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Jurnal Peternakan Integratif Vol. 8, No.

2, 2020

Jurnal Peternakan Integratif

Financial Analysis of Broiler Chicken Farmers on

Partnership Pattern and Independent Pattern

V A Siallagan1, R E Mirwandhono, I Sembiring1, S Sepriadi1*, D Purba2

Animal Production Program Study, University of Sumatera Utara, Padang Bulan, Medan
20155, Indonesia
Feed Research Institute Graduate , School of Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences,
*correspondence author: [email protected]
Abstract. Broiler farm business continues to grow. This research aims to find out
the income and feasibility reviewed from financial aspect of broiler chicken farmers
partnership patterns and independent patterns in Tanjung Morawa Sub-district. The type
of data used in this study is primary data obtained through observation and interviews and
secondary data. Determination of samples with purposive sampling with broiler chicken
breeders partnership pattern as many as 9 people and broiler chicken farmer independent
pattern as many as 3 people. Data analysis was observed by calculating revenue income
and financial viability of Revenue Cost Ratio, Break Event Point, Return on Investman
and Internal Rate of Return. The results showed that the average income per head breeder
of partnership patterns with company A, company B and company C amounted to Rp
2,216, Rp2,407, Rp 2,310 and the average income of independent pattern farmers
amounted to Rp 3,077. Broiler business farmers partnership obtained ROI of 63%-80%,
IRR is greater than the interest rate, which is 22%-24% and R/C more than one. Based on
the feasibility criteria of financial analysis of partner and independent pattern farms is
feasible to run and develop.

Keywords: financial, broiler chicken, partnership pattern and self-reliance

Received [30 October 2020] | Revised [27 November 2020] | Accepted [30 November 2020]

Broiler chicken farm business is not separated from some of the obstacles
encountered. These constraints are quite serious obstacles in broiler chicken farming
business, limited capital, simple technology and management that is still lacking. In
addition, the obstacles faced by small breeders are the high level of input price risk, such
as DOC, feed and medicines. The unclear market makes farmers unable to sell all the
chickens that are kept so as to make the cost of production increase. The knowledge of
farmers in terms of climate and disease is necessary to minimize the risks faced. The
ability to manage good risk is indispensable to farmers, so as to get maximum profit and
can develop their livestock business. In its implementation there is a difference between
independent business patterns and partnerships that will affect the difference in income
level of broiler chicken business.
One of the efforts to minimize the risk in the broiler chicken farm sector is by the
absence of corporate partnership institutions through a pattern of core-plasma
partnerships with the aim of increasing revenue, improving the quality of farmers'
Jurnal Peternakan Integratif Vol. 8, No. 2, 2020

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resources. In the implementation of partnership patterns the company and the people's
farmers must be in the same position so that the vision of the partnership
can be achieved both in terms of income and production costs that are fully regulated by
the company and agreed together with the farmer.
Materials and Methods

Research and Sampling Methods

The determination of the research used is a survey method that is interview and
observation directly with the group of broiler chicken breeders. The interview uses a listof
questions (questionnaires). Survey research to describe broiler chicken farmers in dehead
from the objects studied, so that it is known financially in partnership patterns and
independent patterns in Tanjung Morawa sub-district.
The sampling method is purposive sampling which is defined as the taking of the
sample based on deliberateness. The selection of a group of subjects is based on a specific
trait or trait that has a close relationship with a previously known trait or trait. Breeders
pattern partnerships as many as nine breeders from three different companies, and
independent patterns of as many as three breeders. The selected breeder has been raising
broiler chickens for a minimum of two years.
Data Collection Methods
The data collected in this study includes primary and secondary data. Primary data
conducted using interviews and observations using a list of questions(questionnaires)that
have been prepared. Primary data sources are various partnership breeders and broiler
chicken independent breeders in Tanjung Morawa Sub-district. Secondary data is data
taken from related agencies such as deli serdang agriculture office, Central Bureau of
Statistics of Deli Serdang Regency. The data obtained includes population data, meat
production and an overview of broiler chicken farm areas.
Data Processing and Analysis Methods
Data analysis can provide information and various answers to the formulation of
problems contained in this study. The method used in processing data and analyzing data
in this study is a qualitative and quantitative method. Qualitative analysis uses descriptive
methods to determine the business of broiler chicken plasma core patterns and self-
contained patterns. Quantitative analysis is used to determine the income level of partner
farmers and independent breeders using financial analysis. The data required in
quantitative analysis is cost, revenue, revenue, and R/C, IRR, BEP, ROI data.
Cost, Revenue and Revenue Analysis
A fixed cost is a fixed cost that does not depend on the amount of production
produced. Variable costs are all costs incurred during the production process or when the
business generates benefits. According to [10], production costs are distinguished into
two kinds, namely fixed costs and variable costs. The total fixed cost and variable cost are
entirely the total cost of production, with the following formulas:
TC = Total production cost (Rp)
TFC = Total fixed cost (Rp)
TVC = Total variable cost (Rp)
Acceptance is a multiplication between the resulting production and the current
selling price. According to [8], to find out the reception of broiler chicken breeders, the
following formulas are used:

TR = Q × P
Jurnal Peternakan Integratif Vol. 8, No. 2, 2020

Jurnal Peternakan Integratif

TR = Total revenue/receipt (Rp) Q
= Total production
P = Price (Rp)
Income is the difference between receipts and all costs. To find out the income of
broiler chicken farmers used the following formula [8]:

Pd = TR - TC
Pd = Total income earned by farmers (Rp) TR
= Total revenueearned by farmers (Rp)
TC = Total cost/ cost incurred by the farmer (Rp)

Return Cost Ratio (R/C)

Farms can be said to be feasible to be developed if the R/C value is greater than
one. The greater the R/C value, the more profiT the farm business. Revenue Cost Ratio
(R/C), otherwise known as a comparison of the ratio between receipt and cost, with the

R/C = TR

TR = Total receipt (Rp)
TC = Total production cost (Rp)
If R/C Ratio < 1, then the farmer's business is unprofitable and unfit for business If R/C
Ratio = 1, then the farmer's business is not profitable and has nothing to lose (break even)
If R/C Ratio > 1, then the farmer's business is profitable and worth working on.
Break Event Point (BEP)
Break Event Point (BEP) is a state that shows the company is not profitable and
has nothing to lose. The variables used in the BEP analysis are fixed costs and variable
costs[6]. Theoretically it can be written as follows:

Fixed Cost
BEP (Rp) = Price per Unit −Variable Cost per Unit

Fixed Cost
BEP Unit = 1 Variable Cost Total
− Sales Total

Return on Invesmant (ROI)

ROI is the ability to be used to cover the investment spent. The profit used to
measure the ratio is net profit after tax[ 9].
Jurnal Peternakan Integratif Vol. 8, No. 2, 2020

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ROI = Net Profit Total × 100%

Total Aktiva

Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is an interest rate that will make the NPV value
of a project equal to zero. The value of IRR indicates the ability of a project to generate a
return of capital or the level of profit it can achieve. IRR is calculated with formula [3].

IRR = i1+ (𝑁𝑃𝑉1−𝑁𝑃𝑉 2) (i1-i2)

NPV1 = NPV at the highest discount rate

NPV2 = NPV at the lowest discount rate I1 =
discount rate NPV1
I2 = discount rate NPV2
The criteria often used in assessing an effort are determined by: IRR
> cost of capital then the project is considered feasible.
IRR< cost of capital then the project is considered unworthy
Results and Discussion
Production Cost, Revenue and Income of Broiler Chicken Business with Partnership
Pattern and Independent Pattern
The total cost of production is the costs incurred by farmers in the business
activities of broiler chicken farms and partnership patterns, consisting of variable costs
and fixed costs. Variable costs are the costs incurred by farmers whose amount is
influenced by the small amount of production the higher the production scale, the higher
the variable cost that must be borne by the farmer during production. Included in
the variable cost component for broiler chicken farming businesses are sapronak costs
(feed, DOC and OVK) and operational costs. Fixed costs are costs that do not depend on
the amount of production and do not change as a result of changes in the amount of
produce obtained by farmers, including the cost of shrinking cages and equipment, UN
costs, those costs remain incurred even if production is stopped.
The following are the costs included in the total cost of farm production, among

a. Doc Cost ( Day OldChick), feed and OVK

The biggest expense for both breeders is the purchase of feed. Partner breeders
spend Rp 20,786/head and independent breeders spend Rp 17,852/head. The cost incurred
by partner breeders for doc purchases is also higher than that of independent breeders.
This is due to the company's set DOC price higher than the doc price in the market
purchased by independent breeders. Partner breeders are obliged to pay it if they have
received payment for the harvest.
Another cost component is the cost of buyering vitamin and chemical drugs.
Independent breeders use more ovk, because chickens cultivated by independent breeders
are more often exposed to diseases that require more medicines. Partner breeders have
Jurnal Peternakan Integratif Vol. 8, No. 2, 2020

Jurnal Peternakan Integratif

standards and provisions in the administration of medicines for the treatment of diseases
to increase income.
The highest cost of feed is partner breeders because the amount of use in each
period is more than that of independent farmers. The needs of partner breeders are indeed
less than independent breeders, but the price of sapronak purchased is mostly more
expensive than self-sustaining breeders. So the cost of sapronak incurred by farmers is
higher than that of partner breeders.
An area of 1 m2 is used for 12 chickens, but to increase the heavy production of
chickens an area of 1 m2 is used for eight chickens so as not to interfere with the air
circulation which causes chickens to be susceptible to disease and interfere with the
growth of chickens. This provision is used by some respondents so that it does not differ
between partner breeders and independent

b. Operating Expenses

The largest expenditure of the operating costs of partner and independent farmers
is labor costs. Heating (gas solex) is used for cage temperature heaters. Some
independent breeders still use traditional heaters that use furnaces. The needs and costs
of partner and independent breeder husk are almost the same. The cost of capture wages
is the cost prepared by partner and independent farmers to finance the implementation of
the harvest.

c. Depreciation costs

The small cost of depreciation of cage equipment borne each period is influenced
by the scale of the business. The cost of depreciation of equipment and cages of
independent breeders is lower than the depreciation that partners must bear. Independent
breeders only spend Rp. 393/head while partner breeders spend Rp. 412/head - Rp.
437/head. The large cost that partner farmers have to insend is due to the influence of the
use of heating equipment, partner breeders use solex gas while some independent
breeders still use artificial heaters or furnaces. Economic lifespan is also an influence in
depreciation costs, while independent farmers save more on the use of production
equipment. If the amount of equipment is reduced it
is feared that the feeding and drinking is uneven, thus inhibiting the growth of chicken
d. UN Fees
The cost of UN incurred by partner farmers and independent breeders is almost the
same, which is Rp. 5,2/head – Rp. 7,1/head. U.N. costs are incurred by partner breeders
and are self-sustaining once a year despite no production activities.
The following is a table of production costs, receipts and income on broiler chicken
business with partnership patterns and independent patterns per head/period.

Table. 1 Matrix on broiler business with partnership pattern and independent per
Breeders Partnership
Cost Type Company Company B Company C Breeders
Chicken reception Acceptance 31.776 31.573 30.374 29.351
of faeces and atal 310 225 352 267
Bonus 339 411 320 0

Total receipt (Rp) 32.424 32.210 31.046 29.619

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Feed (Rp) 20.786 20.429 19.744 17.852
DOC (Rp) 7.500 7.541 7.250 6.500
OVK (Rp) 416 323 300 750
Manpower (Rp) 410 429 520 520
Electricity (Rp) 145 143 93 93
Atal (Rp) Heater 252 229 240 247
(Rp) 145 134 140 135
Capture wage (Rp) 51 54 47 50
Depreciation (Rp) 437 424 412 393
United Nations (Rp) 5,2 7 7,1 5,8

Total production cost 30.146 29.712 28.754 26.545

Income (Rp) 2.216 2.407 2.310 3.077
Death rate (%) 5,4 4 5 6,8
Average chicken weight (kg) 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,4

Source: Processed Secondary Data (2020)

Total Production Cost
The total cost of production is obtained by summing up the entire cost of
production during a period of both independent breeders and partner breeders. From table
14 obtained that there is a difference in total production cost between the farmer
partnership pattern and the independent pattern, where the lowest total production cost is
found in independent breeders which is Rp 26,545/head and the highest is found in
farmers who partner with Company A which is Rp 30,146/head. This is due to the
difference in the number of production cost factors incurred for the purchase of
sapronak, cages and equipment, the cost of vaccines
and medicines, as well as operational costs that support the business activities of broiler
chickens. The largest cost of all production costs incurred by partnership and independent
pattern breeders are feed, DOC, medicine, and labor costs. In the initial cost partnership
pattern sapronak cost is borne in advance with partner companies and the price given is
also higher compared to independent pattern breeders who provide their own sapronak.
This is in accordance with the statement
[5] which states that the largest variable cost component incurred from partner and
independent business patterns is feed costs as well as DOC procurement and costs will
increase as the chicken population grows.
The highest average receiving was in farmers who partnered with Company A at
Rp 32,424/head from Company B and Company C, while the lowest in the self- contained
pattern was Rp 29,619/head. This is due to the higher weight of chickens and the
difference in the selling price of livestock. The selling price of chicken with partner
patterns is determined based on the contract of body weight and the price per kg of living
weight while the independent pattern is determined by the farmer. independent farmers
face a higher risk of price fluctuations than business partnership breeders. This is in
accordance with the statement [5] which states that the selling price of independent
pattern livestock is determined by the farmer while the partner pattern is determined
based on body weight and price per kg of life. [2] it states that the difference in receipts is
due to the rate of chicken death and the awarding of bonuses by the company. Partner
breeders have relatively fewer chicken mortality rates and higher chicken weight than
self-sustaining breeder chickens. The acceptance of broiler chicken business with
partnership patterns and independent patterns there are differences. The acceptance of
farmer partnership patterns is obtained from the sale of chickens, sales of manure, sales of
Jurnal Peternakan Integratif Vol. 8, No. 2, 2020

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atal, and bonuses (achievement fees and market subsidies from the company). The
acceptance of independent pattern breeders is obtained from the sale of chickens, the sale
of manure and the sale of atal.
Income is the difference between total receipts and the total cost of production
incurred. The average independent farmer earned the highest income of Rp 3,077/head
and the lowest income of farmers who partnered with Company A at Rp 2,216/head
compared to company B of Rp 2,407/head and company C of Rp 2,310/head. This is
because the amount of costs incurred by partner breeders is greater than that of
independent breeders. The selling price of chickens on independent pattern breeders is
greater than the farmer's partner pattern. This is in accordance with research[1] which
states that the income earned by partner breeders is smaller than that of independent
breeders, as the amount of cost incurred by mitrra breeders is greater than that of
independent breeders. However, partner farmers benefit greatly from participation in
partnerships such as capital assistance, guidance and counseling and product marketing.
Financial Analysis of Chicken Livestock Business Partnership Pattern and Independent
Financial analysis is necessary to determine the feasibility of a business reviewed
from the financial aspect, namely by calculating the cost flow and receipt flow of
financial eligibility analyzed using methods such as: Revenue Cost
Ratio (R/C), Break Event Point (BEP), Return on Investmen (ROI) and Internal Rate of
Return (IRR).

Table 2. Financial business of chicken broiler partnership pattern and independent

pattern in Tanjung Morawa Sub-district
Breeders Partnership
Criteria Company A Company B Company C Breeders

R/C 1,08 1,08 1,08 1,12

Production Volume 8.722 9.701 8.342 6.344
(kg) 16.781 16.582 16.951 18.828
Production Price (Rp) 68 66 63 80
ROI (%) 23 22 22 24
Source: Processed Secondary Data (2020)
R/C (Revenue Cost ratio)
R/C is a comparison between the receipt and the total cost of production used to
determine the efficiency of the broiler chicken business. From table 15, the R/C ratio
obtained shows that broiler chicken business in the farmer partnership pattern and
independent pattern is quite efficient because each breeder shows R/C more than one,
meaning that broiler chicken are already profitable. Every one rupiah of the total cost
incurred by the partner farmer will provide an additional receipt of Rp 1.08 while the
independent farmer gets an additional greater amount of Rp 1.12. Research conducted [1]
R/C value on the total production cost of partnership pattern breeders and independent
pattern breeders is greater than zero, i.e. for partnership pattern breeders Rp 1.27 and for
independent pattern breeders Rp 1.35.
BEP (Break Event Point)
a. BEP Production Volume (kg)
Bep production volume in farmers partnering with Company A, Company B and
Company C successively indicates that the capital point will be reached if the average
weight of chickens is 8,722 kg, 9,701 kg and 8,342 kg and the independent breeder is
Jurnal Peternakan Integratif Vol. 8, No. 2, 2020

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6,344 kg. This is in accordance with the statement [8], stating a situation in which the
company cannot profit or lose/break even. BEP production volume is a safe point in
chicken livestock business either partnership pattern or self- contained pattern with the
lowest production that must be produced so as not to suffer losses.
b. BEP Production Price (Rp)
Bep production price of independent pattern farmers will be achieved if the price of
life weight is Rp 18,828/head, and farmers who partner with Company A, Company B
and Company C amounting to Rp 16,781, Rp 16,582 and Rp 16,951 so that the costs
incurred can be returned. Research conducted [7] BEP production price of independent
pattern breeder chicken life is Rp 14,143.88/head and partner breeder amounts to Rp
13,110.92/head. The higher the sales price at the farmer level from bep production price,
then the farmer partnership pattern and independent pattern is more profitable so on the
contrary, the lower the sales price at the farmer level from the BEP production price, then
the farmer both the partnership pattern and the independent pattern will suffer losses.

ROI (Return on Investman)

The highest ROI rate is in independent pattern breeders at 80% while the lowest to
highest roi values of farmers partnering with C companies, B companies and A
companies are 63%, 66%, and 68%. Roi value compared to BRI bank loan rate of
16.75%. This means the broiler chicken business is both partner and independent able to
generate profit from the investment invested so that the chicken business partnership
pattern and independent pattern can be said to be financially viable. This is in accordance
with the statement [4] which states that the ratio used as a tool for the ability of invested
capital can generate a net profit. The higher the ROI value, the higher the capital
investment that has been issued will quickly provide profit in a rapid period.

IRR (Internal Rate of Return)

Conditions at the time of bank interest rates were 16.75% and 21%. With the
results of IRR farmers who partner with company A, company B, company C and
independent pattern breeders by 23%, 22%, 22% and 34% shows that partner pattern
farms and independent patterns in Tanjung Morawa sub-district can return loan capital up
to a maximum interest rate of 22%-23% for partner pattern breeders and 24% for
independent farmer patterns. The value of the IRR is greater than the bank's interest rate,
this indicates that the partner and independent pattern farm business is worth running.
The results showed that the average income per breeder pattern of partnership
with company A, company B and company C amounted to Rp 2,216, Rp2,407, Rp 2,310
and the average income per head of independent pattern breeders amounted to Rp 3,077.
Broiler chicken business in farmers partnership pattern and independent pattern shows
that by using interest rate 16.75% obtained ROI of 63%-80%, R/C more than one and IRR
greater than interest rate, namely 22%-24%. Based on the feasibility criteria of financial
analysis of partner and independent pattern farms is feasible to run and develop.
Jurnal Peternakan Integratif Vol. 8, No. 2, 2020

Jurnal Peternakan Integratif


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