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 Newton’s Second Law of Motion: Law of Acceleration

Force = mass * acceleration

Law of Acceleration
- The acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same
direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.
- The larger the force applied on an object, the larger its acceleration.

 UAM (Uniformly Accelerated Motion)

- a type of motion in which the velocity of an object changes by an equal amount in every equal time period.
- The value of the acceleration is constant. It does not change. The velocity changes but at a constant rate. An object with zero
acceleration is said to be in uniform motion.
- An object in uniformly acceleration motion has non-zero but constant acceleration.
- Acceleration represents how velocity changes with time. Velocity represents how position changes with time.

Other information’s: CONSTANT ACCELERATION

 Objects at free-fall also exhibit uniformly accelerated motion (UAM).

 The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s2 or 10m/s2 neglecting air resistance.
 It is a constant acceleration for all falling bodies, regardless their mass and weight.

So, in general a uniformly accelerated motion is the one in which the acceleration of a body throughout the motion is uniform. It can be
observed in either vertical or horizontal, and in two dimensions.

II. PROJECTILE MOTION – an object moves in a curve path.

 Terms:
- Projectile – an object undergoing projectile motion.
- Trajectory – the arc/curve-like motion-path undergone by a projectile.

 Horizontal Motion – (x-component)

+ Neglect air resistance.
+ There is a constant horizontal velocity. We use to represent it v=velocity and x=component.
+ Horizontal acceleration is 0. Represented as “ax = 0”.
+ We call horizontal distance as range. (dx).

 Vertical Motion – (y-component)

+ The force acting upon in this motion is the force of gravity. (g = ay = ag) (g = –10m/s2).
+ Vertical velocity is not constant. (Vy)
+ We call the vertical distance as the height. (h = dy)


Thing we need to consider in defining MOMENTUM:

a. The object has a mass.

b. The object is moving

Any moving object with a quantity of matter has momentum, and momentum simply means mass in motion.

Mathematically, expressed as: p = m* v

P = momentum in kilogram.meter per second (kg.m/s), m = mass of moving object in kilogram (kg), and v = velocity of moving object in
meter per second (m/s)
When an object slows down or moves faster, its velocity decreases or increases. If there is a change in the velocity or the mass of an object,
there is also a change in momentum. And that change of momentum is called IMPULSE.

IMPULSE = change in motion

 Force is needed to change the momentum of a body.

This force (F) multiplied by the time of contact (t) is known as IMPULSE (I) (I = Ft)
 We can say that I = Ft = mv
 The standard unit for momentum (p) and impulse (I) is newton-second (Ns) or kilogram meter per second (kg.m/s).

Things to remember:

 The force of impact is directly proportional to the momentum of the body and inversely proportional to the time of contact.

 Impact force could be decreased by extending the time of contact.

 What do you think is the impulse of an object moving with constant momentum?
Constant = no change therefore, there is no impulse or zero impulse for objects moving with constant momentum.

 Any moving object has momentum (p = mv).

 Impulse is the change in momentum of a moving object (I = Ft = mv).

What will happen to a moving object if it collides with another object?

Scenario: Suppose you are playing billiard. The cue balls#1 are initially at rest. Then, you use the tako to hit ball#1.
1. What did you observe on the mass of the cue ball before and after collision? How about ball#1?
There is no change in mass.
2. Since it is initially at rest, what are the initial velocities of the balls?
3. After collision, is there a change in velocity of the cue ball? Ball#1?
4. Is there a change in momentum of the cue ball and ball#1? Why?
Yes, because there is a change in the velocity of the cue ball and ball#1.
Since the cue ball and ball#1 have a change in velocity after collision, then both balls have a change in momentum.
In collisions, an object that experiences a greater change in momentum has greater impulse.
Therefore, this shows the relationship between impulse and momentum. A change in momentum is equal to impulse.



- In a closed and isolated system, the total momentums of the objects before and after collision are equal.
- Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion = “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
- Momentum is a vector quantity (it has magnitude and direction).
- “none of the momentum was lost, only transferred”
- Therefore, P initial = P = final

COLLISION – an encounter between two objects resulting in exchange of impulse. In any collision, there must be conservation of linear
momentum, but this can express itself in a variety of ways depending on the type of collision.

1. Elastic Collision – one in which the total kinetic energy of the system does not change, and colliding object bounce off after
2. Inelastic Collision – one in which the total kinetic energy of the system changes (i.e., converted to some other form of
energy). Objects that stick together after collision is said to be perfectly elastic.

Kinetic energy may be lost during collisions when:

 It is converted to heat or other forms like binding energy, sound, light (if there is spark, etc. and;
 It is spent in producing deformation or damage, such as when two cars collide.

Mechanical Energy – energy acquired by objects upon which work is done. This form of energy closely relates to the elementary definition of
energy which is the capacity to do work.

ENERGY - is defined as the ability to move or change matter in some way. It can also be defined as the ability to do “work” – transfer energy
from object to another.


1. Potential Energy – energy that is stored, either by position, shape, or in its chemical bonds.
a) Gravitational Energy – a type of potential energy. An object that has gravitational potential energy when it is high above, ready
to be pulled back by gravity. Ex. A rollercoaster at the top of a hill has GPE.
b) Chemical Energy – another type of potential energy. Chemical energy is the energy stored in the chemical bonds of a material.
Ex. Food has chemical potential energy that our body releases through digestion.
c) Elastic Energy – another type of potential energy. Elastic energy is stored in an object due to its shape when it’s ready to snap
back into a different position. Ex. A compressed string, a boy that’s been pulled taut with an arrow.
2. Kinetic Energy – energy of motion. Anything that is moving, big or small has kinetic energy.
a) Thermal Energy – is a type of kinetic energy. Thermal is another name for heat energy. Thermal kinetic energy moves from
areas of high concentration (hotter areas) to areas of low concentration (cooler areas). Ex. A campfire. TKE can travel up a metal
spoon when we put it in hot soup.
b) Sound Energy – a type of kinetic energy. Sound energy travels in waves through the air to reach our ears so we can hear music
or people talking.
c) Electrical Energy – also a type of kinetic energy. Can travel through conductors like wires. Ex. Televisions, lights, cellphones.


 Energy is essential to everyday life. In fact, we cannot do work without it. Though we know that energy is always present
everywhere, it is not seen by our naked eye, but we can detect evidence of it.

 Law of Concentration of Energy. It states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can be transferred from object to object and
changed into different forms, but the total energy before and after any process is always the same.

 Conservation of Mechanical Energy where it states that “The total Mechanical Energy of an isolated system remains the same.”

 For any mechanical process that occurs inside an isolated system involves only conservative forces, the total mechanical energy is
conserved. This means that the total mechanical energy remains constant in time.

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