SSES - Science 3 - Qtr4 Module 2 - Week2 1

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Fourth Quarter- Module 2

Week 2
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and
evaluated by the Development and Quality Assurance Teams of
SDO TAPAT to assist you in helping the learners meet the standards
set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal,
social, and economic constraints in schooling.
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to
use this module. You also need to keep track of the learners'
progress while allowing them to manage their own learning.
Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the
learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
For the learner:
This module will help you learn important science ideas. You will
understand these ideas through various activities.
Below are some reminders in using this module:
1. Use the module with care. Do Not put unnecessary mark/s
on any part of the module.
2. Do not forget to answer What am I good at? before moving
on to the other activities included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and
checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are
through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this
module, do not hesitate to consult your
We hope that through this material, you will experience
meaningful learning and gain deep understanding of the
relevant competencies. You can do it!
What’s my target?

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

1. Relate the importance of surroundings to people and
other living things. (S3ES-IVc-d-2)
1.6 Describe the importance of landforms to people
and other living things.
1.7 Describe the importance of bodies of water to
people and other living things.
1.8 Realize that certain things live in land and water.
1.9 Relate the importance of clean surroundings to
people and other living things.

What am I good at?

A. Directions: Read the questions carefully. Select and encircle

the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following shows importance of landforms to

people and other living things?
A. It is a source of food.
B. It is where houses, roads, towns, parks are built.
C.It is a place for animals to live in.
D. All of the above

2. What waterform can be used to produce electricity

A. Lake C. River
B. Ocean D. Waterfalls
3. How is plain used by people?
A. People plant large quantities of rice and other grains.
B. People build, roads, houses, parks and other buildings
C. People build towns and cities
D. All of the above.

4. Where do fishermen catch many fish, it is used by big ships to

go to other places in the world.
A. Bay C. Ocean
B. Lake D. Sea

5. Why is it important to have a clean surrounding?

A. People will be healthy if the surroundings are clean
B. Plants and animals grow will.
C. The air we breathe is clean.
D. D. All of the above.

Lesson The Importance of Landforms

and Water Forms in the
1 Surroundings

What’s to look back?

B. Directions: Identify the following landforms and waterforms.

Write your answer on the blanks.
__________1.It is a wide stretch of flat lands where farmers plant
__________2.It is a high elevated land, may be covered with thick
__________3. Large body of salt water smaller than ocean.
__________4. It is surrounded by land.
__________5. It is a lowland surrounded by hills.
What will I do?

Activity 1: Describe the importance of landforms and waterforms

to people and other living things
A. Directions: Identify the pictures of landforms and waterforms
below. Describe the importance to people and other living things.

1. People: _________________________
Other living things: ___________________

2. People: ________________________
Other living things: _________________

3. People: ________________________
Other living things: _________________

4. People: ________________________
Other living things: _________________

5. People: ________________________
Other living things: _________________
What’s the meaning?

There are many landforms in your surroundings. They include

mountains, hills, valleys, plains, plateaus and volcanoes.
Landforms are important to all living things. They are home to
humans, plants, and animals. They also provide us with food and
other resources.

 Mountains
The trees in the forest provide wild animals their habitat and
food. The trees give off oxygen to the atmosphere that people
and animals breathe.They provide materials for lumber used in
building houses and making furniture. The roots of trees absorb
water that prevents flood, landslide and soil erosion.

 Hills
They may be coverd with grass, few trees, or rocks. Some
farmers plant coconuts, bananas, and other crops on the hills.
Some insects like bees, dragonflies, and grasshoppers use the
plants as their habitat and source of food.

 Plains
It is where farmers plant rice, corn, vegetables and other
crops. Most people build towns and cities on plains. Roads,
houses, parks, and other buildings are built on plains.

 Valley
Crops like rice, corn, tobacco, and vegetables are also
planted in a valley. Cows and carabaos are brought to eat
grass in the valley.
The bodies of water on Earth are very essential to all living
things. It is where humans and animals get freshwater to drink.
Some aquatic plants and animals serve as food for humans. It is
the habitat for marine life.

 Oceans and seas

Provide many fish, whales, and other marine animals and
plants with habitats. Big ships sail on oceans to go to other
places in the world. Fishers catch fish from seas to provide food
for people. They are important in water cycle and weather

 Lakes, rivers and ponds

Sources of freshwater and freshwater fish for living things.

 Waterfalls
Sources of freshwater and electricity. It is used to run
machines that produce electricity.

 Bay
Used as port for ships.

 Springs
Source of fresh underground water.

Clean surroundings are important to people and other

living things.
What’s more to do?

Activity 2: Things that live in land and water.

Directions: Draw a green triangle if it lives in land, blue circle if it
lives in water.

1. Corals 6. Carabao

2`` 2. Goat 7. People

3. Narra tree 8. Whales

4. Seaweeds 9.Octopus

5.Sealions 10. Dog

What did I get?

There are many landforms in your surroundings. They include

mountains, hills, valleys, plains, plateaus and volcanoes.
Landforms are important to all living things. They are home to
humans, plants, and animals. They also provide us with food and
other resources.

 Mountains
The trees in the forest provide wild animals their habitat and
food. The trees give off oxygen to the atmosphere that people
and animals breathe.They provide materials for lumber used in
building houses and making furniture. The roots of trees abosorb
water that prevents flood, landslide and soil erosion.
 Hills
They may be coverd with grass, few trees, or rocks. Some
farmers plant coconuts, bananas, and other crops on the hills.
Some insects like bees, dragonflies, and grasshoppers use the
plants as their habitat and source of food.
 Plains
It is where farmers plant rice, corn, vegetables and other
crops. Most people build towns and cities on plains. Roads,
houses, parks, and other buildings are built on plains.
 Valley
Crops like rice, corn, tobacco, and vegetables are also
planted in a valley. Cows and carabaos are brought to eat
grass in the valley.

The bodies of water on Earth are very essential to all living

things. It is where humans and animals get freshwater to drink.
Some aquatic plants and animals serve as food for humans. It is
the habitat for marine life.
 Oceans and seas
Provide many fish, whales, and other marine animals and
plants with habitats. Big ships sail on oceans to go to other
places in the world. Fishers catch fish from seas to provide food
for people. They are important in water cycle and weather
 Lakes, rivers and ponds
Sources of freshwater and freshwater fish for living things.
 Waterfalls
Sources of freshwater and electricity. It is used to run
machines that produce electricity.
 Bay
Used as port for ships.
 Springs
Source of fresh underground water.

Clean surroundings are important to people and other

living things.
What can I show?

Activity 3: Importance of clean surroundings to people and other

living things.
Directions: Write TRUE if it shows importance of clean surroundings,
FALSE if not.
_____1.Healthy surroundings represent the good health of people
staying there.
_____2.Plants and animals are healthy.
_____3. People in the community sickly.
_____4.Healthy atmosphere.
_____5.Breathe in the clean and healthy air.

How’s my target now?

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Select and encircle the

letter of the correct answer.
1. What landform can we find forest that provide wild animals
their habitat and food?
A. Hill C. Plain
B. Mountain D. Plateau
2. What waterform can be used to produce electricity
A. Lake C. River
B. Ocean D. Waterfalls
3. How is plain used by people?
A. People plant large quantities of rice and other grains.
B. People build, roads, houses, parks and other buildings
C. People build towns and cities
D. All of the above.
4. Where do fishermen catch many fish, it is used by big ships to
go to other places in the world.
A. Bay C. Ocean
B. Lake D. Sea
5. Why is it important to have a clean surrounding?
A. People will be healthy if the surroundings are clean
B. Plants and animals grow will.
C. The air we breathe is clean.
D. All of the above.

What else can I do?

Directions: In your own words, write a short paragraph about the

“The Importance of Landforms and waterforms to People
and other living things.Use describing words, observe proper
indention, capitalization and punctuation marks.

 K to 12 Science Curriculum Guide, http:/
 K to 12 Curriculum Implementation and Delivery Management
Matrix- MELC’s - (Most Essential Learning Competencies)
 SCIENCE Works!
Development Team of the Module

Writer: Imelda M. Romasanta-KERIS-Teacher III

Content Evaluators: Jasmin A. Padro- Master Teacher II
Language Evaluator: Araceli D. Dela Rosa-KERIS Teacher III
Illustrator: Jackelyn B.Salinero - KERIS-Teacher I
Layout Artist: Jackelyn B. Salinero- KERIS- Teacher I

For inquiries, please write or call:

Schools Division of Taguig City and Pateros Upper Bicutan Taguig City

Telefax: 8384251

Email Address: [email protected]

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