mate. I know everything there is to know about you and the
wolf in you. How is she treating you so far?”
I heave a sigh
“I guess she is not used to me as yet. Sometimes I feel her, sometimes I
don’t. It’s something I don’t know how to describe” this is me being
“It’s not supposed to be like that. You have to feel her at all times” I shrug
because I don’t know how to explain me not feeling the wolf in me all the
“Come with me” he stretches his hand getting of his chair. I let him hold
me and lead me wherever he is taking me.
We are going outside, but taking the back door I hadn’t realized. There is
a beautiful lake at the back view of the restaurant. We take a walk on
the lakeside chalet and stop right by the lake. He abandons his post by
my side to take the back. I feel some sort of tension as he pulls me to his
chest standing behind me.
“I need you to look in that lake and focus on it alone. Don’t think about
me or anything else. Look in there and listen to yourself” my head rest
beneath his chin as I turn to ask,
“I’m trying to help you connect with Ivy. It shouldn’t be something
difficult unless she is pressed by emotions you don’t want to let go” he
kisses my forehead and urges me forward,
“Come on, do it” sigh
I stare at the lake as he ordered. I’m staring but nothing is happening,
“Patience Mrs. Ahuja. Your wolf is more of the second voice in you. Listen
to it” his tone comes above my head. I’m not sure if I’ll focus because
something about him makes me nervous and giddy. We both stand
staring at the lake. I think he is waiting for me to tell him something but
nothing comes. His touch moves from my waist to my shoulders where he
turns me to look back at him. There is a frown sweeping his handsome
“What?” I ask almost laughing,
“Tell me” there is a change in his tone. He is commanding and compelling.
I want to lie and say there is nothing to tell but I can see that he see it,
“Something happened to you when you were a child and you have never
told anyone. Tell me” he adds sounding like he is forcing the truth out of
“Nothing happened. I think we should go” I don’t want to go back there.
I buried that night. I don’t want him to take me there,
“She’ll never be really free until you open up” I guess she can stay where
she is. I’m not going back there……
“Hey” he softly cups my face. His thumbs wipes tears I wasn’t even aware
were already gracing my face,
“Please let me be your confidante. Let me carry your darkest heaviest
secrets for you. I told you that I killed my father at the age of 12. Only
my pack knows that. And you now. Please let me carry your load for you.
I’m in your life to stay bohoko, and that means I’m the one responsible
for your well-being going forward. Please let me in baby. What is it that
is holding you back? Hm?” No one is ever seen this truth. Even my
therapist failed to see it. I can lie but it’s heavy and it visits me every
“Please baby. Let me help you through this darkness” I crouch to the
ground because I don’t trust my knees to carry me any further. He goes
down with me and pulls me between his legs. His face rest on my shoulder
as he secures me in his arms. I can feel everything in me tremble as I
ready to finally tell someone what really happened that night,
“Take a deep breath and just say it baby” he sees the fear in my soul. My
soul doesn’t want to relive that trauma,
“I’ll still be here no matter how dark it is” he kisses the top of my head
and secure me tight in his arms,
“I was raped at the age of nine and I have never told anyone” I stare right
in the lake leaving it all there “I was only nine. I can still smell him every
night. I can still feel him touch me every night. I can still feel him hurt
me in the most painful way every night. I have carried this secret alone
for all my life. He showed me a gun and said he would kill my mother if
I tell her what really happened. I had to tell my mother that he only
touched me. He brought his doctor friend the following day to my room.
His friend didn’t even examine me. He sat there and checked his watched
jotting down in his file. When he walked out he told my mother I wasn’t
touched. I was only nine and a child. I didn’t fully understand the depth
of that trauma. I longed for my mother’s love then and would have done
anything to have her love me. I lied to my father to save my mother who
never really loved me. I let everyone believe that he just touched me but
it was never just a touch. He raped me. And I was only nine”

This is it. This is the night that I become Mrs. Dlomo. I’m waiting for the
time to exactly hit midnight. Does it scare me? No. I’m only eager to start
this chapter of mine that I have written over and over again in my head
from the age of five. I think knowing from that tender age that I have
someone to die for prepared me for this moment right here. It feels like a
stage. A certain growth I cannot exactly put into words. Today I’m no
longer Tlotla Akela Molapo. I’m Tlotla Akela Dlomo, the predator’s mate.
This night will mark as one that bounded us for eternity.
“Oh little thing!” Hlokao compliments me walking into the room. We
haven’t had some alone time since her yesterday date. We were both
fetched immediately when she arrived. I had to spend the night at home
due to some of the mating ceremony rituals.
“How was your date?” I finally get the chance to ask,
“It was perfect but today is not about me” she steps closer to me and fixes
my blanket. With the mating ceremony is quite tricky. Technically I have
to walk out of this house naked in my birthday suit but because we have
modernized things as hidden shifters in the south, I have to still respect
the human in me. I’m nothing but utterly naked beneath this blanket. I
don’t know what this girl is complimenting except for the little make I
was given,
“I want to hear all about it” I sit back on the bed hoping she’ll sit and
start telling,
“Please accept perfect for now, I’m not ready to go into details” living with
her I have learnt to respect some of her words. Right now I can tell and
feel that she really doesn’t want to talk about it into details,
“Okay. But promise me that you’ll tell me when you’re ready” she smiles
The door creaks open bringing my father into the room. It’s almost time.
His smile doesn’t reach the corners of his face. It’s a smile but there is
sadness in it.
“What’s up Mjay?” I tease, expecting an explosion but not this kind. He
sits on the edge of the bed and hides his face in his hands with his elbows
crouched on his thighs.
The sobs that accompany the hidden face invites nothing but utter shock
in the room.
“Papa are you crying?” I fall on my knees trying to catch his face but he
doesn’t let me,
“Papa Tlotla” this is my old man. I don’t want to see him cry,
“Papa waka” I call him everything I have ever called him growing up,
“Hii…..hii…hiii!” bathong! Hlokoa runs out of the room when the sobs
turn into high pitched cries. Right now I’m starting to grow a bit worried,
“Papa what is wrong?” they say men don’t cry but I’m seeing my father’s
watery tears fall down the white tiled floors like there is tap opened
somewhere in his eyes. This old man is scaring me.
“PAPA KENG? YOUR SCARING ME” I’m starting to raise my voice. He
is invited fear and panic in me.
“Hiiiiii! Hiiiii! Hiiiii!” the cries escalate. He is now accompanied by
hiccups. My hands are starting to tremble on him as I try to remove his
hands on his face.
The door flies open bringing almost everyone in the room. They all glare
down at us.
“Baby what’s wrong?” my mother takes the position besides me and asks,
“She….she….is…leaving me” I have never been so disappointed in my
life. Here I am thinking that the worst has happened kanthe this old man
is crying because I’m getting mated.
“Lupus is crying!” the sarcasm on the king’s tone with a phone in hand.
He is recording the whole scene,
“You’re crying like this because your daughter is getting married?” my
mother is slow. She still needs clarity,
“Yes…..hiiii!” Uncle Say is having a field day of laughter. This is landing
him a role of the best producer,
“NXA!” my mother say in exasperation getting on her feet. She leaves me
and his brothers to console him.
“Come here Lupie, stop crying lupie lupie” the camera man of the house
is doing the most. He tries helping my broken hearted father up but he
“Baby….please…don’t leave me” my poor dad finally say between the
“I’m not leaving you papa. I’m just going to start my own family and have
sex now” I didn’t mean to add the last part. It’s Akela putting words in
my mouth. The volume of the ‘HIII’ increases
“Yoooh! Yoooh! Yoooh!” and the tone changes. We are no longer crying
‘Hiiii’ but ‘Yooh!’

This time the people who walk in to the room are my grandfathers. Ntate
Moletsane hit his back hard with that walking stick of his and he jerks
up right. His teary face is all on display. He really was crying.
adds after his beating. He leaves the room sniffing like a four year old. I
cannot believe his drama today of all days.
The room quickly clears out leaving me with ntate moholo Moletsane. I
love him but I don’t like he and I being cooped in one room. With that
smile on his face I can tell that he wants to leave a word or two. I have
had enough of advices and guidance from the elders of this house. The
main one is to treat your husband with respect and not to embarrass
them where I’m going.
My mother’s only advice was that I live and have fun. She only annoyed
me when she started talking about how untidy I am. She begged me to
clean after myself. It’s not that I don’t like cleaning. I try but my efforts
are never noticed.
“You’re his queen. You were bestowed for greater responsibilities than
cleaning. Come sit next to me princess” I heave a gentle sigh before I take
a sit beside him,
“Don’t be so nervous, I don’t bite” I know he doesn’t. I offer him a smile
staring at him. He reaches for the feather strapped on my neck. It’s that
one my mother gave me to pass on the white witch powers to me.
“Have you wondered why your powers haven’t been activated?” I shake
my head no,
“Why?” he continues to ask,
“Truly speaking ntate moholo I don’t know if I’m being ungrateful or what
but I don’t feel this whole thing” I say
He shakes his head,

“You’re not being ungrateful. It wasn’t time for you to receive the power
as yet. They had planned to give it to you on this day but they panicked
when you were attacked and gave it to you before time. Tonight as you
leave your old home to your new home that you’ve always been destined
to, you’ll feel the shift and hear them. You’re not just their queen but the
one to put order back into the Dlomo household. They have been without
a seer since the death of bab Gumede. You’ll fill in his great shoes.
Mhambi will guide you and take you through every step. Promise me that
you’ll call me if it gets tough”
“I’ll call you ntate moholo but are you saying I’m going to be a seer of the
Dlomo house hold?” I need clarity on that,
“Not a seer but the one that will come from your womb will be. She’ll be
a seer, a white witch, a shifter of both Akela and the Predator’s blood all
in one. Wena you’re just going to take on your daughter’s responsibility
until she comes of age. The same thing MaDlomo did for Mhambi”
“I’m not pregnant”
He laughs
“I know but you will be” sigh!
“But they have Mhambi. She is amazing” I don’t understand why they
are without a seer when Mhambi was born the great majestic seer
“Yes Mhambi was born for that duty and to fill in Gumede’s shoes but
like us people, ancestors change course as well. Right now they are
pointing her in Oves. Her place is besides your brother. They were born
in the same hut to conquer Oves together. She is waiting on you to arrive
so she can finally find her journey to the one she was destined to be with.
You as the woman to bear the heir of the Dlomo house will give them a
seer as well. Mhambi is meant to carry your brother’s bloodline. The
connection we have with the Dlomos root from our ancestors. Our
families will always be united in every way. Do you understand?”
I nod,
“I understand ntate moholo. Can I ask something?” he nods,
“Am I still his only mate?” he frowns,
“Where is that coming from before I answer?”
“Akere there was that woman who attacked me who claimed that he had
already marked her?” that shit bothers me. I try my best not to let it
shake me but I know it bothers me,
“You and Mkhonto Dlomo are born mates. There is no mate for him
besides you. Don’t let that witch shake you. She is just a witch testing
the both of you but I trust his fore fathers to protect all of you from her”
I nod in understanding,
“You have nothing to worry about. Enjoy your night and make us proud.
I’ll see you at the altar”
“Thank you ntate moholo” he squeezes my shoulder before he leaves. We
only see my father standing by the door when he leaves,
“You’re not going to cry again, are you?” Ntate moholo Moletsane teases
“Leave me alone with my daughter Moletsane!” he barks. This is the
Majara I know. Not the ‘Hiii hiii Yoooh’ Majara,

“It’s time sweetheart” he glances at his watch and stretch out his hand to
me. I tangle my arm around his and brush his strong arm. It’s exactly
“I’m getting married daddy” I rub it in,
He laughs kissing my forehead as we walk out,
“I know my pride. Do you know why I called you my pride?” I shake my
head no,
“Because you’re exactly that. Daddy’s pride. O tlotla yaka wena and I
need you to know that this is home. I don’t care if Mkhonto wa satane
makes you a woman but you’ll always be daddy’s pride, and here will
always be home. Don’t stay for shit in marriage all because you’re scared
that you’ll embarrass us. If you don’t want to take it, come home my baby.
Do you hear me?” (You’re my pride and I need………………. If Mkhonto
the devil……..)
“I hear you papa but don’t call my man Mkhonto wa satane please” he
“Okay I’m sorry” the laughter we have die down the moment we step
outside. He leads me to the back of the house where the altar is created.
His journey with me ends when we make an appearance to the circle altar
where I’ll be mated. As the Alpha to hold the ceremony for us he gives me
over to the king. He walks over to the circle and enters.
“Are you ready baby?” Uncle Say asks holding my arm,
“I’m ready my king” he smiles. We look ahead and wait for the howl. The
circle altar is only formed by shifters.
Chris, Geffrey, Tom and Shawn howl out loud staring up in the sky. This
is the act of summoning the full moon. The appearance of a full moon in
a mating ceremony means that the ceremony is blessed by the gods of
Full moon graces the ceremony. Up in the sky the bright moon shines
beneath us. Only then my uncle take me to my altar. It’s a circle of wolves
making an altar. All my brothers, my cousins, my mate’s pack, Hlokoa
and both my uncles stand in circle creating an altar for my ceremony.
The rest of the audience that only consist of the Dlomos and the Molapos
watch from a safe distance.

My uncle and I make an entrance between Hlokoa and Chris. I feel him
huff and hold in my laughter. He fills in the space between the two and
let me walk further into the circle where my father and mate stands.
I’m very pissed and mad at him but the moment our eyes lock I know I’m
screwed for life. It’s not possible to love someone like this. I can’t help the
smile sweeping my face. He looks very handsome in his birthday suit. He
didn’t cover up, he is just standing utterly naked with a grin that matches
My eyes drop to the giant that stands up when I walk closer to him. I
want to laugh so bad but my father is mating us. He throws a dagger at
my mate before he shows us to position. Khonto takes his right side and
I take his left side. His gaze remains on me. There is adoration,
possessiveness and love in his eyes. The rush in my blood releases my
fur. Akela is fighting for recognition and I let her be. The blanket I have
slips off and I stand utterly naked before my mate. I’m glad with the fur
covering me up. I’m not as bold as he is.
This is the final step to my wolf stage. This is the moment I longed for all
my life. It may have not came as I imagined it but it came. I can only hope
for a warm life with him.
He doesn’t let go of my gaze as my dad starts the ritual and appeal to the
power of the full moon to bless the mating. I don’t care about all that is
said and done. I care about the one part of the ceremony that will make
him and I one.
“With the power invested in me as the Alpha and god of wolves. I offer
you the mated pair, Akela and the predator. You may kiss your mate and
claim her for all to witness” this is the part I waited for.
He grabs my left hand and his right hand and intertwines our palms
together. The instant beat of my heart when we touch matches his. We
are now one. I can feel the animal in him fighting to be set free. Akela is
fighting as well. He wants to jump him right here right now. I’m not going
to lose my purity in wolf form. We both fight the flame of pleasure
burning both our animals.

He pulls me to his chest when I least expect it. He cups my face. Looking
at me like a piece of gold in his hands. I see in the hunger draining his
eyes that he is thirsty for my blood more than my lips. He is not going to
kiss me. He is going to mark me and claim me as his before he goes to the
He tilts my head to the side displaying easy access to my neck. His thumb
brushes the part he is going to mark before he sinks his fangs deep on
the crook of my neck. It’s an exhilarating feeling being marked by your
mate. It’s the ring that us wolves wear as pride on our necks. I feel my
blood mix with his through the bite. The feeling is undefinable. It’s a
mixture of love, lust, security but most importantly the feeling of home.
He licks all the blood washing off my neck when he us satisfied of tasting
me. His big palms don’t let go of my face as he stares deep in my eyes,
“With your blood I shall live” he utters staring deep in my soul,
“With your blood I shall live” we both say the last words of the ritual after
he is marked me.
I know Mkhonto Dlomo and the predator now. I’m one with this hybrid
of mine and the look in his eyes tells me that this is not going to be a kiss.
He is going to fuck me right before this shifters. It’s tradition for shifters
to consummate their mating right before the others to witness. In that
way the male wolf shows his dominance and makes sure none of the
wolves dare make a move on its mate. I know its wolf tradition but I’m
not about that. My poor father would faint and not wake up.
He circles his long strong arms around my waist. His erection hit right
beneath my chest. He is one of those talk species of man,
“Please” I murmur begging him not to do this here. I can already see the
shiny sweat growing on my father’s forehead,
“It’s tradition. He’ll be strong” that’s it! I dash out of his touch when he
least expect it. I run for my life. I’m not getting fucked before my father.
“TLOTLA! FUCK!” I’m far ahead as he curses. I’m making a run to the
house. I’ll lock myself in my room. Imagen the horror of being turned left
and right before your parents. Shifting wasn’t meant for humans. The
human in me refuses.
Shhuuu! I’m glad he didn’t chase after me. Looking down the window I
see everyone laughing and shaking his hand. We’ll consummate this
mating when we get home. His home. I want it to happen there. I’m now
Tlotla Akela Dlomo. I have wanted to be his from childhood. There is no
way I’m keeping the Molapo surname. Now I look forward to ‘kotizing’ for
the Dlomos. I pray god helps me clean. Lord!


Zitha sits with her mother in her room. She is not a robot she was when
they fetched her from the Dlomos. She eats and walks around. Her
mother came to her room to collect the plates she was using but she ended
up sitting with her begging her to say something. The doctor that
Mkhonto brought for her confirmed that she is perfectly fine. She is only
traumatized and still processing the trauma she suffered.
“I’ll come and check on you before I sleep my baby girl” MaVilakazi sighs
taking the tray with. She is almost out of the door when her daughter
speaks to her for the first time,
“Mama” Mavilakazi freezes for a minute but eventually turns. Zitha still
stares in space but at least she speaks,
“I lied” Zitha say staring into space,
“Lied? Lied about what?” Mavilakazi puts the tray on the pedestal and
rush to sit by her daughter,
“Mama he was the only thing I was thinking of when I was captured in
there” the conversation is not flowing accordingly,
“Who?” Mavilakazi asks
“Mk mama. I loved that man and I still do. This is why I lied to him” she
finally looks in her mother’s eyes,
“Mk is prince Mkhonto?” Mavilakazi asks for clarification,
She nods and say,
“Yebo mama” (Yes mother)
“What did you lie about to him?” she continues to ask
“I told him that his grandfather told me that he is supposed to marry me”
Mavilakazi is drowned by shock,
“When you speak of his grandfather, you speak of the ghost man that is
said to have fetched the both of you from Lesotho?” she better be talking
about a living grandfather. Mavilakazi is holding her breath glaring at
When she nods she gets off the chair putting her hands on her head,
“Zitha how could you use an ancestor’s words against them? Do you know
the power of those people?” Mavilakazi is perplexed,
“Mama this is my chance to have the man I love. I have loved him since
varsity but he was always reminding me that he is married. Having Mike
makes me qualify as a royal wife. I don’t mind being his second wife” she
defends herself,
“Zitha you have been captured the most of your adult life and the first
thing you think of doing when you finally taste freedom is invite problems
to yourself? That man is not of your caliber baby. He is a royal man and
we are not. There is no way he can make a wife in a commoner. You’ll
remain the mother of his son and that’s where you’ll start and end”
“I’ll be Mkhonto Dlomo’s second wife mama. He owes me that much for
the things I went through for having his son” Mavilakazi sees the fire in
her daughter’s eyes that she is never seen before. She is tasted royal blood
and it’s driving her crazy. This is why royals are always advised to mate
with royals. A commoner blood and royal blood creates havoc.
“Zitha my child please focus on your healing. Let go of that man. He’ll
help you where he wishes but don’t go around using his powerful late
grandfather’s word against him. It will not end well for you if you keep
lying to him using his grandfather. I want you to call him now and tell
him you lied” her mother demands,
“I’m not doing that mother”
“You’re leaving me with no choice. I’m going to tell your father……………”
Mavilakazi is put to a halt by an opening door.

Vilakazi walks in wearing that greedy look of his.

“I have heard enough and I stand with my daughter” he shoves his hands
in his khaki shorts and stand by his daughter with his pot belly shooting
beneath the white vest he is wearing,
“Baba no!” Mavilakazi shake her head,
“You can actually learn a thing or two from your daughter. She knows
what she wants and she’ll do everything in her power to have it. This
relationship with the Dlomos will be very beneficial to us. That man owes
my daughter marriage for what she went through for his son” Vilakazi
firmly say squeezing his daughter’s shoulder,
“Baba don’t use our daughter to score points. We are talking about a royal
house here”
“A very rich royal house with connections. I don’t know if you haven’t
seen that I haven’t landed any tender this year. We are broke and this
could be our chance out of poverty coming our way” unfortunately once
Vilakazi makes up his mind there is no changing it,
Mavilakazi turns to her daughter to plead,
“Zee my baby don’t do this” she begs,
“I love him mama. He was all I was thinking about in there”
“He is married. You said it yourself!” Mavilakazi snaps,
“And she’ll be a second wife. Royals can take multiple wives” Vilakazi
chirps in staring down at his daughter,
“Tell me baby, you lied about that part only or the whole story of a ghost
taking you from Lesotho to KZN was a lie as well?” Vilakazi asks looking
at her,
“Everything is the truth except the part of marriage. All the feelings and
dreams I had of us came rushing to me when I first saw him come see me
with his father. I made a decision then that I’ll be Mrs. Dlomo through
this encounter”
“You’re a star baby. You just saved us from poverty. At least all the money
I paid for you to do acting didn’t go to waste. Keep pulling this
performance when you see them and let daddy do the talking for you from
now on” he takes out his phone from his pants and make a call standing
a safe distance from the worried Mavilakazi and his daughter,

‘Where is our royal house this weekend?’ he asks speaking on his phone,
‘Is it?’ he looks surprised to whatever the person said,
‘Thanks’ he drops the call with a smile.
“Our king to be is fetching his wife in Lesotho. They should land
tomorrow morning. I think I should call my brother and accompany the
king to be’s second wife to her in laws as well. What do you think baby?”
Zitha beams,
“Vilakazi this is not how things are done. Even if he was going to agree
to make her a second wife please don’t cause drama in the royal house”
Mavilakazi continues to beg,
“I don’t care. We have the upper hand here and the correct ancestor’s
word at our disposal. We’ll just tell them that the ghost grandfather told
us to bring her home where she belongs”
“Please father. That’s a very good idea” Zitha
“You two will burn very deep for playing with ancestors words. As you
sow, you shall reap” she leaves the two going ahead with their plan.
The fathers we keep. His last words to my now husband and I, was that
he gives our marriage two months. He said we’ll not even make it to three
months. He said his princess will call him month end to come fetch him.
I’m smiling thinking of his drama. I think he somehow wished for this
day not to come.
“May I ask who is responsible for putting a smile on your face Mrs.
Dlomo?” it’s the man who hasn’t left my side since last night. His hand is
simply touching on my cookie. He is not doing anything but just touching.
His pervert ways can get a tad too much. I’m only glad that we both
occupy the back seat of the car while the young man I don’t know is taking
on the duty of driving us. His parents left earlier than us because they
had to prepare for my arrival.
“It’s the man competing with you” he knows who that is. He chuckles
shaking his head,
“I cannot believe he said he gives our marriage two months” he says it. I
don’t believe it either,
“Don’t worry. We’ll show him wena motho waka that we are in this
marriage to stay” he smiles but his smile eventually grows into a sad
“You okay?” I ask,
“I couldn’t be better” he picks my thigh and pulls me to his waist making
me straddle him,
“Baby the driver” I remind him in a whisper but he waves me off,
“I love you my queen” he looks in my eyes,
“I love you too” I confess back
“I’m sorry about my yesterday behavior. I’m just too desperate I don’t
want to lose you baby”
“You’re not going to lose me. Why do you think you’re going to lose me?”
I ask. My question makes him heave a deep sigh,
“Remember when I said there are somethings I have to tell you but I’ll
only do so once we get home?” I nod to his question,
“Let’s get home first my love and I’ll come clean to you” I hate knowing
that there are some thing I have to know but can only know when we get
home. I only agree because we are already driving to his home.
We have been on the road for the past four hours. I haven’t slept a wink.
After my run yesterday I was fetched to entertain our guests. About one
o’clock in the morning I had to start packing.
*I hope you didn’t forget that red number I bought* as if she can
buy anything. I bought it but she is claiming it.
The man holding me to his chest laughs. I’m slowly drowning in sleep on
his shoulder,
“What?” I ask feeling out of it due to drowsiness,
“We are mated my queen. I can feel Akela’s desires riding on you” I’m
thankful we can feel each other’s emotions without hearing thoughts. He
would have fun of me if he hears the things the living whore in me say,
“Hmm!” his shoulder is proving to be too comfortable,
“Go on. Sleep. I’ll wake you when we get home” I’m already sleeping
anyway. His hand brushes on my back so nice. His cologne takes me to
sweet sweet dreamland. It would be a crime not to sleep in his warm
Waking up I’m woken by Akela. She is alarmed and uneasy. The cold
breeze caressing my skin makes me open my eyes. I’m in my Khehla’s
arms and we are standing by the gate. There is commotion going on
behind us. There are two old man with someone covered in a blanket. I’m
not sure what is happening but they seem to be in some sort of altercation
with Uncle Kay. There is no sight of Mr. Dlomo.
“Baby” he is startled. He wasn’t aware that I’m awake. His uneasiness
makes me frown. I feel it through our mating bond that he is not himself,
“What’s going on?” I ask,
“Nothing my queen” he takes hurried steps towards the gate with me in
his arms but bab Mtho stops him,
“Mkhonto wait on your father and mother. She has to be properly
welcomed” he huffs. Somehow I can see and feel that he wants to get me
out of here as soon as possible. He pecks my lips like a baby in his arms
and continue to cradle me.
“It’s very cold” I complain. Its wee hours of the morning,
“Dlomo is here, I’ll get you in the house after you have completed this
tiny ritual” ritual? I tilt my head to the sound of footsteps. It’s Mr and
Mrs. Dlomo. They left before us yesterday because they had to prepare
for my arrival. Mrs. Dlomo holds a blanket while her husband holds a
bowl of water.
Khonto glares at his father as he puts the cold water down the ground.
“Tell me you at least boiled one kettle” he shoots at his father who thinly
smiles squinting his eyes at the commotion happening behind us,
“Welcome home makoti” Mr. Dlomo finally smiles when he looks in my
direction. I have forgotten that I’m in the man’s arms. I quickly jump off
his arms and try to give him my hand but he pulls me to his chest and
kisses my forehead.
“Your mother will take care of you. I need to handle some pests in my
yard” he walks past us,
“Don’t do anything crazy Sango” Mrs. Dlomo begs before he goes to join
the commotion at the back,
“Hey baby” it’s a crime to look at Mrs. Dlomo and not see her beauty. She
is something the eyes doesn’t get tired of looking,
“Are you okay?” she continues to ask and I nod,
“I’m just going to wash you here and tell the Dlomos that you have
arrived, is that okay?” I don’t have a problem but…..
“Wash me here?” we are standing outside the gate
She laughs before she answers,
“And all this people are going to see me naked?” she continues to laugh,
“Not really. Girls!” the twins come holding blankets as well. They are
accompanied by about six other girls I don’t know. They all help each
other hold blankets making a square around Mrs. Dlomo and I.
“I hope this makes things a bit comfortable” Khonto has abandoned me.
I now have the company of his mother inside the blanket room.
“What do I have to do?” I ask because her son told me nothing about
bathing outside the gates,
“You strip and get in the water. I’ll bath you” sigh! I wanted marriage.
This comes with it.

I get out of my clothes. I have never been shy about my body. I can feel
this flat stomachs girls glare at me. I don’t know if they have never seen
a fat girl before but I can feel that their stares are judgmental.
“Fuck!” I didn’t mean to curse out loud but stepping inside the basin of
cold water force the inappropriate words out of my mouth. Mrs. Dlomo is
laughing. She pours the cold water up from my head. This is torture at
another level.
“The great Mkhabelas. We welcome your chosen daughter in law Tlotla
Akela Dlomo into your yards today. Please welcome her and guide her.
She is finally home and her journey with us shall start today. Siyabonga
oDinangwe” I cannot believe I had to suffer this abuse for such simple
“We are done, come out baby” she opens her own blanket that she had
strapped around her waist. I tremble as she helps me wrap the blanket
around my body.
“I need a hot coffee” she is in stitches as I blow warm air from my mouth
to my trembling hands,
“You’ll get it when you come back”
“Come back from where?” she is pouring the water that I bathed with into
a twenty liter bucket that someone pushed in through the blankets walls,
“Tlotla my baby you have to go discard this water into a flowing river.
Tlotla Molapo is flowing away with the river, now your Tlotla Dlomo”
“Can’t I do that after having coffee” she shakes her head no laughing
“Girls accompany your sister to the river. Don’t look back on your way to
the river MaDlomo and none of this girls shall help you carry the water.
You carry it on your head without looking back until you make it to the
river” what kind of marriage abuse is this?
“Can’t we drive to the river?” she is in stiches,
“Tlotla get out of here” she grabs everything I was wearing in her hands.
The girls take down the blankets. My eyes fall on the traitor husband.
His grin tells me that he knew but didn’t tell me on purpose. To think I
thought we would be making love all day long kgathe I have to carry
buckets to the river,
“No shoes Mrs. Dlomo. You must walk barefoot to the river” that’s it! I
want to go home. She say when I try to put on my shoes. My father was
right, this marriage is not going to last two months.
I suffer immediate tonsillitis as she puts the bucket on my head,
“I want to go home” she laughs out loud,
“Good luck Mrs. Dlomo” yerrr! Where is Akela when I need her? I need
her strength to carry this torture for me but I cannot feel her. My eyes
fall on Khonto who is now pulled to the commotion his fathers and uncles
are invested in with the two fat men. I’ll focus on the task I’m given,
hopefully he’ll tell me what the commotion was about when I come back.

I have never really been a sickly person. I don’t know of when I was young
but for the memories I have in my head I don’t remember being sick. But
somehow I’m suddenly gravely ill since I stepped into the Dlomo yards.
At first I thought it was just cold from that cold water torture but when
I woke up with swollen legs I knew it wasn’t that.
I was trembling the whole night yesterday. I don’t even know when I slept
but somehow I did and woke to swollen legs. Everyone is worried about
me and I’m worried as well.
I feel like a failure of a daughter in law. I know I’m a lazy person but this
time I’m not doing it on purpose. I haven’t even made my father in law
and mother in law tea. Everyone is fussing around me. And as for my
Khehla I feel worse when it comes to him as well. I haven’t performed my
wifely duties as well. I feel like such an invalid.
He barges in while I lay in thought. He must have felt that I’m awake
through our mating bond. I had to take another nap after brought me
breakfast hoping for the best but I can still feel the heaviness on my legs.
Worry is evident on his face. The predator is riding him hard and clawing
on him. He hates seeing me so weak. I feel him through the connection
we have.

“My Khehla” he chuckles. His already heavy body and mind drops on the
couch far from the bed. He sits there in silence though I feel his stare on
me. Somehow he feels guilty seeing me like this,
“I’m going to be fine baby, don’t worry” I know I’m going to be. I just don’t
understand which witch bewitched me. Deep down I’m thinking that old
hag he used to sleep with. That woman will stoop to any level to have
“Tlotla I can’t look in your eyes” he finally speaks keeping the cold
distance between us. I’m not used to him being so far and so formal with
me. Even last night he didn’t even touch me like he does. For the first
time I slept dressed with him when I should have been utterly naked and
“Please come closer, I don’t want you far” I want him to lay besides me
on the bed. I’m not in any pain but just sickly
“Tlotla I can’t”
“I’m not Tlotla to you” my name sounds awful coming on his lips. I’m used
to him calling me his queen.
He smiles, its short lived but it’s there and it warms my heart. At least I
can still make him smile.
“Have called your father?” he asks closing the space between us. He
stands beside me on the bed when I shake my head no,
“Why?” he continues to ask taking my hand in his and brushing on it so
“I’m a married woman now Khonto, I understand what that means. I
can’t run to my father with every hiccup we are going to face” maybe I
might appear like a daddy’s girl but I don’t want to be that even in
“But he has a right to know baby” he sits on the bed and kisses the back
of my hand before he stoops down to kiss my forehead as well,
“And we’ll tell him if the situation gets worse. For now I’m just sick. We
don’t need to report that to him” I know the man I call my father. He’ll
be here within a blink if he hears that I’m sick.

“Have you ever had any problems with your legs before?”
“No!” I’m quick to say
“I feel like such a failure baby. We get married, you come home and the
next thing you’re sick and waking up with elephant legs”
“Elephant legs?” are they that huge? I try to sit up on the bed but he
gently pins me down,
“They are not that big, it was just a comparison” a very bad one. I’m
already a big girl so I don’t appreciate being compared to an elephant,
“What is the doctor saying?” a doctor was called in before I took a nap in
the morning,
“He is not sure what he is dealing with but he promised to get back to us
as soon as the results come back” and somehow I think the results are
going to come back clear,
I hate talking about this but I need to make him aware,
“Don’t you think it’s your grave chick?” a frown draws on his face,
“Grave chick? I don’t follow baby” that thing has to die, she is too old to
be fighting my man with me,
“The wolverine” I enlighten him.
Silence stretches between us as he take in his thoughts. I don’t know why
but I have a feeling that old hag is behind all this. She is been too quiet
and behaving wherever she is. Maybe she witnessed our mating and got
mad because she had been bragging that he had already mated her.
Which was a lie by the way because the full moon wouldn’t have blessed
our ceremony if he had already mated another. However she got his mark
on her neck is still a mystery because that mark is his regardless,
“You might be on to something. Let me call Chris” he leaves me in hurry.
I wonder where he is calling Chris from and how he is going to help if it’s
the wolverine making me sick.
I’m one of those. The mothers with daughters almost confused to be their
sisters. I had my first child at a very young age. I was and still in love
with my primary, high school to varsity sweet heart. Things were going
okay between us until I got pregnant again.
I know I’m too old to keep saying I didn’t mean to fall pregnant but even
with this baby I swear I was on prevention but here I am pushing his
baby again.
This is the one pregnancy I regret the most. Yes with the first one I
regretted it as well because I was still young but somehow it brought us
closer together and we had our little family to ourselves until his mother
found out and fetched the baby. With this one I feel alone. He chooses to
be anywhere but with me.

They all arrived yesterday with the groom and bride but he wasn’t even
happy to see me. He hugged me and kissed my forehead and that was it.
Part of me sees that he is no longer in love with me but I’m holding on.
I’m staying in his home doing some wifely duties when I don’t even have
his ring. At this point it’s clear that he’ll never marry me. I’m already a
mother of two to him but he still doesn’t see me worthy of being Mrs.
I envy the beautiful bride that arrived yesterday. She did things right
unlike me. Came in this house with a ring even though I didn’t see it. I
don’t even know why I’m not leaving. No one is holding me prisoner. I
know I have the option to leave because I’m not married, I’m basically
just his baby mama but I don’t see myself without him. I don’t even know
how to love another man because he is the one man that taught me how
to love. I still hope that we’ll conquer this and be happy once again. I
want him to be my first and my last. I don’t want to love another man but

“MaMzamane” Mrs. Dlomo comes behind me. I was boiling water to make
myself tea but ended up falling in my head while I stare at the kettle,
“Are you okay?” she is a kind woman. She brushes my belly with that
heartwarming smile of hers,
“Is my grandson treating you okay?” I laugh. We go through this every
“It could be another granddaughter” she shakes her head with laughter
pulling me to the chair,
“This one is a boy. It’s clear that you and his father are pulling in different
direction. It happens when a woman is expecting a male for the father to
be distant” she is a kind mother who wants to see things work between
her son and I,
“Your right mma” I don’t want to argue with her. This is not pregnancy
causing this friction between us. Maybe he found someone better and
sexier in Lesotho.
She places a cup of tea accompanied by her soft scones before me and
takes a sit as well,
“Where is he?” she continues to ask. Sakhe came to bed late and left
before I could even open my eyes. I don’t know where he is,
“I’m not sure mma, I was still sleeping when he left” she smiles but her
smile is accompanied by sadness,
“Are you okay?” I ask,
She sighs
“I’m worried about Tlotla. That little girl is suddenly sick out of nowhere”
I was wondering why she didn’t make it to breakfast,
“You worry about everyone, I’m sure she is just nervous being here”
She shakes her head no and say,
“I think that Vilakazi bull has everything to do with this. He was right
at the gate when we welcomed Tlotla. He wanted his daughter welcomed
as well and taken as second wife”
“You think he bewitched her?” I’m horrified as I ask,
“I don’t have proof but that man looks like the kind to stoop to any dark
hole to get what he wants”
“Where is the daughter?” I ask,
“He left her there and said he doesn’t want her until we pay for her bridal
price and damages. She was taken to aunt Nokubonga’s house once
again. Her situation is very tricky because apparently the ancestors
wants her taken as a second wife but Mkhonto is not having it” I missed
things. I had an appointment with the doctor yesterday morning.
“And Mike? Is he bonding with Mike now?” I ask again. She was
complaining of bhuti Mkhonto not even recognizing his son. I don’t think
he is even said a single word to Mike since he found out about him,
“He hates the boy Mila. I’m going to talk to Tlotla when she is fine to talk
some sense into him” it’s a tricky situation, hopefully with time he’ll
acknowledge the boy.
I knew the moment Tlota was said to get married that I would have to
move back to the palace. It was better when it was the two of us. Now I
cannot convince everyone on my own that I’m old enough to still be living
with the rents.
I’m tasked with packing up today. Tomorrow I’ll be forcefully moved back
home. The house is a mess with all the boxes. I don’t expect any visitors
except for the pizza guy. I wrap a towel around my waist to hide my
thighs when the intercom rings. I’m only wearing my father’s huge
basketball vest with some shorts. It’s a hot day and this is something I
wear around the house, alone or with Tlotla. I haven’t been able to reach
her since she left. I hope she is okay.
I wait for the pizza guy to come up. I didn’t even ask who it is but I wait
sure that it’s my food….or not. It’s Chris.
I don’t know why my face is consumed by a smile but he does that a lot.
He makes me feel content,
*And loved* I jump. This thing still startles me. I don’t know when I’ll
get used to it but it still creeps me. He was right about Ivy and I. She
connects with me a lot since I told him my secret. She was drowned by
the painful secret I had carried to myself on my own.
I don’t regret telling him. I feel much lighter and somehow alive since I
told him. The only person that my heart aches for not telling him is my
dad. I want to tell him so bad but I know he is going to blame himself
once again. I don’t want to take him back there.

“Hey” I greet first with a blush when he finally stands before me,
His beautiful face breaks into grin as well,
“Mrs. Ahuja” he holds a pizza box and a plastic in hand,
“I ran into a guy saying his coming in here and I cut him short” he raises
the pizza box for emphasis,
“Come in. I was starving” I move aside for him to walk in and shut the
“And now you’re not starving?” he raises an eyebrow in question after
putting the box and plastic on the counter. Of course I’m still hungry but
happiness just filled my empty stomach.
He laughs when I choose to blush and not answer him,
“You look really beautiful, you know that?” he is a very attractive man.
His blue eyes just draws me in. I’m nervously twisting my knuckles when
he comes closer to me and consumes my waist in his arms,
“And you were the most beautiful shifter last night” I don’t know how he
expect me to look in his eyes when he is breathing above my head and
making me so weak. I was told to join in the mating ritual yesterday. My
family feels that I need to learn fast about my wolf side and it’s culture,
“What’s in the plastic” I don’t know how to respond to compliments made
by my boyfriend. I have never had one before him,
He chuckles, kissing the top of my head. His arms are still wrapped
around my waist.
“Some sweets you can munch on while you pack up” I told him this
morning when he had called that I’m moving back to the palace.
I smile staring at his chest. I don’t have the guts to look in his eyes. They
just make me so weak and so vulnerable.

“Bohoko” he picks my chin with his index finger urging me to look in his
“Do you trust me?” he asks staring in my eyes. I don’t know where this
comes from but I do trust him. I nod because I lose all my strength in his
“Can I try something with you?”
“What?” I ask with a frown,
“It’s nothing bad but something I just wish us to try. Do you think you
can be comfortable and allow me to do it” where is Tlotla when I need
her? And why am I nodding though I’m not sure?
He lets go of my waist to cup my face with both his hands still urging me
to look in his eyes. As much as I try to escape my eyes it’s very hard. He
leans down and we are almost breathing the same air,
“I just want to taste your lips sweetheart, nothing more” oh thank god! I
wasn’t even aware I was holding in some air. He leans down to my lips
smiling. He shuts his eyes when our lips touch. My skin grows shivers
when he grabs my bottom lip with his. It’s something so sweet and so…..i
don’t know, I think I love more of the mouth kisses than foreheads. He
pushes for his tongue to tangle mine. I’m a bit uncomfortable with this
one because I’m going to throw up if he touches my small tongue at the
“Relax sweetheart” he murmurs in my lips. I let my mouth open still
staring right on his shut eyes. I don’t know why he closes his eyes. His
face is funny, he is making faces I don’t know as he kisses me. I keep my
eyes wide open but enjoy everything. This one is a 10/10.
“Thank you” he is finally satisfied. He opens his eyes and kiss my nose
with a smile on his face,
“You’re a very good student” I laugh leaving his touch to check what is
inside the plastic,
“Why did you close your eyes?” he frowns,
“Wait a minute, you had your eyes open the entire time I was kissing
you?” he looks really shocked,
“Was I supposed to close mine as well?” his jaw drop. He glares at me
with no word. His phone rings pulling him from his shock.
He sighs shaking his head before he takes it out of his pockets,

…….There is sadness in his eyes when he is done with his phone call. I
don’t know why I feel the sadness he feels radiate on me as well. He closes
the space between us with a sigh and captures my waist in his arms once
again. I’m melting a slab of chocolate from the things he bought me in my
mouth. I couldn’t resist.
“Are you okay?” I ask trying to hold his gaze. This time I can look at him
because there is sadness in his eyes. I cannot keep his gaze when he looks
at me in that particular way he does,
“Next time I kiss you… fact I’m going to kiss you again now, please
close your eyes” he seems to like holding on my waist. He hasn’t left my
waist with his arms,
“Why?” he chuckles,
“It’s how it’s done” he say
“Who said so?” I ask,
“Your man”
“Who is my man?”
“Who is Christian?” he raises an eyebrow with a sigh,
“Can you please close your eyes? Can you do that for me?” he asks once
again and I nod.
Gently he pulls me closer to his body. This time he doesn’t cup my face
but secures his hold on my waist. I stare at him lean down until he is
inches to my face,
“It’s time to close those eyes now” oh! He say almost breathing on my face.
I’m a good student that listens. I shut my eyes and feel his lips touch
mine. The kiss is totally different when my eyes are closed. I let go and
enjoy. I don’t think about anything but his sweet lips eating on mine. His
tongue is doing some white man things to my tongue. I totally forgot
about the chocolate I had in my mouth. It’s sweeter as we exchange the
chocolate through the kiss. Even when the chocolate all dissolves the kiss
is still amazing.
I don’t know when I wrapped my hands around his neck but they are
there. I want more of this exchange. It makes me feel warm and relaxed.
My wolf is acting. I don’t know what she is doing but she doesn’t want me
to let go either. My towel slips off and he picks me to the counter. I still
don’t let go when he stands between my legs. I wrap my legs around his
waist and keep him there. This is the kiss that goes to my dairy. It’s
breath taking and awakening.
I’m without a breath and a bit dizzy when he gently breaks the kiss,
“Hmmm!” he say on my shoulder also out of breath. This moment
deserves silence. He doesn’t disturb out sweet moment as well but dips
his head on my shoulder catching his breath. I didn’t know kissing a man
is so exhilarating until today. I feel like he took me to a world where only
he and I exist through the sweet exchange.

“You drive a man crazy you know that?” he finally speaks still not taking
his face off my shoulder,
“You drive me crazy as well” crazy is perfect to describe this feeling.
Things like this don’t exist. Only craziness can make one feel this way.
My hands play with his hair and head as he lays on the crook of my
“Hm” I say,
“I think you should organize that meeting with your father very soon” he
gets off my shoulder and look at me. His blue eyes have grown smaller in
“What’s the rush?” I ask,
“I don’t want to be without you” I smile. He speaks the sweetest things
“You’ll never be without me, I’m just moving back home” he pecks my lips
and sighs. That bit of sadness he had after the phone call takes him once
“I need to tell you something sweetheart” I don’t like the change on his
face. I allow him the chance by keeping quiet,
“That was Dator on the phone. He wants me in South Africa as soon as
“You’re leaving?” asking this saddens my heart. My wolf cling on to me
in sadness as well,
He nods,
“When are you coming back?” I continue and ask,
“I cannot say baby but I will not be long”
“I don’t want you to leave me” I don’t want him to go.
He smiles,
“I swear after I have spoken to your father when I come back this will be
the last ride I take without you. My next ride Ivy will be right beside me
testing her speed”
“I still don’t want you to go” he smiles but sadly
“I don’t want to go either baby but its duty call” sigh!
“Can we kiss again before you leave?” he laughs throwing his head back,
“Your wish is my command sweetheart” I need more of this lips. They are
too pink and too soft not to kiss again.

It’s the second day. This day I cannot even get on my feet to the bathroom.
I’m starting to feel so much pain that I cannot hold it any longer. I feel
like there are needles being stabbed all over my legs. Khonto hasn’t left
my side. His father said he is fetching Mhambi from school. They had
immediately left soon after I was welcomed in to the yard. He is hoping
that she might see something.
Khonto left to make me something to eat. I think it’s him when the door
opens but his father and the twins walk in. I didn’t get a good chance to
look at them when I arrived. We were with talkative girls who thought I
couldn’t understand Zulu busy bashing my body in their language. I was
too annoyed to look at the twins but now that I look at them….hmk! I’m
going to gossip this one with my man.

“Makoti” Mr. Dlomo stares right on my legs. They are too hot today I
asked that they be uncovered. I feel like the blankets burn them more,
“Sawubona sesi!” it’s Mhambi. She is a bit shy and hides behind the slay
queen one,
“Heyy!” that’s Ngelosi. I only smile at them and ask,
“Are you twins?” Ngelosi laughs. She blinks too much, almost like her
“Yeah. She says I’m 18 and she is 19. Can you believe the madness?”
Ngelosi is the one talking. She rolls her eyes,
“We are twins, there is no way she can be older than me” she continues
to add. She is a free spirit. I would agree with her being younger.
Somehow she really does look younger than Mhambi.
“Luhle, don’t overwhelm your sister my baby” Mr. Dlomo reprimands the
talkative. I don’t know why he calls her Luhle,
“How are you feeling makoti?” he asks
“Still in pain baba” I say. There is no papa this side, I have to baba until
it gets in my head,
“Hlelo please step closer baby, what do you see?” he pushes Mhambi
forward. With Mhambi I see more of her father. They both look like Mrs.
Dlomo but Ngelosi took all her mother’s features while Mhambi took a
very little of Mr. Dlomo.
She is shy but she walks further to me. She is trying to smile but at the
same time her eyes are draining her to my legs.
“I need to dress up baba and you all need to be here for this” she say
rushing out. Ngelosi is on her feet running after her.
“She is going to help you baby. Let me get everyone as she said” he
squeezes my shoulder before he hurries out. I hope she really helps me.
It’s draining being this sick in my new home.

About fifteen minutes later I’m surrounded by Mr. and Mrs. Dlomo. Abuti
Sakhe, abuti Zizwe, abuti Muzi, Ngelosi, a beautiful pregnant doll I don’t
know and my Khehla sitting beside me on the bed. We all wait in silence
for Mhambi. Her twin who looks very younger than her announced that
she’ll be in here shortly.
She finally walks in when we are all about to lose hope. She looks radiant
and different. She is now deserted the jeans she was wearing to a long
maxi dress that covers her legs. She is got a very pure white cloth
fastened on her shoulders. The creepy bag in her hands looks like her
second skin. It looks like something she was born to hold. Her presence
right now speaks power and respect.
Everyone bows when she hisses standing by my side. I want to bow as
well but it’s hard doing so. I feel like something or Akela is holding my
neck up high to look at her.
I catch a smile on her face,
“It’s the white witches. They don’t bow to no one” she say to me with a
smile. Her twin lays a reed matt at the center of their family. They all
drop on their knees and bow. I feel like I’m watching Shembe things.

She stands on the reed matt and look up in silence. I glare at the man
holding my hand. His faint smile is saying the same thing as me. We are
so going to gossip about this.
When she finally opens her eyes and grabs her bag, her twin hails
inviting everyone to do so as well,
“THOKOZA GOGO!” we all sing. She shakes her ancestral bag couple
times and comes to me. I know I have to blow when she opens it to me. I
blow two times and she moves on to Khonto to blow as well. She closes
the bag shaking it as she goes to take the center stage once again.
She gets on her knees on the reed matt and throws everything at the
direction of the bed,
“THOKOZA GOGO!” Ngelosi starts for us and we all sing after her. I feel
like she understands her twin’s calling more than anyone.

“Maka Sinesipho Dlomo” (Sinesipho Dlomo’s mother) she claps her hands
speaking. She doesn’t open her eyes but her face looks in my direction,
“Bab Gumede wants you in the hut. They all want you in the hut. You
were supposed to go in there first” she continues to add still clapping her
hands though her eyes are shut,
“Nothing is wrong Maka Sinesipho. Go open the hut doors once again and
take on the responsibilities until Sinesipho Dlomo arrives. You’re the
queen they have been waiting for and they stand behind you because they
choose only you for him” I feel like something moved on my legs when she
turn her face to Khonto. She is one powerful being,
“Mkhabela, Dlomo, Dinangwe” I have to blink twice to believe it. I hear
by ears but I have to blink twice. I don’t hear perfectly if I don’t blink.
Her tone has changed to a male tone when she addresses to Khonto
“Dlomo I paid lobola to the Molapos. I secured your future with our queen
while I was still with you. Don’t make a mistake of listening to those
using my word against you. Give your son a proper name. We recognize
him because he is a Dlomo. We don’t have Mikes in this this yard. His
your blood but not an heir. His mother wasn’t chosen. Sisonke Dlomo will
fill in your big shoes after his sister Sinesipho” she burps loud and hiss
falling on the matt. All her brothers catch her before she hits the floor.
The one next to me is as stunned as I am,
“Who is Mike?” I glare at him. I heard correctly that he has a son named
“We’ll give you both a minute” Mr. Dlomo say chasing everyone out.
Mhambi is in one of the twin’s arms. I’m not sure if it’s abuti Muzi or
Zizwe. I don’t even care about that right now but this one,
“Ketlo o hlaba ka thipa if you don’t tell me who the hell is Mike?” (I’m
going to stab you with a knife if……..) I glare back at him. His suddenly
gone mute and shy. I don’t know why he is scratching that Iveco head
fathering boMike. Nxa!

Banna batla o bora! (Men will bore you!) I didn’t know he can be shy until
today. He cannot lift his eyes to look at me. His hand hasn’t stopped
brushing his big head. I pray he gives me a really good answer that will
not piss me off.
“Mkhonto I asked a question. Who the hell is Mike?” now I have to repeat
myself like I’m talking to a four year old teaching them words,
“My queen I cannot talk to you when you’re this flamed” flamed? Flamed
my fat ass!
“I’m angry Mkhonto. Don’t confuse my calmness for just mad. I’m just not
trying to make a scene. Who is Mike?” what annoys me the most is the
fact that his family knows who is Mike. None of them seemed as shocked
as I was. So it’s clear I was the only fool here,
“Mike is a kid that is said to be mine” he says it like he speaks of a
“Your son?”
“Apparently” he is dismissive,
“Where is he? And why didn’t you tell me about him?” I hope he is a cute
little boy. I don’t intend on step mothering ugly kids. I’ll send him back
to his mother and support him from a distance if is he ugly. I hope his
mother is ugly as well. Ebe something like mother like son situation,
“I didn’t know about him either. I only found out when I arrived home
last week” wow! This explains the sadness I felt when he left and when
he came back. And I begged him to tell me but he didn’t,
“And you didn’t think I needed to know this before the mating ceremony?”
he picks his eyes and lock it with mine for the first since I have been
interrogating him,
“Would you have went ahead with the ceremony if you knew?” he poses a
question back at me. It hurts for him to ask me that. I love this man so
much he cannot see it. And this love I have for him is going to destroy
me. I still would have went ahead with the mating ceremony, because I
made him the center of my universe. I cannot imagen being Tlotla
without him.
“You can take me to the hut” I’m done with this conversation. What I take
from it is that he takes me for a fool. And I can see that I’m his fool. I
need to work on my love for him. This is what is called dangerously in
love. I’ll love him regardless of any shit he brings me. I need to sit back
and reflect. And ease up on my love for him while at it. I’m going to lose
myself loving this man if I’m not careful.
He glares at me. I can feel that there is more he is still wants to say but
he is hesitant,
“MaDlomo we are still talking”
“I want to get on my feet” the sooner he takes me to this hut, the sooner
I’ll get on my feet,
“There is more I still have to tell you my queen, but now I’m not so sure
because you look really hurt”
“Mkhonto do as you wish. You tell me, you don’t it’s really up to you. I
just want to focus on myself and get on my feet” he sighs. He gets on his
feet and vigorously rub on his head,
“I’m so sorry my queen. My only mistake was not telling you as soon as I
found out. I just love you so much Tlotla I don’t want you lose you”
“Okay take me to the hut” this is me being hurt. I shut down when I’m
hurt. Maybe tomorrow I’ll wake up better and in the spirits to continue
with this conversation but right now I have heard enough of it to hurt
me. It should end here today because I’ll lose it if he keeps on,
YOU EVEN SAD?” Mkhonto is going to annoy me by shouting while I’m
this calm,
“Bona mona wena marabe, you’re going to calm the fuck down when you
talk to me. I’m not the one who went and advertised their dick to the
world. You went and left a seed out there knowing you belonged to me. I
just found out that you betrayed me. I have every right to be sad. Skaba
mpotsa manyala a hore why I’m sad!” (Listen here you puff
adder,………….. Don’t dare ask me shit of why………) this is why I
wanted him to leave me the hell alone
“I understand you angry and you have every right to be, but I need you
to mind that little tongue of yours before i……….” he trails off,
“Before you what? Are you threating me mkhonto?” we fall into a staring
contest. I hate him so bad right now,
“I’m going to leave. Clearly we’ll not reach anywhere but piss each other
tonight. We’ll talk when you have calmed down and I’ll teach that lose
tongue of yours some manners as well” I wanted him to leave a long time
ago. I don’t know why his pole self is still standing here annoying me.
“And you think I’ll walk myself to the hut?” I ask his back as his walks
towards the door. I don’t know how he thinks I’m going to get to the hut.
He has to carry this fat body down those long ass stairs outside,
He huffs but comes back and collects me like rubbish in his arms. It’s
only day two in marriage but it’s already showing me flames. Maybe my
father was right about us not making it two even two months.

We get to the hut in silence. Mhambi is already waiting on me inside. I’m

glad it’s only him and I because I don’t have the strength to smile at
everyone right now. He lays me on the matt and stands off glaring at
“You should have taken your shoes off bhuti” she say lighting candles.
There is electricity in here, I don’t know why she is lighting candles.
“Am I needed in here?” he ignores Mhambi,
“No you can leave bhuti” I wish he slips and die on his way out. He doesn’t
even look back to see if I’m okay. He leaves. So much for loving a man!
“It’s still early and it’s not dark in here, why are you lighting candles?” I
decide to forget my man drama and focus on this. I want myself on my
feet and going to school.
“I was told to. I don’t know why I have to light them”
“Who told you?” I ask,
“My grandfather” it must be the one that possessed her earlier on. I don’t
ask more questions but retreat to silence and allow her to do her things.
She opens the windows. Goes out and comes back with a bucket of water
which she empties inside the clay pot sitting by the corner. The hut looks
old and abandoned. There is dust lying on the surfaces. It’s clear the
house hasn’t been used in quite some time.
“I’m done sisi” she pulls me back from wondering around the hut,
“I’m going to leave you alone now. Please note that spiritual beings don’t
connect to heavy souls. Your mind and soul needs to be at ease and
without stress for them to connect to you” she must feel how drained I
am. I guess it’s going to be a long day for me. I’m nothing but stressed,
but I’ll try my best to calm down.
“Thank you. I’ll try to focus on this and shut everything else out” she
smiles and nods heading for the door. She stops and slowly turns to back
to me once again,
“Sisi can I ask a favor?” I’m only two years older than this girl, but I’m
not complaining.
“Sure” I offer,
“Can you please accept Ngelo’s friend request on Facebook” for the first
time today I laugh,
“She sent me a friend request?” she nods,
“What’s her username?” I continue to ask. I get so many friend request I
no longer check them,
“Flammable Angel” she laughs when I clap my hands. How was I
supposed to know it’s her when she is an Angel on flame? She leaves after
I promise to accept her. I would do it now if I had my phone. I don’t even
know where it is. I’ll find it after I’m done with this task. For now I have
to ask the animal in me if she is comfortable,
*How do you feel about all this?* I ask Akela,
*I think he is an ass. Maybe we should murder him* I’m not even
asking about that man,
*I’m talking about us being in the hut and about to connect to
spiritual beings*
*If I wasn’t comfortable you’d know* she is right about that. She
would ride and claw on me so hard if she didn’t like this. I yawn feeling
sleepy out of nowhere. Maybe I should take a nap to chase the Mkhonto
stress out of me.
Women! I understand that she is mad, and she is rightfully supposed to
be but I don’t appreciate how she expresses herself when she is pissed.
The fact is that I’m still her husband no matter how angry she is. No
matter what I did I still deserve respect from her. Maybe that hut will
cool her down, I’ll check on her later in the day.
For now I have some pest control to do. But I need a word with my old
man before that. There is something that is not sitting right with me. I
don’t think I can find it in my heart to connect with my so called son until
I have answers to my questions.
The amount of annoyance that gags me up at this scene! I feel like
throwing up when I see such disgusting thing. This two people should
retire from such honestly.
“Mkhhhm!” I clear my throat out loud standing by the wide open door.
Dlomo is got my mother perched on top of his table in the study standing
between her legs. I pray he is just standing or else I’m going to faint,
“Son” he sees me past my mother’s shoulder,
“Is it safe to come in?” they both laugh at my question
“Come in” my mother jumps off the table when her husband allow me in.
He drops on his chair and quickly pulls her to his lap. I feel like they are
two grown teenagers.
“Did you take Tlotla to the hut?” my mother asks not getting off
Vulamasango’s lap. I don’t know why they are acting like teenagers in
“Yes but can you two please act like parents?” honestly!
I’m awarded with laughter. Vulamasango laughs out loud and grates my
heart by putting his big useless hand on my mother’s thigh. He is
brushing on it like that woman didn’t give birth to me. This is the highest
level of torture,
“Dlomo the sooner you say what you came to say in here, the sooner you’ll
not experience me loving my wife” that’ not love, that’s seduction. He is
seducing my mother,
“It’s quite a serious matter and I find it hard to put into words when
you’re busy trying to take advantage of my fragile mother” they both die
in laughter and I’m glad when my mother gets off his lap but he pulls her
“Hai maan! Sango!” she slaps his hands and manage to escape those
crocodile hands,
“I’ll give you two some space” she say heading for the door but I stop her,
“No maa, I need answers from the both of you” she comes back and take
a sit far from the crocodile,

“I find it hard to connect with the boy” I start when I have both their
attention. I haven’t even tried to be honest. I see him as just a boy nje…
“Why?” they almost sing at the same time,
“A lot doesn’t make sense to me about him. All of us in this room know
that there is no male in this house that can be born without the falling of
bull. I don’t remember any of you…………”
“Oh Mkhonto!” Dlomo snaps interjecting me,
“You have been living in your little adventurous life so much that you
forgot everything about your own family. Allow me to enlighten you
before you keep denying your son for nonsense. Firstly, if our forefathers
recognize that boy, you should stop questioning the boy’s paternity. He
looks just like all of us for god sakes! Secondly, your mother was brought
in this house to lift that stupid curse. The curse was lifted with time.
Every woman can carry a Dlomo seed without the bull dying. There is no
longer a bull that has to be scarified to seed a male child of this house.
That was part of the curse including the girl child curse in this house that
was lifted by your mother’s presence in this house. Do you still have more
insults to throw at your son?” he needs to calm the fuck down!
“I just needed clarity Dlomo, there is no need to shout”
“I’m not shouting. Your just pissing me off by constantly denying the child
even when Zwe assured you that he us yours. Man up and clean up your
mess and stop finding loopholes to escapes the problems you brought on
to yourself. You should have won rubber if you didn’t want to find yourself
fathering kids from different mothers. Simple as that!” mxm!
“I’m going to chase Zitha” that thing needs to go. She lied using my dead
grandfather’s words. All the guilt and the help I was willing to offer her
died with that lie,
“I’m coming with you. I need to handle that father of hers and make sure
they never surface again” at least I managed to get him off my mother,
“Don’t do anything crazy you two” my mother advices as we both walk
out of the study. I’ll check on my queen when I come back.

They say dreams are a fiction of our imagination but I can feel it in my
blood that this is not just a dream. I’m closing my eyes and deceiving my
body that we are sleeping but my soul is wide awake. This is the land not
meant for naked eye. This is the land not meant for normal mortals.
Akela is restless and under stress. She is riding on me so hard and
clawing on me. I feel like she is tearing on my insides. She is holding on
too tight I can barely breathe,
*Akela! Akela* I reprimand. She doesn’t even consider me. She is
grabbing on me so painful. She hates darkness in sight and darkness in
soul. She likes being well acquainted with anything that has to do with
us. But today we find ourselves transported into a land we are both
unfamiliar with.
It only started as sweet dream but we ended up straight into the very
center of the world of the dead. She loosens up when I ease up as well.
Sometimes I forget that she feeds on my emotions. My cold frightened
emotions must have added to her stress.
It’s the familiar, the one and only Bab Gumede that makes me ease up. I
appear to be sitting in his hut though it’s too dark. Somehow there is light
shining above him. He looks well taken of and happy. When he died I was
about 10 years old. My family and I did come to his funeral. They say
there wasn’t a body for him. He knew when his time on earth had come
to cease. He left royal Dlomo premises after telling them that it was time
for him to cross to the other life. The only word he apparently left was
that the one to continue his duties this side will come……

“……And I have the most difficult task of putting out the fires we created
this side Maka Sinesipho” he finishes for me and gestures for me to come
closer to where he stands.
I’m still laying on the reed matt and I’m not sure if my feet will be able
to carry me,
“Vuka Maka Sine you’ll be just fine” (Wake up Sine’s mother………..) this
gifted people! They have their unique way of reading into someone’s
mind. He answers the things I say in my head.
Without a hustle I get on my feet. Akela is as astounded as I am.
“There wasn’t anything wrong with you. I wanted you to come in here
and start on the tasks of holding the fork for Sine. Come with me His
Queen” I haven’t attempted even a single word because this whole scene
is scaring the shit out of me. I’m used to such things from my grandfather
ntate Moletsane but none of his consultations had involved me. I always
witnessed him doing this to other people. Not even once did I think I
would have to be a subject in the gifted hands of seers. I have always been
a wolf and thought it’s’ the only extra ordinary ability I have. But being
here in the Dlomo premises I have only just discovered that I cannot only
fall under the hierarchy of wolves. I’ll take the seer roles as well even
though it’s for my daughter to be. And I’ll be the second white witch after
my mother.

“How is being home where you belong His Queen?” I’m not sure when we
moved. We both now stand under that light shining upon him. It’s still
very much dark but before us from a distance stand three old people.
They are all surrounded by darkness as well but there is light shining
above their heads. It’s a picture of two old men and one old woman in the
middle of the two old men. The two are facing ahead and we have their
backs but the one old man who looks a bit familiar stands facing us.
The first old man wears the 1950’s Bheki Cele’s type of hat with a walking
stick standing between his legs. His broad in structure and a bit
intimidating. All this I receive from this turned back he has on us. I don’t
even want to see what his face looks like.
Next to him is the woman. She also have her back turned on us but I feel
like she is familiar though I cannot tell how. Nothing about her screams
intimidation. The only thing I feel on her is pain. I feel that her soul is
Next to her is I think they call him uncle Zwe. I don’t remember him as
well but I can tell it’s him because he has his face on us. There is softness
on him. I only feel his gentle nature when I look at him.
They stand in a rows, the old man and woman giving us their back and
uncle Zwe staring at us without a word.
“On the right we have the one and only Mkhonto senior. He is your father
in law’s father” Ntate Gumede takes the job of educating me about this
mysterious man. His back alone tells me that he is not a man to be pissed
“Next to him is his wife Ndlovukazi” he adds. No wonder I felt like she is
familiar. I was just a baby when she died but I can still feel her gentle
“And the one who is very delighted is Zwelithini, Mkhonto senior’s
brother who married his wife after he died” I don’t know why he adds
that but the moment he says it, the creepy old Mkhonto puts his arm
around Ndlovukazi. Zwelithini doesn’t like that very much. He turns and
puts his hand around Ndlovukazi’s shoulder as well. Now we have three
turned backs.

Ntate Gumede besides me heaves an exhausted sigh before he continues,

“This is what we deal with this side every day. We have two brothers
fighting for a woman. As much as filling on the late’s shoes when they
pass on seems reasonable on that side and something we agree on, we
have realized that it causes conflict on this side of the world when all the
parties have crossed over” sigh!
“Ntate Gumede I’m not good with riddles” I think in this time I’m going
to be a seer I’ll be the worst the world has ever seen. I’m not going to
sugar coat and speak in riddles. If one is dying I’m simply going to say
that ‘Your dying motho’ straight to the point. Not hidden truths under
riddles like ‘We might not have you tomorrow’ a.a. What’s the riddles for
when you can give it straight on the platter?
He laughs. I’m not sure if he laughs at the nonsense going on my head or
the fact that I said I don’t like riddles,
“Make sure Sine comes sooner, you’re going to make people kill
themselves” he say still consumed with laughter. I end up smiling as well
until he composes himself.

“To put it in a way you’ll understand let me say we made a mistake of

marrying Ndlovukazi to Zwelithini when they were still alive. It was
convenient and it’s our culture to do so but now that we have a strong
dominant ancestor like Mkhonto senior this side, he wants his wife back
to him”
“He can have her” I mean they are both dead and can be a happy ghost
“When she died she was married to Zwelithini. Zwelithini doesn’t want
to let her go either. The two ancestor brothers are fighting over her and
it’s going to affect the entire family if it’s not solved very soon”
“Which family? The dead or living?” I don’t have a good feeling about that
look in his eyes. If it’s the dead they can go ahead and ‘rekill’ each other,
but they better not come for the living,
“Unfortunately when elephants fight, it’s the grass that gets trampled
on” another riddle! I glare at him for clarification,
He heave a sigh before he explains,
“When powerful forces go to war, it’s their people who are hurt. Those
who never asked for the conflict in the first place are caught and killed
in the crossfire” I hear him but I don’t hear him,
“I still don’t understand the depth of what you’re saying and why you are
telling me this”
He stares ahead and doesn’t offer more clarity.
“You’re His Queen because it will be you and him on that throne. They’ll
need you and you’ll be there” there is no longer the playfulness in him.
He is switched to the serious that makes me not question him,
“I’m trying to put out this flame but it keeps growing. Zwelithini refuses
to fetch on of his wife and he refuses to let go of Ndlovukazi and hand her
over to her husband once again. This is the first war of the ancestors of
the Dlomo house against themselves. Tell Vulamasango to appease his
father. He knows the difficult man that fathers him more that anyone.
I’ll visit you again with the procedure for the appeasing ceremony. We
have to get Mkhonto senior to look back at us before he explodes. I hope
all is clear MakaSine”
“Unfortunately nothing is clear” he laughs once again. The heavy aura
he had a minute ago just subsided,
“Open the hut, clean it and carry on my duties until Sine’s time. Those
who come to consult to you, you’ll heal them with your white witch
powers. I’ll come very often to help you in cases that needs seers more
than white powers. My time with you today has to end now. Your guides
are here and ready to give you what is rightfully yours by birth”
“But I’m not done with you” he laughs once again. I didn’t know he was
such a happy soul. I was so young when he passed, probably around 10
years old.
“Till we see each other again His Queen” before my eyes the light dims
and I’m in darkness and all alone once again. I have only darkness to
myself but this time I’m still standing.

There is a wind emitted through the flapping of wings behind me. I slowly
turn my head only to find….lord! She is so beautiful. My mother calls her
Pegasus Grace. She neighs out loud raising the front of her two legs and
flapping her wings. I’m consumed by the wind produced through her
wings flapping.
*I hate her* the wolf in me say. I have nothing to say but laugh. Of
course she’ll hate her,
*Don’t make me ride a horse. It will be an insult to my kind* she
continues to add while I fall in love with the beautiful white winged
horse. My hands fail to keep still. I brush on her soft fur that almost feel
like a touch of silk,
*As a matter of fact, it will be epic for a wolf to ride a horse. Let
me lose on top of her so she feels who is the boss* I let Akela rant on
her own. I don’t know what love at first sight feels like because I loved an
idiot at birth. This one right here feels like love at first side,
*I better be number one. I don’t want Basotho means of transport
taking my place* the jealous creature in me!
*Who is Basotho means of transport?* I finally direct a question back
at her,
*The white whore horse with skirrpot fur!* I laugh. I’m going to enjoy
having Pegasus grace.

“His queen!” my laughter is cut short by a sound of an old woman’s voice

chirping up above us. I cannot see anything but darkness, though I’m not
afraid this time around,
“We are your guides. We are here to finally activate your powers. Yours,
your mother spoke into existence when she said she’ll give it to you on
your wedding. She wanted you to be a woman before she gave you what
is yours” the tone with no face sounds ancient but authoritative. I blink
up in darkness to hear perfectly,
“His queen do you accept the power of white witches?” I have known since
my mother told me about it and made me understand that one day I’ll
have to be one. It’s not something new because I had her as teacher to
this gift,
“I do” I don’t even think about it,
“We are aware that you understand our motive and objective as white
witches” the tone says again,
“I do” my mother told me everything about them,
“Next to you is Pegasus Grace, do you understand her purpose as well?”
the question is thrown and I know just what to say,
“I do but I have a rider in me. I’m hybrid of half human and half wolf”
“We are well aware and we acknowledge Akela. Grace is more of both
your keeper. You can call on her and use her whenever you wish. I hope
you know the words to say to call on her” again I do,
“I know very well”
“Then we have no work difficult with you. The mother of wolves did great
with you. Remember to keep the feather to pass it on to your daughter as
well when she comes of age”
“Thank you” I’m highly honored. Standing in this darkness with the light
of the white winged horse I feel different,
“Accept your gift and use it for its purpose” I nod in appreciation.
Above my head I’m pulled by a cloud of pure light growing on top of my
head. Before I can utter a single word a flash of lightning strikes right on
my head and Akela’s piercing scream makes me shut my eyes,
*Jonnnaa Mme weee!* Akela screams when the lighting hits us. Before
I can even react I find myself standing in the middle of the hut on my
own two feet,
*Are we all in one peace?* I can feel her touch on me from the inside.
When she is satisfied she heaves a sigh and say
*Joooo we almost saw our mother!* I’m consumed by laughter.
Laughter of the coward animal in me and laughter of being back on my
feet. The dense emotional strength in me as I stand right on this hut is
something I cannot account for words. I’m still who I was but there is
something different in my soul. I feel like I can see with my soul. I don’t
need eyes to see and the other animal I just acquired is ready to be ridden.
I can feel her over me even though she is as much as invincible. I know
the words to say to pull her into existence. This is the time for Tlotla
Akela Mola..
*Dlomo sisi* Akela corrects me. I almost forgot that I gave my soul to
that dick advertiser whore of a man. Maybe I can cripple his dick with
my powers now and make it not wake up for anyone but me,
*That’s a perfect idea. I love it* it’s the cheering I need. My first task
of the day is putting my husband’s dick in ICU. He’ll use crutches to
support his dick to stand when I’m done with him. There will be no Mikes
to father anymore. I’ll undo it when he has to put a baby in me only.

Some women’s desperation irks more than a baby’s puke. For the fact
that she still homes my grandmother’s house under the pretense that she
is traumatized beyond mending just fucks me up. I’m supposed to be in
my honeymoon face enjoying my woman but Zee here decided to use my
late grandfather’s word against me. Now I have an angry woman waiting
on me at home. I can feel it in my bones that she is awake and waiting
on me.
The predator is looking forward to it. He can take anything his mate
throws at him. I on the other hand I’m a bit reluctant. I know the crazy
hybrid wolf I call mine. I can feel my balls shrink at her thought.
Somehow through our mating bond I feel my balls grow smaller in size
when I think of her,
“The fucking fuck!” the intention was to take my father here but he had
to stay for an urgent meeting that required his attention with the council.
I’m with Sakhe and he just exclaimed at me. I wasn’t even aware that I
was grabbing on my nuts,
“Eish!” I only whimper. My soul feels troubled,
“Are they itching? What the fuck is your problem?” this fool doesn’t
understand and we’ll never do,
“Let’s just say I might not have my two handsome nuts to grab on when
we get home”
His eyebrow shoots up to his forehead,
“Handsome?” is that all he grasped? I might not have them was the main
“Don’t be telling me how attractive your nuts are. Let’s get this done
with!” bloody idiot! He leaves me in a shift like I just traumatized him
and enters the balcony that Zitha sits looking so pale and so lost. It was
actually believable until it was revealed that it is all an act. I was ready
to help her up and make sure she gets a fresh start but she ruined all
that by lying to me. I don’t take kindly to being spat face on.

Sakhe is my supposed twin. He is soft and the opposite of me. I took him
with because I trust him to knock some sense into me. And somehow even
the predator listens to him. The way we were build was opposite but
connected. He is everything I’m not but gel so well together.
He stands a safe distance from the apparently ‘traumatized’ Zitha and
observes. He doesn’t afford her even a word though he is a talker. His
stare falls on me when I finally abandon my balls and take further steps
into the balcony.
Zitha doesn’t even flinch when I stand behind her. I know she feels my
presence behind her.
“Mk” she still doesn’t turn to look at me. I let out a shallow chuckle at the
two letter name ‘Mk’. Somehow almost every woman I fucked with called
me ‘Mk’,
“Let’s take a ride” I pat on her shoulder. Only then does she turn to look
at me with a frown. Even meeting her stare I feel nothing for her. She
was never even that important except for a hook up that turned into a
regular and then a girlfriend,
“Where are we going?” I see fear in her eyes. If I don’t come convincing
she might not come,
“Mamkhulu would like to meet you. I heard you said you want to meet
her” the response comes from Sakhe whom I almost forgot of his presence,
“Tlotla!” the predator and I groan at the name of our mate coming from
her lips. It sounds like something that shouldn’t even happen. I don’t
want her ever calling my wife’s name and…
“How do you know her name?” I glare. I’m very sure that I told her I have
a wife but I never told her my wife’s name,
She blinks. Looks at the different direction clearing her throat and then
coming to look at me once again. One thing she doesn’t know is that I’m
the one and only predator. Not a mere woman like her can lie to me twice.
I see it in her eyes that a lie is going to come out of her mouth,
“Your wedding was all over the papers” wedding? We had a private
ceremony with strictly family as attendees. Every information she has
comes from that greedy father of hers.
“Are you coming or not?” patience lacks from my abilities,
“Mamkhulu doesn’t like to be kept waiting” Sakhe throws my wife once
again into the equation and I almost want to chop his head off as well. I
don’t want my wife being included in my messes.
“I hope she knows I’m favored by the ancestors. She mustn’t there touch
me. I was fetched for a purpose and she mustn’t dare try anything stupid”
my claw shoots out. I hold on the predator hard who wants to open up
her scalp and rearrange her brain. No sane person with no death wish is
allowed to use stupid with my mate in the same sentence,
“She knows very well. Let’s go!” Sakhe throws a reprimanding glare at
me. He is asking me to control my emotions. I feel sorry for her as she
believes my brother and tail him out. His job here is done. He was only
here to help me get her in the car without raising suspicions. I don’t want
any sort of questions thrown to my grandmother when that jojo tank
father of hers come to ask about her whereabouts. I want it to be said
that she willingly left with me so he can come face me like a man.

My prey is seated in the car. Sit strapped and ready to ride to her death
with me as her driver. I stop my brother before he gets inside his car
behind mine. We came in different cars because he doesn’t do well with
blood. He is not about to watch me feed a woman to my pack.
“What’s up?” he questions feet away from me,
“You good?” I ask.
He was happier than he is now when we were in Lesotho, but somehow
since we arrived back home he is been too distant and not himself.
“I’m 100” he can fool anyone but not me,
I glare at him without a question. He knows what that means. He better
not think that he can make a fool out of me,
“Eish! This is not the time or place to talk about it” I agree
“How about we have beers tonight. You, me and the one person division”
the one person division is Zizwe and Muzi,
“That will be grand but ask permission from sdudla first” I huff. He is
dead in laughter heading back to his car. I know how much my queen
hates the sdudla name.

I don’t know what she was thinking all along since our 2 hour silent drive,
but she is only shaken now as I take the gravelly road leading into the
cabin surrounded by huge trees that can almost be mistaken for a forest.
Dlomo came through for me. He secured this place for me and my pack.
It’s far, isolated, quite, and something I’m hoping my pack would love. I
asked Chris to make the run arounds and sniff anything. When he
assured that it was good I asked him to fetch the guys. They are all here
and waiting on sacrificial lamb to strengthen the wolf’s quarters. The
lamb is the baby mama by my side suddenly trembling.
“Why is your wife asking for a meeting here?” my wife is something that
shouldn’t even come out of her mouth. I only glare at her once and focus
on the road ahead. The cabin is near sighted. I’m about to kill the engine
any minute now,
“Mk what are we doing here?” I let her question however she wants.
The door opens just as I kill the engine of the car outside. Jeffery stands
gloriously naked outside the door. This is now our territory. They can do
as they please behind this lines. No creature has come to claim this place.
Dlomo assured me that he secured it fair and square from business men
that moved overseas and had been trying to sell it for years. Apparently
no one wanted it because it’s creepy like.
“Mk who is that man? And why is he naked?” she gapes at me when I
open her door,
“He is a wolf, don’t worry about him” I dismiss her and gesture that she
should step out with my head,
“That’s not a wolf. That is a man and why is he naked?” Ayi! Whatever
“Get out!” I did say I have zero patience in me,
“I’m not going anywhere until I see your wife” and that one is not going
to happen,
“Listen here Zee. I’m a hunter that preys for a reason. I don’t just kill for
no reason, you press my button and piss me off and my response is
elimination” she gulps. She is not sure where I’m going with this,
“I brought you here to strengthen my pack’s quarters with your blood and
head” she freezes. Right now she can see that there is no joke in anything
I said,
“We have a son together” I don’t miss the terror in her tone,
“I’m not even sure how I feel about that boy” so the son card doesn’t even
touch me,
“Mk don’t do this. I’m sorry. I’ll leave and disappear like I was never here”
unfortunately I don’t negotiate when it comes to my queen’s happiness.
She threatened it and it’s where I draw the line,

“You see now there is four of them” she glances up on the wooden ranks
and now find four naked men holding on the ranks. They are only waiting
for command,
“I’m going to step away from this door. I need you to run as fast as you
can. Run like your life depends on it. When I give them the order, they
are going to hunt you down and rip you into pieces. Your head will be
chopped off your body and skinned. I’m going to hang it on those trees we
passed on when we drove in here as an indication for any human that
might trespass here to see that this is no place for humans” I’m so nice I
give her all the information and reason behind her death,
“Mk please” hai!
“Okay” I glance at my rolex. The time reads 14:22,
“I’m giving you 30 minutes to try and save your life. Run Zee. Run and
don’t look back” I step aside from the door so she can step out of the
vehicle. She glares at me and then up at the four guys naked on the
wooden rank. She doesn’t believe me that they are wolfs.
“Our sacrificial lamb requires a bit of demonstration guys!” I shout up
above the car. Tom is a sick head. The smirk on his face tells me that he
is grabbing this opportunity with two hands. He takes two to three steps
backwards and jump up the ranks landing before the car. He lands black
furred wolf seething to feed. His blue eyes glare right inside the car. His
fangs sharpen against each other readying to eat some meat.
I only realize that Zee has moved when a force passes beside me like a
gust of wind. The traumatized Zitha who could barely walk is running
the Caster Semenya type of race. She is out of side in 10 minutes. I glance
at my watch and wait for the 30 minutes window I gave her. I’m a very
fair guy. The guys all transform and wait for the negotiated time. I don’t
even worry about them catching her. Wolves are way much faster than
humans. In less than ten minutes her head will be presented before me
and I’ll do the honors of hanging it on the first tree that welcomes one to
this place.

I’m a happy bride, not because of my husband but because of my legs. I
can walk again. Hail the gods of the Dlomo house. I took a picture of my
beautiful model legs and updated my WhatsApp profile picture. I’m very
grateful for this miracle. For a minute there I thought I would be a
vegetable till I die.
I had to start in my room for a bath and then searched for my phone
which I found in my drawer. Everyone was worried about me. All the
messages that flooded in I’ll respond after cooking for my in laws. I have
been a sick daughter in law since I arrived. It’s time for me to show them
that I’m a secret chef in making.

The moment I walk in to the kitchen everyone literally runs out. Last I
checked I’m not even that scary. I haven’t even said hello but they are all
out like I chased them out. I’m left with that beautiful pregnant doll that
belongs to abuti Sakhe. She is one of those beautiful with model figures.
Her belly is out there carrying a child but I can see she is a beautiful
petite woman,
“Hey” I nicely greet flashing my teeth,
“Hello” she returns my greeting with the same effort. Her straight set of
teeth gives me ideas. I didn’t realize I have crooked teeth until I saw hers,
*Don’t you dare!* Akela barks before I can even think it. The thought
of those wires that fix teeth just crossed my mind,
“I’m Tlotla” I give her my hand. We were introduced but I was too sick to
actually pay attention. I don’t even remember her name,
“I’m Milani, Gcino’s mother” she receives my hand. She feels warm and
caring. She is a bit older than me so I have to hold my brakes here,
“I have met Gcino, she talks” I say instead of saying she is a wet mouth.
She laughs out loud,
“She took after her father. Shouldn’t you be resting?” I’m not sick
anymore. I feel alive and ready to start my kotizing,
“I’m okay ausi Milani. I was wondering if you could show me everything.
I want to cook”
She is smiles,
“Don’t call me ausi Milani. Milani is just fine. There is a chef here and
Mrs. Dlomo is also a chef as well though she never finished her coarse”
she whispers the last part and we both laugh,
“Well I’m a chef that learned from my late grandmothers as well” she
continues to laugh,
“I would really like to cook and do something. I feel like I’m not doing the
things I’m supposed to do as bride” I add after we compose ourselves,
“You really don’t have to do anything. There are helpers left, right and
center. But if you insist on cooking for your in laws I’ll not stand in your
way. I’ll sit here and tell you where everything is” she perches herself on
the kitchen stool. I hope I have the strength to wash the dishes and clean
up when I’m done. I wash my hands in the sink first and follow her word
telling me where everything is.

“TLOTLA!” We are both a bit startled by Mr. Dlomo standing by the

kitchen entrance. He is shocked to see me on my two feet.
“Baba” that ‘baba’ comes painful up my throat. I have always called him
baba copying the twins but now that I really have to it feels like I’m
betraying my sotho. Papa sounds way better that baba.
“Jesus should you be standing!” he exclaims walking around the counter
to inspect my legs. He is astounded.
“I’m actually fine baba and I have a message for you” he frowns and ask,
“From who?”
“From ntata Gumede. I think we should sit down” I don’t want to talk
about his ancestors standing in the middle of the kitchen,
“Make me your special tea and follow me to the dining room” I’m left
smiling. I used to serve him a lot to impress him when I was young. He
used to say my tea was special. There wasn’t even anything added to it
but just me and my forward self.
He squeezes ausi Milani’s shoulder and leaves us both smiling.
“Should I call the chef to continue with your cooking?” Ausi Milani asks
when I switch to making tea,
“No. I’ll not be long. I’ll finish off when I come back” she nods.

Mr. Dlomo is sitting with his wife. I’m only glad that I brought a tea pot
and set of mugs on a tray. I take a seat opposite to them and wait for
them to help themselves. My mother should be proud. I saw a dozen of
her messages reminding me to clean after myself. She needs not to worry,
I got this makoti thing. I’m going to clean that kitchen like I’m an
ambassador of Mr. Mean when I’m done cooking.
“This is nice baby” Mrs. Dlomo is sweeter than sugar. She say taking her
second sip of my special tea,
“We are both ears Mamolapo” Mr. Dlomo allows drinking his tea as well,
“Ntate Gumede came to me in sleep. He asked that I open the hut and
continue with his work until my daughter is of age to do so herself” they
both nod,
“Then he showed me a creepy old man whom he called Mkhonto senior.
There was Ndlovukazi and bab Zwe as well. Mkhonto senior and
Ndlovukazi had their backs reflected on us. Bab Zwe ena was looking at
us but he also turned when Mkhonto senior put his arm around
Ndlovukazi. He said there is war going on that side. The two brothers are
fighting over Ndlovukazi. He said it’s us who’ll continue to suffer the
consequences of that war. He also said I should tell you to appease your
father” I hope that all summarizes what I was told in the hut this
For a minute they are both just staring at me until Mr. Dlomo sighs,
“How do I appease that impulsive stone head father of mine?”
“Says his impulsive stone head son” Mrs. Dlomo throws before I can
“He said he’ll come to me again with the procedures of the appeasing
ceremony. He said we should get him to look back at us because now he
is reflected us” I add
He sighs,
“Ay! Ngiyabonga makoti I hear you” (….Thank you makoti…….) he say
in a strained tone. I offer them a nod and try to get back to my pots but
Mrs. Dlomo stops me,
“Where is your husband?” she asks,
“I haven’t seen that creature sin…….eish!” my tongue! They are both
“I haven’t seen him since he left me in the hut” I correct myself
“Have you two talked about Mike?” she continues to ask,
I shake my head no. We didn’t really talk about him but fought about
“You two need to talk about him and reach a conclusion fast. He is got a
pending naming ceremony and being properly introduced to his
forefathers. I don’t want no 16 year old Mike Dlomo for a grandson”
maybe my ears are deceiving me. I blink and ask,
“How old is the boy?”
She frowns,
“16. Haven’t you seen him?” I’m 21, I’m 5 years older than my step son. I
thought he was an ugly little boy like this mother,
“Seen him where?” I ask.
Mr. Dlomo glares at her. Somehow I can tell he doesn’t want her telling
me all this,
“Mike is right in this house. This is his home” I didn’t dispute that, but
that creature could have given me the heads up,
“And where is his mother?” I hope this is not her home as well,
“You don’t need to worry about her. You can go back to….whatever you
were doing makoti” Mr. Dlomo dismisses me staring at his wife. He
doesn’t look happy, maybe because I’m not happy as well. I feel like
marabe a Mkhonto told me half-truths. (I feel like the puff rider Mkhonto
told me half-truths)
Dinner is great. Everyone is complementing my top notch chef skills.
Maybe now that I’m belong in SA I can enter Masterchef SA. I never
really doubt my cooking skills. My only mistake was giving the help an
afternoon off and saying I’ll do everything myself. All this empty dishes
must be collected and washed. I doubt ausi Mila will help me. She is
already yawning.
I need to think of something fast. Akela gives me an idea to dodge the
dishes and I go with it. Conversation is flowing happily around the table.
I keep my eyes on Mr. Dlomo without even as much flinching. Eventually
everyone is staring at me. My lair husband touches me and only then I
jump a bit startled,
“Are you okay?” he lowly asks but the whole table is hearing. He arrived
while I was setting the table. I didn’t confront him of anything or became
cold towards him. Our fight will remain in our bedroom. I don’t want his
family getting involved in our squabbles.
“Ntate Gumede is trying to tell me something but I can’t connect to him
properly. I think I need to lay down a bit”
“Is it about me?” Mr. Dlomo asks pointing on his chest. He was my target
for an escape. I’m not doing dishes when I cooked a storm for them,
“I’m not sure but he was just standing behind you” everyone glare at him.
I’m so happy that Mhambi and Ngelosi are back to school. Mhambi would
know that I’m lying,
“Your right, maybe you should go lay down a bit” Mrs. Dlomo suggest,
“Eish Maa! I’ll go after doing the dishes” I try to stand and fake dizziness,
“Nonsense maan! There are people hired to do everything here!” Mr.
Dlomo barks. My creature is got me gently pinned in his arms as he takes
me away from the table,
“It’s this seer thing baby, I see things” this is the last words I have as he
climbs the stairs with me. Everyone is really worried,
“It must be really heavy on her” I hear Mrs. Dlomo worriedly say as we
disappear up the stairs. The act is ending immediately when we enter
our room. No dishes for me tonight. I can’t help but grin.

He is a bit stunned when I jump off his arms the minute we enter our
bedroom. I’m ranging fire,
“Weren’t you sick a moment ago” he looks at the door and then at me
fighting out of the long dress,
“Sit there and don’t move!” I need a quick trip under the shower spray
tap and come back to chow his head off.
To my luck he hasn’t moved. He sits by the edge of the bed waiting on
me. His naked pervert ways has gotten into me. I don’t dress but stand
before him naked.
“Why didn’t you tell me that your son is here?” my hands sits on my waits,
He pulls me to his lap,
“Remember when I said there is more I still had to tell you but you were
too mad to listen” I sigh, I remember he did say that,
“Where is his mother?” I ask,
“Don’t worry your lying seer self about that” by now he can tell that I
pulled a stunt to ditch dishes. We both laugh,
“I’m really sorry for hurting you today my queen. And I’m so happy to see
you back on your feet” he pecks my nose,
“Why haven’t I met him?” I’m still stuck on his son,
“Who?” there is confusion written on his face,
“Your son”
“You owe me” he is dismissing me. His palm sits on my thigh and he
brushes his way up,
“I owe you what?”
“This” I gasp as he forcefully grabs on my lady. Akela gave him access by
pulling my legs apart,
“It’s an insult to the Dlomos to have a married woman with hymen closing
up their kraal” he adds slightly touching on me with his eyes staring deep
in mine,
I honestly forgot about that. I was too sick to think of sex.
“I need to see the doctor first” I never went when my mothers forced me
to go,
“Why?” he is playing with me so nice,
“I need to finish my studies before we have babies” it’s very difficult to
have this conversation while he plays with me,
“Babe we breed in seasons, you’ll not catch until it’s my season” my
brother Lerotholi is the results of the ‘we breed in seasons’ my mother
said not to fall for this trap because the human side of me conceives
whenever a sperm swims to the pond,
“I’ll still be comfortable being on contraceptives. Unless you want us to
use condoms”
He clicks his tongue and puts me on the bed,
“I’m allergic to that shit” no wonder he makes boMike. He holds his
aroused giant in his hand trying to disappear to the bathroom but I
“My Khehla come back here” he frowns but takes gentle reverse steps to
“I don’t want you ever impregnating anyone but me” I say looking up at
him. I’m still seated on the bed and he is standing,
“I’ll never do that to you again. I told you it was a mistake”
“Then you don’t mind me making sure that the same mistake doesn’t
happen again akere?” his frown deepens,
“Wena this seer thing is running to your head, what are you saying?”
“I want your dick to wake for me only. There is no need for it to wake up
for other women when you have me only for life”
He clicks his tongue again and attempt to leave but I stop,

“Khonto if you don’t let me test my powers on your dick I’m not going to
sleep with you” because he wants sex that much with me he stops. Slowly
comes back and stand before me,
“This is man abuse” I laugh,
“Don’t worry baby, your wife is as territorial as you. I don’t like sharing
at all” he doesn’t fight me when I undo his zipper and pull down his pants
and boxers at the same time,
*God of wolves! This man is carrying a cucumber girl, not a
carrot* Akela exclaims at the beautiful big giant before our eyes,
*That’s my father, behave!* I reprimand her. I don’t want to be
thinking of my father when I’m looking at my husband’s dick
“My queen are you seriously doing this?” he thinks I’m joking? I’m not
going to be a white witch that gets cheated on when I can do something
about it,
“Spread your legs a bit wider for me baby” he unleashed the pervert in
me when he kept undressing me and doing things to me. Now I’m no
longer shy to stare at his dick.
I don’t want even his balls to react for another woman. Everything he is
will react only to me. Mike is the last son he makes for me outside this
I summon my white witch powers by rubbing my palms against another.
The stiffness of his dick falls when he sees the white cloud forming
against my hands. Usually my touch arouses him but this one has his
dick acting like a cucumber that’s lived more than it should in the fridge.
It’s soft and shows no life. This is how I want it to be for all the thirsty
women out there,
“With my white witches powers I curse this dick of mine to remain like
this for every woman but me” I brush is fallen soldier with my palms. He
still doesn’t stand together with the two police on either his side,
“It will work and function very well for me and me only” when my shine
dims in my hands I know it’s done,
*Kiss it!* Akela pushes me. Before I know it I just pecked my husband’s
rotten cucumber,
“Off you go baby, we are done” I spank his rock hard butt,
“I feel like you just raped me!” he mumbles disappearing into the
bathroom. Serves him right. No more Mikes for me. One is enough.

There is a bottle of cognac modelling its full capacity on the brother’s
table. They all seem to be babying their glasses. They were supposed to
be talking shit out but no one wants to go first. Muzi is the only one
without stress on the table. He keeps throwing his eyes at the three
stressed Dlomo sons,
“Okay dogs, I have had it with all of you. You go first King” Muzi points
at Mkhonto first. He is had it with this stressed table. They are in a
freaking bar for pete sakes! They should be wasted, not stressed.
Mkhonto heaves a sigh after throwing the last of his cognac down his
throat. Tlotla didn’t argue with him when he asked to come chill with his
brothers. He needed that after what she had just done to him,
“Khuluma ndoda!” (Speak up man!) Muzi is impatient. He hits the bottom
of his glass to snap Mkhonto out of his mind,
“Fuseg nja!” (Piss off dog!) Mkhonto snaps pouring himself another glass.
What he is going to tell them needs another gulp,
“I think my queen cursed my dick” he confesses and gulps his alcohol.
The others shoot out the alcohol out of their mouths gasping,
“The hell!” Zizwe exclaims out loud,
“Are you for real?” Muzi adds in his own shock,
Sakhe is still holding his glass that was on it’s way to his mouth staring
at him in shock,
“I’m sitting here with a cursed dick” he repeats so they don’t ask again,
“Why?” Sakhe finally asks in what comes out almost as whisper,
“She doesn’t want me making more babies outside our marriage” Sakhe
“So she just cursed you to stop making babies?” Muzi needs clarity. He
looks too traumatized to be just cursed to stop making babies,
“No, she cursed my dick to erect for her only” silence. Everyone glares at
him to take that back but when he doesn’t they all burst out laughing,
“So you don’t feel anything for any other woman?” Zizwe questions,
“Bro I watched porn when I was in the bathroom but it felt like watching
something so cruel. My dick didn’t even react. I don’t usually come off on
porn but my dick reacts when I watch it. Today watching that shit felt
like being thrown with cold water on cold day” Mkhonto
“Even if we call a woman now to touch you, you’re saying Dlomo will not
wake up?” Sakhe questions,
“That woman must be my wife, other than that I’ll just embarrass myself”
They laugh at him. At least his stress is not that bad,

“Sakhe, its’s your turn” Muzi turns gears to Sakhe when they have
recovered from Mkhonto’s dick matters,
“Mila doesn’t love me anymore” he confesses,
“And what makes you say that? Did she say it?” Mkhonto asks,
“Does she need to say it? Lately she’d rather be alone than be with me”
they dated from a tender age. Broke up and made up couple of times,
“I don’t think she doesn’t love you anymore, you two need to sit down and
talk things through” Mkhonto advises. From the little he is seen since he
came back home, Mila is longing for Sakhe’s attention,
“I tried but she told me that I annoy her when I kept at it” Sakhe defends
“You need to keep in my mind that mamas is heavily pregnant, her mind
is multiplied by two because of the young one as well” Zizwe adds in as
“But apart from pregnancy and all, when are you planning on making an
honest woman out of Mila?” Mkhonto’s question invites a frown on Sakhe,
“Make an honest woman? What do you mean?” he is a bit confused,
“Siphosakhe Dlomo I don’t know if your stupid or not but no woman
wants to ride a stagnant train. Yes you have dated, loved each other and
made beautiful babies, the next step is marriage bro” Mkhonto enlightens
“You don’t even know why you’re not marrying the poor girl, do you love
her to wife her?” Mkhonto continues to ask,
“Of course. Mila is my everything”
“Then why haven’t you done right by her?” Mkhonto’s follow up question
leaves him frowned. For a moment he is in his thoughts thinking,
“To be honest I think I just got comfortable. She is the mother of my
children, lives with me and does everything a wife does for a husband. I
got too comfortable and forgot that we still needed that phase even
though we had already jumped into it without following the proper
procedure” he honestly shares with his brothers,
“I think your therapy session is covered and you have a way forward to
your sorrows now” Muzi remarks at Sakhe and then turns to Zizwe,

“It’s time for you to leave it on the table as well. I Dr. Phil will do the
honors of helping you like I helped the cursed dick and the unmarried
couple living like a married couple” they laugh,
“Your slick but don’t compare yourself to Dr. Phil” Sakhe
“Well, I have woman problems as well” Zizwe shares with a sigh,
“Is it Buhle?” Sakhe throws the question in horror. He dated a psycho
that they were all relieved when they broke up,
“WHAT? NO” the horror on his face invites laughter to his brothers,
“There is this beautiful thing at work. She started before we went to
Lesotho. I have been trying to get that girl but she just won’t even look
at me” Zizwe. This is the first, they usually get any girl they want because
of their looks and status. The frustration on his face makes all the others
laugh at him,
“You really feeling her?” Muzi questions,
“Bafo, that chick is on my mind every day. Her smile, her walk, her legs,
fuck her hands………”
“HOOOO!” Sakhe pauses him,
“You have touched each other already?” he continues to ask
“No. Not like that. Thing is, she is the new cleaner at work and…….”
“Geez man! You messing up with the help now?” Muzi interjects him,
“You know how much that pisses Dlomo off” their father hates it when
they mess with his employees,
“Relax. I haven’t done anything with her. I just saw a girl I love and I
have been trying to persuade her. We only touched by mistake when she
was trying to give me a file I had dropped” Zizwe explains. The bottle on
their table is now the third one. Alcohol is really starting to take a toll on
“I don’t give a fly whether she works for Dlomo or not. What’s her reason
for not giving you a chance?” Sakhe asks,
“She says I’m her boss and she too high for her. The fuck that even means
because I don’t get it” they laugh at him,
“Do you know where she lives?” Mkhonto asks drunk as fuck. He can
barely keep his eyes open,
“Yeah. I have dropped her twice at her place”
“Let’s get you your girl!” he is on his feet staggering. Sakhe is right behind
him. Zizwe is flying for the opportunity,
“Guys! Guys come on, you’re all too drunk. Maybe tomorrow
“Here. You’re the driver!” Mkhonto throws his Mercedes Benz AMG keys
at him. He is too drunk to be behind the wheel. The three drunkards all
throw themselves at the back,
TODAY!” the drunkards sing at the back. He doesn’t have a good feeling
about this. He hopes the girl’s father is got some dogs to chase them with.
“Where am I going?” he asks staring on his rear review mirror. Sakhe
takes out another bottle under his coat. They all rejoice to it and share
the bottle,
“Drive ndoda! Get the fuck out of this place I’ll direct you” Zizwe barks.
He is ruining their joy. He hopes they make it to the right house because
right now it looks like alcohol is taken his brothers.
Zizwe better have not brought them the wrong place. He just told him to
stop the car in front of a shack that looks like its survived apartheid,
Hitler and the devastating floods constantly hitting KZN. Muzi is not
sure why someone who works for Dlomo Empire would stay in such a
place. Even if they are just cleaners he is sure his father pays his
employees well to afford a place better than this.
“Zizwe are you sure this is the right place?” Muzi asks,
The response comes with the car door being opened. He jumps out and
Sakhe is behind him. Mkhonto on the other hand is sleeping. He is never
been really good friends with alcohol. The predator hates being
intoxicated. He shuts him down when he is drunk. Muzi locks him inside
his car and hurry behind the two drunken master knocking on the door
of the shack,
“Zanele vula baby!” (Zanele open baby!) he is too loud. The neighbor are
starting to peep out through the windows,
“It’s me, Zizwe wakho. I brought two goats with me” (……., your Zizwe….)
he adds still very loud asking to be let in,
“The other goat is in the car. It’s 11 of them!” Alcohol!
“I’m a goat!” Sakhe is clapping his hands. This is an achievement. Muzi
wants the world to open up and hide him,
“Please Masombuka, vula mkoneni indoda iyabanda” (……your man is
cold) the door slowly creaks open. What stands before them is a girl
wearing an EFF red shirt and tights. There is a pantyhose that deserves
to be thrown away or burnt in hell on her head.
At first she is just shocked staring at her three drunk bosses standing at
her door. She can tell the difference between Zizwe and Muzi. Some
people fail and it takes time for them to tell them apart. But she knows
the one who is dropped her here twice. The one she is been having
sleepless nights of since the day they mistakenly touched,

“Sawubona Mkoneni, can we come in?” Zizwe’s smile could warm the
entire of KZN. He is staring down at the short girl like he is seeing an
“No, what are you doing here?” Zanele asks in a whisper,
“I miss you, you haven’t replied to any of my text”
“That’s because I blocked you. I told you I don’t love you” she speaks fast.
One needs to really keep up to hear her,
“Why?” the question comes from Sakhe. He pushes Zizwe out of the way
and stand before Zanele. Her voice escapes her when she has to answer
this one. She drops her eyes failing to look at him,
“Zaza is everything alright?” there is a man standing behind them. He
asks through the darkness trying to play savior,
“Everything is alright Vusi” Zanele,
“Do you want me to stay?” Vusi being the good citizen asks,
“Fokof lana wena, your mother’s goat. You heard her!” Sakhe barks at
the Vusi guy who quickly eliminates himself.
Zanele moves from the door so they all come in. People are starting to
come out in numbers to see the commotion. The shack is too small. Zizwe
hits the top of the door trying to get in. He bends his head and finally
enters. Sakhe is behind him hitting the top as well. He is too wasted.
Muzi follows to make sure they don’t scare the poor girl. At least he
doesn’t beat up anything because he is too sober to see where he is going.

The inside of a shack is too beautiful compared to the outside. There is a

small bed, one chair, a cupboard with a two plate stove on top and then
two 20liters buckets of water sitting on top of the other. That’s all that
makes the room. And the huge bath basin hanging behind the door.
She is grabbed a towel and fastened it on her waist. Muzi took the chair
while Sakhe sat but flat on the floor. Zizwe threw himself on the bed. The
owner of the house is standing in the middle stunned.
“I’m Muzi, this is Sakhe and that is your man Zizwe. We just
accompanied him to come see you” Muzi tells the shocked Zanele,
“He says you’re not giving him a chance, what’s your problem because my
brother is beautiful?” Sakhe asks sitting butt flat with his legs spread out
like he is about to put a basin of washing between his legs,
Muzi pokes him. He needs to play nice. The poor girl is scared,
“You can sit down Zaza, we’ll not harm you” Muzi say staring at her. She
looks really shaken,
“Come sleep next to your man baby” Zizwe pats the space next to him on
the bed. He is too tall for that bed. His feet hang outside the bed,
“I’m not your baby. I told you we cannot date” oh she does speak when
she speaks to Zizwe. The others she is just staring at them in shock.
“Why?” Zizwe gets on his feet. He cannot stand up straight inside the
shack. He has to bend his head. He towers above her in question,
“Why Zaza? Don’t I deserve your love? Am I not worthy of having your
beautiful face and heart to call mine? Why can’t I be your man Zanele
Masombuka?” it’s very hard to say no to him when he is face to face to
her like this. The spark and the chemistry is there but she refuses to be
used by royal men who’ll run for the hills to marry their chosen brides
after falling in love with them,
“We just can’t, you’re my boss” her tone fails her, it doesn’t come as stern
as she would have liked,
“I’ll quit my job if that’s the problem” she chuckles shaking her head,
“Can you please leave my house, you’re not supposed to even be here” she
throws herself on the bed with a sigh,
“Im not going anywhere Zanele. I want to be your man. I’m not leaving
your side until you agree to be my husband” Muzi and Zanele laugh. He
doesn’t see anything wrong with what he said,
“Why are you laughing with my girl?” Zizwe angrily questions Muzi,
“Get out. Take your brother and leave me with my girl” he helps pick
Sakhe up and throws them out. “I don’t ever want to see you two ever
again!” he shuts the door behind them. Zanele is left with a grinning man.
“Kudliwani sthandwa sami, I’m very hungry” (What’s for dinner my
love?.......) he chased his brothers to be alone with her.
She is never had a man in here before, especially a man of his calibre.
His smile softens her cold heart. She really doesn’t want to give this man
a chance but there is just something about him,
“I can warm up uphuthu and make you eggs” she really wanted to say no.
But he is too cute to say no to face to face,
“I would like that very much sthandwa” he sits on the bed. He is suddenly
not as drunk as he was when he arrived. His eyes doesn’t leave her. She
warms the little pot pulled from the cupboard and makes him some eggs.
Everything she uses she wipes first. Spoons plates and all. In the end he
is represented with a plate of uphuthu, eggs and archar. There is very
hot glass of fusion juice accompanying the meal. Every relationship starts
somewhere, this is where theirs starts.
“Ngiyabonga mama” (Thank you mama) a blush sweeps her face. He is
leaving here with a solid answer today.

He came back home drunk last night. He couldn’t even stand up straight.
He threw his body on the bed and instantly slept. I had to struggle
helping him out of his jeans and shoes.
I have just been woken by my alarm o’clock which I had set to ring at
05:00 in the morning. I want to take a 10 minutes strength nap before I
really wake but I know it will lead to 10 more minutes which will end up
being 09:00 in the morning. I honestly applaud people who wake up at
the first ring of an alarm. They are legends shame! My real alarm time
has to be led by three more alarms. Other than that I’ll not wake up.
But today I understand why I woke up at the first ring. I slept next to a
sheeben. My poor nose and lungs suffered the abuse the entire night. He
snores like a starts and answers his song when he is drunk. I felt like I
was listening to Masisilia a st. Paul the entire night. His snoring is
unique shame, it goes high and low.

My first stop is the bathroom. I clean up and make sure to remember to

collect my dirty clothes from the floor. They go to the laundry basket. My
mother always barked at me about that chair that used to put partially
dirty clothes in my room. ‘If you wore it take it to the laundry basket
Tlotla! It’s dirty!’ modimo! Clean people will annoy you. Personally I
think things like dirty plates and clothes should be burned after being
used. I hate those house chores with everything in me.
I have to remind myself that this is not my mother’s house. As much as I
hate them, I have to do them. I know they say I cannot do anything but
I’m still a new bride and people are looking at me. This is why I woke up
at witch hours to sweep the yard. Ka Sesotho rere ngwetsi e fehela
mabala hoseng – a bride sweeps the yards early in the morning.
I already feel sick before I even do it, but I’m going to. Then I have to
attend the hut and really clean it. I hope I’m done by the time Khonto
wakes up because I want him to take me to school to register today. I’m
sparing only this week. Next week I want to cover up what I missed and
continue with my studies.

“Dumelang” honestly I’m very beautiful for this women to be this shaken
at my sight. They want to run again but today I’m standing right by the
entrance. I just walked in the kitchen and found the helpers who looks
really scared of me,
“My princess!” one comes closer to me and bows,
“You don’t have to do that ausi. You can call me Tlotla” she smiles
“Where can I find the brooms?” I ask,
“If you may please follow me, my princess” sigh!
I tail her. She leads me to a room not far from the kitchen. It’s small.
They keep all the cleaning equipment in here. I pick the standing broom.
I don’t want to be bending the entire yard.
“Thank you” she smiles and nod turning back to the kitchen while I make
my way outside the house.

I feel like an orphan as I take the stairs down to the ground. This is
woman abuse. Why do I have to sweep the yard? I don’t want to do this
with everything in me but then again I’m trying to impress my in-laws
and hide how lazy I really am.
I plug my earphones and choose the saddest song before I start. This is
the saddest task I have ever done. It deserves one of those gospel songs
that always makes one cry. Pity I left my iPod in my room. Music from
my phone will do. Seasons by Lloyiso helps me start the torture. It’s not
as bad as I thought with the sad music bursting in my ears. I don’t know
when the music changed but I’m somewhere on Makhadzi and I’m
shaking my waist. Maybe I should do my chore with music on from now
on. When I reach the gate I realize that I actually did it. I’m done. My
mother needs to see this. I take couple of pictures of the swept ground
and send them to her WhatsApp. It’s just after six o’clock in the morning.
She’ll wake up to them.
Now my second task is the hut. I have to abandon the Makhadzi making
me dance on this one. Everything about the hut is calm and peaceful.
Standing just outside the door I feel like I just stepped in a different
I remembered to take the key to the hut with but I forgot to bring the
cleaning products and mops. Now I’m back to feeling like an orphan when
I think of climbing those long ass stairs once again and coming back here.
I don’t know what I’m going to do but I’m not going up there and coming
down here…..thank god!
To my luck a very tall creature that looks like all the Dlomo makes his
way this way. My borrowed seer gift tells me who he is as he nears. It’s
my step son. He is taller than me. To think I thought he was just a little
boy. Sigh!
But he’ll do. I’m his mother and this is how we meet,

“Mickey, come here my boy!” I call him over. For a minute he stares at
me frozen. We have never been introduced and I have never seen him
until today,
“Fast papa hle I need to work” I don’t want to sit down because the
moment I do, it will be game over for me.
He comes. His feet are suddenly heavy and he looks a bit scared,
“Listen papa, I’m your step mother, you know me, akere?” he is up there.
I have to look up at him as if I’m looking at a pole,
He shakes his head no,
“Well I’m your step mother hee I’m telling you. O ko potlake o tle le mop,
bucket, handy Andy, Mr. Mean ledi duster” (…..Please hurry and bring
me a mop………..and some dusters) he doesn’t move. He is still just
staring down at me until it clicks that he probably doesn’t understand
“Oh sorry my boy. I forgot that you cannot understand Sotho. Please
bring me………”
“I…I… Keya seutlwa” he doesn’t blink. He glares down at me with a
look that is similar to his fathers’. I hold his stare because I don’t
understand if he is protesting or he is trying to study me,
*Or he is got hots on us* I almost roll my eyes. Akela can be so
impossible. I have been slaving alone but the moment there is a presence
of a man she is suddenly awake,
“Mickey” I snap my fingers before his eyes to bring him back. He is still
just staring at me,
“Is that all you’ll need?” he finally asks. His glare has softened,
“Yes. But if it’s not too much maybe you can bring me some hot water as
well in the bucket” there is a tap nearby. I was going to use it but hot
water would really help.
He smiles,
“Anything for you!” he happily say and run. I can feel Akela’s glare on
*The only man you have ever known how to crush is our bae. Listen
to me, that kid is got a crush on you. That’s not a look one gives
their step mother* Akela wants to stress me. All this energy I have will
die if I focus on her nonsense. I choose to ignore her and wait for Mike.
I’ll look into this speculations of hers. She can be too wild.
She is nervous. The day her father and Chris finally meet is today. She
was sad when he told her through the phone that he is moving to South
Africa. She thought that was the end of her first relationship but Chris
wasn’t worried at all. He calls every chance he gets and tells her about
their new home. He cannot wait to bring her this side to see their new
home. He sounds happier and more alive in South Africa. It worries her
that they might not make it because of the distance but Chris seems to
not be worried.
She was happy when he called her in the morning and told her that he is
in town. She thought he wasn’t going to make it to meet the king but he
She is tried on every dress she owns but nothing is fitting the occassion.
It’s in days like this when she misses Tlotla.
Her mother knocks and walks in her room after she is given her
permission. She is totally moved back home. She holds a big wrapped gift

“Maa” she acknowledges her with a smile. She loves this woman. She is
the only mother she knows after her mother left and never came back,
“Come here” Mamolapo pats the space next to her on the bed. She sits
beside her mother staring at the big box,
“I bought you this. I want you to wear it at the lunch date with your father
and boyfriend” somehow everyone is cool with her having a boyfriend. No
one is making things difficult for her.
She unwraps the box and opens it. It carries a beautiful lbd that will
definitely look good on her. It’s not too short, just short enough how she
likes her dresses,
“Thank you so much maa” she throws herself on her. She is been battling
with her wardrobe since morning,
“Are you coming with?” she doesn’t mind her coming along. Chris will be
happy to meet her as well,
“No. Your father needs this alone with you and him” she doesn’t know
what that means but she doesn’t ask questions,
“Dress up. I’m going to do your make up when you’re done” she laughs.
Hopefully Chris will love the dress, the image and all.

The restaurant was already booked out. Chris worries that he is a bit late
when he finds the King’s two details standing outside the doors.
With a sigh he fixes himself and enters the restaurant. Father and
daughter sit alone in a beautiful restaurant. His wolf picks the King’s
wolf. He is not just a wolf, there is something heavy about him as well.
There is an animal clawing on his shadow.
“My king” he bows. Bohlokoa told him all on what to do and what to say.
The king laughs. He gets off his chair to shake his hand. They met at the
mating ceremony but it wasn’t like this,
“Chris Ahuja?” the king asks holding his hand,
Chris nods,
“King Seeiso Molapo I. It’s nice to finally meet you” they both take seats
after the handshake. Bohlokoa is sitting on her father’s side trying to
hide her smile,
“Papa this is my boyfriend” she shyly say looking down. Chris hates the
boyfriend title, he prefers the mate because it’s what he is but Bohlokoa
is still learning all the wolf terms,
“Can I have a moment alone with your boyfriend?” the king asks. She
doesn’t want to go but the look on Chris’s face is begging her.
“Don’t say mean things or shout at him papa please, I really really like
him” she whispers in her father’s ears before she gives them a chance.
Her father is left smiling. He never thought he would see his daughter so
Chris looks at her until she disappears. She looks amazing. He cannot
wait to tell her when they are alone. He hopes they get some alone time
before he leaves.
“What do you want from my daughter?” the king cuts straight to the
chase. He needs him to mark his territory now if he is. He questions as
soon as Bohlokoa is out of the restaurant,
“I can feel that you’re a hybrid as well my king. You understand mating.
You can feel that I’m your daughter’s mate. My answer to your question
is that I want to claim your daughter”
“Yes I understand mating but I need something from you before I bless
you two” Chris stares at him,
“I failed that little girl as father. I failed to be her hero. I need you to
promise me that you’ll fight heavens and earth to be my daughter’s hero.
She needs one man in her life to be her rock. I failed her so bad I’ll never
forgive myself but I’ll sleep peaceful knowing that she is in the arms of
the man that will kill for her and put her first” Chris smiles. He is already
her hero. She is opened up about things she is never told anyone to him
“Bohoko is my soul. I’ll carry her in my spirit even in death. Nothing or
no one will ever take priority above her” that’s all the king needs. He
needed to hear those words.
“You have my blessings to date my daughter Ahuja” he shakes his hand
once again standing up. He is not eating lunch with them,
“My king I think you don’t hear me. I want to claim her” Chris looks in
his eyes for emphasis,
“You two just started dating, you think she’ll agree?” the king asks,
“I know my way around her heart” the king laughs,
“Well in that case, good luck. I want 11 of my cows walking though” he
leaves him stunned. He is not sure what 11 cows has to do with him
claiming his mate.

She is not sure how they slept but they did. He snored the whole night
and the entire morning. She woke up and quickly bathed before he could
wake up. There wasn’t much to do except to wash the dishes she used in
the morning and fetch water from the tap. Since then she is been sitting
on the chair waiting on him to wake up. It’s heading to midday and he is
only starting to show the signs of waking up now. If he wasn’t snoring
she would have thought that he is dead.
“Hey beautiful” he is got some really sexy morning eyes. They are smaller
than their usual size.
She smiles. Her face always betrays her when it comes to this man. She
had everything planned in her head what to say and do but it all just flew
out of the window at his sexy voice and eyes,
“Why are you not in bed?” Zizwe asks.
He lays on top of the bed in a different blanket. She used the one she
folded when she woke. She couldn’t risk being in one blanket with him,
“How did you sleep?” she asks, ignoring his question,
“Like an angel. Come back to bed” he lazily pats the empty space besides
him on the bed,
“Sir you really need to leave” no he doesn’t. She doesn’t mean it either.
She enjoys his company but she is shy,
“Yeah. We both need to go” he climbs out of the bed. She wants to ask
where they are going but she is taken by his shirt riding up as he stands
and tries to stretch his arms in the small shack. Her eyes checks him out
while he pops his muscles,
“Like what you see?” he caught her staring,
She rolls her eyes,
“You can touch as well, I don’t bite”
“Sir…..” she freezes. He stoops down to her inches on her face,
“I told you I don’t like it when you call me sir. My name is Bhekizizwe
Dlomo. Those are my names. You can use any between the two but not
sir” she nods. He is got a pull in his eyes that lures her to obey,
“You look really beautiful” he is still face to face to her. She feels like the
chair she is sitting on is vibrating. His eyes demand her full attention,
“You fed me last night, it’s time for me to feed you today” he pecks her
cheek leaving her confused. He takes a sit on the bed and make a phone
The phone speaker is loud enough for her to hear what the other person
is saying at the end of the line,
‘My prince’ the person answers. It’s a male tone,
‘Where are you?’ Zizwe asks,
‘Five minutes from the house’ the response is said by the unknown voice,
‘Come closer, Mrs. Dlomo and I are coming out’ his eyes locks with hers
when he claims her as ‘Mrs. Dlomo’. She blushes.
“Let’s go baby” he say stretching out his hand to hers after he drops the
call. She hasn’t agreed to be his girl but it seems he is already made a
decision for her.
She is only glad she put on one of her few best dresses. The man held her
hand like she was his from when they walked out of her shack. The
neighbors were staring in whispers. She hates being the center of
attention with everything in her. She found herself trying to pull of his
tight hold but he only grabbed her harder.
A black SUV was parked outside her yard. They both took the back seat
while the two men she wasn’t introduced to took the front.
He brought her here. She is not sure if this is a hotel or what but the
place looks luxurious. There is a perfect girl behind the desk that
welcome them to the hotel. She looks happy and focused on him rather
than the lady besides him,
“Morning Nelisiwe” he greets the perfect girl when they reach her desk
“Morning Bheki” her grin is accompanied with a blush,
“Did any of my brothers sleep here?” he asks putting his hand out to
receive something. The girl hands him his penthouse access card. All the
brothers own a penthouse on top of their father’s hotel. They each have
their own houses here for when they want to do their unholy things. No
girlfriends is allowed at the royal house unless you’re sure that one is
going to carry the Dlomo surname.
“No Bheki. We have you only today” her smile keeps getting worse with
the conversation,
He nods at Nelisiwe with a smile and gestures that they should head to
the elevator with Zanele. Nelisiwe only notices the odd girl besides him
when he walks off with her. She must be a cleaner or something. She is
below his league,
“Uhm Bheki” Nelisiwe calls for him,
“Is sis looking for a job?” the penthouse is cleaned. The hotel stuff makes
sure to clean all their houses. She’ll not find anything to clean up there,
she can find her something to do down here than to go bother the
handsome prince,
“Excuse you?” Zizwe frowns,
“Ah her. I mean I can find her something to do down here if she is looking
for a job” she adds with a smile that is quickly replaced with an
embarrassment when Zizwe grabs Zanele’s hand. He hadn’t realized that
he had let go of her hand,
“Maybe you should find something to do yourself than to poke your nose
in my matters” he spits with a frown.
Nelisiwe drops her eyes,
“I’m sorry Bheki” she say,
“My prince will do from now on” back to square one. He pulls Zanele with.
She glares at them until they make it to the elevators. What the hell is
gotten into him to mess around with someone so low? She is wearing a
Mr. Price dress for Christ sake! Those sandals are probably from pep.
Yak maan!

The penthouse is beautiful. She feels out of place.

“Are you okay?” he asks. He senses the uneasiness in her.
“Yeah” she say throwing her eyes around the beautiful bright house.
Everything is white and beige.
“Make yourself comfortable and look through this while I quickly go
shower” he pulls a menu from drawer next to door and hands it to her,
“The lounge is this way. You can watch anything you like, I’ll not be long”
he pulls her with to the lounge. It’s beautiful and spacious.
She grins. He kisses her forehead and disappears down the passage. She
waits to hear the sound of the door closing. She doesn’t even sit. One
glance at the menu in her hand……she cannot even read through this
shit. She can read but she doesn’t know any of this nonsenses food written
here. The house is huge and something she is never even dreamed of
being inside. The only way inside would be her as a cleaner. The
receptionist lady was right. This is not her. It’s too much. She likes her
simple life just the way it is.
She puts the menu on the table and heads for the kitchen where she
walks out. He’ll have to understand that she is not meant to be with a
man like him. She hopes he doesn’t come after her and make things
difficult for her at work.
Credit must be given where it’s deserved. My husband’s son is a god sent
from heaven. He is been very helpful and hasn’t left my side. I don’t allow
him inside the hut though. His place is outside doing whatever…..
*Staring at you. It’s what he is doing* Akela interjects me. She is
convinced that we have a 16 year old crush,
….anyway, his place is outside the hut being readily available for my
disposal. I sent him around for anything.
The hut is clean and fresh. I feel like a slave when I’m done, but I’m proud
at the same time. This is the hardest I have ever worked in my life.
Tomorrow I’ll come back in here to light the candles and consult. It’s my
job until my daughter is born. For now I need to rest and freshen up. I
hope ausi Mila agree to accompany me to the doctor, but I doubt because
she is too heavily pregnant. I need to inject this ass before Khonto loses
patience with me. Or maybe he’ll come with me because I don’t know this
“You’re done?” it’s Mickey with that killer smile of his. I wish he would
teach his father how to display his teeth once in a while. He is standing
outside the hut like a pole. His hands are shoved in his pockets.
“Eya Mickey” he quickly grabs the bucket of dirty water for me. There is
a drain by the outside tap where he discards it and rinse the bucket. I’m
locking up the hut and putting the key inside my breast. I don’t have
breast to hold anything, but the vest beneath will hold it.
He comes back and take everything I have in hands. I don’t fight him or
try to argue because I’m dog tired.
“You look really worn out” he makes conversation. He is walking besides
me as we make our way back to the house,
“You have no idea boy. I’m exhausted” he nods. One thing I’ll give Akela
is her being right about him staring. He steals glances at me when he
thinks I’m not looking. But that cannot be a crush. Maybe he just find it
weird that I’m his step mother.

“Are you sure your married to that man?” I stop and glare at him,
“That man is your father?” I ask,
He shrugs. This explains why they don’t have a relationship. I have never
heard Khonto talk about him, yet they stay in the same house. And he
calls his father that man.
“That man is your father. You should call him something more befitting
than ‘that man’. And get to know him while at it” I know a father’s love
from the best. No child, old or not doesn’t deserve to have a relationship
with their father. I miss mine so bad right now but it hasn’t been even
two weeks without him,
“Why should I try when he doesn’t? It’s clear he hates me” his words are
accompanied with sadness. The borrowed gift in me draws on that. I feel
him, I feel his anger towards his father. He feels like a lost soul. He
doesn’t know any love. He had a mother…..i don’t know why his mother
is shown to me in late but it appears that she is no longer a vessel of this
He had a mother that gave birth to him. That’s the only part his mother
played in his life. She didn’t even give him a name. The name Mike he
was given by the vicious witch that held them captive all those years. The
witch is not shown much to me. I want to see her but something is hiding
“AUSI TLOTLA! AUSI TLOTLA!!” when I span out of it I’m standing
rooted before I have to take the stairs. It feels like my body was here but
my soul was taken to view his previous life. His Sotho is this perfect
because he was held in Lesotho since he was born. Everyone who was
around him that time spoke my language. He is still learning his home
“How do you feel about everything you went through?” I underseek. It’s
the seer soul sitting on my shoulders that wants to know. My question
takes him by surprise. I feel like the weight is getting heavier when he
dreads answering me,
I feel the need to shake my head and shoulders to chase the heaviness
sitting on my shoulders. This thing on my shoulder is getting heavy and
“KHULUMA!!” my knees fails to hold me. I’m on the ground clapping for
myself. There is something inside me. It speaks Zulu. I don’t do
‘Khulumas’ as yet. This boy left me and ran for his life instead of freeing
me with his answer. There is no coming up for me except the heaviness
that feels like it’s choking the life out of me. This seer thing is going to
mess with me.
When I wake up I find myself in my room. I’m in my panties and vest.
There is a very angry or annoyed husband occupying the occasional couch
in our room. His look is hard to read. The predator on the hand feels
worried. I can feel that he was worried.
“Hubby” I soften him, I can see that he is ready to spit rocks,
He clicks his tongue and subtly smiles,
“This seer thing is going to piss me off!” I did say I sense a bit of anger
and annoyance. I’m not sure what happened but I remember why I
passed out. I was shown into Mike’s life. It wasn’t very rosey. The
wolverine took his blood and used it to make a grown photocopy of him to
fool my husband. His mother’s motto of life was getting out of that place.
She forgot to love her son. He knows no love from mother and father.
“I’m enjoying it” I smile. I really am. I just wish to not pass out more.
“Tlotla I’m serious!” the way I hate this man calling my name. I want him
to call me his queen forever,
“Okay, I’m sorry but what do you want me to do baby” I crawl out of the
bed and sit on his lap. I know my touch is got some kind of calming effect
on him,
“Can’t you talk to this people and tell them to task someone else with this
seer thing? I was really worried when that boy barged in here screaming
that you had passed out” that boy! I have got work to do here,
“You know that cannot happen. I’m holding the ropes for your daughter”
he smiles, there is silliness his eyes.
His palm drops on my thigh while the other hand secures my waits. He
brushes on my thigh pecking my nipple through the white vest,
“I think we should skip the doctor’s appointment and make this daughter.
I really hate sharing you with my forefathers” what a jealous men I call
“But they are souls baby. They’ll not touch your thing” he laughs. His
hand trails up and I part my thighs a bit to make a path for him,
“I’m glad you know that not even a Dlomo ghost is supposed to touch her”
he is grabs on my lady on top of my panties,
“I’d hunt them in death and kill them over and over again” he would. I
see it in his eyes and feel it in his soul,
“But this is not fair my queen, look at the giant” he drop his eyes to his
crotch and I follow with mine. There is a statue of liberty erected beneath
his pants. It looks really bad.
“I have to take you to the doctor and wait for whatever shit they are going
to give you to work. Haven’t I been patient enough?” why is he guilt
dripping me now?
“It will probably take just a week for………”
“A WEEK?” he interrupts me whisking me on his waits. He is on his feet
with me heading for a bed,
“Khonto please, not today. I really don’t want to be a mother right now.
We talked about this” he throws me on the bed,
“I’ll pull out baby, I swear I’ll not leave my seed inside you” his tone is
suddenly hypnotic. I don’t believe him but my need for him is going to
give in.
He hovers me balanced on his hands before I can answer him. His lips
catches mine with a peck first, then he smashes them on mine thrusting
his tongue in my mouth to stroke mine. His other hand grabs on my boob.
He cups it and plays with my nipple,
“Please mommy, let me in my queen” the words are murmured in my
mouth. I really don’t want to do this before I’m sure I’ll be safe but my
body is betraying me,
“Hmm?” he pulls back in question, his eyes are glittering with raw vicious
need. The same need I see and feel in him, I feel it on myself. I have never
been so cornered. I want to say no but I want to say yes as well. The
intensity and heat in his eyes traps me. I feel like I’m pressed through a
narrow path,
He licks his lips and runs his tongue up my throat and sucks on my neck,
“I want to see my cock inside you my queen. I want to watch it move in
and out of you. I want to sweetly break this hymen and claim your cunt
for me. Please baby. You cursed a man’s dick, he starves for you only.
Have mercy on me,” I didn’t know I could be turned on by such dirty
Akela forces my legs out as a response. He chuckles on my neck. He feels
how much she and I both want him too,
“I don’t want to be a mother Khonto” I manage through the desire
burning my body,
“I’ll not make you a mother now, I promise” I guess I’m giving it up today.

He had been patient enough, but everyone is got limit and he had reached
his. Seeing his mate in those sexy white lacy panties made his dick throb
with need he couldn’t contain anymore. The predator had had enough of
the sexual hunger. He needed to taste her and it needed to happen right
on the day,
“I’m going to fuck you, akere baby?” his attempt to her language made
her laugh,
She nodded,
“But no babies Khonto” he promised. He hoped he would be able to pull
out but he doubted himself even before tasting her. Already her scent was
driving him and the predator crazy. Only her sexual scent, what more
when he is finally tasted her?
“I promise you love, I’ll pull out” he could tell he was going to pay dearly
for lying when the morning came. That’s the only time she’d wake and
feel if he left someone in her womb. Female wolfs shifters could tell the
exact hour they conceived. Their scents changes in a way that is not hard
to miss when carrying.
For once his ancestors took his side, they didn’t show her his unintended
intentions. If she conceives, they are married and mated. There is
nothing wrong with that.

He stepped out of the bed and stripped for her. He was in his vest and
joggers. He had been from his morning ran when the boy barged in
screaming that she had fainted.
She didn’t take her eyes off him as he disposed his vest off his ripped
body. That tattoo of her which ate up the entire skin of his shoulder and
arm made her bite on her bottom lip. He liked how much he feels his
mate. She didn’t need to voice her indecent thoughts. He could feel
everything about her through their mating bond. Akela was riding on her
hard in anticipation.
His joggers and boxers followed his vest on the floor. He stepped out of
them and set his angry hard looking giant free. When he first came into
her life she could barely look at it. Now she looks and licks her lips though
he could feel that she was trying to be strong passed the fear ripping
through her.
He pulled her with one leg to the edge of the bed when he was done. He
peeled her off her panties and got rid of her vest. She was utterly naked
as he wanted. Her small pink nipples were inviting but he was eager to
have the taste of her south wards region first.

“Are you ready for us to finally consummate our mating?” he asked

picking her back to the pillows and hovering over her. The wolf’s mating
isn’t complete until they completely mate sexually. After consummating
for the first time they cannot get their hands off each other. The feelings
and the bond just spirals out of control,
“Yeah” it came as a whisper. He could feel the fear radiating through her.
She wanted to do it but her heart was drumming like that of a scared
little girl. He wanted her forward and loud as she was,
“I want you to be yourself in this. Don’t think too much about it and trust
me, okay?” she nodded. She wasn’t as vocal as usual. It seemed she was
a bit shy between the sheets. Or she was shy when she its suit her
because she was stripping him and cursing his dick not so long ago.
He leaned down and pecked her lips. The predator refused to let them go,
he grabbed her bottom lip with his fangs gently grazing on it, she tasted
so soft and so delicate,
“I love this lips” he spoke through the kiss wetting her bottom lip. She
lowly moaned in response. He pulled off and stared at her lips. His thumb
brushed on them tenderly. He stared in adoration caressing her lips, they
were soft and inviting. He leaned down and kissed her again. It was a
loving claiming kiss this time. He slipped his tongue past hers and took
her mouth for everything it could offer. She was left panting and
breathless when they finally parted,
“I love you my queen” he needed to tell her then,
She smiled,
“I love you my king” she confessed back ignited by the flame of love
pulling on both of them.

He moved from her lips to her neck. His claiming mark was still fresh,
not that it would fade. Any other mark he put on her would eventually
fade but not the claiming mark. He licked hard on his mark before he
sank his teeth on it freshening it up. The taste of her blood was magnetic
to his soul. He felt like a positive end and she was the negative end.
Together they attracted each other through the magnetic force,
“Fuck!” he groaned drinking her up. It’s a wolf thing for a wolf and wolf
mate to want to drink each other’s blood. With his tongue he licked once
again on the wound when he was satisfied. She would be healed by
morning. Only a scar will remain as evidence that she was marked
He felt the breeze of the bruises on his back that she had branded him
with her claws when he was drinking her up. It seems Akela liked to be
marked in every way,
“You want me to brand you?” he asked on her breast. He knew she did
but he still asked anyway, it was more for Akela,
“Please” she murmured squirming beneath him. He was playing with her
boobs. When she agreed to being branded he took his mouth off her nipple
and raked both her breast with his claws,
She screamed. The feeling of his claws scratching on her skin sent correct
signals to her clit,
“More baby please” little wild Akela wanted through her. He raked his
way down to her bald lady that put a halt to the raking. Her lady scent
was intoxicating. He just couldn’t wait to dive in.

He grabbed a pillow and put it beneath her butt. He wanted to eat all the
corners of her lady with no limitations. He spread her out when he was
settled in position. His face and shoulders were positioned right between
her legs. He had laid on his stomach staring at her lady with one greedy
“You have a beautiful shaped pussy baby” even if it was a compliment
she didn’t know how to answer that. She stared up in anticipation trying
to control her breathing. She could feel his breath softly hit on her lady,
“A really fucking beautiful pussy” Inhaling deeply, her feminine scent
pulled the predator’s howl through him. Gently he opened her glistening
slippery folds apart, satisfaction flooded him at how wet and ready she
“Oh my queen!” he couldn’t wait to taste her once again. He grabbed her
butt and pulled her closer to his face. His tongue swept between her wet
“KHOOOOO” she moaned pushing his head further in,
“FUCK!” he groaned as well. Her spicy individual wolf taste seductively
urged his tongue to feast on her and he did.
Tlotla writhed and moaned as he worked her to pleasure using his long
sensual animalistic licks. His tongue constantly teased her opening but
never delved inside. It was driving her crazy.
Frustrated she was helplessly squirming and arching. She couldn’t take
the torture anymore so she tried to run out of his touch but he didn’t let
her. Coming between the predator and his prey was a bad idea. He raked
both the side of her ribs hard but not hard enough to draw blood when
she tried for an escape. The feeling from the branding put her to a frenzy.
She stilled and enjoyed the mixture of torture and pleasure from her
“You belong to me Tlotla you hear that?” the possessive part of him
needed her to confirm those words,
“I do” she writhed. He was eating her so good lapping on her clit,
“This pussy is mine and mine alone” the control freak in him needed
constant assurance,
“It’s yours”
“That’s my good girl!” in one move he stabbed his animalistic tongue
inside her canal. Her back arched as she gave a loud cry. Her claws
stabbed painfully on his head, but he didn’t give a shit. Not when she was
making the right noises and feeding him her spicy juices. He abruptly
pulled his head of her lady when he felt her orgasm threating to explode.
He wasn’t going to have her cum as yet.

He got on his knees and fixed the pillow so he could expose her lady for
his disposal. He grabbed his giant and hissed as he tapped it on her clit,
“Fuck tlotla!” the words tumbled out of his lips. He finally got his wish.
Seeing his giant sink gently into her pot,
“I need you to relax for me baby” he said through gritted teeth. He was
circling the giant around her opening. He could feel her throb on his
giant. With utter ease and gentleness he slowly eased the giant in her
pot. She shut her eyes and grabbed on her bottom lip as he slowly drilled
into her,
“Khonto it’s painful” he wasn’t even there as yet. He was still trying to
stretch her opening so he could snake his way in,
“I know baby. Just relax for me, please” he would kiss her to ease the
pain. But he wanted to see it. His eyes went red animalistic as he touched
on the little membrane covering her pot up,
“I’m really sorry my queen” he couldn’t bring himself to pull out. There
were tears falling on her face but he couldn’t do it. She tried to fight him
off but he pinned her harder,
“Really sorry baby” he uttered breaking through it. The pain she felt he
felt. He impaled all of it inside at once. She cried, writhed and tried for
an escape but he laid on top of her,
“Look at me my queen” he begged not moving. He cupped her face and
wiped the tears after pecking her lips,
“I’m really sorry, the worst is over I promise. I’m going to bring you on
top so you can move at your own pace, right?” he knew if he took the lead
he’d just tear on her deeper,
She nodded. He flipped them like a coin putting his body beneath hers
without pulling out,
“Still painful?” he asked,
She nodded again,
“Come here” he pulled her to his chest. He licked and raked his teeth on
his mark until she was moaning and squirming. The claiming mark was
her undoing spot. He began helping her move by grabbing on her ass and
doing the work. He could feel her hiss in pain but the pleasure was
building as well.

He grabbed both her ass with his hand and slowly moved them on him in
a twerking manner. Her walls were tight as fuck. It was going to take a
lot for them to open up. Slowly moving her ass for her he could feel her
ease up. She made the noises that drove him crazy,
“How does it feel now?” he asked,
“Pain and pleasure” she said in a pressed tone,
“Take lead baby, move how you wish” hesitantly she sat upright on him.
She slowly impaled herself up and down on his giant. She was wincing
but the moment he grabbed her clit and played with it she managed to
suppress the pain. She began riding him. It was a soft gentle ride but it
still drove him crazy. He threw his head on the pillow and groaned.
Sparks of bliss were shooting through his body with each of her
downwards thrust. She enjoyed watching him become helpless beneath
her. Her confidence build on that and she picked her pace,
She was starting to become possessive with her thrusts,
“Damn you woman!” he tugged her face closer to his mouth when the
pleasure gathered in him. He kissed her with desperate hunger that
matched her pace. Together they moaned, groaned and whimpered in
each other’s mouth due to pleasure.
He ignited her pleasure more by teasing her claiming mark. She started
going a little faster, he worked his hip bone from beneath to meet her
downwards thrusts,
“Aaah” she moaned. He hit a certain spot that drove her crazy. Right on
it he repeatedly hit. She raked all his bare chest with her claws. The
feeling of her claws tearing on his skin ignited his climax to come,
“Cum baby” he could tell he was near as well. He grabbed her clit and
worked it to pull her to cum as well. She bounced up and down on him.
Her walls were closing his giant in,
“Yes my queen, give it to me” he urged. He felt her clit throb on its own
on his thumb. The juices that washed his giant called for his own orgasm.
He spilled everything his giant carried with a howl accompanying it. All
balls almost in, he held her tight on him emptying everything inside her.
She was too consumed with her own pleasure to realize that he emptied
inside her.
“I swear this is the best pussy I have ever had” She collapsed on him with
a giggle, gasping for breath. He held her close allowing their animals to
cling on each other. It was a content feeling. He cupped her face when he
felt that she had control of her breathing. Something was definitely
“What?” she asked with a smile as he stared deep in her eyes cupping her
“You smell different”
“How?” she asked again,
“Our scent have mixed, focus” a grin spread on his face, they were now
one animal in two. Their house scent was now one. It meant their
bloodline was now one. Their house and offsprings would be recognized
by this particular scent. She dozed off in satisfaction on top of him. She
could feel the change as well.
It was her full bladder that woke her in early hours of the morning. They
fucked the whole afternoon and night. They both didn’t go down for
dinner. With the noises they were making, she was ashamed to face her
in laws. She prayed they didn’t hear anything but it was impossible
because they both made inappropriate noises.
She ran for the bathroom to relief herself. It stung but she managed to
pee. She stared at herself in the mirror as she washed her hands. A grin
pulled on her face,
“I’m a woman now” she spoke to herself. Her crazy tendencies sometimes
went crazy on her as well. She was happy. But her happiness was short
A set of emotions hit through her as she really looked at herself in the
mirror. Something was different with her. She saw it in her eyes and felt
it in her body. She glared at her reflection trying to figure what was
wrong with her,
*Akela* she needed help,
Akela didn’t offer her a response though she was wide wake through her
blue eyes staring back at her. She wasn’t agitated or apprehensive either.
She felt extremely content and alert than usual,
*AKELA* she snapped loud. She could tell that Akela knew and
understood what the problem was,
“My queen?” Mkhonto called outside the bathroom door. He felt her panic
through their mating bond,
“What’s wrong baby? Are you okay?” he asked outside the door,
“I’m not sure Khonto” she softly said.
He couldn’t wait for her outside any longer. The door swung open and he
walked in, a frown swept his face as he walked closer to her. He abruptly
halted and deepened his frown as his nostrils flared up. His eyes widened
and his mouth dropped open. Her scent had changed once again in one
night. There was no mistaking the scent of a pregnant wolf.
It hit her the same time it hit him. Her panic was birthed from the change
of her scent. She smelled heavy, full and pregnant.
“I pulled out, I swear” he said hands up in the air. He didn’t, it only come
back now that there was someone Akela was hovering over in her. A wolf
to wolf mating was different from wolf to human. Female wolfs instantly
smelled different when pregnant. They carried their offspring’s five
months, unlike the humans.
“I hate you” she spat on his face and stormed out. How could he when she
told him that she is not ready to be someone’s mother?

(For clarity. Stop confusing yourselves by comparing Majara and

Lwandle’s journey to Mkhonto and Tlotlas. Majara and Lwandle’s union
was a wolf and human. Mkhonto and Tlotla are both wolfs)

The human part of her wasn’t really certain that they would make it. It’s
her first real relationship. Sometimes she feels like all this is unreal. Ivy
was certain in all her doubts. She kept assuring her that being mated to
another hybrid wolf meant a bond for life that cannot easily be broken.
She was still doubtful but Chris’s consistence in being her man is proven
to her that the guy is in it for eternity. He is been constant throughout
their relationship. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like he changed countries
because he is always here to take her out on their romantic lunches and
dinner dates. It must be being a wolf. He says he doesn’t really use a car
to get to her, his wolf is always ready and hungry for her scent.
Today is different though. She is never spent a night with a man. It was
all fun talking about it and planning it but now that it is actually
happening, poor Bohlokoa is choked with fear.
Time is not on her side either. Chris long announced that he is in the
country and had already made reservations for the two of them.
It’s after 18:00 in the afternoon but she is still home battling with things
to say to leave the palace. She took a bath a long ago and packed a little
overnight bag but the words to ask for permission to spend the night with
her man are failing her. This is what sucks about moving back home with
the parents.

Maybe her little sister will shed some light. She is always been too wild
and talkative. Maybe she might help her out of this one.
She rest with a sigh on her bed rubbing her sweaty hands on her jeans.
She tends to sweat in hands when she is nervous. Her phone is laying
besides her as she waits for Tlotla to pick her phone.
‘Sis’ Tlotla’s elated tone chirps through the phone,
‘You’re happy’ Bohlokoa notes with a lace of confusion on her tone,
‘Yes. You called, you never call phela wena’ Bohlokoa laugh to her
response. She is guilty as charged,
‘How are you, how is married life treating you?’ Bohlokoa asks first,
‘I can’t say I’m complaining but I have some sad news to share’ she is only
been married for three weeks. She can’t be sharing sad news on her
honeymoon face,
Bohlokoa’s response is a sigh for her to go ahead,
‘I’m pregnant’ she spits it out,
‘Pregnant jwang Tlotla? You have been married for only three weeks’
(Pregnant how Tlotla?.....) Hlokoa asks. It comes as a shock,
‘Akere Hlokoa when you’re married, you open your legs for your husband
every night giving him what’s rightfully his. I offered him my cookie as a
loving devoted wife but he left his sperm inside me when he had promised
me that he’ll swallow his own sperms. I swear Mkhonto is joining his
ancestors that tricked me. I cannot believe I was so naïve and I believed
a man with a starved dick of a giant to do right by me……….’ She is now
ranting on her own. It looks like she needed this call more than the caller.
Hlokoa is staring at her phone on the bed as if she sees her. She is cursing
her husband with every curse name under the sun.
‘Do you think I should stab him in his sleep or wide awake? I like
watching my victims take their last breathe before my eyes though’ she
is finally done. She asks her sister who is been staring at her phone with
dropped jaws. The things she heard!
‘Don’t kill him, he is your baby daddy’ Hlokoa advices,
‘I’ll spare him for now because I’m still enjoying his giant. Sis I can’t get
enough of my dick. Jesus!!!’ the lust in her tone cannot be missed,
‘I didn’t call you to hear about your husband’s what what’ she is not a girl
like that,
‘Okay, what do you want because I know you don’t call, you don’t text but
I still know you love me even when you don’t reach out’ Hlokoa is one of
those, the people that hardly calls or text but you know what you mean
to them regardless,

‘I need your help Tlotla’ a sigh carrying her tone sounds too heavy,
‘I’m all ears sis’ Tlotla,
‘Chris is here and he wants to spend the night with me’ silence takes over
the phone call. Bohlokoa glares at her phone checking if they are still
connected. They are,
‘Tlotla, hello!’ Hlokoa continues to call for her,
‘I’m still here sis, I’m just very worried. Are you shaved?’ a frown gather
on Hlokoa’s face,
‘Shaved how Tlotla?’ she asks,
‘I mean your nana, is it shaved? That man is going to ride you tonight.
Don’t fall for the same shit I fell for. If he says he’ll pull out, close your
legs’ whatever Mkhonto did to her really left her wounded. Bohlokoa is
glaring at her phone in shock once again,
‘I’m not doing that Tlotla. I need your help with leaving the palace, what
do I say, to who?’
‘The king knows him right?’ Tlotla asks,
‘And he likes him’ she continues to ask,
‘I think so’ she is not really certain,
‘Then ask him’
‘Tlotla I’m not going to look my father in the eyes and tell him I’m
spending a night with a man. I need you to help me come up with
something they might believe but not spending the night with a man’ she
doesn’t have Tlotla’s liver. Tlotla would have told Majara straight up face
that she is spending the night with Mkhonto,
‘Okay, give Mme Mamolapo the phone and let me sort you out’ that she
can do,
‘Pack sexy panties please, and don’t forget to shave’ Tlotla continues to
‘I’ll call you back!’ she is quick to drop the call. Tlotla can be too much.
Who said spending a night with a man means doing such things!

Mamolapo is staring at her with a smile accompanied by a frown after

she speaks to Tlotla. She is not sure what Tlotla said because she didn’t
put her phone on speaker this time around. She asked for her mother
aside and gave her the phone,
“Your 23 years old Hlokoa, you could have just told me” Mamolapo say
with a smile,
Hlokoa drops her eyes,
“I take it your all packed and ready to go” she nods,
“Okay, let’s go to your father, I’ll do all the talking. Just follow my lead”
she doesn’t waste time but follows her mother to the king’s office.
It seems he was wrapping up and heading to go join his family. His smile
spreads all over his face at the sight of two of his only women,
“Ye ye ye! I hope I’m not in any sort of trouble” he looks between the two,
“Not at all hubby” Mamolapo sits on the edge of his table, definitely trying
to distract him,
“What do you two want?” the king’s eyes dance from Hlokoa to her
mother. Hlokoa chose to sit on the chair opposite to her fathers and keep
quiet as her mother suggested,
“I need help at the shelter. There is this new girls I took in. They want to
do law and Hlokoa offered to mentor and guide them. She would like to
spend the night at the shelter tonight just so she can get to know the girls
and make sure they are comfortable with her” Lying is not really
Mamolapo’s strongest point,
“Does it have to be tonight? She can do that tomorrow”
“My baba I really want to go. Tomorrow I’ll be shadowing my boss at
court. I won’t have time to go to the shelter” Hlokoa jumps in,
“Okay, let me go change, I’ll drop you off at the……..”
“NO. I’ll take her!” Mamolapo quickly interjects him,
“You need to rest my king. You have had quite a busy day” she runs her
hand on his beard,
The king wrinkles his brows in confusion,
“It’s already late baby, I can’t have you two driving”
“We’ll take Fox with. Wena go soak your body in a hot bath tub and I’ll
join you as soon as I come back” she is already holding Hlokoa’s hand
pulling her out of the room. The king is left astounded. This has to be the
most confusing conversation he is ever had with his wife and daughter.
It wasn’t easy making it here but she made it. Her mother dropped her
outside the hotel and gave her a pack of condoms which she threw inside
the bin as soon as she turned corner. She is not going to embarrass herself
like that.
The man she is here to see is standing on the wide open door of the hotel
room shirtless. She called before she took the elevator to announce that
she is arrived.
Those blue eyes and black silky hair of his are going to be the death of
her. She realizes as she gets closer that he is only wrapped in a towel.
His shower gel smells divine. It appears that he was in the shower,
“Hey” she shyly drops her eyes gripping on her bag handles for dear life.
Shyness just sometime consumes her when she sees her man for the first
“Hey beautiful” Chris engulfs the small of her back with and leans down
kissing the top of her head. They are back to forehead kisses again. She
smiles still eyes dropped,
“Come in” he pulls her with taking her bag from her hands.
Once inside he help her out of her brown small leather jackets worn with
black skin jeans and brown ankle boots.
Her jacket is hanged on the hanger and then she is ushered further into
the beautiful hotel room. It’s only a spacious bedroom with a sitting area
and small kitchenette. The other door must be the one leading to the
“You can sit here and make yourself comfortable. I need to quickly finish
up” she nods. She is trying her best not to look at his waist down wards.
Something is just really uncomfortable about seeing him wrapped in a
towel only,
“There are some snacks in the cupboards and here is the remote, I’ll not
be long I promise” there is a smile pulling on his face as he say. He leans
down with a smile and pecks her lips before he disappears to the
She heaves a sigh she wasn’t even aware she was holding as he vanishes
from her sight. The large flat screen tv will have to distract her mind.
What the hell was that?!

Chris takes his short sweet time to come out of the bathroom. He is out
quicker than she had thought. Not that she wanted him to take long
but……sigh she trails off trying her best not to look in his direction. He
is still wrapped in that towel only. She doesn’t want to look but her eyes
goes right there,
“What did you finally say to be able to come?” he drops his towel standing
by the small wardrobe unit by the bed. It’s very hard to not look at him
but she is trying. Why is he lotioning in here? He could have done
everything in the bathroom,
“I’m not sure” she uncomfortably say scratching her neck to look the other
“You’re not sure what you said to your parents to come here?” oh he asked
“This boots are really hot. I think I’ll make myself some coffee” Chris is
left with a smile as she gets off the bed and goes to stand by the kitchen.
The little distance between them will do. Hopefully he is done and well-
dressed by the time she turns.
“I made reservations for dinner down stairs. Would you like to freshen
up first or you’re okay?” he asks dressing up. She can hear the sound of
a zipper covering his skin up hopefully,
“No I’m fine” she still stares ahead making a coffee that she is not sure
she’ll drink. Now she is starting to regret coming here. How is she going
to spend a night with a man?
“Babe, Bohoko, are you okay?” Chris’s tone comes behind her. She is met
by his chest covered with a black t shirt when she turns. Thank god he is
“Yeah, I’m fine” she nervously sips the coffee trying to hold his stare,
“You look uncomfortable, am I making you uncomfortable?” he will
always be careful and gentle with her,
“No. I just felt too hot and bothered seeing you like that” she explains
dropping her eyes to the mug in her hands,
Chris laughs,
“Bothered? Care to elaborate more on that one?” he grabs the coffee that
is distracting her beautiful eyes from looking at him. His fingers go
beneath her chin to pick her face to his,
“I don’t know how to explain it” he laughs. His face leans down to hers
and he intertwines their noses together. It must be a white man thing.
Ivy is enjoying his proximity though,
“I’m really happy you’re here. I don’t know what to do with myself” he
mumbles eyes closed as he reaches for her lips. They have kissed more
than she can count now. She knows what to do. Eyes closed and mouth
for mouth they take each other away. The kiss that started simple
escalate to Bohlokoa being picked and perched on top of the counter. Her
small fingers are running through his damp hair. His one hand secures
her waist while the other one runs all over her body.
He is the one to pull back when he can’t take the torture anymore. He is
breathless. He puts his face on her shoulder trying to control his
breathing and the part of his body that was affected by the exchange the
most. His wolf is clawing on him hard with need,
“Can I use your bathroom before we leave?” she mumbles on his shoulder
as well,
“You don’t need to ask Mrs. Ahuja” he steps aside and puts her down. She
scurries to the bathroom where she locks first before she sits on the toilet.
Her panty is damp. She is slightly wet. She needs to wash up before this
dinner or else she’ll not be comfortable the whole night.
She goes back to the bedroom to grab her bag. She’ll do everything in
there and come out dressed. There is no way she is going to lotion before
“Taking that shower after all?” Chris asks behind her when she
disappears to the bathroom,
“I’ll not be long” there is laughter from the bedroom. He is laughing at

Dinner was delicious and great. They went to the casino to gamble for
some fun for an hour or two before they came back to their hotel room.
Chris stripped and got inside the covers with his boxers only. Hlokoa took
her bag and disappeared to the bathroom with it.
She comes back wearing long ass pyjamas with laces from the hands and
feet. They completely cover everything. They are the ugliest set of
pyjamas he is ever seen. Who even designed such ugly pyjamas?
“Beautiful pyjamas” he doesn’t mean that, he hates them,
“Thank you” she stoops down to pull the legs string tighter and fasten
them. There is a waist one that she checks as well before she pulls the
hands laces as well,
“Quite a design” a freaking ugly one,
“I know. They are my favorite” she climbs on the bed and kisses his
forehead. His face is all pale as he watches her pull the neck lace that
closes up her neck. He wasn’t even aware of that one,
“Aren’t you going to choke?” he is in disbelief,
“No, I’ll be warm” she is all secure and no Chris’s touch shall prosper
against her choking pyjamas. She is so comfortable she even puts her leg
on top of Chris’s body and grabs the remote,
“There is this documentary I have………”
“No!” Chris grabs the remote,
“We are watching your favorite movie” she doesn’t remember which one
is that,
“Fifty shades of grey. We are watching your Hanna and Christiano” there
is a smirk on his face. She never watched the movie, it was all Tlotla’s
education that led to her having a movie she doesn’t even know as her
“Okay” she must as well watch it. Hopefully it’s a very nice educational
movie. She likes taking something from the things she watches.

She left him in his penthouse about a week ago. She was sure of her
decision right there and then that she wasn’t the woman for him. She
didn’t see herself fitting in his lifestyle. But when a day birthed a week
without him coming to see her she was shattered. She was sour and bitter
the entire week. She only realized that she enjoyed his company when he
wasn’t there to bother her. She didn’t even see him at all at work. She
saw two of his brothers who were smiling at her all the damn time.
Coming back to her house after a long tiring day she is shocked to open
her shack door a week later and find him inside her space with his laptop
on his lap. He is sited on the small bed balanced by the shack typing
away. A bit of smile stretching on her face but she tries her best to conceal
it. She is too happy to see him but she doesn’t want to give her face off,
“Mrs. Dlomo” he glances at her once with a smile that matches hers, and
throws his eyes on the screen. She is still standing by the door in disbelief
and blushing,
“You look really tired, how was your day?” he continues to ask the smiling
ghost standing by the door. He is wrapped whatever he was doing
because he closes up his laptop and puts it aside.
Zanele stares with no words as he climbs down the bed and come to her.
He grabs her hand and gently pulls her inside and closes the door.

“How was your day Jali?” he asks after helping her sit on the bed. He
pulls a chair for himself and sits right before her. His hands grabs her
hands once again and he gently brushes on them with his thumbs,
“I asked a question Jali, how was your day?” Zanele is consumed by
butterflies. He is got that singular factor that just consumes all of her
and turns her mellow. He brings her soft hands for a peck over his lips,
“Okay, I guess” her tone comes unsure and infected by desire,
“You don’t sound certain, why is that?” he raises his eyebrow in question,
“Where were you?” she ignores him and his luring eyes that are too sexy
not look at,
“I was in Joburg. I had to rush there for an emergency” he doesn’t share
much of the details but she believes him because she nods,
“Why didn’t you call?” there is a smile pulling on his face at this question,
“I didn’t think you would take my calls after you left me like that in our
penthouse” she drops her eyes,
“I’m sorry” it’s mumbled,
“Don’t be” he picks her hands to his lips and kisses the both of them once
again. He appears to be an affectionate guy,
“Can I have a conversation with you Jali?” the way he looks in her eyes
is different at this question, she blinks trying to hold his stare but poor
thing is failing dismally,
“Can I?” he asks glancing at her with her hands right on his lips. He is
just brushing his lips on them now,
She nods,
“Mkoneni I asked you to be my woman, you haven’t given me an answer
since I asked”
“I…I’m still thinking about it” she say looking down,
“What are you thinking about? Whether you have feelings for me or not?”
She sighs,
“Bheki you and I are from different worlds. I don’t know if I’ll be able to
fit into your world” he likes it when she calls him Bheki rather than sir,
“I don’t need you to fit into my world, you’re my world Zanele
Masombuka” she shy’s away,
“Please look at me” he cups her chin to direct her face to his,
“I’m not asking you to be my girl Zanele. I’m asking you to be the woman
to sweep my father’s yard. I’m asking you to be the woman to carry my
name. I’m asking you to be the woman to bear my children. I’m not here
because I want to toy with you, I’m here because I see forever with you.
Can you please give me a chance to be the man to fill your father’s kraal
with my cows” Zanele laughs,
“I’m no princess Dlomo”
“You’re a princess in my heart. I don’t care what you are Zaza”
“I don’t know” she drop her eyes,
“I don’t want you to know anything. I need you to say yes to being Mrs.
Bhekizizwe Dlomo and watch me love you like you have never been loved
before” he is got her where he wants. She is cornered and have no loop to
“If you ever feel different about me and want more than I can give, please
tell me than playing with my heart and breaking it” she say,
He smiles,
“Is that a yes?” she nods,
“Ngiyabonga Jali. You have just made me the happiest man on the world”
(Thank you…..) he leans over her face and pecks her lips with a smile.
Her hands receives countless kisses as well,
“You’ll not regret this, uyezwa?” (… hear me?) she nods staring at
him with a smile as he kisses her hands,

“Let me take care of you. You look too exhausted” he gets on his knee and
helps her out of her black trainers that she wears to work. Her socks are
discarded with as well.
She stares at him with a smile as he moves around her shack like it’s his.
He boils a kettle of water and mixes it inside a basin. Her small feet are
soaked inside the warm water,
“What size is this baby?”
“Leave me alone please” he laughs. Her little feet in his hands makes him
feel like he is massaging Gcino’s feet,
“Hmmm!” she didn’t mean to moan. She needed this massage. His skilled
hands are massaging her feet in the basin of warm water,
“I could get used to this” she say throwing her head up,
Zizwe laughs,
“Get used to it. I need you to sit and relax and watch me take care of you.
I’m going to start with the pots as well”
She opens her one eye with a frown,
“Can you even cook?” she asks,
“My mother didn’t raise a lazy man in me. I can cook when I want” she
doesn’t believe him. She frowns and smiles shaking her head,
“You’re not allergic to anything, are you?” he is still doing her feet good,
She shakes her head no,
“Good. I’m going to prepare your bath water and go buy the ingredients
I’m going to use while you wash up” she still doesn’t believe that he can
cook. He wipes her feet and puts them on the bed while he goes outside
to discard the water. He seems to know where everything is. The
neighbors are surely having tea with her name.
When he comes back he puts the basin down and plugs another kettle of
“Come here, I need to taste this soft lips while we wait for your water” he
stoops down to her on the bed. His hand cups her chin bringing her up to
his face. He pecks her lips twice before he devours them. His skillful
tongue intertwines hers in a gentle kiss but exotic at the same time. It
last long enough to ignite the spark on both parties.
“I’m a happy man today” he say pulling off her face with his eyes closed.
He seems to be in his own world,
“Do you understand what you just agreed to be for me?” his eyes remain
shut but he is only inches away from her face. They are almost breathing
the same air,
“I understand Bheki” the sound of his shortened name on her lips brings
a smile on his face. He opens his eyes looking like a teenager madly in
love and pecks her lips once again,
“I’m glad you do” he abandons her sweet lips and goes to the kettle. The
hot water is poured inside the basin,
“How many kettles do you want?”
“Just two, it’s too hot” it’s not even that hot. She is saving her electricity.
Tomorrow its pay day, she’ll top it up then. She keeps glancing at her
meter box praying cats and dogs that it doesn’t start beeping that
annoying sound.
“Okay. Don’t cook, I’ll be back to cook very soon” he leans down on the
bed and kisses her lips once again after switching on her last kettle of
“What should I bring for you?” he asks,
“Something nice” he chuckles and kisses her once again before he leaves
the room.
He left his laptop and blazer on top of the bed. She brings the blazer to
her nostrils for a smell. His scent is going to be the death of her. The man
smells too nice and he is too perfect.
By the time he comes back she was starting to think about cooking. He
was gone for too long. He walks in with plastics that shows that he went
grocery shopping than ingredients shopping. There is a box of pizza and
a Nandos foodie bag amongst the grocery.
“Hey me” he smile at her after putting the plastics on the table. She only
sees the sports bag strapped on his shoulder now that he takes it off,
“What’s that?” she asks of the bag he puts on the bed,
“My clothes. I’m moving in” her jaws drop,
“You can’t move into a shack” she say in shock,
“And why not?” his eyebrow shoots up as he glares at her
“You just can’t. I mean, it’s a shack and……you can’t….” she trails off
staring at him as he takes out his toiletry bag and puts it on top of the
bed as well,
“I can’t what?” he is too busy to pay attention at her shocked face,
“I’m starving, I’ll bath after eating” he talks alone going through his
shopping bags. He opens the Pizza box and tears the Nandos foodie bag
putting everything before her. A two liter of coke is pulled from the
plastics and put on the floor,
“There are dishes and glasses you know?” in one day moving in she can
tell that he is a foodie,
“Yidla baby. Dishes and glasses will not make the food taste any better”
(Eat baby……..) he is already eating. He opens the 2l coke and downs it
straight from the bottle. He is not so perfect after all,
“I thought you were going to cook” she say eating like a person unlike the
man she is eating with,
“There is always a next time” this man doesn’t know how to cook. She can
The meter box disturbs the two lovers. It makes that annoying beeping
sound she was praying that it shouldn’t make. God really doesn’t like her.
She grabs the 2l coke placed on the floor and downs it straight from the
bottle. She was going to be a lady and fetch some glasses but all that just
flew out of her mind when the meter box start crying. This is
embarrassing as fuck!
“What’s wrong? Is it broken?” he is staring at the meter box flashing the
red light and beeping,
“Yeah, it does that at times, but I’ll fix it” she gets off the bed and presses
few buttons and then it stops,
“You’re an electrician?” the shock on his face is clear as daylight. He
really doesn’t know that a meter box beeps when it’s almost out of units,
“Something like that” she laughs joining back on the bed and eating. He
is really impressed.
“Wow!” he believes her. He staffs himself with food and forget the meter
box issues. They have managed to finish the extra-large pizza box and
Nandos full chicken together. The 2l coke is almost empty as well.

“I need to bath baby. I can’t sleep without bathing” they both lay on the
bed staring up. This is the results of eating like a maniac,
“You’re really sleeping here again?” Zanele asks brushing on her full
“I told you that I’m moving in. Angisho you hate our penthouse” there is
craziness she is picked in him as well. They have officially started dating
today but he is already sharing everything of his with her,
“Boil my bath water Zanele. You must take care of me, I’m your man” the
wheels have turned too fast. He was singing that he’ll take care of her
not so long ago,
“Boil it yourself. I’m too full to stand” she hears him huff before he lazily
stands off the bed and fills the kettle with water. Immediately after he
plugs it the light go off. Just great!
“Haibo! They said there is no load shedding today, what’s this?” he asks
switching his phone light on and going through it. It’s not a load
shedding. There is no electricity. The meter box was beeping because it
was already under 0.50 units. It could have lasted her until tomorrow if
she was alone. One kettle would have been enough for her but the new
roommate boils kettles without thinking,
“It’s not a load shedding baby. I have network and our neighbors have
electric. Come fix it” Lord is really against her. How does she tell him he
has to bath with cold water?
“Do you know how to swim Mr. Dlomo?” she is still on the bed. She is not
going to stand to fix the impossible,
“Yeah. Come fix this baby” he remains on his feet,
“Fill the basin with cold water and bath. Take it as swimming” she finally
get off the bed and uncovers it,
“You want me to bath with cold water?” the horror in his tone is not hard
to miss. She is glad it’s too dark for her to see his face,
“I heard it’s healthy and it leaves skin feeling fresh and…..”
“Baby in day one I’m already suffering from boyfriend abuse?” she laughs,
cold water bath cannot be abuse,
“I’ll warm you up when you’re done” he wish to have seen her face. It’s
the way she said that, that has him throwing the entire cold 20l water
inside the basin. He cannot wait for the warming part. His clothes are
thrown off in hurry. This is going to be the shortest bath he is ever taken,
“My love for you just multiplied by 100” he sings wiping. He is already
out of the water. He didn’t even feel the coldness,
“You’re aware that I was talking about warming up the bed for you while
you bath, right?” he didn’t discard his water. Zanele clarifies as he gets
inside the covers beside her in his birthday suit,
“The hell that you’re going to is still under construction” serves his dirty
mind right!

The anger in me cannot be explained. I feel betrayed by the wolf in me
and the man I trusted with my innocence. We talked about this and he
assured me that he’ll keep me pure until I finish school as I had wished.
But boy was I wrong. Even his ancestors played me. It was only shown to
me a day after I had conceived that cleaning that hut on that particular
day meant preparing for the real owner of the hut’s arrival. Lord knows
had I known prior to that particular night I wouldn’t have cleaned that
Akela on the other side could have given me the heads up. She was busy
making me spread my legs like a dog and forgot to warn me when the
snake I call my husband nutted in me.
*Says the woman who did WOT on her first sexual encounter* one
of this days I’ll hang myself just so I kill the wolf in me. She is
inconsiderate and selfish like my husband.
I haven’t talked to Khonto in two weeks. The only thing we do is make
love like dogs. I have no control of my libido. The only thing I want to do
when I see him is have him first to satisfy my sexual cravings. It’s all the
result of consummating our mating and carrying his seed.
We haven’t really celebrated the pregnancy or told anyone. The only
beings protective and bonding with the monster in my belly is Akela and
the predator.
I know I’m married but I don’t know how I’m going to tell my father. My
mother lost hope in me a long time ago. She was ready to send me for
prevention before I even started having sex. It’s Majara I don’t know how
I’m going to tell that he is going to be a grandfather.
If he was here he would sniff it on me. I wouldn’t have to do the telling.
My scent is mixed with that of a newborn. But only a shifter can pick it
up. Khonto’s parents don’t know either but I think Mrs. Dlomo suspects
something. She keeps commenting on my beauty every day.

“Mrs. Dlomo” my mother in law greets me walking into the dining room.
I woke up early to make them breakfast before I make my way to the
shops. I’m in need of new dresses. Being a pregnant shifter is annoying.
We quickly show and run out of clothes because our duration is only five
“Hello Mma”
“Is it just me or your gaining weight?” see what I mean? Soon they’ll see
the belly. I don’t even know why we don’t tell them. I just know that I’m
not happy with this pregnancy for now,
“Maybe it’s your eyes. Please tell everyone to enjoy when they come down,
I have to go”
She frowns,
“Where are you going?”
“Khonto is taking me shopping” she smiles nodding,
He will be down any minute. I made food while he took a bath. We are
not talking but I told him I need new dresses. I have been to school for a
week since I arrived and I felt like everyone was seeing my belly already.
I need loose dresses.
“You two need that. I don’t like this tension between the two of you” I
don’t know what will end the tension because her son knocked me up
without my permission,
“Morning” sis Mila disturbs us walking in the room followed by Gcino.
Her belly scares me. When is she giving birth already? Now she looks
painful and almost looking like a penguin when she walks,
“Where is Sakhe?” Mrs. Dlomo is all over her helping her on the chair. I
understand, she looks scary,
“Right here” abuti Sakhe announces walking in the room,
“You should take Milani to the doctor. She is past her due date now” Mrs
Dlomo sternly say staring at abuti Sakhe,
“We are going there today his heaven, stop stressing” he kisses her cheek
and sits down,
“Sdudla!” sigh!
“Yebo abuti Sakhe” I might as well make peace with the name,
“Where is Zizwe?” Mrs Dlomo asks abuti Muzi walking in with Mike on
his tail. I only know its abuti Muzi because she is asking about abuti
Zizwe’s whereabouts. If it wasn’t for that I would have been clueless of
who this one is.

“Emjondolo” the answer comes from abuti Sakhe. Both him and abuti
Muzi burst into laughter,
“His penthouse?” Mrs. Dlomo continues to ask between the two,
“Maa I said emjondolo” I don’t know what we are missing but they seem
to be happy about abuti Zizwe moving in the shacks.
I feel him before he even show face. Now that we have consummated our
mating our connection is stronger than before. His scent hits me before
he even makes an appearance in the room. He is only walking down the
stairs but I feel him.
“Fam” he greets and stand beside me. I pick an unsettling feeling around
him as he stands by my side. The predator feels sad as well. We have
connected to a level where both our wolves feel on each other. I cannot
hear the predator’s thoughts but I can feel almost all his emotions,
“My queen I have to disappoint you” he say looking at me,
“Why?” we don’t talk but in front of his family I try to keep things a bit
“Dlomo is introducing me to the council members. I had forgotten that
the meeting is scheduled for today” just perfect!
Mr. Dlomo wants to descend the throne as soon as today. He is been
keeping him busy and slowly showing him the reins.
Now I have to go the shops alone. I would take ausi Mila with but she
looks like she is about to pop anytime soon. And that girl I made as friend
in school I cannot exactly ask her to accompany me. I have only known
her for a week and already I’m asking favors, no.
“Okay” I’m disappointed but there is nothing I can do. I pull a chair and
throw my ass down,
“Where did you want to go? I can accompany you” Mickey offers.
Everyone glares at him,
“Haibo Mike Tyson? You have your people, don’t you?” abuti Sakhe asks,
I have also realized in the past month I have been here that he is sort of
an introvert but he does come out to the people he is comfortable with.
Fortunately I’m one of those.
*Too comfortable for my liking* Akela is still insisted on the crush
nonsense. I haven’t seen anything that I can agree with her on when it
comes to that. I’m lucky that my husband’s son likes me and wants to get
to know me. I need to make sure they bond with his father as well,
“Thank you Mickey” he smiles. Khonto is a bit apprehensive beside me, I
feel him,
“Bonga will take you the shops” Bonga is that detail that was assigned to
me. He takes me to school every morning. Unfortunately I don’t want
Bonga who will just be moody all around me keeping a safe distance,
“This is great twebankie. Let Tlotla and Mike go” Mrs. Dlomo say,
“Who is twebankie?” abuti Sakhe and Muzi burst into laughter. They look
at the man besides me in tears of laughter,
Wait a minute….
“You’re the rat?” I mean twebankie is sort of a rat,
“Honestly Maa?” he looks hurt staring at his laughing mother as well. He
kisses my cheek and leave the dining room. Everyone is laughing behind
him. I think I like this twebankie name.
Mickey and I went to the shops as soon as he was done eating. We have
been from shops to shops. One thing about being in South Africa that I
love is that I’m not known here. I can walk like anybody without being
noticed. It feels nice sitting at the food court with people minding their
own business.
“What are you going to have?” I ask Mickey as we sit. I’m scanning the
restaurant names uncertain of which one I want to eat,
“Anything you choose for me” he flashes a smile on the sit opposite to
mine. I’m not sure if he is naturally a smiley person or he is just trying
to be warm around me,
“I don’t know which one to choose. Help your step mama” the smile
“Did I say anything wrong?” I ask,
“Don’t call yourself that” he is suddenly so serious,
“I’m your step mother Mickey. I’m married to your father” I explain it in
case he doesn’t know what it means,
“Can we go watch the movie after this?” he changes the topic. There is a
passage leading to the cinema from where we sit,
“Mike I’m your step mother, you understand that, right?” unfortunately
for him I’m not that type of girl. I don’t let things go unless I also don’t
want to address them,
“Your five years older than me”
“Just because your 16 years and taller than me doesn’t make you my age
mate. Yes I’m five years older than you but I’m your step mother whether
you like it or not. Am I clear?” Ma2000! So forward this ones!
“Okay I’m sorry momo, you’re my step mother heee” ehlile I am. That
needs to get inside his big head.
“Good. Go buy me some food” I need to eat. Whatever he comes with I’ll

I’m going through my phone after Mike left to order some food when I feel
stared down on. I raise my eyes to find a very fat old man glaring down
at me. He looks familiar. I’m trying to place him until I remember that
he was at the Dlomo gates with another fat man the day I arrived,
“Can I help you?” I glare back at him. I was taught to respect my elders
but this one I can tell that he is bringing shit on me,
“Where is my daughter?”
“And who is your daughter?” I’m only a part time seer. I see when they
want to show me. I cannot know about people’s daughters,
He chuckles,
“Rude little bitch! Get up!” my bean just vibrated! Did he just call me a
rude little bitch?
He picks his shirt and shows me his fat black jojo tank of a belly,
“GET UP!” he grunts through gritted teeth. Oh poor old thing was trying
to show me a gun. And he thinks it will scare me off?
“Okay” I get off the chair. Akela hasn’t really been fed in a while. We have
a black fat meat offering it’s self on the platter,
“Don’t hurt me please!” I whisper pretending to be scared. I can’t wait.
I’m going to need toothpicks when I’m done with his fat ass. People should
do their research before they poke wolves minding their own businesses.

I have unleashed the hunter in me. My paws are unsheathed and ready
to slice my prey to feast. I let him think I’m a fragile frightened woman.
I can feel his satisfaction as he walks behind me. In his idiotic human
head he thinks I’m his prey. Such a fool!
We are almost out of the food court when Mickey calls for me,
“MOMO!” he hurries to catch up and gets to us right in time.
His eyes run from the man behind me and to me,
“Where are you going?” he keeps his eyes at the man. There is a look in
his eyes I cannot understand,
“Grandson” the man say. Grandson means he is Mike’s grandfather. He
must be the greedy grandfather I was told about.
Mike doesn’t react to him but focuses on me,
“Let’s go eat” he grabs my hand. I pull my claws back before he sees them.
He doesn’t even wait for my response but pulls me back to the food court,
*So much for feeding me!* Akela is disappointed. I’m also
disappointed, I could almost taste his blood.
“Don’t ever go walking around with people you don’t know” and then this
He points me to the chair looking pissed,
“Wena Mike, I’m the parent here. Don’t try to annoy me please!” I can’t
have a kid acting all grown on me,
“You don’t know that man yet you were ready to leave with him” there is
a lot of Khonto in him now that I see him mad. He is as territorial as his
“Isn’t he your grandfather?” I ask,
“He is but I don’t know him either……….” I watch his lips move as my
mind connects to Khonto. He is livid. I can sense him near though I
cannot tell which direction he approaches from.

I feel him stand behind me. He heaves a sigh of relief holding my

shoulder. He is got the company of Chris.
“Are you okay?” I don’t know what he felt that brought him here. I wasn’t
even scared. I was ready to eat nna,
“I’m fine” I get of the chair and turn to look at him. I can feel that the
predator is clawing on him hard. He’ll only calm down when he is certain
that I’m fine. That he can see by looking deep in my eyes.
He cups my face and stare down at him. Slowly, he breaths in and out his
eyes locked with mine. The fear in his eyes is evident.
“No man is supposed to touch what is mine” he finally speak. He is not
just saying it for the sake of threat. In his delusional overprotective
territorial mind he believes it. No man is supposed to touch me but him,
“He didn’t touch me. It was Mike who touched me” Mike grabbed my hand
when he took me from his grandfather.
He frowns. His glare is shortly thrown at Mike behind me but then he
focuses on me,
“Don’t ever allow anyone to touch you” lord! I roll my eyes,
“Not even him” even him is Mike. He adds throwing a look at Mike. I
have too much of a task here. I want them to get along but I don’t know
how I’m going to that with both of them so hot headed,
“Why did you come? I wasn’t even scared” I’m sure I kept my emotions in
check. Akela and I were going to feast,
“I felt someone touch what is mine only to find out that it was him that
touched you” sigh!
“His queen” I only realize now that Chris shortly left his side. He looks
at Khonto as he greets me. There is an internal communication they are
trying to exclude me from but I don’t let them breathe,
“Say it in front of me Chris. And that’s an order from your alpha female”
he knows he cannot go against that. Just because I have been busy trying
to be a good daughter in law inside the Dlomo yards doesn’t mean I forgot
my duties and responsibility as the alpha female of my mate’s pack,
“Congratulations on the pregnancy!” he smiles. He sniffed it on me,
“You’re pregnant?!” Mike almost shout in question getting on his feet
behind me. What’s he mad about?
*I told you. This boy crushes you so bad* Akela is back at it. I quickly
shut her down because I don’t want the man holding my waist to pick any
emotion from me.
With one look from Khonto he sit back down with his tail between his
Khonto clicks his tongue and focuses on Chris.
“The wolverine was indeed here as well. Her scent is all over this place”
what? I freeze! Khonto still cannot pick her scent. What could she want
from me now? It’s clear she is still after me.
“Take the bags boy. We are going home” Khonto barks at Mike. He pulls
me out of the mall. His hold on me is too tight. I don’t say a word because
I can tell the predator needs this. The thought of me being under any sort
of danger makes him lose his mind.
“THAT STUPID BOY!!” Vilakazi is been barking since he arrived home.
He didn’t think that Mkhonto’s wife would be with his grandson. He
would have kidnapped that girl if it wasn’t for his grandson. He only
wants Mkhonto to do right by his daughter. Lately he cannot get hold of
Zitha as well. He is not sure where she is or what happened but none of
the royal house members has come to him to say anything.
“Calm down bafo, well get her soon” he sits with his brother in his study,
“Maybe we should just kill that sotho girl. Zitha is driving me crazy as
well by not answering her phone!” Vilakazi paces around the room in

“Or maybe you let me help you” the two brothers both turn to a foreign
cold tone that just echoed the room.
Behind them stand a yellow slender woman that can almost be mistaken
to be a white person. She is old but she takes care of herself. She is
standing by the window. There is no way she could have walked through
the door because they would have seen her.
Her aura is heavy and frightening. The two men cannot hold her stare.
There is something deadly about her.
“They call me the wolverine” her heel clinks on the black tiled floors as
she sways the room owning it. She leisurely touches almost every item
walking towards the two brothers,
“Some call me the teacher of the supernaturals” she continues to
introduce herself holding the two brothers with just her stare. Something
about her demands attention. One just have to focus on the center piece
that is her in the room,
“But I call myself the eye” she glares at them,
“Through my eyes I can take you anywhere you want to be. I can make
you see things that are not meant for naked eye. I can transport you with
just my stare. Do you want me to take you on the eye journey Mr.
Vilakazi?” she finally stands before Vilakazi.
Her one hand cup his chip urging Vilakazi to look deep in her eyes,
“In my eyes, see vilakazi!” she utters a command locking her deadly stare
with Vilakazis’.
They are both in Vilakazi’s study. Like a gust of wind Vilakazi feels swept
to a different place. He cannot tell how they moved but he sees a gravelly
road accompanied by long palm trees leading to a cabin sitting inside the
shade of trees.
The place on its own feels creepy and foreign to Vilakazi. He cannot
exactly tell where it is or what it is,
“This is the predator’s territory. He is building his empire right in this
forest. Up above there….” The wolverine urges his head up,
“Is your daughter’s head. She is dead!” there is no remorse in her tone,
“She could have settled for the life I gave her but she thought she would
get my man. The predator is not for fools. He was build and designed
specifically for me. Your daughter thought she could please the predator”
laughter erupt from the cold woman,
“Not even his so called mate knows him like I do. I see him trying to be a
human and enjoy the average sex but deep down the predator knows that
only I can satisfy and please him” Vilakazi is in tears staring at his
daughter’s head. He cannot speak.
“I’ll give you a day or two to cry. When I come back be ready to sell your
soul to me to and avenge your daughter. The predator belongs to me and
me only. I’m going to strengthen you to eliminate that fat bitch so I can
take her body and have my happily ever after with my man”
Vilakazi sees himself back in his study with his brother. He cannot
explain how he shifted once again but he knows he saw his daughter’s
head. He doesn’t need a day or two to make up his mind. The one
Mkhonto cares about the most should suffer the same fate as his

There comes a time in a man’s life when you realize that you have been
a shitty partner to your woman. I have just come to realize that. I let my
baby carry my second born on her own. It’s no excuse that I distanced
myself because she cannot stand me because deep down I know its all
pregnancy. Mila and I have been together since primary school. I’ll never
doubt her love for me because she could have left me a long time ago if
she wanted.
She is been cold towards me because of pregnancy and I took that and
used it as a reason to abandon her and chase shit that cannot do me good
in any way at the end of the day.
I’m on making amends phase. For my sake I hope she gives me this last
chance that I intend to use for the good of our future.

My first start is being with her through the last days of this pregnancy. I
know it will not make up that she is been all alone but I hope it’s a start
that she’ll let me in once again. We are to see a doctor who can explain
why she hasn’t given birth when she was supposed to about two weeks
“Ms. Mzamane the doctor is ready for you” the receptionist lady
announces for us on the waiting chairs. I’m right by her side taking her
hand to help her up. She keeps glaring at me with a slight frown on her
face. I think she is still gathering proper insults to throw at me for
abandoning her.
Bab Peter has been our family doctor for years. He is not just a family
doctor now, he is a good friend of both my fathers. His smile spreads to
the corners of his mouth when he sees us walk in. We didn’t expect to see
him as well. He opened another practice this side but he is mostly based
in Johannesburg.
“Now I’m happy to be filling in for Mandla” Mandla is the doctor we were
under the impression that we are going to see,
“Bab Peter” we shake hands,
“Mrs. Dlomo” he shakes Mila as well with a smile. Mila smiles though it’s
not her most pleasant smile. Now I know where I have been messing up.
I need to give her father a call and properly ask for her hand in marriage.
But I need to talk to her about it first.
“How are you both?” we exchange pleasantries a bit and ask about his
kids and wife. After the brief exchange and telling him the reason for our
visit he pulls Mila’s file and looks through it,
“Let me see what we have here Sakhe my boy” old folks and rubbing it
in, did he have to call me boy?
Mila and I settle on the chairs while we wait for him to go through our
“It appears Mrs. Dlomo you’re a tad bit overdue” he doesn’t lift his eyes
to us. I don’t know if that’s a question or what. I feel Mila’s hand tighten
around mine. Truly speaking this scares the shit out of me as well. She
was supposed to have given birth about two weeks ago but here she is
still pushing my child. I blame myself. This is not the best pregnancy she
had because of me. I distanced myself when she kept throwing at me. I
thought it was all hormones but now I know she is fed up of being a not
married wife.
“Can you please lay on the bed for me, I need to thoroughly examine you”
I’m scared for my girl. She is been going through this all by herself. Being
here and seeing the look on Bab Peter’s face I’m almost certain that
things are not looking good.

Mila knows the drill. She grabs the patient gown that is nicely folded on
the bed and disappears to what looks like a small changing room.
In no time she comes back wearing the patient gown. She goes to the bed
and lay facing up. I stand is right by her head and hold her hand,
“Are you okay?” my tone comes as a whisper in her ear. I’m offered a chair
by her side while we both face the huge screen monitor,
“Yeah” she is not convincing enough. I grab her hand and kiss the back
of it for assurance while we wait for Bab Peter to wear his gloves.
She winces when he smears the gel on her stomach,
“Is it painful?” I ask. I receive a muffled chuckle for a response. Bab Peter
moves the transducer on her stomach and the sound of a heartbeat fills
the room.
Seeing a baby in the mother’s belly is a sight out of this world. In my
opinion everything is all right because the little frog is kicking and
breathing as I see it. One thing I’ll comment on alone is the big head. The
little frog looks like he carries a head for two.
“You two still don’t want to know the gender?” Bab Peter asks. I want to
know but I know my Mila doesn’t want to know.
She looks at me once and shakes her head no with a smile looking at bab
“Okay, baby Surprise Dlomo is doing well. I don’t see any complications
except that it’s overdue” he wipes my Mila’s belly when we are both
satisfied of seeing the frog,
“You can go dress up Mrs. Dlomo. We’ll wait for you to have a chat” I don’t
like chatting with doctors but for this one I’ll take a deep breath and wait
to hear what he has to say.
Mila quickly comes back and takes a sit next to me once again. I hold her
hand as we both look at Bab Peter take his own sweet time than to give
it to us straight.

He sighs,
“Baby surprise is 42 weeks old. The mother has passed the estimated due
date with two weeks. Her blood pressure is starting to rise as well. This
means that we are going to have to think about induction to avoid
unnecessary health complications that could lead to baby surprise being
born a still born”
“I don’t want my frog to be a still born. How soon can you offer her this
induction” I’m quick to ask. I don’t want my baby to die,
“Frog?” Mila glares at me. I didn’t mean to say that out loud,
“I’m sorry baby” I kiss her cheek,
“Can I still give birth natural in this condition?” Mila asks bab Peter,
“Well frog is too big. I cannot guarantee that you’ll give birth the natural
way” disappointment strikes my big frog. I hope she never hears me call
her this. Her nose consumes all her face, but it’s all the results of being
“Right now we have to make sure the baby survives. If we keep baby frog
longer in your womb he might not make it. I say go home, talk to your
husband and sleep on it. Sakhe will give me a call first thing tomorrow
morning and tell me if I should start prepping for you” she nods, her
sadness is not hard to miss. I guess she wanted the drama of going into
birth the natural way. I have tonight to make her see that we have no
option but induced labor.

The journey back home is quiet and somber. I can tell she is under a lot
of stress and I don’t want to add on that. I’ll wait for her to have her nap
and talk to her when she wakes up. She refused my offer to drive us to
the restaurant for something to eat. She said she just wants to lie down
a bit.
Getting home we find Tlotla sitting under the tree by the gate butt flat.
She looks really different. She is gained weight and she is become more
beautiful. But I think she is become crazier since she got married because
I don’t understand what this is. She is eating mangoes under the tree
looking like she is ready to kill someone.
I’m behind my Mila who strides right to her after getting out of the car.
“Are you okay?” Mila asks before she makes it to her.
“Yeah. I’m just tired and I have been waiting on you two” she doesn’t look
okay. Tlotla is a happy person and seeing that she is got something eating
on her mind doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see it,
“Sdudla are you okay?” I finally catch up with them. I know that she is
cursed me to the moon and back for calling her sdudla,
“Yeah abuti Sakhe, please help me up” she stretches out her hand and I
take it helping her up,
“I have been waiting on you two” she repeats dusting herself with a sigh,
“You could have waited inside the house. What can we help you with?” I
“It’s actually the other way round. Turns out you two are my first clients”
she is totally lost me,
“Please follow me to the hut”
“Are you serious?” I’m astonished,
“Ausi Mila is not going through induce labor. There is something you
need to do for her to give birth. Please follow me” she is as impatient as
her husband. It’s a good thing this seer thing is only temporary until the
arrival of her daughter. She would make the worst seer in the history of
“How do you know that?” Mila asks. I would have thought she told her if
she didn’t ask,
“Please follow me you two. I was told something to share with the both of
you” she walks off and we follow her stealing glances at each other.

“Please take off your shoes” she tells as we get to the door. I get off mine
and help Mila out of her trainers. The hut feels different and somehow
brand new now that we are inside. No one is ever bothered to open this
house since the passing of bab Gumede. There is a feminine touch to it
and an aura that is quite gentle but can be felt.
“Please sit down and start kissing” haibo! We both glare at her as she
disappears in that little room that is used to store all the herbs and some
She comes back with a folded reed matt under her arm and the ancestral
bag in her other hand. Her head is now covered with a white doek.
“I said start kissing!” seriously?
“You’ll both not receive any help if you don’t kiss” I have never heard of
such. I grab Mila’s waist and smooch her lips. We are both disturbed by
a flashing of a camera light. She just took us a photo,
“Now that’s more like it” this is what I meant when I said she’ll make the
worst seer in the whole world. She laughs pushing her phone in her
Mila and I both shake our heads and stare at her as she lays the matt big
enough to accommodate all of us,
“Please sit” she sits as well,
“You didn’t say this was a consultation” I say as we sit opposite to her.
She makes enough space between us to throw bones,
“Stop worrying abuti Sakhe. This is just to help ausi Mila out of the
difficult situations she is in. I’ll not cough any of your secret” she chuckles
as I narrow my eyes at her. Mila and I are clueless to this. We don’t know
if we are supposed to be clapping hands for her and chanting ‘Makhosi’
“No abuti Sakhe you don’t have to that” wow! She is really into this, she
even hears the things I say in my head,
“I only hear it in here. Outside this walls I’m still Tlotla. I only see when
I’m shown” she explains,
“For now I need you two to blow in here twice” she passes the small bag
to me and I blow twice as she said and pass on to my Mila who does the
same and then give it to her. One thing I’ll give her is that she looks
serious about this.
She vigorously shakes the bag with her eyes closed. She is on her knees
as she works the small bag. She is still her cute self when she opens her
eyes. She throws the bones between us and picks the ancestral stick to
move the bones. Nothing about her is scary in all this. She doesn’t do the
changing and showing scary faces as Mhambi and bab Gumede. The only
thing she does is burp and hiss shaking her shoulders,

“We don’t know this woman that keeps giving birth to our children
Siphosakhe” I swallow a lump that just grown on my throat. I never
thought I would hear this voice,
“Ndlovukazi!” it’s her tone though the body is still Tlotlas. She stares
right in my eyes and I can feel that this is not Tlotla digging into my soul,
“I asked you who this woman is?” my mother is never been kind with her
words. A spade she calls a spade. It’s up to one how they receive her truth,
“Her name is Milani Mzamane Mma. I’m going to marry her. She is
malume Abongile’s daughter” I explain,
“When do you intend on marrying her?”
“Soon Mma. I was going to talk to her about it today”
“Send your delegates as soon as tomorrow Siphosakhe. She’ll not survive
the knife if you let her go through the blade labor. Don’t let the white
man take her through the blade. My grandson must be born natural, you
hear me?” she asks still glaring deep in my eyes,
“I do mma. I miss you” I catch a smile,
“I miss you too baby. But you know that I’ll always be with you right?” I
“Even if they move me back home I’ll always be with you, right?”
“Move you back home how? I don’t understand”
She smiles,
“She is a beautiful woman son. Do right and stop messing up” she looks
at my Mila with a smile. Tlotla burps and hiss hitting on her chest. She
looks down for a minute or two and keep on hitting her chest. When she
raises her head it’s not hard to see that this is Tlotla.
“I guess congratulations are in order” sigh! We both look at each other as
she start to collect the bones. I can sense hesitation from Mila’s side,
“Babe?” I urge brushing on her hand,
“If your mother didn’t come to you, were you going to send your
delegates?” Mila asks,
“Yes baby. I was planning to talk to you about it when you woke up”
“Because I love you Mila and I want to do right by you” women!
“Why now? Because your mother talked you into it?” sigh!
“Mila I was going to do it before she even talked to me. I was planning on
having a conversation with you when you woke up”
She shakes her head,
“I feel like you’re going to marry me because you’re talked in to it. Not
that you want to. We have been together for almost 18 years but you have
never seen me fit to carry your name”
“Mila you have always been the only woman I need to give my name to. I
just got comfortable and forgot that I still had to give you the title no
matter how much I thought we didn’t need it because in my heart you
were and will always be the only Mrs. Dlomo for me” she is not buying it,
“I’ll give you two some space” I even forgot about sdudla. She gets off the
matt and walks towards the door,
“Can I say something ausi Mila?” we both look at her,
“One thing I learned about growing up is that nothing happens the way
we planned. I know this is not the proposal you had in mind but it’s still
is. I’m married to a man who didn’t even give me a ring. I had dreams
about us. I thought he would stand on top of a mountain in Lesotho and
ask for my hand in marriage but he didn’t. He came as he is and I
accepted him as he came. I hope this makes you see that you’re not the
only who didn’t get things the way you wished. Abuti Sakhe loves you
and that’s all that matters” I love sdudla. She knows when to be a fool
and when to be on team Sakhe.
“So?” I look in Mila’s direction as soon as Tlotla walks out,
“I don’t know Sakhe”
“You cannot tell me that you don’t know. Your life is in danger Milani. If
I don’t do right you might die while giving birth, you heard my mother” I
don’t know what Mila wants anymore. She wanted the marriage, now
that she is getting it she doesn’t like how I propose.

The last thing I would have expected after the freaking long day I had is
to find my mate stuck naked with his giant fisted in his hands. I love sex
and I seem to not be able to get over him but I’m freaking exhausted. I’m
starting to feel heavy with each passing day. I just thought I would have
a quiet bath and rest a bit in there before I went to see if I can help for
But watching him stroke his panga up and down in a leisurely manner
glaring right at me with the promise in his eyes that he is going to do me
just that good has my clit dancing in anticipation.
I’m mad that he treats me like an invalid or woman who cannot take care
of herself. I don’t like the way he feeds on his delusions and come running
to rescue me like I’m some sort of a female who cannot take care of
herself. She denied my wolf and I some meal earlier and that pissed me
off. He knows how it feels like to have a starved wolf denied some meal.
Akela was eating on me the entire afternoon after being denied some
food. But now that she is seen a man we call ours stroke himself in oh so
sensual way she is forgotten about the anger she had me on the whole
Now she wants to feel that dick in and out of her as much as I do even
though I’m dog tired.

“Get rid of that dress my queen. We have some conversation to iron” I

swallow a ball of desire choking up my throat. My eyes fail to not move
from his beautiful delicious giant. His body alone is enough to turn me
on. My name stuck on his chest does the things to me. But seeing him
play with his giant staring at me might just turn me into his sex slave.
“Khonto I don’t like what you did earlier” I pace to the bathroom playing
hard to get. I know I’m getting it either way.
The conversation he wants to iron is me allowing his son to touch me. I
know it wasn’t the end of it earlier on. His possessive, territorial,
overprotective animal instinct are going to be the death of me.
How do I stop other men from touching me? It can be just a mistaken
touch but I know he’ll make a big deal out of it. I have male classmates
for Christ sakes and sometimes we might touch when doing some group
work or working on projects together.
“Tlotla you’re my queen, you know that right?” territorial, possessive
bastard. He fist my dress in his hand as I bend over the sink washing my
His hand slams my ass so hard the answer is forced out of my mouth,
“Yeah Khonto I am!” yerrr! Such mix of pain and pleasure all at once
brings my clit to jump beneath my panties,
“Why did you let another man touch what is mine?” he is moving his hard
on all over my ass making me wet with his precum,
“Baby he is your son, not another man” it was just Mickey and he touched
my hand,
“I don’t give a fuck. I don’t want no fool touching you, you hear me, my
queen?” I do. I nod because my words are trapped by moans I’m
“I need words Tlotla. I need fucking words. I don’t want us to go through
this conversations ever again” another hard spank lands on my butt.
Damn this man!
“No man is going to touch me baby” I sing out like a school girl,
“Only who’ll touch you?” the freakish side of him never cease to amaze
me. Sometimes I don’t think it’s the predator that is this freakish.
Mkhonto Dlomo on his own is a freak,
“Only Mkhonto Dlomo and the predator are allowed to touch me” I don’t
see his smile but I feel it through his pleasant sigh.

He pulls me back in positions and stand behind me. We both look at our
reflection on the mirror. I must say we make one hell of a beautiful
“I’m sorry my queen” he finally apologizes speaking over my shoulder. I
stare at him through the mirror,
“To be honest I didn’t knock you out deliberately. I just lost control and
forgot to pull out” I know it’s not his fault alone. I could have been extra
careful as well,
“It’s okay. Your ancestors are happy about her anyway” his hands moves
to my back where he undo my zip and pulls all of my dress out of me.
I now stand in only my undies and full breast before him staring at the
both of us. He moves his hands to my belly and cup it in a protective
“You know there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you, right?” I nod. His tone
against my neck is very arousing,
“If you don’t want her, I’m not going to hold that against you. Do you want
to get rid of her?” bathong?! I try to turn my head to look at him but he
forces my head back on the mirror,
“Khonto never! Me not being happy doesn’t mean I don’t want to have
this baby” he kisses my shoulder and caresses my almost visible belly,
“Thank you. I just needed you to know that I’m not forcing this baby on
you. Can we tell everyone now that we have talked about her?” well….
“I don’t have a problem but just make sure you tell my father yourself”
“Now your spewing nonsense. Let’s get you fucked hard and good so you
remember what I’m going to do to you the next time you let another dog
touch you” he doesn’t wait for my response. He moves us from the
bathroom back to the bedroom where he positions me right by the bed.
We are both standing on our feet.

Starting on my shoulders he begins to drop sweet gentle but firm kisses

all the way from my neck, shoulders, chest and boobs. His sophisticated
hands moves with ooze all over my body making me tremble and squirm
under his touch,
“Hmmm” I cannot help the low moans erupting from my mouth as his
hands briefly skates over my breast,
“They fill bigger and fuller” he notes playing with my boobs. It must be
the pregnancy. Somehow he enjoys the fuller breast because he takes his
own sweet time there. He presses his body against mine as he knead and
squeeze them, pausing occasionally to pinch and tweak my nipples with
just the right amount of pleasure to make me arch against him.
He still stands behind me in all this. His confident hands pulls a moan
and action out of me,
“Baby” I whine a moan. My big ass grind against his hard giant.
“Now your straight up asking for it Mrs. Dlomo”
“It’s mine Dlomo, give it to me” I don’t need to beg for my giant. This
torture is going to kill me.
Nibbling on the back of my shoulder, he snakes his hand down to my belly
and brush on it in that protective manner before he finally reaches the
most wanted spot and cups it hard,
“And this pussy is mine, right Mrs. Dlomo” well the freak in him needs
assurance every now and then,
“All of it baby” that satisfaction smile spreads over my shoulder once
His hand thrust inside my panties and cups me without no barriers. He
drives me crazy with anticipations as he just cups my sex without even
as much moving,
“Khonto” restless, I twist my hips trying to find some relief but the
impossible bastard I call mine withdraws his hand from my panties.
“Keep still sweetie pie” he bites on my ear lobe as he speaks right on my
ear. I obey instructions because I need to cum. Right now my only goal is
to cum.

When I’m still enough for him he slid his hand back in my panties and
stretch my legs apart with his. His fingers flickers on my clit.
“Ahhh!” I push his hand further in. I want to feel his fingers dive deeper
in my pot. He knows his stuff, he slips his finger through my folds and
circles my clit,
“Someone is really hungry as well” yes I’m not ashamed to admit it.
He leaves my sex and squat down from behind me. I had totally forgot
about my shoes. He removes them and then gently peels my panties off
from behind,
“This ass is just too perfect” perfect for him to bite me hard leaving his
brand on my ass. One thing I have made peace with is that he’ll leave his
marks anywhere he wants all over my body.
“Fuck!” he curses spreading me further out from behind. Between my legs
I feel him treat himself to a view of my wet sex,
“This pussy is going to kill me, you know that baby” if he doesn’t kill me
first by not doing me. He gently brushes on my swollen glistening folds.
The predator growls in hunger at the view,
“You don’t know what you do to us Tlotla” I gasp as he abruptly plunges
a finger in my pot. He is not so gentle. I feel like he searches for something
and when he finds it he thrusts on it hard, sure and bold. I almost loose
balance as he adds his tongue on my clit on top of his finger torturing on
my G-spot. The simultaneous equation happening in my sex is driving
me nuts,
“You taste like mine alone, Tlotla” without removing his finger he
delivers another bite on my inner thigh before he stands upright and
makes me feel on his giant on my ass,
“I’m going to shove my cock in your pussy my queen” he delivers another
bite on my nape that forces me to jolt up,
“And I’m going to fuck you fast and deep” he trails his hard giant on my
back as he bites on his claiming mark once again. That he cannot do me
without renewing it. In his mind every shifter must see that I’m his and
his alone. He licks and suck on it prolonging on fucking me,
“Khonto now please” I need this thing today. He spanks my ass instead
and drives another finger deep inside me swirling them both around,
“I’m the fucker here and I’ll fuck you when I want, you hear me?” I nod
though I’m dying with need.
He finally withdraws his fingers and rakes my back hard enough but not
to draw blood.
“Ahhhh” I moan falling on the bed. The feeling is priceless. It sends
shivers all over my body as he marks my back,
“Oh yes baby” I feel him position behind me. His one hand snake on my
neck in almost a choking manner making me arch in position for him.

In one deep thrust he rams every inch of his giant inside my sex. I feel
my muscles contract around him as an orgasm tears through me, taking
me by complete surprise with its ferocity. He doesn’t wait for the
aftershocks to subside, he pumps in and out of me like a dog he is. His
hands now clamps on my waist pulling me roughly to meet his thrusts.
I try to twerk on it making an effort but he spanks my ass hard,
“I do the fucking, and you do the taking. Right now this pussy is mine
and I want to fuck it as I please. Don’t dare try to aid me” well I was just
trying to help,
The thrusts that follows are harder, faster, deeper and…..fuck I feel like
I feel it right on my throat. He is way too deep and I cannot take it
anymore. My back is on fire, this arch is killing me,
“Set her free!” the man mercilessly pounds me, he is asking for the bitch
wolf in me and I let her be. Her arch is bitchier than mine. Akela’s furred
wolf ass is up in the sky while her front lay on the bed. The poor sheets
suffer from her claws. Now we are dog for dog mounting on each other.
The doggy style is now indeed a dog style. Two wolfs rammed deep in
each other.
He is the first to transform back when he feels my second orgasms
“Come back to me baby and come all around me” Akela doesn’t fight when
I pull her back in. He pulls my neck upright and sink his teeth on his
claiming marks once again. Like a trigger I throw my head back and
scream as a wave of ecstasy rocks my body violently,
“FUUUCKKKKK!!!” he curses against my neck as he slams one deep final
thrust and explodes insides me. We both crash on the bed panting. I’m
glad I waited for him. I think I would have been a whore that sleeps
around had I known sex was this delicious before him.

It could be a dream but it feels way too real for it to be a dream. I feel
trapped. There is nothing for me to see except the dark phase I find
myself in. It feels like I’m inside a room consumed by darkness. There is
no sense of light in here but darkness.
The animal in me is at her worst. She is clawing on me and fighting me
because she is irritated and disoriented. We don’t know how we ended up
in this darkness.
My mind is attacked by Akela’s sense of confusion and my haziness
memory. I’m trying to grab on the last scenes I have in my mind to make
an image but it’s quite a battle with Akela fighting to be freed.
Everything my mind is trying to make out is attacked by Akela’s flustered
emotions at the moment.
I understand her panic attack. Wolfs thrive into human bodies through
the spectrum of calmness and understanding. The connection between a
wolf and human is rooted through a sense of understanding one needs to
master carrying an intelligent animal like a werewolf in their bodies and
spirits. Now she is confused and battling me because to her it feels like
we have separated. She cannot connect to my intellectual stimulation
which makes us one being that comes as hybrid to the world.

*Akela! Akela* I need her to calm down so I can try and grasp on the
little images my mind is trying to provide,
*Akela I need you to calm down. It’s still me, we are still one. Feel
on the little pup in my womb. I would never risk my own blood for
anything. Please calm down and allow me a chance to calm as
well so I can figure out where we are and how we got here* she is
still confused but I can feel her drawing her claws back.
Now that she is retreated on torturing my mind I can think in peace. I
don’t know how we ended up here. The last memories my mind gives me
is being in bed with my mate after sexing up the entire afternoon. I fell
into a fragments of after sex sweet sleep in his arms after our intimate
scene yesterday afternoon. And when I woke up……….there is nothing
my mind present from waking up.
It means I woke up in here. This is me waking up from the afternoon nap
with my husband. But I’m not with him. I’m not home and I cannot tell
what this place is.
I feel cold and trapped. I’m crouched against a solid structure that I think
is a wall. I cannot exactly be sure though because the darkness in this
room is darker than the colour black.
Akela and I are in this together. She is feeding on my emotions and
feelings. Right now she is relying on me to get us the hell out of this place
because she appears to be lost and out of touch in here. She is out of
options to get us here.
The Dlomo ancestors are on my second thoughts. How do I call on them
and ask them for light and taking us out of here? I don’t know. And I don’t
think I’m supposed to know because I’m not really a seer. I’m just a
mother filling on her daughter until she is of age and ready to carry on
her duties. Everything I do as a temp is because I’m shown or instructed
to do. Right now even connecting to them feels like a futile exercise.

“oDlomo, oMkhabela, oDinangwe, I’m calling on you the fallen warriors

of the Dlomo clan to shine your light upon me and help me out of this
place. It’s me MakaSinesipho. The one you call his queen because my
place is next Mkhonto Dlomo your rightful heir to the throne. Please if
any of you can hear me, please show me something or do something to
help me out of this place” it’s a good thing I learned my husband’s clan
names. I hope they hear me and do something. I know I belong to the
Dlomos now, I cannot call on the Molapos for aid.
With a slight of hope that I spoke like a true Dlomo bride I hold on to the
wolf in me. She is still restless and confused but right now she is
depending on me for survival. I keep my silence but my eyes and emotions
wide awake so I can see or feel anything that might be shown to me as a
way out of here.
I have walked around the four walls that makes this room touching on
them but I couldn’t feel anything but darkness. There is no door or
window. It’s just four walls of darkness married into one another.
The little hope I have is slowly dimming. I have called on them in quite
some time. I don’t know how long it’s been since I called them but I don’t
think they can hear me either. I still feel consumed by darkness
regardless of my efforts.
My bond and connection with my husband feels dead as well. I feel
disconnected to life and the world. Darkness in this room is all my wolf,
my baby and I have for survival. I think I have been captured physically,
emotionally and psychologically. I feel so alone but so alive as well.
He is never been one to sleep like a dead person. Yes, he freely sleeps
with his mate but the predator is always alert no matter what. Right now
waking up he feels pissed with himself. His naked wife still sleeps right
here next to him but he feels like he missed something while he was
The predator feels befuddled as well. Something is amiss though he
cannot quite put his finger around it.
“My queen” maybe it has to do with his queen. He pecks on her lips
waking her up,
“Babe! Tlotla!” she seems to be dead in sleep. Slight panic showers him
as she shows no signs of waking up,
“TLOTLA MAAN!” he furiously shakes her. She is a sleeper but not a
deeper sleeper. The only woman he knows who would sleep like this is
the one he doesn’t want to think about right now. She used to say she is
busy even when in sleep hence why she doesn’t easily wake up.
Relief replaces the panic in him as she turns mumbling. He doesn’t pay
attention to what she says in sleep because he wants her to wake up,
“MY QUEEN?!” he vigorously shakes her once again and she wakes.
“Thank god!” he sighs in relief as her almost lazy morning stare falls into
his. They slept throughout the night without waking up. They didn’t even
have dinner. After sex yesterday afternoon they slept. He only
remembers yesterday to that and waking up now,
“You scared me. Don’t ever sleep like that again” he kisses on her lips
and she receives him. She still feels like his queen but…..there is a but
he doesn’t understand. Even the predator feels it.

“What’s wrong?” Tlotla asks holding the nape of his neck as he pulls off
the kiss and stare down at her with a frown,
“I don’t know” he shakes his head and pecks her lips once again.
“You must be starving” he continues to add,
“Not really. I just have missed you so much” he chuckles.
He gets off the bed and walks to the bathroom. His trip starts in the toilet
where he pees and goes to the shower. He runs down some shower taps
so they can bath and go have breakfast. His stomach is complaining of
hunger. He goes back to pick her when he is done but what he walks into
the room confuses him even more.
Tlotla is wild but……maybe he is losing his mind. He is not sure what is
happening to him,
“Come have me baby, I have missed you so bad” Tlotla summon him to
her wide opened legs. She is got three of her fingers in her pot fingering
herself. Three that is. Tlotla doesn’t even allow him to put his second
finger in there. But today here she is with three fingers working herself
If the connection between them as mates wasn’t so strong and dominant,
he would say this was not Tlotla. But it’s impossible to say so because he
still feels her in his soul. Even the predator still feel her and Akela.
“When did you become so wild” he honors her calling. He sets himself
between her legs and lie on top of her,
“I haven’t had you in a while. I have missed you so much” he laughs,
“So what we were doing yesterday was child’s play?” they had sex
yesterday but here she is saying she hasn’t been tapped in a while,
“You know I cannot get enough of you” well that is true. Since they
consummated their mating they have been fucking like hyenas.
“Well I cannot get enough of this tight pussy as well” he is going to give
it raw and sweet for this morning. He grabs on her bottom lip with his
and grabs on his giant planning on ramming it in her pot because she is
already wet since she was fingering himself. For the first time in history
Dlomo is as dead as rotten banana. He is soft as fuck and doesn’t feel like
he is going to stand at all no matter what.
This is embarrassing. He scurries off to the bathroom leaving Tlotla
calling out his name. What the fuck is happening to him? He is confused.
How is he going to look at her after failing to put his dick in its rightful
place? Why is it suddenly refusing to erect for her? She only cursed his
dick for other women, not her? Could that curse be working against her
as well?
“Mk what is wrong?” and she follows him. He quickly grabs on the shower
door and closes it. But wait……
“From when did you start calling me Mk?” he peeps through the door
asking her. She swallows. Looks suddenly uncomfortable but she is quick
to recover,
“I find it short and sweet. Just how I want you to do me right now” he
stares at her, confusion eating on him. What is happening to him? He
closes the door and showers. Maybe he is losing his mind.

He left her. He didn’t have the balls to face her after his failed dick exam.
There is nothing more embarrassing for a man than having a dick fail to
pass the one exam it’s meant to write. He literally ran out of the bedroom
straight from the closet. To his luck they changed lanes when ‘Tlotla’ took
the bathroom while he was dressing up. Hopefully he’ll come back with a
sober dick that will not embarrass him some more.
In his head, heart and soul that is his queen. He cannot suspect a damn
thing because the body is hers, the spirit is hers and the connection that
they both share as mates is still there so there is nothing he can suspect
as yet.

Walking down stairs to join his family for breakfast the first thing he
notices is that, Dlomo is home today. He is been too busy trying to wrap
up his part of events in the kingdom so he to steps into a clean slate when
he hands over the ropes to him.
It’s a full house today. Even the mjondolo Zizwe is home today. Everyone
is staring at him as he takes his sit. He last saw this people yesterday
afternoon. He is not sure if he did anything wrong but the looks on this
people’s faces are alarming and somehow judgmental.
“Morning fam” he glares back at his family,
No answer,
“Is everything okay?” he throws a question at anyone who cares to catch
“Where is your wife?” Vulamasango takes the honor of addressing the
elephant in the room,
“Bathing, is everything okay?” he is confused as fuck!
“I need to talk to the both of you. We cannot continue living like this as a
family. We understand that you are in your honeymoon phase but
Mkhonto son, hai ngeke!” (…..never!) Vulamasango claps his hands once,
“Okay Dlomo, I’m all ears. What have I done?” he looks at his father in
“Mkhonto almost everyone on this table understand what you are and
that your life differs from ours but son can you please think for us too.
You’re traumatizing us as a country” he looks at everyone around the
table for some kind of clue or anything but they are all just blank even
though they seem to agree with Dlomo because they nod their heads,
“Dlomo get to the point please. I’m not catching up”
“Ndoda you need to tone it down a bit. The howling, the moaning, the
groans. Do you have to have sex like animal?” oh they are on that?
He chuckles, shakes his head in amusement and sips his tea,
“The whole afternoon yesterday, the only thing we could listen to was the
both of you. Dinner table was filled with the sound of your wolf nonsense.
Are you trying to traumatize my wife?”
Boitumelo laughs. Mkhonto took from the master himself but today he is
crying of trauma,
“I’ll tone it down Dlomo” he is not going to do shit. He is going to do the
opposite of that if his dick doesn’t embarrass him some more. They
wanted him home. This is what they have to suffer for wanting two mated
wolves home as soon as possible.

People are digging in. Tlotla must be tired for being sexed almost the
whole night yesterday. No one asks more about her as they eat. Mkhonto
is planning on asking one of the helps to take her food to her when he is
done. He still doesn’t have the courage to face her as yet. Knowing Tlotla
she’ll straight up ask him face to face if his dick is sick or something.
“Good morning” her soft hand touches on his shoulder from behind. He
closes his eyes chasing the embarrassment off him. This time he didn’t
feel her come down. Since mating he feels almost everything about her,
but it’s still not something to raise eyebrows for,
“Makoti. We thought you were tired” Dlomo comments. The table laughs
except Tlotla who is confused. She takes her sit next to her man. Deep
down she thought she could fake it but Vulamasango just makes her
blood boil. She is fighting the urge to jump this table and strangle him to
She doesn’t laugh or even smile but glares at her father in law in
“Why would I be tired Vulama……” she trails off. This is the man that
slaughtered one of her sons. She needs to take charge of her anger. This
man is going to die and pay for her son’s death no matter what. Or better
yet an eye for an eye. One of his sons must die. Not Mk though. This one
she is going to love through hell.
Vulamasango must feel the pain she made her feel before she kills him.
“I’m sorry baba, I meant to say baba” she corrects herself with a dropped
head. Vulamasango is glaring at her. He knows his Tlotla from when she
was just a baby. Tlotla is never even once called him using his name. She
was a forward child but he was always baba to her.
“Tlotla” he glares at her. Something is offish and aloof about her today,
“Baba” she doesn’t look in his eyes,
“Are you okay? Did Mkhonto do something to you” it must be his big bad
bully son that’s got this poor girl suddenly all shy and not as bold as she
usually is. Or better yet, poor thing must be exhausted from all the sex,
“Does it have to be me?” Mkhonto grunts,
“Shut up wena. Tlotla are you okay my baby” he keeps his eyes on her,
“I’m fine baba” that’s much better,

Dlomo turns his attention to Zizwe,

“Where have you been wena? Your mother tells me that you now stay
emjondolo” the table burst,
“She should relax. I’m securing a deal that might get her a daughter in
law” Zizwe
“I hope she is royalty. You all can’t keep pissing on tradition. If she is not,
keep her there and don’t bring her here. I’ll find you a royal bride myself
if you………..”
“No thank you. Mila is not royalty but Sakhe is never given a third degree
about marrying a royal girl. Why should I when Sakhe also didn’t choose
a royal bride?” this conversations always rubs the boys the wrong way,
“Zizwe learn to defend yourself without including my name. Don’t dare
use me as reference. I chose my path with my girl and I stood all the heat
myself when I was barked at for making a life with a woman with no
royal blood. If you love Zanele, fight for your love as well but don’t dare
use my relationship as reference to fight your battles” Sakhe,
“I just want him to see that it’s not fair that he is so hell bent on getting
us wedded to royal women when one of us is about to marry a commoner”
“I get it but don’t use………..”
“This is my final word. You all know your duties. I’ll exclude Mkhonto in
this because he married his royal girl. Anyone in this house who marries
their commoner wives can do so with no problems at all. But as long as
you all have a Dlomo name fastened to your asses, you will marry a royal
bride whether you like it or not. Make sure your chosen loved ones knows
this because when the time comes, all your asses will be tight to royal
blood” Vulamasango spits with no care at all,
“I’m not marrying no one. I belong to my Mila alone” Sakhe stares at his
father in shock,
“I never said you don’t belong to her. It’s your choice to belong to her but
it’s your duty to marry a royal bride and keep the royal bloodline strong”
“Sango do we honestly have to talk about this during breakfast?”
Boitumelo intervenes,
“So Maa you know about this as well?” Sakhe asks hurt,
“Siphosakhe baby being of a royal blood means keeping the bloodline
solid, dominant and pure throughout our lineage. That can only be
achieved through royal intermarriage. Royals are not chosen brides just
for the fun of it. It’s a way of reigning families to protect their powers and
dynasties” Boitumelo shares,
“Funny how it’s suddenly culture that is forced down our throats when
it’s us who have to choose their heavens. Would you have agreed for your
Sango to be chosen some sleazy bitch from………..”
“You’ll watch your tone when you speak to my wife Zizwe. I don’t care
how mad you are but you’ll collect those crooked teeth down the floor”
Vulamasango reprimands with a trembling finger,
“Calm down Dlomo” boitumelo brushes his hand,
“Zizwe if I wasn’t from a royal house as well, Sango would have been
chosen another bride and I would have accepted it. But because I’m from
the royal bataung, he has no business looking for a royal bride unless he
just wants me to murder him” Silence stretches around the table. Sakhe
is thankful that Milani is home. She left today morning to receive the
royal delegates set to arrive tomorrow morning at her home to ask for her
hand in marriage,
“Can I also choose my husband?” Gcino melts the ice on the table with
her question. Everyone laughs,
“No one is marrying my princess. I’ll turn all the fools away” Sakhe
brushes on her head.
“Tlotla why are you not eating?” Boitumelo asks staring at Tlotla poking
her breakfast,
“I’m trying to watch my figure maa” everyone stares at her. Since when?
“Eat baby, you know you must eat” Mkhonto whispers in her ear,
“Why?” Mkhonto glares at her. This person is pregnant but here she is
asking why she should eat. He decides to let it go. He’ll talk to her when
they are alone.
It’s been a long crazy day. Zizwe is pissed and annoyed with the
information he just discovered today. Sure he is only known Zanele for a
short period of time but he is sure that she is the only woman for him.
He is sat in the lounge eyes shut staring up the ceiling in thoughts. The
first thing Zanele told him was that she is no princess. She said that so
he knows that she won’t accept being taken for some royal fool. He loves
that girl so much he doesn’t want to lose her. This is the one thing he
doesn’t know how he is going to handle,
“Abuti….” He opens his eyes to Tlotla’s soft tone,
He smiles. He knows she said abuti because she still finds it hard to
differentiate them. She doesn’t know who he is,
“Abuti Zizwe momo” he fills her in,
“Can I make you something to eat or drink?” she asks,
“A sandwich with a glass of juice will be fine momo” she smiles and heads
to the kitchen. She is the sweetest thing ever. He thinks to himself
staring at her head to the kitchen.

The two royal help sitting on kitchen stools lazing around are chased out
like dogs by Tlotla.
“GET OUT!” she barks walking into the kitchen. They run off like
headless chickens. Both they are shocked because she is always nice and
talking too much with them but today seems like she doesn’t have time
to be nice to them.
As soon as she is alone she grabs the sandwich ingredients and quickly
makes one putting it on a saucer. A glass of juice on the side and all is
put on a tray. She peeps through the doors and windows to make sure
she is got no audience before she starts her spell. Vulamasango must lose
one son as she lost her son. Or maybe two, or all of them but not Mkhonto.
His cruel heart must break before she finally sends him to his useless
ancestors that she managed to blind. They cannot tell that there is an
intruder in their yards because they are busy fighting over Ndlovukazi
in the other realm.
She spreads her hands over the food,
“I, the mother of all the supernaturals in Africa, I bring darkness upon
the one who is going to eat this food. Death shall be their final bed after
days and days of pain that cannot be detected by no one. There shall be
no reversal to this soul. With the power invested in me, I bring death to
the son of the Dlomo house. Two more shall follow in due time. May he
eat and die with my spell of death” a smile spreads on her face as she
looks at death trapped on the food. Vulamasango is going to feel her pain
in few days.


“There you go abuti Zizwe” she puts the food before him and takes a sit
just to make sure he finishes the food by himself,
“Thank you momo, you’re the best” he eats. A simple sandwich and juice
is never been so nice,
“You should meet my girlfriend momo” he says with a mouthful,
“I would like that very much, is she nice?” Zaza is an angel in his eyes,
“You’ll love her I promise. How is school coming along?”
“Not bad. I made a friend………” the two are disturbed by Mike walking
into the room. He is in some basketball vest and shorts with sweat
dripping all over his physique. There is a way he looks at Tlotla that
Zizwe doesn’t like. Tlotla is blushing biting on her bottom lip,
“WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?” Zizwe roars at Mike who
quickly eats up the stairs and run to his room,
“That’s your son! Why are you blushing with kids?!” he also barks at
“I wasn’t……..” she stops when he makes a face of someone in pain,
“Is everything okay abuti?” she asks,
“My stomach!” he groans holding on to his stomach. Everything he is
eaten and finished.
“I’ll go make you vinegar water. I heard it helps with stomach ache” she
takes her tray with. No evidence should be left behind. For now he’ll start
with painful stomach ache that will soon lead to death.

I can never not know who this one is. Yes, they are identical but somehow
I can differentiate them. Most of my colleagues always fail to tell them
apart but I do. Right here before me is Bhuti Muzi. Bhuti Muzi is serious
and lacks humor. His forehead is always creased with lines that tells you
that he is one serious man. Bheki on the other side he is the opposite of
that. There is clown in him waiting to be discovered. The first thing one
always see on his face is a smile and that look of his that gets me opening
my door for him even when I don’t want. He is just a welcoming soul
unlike his twin brother.
Today I opened my door to the different brother. This is Bhekimuzi
Dlomo. Not my man. He stands tall like a pole wearing that ever so
serious face of his. I think they never gave him sweets growing up. He is
too damn serious for my liking.
“Bhuti Muzi” I don’t know what to say to him. I just opened my door after
he knocked only to be welcomed by his serious face,
“Can I come in?” no he can’t. Bheki can come in, this is his second home
if not the third one. I’m not comfortable letting his serious twin in my
“Put something on then. You’re coming with me” and he throws orders.
Why should I come with him?
“May I ask why?” we are both still standing by the door,
“Your man is in the hospital”
“WHAT?” I pull the door shut and almost push him as well. We need to
go as in now but this man is still standing here,
“Let’s go!” I almost shout a step ahead from him,
“You need to put something on!” he sternly say and I look down at myself
and remember that I’m only in my DA lose t shirt and tights. Just great!
“I’ll wait for you by the car” he shouts from outside as I grab on the first
thing I see out of my suitcase and put it on.
What the hell happened to Bheki because he was fine when in saw him
yesterday? And we spoke this morning he was still fine.

The ride to the hospital is very long. Or maybe it feels long because I’m
in my feelings and I just want to see him.
The serious twin doesn’t offer me any sort of information or answer any
of my questions. He just tells me that he knows his twin would be happy
to see me when he wakes up. I’m holding on to that part ‘When he wakes
up’. I don’t want to think anything worse.
Bheki and I haven’t been together for that long but I don’t want to imagen
a life where he is not there. He makes me happy. This is the happiest I
have ever been in my entire life. I have managed to send my mother some
money this month all because of him. He always orders food and buys
stupid things that we hardly even eat at times but they saved me a lot
because I no longer use my money. He paid rent this month end and
bought electricity after he learned that we were actually out of electricity
the other day.
I didn’t spend a cent on me. All my salary I divided to my nephews like I
always do and my mother got some as well. To be honest my salary as
just as cleaner at Dlomo empire is enough to afford me a soft life but I
have responsibilities that aren’t mine to even take care of but I do
because no one else will if I don’t.
Two of my brothers have two boys. They are both useless fathers to their
sons. They don’t do a damn thing for their kids. One is in university and
it’s all my responsibility and the other one is in high school, another
responsibility on Zanele’s shoulders. Then, I have a mother who always
reminds me to take care of my brother’s kids. Both my brothers are
jobless and….and the only thing they know how to do is ask money from
me. I don’t think they are even trying to find jobs. I have become a family
cash cow and I have made peace with it.
Bheki’s presence in my life has drawn me from the dark hole of
depression I felt like I was slowly sinking in. He is filled my heart with
so much joy I don’t even cry for every cent I work for but can’t enjoy
anymore. Him in my life is all the happiness I need.

“We are here Makoti. Keep close to me” I’m drawn from my inner
thoughts by bhuti Muzi holding the car door open for me. I didn’t even
realize we have arrived already.
I jump down and keep close to him as he requested. This is no public
hospital as I had thought. It’s a small private practice that smells money.
It’s true that rich people always get the best. Everything about this place
tells you that someone like me can never get treated in such place.
We make a walk down the long narrow corridor. The first turn we take
we are welcomed by…..fuck! My boss is here.
The man executes power and wears a badge of intimidations like an
honor. No one can ever look in Mr. Dlomo’s eyes. There is something
about him that just demands you to drop your stare and let him look at
you like an ant. But then again, it must be his status that makes him so
fierce and intimidating.
I can feel his frown on me that is making me nervous. I’m trying my best
to avoid his stare but it’s hard when everyone is looking at me. Mrs.
Dlomo’s stare is soft and welcoming though. There is a smile on her face
unlike her husband. I think he is trying to grasp his memory to remind
him where he knows me from.
“Come sit here baby” Mrs. Dlomo pats the space beside her on the couch
and I take a sit. She is warmer to be around,
“Follow me!” Mr. Dlomo shoots at Bhuti Muzi before I can even greet.
They both disappear by the corner. I can tell he is not happy about me
being here.
“What’s your name beautiful dove? You’re so beautiful” this woman is the
most beautiful woman I have ever seen but here she is calling me
beautiful. My colleagues and I always gossip about her. We say she gets
her beauty from the water. She was a mermaid in her other life, that’s
the only thing that can explain why she is so damn beautiful.
“My name is Zanele Masombuka Maa” I introduce myself,
“From where?”
“Originally from eSwatini maa but………” we are both disturbed by bhuti
Sakhe walking in with a thick girl who is very very cute. She must be the
momo Bheki is always raving about. I want to look at her and feel the
warmth I’m always told about but there isn’t. She is just a cold creature
“Zaza?” bhuti Sakhe is shocked to see me here. He is glaring at me. The
momo whom I was told is the warmest person on earth seems to be very
cold. The cold look on her face is not what I thought she would be. She
looks like she hates me at first side. She is looking at my pumps like it’s
the most ridiculous pair of shoes she is ever seen,
I offer bhuti Sakhe a smile in response and he smiles back and glares at
his mother,
“Maa what happened?” clearly he just arrived. I’m glad he asks this
question because I also want to know.

Mrs. Dlomo heaves a sigh,

“Sakhe we don’t know. No one knows what happened” she seems
“Tell me something maa. Why is Zizwe here?” bhuti Sakhe is very
“No one know Sakhe. I was in my room when I received a call from Muzi
telling me to check on Zizwe because he is not feeling well. I went down
stairs and found him passed out in the lounge. That’s all that happened
and I called the ambulance and we are here” she shrugs,
“Who was he with?” bhuti Sakhe asks
“He was alone. There was no one in there but just him”
“Where was Dlomo and Muzi?”
“Your father was with Mtho and your grandfather. They were all
discussing their journey for tomorrow to go ask for Mila’s hand. Muzi was
said he was in town when he started feeling some sort of stomach cramps
and he called me because he couldn’t get through to him” no one just falls
“So he was just alone and he fell?” Mrs. Dlomo shrugs to the question. It’s
clear she also doesn’t know how to explain further,
“No he wasn’t alone” the answer comes from a young man who is got the
same physique, the looks and the height as his fathers. I know he has to
be Mike. I have heard about him as well.
“He was with momo” he adds giving Mrs. Dlomo one of the paper cups he
has in hand and he passes the other cup to me,
“I didn’t know how you take your coffee, bab Muzi just said to buy you
coffee as well” I nod with a smile. It’s not hard to see that he is actually
just a boy with a grown man’s body. This is the boy to keep away from
our little sisters.
“I wasn’t with him” the so called momo denies,
“But I passed you with him in the lounge when I came back from my
basketball practice”
We are all glaring at this momo. She looks too jumpy for my liking. Call
it woman instinct but I can feel that this fat bitch did something to my

“What did you do to him?” I fail to hold my tongue,

“Excuse you?” I don’t give a fuck about her perfect accent, she doesn’t
intimidate me,
“I ASKED WHAT DID YOU DO TO BHEKI?” the one thing my father
always said to me before he passed was to listen to my intuition. My
intuitions are telling me that this little girl is got everything to do with
Bheki being here,
“Who are you? I don’t owe you answers”
“I’m not your business to know but you’ll tell me what you did to my man”
“Or else what?” she folds her arms to her chest,
“Or else I’ll mop this floors with your fat ass” lord knows I have never lost
even a single physical fight since I was born. And I don’t intend on losing
to this cold fat little girl. She feels lifeless standing face to face to her.
Her cold stare doesn’t intimidate me. I hold it and fold my arms
challenging her as well.
“TLOTLA! ZANELE!” Mrs. Dlomo calls us off but none between us
flinches. I don’t want to lie looking deep in this girl’s eyes is scary as fuck.
The longer I look, the more I see darkness and a sense of danger I cannot
describe. I have not seen a witch before but this is what a witch looks like
I can tell.
“I’m not your mate to back chat with. I’ll end you” she points a finger at
me in warning. I don’t say a word but put my ass on the couch. My
intuition once again tells me that she’ll see through to her threat if I don’t
behave myself.
I don’t know if it’s being confined in this room of darkness or my mind is
slowly dying on me but for however long I have been in here for, I feel
like I’m one person divided into two. I feel like my mind is left in here
while my body is elsewhere. There is this drift between my mind and
body. I cannot find a way to connect the two. If I can find a way to make
the two whole again, I can tell that I’m going to conquer this darkness.
There is something my mind is failing to grasp is hindered from me. I can
tell that’s the one thing that’s going to get me the hell out of here though
I don’t know what it is. If only I can remember what the hell it is.
I’m crouched to the wall trying to gather my thoughts. I don’t know what
I’m trying to remember but something is there in my head. You know
when you know something and somehow remember it in your head but it
just doesn’t come out no matter how hard you try? I feel that way. It
doesn’t help that I’m alone in this. Akela has left me all alone in this.
*What do you want me to do?* oh she is still alive I guess, but I can
tell she is very weak,
*I need us to be one and work our way out of this. Please help me*
*What would you have me do?* she asks once again,
*Help me think. Is there a way we can connect to the outside
*If our mate doesn’t feel our absence there is no way we can
connect to the outside world* it frustrates me why Khonto isn’t feeling
my absence,
*What about through the pack link?* I’m trying to source every way
possible out of here,
*We now belong to his pack. If we were still under Lupus’s pack we
would connect to him. But now we have mated to the predator and
it’s him who is the alpha of the pack*
*But we can still connect to the other pack members through the
pack link, right?* I know the answer is yes but she is hesitant,
*Akela I need us to be out of here as soon as today. There is a baby
in my belly. I’m hungry, thirsty and I’m slowly running out of
energy. If we don’t get out of here today I’m going to lose my mind*
*There is a way to connect to the pack members* I know, I just want
to know which way is that,
*Today Akela!* I’m running out of patience
*I would have to bite you. Declaring me rogue is the only way the
others would hunt me down to put me in order* a wolf can never bite
its keeper. Doing so she’ll be declared rogue and punished.
*Do it* I don’t want to even think about it. We’ll fix everything and
explain when we are out of here to the pack,
*You don’t understand. Being harmed by your own wolf has dire
effects. The bite from your own wolf don’t heal. You’ll need a wolf
healer to heal those kind of bites*
*Tlotla you and I are one. I can never forgive myself for harming
you. And we have little snow flake to think about. What if we never
find a wolf healer to heal you*
*We’ll worry about that once we are out of here and back home.
Right now your bite is the only way out of this place. Please just
do it* I know I’m asking too much of her but right now this is the only
thing we have,
*Lupus as the lord of wolves might separate me from you and kill
me you know that, right?*
*I’ll handle my father if it gets to that. Just do it Akela, please*
Akela is an aggressive wolf. Softness is not in her blood. I can feel my
own teeth transform to her fangs. They bare out and sharpen for a soft
bite. She urges my arm up to mouth for a bite. I don’t fight her because I
need this to get the hell out of here. No matter how soft and gentle she is
trying to be, it’s painful to the soul. Being bitten by your own wolf it’s like
being stabbed straight to the heart though the heart doesn’t stop
functioning but feels every bit of pain.
I can feel blood ooze out of my arm as I slowly sit by the wall and wait for
rescue. I don’t know how long I have but the pain is …………………

I can feel blood ooze out of my arm as I slowly sit by the wall and wait for
rescue. I don’t know how long I have but the pain is unbearable.
*TLOTLA* Akela is panicking in my head. I can hear her but passed the
pain I’m trying to concentrate. I feel that I’m close to grasping that thing
that feels like it’s totally wiped off my mind.
And just like that it hits me. With the excruciating pain I feel the part of
me that was clearly hindered and blinded from me by that witch that put
me in here. She knew it’s the one thing that can undo her witchcraft and
get me through any realm and she put a spell on my mind.
The spell is slowly coming off as I feel pain from the bite and my memory
recovers all the blankness and darkness it was submerged to.
I’m a white witch after my mother. This is the last and only force that
can conquer this wolverine whore. She hindered that from me when she
took me in my sleep and put a spell on my mind. I was asleep to focus
and fight her. She knew that was the only way she could come at me,
when I was sleeping and relaxed.
*Thank you Akela* I have to thank her. If she didn’t bite me and make
mind focus on pain and not the blank darkness it was submerged to, I
wouldn’t have recovered from that. The spell of darkness and blankness
was slowly going to kill my brain from all the thinking I would have done.

My way out of here is through Pegasus Grace. I can call on my guides to

help me as well but Grace is the faster option to get me out of here in no
time. The wolves will not find me by the time I get here but I know they’ll
follow Akela’s scent.
“Pegasus Grace, the last greek stallion of the earth, I call upon you” with
the last strength I have in me I call as loud as I can looking up in
darkness. I hope they haven’t turned their backs on me.
“Pegasus Grace, the last greek stallion of the earth, please I call upon
you” the wolf bite on my arm is starting to make me tremble. I want to
control the pain but it’s just too much.
I’m almost drowning in pain when I hear some sort of wings flapping from
above. I look up and see Pegasus Grace lighting her way down to me. It
feels different but great at the same time to see light after so long. What
surprises me though it that it’s a way long way down. Grace is flapping
her wings on the way down to me.
*Hold on Tlotla. We are getting out of here* Akela is worried of me.
Unfortunately the pain of her bite is only felt by the human in me. She
cannot feel it all.
Grace lands right before me and neighs out loud. With her bright light
reflected by her feathers I see that I’m actually in a cave. It’s just a long
hallow cave. There is nothing to see expect the hard rocks that makes a
cave and the echo that follows my every movement as I struggle my way
up to ride her. Such caves can only be found in Lesotho. This old whore
took me and threw me all the way to Lesotho. Credit must be given where
it’s due. She is freaking sly and smart, but not for long. This is the end of
her. I have heard it with this old woman!

Grace falls on two of her front legs making it easy for me to climb her. I
stagger on my way up. Because of pain and the fact that my knees have
been crouched for far too long. I manage to ride the last greek stallion of
the earth. Being on top of her everything plays in my head like a movie.
I see everything. How I got here to how the old woman took over my body
at home.
“Let’s go home Grace” I gently brush on her soft fur. She flaps her wings
and flies us out of this hell hole. It’s just a very long cave down beneath
the mountain. It’s roofed with spells over spells to refrain any kind of
light from shining into it. It belongs to the one and only wolverine witch.
All this I see and feel through Grace. And yes, I’m in Lesotho.
We are standing on top of the mountain that I know is in Lesotho. The
terrain and mountainous land only belongs in Lesotho. This woman
kidnapped me and made sure she keeps me far far away.
“Let’s go Grace” I brush on her once again. I know she is fast and cannot
be seen by anyone even in day light. Only I can ask her to show herself if
I want. We’ll be in South Africa in less than an hour.
I can see where everyone is gathered in sorrow. They all at the hospital.
I have the power to undo the wolverine’s spell of death on abuti Zizwe but
it’s going to come at a great cost. The wolverine’s spells are tight to
innocent souls. Her spell of death can be undone but through an innocent
bloodline soul. This is the only way I’m shown to save abuti Zizwe and
bring him back.
Peter finally comes out after what feels like forever. Almost everyone gets
on their feet as he nears the house at large. It’s the look in his eyes that
has Boitumelo shaking her head. A mother will always know. She
swallows her lump and cling on to her husband harder.
Vulamasango is got his wife under his arm trying by all means to control
his breathing. He knows this man. Peter is his friend. The look in his eyes
says it all.
“I’m so sorry……..” Boitumelo’s cry fills the entire corridor. Vula is
holding her not to fall down but he is staring at Peter as well. Part of him
wants him to say this is a prank or joke,
“PETER?” his voice trembles as he glares at Peter in question. This
cannot be true,
“Fula I’m really sorry. He just died in my hands” he doesn’t know how
else to describe this. Zizwe was in so much pain but he still cannot tell
where it originated from. All the test came clear.
Sakhe and Muzi are just numb. They are just staring at Peter. It hasn’t
registered at all. They refuse to believe this.
“Zizwe is not dead!” Muzi shouts. He can feel it in his heart that he is still
connected to his twin,
“He is not dead!” he sternly repeats glaring at Peter.

Zanele catches a smile at Tlotla sitting by the corner. She forgets the
threat and all but jump on Tlotla. She is strangling her to the floor when
strong arms grabs on her from behind. It’s one of Mkhonto’s pack
members, Chris. Everyone is been trying to get Mkhonto through his
phone but he is unreachable.
He puts Zanele down. The look in his eyes is deadly and animalistic.
Zanele is shaking like a leaf as he puts her down. He doesn’t say anything
though but pulls Tlotla’s arm looking at it,
“Where is my husband Chris?” she is hysterical,
“She is trying to kill me Chris. I want my husband” Chris doesn’t flinch
but stare at her as almost trying to read on her,
“I’m going to deal with her” he gently pulls her arm once again and look
“What are you doing?” Tlotla asks as he inspects her arm,
“Nothing my alpha female. I just want to see if she didn’t harm you in
any way” it takes everything in him not to strangle her but he knows the
wolverine always somehow vanishes when caught. The best way is to play
her own game and beat her while at it.
“Your Mk send me to come fetch you” yes he is under strict orders,
“I will sir. But can I have a moment with you on the side” Tlotla doesn’t
like this secret talks but she is sure her cover is still intact so she doesn’t
dwell much at it.
Chris makes sure they are at a safe distance before he passes the
massage Mkhonto asked him to pass on his father,
“My Alpha asked that you make sure that his brother is not taken to the
mortuary” he say,
A frown draws on Vulamasango,
“How does he know he is no more because we haven’t been able to find
him?” Vula asks,
“He is not dead. He is put under a spell of death by the wolverine. She
took Tlotla’s body. That is not Tlotla” Vulamasango is rendered numb
and shocked,
“This information must end here. You are not to tell anyone but continue
acting cool around her. I’m taking her to the predator. The real Tlotla will
be here shortly to undo the spell on Zizwe. All you have to do is make
sure he is not taken to the mortuary. Is that clear Mr. Dlomo?”
Vulamasango is quick to nod,
“That will be all sir. Let’s go back so she doesn’t suspect a thing”
The pack connected to Akela when they felt her bite. Through her wound
bite they felt she was in Lesotho though Mkhonto insisted that she was
home with his family. He asked Chris to follow the wolverine’s scent but
he couldn’t at first because she had hidden under Tlotla’s body. But the
minute Akela bit on Tlotla it was easier to separate the real Tlotla’s scent
to the fake Tlotla. He followed the scent of the wolverine and it let them
straight in this hospital.
They both kept in hiding with Mkhonto watching her since they arrived.
The hidden smiles on her face when everyone is not watching, the
cockiness, the way she flirts with Mike. The way his family did nothing
at the information that she was the last to be seen with Zizwe. It’s quite
clear that she did something to them. And him as well. All the pieces fell
into place as he connected to his Tlotla coming here. He wants to get her
to the cabin without making her suspicious.
In the car is where he waits for his ‘Tlotla’ coming with Chris. They have
parked in the basement parking of the hospital.
“Mk they want to kill me” she throws herself on him as soon as Chris
opens the backseat door for her. She is so happy to see her man,
“I’m going to kill them all my queen. Let’s go” now that he know who this
is, he wants to strangle her right there and then but he knows that he
has to be smart to kill this woman or else she’ll vanish in his arms.
“I want that Zanele dead Mk” she say on his chest,
“She is going to die baby” it’s her dying, not the other way round.

Grace puts me right on top of the hospital building. I’m still grateful that
she can only be seen by me unless I command her otherwise. I would
make papers by midday if anyone saw me riding a breed of house that is
presumed to have come to extinction.
I’m in my nightdress only. It’s the only piece of garment covering my body
because I was taken in my sleep. I’m barefooted as I rush over to the
bottom floor. People are looking at me in a questioning manner. I don’t
blame them though, running into a woman parading the hospital
building in just her sleeping wear is rather odd. To my luck this is a
private establishment, the building is not that big. In no time I’m rushing
on the first floor following my in laws scent.
The closer I get the more it comes clear to me what I have to do to save
abuti Zizwe. I know this is not a decision I need to take alone. It pains
me even thinking about it. I honestly wish there was another way but
somehow this old woman derived her spell of death from innocent lives,
meaning it can also be broken through innocent lives.

“SDUDLA!” abuti Sakhe is the one to see me first. He is appalled with

my choice of dress, I can feel their eyes dig on to my skin in confusion. In
their eyes I was just here and I wasn’t this disorganized.
There is almost everyone in here and a slender woman I don’t know. They
are glaring at me with nothing but confusion,
“This way my baby” my father in law throws his coat on me and leads me
to a room not so far from them. I can tell it’s where abuti Zizwe sleep
under the death spell. It’s just a corner away from the others.
There is no one inside the room. He remains outside the door while I rush
in. I stop everything going in my mind to focus on this one. With my palms
I rub on them against each other and spread them on his bare chest. I
can hear the sound of his heartbeat. It’s faint but it’s there. I can see his
soul trapped in a place between hell and earth. Only an innocent soul can
undo this death spell.
Lord knows I want to save my brother in law. I really really do but does
it have to come to this? Is this some sort of punishment? Khonto needs to
be here, I cannot make this decision on my own.
“Is he okay?” my father in law asks as I walk out. I just need a moment
alone before Khonto gets here. I already connected to the predator, he is
on his way here,
“He will be baba” I need to really be alone before I do this,
“Can I use the bathroom?” I don’t even know why I’m asking. Somehow
I’m thankful it’s just him and I on this floor.
“You don’t need to ask Tlotla, it’s this way. Why are you crying?” he puts
his hands on my shoulders in question. I don’t miss the worry on his tone
and face. I wasn’t even aware that I was crying. This is not a decision no
woman should make. It’s the most painful decision I have ever had to
“I’ll be back baba I just need……” I need to be alone.

Fortunately the bathroom is not that far. I shut the toilet door and the
toilet sit before I sit on it. Both my palm brush on my belly. I want to see
another way out of this but there isn’t none. I don’t know if I’ll be able to
survive this one. This is the one thing that can possibly kill my soul.
Akela is already dead inside me. She is holding on so tight to her.
I wish we hadn’t known about her. Maybe if I hadn’t known her name
and come to know I’ll be her mother it wouldn’t be so difficult and painful
to come to this decision. I know I wasn’t happy about her. But it was only
a day thing. I was ready for her since I knew what her duty would be in
this house. I just wasn’t happy that she was put in my belly without my
consent. That’s the only thing I wasn’t happy about. Surely God can’t be
punishing me for that. I’m not the only woman out there who would have
liked to fall pregnant on their own terms.
“Baby! My queen!” Khonto is here. He is banging on my door. This is a
women’s bathroom and he walked right in,
“I’m coming Khonto” I need to wipe this stupid tears. He’ll be a mess
when see me like this. I can feel that the predator is already clawing on
him sensing my pain.
The minute I open the door he pushes me back in and engulfs me in his
arms. His scent invites fresh tears on my face. He is not sure why I’m
crying but he can feel it in our connection that whatever it is must be too
heavy for me.
I can feel his warm lips on top of my head as he constantly reassures me
how much he loves me and how sorry he is,
“I’m really really sorry my queen, I failed you” I shake my head no as he
keeps saying. The wolverine put a spell on the Dlomo house. None of them
was going to see through her. Only a person from the outside would have
seen her,
“Babe we need to talk” I manage the words through his tight hold on me.
He doesn’t want to let me go.
He pulls me off and cup my face. Looking in my eyes I can see that he is
in battle. He is filled with regret and pain. He shouldn’t blame himself.
“Your arm baby” my arm….it has stopped paining. I almost forgot about
it. My entire arm is purple from where Akela bit me. We have far more
pressing matters for now, we can deal with an arm later on,
“Tell me you have her” I need to kill that woman myself,
“I do my queen. Tell me what you need me to do so I don’t see you like
this” he cannot stand this sight of me,
“Let’s get out of here” we are still in a women’s bathroom and he shouldn’t
be in here.
For once I’m glad he listens. He holds me under his arm and we walk out
of the bathroom. We have eyes on us from the two ladies we pass by the
sinks. They smile shaking their heads. They must be thinking we were
getting dirty in there while we did none of that.
Mr. Dlomo is right outside as well. His coat on me is taken and given back
to the owner while I’m covered by my mate’s coat. It’s the control freak in
him failing to tolerate another man’s scent on me even though it’s just
his fathers’.
“Talk to me my queen, what is going on?” I have never really realized how
much he looks like his father until this moment. I feel like I’m staring in
one person as they both look at me. An older and younger version of one
“The wolverine’s death spell is derived from innocent souls” they both nod
although I can see that they are confused
“It means an innocent soul must be sacrificed to undo the spell” I explain,
“So we must sacrifice a child to have Zizwe back?” Mr. Dlomo asks and I
nod. Khonto is staring at me, I don’t know if he gets it or his is afraid of
what I have to say next,
“Okay, okay, I’m sure we can find a woman who wants to have an
abortion out there and…..”
“Baba!” I stop him. He is pacing trying to think,
“It must be a bloodline soul. No child from an outsider is going to save
abuti Zizwe. It must be a Dlomo child with Dlomo blood to save another
Dlomo” there is a very silent loud communication going on amongst the
three of us,
“Milani is the only pregnant woman in the house and how do we even ask
this of her?” Mr. Dlomo eventually ask. Well ausi Mila is not the only
pregnant woman but he doesn’t know that,
“TLOTLA NO!” Khonto shakes his head,
“What choice do we have?” I ask him. Mr. Dlomo is very confused right
“NO. I REFUSE!” he is adamant
“So you’ll look abuti Sakhe and ausi Mila in the eye and ask them to
sacrifice their unborn child to save abuti Zizwe?” if he’ll do it himself I
don’t have a problem, what I know is that I’ll not ask this of ausi Mila.
It’s the most painful thing to ever ask any pregnant woman. Even any
mother out there shouldn’t be asked to sacrifice their children,
“Why does it have to be us? Sinesipho is destined for far greater purpose
in this house. Surely she should be saved” now he is being a hypocrite. I
know my daughter is much needed in this house but that doesn’t make
her more important than ausi Mila’s boy. Both children are important
and both deserve to live but one must be sacrificed for abuti Zizwe,

“Wait a minute, are you pregnant?” Mr. Dlomo is only catching up now,
I nod.
He smiles but his smile is immediately replaced by a frown,
“So we have two babies to choose from in this house?” I nod once again to
his question,
“You don’t see any other way to undo the spell without sacrificing the
baby?” he continues to ask and I shake my head no.
The same pain that has his son pulls him. I have cried it out. They have
some time to come to terms with it as well.
“Let me gather the whole family and see if we cannot find anyone
pregnant who is willing to sacrifice their baby. I don’t want neither you
nor Milani to have to do this” I’m up for any kind of solutions because I
also don’t want to give up my baby but I doubt he’ll find another Dlomo
baby to sacrifice,
“Don’t take too long baba” the longer abuti Zizwe sleeps in that spell, the
longer his soul suffers.
I’m left with a very angry pained man as his father runs off. He thinks
I’m selfish to even suggest this but he doesn’t see what I see.
“No one is killing my baby Tlotla” I wrap myself on his waist and he hugs
me. I don’t know if Mr. Dlomo will come back with another baby but I
doubt that very much,
“No one is killing my Sine” I let him have his moment, unfortunately it’s
going to come to that if his father doesn’t find another Dlomo blood to
“No one is killing my baby”

I don’t know where my father in law went for help but he came back
wearing his shoulders. It was evidently clear that he got no help wherever
he went to but he asked for some time and said we should wait on
someone whom he went to fetch.
There is no other pregnant Dlomo woman apart from ausi Mila and I.
Even if they were, I don’t think they would agree to this. It’s a difficult
thing to ask of any mother. No one deserves to be put in such a pressing
corner. I want to tell myself that there is another way which I know there
isn’t because my guides would have shown me by now. The thought of
letting go of the soul growing in me is painful. I want to think of it as
saving abuti Zizwe for now but what about my baby?
What I know is that this is going to kill me. I know I’ll do what I have to
do but it’s going to eat me on the inside.
What I hate now is that everyone now knows. It’s a family decision now,
which is a good thing but I hate that everyone is going to know. I wish
they didn’t have to know. I hate being pitied on and it’s exactly what is
going to happen should Mr. Dlomo’s whatever we are waiting on not
agree to help.

The one thing my father in law did is to gather all of us in a small

boardroom like lounge in this very same hospital. I think he is got friends
in this place because we have dominated the place like it’s our second
I was called a doctor to clean and dress my bite wound. I told him I was
bitten by a dog which I saw that he didn’t believe me but he did his job
anyway. My arm is covered with a bandage as I try to sleep in my angry
husband’s arms. He is one angry man today. I can feel his anger in the
way he breathes and the veins mapping his skin. I understand his anger
but he needs to calm down. I know how much he loves his brothers, I
don’t think he would be okay without one of his brothers.
Sleeping is a struggle because I’m caught between a rock and a hard
place. My mind is in wonders of thoughts and it doesn’t seem like it’s
going to relax anytime soon.
And then another rock refraining me from sleeping is the woman
throwing daggers at me sited by abuti Muzi. It’s hard to sleep when
someone is looking at you like they are planning on murdering you the
minute you sleep, or maybe she is just one of those people with painful
stares, I don’t know. But I pick nothing but hate from the way she is
looking at me.

“Khonto who is that?” I ask the angry beast holding me. I rest in his arms
like his own baby, it’s how he is holding me and I don’t have the energy
to put up a fight with him, hence why I’m letting him baby me,
“No one is killing my baby” Lord! This is the only thing going on in his
“No one” he adds and kisses the top of my head and continue to cradle me
like I’m his baby. I’m allowing him to do this in front of everyone because
I can feel that he needs this to keep sane,
“Baby, Khonto please look at me” I want to pull him from his mind,
He looks down at me. A subtle smile draws on his face,
“No one is going to kill her” I assure him. I just want him to be in this
moment with me. I don’t know who or how we are going to convince him
when the time comes but I can tell that it’s going to be one hell of a battle
for him,
He leans down on my face and kisses my lips. He is with me now,
“Who is that?” I gesture with my head the lady I’m asking about
His eyebrows marry into each other with confusion,
“Baby I’m talking about the woman next to abuti Muzi, who is she?” he
doesn’t want to engage in anything else but he glances once at them and
look down on me,
“That’s Zanele” he say and I glare at him for more,
“You want me to ask, who is Zanele?” bathong! This is not the time to be
cold for god sakes!
“Why does she bother you? She is Zizwe’s girlfriend” he is dismissive
about it but at least I got my answer,
“Why is she looking at me like that? She looks angry” at me if I may say
because she melts when she talks to Mrs. Dlomo,
“I don’t know. Come here” I’m in his arms, I don’t know how much closer
does he wants me. He pecks my lips and cup my face with his one hand,
“I’m really sorry my queen” I told this man there is nothing he would
have seen or did. They were all under a spell.
“I’m hungry, please go buy me something to eat” I’m trying to distract
him from the guilt I see trapped in his eyes,
“My baby is hungry?” he grins. His hand drops to my belly and he brushes
on it. I don’t respond but just stare back at him. Yes she is hungry but…..
“I need to use the bathroom” I want him to let me go,
“Alone” I add when he stands with me. He doesn’t want to but we fall into
a staring contest until he gives up,
“Fine!” his grumpy ass drops back to the couch and I freely walk out of
the room alone. The bathroom is just a door away. I turn to footsteps that
belong to the angry woman from the sitting area. She followed me.

Clearly she has something to say so I stop outside the bathroom to hear
her out. She is clearly coming to me,
“I see you bitch!” and the tone she uses I don’t appreciate at all. Now I
know I wasn’t insane to think that she is throwing hate stares on me. She
is all over my face pointing me with a trembling finger. I’m really really
confused here.
“You see me?” for now I’ll let the ‘bitch’ slide because I’m trying to find
out why she is angry at me when she doesn’t even know me. I’m very
thoughtful but should I find that she is cursing me for no reason at all,
I’ll go all bitch on her and she’ll wish she wasn’t born,
“You did something to my man! You’re a witch and I see you. You’re going
to give me my Bheki” now I see. She is the outsider that saw through the
wolverine. Unfortunately I cannot explain a damn thing to her because
some things are confidential when it comes to us as a family mixed with
hybrids. Abuti Zizwe will sit her down and tell her himself should he see
her fit to spend the rest of his life with her,
“I’ll give him to you, go sit down” I really am going to give him to her at
the expense of my baby,
“I don’t know why they can’t see you. He spoke so highly for of you but
you turned out to be a nothing but a fat lose girl who walks around with
her nightdress in front of her in laws. You can fool them all but not me.
Just an hour ago you were all happy about Bheki dying, now you’re
suddenly sympathetic. I’m not falling for your witch acts”
*Let me shut this whore up* I’m afraid not today Akela,
“For today, you can insult me all you want because I understand you don’t
know shit. But once you know, please come back and call me a fat lose
girl to my face. Please do! And just to call you out, don’t ever, no matter
how angry you are, don’t ever make an analysis on how I look like and
insult me with it. I’ll do the same and you’ll not like what I have to say
from just looking at you at this very moment. Right now you don’t know
me, so I would appreciate it if you took your ass back to the sitting area
and shut the fuck up. Nxa!” the nerve to call me a fat lose girl when she
looks like a ghost of a ghost. She should try getting some fat under that
skin clinging on her like she lotions with dog shit!
Thankfully the Zanele woman that I left stunned outside the door is not
there when I walk out. I find her with the family and she is trying to not
look in my direction, which I appreciate very much.
Ausi Mila walks in with Mr. Dlomo. The room was silent but the silence
that fills the room escalates as they both walk in. Abuti Sakhe gets off
his chair to hug ausi Mila and kiss her. I don’t miss the look he gives his
father behind the hug.
Mr. Dlomo glares at abuti Muzi. He doesn’t say a word but he is telling
him to see Zanele out. We wait for abuti Muzi to come back from seeing
Zanele out. All eyes gaze at Mr. Dlomo as soon as abuti Muzi is seated.
“Mzamane as I told you on our way here Zizwe is in a situation that
requires a very difficult decision to be taken by a family, I figured you
have to be involved as well because I’m hoping you’ll help us out” ausi
Mila is clearly confused but she listens attentively,
“Zizwe is under a death spell that can take his life if we don’t break it” he
tells her. We all know what is going on in this room except her,
“And why don’t you break it?” Ausi Mila asks,
“The spell can only be broken by a sacrificial of an innocent soul” she is
still not getting it. She looks at abuti Sakhe who is holding her hand in a
very affirming manner,
“Innocent soul?” ausi Mila,
“A Dlomo child must be sacrificed to save Zizwe”
“NO!” she shakes her head. She is adamant. It’s her response and body
language that makes me sure that she’ll not change her mind no matter
“NO BABA! I’m not giving my child to be sacrificed” her one hand touches
on her belly. The other one is in abuti Sakhe’s hold,
“And you heard her Dlomo, please don’t beg us” abuti Sakhe stops Mr.
Dlomo from saying anything more to ausi Mila,
“Siphosakhe you can have another baby, please talk to Milani” Mr. Dlomo
is trying his best to convince them,
“Mkhonto and Sdudla can also have another baby, why should it be ours
that is sacrificed?” abuti Sakhe,
“Tlotla is not carrying just any baby. We need that baby in her womb as
a family. Our family has become a playground for witches to do as they
please and put us under spells because we don’t have a dominant seer in
the house. Tlotla is carrying that for us. Please son”
“So my baby is not needed in the family?” this is going to bring a flame
we don’t need in the family,
“Just because I’m not your son my family should be sacrificed?”
“SAKHE!” the whole room exclaim expect me and the one holding me. I
don’t miss the hurt on Mr. Dlomo’s face,
“I’m sorry for asking Siphosakhe” Mr. Dlomo say evidently hurt and
walks out. Mrs. Dlomo follows him with a teary face.
I look at khonto. He looks away when I look at him. This is difficult for
“Are we burying abuti Zizwe?” I ask him,
“I’m not burying my brother”
“Then are you saying I should go in there and do it?” I ask,
“Don’t dare touch my child Tlotla” Amen!
“If Zizwe dies, I’m killing myself as well” abuti Muzi informs us. There is
no joke in his words. He looks at the four of us in the room and leaves.
The four left is Khonto and I, and abuti Sakhe and ausi Mila. One couple
between the two must give up their baby.
“You hurt your brother you know that?” Khonto say glaring at abuti
“I didn’t mean to. I just felt like he is asking this from my family because
we are not that important to him”
“That’s not true and you know it” Khonto
“Then why should it be my wife and I who gives up our baby?”
“He explained why. Do you really like seeing our family so weak and
broken? We need a seer, a dominant royal seer and its right in her womb”
he touches my belly,
“Spear I’m not giving up my baby” he shakes his head. He is not going to
give up his baby no matter how hard they try to convince him.

“I need to use the bathroom” I announce on my feet. I don’t need to use

the bathroom. I need to do what has to be done and get this over with
before this thing breaks this family.
Khonto doesn’t pay much attention to me because he is invested on
changing abuti Sakhe’s mind. I make my way to the room that beds abuti
Zizwe. He still lays pale and lifeless on top of the bed. There is no palm
or heart beat any doctor can feel but through my white powers I do hear
the sound of his faint heartbeat.
I need a word with my baby before I do this. I hope she hears me.
“Hey baby. I know you probably hate me right now but I hope one day
you’ll understand why I had to do this. I need you to know that I love you
and I would have liked to meet you. Hopefully one day we’ll meet and I’ll
get a chance to hold you in my arms. Please go back and rest my little
angel. I’ll carry your name from today as my spirit. I may have not held
you but you gave me a name that I’ll forever value and cherish for all my
life. Ke nna mamaSine from now on. Please forgive me by angel and help
mommy save your father. I’ll always love you sweetheart” I plant a peck
on my belly with my hand and wipe off the tears.
With a sigh I’m ready to bring abuti Zizwe.
Rubbing on my palms I ignite the white flame of my powers. My bright
healing cloud forms instantly between my hands. It feels like both my
hands are charged with magnetic fields of different charges. I let the
cloud grow by rubbing on my hands until I feel that it’s bright enough to
pull abuti Zizwe’s spirit back and break the spell put on his soul,
“I, MamaSine, the second white witch of this generation, call on you the
purest ones who brings what was done in darkness to light, I call on you
to help me break the spell put on this soul by a dark witch. The spell
requires an innocent soul to be broken and in my womb I offer my baby”
I put both my hands on my belly and brush on them taking the soul. My
healing cloud grabs something from me. I feel the heaviness in my hands
that it now holds a soul,
“By the powers invested in me, I break what was done in darkness and
bring this soul back to this realm” my one hand touches on abuti Zizwe’s
forehead while the other one touches on his heart. With my eyes closed I
feel him take one deep breath like he just came under water. He is wide
awake and confused when I open my eyes. It’s amazing to do this but it’s
painful what I had to give up. My panty is soaking. I’m bleeding. I need
a shower and a pad. And to be alone.
“MOMO!” he shouts behind me as I walk out of the room.

Touching base with the earth grounds after a night on a hospital bed he
feels a bit out of place. There is a foreign headache hitting him on his
glabella that makes him feel a bit dizzy and out of place. Trying to recall
what happened in the past 24 hours is still a marathon he doesn’t feel
like racing. Everything is just a bit haze and too far for this mind to grasp.
The last thing he remember is Tlotla giving him a plate of sandwich and
a glass of juice, and then after that he suffered severe stomach cramps.
That’s the only thing he remembers. And now waking up the first thing
he sees is Tlotla once again with eyes pregnant of thunders of tears. She
looked nothing like herself. She was on the verge of breaking down and
that is nothing like Tlotla.
Something feels really wrong and he intends on finding out.
Getting out of the bed is not a struggle but finding balance on his feet
requires quite an effort. His body feels heavy and foreign. It feels like he
had carried bags and bags of cement for a whole year.
He starts of wobbly and staggering at first but with a gentle but slowly
pace he makes it to the door. One thing he is sure of from studying the
room and how he is dressed is that he is in a hospital. And if that’s the
case he needs to find just one stuff member to tell him what is going on.
Odd enough his room has nothing but a bed. It’s a room what would
occupy someone who is given up life but he shakes off the thought. He
can’t have given up life when he saw Tlotla. Unless if it was a dream.

“Bab Peter!” relief washes over him as he sees Peter walking down the
corridor as he opens the door.
The astonished look on Peter’s face adds on his worries. There is a cold
awkward sense of disbelief in his eyes. He looks like someone who wants
to run with each step that he takes closing up the space between them.
“Bab Peter what am I doing here?” Zizwe asks standing before the white
man looking pale in disbelief,
“Were you in heaven or hell?” Peter asks glaring at him,
“Huh?” Zizwe is a bit lost,
“Heaven or hell?” Peter is quite persistence with this question, so heaven
seems like a better choice even though he is clueless where the question
comes from,
“Heaven” he makes a choice,
“Is it true that everything is white in heaven?” Peter asks,
“Huh?” talk about being confused
“Is it true that you see a bright light when you’re going to heaven after
“Bab Peter how am I supposed to know what heaven looks like after
dying?” Zizwe asks,
“Zizwe you died in this arms. I have your time of death and everything
but here you are talking to me. The least you can do is tell me what
heaven looks like and how it feels going in there and coming back. Why
did God return you anyway? Were you perhaps meant for hell?” Zizwe
narrows his eyes at him,
“Can you please organize me a transport to take me home?” he doesn’t
entertain Peter’s theory of him being dead. He must be high on
something, or rather yet he is seen too many dead people in his profession
now they are messing with his head,
“Follow me, I’ll tell the hearse to wait on you on the front door” he tails
him even though he knows there is no way he is climbing a hearse,
“I knew Vula’s life is twisted and full of adventures but to have Jesus the
return part 2 of a son is on another level” by now Peter is talking alone.
Zizwe is confirmed that the old man is crazy. If he wasn’t his father’s
friend, he wouldn’t bother listening to him.

Peter opens a door to a small lounge that occupies Sakhe, Milani and
Mkhonto. Everyone is shocked to see him. They all stare at him in
complete silence until Peter speaks.
“Where is Vula?” he looks between Sakhe and Mkhonto in question but
no one answers him,
“Please tell him to see me immediately. I performed miracles for him, he
owes me gazillions” Peter walks out leaving the sibling staring at each
other in silence. Everyone is happy and shocked to see him but Mkhonto
is hit by immediate pain as he looks at him. It means his daughter had
to die for his brother to be here,
“You are here?” Sakhe finally breaks the ice getting of his seat. He stands
before Zizwe poking him,
“Where am I supposed to be? What happened?” Zizwe asks,
“Two” he turns on Mkhonto’s hurt tone behind him. Mkhonto is always
been a closed book and one that is really hard to read and show emotions
but today it doesn’t need a specialist to see that he is hurt and in pain,
“What’s wrong? Why am I here?” Zizwe asks looking at Mkhonto who
offers him his hand and pulls him for a brotherly hug,
“I’m glad ugrant, I have to bounce Two. Take care” (……you’re okay,……)
Mkhonto leaves before Zizwe asks another question. He usually calls him
‘Two’ because he is the youngest twin. Muzi on the other hand is One
because he is the oldest,
“What’s wrong with him, why am I here?” Zizwe turns to Sakhe when
Mkhonto leaves them with nothing but absolute pain left behind,
“Mamakhe” Sakhe helps Milani off the seat and tells her to go call the
“Sit down and let me fill you in” Zizwe falls on the seat with immediate
“You died and went to hell and came back in one night” that’s the shortest
summary he didn’t expect.
I knew he wasn’t going to be happy about the decision I made but not
coming home and deliberately ignoring me is not what I expected. He
knows I need him, now more than ever but he is just too mad to be here.
We have to talk, about what happened and the wolverine. I know he still
have her. I want that woman to die of my hand. I feel like it’s the only
justice I’ll get for my daughter.
I wanted my husband to be with me as I take a stand before his family. I
was born into a not perfect family but one thing I know for sure and still
know even today is that the Molapos are not weaklings. From roots to all
they are strong as fuck!
I know this is marriage but it’s now my family and I’ll not sit and relax
being married into a family with weak ass ancestors busy fighting each
other instead of protecting us.
I had a night of heart pain and thoughts. I blame the Dlomo ancestors for
losing my baby. If they were full on ancestors, the wolverine wouldn’t
have walked in their grounds and did as she pleased with their family.
Now I had to pay the price of losing my daughter for them. I refuse to be
married to a war zone of ancestors fighting for a skirt.
I’m still bleeding. This only confirms that whatever was left of my baby
is still cleaning out. I really wish my husband would have been here with
me. I wish we could deal with this together and make him understand
that I couldn’t let abuti Zizwe die when he had ate from my hand that
put him in that position in the first place. I know it wasn’t my hand but
it was still my body.
The first thing I see as I open the door after cleaning up and making my
bed is abuti Zizwe crouched behind my door. It’s clear he is been waiting
for me for quite a while. I didn’t hear them arrive yesterday. I asked
Grace to take me home and bathed and then had some food before I dozed
off. It’s the alone time I needed and I’m glad no one disturbed me. I had
only hoped to be woken by Khonto but I can feel it through our mating
bond that I spend the night alone.
“Momo” sadness and remorse engulfs my brother in law. Clearly someone
told him why and how he woke up from a spell of death. This is exactly
what I didn’t want. Now everyone is going to tiptoe around me and I’ll
have pity stares thrown at me at every chance,
“Abuti Zizwe” I’m glad I’m decent enough. I have bathed and cleaned up
and I would like to think I cried all sadness off me. The only thing
problematic is my arm. I think I caught an infection or something, it’s
purple and freaking painful but I’m not the kind of girl to wince at the
first pain,
“I don’t know what to say” he doesn’t, the look in his eyes says it all,
“Then don’t say anything” I give him my hand and we intertwine arms
heading for the stairs,
“I owe you my life momo”
“You owe me nothing, but you can tell me why I am momo if you feel like
telling me something” this one tickles him. He laughs out loud as we
descend down the stairs. I can see the dining full of people as we walk
down. Everyone is here but Mkhonto. He really isn’t here, not that I
blame him but I’ll not lie and say it doesn’t hurt.

“Tlotla” Mr. Dlomo greets for the family before I even sit. The look of pity
in their eyes makes me want to cry but I hold it together.
“Good morning” I take my sit pulled by abuti Zizwe before he sits as well,
“Tlotla my baby……..”
“Mr. Dlomo please” I interject before he can say anything further. I hate
sorries and thank yous. Especially at the expense of my baby’s life that I
gave up. Everyone gets the message. We enjoy breakfast with a huge
elephant in the room. Unfortunately this elephant will have to see it’s
self out. I’m not talking it out. The one person I would have liked to talk
it with is not here with me.
“Mr. Dlomo how far are you with the appeasing ceremony?” I wait for
everyone to finish before I ask,
“I thought I had to wait for them to come to you with procedures before I
do it” he say and he is actually right,
“I’m going to go to them myself. I hope you’ll do anything that is needed
for your father to look back at us once again” his father is the senior
ancestor and he is turned his back on the family because his brother died
married to his wife and apparently still wifes her in the afterlife,
“I’ll do it my baby”
“Thank you. And please, from today going forward I would like all of you
to call me MamaSine or MakaSine” I promised my daughter to carry her
in my spirit before I gave her up for her father. I hope this family is ready
to make some sacrifices as well. I refuse to be married to a weakling
ancestral root family. If Mkhonto senior wants someone to die to look
back at us, then I’ll personally see it that the person dies. It’s time to fix
the family as MakaSine Dlomo.

In his own marked territory where he homes his pack is where he is been
hiding for the past week. His anger and pain has consumed all of him. He
is back to being angry and cold to the world. Everything is just too much
for him at the moment. He cannot find the courage to face his mate
without going feral on her. He is in a state where he wants nothing to do
with her. He feels betrayed and hurt by the one person he never thought
would hurt him. Yes it was still early but he was over the moon about
fathering a daughter with her. There is nothing in this world he wants
more than to be a father to her offspring.
This is partly part of the reasons why he cannot connect to his son. He
doesn’t feel any bond with him because his mother is not someone he
mated. Tlotla is the only woman his mind, soul, body and wolf recognize,
but at the moment he feels nothing but pure hate and betrayal for her.
His wolf is not making it easy though because it just wants to inhale on
their mate’s scent but he is not letting it win this time around. It’s been
a week already since he last saw his wife but he still hasn’t calmed down
at all. He feels betrayed and hurt by what his mate did. Sine deserved a
chance at life. That was his first daughter and he was looking forward to
fathering her.

Thanks to the wolverine taking Tlotla’s body he managed to capture her.

She is still alive and dying a slow painful death under his orders. He is
never been a bible man but he knows that Jesus died on the cross for sins
he never even committed. He carried every sinner’s sin to death on the
cross. It’s what he did to the wolverine. She is hanged on the cross utterly
naked with four sharp knives used as nails to fasten her limbs to the
wooden cross. The only difference between her and Jesus is that she is
dying for the sins she committed.
Her screams were deafening a week ago. She is lost a lot of blood and
have grown pale but it’s still not enough for him to just kill her. He feels
like death is too easy for the old witch. He homes a chair facing his front
yard in thoughts of what more to do the old witch.
All the anger and pain of losing Sine he is taken on the old witch who’s
made life difficult for almost all the members of his pack and most
dominant wolves in the south.
This is the day he choose to bring the old witch to her end. He was waiting
for one man respected in all the corners of supernatural world to help
him take this witch’s soul to the dark keeper. That’s the only place that
can capture the witch so she doesn’t take another body and come back to
cause havoc once again in this world.

As a new Alpha he is going to be recognized amongst the dominant ones

for being the one to take the wrathful witch to death. She dodged every
death cast on her but not this time around. This time it’s her end and she
knows it but she is not going to just give into death so easily as well.
The predator unleashed his pack on her. She arrived on their territory in
Tlotla’s body, which immediately transformed to her yellow wrinkled
skin the moment Chris froze her on the cross. He received an order from
his Alpha to freeze her. Chris is one with a volatile wolf that freezes
things. It’s his own special gift that brought him to the school of
supernatural in Lesotho. He froze the old woman to a cross in the middle
of their yard after they screwed her up with knives on the cross. The
Alpha wants to make her death loud and painful so everyone she is ever
troubled feels her take a pass out of this world.

He sits on the chair facing the middle of the yard where he has the
wolverine tied to a pole by ice and knives. Chris’s wolf is called Frigid
because it’s one cold creature. He can freeze any mortal to death with just
his eyes alone. This time around he was ordered to freeze the old woman
but not kill her.
She is suffered the pain of being frozen and stabbed for an entire week.
Mkhonto feels like death is too quick for her. He wants her to suffer before
she finally parts with this world. For an entire week he is been sited on
the chair facing the middle of the yard just so he looks at the wolverine
cry in pain of freezing but not dying. She is one strong woman though.
She is been mumbling her pain singing it away. She spat on his face and
told him that she is not going to cry. It’s an insult for her to be captured
by a mere wolf Alpha that is still finding its feet in the dominant world
of supernatural when she is defeated the great wolf god.
As he keeps his stare on his prey he sees the man he is been waiting for
driving through his territory. He came in human form and driving. This
means he intends on seeing his daughter before he leaves. Hopefully she
doesn’t tell her father that she is been husbandless for a whole week. Yes
he feels hurt and hate for her at the moment but in his delusional head
he would kill anything or anyone if she ever left him.
He finally abandons his chair and not forget to grab a bottle of whisky
that has kept him through the pain. It’s been his best friend for an entire
week. His pack respects him to not poke when he is in this manner. The
only thing they did was to guard his whisky bottle and replace the bottles
with full ones. He reeks of alcohol but he is not drunk. His hate for this
old witch doesn’t allow him to be drunk. He just want to see her suffer in
the most painful way.

“The GG” the GG is short for the great gray. He is always called his father
in law the great gray. He keeps a safe distance between them just so
Majara doesn’t pick on his alcohol rotten scent.
Majara stands before the cross the wolverine is frozen on. She is
humming a song and shivering. There is black dry stains of blood on the
grass. The ice holding her looks like one mean ice, the kind even the cold
tribe Eskimos would complain of. It doesn’t trip but looks like it’s
stabbing on her skin.
The sun is slowly handing in its resignation for the day. She is a witch,
meaning she is strongest during the dark times of the night but it doesn’t
look like she is able to summon any of her powers due to the ice covering
her. He is impressed more than astounded. His son in law is a badass
alpha after all. He managed to capture the one witch that defeated them
Mkhonto on the other hand is never been so grateful for being an Alpha
of his own. He knows that Majara cannot feed on his emotions or hear
any of his thoughts because he is no longer a member of his pack. He
cannot feel any troubles of his marriage with his daughter. Even Tlotla
now belongs to him as his mate. Her father cannot feel anything about
her because she is now mated to him. Hopefully Majara can do what he
asked him to come do without interfering on his marital affairs.

“The Predator” Majara finally acknowledges him after looking at the

wolverine for what feels like an hour. He extends his hand for a shake,
which Mkhonto receives but still keeps a safe distance between them,
“You good?” Majara asks judging on his body language,
“I will be once my witch Jesus dies painfully” Mkhonto spits staring at
the wolverine.
A cold shivering laughter erupt from the wolverine’s trembling lips. It
doesn’t come out as loud and cold as it was intended though because she
is frozen and in pain. All her body is frozen naked to the cross except her
“I’m the mother of supernaturals, I don’t die” she mumbles through the
cold eating on her heart,
“We’ll see about that” Mkhonto shoots back before he turns his attention
back to Majara and ignore the wolverine hauling insults at them
“How is my daughter?” Majara asks as they step away from the witch,
“She is good. Really really good” he lies through a straight face. His
mistake is forgetting that Majara knows him. He sees through him that
the good he says is too good to be true,
“I’m glad you called me, I’ll make an excuse and finally see her” Mkhonto
offers him a nervous smile. He’ll have to go home and talk to her before
her father sees her. The last thing he wants is pissing Majara,
“You do know she is still my only daughter right?” Majara asks,
challenging him with his stare,
“And I’ll go to war for that soul” he adds staring deep in his eyes. The
threat is real, he sees it in his eyes that Lupus will not hesitate to wipe
him of the face of the earth should his daughter cry because of him,
“She is still and will always be my queen” Mkhonto finally manages after
clearing his throat.
“Glad we had the talk” Majara closes the space between them and
squeezes his shoulder. The unpleasant scent of alcohol hits on his

“You smell like shit” he utters glaring at him. Clearly he hasn’t been
home in a while,
“I feel like shit” Mkhonto
“Talk to me”
“I want her death on my name. I lost something precious because of her”
Mkhonto summarizes his pain,
“Care to elaborate more on what you lost because of her?” Majara probes.
He is got no idea that his daughter was pregnant and lost a baby because
of this woman.
“Please respect me enough not to ask questions but please help me kill
this thing” Mkhonto points at the wolverine on the cross,
“You don’t need to ask, you know how much I want her dead as well” the
old witch made Majara’s life a living hell as well,
“What would you have me do?” Majara asks allowing him to lead the way.
It’s Mkhonto’s prey to kill. He is the one that captured it.
“I want you to take her soul to the keeper of darkness. She is right about
her soul not dying” Mkhonto
“I’m the god of wolves. I cannot go in hell and come back without
attaching my soul with dark spirits” disappointment washes over
“Does this mean her soul will always be there in another body even if we
kill this one?” he asks,
“No. Me not being able to go in hell and come back doesn’t mean I don’t
have allies who can. I have been thinking about her since she escaped
me. Do you still remember Rifer the demon?” Mkhonto is quick to nod,
“He is a hell son and he feeds on souls. When would you like to have her
dead?” Majara,
“Tonight if possible”
“Let me call Rifer while I take a look of your territory, you did great”
Majara praises as they walk around the cabin. Unfortunately with the
incubus demon he has to call him to connect to him. He is no member of
anyone’s pack. He is a lone creature. He promises to be with them before
the night falls. He is been quite starved. The wolverine’s soul might be
what he needs in a situation he is faced with at the moment.

“oDlomo, oMkhabela thokozani the great ancestors of the royal Dlomo
house. It’s me MakaSine. I come before you this night asking for a
conversation once again. I come before you trained of the heavy burden
you have put on my shoulders. I come before you seeking answers and
clarification. I may have not known why it had to be me to take on my
daughter’s responsibilities until she comes of age, but now I know. Now
I know why you choose me to be his queen from my mother’s belly. Now
I know why I had to be the one to stand by his side. Please Mkhulu
Mkhonto the dominant anchor ancestor of the Dlomo house, look at me
and talk to me. Use me as you wish Mkhulu wethu. I’m on my knees
offering my loyalty and soul to you. Let me help please you so you can
once again protect your house. We have become just a family with a
strong name, but we are weaklings at roots. The rabbits are doing as they
please in your house. Please Mkhulu wethu come to me and use me to
make right where we wronged you. I ask that you let me know what we
did for you to turn your back on us, and what you need done for you to
look out for us once again. Thokoza Mkhulu Mkhonto DlomoI. Please
come to me Mkhulu. I’ll lay in here until you come. This hut will be my
day and night sanctuary until you come to me. Thokoza Mkhulu!”

It’s been a week since I lost my baby. I haven’t seen my husband but I
don’t blame him. I’m hoping that he’ll come home when he is calmed
down. Chris assured me that he is with them and in pain. I would go and
try to ease the pain but I know I’m the last person he wants to see right
now, hence why I haven’t bothered him since he left a week ago and never
came back.
I made some decision in his absence. I have quit school. I know my
parents and him will be disappointed but at times one just have to
priorities. With my daughter not being born, I have taken on the seer
work of this house full time. There was no way school was going to fit in
my schedule. I hate saying this but I think losing my baby made me grow
in a certain way. In this week only I have connected deep to parts of me
that I neglected.
I speak to my white witch guides more. I connect to the Dlomo ancestors
more. I have used this hut as my place to sleep since a day after I lost my
baby. I feel more at peace in here. I understand more in here. And I feel
that soon the Dlomo house will have a seer once again. I just need
Mkhulu Mkhonto to look at us once again. I have been begging him for a
week every night. I chant and beg him to look at us but he hasn’t. It’s
tiring but I’m not going to give up. My guides tells me that he will look at
us. I need to keep at it and keep begging him.
So far I think I have channeled all my powers well since I left school. My
focus is more on who I am now and getting to know and learn what I’m
capable of. The temp seer side and the white witch side I have balanced
so well.

The only problem is Akela. My wolf is engulfed by guilt. Seeing me suffer

in pain of her bite every night has turned her into a loner wolf. I haven’t
healed from her bite. I know I need a wolf healer to heal that bite. No
medicine can heal it except for a wolf healer. I would have long went to a
healer if I knew one. Problem is that we don’t have a wolf healer here in
the South.
I know the bite will eventually kill me if not attended hence why I have
decided to go see my father for help once I’m done fixing this house. I
know my dad will move mountains and oceans to get me help. As soon as
I have dealt with the Dlomo ancestors I’m going home to ask for help from
my dad.

“MakaSinesipho!” I’m startled. The voice comes behind me too strong,

stern, bold and dominant.
Slowly I turn on from the mattress I’m sleeping on. I have been sleeping
in the hut alone from a week ago. Whoever’s ancient tone coming from
the door is an intruder.
Shivers of fear engulfs me when I see who it is. I don’t know him. I have
seen him on pictures my in laws provided. Oh and I have seen only his
back when he showed me that he is turned back on us. He is a spitting
image of Khonto and his father. It’s like staring at the old version of my
husband and father in law.
His aura is heavy and commanding. I want to look the other way and
break the heavy gaze he has on me but it feels like he has me hypnotized
by his commanding stare. He is standing by the door legs apart with both
his hands stressed on the walking stick standing between his legs. His
head is covered with the Bheki Cele’s type of hat that looks like its seen
some time. He is clearly old but he looks fresh. The walking stick between
his legs looks like just a piece of jewellery to him. It doesn’t look like he
needs it.

“You called me” well I did, but now that he is here I know he is someone
I would never call again.
I sit on my knees and grab a fleece to cover my shoulders. Luckily my
head is still under a head wrap. I’m trying to grow my hair. I have been
a short hair girl since I remember, but now as MakaSine I trying on new
“Saubona Mkhulu” I greet once I have sat properly and feel that I’m
proper. I have been trying to learn Zulu. My brothers in law have been a
great help. I just pray that he doesn’t go all deep zulu with me,
“How are you Dlomo?” well……
“I’m not okay Mkhulu” I keep my head a bit bowed though my eyes are
still pulled by his commanding stare,
“You’re not the only Dlomo that is not okay child. I’m also not okay” I
know that,
“Your house has turned into a witches playgr………..”
“I don’t care. They can kill you all for all I care. None of you has pleased
me. I’m sick and tired of protecting a family that refuses to do one thing
for me” he is arrogant and petty, but at least he is vocal. He is exactly
where I need him conversation wise,
“What is it that you need Mkhulu?” I ask,
“I want my wife” meleko!
“Isn’t she dead with you?” I have put my humbleness aside. I see that he
is a straight forward man and it’s what I want to give him.
A smile spreads on his face when I offer him my arrogance as well,
“She is”
“Then why are you torturing us for someone who is with you?” I ask,
“She is with me but she belongs to my brother now because she was
married to him when they died. And Vulamasango buried her next to my
brother instead of me”
“But Mkhulu why are you fighting us instead of your brother who is with
you in there?”
“It’s you the living that has to fix this mess for me. I have been crying
about it but you all ignored me and called me petty. I only want my
Ndlovukazi as mine once again, not as my brothers”
“What can I do for her to be yours once again?” bab Gumede promised to
come to me with the procedures the last time he showed to me. But he
never came, now I’m getting it straight from the horse’s mouth,
“Remarry my wife back to me. That’s all I want”
“But your all dead, how do we remarry ghosts?” this is the level of
madness I have never heard,
He laughs. His laughter fills the entire hut as he finally moves from the
door. He goes to the ancestral altar where the incense I had lit when
begging him to come still smokes. He takes off his hat and puts it next to
the incense basin. Finally I can see his big forehead. Now I see where my
husband’s Iveco head comes from.
“You’ll perform a ceremony. Slaughter two cows. One for burying my wife
where she doesn’t belong. Two to apologies to me. Exhume her
body……..” I gasp but quickly group myself. This is the crucial part. I
need to listen carefully so we can appease him and have him looking back
at us,
“……You’ll exhume her body, cover her with the skin of the cow that will
be slaughtered for her. I’ll choose the cow myself. You’ll rebury her next
to me with this hat in her coffin. That’s all I need to protect all of you
again” well it’s not so hard but,
“Isn’t that going to anger your brother?” I ask,
“That’s the sensitive part MakaSine. When I take my wife from him, he
is going to need his wives too. He is got three living wives. It’s where
you’ll all prove your loyalty to me as well” I fail to hold my eyes. I pop
them out staring at him hoping he is not going to say what I’m thinking,
“Every royal house is got its own secrets. You’re to kill Zwelithini’s wives
so they can join him. He needs to stop hovering at mine”
“We are not murdering people!” the taste it leaves on my tongue is
“It’s either that or you continue being a weak ass royal family and see if
I care. I’ll gladly see to it that another dominant house takes on the royal
duty and removes all of you from power. Don’t ever disturb my peace
again if you’re not willing to please me!” I have angered him. I know I can
kill but it’s always for a reason. We cannot kill three innocent women just
to settle the dead score.
He stomps his walking stick once on the floor and disappears before me.
I’m left horrified and bewildered. We need to kill uncle Zwe’s wives? Who
are his wives anyway? I need to have a conversation with Mr. Dlomo as
soon as the sun rises.
Well now that my sleeping in the hut mission is completed, I finally move
back to my bedroom. I missed sleeping on my bed. That mattress wasn’t
nice to me at all. It’s very late but I know there are guards all over this
yard so I freely walk back to the house. It’s the huge staircase that still
annoys me but I eat them up and finally make it to the door. The door is
never locked. The two guards who stand outside the door are our keys.
One smiles to me and opens the door.
It’s dead quiet and I know people are sleeping. I’ll speak to Mr. Dlomo in
the morning and come to a decision together before we finally involve the
entire family.
I know I’m going to instantly sleep once I fall on my soft bed.
Opening my bedroom door I feel a rash of fear wear my skin when I find
my husband seated on our bed legs apart. His eyes are bloodshot red. I
haven’t seen him in a week. There is a bottle of whisky hanging on his
hand. He is definitely taken his pain on a bottle.
“Where the fuck have you been?” his tone is coarse and hateful. He hates
my guts, I see it in the way he is pinched his nose like I stink or
“I didn’t know you were here, I was in the hut” I manage trying not to
look in his eyes. He glares at me as I take steps towards the closet. I want
to change and climb the bed.
“Your father is here” what? I stop and turn back to look at him,
“I would appreciate it if you don’t tell him that you murdered our child”
that cuts straight into my heart,
“That’s all I came to say my dear murderous queen!” they say words cuts
deeper than a knife. I’m left with a pained heart and eyes pregnant with
tears as he leaves once again. He is never going to forgive me.

The time on the clock reads exactly 12:00 am. They call it the witch hour.
It’s a time between night and morning. It’s a time when witches are
strongest. The wolverine is strongest in this hour but today she is at her
weakest. There is a particular man with a demon in his soul feeding on
her soul. He hasn’t started eating on her as yet but the way he digs in
her soul is enough to hold her hostage. The ice she was held with was
melted. Now she lays on the cross screwed with only knives.
Mkhonto is pleased to arrive and see that Kakgo has arrived. They have
been waiting on him. He stands next to Majara.
“You good?” Majara asks his friend besides him. He is colder than he is
ever been today, more like an ice. There is just no spark of life in his eyes
and presence. He feels like a vessel of hell, which he is in a way,
“I miss my wife and I’m in battle with my demon” Kakgo summarizes his
recent life,
“Why do you miss your wife? And why are you fighting with Rifer?”
“My family is under cleansing. Rifer is supposed to end but he went and
implanted on my son who is supposed to be the beginning of my family
without demons and serpents” Kakgo,
“Do you want to be Kakgo without Rifer?” Majara asks. No one has ever
asked him this question. He did what he had to do for his family. Does he
see himself as just Kakgo Mohale?
“I think you have your answer. Your creature will never part with you
until you yourself part with it. Talk to your forefathers and come to
another cleansing that doesn’t have to do with ending Rifer. You like it
or not, Rifer is now in your blood and soul. He is you and you’re him. Your
house will always be a house of serpents and demons. Praise it and stop
fighting it!” silence consumes kakgo as he takes in Majara’s words. His
bastard animal has been chowing his wife while he searched for him. If
Makgotso didn’t go to the sacred house they wouldn’t have known. They
were all still surprised with Qalo taking the demon-serpent form. He was
supposed to come clean and clear of it. But because of Rifer constantly
chowing their wife in hiding they have yet another Kgotso on the way.

“Mr. Demon” Mkhonto offers him a firm handshake. They are well
acquainted with each other,
“Mr. Predator, the son in law who makes someone’s daughter every
night” Kakgo pokes Majara next to him who squints his eyes at him,
maybe he was better off cold and not talking,
“When is Makgotso landing you a daughter? I’ll gladly choose her a groom
that will make her before your eyes” the three share muffled laughter,
“Easy our father. My wife will not be making me girls. My gods knows
that I’m scared of those cute little creatures” again laughter is shared
before Kakgo throws his gaze at Mkhonto,
“You look like shit!” Kakgo spits to his face. He is heard that too often
lately. He doesn’t only look like shit but he feels like it as well. It’s this
woman humming on the cross to be killed and the anger he has towards
his mate, and then there is the predator clawing hard on him. The
predator doesn’t care about anything, the moment he saw their mate he
just wanted to touch her and feel on her. But the human in him is angry.
It’s in days like this when one wishes they weren’t hybrids. It feels like
being in a physical fight with yourself.
“I’m glad you could make it. I take it you know why you’re here?”
Mkhonto diverse the conversation from him
“I’m salivating as it is. Calling me to eat up my dear teacher is a dream
come true, I have always wanted to taste her blood” well the demon in
him is kind of a freak,
“I MADE ALL OF YOU!” the wolverine spits on the cross,
“And we are ending you tonight!” Mkhonto throws back before they all
step away from her,

“Is everyone and everything ready?” Mkhonto asks looking at the two
older men before him,
Majara shakes his head,
“I was on a search of my own as well. I have some beings that also need
to die as well today. We are ending the wolverine with everything that
carries her blood today” he puts his index and thumb in his mouth and
blows a whistle.
Everyone follows his eyes that have now dwelled into the shaking forest
trees of the cabin.
A jaguar by the name Bobby appears dragging two boys that everyone is
unfamiliar with. They look unconscious and beaten. A piercing cry erupt
from the witch on the cross. She just realized who the boys are.
“LUPUS NOT MY BABIES, I’M BEGGING YOU!” she is in tears. The
boys presented unconscious before their mother on the cross is the
predator’s son and Rifer’s son. They were the last two assets she still had
against them.
“Everything comes to an end eventually. You have been a thorn in our
lives. Today everything that is you is ending” Majara repeats with zero
sympathy to her cries,
“The party is you’re the predator, we’ll sit back and enjoy the show” he
adds after nodding to Bobby who just evacuated the scene.
The predator summons his pack forward. He had a week to think of what
to do to this woman, but all he thought wasn’t as painful as he would
have liked. He still feels like death is too easy considering to what the
woman put them through, but sometimes the easy way is the only way.
Maybe seeing her sons die before her eyes might just be the pain he wants
her to feel, seeing how tormented she is to see her sons unconscious. The
two boys needs to die before she dies. A bit of heart pain she has to feel.
Down he stares at the one who is supposed to be his. He thought he feels
nothing for Mike but this one is worse. Yes, he doesn’t feel much about
Mike but he does ask about him and what he gets down to. With this one
he looks at as a prey. There is nothing but hate looking at the unconscious
boy who is supposed to be his.
There was Nick before this one. A friend whom the wolverine killed long
ago and made take the appearance of his son. She had two of his sons
under her name, unlike the other ones. She must have been really
obsessed with his males. The thought spikes a question he never thought,

“Why was I your favorite?” the question leaves a taste of disgust on his
tongue. He hates even asking it but part of him wants to know. She slept
with them all but she was obsessed with him to a point of having two sons
by him, well one from Zitha and one from her.
An evil laughter erupt from the wolverine. She enjoys the sense of
desperation in his tone,
Mkhonto steps closer to her cross. He removes the knives stabbing her
feet and simultaneously moves them a bit higher stabbing her on her
shin. She screams in pain. It is said that the shin is one part of a human
being that can be extremely painful when hurt,
“YOUR SEED! YOUR SEED! YOUR SEED!” she cries in word. Mkhonto
stops screwing her shins with knives when she tries to speak in pain,
“Your seed is what I wanted, a male seed…… you’re a piece of art. I have
had demons before, I have had wolfs before, I have had vampires before,
but never a predator. You’re the first of your kind, and for you to be born
from both normal humans and turn out the way you are, it meant I can
make more of your kind. I was studying you and your offspring close so I
can make more human beings of your kind. Wolfs and demons are
different, most human beings die when infected with their blood, but
predators are something I wanted to try before I infect people” they say
on the cross one will answer their sins, she is dying and she knows it.
Heaven is not a place she is going to, not even hell because she can see
the hanger in Kakgo’s eyes. He is ready to eat all that is left of her soul
as soon as it departs her body. So truthful is what she is at this precious

“I guess we saved the world from you. Safe journey to whatever hell
you’re going to” Mkhonto kicks the two boys to his pack to feast. Kakgo
stops them before they can eat his,
“Sorry to be a party popper Predator but can I have this one alive” he
picks his offspring that is still unconscious. Everyone glares at him in
shock, he better not be thinking of keeping a being with the wolverine’s
soul in it,
“Easy! Easy! This here I’m going to give to my forefathers so they can
sacrifice for me to go back to my wife sooner” no one understands except
Majara who had a conversation with him earlier on,
“The boy will die! Just not today. I’m taking him as a sacrificial lamb so
I can go back home myself” still they don’t understand but when the
Alpha nods to his pack to eat the one boy, they do so. The predator knows
that Rifer wants nothing to do with the wolverine and her offspring as
She cries in agony as her son get pulled into pieces by a pack of wolves
feasting before her eyes. She loved her sons no matter what they were.

Not even once had she thought she would cry, not this much anyway and
because of pain. It’s the fresh wound on her shins, her son, and knowing
that today is her last that makes her cry. She is not sure what the
predator is going to do to her but the look in his eyes is as deadly as when
he first came to her school. There is no spark of life in his eyes,
“I would say till we meet again but I know we are never meeting, so bye
bitch” Mkhonto spits holding her with his gaze. He is more the predator
at this moment though he still stands in his human form. He stands
where he is before her as his clothes tears up to the effect of body
alteration. He is taking form and not just any form, a feral form. Larger
he grows before the wolverine standing a red eyed, wolf-lizard like
creature with a long tail decorated with sharp spikes on top. He picks his
tail and stab her little by little on all over her body. Pain she has to feel
before she dies and she is feeling. Blood is splashing out from every
wound he stabs on her. His wounds are painful but not deep to
immediately kill her.
When he is still not satisfied of her wounded blooded body he puts his
claws to work. He rakes her skin with his claws, almost peeling all of it
off. She is left a blood red skinless body crying in agony. Only her face is
left, part of him enjoys seeing that face suffer, it’s what he wants to
assure himself that he is really killing the wolverine.

Kakgo steps closer when he feels the wolverine’s heart beats a bit slower.
She is giving into her wounds while the predator is still enjoying
torturing her. With him everyone always steps back when he takes form.
The minute he nicely takes off his clothes everyone steps back to give him
room. He never lets his clothes tear off from the alteration, unless he
doesn’t have time to undress.
There is always that one organ of his everyone notices when he undress.
If this man was to ever bed your wife, it would be wise to let her go. There
is no coming back for a woman after tasting that kind of steel. It grows
with his body. Larger and larger he stands a horned incubus demon with
a tail. He is an incubus demon after all, a sex demon, hence the biggest
steel that other creatures feel uncomfortable staring at.
No one has ever seen him feast. Like a serpent demon creature he is, he
swallows the wolverine’s body from head like an anaconda. He is larger
and more of a giant today. Everyone can see the wolverine’s body slowly
go down his esophagus to his stomach. He is too much of a giant today
that they all have to look up to him like some dwarfs as if they are not
giants themselves. A burp come out of his big mouth before he licks his
lips and starts to flap his wings. The taste was really pleasant.
A plume of dusts forms from the ground as he keeps flapping his wings.
It feels like there is an earthquake happening as everyone steps back
once again. From the ground a hollow hole forms like a tornado cone
starting from the ground. It’s the darkest time of the night but the
darkness coming from the hole makes every creature on the scene step
further back. That’s hell darkness and it looks freaking devilish. It’s
hypnotizing and calling. There are soul’s screams coming from the hole.
He stabs the boy he is going to sacrifice with his claw and fly down into
the hole. No one steps closer until the hole closes its self-up.
“Tell me he is the first and the last of his kind” Chris looks at Majara and
Mkhonto in question. They all had to take human form to see that
properly. He is the worst possible creature he is ever seen.
“I’m afraid he is only the begging of it all. He is the father of the house of
serpents….” ….and demons Majara trails.

I knew my old man is in town but I didn’t think I would see him so early
in the morning. I thought I could have a word with my father in law
before everyone else came down for breakfast but it appears he is already
occupied with my father. By the look of things I may conclude that my
father slept here, unless if he arrived in wee hours of the morning.
They are talking away and laughing out loud until they both see me. I
don’t miss how sunny my father always looks when he sees me. I love this
old man with everything in me. There is no man that can ever take his
place in my heart. The smile on his face is priceless as walk down the
stairs towards them. My mother is one lucky woman. He is aging like fine
wine. I swear aging has never looked so good on anyone else.
Like someone who just sucked lemons without knowing the smile on his
face disperses and eventually grows into a frown with every step I take
closer to them. I don’t like how his frown keeps deepening with each step
I take to him. They are seated in the lounge sipping on whatever they are
drinking from the mugs.

“Papa Tlotla” I’m a blushing mess. He needs to relax and melt but he is
instead nearing a beast facial wise,
“Tlotla!” his face is cold and worn with worry and concern. He gets off the
couch and meet me half way. His warm hands rests on my shoulders
urging me to look in his eyes. He looks at me and then back at Mr. Dlomo
on the couch, and then back at me again,
“What’s wrong my baby, are you okay?” lord I missed him! I fall on his
chest as he engulfs me in his arms. His lips constantly pecks on the top
of my head. I can feel him turn repeatedly glaring at my father in law,
“Papa Tlotla” I missed saying that. He is always been my father alone. I
was always selfish of him,
“What’s wrong my princess?” I don’t miss the pain in his eyes as he stares
down at me. I’m really confused here, I don’t know why he looks so hurt,
“I’m fine papa Tlotla”
He shakes his head,
“No you’re not. This is not you, why are you so thin and so frail?” well my
father does know me but I think he is exaggerating. I lost a few kilos but
it’s not something to worry about,
“Vulamasango what is wrong with my daughter!” he is not shouting but
he is stern enough for me to know that this is not him just threatening
my father in law as a friend. He really wants to know,

“Sit down Mjay, I thought she would tell you together with her husband”
Mr. Dlomo points him back to the couch. He pulls me with and forces me
on the couch besides him. He glares at my father in law not letting go of
my hand.
“Tlotla was pregnant and she lost the baby” just great! The one thing his
son threatened me not to tell my father. At least it came from his father,
not me. I don’t even know why my dad had to be kept in that dark that I
lost my baby,
“MakaSine please baba” I correct him. I’m really trying to embrace my
baby even though she didn’t get a chance to see life,
“I’m sorry mtanami, it will take a while for me to get used to it” I nod,
My dad hasn’t said a word. He is rigid and cold beside me. I’m trying my
best to ignore his intense gaze on me but it’s hard with him sitting right
by my side. I know I should have told him that I was pregnant and lost
my baby, but I didn’t want him meddling. One thing I know is that I’m
Majara Molapo’s only daughter. He’ll drag me the hell out of this house
if he finds out why I lost my baby in the first place,
“Papa I’m MakaSine now, please…….”
“You’ll always be my daughter wena and you’re not going to tell me what
to call you. You’re Tlotla and you’ll die Tlotla to me! Look at me damn it!”
he snaps,
“Why didn’t you tell me that you were pregnant? Or your mother at
least?” he asks when I finally try to look in his cold eyes,
“I’m sorry Papa Tlotla” I can only say. It was silly of me for keeping them
in the dark. First I was just ashamed to tell my parents that I’m already
knocked up barely a year into marriage. Then with weeks passing by I
kept making excuses and thought I would rock up home pregnant but
that chance slipped through the universe,
“Baby you hurt me. Don’t I deserve to know that I’m a grandfather? Even
if she is late I still deserved to know” he is hurt. His tone says it all,
“I’m really sorry Papa, I’ll try better next time” if there will be a next
time. It’s safe to say my connection with my husband is replaced with
nothing but anger. I can no longer connect to him like I used to. The only
thing I feel from my mate is a wall of anger that will be very hard to
break. There is no emotion I feel from him except for anger. He hates my
guts and I don’t think he’ll ever touch me again,
“Why did you lose my first grand baby?” I can’t help but chuckle. She
really would have been his first grand baby,
“It was more of a sacrifice. We had to sacrifice an innocent life for Zizwe’s
life. Zizwe had been under a death spell by the wolverine” Mr. Dlomo is
not leaving anything behind. He is coming clean and putting everything
on the table,
“And there was no other innocent life to trade than my daughter’s child?”
My father in law heave a sigh,
“There was but Sakhe and Milani refused with their baby. Tlotla was the
only option left after them”
“This is fucked up Dlomo” he is pissed,
“I know. We are trying to fix it Molapo”
“There is no fixing it. My daughter will not get her child back. Why was
Zizwe under a death spell? Aren’t you all protected?” so many questions
but I understand where he comes from,
“We are protected but things are complicated at the moment. Our
dominant ancestor has turned his back on us. We are waiting on them to
come back to us to make things right and please them” my father is not
convinced. He is shaking his head no,
“I’m not leaving my daughter in a house that is not protected” he pulls
me with as he stands,

“Papa wait!” he is dragging me with,

“Molapo let’s talk this through. Tlotla is a bride here, not just a bride but
a chosen bride. You know what that means. She can’t just leave” My
father in law reasons with him,
“And she is my daughter. I have to protect my daughter. It’s my duty as
her father and now I hear she lost a baby and it’s not only that. She is got
a nasty bite on her arm that is going to kill her if I don’t find her a healer.
My daughter is coming with me Dlomo”
“What bite?” Mr. Dlomo doesn’t know about it,
“How do you know?” I ask my father. I have never told anyone about it,
“Akela is Lupus ‘offspring. He’ll always know when his blood went feral”
I guess he sensed it,
“Someone explain to me, what bite?” my father in law asks once again. I
have hidden the bite so well. I was going to attend it and go home when
I’m done with his house.
My father rips the arm of my dress and pulls my hand showing Mr. Dlomo
the green purplish nasty bite on my arm. It looked bad yesterday but not
this bad,
“TLOTLA!” Mr. Dlomo gasps,
“She needs a healer to heal this. She is coming with me” this old man just
wants me besides him,
“Where are you going to find a healer?” Mr. Dlomo asks,
“I’ll find one for my daughter. We are leaving now”
“Papa wait!” lord!
“Baba I talked to your father last night” I cannot leave without telling
him. I know my father is going to drag me out of here even if I put my
foot down. I tell Mr. Dlomo everything his father wants done for him to
look back at us. The hat that he left they’ll find in the hut. Two cows must
be slaughtered. One for apology and one to dress his mother and move
her next to her original husband.
Everything he agrees and nods that he’ll see it’s done as soon as
tomorrow, but the problem arises when I mention the killing of three of
uncle Zwe’s wives,
“WHAT?” he gasps,
“He said uncle Zwe will need his wives to stop hovering over his”
“And you’ll do it Dlomo. My grandchild was sacrificed for your son. What’s
three old women going to do anyway? They are probably on their way to
death anyway. Do them the honors and join them with their husband.
You don’t question a dominant ancestor. If he wants blood, its blood you’ll
give him. Unless you’re ready to bare the consequences of denying him
what he wants” my father is cold. I feel for those old women. I prefer they
die on their own time by God’s will. Not to please ancestors.

It’s official. I’m leaving today. We had to wait for breakfast and everyone
to wake up before we leave.
I’m dragging my last bag with downstairs. My father is already waiting
on me outside with Mr. Dlomo. My husband is still not here. I thought to
call him but I don’t think he would have cared to even know. I don’t think
I’ll be coming back here. I took everything of mine. Maybe we’ll be that
married couple that doesn’t stay together because ours is bound by fate.
I’ll not hold it against him when he finds himself a good woman who’ll
not murder his child. Right now I want to focus on myself and heal this
nasty bite and connect with my wolf once again. She is locked herself
inside me since she had to bite me.
“MakaSine no” Mrs. Dlomo is a nice woman. She remembers how I like
being addressed of late. She is looking at the four suitcases standing in
the lounge. I packed everything,
“There is no point coming back Ma. Your son hates me and I don’t see
him forgiving me. I’m leaving” they all know that he hasn’t been home
since I sacrificed with Sine,
“He is just mad baby, he’ll come around” he’ll not. I feel it in our
connection that he is pulling back from me. It’s no use trying to fight for
someone who hates my guts,
“I’ll be home. He knows where to find me if he wants me. For now I need
to go. Where is Mike?” I want to say my goodbyes,
“I’m here” he is behind us. He is his father’s image. I wish one day he sits
down and bonds with his son. Mike is a boy. He may have a little crush
on me which I now see but other than that he is just a boy. He is not
happy as well. His eyes says it all,
“I’ll help you with this” he picks two of my luggage and walks out with it,
“And thina? Are we not getting goodbye kisses?” I laugh. When they come
towards me like this I still don’t know who is who. It’s the twins,
“I wouldn’t do that. I was going to come and say goodbye” they were
seated in the bar. Abuti Sakhe is the only one not home. He went to the
Mzamanes with Uncle Kay and bab Mthokozisi to pay lobola so ausi Mila
can be free and give birth,
We share hugs and I promise them not to be a stranger. Mike is crying
as my father and I drive off. He is a very sweet tall boy. We were
beginning to be close with me scolding and turning him into my errand
boy. I think this was the shortest marriage in the history of marriages.
My father is man I would wish for any girl. He didn’t say anything about
the luggage. Yes, he was taking me with but he didn’t say take all that is
mine. He didn’t ask where my husband is.
He pulled my head to rest on his lap and let me fall apart on him as he
drove us home. I’ll not lie its painful leaving the only life I know for
myself. I have never had to think of being Tlotla without the life I
prepared myself for. Now like the sun set in the west I have to put an end
to my tale and start afresh.

I want everything to go well. I’m nervous and anxious. I have Gcino,
Aseze and my stepmother with in the room. I would have liked Tlotla to
be here but she is going through a lot at the moment. I don’t think seeing
me this heavily pregnant is good for her. I’m hoping I would have given
birth by the time I go back. I don’t like rubbing it in.
“He is letting them in” Aseze is our eyes and ears. She is my sister. My
father’s daughter with ausi Palesa. She is letting us know that my father
is finally letting the Dlomos into the yard. She is standing by the window,
“Come sit down now Aseze” my stepmother’s name is Palesa. We call her
ausi Palesa because I was her first baby and I called her that as my
father’s girlfriend then. When they got married I tried to call her more
appropriate but it just felt off. She eventually settled for ausi Palesa and
this little sister of mine copied me when she was born. She calls her
mother ausi Palesa as well. She scolds Aseze from the window,
Now I can breathe but not so relaxed until the talks are done. My father
mentioned a lot of things. He is not happy with the Dlomos and he intends
on letting them know.
“Do you want something to drink?” Ausi Palesa is worried about me. She
is been stuffing me with food and water. I don’t miss how her eyes
constantly go to my huge belly. I’m overdue and big,
“No I’m fine ausi Palesa but you can go to the kitchen and eavesdrop for
me how everything is going” It’s in days like this when I wish I could turn
into a fly.
Gcino is sleeping and farting on the bed. Her phone rings under her pillow
and she wakes and picks it,
‘Baba’ we all stare at her. She is talking to her father,
‘I’m coming babawami’ her smile cannot be contained. She jumps down
the bed leaving us with a fart,
“Open that window, yerrr!” ausi Palesa snaps. I guess Sakhe is here as
well. He wasn’t with the uncles at gate, he must have remained in the
car. I’m happy to know that he is right here in this moment.

“What do you have in there?” I ask Gcino who walks back in half an hour
later. I’m sweating once again and aseze and Ausi Palesa appear to be
worried of me. I feel different,
“Baba said to give you this, this one is mine” she is got two pizza boxes.
Small and large. She gives me the small box and sits with Aseze to eat
the large one. I’m appalled why I get a small box until I open it. I cannot
help but smile. Sakhe my sneaky bastard. The small pizza box consist of
nothing but a black velvet box. There is a sweet message written on the
box as well but I need to open this black box first to be sure.
Inside the small velvet box is indeed a ring. Tears drop on my face as I
hold it between my index finger and thumb. This is me. I’m really getting
*I know I have been an ass. I’m not deserving of your kind heart. I can
only ask that you give yourself to me and watch me make up my wrongs.
If you put that ring on your finger I promise to be the best partner you
can ever wish for. I promise to love you even when you’re pregnant again
and hating me for no reason. I promise to love you even when you don’t
love yourself. Please be mine for life Milani Mzamane. I want to call you
my Mrs. Dlomo* the message inside the pizza box reads. I fit the ring on
my finger and it fits like a glove. Finally I’m getting what I always
“It looks beautiful baby” ausi Palesa wipes a drop of tear on my face as
we look at my engagement ring,
“The diamond is too small for me” and this comes from my own daughter.
Gcino talks too much! I love my ring just the way it is. Sakhe chose it
knowing I don’t like extravagant things,
“I think we might have a problem” Aseze is 16. Where she sits she sees
everything happening outside. I want to roll up and see what they are
staring at but my tummy is too big for me to just up and stand. I have to
stand up with ease and penguin walk to the window.
Bab Mtho and uncle Kay are going back to the car. I wasn’t called or
anything. This means my father and uncles turned them away,
“Milani calm down!” ausi Palesa tries to calm me. I’m running out of
breath. I want her husband to tell me why he turned them back. I wish I
could walk faster but I can’t. My journey to the lounge feels long and
“WHY ARE THEY LEAVING?” I shout walking into the lounge. None of
them affords me an answer. They must think I’m crazy and disrespectful
but I want to know,
“Milani go back to your room!” my father is stern,
“Not before I know why you kicked off the………..” why he kicked off the
Dlomos. I’m put to an abrupt halt as they walk back in praising our clans.
I guess that was just a break. I almost lost my mind.

I’m officially a Dlomo bride. I don’t know what had happened and let to
that short break but I’m now traditionally Siphosakhe Dlomo’s wife.
There are ululations and close family friends moving about in my father’s
yard. Everything went well after the little break.
I’m trying to help in the kitchen when Gcino grabs my hand and pulls me
with outside,
“Child you need to slow down. Where are we going anyway?” I cannot
walk as fast as her,
“My father wants to see you” I know the car my husband occupies. I wish
I wasn’t so big. I hope he still thinks I’m beautiful even when I’m this
“Ngiyabonga Ndlovukazi” (Thank you……) he thanks his daughter as we
stand before him. He is sitting outside the car on the back seat. The side
he sits on faces way from my home.
“Come here” he pulls me on his lap as soon as Gcino runs off,
“Hello Mrs. Dlomo” I’m a blushing mess. He brushes on my belly,
“My father will fine you if he sees us” He picks my hand. I slipped my
engagement ring myself,
“Again?” he asks,
“He already fined you?” I’m a bit confused,
“They had to take a break earlier because malume Abongile wanted two
more cows for disrespecting him” sigh,
“How did you disrespect him?” I ask,
“I turned you into a Dlomo bride before paying my dues. But all is fine
now, I told them to give him all he wants” sigh!
“Now I have my wife in my arms and I want to say thank you” he is
brushing on my engagement ring. This means a yes to him. He pecks my
“And thank you for agreeing to be Mrs. Dlomo regardless of everything I
have put you through” I’m happy he is happy but I see sadness in his
“Are you okay?” I pick his chin to look in his sad eyes,
He sighs,
“Not exactly 100 Mamakhe, I have just been told that Tlotla left”
“What? Why?” I can’t help but frown,
He heaves a sigh once again,
“Sine’s death brought that asshole side of my brother. He is been an ass
and now he is lost his queen and he doesn’t even know it” I feel guilty.
Lord knows I would do the same thing she did if I was only weeks
pregnant like she was. I’m 10 months pregnant and I have already
bonded so deep with my baby. I’m only waiting for the feeling of holding
him or her in my arms for the first time. I know how she or he is going to
look like in my head. I couldn’t do it and now it seems I just broke bhuti
Mkhonto’s family. Lord knows how cold that man is going to be without
Tlotla. He was starting to act a bit human.
“Don’t you dare feel guilty. No one is going to blame you or make you feel
otherwise for choosing our baby” he sees it in my eyes,
“Do you think they’ll fix things?” I’ll feel better if they work things out,
“They have to. I’m going to make sure they do. It’s the least I can do as
well for letting them be the one to sacrifice for Zizwe” he feels guilty as
well even though he will not say it out loud,
“How are you going to do that?” I ask,
“I don’t know mamakhe. I really don’t know but I’ll die trying” I hope he
helps. Now I’m drawn by sadness because Tlotla is a wonderful girl and
I love having her around. She hasn’t been long in the Dlomo compound
but she brought so much life in that house.
I feel like I’m floating in the air. There is a soft breeze caressing my skin
and I somehow feel like I’m flying or swimming. I open my eyes to find
myself in my father’s arms. This old man is carrying me in his arms like
I was just a baby. One minute I was crying on his lap and the next minute
I dosed off. Now I’m waking up in his arms and he is carrying me like an
“Papa Tlotla!” I jump off his arms. He rolls his eyes. I don’t know who is
been teaching him weird things. When has he ever rolled his eyes?
“I’m a grown woman. You can’t just be carrying me like a baby” my voice
is gravely and hoarse. It only happens when I cried a river.
“Welcome home baby. We are only passing by, I’m not letting you sleep
with that bite” looking around I only realize now that we are home. We
are still by the gate though, and ntate Moletsane is approaching with an
infectious smile,
“His queen” ntate Moletsane greets me smiling,
“O phela jwang ntate moholo?” (How are you grandpa?)
“I’m okay, and I’m glad to see that your both okay” his hands remain at
his back. His smile is beautiful but it’s investigative at the same time. I
feel like he is studying me with his eyes and smile,
“I only left yesterday ntate Moletsane. And I have told you couple of times
that I’ll forever be okay, you don’t need to worry about me”
“And I never worry about you Majara. When I said both I meant them”
he points at me with his head,
“Me and Akela?” I ask,
He grins,
“One thing about Mkhonto senior is that he is a ruthless bastard but he
is actually a softy for his offsprings. He is going to be pissed that you’re
actually here and left without informing them” I don’t know when we got
Mkhonto senior conversation,
“You can tell him to fuck off when he come with nonsense” my father
barks pulling me with,
“I can’t. She is their queen and she carries their seer” my dad and I stop
walking. We turn to him but he is walking off.
“She lost the baby Moletsane” at least my father heard the same thing I
did. I’m thinking that my mind is playing tricks on me. I bleed. For days.
I felt the disconnection. I’m no longer pregnant.
“Okay” ntate Moletsane
“Okay? What is okay Moletsane?” my old man is on the verge of losing
his cool,
“Okay is the first breed of two powerful hybrid wolves showing that she
is got more than one life before she is even born. She is an element of one
in five. Wolf, predator, white witch, seer and human. Of course she gave
up one of those to save his father. I must give it to Mkhonto senior, he is
one clever man. I need a sit down with him……..” my dad and I are
staring at each other. He is walking off and leaving us in questions. We
both know it would be pointless to ask him anything once again. He is in
his head and having impressed conversations with himself,
“Did you see the doctor?” my dad asks as we both still stand in shock,
“I did” I saw bab Peter and he confirmed that I’m alone,
“Seers are complicated beings. They always hide. You need to consult
with Moletsane before we leave” this means I have to go to his hut for a

I know my old man is well connected but I didn’t think he would find me
help within hours. He was serious about me not spending a night with a
wolf bite under his watch. I didn’t even take a nap, or a breather to
consume the news that my baby is still very much alive and probably
hating me in my womb. I did consult with ntate Moletsane as he had
asked before we took on this journey. Ntate Moletsane only confirmed
that I’m still pregnant and I carry one powerful child. She is a mix of two
hybrid wolves, making her the first pure breed in the south gifted with
not only seer powers but predator and white witch powers from both her
mother and father. This is what ntate Moletsane said to confirm my
To be honest I’m just a bit confused. I want to be happy but then again
the memory of me bleeding immediately after I sacrificed her constantly
visit me and wash away the happiness. But then again I know ntate
Moletsane. The man is walking talking mirror into the past and future.
He is never wrong. I don’t think he would lead me astray or give me false
Am I really pregnant? I don’t know. I have been brushing on my belly
since I discovered that she is still in my belly but I don’t feel a damn
thing. Not even a bit of a bond I felt before everything else. My stomach
is not even that hard. I honestly don’t know what is what but I’ll bracket
ntate Moletsane’s words and take care of myself. Maybe she is just too
mad at me to make me feel her. Maybe with time she’ll come around and
forgive mommy.
Mommy. Such a wonderful word. I almost took that away from myself,
“I’m really sorry my baby. Please forgive me. I promise you that I’m going
to protect you with everything in me” my hands don’t leave my stomach.
I’m brushing on her and wishing she can hear me,

“She is forgiven you. You did what any chosen wife would do. You don’t
have to be so hard on yourself” I must have said that out loud. I thought
I’m having a conversation with me and my heart but I guess my lips
spilled. The words comes from my father in the front sit driving. I don’t
know how long we have been on the road because I slept somewhere along
the way,
“You do know that Papa Tlotla is here for you when you want to talk,
right?” my father continues to add. One thing I know I’m lucky with is
that, I have a friend in my father. He knows me. I haven’t said anything
about my fall out with my ex-husband and he didn’t ask,
“You think she’ll forgive me Papa Tlotla?” I don’t want to talk about that
lizard called mokgonto. He is the least of my worries now. The minute I
walked out of his home I became his ex-wife. Right now I want to focus
on my baby and asking her to forgive me,
“If she took after her grandfather she’ll forgive you. Phela I have a heart
of gold nna” I roll my eyes,
He looks at me through the rear review mirror and laugh. I occupy the
back seat alone. His laughter eventually dies and it ends with a deep
sigh. My eyes meet his on the mirror. He is still not content with me,
“I don’t want him anywhere near you, you hear me?” I know who he
doesn’t want. He is talking about my lizard husband. Mokgodutswane o
Mokgonto. I don’t want him anywhere near me as well.
“I’m glad we are on the same page” he say when I nod to him,
“Here. Feed my first grandbaby. I’m already thinking names” dear lord!
He hands me a foodie bag with food. He must have made a stop
somewhere while I was still sleeping.
“What have you thought so far?” I’m humming as I eat. I don’t know when
last I enjoyed food so much. It must be being out of my depressing
situation. Everyone at home was astonished. They all shared the same
sentiments as my dad. Apparently I’m quite thin now,
“I’m thinking Jari” the hell!
“What is Jari?” shock is evident in my tone,
“Short for Majara” bathong!
“I think her paternal name will do” Sinesipho is perfect,
“Don’t annoy me Tlotla Molapo. This is my first granddaughter and I’m
giving her the name Jari Princess Molapo” Such a terrible name. I can
already imagen my baby being mocked by her name. Imagen a class mate
with the name ‘Jari?’ and they happen to be a girl. Worst case scenario.
Once again I’m woken by wind caressing on my sensitive skin. This time
around the wind is too mean and cold. I’m in my father’s arms all over
again but the only difference now is that this time is dark in the night. I
don’t know what time it is.
“You do know I’m someone’s mother, right?” he can’t be carrying me like
his only girl when I’m also carrying a human being in my stomach,
“Mother or not, you’ll always be my baby” I know that. His words soothes
my troubled heart. He is the best father any girl can ask for,
“I love you Papa Tlotla” I really do love him. I need him to know in case
he forgot,
He chuckles. I wish I can see him properly but I can’t. We are under the
dark night skies,
“I love you too my pride”
“Who dare enters lady Rose’s house?” a soft but stern voice comes behind
us. My dad immediately puts me down. I only notice now that we are
standing before a small wood house located alone on what looks like
a….is it a cliff or mountain? No wonder we were now walking. We are
indeed on top of mountain,
“Some call me the great gray, some call me Lupus and some call me the
god of wolves. You can choose any you like. That’s who dare enters your
compound” I cannot see the woman properly because of darkness. The
only thing I can tell is that she is short and slender,
“And who is with you god of wolves?” I guess she chooses to address him
with the later one,
“My daughter. Princess Tlotla Molapo”
The woman chuckles,
“You mean to say His Queen, MakaSinesipho Dlomo” shivers run down
my skin when she say that. It’s dark but I can feel that she just looked at
me with a soul eye. It’s the type of stare that reads you from in and out,
“You both can follow me” she leads the way into the small house. I notice
that the house is sitting under the stars. It’s like the chose to cluster
under this house,
“Those are my ancestors. Mine don’t descend but ascend” she explains
without me asking. I don’t know what that means but I can imagen that
it means her ancestors are up in the sky.

In the house we are offered a bench. She is no seer I can tell, but she is
gifted in her own unique way.
“Would you like something to drink?” she asks. I ask for water and my
dad politely declines anything,
“Do you think you can help my daughter lady Rose?” my dad asks while
I sip some water. Now that we are under candle lights in the house I can
see that she is white woman,
“I’m a wolf healer Lupus” I guess that’s a yes,
“You can lay down when you’re done” she continues to add laying a fleece
down the floor. I do as she request as soon as I’m done easing my nerves
with a glass of water. Above, I stare at her as she takes my arm and
inspect it. She is on her knees besides me,
“This was going to kill you” she tells me. She traces her index finger on
the black veins that has formed a road map from the bite up to my heart.
The strap of my dress is simply pulled down my shoulder so she can see
where the black veins ends,
“Should this veins have met, you would have died” lucky enough they
fade right above my breast,
“I’m going to suck this clots out and then heal you, okay?” I nod.
She brings my arms close to her mouth and bite me exactly where Akela
had bitten me. It’s an excruciating pain but I hold it out. I look at my
father who is evidently in pain as well as I squirm and wince trying not
to make a sound. I can feel her draw blood from me. She sucks it in her
mouth and pull a bucket and spit all the black blood. I don’t see any black
veins when she is done sucking the life out of me. My arm is left in pain
as she washes her mouth with another black liquid from a dodgy bottle
she pulled from the cupboard.
“Now let’s heal you his queen” I would roll my eyes if I wasn’t in so much
pain. She falls on her knees once again, this time she doesn’t reach for
my arm but stoops down to my heart and puts her ear on it. My eyes meet
hers as she pops her eyes. It looks like she just discovered a miracle. She
looks like someone in shock,
“What’s in her stomach?” she looks at my father in horror,
“Lady Rose do your job” my father sternly say,
“This is an abomination! She is carrying evil” her voice fills the whole
house. This time she is got her hands on my belly. I’m no longer
“That’s my first grandchild and you wouldn’t want to call her evil unless
you’re ready to meet your maker” Lady Rose swallows. I can tell she no
longer wants to help me but she does anyway. She blows soft air right on
the side of my heart. I can feel myself heal from the in and outside.
Someone who is been quite a loner in me wakes. I can’t help but smile. I
missed her so much.
*I’m really sorry Tlotla* Akela
*Stop apologizing. We are okay now and don’t ever hide from me
ever again* I say
*Don’t ever ask me to bite you ever again as well* I will not do it,
“Your daughter is fine Lupus” Lady Rose say. I can tell she wants to say
more but the mean the look on my father’s face is no longer welcoming,
“Your package will arrive by dawn lady Rose. What you saw here stays
here, right?” why does it feel like he is threatening her?
Lady Rose is quick to nod,
“Goodbye lady Rose” I’m still kind though I can tell that there is
animosity between her and my father. It’s all because of what she said.
She says I’m carrying evil. I don’t want to entertain it though it scares
*Evil is her dwarf ass staying alone on top of a mountain* oh my
wolf is back.
He had been drinking his pain away for the past couple of days but last
night he is sure he slept sober. He didn’t touch alcohol but it doesn’t feel
like it. Waking up he feels he is carrying loads and loads of cement on his
chest. He feels hot and tightly pressed to the bed. If it’s even a bed
because his back aches. He cannot turn or scream but something is sitting
on his chest,
“You think you’re the shit Mkhonto Dlomo, huh?!” the voice he is never
heard before sounds like an echo but it’s too close,
“Where is our queen?!” there is hands on his neck. This person is now
strangling the shit out of him and he still cannot fight or flinch,
“Your only duty was to bring our queen home and take the throne, and
you failed that simplest task. I made everything easy for you. But you
had to be Mkhonto Dlomo my ass hole grandson!” the person is furious.
He is still strangling the hell out of him. He can barely speak or fight,
*Predator* Mkhonto tries to summon the predator to take over and help
him out of the man choking the life out of him,
“I made this dog! You are who you are because of me! He wouldn’t dare!”
he just infuriated the ghost strangling him. The predator doesn’t even
attempt a transformation. He is also hiding inside him,
“I’m….. I’m…..sorry” with quite a battle he manages through the
“Sorry my ancient ass! I want my queen in the yard!” the voice roars and
Trying to catch his breath he opens his eyes to find himself outside in the
middle of the yard home. He is not sure how he got here or when but he
is home. Its wee hours of the morning and his grandfather fetched him
from his cabin to strangle him in the yard. One thing he still remembers
is how angry he felt and how he emphasized that he wants their queen
home. Could Tlotla be sleeping in the hut once again? He is in thoughts
of questions as he gets off the ground dusting himself. He is heard before
that the one he takes a name after is quite a busy ancestor but he didn’t
think he would fetch him from his cabin and bring him home only to
strangle him.

“My prince?!” the guards at the door are startled by him. He looks a mess.
Eyes red and clothes creased like he is just been spit from the horse’s
mouth. His whole body is in pain. It feels like this ancient ghost was
dancing kwasa kwasa on top of his body,
“Madoda!” he doesn’t have the strength to speak to them. He staggers all
the way up the stairs holding on the stairs rail so he doesn’t fall. He needs
to find this woman he was strangled for. Where could she be?
His heavy feet drag him to his bedroom. It’s empty and without her. For
the first time fear strikes him like it did the day she was attacked by the
wolverine. He takes in a deep breath standing in the middle of their
bedroom. The walls of anger that he had built to break the connection
they have wears off as he sniffs the room and feel that he is without his
mate. He can tell that she is not here but he still goes to the closet to
check. Everything that says His queen is gone. The wardrobe is empty of
her clothes.
“FUCK!” the word tumbles off his lips. He would call immediately if he
had his phone with, but ghost Mkhonto senior kidnapped him and left
his cellphone,
in pain but he doesn’t care. He wants his queen home and he is running
to get her back.

He is almost out of the door. His aim is to get his wife back and bring her
home. He can tell that she is not in the Dlomo premises but her home.
“And just where the fuck do you think you’re going?” And just like that
his mission is aborted. It’s the one and only Vulamasango Dlomo
stretching his arms and legs covered in sweat dripping from his body. He
had been out for his morning run.
Mkhonto is forced to take in a deep breath before he addresses his father.
Emotions are high on both sides. His father is upset that his daughter in
law left because of him. And him on the other hand is also upset that no
one bothered to tell him that his wife was leaving,
“Where is my wife?” he throws a question back at his father,
“Where the fuck did you put her?” Dlomo fires back with arrogance and
annoyance laced deep on his tone,
“Baba Tlotla was here, I left her here at home with my family, but none
of you bothered to pick a phone and call me when she left” he tries his
best to calm down. The last thing he needs is raising his voice back at the
pissed Dlomo. He knows his father’s easy language to them is fist to fist.
He’ll throw one mean punch on his jaws if he dares raises his voice at
“I like what you said before you uttered shit on my face son” this
conversation is happening by the door.
“Follow me” Dlomo gestures with his head that he should follow him
inside the house and he does follow him even though he would rather be
with his wife than here,
“MakaSine is your wife, right?” Dlomo asks as they both settle on the
dining table taking seat opposite to one another,
Mkhonto nods hands intertwined across the table,
“And whose responsibility is she?” another question comes from his
exasperated father,
“Mine” Mkhonto politely answers,
“Exactly. I know where my wife is. My Boitumelo is upstairs sleeping her
tired ass after I made love to her all night……” Mkhonto coughs and
clears his throat at the uncomfortable news his father shares with him,
“Dlomo I don’t need the details of your bedroom, please” no son wants to
hear that their mothers are being sexed. Even if it’s their fathers doing
“No Mkhonto. I need you to understand that as much as MakaSine is a
daughter in law in this house and I love and adore her with everything
in me, she is not my responsibility. You have no right asking me where
your wife is. Had you been a better man to that woman, you would know
where she is. You have been a shitty husband. How dare you leave her at
her time she needs you the most?” his father is angry and he has every
right to be,
He drops his eyes in shame and embarrassment. He has no word for
himself. He hasn’t processed and digested the things he said to his wife,
“She lost a child Mkhonto, your child. And don’t tell me she killed the
child. She did what she had to do to give you your brother. Instead of
being grateful, you go around and hide in that cabin of yours. What did
you expect her to do? Stay married to a man who isn’t with her?” Dlomo
is taking him for a rough ride. He is shouting and putting his feelings on
the table. Mkhonto doesn’t disturb him because he understands that he
was wrong,
“Baba I was wrong. I want to fetch my queen and make things right”
Mkhonto say. Sometimes one just have to humble themselves and say
three things; I’m sorry, I was wrong, how can I make things right? That’s
what he is prepared to say to his queen,
“You were not wrong Mkhonto. You were an ass hole and you fucked up
pretty bad. I hope for your sake Majara hasn’t caught on that you broke
his girl’s heart. I’m no wolf and I’m not going to risk my life fighting your
battles. If he breaks your neck and kill you, I’ll gladly bury your stupid
ass 24 feet under. Don’t come to me and ask me to go talk to Majara for
you” it looks like the shouting is done. Dlomo clicks his tongue and pushes
his chair off leaving him on the table. He comes back just as he was about
to turn corner,

“Oh, before I forget. You can go get your ass whooped by Majara
tomorrow. Tonight we are exhuming your grandmother’s body and you’re
doing it as the next king” Dlomo informs him,
A frown gathers on Mkhonto’s face,
“Had you been home you would know that MakaSine is been trying her
best to fix the mess we made and she finally got to your stubborn
grandfather” his father continues to add before he even asks.
He is staring at his father with a frown that deepens when he sees his
father smiling. He follows his father’s eyes and only to find him ogling
his very own wife,
“My heaven” the sweetness in Dlomo’s tone is sweeter than sugar. He is
not the angry bird he was a minute ago. He is like a child seeing Father
Christmas for the first time.
MaDlomo fits in his arms. The small of her back is secured in his arms
and he brings her close to his chest. There is a certain part of him that
he is bringing too close to Mkhonto’s mother’s stomach. Mkhonto finds
this exchange gross and abusive. His mother is being abused in his
delusional mind. Dlomo is taking advantage of his own sweet mother,
“Keo hopotse this morning, I wanted to wake up next to you” (I missed
you…….) MaDlomo say on her toes pecking on her husband’s sweet lips,
“I came back fast so I can wake up inside you” Vulamasango adds salt to
Mkhonto’s wounds,
“I would love that very much” a giggle passes Boitumelo’s lips,
“MAA!!” Mkhonto exclaims,
“Hai fotsek wena!” Yoh! It seems his mother is pissed at him as well. She
say on her husband’s shoulder going back upstairs to their bedroom.
Staring at where his parents disappeared he ends up shaking his head.
As gross as it is, he wants this for his queen and himself. To grow old
together and still shag as much as they want. There is no other woman
his heart or wolf would approve of except for that thick somebody of his.
He hasn’t had time to see her and visit her like this. They did have lunch
and see each other at work but he hasn’t come to her place in a while.
She was starting to think that he had lost interest in her when they
hadn’t even started.
Zanele is a bit shocked to opening her door to his face. He is been present
but distant at the same time. Since his hospital saga and her meeting his
family the way she did, she thought maybe they didn’t approve of her
hence why he was a bit distant.
“Saubona” he greets. Head bowed down to her and his one had balance
on the top of her shack. He is quite tall for the shack,
“Hey yourself” she greets back. A bit of attitude is loud on her tone
because she is mad that he is been distant towards her,
“Can I come in?” his eyes. Lord knows bashemane batlo rebolaya ka
mehlo a sexy! (Lord knows men are going to kill us with their sexy eyes!)
Zizwe is shaped his eyes in a tired manner appearing sexier than he is
ever been. Or maybe he is indeed tired,
“If you want to come in, you can come in” she is already soft. It’s those
eyes that got him eating her on the palm of his hand.
She moves from the door and make space for him. She is in her black
fariki/bozola shoes, tights and some big lose omo t-shirt. He wonders
where she gets this weird t-shirts. He would ask if he wasn’t so tired.
Right now he is here to rest. Not to ask questions,

“How have you been sthandwa sami?” (……….my love?) she is met by his
chest as she turns. There isn’t much of space inside the shack. He stands
right behind her by the bed,
“As if you care. What do you want Bheki?” she crosses her arms to her
chest. Her one foot is tapping on the floor looking like a girl waiting to
beat the hell out of another girl,
“I would like to sleep mama if you don’t mind” this man is not okay
upstairs. She stares at him hoping he is going to smile and say he is
joking but now that she looks at him close enough, he looks really
exhausted. It’s not sexy eyes. The man is tired,
“You came all the way from whatever hole you came from to ask to sleep
in my house?” she needs to make sure she heard correctly,
“Yebo Ma” (Yes mam) Yebo ma? Is he serious?
She moves aside with a sigh after staring at him for a while. She is
standing by the cupboard looking at him take off his shoes and climb the
bed. He doesn’t even fit but he climbs and moves to the other side making
space for her. His breathing pattern shows that this person is really going
to sleep. She cannot have that. Not when he almost died and distanced
himself from her,

“BHEKI NO!” she grabs a pillow under his head. His very sleepy eyes
look in her direction,
“You can’t come here and just sleep. We need to talk” she say,
He sighs,
“Can we talk when I wake up?” he asks,
“Babe there was a ceremony at home last night. I didn’t sleep a wink.
Can I please sleep then we’ll talk when I wake up?” he interjects,
“I said no Bheki. We are talking now. Where the hell have you been?”

“BHEKI NO!” she grabs a pillow under his head. His very sleepy eyes
look in her direction,
“You can’t come here and just sleep. We need to talk” she say,
He sighs,
“Can we talk when I wake up?” he asks,
“Babe there was a ceremony at home last night. I didn’t sleep a wink.
Can I please sleep then we’ll talk when I wake up?” he interjects,
“I said no Bheki. We are talking now. Where the hell have you been?” she
folds her arms to her chest, she wants answers this very moment, not
when he wakes up.
He heaves yet another exhausted sigh and sit up straight from the bed.
His feet touch on the sparkling polished floors as he sits. He pulls the
cute tight wearing angry bird to his lap and kisses her grumpy cheeks. A
smile spreads on her face,
“Stop it bheki, I want my answers” she playfully scolds him,
“A lot is been happening ekhaya sthandwa sami, I’m sorry I have been
an ass of a boyfriend. Last night we were exhuming my grandmother’s
body and laying her to her original husband….” He is interrupted by her
“It’s a lot at home baby. One day I’ll sit you down and tell you how
dysfunctional my family is. For now I ask that you be patient with me
and take what I give you” he continues to add,
“But that’s not fair on me Bheki. You don’t say you love me and disappear
on me for weeks. Especially when you were hospitalized for being
poisoned by your evil sister in law. That little girl……” she trails off
shaking her head. The so called ‘sister in law’ doesn’t know what she is
made of, how dare she poisons her man?

“Zanele” Bhekizizwe collects himself. He can see where his girlfriend is

going with this theory she has in her head that Tlotla poisoned him. He
knows what happened and he understands it, but Zanele on the other
side doesn’t have all the information to understand that it wasn’t Tlotla.
She is made up her mind that she hates the girl,
She looks at him, swallowing a spit of nervousness formed by the look he
is projected on to her. He is never been as serious as he is with her at this
moment. Clearly she said something wrong though she is not sure what,
“I was in Joburg with work related matters. I’m sorry I didn’t call to let
you know that I’ll not be available for a while. It’s a fault on my side and
I take full credit on it. I’m not used to having someone I care for so deeply
and having to report my every move, but now I see that it’s not fair of me
to just up and leave without letting you know where I’m going and how
long I’ll be. It’s a fault on my side and I’m going to do my best to fix it,
can you forgive me for that?” he staring at her with a look she cannot
She nods past the look she cannot comprehend,
“Thank you. That I’m going to fix and do better with. Now let’s talk about
this hate you have on momo…..MakaSine I mean” he would really
appreciate if she got along with his sister in law because he values and
loves that girl. He is got plans about Zanele. Marriage is in his head and
the last thing he wants is his girl not getting along with MakaSine,

“She poisoned you. Laughed and smiled at your pain when everyone
wasn’t looking. I don’t like that little girl bheki and I don’t trust her. She
is a witch in hiding” it’s her observation, what she picked when she first
met Tlotla,
“I understand where you coming from but I need you to take my word for
now. I wish to tell you what really transpired on that particular day to
make you understand but I can’t, at least for now. All I ask is that you
take what I give you and trust it. One day I’ll sit you down and tell you
everything when we have married. I come from a very complicated family
as I mentioned earlier and the things that happens in my family I cannot
just divulge to anybody. You need to be part of the family for me to tell
you somethings and make you understand. Momo is nothing but an
angel, it wasn’t her that put me in the hospital and smiled at my pain.
Can you please take that for now?” she shakes her head no. she refuses
to be played by that witch. It’s clear she is dealt with all that family,
“Bheki what is so hard about understanding that the girl is a witch? I
saw her!” she snaps getting of his lap to stand by the table,
“Maybe she fed all of you her things. I don’t know why you all can’t see
that the girl is the devil” clearly it’s going to take a miracle for her to see
Tlotla as they do. They say first impressions last, unfortunately for her
the first impression she got of the so called ‘momo’ was nothing but an
evil little girl.
He fucked up. He knows it too that he messed pretty bad, hence why he
is here trying to fix his mess. It’s early hours of the morning, polite hours
to welcome visitors. Hopefully the Molapos are awake and welcoming of
him. The guards by the gate don’t ask him thousands questions. They
greet and allow him entrance. He is not just a son in law in this quarters
but a brother in law as well. They know him well enough to not keep him
at the gate and make him sign visitors log before notifying the family that
he is by the gate.
He parks his R8 on the designated parking lot. He could have rode here
but he chose to drive his beast because he knew it wasn’t going to be a
simple ride of fetching his wife and leaving with her. Today he wasn’t
woken by his vile grandfather, hopefully he was busy rejoicing being with
his wife that they reunited him with last night.
He steps out of his beast and stretch out with a sigh. An internal moment
of silence rises in him as he looks up above the sky. He is not a man of
prayer but today he finds himself pleading with the one of the high power,
“Lord please help me get my baby back” the words passes his lips,
hopefully God is not judgmental and he heard him,

“I wasn’t aware you have a baby in my house” a quiver of shiver runs

down his spine at the cold tone coming behind him. He knows who it is
before he even turns. He can tell that today they will be at cross roads,
“The great gray” he politely turns and greet. It’s his father in law. The
look in his eyes is deadly and spiteful,
“What the fuck do you want in my house?” Majara barks to his face. He
is got no pleasantries to change with him because he brought nothing
pleasant to his daughter as well,
“Lupus please. If we can sit and……..”
“I’m not talking shit with you. I want you out of this palace in this very
moment, and make sure you never put your stupid ass here ever again”
the man is livid and he is not trying to control himself,
“I respect you so much Lupus but I’m not doing that. I’m not leaving my
queen behind” Mkhonto stands his ground as well. He wants his queen
and he is going to get her, no matter how angry her father is,
“Had I known you’re an ungrateful piece of shit, I wouldn’t have given
you my only daughter on the silver platter like I did. That girl is my pride.
Her father’s pride. And wena masepa you spit on my pride and think you
can waltz in here and take my only daughter with your stupid sorries
after the shit you put her through? Boy it’s not going to work. Eradicate
yourself from my premises before shit hit the fan. You are never getting
my daughter and I’m going to untie her to your stupid soul”
“I made a mistake the gg. Please don’t punish me by taking my chosen
one away from me” Mkhonto begs. He would put his stubbornness
forward as well but he knows it’s not going to help this time around.
Majara was welcoming and understanding of him until he messed all that
“LEAVE. MY. FUCKING. HOUSE” Majara hisses in a low but stern tone.
He glares in his eyes flickering his red Lupus eyes. It’s a warning from
him and the animal in him. Mkhonto can put the predator to play as well
but they both are not stupid to test the god of wolves. He is clearly angry
and willing to separate his body from his soul if he dares test him. His
only choice is to obey and climb his car. He needs to get to Tlotla without
coming here. There is only one person that can help him with that,
*Hey sis, I’m in town, can I please see you? It’s urgent* he send the
text driving out. All his hopes now lies to his sister. Hopefully Khwezi
will get Tlotla to come to town with her or something.
~ “Why are you not home?” the question comes from senior Mkhonto
Dlomo sitting on top of a hill. He holds a baby wrapped in a pink blanket
in his arms. I’m below the hill and trying to reach to them but I keep
slippering and falling back,
“I am home, is that her?” I want to see the baby so bad, it’s all I want to
reach to to him,
“This is not home. Your place is on the throne next to him. You’re the one
and only his queen we choose for him”
“Can I please see her?” I just want to see my baby,
“If you don’t go back home, I’m going to take her for good this time
around. Tell your grandfather to stop being forward and interfering in
how I run my house. You were not supposed to know that she is still in
you” that has to be ntate Moletsane, he wasn’t supposed to tell me,
“I will tell him, can I please see my baby?” I need that so bad,
“Go back home MakaSine or else I’ll fetch you myself and it will not be
nice” fetch? I can never miss the arrogance in his tone. He disappears up
the hill before I ask how he is going to fetch me~

I wake up breathing hard from the weird dream I just had. It was more
of a warning than a dream. If I don’t go back he is going to take my baby
away from me this time around. I failed her once and I cannot afford to
fail her again. I need to go back for her,
*Our bastard was here* Akela wakes as well. He was angry and I
couldn’t connect to him. Now I can smell a hint of him, this means the
anger has subsided a bit,
*I’m not going back for that man, I’m going back for my baby* I
need her to understand that and not betray me,
*I miss him*
*AKELA!* having a whore wolf in me is exhausting,
*We haven’t scratched that inch in a while, just have him do us
once then we can hate him again* I didn’t miss this whore,
AWAKE?!” thank god we are distracted by my father knocking on the
“I’m awake papa Tlotla you can come in” he opens the door immediately
after I give him permission,
He is in his morning run gear. He looks off. Angry and charged,
“Are you okay?” I manage to sit up straight looking at him,
“I need you to wake up, clean up and eat. We are riding to Oves today”
he say,
Oves is like another world away, why are we going to Oves?
“Your brother needs you princess, we need to go today” he continues to
“What happened to Lerotholi?” my brother rules in Oves,
“Something terrible happened to him, we need to be there for him as
family. You do understand, right?” I nod
“When are we coming back? I had a dream, Mkhonto senior was here
telling me to go back home and he threatened to take my baby away if I
“He won’t do shit, Moletsane will take care of him. Please get ready for
me, we are leaving this afternoon okay?” my father will not let me down,
I trust he knows what he is doing. I guess I’m going to Oves.


He abandons his shoes at the door and aim for a knock but his knock is
answers before he even attempts. He visit their royal seer to reason with
him. Tonight he is got a journey to Oves with his daughter. He only needs
Moletsane the royal seer to protect his grandchild.
“You’re so wrong in so many ways Molapo” if there was ever a powerful
seer in their era it would have been ntate Moletsane. He knew that he
was going to visit him and he already knew the reason for his visit.
Ntate Moletsane stares at him sipping on his coffee broad daylight in his
modern hut. His leg is crossed on top of the other like he is some English
man enjoying life. Well, he is enjoying his life because all he is ever
aspired to be was a powerful royal seer serving a powerful house.
“Ntate Moletsane this is my only daughter” Majara is a wounded father.
The sight of his daughter is not pleasing to his heart. Any parent who
would see their children in a state that Tlotla is in would do the same.
She really doesn’t look good at all,
“I know Sebata, and you have every right to be angry and want her under
your care but she is a married woman now. She no longer belongs in this
quarters” Ntate Moletsane reasons with him. Staring up at his tall bulk
physique hovering over his hut,
“I would appreciate it if you sat down and stop disrespecting my spirit”
Ntate Moletsane continues to add at the distraught Majara. He is been
on his feet since he came inside.
With a sigh he obeys and rest on the couch opposite to ntate Moletsane.
His modern hut is even got three occasional couches for his visitors.
“You can untie my daughter from Mkhonto, right?” he asks Ntate
“I still say calm down and don’t make any hasty decision. You know what
chosen means. The boy will go crazy and eventually take his own life if I
dare temper with their ancestral bond” Ntate Moletsane advices,
“So my Tlotla will be fine with my grandchild, right?” he continues to ask,
“Tlotla will be fine because she is not the one in the wrong in this
predicament. Had she been the one at fault, she would be the one to suffer
the consequences. Mkhonto is the one that will go crazy and take his own
life if we separate them” a moment of silence passes between the two
gentlemen. Majara is thinking of the information he just received while
ntate is staring at him for a decision,
“Do you think Tlotla would forgive you if she learns that her mate went
crazy and killed himself because of you?” Ntate Moletsane continues to
“Who would tell her?”
“The truth has a way of coming out. Sure, she would be separated from
him and will not feel anything but she carries a very powerful soul.
Renalempho would know that you’re the reason she is fatherless”
A frown gathers on Majara’s face,
“Who is Renalempho?” he asks in confusion,
“Sinesipho. I like the name her stubborn great grandfather gave her. It
translate to that in our language” ntate Moletsane’s explanation is
received with an eye roll by Majara,

“Okay, let’s say you just separate them and temper with fate or
something for the boy not to die. Dlomo is still a very good friend of mine
and I wouldn’t want to see him lose a son. Is there a way you can do that?”
Majara asks only to be answered with a head shake,
“If I separate them as you wish, the boy’s fate is turning into a lunatic
and killing himself”
“Then what do I do ntate Moletsane?!” Majara’s tone loses patience,
“Nothing Motaung. You should do absolutely nothing. Tlotla is a Dlomo
now, let her go home to her man, she’ll be alright. Tell me one chosen
woman who had it easy. They all go through some trials and tribulations.
This is hers, let her go through it so she can come out a woman worthy to
take a queen position of the royal Dlomos. I know it’s not easy seeing how
she is. I also don’t like seeing our fat baby girl so thin, but this is
marriage, this is her journey and she has to walk it”
Majara heaves a sigh and rest on the couch rest,
“I don’t like that boy anymore. She put my daughter through shit for
something she had no control over” Moletsane laughs,
“I hate him too. He was a complete jerk but he sees it now. Allow him the
chance to talk to his wife and fix his mess” he can see that Majara is
softening. He may be a bull but he has a heart. Vulamasango is still his
friend and he wouldn’t want him to lose a son because of him,
“I have a way you can make him sweat and suffer a bit before you let
Tlotla go” Moletsane adds.
Majara stares at him in anticipation,
“Take Tlotla to Oves as you had planned” Moletsane,
“Didn’t you just say the boy will go crazy and die?”
“Exactly. He needs to pay for treating our princess bad. I’m not going to
separate them spiritually but they’ll be separated physically. He’ll go
crazy and join his co-lunatics under the bridges for a while”
“Will that not affect my daughter and Jari as they’ll still be connected?”
now it’s ntate Moletsane who rolls his eyes, the thought of a girl child
named ‘Jari’ is just so wrong in so many ways,
“I can work my way around that. Wena take Tlotla away from him for a
month or two and let me teach him a lesson”
“Tlotla mentioned Mkhonto senior threatening to take Jari away from
her if……..”
“He wouldn’t dare. He needs that girl to be born very soon. She is the one
to restore his house to what it used to be. He would do anything to protect
her and her mother. But I also wouldn’t put it past him not to fetch them”
“Let’s hope he fetches them after that boy has suffered. He really pissed
me off by treating my daughter bad and just looking at her fate before his
eyes. I want him to suffer!”
Mme Mamolapo is exhausting. I didn’t want to do this outing but she
insisted that I needed this shopping before leaving with my father in the
afternoon. I wasn’t in on it but now I’m actually enjoying shopping for
myself. It really hits hard now that I fit some clothes that I have lost
weight pretty bad. I’m a size 38 to 40 girl but today the things I fit are
around 32 and 34. I wasn’t aware I lost so much weight until this very
“Are you okay baby?” Mme Mamolapo asks, seeing the pain in my eyes
as I stare at my reflection in the mirror,
“Don’t you like the dress?” she continues to ask when I shake my head
no. The dress is fine but this is not me. When did I become so frail and
“I’m so sorry baby” my thoughts are interrupted by Mme Mamolapo.
What is she apologizing for? I’m so lost,
“I’m sorry Tlotla but he is my brother and he was crying on me” she say
to me and just as I frown to question her what she is on about I feel him.
He is in this shop or just walked in,
*Damn he smells divine* it can only be my wolf. I imagen her chewing
on her nails and biting on her bottom lip as she say this. Yena he does
smell divine. It’s an animal natural scent in him and his cologne that hits
my nostrils in a pleasant welcoming manner. I feel him take a stand
behind me and see him behind me on our reflection in the mirror. Lord
knows I want to jump him and hug the life out of him but this man hurt
me. People don’t understand the power of a tongue. Mkhonto Dlomo could
have beat me up or lashed at me I would have forgiven him. But he chose
to beat me with words. The words he said will never leave my heart ‘You
murdered our child my dear murderous queen’ I think that’s the words
that eating me the most. I know she is alive but I can never forgive myself
for that. The words stays in my heart because he made them home my
“I’m really sorry” Mme Molapo mimes to me before she leaves the
changing rooms. I realize now that everyone has left the ladies rooms. It’s
now only me and this man of mine.

A moment of silence passes as we stare at each other on our mirror

reflection. It’s a silence of hurt from my side. From him I can see regret
and guilt. I think he is only seeing me of what I have become to be because
of him today. I’m not pointing the blame on him and saying it was his
fault that we drifted apart and I murdered our child as per his words, but
had he not brought the wolverine in his life and stayed faithful to me as
I was to him, we wouldn’t be here today,
“Tlotla I’m sorry” he hardly calls me Tlotla. It sounds different coming
from his lips,
“I’m sorry for the things I said to you. I’m sorry for the things I did to you.
I wasn’t a man enough to you and I apologize for that. I know you hate
me and probably wants nothing to do with me but I need you to know
you’re the air that I breathe. I can never be me without you. I need you
to forgive me and come back home with me my queen” I’m sorry. Just two
words all the pain I felt and still feel have to go away. This man doesn’t
understand what he did to me. I love him and trust him but he crashed
my spirit. He spat on my love and now he expects me to just say okay
over two words, ‘I’m sorry’

Two words ‘I’m sorry’. As hurt and wounded as I am he comes with two
words. Is that all supposed to erase the pain he inflicted on my heart? Is
the two words going to mend my broken soul?
“My que….”
“No!” I try to step out of his reach but he grabs my shoulders steading
me. He forces me to stare at our reflection on the mirror. In a perfect
world he is still the man my heart beats for, probably the only man I’ll
ever love but damn! His love hurts!
“Please forgive me my queen. I’m truly really sorry from the bottom of
my heart. I know I fucked up pretty bad and I’m here to fix it because I’m
a shit without you baby, I know there is no Mkhonto Dlomo without his
queen, please forgive me my queen” and he continues to beg. I’m still just
glaring at him because I don’t understand how could he love me and hurt
me this bad. I have been nothing but love for this man. He is been all the
love my heart knows since I knew what love is. I can never hurt this man
the way he hurt me. My love for him loves, it doesn’t hurt and bring
internal pain in his heart like he did me,
“Please baby, I’m really sorry, say something to me” if a stare could kill
he would be in a morgue right now. The sight of him is deadly to me. Yes,
I love him and will always do but he killed me with his choice of words,
“What is sorry Mkhonto?” I finally find my tone. This ‘I’m sorry’ annoys
me because it’s just two freaking words that apparently has to erase
every damn pain I felt at the words he uttered to my face, and how he
abandoned me when I needed him the most,
“Sthandwa sami….” (My love…..) I raise an eyebrow at him, sometimes I
forget he is a zulu man, living abroad ruined his yesterday hard fat cake
He steps forward and grabs both my shoulders urging me to look back at
our reflection in the mirror, not at him,
“……Sorry is me saying I hurt you, please allow me the chance to ease
the pain I inflicted on your fragile heart. Sorry is me saying I made a
mistake, please forgive me and give me one last chance to right my
wrongs. Tlotla you’re all that I need and more, I can never find my reason
for breathing if you’re not here. Please my queen, I’m begging you to
forgive me and come back home with me. I promise to do better and……”
Ey! I’m fine with this BoyzIImen want to be man,

“I’m leaving tonight” I step out of his embrace and move to the sitting
benches. We are still in the changing rooms,

He is still rooted in the same spot as I rest my tired ass on the bench. My
feet are killing me,
“Leaving? We are leaving, right?” and his locust head thinks I’m just
going to leave with him after ‘I’m sorry’
“No. My dad and I are going to Oves. My brother needs me” I don’t even
know why I’m telling him. It’s this heart of mine dancing to his tune like
it always does.
*SIGH!* Akela sighs in me, she thinks I’m being melodramatic. I’m just
thankful she took a backseat on this one and didn’t disturb me,
“No you can’t go to Oves, I need you here with me” meleko!
“I’m just telling you. I need a change of scenery and to regroup after the
shit you put me through. Don’t mistake me telling you as if I’m asking.
No, I’m simply just informing you papa, akere?” he heaves a sigh, stand
rooted for a moment before he come to sit beside me,
“I know you’re mad and hurt, and that’s why I’m going to let that tongue
of yours slip however it wants but it’s only for today, uyezwa?” (……you
hear me?) I can’t help but roll my eyes,
“When are you coming back?” he reaches for my hand but I’m quick to
remove it from his locust touch. I don’t want to find myself flying like he
“I don’t know” my hands are better off folded to my chest,
“No Tlotla, I need a time frame. We are still married regardless of what
we are going through. Tell me you’ll be gone for a day or two because
that’s what I’m willing to give you” and he still thinks I’m asking for his
“Bona mona Lerutle, please do me a favor and talk to your grandfather
to stop haunting my dreams. I’ll come back when I’m ready” (Look here
“Whatever you just called me I know it’s not nice but like I said, I
understand that I fucked up and I’ll take anything you throw at me for
today. And I hope you understand that this is only for today Mrs. Dlomo”
“I’ll give you a week only to go be with your brother, you hear me?” and
he continues to tell me as if I was asking him,
“I’ll come back when I want Mkhonto” his name comes so bitter out of my
He raises an eyebrow at me but lets it rest. I hope I won the conversation,

“What is Mk senior saying to you in your dreams?” and he changes the

subject. He is trying to find my eyes but I look away. I don’t want to look
in his eyes,
“Please look at me”
“I don’t want to look at you Mkhonto!” damn this man! And why is he
“Can we do lunch at least? Maybe you can tell me what my grandfather
is saying over lunch” I’m actually hungry but I don’t want to eat with
“I don’t like seeing you like this. Please let me feed you back to health”
as if I’ll go back to my normal body after just one meal,
“I don’t want to eat with you” I’ll eat when I get home,
He heaves a sigh and rest his hand on my knee. He is caressing my thigh
on top of my dress. I don’t fight him but let him be because I know he
needs my touch for the predator. Sitting next to him I can feel how hard
his animal is fighting to wrap me up and lick all of me,
“I asked a question baby, what is my grandfather saying in your dreams?”
his touch that is meant to be just a calming effect for both our animals is
turning into something. I can feel my blood rush as he gently brushes me
up and down with the lightest ease,
“He said he wants me home or else he’ll fetch me” I don’t tell him all about
our very alive daughter. I want to know if he feels her because I no longer
feel her after I sacrificed…..or almost sacrificed with her,
He smiles, a conniving smile that I want to wipe off his face but I end up
smiling as well,
“I’m going to burn incense when I get home and let him do me the honors
of bringing their queen back home” that he’ll do. I can see it behind his
smile that he is not joking about it,
“Do you feel anything apart from Akela and I?” I ask. Sine’s issue bothers
me. I know and I’m sure she is still alive but I feel disconnected to her
after thinking she was dead. Maybe her father will feel her,
“Yeah..” thank god! Maybe she is just angry at me only,
“What do you feel?” I’m eager to know how he feels her,
“That your angry at me and it’s going to take me buying a mountain for
you to forgive me” oh dear lord!
“Kopa o be serious motho wa modimo” (Please be serious god’s person) I
“I can feel your anger baby. That’s the only thing I feel. Am I supposed to
be feeling something else?” he really looks lost. This child is hiding from
both of us. Not just me,
“Never mind. I have to go” I’m happy to see him but it still doesn’t erase
the fact that he hurt me. I need some time out from everything. His
family is loving and all but ever since I became Mrs. Dlomo I have been
fixing and mending the broken ancestral bond of the Dlomo house,
“Please do lunch with me” he gets up with me as I stand,
“I told you that I don’t want to do lunch with you” it hurts him that I’m
serious about not eating with him. I see a twitch of pain in his eyes but I
try my best to ignore it,
“Can I at least drive you home?” I want to say no. I really do, but damn
this heart. I’m enjoying his presence no matter how angry I am at him,
“I came with Mme Mamolapo and….” And our driver I meant to say but
he interjects me,
“My sister left please allow me to take you home my queen. I know you
hate me but this is the last time I have with you until you come back next
week” and he is convinced that I’m going to dance to his tune and come
back next week,
“Let’s go” I lead the way out of the store.

All eyes glue to us as we make our way out of the clothing store. I thought
we were alone but it looks like only the changing rooms were evacuated
for us. This time he holds my hand and makes sure to not let me go. I
don’t fight him because it eases my heart and makes Akela happy….well
and me. I’m happy that he is showing the world that I’m still his no
matter what we are going through.
He nods at some shop assistant as we exit the store. My glare is enough
to pull him in order and the girl immediately looks away. I don’t know
why he is smiling because he annoys me,
“You can’t be checking out whores when you’re walking with me” I utter
with bitterness. Men can be so annoying really, why is he checking out
girls when I’m right next to him and he is smiling about it,
“I’m sorry Mme Dlomo” as annoyed as I am I smile. He is a man married
to a sotho woman but he is never really tried my language. I know he can
hear sotho but speaking it has never been his thing. It sounds funny
hearing him trying to say ‘Mme’
A sudden flashing of lights interrupt us as we walk out of the mall. I
realize after a few snaps that we are under cameras. I don’t know how or
why we are being photographed but there is a bunch of journalist fighting
one another for our pictures,
“What is going on?” we are both trying to escape the parade but it’s very
hard because we don’t have any security. He is a very complicated being
and somehow the type that likes keeping his things private but today he
surprises me,
“Let’s give them something to write about”
“Hmm?....” my hmm is engulfed in his mouth. He stops walking and
wraps my waist with his one arm while the other hand cups my face. His
lips reaches for mine and sweeps me away with a kiss that gets me
moaning in his mouth. I hate how much I love this bastard. I don’t fight
him but enjoy our little paradise,
“I love you baby, please don’t leave me” he pulls out of our kiss with the
words. One would swear that I’m dying,
“I’ll come back” that I can give him because I know where I belong no
matter how angry I am at him. He is my ride or die,
“I don’t want you to go” now he is being a baby and we are being taken
“Let’s go Dlomo” I drag his whining ass. We are so going to make papers
by midnight.
There is a delivery for me. My dad and I are still set to take a trip to Oves
but it’s now going to happen tomorrow morning. He had somethings to
attend tonight.
I’m dragging my behind to the door where I have been called that I have
a delivery I need to sign off. I’m dog ass tired after my afternoon nap.
I can’t help but frown as I step out of the elevator seeing shopping bags
and shopping bags of the same store I was in when my locust husband
ambushed me. I didn’t buy anything. Even the things I was fitting I left
in there. I don’t want to buy anything for this body. I don’t want to be a
skinny girl. I’m a big girl and I’m proud of it. I’m going to nurse myself
back to health and then buy my sexy body some nice clothes,
“Princess Tlotla Mola….. I mean Princess Tlotla Dlomo” the delivery guy
greets before I greet him as I get closer to him,
“It’s actually MakaSinesipho Dlomo, is this all for me?” I enquire about
the shopping bags decorating the door way,
“Yes my lady. But I was told to give you this first” he hands me a small
gift paper bag which I open immediately after signing and waving him
out. It contains of a letter. My faces pulls into a smile as I read and realize
who this all is from,
*I know I’m a shitty husband but I love you as shitty as I am. The so
called whore you didn’t want me to smile with was actually going to assist
me with buying clothes for you. I realize now that we never had our
honeymoon. You came into my home and have been nothing but a queen
with no king by your side. I’m sorry for how I treated you my queen. I
love you and I want you to go out into the world with my love. Enjoy your
king’s shopping spree for you, but don’t look too hot without me because
I might kill dogs looking in my wife’s way. And oh, I bought your size.
Your real size baby. It hurts me seeing you so frail. I bought your original
size because I’m going to make it my mission to get you back to your thick
sexy ass that drives me damn crazy* this man is forgiven. I love how he
knows me. Everything is perfect and my original size. Not this skinny

“I’m ready father” Mkhonto informs his father in a family meeting that
he called upon his arrival. He had been in Lesotho yesterday to fetch his
wife but he came home emptyhanded. It was evident in his eyes that he
wasn’t himself but he did what he does best, going to his cabin and came
back in the afternoon. He asked his father to call his uncles and
grandfathers on his behalf. He didn’t tell them the agenda of the meeting
but he said he needed his elders present.
The meeting is attended by Vulamasango, Mthokozisi, Uncle Kay and
two of the oldest men of the house.
“Ready for what?” Vulamasango questions him,
“I’m ready to finally take the throne” silence overtakes the room. It’s not
a heavy kind of silence, it’s a silence of wonder. Yes, he is the next one to
take the throne after his father and had been forced back home because
of the same reason but he is been giving his father the run around about
taking the throne,
“Finally” Mtho breaks the silence in the room,
“About damn time boy!” he continues to add,
“Baba Mtho ease up on the boy shit, I’m too grown of a man to be called
a boy” Mkhonto,
“As long as that mouth is still disrespectful, you’ll always be a boy to me”
“Where is your wife Mkhonto?” Vulamasango asks. He didn’t tell anyone
anything upon his arrival,
“She’ll come back home” he informs,
“You cannot take your throne without your queen next to you” Uncle Kay
tells him,
“I know mkhulu. She’ll be here when I take the throne” (…..grandpa…..)
they agreed on a week in his head. Should a week pass by without her,
he is going to burn incense as he promised her and ask his great
grandfather to fetch her,
“Baba are you ready to give me what is rightfully mine?” he turns back
to his father in question,
“I have always been ready to step down son. I’m more than happy to hear
this. We’ll call the council tomorrow and start the preparations of your
inauguration” Vulamasango,
“But I need you to be sure that MakaSine we’ll be home by then because
you’ll not take the throne without her. Unless you want to wake next to
a new bride on the morning after your inauguration”
“Plus those council fools don’t waste time. They would find him a queen
within a night. There is no king without a queen in their eyes” Uncle Kay
adds on to Vulamasango’s statement,
“Are you sure I don’t need to call Majara and soften him up for you?”
Vulamasango knows how protective Majara is of his daughter,
“DLOMO!” Vulamasango calls Mkhonto back to the place of the living.
He had been looking in space and somehow drawn to his thoughts,
“Baba” Mkhonto looks back at his father lost,
“Are you okay? You called a meeting but you are not concentrating”
“I think the world is dirty” the world is dirty? People in the meeting share
“Please elaborate son” Mthokozisi urges leaning forward on the table. He
needs to hear this with both ears,
“I have to clean the world” Mkhonto informs the table at large,
“You want to start a cleaning company?” Vulamasango is trying to
understand where he is going with this,
“No. I need to clean the world now” and he pushes his chair and gets off
it leaving the table confused,
“Is he high?” Mthokozisi looks at his brother in question. Vulamasango
doesn’t have an answer, he is as lost as everyone on the table.

“My prince you can’t……..” the confused table stand to the raised voice of
one of the guards outside. It appears like he is trying to stop one of the
princes from doing something. Standing by the door they all witness
Mkhonto Dlomo the about to be inaugurated King collecting papers
around the yard.
“What in the fuckery is this?” the question comes from the astounded
“Is he crazy?” one of the elders asks in shock,
“He can’t be. Mkhonto has never had any mental problems” Mtho
manages to answer,
“This is madness. We cannot have a crazy king!” the second elder,
“He is not…….” Mtho’s words falls short as they watch Mkhonto start to
take off his clothes. The guards are trying to stop him but he is fighting
all of them,
“VULA!” Mtho calls for Vulamasango who is been standing like a mute
ghost next to them. He cannot believe what he is seeing. Mkhonto cannot
lose his sanity over….over what exactly? Is it possible for one to just go
crazy out of nowhere?
“BOITUMELO! MADLOMO! MY HEAVEN!” Vulamasango’s reaction is
calling for his wife. He eats up the stairs like he is being chased by a
Pitbull. This is the scared Vulamasango. Boitumelo will have to witness
this and fix it, their son just lost his mind out of nowhere.

At times I wonder why he loves me this much. I have tried to shy away
from his love but he keeps pulling be back to his embrace and all I do is
melt like butter under the scorching heat of the sun of his love. Chris
Ahuja loves me. There is no escaping that for me anymore. Holding this
letter I’m faced with the reality that I have a man who adores me with
all my imperfections and wants to spend the rest of his life with me.
I’m a complicated woman who brings nothing but sorrows on the table.
Life wasn’t kind to me starting off. I lost my grandmother who dearly
loved me to death, and then I saw the cruel side of life through my own
mother who brought me to the world. It’s the thing I battle with the most;
my mother. I still fail to understand how one person can bear the trauma
and pain of bringing life into the world only to hurt and inflict pain on
the very same life you’re supposed to nurture and value.

It scares me that I’m mother’s daughter. If I had a way to run into the
‘pre-life’ and ask God to give me a better mother, I would. Pabatso was
nothing but a horn that gave life to me only to break me. Holding this
letter in my hand it’s all coming back to me because I know what this
means. Chris wants to marry me and marriage comes with intimacy
which will then lead to motherhood.
Intimacy and motherhood scares the hell out of me. My problems with
intimacy are what I have lived with since I was molested. I’m scared that
he might find me damaged. That he might hurt me like I was hurt. I have
went to therapy after therapy about this but therapy only helps in
assisting one with living with their trauma, it doesn’t erase or makes one
forget what they went through. The image will always be there and
reflect in one’s way of life forever.
Will he find me enjoyable when we have to do the deeds? I wonder…….
Will I be a better mother to the children that God will be bless me with?
I wonder……..

“Hey” with a soft careful tone he pulls me back from my heavy thoughts.
I didn’t hear him walk back in. We are in our usual hotel room spending
the weekend together. He had gone out to buy his toiletries because he
forgot them, as he always does. He just comes here whenever he feels like
without doing any packing,
“Your back” I have been seated by window staring at the dam view letting
my thoughts run wild,
“I have been for a while and your mind was far away. Do you want to
share what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” he is worried.
Walking closer to me from the door he put his shopping bags on the
counter first and comes to me. He whisks me in his arms from the couch
and takes a sit on my couch then settle with me on his lap. He is still
worried even though he is trying to hide it. I see it clearly now that we
are inches in each other’s touch,
“Please talk to me, is it the letter?” he plants a tender kiss on my forehead
after he asks,
“Partly” I manage,
“Share with me please” sigh!
“I just….” How do I find the correct words without hurting him? He is
been nothing but patient and understanding with me. Right now he is
given me a letter to give to my father when I get home because he wants
to spend the rest of his life with me. He said he wants to do right by me.
He knows nothing about my culture but he is willing to learn. He said he
asked Mr. Dlomo to help him with the letter and proper procedures on
what to do to ask for my hand,

“Do you think I’ll be a better mother to our children?” he chuckles,

bringing my neck closer so he kisses my forehead once again,
“You’re going to be a wonderful mother. Better to what you and I had.
You need not to worry about that” one thing he and I share is horrible
mothers. His mother brought him here and never looked back to check
on him. Mine used me as her meal ticket and gave me to her sick
boyfriend to please with,
“And I want four kids by the way” now he is pushing his luck,
He laughs when I roll my eyes,
“I mean it bohoko” one thing I hate about him is how he pronounce my
name, but the minute I look in his blue oceanic eyes, it all comes so sweet
and beautiful from his lips,
“Why?” I realize now that he is serious about it, I had thought it was a
just a joke,
“I don’t want a child who grows alone like I did, I want a big family”
“Well, we’ll see into that if the king agrees to give out his only daughter
to you” I wave the letter on his face and throw it on the table,
“When babe, when he gives me his only daughter. Your father loves me”
he is right about that. My father adores him. I no longer battle with
spending the weekend with him because my father knows him and trust
him with me. I only let my mother know where I’ll be and I don’t get any
third degrees when I get home,
“Us, getting married doesn’t mean we are going to make love, I’m still
going to wait for you to be ready” and he continues to be a wonderful man
that he is, I don’t know how he can read into my thoughts but he does. I
haven’t told him all my fears but he just eased them without me being
All I do is smile as a response. I know he’ll never rush me but I know
better. We cannot be married and not make love, marriage come with
“Thank you for your patience, go on and bath, I’ll be right here when
you’re done” I send him out with our favorite kind of kiss. I need him to
give me space so I can video call my sister.
He obeys by putting me back on the couch and pecking my forehead
before he leaves for the bathroom. Once I’m sure he is in, I retrieve my
laptop and video call Tlotla. She is on Oves.

‘Why are you sleeping?’ I ask immediately when our call connects. She
looks drowsy,
‘Morning sis, how are you?’ my manners! I worry about her, she is not
herself. She lost weight in a very alarming manner,
‘I’m sorry babe, how is you and peach?’ I still cannot believe it that she is
going to be a mother, she told me when she got home,
‘Peach and I are fine sis, why does it look like you’re not home?’ noisy
little girl she can be. She is scanning my background on the screen,
‘I’m with Chris’ I share,
‘And?’ she knows me, no matter how hard I try to close myself up I know
she is the only person who can read me in silence,
‘He wants to marry me. He gave me a letter to give to my father’ and she
screams. I have to back off from the screen a bit,
‘Why are you not celebrating with me?’ she finally asks after her mini
dances and scream,
‘Talk to me sis’ she urges me after she settles back down on the bed once
‘What if he doesn’t find me good enough when we finally…..’ she interjects
‘Don’t you dare! You’re more than enough and Chris loves you Hlokoa.
That’s all that matters’
‘What if…..’ and she cuts me in once again,
‘Hlokoa there is no menu of life. We never choose or know which path to
take. Things just happen and we live as we go. Don’t let what happened
to you shape your life. Take the love that Chris shares with you and make
your own menu of life. Do your hear me?’ I can’t help but smile,
‘When did you grow up?’ she laughs,
‘I’m Peach’s mother now and she is telling me that she is hungry. Let me
go feed her we’ll call you back when we are done’
‘Don’t feed her alone, I want you all fat when you come back’ she really
worries me,
‘And stop wearing those ugly Pj’s if you want your marriage to last’
bathong! She dropped me before I can respond. There is nothing wrong
with my pyjamas.
Hlokoa did me a favor waking me up. I seem to have overslept, and I
didn’t want to because we arrived right in the middle of a ceremony
yesterday. Oves is in its festive season. Yesterday they were celebrating
the treaty of peace between werewolves and lycans. There is two kinds
this side and they weren’t all peaceful to one another apparently. But my
brother’s ruling in Oves changed all that. He is managed to bring two
creatures who couldn’t coexist with one another to eat on the same table
and drink together.
I’m really really proud of him. He is grown so much and so taller than
me. I’m eager to have a chat with him. We didn’t do much talking
yesterday because he had guests and lycans to keep in check.

Stepping out of the bathroom I stare at myself on the mirror. I feel like
I’m missing something. Yes, I miss my husband but I’m here to breathe
without him. I don’t know why he crosses my mind as I look at myself. I
feel unease about him. Should I call him? But he hasn’t called me
“Princess Akela can I come in?!” I’m disturbed by someone on the other
side of the door. This side they prefer wolves names more than human
“Come in” I allow the person in, thankful that I’m dressed and proper,
“How are you my lady?” it’s an older woman. I don’t really know them as
“I’m okay mam, how are you” I ask back,
“I’m well thank you. The alpha would like for you to join us for breakfast
when you’re ready” the Alpha is my brother. Shifters this side prefer
staying in their wolf form but they have learned to accommodate my
brother since he is their alpha and more human than wolf. I can feel that
the older woman is shifter as well,
“You may lead the way mam, I’m ready” she offers me a smile before she
turns out of the door and lead the way. Lerotholi still owes me a tour of
this place. This is not a mansion but a fortress.

My brother looks gorgeous on his chair. It suit him. Walking in the living
room I find everyone that I don’t know except for my father, and brother
who occupies his alpha chair. There is a line of beautiful werewolf shifter
females standing before the podium. On my brother’s right hand side is
a very hard to look at man I don’t want to look at. His eyes are that of an
animal, a wild one for that matter, or a monster I don’t know……
“Here you are my lady” the woman shows me to the chair next to my
father. Everyone in this room is staring at the front where my brother
and the scary man sits,
“What’s going on papa Tlotla?” it looks like I walked in the middle of
My father shoves me a plate full of food before he answers. He is on a
mission to get me back in shape,
“That is Scar princess. He is the king of the lycans. He asked for a
werewolf shifter female bride to agree to your brother’s terms of peace”
“So he is choosing from the ladies?” we are both almost whispering
because we don’t want to disturb what is happening on the front,
“Mhm” I guess arranged marriages don’t only affect humans,

*NO* no what? I frown at myself as Akela suddenly retreats in me. I can

feel her take a hiding. She forces me to look up and I find the not so kind
eyes of a very scary man called Scar on me. I don’t know what my brother
and father catch as well because I feel their eyes on me as well,
“NO!” my father says it as well out loud grabbing me up by the hand,
“She is my sister and married, not her!” Lerotholi sternly say glaring at
the man next to him,
“A deal is a deal. I have made my choice!” and his voice is as scary as they
come. The whole room wears silence as he spits back to my brother’s face
and gets off the chair. He leaves the room heavy with………wait a
“What is going on?” my eyes are on my father. He doesn’t look at me but
stare up at my brother on the front,
“NO!” he roars and drags me with out of the room. What in the hell is
going on here?!

One of this days we have to pay respect to our brains. A human brain is
the source of everything, no wonder people die when they are brain dead.
My body is only now acting pregnant now that I know I’m still pregnant.
Before I knew that I was still expecting I was perfectly fine, but now I
sleep like sleeping is the only thing left to do for me in this lifetime.
I’m kinda annoyed that Lerotholi just woke me up from my beautiful
dreams. I can’t even recall what I was dreaming about but it must have
been beautiful for me to sleep and drool all over my pillow,
“You still sleep like an orphan” one thing that’s changed about my little
brother is that he talks often now. I don’t need to get him to say a word
or two. He is too vocal now and it’s annoying the hell out of me because
he now barges in people’s room,
“I’m hungry, and what are you doing in here?” I’m in a mood I can’t
His glabella draws into a frown,
“Did you just say you’re hungry?” bathong! He is frowning because I’m
“Yes Lerotholi Molapo, is that wrong?” I’m still his oldest sister and he
better feed me while I’m still in his quarters,
“You ate two plates full of food before you slept and you have only been
sleeping for two hours” clap once! Yes, my one plate was brought to my
room after my father dragged me out of that living room and I asked for
another one as well. There is nothing wrong with eating two plates and
waking up hungry two hours later,
“Are you going to starve me while I’m in your quarters Lerotholi?” I can
have five plates for all I care,
“I changed your diapers, cleaned your puke, washed your little penis,
cleaned your nose with my own tongue…….”
“Sies maan! Eeew!” well, I did none of that but he doesn’t need to know.
I’m the eldest and when I say I raised him he better believe me,
“Yeah Eeew Lerotholi! I raised you and you owe me. All I ask for is food.
Is that too much to ask for, for someone who cleaned your shit and……”
“Freaking father of wolves! I get it sis, your food will come just now.
Please calm down” now he is talking. Carrying a wolf is no child’s play.
This baby is only showing me flames now that I know I’m still pregnant,
“I’ll be back with your food” that’s damn right! He better not show his
sudden tall, buff, look like Majara self in here without my food.

I’m freshening up in the bathroom as I wait for him to bring my food.

Something strikes my mind as I stare up at my reflection in the mirror.
Akela has been awfully quite since the morning incident when my father
dragged us from the living room. I slept once again immediately after
that but I always feel my wolf in me. Right now I do feel her but I can tell
she is freaked out,
*Hey beautiful* I speak to my reflection on the mirror. She knows that
I’m speaking to her,
*My snow white princess* it’s her pet name. It usually works but it
seems not today. She is still not responding though she is clinging on to
my soul like we are about to be beheaded for dinner,
“I don’t know what to call this one, it’s not even lunch as yet. Your pre-
lunch is ready your highness!” my wolf and I are disturbed by another
wolf I call a brother. He is in the bedroom screaming so damn loud,
“Who do you want to hear that I’m eating once again? And it’s called a
brunch idiot!” I hiss walking back into the bedroom. The earlier older
woman is next to him with my tray of food. I find her warm and
welcoming. She smiles at me after I thank her for the food and leaves the
“I wanted to pester you yesterday when we arrived but you were busy,
now you’re the one pestering me” he is not leaving the room, instead he
takes a sit beside me on the bed. I’m glad that he can be a king out there
but still be my sweet little brother to me no matter how annoying I find
“How is she treating you?” I don’t miss the adoration in my brother as he
stares down at me killing this plate. I think I’m going to need some more,
“Can you feel her?” my baby worries me. I think she hates both her father
and I because she is taken a hiding from the both of us,
“Not really but Blue tells me that your carrying a very powerful hybrid”
“Who is Blue?” I ask,
“My healer, the older woman who just served you” oh!
“She is only a healer?” this Adam’s creatures are not to be trusted,
“Of course. You know who I belong with” he looks appalled. I know who
he belongs to but mine still messed on me knowing he belonged to me,
“So your still waiting on her only and not doing the unholy things in the
name of ‘she is still too young?’” now I’m projecting my insecurities on to
him and it’s not fair but I need to know if he is been faithful to Mhambi
in her absence,
“Firstly, my mate and I are the same age. Secondly, yes I’m waiting on
my Luna. I’m a man of tradition and I believe the moon goddess will bring
her to me when the time is right” Mhambi is one lucky girl. She has a
faithful mate even in her absence,
“Can men do that? Be faithful even in one’s absence” he frowns at my
question before he answers. This question births from the fact that I’m
wondering at the back of my head if my husband is not cheating on me
again. It seems he always cheats when I’m away from him. Now I’m damn
worried because he hasn’t even checked on me,
“Yes. I have never touched any woman. My mate will be my first and my
last” I’ll not lie it hurts a bit. If my brother can do it, why couldn’t
Mkhonto do the same for me?
“A man who loves you will wait for you and respect you even in your
absence” sigh!
“What’s with the questions? Papa Tlotla tells me that things are not okay
between you and Mk” I don’t want to talk about that. The man hasn’t
called to even check on me since I arrived, clearly he is doing just fine,

“What brought you in here? I know you didn’t come to wake me up for a
therapy session” I’m changing the topic before my mood changes,
“I came to spend some quality time with my sister before she leaves
“Tonight?!” I can’t help but frown,
“I just got here Lerotholi” I add failing to hide the disappointment in my
“I know sis, I know. But you have to get out of Oves as soon as tonight.
Remember Scar?” how can I forget that scary looking man,
I nod,
“He is the king of the Lycans. Today we were celebrating our last day of
the treaty of peace and he was supposed to choose a bride to take with
but he choose you” wait a minute!
“What?!” I almost shout,
My brother nods with a sigh,
“I know sis. If you don’t get out of here by tonight he’ll forcefully take you
with and leave with you. He is just aiming too high and being a greedy
bastard that he is. He likes chases and he can tell you’ll be one hell of a
chase. But unfortunately Lycans don’t know the meaning of no. No to
them is some sort of motivation. He is going to come for you as long as
you’re in Oves. His kind cannot enter the human land. You’ll be safe from
him once you get back home. So because of this reason you have to go
back home, do you understand?” I do,
I nod in understanding,
“Is that why Akela is hiding in me?” I know nothing about Lycans except
that they exist,
“Yes. As painful as it is to admit it, Lycans are stronger than wolves. Most
female wolves take a hiding in their presence. They are able to suppress
the power of she-wolves and use them as they please. That’s why he
wanted to marry a wolf. But none of the ones I had chosen where enticing
enough for him. He wants what he can’t have so he can chase it and have
that thrill of feeling like he is the baddest because he took from the
powerful predator”
“So this motherfucker knows who I’m mated to and he still wants to mess
with him?” he laughs,
“Yes. He wants that and this” he points up and down on me with his index
“You’re fierce and feisty. He wants no bowing bride. He wants someone
who’ll challenge him and someone he’ll feel like he didn’t get easy”
“Well he is a twisted piece of kaka and he is not getting me. My heart and
soul belongs to only one man. I hope you told him to go shit elsewhere
and leave me the hell alone”
“I did. But like I mentioned, he doesn’t know no, hence why papa Tlotla
and I think it would be best that you leave tonight”
“Alone? Where is my father by the way?”
“He is out there securing a safe passage for you to use that Scar will not
be able to pick your scent. We thought you can call Grace to come get you”
that’s a good idea,
“Get me another plate so I can eat for the road. I belong to Mkhonto the
predator only, not Scar sa satane the Lycan” (……not Scar the satanic
Lycan) I don’t know why his jaw is dropping because right now I’m eating
for the road.

It’s mayhem at the royal Zulu grounds. No one could have thought they
would witness a day when the one and only Mkhonto Dlomo goes insane.
He is a total lunatic and there is no hiding it anymore. It still doesn’t
make sense how one could just snap and turn into a crazy wild man.
Today everyone who cares for him has gathered outside the yard which
his turned into a hobo area. The royal grounds are decorated with papers,
plastics, cans, boxes…..any sort of rubbish one would find a crazy man
habitat in.
No one dares removes even a single plastic from his rubbish that is piled
all over the yard. He almost killed the cleaners who were ordered by his
father to clean the mess his created. Almost all the employees of the royal
house have been given an immediate leave after being forced to sign
NDAs (Non-disclosure agreements). The house of the high power cannot
risk the news of the ‘mad king to be’ being licked to the media. It would
be more chaos should the outside world know what is happening behind
the high walls of the royal yard.

In his delusional state the house at large it thankful that he hasn’t

turned. Should he shift and release the predator, there will be no taming
him except his mate.
“His here” Sakhe’s tormented tone comes soft and dressed with hurt as
he watches his almost twin walk through the large gates carrying yet
another pile of rubbish they don’t need. He is created a box hat to hide
his head from the sun. He is a dark man but with him being crazy he is
turned into a charcoal. No one can say what happened to his clothes
because he left home dressed and crazy but he came back wearing baggy
pants that looks like they were swallowed by a dragon before he wore
For those who know Mkhonto Dlomo the hunky gorgeous prince, this
sight of him is sore to their eyes.
“Lord what did I do to deserve this?!” MaDlomo’s hands are on her head.
Her eyes are pregnant with tears threating to fall any minute. No parent
would rejoice at seeing their son turning into a lunatic for no reason at
“Calm down my heaven, Mtho will bring MakaSine” Dlomo brings his
wife under his arm. He is sent his brother to go find help. Help for them
is Tlotla. Everyone is hoping that once he sees his mate he’ll snap out of
this delusional state,
“Dlomo this is my baby!” woman and drama! She is weeping like he is
entering the gates in a coffin while as he is carrying boxes of rubbish and
looking like a hobo that he is.
“Mtho is coming back with MakaSine, please calm down my love” Dlomo
is not certain of what he is saying. He is just saying it to calm his broken
wife down. No one could get hold of Tlotla from yesterday when her
husband lost his mind. It’s only been a night which Mkhonto didn’t spend
home because he was busy cleaning the world and filling the royal
grounds with rubbish,
“I’ll go fix him something to eat” Muzi told everyone as he ate the stairs
hurrying inside the house. Only lord knows what he ate because he didn’t
even sleep home. No one could find him. He slept under the bridge where
municipality trucks throw rubbish. All that rubbish is in their home,
thanks to him.
“I’ll find him something to wear” Zizwe added as well before he followed
his twin. Him dressing like a shirtless hobo with a box hat saved him.
Everyone just assumes that he is a crazy man when they pass by him.
The only problem is his even toned abs and the tattoo eating up his
shoulder. It’s quite odd for a crazy man to look so hot yet so dirty.

“I think the world is clean now son, don’t you think it’s enough?” Uncle
Kay asks the panting Mkhonto as he drops the stinking rubbish nearing
them. Vulamasango throws daggers at his uncle but he ignores him with
a shrug,
“No Mkhulu. Tomorrow I’m going to dig the sewage pipelines and divert
all of them here” gasps! The royal grounds will be full of shit should he
do that,
“My Alpha” Chris drops a knee before him, hoping his sense of leadership
will spark some sort of sanity in him. All his pack is here astounded as
his family,
“Who the fuck are you? Where he is my wife?” he knows no one from his
pack. Only his family and wife does he know,
“She is coming my boy, don’t you want to take a bath?” Vulamasango asks
his crazy son,
“No. I want to clean the world for her. I still have more cleaning to do”
whoever bewitched him must be a messy witch. Why turn him into a
world cleaner lunatic?
“We need to restrain him or else someone will notice him” Chris suggest
in a careful tone as they watch Mkhonto lay his rubbish on the grounds,
“And I’ll leave that to you Chris” Dlomo doesn’t see himself nearing that
boy and coming back with no blood. His pack will restrain him, they are
dogs anyway and they heal fast.
One plate for the road had to be downed with a glass of cold water. Oves
temperature had appeared to be a lot hotter than she could take. She
burps in satisfaction after having yet another plate,
“Oves cooks are quite the best” she is now speaking to herself as she licks
her fingers. Akela should say something but she is been quite shaken
since they are both at risk of being taken by a bloody Lycan,
“THE BLOODY FUCK?!” her busy tongue spits as she opens her bedroom
door to find Scar raising his hand as if he was about to knock,
A smirk draws on Scar’s face,
“Hey beautiful” apart from his dark unhuman aura, there are features in
his looks that would lend him one of the sexiest beautiful male creatures
the world has ever seen. He is got the Michael B Jordan look underneath
that unpleasant scowled face he gives. Yes he is scary and all but ugly
cannot be associated to him. Hell even Mkhonto Dlomo is got nothing on
this particular man but Tlotla is too much of a loyal mate to see that. Her
definition of love is loving the only man the moon goddess chose her to
“Get away from me!” she hisses attempting to shut the door to his face
but he forces it open with his leather boots dressed with some black
skinny jeans and a brown leather jacket on top to complete the yet so
casual but laid back look,
“I don’t bite, let me in”
“NO!” Tlotla is quick to say still trying to close the door. She was on her
way to put the plate and have some water while she waits for her dad’s
“I just need to talk” he appears a bit chilled though there is that
unsettling feeling about him. His eyes tell a different story. They are the
eyes of a man who is seen beyond the world and killed more than he can
“I don’t want to talk to you. I’m going to scream if you………” she doesn’t
finish the rest of her words before Scar forces himself in her room and set
his eyes right into hers. She feels her follicle hairs stands all over her
skin as the man traps her with just a look. His eyes grows dark the longer
he keeps her with just his stare,
“I honestly didn’t want to do this” his taken her speaking ability. She is
screaming her lungs out but the man has taken her voice and strength
with just his stare. It was said that Lycans prey easily on female wolves,
but not this one. Akela is not going to let them go down without a fight.
As terrified as she is she is going to give her keeper the strength she
needs to fight this man,

“Easy mama bear!” Scar say with happiness as he takes steps towards
her but she keeps cowering back. He is trapped her in a way that has her
hypnotized to nothing but his look. She cannot run or scream. Her lips
move but her voice is just gone,
“You’re going to make quite a feisty bride his queen” the way he says ‘his
queen’ is quite alarming. He clearly knows who she is and who she is
married to. She is scratching him with her claws as he traps her over the
wall. She could shift to her wolf if she wasn’t pregnant but she cannot
risk that. Female wolfs are advised not to shift while pregnant. The
transformation from human to wolf could lead to miscarriage,
“STOP FIGHTING ME!” he finally grabs her wrist and trap them against
the wall on top of her head. She is trying to kick his balls but her legs feel
so heavy,
“The world is one small room wifey. Let’s get you home and wait for the
predator to come for you….well your mine now and he’ll have to go
through me before he gets you” she spits on his face. Talking is not
helping but her tongue can still spit,
“You taste like my next bitch” he releases his animal tongue that grows
long to the side of his cheek where he licks her spit,
“Let’s go mama bear” like that he grabs her and puts her on his shoulder.
She is trying to fight but her body is just numb. Everyone is in the
mansion as he walks out with her screaming her lungs out, but for some
odd reason no one sees them. People are going about their business like
they cannot see a man carrying her like a sack of potatoes.
Right by the door she sees her father and brother coming in but they are
also both as oblivious as everyone else,
“Sleep now mama bear. I’ll wake you when we get home” sweetly he
whispers in her ear now holding her in his arms like baby. Like a
hypnotized dog she sees nothing but sleep in his eyes. Drowsy she feels
before she sees him flash his vampire like teeth with a smirk and
transform to a cold Lycan creature. Only then the wolves on guard
outside are able to see him. He shifts before them as they try to run him.
He is got his bride and that’s all he wanted.

“Mama Bear” the tone that is now a bit familiar to her comes soft but
leaving a trail of annoyance in her ears. It appears he is been trying to
wake her for a while. There is happiness in his eyes as he stares down at
her on the bed. She is thankful she is not tied up to anything, and
somehow she squeezes her lady walls to feel if there hasn’t been anything
entering her lady pot. Thankfully she still feels like she hasn’t been
“You can speak now, we are home” the man is a total maniac. He looks
really happy. She can tell that she can speak now but she is still too angry
to utter even a single word. Silence she chooses knowing that what might
come out of her mouth might just anger her kidnapper,
“I see your still a bit shocked my sweet thing. I’ll leave you to freshen up
and join you tonight” one thing she is sure of is that she is not going to
share a bed with this man, how? She cannot tell, but she is not spending
any more minutes in this hell hole when she is got her voice back. She
simply stare at him as he walks out of the room humming to himself. He
looks really really proud of himself.

“Fucking crazy dog!” she spits as soon as Scar closes the door behind him.
Her hands first go to her now swollen belly to check if her baby is still in
there. Feeling it hard is all she takes as sign of life,
“I’m going to get us out of here my baby, I cannot fail you twice” she
speaks to her unborn baby sitting up straight from the bed,
*Akela?!* Now she silently speaks to her wolf,
*I’m scared* Akela manages. She knows that she is terrified. She feels
it in her spirit that her wolf is relying on her,
*I know. Don’t worry, I’m going to get us out of here. He didn’t
touch us, did he?* Akela is the one that can affirm the information. She
would feel the man’s scent if he had dominated them,
*No he didn’t* she sighs in relief standing off the bed. She studies the
surroundings standing by the window. Clearly they are still in Oves
though in another territory.
“This bastard thinks I’m his usual type of bitch. I’ll show him what my
mama gave me” closing her eyes in irritation she looks up above the sky
as she stands by the window. Scar may know the predator but he forgot
to do his homework on his mate. She isn’t his normal type of she wolf,
this one is gifted with extraordinary powers more than just
“Pegasus Grace, the last greek stallion of the earth, I Tlotla Akela Dlomo
your rider call upon you” Grace is her stallion, she’ll show up in worlds
even where ancestors cannot see.
“Grace, my stallion rider. I beg you to come to my rescue” she repeats the
words, desperation loud in her tone. Grace is her only way out of this hell
hole. In here Akela is nothing under the protection of lycans,
“Pegasus Grace please!” she clasps her hands in desperation. Her tone
breaking as she grows close to tears. Grace has to come to her rescue,
“Grace I’m begging you. You’re my last hope. Please! My…………” with a
deep sigh of relief she stops when she feels her skin welcome a different
breeze. Opening her eyes she can feel Grace’s power connect to her. She
is coming and responding to her rider’s call. Standing by the window she
looks at the trees shake and weaver like they are terrified. The branches
break out making space for her stallion. She can’t help but smile as she
sees her white stallion flapping her wings just by the window,
“Thank you beautiful” she say to Grace. Ignoring the jealousy inflicted by
Akela as she compliments her other creature,
*Relax, your also beautiful* at some point she is going to have to make
sure that the two get along. But today is not that day,
*Make sure we don’t fall. We need to ride Grace to get back home*
she talks to Akela as she climbs the wide open window. Grace extends
her right wing to catch her from the window. It’s a bit of a struggle
climbing Grace from the window but she manages to ride her.
Apparently here in Oves Grace can be seen by everyone. She only realizes
riding on top of Grace that she is got thousands of astounded pair of eyes
staring up at them like they are seeing daylight witchcraft. Amongst the
audience she sees her kidnapper. His jaw is dropped to the floor just as
every member of his pack,
“You should have made your homework about me bloody devil!” she
shouts on top of Grace. She is got a lot more to say but she knows that
the sooner she gets the hell out of here, the better for her. And with that
being said she rides her stallion out of Oves. She is going straight home.
Scar on the other side is left more determined. If there is a Luna that’s
going to stand by him, it has to be her. Maybe he’ll take her right before
the predator’s eyes as he took his Luna right before his eyes.
She takes a fulfilling sigh of relief as she lands in her home grounds. Here
Grace can only be seen by her and her mother. She choose to land far at
the end of the yard where there are no guards roaming around. The last
thing she needs is being accused of witchcraft. Human’s explanation to
extraordinary things is witchcraft.
“Fuck!” she curses under her breath seeing the path she still has to travel
to reach to the house. It’s quite a big yard. Maybe she should have landed
behind the house or something. Now she definitely feels pregnant and
heavy. Her belly is now showing, she can feel it and that someone very
angry is growing inside her,
*I think Peach prefers me over you* and now Akela speaks. She was
in Oves under the Lycans and she was as quiet as a newborn,
*Mind that useless tongue of yours* Tlotla bites off Akela,
*You have only took care of us once and now I’m useless?* Tlotla
chooses silence. She is tired and hungry. The only thing she is thinking
of is guavas. She wants them and how she is going to get them is not her
problem to worry about. But saving herself from the ruthless Lycans she
better be awarded with guavas.
“And then?” she questions herself coming to the front of the house and
seeing the royal Dlomo SUV vehicle parked outside her home. Could it
mean that Mkhonto is here? She wonders shaking her head but
continuing to walk off,

“Koko I’m home” she doesn’t wait to be invited in but opens the door,
“My lady!” the butler looks astounded. Like he wasn’t expecting to see
her alive,
“Dumela ntate Nare. Can you please tell anyone to get me some guavas?”
(Greetings Mr. Nare……..) she asks walking further into the house. The
lounge that was full of male voices becomes as silent as the graveyard
upon hearing her voice. She walks into a full house that looks in disbelief.
“Tlotla?!” the king is the first to say her name out almost as a whisper.
He is on his feet looking like he is seeing a ghost,
“Is that you my baby?” he is always had a soft spot for his girls,
“Eya rangwane Seeiso ke nna. Dumelang” (Yes uncle……’s me.
Greetings) she greets trying to take a sit but Seeiso engulfs her in a hug.
This is a miracle. They thought they would never see her again
considering who took her,
“You might need to ease up my king I’m losing my breath here” she say
in his arms and Seeiso puts her down,
“Baby we have been looking for you the whole night. Your father is losing
his mind. He is out there trying to find you” she only realize now that
there is a time shift between Oves and Earth. It was earliest in the
morning when she left Oves and it’s Morning once again this side. This
means there is a night in between she missed.
“I trust you to tell him that I’m home safe and sound. I only want some
guavas and to rest” she say finally throwing herself on the couch. She
doesn’t get the rest she needs. Everyone is hovering over her hugging her
from the couch. She is too tired to stand.
“Where is mama?” she asks her uncle when everyone is done hugging her,
“She joined the search party for you” it explains her mother’s absence,

“I’m glad your home safe MakaSine” the tone comes from someone
hugging her from the back. His yellow arm gives him away before she
even sees him,
“BabMtho?!” she is shocked seeing him here. It’s what they all call him
“Are you hurt in any way Makoti?” Mthokozisi asks now sitting beside
her on the couch,
“No. I called upon Grace and managed to escape as soon as I woke from
that man” she explains,
“Did he touch you?” the king asks sitting on the table before her. The
growl on his face comes from the bitter taste the question leaves on his
“No rangwane Seeiso he didn’t touch me. Can I have some guavas” (No
uncle……) she only wants some guavas, nothing more,
“Makoti you might want to have those guavas on our way home” Mtho
chimes in beside her,
“This is her home!” Puso argues,
“I think it’s best we let her make her choice” Seeiso is fair, hence why his
father trusted him to lead his nation fairly. He knows what it means to
have a chosen, someone you can barely breathe without,
“What’s going on?” Tlotla poses a question at Mtho seeing the argument
between her uncles,
Mtho heaves a sigh
“Your husband has lost his mind” he informs her. Her husband. Only now
that she is back in Earth does she feel the bond between them. Being in
Oves had disconnected them.
She groans holding on the side of her heart feeling like it’s tearing apart.
She is only now feeling the pain her mate is feeling. It feels like there is
a dagger thrown right into her heart.
“Ntate Moletsane!” the king looks at his seer. It’s time he undo what he
is done to the boy. Tlotla is now going to suffer too because she is also
back home,
“That boy hasn’t suffered” Puso and Moletsane are on the same side,
“That is my son and he is gone totally insane. Please!” Mtho begs,
“Okay I hate doing this but now I’m speaking as your king, ntate
Moletsane I command you to undo what you did to my son in law” the
king speaks. Silence wears the room. He just pulled the king card on him
and he never does. This for the family is the law they understand. You
don’t question the king’s command. Tlotla on the other hand hasn’t
stopped groaning and moaning in pain in her uncle’s arms,
“As you wish my king” ntate Moletsane bows in respect,
“Please bring her to the hut” he continues to add gesturing with his hand
that they should head out to his hut.
“Majara is not going to be happy about this!” Puso mumbles beside the
king who carries the groaning Tlotla in his arms
“Majara wouldn’t want to put his daughter in danger just so he punishes
her husband” it’s an honest truth. Majara separated them so his daughter
wouldn’t feel anything of her mate.

Waking up she is inside a moving vehicle. The last thing she remembers
is laying in ntate Moletsane’s hut with his uncles and father in law by
her side. Her guard is always high this days. She shoots her eyes open
ready to fight whomever might be kidnapping her once again but she
realizes that she is laying on the backseat of the royal Dlomo SUV with
his father in law on the passenger seat and a driver on his designated
“Oh you’re awake Makoti. Here are your guavas” Mtho turns to her on
the back seat and gives her a plastic full of guavas. Now that she wakes
her heart is no longer as sore as it was when she passed out,
“I don’t want your little vampire drinking my yellow blood because I
didn’t buy you guavas” Mtho continues to add and they together laugh
with the driver.
Tlotla heaves a sigh, she sometimes forgets what a clown he can be. But
him being this comfortable with the driver means he is more than just a
driver. He is a family friend who knows everything so she sums up the
courage to ask,
“I was in pain when you were all arguing babMtho, but did you say my
father is behind my husband going crazy?” she was in too much pain to
“I didn’t say it but the Gumede of your family confirmed that him and
your father are behind all this” she sighs! In pain and disappointment.
She expected her father to be angry but she didn’t think he would actually
stoop so low,
“I think I want bananas now” she turns back the plastic to the front seat.
She hasn’t even touched one guava,
“You don’t want my little vampire drinking your yellow blood because you
refused to buy mommy some bananas” it’s rude to interrupt her father in
law but the urgency of her craving doesn’t give her time to make sense,
“Mzamane make a stop and buy bananas now! And some garlic” Tlotla
rolls her eyes. BabMtho is a bit on the dramatic side. She doesn’t care
anyway because she just wants her bananas.

She had her bananas and some food after their short stop. She actually
enjoyed her journey with Mr. Mzamane and her father in law. She
learned somewhere along the way that Mr. Mzamane is Milani’s father.
Now that they are parked outside the big walls of the royal Dlomo
homestead she feels her heart beats drums like Catholic Church drums.
This is it. She can feel that what lies behind this walls is bigger than her.
She is always known her mate to be strong and bold. She is not ready to
see him in any way but that,
“We are here makoti” Mr. Mzamane say opening the door for her. She
hadn’t realized that they are now inside the yard. It feels like ‘dejavu’.
She left herself and she brings herself. It’s nice and all being a Dlomo
bride but sometimes it’s a tad too much for her. The bond she is meant to
build between the living and the dead of this house is too much for. At
times she wishes she wasn’t his queen. Being is queen can be exhausting
and draining both physically and emotionally,
“Thank you Mr. Mzamane” she thanks him stepping out of the vehicle,
“You can call me malume Abongile” she smiles at him. So this is the
malume Abongile her husband always talks about. She finally looks
around the yard and it’s safe to admit that babMtho wasn’t exaggerating.
She thought he was pouring in his extra spices when he explained the
things they had to endure all because of her crazy husband.
“And then?!” she is pulled back from staring at the dirty grounds by Mr.
Dlomo’s tone. She hadn’t realized that he was now standing with them.
His question is though posed at Mr. Mzamane and BabMtho, though
there is a look he keeps giving her, more of a side look like he is stealing
glances at her now big belly,
“What’s with the garlic?” Mr. Dlomo asks the two who have garlic won
around their necks like some weird necklaces,
“Little vamparina was trying to show us flames but we put some garlic
to stop her” Mtho explains confusing his brother more who chooses to just
sigh. He forgets that his brother sometimes loses some screws.
“MakaSine, welcome back home my baby” Dlomo finally turns to his
daughter in law and embrace her in a hug. There is something very
uncomfortable that Dlomo wants to ask but he chooses to focus on the
main agenda of the day,
“How are you doing my child?” Mr. Dlomo continues to ask,
“Maybe after I have seen him I’ll be able to answer that. Where is he?”
she is nervous. Whatever Ntate Moletsane did to her may have stopped
her from feeling his pain but she is still as nervous as any woman would
be hearing that their husband has gone crazy,
“This way my child” Dlomo leads her to where her husband is being held.
He can see that she wants nothing more but just to see him.

She expected and prepared herself to see him in his worst, but it never
crossed her mind that he would be this bad. Her heart almost stops
beating as she takes a corner behind the Dlomo homestead. This
backyard used to be golf course but now it’s turned to her husband’s
imprisonment. She stops right on her foot tracks as pain washes over
once again. This cannot be the man she loves. He looks so dirty and so
broken. There is really nothing different between him and hobo,
“Why did you tie him like an animal?” she sniffs the tears that welcomed
themselves away as she finally continues to him taking little steps,
“He was being impossible to handle. It was either this or we let him go
out into the world and someone would have recognized him sooner or
later” Dlomo explains to his shuttered daughter in law,
“It hurts baba” she admits in a shuttering tone. It hurts her heart and
soul seeing her mate like this,
“I know my child. Please bring him back to us. It’s all I ask” Dlomo pleads
beside Tlotla who stand at the head of the sleeping Mkhonto. He is
chained with chains like he is some slave to be transported back to the
apartheid era. He is snoring in his sleep and smelling like a pigsty
oblivious to the presence of his mate.
“Please give us a moment baba” Dlomo nods and excuses himself. He
keeps a safe distance though incase Mkhonto attacks Tlotla. No one can
really confirm his actions since he is turned into a lunatic,

“Baba kaSine” she sits down butt flat on the ground and picks his head
to her lap,
“Please wake up baby” she softly say brushing on his head.
Mkhonto turns in his sleep reacting to the soft touch but it feels different.
The animal in him sniffs the air to confirm if the touch really belongs to
their mate. Her scent and touch is all it takes to wash over the crazy spell
cast upon him. His head lies on her lap as he opens his eyes. Tears well
up his eyes as he looks up at her. She comes beautiful and perfect as he
remembers her. They say some kind of love is dangerous and this has to
be it. She wasn’t gone for long but he can tell that he wasn’t living without
“I’m sorry” it comes as a whisper from his dry lips. She smiles in tears
and stoop down to kiss his dry lips. This hurts more than anything and
she is not sure if she’ll forgive her father anytime soon,
“Let’s get you cleaned up, don’t ever do this to me again!” her voice fails
her. She would have liked to shout but because she is in too much pain it
comes out pleading,
“Thank you for coming for me” Mkhonto mumbles in a shattered tone,
“You know I would choose you over everything” he is the only love she
“Come on, let’s go” she urges. She wants him clean and strong like the
man she knows,
“Tlotla” she ceases trying to get off the ground as he calls her name. He
never usually calls her name like that,
“Hm” her tone is almost frightened,
“Don’t ever leave me again, I’m begging you” sigh! She almost froze for
“I’m never leaving you” she promises him and turn to call her father in
law to come unchain him. It seems the entire family is now here.

The three of her brother in laws all took her husband up the stairs with
to help him clean up. She wants to be there with him but she understand
that they also need some brotherly time with him. She is now seated in
the lounge with her eldest in laws after explaining what happened to her
in the past couple of days. Something in her is not at ease with the way
Mrs. Dlomo keeps looking at her. She doesn’t appear as her normal
humble and understanding woman today. She is more on the angrier
“Ma are you okay?” Tlotla asks her mother in law,
“No I’m not” she almost bite her head off,
“My heaven” Dlomo reprimands,
“No Nyula. My son was crazy all because of her father?!” dear lord! Tlotla
sighs. This explains the anger she sees in her mother in law’s eyes,
“Ma I’m as angry as you are, I’m going to have a serious talk with my
father when he comes back” she is also pissed about it. And now that she
thinks of it, it makes sense why her father was so eager for them to visit
Oves. He didn’t want her to feel anything they were going to do to
“And you are telling us that you were kidnapped by Lycans?” MaDlomo
continues to ask still not pleased,
Tlotla nod,
“And you come back home pregnant? What’s that in your stomach?” her
stomach is only showing now. Her mistake was not telling anyone from
the family that she was still pregnant,
“How do we know your father didn’t orchestrate this whole thing so you
can cheat on my son and come back with little vampires to…………”
“Boitumelo!” Dlomo cannot hear more of this. He is angry at Majara as
well for putting his son in harm’s way but he still reasons like a father.
Not an angry father,
“My son was crazy vula. For days I watched my son go crazy all because
of her father. Now she comes back pushing stomachs and claiming she is
still pregnant when we all know she lost the baby” MaDlomo is tearing
“It’s a lot to take in my heaven. I know it wasn’t easy seeing him in that
manner but he is fine now and she is here” Dlomo embraces his tearing
wife in a hug,
“And the baby? Whose baby is that because she lost the baby?” Tlotla can
see that even her father in law is got some doubts but he doesn’t voice
“That’s a Dlomo in there. Ntate Moletsane confirmed the little vampire
as I told you” Mtho chimes in. He must have filled them in while she was
still passed out in the hut,
“Moletsane is a Molapo. A seer that made my son go crazy. He’ll say
anything to cover their tracks” Tlotla heaves a sigh. She didn’t see the
events turning this way. Now her baby’s paternity is questioned because
she didn’t tell anyone that she was still pregnant.

He hasn’t properly seen her until just now. He just came out of the shower
when he walks into her going through her packed luggage on top of the
bed. It appears she might be looking for something.
He stands still by the bathroom door admiring her resilience. She is
strong and courageous. The things she is seen and went through but she
still came back to his arm no matter how much of his fault everything
was. Had he been a man from the onset they wouldn’t be here. Now they
are faced by storms over storms because he messed up just once. She is
carried his family when there was no one to carry it. She is communicated
with the bad bully ancestor that had turned his back on them as a family.
How he missed all this, he doesn’t know. One thing he knows is that he
must have done something so right for his ancestors to choose such a
perfect being for him to mate.
“You might want to throw the entire thing on the bed” he startles her,
referring to the suitcase on top of the bed that she is nicely trying to keep
She smiles, a bit nervous as he walks closer to her. He is only covered
with a towel on his waist while the other one is hanging on his shoulder.
He was drying up his unruly hair and beard,
“You need a haircut and a shave” his hair is grown. She nervously say as
he pulls her waist and brings her closer to his chest,
“I’ll cut it tomorrow. Why are you not unpacking?” he asks once again
inches from her face. His secured his arms around her waist,
“Or you want me to get one of the mates to unpack it for you?” she is quick
to shake her head no pulling out of his arms with a sigh,
“Look at me” she asks stepping back from him,
He frowns,
“I am looking at you” he is very confused,
“What do you see?” he is not sure if she is testing him or something
“What do I see in regard to what?” he is seeing something but with women
you never know,
“Mkhonto please be serious, what do you see?” he sighs,
“Okay, you have lost weight but gained it in some places” he doesn’t want
to say she is got a belly because it might cause world war III,
She drops on the bed with a sigh and rubs on her face in exhaustion
“Now you’re mad but you asked me to say something” women are really
complicated when they like,

“Please sit down, I need to tell you something” she looks troubled and
“What’s wrong my queen?” he worriedly asks obliging,
She looks up at him with the last strength she has. She is exhausted from
head to toe. From being kidnapped to going home and coming straight
here she hasn’t had much time to rest. The only nap she had was when
they were driving here,
“I haven’t gained weight in some places as you say…..” she faintly smiles
shaking her head as she trails off
“…..I’m still pregnant” and then she adds,
“I don’t follow” he doesn’t understand what she is saying because they
lost the baby,
“We never lost Sine. I only discovered when I got home from ntate
Moletsane and your grandfather, who angrily came to me demanding
that I come back home or he’ll take her away from me for good this time
around” she explains,
“But…..but….” he doesn’t know how to but his but but they lost her,
“I know it’s a lot to take in. I was going to tell you but I was just so mad
at you” she continues to explain,
“My queen why am I not sensing my pup if she is still in there? I sensed
her before, why am I not sensing her now?” he doesn’t want to raise his
hope only to be shattered,
“I don’t know Dlomo. I don’t feel her too but I can tell she is still in here
too. Touch her” she grabs his hand and put it on her belly. He feels
nothing. Not connection, no bond, no scent, nothing
“Say something” she desperately say looking in his eyes,
“I don’t feel anything my queen. I don’t want to lie to you” he was her last
hope. If he also feels nothing chances of her being sent back home are
“Are you sure you’re not in denial or……”
“I’m not crazy Mkhonto” she can see where he is going with this,
“Maybe you might need to see someone”
“I SAID I’M NOT CRAZY!” she snaps, getting off the bed. She resorts to
standing by the window and taking in a deep breath,

“Your parents are doubting the baby’s paternity” she say looking outside
the window. He walks over to stand by her with a frown. He would never
doubt his baby’s paternity. He knows even today that he is the only man
that Tlotla knows. Tlotla can never lay with anyone but him. He just
thinks that maybe she is losing some of her mind because he cannot feel
his pup. He is supposed to feel his pup if she is still inside her,
“I have a feeling I’ll be called into a meeting tomorrow morning to explain
myself and because I cannot explain it even for myself to understand how
I’m still pregnant I know I’m going to be sent back home” he keeps quite
listening to her
“I’ll book myself into a hotel or something. I cannot go home because I
know that this baby is yours. If I go home and my father finds out it will
create yet another unnecessary drama we don’t need. I’ll be in a hotel
until the DNA are done and comes back to prove that the baby is yours”
she doesn’t look at him, looking in space helps ease the pain without
tearing up,
“All I ask is that you don’t fight your family but stand with them. I
understand where they come from and the need to question my
pregnancy. So tonight this bags will remain this way until my fate is
decided tomorrow” she is thought the whole thing through. Going into a
hotel will be better than going home. Only lord knows what her father
will do if she went back to the same family that did her so bad.

“You done?” he asks,

She nods still staring into space,
“You know what your problem is?” she doesn’t know what it is so she
keeps quiet. He hugs her from behind and rest his hands on her hard
“You have been doing everything on your own and you think I’m still
going to be an ass I was and let you do things on your own. As long as
you’re my mate and my heart beats only for you, you’ll sleep in a hotel
room when I’m dead and cold” he speaks close to her ear biting on her ear
“No my queen” he interjects her,
“We are in this together and I’m going to be right by your side”
“So you do believe that I’m pregnant” she is desperate for him to say he
believes her,
“I don’t want to hurt you by lying to you. I’m holding your belly now baby
but I feel nothing. Yes it’s hard and all but my baby there is not even a
kick. So to answer you, I don’t think your pregnant, I think your just in
denial and I’m still going to be right by your side even if there is no baby”
she sighs! It’s tiring trying to convince the one in denial that she is still
“You can plan your cute hotel trips for the honeymoon we never had. Not
my wife staying in a hotel while I stay here. Anyone who dares call you
in stupid meetings tomorrow morning will have to deal with me first”
“Khonto I don’t want drama. I’m from a royal family. I know what it
means for a queen to be to be suspected of infidelity. I just want this to
be investigated without drama and involving my family. That’s why I’m
ready to stay in a hotel until the council is done with me”
“No council is going to breath shit to you” he kisses the side of her neck
and pulls her back to the bedroom,
“You worry about nonsense. I miss you” he sits on the bed and place her
between his legs and touch her as he please,
“I’m tired baby daddy, not tonight” she is exhausted. She knows what he
means by ‘I miss you’ tonight she just wants to rest on his chest and sleep
her troubles away,
He laughs, at the baby daddy part and how she caresses his unkept hair
and beard,
“You look hot with natural hair and beard, I might just let you keep it”
he pops his eyes, he cannot imagen himself with hair,
“No my baby. I can do anything for you but not keep this mop on my head”
he grabs her by her waist and throws her on the bed. Her perfect giggles
warm up his heart. He throws the suitcases eating up space on his bed
on the floor,

“Khonto I said not tonight” she manage through the giggles as he

struggles taking off her dress,
“I heard you loud and clear but you know the pervert in me cannot rest
without getting you naked and drinking up your scent” well, the predator
wants his piece of his calming sensation. She lets him go on and take off
her dress, her shoes and lastly her panties. It’s the only things she had
on. His towel was long discarded with during their giggle time.
She is as perfect as he first laid his eyes on her like this. Her naked on
his bed is all his animal needs to crawl from the depths Moletsane had
trapped him in.
*Come have me baby* Akela forces Tlotla’s leg out but she quickly pulls
“Jeez!” Tlotla reprimands Akela out loud. Mkhonto is staring with a smile
on his face. The predator wants to rip her out as well but he also
understand when she says she is tired,
“I miss you so bad” he say crawling on top of the bed after feasting his
eyes by just staring at her nakedness. He starts on her neck inhaling all
of her scent. The predator is taking in all the scent. He releases his
tongue licking all of her face, neck, and he suddenly stops all the fun. She
opens her eyes only to find him staring down at her with the predator’s
red fierce look,

“Scar” the name comes bitter from his lips. She can tell that he is close to
“You reek of Scar” she was hoping to explain all this to him when they
were about to sleep,
“I have to tell you something” it seems she is got a lot of telling to do. He
helps her up and settles her by the headboard and then sit between her
legs so they are face to face,
“I was kidnapped by a man called Scar in Oves. He didn’t do anything to
me though. The scent you pick is because he just touched me, nothing
more……….” the thought of Scar touching what is his leaves a trail of
blood on his tongue,
“……but I managed to escape and I’m here with you” she say after telling
him everything. He hasn’t said a word but just staring at her with a look
she cannot understand,
“What I found odd is that he knew you, and you know him. How do you
two know each other?” she asks her now suddenly cold husband,
“I’m hungry” he say staring right into her eyes,
“Hm?” she thinks maybe her ears are deceiving her,
“I’m starving and I would like for my wife to dish for me” she sighs,
“Khonto I don’t want to run into your parents please understand” the
looks she is getting are too much,
“Fine. I’ll go dish myself” and he jumps off the bed and pick a gown
covering up,
“We were still talking about Scar……” he is out of the door, leaving her
in question. How does he know Scar?

“I don’t like what you said to my queen Maa” Mkhonto expresses to his
mother when she puts a plate of food before him. MaDlomo is still
hovering over him pampering him for all the days he was crazy,
MaDlomo sighs,
“I know I spoke out of anger and I apologize for coming down on her like
that. Hearing that her father is behind you losing your mind the past
week wasn’t exactly pleasing news to me. However, as your mother I still
want to know whose child is she carrying because Tlotla lost our Sine
right before she left?”
“And it doesn’t occur to you that just maybe I impregnated her once again
before she left, or when I went to beg her to come home?” Mkhonto
questions his mother inviting a frown on her face,
“Did you?” MaDlomo raises an eyebrow back at him in question,
“No but……”
“Then I’m not wrong for asking questions. Yes, I admit that I allowed
emotions to get the best of me and I’ll apologize to her for that, but do you
blame us for asking that question?” MaDlomo asks back at her son,
“No. but if I had doubts I would have told you. If my queen is pregnant,
the baby is mine and that’s the end of the story” he say,
“Mkhonto, Tlotla lost Sine just last week, and now she comes back with
a belly. What do you expect us to say?”
“She didn’t lose her. She say she only found out when she got home that
she is still pregnant. And if she had stepped out on me as you all presume,
do you think she would be showing in just a week of absence?” he
questions his mother,
“Yes. I’m not exactly clueless to what the two of you are. Wolves know the
exact time they get pregnant. Some show even in few days when
pregnant, so I’m not crazy for thinking that she got pregnant wherever
her father took her while he made you go crazy” Mkhonto heaves a sigh
pushing his plate off. He takes his mother’s hands in his,

“His heaven, I didn’t say you’re crazy and I know you know everything
about what we are because you gave birth to me. What I’m saying to you
is that there is no need to question my wife’s virtue to her marriage. As
a mated wolf I can tell if my mate had been with another man. To this
day I’m still the only man that woman up there knows. What you said
insulted her deeply, and she is really hurt. There really was no need for
you to go that far mother. Do you understand what I’m saying?” MaDlomo
swallows a ball of nerves down her throat,
“You would know if she stepped out on you?” her voice comes low in a
Mkhonto nods,
“Did she?” it comes out barely audible,
Mkhonto shakes his head no,
“Mkhonto are you saying that baby in her belly is yours?” her tone comes
almost as a whisper as she covers her mouth in shame,
“If there is a baby it’s mine. I don’t believe she is still pregnant but what
I’m telling you is that I would know if my wife had shared my goodies
with any other fool out there” he grabs his food back continuing to eat as
he sees his mother wear shame,
“Oh my god! What have I done Mkhonto?” her hands rest on her head as
she questions herself in shame,
“One thing about my queen is that she is loud and everything but she is
as kind as you can be. Humble yourself and say I’m sorry. That’s all it
will take to fix this” Mkhonto advises his mother,
“No son. You don’t understand. You don’t accuse another woman of
infidelity and think a simple I’m sorry is going to fix it. Tlotla will never
trust me again” she is pained seeing that she might have ruined her
relationship with her daughter in law,
“Mkhonto what have I done?”
“Mama you’re overreacting. Just apologize” Mkhonto doesn’t understand
why she is beating herself up,
“Way to go boitumelo! Way to go!” he stares at his mother walking out of
the room beating herself up. In his eyes he thinks a simple ‘I’m sorry’ will
fix everything.

When he is done eating he takes out his phone from his gown and text
Chris. It seems a ghost from the past has resurfaced into his present and
future. And knowing the type of creature that man is, he will haunt him
until he is settled the score. An eye for an eye.
*Assign three of our enforcers to guard your Luna with their lives
starting tonight* he sends the text and heaves a sigh looking up in
space. Scar is going to come for him with everything he is got. Tlotla
getting away from his captivity wasn’t just her being clever, he let her be
so she can lead him right to her mate. Then he will take her right before
his eyes as he did his mate.
For the first time in his life he is scared. Being without her for just a week
was too much even for his wolf. Without the craziness aside he knows
that he still would have been just a shell of a being without his mate.
Mated wolves must always be that, mated. Should one die, the other one
always follows. He has to find a way to bargain with Scar before he gets
his hands on his mate.
His phone rings disturbing his heavy thoughts and he picks after reading
Chris’s name over the screen,
‘Dator?’ Chris’s hesitant tone comes loud on the other side,
‘Yeah’ Chris screams putting him on speaker. They left him still very
crazy in the morning after tying him up,
‘Dator you’re okay now?’ Shawn’s tone comes through the phone, they
couldn’t even connect to him through their pack bond,
‘I’m fine Shawn, I’ll come fix everything tomorrow. I need you, Geffrey
and Tom to go back tailing your alpha female. There is a threat on her
life’ he orders,
‘As you wish Dator. We’ll start tonight per your request’ Tom,
‘Thank you. I’ll fill you all in tomorrow’ they are happy to hear from him,
they’ll wait for their Alpha to come address them tomorrow.

Now that he is full and well bathed and back to his normal self. He needs
to pay a visit to the hut. Taking some load off his wife’s shoulder is what
he intend to do. It’s about time Mkhonto senior stops bothering his wife.
He abandons his slippers outside the hut and enters the house of
ancestry. He is never really been in here alone. He is always been in here
to consult or being summoned. He is never really came out of his own will
just to talk or check on his people. Today he came in here because he
willingly just wanted to talk to his grandfather, but now being inside this
monument he realizes that his soul and wolf settles like they had been
earning for him to come in here.
His mother keeps the place neat. The remnants of candle stick scent
lingers around the room. He feels like he is disrespecting the keepers of
this special room as he towers the house, so he drops on his knees on the
reed mat before the altar. He may have grown abroad but he still knows
his roots. He grabs a basin of incense and put it on fire.
When the roots of religion catch fire he waits for the sweet smoke to fill
the room and starts reciting his clan names,
“Mkhabela, Dinangwe, Bhelesi, Khweba,
Malala nomunwe endunu,
Avuke ancinde akhwife eMpumalanga,
Abuye ancinde akhwife eNtshonalanga,
Sikhaba esingangenkomo!” (Clan names) he bows in respect chanting his
clan names,

“I come before you today to show my gratitude for guiding and being with
me this far. I’m here to check on you my forefathers. I know I haven’t
been the best leader you trusted me to be. I have prioritized my other
journeys than the great house of the royal Dlomo. Today I come before
you to announce that I’m ready for the throne you bestowed as my birth
mark. I’m ready to lead the Dlomo clan and the Dator pack. I’m ready to
put my father to rest, he is done his part and now it’s time for the new
blood to take rise. The great Dlomos I ask that you guide me once again
as I step into the direction you choose for me. I know nothing but I know
you choose me for a reason. I ask once again that you free your queen
from the burdens of fixing our roots, as the new king I promise to mend
the wall between us the living and the dead. I promise to bring your great
royal house to what it was. Please bear with me and guide me Mkhonto
senior. You the dominant ancestor I carry on my shoulder you’re my
spear. With your guidance and counseling I know I will be the great
leader you all chose me to be. Please shine your light back on us
grandfather, make me see beyond the eye as you once did. Bestow your
great leadership skills in me and let your name rise once again from me.
From dust I’ll mold your house once again and bring all the four elements
of the world to bow to it once again. Please be my spear of life Mkhonto
senior my blood”
“Spoken like a King ready for his throne grandson” behind him he feels
his grandfather’s presence in the hut. With the eye of the soul he keeps
his head bowed down. His wolf is also in respect bowing to their dominant
“I’m ready for my throne Dlomo” Mkhonto informs still bowed down not
turning to face him,
“I have been waiting all my dead life for this. Sinesipho is still in her
mother’s womb. She is not your child but ours. Right on her birthday
you’ll ascend the throne. Her mother will continue being her medium
until she is a year old. Do you understand me Mkhonto?” Mkhonto senior,
“No great King is ever taken a throne without his queen” if she’ll be giving
birth, who is going to stand by him,
“There is no other queen for you expect for her. Yours and hers was
named and written in the stars before you were even born. Your naming
day, must be Sinesipho’s birthday for the goddess to shine her light back
into our family. The queen must give birth right on your naming day, and
she must be right in this hut when Sinesipho arrives to the world, do you
understand me Mkhonto?”
“I understand Dlomo”
“Good. We have heard you and we are also ready for you. Do you have
anything to ask?” there is one thing he wants to ask now that he is sure
his queen is still with child,
“Why am I not feeling my pup?”
“Like I said, she is our child, not yours. You two can have many of your
pups but not our gift” Mkhonto settles for a sigh because he still doesn’t
make sense,
“And Mike? What do I do with him?” he is still doesn’t have a bond with
his son,
“I told you before, name the boy. Give him his rightful name and all will
be well” Mkhonto senior,
“Thank you Dlomo” Mkhonto,
“From today I’ll stand behind you even in shadows of darkness as your
spear. No enemy is going to come from your back from today going
forward. I promise to guard your house with all that I am as the dominant
Dlomo ancestor. You have made me proud today grandson, in your blood,
I shall live once again” Mkhonto smiles to himself. Scar can come for him
now, his forefathers are protecting his house as well.

I was too tired yesterday. I felt him join me back on the bed but I was
deep in sleep. Waking up today I’m next to an empty space as I finally
open my eyes. I can tell he was right next to me the entire night and I
would have liked to wake up in his arms.
Sulking, I get out of the bed and start making it so I can go wash up and
eat. My stomach is rumbling. I have a feeling I’m going to give birth to a
fat little girl like me. Maybe one with anger issues as well. The thought
of an angry fat little girl brings a smile to my face though it’s short lived.
My smile is replaced with a frown and fear as I see my husband come out
of the bathroom. I want to look at him but something compels me to bow
a bit as he walks into the room. He is my husband but I feel like there is
something heavy with him today,
“Saubona Makasine” he comes to me and plants a kiss on my forehead
then disappears to the closet. I’m left stunned with a pillow in my hand
as I was making our bed.
First, he called me Makasine. I have always been his queen.
Second, he said saubona. It’s not the first time I have heard him say it
but it came out different. It came out like it’s in his blood.
Thirdly, there is something heavy about him this morning. He is still him
but something compelled me to bow in his presence. Hell! I couldn’t look
in his eyes. Am I going crazy?

“No you’re not. Can you iron this shirt for me?” he comes out of the closet
holding a shirt he never really wears. It’s got some zulu print on the
button lines. It’s one of the shirt uncle Kay gave to him as a present but
he never really wore it. I thought he didn’t like the shirt hence why I
packed it and put it with the things I was going to give away. One thing
I’m relieved with is that our mating bond is still strong because he can
hear my thoughts though I can’t seem to be hearing his. It must be this
state of confusion I am in. I still can’t look my own husband in the eyes,
“My queen” he steps closer to me and puts the shirt on the bed. He takes
the pillow of my hands and throw it on the bed as well. His left hand
moves beneath my chin urging me to look at him while his other hand
cups my waist,
“It’s me, please look at me” dear lord! What is happening? I’m so confused,
“Hey, in my eyes, focus” lord knows I’m trying. I’m trying to look in his
eyes but there is a shiver of fear travelling down my spine as I look right
in his eyes,
“It’s still me your husband. Don’t allow who I am now to intimidate you.
This face and aura is meant to intimidate the world out there, not you.
I’m still your husband but I now carry the spirit of Mkhonto senior in my
blood. Do you understand me?” I understand shit but because I cannot
bare looking in his dark eyes any longer I nod,
“I love you my queen” he plants a kiss on my nose when I least expect it.
I’m looking everywhere but him as I smile. I love him too I still feel it,
but something is different maan.
“I’ll just wash my face and iron this for you” I manage to escape his arms
and intruding stare as I grab the shirt on the bed,
“Makasine” oh so I thought I managed to escape his arms. I stop on my
way to the bathroom as he calls my name,
“Please come back here mkami” (… wife) what’s with him and
embracing his roots today. Now I’m ‘mkami?’ it sounds so old yet I like it.
“Hm” I don’t know how I make it back to his arms but I am standing
between his legs as he sits on the bed bare chested. He is got his fitted
formal pants only and he is also bare footed.
“Thank you for this my queen” he wraps his arms around my waist. His
lips kiss on my hard belly,
“Wait a minute, now you believe she is in there?” for the first time I look
down in his eyes today,
He nods with a smile and I can’t help but blush,
“I’m sorry I thought you were crazy” I didn’t let it get to me,
“Princess Sinesipho Dlomo is still very much alive and hates both her
parents” he adds kissing on my belly. One thing we can agree on is that
our daughter is a little angry bird.
“Thank you for believing me” I needed just one person to believe me,
“I’ll never doubt or let you face anything alone. Now go iron my shirt I
have a very long day today” the freak in him spanks my behind as I walk
off to the bathroom. I see his silly smile though I still feel like he is more
than just Mkhonto Dlomo today. It feels like there is another element
added to him today. A more fierce respectful element while at it.

I’m glad I’m a bit late for breakfast today. I cannot bare the thought and
look I would have got from breakfast with my questioned pregnancy. I’m
praying that Khonto will be able to convince his parents that he fathers
this baby before they call the council on me.
“Makoti” and I thought I was alone eating my mountain of plate in peace.
Mrs. Dlomo walks on me stealing a glance at my plate of six toasts, two
russians, bacon, two viennas, some fried chips sourced well enough and
fried fish fingers. I feel like hiding. I really felt like eating everything
except for eggs.
“Do you want some juice?” she softly asks opening the fridge. I do want it
but I’m afraid to agree. She must think I’m a dog on top of being a cheater
she thinks I am.
She pours it anyway ignoring my running eyes. I cannot look her in the
eye, for yesterday and for the mountain of plate before me.
“Here, can I join you?” she is sweet. I would like her to not join me because
I don’t want to answer any questions of whose child is in my belly, but I
don’t say anything but just smile. She only has a glass of juice as she sits
before me on the bar stool,
“Mme was Sine” (Sine’s mother) she opens her hands on top of the counter
asking for me to join my hands with hers. I’m a bit confused but I do give
her my hands to take with hers,
“From the bottom of my heart I’m so sorry for what I said to you
yesterday. I had no right whatsoever to call you what I said yesterday.
I’m ashamed to even say the word today because I insulted you in the
worst way possible. Can you please find it in your heart to forgive me
Tlotla? I was taken by emotions and hearing that your father is behind
my son being crazy I lost it and called you something I cannot bring
myself to say today. Please forgive me ngawanaka?” (…….my child?) I
have heard that she is a cry a baby but I never thought I would one day
see her crying because of me,
“Maa please don’t cry” I get off the chair and hug her before I can tell her
I forgive her. I’m no saint, no one is a saint and her realizing her mistake
and actually apologizing is all I need to put this behind us. No one said
I’ll always see eye to eye with my mother in law in marriage, the only
thing one can do in marriage is have a forgiving heart to avoid stress and
hatred from in laws,
“I’m really sorry my baby, I insulted you in the worst way possible. Please
forgive me”
“Mama I forgive you, please stop crying” she is bringing me to tears too.
I don’t like seeing my sweet mother in law cry,
“Okay that’s enough my heaven!” I’m rescued by my father in law
walking in the kitchen. He must have been close,
“Makoti” I nod at him as he scoops his messy wife in his arms,
“Your husband would like for you to serve him. He is in the dining hall
with his council” Mr. Dlomo informs me before he leaves the room with
his wife. What does he mean my husband is with his council? And why is
he insisting on being served by me today? A maid could have ironed his
shirt in the morning but he wanted me to do it, and now he wants me to
serve him? Sigh!

If I’m going to enthrone the royal Dlomo clan, I’m going to need fresh
blood to council my throne. I appreciate the old blood and all they have
done, I’ll surely keep few of them but as the heir to the throne and the
promised king, I need fresher blood around me to build the Dlomo Empire
to what it was meant to be. This is the rise of the royal Dlomo and I want
it new in every way possible.
My brothers are as confused as my queen this morning. They keep
borrowing each other looks as we wait for two of the old council members
to join us. I asked my father to select two of his trustee council members
to join this new council to advice and guide me. My old man is thrilled
with me finally taking the reins from him. He said something about
taking his heaven to a baecation once everything is done and dusted with.
Whatever a baecation means for that old man.
“Dlomo” the two old men bow in respect singing my praises as they both
walk in. I acknowledge them with a nod and show them to their
respective seats. It’s bab Dlangalala and bab Magubane.
“Thank you for agreeing to join me this morning” I state,
“When our king to be calls, one is compelled to answer” I nod in
agreement before I lean over the table so I shoot right to the agenda of
the day,
“As each and every one of you sit around this table today, please know
that you have made it to the new council members of the royal Dlomo
house. Each and every one of you will serve and swear you loyalty to the
time of I, Mkhonto Dlomo II. All of you will serve and protect the throne
with all your lives. You are to be faithful and loyal to me, the king who
sits on the throne that you’ll all worship and respect. Is that clear to
everyone on this table?” I cast my eyes around the table so I catch anyone
who might protest or refuse my command,
There is few clearing of throats before they individually all nod their

“As there are no protest. You are all to go through a cleansing and
training for a period of two months. The previous council members will
lead you all through the necessary steps and make sure that by the time
I take the throne, you are all ready to council. Is that clear as well?” again
I look at them one by one until Bhekizizwe asks,
“Aaah does this cleansing means no……” he trails off, gesturing ‘sex’ by
forcing his thumb between his index finger and middle finger. I can’t help
but chuckle as the table laughs,
“Yes. Until I take the throne none of you will indulge in any sexual
activities” I clarify,
“Can I have at least tonight before I become a forced virgin?” I expected
this from Siphosakhe but he is the one surprising me today,
“Only tonight Zizwe!” I hiss,
“Tonight that’s all I ask” I feel sorry for whoever he is going to pound.
Again looking around the table for any more questions,
“Is there anything else?” I question. When they all shake their heads no,
I continue,
“As the council members you all know that one of you will be my right
hand man. The man by my side and making decision on my behalf when
I cannot be present” they nod,
“That man will be Siphosakhe Dlomo. He was named my gift from birth
for a reason. This is the reason” again the table nods in understanding.

I compelled to put a halt on my meeting as I feel my wolf get excited at

the scent floating around the air. MakaSine is going to make me a very
weak King if I don’t control my wolf and feelings. I’m aroused and hard
as I smell her scent before she even make an appearance. Akela, being a
little freak she is, she is also responding to my arousal. Now I can feel
her arousal as well, thanks to Akela for making my wife a little freak. If
I was alone I was going to bend her right here, right now,
I don’t miss how she gulps and almost halt a bit walking into the dining
room. She thought I was alone. She holds a tray of food.
“Dume…..Sanibonani” I’m a blushing mess as she greets. This is all the
after effects of not tapping her last night. The sooner I drawn in that
heaven between her legs, the better it will be for me. Now I look like a
high school kid seeing his lover,
“His queen!” the two old men know how to represent themselves before
their queen. They both get on their feet bowing in respect. My three
brothers who still got a lot to learn also rise and follow due.
My wife is stunned,
“That should be mine” I bring her face to focus back on me,
“Yeah, I didn’t know you have company. I’ll bring water” she is
whispering to my ear. Her being a princess makes things a whole lot
easier. She knows that she must bring me a warm basin of water to wash
hands first and then the rest of my companions may wash after me as
well. This is only strict when I have guests. When I’m alone I can just eat
straight without washing hands,
My council all drop on their seats as soon as she is out of the room.
“I would like us to take a break but I have to be elsewhere soon after this,
so we’ll continue while we have breakfast, right?” they all nod to my
“Mtungwa” I look at Bab Dlangalala who is one of the old council
“Can you please inform the young princes here what is expected of them
to strengthen the royal Dlomo blood and keep our breed pure for the next
generation” I want it to come from someone old so they understand that
our father wasn’t trying to manipulate them or chose their lives for them.
I want to strengthen our clan and every one of us will play their part.
“My apologies, my apologies” my better half disturbs us once again now
with a basin of warm water in her hands and a towel hanging on her
shoulder. The table is yet again on their feet but I nod to them showing
that they can sit and they do. My queen offers me water first to wash my
hands and dry them before she follows to the rest of the table. This time
she came with three maids to help. She hands one the water when she is
done and take my tray of food from her. She serves me first before she
serve the rest of my council. I’m tempted to grab her and kiss the shit out
of her as she walks out of the room,
*You’re going to get it all tonight daddy* Akela shares to me and I
feel my giant harden between my legs. She is one naughty wolf and if my
queen wasn’t pregnant, I would fuck her in wolf form tonight,
“My king is everything okay?” Bab Dlangalala asks seeing that I haven’t
touched my food and I’m suddenly sweaty and bothered. This happens
when I’m horny because the beast in me just wants to break free, hence
why I prefer being naked when I’m with my queen,
“I’m okay Mtungwa, you can all eat” no one is to eat until I say so when
I’m with my council. My queen is long gone as Akela left me bothered and
hard. One day I’ll fuck that little wolf numb.
“Bab Dlangalala you may proceed where we left off” I offer as we dine,
He clears his throat first,
“When a royal house is rebuilding, all protocols must be observed so the
roots of the house can strengthen and produce stems that will stand still
to weather any storms” he shares looking at my brothers,
“This means every tradition and culture must be followed. Starting with
the princes of the house. We need a pure royal breed to rebrand and come
out strong once again. Each and every one of the princes must take royal
wives so they produce a strong dominant royal breed. And that only
happens when royal blood, mates with royal blood. Marrying a commoner
and producing from them tend to weaken the following generation of a
royal house, that’s why it was always best for royals to marry royals. So
to put it in easy terms, you my princes are to marry royal wives to
strengthen the Dlomo house. It’s your duty as the princes of the house”
this is what I like about old people. They understand the need for culture
and doesn’t sugarcoat anything. I cast my eyes at my confused brothers,

“Eh….sorry but I’m already married” Sakhe speaks for the first time
since the meeting started,
“She is got no royal blood running through her veins. Yes we acknowledge
her and she will always be a Dlomo bride but your duty is to take a second
wife, one with royal blood and make babies with her that will strengthen
our house” I share with my brother
“This is not fair, I have a girlfriend and…….” Zizwe
“And she better be royal or you can always marry her or make her your
royal mistress, that is also allowed but if you wish to marry her, let her
know that at some point you’ll have to take a royal wife” I interject him
in clarification,
“Muzi?” I turn to him to voice his concerns as well,
“You don’t have to worry about me. I have always known that this will be
expected from us. So I just have a few pieces of ass here and there,
nothing serious. I’ll take a royal wife when I’m ready” that’s what I’m
talking about. Sakhe and Zizwe are not happy, they have to get over it
and tell their partners soon. Especially Sakhe because he is already a
married man,
“My gift, when can we expect Maka Gcino home” Maka Gcino needs to
come back soon. The whole house must be in order so I can start the
preparations for Mike’s naming ceremony,
“I’ll fetch her in the middle of the week” that’s good. Everyone must be
here for Mike’s naming ceremony. I still haven’t tried a word with the
boy. I don’t know why it’s so hard to connect with my own blood like that,
“This is all for today. I’ll appoint a messenger to inform of my son’s
naming ceremony before this week ends. In the main time, keep clean
and clear for the council training” now I need to see my queen and steal
a kiss or two before I leave the King persona for the Alpha persona. I
have a pack waiting for me as well.

“Mkami” she was still trying to make sense of the aura surrounding her
husband today. He was himself and everything but there was that ‘but’
that she couldn’t exactly pin point what it was or where she could say it
came from. He was heavy and intimidating. His eyes were not that of the
predator or Mkhonto Dlomo that she knows, it felt and looked like there
was a third soul inside him,
“Hmm” she is never been one to be nervous, but today had proven
otherwise. She could barely hold his stare as she stood behind their
bedroom door. He asked her to come help her with something through
their mating bond, he didn’t need to call or text her. When they were
within close range he could easily connect to her and send his messages
through Akela,
“Please come here mamakhe” he was seated on the edge of the bed. He
opened his legs wide apart patting his lap so she can sit between his legs.
Something compelled her to clear her throat first before she obeyed her
husband. With ease and outmost gentleness he helped her on his lap and
settled his other hand at the back of her waist while the other one
brushed on her baby bump,
“How is she treating you today?” he was staring at his hand rubbing on
his baby,
“Not problematic at all” Tlotla responded running her hands through his
unruly hair. He hadn’t cut his hair,
“And the fatigue? How are you feeling today” this time he kissed the side
of her shoulder and locks his stare right into her eyes,
“I’m feeling much better, I had enough rest yesterday” music to his ears.
He grinned like a child offered candy,
“That is very good news Mrs. Dlomo” his sheepish grin made her gather
her brows into a frown,
“And why is it good news?” she questioned squinting her eyes at him,
“That is good news because you my dearest queen owes me uncountable
fucks” she gasped, dropping her jaw to the floor,
With a smug grin on his face he ignored her and spread her legs brushing
his hand all the way up her sweet well,
“I have to eat first before I attend the Dator pack problems. I’m one
starved man you know” she rolled her eyes, sex is his thing. If there was
a man who cannot live without sex it would be him,
“You’re lucky I missed you too” he knew, he could smell her arousal as
“Let’s see how much you missed your man” with that said he threw her
on top of the bed bringing her to giggle.
He sat on his knees between her legs tearing his shirt for button to
button. He stepped down the bed and quickly stepped out of his shoes and
then freed himself of his pants and boxers at the same time.
His queen took a deep breath labored with nothing but lust as she stared
at her now sexy man with his ready giant pointing up north ready for
love war,
“Like what you see Mrs. Me?” he stroked his shaft, deliberately seducing
her more,
“Come here” Tlotla was the one summoning him now, that sexy behind
needed to be ravished the very minute,
He laughed, loving the hunger in her eyes,
“I’m coming mommy” he wasn’t coming anytime soon. He enjoyed the
torture he smelled of her arousal as he stroked himself. Knowing she
wanted him as much as he wanted her aroused him more.
Tlotla watched the sweetest torture with nothing but hunger on top of
the bed, she has missed him too much. She easily took her dress off before
he ripped it of her. He helped her of her slides before he pulled her panties
off her legs. That was how he preferred her, naked and ready for him.
She smelled really ready and he could almost taste her wetness before he
even touched her. Only when she was completely naked he joined her
back on the bed,
“Not so fast my king” she grabbed his hand as he hovered over her trying
to touch on her wet pot of love,

He was taken by surprise when she turned him over and pinned him
beneath her. Being a wolf herself helped her take him on,
“Today you’re getting a really good treat because you have been a
husband I ordered the past 24 hours” he doesn’t mind getting a good treat
from his woman, therefore he relaxed his head on the pillow and let her
do as she please,
She spread his legs and settled herself right on his crotch. Her eyes didn’t
leave his lazy stare as she takes the tip of his rigid erection and run her
thumb on the wetness covering it,
“My queen!” his breath hitched, it came almost inaudible as he threw his
head back on the pillow. Her hand on his dick was freaking amazing, he
could not explain the feeling,
She closed her fingers around his shaft, making him lose more of his
senses as she slid her fingers gently down his cock. His giant became hard
as steel as he pulses in her grasp,
“Mother of wolves!” he groaned, enjoying her torturous strokes on his
dick. She circled her thumb and forefinger as she worked him, killing him
when she grabbed the two balls and knead them inside the palm of her
Poor thing cried,
“TLOTLAAA!” who knew he could call her name so perfect. She grinned,
gaining more confidence to hand job his shaft as she pleased.
She finally let go of his manhood and started to deliver sweet tender
kisses between his thighs, his balls, and lastly his moist cock. She licked
right on the moist part, the head. She could feel her canal pulsate as well
as she licked her own mate’s manhood. His fingers trembled, he grabbed
her head and tried to push his manhood deeper into her throat but she
kept the penetration at her own pace. He was struggling to maintain self-
control, he wanted to drive himself in her mouth at his own pace but she
didn’t let him. It was the sweetest kind of torturous pleasure,

“Mommy please!” he begged for more of that tight throat that kept
teasing him,
“Easy my predator” this woman is not going to see heaven. She circled
her fingers around his shaft and slowly draw circles on the head of his
giant licking with ease and gentleness. His giant angrily bulged with
veins popping out. He was out of the teasing zone, he wanted it. She could
tell with the way he moaned and flexed his hips trying to push his way
further into her mouth. His giant was jumping with pleasure with each
stroke her tongue served.
She could feel him grow longer and thicker in her mouth, she fastens her
lips around him and sucked him harder,
“TLOTLA!” it came almost as a reprimand but he was having the time of
his life. It’s true when they say love making with the one your soul
belongs to is the best feeling in the world. This little cute mate of his was
servicing him in a way no woman has ever done, it was the sweetest kind
of torture that was bringing him close to creaming right inside her mouth,
“Baby I’m going to cum” he warned her, his head deep in the pillow with
shut eyes. His hands were right on top of her head working her head up
and down his shaft. She could tell that he was close, her own desire
peaked the more she worked him. She was wetter and throbbing
painfully for him as well,
“Fuck this!” like a pancake he pulled her up and flipped her over pinning
her beneath him in wolf speed. He had enough of this torturous sucking.
He wanted the real thing,
She giggled beneath him, seeing sweat dripping of his forehead and a
vein decorating it as well made her laugh,
“We’ll see who is going to have the last laugh” he spread her legs wide
apart and just looked at her moist sweet well. He needed to appreciate
this little well driving him insane before he drank right from it.

When he set his eyes back to her beautiful face after his little
appreciation, he held his giant and guided it inside her sweet well
penetrating her. He never left her for eye contact as drilled himself deep
into her sweet well. He smiled his way in as he slicks his way into her
entrance. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling but the man didn’t let
her. He put a gentle hand on her chin and tilted her head up coaxing her
to look right in his eyes,
“I want to look in her eyes too” Akela’s eyes. For the predator’s pleasure
as well. Through eye contact he pressed a bulbous head of his cock inside
“Hoooo” she breathed, feeling him stretch her wide deeper but slowly
inside her well. She can never get used to how big and wide he is. His
giant grows bigger and longer when inside her sweet well,
“I’m sorry love” he murmured into her ears now laying right on top of her.
He could only apologies for the sweet intrusion. He knows he is a gifted
man and somehow his grows wider and longer when inside. That’s what
drove the wolverine insane,
“Mmm!” she moaned with pleasure enjoying the veined big giant
pulsating deep in her core,
“Ready?” he asked, ready to ravish her out. When she wrapped her legs
around his waist it was the assurance he needed. He pumped his hips
slowly bringing her to rhythm. Something about him move was lazy and
careful, it maddened her. She wanted to be fucked, not some sick slow
love making when she had missed this man so much,
“More baby please” she gasped, digging her nails into his flesh clawing
him afresh. Usually that wakened the beast in him but he was still
“Khonto please” she begged for more,
“I don’t want to hurt her” she opened her eyes with a frown,
“Her who?” his eyes laid on her bump. He was being careful because of
the pregnancy,
She huffed
“Listen here Mkhonto Dlomo, you’re going to fuck me today, this baby is
not born yet and she is sleeping damn it!” he laughed, she looked
frustrated and aroused at the same time,
“Plus she needs your sperm so we can strengthen her bones” She
continued to add trying to work her way from beneath,
His eyes flashed red, the predator was in tune and ready to give her what
she wanted. In a speed of wolf he pulled out and flipped her to her
stomach on top of the bed. He settled her on her knees and hands so he
can take it from behind.

Immediately he gripped her hips and pulled her back, angling her so he
can penetrated deep. The world became a blur as she got what she asked
for. He sank his dick all the way deep to root inside her. The sound of his
thrust repeatedly hit on her body was the only thing audible in the room.
His giant felt longer and wider with each thrust. She had awakened the
predator and she had to take it. She was now a ball of pleasure kissing
on the pillows to suppress her moans. He took it from behind because he
cannot bare hurting his child. Taking it from behind is his only option,
Like an animal he is he worked thrust in and out of her. She put her chest
down on the pillow giving it all out to him and he took it all. In and out
of her he fucked her deep. Just how she wanted. Pain, desire, pleasure
and sensation ripped through her body as he continues to pump inside
her. He branded her afresh clawing his marks from her back. He hadn’t
don’t that in a while and it felt amazing,
He was wild, just how she wanted him. He didn’t stop fucking her as he
pulled her up to her knees so he can have the side of her neck. He bit her
afresh, right on her claiming mark. The feeling awakened the two wolves
but Tlotla held Akela down. She knew shifting in her condition would
harm the baby,
“Baby please slow down” like a mad woman she appeared. Now she
wanted him to slow down because the pleasure was too much and making
Akela lose control,
He didn’t listen. He slid his finger along her inner thigh and worked them
between her legs until he found that tender, swollen bud once again.
“Oh my god!” she cried with pleasure as he stroked her there and fucked
her from behind. She was done too soon. Too good. She fell back down as
she finally gave into sensation. Mkhonto thrust himself deep and held
her still while he made slow circles around her clit. He drew her climax
from her. Swirling lights and stars clouded her vision as her orgasm
pulsed through her. She couldn’t hold it any more. She died right on the
bed panting like an animal she is,

Mkhonto stayed inside her, he kept relentless strokes of his giant inside
her as he waited for her to ride her wave of pleasure. She kept cuming
more and more and he waited, when she finally settled after the last one
he asked,
“You done?” she nodded, she had no voice. She was spent with and ready
to close her eyes but the man wasn’t done,
“I haven’t had mine sweet heart” he was far from finished. He turned her
over and she saw lust in his eyes. A flare of desire rose in his eyes as he
stared at her wet sweet well flooded with her cum and his. For him that
was beautiful as fuck.
Again he penetrated her spreading her legs wide apart so he can work
his own crest. She was slippery and too delicious she was going to subdue
him sooner than he wanted,
“Uzongibulala yazi mama” (You’re going to kill me mama) he growled, he
was the one killing her because she could feel herself built up from
scratch with each stroke. This time he was right on his knees staring at
her sweet pot as he worked himself in and out of her. He couldn’t lay on
her and risk harming his baby. He held her right leg out placing her in a
star position.
He threw his head back and growled an animal growl making the whole
room vibrate as he felt her canal pulse around his giant once again. He
was close to cuming as well.
“My queeeeee” he trembled inside her, she felt his balls seize up. His body
went rigid as he filled her up once more with his cum. He remained on
his knees looking up as pleasure hit him hard. His mate’s sweet well
flooded again urged by his own cum. Together they cum hard inside each
“I’m sorry my queen, I can’t stop” he can’t stop? She popped her eyes open
and found his stare still full of desire. He was still very much hard inside
her and was gunning for round three,
“Baby no” she begged though she felt her body betray her regardless of
how exhausted she felt,
“I said you owe me uncountable fucks baby” he did say, she just didn’t
know he would actually want them to reach to a point where they cannot
count how many fucks they had.
“Yokucina mama” (One last one mama) it wasn’t the last round, he was
going to kill her with his uncountable fucks.

The love I feel for this man is far beyond love. I’m way too deep in. He is
like a fresh breathe of air my soul needs to survive. I don’t know how I’m
going to love another man if he ever leaves me. At this point I’m praying
that he marries me. He is always been real and clear of what he wants
from this relationship. He made it crystal clear at the first stages that he
was in it for life. I know his intension is to marry me, but I still pray he
does. One can never be really sure with this Adam species, especially with
that little witch they all adore so much. I’m only praying that we don’t
have to stay in the same house with that little witch girl after he marries
me. I’ll ask him to move us to his penthouse or something. I cannot risk
being in the same house as that conniving little girl, what if she feeds me
her things as well and I end up her pupped just like all of them?
I’m standing at my door with a warm smile ready to receive him as he
kills the engine outside my shack. I had to wait for him at the door. I
missed him so dearly.
His smile matches mine. He is spoiled me rotten. I’m a bit disappointed
when I see that today he carries nothing but his handsome face. I’m used
to him bringing all the goodies out there for me, but I still love him and
appreciate him nonetheless.
“Mkoneni” the butterflies deep in my belly! I love it with everything in
me when he calls me with my clan names,
“Hey” I fail to even look in his eyes, I’m a blushing mess,
“Unjani sthandwasami?” (How are you my love?) He asks,
“I’m okay now that you’re here” I have missed him. He is been too scares
since our fight about that little witch,
“Can I come in?” oh my bad,
“Please” I step aside for him to walk in,
“Zanele I love you” he takes me off guard, pulling me in his arms and
hugging me like it’s the last time he sees me the minute I shut the door.
He is holding on me too tight,
“Bheki” I try to wiggle myself of his tight embrace but he won’t let me
“Bheki” he won’t let me go,
“Bheki I can’t breathe” I feel suffocated. Only then does he let me go. Now
taking a proper look in his eyes I realize he is not okay,
“Are you okay?” I ask even though I can see that he is far from being
He shakes his head and takes a sit on the chair, not the bed. Usually he
prefers sitting on the bed than the chair. I take a sit on the bed closer to
him. I cannot miss the sadness that dwells in his eyes. He expels a deep
sigh before he opens his hands and grab mine in his. He brings them for
a kiss on his soft lips and heave yet another exhausted sigh,

“Bheki what is wrong?” he is really worrying me now,

“Jali I love you with everything in me” I don’t like where he starts but I
keep my silence,
“I wanted to come here last night and make love to you” I can’t help but
smile, I would have liked that. I love how patient he is been with me, he
hasn’t touched me since we dated,
“But I realized that would have been selfish of me. I have to tell you
something before I break your heart any further. I love you and I want to
be with you but I’m caught between a hard place and a rock”
“Bheki just tell me what you have to tell me” I hate this running around
he is doing,
He sighs,
“Yesterday my brother held a meeting with us” I keep my silence because
I want to hear where he is going with this,
“He is ready to take his throne and lead our clan” I nod in understanding,
I know which brother he speaks of. It’s the witch’s husband,
“That means my other brothers and I we are all bound to fulfill our duties
and strengthen our roots” I don’t follow,
“What exactly are those duties?” I ask,
“The first thing I have to do to play my part in strengthening the Dlomo
clan is taking a royal bride” the look! The look in his eyes. This is why he
walked in here like he just buried his heart. I cannot believe I was so
stupid! I knew he is a prince, an entire prince and for a second I believed
his lies when he said he wants me to sweep his father’s yard. Why are
men always doing this to us?
“Zanele” he begs me to say something. I’m just staring at him wondering,
how can I be so stupid?
“Sthandwa sami say something. I didn’t mean to break your heart” yeah
I can’t help but chortle before I ask,
“So I guess this is where you and I call it quits, right?”
He stares at me, for a moment before he shake his head,
“I don’t want to call it quits. I love you Zanele and I want to be with you”
this man is so confusing!
“I’m no princess Bheki! I have no royal blood running through my veins.
You want to be with me how, how? When you have to take a royal bride?”
“Jali I was thinking that we go ahead and get married and allow me to
take a second wife”
“NO!” I love him with everything in me but I’m not going to settle to being
his second option,
“Zanele please!”
“No bheki!” I’m adamant,
“You can go on and marry your princess. I’m not going to share you with
anyone” this stupid tears! I don’t want to cry but look at me messing
myself up. Stupid girl I am.
“Zanele I love you” love? Love sucks!
“Leave!” I get up and hold the door open for him. I’ll pick myself up. I
made a stupid mistake once again when it comes to love,
“Baby please think about this. I don’t want to do this but it’s something I
have to do for my family”
“Then go do it for your family and leave me alone” I’ll be fine, I’m a big
girl. Love hurts us all at some point, right?
“Please think about it sthandwa sami” (…… love)
“AND DON’T EVER COME BACK!” Yerrrrr! He is delusional if he thinks
I’m going to allow him to marry me and take another wife.
I couldn’t make it yesterday. My queen kept me at my lowest. I couldn’t
stop, every time I tried to stop my cock twitched and asked for more of
her tight sweet walls. An afternoon fuck turned into an entire night of
love making. Thinking of her the animal in me wants to abandon
everything and lay her beneath us all over again. Refreshing my claiming
mark on her neck put us on another level of rise. I felt myself lose control,
fucking her felt like the only thing the predator and I were meant to do
for a living. I must look like a bitch. I can’t help smiling to myself as I
revisit our sweaty delicious last night’s escapades. One of this days my
queen is going to kill me with her tight creamy pussy.
“Look at the Dator pack alpha smiling like a bitch” that would be Chris.
He is my beta and the only fool that can down talk me like he is falling
off a cliff,
“Mind that tongue of yours fool!” we both break into fits of laughter,
“You reek of her. She fucked you good, didn’t she?” she did. She did me so
good my blood rush when I think of her. My dick aches when the
memories of last night play in my head. My wolf claws hard on me craving
for some more of her when I think of her tight cock gripping pussy,
“Why are you all sleeping in so late?” I arrived quite early in the cabin
but I was welcomed by dead silence of my pack sleeping in so damn late.
The sun is already shining inside their asses but my bloody wolfs are still
“We came back from the hunt early in the morning” he is fixing himself
a cup of coffee. My pack is much into their wolf form more than human.
I doubt they would survive without hunting like I do,
“Why?” I ask. They usually hunt in the middle of the night and come back
sooner to sleep for the new day,
“South Africa is not as abundant as Lesotho with animals to hunt. We
have to ride deep in to the Drakensberg Mountains to find something to
eat” that’s a challenge,
“Do you think you’ll have enough to feed for some time?” I ask,
He heaves a sigh,
“For now we’ll feed, but with time I’m afraid we’ll finish all the animals
up in the mountains of South Africa and we’ll have nothing to eat”
“Chris what the fuck are you trying to say?” I know what he is telling me
and it scares the shit out of me. These wolves wouldn’t survive without
killing an animal or two to feed,
He shrugs in response. This means he is also as terrified as I am. I don’t
know what is going to happen when we get to that point. All I can tell is
that the thirst for raw meat and blood might make them turn to humans
as their next hunt. I must come up with a solutions before it gets to that.
“I’ll think of something before humans becomes your next meal. Wake
the others for me please” I had been sitting in the kitchen waiting on
them long enough. I must attend my council and the throne matters when
I leave here.

“Before I wake them……” Chris trails off, placing his mug in the sink and
coming to take a sit before me on the table,
“I have been meaning to talk to you” he starts with a sigh,
“I’m ready to claim my mate and have her next to me” he informs me,
This is heavy. I need to breath it in to digest what he is saying,
“You want a family?” I ask,
“You know what it means to be mated to someone. I cannot live without
her. I need her next to me and I want to claim her for life”
“Chris you do realize what you’re asking for is too much, right?” I don’t
think he is thought everything through,
“I cannot exist without her. And the more I take time not claiming her
my wolf is riding and clawing on me hard. Right now Frigid and I are at
cross roads because he doesn’t understand why I’m not claiming our
mate” I get all that but…sigh!
“I understand Chris. I get you my man, but let’s be real. Bohlokoa is a
fragile girl, yes she is your mate but do you think she’ll survive living
with a man who is more of an animal than a human? You feed on animal
blood and raw meat. You hardly eat food. Food that she eats. Do you think
she’ll stay with a man who leaves every day in the middle of the night to
go quench his thirst of raw meat and blood?” I’m only trying to make him
see reason,
“Dator what do you suggest I do because you and I know that Frigid will
eventually go rogue on me if I don’t bring her within his reach?” It’s a
tough one. I understand the animal in him will not reason nothing at all
when it comes to their mate. Hell I would also go crazy without my queen,
but then again I have to think for Bohlokoa. She is too fragile and I doubt
she’ll understand his lifestyle,
“We are all here on the human side of life. We have left everything we
know because we believe in you and our wolves bow to your command.
I’m not putting pressure on you but you have to figure something out for
all of us fast. I might be the only one who found a mate in a human for
now but the others we’ll eventually fall for humans as well. What’s going
to happen when that time comes?” I swear I hadn’t thought of it,
“It never crossed my mind. I ask for a day or two and I’ll give you a solid
answer. I need to sit down and elaborate all this and come to a conclusion
that will satisfy the human in you and the wolves in you. Do you think
you can afford me a day to think things through?” it’s hard leading two
different beings. Humans and wolves. I have to satisfy both creatures,
He nods,
“Thank you. Wake the other for me please”

It takes close to fifteen minutes for the four of my pack to gather in the
kitchen with me. It’s a small pack but I would put my head on the
chopping board for all of them. As they would for me as well. Chris’s
conversation revisit my mind. If I want my pack to grow I have to allow
them to mate and expand themselves. Maybe I should look into taming
the animals in them for them to coexist with humans.
“We glad to see you well and not crazy anymore Dator” Shawn my head
enforcer invites laughter around the table,
“I pissed my in laws man and those ones don’t play. I’m still planning on
going to Lesotho and apologies to Lupus. I promised not to hurt his girl
and right now he and I are at cross roads” I don’t even blame the man at
all. I know how much he loves his daughter, he asked me not to hurt his
daughter and I did exactly that,
“That’s a good idea” Chris nod to the idea of me going to apologies to my
in laws,
“Anyways, I have some bad news Dators, I have a threat on my head” I
“Remember Scar?” they all nod as I continue to ask. We come far with
this wolfs. Scar was also a student at the school of supernaturals,
“Chris filled you in right?” again they nod. I had asked Chris to allocate
protection for my queen but I didn’t go into much details,
“Scar is coming for my queen. I took his mate before his eyes and he
intends to take mine before my eyes as well”
“He ain’t touching our Luna” Geffrey growls, the wolf in him pushing past
his tone. They others nod as well. I can only thank the moon goddess for
giving me a mate that my pack love and would protect with their all as
“Scar is a far dominant alpha and he is got numbers of wolves following
him. And on top of everything he is a bloody Lycan and so are his wolves”
I state the obvious,
“He’ll out number us should the battle become physical” Tom adds,
“I’m not afraid much of the numbers. Lupus is mad at me but I know he’ll
put his anger aside and stand by me with his pack when it comes to
protecting his daughter. What terrifies me though is Scar’s pack, they are
stronger and much powerful than you. You guys being here have
weakened your strength and power. Those wolfs will have a field day with
you all and chop off your heads. I cannot risk that but I need your help at
the same time” wolfs that forever live in wolfs form are much stronger
than shifters,
“A hit on our alpha’s head is a hit on his pack. What do you need us to
do?” Shawn asks disregarding all my concerns. Everyone nods with him,
“I asked for my queen’s protection but I think I’ll put the guards to that
duty. I need you all to run the perimeters. Day in and day out. I need to
know the minute Scar crosses Caledon River so I can prep myself up. My
aim is to take him out before it comes to war. In that way his wolves we’ll
choose to either submit to me or go back home. Do you think you can be
on the hunt of his scent from today going forward?” I ask. I need them all
over the boarders and all sides of the rivers. I’ll assign the guards at home
for my queen’s protection,
“You’ll know before he even crosses Caledon” Chris assures me and it’s
all I need. I know they’ll see to it that Scar doesn’t take me by surprise.

I’m spent off. Mkhonto had his way with me all afternoon long and the
entire night of yesterday. We had to miss dinner because he wouldn’t let
me go. One last one turned to the whole night of love making. I only
caught some breathe today when he went to attend the Dator pack
matters this morning.
*You should give birth already, your denying me my good dick*
come to think of it I have never let him have me in a wolf form. I partially
transformed the other day when he had me from the back. If I wasn’t
pregnant, I would transform and let him have Akela. I want to see if she’ll
survive that man’s stamina with her big mouth,
*I would take all of him, all his balls deep in me he’ll cry for me to
release him* I find myself laughing to myself. I can never really be bored
with Akela in me. She is my smile when life brings nothing but lemons
to my soul,
“Should I be jealous for my son?” Mrs. Dlomo stands behind me. I’m
hanging her son’s laundry on the line. I have surprised myself. My
mother would not believe her eyes if she was to walk in this yard and see
me doing laundry. I was a lazy girl, but now I understand that I always
knew there are maids to pick after me, which was very wrong of me. Now
being a wife to Mkhonto Dlomo the heir to the throne I know my duties.
No one should do anything for the King except for his queen. I know all
this because my grandmothers made sure to instill all this in my head at
an early age. I think I’m only coming out of my girl era to be a woman
groomed for her man now. And I have to admit, I love this new me. No
one is shouting at me to pick after myself. I know what I have to do, when
I have to do it.
“Why are you jealous Mma?” (…..Mother?) I ask,
“You’re smiling to yourself” she points and I break into another smile,
“It’s the silly animal in me” with her I don’t have to hide anything. She
gave birth to a whole predator. She knows what my husband and I are,
“I’m glad Akela is a girl. If she was a boy I would feel sorry for my poor
Twebankie” that name cracks me up. I always forget to call him with the
name. Parents will embarrasses you,
“Why are you doing laundry MakaSine? There are servants around this
place at your disposal” this is why she is here. I saw her frowning at me
from the balcony when I came here to hang our clothes,
“No one should touch the King’s food or clothes but myself” she smiles,
“I still cannot believe this is finally happening” she sits on the chair I had
put my bucket full of clothes to be hanged on and put it on her lap,
“Me too. But after yesterday I can tell that the man by myside is different.
His anointed for the throne” it’s the anointing and acceptance I felt in
him. I spoke to my uncle this morning. He assured me that it’s nothing
to worry about. He said every King changes the minute his ancestors
anoint and accept him.

“Yesterday?” she raises an eyebrow at me. I can never get enough of this
woman’s beauty. It doesn’t look like she even ages. Mhambi is her
spitting image, and Ngelosi too but Ngelosi has her father’s features here
and there. I feel sorry for my brother. He is going to fight different kinds
of beast when he is finally ready to claim his soul,
“What about yesterday?” I ask back, not liking the smug look on her face,
“We all couldn’t sleep. You both need to check your wolves. The growls
and howls in the middle of the night” Jeezzz! I wish the ground to open
up and swallow me,
“You two were very loud” she adds, inviting embarrassment on me once
“Maa I’m so sorry” I can’t believe we kept people up with our sexual
“We could only be thankful that the help sleeps down at their cottage. If
they were in the main house as us we would wake up to whispers” I can
imagen. Jeeezzzz!
“I’m not saying starve my son though, just keep it down a bit” my mouth
hangs open! This is a very embarrassing topic to have with my mother in
“This weather is not looking good” I don’t even know what I’m saying. I’m
just trying to divert this conversation from my sexual life,
She laughs and say
“Thank you baby” this time I frown looking at her,
“You have a heart of gold. No woman would easily forgive what I said to
you when you came back, but I can tell and feel that you have forgiven
me. Thank you for finding it in your heart to forgive me” she is effortless,
how can one stay mad at her?
“We are past that Maa, I’m only happy that you acknowledge that this
being in my belly is yours” she smiles,
“Dlomo tells me that you’re going to give birth in two months’ time” I’m
three months and heavier than ever. Wolf to wolf pregnancy is only five
months, but if I was a pure human with a wolf child I would still carry
nine months like humans,
I nod,
“We should buy her clothes soon then. Have you bought anything?” she
asks and I shake my head no,
“I haven’t. Everything is been a mess and I haven’t had time to really
embrace this pregnancy with everything that’s been happening”
“I understand baby, and I’m really sorry I added to you stress” jeezzz!
“Maa let’s move on from that please. You’ll apologize until Jesus comes
back” she laughs,
“You’re done now. Let’s go sit down, you have been on your feet all
morning and lord knows those feet have been spread out the whole night.
Your body needs to rest” I drown in embarrassment all over again. She’ll
never let me forget our last night’s escapades.

When we get inside the house I go put my bucket and clean up the
laundry room while she fixes us a cup of tea. I pass by my room and
change into something more relaxed before I finally join her in the lounge.
Just as I sit on the couch next to her abuti…….who is this? It’s one of the
twin brothers. He walks in devastation written on his face. He doesn’t
greet or acknowledge us. He drops on the couch facing us and rubbing on
his face in frustration,
“Zizwe!” Oh it’s abuti Zizwe. I don’t know when I’ll finally be able to
differentiate them,
“Zizwe what’s wrong?” Mrs. Dlomo continues to ask when he doesn’t
afford her any response. He heaves a sigh and rubs on the back of his
neck. Something is definitely troubling him,
“I’ll be in my room” I think maybe he wants some privacy with his mother,
“Sit down momo” he stops me when I try to stand off the couch,
I sit back down and Mrs. Dlomo and I both share looks,
“Talk to me Bhekizizwe, what happened?” Mrs. Dlomo urges,
Abuti Zizwe heaves a sigh before he say
“I lost the love of my life his heaven”
“Who? Zanele?” Mrs. Dlomo asks, she met her when he was in the
Abuti Zizwe nods with a heavy heart,
“Why? What did you do?” I love her for that. She knows the problems she
gave birth to, her first question is not what did she do but what did you
“I had to tell her what is expected of me and she didn’t take it so well” we
both know what he is talking about,
“She doesn’t even want to think about it. She gave me a straight no” I feel
sorry for him. I can only imagen if Khonto ever told me that he is going
to take another wife. I would chop his balls out,
*Good thing we bewitched his dick. Second wife will be a wife by
name but wouldn’t enjoy our goodies* how can I forget utilizing my
white witch powers on my man,
“I’m so sorry my baby” Mrs. Dlomo reaches over to touch his hands,
“Maa I love that woman” it’s evident in his eyes. He is tormented,
“If there was something I could do about it I would my baby. But you
know this is needed from all of you. Sakhe is also fetching Mama Gcino
today and she is going to go berserk as well when she finds out. I really
wish I could help you all” with abuti Sakhe it’s going to be quite difficult.
He is already married to ausi Mila,
“Maybe you can talk to ausi Zanele on his behalf” I suggest,
Abuti Zizwe smiles,
“Not a bad idea at all. You think you can do that for me Maa?” this time
we both stare at Mrs. Dlomo who is hesitant,
“Maa I know my duty. I’ll take a second royal wife. I just need Zanele to
agree to be my first wife” abuti Zizwe,
“Okay, I’ll do it” finally she agrees,
“You’ll come with, right?” oh no! She asks turning to me but
unfortunately I have to decline this one. I know ausi Zanele doesn’t like
me that much, I doubt she would ever like me even. She wouldn’t even
listen to her if I was to come with,
“I can’t” my tone comes almost in a whisper. Abuti Zizwe understands
why I cannot come because he say
“She’ll come around once she gets to know you” I hope so as well,
“Am I missing something?” Mrs. Dlomo asks. She knows we fought the
other day but she doesn’t know it was our fallout. The less she knows, the
“Nothing for you to worry about Maa, please try to convince her that abuti
Zizwe loves her and he is just marrying the other woman as his duty”
She sighs resting on the couch,
“I hope I’m able to get through to her” we all hope so.
We all turn to the butler opening the living room doors wide open. Abuti
Sakhe walks in with ausi Mila and Gcino who runs straight to her
grandmother’s arms. We all get on our feet to receive them. I love Gcino,
she is bubbly and talkative. She hugs her uncle and I when she is out of
her grandmother’s arms,
“We came with my brother, he doesn’t have a name” she is already filling
us in, bringing us to laughter. We heard about the two not reaching
common grounds about the baby’s name.
“Maa” ausi Mila hugs Mrs. Dlomo first. The baby is in abuti Sakhe’s
arms. She hugs me as well before she shakes abuti Zizwe’s hand and say
“Welcome back home Makoti” abuti Zizwe,
“Can I see my grandbaby please?” Mrs. Dlomo is a baby lover, she is
gushing over the baby,
“He is sleeping Maa” abuti Sakhe doesn’t want to let go of the baby,
“Give him here!” Mrs. Dlomo grabs him. She is in love already. I peep in
her arms. I have to say abuti Sakhe gives birth to his photocopies. I hope
I over power Khonto’s blood and my baby comes out looking like me. I’m
not saying they are ugly but they are Zulu men. I can imagen my baby
coming out looking like her father. Worst part she will be a girl. People
will be stuck to saying she is an interesting baby because they cannot lie
and say she is beautiful,
“He is so handsome ausi Mila!” the lies we tell the mothers. He is far from
handsome but we cannot exactly say the baby is ugly. And he is not even
ugly, he is just a baby nje. A boy that looks like his father,
“Thank you Tlotla” she pulls me in a hug once again. I love how warm
and welcoming she is,
“I’m sorry” she whispers in my ear. I’m bit confused but I’ll ask her when
we are alone,
“Maa can I have my son?” Abuti Sakhe,
“Ey fotsek wena! Don’t you have things to do?” I see him fighting with his
mother. He loves his boy and his mother loves babies
“Let’s help you get settled in Mama Gcino” Mrs. Dlomo carries the baby
in her arms and I carry the baby’s bag,
“What’s this thing I hear of him not having a name?” Mrs. Dlomo asks as
we all take the stairs. Up the stairs Gcino is coming down with Mike. She
is literally dragging him. I have distanced myself from him after being
sure that he has feelings for me. I still want him and his father to get
along though, but to avoid burning bridges I have to keep my distance
from him if I want him and his father to build a solid relationship
“Mama Gcino” Mike greets ausi Mila. She is the only one he hasn’t seen
today. He kisses his cousin in his grandmother’s hands before he walks
past us with Gcino,
*Hopefully he gets over his stupid crush* Akela comments and I
agree with her. I hate giving him a colder shoulder but it has to be done.

It’s been a week since I fetched my little family. I haven’t summed up the
courage to tell my Mila what is expected of me. Gloom and despair
spreads in the bar as we sit with all my brothers drowning in our sorrows.
Well it’s only Zizwe and I who are faced with heavy decisions to make.
The two fools are only drinking for us, not to down any burden on their
“When do you plan to tell her?” Muzi asks looking in my direction,
“I don’t want to tell her shit Muzi” the last thing I want is to break my
Mila’s heart,
“The sooner you tell her, the better. You both should have chosen from
the royal house like I did” that is Mkhonto, speaking like he choose
himself while we all know he was chosen for,
“I hope Maa is able to talk some sense into Zanele today. She hasn’t taken
any of my calls in a week” Zizwe,
“At least you don’t have babies with her. Milani is going to leave me with
my babies” it’s my worst fear, losing the my little family,
“And right now she is so excited, she is talking about losing the baby fat
so she can give me a date for our wedding” telling her that I’m going to
take a second wife soon after we marry will crush her, but then again
keeping quiet about it will do nothing but break her all over again when
she eventually finds out,
“You do know the offer of having a royal mistress that will bear us pure
royal breed is also on the table, right? It doesn’t need to be many children.
As long as you play your part and give at least one pure male royal breed.
You can keep the woman wherever you want and she’ll be taken care of
for the rest of her life, we want at least one pure royal breed son from
you” it’s easy for Muzi to just throw such shit to our face, motherfucker
fucks around for a living. He hasn’t tied his heart to any woman out there,
“Muzi that’s just a fucked up shit that I’ll not put my wife through. Even
if I was to consider that selfish shit, how do I explain coming home with
a son to my wife? If I even get a son at first attempt” only lord knows if I
would even get a son at first attempt. What if I get girls before I make it
to the fucked up male royal breed they are so eager to have? My ancestors
knows I wouldn’t want to hurt my Mila like that,
“It’s a suggestion, don’t bite my head off!” he is not helping. I want
something to help me dilute the situation, not worsen it,
“There is also another suggestion that bab Dlangalala came with”
Mkhonto shares staring deep in Zizwe and I. It’s the look in his eyes that
tells my gut that we are both not going to like his suggestion,
“We are ears” Zizwe offers him room as we both cling to our barely
untouched glasses of cognac,
“He assures that it has worked for many polygamist. It will make things
easier and you don’t have to go through the headaches of your wives
leaving you or hating on each other” Mkhonto informs throwing the rest
of his cognac down his throat,
“Get to the point ndoda!” at this point I’ll try anything except the part
where my wife hurt because of my duty as a prince,
“Muthi” he spits, gazing at us like it’s the final option,
“You want us to use Muthi on our women?” Zizwe asks, horror thick in
his tone. I’m astounded and perplexed as he is,
“It has worked for many polygamist. You just feed both your women love
potion and see them love you like it’s their only sole purpose on earth” we
all gasp! Glaring at him because he just suggested the most awful thing
I have ever heard,
“I’ll not lie its quite tempting and it helps to avoid lots of chaos and
drama” I cannot believe Zizwe is actually considering this nonsense,
“Zizwe ndoda!” I call him out,
He shrugs,
“Do you have any suggestions?” I don’t but feeding my Mila love potion is
not something I’m willing to consider,
“Where can I buy this muthi?” Zizwe is really going ahead with this
“I’ll ask bab Dlangalala to find a reliable person to help us with it”
“If Maa comes back with no solid answer from Zanele, I’m feeding her
love potion” I guess Zizwe is made up his mind. I’m the only one who is
still out of options, but love potion is not on my table, never!

“We are done with you problems. The offer is on the table, if you choose
to be a better person and tell Mama Gcino that you’re taking a second
wife as soon as you both get married, be our guest. A royal blood son you’ll
give me whether you like it or not. You have three options. Muthi, royal
mistress or the selfless road of telling your wife straight face and we’ll
see where that one leaves you” Mkhonto,
“You’re so heartless, no wonder they chose you to lead the clan” I spit to
his face,
“No pussy with sensitive heart would be chosen to lead the clan. It needs
a man with thick skin who will make decisions that favors our forefathers
no matter who they hurt in the process. Now, are we moving on or what?”
he throws his gaze at the three of us. When no one raises any concern he
continues to speak,
“I have my own pack problems that I would need my council to advise me
with” as much as this is a brotherhood gathering it’s also a council
meeting. When it comes to his pack problems he must exclude the two
old council fossils because they are oblivious of him being a predator
“My pack is running out of animals to hunt and eat this side” my blood
“If there is no more animals to eat who is their next on the food chain?”
he better not mention my beautiful self,
“Humans” and there, he spits it like he didn’t just confess that we are the
next on his pack’s food chain,
“You cannot be serious!” Muzi is got the guts to respond him while Zizwe
and I stare at him with horror in our eyes,
“For future hunger, tell them I have worms. My body and blood is full of
worms” I cannot risk being eaten by wolves!
“I’ll sure pass that message”
“Thank you” I can actually breathe now. I’ll not be eaten by wolves or any
other beast out there,
“My family as well. I infected my Mila with my worms sexually and all
my children are born with worms” I add to protect my little family as
He huffs,
“Your worm ass blood can relax. No one is going to eat you or your family
anytime soon” that’s actually better,
“Why don’t you teach them our way of life this side?” Muzi has always
been the one with sense. He asks when we all stare at each other with no
“Elaborate” Mkhonto probes,
“This is your pack, part of you. There is no way of separating them from
the predator. They submit to him and bow to his command. If the Molapos
can be wolves but don’t rely on raw meat and blood to survive, I’m sure
you can teach your pack the same methods as well. Just like you, you
don’t eat that shit” Muzi shares and we all fall in silence as we consider
his suggestion,
“I don’t eat that shit because I don’t know it. I grew up with food, human
food. Them on the other side they grew up hunters. Killing to eat and
eating it raw. I don’t know if the method would work on them” Mkhonto,
“My king you won’t know until you try. Try and see if they can actually
adapt to eating human food” Zizwe is right,
“I’ll buy them 50Kg of chicken every week” just so they don’t eat me and
my family
“I guess it’s worth a try” Mkhonto thinks,
“Having a council of advisors is not as bad. I don’t have to stress on my
own. My beautiful three extra brains” he is pushing it, we all squints our
eyes at him.
I made it through a week without him. It wasn’t easy, it still hurts like it
was just yesterday. I don’t know why I don’t just block him but seeing his
tireless calls comforts my heart. At least I know it’s not easy for him.
Somehow I find comfort in knowing that he really cares for me and wants
to be with me. I don’t know why I was so stupid for falling for him in the
first place. There is no way in hell I would have ended up with someone
of his caliber. I blame this stupid heart of mine. I shouldn’t have listened
to my heart.
I’m staring up in space laying on my bed consumed in my heavy thoughts.
This is the price I pay for loving a Dlomo prince. I cannot share my
husband with anyone, not in this life time. The thought of him sleeping
with another woman and coming back to sleep with me the next day
makes me cringe. It’s disgusting and dirty. I don’t know how other women
out there do it but it can never be me. I would rather not marry the man
I love than share him with someone else.
I’m interrupted from the conference in my head by a gentle knock coming
on my door. I’m off today, and I would have liked to spend my entire day
in the house with my thought and I without any interruptions. I drag
myself to the door ready to chase whoever it is away.
The minute I open the door I freeze. I have to blink twice to believe that
the entire queen is standing at my shack door. I’m frozen by her presence
and her beauty. I have met her before at the hospital but it still feels like
this the first time I see this kind of beauty. I wonder if she even breathes.
She looks like a beautiful drawing.

“Zanele” she pulls me back to earth. I had travelled to Mars with her
“Maa” I swallow my nerves trying to offer her my most decent smile,
“How are you baby? Can I come in?” gosh!
“Please Maa” I tend to keep people outside because this is just a shack,
but then at the same time I don’t miss my neighbors’ curtains dancing.
They are peeping in seeing the entire queen on my door step,
“You can have a sit Maa” I grab the first thing I see to clean the chair and
I only realize when she laughs that I wiped my chair with my dish cloth,
“Relax baby” she sits, her smile is warm and infectious,
“Would you like something to drink?” I cross my fingers she doesn’t say
cold drink because I’ll have to run to the tuck shop to buy it. I don’t intend
on changing this……lord what am I wearing?! It only downs on me when
I look down at myself,
“I would like some tea baby” tea. I breathe, that I can fix. I hope she
understand that I had no intensions of going out. I’m in my torn ANC t-
shirt that I’m most comfortable in, it’s accompanied by my other torn
leggings that I cannot say why I don’t throw them away because they
have out lived their time. I’m able to fix her tea praying that she doesn’t
judge my small place or my choice of clothing.
“You must think I’m a hobo” I say offering her cup of tea,
“Why would I think that?” shack plus torn clothes equals to hobo but I
don’t say that to her. She puts two spoons in her tea and stir before she
“This is perfect” at least I managed to give her something she enjoys,
“Sit sesi, I’m sure you must be wondering why am here” I have been too
nervous to sit. I know this tea in my hand is going to be cold. I just made
myself one as well for the sake of it, I don’t really eat when I’m nervous,
“Zizwe sent me” she informs sipping on her tea. I did figure that as much,
“Why are you breaking my son’s heart?” she asks, that beautiful smile of
hers making me wish I was a man or lesbian. This woman was not going
to walk out of here without kissing me,
“Maa he asks for too much” I manage,
“How so?” she probes,
“Maa I cannot share my husband with anyone else. I love him but if it
means sharing him with another woman then I would rather not have
him” I explain
She heaves a sigh and puts her mug aside, her beautiful hands reaches
for my mine and I’m quick to place my hands in hers,
“Baby Zizwe loves you. He is not going to marry another woman out of
his own selfish reasons but he is has to do it for his family. His heart is
yours. The other woman will be there but you’ll always be the one he
loves. Can you at least think about it instead of shutting the whole idea
out” she tries to reason with me but I’m only staring at her beautiful
million blink eyes. I need to get a grip before I kiss my would have been
mother in law,
“I love him too Maa. I do, with everything in me but this is the one thing
I cannot do, even for my heart I cannot share my love with anyone else”
she sighs, resting back on the chair,
“Baby please. Are you sure there is no convincing you otherwise?”
unfortunately not. My mind is made up. It’s either he marries me only or
don’t marry me at all.

This is one of the hardest things he is ever had to do. Sure he knows that
the boy is his and his ancestors brought him home because they recognize
and acknowledge him as one of them but him on the other hand is a
different story all together. Mike to him is just another addition to the
family that he doesn’t give a damn about. Since the boy arrived in the
Dlomo quarters he is never really tried to get to know him. Now he has
to prepare for his naming ceremony, he doesn’t even know which name
he is going to give him.
“Maybe I should ask my old man to name him” he tells his queen who is
making the bed. It’s early in the morning and they just woke to yet
another beautiful day. Tlotla’s belly is huge. It’s clear that I two months
and couple of weeks she’ll be popping. Her beauty radiates with each
passing day, and those tits of hers are just so huge and so inviting,
“Or better yet I can abandon all this and have you all morning long” he
steps closer to her and takes the pillow of her hands throwing her back
on the bed,
She giggles,
“Dlomo no” he is pinning her on the bed,
“Are you sure you didn’t bewitch my dick once again?” lately they fuck
like hyenas,
“Nop! Ausi Mila tells me that it’s because I’m pregnant. Apparently
pregnant woman are hot and inviting” that he can tell its true. Apart
from refreshing his mark every now and then that also peaks their
connection to each other, she is too hot not to be tabbed lately. Every
night it literally goes down,
“Get off me, go talk to your son” she wiggles herself out of his touch and
he frees her,
A sigh of defeat parting his lips at the thought of the talk that awaits
“MakaSine what am I even going to say to the boy?” he is honestly
clueless. He doesn’t know how to be a father, at least with Sinesipho he’ll
learn as he go,
“Go Khonto. You’ll figure it out, you are a smart man” whatever that
He throws himself on the bed, he honestly doesn’t know how he is going
to handle this situation,
“If you don’t leave this room this very minute, I’ll deny you your kitten
today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow” the threat is enough to
make him jump on his feet. They call it power of a pussy,
“My balls ache already” the predator is pushing him to do what they
must, not having that sweet kitten would kill them both,
“Yeah! Get out of here with your painful balls” he is out in a speed of
lightning, his queen’s kitten will be the death of him.

Mike is a loner. His life revolves around school and locking himself in his
room. The only people he is comfortable with in this house is his
grandparents, Gcino and his step mother. Although he is felt some
distance between him and his step mother lately.
Mkhonto knocks twice on his bedroom door and waits for the invitation,
instead the door flies open and there stand his spitting copy. Unlike Nick
who actually looked like Dlomo, this one looks like him. Mike stands on
the other side confused because this man has never bothered to come in
his room ever,
“You need help?” Mike asks his father who also just stand on the other
side with both his hands in his pockets,
His arrogance and cockiness is that of his father. There is no denying that
he is a Dlomo by blood,
“Can we talk?” Mkhonto asks with a sigh, his queen’s words dancing in
his head. She asked that he be gentle with the boy,
“Sure” Mike say and shuts the door to his face. He blinks twice at the
closed door shocked and perplexed. Just as he was about to knock again
the door opens. He realizes that Mike was putting on his shoes. He was
barefooted when he opened the door.
Past him Mike walks off and he has no choice but to follow. Where ever
he is going he’ll follow him. Down the stairs he tails his tall son. Passing
the lounge where they walk into Milani and Sakhe giggling on the couch.
“Where are we going?” it’s when they both descend the stairs outside the
house Mkhonto asks,
“To the kraal. My grandfather asked me to count the cows every morning
before the herd boys take them off to the veld” Mkhonto sees the closed
kraal with about four herd boys standing by. Mike gestures for one to
open the kraal as he and his father stand a safe distance where he can
count the cows as each cow leaves,
“What do you want?” the impatient bastard can only be his,
Both their eyes stay with the cows. Mkhonto finds himself counting as
“I would like to get to know you” he say absent mindedly staring at the
kraal as well,
“Why?” Mike asks,
“Because you’re my son”
Mike chortles,
“That’s not good enough, why now?” he asks,
“You’re my son!” that should be reason enough, he sternly say losing sight
of the kraal a bit to stare at him
“What if I don’t want to get to know you?” Mike asks,
“Then it’s a tough one because you come from my scrotum” he is as
arrogant as his son,
“What I don’t understand is why now because you have never bothered
to get to know me all this time”
Mkhonto heaves a sigh, the boy is not going to make things easy for him,
“Now because I’m fixing my mess. I did a lot of damage to a lot of people
and I’m trying to fix it. You included, I know I messed you up. I would
like to take the throne with no burden. Your one of the things I have to
mend before I can sit on that chair and say I’m a king. Do you think you
can work with me on that?” Mkhonto asks Mike who is back to staring at
the cows once again,
“I appreciate that honesty. At least you don’t lie and say you suddenly
love me” it hurts for him, no parent of his ever loved him,
“I would like us to start on a clean slate son. I know I have been a shitty
father but as I said, I intend on fixing that. Can I be your father for the
rest of your life?” Mkhonto extends his hand for a shake, earning himself
the first half smile from Mike,
“You sound like a girl making a move on me” Mike,
“I’m a father trying to right his wrongs and my hand still stands” Mike
shakes his father’s hand with a sigh,
“Mkhonto Dlomo, a father to one at the moment, and you?” Mkhonto asks
firmly holding his son’s hand,
“Mike Dlomo I guess” Mike say,
Mkhonto shakes his head,
“We have no Mike Dlomo in this house, how about Bongidlozi Dlomo” a
smile spread on Mike,
“My name?” he asks, happiness tucking at his heart. He loves the name,
His father nods returning the same smile,
“Why?” Mike cannot contain his happiness,
“Ngoba ngibongi Dlozi lasekhaya for bringing you home where you
belong” (Because I thank my ancestor for bringing you………..)
“Thank you. I love it” he does, his smile says it all,
“How am I doing as a father in this couple of minutes?” Mkhonto extends
the conversation,
“Not bad at all”
“Any chance for you to call me baba” he is awarded with an eye roll before
he say,
“Too soon” Mkhonto nods in understanding,
“I’m going to perform a naming ceremony for you in two days’ time, are
you up for it?” Bonga is quick to nod, smiling like his father just said
something right,
“Am I missing something?” Mkhonto asks,
“I guess your ancestor proves once again that he loves me. My birthday
is in two days’ time. It will be my first birthday, I’ll be turning 17 in two
days” sadness dwells on Mkhonto, he randomly just chose the date but
he believes the one he carries his name was behind it, he did say all will
be well as soon as he gives his son a name,
“I love you Bonga” he means it, coming deep from his heart he realizes
that he loves this tall photocopy of his. Bonga is complete, he cannot say
it back as yet but his heart knows he loves him back,
“Thank you for this chance son. I would like you to trust me, I know it
won’t be a day thing or a walk in the park but for me to fix my mistakes,
I would like for you to trust me and tell me anything about your life, don’t
be afraid to ask anything from me. I’m your father”
“If we are going to do this father son thing I also would like you to be
honest” Mkhonto nods,
“Are you willing to answer my questions honestly?” Mkhonto nods once
again as he asks,
“Did you kill my mother?” he didn’t expect the question, but lying is not
something he is going to do, especially when he is trying to build
something solid and genuine with his son,
“I did” Mkhonto truthfully admits
Silence stretches between them until Bonga heaves a heavy sigh and nod
in understanding,
“Say something please” Mkhonto begs thinking he is going to crucify him
or hate him more,
“My mother was my mother because she gave birth to me. Other than
that I can’t exactly say I feel anything for her because regardless of what
we went through, my mother never gave me any love. I was always that
son of hers that was going to get her back with the man she was obsessed
with. It had been her motive for keeping me alive and making sure I eat
and grow. I don’t know if I’m cruel or heartless but I feel nothing for her.
She is alive, or dead I don’t really care. Does that make me a bad person?”
he poses a question back at his father,
“No you’re not a bad person” they both nod to understand
“It’s my turn” Mkhonto turn questions at him,
“Do you have a crush on my wife?” Bonga pops his eyes, fear gripping
“Honesty. You asked for honesty and I gave you one. It’s your turn to be
honest with me” Mkhonto already knows the answer to that but he is just
testing him, wanting to see if can really be honest,
“I’m sorry” Bonga admits dropping his eyes,
“Why?” Mkhonto asks,
Bonga shrugs,
“I don’t know, she is beautiful and nice to me. Apart from grandma she
is the only woman who came into my life and actually cared for me. So I
guess I confused that with love” Bonga confesses,
“She is your step mother Bongidlozi! And you’re making it hard for her
to love you and open her heart to you. Do you think I can trust you to get
rid of your stupid crush on her and look at her as nothing more but your
step mother?” Bonga is quick to nod,
“I’ll kill you myself if you ever look at my wife like that” Bonga swallows,
the threat is real, this man will disintegrate him into pieces,
“I’m sorry Dlomo and it will not happen again” he apologizes and his
father nods
“It’s my turn now” he poses the question back at this father and they both
“What are we baba?” he said baba, Mkhonto should be smiling but the
horror in his eyes comes from what the predator is sniffing on Bonga for
the first time. He never took time to know Bonga. Now closer to him and
opening his heart to him he feels it, he is a hybrid just like him,
“What do you mean son?” he is investigating him, he knows what Bonga
is asking,
“I know there is something inside me, and I can feel it’s connected to
something inside you. What are we baba?”
“How does it feel like?” Mkhonto asks,
“I don’t know, it feels like a second voice but I can tell it’s not a voice.
There is something inside me and it’s strong. At times when I’m angry I
feel my blood rush in a way that is not normal, I have to take slow calming
breaths when I’m angry because I feel like something is going to burst
through my veins if I don’t. I don’t know if you understand”
*I didn’t pick it or feel it either, I would have only sensed it after
his 18th birthday when he takes full transformation. He is a
hybrid, half human, half predator. Not as strong as you but my
blood runs in him* Mkhonto can feel the pride in the predator as he
looks at him. With pups that are not birthed by their mates it can be quite
difficult, some wolfs only smells their pup’s scent after they have taken
their first full transformation. Unless if it’s a pup with a mate, that one
you feel it and smell on it from day one,
“We are wolfs son, predators to be precise” he proudly admits to his son
“Wolfs?” Bonga is astounded,
“I guess I gave birth to my fifth pack member. Welcome to the Dator pack
“Dator what?” Bonga is never been so confused in his entire life,
“Come, I have to take you somewhere” His father pulls him with.

When they get back in the house everyone is shocked to see Bonga all
smiles under his father’s arm. It’s breakfast time and the dining table
occupies each and every member of the house,
*You are getting laid tonight, I’m going to suck your giant dry*
that’s his queen, communicating with him through their mating bond.
She is all smiles and winking at him when no one is looking,
“How many Mike?” Dlomo asks his grandson, his job on weekends is to
count the cows every morning and evening,
“Eish!” Bonga scratches his head, he was counting but his father
disturbed him,
“Dlomo, this is Bongidlozi Dlomo, I don’t have a son that will be called
Mike going forward, and my son is not a herd boy while we are at it. You
can wake up to go count your cows yourself” the table laughs except for
Dlomo who is astonished,
“Look at this one” Dlomo folds his arms,
“A bloody two minutes father is already telling me what I should and
shouldn’t do with my grandson?”
“My son is no cow counter! Find someone to count your cows. And his
name is Bongidlozi, you can all shorten it to Bonga if it’s too long” he pulls
his son with to the table,
“Debongz!” Sakhe ruffles Bonga’s head as he sits next to him.
Vulamasango is happy to see Mkhonto finally accepting his son, but this
stupid one also annoys him,
“Since we no longer have Mike maybe we can give the name Mike to my
one month old grandson who also doesn’t have a name!” Sakhe winces,
that bullet is shooting straight at him,
“His mother and I are still talking about it”
“Boy boy is 1 month and three weeks old, you two need to name him as
in today!” MaDlomo joins in as well, it’s annoying that the baby is called
boy boy,
“I was thinking Mthokizisi Dlomo” Sakhe
“NEVER!” Dlomo boils up,
“At least Vulamasango Dlomo. It’s a beautiful name, better than
Mthokozisi” the table laughs, it’s in days like this when they wish Mtho
was around to defend his name,
“How about Zwelithini Dlomo?” Mkhonto asks, inviting happiness and
fulfillment around the table. Both Sakhe and Milani loves the name, it’s
befitting that Sakhe’s first son takes his father’s name. It just never
crossed his mind,
“Thank you bafo. Welcome to the family Debongz and I’m proud to
announce that we also have Zwe junior in the house” Sakhe. It’s a happy
morning, things are starting to fall into place in the Dlomo quarters.


In the Dlomo royal grounds things are done quite differently to prove
paternity of a prince, Bonga had to spend the entire night before his
naming day inside the kraal with the cattle. He had to be utterly naked,
no string of thread on his waist or any underwear to cover his manhood.
From dusk of the previous night to dawn of the next day he slept with the
ancestors. It is believed those of the Dlomo house who has parted the
living world take form through their livestock. Had he not been one of
them, the cows would have made sure that he leaves the kraal.
His father is proving to be more human than he thought with each
passing day. He slept outside, sitting down the kraal entrance himself
just to make sure his son is fine. His queen looked at him down the
window and kept smiling. This is all she ever wanted, her husband to
finally acknowledge his son. She went out to give him a blanket to warm
up the whole night, not that he needed it anyway because the predator is
a warm blooded beast hotter than the Kalahari.
As dew began to evaporate into the atmosphere the king to be woke to
the sun rising beautifully from the skies. The sun shone right on his face
bringing him to blink like his own mother. He didn’t need to recruit his
thoughts, he knew at first though why he was waking up outside the
kraal. He stood up to stretch his aching muscles, sleeping outside wasn’t
very nice, even for the predator. He is the kind of beast that is used to
soft life, sleeping on mattresses and all. Not outside like a wild dog. The
royal grounds were still empty of their guests because it was the earliest
time of the day.

He rose to his feet with a sigh, fear suddenly gripping so hard on him as
he threw his eyes inside the kraal in search for his son. When he didn’t
see him he marched inside, calling out for him,
“BONGA! BONGA!” this boy better not do him like this, not when he
knows he is his son,
“BONGIDLOZI!” he snapped, shouting louder in frustration and fear,
One of the oldest bull rose to its feet, mooing out loud waking the rest of
the cows that had been sleeping. The entire of the royal cattle inside the
kraal faced the down entshonalanga as their clan names said and all
mooed in unison. A shiver of fear ran down Mkhonto’s spine. He had
never been scared before, all this while he thought the only thing that
scared he was losing his queen, but the thought of Bonga being harmed
in anyway scared him as well. He didn’t know what the act of the cows
meant. It’s in days like that when they wish they had a seer as a royal
The entire kraal was now shrouded with mist, hot vapor that escaped the
cows’ mouth and the cold breeze of the air produced thick mist that made
Mkhonto sink deeper into his fears.
When the cows stopped mooing the mist also cleared. He muttered a
thank you to his forefathers seeing Bonga peacefully sleeping beneath
the bull that first mooed.
Mkhonto heaved a sigh of relief when he saw his son. He walked closer
to him and brushed the ancerstor cow that mooed out loud waking the
entire royal grounds. It confirmed that Bonga was one of them and
accepted, down entshonalanga he shall rest with his forefathers.
(Entshonalanga translates to Westward)
“Ngiyabonga Dlomo” (Thank you Dlomo) Mkhonto bowed in respect to
the cow. It bowed back before him and went on to join the others.
Bonga woke up to the sudden movement inside the kraal. The cows were
moving and mooing but none of them touched or stepped on him or his
father. Mkhonto gave him his hand to help him up. He was fine and with
no fracture or any scar even though he slept beneath a bull.
“How are you feeling my boy?” Mkhonto asked the minute they exited the
kraal, handing him the blanket his queen had brought to cover him up,
Bonga smiled, his full smile trying to find the proper words,
“I feel at home, like I belong and I’m finally protected at last” a smile
tucked on Mkhonto’s face. He pulled him beneath him and kissed the top
of his head. For the years he missed of this boy’s life he was going to make
up for them and give him the love he deserved from birth,
“You are home Dlomo, go on and wash up, today is your big day” Tlotla
was standing outside the door with hot brewing mugs of coffee. She gave
one to Bonga and another to her husband,
“Happy birthday Mickey” the two shot her daggers, it was going to take
a while for everyone to forget the name Mike,
“My bad, happy birthday Debongz” she corrected herself, and it was much
better even though he still preferred Bonga over Debongz,
“Thank you Maa” Tlotla gasped. She was excited and shocked at the same
time. She was only five years older than him and she had been momo to
him and somehow his crush but for the first time today she could see in
his eyes that he saw nothing but his mother in her.
“Go clean up damn it before you make my wife cry!” Mkhonto chased him
off, seeing the tears of happiness building up in his queen’s eyes,
Bonga left his happy parents to go clean up, he reeked of cow dung.

The time had come, the royal grounds was bathed with ecstatic villagers
who knew they would score a plate full of meat on the particular day. It
was known that the royal house knew how to throw a party. Even
villagers from afar travelled to rejoice with the Dlomos on the young
prince’s naming day.
Inside the house all the Dlomo clan gathered to be officially introduced
to Bonga before he could be taken outside. Some he had never saw them
until that day. They were quite a big family and very welcoming apart
from his seven grandmothers who were introduced as his grandfather’s
sisters. He could feel and see the beef they had with his grandmother but
MaDlomo paid no attention to them. She had ignored them the rest of
her life and she wasn’t about to let them ruin her grandson’s day.
Once everything was done inside the house, his father and uncles took
him out to show him off to the world. Bab Sakhe made him wear a suit.
He didn’t want to but he compromised when he agreed to at least get rid
of the tie. He was in black fitted suit with just white shirt, and no belt.
The minute they stepped outside the door the entire yards ululated with
joy. With him so tall and looking like his fathers it was hard for the crowd
to recognize him.
They made it to the beautifully well decorated podium that was build
right in the heart of the Dlomo grounds for the day. He sat between his
father and step mother. Sakhe sat next to his wife while the two
photocopies sat beside each other. They enjoyed the reed dance of the
young girls as they waited for the Queen and King to join them.
Bonga’s eyes sat on one particular girl amongst the group of girls. She
had two left feet, she couldn’t dance at all but she was so beautiful he
couldn’t take his eyes of her. As a group of girls danced bare chested he
could only stare at one pair of tits. Her breast were firm and made him
want to taste them. With how he grew up he didn’t have much experience
with girls. Hell he was a virgin himself, never encountered in any sexual
deeds, but he did feel things.

“Don’t” his father whispered to him,

“Huh?!” Bonga faked confusion,
“Don’t look at the girl. You are a prince and your bride will be chosen for
you when you’re ready”
“It’s her I want” Bonga whispered to his father making him laugh,
“It’s her you’ll not have. Being a male of a royal house means you can only
marry a royal woman, unless if your planning on being in a polygamous
marriage” Bonga heaved a sigh, leaving this topic that was annoying him
to look at the girl again but he could no longer find her. It appears group
had changed. Nothing enticed him with this particular group. He just
grinned but deep down he wanted to see that beautiful maiden with
brown beautiful skin and big eyes.
Finally Dlomo and his wife joined the party. Everything ceased and
everyone bowed in respect until they were both seated down. BabMtho
separated the King and Queen, he dragged his chair abandoning his
wives to sit between the two. He was a different breed of his own kind,
the crowd laughed hard. They knew him well.
Only when Dlomo stood on his feet again did the crowd rise and ululated
all over again. He raised his hands in surrender to quieten them down.
“My people, what a day it is today!” the villagers responded with brief
“Today is a joyous day! Today I stand proud before all of you my people
to introduce to you my first grandson” Bonga being 17 years old made
him older than Gcino who had been Dlomo’s first granddaughter for the
past years,
“People of the Dlomo royal grounds, I give to you Bongidlozi Dlomo! A
prince of the royal Dlomo house” the crowd hailed their praises, Bonga
was urged to stand up and bow to the people next to his grandfather.
Again closer to the ground he searched for one girl but he could no longer
see her.
“That is not all we have for today!” Dlomo took the moment once again
addressing his people,
“Today I stand before you once again to announce that Mkhonto Dlomo,
our rightful heir to the throne is back home and he’ll take the throne as
bestowed by our ancestors in two months’ time” people hailed their
praises, ululating and celebrating the next king to take the throne,
“It’s a joyous day my people. Let’s enjoy and be merry” Mkhonto had to
stand by his father and bow to his people as well.
After the introduction it was time to gift the young prince. Starting with
royal houses each had to gift the young prince anything for his naming
day and birthday. One by one the royal houses presented their gifts to
the young prince. The one that shook the day was King Seretse from the
North West region. He brought a person that was covered with a blanket
forward with him. Like the other kings who had passed before him he
acknowledged the King and Queen first before he sat his eyes on the
young prince.
“Prince Bongidlozi I gift you my youngest daughter to marry when you
both come of age” silence grew thick amongst the crowd. Bonga hadn’t
prepared himself for this, his parents also didn’t mention him being
gifted a wife. From a royal house it was taboo to reject a princess if the
prince was not yet promised to another. He had no knowledge of any of
“You can’t reject a princess” his father whispered to him,
“I don’t want to get married” he whispered back mid the thick silence,
“It’s something that we’ll happen later, not now. Just accept the gift and
get this over and done with. We’ll kill the princess if you don’t want her
and you’ll marry the one you want when you come of age” Bonga gasped
at his father,
“I won’t let you be miserable for the rest of your life, if you don’t want her
then I’ll kill her and you’ll go find the one you want, as long as she is
royal” he meant it, Bonga shook his head with a sigh and went to uncover
the human gift he was gifted. Down on the reed mat the young princess
was covered with a blanket next to his father. The second Bonga
uncovered the blanket he muttered a curse,
“Fuck!” he couldn’t believe his eyes. The young beautiful girl he couldn’t
take his eyes off was under the blanket. Now closer to her he knew he
was fucked. This had to be love at first sight. He swallowed his nerves
and offered her a tight smile which she returned,
“I accept the gift” he said to King Seretse bowing in respect. The crowd
broke down with joy, his family was now confused with the smile dancing
on his face,
“You are fucked, aren’t you?” his father asked with a smile
“It’s the girl baba, and she is so beautiful” Mkhonto laughed, his
ancestors had given him what he wanted. He was indeed welcomed and
embraced as a Dlomo.
Later that day Bonga was now free. The skies were starting to grow dark
welcoming the night, but the Dlomo grounds were still full of guests. He
walked all over in search of one person. He had to at least get her name.
His grandfather told him that they’ll discuss this tomorrow when he had
enquired about his ‘gifted wife’ but he was told that she is leaving tonight.
Finally amongst a group of maidens who blushed at his sight he saws
her. He offered them a smile and looked at his prey,
“My princess” he gestured with his head that he would like to have a word
with her aside,
The girl followed him to a not so far corner where they both stood,
“I’m Bonga Dlomo” he gave her his hand,
“I know, you’re my husband to be” he didn’t miss how she rolled her
beautiful big eyes with a smile,
“I’m Keletso, Keletso Seretse” she continued to add, taking his hand in
his for a shake. The warmth of his hand sparked things in her, it’s how
she had bitten on her bottom lip and dropped her eyes that made Bonga’s
little dick twitch with excitement beneath his pants.
“You’re very beautiful….” he said trailing off, and she had beautiful
breast he meant to say but he wasn’t going to say it out loud. She was
still bare chested and those beautiful breast were just staring at him,
“Thank you” Keletso blushed, dropping her eyes again,
“You must be cold” he took off his blazer and put it on her shoulders. His
piece of clothing looked so beautiful on her,
“I liked how you danced earlier on” he was pushing for a conversation,
she looked terrible but he lied to her,
She laughed, throwing her head back as her beautiful white set of teeth
came to display,
“I knew nothing about that routine, I was only shown it an hour before
the ceremony. My father insisted that I join the group of girls” that’s why
she was the odd dancer,
“You still looked perfect in my eyes” Keletso blushed,
“How old are you Keletso?” he continued to ask, lucky for him growing up
deep in the mountains of Lesotho he had no problem pronouncing Sotho
“I’m 16 years old my prince, and you?” Bonga smiled
“I just turned 17 today and I would like it if you called me Bonga” Keletso
“Can I steal you for an hour before you leave wifey?” she didn’t respond,
her smile was enough for him to take her hand in his and ‘steal her’

It’s the morning after Bonga’s naming day. It was a beautiful day that
went well without any hitch or chaos. The little chaos we witnessed was
during Bonga’s family introduction. I also got to meet all my father in
law’s sisters. I didn’t know them until yesterday, even though they claim
to know me from when I was young. But from our little acquaintance I’m
adamant that I don’t want to run into those women ever again. They are
toxic and conniving. No one could miss the snide remarks they threw at
my mother in law. I wish to adopt her charisma one day, lord knows I
would have boiled oil and burned them all had they been that bitchy
towards me. But the ever so elegant and beautiful Mrs. Dlomo killed
them with her smile. But apart from that, it was a beautiful day.
Well, it was beautiful until my daughter dragged me inside this hut.
My back hurts as I wake from the reed mat in the hut. I had to sleep in
here last night. Mkhonto senior asked me to listen to my body, he said
my baby will communicate with me through my body. Yesterday I
couldn’t sleep, no matter how hard I tried I kept tossing and turning until
I heard cute baby giggles that let me straight in here. I knew the moment
I entered the hut that it was the seer of the Dlomo house who let me in
here. I wasn’t shown anything though, I only slept like an angel.
Sitting up I heave a sigh, my mind is trying to grasp something. A vision
plays in my mind, I see myself holding a beautiful rare black diamond
with a hole in it. On my other hand is a black thread. I must connect the

But coming back to reality I realize it’s just a vision. I’m just in the hut
but with no black diamond or thread……sigh! I wonder what this means
but I’m glad my baby and I are slowly but surely getting there. She still
hasn’t kicked or did anything to bond with me but I feel calm lately. I
know it’s all her. Soon she’ll show her beautiful self to mommy and I
cannot wait to hold her in my arms and tell her how sorry I am.
I wish she comes out looking like me. My husband is fine and all but
Mkhonto is a man, a zulu man while at it. Shaka zulu’s not so good
looking genes better skip my baby. I swear I’ll scream if she comes out
looking like her father. I don’t want another ‘interesting’ baby like Zwe
Thinking of Zwe junior I better get up. Ausi Mila is probably dying alone
preparing breakfast for the family. It’s not compulsory but ausi Mila and
I have decided on preparing food for our family ourselves. The chef helps
with the cooking when we required.

“I hope your happy my angel” I brush my belly before I get on my knees

and roll the reed mat I had slept on. I crawl to the altar where I bow and
thank oDlomo for yet another day and a beautiful ceremony for my son.
“Thank you the great Mkhabelas. The ceremony was a success and it was
all your work. We thank you for keeping us under your vigilant eye that
sees beyond the living. As we start another day, we yet again invite you
into our hearts and souls. You may have departed the living world but
with us you’ll forever live. Thank you once again the great Dlomos for the
wonderful gift of life flourishing in me. I ask that you protect me at all
cost in return I’ll forever acknowledge you and serve you. Ngiyabonga”
(…….thank you) my zulu is getting there. One of this days I’ll speak to
them in their father tongue.
I check the hut one last time if I didn’t forget anything before I leave. My
shoes are still outside where I left them.

I’m glad when I get inside the house that everyone is still sleeping. This
means I have couple of minutes to freshen up before I come down to help
for breakfast. Maybe ausi Mila will be awake as well then. Zwe junior
sleeps with his grandmother, much to my father in law’s annoyance.
I freeze by the door when I open my bedroom door to find Khonto sitting
on the edge of the bed with a packed bag seated on our well-made bed.
He is twisting his knuckles but he stopped immediately when he lifts his
gaze on me,
“My queen” I don’t miss the heaviness in his tone,
“Dlomo waka” (My Dlomo) he offers me a smile but it doesn’t reach far to
the end,
He pat his lap, I know what it means. He wants me to sit on him,
I rest on his lap and brush on the back of his head.
“I’m sorry I didn’t sleep next to you, I was in the hut” I explain before he
even asks. Feeling him this heavy I think maybe it’s because I wasn’t
close to him. I know how hard the predator claws on him if I’m not close
to him,
“I know, the predator understand when you have to sleep in the hut”
I nod,
“What’s wrong? Where are you going?” my eyes leads him to the bag I see
on top of our bed,
Again he offers me a heavy sigh before he say…..
“Your family didn’t come to my son’s naming day” I drop my eyes. I’m
ashamed and they have put me in a very awkward situation. All the kings
that forms alliance with the Dlomos were invited. My family was invited
as well but none of them came. I’m still yet to get hold of them because I
couldn’t reach any of them yesterday,
“You don’t have to feel ashamed. I understand Lupus is still mad at me
and I’m going to Lesotho to fix that”
“Khonto you don’t have to go to Lesotho” my father needs to calm down
because my man and I are fine,
“I have to mkami. The Molapo’s relationship is very important for us. I
have to fix the mess I created with your father before this escalates into
something we won’t afford to handle” (…….my wife……..) I understand
but my father is not being fair at all. If he is the one that made my whole
family not come then he is playing with my heart here. How am I
supposed to look at my in laws and explain why my family did attend
their ceremony?
“It’s going to be alright my baby, I’ll only be gone for a day or two. I know
Lupus will want to punish me first before he forgives me, hence why I
packed the bag. Maybe it might take longer than I think but I’ll not come
home without his forgiveness. I hate what his anger is doing to you, it’s
putting you in a very awkward position and I can’t have that. But other
than that I respect the great gray so much I cannot just let our
relationship die without trying to fix it” I understand, hence why I love
him so much. He’ll do anything for me, even licking my father’s ass when
he doesn’t have to,
“I love you Khonto” I really do, I don’t think I’ll live without him,
“I love you too my queen” he kisses my lips briefly and ask….
“Do you think you and Sine will be fine without me for a day or two?” me
and Sine? This man forgets that there is three of us now,
“It’s me, Bonga and Sine now. Your little family of three” finally I earn
myself a full smile from him,
“Speaking of Bonga, where did he disappear to yesterday?” I don’t know,
one minute he was here and happy the next no one could find him,
“Let me go check on him and tell him I’ll be away for a while. In the main
time, please get rid of this heavy dress and spread that cunt out for me”
my jaws drop out, I can never get used to his foul mouth,
“I need two dirty rounds for the road” he adds, throwing me on the bed,
*I’ll make it three* with the living whore in me he can never be a
sexually starved man.
He is met by Bonga’s nervous face the minute he knocks on his door.
Something is suddenly strange about him,
“Son?” Mkhonto questions, a frown taking his facial expression as he tries
to read his son’s face,
“Baba” he is nervous, the nerves can be picked from a mile in his tone,
“You good?” Mkhonto asks, he still hasn’t been invited inside,
“Yeah” Bonga nods blinking a million like his grandmother,
“Can I come in?” when Bonga steps aside for him to walk in he sighs. For
a minute there he thought Bonga might have a girl in his room the way
he was so nervous. It’s his first time being inside his son’s room. It’s not
as messy as he thought it would be for a boy child.
“You like bikes?” Mkhonto asks, his eyes sitting on a picture of a
motorbike decorating almost the entire wall of his dressing table,
“I love them. That’s Ducati testa stretta NCR Macchia Nera. A limited
edition, light weight, 135 kg motorcycle with a 185 hp engine and
designed by a legend Aldo Drudi” Mkhonto knows shit about what he just
described but the fascination in his eyes as he describes it is not hard to
“Unfortunately for you your father is into cars” Bonga laughs,
“Remember I said I want to take you somewhere two day ago?” Bonga is
quick to nod,
“Well you have at least….” Mkhonto trails off, checking his wrist watch
of the minutes he has to make his queen cum three times before he leaves,
“……..20 minutes to clean up and grab something to eat. You are meeting
your father’s pack today” Bonga flies to the bathroom. He is happy to
finally receive love of a parent. Anything his father says goes.

“How is school?” Mkhonto asks Bonga beside him on the passenger seat.
They are now driving to the cabin,
“I hate that shit” the hate in his tone is loud enough, Mkhonto steals a
glance at him with a frown on his face,
“And why do you hate that ‘shit’ as you say” he keeps glancing at him and
focusing on the road,
“I know nothing about school baba, I’m the dumbest kid in there”
“This is your first time in school?” Mkhonto just recalled that he is been
captured all his entire life,
Bonga nods with a huff
“Damn! Are you in grade one?” the expression on his father’s face brings
him to laugh,
“No. I’m in grade 11 and I know nothing” Bonga,
“Care to explain how you ended up in grade 11 when you don’t even have
grade R certificate?” Bonga sighs and say…..
“Mkhulu and Mkhulu Mtho did everything. They asked how old I was
and then they decided that I should be in grade 11. They said my job is
to go to school every day, I don’t need to worry about passing. They
assured me that every term I’ll come home with a flying colors report
even though I’m dumb as fuck!” Mkhonto heaves a sigh, leaving Bonga in
his fathers hands was a bad idea. Mtho and Vula are the most corrupt
zulu men in the history of corruption. They force everything and push for
their way or no way at all. Bribing the school to put their grandson in
grade 11 it’s something that they would definitely do,
“Firstly you’re not dumb, you just didn’t have a rosy start as your
classmates, uyezwa?” (…….you hear me?) Bonga nods with a heavy sigh,
“Good. I’m going away for a day or two, when I come back, I’m going to
get you a tutor and a life couch. You’ll be polished and up to speed in no
“I know what a tutor is but what is a life couch?” Mkhonto sighs, he
doesn’t know what it is either but there has to be a profession of someone
who teaches people about life in general. His boy is been a cave man since
he was born, clearly he needs a life couch if there is any,
“Someone who is going to help you navigate this life thing” he’ll create
the profession himself if there isn’t any. All he wants is for Bonga to have
a normal life and stop looking down on himself,
“Okay old man, where are you going?” Bonga asks,
“Let’s just say I’m going to get my ass whooped. That man is going to
panel beat me” Bonga laughs. He cannot see his father getting whooped
by anyone.

Arriving at the cabin Bonga is blown away. The cabin seats alone within
clustered tall trees that almost look like a forest. The trees surround the
huge wood house that looks creepy and secluded as it is.
His jaws drop when his father kills the engine outside the creepy wood
house. There is a man standing utterly naked by the door. There is
nothing covering him and he seems not to mind.
“Is he crazy?” Bonga whispers to his father when a man comes to meet
them with no piece of clothing,
“Dator” he stretches his hand to shake Mkhonto but he doesn’t take it.
Mkhonto squints his eyes at him and say,
“Go get dressed Tom!” the man laughs dangling his thingy back to the
“They are wolves, they stay in wolf form most of the time, especially
around this cabin because it’s their territory” Mkhonto explains as they
follow Tom’s Indian ass to the house,
“I get it dad” Bonga clues himself beside his father when they get inside
the house. The house is huge and homely inside. The naked Tom now
comes back with just pants on,
“Where are the others?” Mkhonto asks,
“At work” work is running the perimeters and being on the hunt for Scar’s
“Oh fuck! It slipped my mind. I wanted you all to meet this me here” he
pulls Bonga to stand before him,
“You know him right?” Mkhonto directs the question and Tom,
Tom nods,
“This is uncle Tom. You’ll meet the others later” Mkhonto introduces
“Can I leave him in your capable hands? I have to bounce quickly to
Lesotho and come back”
“You have nothing to worry about Dator, you pup is ours. I’ll be teaching
this young man about what we are until the others come back” Tom,
“Make sure you take him home later on, please” Mkhonto,
“Leave dad!” Bonga is fascinated about the gold color that Tom’s eyes
changed to.

Upon his arrival at the kingdom of Lesotho he is welcomed by the ever so
honest and humble Ntate Moletsane. He is the one man that can read
you with a smile on his face, and answer you before you even ask a
question. His aura is light but heavy and commanding at the same time.
Mkhonto is washed with goose bumps of fear as the royal seer of house
Molapo holds his hand for a welcome shake. He hasn’t uttered a single
word but the man only captured his hand to read him.
“You are the rightful king to the Dlomo Empire after all” Ntate Moletsane
utters with a smile on his face. His eyes drown deep in Mkhonto’s eyes,
it somehow feels like he is sucking his soul out of him,
“He let you here and you listened” again the royal seer continues to share
things that makes no sense to Mkhonto with a smile on his face,
“But unfortunately you need to get back home as soon as today. Your
enemies have crossed” Mkhonto sighs when Ntate Moletsane finally set
his hand free of his heavy reading,
“Dumela ntate, how are you?” He finally get the chance to ask now that
his hand is out of his soul capturing grip,
Ntate Moletsane smiles,
“I’m fine mokgwenyana, you should go back very soon” (………..son in
law,……..) he repeats once again,
“I’m here to see my father in law ntate Moletsane” Mkhonto explains,
“Majara is not here, none of them are home”
A frown gathers on Mkhonto’s face,
“What do you mean none of them are home?” he questions,
“The king, Majara, Puso and all the women, no one is here. Even their
mothers” Mkhonto looks up the palace. He is only at the gate where he
was welcomed by ntate Moletsane,
“We can go on in, I see you don’t believe me” Ntate Moletsane continues
to add,
Damn right Mkhonto doesn’t believe him, they both walk up to the palace
but he can already tell as they get closer to the house that there is no one
home. Usually there are servants going up and down but today they make
it to the door where they only find two guards without seeing any servant,
“Where are they? Why is no one here?” Mkhonto shoots questions at
Ntate Moletsane as they both stand in a dead quiet Molapo living room,
“It’s matters of the Kingdom that I cannot share with you. When your
invite arrived they were already not here, I received it and put it here”
he picks his invitation card on the table and wave it to his face,
“Ntate Moletsane nothing happened to the Molapos, right?” he is not
comfortable with what he is being told,
“The Molapos are fine, all of them. Jaguar of the Kingdom had to take his
family somewhere with, that’s all” Ntate Moletsane explains,
“Why would they leave my queen behind?”
“Tlotla is your queen, a Dlomo now. She doesn’t need to know everything
that happens around here”
Mkhono is still not comfortable but he heaves a sigh and nod,
“You really didn’t come here for Majara’s forgiveness. Majara is a father
and a protector of his daughter, he is long forgiven you, they all just
couldn’t come because they are not here. The family is facing it’s own
monsters. But in all that is happening Majara is at ease, he knows how
much you love his pride and the lengths you would go to for her to be safe.
Go home to your wife and stop worrying about a man that long forgave
“Are you sure Lupus and I are cool?” Mkhonto asks, he came here
thinking Majara might still be furious with him,
“I speak from what I see in his heart. Majara is not a hot headed man
like your father, he is an observer and a thinker. He knows that Tlotla is
in safe hands with you and he is proud of what you have achieved and
done for his little girl. Go home and protect your family” ntate Moletsane,
“What did you mean when you said my enemies have crossed?” Mkhonto
asks of the conversation he welcomed him with earlier on,
“I meant exactly that. Scar have crossed the river, he is coming for your
“SHIT!” Mkhonto marches for the door,
“Your grandfather will protect her though” Ntate Moletsane adds as he
was about to walk out of the door. He knows that Moletsane’s word is not
to be taken for granted, when he says something, one better listens
“Mkhonto senior?” Mkhonto asks holding the door open,
Ntate Moletsane slowly walks closer to him,
“He is quite an interesting man. Brutal, wrathful, intimidating,
controlling but when you all do what he wants, he protects his house with
all he is got. Even from one of his own”
“You’re talking about Mkhonto senior?”
Ntate Moletsane nods and say….
“He is the one that sends you here, you were spiritually directed by him
to come see me. He asks that I clarify somethings to you. You do know
what he expect from you to strengthen his house, right?” Mkhonto drops
his eyes,
“Vulamasango and Mthokozisi failed him. It’s your duty to fix the mess
those two created” Ntate Moletsane continues to add,
“It’s not fair ntate. My father married a royal wife I don’t know why I
have to do all this”
“Let’s sit” ntate Moletsane point him to the bench outside the house,
“MaDlomo served her purpose in the house of Dlomo. Hers was to lift the
female curse, and in return she her womb was awarded with the first
pure generation of the Dlomo house to right the wrongs those who came
before you made. Your mother gave birth to male twins. Mhambi is the
only female that came from her womb because Dlomo senior knew he
would have to marry a powerful daughter to house Molapo to strengthen
our alliance. That’s why Sinesipho is only coming now to take on
Mhambi’s duties in your house, do you understand?” Mkhonto shakes his
head with a sigh,
“Mkhonto listen to understand. MaDlomo lifted the curse in your home,
meaning any woman in that house could then give birth to male children.
Vulamasango’s mistake was letting Mthokosizi take commoners for
wives. Mthokozisi should have taken at least one royal wife as well and
gave birth to pure royal breed. But he didn’t, his brother knew what was
expected from him but because he is got a soft spot for his brother he let
him live his life the way he wanted. Now as the next generation, it’s your
mess to fix. You’ll have to do what Mkhonto senior wants, so he can
appease the lone river king of house Dlomo”
“It’s a heavy burden to take. I haven’t said anything to my brothers. I
don’t know how I’m going to prepare them for what I’m about to do with
their first royal sons” Mkhonto,
“You don’t have to prepare them. He’ll take care of them himself. Wena
just do what you have to do. It’s what Zwelibanzi wants and you’ll give it
to him. Your brothers needs to take those royal wives soon, the sacrificial
should happen a year after you have taken the throne”
“I’ll see what I can do to push my brothers to marry soon” the heaviness
in his tone is not hard to miss,
“You do that. And make sure they get those women pregnant very soon.
He’ll make sure they all give birth to males. The night will come and
you’ll have to do it. You don’t need to worry about the royal women, they’ll
be prepared. In every royal house there is always that loner king that
hold the reins from the shadows, that’s why it’s always advised that
royals should marry royals so that when sacrifices have to be made, they
be made. There are things commoners wouldn’t understand if they were
to really know why and how the royal houses strengthen their roots.
Understood?” Mkhonto nods,
“Good. He also brought you here for another reason. He wants me to help
you channel his spear power that he used to defeat his enemies back in
his time. The name Mkhonto was given to him because he had the spear
power that was passed on to him from those before him as well. He thinks
you’re ready to receive umkhonto wakho as well. You’ll pass it on to
Mkhonto junior as well when you have crossed the realm of the living.
Are you ready to receive your spear power?”
“Spear what?” Mkhonto asks, frown deepening on his face,
“I came here to apologies to Lupus” he doesn’t remember being spiritually
directed here,
“Why didn’t you come all this time? You’re here because the one who
takes your shadow as the next King of the Dlomo house wanted you to
come to me. We have an hour to release the spear in you so you can go
back home” taking his words of listening to ntate Moletsane without a
question he follows him. Ntate Moletsane leads the way to his hut. By
now he knows the drill, shoes off before he enters the spiritual house.

“Take off all your clothes” Ntate Moletsane orders opening his stylish
cupboards that makes this hut looking nothing like a hut,
“And lie on the couch faced down for me” he adds throwing couple of
ingredients in a mortar. A pestle joins in and he starts to crush. When he
turns around he finds Mkhonto still standing tall with his clothes on,
“Dlomo if you don’t accept your Spear gift from your grandfather, that
wolf creature is going to win the battle and he’ll kill you. He’ll take your
wife, kill your children and take your pack for him. Majara not being here
was fate, he would have stood by you but the moon goddess wanted you
to prove yourself without relying on the god of wolves’ help. Do you want
to see Scar fuck your wife for the rest of his life while he makes you watch
before he kills you?” fuck? The word coming from ntate Moletsane is a
scare on its own. But the thought of Tlotla being beneath another man
has him ripping his clothes off,
“Good thing you have a bag full of clothes in your car” Ntate Moletsane,
“Just don’t touch my ass please” Ntate Moletsane laughs at his plea,
“I wouldn’t want to touch your ass either, go on, lie down” with a sigh he
lies down as instructed. No underwear, no nothing on his body.
“It’s going to burn a bit” Ntate Moletsane warns him before he starts to
cut him with a razor from head, down his back, inside his palms and
under his feet. The powder he puts on the wounds burns like crazy when
he rubs it,
“SHHIIIIIIT!” he groans on the couch, feeling the heat burn within his
“Be still damn it!” Ntate Moletsane doesn’t have mercy, he rubs the
powder like he is not rubbing it on open wounds,
“It’s just scars, not wounds” fuck his spiritual listening self,
“Fuck you too!” Mkhonto resorts to shutting his mind off, the man listens
even when he is not invited.
“Now turn and face up” this is another thing he is not comfortable with,
he covers his dick with both his hand as he follows the instruction once
From his forehead, both his shoulders, the top of his hands, his knees and
the top of his feet he is cut open once again with a razor. He moans and
groans when the powder is poured to the scars. He is only thankful that
he heals faster as a wolf, no one will see this man witchcraft performed
on him.
“DONE!” at long last, he can’t believe he drove to Lesotho to be cut open.
“Sit up straight and twist your knuckles for me” Ntate Moletsane orders
with a smug on his face,
Mkhonto sighs, he would really not like to reveal his manhood before this
man but…….
“Dlomo I have seen penises bigger than yours. Do as I say so you can soon
go back to your family” Mkhonto throws daggers at him before he lets go
of his manhood and start to twist his knuckles.
He forms fists and stare down at his hands. The transformation starts
with his third knuckles, the metacarpophalangeal, then the proximal
interphalangeal and lastly the distal interphalangeal. All his knuckles
grow sharp sparkling spears. As shocked as he is he is thrown to the floor
tiled with Italian ceramic when his spine starts to burn.
He groans in agony, something is burning his spinal column all the way
down. He waits for the burning to stop before he gets on his feet and stand
before the mirror. There is something heavy on his back. When he looks
he finds sharp spears replacing the spikes of his predator. He is partially
transformed though he still stands in his human form. All the way down
to his tail the spikes are replaced with sharp shiny metal like spears.
“The predator. Heir to the Dlomo Empire. From the womb of his chosen
heaven came the ruthless one that will take the Dlomo house back to
what it was. The most fearless house of the Zulu kingdom. You are ready,
you’ll not only sniff on your enemies but you’ll feel the spear in you burn
to rip them apart” Ntate Moletsane sings his praises.

He wasn’t about to spend more time in the kingdom, not when he was
told that his queen might be in danger. With his soul preparing for the
throne, he felt like driving back home. He could have rode but again he
listened to his soul.
Just after he crossed the Maseru boarder gate he picked a scent that
belonged to a wolf. At first he thought it was a rogue but when his
knuckles and back starts to burn he knew it was an enemy,
‘You’ll not only sniff on your enemies but you’ll feel the spear in you burn
to rip them apart’ ntate Moletsane’s words came back to his thoughts, it
wasn’t a rogue wolf, it was an enemy of his.

She impatiently waits for Tlotla down stairs in the lounge. It’s been an
hour already. They had made a promise to be ready in about 30 minutes
ago. She is about to climb the stairs herself and Knock on her bedroom
when she finally comes down. If she is not mistaken Tlotla is about three
to four months pregnant, but the way she is so heavy one would think
she is eight months pregnant.
“Shouldn’t you be three to four months pregnant?” she asks Tlotla the
minute she makes it to her,
Tlotla nervously smiles,
“You said it yourself that pregnancies are different” she waves it off, she
must be one of those with big babies but then again……
“Are you ever gonna tell me how your still pregnant Tlotla? You lost the
Tlotla sighs,
“It’s MakaSine please ausi Mila and I told you, they doctor said I had
twins. One was sacrificed while the other one lived. It happens” she lies.
Milani knows some things but there are some she doesn’t know,
“Speaking of the sacrifice” she steps closer and holds Tlotla’s hands
“MakaSine I’m really sorry I couldn’t give up Zwe, I was far ahead and
the thought of…….”
“Ausi Mila we are fine” Tlotla interjects her,
“I understood then, and I understand now. Things worked out, I still have
my little baby with anger issues in me and you have Zwe. Can we move
on from that?”
Mila smiles and hugs her,
“Let’s go then. I need the most effective waist burner as soon as today”
Mila shares as they both walk out to the car that awaits them outside,
“May I ask what made you change your mind about the wedding
happening sooner” Tlotla asks,
“I just woke up and realized that I don’t want to waste more time. I want
to be Mrs. Dlomo in every way, it’s all I ever wanted, to be Sakhe’s wife
and now I’m the one dragging feet because I want to lose weight first?
That trainer of yours said I’ll be in shape in less than two weeks” she is
excited, Tlotla knows that Mkhonto senior must have influenced this
decision because he wants those royal wives of his soon,
“I’ll tell him to start tomorrow” Tlotla smiles texting the guy she found
online for Mila,
“Look at him” she zooms the man’s pictures when they both seat at the
back of the SUV. They both giggle, checking the personal trainer out,
“I’m going to join as well” Tlotla
“I don’t see Gcino’s father being happy about this personal trainer” Mila,
“You don’t want him?” Tlotla asks,
“Hell no! I want him” they tear out with laughter as they are both driven
to the mall.

Tlotla asked that they both start at the bank. She wanted to pick Bonga’s
card which she was texted to collect. After the bank they hit the shops.
Tlotla shopped maternity dresses while Milani shopped for her babies
and herself.
“Let’s have a stop in here before we go eat” Tlotla leads them to the car
dealer shop,
“I want to buy Bonga a car. What do you think a boy his age would love?”
Tlotla asks Mila besides her,
“You are a wonderful woman you know. One might see you as a big mouth
kid but you’re actually wonderful. Bonga is lucky to have a step mother
like you” Mila,
“I asked about the car, not for you to sing my praises” Mila laughs and
“I don’t know Bonga that well, but I think he would appreciate anything”
Just as they enter the car dealer Tlotla freeze.
“MakaSine?!” Mila calls for Tlotla who is frozen standing by the door,
“Let’s go home!” Tlotla immediately turns back to the car in hurry. Milani
is left to catch up with her from the back,
“Hey! MakaSine you wanted to buy a car!” Milani reminds her jumping
back in her seat,
“I’ll do it some other time. Please drive us straight home, and be fast
about it” Tlotla throws orders at the driver,
“We haven’t eaten anything. I’m starving” Milani complains,
“We’ll eat at home please ausi Mila” it’s the desperation and fear Milani
picks in Tlotla’s tone that makes her nod to the driver as well.
“Let me text my husband and tell him the wedding is in three weeks”
Milani is happy, she is texting on her phone. Unfortunately Tlotla is no
longer with her, she picked a scent she knew too well. She is praying they
make it home safe. She cannot risk transforming in her condition.
“Thank God” she mutters under her breath when the driver kills the
engine outside the palace,
“Are you okay?” Milani only realize now that she is been talking alone,
“I’m fine. Let’s get in” she doesn’t wait for the driver to open her door.
She is out of the car in a second glancing back at the gate. She can feel
his eyes on him. Scar is here and staring at her.
Scar followed the car that drove the one he wants. He thought to hijack
the car along the way but it kept appearing and disappearing before his
eyes. If it wasn’t for her delicious pregnant scent he could have lost them.
But there is no way he could miss her delicious scent. He cannot wait to
taste her while her man watches.
The pregnant female wolf scent leads him to the Dlomo royal house. He
smiles a mile away. Now he can tell this is where he’ll find the predator
and all his family.
The wolf in him tells him that the predator is not home, meaning it’s a
perfect time for him to strike without him. He’ll kill his family, all of them
and take his queen luring him to where he is. Only then will he fuck her
and kill the predator.
He can see about four guards at the gate as he stands a safe distance
from the palace. He’ll take them within a second.
He walks closer to the gate in his human form. He is about to greet for
the guards’ attention when they all disappear before his eyes.
“The motherfucking fuck!” he is shocked, blinking twice to make sure he
is not seeing things. This happened when he was driving behind the car
that had mama bear.
Before him he is now presented with a closed gate, the guards have
“Well, this makes things easy for him” he walks to the gate but stop once
again. There is a shadow growing before the gate. He watches the shadow
grow larger and larger until before him stands an old man with a hat and
a spear like walking stick stuck between his wide opened legs. He looks
like a man from the past. He knows how a ghost feels like, this here is a
ghost and he is not about to be intimidated by a mere ghost,
“Who dare enters my house!” the voice of the man is echoed, every word
is followed with another word repeating the same thing yet coming far
behind from the first word,
“Don’t involve yourself in creatures’ battles ghost!” Scar shoots back at
the ghost
“I’m already involved” the man had his head bowed down all this while.
Slowly he picks his head and Scar sees the old version of what Mkhonto
would look like if he came from the past. The old fool’s eyes are as green
as Mkhontos’. He reflects the greenness in his eyes at Scar. Scar feels
trapped, he can’t do a damn thing under the man’s soul trapping stare.
When the man picks his spear walking stick and hit it once on the ground,
a force that comes like a gust of wind consumes Scar and throws him in
the middle of nowhere.
“AAAAAAA!” Scar groans in pain, looking in all directions as he wakes
in the middle of nowhere. The man threw him far away from the palace
with just one hit of his walking stick,
“Where the fuck am I?” it’s in the middle of nowhere. He cannot see the
palace or any living thing. The only thing before him is a hallow cave and
behind he sees a desert. No life, no anything.

“Hi” his eyes fall on to a woman standing by the cave entrance. She looks
like a cave man. Dark skinned, tall, and very skinny. She is got a piece
of animal skin covering her private parts only.
“Who are you?” Scar manage to ask dusting himself off the ground. He
hit too hard when he fell,
“I’m no one” the woman responds
“I have no name here” she continues to add,
“Where did you have a name?” Scar steps closer to the woman, she looks
a bit older than him as he stands a safe distance from her,
“On earth. Here I’m no one”
“And what was your name on earth?” Scar asks,
“I was Lucia Mokwena, my best friend called me Lulu”
“And how did you get here?” Scar continues to ask,
“I pissed the wrong Dlomo ancestor. There is no leaving here, the one I
came with here died and left me all alone. This is Mkhonto Dlomo’s living
graveyard for his enemies. This is all our end. Welcome to your death”
“I’M GETTING THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!” The woman watches him
storm off to the desert. There is no way out, she is been trapped in here
her entire life. He’ll come back when he finally realize that he is walking
around in circles. But what she doesn’t know is that he is half wolf, half
vampire, he will find his way out.

There is nothing more exhausting like having to do house chores and
cook after a long day at work. More especially when your occupation is
already cleaning. Zanele is exhausted to the chore when the taxi drops
her a few meters from her shack. She wants to bath, eat and sleep. She
is thinking of going to buy a kasi kota for dinner, she doesn’t have the
energy to cook. As for lunch she doesn’t worry much about it because
Dlomo Empire feeds its employees for lunch.
The minute she turn corner facing her shack she is welcomed by his car.
It stands right before her shack. The door is wide open and there is an
aroma that welcomes her straight from the gate.
She sighs in defeat. If stubborn was a person Zizwe would take the cup.
She told him they are done and he should leave her alone but here he is,
cooking for her and invading her space of living.
“Hey beautiful” Zizwe sees her standing by the door,
She is ogling and admiring God’s beautiful work. Apart from being
satan’s agent that was sent in her life to break her heart once again she
had scored herself a snack. It saddens her that they broke up before she
could taste the joy stick between his legs. He is got the body, the looks
and everything, she just never got to know if the joy stick also
collaborated his physical appearance.
“Are you not going to come in?” Zizwe continues to ask Zanele who hasn’t
shifted from the door,
He is wearing Noak formal pants with cuffed hem and a simple plain
white shirt. His shirt sleeves are folded to the elbows because he is
standing by the two basins on the table doing the dishes. It’s quite a sexy
sight but Zanele doesn’t allow it to soften her up.
Her diamond two plate electric stove seats two shinny pots of something
that makes her stomach rumble from where she stands.
Men will surprise you when they are trying to apologies, Zizwe looked
like a spoiled man from the time they spent together. He didn’t as much
help with washing his plate, not that she complained about it. But today
he is washing dishes and shined her pots, she can almost see herself from
the shiny pots. Her shack is sparkling clean, all she has to do is eat, bath
and sleep. All she wanted.
“Excuse me, where do I discard this?” he stands before her with a basin
of dirty water that he was washing dishes with. He was always here but
he didn’t even know where the water is disposed at. She did all that for
“Behind the toilet” Zanele is going to milk the situation. She intends on
kicking him out as soon as he is done.

She finally walks in her shack and takes off her shoes while she waits for
the man of the moment to come back.
A nervous smile dances on his face when he comes back from the sewage
pipe. He wipes the basin with a smile and puts it under the water table
where it seats.
“Did you fill up my water buckets?” Zanele asks,
He nods with a smile,
Her buckets are full, food cooked, cleaned house, what more could she be
missing? She is looking around thinking until he say………
“I washed your clothes as well” Zanele raises an eyebrow, trying hard to
hold laughter that threatens to explode out of her mouth. Indeed the
clothes are washed, her washing basket is empty,
“And I packed them nicely in your suitcases” he adds. If she had a
wardrobe she would open it to check if it’s packed nicely.
Now that she is satisfied, she asks……..
“What did you cook?” Zanele,
“Ground beef mince and pasta. Do you want me to dish for you now or
you’re going to bath first?” he asks. Talk about a man after her heart,
“No thank you. It’s time for you to leave” all is done, this man need to
leave her space,
“Jali sthandwa sami” (… love)
“Out Bheki!” Zanele gets off her bed to hold the door wide open for him,
“Baby please hear me out. Zanele I love you and………..”
“Bhekizizwe leave my space!” she hardly calls him by his full name,
He opens his mouth to plead his case but ends up with a dropped jaw
when Zanele points a threatening finger at him,
“LEAVE!” she hisses over his face,
Sadness takes him. He really loves her and doesn’t want to lose her.
Hopefully the love potion liquid bab Dlangalala gave him to mix in her
food works in his favor,
“I love you Masombuka, and I’m really sorry that I broke your heart” he
leaves her with those words and kiss on her forehead before he exits her

As much as she is trying to put on a brave face and look like she doesn’t
care, she loves him and misses him. She picks his blazer that was hanged
on a chair and sniff it on her chest. It smells so good, so much like him
that her eyes tears up all over again.
She is smiling in tears as she opens her pots. He outdid himself. She puts
the blazer on the bed and dish. Her mouth is already watering before she
even eats. She can’t help but moan as she takes her first bite. The man
cooked his heart out. She is going to eat all this food and take a lunch box
which she’ll share with her colleague friend at work tomorrow. It would
be a crime not to share such delicious food with Mbali who always insist
that she cannot cook.
She texts Mbali while she adds more of her food on the plate,
*Tomorrow I’m bringing lunch, I cooked my heart out* the company
lunch will miss them tomorrow, there is no way she is letting her man’s
hard work go to waste. If she doesn’t eat all the food by tomorrow they’ll
be spoiled by the time she comes back. At least if she had fridge she would
keep some for few more days,
*I wonder what you cooked, we both know you can’t cook* Mbali
sends her response. That notion of her not knowing how to cook will be
corrected tomorrow.
The next day Zanele wakes up feeling lonely. Today she misses him more
than any other day. She hugged his blazer to sleep but it didn’t do the
trick. She misses him dearly and she can feel tears build up in her eyes
as she thinks of the love of her life. Will she ever get over such love? She
doesn’t think so. It feels like there is hole in her heart that can only be
filled by Zizwe’s love. There is no way she is ever going to get over loving
that man. Today she doesn’t think she’ll heal with time, there is no way
she can ever forget his kind of love,
“Maybe I made some hasty decisions” she thinks, reaching for her phone
to call her man. She woke up before her alarm went off. There is just an
ache in her soul that will only ease when Zizwe gets here,
‘Bheki’ she softly say when he picks the phone,
‘Sthandwa sami’ (My love)
‘I miss you, and I want you here’ there is silence on Zizwe’s side, it sounds
like he is shocked,
‘Are you sure baby?’ Zizwe finally asks,
‘I have never been sure of anything Bheki, please come back’ she can
almost feel the smile on his face,
‘Open the door for me then, I never left’
‘What?’ she is still on the call as she goes to her door and opens it. Zizwe
stands on the other side with a wide smile on his face. He catches her in
his arms when she throws herself on him,
“I’m sorry I kicked you out Bheki, I’ll never do that again” She say in his
arms. He walks in with her and kicks the door closed,
“I never meant to break your heart Zanele, do you forgive me?” he asks,
putting her down and cupping her face,
She nods and say
“I forgive you baby”
“And you do understand that I’ll take a second wife because it’s what I
have to do, not that I want it. You are the love of my life Zanele and I
choose you over everything”
“Dlomo I understand, I don’t care about the other woman, as long as I
have you for the rest of my life” Zanele
“Thank god!” Zizwe mutters under his breath smashing his lips on hers.
This is the secret he is taking to the grave, Zanele can never know what
he did to her.

“Mkoneni” Zizwe mutters through the kiss. He is trying to pull back from
the kiss but she won’t let him. She is got her hands tightly wrapped
around his neck,
“Baby I’m ready” Zanele manages. They have been taking things slow
and getting to know each other,
“Are you sure?” Zizwe forces himself out of her tight hold and stare down
at her,
“I want you Bheki” finally! He smiles, taking her lips back with his and
pushing her toward the bed.
She is only wearing her panties and her ugly torn t-shirts she sleeps with.
He swiftly takes off her t-shirt without breaking the kiss and tuck on the
waist of her panties dropping them to the floor. Zanele steps out of her
panties and starts undoing his shirt while he gets rid of his pants
together with his boxer briefs.
When they are both completely free of clothes, he picks her to his waist
and she wraps her legs around him, the kiss not breaking and getting
steamier than ever.
He climbs the bed with her and place her on the pillows. Only then does
he break the kiss and rest on his knees between her legs. He pulls back
to admire her nakedness. Zanele is a bit shy now that she is naked but
he picks her chin and steady her to look at him,
“You’re beautiful” his other hand finger circles her nipple while the other
one steadies her chin in place,
“And thank you for this, I’m not going to break your heart, uyezwa?”
(……you hear me?) Zanele nods,
“I’m going to marry you and make you my first wife, you agree that,
right?” he asks once again and she nods without hesitation,
“Thank you mama” he leans down and grab her nipple in his mouth, his
one hand gently taking a downwards path to the place of love between
her legs, he smiles through the kiss when he finds her slick dripping wet
and ready for him,
“Please Bheki” Zanele mummers through the kiss, it’s been long overdue,
“Patienssssssss…” his patience ends up as a moan, Zanele takes his firm
erection and directs it to her slick opening. Gently and with ease Zizwe
bores himself in, she is tight and sweet, her walls clings on to his cock
making him cry like a bitch…..
“BABY!!” he moans enjoying every feel of her sweet juicy hot,
“Istofu siku10 baby” (The stove is on ten) Zanele laughs, enjoying his
huge cock as well,
“I love you Bheki” she confesses, enjoying his slow but deep thrust he
serves. This here is love making.
“I love you too Zanele”

It’s been a week since he captured one of Scar’s wolfs. He is in the cabin
down the basement where they torture him every day to talk but he
won’t. He is a loyal wolf that would rather die than sell his alpha out. It’s
quite admirable that Scar is got such loyalty amongst his pack.
Mkhonto is woken by a force pulling him out of the bed. The predator’s
calmness in him alerts him that it’s not something sinister. With who he
is now he is learned to channel his feelings. It’s about three o’clock in the
morning, his queen sleeps peacefully next to him. He takes a deep breath
and close his eyes listening to the force pulling on him and waking him
in sleep. The predator in him occupies his soul, hence why some say he
doesn’t have a soul. Mkhonto in him occupies his body, making him the
human he is. And then there is his newly profound power that occupies
the shadow in him, it’s the king in him bestowed by his dominant
Listening to the three personalities in him he feels that it’s his shadow
waking him up. A normal person’s shadow is always intact with their
bodies, but not the wrathful kings. Mkhonto’s shadow stands far from his
body, standing on its own calling the body to join in. In darkness of the
morning he sees his shadow standing beside him on the bed. He nods for
it to give him room, only when it penetrates through the door does he
switches on his lamplight that sit on the side of his bed.
There is also that freakish freak in him that would make a forth
personality if he was to set him free. With the news of Scar following his
queen about a week ago he is been too clingy on her. To calm his fears
that she is safe he needs to taste her.

He slid his hand between Tlotla’s thighs separating her. She is back to
sleeping naked because the freak in him calms when she is in that
manner. He kneels between her legs, kisses her slightly parted lips as
she snores a little. Then he kisses the nape of her neck, where his
claiming mark tattoos her skin. The next kiss goes to both her small tits
and her big belly that covers his daughter. And lastly the salivating part
that makes his dick twitch.
He spreads her vagina out, Tlotla no longer wakes, she is used to his
freakish side by now. He only just stares at her beautiful pink love hole.
When the freak beast in him is satisfied of staring he leans down her
vagina and kisses the top before he throws his tongue in her cunt and
taste her,
She moans in sleep and try to turn to close her legs but he is between
them. He holds his giant and circle his head on her opening,
“Good morning my favorite wound” Tlotla is moaning in sleep. She knows
that’s all he needs to start his day. Kiss her down there, taste her down
there and lastly have his giant greet her ‘wound’ before anything else.
“I love you mamakhe” he kisses her forehead when he is done being a
freak and jumps out of the bed. Only now he can follow that damn shadow
of his.

When he walks down the stairs he is welcomed by a haze of smoke filling

up the bar area that is not far from the lounge. He can already see the
old man seated by his shadow drugging himself with Vulamasango’s
He must have been a charmer boy in his days. His Bheki Cele’s hat that
sits on his head like a monument and aura tells you that he knew his way
around the women’s heart.
“Dlomo” Mkhonto greets taking a seat before his forefather. His shadow
jogs around the table to take a stand behind him, where it belongs,
“How are you grandson?” Mkhonto senior asks blowing smoke from his
cigar on to Mkhonto’s face,
“Your son is going to be furious about his cigars” Mkhonto warns his
“Furious about this weak shit? I smoke better weed in the realm of the
“You should bring him some of your better shit when you come back”
“I’ll definitely do. This is just low grade shit failing to make me high” the
sarcasm in his tone is not hard to miss,
“What do you want Dlomo?” Mkhonto asks,
“Don’t ask me what I want in my own house. I can do as I please”
Mkhonto senior utters,
“That you can do” Mkhonto mutters under his breath,
“I have things to do Dlomo” Mkhonto adds loudly
“Things like fucking our queen?” Mkhonto gasps in shock,
“What kind of a ghost are you?”
“A very bored ancestor. I know everything that happens with you boys.
I’ll only be busy when Sine arrives” Tlotla better give birth as soon as
“You should tie her on the tree one day, the bedroom can be boring and
outdated” Mkhonto’s jaws hit the floor. He doesn’t believe his ears for a
“I’m not taking sex advice from a ghost!” Mkhonto
“This ghost you call can make a cunt drip with just a look, can you do
that?” Mkhonto pops his eyes before he recovers and say….
“Of course I can”
“Hmm, I’m yet to see you do that”
“Don’t tell me you watch us have sex?!” Mkhonto asks, horror thick in his
“Like I said, you all wanted me here to protect you. Now I’m here and I’m
bored. I have nothing to do except to keep you all guard until my
granddaughter arrives. And speaking of watching you all have sex, Zizwe
had sex a week ago and didn’t tell you about. He must be cleansed before
you take on the throne” Mkhonto sighs. None of his council members were
supposed to have sex until he takes on the throne,
“How do I cleanse him?” Mkhonto asks,
“Take him to the loner king of the Dlomo homestead” Mkhonto nods, he
knows who he is supposed to take him to,

“Why are the pots empty?” Mkhonto senior continues to ask bringing
Mkhonto junior to frown,
“You all wanted me here but you don’t feed me” Mkhonto senior adds only
confusing junior worse,
“What do you mean?” Mkhonto asks further,
“Since I’ll be here but in the other realm as well, the pots should never be
empty. If they are, MaDlomo or MakaSine should leave something for me
on the table every night”
“Can’t you eat with your dead buddies?” Mkhonto,
“I do eat with my dead buddies but I must eat here as well to serve you
all. I cannot work properly when I’m hungry”
Mkhonto sighs and say
“I’ll tell my queen and his heaven to dish for you next time”
“Not next time, every day. If you wake up to my plate untouched, it means
I didn’t come on the particular day” Mkhonto nods in understanding,
“Good. Now, I’m here to let you know that today is the day. Today is the
day you prove to the moon goddess that she made no mistake when she
gave you wolf/predator powers. You shall dislocate Scar’s head from his
body today” Mkhonto senior leans over looking quite serious now,
“I can’t find Scar, his wolf won’t talk”
“He’ll find you. He is on his way. I had him thrown to the living graveyard
of the people who annoy me but I can’t kill. I would have killed him but
he is not mine to kill. His head is yours to cement your position in the
wolf world. Are you ready?”
Mkhonto nods,
“I’m not your whore, speak up like a man. I asked if you’re damn ready
Mkhonto Dlomo II” senior hisses to his face,
“I am ready Dlomo”
“Good. After today’s battle, things will fall into place. You’ll have a very
large pack as the predator wishes, but I trust you to make good decisions
that will not put humankind in jeopardy. Dlomo Empire will grow to
what it was meant to be. Siphosakhe will do what he must to give me his
royal blood son. Bhekizizwe and Bhekimuzi shall both marry royal
woman as well, and give Zwelibanzi those boys as well. I give you a year
to deliver those boys to him, you hear me?” Mkhonto nods with a sigh,
“Zizwe is in love with……..”
“Siphosakhe and Zizwe will give Zwelibanzi those heads, or else he’ll take
theirs. It’s your choice to make, push them to marry royal wives and give
him his three princes or else he’ll take theirs, you hear me Mkhonto?”
“I hear you Dlomo. I’ll make sure they are all married within a year and
gives you sons”
“That’s why it had to be you on that throne, you do what you must”
Mkhonto nods,
“Now go kill some wolf, I’ll be here protecting the family. None of his
wolves will enter my house, you have not to worry about the family”
Mkhonto nods once again,
“And tell Bhekizizwe to get his woman in the yard. Scar will sniff
anything that can distract you” Mkhonto senior advices,
“How would Scar sniff on Zaza?”
“A’ngisho that dumb, stupid, foolish, imbecile, fucknut, did I mention
foolish?” Mkhonto junior laughs nodding,
“That stupid Bhekizizwe left his seed in that woman of his on purpose.
Scar will sniff on any Dlomo blood out there to distract you” Mkhonto
nods in understanding before he say
“Ngiyabonga Dlomo for having my back”
“I told you, you do me good, I do you good too” Mkhonto senior,
“Thank you for being a man of your word. I promise you the sacrifice will
be made, I’ll see to it myself and do it with my own hand” Mkhonto junior
promises his grandfather,
“That’s why it had to be you who sit on that throne. You are loyal,
ruthless, wrathful and a demon of the throne. You’ll see to it that what
needs to be done for the throne is done. Make me proud out there, and
don’t worry much about the one in North West, hers is still in
development stage and she is far”
“Huh?” Mkhonto’s confused question is left an answered, the old man just
evaporated before his eyes leaving nothing but haze of smoke from where
he had seated.
Who is the one in North West now and still in development stage? He is
left with a question that is not answered, but like the old man asked him
not to worry, he intends to do exactly that. His focus should be on
something he knows, Scar is here and this is the day.

He arrives at the cabin as dawn breaks, today is the day that we’ll
determine how strong of an alpha he really is. An enemy of the past has
come to avenge himself. He’ll not lie and say he isn’t at fault with Scar’s
vengeful vendetta he is got against him. He did kill the man’s mate, right
before his eyes. He was a rogue wolf predator controlled by the
wolverine’s panties then, when she said kill, he killed without a reason.
Maybe the wolverine is the one who had a score to settle with Scar
because she is the one who had ordered him to go kill Scar’s mate. And
like a good fucked little boy, he did kill without asking questions. What
he didn’t do is fuck Scar’s mate as he wants to do his queen, he only killed
the woman right before his eyes.
It’s a pity that the wolverine is not here to answer for herself why she
wanted Scar’s mate dead. He did it like a good soldier, but today he is
going to pay for following an order of his then hag mistress.
With a sigh he kills his engine right outside his cabin. The skies are still
dressed by the dark blanket of the midnight even though it’s the earliest
hours of the morning. Up above the skies he sees one star shine bright in
darkness. Some say the moon goddess takes form of a star when dawn
breaks. If this is her, she needs to hear him out,
“I was just a confused shifter misled by the woman who was supposed to
guide me. I apologies for taking someone’s mate, I know the act is
unforgivable but please understand the position I was in. If I could go
back and undo what I did, believe me I would. But I can’t, what I can do
is protect my family and my pack. I hope you look out for me out there
moon goddess” he would be a fool not to be terrified. Scar is not any
typical wolf, he is an alpha of the Lycans. Lycans are more powerful and
dominant than wolves. It will take a miracle for him to defeat Scar.
Getting inside the house he doesn’t waste any time. He gathers his pack
in the living room. It’s still earliest hours of the morning.
The entire pack is nervous, not only are they woken at witchcraft hour of
the morning but as wolfs they can feel the uneasiness in their alpha’s
emotions through their pack link bond. Today feels more like a judgement
day, changes will be made, vast changes that could alter their entire
He takes in a deep breath before he leans forward and have one last talk
with his beats. He sits on his wooden chair that is the head chair of the
dining table. It’s his alpha chair, even in his absence everyone knows not
to occupy that chair.
Throwing his gaze at his nervous pack he intertwines his hands on top of
the table to collect himself. He is terrified but giving out the emotion on
his face does nothing but weaken his pack,
“Dator pack” he starts, taking time to look at each and every one of them,
“By noon today, I might not be here to address you” it’s not going to be a
walk in the park kind of battle. Scar is a lycan, he might chop his head
before he even try to battle him,
“Scar is here and ready to have my head. I need you all to promise me
few things before the battle” he pauses to take in a deep breath,
“As the wolfs treaty states we all know that should I die, my queen will
have to resume my alpha position until my daughter becomes of age to
lead you all” they all nod, if Bonga was a son he conceived with their Luna
it would make things much easier because Bonga is already of age and
wolf himself,
“The first promise I need you all to make to me today is that, today you’ll
all go out there and feed for the last time. Have your last hunt and know
it’s the last one. After today, alive or dead, I command you all to stop
hunting. You’ll feed on human food and none of you will touch humans.
You’ll coexist with them and protect them with all your might. I need this
promise made right now. If you feel like I ask for too much, the door is
wide open for any of you to leave at any time” he stares at them all, one
by one,
“Dator we love human food and they actually taste nice but leaving what
we know as food is going to be quite difficult” Tom shares his concerns,
“I know. I know I ask for too much but it’s all for your own benefit. We
are on earth now, human lands. If you’re going to live here for the rest of
your lives you must adapt. Chris here has taken a mate in a human, do
you think that woman will stay with him when she learns that he kills to
feed?” they all shake their head,
“I’m not saying you’ll all find mates in humans, but what I know is that
the moon goddess wouldn’t have chosen this journey for us if she felt you
couldn’t adapt to human lives. If I die tonight, my queen will take on the
duties of alpha and I don’t want her to stress about your ways of feeding.
Can we all agree that you’ll go feed for the last time now and leave all
that hunting behind? My brother is even willing to feel up your fridge
with chicken just so he doesn’t turn out to be the next on your food chain”
the pack laughs, they don’t even ask, they know which brother would say
something like that,
“I know leaving what we know as life might be quite difficult, but have I
faith in you all. You all know where we come from” he looks at them and
they each nod one by one,
“If we are the same pack that destroyed the one woman who was
impossible to kill and had multiple realm personalities, I think having
eggs for breakfast, chicken for lunch and stew for dinner will not be so
hard” the pack sighs, the food is not bad but actually depending on it is
not something they had ever considered,
“Is there anyone who feels like this is too much and cannot bow to my
command?” again he cast his gaze at them but they all bow in respect,
“Thank you Dator pack” a smile creeps his face but he is able to suppress
it. He appreciates what they are willing to sacrifice just so they can be
under his pack.
“The second motion of the day is that, we are all going to adapt to our
new lifestyle. My father has secured this land for all of you. This house
will remain a pack house. Each and every one of you we’ll start to build
their own house around this cabin. If we are to join humans, we better
start acting like one. Humans find it creepy for a bunch of guys staying
today. We have the land and money. I’ll give you all an equal amount to
start building your own houses, then we’ll see what kind of business we
can start with the remaining funds. And again, should anything happen
to me, my queen we’ll see to it that all this happens, right?” they all nod,
“Are you all comfortable with separating from this brotherhood and
looking into starting your own lives with your loved ones?” again he
throws a question at them all they give him a head nod,
“Again thank you my brothers. My queen will see to it that all this
happens should I not be here to do it. But if I’m here, on Monday we’ll
start dividing the land and funds equally to each and every one of you.
This is the freedom you all wanted from the wolverine, and I’m giving it
to you all. I hope you all stay in check and do no harm to humans”
“We’ll protect the humans with everything in our power” the promise
comes from Chris and everyone agrees with him with a head nod,
“Now that is out of the way, lets discuss the noon’s battle” fear grips the
table, fighting a bunch of lycan wolves when there is just five of them
seems like a mission impossible,
“I pray it doesn’t turn into a battle. I hope Scar’s wolfs are wise enough
to know that alphas should battle themselves before they risk the lives of
the pack. I want Scar and I to fight head to head. When the battle is won,
the remaining alpha will command the other alpha’s pack to follow him
or die. But should they be hot headed and want to fight without following
the protocol, I want you all not to fight. I’ll give my head to be slaughtered
so you’re not harmed”
“ALPHA NO!” they all shout,
“That wasn’t an ask. I’m simply letting you all on what I have in mind
with regards to today” silence, when the alpha puts a word up, it’s
disrespect to question him,
“Thank you my brothers. It’s been a ride and I hope to see you when dawn
breaks tomorrow. For now I want you all to go out there and feed like it’s
your last time because it really is your last time” again they listen to an
order, sad that they might be seeing their alpha for the last time and sad
as well for leaving the way of life they know on the particular day.
He offers them a fist and they all bump on it before they leave to hunt.
Alone he remains, he goes down the basement where he quickly kills
Scar’s wolf they had captured. He heads up to the living room after
feeding the predator, taking a pen and paper leaving his heart on it for
his queen. Should this be his last day, Tlotla must resume with his duties.
Alpha duties and king duties. She is his queen and we’ll carry his name

There is nothing as beautiful as the sun retiring into the night after a
long beautiful shinny day. Everything must tire up at some point, surely
the sun rest when it hands out the moon to continue on with the shift.
The touch of orange that reflects on the atmosphere sings wake to the
creatures of the dark to wake up. It’s no child’s time, children should be
seen to sleep when the sun resigns for a day.
On the small wooden house that sit alone in the middle of nowhere
surrounded by large oak trees the predator stand with four of his pack.
On the front is the predator himself. Fangs dancing out hungry to taste
Lycan blood, claws sharpened and aching to dislocate a Lycan wolf head
from it’s body. Spikey spears pointing out sharp from his backbone all the
way to his tail. He is a furless creature, red skin reptile like with bright
green emerald eyes ready to kill.
On his right hand sides stands Frigid, Chris’s wolf. Sniffing up the air
liking the taste of what Lycan blood might taste like his mouth. He is the
alpha’s beta and his position is right on his right hand side. On the
predator’s left is Otto, Shawn’s wolf. He is the alpha’s head enforcer and
takes place on his left side. On the back of the duo stands Kai and Oakley,
Tom and Geffrey’s wolves.
They can almost smell Scar and his pack nearby, with each step they take
closer to them their thirst for Lycan blood grows.
Movement of the trees and pawing sound on the dusty ground alerts
them. Scar is finally here with his beasts.

“The Predator!” Scar barks, a safe distance from the predator where he
stands with his countless wolfs taking position behind him,
“Scar” the predator growls,
“You can bow to me and spare the dogs by your side” in Olves the two
wolfs spoke, it’s a wolf tongue that can only be understood by wolves. A
simple man would just say the two wolves where fiercely staring at one
another while they were actually talking,
Scar insulted his pack, calling them dogs. Even wolfs didn’t like to be
compared to dogs as much as humans did,
“I ask that it be a fair challenge, alpha to alpha battle” the predator
“Who knew you would one day ask from me?” he wasn’t always a Lycan,
he entangled himself with vampires for this day, the day he finally kills
the powerful mighty predator who killed his woman. He was just a wolf
then, not Lycan,
“I take it we shall follow protocol, alpha challenge it is” Scar didn’t care
what kind of challenge it would be, what he knew was that he is going to
kill the son of bitch on the day.
With his long vampire fangs out he took the first step, fiercely rounding
the predator to mark that the battle had begun. When he raised his tail
high, the predator raise his as well. Together the two wolves rounded
each other, creating a gust of strong wind around them. It meant they
were both powerful creatures of the wolf world. The packs took a step
back, watching their alpha fight for survival.
Scar leaped at the predator, trying to sink his claws into the predator’s
furless skin but the predator lunged back at him, rolling on the ground
with the strong alpha wind refraining anyone from interrupting the
alpha battle.
Like a doughnut dough the two wolves turned over the ground. It didn’t
need a scientist to understand that they both were forcing one to submit.
Bow your head and fall beneath me with your pack. But none of them
was going to give in that easily.
Scar pinned the predator down, trying to aim for his head but the
predator’s murderous spear claws teared right on his face. He sure was
Scar as his wolf raised a paw to clean the blood that was pouring out of
his face,
“You bastard!” Scar growled, bringing out his Lycan skills to play. The
predator had him captured and pinned beneath him when he disappeared
through his touch. Just as the predator tried to turn the bastard
approached him from the back. He leaped on him and sank his claws on
the predator’s rib cages. The predator didn’t fall, he grabbed Scar by his
head from the back and smashed him on the ground. With the predator’s
strength Scar felt his bones shatter inside him. Blood oozed from his nose,
ears and mouth. He had no bone to stand on,
“I didn’t think you would be such a cheap bitch Lycan to kill” above Scar
stood the predator with his paw pressed on to Scar’s chest,
“See you in hell bitch!” the predator hissed the last words before he
dislocated Scar’s head from his body. His pack howled out loud, looking
up above the full moon as the predator held Scar’s bleeding head to the
moon. Only then did the gust of alpha battle wind descended.
As per protocol, the predator turned to Scar’s pack, throwing their alpha’s
head before them.
“Submit, or leave my territory” the predator barked to the pack, each and
one of them had a decision to make, you either bow and submit to the
alpha that over powered yours or you go rogue and find another alpha if
they are willing to accept you. Wolves needed alphas like humans needed
Most of the wolves bowed, some ran through the trees refusing to submit
to the predator, but most bowed and howled out loud looking at the moon
goddess. They accepted the predator as their alpha.

It’s been a week since her husband’s victory. He won the battle and
acquired himself a pack while at it. Most of the wolves Scar brought with
bowed to him and sworn their loyalty after he executed their alpha.
They should be at the happiest stage of their lives but Bonga’s sudden
health state worries both his parents.
“That’s it! We are going to the doctor” Tlotla announces harshly pushing
off her chair to get up. She is heavily pregnant and should be indoors but
Bonga is been too sick for her to nurse her pregnancy without worrying
about him.
They are seated in the living room having breakfast and Bonga just
vomited in one of the pots. Lately he vomits, he is moody and he sleeps
during the day. He is anything but himself,
“One would swear he is pregnant” Sakhe mutters under his breath,
“Wait for me, I have my final dress fitting today” Milani chooses to join
Tlotla who is literally dragging poor Bonga with,
“Maa it’s probably just………” Tlotla doesn’t want to hear anything, she
is dragging him out without listening to him. Her husband is as worried
as she is, he is been too busy with building his pack members houses and
starting a business for them that he mostly misses breakfast. But during
dinner he makes sure that he is always there. He wants the pack issues
done and dusted before his naming day.
“I don’t want to hear it Bongidlozi, we are going to see a doctor” she
interjects him, her grip hard on Bonga’s wrist.
“Slow down nawe MakaSine, the boy is coming with” Milani is beside the
two with her bag clipped under her arm. She worries about the way Tlotla
is descending the stairs, she is so much in hurry one would think she is
not pregnant,
“He frustrates me ausi Mila, he said we should give it a day or two but
it’s been a week now and he hasn’t stopped vomiting” they now all stand
down the stairs and Tlotla only realizes now that she doesn’t have her
hand bag,
“Go fetch my bag Bonga, and you better come back or else……” she trails
off, throwing a threating finger over Bonga’s face. Bonga smiles to
himself heading up the stairs, it feels amazing to have a mother that
actually cares about him,
“Are you sure you don’t want to be my maid of honor? I don’t really have
much friends” the two converse while they wait for Bonga and a driver to
come pick them up. Milani is been pestering her about this, she would
take on the stand but she is too big,
“Ausi Mila I told you I don’t want to ruin your pictures, there’ll be no
turning back once you put me next to you and the photographers take
pictures. Have you looked at me lately?” she doesn’t need to be told, she
is aware that she only got a pregnant face now in her last trimester,
“Nonsense” Milani refuses to hear it,
“You’ll be right my side on my big day. MakaSine you’re the closest thing
I have to a friend. I don’t want anyone there but you” Tlotla heaves a sigh
before she gives in,
“FINE!” Milani giggles at her facial expression,
“But if I feel like sitting on the day you’ll have to understand” Milani is
quick to nod, having a heavily pregnant maid of honor is huge risk to

In town they both start with the doctor. Peter their family doctor is
available to check the young prince.
Bonga is nervous as he sits with both his mothers and the white doctor
in the consultation room.
“Young man what have you been eating lately?” Peter asks the nervous
Bonga who can’t hold his look,
“Everything they eat” he murmurs. He is not much on eating out, even
at school he doesn’t eat until he gets home,
“Do you have any stomach aches?” Peter continues to ask,
“No sir….i mean doc” Bonga quickly corrects himself,
“Hmm” Peter bores his eyes at him for a while inviting silence in the
room. The next question he asks has Akela breaking into fits of laughter
inside her keeper’s body,
“Are you pregnant?” if he vomits, he is moody and sleeps the only reason
would be pregnancy hormones playing up on him,
“WEEE!” Milani exclaims, putting her hands on her head,
“Bab Peter please be serious!” Tlotla sneers at Peter who laughs and
shrug getting off the chair,
“I have to ask, I mean he is got all the pregnancy symptoms and it’s
something that actually happens his queen. Most man go through the
symptoms when their partners are pregnant”
“Not my son. Bonga is a good boy” Tlotla states making Akela roll her
eyes in her,
*We should get some nails done!* Akela is a little piece of work, her
keeper is concerned about their son and yena she is concerned about their
not so cute nails,
“You’re going to hell” Tlotla speaks out loud bringing the entire room
to gasp, she meant to say that to Akela,
“Oh my god I’m sorry, I’m….i’m just thinking a lot in my head” she is
quick to apologies,
“Let’s go get your blood work young man. I’ll rule out on what is bothering
you after I have seen your blood work. For now I still say maybe you got
someone pregnant, or maybe it’s something you ate, we’ll just see how
your blood work comes back” Peter walks out of the room with Bonga
behind him
*GogTlotla* Akela burst into fits of laughter inside her,
*Fuck you Akela, fuck you, you hear me?* this time Tlotla is able to
insult her wolf in peace.
When they are done with the doctor they pass by the tailor for Milani’s
dress fitting as they had planned. It fits like a glove. She cannot wait for
her big day. Tlotla’s dress is promised to be tailored in two days before
the wedding because she is big and keeps getting bigger with each day
passing by.
When all is done they head back home. At least now Bonga is got
something to help with the vomiting. Peter promised to give them a call
as soon as the results come back.

When getting home Tlotla is happy to find Mkhonto home. Lately she
hardly sees him during the day unless if he is got council meetings to
attend this side,
“Mkami” (My wife) Mkhonto opens his arms to receive her when she
hurries to him from the door,
*I miss my dick daddy* Akela brings out the prostitute in her first,
being a whore that she is before her keeper could even open her mouth,
*You’re getting it all tonight Kela* the predator responds back and
the two keepers laugh out loud in each other’s arms. Mkhonto is been too
busy to play his husband duties for the past week,
“Kela?” Tlotla questions failing to hide how smitten she is. She can feel
Akela wetting up her panties the way she is so excited,
“I have no idea where the name Kela comes from. Sit with me please” he
settles her on his lap sitting on an occasional couch in their room,
“They told me you took Bonga to the doctor when I arrived” he probes,
fishing for more information,
She nods with a heavy sigh,
“What did he say?” he questions
“Nothing much, he took his blood and said he’ll call when the results are
back but for now he said it must be something he ate or maybe he is
allergic to something. He gave him some meds though and said it should
help if it’s something he ate or allergic to” Mkhonto nods in
“And my little chick in here?” his hand drops on to her belly,
“Is she still treating you right?” she smiles and nod,
“I love you my queen, you know that right?” Tlotla melts, dropping a soft
kiss on his forehead,
“I love you too Khonto waka” he seals the confession with a kiss, but he
doesn’t deepen it, he quickly pulls back when Akela starts getting excited,
*I was ready to receive Sine’s twin* disappointment crushes Akela,
“You’ll get serviced Kela, relax please” Mkhonto scolds the whore living
in his woman out loud,
“Is everything okay Khonto?” Tlotla feels the heaviness in her husband’s
He heave a sigh and say,
“Everything is okay my queen. I just….i don’t think I want to keep the
Lycan pack I got from Scar’s defeat” he shares what’s troubling him with
his wife,
“Why?” Tlotla asks,
“They are Lycans sthandwa sami. Half wolfs, half vampires. Unlike my
pack those cannot be tamed. Sooner or later they’ll start to feed on
humans when they run out of animals to quench their blood thirst on”
“Then don’t keep them baba” Mkhonto melts, almost showing his small
tongue at the back when she calls him ‘baba’
“If you feel that they’ll bring chaos on to earth, command them back to
Oves and ask my brother to help you find someone capable who can tame
them. You don’t have to take on the burden that you feel it will be too
much for you to carry. Already you have to worry about the throne issues
and your pack issues as well. You don’t need more stress babakhe” this
time Mkhonto fails to hold himself, he laughs out loud pecking on her
“Phela I went out with ausi Mila today, she is been teaching me all the
Zulu pet names” Tlotla explains and her husband happily say….
“You should go out with Mama Gcino more often” Mkhonto drops a kiss
on her lips,
“And oh! Before get rid of your panties…..” his hand rest on her thigh,
Akela is already urging Tlotla to open up,
“Zizwe is bringing Zaza for dinner tomorrow night, do you think you can
handle her?” Mkhonto knows that Zanele doesn’t like Tlotla much,
“I have far more serious things to worry about than a woman who doesn’t
like me”
“Please don’t be mean to her” Mkhonto knows his wife’s sharp tongue,
she is respectful but when shit is served, she throws bullshit back as well,
“She is important to Zizwe and he wants to marry her. Just lay low and
let her be, eventually you’ll grow on her like you do on everyone” Mkhonto
explains seeing the annoyed look on his wife’s face,
“For tomorrow, I’ll let her be. But after that, I can never promise you that
I’ll humble myself to her shit”
“She’ll come around I promise” Mkhonto,
“She better, or else one day I’ll get tired of taking her shit and shit back
as well” Tlotla snide,
“I know my queen, all I’m asking is that you calm down for now. She is
very important to Zizwe, you won’t have to deal with her after they get
married. They’ll all go and build their own houses on the land allocated
to them. It will be just me, you and our little family in here. Can you calm
down until then?”
“I’ll try”
“Thank you mamakhe. Let me kiss you down there and calm Akela down”
her grumpiness is replaced with giggles when she is thrown on the couch.

Love is a beautiful thing, especially in those honey moon phase when all
your mind thinks about nothing but the one who makes your heart skip
a bit. Since she ‘muthically’ agreed that for him to take a second wife and
‘muthically’ understood things from his perspective, he and Zanela are
living an endless honey moon phase love. Her tight sweet walls that
weren’t devoured for a long time also added sugar to their love. She is so
sweet and tight he cannot get enough of her. He cannot wait to wife her
beautiful ass and get the chance to tap that sweet pot as much as he
He was supposed to sex her once, on the night he had asked permission
from Mkhonto but things didn’t happen as he had hoped. When he finally
tapped that sweet well he couldn’t get enough. He knew he wasn’t
supposed to be exchanging semen with his loved one because they are
supposed to be on a two month cleansing until the rightful heir the throne
is inaugurated, but lord have mercy! He couldn’t help it. The thought of
Zanele’s tight walls had him calling her in his office to clean up only to
bend her over the table and fuck the shit out of her.

Right now he is looking like a fool next to Sakhe. They are both riding
the car in the middle while Muzi and Mkhonto are driven by the one at
the front. Behind them is a car carrying bab Dlangalala and bab
Magubane. They are all on a journey to cleanse his filthy soul that could
comprise the king to bes’ claim to the throne. All the council members
were supposed to stay clean, including him. But he went and fucked
Zanele, not once or twice, at this moment he cannot count the number of
times they made love.
“You’re so damn whipped” Sakhe states, seeing him blush all the way to
their unknown destination. Only Mkhonto and the two old members of
the council know where they are headed,
“Are you sure you’ll be able to keep it in your pants this time around?”
Sakhe hates seeing happiness on his face, all he wants is to think about
Zanele without being disturbed,
“We made love for two full hours in the afternoon, that should hold me
for the next few remaining weeks” the servants on the front both look at
each other, they are not supposed to interact with the princes unless
asked a question or required to do so. Everything they see or hear from
the royal house should remain to them.
“There is no such” one mumbles, bringing Sakhe to die in fits of laughter,
“Dlamini just because you fry two minutes noodles it doesn’t mean we all
fry noodles” Zizwe defends himself,
“Two hours?” Sakhe questions same as the driver,
“I carry a pipe between my legs, I don’t go around with a sausage” more
laughter fills the car until Sakhe heaves a sigh and say
“Your one lucky bastard you’re getting some”
“Is Mama Gcino denying you what’s rightfully yours?” Zizwe asks,
“She just had a baby Zizwe, we have to wait at least three months” Sakhe,
“Women like prolonging the period for no reason. Doctors recommend
four to six weeks to heal after giving birth. I was on top of MaXulu on the
fifth week” the car laughs, it’s the Xulu, a royal servant on the passenger
“How old is Zwe junior?” Zizwe asks Sakhe,
“I’m not sure but he is one month and three weeks old I think”
“That’s two months, Mama Gcino should give you what’s yours” Sakhe
chuckles looking outside the window. Zizwe takes a moment to text
Zanele, checking if she is still up for tonight,
*I’ll pick you up at 18:30, please be ready by then my love* he sends
the message,
It doesn’t take long for her to respond,
*I’m nervous Bheki, I don’t even know what to wear*
*Be yourself and wear anything you’re comfortable with. You
have met this people before, no one will judge you* she is indeed
met them before, they are just doing it formally now that he is going to
marry her
*I love you Jali, I’ll see you later* he quickly text back seeing the
sadness on Sakhe’s face beside him,

“His gift?!” he pulls Sakhe from his heavy thoughts,

“What’s troubling you?” he continues to ask,
Sakhe heaves a sigh and say
“I haven’t spoken to my wife about the second wife matter”
“The wedding is in a week Siphosakhe!” Zizwe is shocked,
“I’m thinking that maybe I should tell her after the wedding, I don’t want
to ruin her happiness. She is so happy right now it will be selfish of me
to crush her spirit” Sakhe,
“And it will still be selfish for you to marry her and then break her heart
after the wedding. I suggest you do it now before it’s too late” Zizwe advice
his brother,
Sakhe doesn’t afford him an answer, he only heaves an exhausted sigh,
“You do know bab Dlangalala is available to take you to the man he took
me to, right?” Zizwe reminds him,
“I’m not doing that to my wife Zizwe” Sakhe adamantly say,
“Suit yourself and continue sucking lemons when you’re supposed to be
at your happiest. You’re marrying your primary school sweet heart in a
week but you look like a man who is about to bury their loved one in a
week” Zizwe
“You don’t understand my pain Zizwe, I have to marry the love of my life
in a week, and look for a royal wife to marry as soon as I’m done with my
first wife’s marriage” Sakhe
“Why do you have to do it soon after your wedding?” Zizwe asks,
“I’m the oldest damn it. My royal wife must come first before you two.
And I have to pump a baby in that woman as well. Do you see what is
stressing me?”
“Firstly, your three months older than me, don’t sit here and act like
you’re an elder”
“Maybe you forget that I’m your uncle as well” the arguments starts,
“My uncle my left foot!”
“We are here my lords” Xulu interrupts the two killing the engine behind
Mkhonto and Muzi’s car. The two have been so invested in their
conversation that they missed the car taking a turn to the river,
“Why the fuck are we stopping by the river?” Zizwe asks, he is only
getting terrified now. He thought it was going to be a quick wash in the
veld and go back home.
Xulu takes Zizwe’s door while Dlamini takes Sakhe’s door. They both
head to where Mkhonto and Muzi are standing.

“Am I going to bath in the river?” Zizwe ask staring at Mkhonto when
they finally stand with them. They are waiting on the two old men who
are still parking.
“Today you’ll learn to respect my word” Mkhonto hisses keeping his eyes
at the calm river.
When the two old gentlemen finally join them, they all form a circle and
surround Zizwe in the center.
“Take off your clothes!” Mkhonto commands him, his stare on him is not
so gentle anymore. Zizwe feels shivers of fear run down his spine as he
looks at his brother, he swallows his nerves and look at Sakhe who is
smiling from ear to ear.
Slowly but gently he peels off all his clothes remaining with only his boxer
“After today you’ll wait to encounter in sexual activities up until my
naming day” Mkhonto states, drilling his soul with his intense stare,
Zizwe nods, dropping his eyes to the floor,
“Show respect to your king my prince, respond to him accordingly” Bab
Magubane chirps in,
“Yes my king, I’ll wait until your naming day before I take part in any
sexual activities” Zizwe humbly corrects himself,
One by one they all spit on him. Mkhonto starts first, he spit saliva on
his feet. Zizwe gasps but doesn’t say a word. Next is Sakhe, instead of
simply spitting his deceitful act he forces mucus up his throat, luckily he
had flue a week ago. His chest vibrates bringing up the green mucus
which he throws on Zizwe’s chest.
Every one gasps staring at Sakhe,
“What?” he shrugs them off, he is been holding that since they were told
the procedure of this cleansing.
Muzi throws his spit on his foot as well. The two old men are also kind
enough to spit on his legs. Zizwe is disgusted to the core, he wants this
done with. He’ll never sleep with Zanele again if this is what happens
when he does.
When the act of spiting his disrespect out is done, Mkhonto takes off all
his clothes as well and command him to follow him in to the river,
“You’ll only enter the river when I get out, follow the same route I took,
right” he instruct and Zizwe nods,
What was once a calm river starts to move like an angry ocean the
moment Mkhonto sinks his foot into the river. Zizwe freezes in fear as
the now turbulent flow of the river form strong waves huge enough to
engulf him. Mkhonto keeps going deeper and deeper to the part of the
river where they no longer see his head,
“I’m not doing this shit” Zizwe panics, somehow the clouds above the river
have also darkened,
“I’m going to die” he cries,
“You’re not going to die” Muzi stands right by his side
“Please tell Zanele I really loved her if I don’t come back” Zizwe’s tone
trembles as he ask his twin brother,
“Does he really have to go in there?” the question comes from Sakhe, he
is now scared for his brother. The water hasn’t stopped roaring, the waves
are crushing against the shore making bubbles like boiling water,
“Nothing will happen to him” bab Dlangalala dismisses them, with time
they’ll get used to the things that happen amongst the council members.
It takes a whole five minutes before Mkhonto emerges from the roaring
river. The river is still as angry as when he set his foot in it. He walks
slowly up to Zizwe and nods at him before he say,
“Go calm your ancestors Dlomo” Zizwe swallows, he doesn’t know what
that means but he knows it’s time for him to enter the mean river.
Slowly following Mkhonto’s direction he paddle his way into the river.
Like a scared little girl he holds his breath gently walking deeper and
deeper into the angry waters. He takes one last deep breath when he
reaches the point where his head is about to sink in. In less than a second
he feels something engulf him the minute his head drops beneath the
water. He cannot see or tell anything but he can feel himself thrown
between waves. Deeper and deeper he feels his body sink until he is
presented inside a cave that is waterless inside the raging river,
“Who are you and why did you disrespect the king’s word?” the voice
comes out of nowhere, sounding ancient and wrathful, it leaves an echo
behind as it speaks,
“My name is Bhekizizwe Dlomo. I mistakenly took the king’s word for
granted but it will not happen again” Zizwe speaks, inside the hollow
dark cave,
“I’ll determine whether it doesn’t happen again” Zizwe feels the voice
near him. His eyes fall on a figure approaching. A very very very old man
stand before him. There is no mistaking that he is got Dlomo blood
running through his veins.
“Clean me. I’m this dirty because of you” Zizwe cannot see what he is
supposed to clean until light shines above them. He can see light
penetrate though the water from the sky. It seems the skies have now
The old folk is wearing nothing but a white cloth holding a spear to his
heart. He looks clean but his eyes and nose are not clean at all,
“How do I clean you Mkhulu?” this is not Mkhonto senior, but he is a
grandfather to the Dlomo blood,
“I’m your great great grandfather. You’ll clean my eyes and nose with
your tongue” Zizwe gasps. He is got a morning mucus sometimes called
sleep crust at the corners of his eyes. His nose is runny with a green
“You don’t have time, when light leaves the cave you must be out of here”
Zizwe looks up above the light, he can see shade of darkness slowly
growing to close up the cave,
“Or else you’ll be stuck with me for the rest of your life. You’ll never see
that beauty that makes you go against your King’s word” Zizwe sighs and
looks at the old fossil. He can only be thankful that what happens in here,
stays in here.
Zizwe cups the old man’s face with his hands. He cleans his eyes with his
tongue, then continue to suck his nose dry and quickly swallow the salty
substance, the old man is got a smug on his face when he is done,
“They called me Zwelibanzi Dlomo, the loner king of the Dlomo
household. I’m the petty motherfucking god. Your free to go, don’t ever go
against my word. I cannot wait to have company of my great grandsons”
before Zizwe can ask anything the old man points his spear up the cave
and water falls inside. He is yet again engulfed by water, but the
difference now is that it’s no longer turbulent. He is carried by a laminar
flow as he floats up on the water until he is yet again walking on his feet.
He slowly walks out of the water to a shocking scene. Sakhe and Muzi
are pinned on the sandy soil by Mkhonto who is standing feet wide spread
apart to press the two the ground,
“And then?” Zizwe asks standing before the most disturbing scene,
“They wanted to jump in the water and fetch you” It’s been more than ten
minutes and the two were starting to worry. Only then does Mkhonto free
them and tell everyone the cleansing is done.

It’s after seven and this man is still not here. I’m growing more and more
nervous with each passing minute. The nerves had me the whole day
knowing that today I formally get to meet the royal house, as not just a
girlfriend but a wife to be. Bheki is very certain that he is marrying me,
he promised that as soon as they are done with bhuti Sakhe’s wedding
they’ll focus on mine.
I’m trying to distract my mind and nerves by going through social media,
but I have to admit to myself that it is not working. The time is now 19:05,
each minute counts, my eyes are glued to the time bar above my phone
screen than to actually look through my boring timeline. He was
supposed to pick me up by 18:30, and now we are 35 minutes late. I swear
he is trying to test my patience………….thank god!
I get on my feet seeing the vehicle lights shine on my windows. It is him,
I confirm through the curtains. I swear I’m going to kill this man!
“Your late!” I bark at him holding the door open when he tries to knock,
“I know, and I’m sorry. I see you’re ready” he is also ready, and he smells
divine. Since we have been intimate I cannot keep my panties dry when
he is around. I want him to do me all the damn time. I cannot believe my
cookie is now moistening at the sight of him and his cologne,
“You look beautiful sthandwa sami” he leans down on me, kisses my lips
and I’m tempted to deepen the kiss,
“Thank you” I’m a woman taking care of my family with what I earn.
Lately since he is been in my life I can afford to buy myself some clothes
after sending money home. He takes care of all my bills, the only thing I
do with my money is send it home. I can say I now have a savings account,
the money that I used to pay my bills with and buy grocery and transport
now goes straight to my savings. I don’t touch it unless I have to, like
I went to Mr. Price and bought myself a strapless floral knee length dress
with gold sandals. I wanted to look good for his family. I have met them
before but it was just coincidence then.
“You have everything you need?” he asks, looking at my gold small side
bag that I put on the bed. When I look at it as well, he gets and ask
“All good now?” this time I nod.
He takes my hand in his and walks us out of the house. Once outside he
frees my hand to lock my little shack. When he is done he takes my hand
once again and takes us to the car where he opens the passenger door for
me and kiss the top of my hand before he closes my door and jog to his
side of the car.
Today he is driving himself, most times there is always someone driving
for him while he sits in the back.

“Again, I’m sorry for being late my love, I got held up somewhere” we
converse driving off,
“You had me worried, and worst part your phone wasn’t going through” I
couldn’t reach him at all throughout this delay,
“You won’t believe when I say I don’t know where it is, I think I misplaced
it or something, but I’ll find it”
“You had me worried” I say with a sigh,
He reaches for my hand and kiss the top of it before he say….
“Again, I’m really sorry mamas” don’t I blush, it’s the stupid pet names
that makes me blush,
“I thought we could talk while we drive to your home” something is been
bothering me,
He frowns, more like a worry frown,
“Baby you’re not changing your mind about me taking a second wife after
marrying you, are you?” he asks, worry thick on his tone,
“What? No!” I understand that, he needs to marry another woman for his
family. I have thought hard about that and because I love him, I’ll let him
do what he has to do,
“You had me worried there” he takes a deep breath and I laugh,
“What do you want us to talk about then?” this is the conversation we
should have had before we started getting intimate,
“Since we….. since we started having sex we haven’t used any protection
and you are not pulling out either……” I start, leaving room for him to
say something but he doesn’t, instead he keeps stealing glances at me
with confusion written on his face,
“I guess I want to know if your trying to get me pregnant on purpose or
your just forget to pull out you know”
“You’re not on any contraceptive?” he asks and I shake my head,
“Zanele we have had sex countless times” he states in disbelieve,
“I know”
“Are you trying to fall pregnant?” now it’s my fault?
“I’m asking you if you’re trying to get me pregnant” I shoot back,
“I didn’t know you’re not on any contraceptive, you should have said
“And you should have asked!” I sharply say, he is angering me,
“Okay, listen” he reaches for my hand and squeeze it,
“I’m not trying to put the blame on you. We were both reckless, right now
we need to remedy the situation. Are you ready to be a mother if you’re
pregnant?” truly speaking, I’m too old to not have a baby of my own. My
age mates are pushing two to three babies. I don’t see a problem with
having his baby if he wants it as well,
“I don’t have a problem with that” I respond, bringing him to smile,
“I don’t have a problem either, we’ll buy the test tomorrow, okay?” I nod,
“I love you Mrs. Dlomo” I can’t respond to that because I’m a blushing
“I know you love me too, and we are here” he kisses the top of my hand
once again as he stops for the huge double gate to be opened.

I have seen the place on magazines, but it’s safe to admit that pictures
don’t do it justice. The Dlomo palace. Whoever build this place wanted us
to lose weight before we make it to the door. It’s a beautiful beige mansion
that sits up above on the long huge ass stairs. There is a beautiful
fountain that seats right below the stairs where Bheki stops the car.
Two men are already stationed to receive us. One grabs Bheki’s door
open, while the other one grabs mine and mumble something I can’t hear.
I only smile at him before I jog the car to join my man.
“Ready?” he asks, taking my hand in his,
“I’m ready but this stairs……” before I could complain further he scoops
me in his arms and carry me all the way up the stairs. I’m a giggling
“People are watching” it’s quite late but the lights around this yard shines
too bright, there isn’t even much people, just the guards from the gate,
the one below the stairs and the two we are approaching standing outside
the huge double doors of the mansion,
“Let them watch” he leans down and kisses my nose,
“Okay put me down” I try to jump out of his arms, we are almost at the
door and I don’t want to walk into his home in his arms,
“I willlllll just nowwww!” he stretches the words so he makes it right
before the two guards who are smiling at us. I’m dropped down and I can’t
look in their eyes,
“My lord, my lady” in unison they both mumble before the reach for the
doors and open them wide.
We walk into the most beautiful living room I have ever seen. I’m yet
again nervous when I see Mr. Dlomo with bhuti Sakhe and bhuti Muzi
chilling in the room with their glasses of whisky in hand. I feel the man
holding my hand squeeze it as he drags me to the three. I know he is
trying to reassure me but it is not working.
He stops us behind the couch and introduce me,
“Sango and your boys….” I don’t miss the daggers he gets from bhuti
Sakhe and Muzi when he calls them boys. I wish I could look in Mr.
Dlomo’s eyes and see his expression but I can’t. The man is got a deadly
aura as the king to be that I’m so thankful he is not here,
“…..this Zanele my wife, baby these are my brothers and father. I don’t
need to tell you their names right?” he asks and I nod. I know them,
“I’m his twin” bhuti Muzi rises from his seat to shake my head,
“I know” I mutter, failing to hold my smile as he makes me blush,
“And I’m the most beautiful” he adds and this time I lough,
“Welcome to the family my first wife” he finally say before he is literally
pushed off me by bhuti Sakhe,
“Here you have Sakhe, the ‘handsomest’ welcome to the family nana” I
smile, taking his hand as well,
“Is that even a word?” Mr. Dlomo asks signaling me to come closer to him.
He doesn’t stand like the two but he offers me his hand and say……
“Welcome to the family mtanami, we are pleased to have you” I nod, not
knowing what to say and trying to avoid looking in his eyes.
“FINALLY!” Mrs. Dlomo approaches from behind. I still have to blink
twice to take in her beauty, I don’t think I have ever met a woman who
makes me want to be a lesbian. I swear I would marry her if she gave me
a chance,
“Welcome baby” she engulfs me in a hug and say
“We were waiting on you, dinner is this way” she is dragging me to the
dining room table that is not far from the living room. The gentlemen are
tailing us,
“You look beautiful” she compliments, holding me perfect under her soft
“Your beautiful Maa” I compliment back but she throws her hand off
dismissing me. She is in a very simple maxi dress but god she makes
everything look so elegant.
In the living room my eyes fall on…….this girl! I take a deep breath to
control my emotions. She is putting the final touches on the already
beautifully set table. She lift her gaze from the bowl she just put on the
table, our eyes lock and there is no misreading the hostility between us,
“This is MakaSine, you have met right?” Mrs. Dlomo asks and I offer her
a forced smile. I don’t know if I’ll ever look at this fat girl and not see the
witch that almost killed my man,
“Yes, Hi!” I force myself to greet her and sings the same words back at
“Hi” luckily Mrs. Dlomo starts arranging the sitting,
“You’ll sit here with your man” Mrs. Dlomo shows me my chair and
everyone takes their sit accordingly. The witch left the room and comes
back with a beautiful dark beauty woman that I know is bhuti Sakhe’s
“Zanele, right?” she asks before she puts yet another serving dish on the
table. The witch is also carrying one which she also puts on the table and
sit down,
“I’m pleased to meet you, I’m Mama Gcino” the woman continues to
introduce herself with a warm smile and I offer her one back,
“You cooked?” I ask the wonderful Mama Gcino hoping she says yes. Lord
knows I’m not touching the food if the fat witch cooked,
“No the chef cooked” I smile at her and say
“It smiles nice” by now everyone is seated. I’m thankful that the chef
cooked but then again that fat witch might have sprinkled something, it’s
what she is good at, right?

“Where is your man his queen?” Mr. Dlomo asks looking in the direction
of the fat witch,
“He’ll be here baba, he is helping Bonga and Gcino with homework” she
is not going to fool me, I don’t buy how humble and decent she actually
sound. I’m walking in this family with opened eyes,
“Let’s dig in, you’ll meet him later” Mr. Dlomo say and I ask,
“Are not going to say grace?” I mean my family and I pray first before we
eat when we have gathered together. My eyes sit on the witch, I wonder
if she even knows the lord,
“This is a house of wolfs and predators……….” Everyone almost choke on
their drinks when Mr. Dlomo say that
“…..but I guess there is nothing wrong with praying. Please bless us my
baby” he continues to add and I ask that we join hands. This is for the
witch sitting across the table,
“Heavenly father, we thank you for making us see this day, for the meal
you provided for us and for the love and unity you blessed us with. Mighty
lord we ask that you keep our love and unity strong. Don’t let any
witchcraft forces work on us. We are your children and humbly ask that
you protect us from the witches of this world. We ask you to burn the
witch with your fire and make them lose all the powers they have against
us. Amen!” I hope the lord heard me, I’ll eat this food and pray he protects
me from her witchcraft if she sprinkled her potions here,
“AMEN” everyone sing back before they start to dig in. I feel Bheki’s hand
on my thigh, he is squeezing me and it’s not a gentle squeeze,
“What” I whisper to him,
“That was not nice” he is not impressed with me but I don’t care. I’m not
impressed with them that they sit on the table with a witch,
“Was there something wrong with the prayer?” Mr. Dlomo asks as we all
continue to it. I guess he doesn’t know that the witch and I don’t get along,
“I also want to know, why is there tension on this table. Did I raise
demons?” Mrs. Dlomo adds. Maybe it’s the two of them who don’t know
that we don’t see eye to eye with the fat witch,
“I don’t know about the others but mina I’m your sweetest, sweetest
demon if you raised such” bhuti Sakhe dilutes the tension on the table
and everyone laughs, well except for the witch. She is quietly digging in
and I wish so bad that she could look at me. I can feel that the man next
to me is fuming, even the way he…………
“ZIZWE! Don’t break my plates!” Mrs. Dlomo scolds him, he literally
fighting with the plate as he eats,
“EXCUSE ME!” he throws the fork on the table and grab my hand
dragging me with. I can feel everyone’s eyes on us as he pull me out of
the house.
“Bheki!” I try to fight his tight grip on my wrist but I know I will not win.
He walks out of the door and drag me all the way down the stairs no
matter how loud I try to stop,
“Bheki what is happening, why are you……” he signals for the drivers to
bring the car as we both stand down the stairs. I don’t know why he is so
“Bheki!” my tone comes as almost a whisper, I can feel his anger as he
chooses to keep quiet. Why can’t he see that I don’t trust that woman?

I don’t think I have ever seen him so angry with me. He drove us all the
way to his penthouse in silence last night. I couldn’t even ask why he was
taking me to his penthouse when he knew that I preferred my shack. I
blindly followed like a good fiancé without question, not missing the
daggers from that Nelisiwe receptionist girl when we walked in. Truly
speaking I love this place, I just hate that I feel so small and poor when
I’m here. And then there is that Nelisiwe that I don’t know why she is
beefing with me.
I don’t know how I managed to sleep but I slept. Running my hand on the
other side of bed hoping to touch him I’m disappointed to find it empty.
It doesn’t look like he even slept here. The white bed linen on the side of
his bed is still pressed straight like it was just steamed with iron an hour
He literally threw me in here when we arrived last night and he didn’t
come back by the look of things. To say I’m disappointed is an
understatement. I know I might have been too mean to that Momo of
theirs but do I have to swallow my feelings just because I love him?

“Good morning” I’m startled, his tone come hoarse and without humor
behind me.
Slowly I turn from my left hand side to my right hand side and there he
stands. A beautifully well sculptured Zulu man. He is standing on the
glass wall that takes the entire left side of the room giving us a beautiful
mountain view and green pastures. He is got one hand forming a fist in
his pocket and the other one is holding a cognac glass as he throws his
gaze on me. His left leg is crossed against the right one. Clearly he didn’t
sleep, he is still in yesterday suit but without the blazer and bow tie this
time around,
“Hey” my tone is barely a whisper, I can feel the disappointment from his
I gently slid out of the bed and only now I realize that he changed me to
a white shirt that sits above my knees. It’s probably his. I was in my dress
when I threw myself on the bed last night,
“Bheki um……” I try to apologies holding on to the edge of the bed as I
sit facing his direction but he interjects me,
“Take the pregnancy test on the table” he throws his eyes on my bed side
table and I find a box of pregnancy test on top,
“Bheki we can do this later, I want to apologies”
“Apologies because you’ll never do it again or apologies because your just
ashamed that you embarrassed me in front of my family?” well, it’s
actually the latter apology but I don’t say a word,
“When are you ever going to grow the fuck up?!” he pissed, hissing at me
as he comes to stand before me. I can see his chest rise and fall as he tries
to control his anger. He throws the last of his drink down his throat and
puts the glass on the table. His hand grabs the pregnancy test with and
he pulls me up with the other hand. Now I’m almost face to face with him
and I can tell that he is breathing fire. I’m thankful that my eyes land on
his chest……or rather because he picks my chin and urge me to look in
his eyes,
“I asked you a damn question!” he roars on my face,
“Bheki I’m sorry” I’m trembling, I have never seen him this pissed I
“I told you time and again that Momo is no witch and she was bewitched
herself to do what she did to me, why can’t you understand that?” he
doesn’t shout as he asks this, but he asks it sternly pushing it past his
gritted teeth,
“I’m really sorry” I can’t help the tears falling down my face, I hate it
when he is pissed at me,
“Don’t you dare cry on me when I haven’t done shit to you. Why do you
insist on insult his queen?”
“Baby I’m sorry okay, it won’t happen again” I manage past the tears
blinding my eyes,
“Damn right it won’t. Here!” he shoves the pregnancy test in my hands,
“Take this test and let me know where we stand. If your pregnant, there
only thing that we’ll connect us is my child. Other than that, you’ll be
nothing but my baby mama. I love you with everything in me Zanele, but
I’m not going to spend the rest of my life with a bitter woman who refuse
to listen no matter how many times I tell her ‘Tlotla is not a witch’ I keep
telling you. And what do you do? You don’t listen, you choose to belittle
my brother’s wife and make her feel like a witch in her own home? Let
me tell you something you don’t know, I would rather not have you than
to see you humiliate and embarrass my brother’s wife for something I
keep telling you that it is not her fault” he is never spoken to me like this,
he is literally spitting on to my face,
“Go. Take. The. Test!” he barks at me, pointing me to the bathroom door,
I drag myself in there with a pained heart and river of tears flowing down
my cheeks. He doesn’t even care that I could be pregnant as he makes me
cry this much. I stop by the bathroom door and turn to him to ask…
“Is she that important to you?” I don’t think I’ll like the answer he gives
me but I still don’t see myself leaving him no matter how much I don’t
like it,
“She is my brother’s wife!” he growls, making me hurry inside the
bathroom and close the door. I don’t know what I make of his answer, one
thing I know is that I’m still hurt.

I collect myself from the floor after crying my lungs out. The first thing I
do is take the test and leave it on the bath tub before I get rid of his shirt
and jump inside the shower. I take the quickest shower in the history of
showers. I lotion with his products because I don’t have mine when I’m
done. I roll my dry underwear that I took off before stepping into the
shower in my hand. I have to wear his shirt again because I don’t see my
dress in here.
Finally done I grab the pregnancy test. Two lines face me. Right now I
don’t know any more if I still want this.
I drag myself back to the bedroom and I find him seated this time around.
He throws his gaze up at me when I come out. Slowly and heavily I drag
myself to him and put the pregnancy test on his lap. I’m sure he can read.
“Where is my dress?” I ask on my feet,
He is got the test in his hands, he doesn’t respond but points me to the
walk in closet with his head. I leave him in peace and go put on my dress.
Lucky my bag is also next to it so I shove my underwear in and make my
way out,
“I would like to leave please” I stand by the door ready to leave. I don’t
miss the sadness on his face as he lift his eyes to me but I don’t let it get
to me,
“Breakfast is in the kitchen and you have a driver waiting to take you
anywhere you wish down stairs” I only nod leaving him to his pregnancy
test. He is still holding it as I leave him.
In the kitchen I don’t know if I can stomach anything, I’m famished but
I’m too broken hearted to eat. I leave with my rumbling stomach.
Thankful once again after my journey in the lift that the receptionist
mean woman is not here.
“Ms. Masombuka” I’m almost startled by a tall man in a black suit calling
out my surname. He was seated on the couches across the room. It takes
him less than a minute to come stand next to me,
“I’m sorry for startling you mam, my name is Dlamini. I have been
ordered to drive you home” oh yah! I offer him a smile and let him lead
the way.
Once in the car I feel the earlier tears threatening to fall down my face
once again. I try to be strong and hold them but I fail. I’m a mess of sobs
and sniffs as Dlamini asks,
“Am I driving you to your house mam?” I don’t afford him an answer. I
take time to think and the only thing I know and feel in my heart is that
I love Bheki. Am I prepared to lose him over a woman I suspect is a witch?
The answer to that is no. I don’t know if he had already given up the
towel on me but I’m not ready to not have me. If loving him means dining
with witches so be it. I cannot have a life where Bheki is not there,
“Please take me to the palace” I finally afford Dlamini an answer. He
doesn’t ask questions but drives straight there in silence.

When we near the place I take a moment to heave a sigh and clean my
face. He drives straight into the yard and deposit me on the receiving
area just like yesterday.
“Thank you” I mutter as he opens my door.
Once again I’m presented with the long ass stairs. I feel tired before I
even climb them but I try my best not to dwell on them. My aim is the fat
girl inside that house. It takes me close to ten minutes before I make it
to the door. The two guards at the door frown at me but I’m glad when
they don’t question what I want. One nervously opens the door for me
and today I walk into an empty living room. There is no one in here. I
take a deep breath before I call out for anyone,
“HELLO! ANYBODY HOME!” a woman in black and white suit I didn’t
see yesterday scurries into the living room out of nowhere,
“Mam! Mam!” She stops me from calling out,
“I’m sorry I stepped into the bathroom, who are you and who are you
looking for?” she asks,
“My name is Zanele and I’m here to see…..Eh Tlotla” I say and she raises
her eyebrows at me,
“Tlotla?!” What do they call her?
“Momo” I spit,
“MakaSine?!” she asks and I sigh,
“Yes. I would like to see her”
“I’m sorry but his queen didn’t tell me anything about visitors today”
“Who are you?!” I sharply ask, she is annoying me,
“Before you shout at me, my name is Cynthia and I’m the house manager
of this house, and it’s damn my job to scrutinize and know every little
cockroach that walks inside this house” she eyes me from head to toe as
she spits back on my face. I’m afraid I met my match today,
“ZANELE!” thankfully I’m saved by Mrs. Dlomo walking down the stairs,
“Who is this my queen?” the mean bitter gorilla asks staring up the stairs
at Mrs. Dlomo,
“This is Zizwe’s fiancé” and look who drops their eyes and is suddenly
nervous on me,
“Are you okay baby? What are you doing here so early?” Mrs. Dlomo
worriedly asks before she excuses Cynthia from hell,
“I’ll take it from here Cynthia” she leaves with a tail between her legs.
Only when she turn corner do I look at the beautiful Mrs. Dlomo,
“Maa I would like to speak to Tlotla please” I plead bringing her to frown,
“Can I ask why?” she asks but I shake my head no,
“It’s between her and I, please Maa” with a sigh she nods and say
“Have a sit, someone will bring you some refreshments, I’ll fetch her for
you” thank god! I hope Tlotla hears me out and forgives me.

It doesn’t take long for another lady in black and white to pour into the
living room. The difference with the previous Cynthia is that this one is
wearing a skirt and is actually polite. She greets and put a tray consisting
of a glass of juice and different kind of fruits on a platter. I could actually
do with some fruit because I didn’t eat properly last night and I haven’t
had anything to eat since morning.
Mrs. Dlomo comes back with Tlotla by her side. I do not miss the
confusion on her face as she stands next to her mother in law.
“Hello” she closely say staring at me,
“Hi, can we talk?” I eye Mrs. Dlomo trying to show her I’m not comfortable
with her here,
“Maa can you give us some space?” she asks, Mrs. Dlomo doesn’t want to
be excused but she eventually leaves.
When Mrs. Dlomo leaves Tlotla takes a seat before she asks,
“What can I do for you?” the look in her eyes is deadly, I can feel it and
see that if we were to get in a fight, she would mop the floor with me. She
is not a timid terrified girl,
“Tlotla i…….” she interjects me and say
“Sine’s mother please” sigh!
“Mama Sine I’m here to apologies to you. I was out of line yesterday, I
shouldn’t have made that prayer. I’m here because I love Bheki, what I
did to you angered him. He made it clear that he is willing to break up
with me if I don’t make things right with you. I’m not going to lie to you,
I love that man, and the fact that you almost killed him and everyone is
taking it so easy it’s angering me. I feel like you’re a witch and they all
can’t see through you. But then again I love my man and I’m not ready
to not have him. So I’m here to ask that you forgive me, I don’t trust you
but I’ll try my best and work on my issues”
“I was bewitched myself to do that to abuti Zizwe, if you know how
witchcraft works you would know that some people are used to do what
the real witch wants. And that’s all that happened. I can never put abuti
Zizwe or anyone in this house in harm’s way” I want to believe her, I
really do but I cannot forget her smiling behind the corners when she
thought he was dead,
“I don’t trust you, maybe with time I will. But we can start with tolerance,
do you think you can tolerate me?” I ask,
“I’m not always this calm. Last night I let you throw your snide remarks
at me because I promised my husband to behave. Should you ever be a
bitch on me once again, I’ll be a mother fucking whore. Do you get me?” I
nod, feeling a shiver of fear run down my spine as she set a fierce stare
on me. I don’t know if I’m crazy but I see a blue color flash in her eyes as
“Can I ask a favor?” I mutter under my breath,
She raises an eyebrow at me,
“Can you please come with me? I need to show Bheki that I apologized
and we are fine” she chuckles, standing off the couch
“I’ll give him a call, I’m too tired to…….” She attempts to leave but I beg
“Mama Sine please!” I don’t know if it’s the desperation in my tone that
stops her. She frowns at me for a while as if reading me before she say
“Give me a minute” I thank my god as she walks up the stairs, holding
my own stomach as I look at her. I break into a smile watching her
penguin walk up the stairs. She must be due soon. I’m grateful she is
willing to come with me even though she is heavily pregnant and
shouldn’t be walking around.

There comes a time in a man’s life when really realizes what is truly
important. For me the most important thing in my life is that woman
that’s about to walk down the aisle to take my heart for her to keep. I
have put her through shit. I have treated her like nothing. I have
priorities the world’s fun over her, but all that mess stops today. Today
as I stand here with my brothers behind me I promise to love her
faithfully. I promise to never bring tears to her beautiful face. I haven’t
been the best partner but it’s all going to change starting today.
I don’t think I realized how much I needed this until today. I didn’t
participate in anything during the planning at all. It felt like I was
literally invited to my own wedding. I was just told when to be here, and
here I am. But this morning when I woke up I knew I found what
happiness really is in her. I knew it’s only her I want to pledge my love
to, and that’s when I did the last minute changes. Everything had been
taken care of, but if I could communicate my love for her she always knew
it was through music. I come from the hands of the great soulful
Vulamasango Dlomo. Growing up with a romantic father like that my
brothers and I were bound to come out classic soulful melody listeners.

I made changes to the playlist. I asked the dj to play one song that means
everything to me. Word for word I dedicate those lyrics to her. She is truly
my happiness. From when I approached her when we were just in
primary school she is been my dream. Not many people get to marry their
first love, but not my Mila and I, today here we are and from now going
forward I promise to love her with everything in me. My heart is hers to
keep and love till death do us apart. I don’t regret chasing over my uncle
Abongile’s daughter.
Glancing on the first row I see him and sis Palesa on the left side. My
mother and father are seated on the right side. My mother holds my two
month old baby boy. He is the sweetest thing on earth, knowing his name
is Zwelithini and my daughter is Ndlovukazi I feel complete. I don’t want
more children after this. My little family is whole and I cannot as for
Next to my parents sits his queen who was supposed to be my Mila’s maid
of honor but because she is heavily pregnant and can’t stand for long she
had to sit down. Then next to her are my little sisters, both looking as
gorgeous as my mother. They are both supposed to be 19 years old but
there is very odd difference between them. Ngelosi looks younger, like
she is still 16 or 17. Mhambi on the other hand is a grown woman and it
scares me every day. She looks 19 and in hurry to turn 21 and leave us
for that Lerotholi mate of hers.
Next to the twins sits my brother’s son and my daughter, Ngcino is only
15 and Bonga is 17. They are so close one would actually think they grew
up together. Bonga is worrying us though, he is got a 5l bucket before
him because this boy vomits like crazy. Bab Peter said he couldn’t find
anything in his blood. For now they still insist that something allergies
him, if only we could pick up what it is.
On the second raw behind my family is Zanele. She’ll be here soon, her
eyes don’t leave her man behind me. I don’t know what they said to Zizwe
with his queen the other day but whatever they said worked. Zizwe was
willing to let her go, as a family we know what unity is, for her to keep
calling his queen a witch when we all knew she wasn’t pissed Zizwe off.
But by his queen’s help they made it. She is been sleeping at the palace
a lot lately since she is pregnant and it’s safe to say they buried the
hatchet, we can now sit as a family without her throwing snide remarks
at his queen.
Next to Zanele sits the entire Molapo clan. From Majara and every one
of them, they all look different, they said they only arrived back in the
country two days ago. My sister is a baby making machine, I don’t know
when King Seeiso is going to stop pumping babies inside Khwezi. She is
heavily pregnant, she is got five boys as it is, hopefully this one is a girl
because we are told she is the one who keep getting pregnant on purpose,
apparently she wants a girl but all they keep getting are boys that look
exactly like their father. She is not the only one pregnant, there is that
princess Ora who is heavily pregnant and next to her is Skye who cannot
look at anyone but her. You’d swear she isn’t sitting right next to the
man. His eyes look at her and her only.

“May we all rise please” the sound of the MC that happens to be my father
comes over the speakers. I don’t know who suggested Bab Mtho to Mc my
wedding. Had I been involved I would have refused. I only pray he plays
the song I asked him to play when my Mila walks in.
My groom’s men and I are already on our feet with the bridesmaid. The
congregant gets on their feet and look down the hall way where my baby
is going to appear. Apparently she refused her father to walk her down
the aisle.
“Khwezi stand up!” sigh! See why I’m not comfortable with bab Mtho Mc
my wedding. Khwezi is heavily pregnant and we understand why she is
sitting. He hisses through the speakers inviting eyes on my sister.
Khwezi manage to get up with the help of her husband next to her.
And then it starts, the two butlers opens the double doors wide open. And
there stands my heart in a human form. I don’t care if I look weak as fuck
but today is my day. I’m not going to wipe even a single tear of joy down
my face,
“Stop crying damn it!” Mkhonto barks behind me, it’s easy for him say, I
love that woman with everything in me and I can’t believe we are here
As I requested Here and Now by Luther Vandross soothes through the
speakers. I can almost see her confusion past the veil covering her. My
mother insisted that she wears a veil because Milani was pure when I
met her. I took her innocence and I’m proud to say I’m the only man she
knows. She looks perfect, like a princess.
Slowly and gently she walks towards me, Luther singing her every
One look in your eyes and there I see
Just what you mean to me
Here in my heart I believe
Your love is all I’ll ever need
Holding you close through the night
I need you, yeah

….I look in her eyes and there I see what happiness really means. The
love that we share makes life so sweet. Together we’ll always be, this
pledge of love feels so right. As she stands before me I’m a mess. The cold
best man Mkhonto behind me hands me a handkerchief. I swear Milani’s
love is all I need.
“I love you” she murmurs behind the veil helping me clean my messy face,
“I love you too” I love this somebody with all that makes Siphosakhe
“Can they kiss already!” see why I didn’t want bab Mtho to Mc my
wedding, he speaks through the mic bringing the congregation to laugh
“I’m hungry mina” he continues to add making my wedding his, “Where
are these women? LIHLE! MARY! YOUR MAN IS STARVING” now we
have to wait for his empty stomach
“Bafo come here my heaven is got food!” then my father gets on his feet
to call his brother. I don’t see any food on my mother’s hands except for
my son. I think he just wants his brother to get off the speakers. Thank
god it works and now my baby and I can get married without BabMtho’s
hunger games.
The wedding was perfect. Everything went on accordingly, now the happy
couple sits in their reception watching their family dance their lives
away. From the royal houses invited Muzi catches something that
soothes his heart, more of a woman. He whispers to Mkhonto next to him
on the large table on the front,
“Who is that?” Mkhonto frowns, he doesn’t see where he is pointing with
his head,
“The beautiful woman sitting next to uncle Tj?” Muzi points him,
“That’s no woman, that’s a little girl and she is uncle Tj’s only daughter”
Mkhonto shares information,
“You don’t say, she is royal right?” Muzi is got a calculative look on his
face that doesn’t sit well with Mkhonto
“Of course she is royal. She is a Motaung, our mother’s niece and you
better stay the fuck away from that girl. Uncle Tj is our mother’s brother
damn it!” Mkhonto scolds,
“Exactly, mother’s brother, not mine. I think I have found me my only
wife. She is royal and I don’t need to worry about taking second wife”
“BHEKIMUZI!” Mkhonto reprimands her,
“She. Is. Our. Cousin!” Mkhonto hisses every word to make him
“Royal families always marry cousins. It strengthens the blood brother.
Good thing we are distant cousins. Let me greet my uncle” Muzi leaves
the table to where Tau junior sits with his family. He had two boys and
one girl.

“Uncle Tj?!” he stands behind his uncle who offers him a smile,
“Son, good you’re here. Please show Rea the rest rooms” Muzi is his
sister’s son, it doesn’t even occur to him that he would look at his
daughter any other way than just a cousin.
Reabetswe Motaung is 24 years old and as beautiful as her aunt
Boitumelo. Tau himself is a man who can be described very beautiful, at
some point some of his family members thought he would turn out gay
but he didn’t. He is quite appeasing to the eye for most women, if not all.
Even some men look at him uncomfortable, a man shouldn’t be that
beautiful but he is. Their late father Ntate Tau gave birth to the most
beautiful daughter and son. Fortunately Tj’s genes were strong enough
to pass on the same beautiful genes to the next generation.
Muzi extend his hand to receive his cousin’s hand helping her up. With
that one touch when Rea places her hand in his, she almost freeze, her
heart and skin shiver like she is been charged. A flame of spark burns
the two. Rea pops her eyes, looking up at the man who is supposed to be
her cousin after that electrifying touch. The look in her eyes assures her
that Muzi felt that as well. He clears his throat, resisting the urge to kiss
those beautiful pink lips.
Now closer to her and checking her out when she stands he can safely say
she is a freaking 10/10, body wise and beauty wise. She blinks her long
natural lashes a lot just like his mother. She is got a small waist with
hips and booty big enough to tame his ass for the rest of his life.
Grandpa Tau has to forgive him in his resting place, what did he think
was going to happen giving his son those beautiful Motaung strong
genes? Now his grandson is about to start his love journey by committing
an incest. Cousin to cousin love. Boitumelo Motaung’s blood shall mix
with Tau Motaung’s blood through their children. The first incest in the

“Why don’t we see much of you here?” Muzi finally starts a conversation
once they walk down the hallway, his hand is placed right on the small
of her back. Rea is almost running trying to escape the heat emitted
through that simple touch,
“I…i….” she clears her throat first to catch her voice, something about
this cousin makes her shiver in ways she is not supposed to shiver for her
“I was studying abroad” she finally manage as the man removes his hand
from the small of her back. They are outside the rest rooms and she turns
to him to offer him a smile but she cannot look in his eyes,
“Go on, I’ll be right here. I’m never leaving your side” Rea blinks, trying
to understand her cousin and look at him but she fail dismally. That look
in his eyes is not a way a cousin is supposed to stare at another cousin.
She scurries to the bathroom when the heat from cousin’s look burns her
soul. It feels like he is looking deeper than just a stare, she is never been
moved like this by a man. Even Edgar, her secret white Britain lover
doesn’t have this much effect on her.
She is been in the UK from high school, hence why most of her cousins
doesn’t know her. She have just finished her masters in accounting and
her father had to fly all the way to UK to bring her home. Her father’s
reason for wanting her home so bad is that a certain royal house has
asked for her hand in marriage. She always knew this day would come
hence why her father gave her freedom to enjoy life before she was bound
by royal life.
Her father asked for one thing ‘Stay innocent Rea’ he said when he left
her at a boarding school in the United Kingdom. She tried, she really did
try. She finished high school still pure but only to give it up on her first
year in varsity. She met Liam who broke her virginity and broke up with
her a year later. Then after Liam came Edgar. She was ready to tell her
father the truth. She had the words prepared in her head.
‘Daddy I’m not a virgin and I’m in love with someone else’ she is her
father’s weakness. The old man was definitely going to be pissed but she
knows her father would move mountains for her.
Now after that touch with dear cousin, she looks at herself in the mirror,
she is not really sure anymore. Not that the cousin has said anything but
she is a grown woman, at 24 she knows how love feels like, or she thought
she knew until today.
“NO! NO! NO!” she refuse to believe it, shaking her head she leans onto
the sink and splash water on her face.
“It’s an incest, it’s an incest” she sings to herself finally heading to the
toilet to do her business.
“Dear heart, don’t you dare. We are in love with Edgar. We are here to
confess our sins to daddy and uncle so they don’t marry us to that Tsonga
man. Please don’t betray me heart” they say the heart knows what it
wants, hers already found its home, but this home shouldn’t be their
home. She is not sure what dear cousin meant when he said ‘I’m never
leaving your side’ but she hopes not to find him there when she leaves
the bathroom.

It’s been a week since my wedding, my wife and I we are at our happiest.
We didn’t go to our honeymoon because she insist that she hasn’t healed.
I’m patient enough to wait for her and finally take her to our honey moon
when she is ready and healed, the last thing I want is to take her on a
honeymoon now only for her to bleed on me. I’ll personally buy her black
vinegar to stop her menstruation for the duration of our honeymoon. No
menstruation formed against my sex life shall prosper, I hope I’m
grasping the words right. I cannot wait to sing them to her face when I
make her take a shot of black vinegar.
She sleeps right next to me, her beautiful lips parted as she snores the
morning away. I have long woken up but since I vowed to love this soul
for eternity I want to not be here when she wakes up. For the rest of her
life I must be all she sees when she wakes. I must be the last person she
sees when she sleeps and the first person she sees when she wakes.
My phone vibrates on my bedside table. Some people don’t have timing,
I’m trying to keep up to my promises and a fool out there decides to
disturb me.
Checking my phone I see Mk’s text.
*Where the hell are you?* the text message reads.
“Shit!” I curse under my breath gently sliding out of the bed. There is a
council meeting that was scheduled for 07:00 today. Time reads to be
07:15 and I’m still in bed drooling over my wife. Being a council member
is going to annoy me if it makes me leave my wife in bed.
I take a quick dash in the bathroom to clean the night away and throw
on my black jeans, white t-shirt and white sneakers. On top I throw my
black blazer to show respect in front of the council. As women are
required to cover their head and shoulders, men are also required to wear
jackets to show respect in front of the council.
After spritzing my cologne and making sure I’m decent on the mirror I
steal a kiss on my wife’s lips before I leave the room. I would like to check
on my young man who sleeps with his grandmother but because I’m
already late, I decide against it. I’ll go check on him after the meeting.

The palace is still full of people. My wedding was pushed a week ago
because the king is getting inaugurated this coming week. The house
keeps getting fuller and fuller with relatives, with each passing day.
Some didn’t even leave from the wedding, they are waiting on the King’s
naming day next week.
I don’t know how many times I have to smile and greet people, my cheeks
hurts, but being the ever so humble Mrs. Dlomo’s son I must grin like a
fool. My mother is the sweetest thing ever, everyone expects to see the
same sweetness from us but lord it’s freaking exhausting advertising my
teeth like that Colgate superman.
“I’m sorry my dear smile” I huff to myself finally making it to the council
hall just outside the house. My poor beautiful smile must be complaining,
who else smiles from the house up until outside? Only a clown and my
beautiful smile is no clown,
“Your no clown wena my smile. Let’s get in here and face the bad boys” I
pull myself together before I slightly knock and open the council hall
I freeze a second when I walk into the room. My brother’s council only
consist of the five of us, but today we have Baba, Uncle Kay, bab Mtho
and Ntate Moletsane joining us as well. I can almost tell that today is
about me. It’s the way they all glare at me that I know I’m the subject of
matter today. Lord knows I would run if I was ever asked to be Mkhonto,
I was named his gift to ease the burden on his shoulder if it ever gets too
much but I haven’t tried shit.
What I know is that it’s not easy being him. With just being his right-
hand man I feel oppressed by my blood, I wish I could go back to being
young, when life was simple and all I had to do was cry for food and some
coins. Now both my fathers are stepping down and it’s time for us to take
the reins, I’m nowhere near ready but the Dlomo blood doesn’t care. It’s
time for the next generation to rule and we are that generation.
Dragging my feet to the table I greet them and throw myself on my sit.
My sit is always on Mk’s right hand, no matter who is in the room. I envy
my fathers so much right now, I wish I could say we did our part and it’s
time for others to take over.
After settling in I clear the room because I kind of have an idea what they
must be thinking,
“I haven’t touched my wife. I know I’m not supposed to touch her until
the naming day” I was kind of happy when she told me that she hasn’t
healed, that way I get to keep it in my pants as well until the naming
“This is not about that Dlomo” Mkhonto tells me and now I’m gazillion
certain that this meeting is about me,
“Then what is it about?” I enquire with all eyes in the room sitting on me,
As the king to be Mkhonto takes the ropes, it’s his time. He shall address
first before the others join in
“Your wedding have passed brother” he starts and I nod in
“As the first born to the princes of the house, you have to bring us a royal
bride first before the others” my heart sinks into my chest. I knew this
but I thought we could get to this after Zizwe and Zanele’s wedding,
“Shouldn’t we discuss this after your naming day and Zizwe’s wedding?”
I ask, exhaustion thick in my tone,
“No, Things must be done in order. The king’s naming day, your royal
wedding and then Zizwe and Muzi can follow. Do you have any princess
in mind so we can start the proceedings?” Uncle Kay asks, with no care
at all that I just got married a week ago,
“Can’t I enjoy my marriage first before I bring another woman in?”
“NO!” Uncle Kay almost bite my head off,
“Had you married Mama Gcino when you broke her knee, you would have
enjoyed your marriage. You all were given enough time to enjoy
yourselves. Vulamasango spoiled you boys!” Uncle Kay continues to bark,
“Kodwa Uncle Kay……..”(But…………) he interjects me with a roar,
“I’m no uncle of yours wena shlama! I’m your grandfather!” (……you little
scumbag!....) my brothers and I laugh. He hates it when we call him
uncle. We know he is our grandfather but growing up listening to my
father and bab Mtho call him ‘uncle Kay’ we ended up calling him that as
“Answer my question damn it! Do you have a princess in mind? Yes or
No?” he is getting really old, and one of this days he’ll faint. He reminds
me of that Rafet Koroglu from Chrysalis. That man is always angry and
one day that anger of his is going to kill him. I wonder if Sedat finally
teared Nalan, I haven’t followed my favorite Tykwood series with all this
buzz going on around the house. My Mila and I enjoy that story so much
you would swear……….
“SIPHOSAKHE DLOMO!” Damn this old man! See what I mean that his
anger is going to kill him,
“No grandfather I haven’t looked for any princess” when I shake my head
no he chuckles,
“You were told this was going to happen, right?” he continues to ask and
I nod,
“Do you want us to choose a woman for you?” My father asks and I heave
a sigh. I’m still enjoying my marriage and the last thing I want is to break
my wife’s heart,
“Can I get back to you all about this?” I ask. I have been treading sitting
my wife down but now I have no choice,
“Siphosakhe you have until the naming day to give us the name of the
princess you choose or else we’ll choose for you” Bab Mtho adds, growling
at me as if he was ever forced to do this as well. Him and my father did
as they please, they didn’t allow the dead to control them,
“I hear you baba” I say with a heavy tone,

Then all eyes turn to Zizwe,

“Your taking your commoner as the first wife?” Uncle Kay asks and Zizwe
“We’ll give you a month after your wedding to take a royal wife, right?”
my grandfather continues to add leaving no room for discussion,
“I hear you Dlomo” Zizwe say,
Lastly there is Muzi. Muzi is not the commitment type of guy. I feel sorry
for the princess he is about to marry. That girl is going to be stuck with
a man whore of a man, this brother of mine used to fuck best friends but
they all never turned against each other or even tell on each other. And
then he fucked siblings, sisters and they both never knew he fucked them
both. And then there was the Mthethwa twins, still he fucked the twins
that shared the same womb but he still came out the fuck boy Bhekimuzi
“Muzi?!” My father questions him,
“I’m going to take one wife and I already have a princess who is captured
my heart” my father nods with pride. Muzi here has always been a man
who knows what he wants. He said he’ll never tie himself to any woman
until he finds the one he wants. He is 34 years old and have never been
in love. He is the hit and run type of bastard. At this point I doubt he’ll
ever fall in love.
“That’s good son. At least one of my sons knew what was expected of
them, unlike the two whores who went and married commoners and now
that they have to break their woman’s heart then throw daggers my way”
Dlomo continues to add and I can’t help but scoff,
“You two should have waited like Muzi. He is going to spend his life with
his royal wife only, there is no perfect love like loving your only woman”
Muzi made him proud, we’ll hear about this until he pisses him off. He
always praises the one who did good until he pisses him off.
“Eh Mkhabela” Muzi shifts awkwardly on his chair clearing his throat,
“Is it possible for royal cousins to marry?”
“Haaa!” some of us gasp, well us the new blood. The old school are not as
shocked as some of us,
“That’s an incest!” Zizwe spits to his twin’s face and I agree with him,
“That’s an incest to commoners. But for royals intermarriage has always
been considered tradition. That way we keep our lineage pure and
powerful. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert were cousins. King George
IV and Caroline were cousins. Even white royal houses still practice
intermarriage. It is not a taboo for the royal houses to keep it within the
blood. We royals are always advised to keep our blood strong and pure.
Royal marrying cousins is not something new. It has been done in the
past and it’s actually something that made most royal houses stay strong”
Ntate Moletsane advises before he say to him,
“It’s not going to be an easy ride son” Muzi nods. My mouth literally
hangs to the floor when I catch on,
“Not babMtho’s daughter please Muzi” Bheki says exactly what is on my
“WHAT?!” Dlomo and his brother both get on their feet,
“BhekiMuzi I’ll chop your balls mfanawami yooooh!” bab Mtho is boiling,
“You’ll not marry your sister Muzi, not on my watch” Baba barks to his
“Will you two sit down” Mkhonto calmly request,
From everyone in here him, ntate Moletsane and the two oldies are the
only ones not shocked.
“I was asking for a friend. A royal friend of mine asked me to ask this for
him” Muzi calms them down. I know he is lying because I know all my
brothers. And that side eye they keep sharing with Mkhonto assures me
that there is more to this than meets the eye. I’ll corner my twin, I know
Mkhonto cannot hide a damn thing from me. If he dare try to hide
something I pull the ‘I’m your gift’ card on him.
“That friend of yours is a pervert” Baba continues to add with a scowled
look on his face,

“Dlomo can we please calm down” Mkhonto calls the house in order when
Dlomo and his brother are still throwing snide remarks at the so called
‘Friend’. I know there is no friend here, Muzi fucked best friends, siblings,
twins, I wouldn’t be surprised to know that he now wants to fuck his
cousin. Question is who is the cousin?
“Dlomo one of my man wants to get married, he doesn’t have family and
he would like for you to represent him to the Molapos” if it wasn’t for the
two old members he would be specific but because the two are here he
must make it sound like it’s man when we know it’s member of this pack,
“Chris to Bohlokoa?” My father asks and Mkhonto nods,
“I told you Dlomo, once you take the throne I’ll do anything for you. Tell
Chris I’ll gladly represent him” Dlomo
“Thank you Dinangwe, is there anyone who is got anything to ask or add
in relation to today’s meeting?” Mkhonto asks looking across the table
and when we all shake our heads no, he dismisses the meeting,
“Until later my council” he gets of his chair and nod at us then walks out.
Only then do we follow due. I must go see my father in law first thing in
the morning.

I couldn’t waste more time, as I had planned yesterday I drove straight
here after having breakfast. I’m already feeling heat from my family, the
sooner I face this, the better for me. The last thing I want is to hurt my
precious wife, hopefully she sees that I never meant to hurt her.
I park my S8 outside the yard and continue to make way inside the yard.
The dogs run to me, happy to see me. I’m no stranger in this house, I was
a known boyfriend from primary school.
Uncle Abongile must be brought out by the fuss of the dogs. I do not miss
the frown on his face as I nearer him, before I could even greet him he
asks, more like demand,
“Is my daughter okay Sakhe?” I sigh, she is okay but what brought me
here might leave her shattered when she finally finds out,
“Good morning Bab Mzamane?” I greet, inviting worry on the old man’s
face. He is always Uncle Abongile to all my brothers and I because he is
been that all our entire childhood, but unfortunately today I come as a
son, his son in law and he is bab Mzamane,
“My daughter Sakhe” his tone begs, pleads me to take him of his misery,
“My Mila is fine baba and both your grandchildren are also fine” I see
relief shower the old man’s face for a minute or two,
“What are you doing here?” he asks but before I could answer he
continues to bombard me with further questions,
“Wait! Do we have a bridge or……….” He is head of Security at home.
Those men guarding the royal house with their lives are his men,
“No baba, not at all. Can we get inside and talk?” I ask, wanting to put
him at ease because he might just drive himself crazy with all the
“You scared the shit out of me, and please drop this baba thing” he scolds
me leading the way into the house.
I follow him until we get to his simple but beautiful dining room,
“Would you like something to drink?” he asks pointing me to the chair
and I shake my head no,
“No thank you Mr. Mzamane. Is Mrs. Mzamane home?” I know she is
home, that woman lives to love her husband. Usually we call her sis Pally
copying her daughters but today I’ll address her accordingly, but this is
only scaring my father in law,
“I swear everything is okay. I just need to talk to the both of you” even
when I assure him that all is well I see he doesn’t believe me.
He leaves me in search for his wife in their beautiful house.

It doesn’t take long for them to come back. Sis Pally is also worried seeing
me sit alone in her dining room,
“Sakhe!” I don’t miss the shock on her tone,
“Saubona Maa. May I please have a word with you and Mr. Mzamane?”
she frowns but sits next to her husband holding on his arm for dear life,
“I don’t mean to scare you both, I’m here as your son in law and I seek
help from the both of you as my elders” I start looking straight into their
flushed faces,
“You have our attention Dlomo, speak up!” Uncle Abongile permits,
“My elders, as you both know what I am and my duty as the prince of the
house of Dlomo, I’m here to inform you that I have been ordered to fulfill
my duties as the first prince of the house” I don’t know if I put this
correctly and in a way they’ll understand,
“What duty is that?” Uncle Abongile catches up,
“What’s is he saying?” Sis Pally is a bit lost,
“My elders and the council have ordered me to take a second wife….” Sis
Pally gasps, interrupting me but she doesn’t say a word
“…. I have a duty to fulfill as the prince of the house. I must give birth to
at least one son of royal blood, and that will only happen if I take a second
wife from a royal house” I continue to add and wait for them to say
something but when they don’t I continue,
“I don’t want to lie to the both of you, it’s something I knew growing up.
But I thought I could do as I please as my father bab Mtho did but I can’t.
My hands are tight and the council is breathing down my neck. The last
thing I ever wanted was to hurt my wife. I love my Mila with everything
in me and I’m here to ask you both to talk to her as her parents. Break it
down to her and make her understand I beg you my elders. I don’t have
the heart to look in my wife’s eyes and break her heart. I’m begging you
oMzamane abahle” (……….the beautiful Mzamanes) I clasp my hands
before my chin begging them.
I pray they break it down to my wife in a way that will make her
understand that it’s my duty to do this, it’s not something I just want to
do to hurt her,
“Please bab Mzamane” I continue to plead seeing no movement from their
Uncle Abongile finally sighs after what feels like forever,
“This is why I didn’t want you dating my daughter” he states and I nod.
I remember him trying to break us up many times, he works for my
family and knows everything about us,
“Dlomo always emphasized that you boys will have to marry royal blood
when you grow up” he continues to add and at this point I’m only thankful
he hasn’t pointed me out of the door,
“I admire you for handling this matter with such maturity. Milani is my
daughter and her mother and I will break it down to her as you ask son”
thank god!
“Thank you so much baba. You have no idea what this means to me” I
really cannot be thankful enough,
“She is going to be so heartbroken” Sis Pally adds with sadness in her
eyes. I know what she means, I cannot bring myself to do it either,
“When do you wish us to inform her?” Uncle Abongile continues to ask,
“As soon as possible sir, the council is not making it easy for me and I’m
afraid she might catch it around the house if she is not told sooner” he
nods in understanding before he asks again,
“If she doesn’t agree to this, what is going to happen to my daughter?” he
is got every right to ask and I’ll give him my honest answer,
“If my Mila refuses me to take a second wife, she’ll be banished from the
royal house but I’ll be right by her side. She and I we’ll be banished
together. I’m willing to leave my family and my children because I know
there is no way we would be allowed to walk out with them. But Milani
Mzamane is the wife I choose myself and I’ll choose her over everything”
this is in my heart, should it get to that, Milani and I will go start
somewhere without family and drama but I know leaving our children
behind would kill her,
“Thank you for coming to me Dlomo. I’ll make sure your Mila
understands what’s at stake” What’s at stake is our children, my heart
she’ll have it even when I’m no royal prince. I would choose her over and
over again,
“I’ll get one of the drivers to bring her here tomorrow and we’ll tell her”
he adds and I heave a sigh. Now I wish tomorrow never comes.
I feel like I’m pregnant. I’m hot, sweaty and I cannot stomach anything.
My Mila is been gone since morning. She was shocked when she received
a call from her father last night summoning her home. I pretended to not
know the reason she was called home. Now since she is been gone I feel
heavily pregnant if I’m not I labor yet. I’m probably going to pop twins
out of my ass.
“You need to drink water!” Muzi walks on me standing out in the balcony.
My eyes are on the gate and my phone. I’m hoping to see the car that took
her drive back with her, or at least get a call from her,
“I think I’m pregnant” I confess to him and he scoffs,
“Who got you pregnant?”
“Milani damn it!” I gasp, in disbelieve that he would ask me that when
Milani sis guilty of taking my virtue
“I wonder who the fuck is making her smile like that” Muzi and I are both
standing by the rails up on the balcony. We were talking about my
pregnancy but he got lost, he speaks to himself through gritted teeth
squashing the water bottle he tried to offer me. The cap of the bottle burst
out and water pops out of the squeezed bottle.
I follow his intense stare, the mood he walked on here on has evaporated.
I can tell he is about to kill someone. Following the line of his stare they
land on her, Reabetswe Motaung. Uncle Tj’s daughter that looks just like
my mother. I know my pervert brother and it doesn’t take me long to
connect the dots. She is the cousin in question. Rea is on call behind the
council house smiling like she is having a phone call with Jesus’ father.
This is why my brother just squeezed the life out of the bottled water.
Clearly the poor girl is on a call with her boyfriend and she is oblivious
to us staring down at her.
“Not her Muzi!” I scold him, I know that look very well,
“What?” he finally turns to me faking confusion,
“Not her” I repeat, gesturing with my head who I’m talking about,
“You throw in your balaclava and look the other way. Mother will disown
you, uncle Tj will go berserk on you. You’ll create unnecessary conflict
amongst the family. Please sniff on any panties out there, but not hers”
He heaves a sigh and confess something I never thought would come out
of his mouth,
“I can’t Sakhe. I’m in love with that girl and I can’t help it” he is real, the
look in his eyes is something new to me,
“I’ll be moving to Joburg for a while for her” I can’t help but gasp,
“I’ll be staying at our Joburg home until I get her pregnant, that way the
family will have no choice but to marry us. If making her fall in love with
me will make me lose my mother and uncle, then so be it” I have no words,
I would say its one of his fucks but it’s not. This is the in love Bhekimuzi
Dlomo that we have never seen.
“She is beautiful” this is me telling my brother to follow his heart. She is
really beautiful but she is our cousin,
“Go get your woman bro!” Zizwe adds walking in on us from behind,
“The family might disown you but we’ll have your back” Zizwe continues
to say and I nod, agreeing with him.

“Baba Gcino” My Mila’s voice comes behind Zizwe interrupting us. I was
so much in Muzi’s business I didn’t see her arrive. One look in her eyes I
can tell that she cried. It hurts me to see her eyes so sad.
I bit my brothers goodbye and follow my wife to our room. I don’t know
what she is going to say, but whatever it is, I’m not leaving Milani
Mzamane’s heart.
She sits on the bed the minute I close our bedroom door. I stand clued to
the door waiting for her to say something. I give her time to take in a
deep painful breath before she lifts her gaze up on me and say…
“What?!” this I don’t understand,
“Ask me properly baba Gcino” she say, pain still loud in her tone but I
know what she wants,
I throw myself on my knees before her, hold both her hands as I ask the
most difficult question a man can ever ask his wife,
“Mama Gcino can I take a second wife?” it leaves a bitter taste in my
mouth but I ask it because I have to,
She nods and say
“Yes you can” her chest rise as she takes I a deep breath,
“I’m so sorry baby” I cup her face, removing the tears of her face with my
“You can marry your royal wife Sakhe, but under one condition” she is a
mess of tears but she speaks between the sobs,
“Anything mamakhe” I hate seeing her so tormented,
“When you start building our houses please separate us, I don’t want to
stay in the same house with the woman I’m going to share my husband
with” It goes without saying,
“I’ll do as you wish my love, but I have my own condition as well” she
frowns, looking at me with her messy face,
“Can you please choose the woman for me?” her frown deepens before she
“What do you mean?”
“Baby I don’t have the eyes to look anywhere. My eyes looked at you and
your fine for me. As my first wife I need you to choose your own sister
“Is that allowed?” she asks,
“Yes. You have the right to choose a woman for your husband from the
houses that will be presented to us” now that’s the smile I want, she
breaks into a smile past her messy face,
“Babakhe I’m going to choose the ugliest princess ever!” I don’t care, as
long as I have my Mila.
“The uglier the better, you’ll name her yourself. What do you think about
Nobubi Dlomo?” I’m happy I can make my wife laugh past the pain in her
heart. I’m sorry for that princess but my heart beats for this woman only.


Like every normal day the day came as well. The king to be stares at his
reflection in the mirror, he looks nothing like the man he was a year back.
A whore of a man following the wolverine’s every command. He thanks
himself for finally going to find his mate when she turned 21. Meeting
that hot headed loud mouth he loves with everything in him changed his
life for the better. Now he is a husband, a father, a brother, a son, an
alpha and today he shall be named the king.
He looks ravishing in his Zulu attire. On the throne he shall rightfully sit
today but he would have liked to have his queen right by his side. It’s a
pity she won’t be there, he only hopes that all goes well with her.
Especially now that she hasn’t been feeling well since morning.
She comes out of the bathroom once again wiping her mouth, she is been
vomiting again. Mkhonto turns back to look at his sickly wife, if it wasn’t
the inauguration day he wouldn’t leave her side. Worry is loud on his
face. He pulls her into a hug and kisses on her forehead,
“Please tell me you’ll both be fine my queen” she is been telling him, but
his soul doesn’t believe it,
“You daughter and I will be fine. We have the best guard in the world to
take care of us” Mkhonto huffs, the so called best guard is Bonga. He
personally appointed himself as his stepmother’s guard when he learned
that she won’t be joining the family down the hall,
“Another ‘vomiter’ of a guard” Mkhonto sneers bringing his queen to
“I honestly don’t know what is wrong with my family. This thing started
with Bonga, now your vomiting as well”
“We both know I’m vomiting because my body is preparing for birth. It
was said I shall give birth to the seer of the house on your naming day
right?” she reminds her husband who only nods with a sigh before he
drops on his knees.
He cups her belly with both his hands, kisses it a couple of times before
he talks to his daughter,
“Hey my angel” he kisses on her,
“I know you don’t like mommy and I very much” even to this date
Sinesipho has never kicked to her father’s voice or played when her
mother tries to play with her,
“I’m sorry mommy and I let you down, but please go easy on her today
my baby. I’m begging you my angel, I will not be here with her but I need
you to assure me that she’ll be fine so I don’t worry and focus on what I
have to do to show that I’m the rightful heir to the throne. Can you please
do something or……….” His words dies in his mouth as he feels his
daughter’s kicks for the first time. Tlotla looks down at him, shock
evident in her eyes. For the first time Sine is kicking and she doesn’t stop
even when her mother touches her. she is not an emotional person but
this invites tears in her eyes, she is longed for this so much at some point
she thought her own daughter hated her,
“She loves us doesn’t she?” she asks with a mess of tears decorating her
Mkhonto kisses his daughter first and thank her for assurance before he
attends his crying wife. He gets off the floor and stand up to cup her face.
She is still the most beautiful woman he is ever seen even when she is
“Sinesipho loves both her mother and father with everything in her. You
don’t have to question your daughter’s love for you. She wouldn’t have
chosen you to be her mother if she didn’t love you” he pecks her dry lips
and wipes the watery mucus running down her nose with his thumbs,
with the back of his hand he wipes her tears,
“Stop crying please. I won’t be able to focus out there having this image
of you in my head” she nods, sniffing and taking in a deep breath to calm
“Good luck out there my Khonto” she sadly smiles getting on her toes to
peck his lips,
“Your Khonto will be just fine, wena promise me you’ll both be in one
piece when I come back?” he kisses on her forehead. The sound of a horn
blown disturbs the two. They both know what it means. It’s time.
“Go kill some lion my king” Tlotla kisses him one last time but he wraps
his one hand around her waist while the other one cups her face. He
kisses the life out of her, sucking all the love she is got for him. Akela
wants to wrap her leg around him but Tlotla refuses. She is too heavy to
be lifting her leg.
“I love you my queen”
“I love you too my Khonto”
“Dlomo it’s time!” Vulamasango’s tone comes loud from outside the door.
Clearly the whole house is waiting on him,
“See you later mommy” Mkhonto,
“See you later daddy” Tlotla.

He opens his door and he is met by both his fathers standing on either
side of his door. A leopard carpet is laid all the way from his door down
the stairs where he is going to walk. On either side of the carpet are all
his family members. The women of the house stands on one side while
the men of the house stands on the same side as well.
“Here, make me proud out there son” Vulamasango hands him a spear to
fight with. He is a spear himself, he doesn’t need more spears but he
cannot turn down his father’s gift,
“Thank you Dlomo”
Then there is babMtho,
“Here, I heard that Lions are allergic to garlic” Mthokozisi hands him a
clove of garlic,
“When the lion comes closer to you, throw this in your mouth and chew
it quickly then spit on its face. It will choke and die before it even sinks
its claws in you” Mkhonto chuckles, he is the best father anyone can ever
ask for. He takes the garlic as well and nod to his babMtho before he goes
on to meet his young man,
“Don’t dare die on me out there please baba, I just found you” Bonga is
got no gift but his words warms his father’s heart.
“I’m coming back for all of you, you take care of your mother while I’m
out there, Okay?” Bonga nods to his father.
“And ask her to show you something I got you in my drawer” his father
adds and Bonga is happy,
Next in line are his brothers, the three don’t bother gifting him anything
or even sharing words of courage. Sakhe is eating his nails, throwing
some at his face when he stands before him hoping for something,
“I might die out there asshole!” Mkhonto barks at Sakhe who just threw
his nails on his face,
“Dude you’re a fucking predator, you and I both know you’re coming back
in one piece” Sakhe lowers his tone so the people don’t hear. It’s the truth
that he is going to come back in one piece, if maybe he was a normal
human being then his family might worry. Heir to the thrones are always
tasked with killing the king of the jungle himself to prove his worthy to
the throne. If a king chosen by the ancestors fails to kill the king of the
jungle, then he is no king to his people. The people have a right to choose
their own king.
“But I might be scratched, I’m still going to fight a lion out there!”
“Get off my face!” Sakhe barks him off.
Next is his pack. They all stand there oblivious to his culture but they
play their part as requested. Chris should be the first in line as his Beta
but there is no Chris on the line,
“Where is he?” he whispers to them and they don’t ask who because they
know who he asks of,
“Ivy is in town” sigh! It’s all he needs to hear, he is probably following
Bohlokoa at every chance.
Down the stairs he goes on nodding and smiling at his relative. He is also
one of those that most relatives don’t know because he left home at the
age 14 and only comes back now a 35 year old man ready to take on his
Getting out of the house he sees that the leopard carpet proceeds to the
car that awaits him down the stairs. Busses are ready to transport the
villagers. The inauguration start outside the village where a lion is
captured in a secure place for everyone to see and witness him kill a lion.
Here they don’t want to hear about they said. Almost everyone wants to
see this themselves. Then the ceremony will continue to the town hall
where he’ll be ordained and named. After that everyone can go back to
the palace to enjoy the feast.

Back in the day women were not allowed in to the sacred royal kraal
outside the village, but now in modern times things have changed. The
kraal is full, some people are sitting on top of the kraal fencing to see it
first class. It couldn’t accommodate everyone, some are peeking in
through the holes. Men and women it’s the same, they all want to see
their own King kill another King of the jungle.
When everyone is found position to watch the car door is opened for him.
He makes his way inside the kraal. Opening he gate and quickly closing
it so the beast doesn’t escape, not that a lion would run from food.
“Dlomo!” his people chant as he walks into a lion that was peacefully
sitting inside the kraal. Feeling his presence the lion becomes wild. It
rises to its feet and roar out loud leaving some vibration on the air. It’s
by luck that those who fall from the kraal fencing startled by the lion’s
roar fall outside the kraal. They could have made a good starter to the
starved lion. It’s been captured for a day, with no food so it fights to kill
and eat.
Mkhonto feels the predator wants to come out but he holds him in. This
is a battle between Mkhonto the king and the lion the king of the jungle.
Dear Mkhonto the man and lion the king of the jungle round each other,
sizing one another and looking for the best moment to strike. The beast
sees him as nothing but lunch, it roars again revealing its sharp fangs to
its prey. His blood feels mouthwatering from just sniffing on him. Royal
blood tastes like a five star meal to the beast of the jungle.
Mkhonto knows he needs to kill the lion in a split second, if he toys with
it and give people a show the predator will come out and take matters
into his own hands. He cannot risk his people knowing that he really is.
The lion takes careful steps backwards, away from him. As an animal
himself he knows what that means. He waits, holding his father’s spear
tight in his hand for it to attack first.
When the lion is sure of the distance, it charges at him, jumping up into
the air roaring to kill its prey. Mkhonto hold on to the spear and aims
beneath the lion. When it lands on him he stabs it with the spear opening
it up all the way from its throat down its stomach. He was too fast even
a single drop of blood didn’t touch him.
People gasp when he kicks the dead lion showing them its open stomach,
the intestines are all out. He defeated a lion in less than a minute.
“BAYEDE!!!!!!” the steward of the house chants out loud, bringing the
whole crowd to join him,
“NGONYAMA YEZULU!!” the crowd sing his praises,
“DLOMO!” bowing down at him as he leaves the kraal,
“MKHABELA!” they continue to praise him until he makes it to the car.
Now it I was time for the holy ceremony, he’ll be given a minute to change
into a suit at the hall before he stand before his people.

At the community hall he changes into a black slim fitted suit. Shirt and
all everything is black. A priest, his father and the royal steward all join
him on the front. Vulamasango occupies the throne with the crown on his
head as Mkhonto bows to him. He’ll present him the crown when the
priest is done.
The holy man of the lord calls on his God. He smears holy ash on his
forehead drawing a cross. Holy water is also sprinkled on him. He also
reads a few chapters on the bible before he nods to the steward that his
work is done.
The steward of the royal house blows out the horn, inviting excitement
into the hall,
“People of the royal Dlomo, I give you your rightful heir to the throne,
King Mkhonto Dlomo II” only when he sings out Vulamasango takes the
crown of his head and puts it on his son. He bows to his son first before
gets off the throne.
The rightful heir occupies his bestowed throne, the minute he sits on his
birthmark chair a flash of lightning strikes on the alter. It doesn’t hit or
break anything but it strikes twice before an extremely loud thunder
claps as well. Heavy rain start pouring out outside. This is time for the
royal ancestors to rejoice, everyone knows that they must await the rain
before they leave the hall. Indeed the heir the throne was crowned today.


Her water broke soon after he left the room. She hasn’t experienced any
pain but she knows what’s to follow after the breaking of her water. She
is been pacing up and down the room humming in anticipation, nothing
has happened so far but she can feel it that something is going to happen.
She is left with couple of old women who are supposed to look after her
and help her with birth, but they are too drunk to look after her. She is
worried how she is going to give birth with the help of drunk old women.
The only person sane is Bonga who keeps popping in every second,
“Maa it’s me, can I come in?” Bonga’s tone comes outside the door once
“Come in” she permits him. She hasn’t stopped pacing up and down in
her morning gown,
“Here, you should eat something” Bonga puts a tray of food on the
dressing table. She doesn’t even look at it because she can feel the urge
to throw up growing in her gut with just one look at it,
“Baba said something about something for me in his drawer” Bonga,
Tlotla points him to his father’s drawer,
The happiness on Bonga’s face when he opens a small box written ‘try not
to die with this Bonga’ is priceless. Tlotla knows that they both bought
him a bike, the one he told his father about. But right now she is not
feeling like herself hence why she can’t be happy for her son,
“Take that bag and help me to the nursery please” the nursery is just
right next to her room. It’s where the old women are seated drinking and
waiting on her. She can feel that her time is near hence why she request
to be accompanied to the room. She doesn’t want any mistakes with her
Gently she hold on to Bonga’s arm as they walk a short distance to the
next room. She is been pacing but with ease. Her doctor told her pacing
would help when the time comes.
“His queen!” the old woman don’t even stand to acknowledge her,
There is MaSibiya, MaNkosi, Mme Seipati and a certain Mane Dee who
keeps downing a Klipdrift bottle every chance she gets. The others are
drunk as well but not like her,
“Come here mantenya” (……fatty) the drunk Mane Dee points her to the
bed. She is not sure how she is related to Mrs. Dlomo but she is a relative
of hers. She is only in her morning gown and fresh panties that she put
on after wetting the other one. Bonga was immediately kicked out of the
room the minute he tried to walk in.
“Ere ke bone mantenya” (Let me see fatty) Mane Dee spanks her thighs,
urging her to open up,
“Bonang ho tenne panty hona hleng!” (Look at her she is wearing a
panty!) The old woman’s gang seated down on the carpet laughs. They
have continued with the alcohol bottle while this one checks her vagina,
The old woman takes off her panty and spreads her up. Tlotla is
uncomfortable but she does what needs to be done,
“You haven’t even started” only lord knows what she is supposed to have
started. This is her first child, she knows nothing about birth but she
doesn’t trust this drunk woman,
“Can I take a nap Mane Dee?” Tlotla asks, she feels her eyes grow heavy
with sleep that attacks her out of nowhere,
“Lala nana, birth pains will wake you” the drunkard say before she goes
to sit down and join her gang. It doesn’t take long for Tlotla to drift into
a beautiful deep sleep.

When she wakes up she is in the hut. She cannot remember how, or when
she got in here but she is still wearing her gown only with no underwear
that was removed by that old woman. What fumbles her more is that she
is alone in the hut.
The hut is always warm but today it’s warmer. There is a metal bowl
besides her with warm water next to her, a scissor that looks like it’s been
stolen from the past is also neatly placed within her reach on top of three
black clean towels. Then there is a mirror that’s got a stand to hold it also
placed beneath her reach.
*Black really!* Akela remarks inside her. She is also shocked, who
covers new born with black towels?
*How did we get in here?* Tlotla asks the wolf in her but she doesn’t
know either,
*I don’t know, maybe the old women brought us here while we
slept* Akela,
*But where are they do?* Tlotla’s questions is not answered because
Akela doesn’t know either.
She lays on the reed mat with her back. When she tries to get up and go
look for the old women she feels an excruciating pain sits below her
abdomen that sends her back to the reed mat.
“HOOOOOOO!” she hisses in pain, slowly laying back on the matt,
*You’re not going to give birth alone, are you? Tlotla I know
nothing about birth, don’t you dare push that baby with just me
in here. I have never been a mother before until just now, even in
my previous life I was a whore wolf but I knew my way to the
prevention herbs. You should have closed your legs. I told you to
stop having sex* Akela is utterly useless. She is blabbering out feeling
that her keeper’s body is readying for birth,
*SHUT UP AKELA* Tlotla barks at Akela. She needs silence now,
“HOOOOOOOOOO!” She screams in agony spreading her legs out,
“Akela my vagina is on fire!” she cries, she can almost feel it tear out
*This is the results of sex! I told you sex is not good but did you
listen? Next time try to listen to me please* Akela is washing her
hands, to think she is the one that craved all that sex.
“Akela I want my father, PAPA TLOTLAAAAA!!!” she cries out loud,
hoping that someone hears her and come to her rescue,
“Akela I want my husband, KHONTOOOOO!!!” with all the strength in
her she calls out loud,
“I’m never having sex I swear LORD!!!” she holds on tight to the reed mat
tearing it as she slightly gets up to scream the pain that is in her vagina.
She cannot see herself down there but she can feel the tearing and the
liquid coming out,
The pain gives her second to breathe. She is back on her reed mat taking
in deep exhausted breathes,
“Akela do something damn it!” she is back at Akela,
*You told me to shut up moos* its birth, it will have you go black and
white in a space of a minute,
“Do something please” she begs panting on the floor,
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” another contraction hits her out of nowhere
making her scream her lungs out,
“SINE SATANE DON’T DO THIS TO ME!” she curses, this child
promised to take it easy on her but here she is showing her flames,
“SHOOOOOOOOOOO!” she is once again screaming, holding on to the
ground but this time her upper body all stands. Something is popping out
of her vagina she can feel it.
She grabs the mirror and puts it between her legs, and she is shocked to
see hair inside her wide opened vagina,
*Is that her hair!* Akela gasps, shrinking inside her,
She is still sitting on her butt as she opens her legs wide out seeing her
daughter’s head, she grabs one of the towel and lay it between her legs
so her daughter falls on to it.
“Akela help me push her out, please!” she knows that she needs to give
the next contraction her all. She can feel it build up, looking up above
begging for strength she sees a flash of lightning strike twice, it doesn’t
hit or break anything but it shines out bright frightening her to push
hard when the thunder claps extremely loud,
“AAAAAAAAAAAH” she pushes once giving it her all and relief washes
over her entire body as she sees the small human being fall out of her
In exhaustion she falls back on the reed mat, breathing and gathering
her strength. It was so intense that it takes her a few minute to
remember the baby between her legs that is silent.
Forgetting that she just gave birth she quickly sits on her butt to check
on her baby. She winces in pain as she grabs her baby who is still
connected to her through the umbilical cord in her arms.
One thing she knows is that babies are supposed to cry when they are
born. The only reason she is not panicking is that the little madam is
wide awake and staring at her as if she can see her,
*Are they supposed to be this awake when born?* Akela asks
something Tlotla also doesn’t know,
“She is supposed to cry Akela” Tlotla is worried but doesn’t panic,
*Pinch her* Akela advices,
“Are you nuts? You want me to pinch my new born baby?”
*You want to hear her cry don’t you?* she wants to hear her cry but
she is not going to pinch her baby. The fact that she is staring at her is
“I think she can see Akela” Tlotla moves her index finger before Sine and
her small beautiful eyes follow her. Tlotla is left gasping in shock until
the infant in her arms turns her head to where the scissor fell when she
grabbed the towel. She remembers to cut the cot when the little human
being looks at the scissor,
“Where do I cut?” she is not sure, she is alone and knows nothing but she
knows she is supposed to cut. She eventually cuts not too close and not
too far from the baby stomach,
*Put her down and push the rest of that thing* Akela reminds her
of the placenta,
“I thought you knew nothing about birth” Tlotla gently puts her baby
down and goes on to push the placenta out
*I don’t want anything disturbing my man in there when we have
sex again* the same wolf that said she is the one who loves sex couple
of minutes ago.

Tlotla ignores Akela, she gently grabs her little human being. She grabs
another towel and dip it inside warm water then gently wipes her
daughter clean. She can’t help the tears falling from her face as she now
looks at her baby,
“Your perfect Sine waka” (… Sine) she forces her index finger inside
Sine’s tight fist but she frowns feeling something in there. She forces the
little hand open and finds her daughter holding a small black diamond
with a hole in it big enough to fit something like a thread.
That dream of hers come back, this is the same diamond she saw in her
Her instinct tells her to search the other hand as well and in there she
finds a small thin thread as well. She doesn’t need to be a scientist to
figure out what this is. She gently puts Sine down while she fiddles with
the black diamond and thread. Like putting a thread through a needle
she manage to connect the two and fasten them around her baby’s neck.
“I hope I did everything okay ba………” her words falls short, Sine
screams out loud shaking her tiny tongue like it’s doing kwasa kwasa. In
her mouth she sees a small white stone, Tlotla takes it out of her mouth
forgetting to shush her. She is looking at the thing trying to think what
it is and where it should go but nothing is coming to her mind,
*I can’t believe I pushed this child out of my vagina* remarks the
useless wolf that took the back sit when Tlotla was pushing,
*Maybe you should force it down her throat* If Akela was someone
who can stand before her she would strangle her for saying that.
“My little miss perfect” Tlotla brings Sine to her chest. She shushes her
not making a mistake of standing or moving her lower body. She’ll keep
the stone with her until she knows what to do with it,
“I’ll love you and protect you with everything in me Sine waka” she looks
at her baby, she is calmed down now.
*She is an interesting baby* Akela and her snide remarks,
“Fuck you Akela!” Tlotla curses her back. Yes Sine is an interesting baby
as she saw Milani’s children. But this interesting baby is hers to love and
she’ll kill anyone who dare comments on her baby looks that came out
just like her fathers’

Just when she takes time to bond with her baby the door flies open, in
walks Mkhonto but strong hands pull him out before he can even flinch.
Mrs. Dlomo appears after Mkhonto putting her hands on her mouth,
“TLOTLA!” Mrs. Dlomo gasps
Mabataung barges in as well and freezes as Boitumelo,
“TLOTLA!” she also gasp
Ntate Moletsane walks in pushing between the two. He is got his
ancestral bag that he drops on the floor before he drops on his knee and
bow to Tlotla holding her baby. Tlotla catches his smile when he lifts his
head to look at the little miss perfect in her arms.
“You did well my baby” Ntate Moletsane assures her before he turns to
the door and shout….
“…DLOMO!” Vulamasango quickly walks in. He tries his best not to look
between Tlotla’s legs,
“Take that” ntate Moletsane points Vulamasango exactly where he
doesn’t want to look. He shows him to take the placenta with the rest of
the umbilical cord. Vulamasango looks up but manage to grab the towel
wrapping the placenta,
“Give it to him” ntate Moletsane continues to say looking into Tlotla’s
eyes. She knows exactly what the seer is talking about. She gives her
father in law the small white stone that came out of her daughter’s
“Mark her and go bury it with her placenta in the middle of your kraal”
Ntate Moletsane tells Vulamasango who nods and put the black towel
down. He picks his granddaughter and smiles. With the stone he marks
her under her feet, the inside her palms, the nape of her neck and lastly
the top of her head,
“Thank you for her MakaSine” he thanks Tlotla giving her back the baby
before he leaves the room,
“Let me just make sure that you did everything well, okay?” Ntate
Moletsane say rummaging through his bag. He takes out a certain
container and asks for Sine. He uncovers her and smear the black looking
like Vaseline on her umbilical cord,
“Smear her with this until it falls okay?” he continues to instruct the new
mother who nods,
“Your mothers will help you clean up. Your people are waiting to see you
and her outside” Ntate Moletsane tells her before he gives her a bowl of
something bitter to drink,
“It will help with the pain and the bleeding” he adds when she doesn’t
want to drink the rest of it,
“His queen!” ntate Moletsane praises her before he excuses himself,
“MAA!” Tlotla have to snap the two mothers back to reality. They are
supposed to help her clean up but they are just standing there,
“Shit I can’t believe you gave birth on your own” Boitumelo is the first to
drop down to her,
“Mabataung we need pads, clean towels, a decent dress for her, please
run to her room and see what you can find in her wardrobe” Mabataung
doesn’t wait to be told once, she is out in a second,
“How is the pain?” her mother in law asks,
“Bearable” she manage,
“Please try to close your legs baby” Boitumelo asks,
“Maa I feel like the air is soothing in there when I open them like this”
Boitumelo laughs, giving birth is no child’s play.
When Mabataung comes back with a bag they help her clean up and dress
to face her people. As exhausted as she is she must walk out of the hut
with her baby for the people to see. The sunlight shines bright as she
walks out of the hut. She looks up and thank god before she looks at
people standing from a safe distance to see the seer of the house of Dlomo.
As her mother in law told her she raises her now fully clothed baby in the
air and the crowd goes crazy. People chant their clan names dropping to
their ground to bow to her.
“HIS QUEEN!” they chant. They have all bowed to their knees but one
man stands amongst the people. Two actually stands but he loves the
other one more. His father is standing with Mkhonto holding him still.
He must be the one who grabbed him from the hut. She doesn’t care about
Majara. Majara is expired. Her heart beats for the one with tears in his
People move to make space for her so she meets her Khonto. Forgetting
that Majara is still daddy dearest she pouts her lips for Mkhonto to peck.
Sine is right in her arm. Mkhonto obeys and kisses his queen, it doesn’t
end with just a peck though, he deeply kisses her angering the
grandfather next to them,
“RUUUH! NXA!” they both break the kiss with a giggle hearing Majara
huff in anger
“Auch!” he is stomping on people as he walks off, he cannot bare to look
at his daughter be lovey dovey with her husband,
“My queen” Mkhonto holds her content in his arms,
“Meet Sinesipho Dlomo daddy. Mommy’s little miss perfect” finally
Mkhonto gets to meet his daughter, Tlotla is never seen him cry until
today. She wipes the tear that falls down his cheek as he receive his
“Ntandokazi kababakhe” he pecks his daughter’s lips and continue to
peck his wife before he asks his people to make way for them.
Tlotla is exhausted and wants to rest but she must at least attend the
reception ceremony. Mkhonto hasn’t let go of his daughter, he holds her
with his free arm as the other ones holds his wife’s hand for dear life.

The royal house is now settled in the beautiful white stretch tent erected
for them only. The queen and king sits in the middle of the family from
the front raw of family members in a tent. Everyone who is got a gift to
present to their king and queen brings it forward.
King Seretse from the North West who gifted Bonga a wife comes forward
literally dragging Keletso with. Bonga is suddenly coughing hard
running to hide behind his step mother,
“What’s wrong?” his queen asks Bonga who is kneeling beside her with
pleading eyes,
“King Mkhonto II!” King Seretse bows before the royal house,
“My king” Mkhonto acknowledges him back,
“I brought your son a gift of a wife the other day” the old man starts and
Mkhonto nods in understanding,
“Today I bring you gift of a grandchild” gasps!
“THE FUCK!” Vulamasango gets on his feet,
“Mr. Dlomo I’m afraid you’re going to have a great grandchild. Prince
Bonga climbed my daughter and left his seed in her. I won’t be taking her
home with me. She is brought on shame to my house and I’ll not have
that” King Seretse pushes Keletso forward and goes to take his sit.
Looking down at Bonga Tlotla realizes why he is been vomiting lately.
He is begging her to protect him from his father and grandfather,
Vulamasango is fuming,
“And I’m a fucking grandfather!” Mkhonto barks at his son,
“Don’t you know what condoms are?” Mkhonto tries to look at Bonga
“Calm down Khonto. We’ll talk this later as a family” Tlotla calms her
man down,
“Hey sweetheart, stop crying go sit on his chair” Tlotla points the frantic
Keletso to the chair that was occupied by Bonga.
“Thank you Maa” Bonga mumbles next to his mother who doesn’t have
the strength. She is too exhausted but here she is, handling drama while
at it. She just wants this show over so she can rest and finally deal with
Bonga sleeping with Keletso and getting her pregnant.

A year later
A man of his caliber is required to keep his promises. As he had promised
those who bestowed him for the throne, he stands at the river baNk of
Mcunu river with three little boys in his arms. It’s something he must do.
Zwelibanzi the loner king asked for three of his male grandchildren. It’s
a sacrifice that had been carried in the Dlomo household for every decade.
In each ten years three princes must be sacrificed to the loner king.
Mkhonto kept the end of his bargain. He calls for the ancient ancestor of
the river to come receive his offerings,
“Zwelibanzi! The one who sits alone beneath the ruthless river of the
south. Zwelibanzi the god of the Dlomo house. I stand on your door step,
leaving your offerings. I hope you calm and borrow us peace until you
come to seek what was promised to you in another decade. Again I
apologies for my father, he did what he could to hold the reins for me, but
somethings were still beyond him. The time for the powerful house of
Dlomo shall rise again through you and me. I’ll leave you to your calm
waters. Your three princes of the house are here as request. Bayede
Zwelibanzi Dlomo!”
Right at the river bank he leaves his three of his nephews. The youngest
one is only one week old, he doesn’t even turn to the painful cries. It’s
been done in the house of Dlomo and it shall continue.
Up above the hill he stands and watch. Zwelibanzi hasn’t fetched them.
The water are still calm and showing no sign of movement. The infants
are still crying their little lungs out.
“Come on Banzi!” he snaps to himself, urging Zweli to come take the boys
but nothing happens. For a while he stands up there hoping to see him
come for the boys but he doesn’t come………

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