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Schools Division of Iloilo


Ilongbukid, San Rafael, Iloilo.

NAME:________________________ Score:________________
YR/Section:____________________ Petsa: ________________

2nd Quarter Examination 11-GAS

I. Direction: Circle the item that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. A job analysis is a systematic collection of information about __________.

a. the personal preferences of applicants in applying for the job
b. the responsibilities, skills, behaviors, and physical and mental requirements of persons performing the
specific jobs
c. the organizational structure and profile of a company
d. the work relationships of people from different jobs in a company
2. Internal recruitment involves giving priority to job applicants from the current personnel of the company. Which
of the ff. is not an advantage of internal recruitment?
a. improves employee morale b. less costly to administer
c. less training time as applicants are already familiar with culture and systems of the company
d. brings new talents and perspectives from other companies
3. Doing a background check for a short-listed job candidate is important to __________.
a. verify if the information given by the job applicant is correct
b. find out the likes and dislikes of the job applicant
c. forecast the performance of the job applicant
d. create an urgency for the job applicant to join the company
4. During the interview of job applicants, which of the following is not a potential member of the interview panel?
a. representative of the Human Resource Department
b. representative of the functional department that requires the new staff member to be hired
c. representative of top management d. representative of another company
5. This type of training aims to introduce a newly hired employee to the job setting of the company.
a. employee orientation b. skills training program
c. team building program d. competency enhancement program
6. This pertains to an employee’s perception of fairness in pay differentials among the different jobs within
his or her organization.
a. internal equity b. external equity c. individual equity d. social equity
7. This pertains to an employee’s perception of fairness in pay differentials pertaining to him or her and
coworkers holding identical jobs in their organization.
a. internal equity b. external equity c. individual equity d. social equity
8. This pertains to an employee’s perception of fairness in his or her compensation relative to others holding
the same or comparable jobs outside of the organizations.
a. internal equity b. external equity c. individual equity d. social equity
9. This pertains to salaries or wages paid for the work rendered by an employee and usually forms the largest part
of direct compensation.
a. incentive pay b. government-mandated benefits c. base pay d. commissions
10. This pertains to indirect benefits given to employees that are not directly related to the job performance.
a. incentive pay b. government-mandated benefits c. base pay d. commissions
11. Which of the following is not an example of an intrinsic reward?
a. employee of the month award b. company member formally greeting everyone during his or her birthday
c. an employee offering assistance to a co-worker to complete a certain task
d. giving a bonus pay for employee’s who performed well
12. The process in which a manager evaluates an employee’s performance relative to the requirements of his or
her job is referred to as__________.
a. management review b. performance review c. financial review d. policy review
13. Which of the following is not an objective of performance appraisal?
a. to facilitate employee development b. to determine appropriate rewards and compensation
b. to explore potentials for company expansion d. to enhance employee motivation
14. To acquire a legal personality, labor unions in the Philippines register with this government department agency.
a. Department of Social Work & Development b. Department of Trade & Industry
c. Department of Finance d. Department of Labor & Employment
15. The process in which workers organize to meet, discuss, and negotiate the work conditions with their
employers is called______.
a. worker’s strike b. worker’s settlement c. collective bargaining d. social responsibility

16. This pertains to upward or vertical movement of employees in the organization from the lower level jobs.
and usually with corresponding increase in duties and responsibilities and rewards.
a. promotion b. separation c. transfer d. retirement
17. This pertains to the termination of employment of a personnel by the employer that may occur due to
justifiable reasons or through authorized causes by the management.
18. The process of sending and receiving a message that contains a meaning and purpose intended for a
specific audience is called___________.
a. coordination b. consultation c. contingency planning d. communication
19. This pertains to the use of rapid and widespread communications with the aid of digital technology,
such as through Facebook and Twitter.
a. social diversity b. social media c. social responsibility d. social action
20. The process by which a member of an organization uses mechanisms to link the actions of their units
departments to a consistent pattern in order to achieve a specific purpose is referred to as_________.
a. coordination b. consultation c. contingency planning d. communication
21. The process of getting and attracting a pool of qualified applicants to fill a vacant job position.
a. recruitment b. staffing c. screening applicant d. selection
22. Which of the following is not the advantage of external recruitment?
a. company website b. labor unions c. employment agency d. costs less
23. Once the chosen candidate has been hired, the next step is training. Training has a several purposes except..
a. to orient new employee in the workplace b. to develop the skill of employees
c. discuss compensation d. to enhance teamwork in the job
24. It refers to the collection and analysis of al relevant information and facets about a job that is done in a
systematic and orderly manner.
a. job description b. job analysis c. job specification d. staffing foundation
25. A formal statement of the relevant tasks, duties and responsibilities that a job entails.
a. job description b. job analysis c. job specification d. staffing foundation
26. A form of a one-on-one training wherein an experienced person provides professional advice to another person to
improve the latter’s work performance.
a. career guidance b. mentoring c. coaching d. team building
27. A continuing process of developing the career of the personnel within a company.
a. mentoring b. career guidance c. succession d. coaching
28. Another form of coaching wherein a more senior or more experienced staff or manager gives regular training
or learning advice to a younger or less experienced staff in the workplace.
a. mentoring b. career guidance c. succession d. coaching
29. It developed by the top management of the company.
a. strategic plan b. functional plan c. scenario planning d. contingency planning
30. Involves predicting potential alternative events that might happen.
a. strategic plan b. functional plan c. scenario planning d. contingency planning

II. Enumeration:

1-4 What are the practical tips of a job-seekers that they must prior to the job interview?

5-6 What are the two specific types of interviews that help gauge the performance of the job applicant

7-10 What are the different approaches of scenario planning?

11-12 What are the two techniques of Benchmarking

13-15 Give at least 3 benefits of planning

III. Explain the following questions

1. Do you think it is unethical for an employee to ask a coworker about his or her salary rate, or the salary
rate of other employees in their company? Why do you say so?

2. Why it important for a job applicants to arrive on time for his or her interview?

3. What skills do you think must a job interviewer have? Why?



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