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p-ISSN: 2406-7768

JSiI | Jurnal Sistem Informasi | Vol. 9 | No. 1 | Maret 2022 | 27-35

e-ISSN: 2581-2181


Ilham Firman Ashari1, Annisa Jufe Aryani2, Alief Moehamad Ardhi3
Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Institut Teknologi Sumatera
Jln. Terusan Ryacudu, Lampung Selatan

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

PT Telkom Akses (PTTA) is a subsidiary of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk (Telkom) which share owned entirely by
Telkom. PT Telkom Akses is engaged in the business of providing construction services and network infrastructure
management. Data collection manually can result in slow data management and will have an impact on the workflow of PT.
Telkom Akses 3 Ilir Palembang. There will be a lot of damaged or duplicated data and finding data will be difficult. Therefore,
it is necessary to develop a system that can collect data on incoming and outgoing goods, namely a Web-based Inventory
System. The development of this inventory system uses the CodeIgniter3 Framework and Scrum methodology. Scrum is one of
the methods that uses the Agile principal, which refers to team collaboration, product incremental, and iterative processes to
achieve goals. The results of the evaluation of system testing using the black-box testing method show that the developed
system can run well and as expected. Hopefully with the present of this system, it can help PT Telkom Akses 3 Ilir Palembang
in performing incoming and outgoing goods data collection.

Keyword: Inventroy System, Web, Codeigniter 3, Scrum, BlackBox Testing

adaptation to new technologies that have developed must

I. INTRODUCTION be done through education. This is done so that the next
Technological developments encourage humans to do generation is not left behind in terms of new technology.
most of the use of computers so that the results needed With technology and education, it is able to develop
can be processed quickly, one of which is managing together along with the new generation as the successor
inventory using an information system. [1][2]. to the old generation. Some of these adaptations can be
Inventory management is an activity carried out by a realized in the form of an Inventory Information System
company that is needed in making decisions so that the [5].
need for materials or goods for the purposes of company Technological developments must produce benefits for
activities both production and sales can be fulfilled the organization in obtaining the information needed
optimally with the smallest possible risk [3]. All quickly so as to assist organizational managers in making
organizations keep inventories, where inventory can be in decisions. Changes in the form of business processes used
the form of company-owned raw materials, goods in with the development of technology and communication
process, supplies used in operations, and finished goods. are expected to encourage organizations to have better
Inventory can be something as simple as a glass bottle or management [6] In addition, by utilizing information
something as complex as a mix of raw materials used in technology not only as a supporting facility for the
the manufacturing process [4]. company's business processes, but also can be an
Humans as technology users must be able to take advantage and a necessity for companies in facing
advantage of the current technology, as well as the competition and supporting company performance [7] As
subsequent development of the technology. Human some sectors of the economy rely heavily on the proper

p-ISSN: 2406-7768
JSiI | Jurnal Sistem Informasi | Vol. 9 | No. 1 | Maret 2022 | 27-35
e-ISSN: 2581-2181

use of information, organizations have tried to raise B. Actor Identification

awareness of how to use technology. Organizations have At this stage, identification of actors aims to identify users
found that information systems are the key to success in involved in the inventory system. The actors who have been
several sectors [8] identified can be seen in Figure 1. Use Case Diagram.
Basically the company that was founded has a purpose,
and the main goal of the company is how the company C. Identification of System Requirements
can maintain its survival and keep its business in order to Identification of system requirements is a stage that is carried
survive and develop. A company or agency on a large or out to analyse what needs will be used in the system.
small scale certainly has an inventory of goods for all Identification of system requirements produces SKPL
Documents that contain general information about the system
transaction processes, with a good inventory system it can
and what requirements will be used in the system.
affect the development and progress of an agency. A poor
The list of requirements needed by the system on the front-end
inventory system will affect other aspects, such as the
can be seen in Table 1. List of Requirements for the Front-End
lack of consumer or customer trust in the company. section.
PT Telkom Access is a subsidiary of PT
Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk (Telkom) whose shares
are wholly owned by Telkom. PTTA is engaged in the
business of providing network infrastructure construction
and management services. manual data collection can
result in slow data management and will have an impact
on the workflow of pt telkom access 3 ilir. Many of the
data that is owned will be damaged or duplicated and
searching for item data will be difficult. digitalization is
deemed necessary in carrying out data collection of goods
to be more effective and efficient. so that data items are
not easily damaged or duplicated, easy to find and well
documented. Therefore, practical work students will
develop a website-based inventory system. With the
development of this system, it is hoped that it will make it
easier for users to collect data on incoming and outgoing
goods at pt telkom access 3 ilir palembang.


The method used in developing the inventory system is the Figure 1. Use Case Diagram
Scrum SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) Methodology.
Scrum is a framework of agile methodology, where scrum
Table 1. Front-End Requirements List
focuses on managing projects on a day-to-day basis and
adopts many of the agile methods [9]. Scrum is a method that No Backlog Item
uses agile principles, which refers to team collaboration, 1 User can see login page
product increments and process interactions to achieve goals. 2 User can see dashboard page
In the scrum method, the project will be divided into several 3 User can see incoming data page
stages, where each stage will produce the product used. The 4 User can see add incoming data page
5 User can see edit incoming data page
Scrum workflow consists of close collaboration between the
6 User can see outcoming data page
development team and stakeholders with the product owner
7 User can see add outcoming data page
through continuous iteration of the system being developed. 8 User can see warehouse data page
[10]. The steps involved in developing an inventory system 9 User can see add warehouse data page
using the scrum methodology are as follows: 10 User can see edit warehouse data page
11 User can see profile page
A. Product Backlog
The product backlog is the first step in the Scrum
methodology. The product backlog consists of the tasks (tasks) The list of requirements needed by the system on the
of the system to be developed. These tasks can be in the form backend can be seen in Table 2. List of Requirements for
of functional, non-functional, enhancements, fixes, patches, the Back-End section.
ideas, or other requirements needed by the system. This stage
produces the following activities.

p-ISSN: 2406-7768
JSiI | Jurnal Sistem Informasi | Vol. 9 | No. 1 | Maret 2022 | 27-35
e-ISSN: 2581-2181

Table 2. Back-End Requirements List Table 4. Back-End Sprint Planning

No Interfaces Estimated Works (Days)
No Backlog Item 1 Login 5
1 User can login 2 Profile setting 5
2 User can edit profile 3 Add incoming data 5
3 User can add incoming data 4 Edit incoming data 5
4 User can add outcoming data 5 Delete incoming data 5
6 Export excels from incoming 5
5 User can change incoming data
6 User can delete incoming data 7 Add outcoming data 5
7 User can delete outcoming data 8 Delete outcoming data 5
8 User can do export excel from incoming data 9 Export excels from 5
9 User can do export excel from outcoming data outcoming data
10 User can logout 10 Add warehouse data 5
11 User can add warehouse data 11 Edit warehouse data 5
12 Delete warehouse data 5
12 User can edit warehouse data
13 Logout 5
13 User can delete warehouse data

b. Sprint Backlog
D. Sprint At the design stage, the sprint backlog makes a list of
Sprint is the second stage after the product backlog. The needs that are a priority with a working time that has
sprint stage determines the time limit or estimated work been determined by the stakeholders involved. This
with a product duration of one month or less, where there stage also completes the features that have been
is a "Completed" increment process, which can be used defined in the product backlog and sprint planning. In
and has the potential to be released. Sprints also have a system development, sprints are divided into 4 sprints
consistent duration throughout the lifecycle during which can be seen in the pictures below. Sprint 1
product development. The new sprint starts immediately consists of 6 jobs with a total estimated time of 5 days.
after the previous sprint is finished. At this stage there are The work of sprint 1 is to develop login display,
two activities, namely as follows:: profile settings display, create database, create website
a. Sprint Planning connection with database, login function, and profile
setting function. The sprint backlog for sprint 1 can be
Sprint planning is the stage that is carried out after seen in figure 2. Sprint 1.
determining the product backlog compiled by the
scrum team, which will hold a meeting at the
beginning of each sprint to evaluate the product
backlog, discuss the goals and missions of each
feature. At this stage of the next scrum process, the
stakeholders involved determine the time needed to
complete each feature that you want to develop, which
can be seen in the table below. Sprint planning on the
front-end can be seen in Table 3. Sprint Planning on
Figure 2. Sprint 1
the Front-End.
Table 3. Front-End Sprint Planning Sprint 2 consists of 7 jobs with a total estimated time
No Interfaces Estimated Works (Days) of 5 days. The work of sprint 2 is to develop the
1 Login page 5 display of incoming goods, the display of adding
2 Dashboard 5 incoming goods, the display of editing incoming
3 Incoming data page 5 goods, the function of adding incoming goods, the
4 Add incoming data page 5
5 Edit incoming data page 5
function of editing incoming goods, the function of
6 Outcoming data page 5 removing incoming goods, and the export excel
7 Add outcoming data page 5 function of incoming goods. Sprint backlog for sprint
8 Warehouse data page 5 2 can be seen in Figure 3. Sprint 2
9 Add warehouse data page 5
10 Edit warehouse data page 5
11 Profile page 5

Sprint planning pada bagian back-end dapat dilihat pada

Tabel 4. Sprint Planning bagian Back-End.

Figure 3. Sprint 2

p-ISSN: 2406-7768
JSiI | Jurnal Sistem Informasi | Vol. 9 | No. 1 | Maret 2022 | 27-35
e-ISSN: 2581-2181

Sprint 3 consists of 7 jobs with a total estimated time of 5 find out the rest of the work carried out during the sprint
days. The work of sprint 3 is to develop the display of process.
outgoing goods, display of added goods out, display of \
destination WH data, function of adding goods out, Sprint Review
function of deleting data of goods out, function of excel Sprint review is carried out at the end of each sprint to
export of goods out, function of adding data of evaluate the results of each sprint that has been done.
destination WH. The sprint backlog for sprint 3 can be Evaluation can be done to review what has been
seen in Figure 4. Sprint 3. completed in each sprint. Based on the evaluation results,
the stakeholders involved can determine the next work
based on the product backlog and sprint backlog.


System implementation is a stage to build a system using a
particular programming language. At this implementation
stage, the development of the inventory system uses the
CodeIgniter3 framework with the PHP programming language.
Figure 4. Sprint 3
The following is the result of the implementation of the
database and inventory system features.
Sprint 4 terdiri dari 7 pekerjaan dengan total estimasi
waktu 5 hari. Pekerjaan dari sprint 4 yaitu melakukan Database
develop tampilan tambah data WH tujuan, tampilan edit This inventory system is equipped with a MySQL relational
data WH tujuan, tampilan dashboard, fungsi edit data database that functions to manage data. The design of the
WH tujuan, fungsi hapus data WH tujuan, fungsi relational database can be seen in Figure 7. Relational
dashboard, dan fungsi logout. Sprint backlog untuk sprint Database
4 dapat dilihat pada Gambar 4. Sprint 4

Figure 5. Sprint 4

Sprint 5 and Sprint 6 consist of 3 jobs, 2 jobs are part of Figure 7. Relational Database
sprint 5 with an estimated processing time of 5 days and 1
job is part of sprint 6 with an estimated processing time Login Page
of 5 days. The sprint backlog for sprint 5 and sprint 6 can The login page is the initial page that is displayed when the
be seen in Figure 5. Sprint 5 and Sprint 6 user enters the inventory system. On the login page there is a
username and password field that the user can input. If the
username and password entered by the user are correct and the
login function is executed, it will display the dashboard page.
If the username and password entered by the user are incorrect
or incorrect and the login function is executed, a notification
Figure 6. Sprint 5 dan Sprint 6 will appear to fill in the correct or appropriate username and
or password fields. The results of the implementation of the
Daily Scrum login page can be seen in Figure 8. Login page.
Daily scrum is a stage that is carried out after each
sprint has been completed, which at this stage results in
meeting activities. At this stage the aim is to see the
progress of the system and report the features that have
been completed in the sprint. At the end of this meeting
activity, updates must be made at each completion time to

p-ISSN: 2406-7768
JSiI | Jurnal Sistem Informasi | Vol. 9 | No. 1 | Maret 2022 | 27-35
e-ISSN: 2581-2181

Figure 8. Login Page Figure 11. Incoming Data Page

In addition, there is a function to delete data. If the user

Dashboard Page selects the delete button, a confirmation popup will appear to
The dashboard page is the main page that is displayed after delete the data. If the user chooses to delete data, the delete
the user has successfully logged in. This page contains data function will be executed then the data will be deleted,
information about the inventory of incoming goods and the and a notification popup will appear that the data has been
number of outgoing goods. In this system there is a sidebar to successfully deleted which can be seen in Figure 12.
direct the user to a certain page according to the chosen one.
Dashboard page can be seen in Figure 9. Dashboard page.

Figure 9. Dashboard Page

Figure 12. Popup Delete Incoming Data
In addition, there is a logout button on the sidebar that the user
can use to log out when finished using the system. This logout
button can be accessed on every page. If the user selects the
logout button, a confirmation popup will appear to log out and
the logout function will be executed as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 13. Popup Delete Incoming Data (2)

Add Incoming Data Page

Add incoming data page is the page used to add incoming
goods data. On this page there is a form for adding goods,
Figure 10. Popup Logout
where the user is asked to input data in each field. If there is
one and or all fields are empty, then the function of adding
Incoming Data Page incoming goods data will not be executed and a notification
Login page contains a list of incoming goods. On this page the will appear to fill the empty field. The page for adding
user can search for data, export incoming goods with the excel incoming goods data can be seen in Figure 14.
file extension, add data, change data, and delete data.
Incoming goods page can be seen in Figure 11.

p-ISSN: 2406-7768
JSiI | Jurnal Sistem Informasi | Vol. 9 | No. 1 | Maret 2022 | 27-35
e-ISSN: 2581-2181

Figure 14. Add Incoming Data Page

On this page there is a function to save data. If the user selects

Figure 17. Edit Incoming Data Page
the save button, the data save function will be executed then
the data will be saved, and a popup notification will appear Outcoming Data Page
that the data is successful which can be seen in Figure 15. Outcoming data page contains a list of outgoing goods. On
this page the user can search for data, export goods out with
the excel file extension, add data, and delete data. Outgoing
goods page can be seen in Figure 18. Outgoing Goods page.

Figure 15. Popup Add Incoming Data Page

In addition, there is a check if the user inputs the SN data that Figure 18. Outcoming data page
has been registered on the incoming goods, a popup
confirmation of the data failed to add will appear which can In addition, there is a function to delete data. If the user selects
be seen in Figure 16. the delete button, a confirmation popup will appear to delete
the data. If the user chooses to delete data, the delete data
function will be executed then the data will be deleted, and a
popup notification will appear that the data has been
successfully deleted which can be seen in Figures 19 and 20.

Figure 16. Popup Failed to Add Incoming Data

Figure 19. Popup Delete Outcoming Data
Edit Outcoming Data Page
Edit Outcoming data page is a page that is used to make
changes to incoming goods data. On this page there is an item
edit form, where the user can input the data, they want to edit
in an existing field. If any and or all fields are deleted and not
re-entered, then the edit function will not be executed, and a
notification will appear to fill in the empty fields. The
incoming goods edit page can be seen in Figure 17. The
Incoming Goods Edit page.

Figure 20. Popup Delete Outcoming Data (2)

Add Outcoming Data Page

Add outcoming data page is a page that is used to add
outgoing goods data. On this page there is a form for adding
goods, where the user is asked to input data in each field. If
there is one and or all fields are empty, then the function of

p-ISSN: 2406-7768
JSiI | Jurnal Sistem Informasi | Vol. 9 | No. 1 | Maret 2022 | 27-35
e-ISSN: 2581-2181

adding outgoing goods data will not be executed and a

notification will appear to fill the empty field. The page for
adding out goods data can be seen in Figure 21.
Figure 23. Warehouse Data Page

In addition, there is a function to delete data. If the user selects

the delete button, a confirmation popup will appear to delete
the data. If the user chooses to delete data, the delete data
function will be executed then the data will be deleted, and a
popup notification will appear that the data has been
successfully deleted which can be seen in Figures 24 and 25.

Figure 21. Add Outcoming Data Page

On this page there is a function to store outgoing goods data.

If the user selects the save button, the function of adding
outgoing goods data will be executed then the outgoing goods
data will be stored and the current incoming goods data will
be reduced according to the number of outgoing goods. Then
Figure 24. Popup delete Warehouse Data
a popup notification will appear that the data has been
successfully added which can be seen in Figure 22.

Figure 25. Popup Hapus Data Warehouse Tujuan (2)

Figure 22. Popup Save Outcoming Data Add Warehouse Data Page
Add warehouse data page is a page that is used to add a data
Warehouse Data Page warehouse destination. On this page there is a form for adding
The destination data warehouse page contains a list of data, where the user is asked to input data in each field. If one
destination warehouses. On this page the user can search for and or all fields are empty, the added data warehouse function
data, add data, modify data, and delete data. The destination will not be executed, and a notification will appear to fill in
data warehouse page can be seen in Figure 23. Data the empty fields. The page for adding incoming goods data
Warehouse page. can be seen in Figure 26. The Add Data Warehouse page.

p-ISSN: 2406-7768
JSiI | Jurnal Sistem Informasi | Vol. 9 | No. 1 | Maret 2022 | 27-35
e-ISSN: 2581-2181

Figure 26. Add Warehouse data page

On this page there is a function to save data. If the user selects

the save button, the data save function will be executed then
the data will be saved, and a popup notification will appear
that the data has been successfully added which can be seen in
Figure 27.

Figure 29. Popup Save Edit Warehouse Data

Profile page
Profile page used to change the username and password
owned by the user. The profile settings page can be seen in
Figure 30. Profile Settings page.

Figure 27. Popup Save Warehouse Data

Edit Warehouse Data Page

Edit Warehouse Data Page is a page that is used to modify the
destination data warehouse data. On this page there is a data
warehouse edit form, where users can input the data, they
want to edit in the existing fields. If any and or all fields are
deleted and not re-entered, then the edit function will not be Figure 30. Profile Page
executed, and a notification will appear to fill in the empty
fields. The data warehouse edit page can be seen in Figure 28. Test Result
After implementing or developing an inventory system,
Data Warehouse Edit page.
testing the system is carried out to find out whether the
features in the system are in accordance with the initial design
and desired needs. Testing this system using the Black-Box
Testing method, where this method is a testing method used to
test the functionality of the system. The results of system
testing can be seen in Table 5. Test Results.
Table 5. Test Result
No Test page Number of Successful Percentage
System Functionality
1 Login page 3 100%
2 Dashboard page 2 100%
3 Incoming data page 9 100%
Figure 28. Edit Warehouse Data Page 4 Add incoming data 5 100%
On this page there is a function to save data. If the user selects 5 Edit incoming data 5 100%
the save button, then the data change function will be page
executed then the data will be saved, and a popup notification 6 Outcoming data 9 100%
will appear that the data has been successfully changed which 7 Add Outcoming 5 100%
can be seen in Figure 29. Data Page
8 Warehouse Data 8 100%
9 Add Warehouse 5 100%
Data Page
10 Edit Data 5 100%
Warehouse Page
11 Profile Page 5 100%

p-ISSN: 2406-7768
JSiI | Jurnal Sistem Informasi | Vol. 9 | No. 1 | Maret 2022 | 27-35
e-ISSN: 2581-2181

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The application can be further developed to be able to
monitor goods every month and year, and can be integrated
with several warehouses or Telkom offices throughout the
province of Indonesia.

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