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Course Code: Anatomy and Physiology I, BIO 211-07

Semester: Summer 2024
Day(s): Online
Time(s): Online
Classroom: Online
Instructor: Lisa Mazzaro
Office Hours (Virtual): Email to set up a time (use ONLY your Goodwin email address)
Email: [email protected]

Prerequisite/Co-requisites: BIO120-Human Biology or  Materials required- lab coat, goggles, dissection

BIO121-General Biology, and CHEM101-Chemistry kit. Scrubs are recommended but not required.
Course Description
This course is a comprehensive study of the structure and
Student Learning Outcomes
function of the human body. Emphasis is placed on the
1. Identify the basic structures of the
chemical, anatomical, and physiological principles of cells
integumentary, muscular, skeletal, and nervous
and tissues of the human body as well as the
integumentary, muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems.
2. Describe the functions of the following human
Discussions will include how the interactions among the
body systems: integumentary, muscular, skeletal,
integumentary, muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems
and nervous.
contribute to human health and well-being. Laboratory
3. Explain the interactions among the
sessions are coordinated with the lectures and
integumentary, muscular, skeletal, and nervous
emphasize experimentation and application of the
systems contributing to human health and well-
lecture content. Experiments are supplemented by
microscopic analysis of selected slides, specimen
4. Demonstrate safe laboratory procedures.
dissection, chemical experimentation, and review of
5. Develop experimental reports using proper
anatomical models.
scientific style and format.

Course Goal
This course will allow students to understand the
structure and function of the human body.

Required Text
 Textbook: Anatomy & Physiology, The Unity of
Form and Function, 8TH Edition, Saladin
ISBN: 9781259277726
Lab Book: Lab manual will be provided in pdf in
Canvas, links in modules and online at
 Respondus LockDown Browser and Webcam

 Online quizzes and assignments are not

compatible with all Smart Phones, and all
Tablets. Laptop or computer is required.

instructions and related scoring guides or rubrics are

Grading Policy posted to Canvas.
Your performance in this course is assessed using
multiple, varied methods in the areas listed below and
based on the expectations as described in the syllabus
and outlined in assessment scoring guides or rubrics. If
you do not understand the expectations, it is your
responsibility to ask the instructor questions.
Online Discussions (10%):
Exams (4) 40% You are expected to participate in online discussions at
Final 20% least two different days a week.
Online Discussions 10%
The Discussion Board is where you will have ongoing
Lab Practical Exams (3) 15%
conversation with your classmates and instructor. It is
Lecture Quizzes and Lecture Assignments 5%
accessible by clicking on the link provided in the weekly
Online Lab Quizzes 5%
course materials for each week. Your grade will be based
Online Lab Report Assignments 5%
on four aspects: Quality, Quantity, Frequency, and
Total: 100 Accuracy; these are explained in detail on the syllabus.
General Structure:
A minimum of 2 postings must be made for each
Grading Key chapter on 2 separate days (one post to the instructor’s
93-100 = A 80-82 = B- 67-69 = D+ question and one post in response to a classmate’s posting
90-92 = A- 77-79 = C+ 63-66 = D (value added or comment). All posts must meet the high
87-89 =B+ 73-76 = C 60-62 = D- quality /quantity post requirement (see below) to receive
83-86 = B 70-72 = C- Below 60 = F full credit for that week’s discussion board. All postings
*For grading purposes in this course, the professor will cannot be made on the same day (it must be posted on 2
round up when tallying for final grade (not individual separate days). No answers can be repeated or the posting
assignments). for that day will not count. The first posting to the week’s
chapter discussion question is due on the Wednesday by
*Goodwin University does not permit extra credit or
11:59 pm EST. Discussions open on Monday 12:01 am
bonus points.
EST and close each week on Sunday at 11:59 pm EST.
Discussions may not be made up. Usage of PowerPoint
slides as a discussion board post will not count and result
Respondus Lockdown Browser and in a zero due to no original work added.
Webcam is required for all students for
lecture exams, lab practicals, and the final
exam to ensure compliance with Academic
General Information:
Integrity Policies at the University.
 Discussion posts cannot be made up; the
Webcams must be on for entire length of exam and
must be live. discussion will not be extended for any reason.
Visualization of eyes, nose, and mouth during entirety  Professional behavior is expected at all times.
of all exams is required. Use or Airpods/earpods is not This includes respect and courtesy for the
allowed. instructor and fellow students within the virtual
This is a free download and is to participate in this classroom discussion board.
course. Detailed instructions are provided in your  Plagiarism is using someone else’s words or
Canvas courses. images as your own without citing or giving
credit back to the originator and is not allowed
Assessment Methods (see academic integrity). Any posts with three or
This section of the syllabus contains a listing with brief more words in a row that are not in your own
descriptions of the assessment methods for this course. words will be flagged as plagiarism. Please cite
They are designed to align with the student-learning
all work or a zero will be recorded. Wikipedia or
outcomes and provide you with varied ways to
any other wiki site,,,
demonstrate mastery of the course content. Additional
3, etc are not reliable sources and  Unsatisfactory Quality: You will receive little
are not accepted as valid sources. Posts with use credit in the week's discussion by just showing up
of unspecified sources will be awarded a zero. and making trivial comments, without adding any
o All discussions are run through TurnItIn new thought to the discussion. At the low end of
the spectrum, no participation gets a "0." If you
(plagiarism checker) weekly. are not in the discussion, you do not earn any
Grading: points.
Basically, each post should be "value added." In other
words, your posts should further the thread topics; show Examples of quality posts include:
that you have learned something from our readings or  providing additional information to the
outside research; bring anecdotal, life experiences to the
 elaborating on previous comments from
threaded issues; ask relevant and forward moving
questions; or otherwise promote the Course Objectives
 presenting explanations of concepts or
for the week. Posts like "I agree" or "Great post" are nice,
methods to help fellow students,
goodwill posts, but they will not receive credit. Please
 presenting reasons for or against a topic in a
review the following quality standards; use them as you persuasive fashion,
formulate your responses:  sharing your own personal experiences that
relate to the topic, and
Quality Measurement  providing a URL and explanation for an area
 High Quality: Your contributions to each Topic you researched on the Internet. (NO WIKIS
indicate your mastery of the materials assigned. as an internet source)
Your responses might integrate multiple views
and/or show value as a seed for reflection for In addition to the above quality standards (high, medium,
other participants' responses to the thread. You low, and unsatisfactory), your discussion grade will be
provide evidence that you are reading the determined by your:
assigned materials and other student postings and  Frequency: You must post to each graded thread
are responding accordingly, bringing out based on the requirements each week. You must
interesting interpretations. You know the facts submit your first post of the week no later than
and are able to analyze them and handle Wednesday, 11:59pm EST. I encourage you to post
conceptual ideas. earlier and post often in order to keep up with the
discussions; they develop rapidly.
 Medium Quality: Your responses build on the
 Quantity: In order to meet the quality requirements,
ideas of another participant (or more) and dig a post will be at least a paragraph in length (~ 300
deeper into assignment questions or issues. When words). One to four sentence posts will not be
you make intelligent posts during the week, sufficient to receive full credit for that posting day.
including some good critique of the course You will find that some topics call for lengthier
material, then you have demonstrated you have an responses. Citations are not included in word count.
understanding of the material, are reading posts of  Accuracy: Because this is a writing course, your
your colleagues, and are contributing to the class. posts must be free of spelling and grammatical
Your posts demonstrate confidence with the errors. Paragraph format must be used. Please use
materials, but may be just a bit off target in one the Spell Check provided by Canvas.
area or another.
 Low Quality: You have meaningful interaction Online Lab Report Assignments (5%): Weekly lab
with other participants' postings. Posts that state report assignments will be given in Canvas.
I agree or I disagree include an explanation of
what is disagreed or agreed upon and why, or
introduce an argument that adds to the Lab Quizzes and Lab HW Assignments (10%):
discussion. However, you may have rambling, Weekly lab quizzes will be given in Canvas.
lengthy posts that show no sign of having been
re-read and refined before posting, and your
writing suffers lack of clarity and comprehension.

Respondus Lockdown Browser and Webcam is required for all students for lecture exams, lab
practicals, and the final exam to ensure compliance with Academic Integrity Policies at the University.
Webcams must be on for entire length of exam and must be live. Visualization of eyes, nose, and
mouth during entirety of all exams is required. Use or Airpods/earpods is not allowed.
This is a free download and is mandatory to participate in this course.
Detailed instructions are provided in your Canvas courses.

Lab Practicals (15%):

All practicals are taken within Canvas. Canvas may stop your practical if additional browsers or tabs are open. Practicals
are not reset for this reason. Additional time is not given on practicals. Three lab practicals will be given. Please use the
browser Firefox for all Exams and Practicals.

Final Exam (20%):

 The final exam will take place during week 15, please view attached outline.
 All final exams, including ones for accommodations, must be completed by the date of the final exam.

Exams (40%):
All exams are mandatory, any missed exams will result in a grade of a zero unless in the event of a documented
extenuating circumstance (such as hospitalization, death, jury duty, etc).

All final exams, including ones for accommodations, must be completed by the date of the final exam (found in syllabus
All electronic devices and notes must be put away and cannot be out or used during an exam.

There will be no resetting or retaking of any graded content. Online course work (exams 1-4, lecture quizzes, and
assignments) that is not taken/completed during the allotted time will result in a zero for the course work. Please note:
The comprehensive final is online and closes the last THURSDAY of the semester, submission time by 11:59pm EST

Academic success center may not be able to accommodate a make-up request, therefore, the make-up may be with
your instructor during their office hours.

All Assignments:
You may work with other students, but any graded submissions need to be your own individual work.

If you have taken the course before, all graded submissions need to be redone.

Goodwin University does not permit extra credit, bonus points or bonus assignments.

All grades will be posted/returned within 7 days of due date.

There will be no curving of grades, no extra credit/bonus points/assignments, etc

All students are expected to read the assigned chapters and corresponding lecture powerpoints, participate in online
discussions, submit Connect lecture assignments, submit lab report assignments, and complete lecture quizzes, lab
quizzes, exams and practicals.

For Exams, Practicals, Lecture/Lab Quizzes and Assignments, there will be no resetting or retaking of any graded content.
Online course work that is not taken/completed during the allotted time will result in a zero for the course work.

All course assignments are made to develop your reading, writing, and critical thinking skills in accordance with the
course objectives. Assignments are due each week by Sunday, 11:59 P.M. EST. Assignments posted after this due date
will not be accepted, and therefore will not receive any credit. Goodwin University does not permit extra credit or bonus

Use of an AI text generator when an assignment does not explicitly call or allow for it without proper attribution or
authorization is plagiarism.

The Course Outline / Class Schedule contains due dates

Important Summer 2024 Dates:

� May 6th: Start of semester

� May 23rd : Commencement. No classes. University is closed.

� May 27th: Memorial Day. No classes. University is closed.

� June 19th: Juneteenth. No classes. University is closed.

� July 4th: Independence Day. University is closed.

� August 18th: Last day of Fall semester

If you are traveling outside of the United States at any point during the semester, you will not have access to
“MyNavigator” which includes your email, Canvas, and Respondus. If you know that you are traveling,
works/assessments/exams must be completed prior to leaving or zeroes will be given.

Course Outline / Class Schedule*

Weekly Readings and Activities Assignments and Assessments

Module Saladin 8th ed Textbook Canvas
eScience Lab Manual (online and pdf in each weekly unit)
Module 1
5/6/24- Readings:  Complete Chapters 1 & 2 quiz
5/12/24  Read Chapter 1 -- Themes of Anatomy  Complete Concept Checks for
 Read Chapter 2 – Chemistry of Life Atlas, Chapter 1, Chapter 2
 Review Lecture Notes for Chapters 1 and 2  Syllabus/Respondus Quiz
eScience:  Discussion Board: Post your
 eScience Lab Manual -- Lab Safety and Techniques– Read pg Introductions (not graded)
13-14, 574-576  Discussion Board: Post to Module
 eScience Lab Manual -- eScience Student Portal Content – Read 1 discussion (graded)
pg 15 – Register and Login to your eScience student portal  Complete Lab Quiz 1
 eScience Student Portal – Complete Microscope Tutorials  Complete Lab Report assignment
activities 1
 Perform and complete Virtual Microscope Lab simulation  Complete EScience Checklist
activity  *Be sure to complete
APRevealed: Syllabus/Respondus Quiz to
 Review structures/content listed in Body Orientation document have lockdown browser
 Review powerpoint files downloaded prior to exam 1

Module 2
5/13/24- Readings:  Complete Chapter 3 quiz
5/19/24  Read Chapter 3 – Cellular Form and Function  Complete Chapter 3 Concept
 Review Lecture Notes for Chapter 3 Check
 eScience Student Portal - Complete Cell Structure & Function  Discussion Board: Post to Module
activity 2 discussion
 eScience Student Portal – Complete Diffusion & Osmosis
activity  Complete Lab Quiz 2
 eScience Student Portal – Complete Electrolytes, Water, Acids  Complete Lab Report assignment
and Bases activities 2
 Review structures/content listed in Cells and Chemistry
Module 3
5/20/24- Readings:  Exam 1: Chapters 1, 2 and 3
5/26/24  Study Chapters 1, 2 and 3 for Exam 1
eScience:  Complete Lab Quiz 3
 eScience Lab Manual - Read Cell structure & Function pgs -  Complete Lab Report assignment
53-61 3
 eScience Lab Manual – Read Mitosis & Meiosis - pgs 73-81
 Perform Experiment 2 - Following Chromosomal DNA
movement through Mitosis and Meiosis- pgs.88-93
 eScience Student Portal – Complete Cell Structure & Function
 eScience Student Portal – Complete Mitosis & Meiosis activity
 Review structures/content listed in Cells and Chemistry

Module 4
5/27/24- Readings:  Complete Chapter 4 quiz
6/2/24  Read Chapter 4 – Genetics and Cell Functions  Complete Chapter 4 Concept
 Review Lecture Notes for Chapter 4 Check
 Study Units 1-3 lab material for lab practical I  Discussion Board: Post to Module
APRevealed: 4 discussion
 Review structures/content listed in Body Orientation, Cells and
Chemistry documents for lab practical  Complete LAB PRACTICAL I:
Lab Units 1-3
Module 5
6/3/24- Readings:  Complete Chapter 5 & 6 quiz
6/9/24  Read Chapter 5 – Histology  Complete Chapter 5 &6 Concept
 Read Chapter 6 – Integumentary System Check
 Review Lecture Notes for Chapters 5 and 6  Discussion Board: Post to Module
eScience: 5 discussion
 eScience Lab Manual - Read Tissues and Skin pgs 127-129  Complete Lab Quiz 4
 Perform Experiment 1 -- Microscopic Slide Examination of  Complete Lab Report assignment
Tissue pgs 134-180 4
 eScience Student Portal – Complete Tissues and Skin activity
 Review structures/content listed in Tissues document
Module 6 Readings:
6/10/24-  Study Chapters 4, 5 and 6 for Exam 2  Exam 2: Chapters 4, 5 and 6
6/16/24 eScience:
 eScience Lab Manual - Read Tissues and Skin pgs 129-132  Complete Lab Quiz 5
 Perform Experiment 2 -- Microscopic Slide Examination of  Complete Lab Report assignment
Skin pg. 180-184 5
 Perform Experiment 3 -- Sweat Gland Distribution pgs 185-
 Perform Experiment 4 -- Skin Receptors-pgs 186-188
 eScience Student Portal – Complete Tissues and Skin activity
 Review structures/content listed in Integumentary document
Module 7
6/17/24- Readings:  Complete Chapter 7 & 8 quiz
6/23/24  Read Chapter 7 – Bone Tissue  Complete Chapter 7 & 8 Concept
 Review Lecture Notes for Chapter 7 Check
eScience:  Discussion Board: Post to Module
 eScience Lab Manual - Read Skeletal System pgs 195-201 7 discussion
 Perform Experiment 1 -- Classification of Bones pg 205 -206  Complete Lab Quiz 6
 Perform Experiment 2 -- Digital Slide Image Examination-  Complete Lab Report assignment
Bone, pgs 207-211 6
 Perform Experiment 3 -- Owl Pellet Dissection pg 212- 215
 Perform Experiment 5 -- Physical Skeleton-The Axial Skeleton
pgs 218-230
 Saladin Ch. 8 – Read The Skeletal System
 Review structures/content listed in Bones document

Module 8
6/24/24- Readings:  Complete Chapter 9 & 10 quiz
6/30/24  Read Chapter 9 – Joints  Complete Chapters 9 & 10
 Read Chapter 10 – Muscle System Concept Check
 Review Lecture Notes for Chapters 9 and 10  Discussion Board: Post to Module
eScience: 8 discussion
 eScience Lab Manual - Read Skeletal System pgs 202-203  Complete Lab Quiz 7
 Perform Experiment 5 -- Physical Skeleton-The Appendicular  Complete Lab Report assignment

Skeleton pgs 235-246 7

 Perform Experiment 9 – Articulations pgs 250-254
 eScience Student Portal – Complete Skeletal System activity
 Review structures/content listed in Bones and Joints documents
Module 9 Readings:
7/1/24-  Read Chapter 11 – Muscles  Complete Chapter 11 quiz
7/7/24  Review Lecture Notes for Chapter 11  Complete Chapter 11 Concept
eScience: Check
 Study Units 5-8 lab material for lab practical II
APRevealed:  Discussion Board: Post to Module
 Review structures/content listed in Tissues, Integumentary, 9 discussion
Bones and Joints documents for lab practical
Lab Units 5-8
Module 10
7/8/24- Readings:  Exam 3: Chapters 7, 9, 10
7/14/24  Study Chapters 7, 9, 10 (pages 308-311) and 11 for Exam 3 (pages 308-311), and 11
 eScience Lab Manual - Read Muscular System pgs 263-273  Complete Lab Quiz 8
 Perform Experiment 1 – Tendons and Ligaments pgs 274-281  Complete Lab Report assignment
 Perform Experiment 3 – Muscle Fatigue pgs 285-288 8
 eScience Student Portal – Complete Muscular System activity
 Saladin Chapter 10 – Read The Muscular System
 Review structures/content listed in Muscles document

Module 11
7/15/24- Readings:  Complete Chapter 12 quiz
7/21/24  Read Chapter 12 – Nerve Tissue  Complete Chapter 12 Concept
 Review Lecture Notes for Chapter 12 Check
 eScience Lab Manual - Read Nervous System pgs 307-308,  Discussion Board: Post to Module
317-319 11 discussion
 Perform Experiment 1 – Microscopic Examination of the
Nervous System pgs 320-324  Complete Lab Quiz 9
 Perform Experiment 6 – Sheep Brain Dissection pgs 336-337  Complete Lab Report assignment
 eScience Student Portal – Complete Nervous System activity 9
 Review structures/content listed in Nerves document
Module 12
7/22/24- Readings:  Complete Chapter 13 & 14 quiz
7/28/24  Read Chapter 13 – Spinal Cord, Nerves, Somatic Reflexes  Complete Chapters 13 & 14
 Read Chapter 14 – Brain and Cranial Nerves Concept Check
 Review Lecture Notes for Chapters 13 and 14  Discussion Board: Post to Module
eScience: 12 discussion
 eScience Lab Manual - Read Nervous System pgs 309, 312-316  Complete Lab Quiz 10
 eScience Experiment 7 – Reflexes pgs 338-340  Complete Lab Report assignment
 eScience Student Portal – Watch Nervous System videos 10
 Review structures/content listed in Nerves document
Module 13
7/29/24- Readings:  Complete Chapter 15 quiz
8/4/24  Read Chapter 15 – Autonomic Nervous System and Visceral  Complete Chapter 15 Concept
Reflexes Check
 Review Lecture Notes for Chapter 15
eScience:  Discussion Board: Post to Module

 Study Units 10-12 lab material for lab practical III 13 discussion
 Review structures/content listed in Muscles and Nerves  Complete LAB PRACTICAL III:
document for lab practical Lab Units 10-12

Module 14
8/5/24- Readings:  Exam 4: Chapters 12, 13,
8/11/24  Study Chapters 12, 13, 14 and 15 for Exam 4 14 and 15
 Discussion Board: Post to
Module 12 discussion

Module 15
8/12/24- Readings:  Complete Comprehensive Final
8/15/24  Study Chapters 1-15 for Comprehensive Final Exam Exam: Chapters 1-15

Comprehensive Exam must be

completed by Thursday, August

*This syllabus is subject to change. Changes, if any, will be announced in class and on Canvas.
Be sure to check Canvas and your Goodwin email regularly!

Class Policies is the recommended browser when using Canvas. It is

highly recommended to NOT use Microsoft Edge as it is
not compatible with Canvas. For Canvas technical
Class Meetings: Please refer to the course outline problems in the course, refer to the helpdesk under the
for schedule of meeting dates and holidays. Regular Technical Support Tab.
attendance and participation in class is expected. If you
expect to be absent or late for a class meeting, email me Access to all computer systems, networks and electronic
before the beginning of class. If you need to leave class devices owned by Goodwin University imposes certain
early, speak with me before the class session. responsibilities and obligations to all faculty, staff, and
students. The university’s technology policy outlines the
Canvas: Canvas contains class materials such as acceptable usage for all computers and peripherals,
PowerPoints, worksheets, media, and links for network resources, telephones and all other electronic
submitting assignments. Be sure to check devices owned and maintained by Goodwin University.
Canvas often to stay up to date on announcements, new Users failing to adhere to this policy may face disciplinary
course materials, and other important information. All actions by Goodwin University and/or local and federal
assignments must be submitted on Canvas (emailing law enforcement agencies. The complete technology
and adding to comments is not submitting and will not policy is located on the Goodwin website
be accepted). Canvas issues contact
[email protected] or call 860-913-2152 .pdf and in the student handbook.

Late Assignments: Per department policy, all work

is expected to be handed in on time. Any work Technical Difficulties: For Canvas technical
submitted to the instructor after the due date will result problems in the course, contact by email:
in a zero for that assignment. Late assignments or make- [email protected] or phone: (860) 913-2152.
up exams are not permitted except when there are
extenuating circumstances, and the instructor has been For eScience kit technical problems in the course, contact
notified. In circumstances in which the instructor by email: [email protected] or electronic order
permits a make-up exam, the format of the exam is at form for missing items
the discretion of the instructor.

All course assignments are made to develop your

reading, writing, and critical thinking skills in accordance
with the course objectives.
Unless otherwise stated, assignments are due each week Course Decorum: We will create a positive
by Sunday, 11:59 P.M. EST. environment in the classroom. There is an expectation of
Assignments posted after this due date will not be respect and professionalism (i.e., demonstrate respect
accepted, and therefore will not receive any credit. for instructors, peers, and self, participate in classroom
Goodwin University does not permit extra credit or bonus activities, and follow course and college policies).

Deadlines are an integral part of all professional careers. Communication and E-mail: Students are expected
Please manage your time and complete all coursework to communicate in a professional manner (i.e., verbal,
thoroughly and on time. Per department policy, any work written, and electronic). I will send course updates and
submitted to the instructor after the due date will result announcements through Canvas so please check your
in a zero for that particular assignment. Be mindful of all Goodwin e-mail account regularly.
due dates on the syllabus schedule to avoid missing any
E-mail Decorum and Netiquette: Students are
Technology: Online components are not
expected to communicate in a professional manner (i.e.,
compatible with smartphones or tablets. Firefox
verbal, written, and electronic). Instructors aim to

respond within 24 hours during the weekdays and within Use of an AI text generator when an assignment does
48 hours on the weekends, extensions of that time on not explicitly call or allow for it without proper
holidays. Emailed assignments will not be accepted. attribution or authorization is plagiarism.
Please check your Goodwin e-mail account regularly.
Due to FERPA regulations, instructors can only answer
questions pertaining to student’s courses through the Attendance:
Goodwin University email system. Extensions (Excused absences) are:
Due to extenuating circumstances and at the discretion
of the instructor. Instructor must be notified as soon as
Plagiarism: Plagiarism is using someone else’s possible.
words or images as your own without citing or giving
credit back to the originator and is not allowed (see Testing Policy:
academic integrity). Please cite all work or a zero will be  No outside resources are allowed while taking
recorded. Wikipedia or any other wiki site,, exams/practicals, and or quizzes; this will result in a,, etc. are not reliable sources and Zero.
are not accepted as valid sources.
All discussions/assignments/exam essays/lab report  All exams and the final, including ones for
assignments are run through TurnItIn (plagiarism accommodations, must be completed by the due
checker) weekly. All written work submitted (exams, date in the course syllabus.
exam essays, lab practical answers, lab report  During testing, students are only permitted to
assignments or discussion posts) will be opened in possess a pencil (exams are scantron-based). All
Turnitin and checked for plagiarism. Emailing of books, backpacks, jackets, and other extraneous
assignments is not allowed. They will not be graded supplies MUST be left at the front of the classroom.
unless submitted in the proper format.  The instructor will assign students random seating
during the day of the exam. Students are not
Plagiarism is a violation of the Academic Integrity code of permitted to choose their own seat under ANY
this institution and will not be tolerated. The plagiarism circumstances. Any students failing to comply with
policy applies to every aspect of coursework including the seating arrangement assigned by the instructor
threaded discussions, exams, quizzes, assignments, etc. will result in an automatic grade of zero.
It is important that students fully cite any outside ideas,  Students are NOT permitted to leave the room
text, and visual aids they reference in their work. during a test. Any student leaving the room during
the test will not be permitted to complete the test. In
If you copy from, rely on, or paraphrase from your text or addition, any student arriving late to a test will only
from any other source, you must include quotations for be allotted the remaining time to take the test.
copied materials, in-text citations, and complete end-of- Please refer to your instructor’s attendance policy for
text citations. For any source, you must include the additional information.
proper reference material including the full URL and date  Students are NOT permitted to engage in talking or
accessed if the source is from the Web. Failure to cite any form of communication (verbal or non-verbal)
completely in-text and at the end-of-text is a violation of during testing. Any student found communicating
Academic Standards and will result in a zero for the with other students during the test will be
discussion/assignment. considered cheating and subject both parties to
receiving an automatic grade of zero. Any questions
As members of an academic community, which places a during an exam will be directed to the instructor
high value on truth and the pursuit of knowledge, only.
students are expected to be honest in every phase of  Students are NOT permitted to use cell phones,
their academic life and to present as their own work only smart watches or PDA’s (Personal Digital Assistant)
that which is genuinely theirs. Each student has the during a test. All cell phones, PDA’s, and smart
responsibility to maintain the highest standards of watches should be turned off or put on silent. Any
academic integrity and to refrain from cheating, student whose phone, PDA, smart watch rings aloud
plagiarism, or any other form of academic dishonesty.

 during a test will have their test removed and will not be permitted to complete the test. Any student found using a
cell phone, PDA, smart watch or other electronic communication device during a test will result in an automatic
grade of zero.
 Students are NOT permitted to have cell phones or cameras out when reviewing a test. All books, papers,
pens/pencils are to be put away and off the desk prior to reviewing the test.
 The above policies are NOT limited to testing situations (quizzes, lab practicals and lecture exams), but include lab
and lecture situations as needed

Attendance Policy: Instructors are federally required to take attendance for Census. Please make sure you are
active and participating in order to not lose your spot in the course.
 Attend weekly in person sessions on your lecture and lab day.
 If there is an emergency on an exam day, documentation is required to reschedule.
 Please see ‘Establishing attendance’ under College policies link

COVID-19 Specific information – To keep everyone safe, please follow all campus policies as they regularly
change. Follow all COVID-19 university updates at

Course Policies

Academic Integrity
Goodwin University values the principles of academic integrity. This means that our class expects students to think
critically, to share their own ideas, and to be honest with respect to their intellectual efforts. Submission of work for
academic credit must be original to this class, and it must be the student’s own work. It is the responsibility of each
student to become familiar with what constitutes academic dishonesty and to avoid all forms of cheating and plagiarism.
If you have questions about the university’s Academic Integrity Policy or about what constitutes academic dishonesty,
ask your instructor.

Expectations for Written Work and APA

Goodwin University courses adhere to the APA style of documentation of sources used by the American Psychological
Association. Unless otherwise specified, assessment of assignments incorporates all aspects of APA style including but
not limited to format, grammar, in-text citations, and references. You can find instructions and help with applying APA
Style on the Academic Writer website
All written (text-based) assignments must be produced using software that is compatible with Canvas. Unless
otherwise specified in the assignment instructions, be sure written assignments meet these basic expectations.
1. One-inch margin for all sides of the page (e.g., top, bottom, left, and right side of the page).
2. The font is 12-point.
3. The paper is double spaced.
4. The first page of the paper includes your full name and the date of submission.

Office Hours
Your success in my class is my main mission. I invite you to stop in during the office hours posted on the first page of this
syllabus. You can also email me to schedule an appointment for another time. My office hours are an extension of class.
They provide you with one-on-one time to meet with me to talk about and explore course topics, ask questions about
assignments, or get guidance on how to be successful in the course.

Time Management
Be sure to set aside specific time each week for reading, watching, or otherwise thinking critically about, engaging
actively with assigned materials, and completing all assignments. Check the calendar in Canvas (LMS) for assignment due
dates and use it to set soft due dates for when to start working on your assignments. Be sure also to schedule time to
complete assignments around your other schedule demands, such as work or family.

Timely Submission of Assignments

Balancing workload and meeting deadlines are an integral part of all professional careers. All work in this course is due
by Sunday at 11:59pm ET submission time, except for work in the last week. Assignment due dates are listed in the

Learning Schedule Outline. Be sure to make note of them so you can create calendar reminders to ensure assignments
are submitted on time.
Any assignments not submitted by the specified due date will result in a grade of “0” (zero) for that assignment,
and a grade of “0” will be entered in the Canvas gradebook. This practice provides you with real-time information on
your grade for the course and maintains the integrity of the gradebook. Since due dates are listed in this syllabus, the
need for extensions should be extremely rare.
Should you need to request an extension, email me by Friday at 11:59pm ET the week the assignment is due.
Write Request for an Extension in the subject line of your email and explain to me your plan for completing your work.
There is no need to share the reason for your request. You will have one week to complete this work. This does not
include exams (lecture, practicals, nor the final) nor discussion board posts.

Communication and E-mail

Please check your Goodwin e-mail account regularly as this is the email address that will be used for all course
communications. Please consult the syllabus before e-mailing with general questions about assessment-tasks /
deliverables, expectations, and course logistics. I will read and respond to e-mails regarding course content or logistics
excluding, personal time, sick time, weekends and holidays. I will not ordinarily respond to e-mails that are sent late at
night, over the weekend, or on holidays. I will send course updates and announcements to your Goodwin email through

Goodwin University Academic Policies, Resources, and Support Services

This course adheres to all policies outlined in the Goodwin University catalog.
Academic Policies
Goodwin University academic policies may be found in the academic catalogs.
Student Affairs
Services, resources, and programs available to support Goodwin University students may be found on Student Affairs
Academic Support Services
The Goodwin University Hoffman Family Library webpages is where you can schedule tutoring sessions, access library
databases, and find Academic Writer, an APA resource for writing academic papers.

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