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Volume: 5 | Issue: 9 | September 2019 || SJIF Impact Factor: 5.614 ||ISI I.F Value: 1.188 ISSN (Online): 2455-3662

EPRA International Journal of

Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) Peer Reviewed Journal


Dr. K.S. Rao Venkateswarlu Karumuri

Professor, Research Scholar – Ph.D. (Part time),
Department of Commerce and Department of Commerce and
Peer Reviewed Journal Studies, Management Studies,
Andhra University, Andhra University,
Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam,
Andhra Pradesh

Employees are considered to be the vital resource of all resources available for any organization. They have to be handled
and utilized in a proper way to get optimum results. To get optimum results, mere contribution from employees is not
sufficient. Contribution from satisfied employees is so high than normal contributors. Job satisfaction is one of the
prominent research studies that most of the companies are investing their time to identify various job satisfaction
variables. Job satisfaction is defined as all the feelings that an individual has about his/her job. Job satisfaction is defined
as a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences. The present study
has been done from different research articles on job satisfaction and different variables of job satisfaction that are found
in their studies. All the variables are depicted in the form of review of literature on job satisfaction. The study also
proposes a conceptual model of job satisfaction.
KEY WORDS: Job satisfaction, satisfaction, Drivers of job satisfaction, welfare facilities, organisational

INTRODUCTION theory of organizational phenomena ranging from

Employee is considered to be the crucial job design to supervision (Spector, 1997). Dawis and
resource of all resources available for the Lofquist (1984) defined job satisfaction as the result
organizations. Studying and identifying factors of the worker‟s appraisal of the degree to which the
related to job satisfaction among employees is input work environment fulfills the individual‟s needs.
in formulating future policies and plans of the Lease (1998) defined job satisfaction as the degree
organizations. Job satisfaction is an important of an employee‟s affective orientation towards the
ingredient for increased productivity and work role occupied in the organization. Job
contribution in the work. It is a most frequently satisfaction may be defined as a pleasurable or
studied variable in organizational behavior research, positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal
and also a central variable in both research and of one‟s job or job experiences (Dunnette and Volume: 5| Issue: 9 | September 2019

EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) | ISSN (Online): 2455 -3662 | SJIF Impact Factor: 5.614 | ISI I.F Value: 1.188

Locke, 1976). productivity. The roots of the study of job

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY satisfaction lies in the Hawthorne studies conducted
The major objective of the study is to study during 1924-1933 and credit goes to Elton Mayo of
various drivers or variables of job satisfaction that the Harvard Business School. These studies resulted
are cited in different studies done on job satisfaction into “Hawthorne Effect” which states that changes in
and its impact on organization. The study also work conditions temporarily increase productivity.
attempts to bring out a conceptual model of job Later famous behavioral studies expert, Abraham
satisfaction. Maslow (1954) suggested that human needs form a
METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY five-level hierarchy starting from physiological
The data has been collected from different needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem to
databases such as, Google Scholar, Emerald, self-actualization needs. Based on Maslow‟s theory,
Research gate, Ebsco, CrossRef etc. job satisfaction has been approached by some
REVIEW OF LITERATURE researchers from the perspective of need fulfillment
Job satisfaction is defined as all the feelings (Kuhlen, 1963; Worf, 1970; Conrad et al.,
that an individual has about his/her job. It is an 1985).Herzberg et al. (1959) came up with the
affective reaction to a job that results from the two-factor theory of job satisfaction and postulated
person‟s comparison of actual outcomes with those that satisfaction and dissatisfaction were two
that are desired, anticipated, or deserved. Organ and separate and sometimes even unrelated phenomena.
Hammer (1991) pointed out that job satisfaction Intrinsic factors named „motivators‟ (that is, factors
represents a complex assemblage of cognition, intrinsic to the nature and experience of doing work)
emotion and tendencies. It has also been defined as were found to be job „satisfiers‟ and included
psychological reward that is experienced directly by achievement, recognition, work itself and
an employee (Stoner and Freeman, 1992). Job responsibility. Extrinsic factors which were named
satisfaction is also defined as reintegration of affect as „hygiene‟ factors were found to be job
produced by individual‟s perception of fulfillment of „dissatisfiers‟ and included company policy,
his needs in relation to his work and the surrounding administration, supervision, salary, interpersonal
it (Saiyaden, 1993). Sowmya and Panchanatham relations and working conditions which are essential
(2011) revealed in their study that high satisfaction to successful and smooth running of organizations .
of bank employees in their jobs will lead to higher In their studies, Kennedy and White (1997) found
productivity, higher involvement and a less that the employee training programs within the
likelihood of resignation compared to employees organization for the particular job were revealed to
who are less satisfied. Locke (1976) has described be significant in improving and developing the level
job satisfaction as an emotional response. of service rendering by an organization as the skills
Traditionally, job satisfaction has been defined “as of employees boosted with the particular training
the feelings a worker has about his or her job or job and ultimately it increased customer satisfaction and
experiences in relation to previous experiences, attachment with the business.. Spector ( 1997) has
current expectations, or available alternatives” identified most popular job satisfaction instruments
(Balzer, Kihm, Smith, Irwin, Bachiochi, Robie, and summarized the following facets of job
Sinar & Parra, 1997, p.7). Hulin and Judge (2003) satisfaction, are appreciation, communication,
have defined job satisfaction as “multidimensional co-workers, fringe benefits, job conditions, nature of
psychological responses to one‟s job” (p. the work itself, the nature of the organization itself,
255).Several studies have been conducted to identify an organization‟s policies and procedures, pay,
different factors leading job satisfaction among personal growth, promotion opportunities,
employees and measure their relative impact on the recognition, security and supervision, Job Volume: 5| Issue: 9 | September 2019

EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) | ISSN (Online): 2455 -3662 | SJIF Impact Factor: 5.614 | ISI I.F Value: 1.188

satisfaction and its relating factors. He also felt that, policies, independence, promotion opportunities,
the above approach has become less popular with work variety, creativity, compensation, work itself,
increasing emphasis on cognitive processes rather colleagues‟ cooperation, responsibility, social status
than on underlying needs so that the attitudinal of job, job security, achievement and students‟
perspective has become predominant in the study of interaction were associated with job satisfaction.
job satisfaction. Vigoda (2000) stated that perception Jagannathan and Sunder (2011) in their study of
of organizational politics was found to have negative employees of the Life Insurance Corporation of
relationship with job attitudes (job satisfaction and India in Tamil Nadu reported that the job security,
organizational commitment), a positive relationship recognition for work, supervision, pay, grievance
with intention to leave the job (exit), and a stronger handling procedures and other financial facilities had
positive relationship with negligent behavior significant impact on their job satisfaction. Wadhwa
(neglect). Sharma (2005), in his study of school et al. (2011) reported that factors of working
teachers in Himachal Pradesh revealed that they conditions, fair rewarding, promotion opportunities,
were satisfied with their work, working conditions, salary, adequate authority, supervisors influence the
salary structure, job security, promotional policies, job satisfaction of employee. Anitha.S (2011) in her
institutional plans and policies, relationship with article “A Study on Job Satisfaction of Paper mill
their co-workers, functioning of authorities (head) employees with special reference to Udumalpet
and their compatibility. Singh & Kohli (2006), Palani Taluk”, found that most of the employees
Thakur (2007) and Jha et al. (2008) shows that are satisfied with the working conditions and welfare
organizational contextual factors such as pay, growth facilities, rewards and also grievance handling
opportunities, job security, among others, influence procedure in the organizations .The author has
an employee's perception of job satisfaction. Kamal suggested that organization should also concentrate
and Sengupta (2008), Jegan and Gnanadhas (2011) on provision of additional facilities like canteen
and Wae (2001) found that bank employees with a facilities and rest room facilities for getting better
long duration of working experience reported a job satisfaction levels among employees. According
higher level of job satisfaction than employees with to (Dawson, 1987) Job autonomy, leadership
less experience. The studies of (Pati& Reilly, 1977; behavior, social relations and the job itself are also
Mahajan, Churchill, Ford, & Walker, 1984; Putti among the important factors of job satisfaction.
&Kheun, 1986; Ruth, 1992; Gratto, 2001; Velnampy.T & Sivesan.S (2012) in their research
Clercq&Rius, 2007) have revealed that the “Determinants of Employees Job Satisfaction: A
Organizational climate is positively related to the job Study on banking Industries in Srilanka” that most
satisfaction and organizational commitment. The of the respondents are satisfied with direction of
higher organizational climate will lead to higher job supervision, participation in decision making, and
satisfaction and more organizational commitment. with superior relationships. The author suggested
Abbas (2011) reported that financial factors, that banks need to be consistent in managing the
working conditions, supervision and advancement employee satisfaction in order to achieve the
opportunities are associated with the overall organizations goals effectively. Moreover, job
satisfaction of the banking professionals. Archana satisfaction is generally believed that higher job
Singh et al. (2011) study reveals that factors namely, satisfaction is associated with increased productivity,
pay, job interest, leadership, career growth, working lower absenteeism, and lower employee turnover
environment, job responsibility etc. serves as (Hackman & Oldham, 1975). Well hoarer (2012) in
stimulators for employee satisfaction in technology his article “A study on Job Satisfaction and its
sector. Deshwal (2011) also found that the variables consequences on work productivity in textile mills”
named as working conditions, organizational found that fewer employees are satisfied with Volume: 5| Issue: 9 | September 2019

EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) | ISSN (Online): 2455 -3662 | SJIF Impact Factor: 5.614 | ISI I.F Value: 1.188

management relationship. Most of the respondents job satisfaction of 200 teachers of 12 selected public
are highly satisfied with opportunities for interaction schools in the Cotabato city of Philippines. They
with each other, and satisfied with the working reported that school policies, supervision, pay,
environment, working hours. The author suggested interpersonal relations, opportunities for promotions
that organization has ro maintain the good and growth, working conditions, work itself,
relationship with co-workers and employees. Aarti et achievement, recognition, and responsibility were
al. (2013) identified factors, namely: salary of significantly associated with job satisfaction of
employees, performance appraisal system, teachers.The study of Orisatoki, Rand Oguntibej.
promotional strategies, employee‟s relationship with (2010) reveals that job satisfaction of the employees
management and other co- employees, training and can be increased by proper understanding the needs
development program, work burden and working of the employees. For example matching the
hours important for improving job satisfaction of the individual‟s strengths and preferences in a particular
Canara Bank employees. Suman Devi and Suneja area , on the basis of the jobs or tasks can be
(2013) witnessed that significant difference exists assigned. Narasimha Rao (2001), in his study
between employees of public and private sector “Cultural Fit and Job Satisfaction in a Global
banks in various aspects of job satisfaction such as Service Environment “ identified that job
pay, fringe benefits, supervision, training and satisfaction increases as s fit between the values of
development. But these differences are not individual and the values of organization. Mira
significant in case of the aspects, in relation to Singh (1990) in her study “Management of
co-workers, employee‟s empowerment, supervision, organisations behaviour” proved that employee
performance appraisal and nature of job. Usop et. al. provided greater participative opportunity exhibits
(2013) carried out a study on work performance and higher levels job satisfaction. Volume: 5| Issue: 9 | September 2019

EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) | ISSN (Online): 2455 -3662 | SJIF Impact Factor: 5.614 | ISI I.F Value: 1.188

Working conditions Khalil – Ur Rahman, Waheed Akhter and Saad ullah Khan (2017), Spector(1997),
Sharma(2005), Abbas(2011),Archana singh et al, Deshwal(2011), wadhwa et al(2011),
Anitha S(2011),
Salary and its structure Spector(1997), Sharma(2005), Kumar & Garg(2010), Archana Singh et al,
Jagannatham & Sunder(2011), wadhwa et al, Aarti et al(2013),Usop et al,
Opkara(2002), Lehal(2004), Singh & Kohli (2006), Thakur(2007), Jhaet al

Promotional opportunities/ growth Parul Agarwal, Dr. Prabhath Kumar(2015), Usop et al, Aarti et al(2013), wadhwa et al,
opportunities/opportunities for career Deshwal(2011), Abbas(2011), Sharma(2005), Opkara(2002), Lehal(2004)Singh &
progression Kohli (2006), Thakur(2007)

Relationship with supervisor or head or Sharma(2005), Abbas(2011), Jagannatham & Sunder(2011), wadhwa et al, Suman
supervisor‟s support Devi & Suneja, Usop et al, Velnempy T & Sivesan, Lehal(2004), Spector(1997),
Relationship with co workers or Sharma(2005), Deshwal(2011), Aarti et al(2013), Well Hoarer(2012), Opkara(2002),
colleagues Lehal(2004)
Work itself Sharma(2005), Opkara(2002), Lehal(2004), Spector(1997)

Welfare facilities Kumar & Garg(2010), Anitha S (2011)

Organizational policies Khalil – Ur Rahman, Waheed Akhter and Saad ullah Khan (2017), Deshwal(2011),
Spector(1997), Usop et al
Participation in decision making Velnempy T & Sivesan, Sundar(1994), Mira Singh (1990)

Achievement and recognition Spector(1997), Usop et al

Variety of work Deshwal(2011)

Style of leadership excercised Archana Singh et al, Foels, Driskell, Muller, and
Salas (2000)
Interest in the job Archana Singh et al

Performance appraisal Suman Devi & Suneja, Aarti et al(2013)

Grievance handling procedure Anitha S (2011), Jagannatham & Sunder(2011)

Job security Sharma(2005), Deshwal(2011), Jagannatham & Sunder(2011), Spector(1997)

Organizational politics Vigoda (2000)

Understanding the preferences and Orisatoki, R & Oguntibej. O

strengths of the employees in
assignment of job or task
Social support in the work place Ros Intan Safinas Munira, Ramlee Abdul Rahman (2016)

Table1: Variables of job satisfaction Volume: 5| Issue: 9 | September 2019

EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) | ISSN (Online): 2455 -3662 | SJIF Impact Factor: 5.614 | ISI I.F Value: 1.188

OUTCOMES OF JOB SATISFACTION work place, lack of discipline in performance, high

Job satisfaction plays an important role in intentions to quit, less commitment towards work,
contributing to both positive and negative behaviors feeling boredom and stress, high employee turnover
at the workplace. The positive side of job causes problems in successful administration of the
satisfaction results in increased commitment towards organizations (Diala & Nemani, 2011; Heneman et
work, increased productivity, increased morale, less al., 1980, 1986; Rego & Cunha, 2008; Spector,
intentions to quit The negative behavior results in 1997).
deviant behavior such as frequent absence from the

Figure 1: A model of job satisfaction

CONCLUSION variables like working conditions, salary and its
Hundreds of studies have been carried out in structure, promotion or growth opportunities,
order to understand the nature of job satisfaction and relationship with head or supervisor, relationship
to identify its antecedents and consequences (Petty, with colleagues have been identified as the most
McGee and Cavender, 1984; Loher et al., 1985). In important job satisfaction variables in majority of the
general, this paper studied various literature reviews studies studied for preparing this article. A few
about factors or variables of job satisfaction and its studies are highlighting variables like organisational
consequences on individuals and organisations both climate, organisational politics, the type of
positive and negative in a comprehensive manner. leadership are also cited as job satisfaction variables.
This study identifies that certain job satisfaction Volume: 5| Issue: 9 | September 2019

EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) | ISSN (Online): 2455 -3662 | SJIF Impact Factor: 5.614 | ISI I.F Value: 1.188

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