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Chapter - Places of Eminence

Question Answers

Q 1 What are the three primary sources for studying History?

A1 Sources are Clues that help in reconstructing or putting together the past.

1. Literary Sources: The Information written by the people in the past in the books,
newspapers, letters, diaries.
2. Archaeology: Clues can be found in the material remains of people who lived long
ago. They are usually recovered by archaeologists.
3. Oral Histories: Sometimes, we get to know about people, places, traditions through
stories, poems, songs that people pass on orally from one generation to the next.

Q 2 Describe the unique structure and features of the Chand Baori of Abhaneri.


 Chand Boari at Abhaneri is one of the deepest and largest stepwells of India.
 It was constructed more than 1200 years ago by a king named Raja Chanda
 It has several corridors and Multi- storeyed pavilions.
 From the remains, the boari appers to be a square structure in the form of an inverted

Q3 What is the importance of terracotta tiles in the temples of Bishnupur, and why were
they used extensively?

1. Terracotta tiles hold significant historical and cultural importance in the

temples of Bishnupur, a town in the Indian state of West Bengal.
2. These temples were built during the reign of the Malla kings, and terracotta
tiles were extensively used in their construction.
3. Terracotta tiles were used to decorate the exterior walls of the temples.
4. The terracotta panels on the temples often depicted gods and goddesses.
In summary, terracotta tiles played a crucial role in the construction and
ornamentation of the temples in Bishnupur.
Q4 According to a legend, how did the Malla dynasty in Bishnupur come into
A4 According to legend, the Malla dynasty in Bishnupur came into existence
through divine intervention. It is believed that the founder of the dynasty,
Bir Hambir, was a devotee of Lord Madan Mohan, a form of Lord Krishna. He
was deeply devoted to Lord Madan Mohan and is credited with establishing the
dynasty's tradition of Vaishnavism worship.
Bir Hambir founded the Malla dynasty in Bishnupur and built the famous
terracotta temples dedicated to Lord Madan Mohan and other deities. Under Bir
Hambir's patronage, Vaishnavism flourished in the region.
Q5 Why are literary sources, such as Bhakti Ratnakar and Prem vilasa, valuable
for understanding the history of Bishnupur and its temples?
A5 Literary sources like Bhakti Ratnakar and Prem Vilasa are valuable for
understanding the history of Bishnupur and its temples for several reasons:

 It focus on the religious and spiritual aspects of Bishnupur, particularly its

association with Vaishnavism and the worship of Lord Krishna.
 These literary sources often describe the architectural features, construction
techniques, and artistic elements of the temples in Bishnupur.
 They offer glimpses into the cultural exchanges, artistic achievements, and
religious practices that shaped the identity of the region.
In summary, these literary sources serve as invaluable historical and cultural
documents that enrich our understanding of Bishnupur's history, temples, and
cultural legacy.

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