Mörk Borg Rotblack Sludge

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The Shadow King’s

Lost Heir
an introductory dungeon crawl for
ou face execution for heretical theft
but a masked Seer, a Courtier of the
Shadow King, offered you a chance
at life. The King’s one true heir,
his son Aldon, is missing. Without an heir
the Shadow King will eventually be forced
to hand his crown to his imbecile brother.
Get him back discreetly and wealth, life and
freedom will be yours. It’s believed Aldon
is imprisoned in an infamous underground
locale, a place no free man would willingly go,
a place called The Accursed Den.

d8 things the 1. A mysterious house of glass, within

it lairs the leader of a cult. (true)

Seer may see 2. Gasses leak from holes and cracks,

driving anyone who breathes them
This masked seer is somewhat mad. (false)
odd and delirious but offers 3. Cannibals! They feast upon their
to scry the Accursed Den own kind! (true)
and tell you two truths.
4. The lamps burn red, the lamp-oil
touched with human blood!
(uncertain, largely untrue)
5. An ancient man lives within a
ruined room. Fear and avoid him.
6. Something hungers in the depths,
an enormous creature like a vast
intestine! (true)
7. I fear Aldon may be unwilling
to leave this place. (true)
8. I fear none have ever willingly
escaped the Accursed Den!
Table a

1 2 3
d4 Dusk gnoums d2 Mongrels d4 Guards with Nesting Death
They crawl from holes Massive black dogs sharpened teeth Hound-sized spider
and climb the walls. with shaggy, oily fur. Weak and gaunt. that built a nest of
Small, quick but frail. hP 8 Morale 9 Lick their lips. bones in the ceiling.
dr14 to hit them. No armor hP 6 Morale 7 Wins initiative on 1–4.
hP 4 Morale 7 Bite d4 +1: infection Leather −d2 hP 12 Morale –
No armor if Toughness dr12 Shortsword d4 Thick carapace −d2
Knife d4 is failed. Bite d4 Bite d4: test
Toughness dr12 to
avoid freezing (tests
are dr+2 for one hour).

Table b (only once DuRing THe scenaRio)

1 2 3 4
Distraught spirit Bazaar from a A terrible silence A sarcophagus is in
Agitated by the distorted dimension torments the PCs. All the middle of this room.
depravities and Sagsobuth manifests. sounds are inexplicably If anyone opens its
cannibalism plaguing An interdimensional muted in this room. lid all PCs are sucked
the den, pleads with trader, she sells violet into the sarcophagus
PCs to end the horror. poison for 30s (dr14, and teleported to
Can tell the PCs about 2d10 damage, d4+1 the camp in room 11
the Gutworm. doses) and offers a (the greenhouse).
Beechwood Tube for
30s. The tube contains
a foul protean scroll: Sagsobuth
each dawn this scroll Shapeless and ethereal.
has a new unclean Her face a vortex of light.
Power. The Power can Cannot be harmed
be used once. It is but will not attack
misinterpreted on 1–3 unless provoked.
on a d20 instead of a 1. Explosion: 2d10
damage distributed
among the group.

The Accursed Den
1. Entrance
2. Dining hall
The bearded man
3. Library/bedroom
3 slumbering skeletons
4. Guard room
d4 crooked guards
5. Cells
10 mad prisoners
6. Corridor
7. Pump room
Random encounter
8. Chain room
Random encounter
9. Gem room
The Gutworm
10. Tunnel
11. Greenhouse
Lesdy and the hosts
12. Statue room
13. Son’s room
14. Debris room
Random encounter
15. Forge/slaughterhouse
15 14

1. Entrance 11
7 12 13

Stale smell. 10
9 8
• Lit oil lantern hangs from the ceiling. 5
• Small stream of water crosses the room from 4
holes in the walls. Black-violet butterf lies 2
f lap haplessly over the water. 3
• N
• S

eaT THe buTTeRflies: heal d6 hP.

2. Dining hall
Warm and bright. Rotten smell. Faint, sad violin music
from the north.

• 4 giant oil lamps.

• Large wooden table with 20 chairs. Set with
mugs, plates and spoons but no food or drink.
• A bearded man sits at the far end of the table.
Skin ashen grey, eyes dark, dressed in a dusty
old cloak. It is impossible to communicate or
contact him. You can poke, hit or attack him
without response.
• N
• easT: creaking door to the guard room.
The guards audibly complain and move about.
• souTH: wooden door to the entrance.

if eveRyone is seaTeD aT THe Table: The man

comes to his senses and erupts with rumbling
laughter. He tells stories of old for a few
minutes but slowly and irrevocably regresses
into his own world again.

The guards in room 4 hear

any noise made here.

15 14

7 12 13 3. Library/bedroom
10 Cool, slightly smoky air.
9 8
5 • A pair of torches are dimly glowing.
4 • 2 beds: three skeletons (likely human).
2 • Gigantic bookshelf: obscure literature, written
3 with a frenzied hand in an unknown language.
• Bedside table: withered f lowers in a clay vase.
1 • noRTH: heavy door to the guard room.
An ear pressed against it will hear voices.
• souTH: wooden door to the entrance.

sTeal THe floweRs oR a book: If anyone carries

the vase or a book out of this room the skeletons
awaken and attack.

3 slumbering skeletons sTuDy THe books moRe closely, D4:

Thoughtless, without goal. 1. Booklet. The text can be interpreted and
hP 5 Morale 7 No armor appears to be a random unclean scroll (see
Bony fists d4 page 35). The skeletons do not awaken if taken.
One skeleton: Jagged scimitar d4 2. The reader gets light-headed and for the next half
hour, gains dr+2 on Presence and agility tests.
3. The text is completely incomprehensible.
4. The text makes the reader yell: “you dead, arise!”
after which a tired crystal demon appears.
Tired crystal demon The skeletons do not awaken.
Bound to this room, longing
for a way to escape.
Cannot be harmed. The guards in room 4 hear any noise made here.
The demon will drain the text
from one scroll. It sends
out a Mental shockwave
before vanishing into thin air.

15 14

4. Guard room 11
7 12 13

Rotten stench. Hot. Sad violin music from the staircase. 10

9 8
• Crooked guards (d4) pass time here. 5
One carries prison cell keys (room 5). 4
• Fireplace is blazing hot. 2
• Debris and wooden table with chairs. 3
• N

• wesT: iron door to the cells, scratching noises

are heard, creaking door to the dining hall.
• souTH: heavy door to the library/bedroom.
d4 crooked guards
r They follow Fletcher’s every word.
1. Bony remains of a dog. There is still some meat He cursed their memories and they
(enough to sustain one person for one day). do not recall why they serve him.
2. Necklace with a black stone. They don’t care about Lesdy in the
3. 3d10 silver. greenhouse. If pressed they tell the
4. Urn with a fine powder (poison dr14 or −d8 hP) PCs about the lost son but don’t know
5. 1–3: sacred scroll, 4–6: box containing a small beetle how to enter his room.
(harmless but bites). hP 8 Morale 7 Leather −d2
6. Small crossbow (d6) with Presence + 6 bolts. Sword d6 Femur d4

5. Cells
Repulsive stench of death and gore, bodies everywhere.

• Corpses. Some whole, some torn apart.

• Prisoners. Emaciated and pleading but mad.
• easT: iron door to the guard room, audible 10 mad prisoners
voices. They only know the guards. Every now
• wesT: stuck door to the corridor, dead silent. and then a prisoner is taken from the
cells, never to be seen again. Weak and
G insane they beg for help but strangle
anyone who gets too close.
hP 2 Morale 4 No armor
Strangling hands d4/round:
agiliTy dr12 to avoid.
sTrengTh dr12 to break free.
The guards in room 4 hear any noise made here.

15 14

7 12 13 6. Corridor
10 Dark and cold, light at the end of the corridor. Violin music.
9 8
5 • Paintings on the walls: landscapes, bland.
4 • Large hidden pit trap: in front of the paintings.
2 Covers the entire width of the corridor.
3 • N
• easT: stuck door to the cells. Scratching noises.
1 • souTH: quiet door to the dining hall.

DiscoveR THe PiT TRaP: With enough light and

a successful dr14 Presence test (by the Pc with
the highest Presence), angular lines are visible
in the f loor.

Take oR aDjusT THe PainTings: If anyone

removes a painting the pit trap drops the
Pcs into room 10 (the tunnel). The fall deals
d6 damage.

7. Pump room Random

Subtle smell of sulfur. Violin music can be heard.

• Random encounter, page III.

• 3 oil lamps hang from the ceiling.
• Rusty pump: muddy liquid. Heals d4 hP.
• Hatch in the f loor: stepladder down to room 15
• easT: hole in the wall: view over the Rotblack
Sludge (see room 9). One can see the pillar with
the skeletons.
• souTH: dark corridor.

15 14

8. Chain room Random

7 12 13

Dimly lit, weirdly chilly and windy 10

9 8
• Random encounter, page III. 5
• Hooked chains hang from the ceiling. 4
• Bloody tracks on the f loor leading nowhere. 2
• noRTH: iron door (no handle) to the Statue 3
room. Impossible to open from this side.
• wesT: archway to the Gem room. 1
• souTH: rickety wooden stairs to the guard
The guards in room 4 hear any noise made here.

Unfathomably long, thick as an oak.
Hides in the Rotblack Sludge.
Can easily reach rooms 9, 12 and 15.

9. Gem room
Illuminated with spectacular colors. Stuffy air reeking
hP 50 Morale – Thick hide −d6
of sulfur.Rotblack Sludge and melancholy violin music.
Razor sharp teeth d10: Test agiliTy
dr6 or be devoured, dying instantly.
• N

• 50 feet tall pillar in the middle of the sludge.

Atop, two skeletons play the violin. Rotblack Sludge
• Cave wall with gems: Beautiful green-pink- Oily, black and reeks of sulfur.
violet gems, fixed into the wall. 
• W
• easT: archway to the Chain room.
Swimming from one room to
Br another takes four rounds.
Every swim there is a 1–2 on a d6
chance the Gutworm bites (d10
damage). Test agiliTy dr6 when bit
enTRy fRom THe Tunnel: If anyone fell into to avoid being devoured and dying.
the pit trap in the Corridor and enters here 
the Gutworm attacks immediately.

15 14

7 12 13 10. Tunnel
10 Voices emanating from the ceiling sing in minor key.
9 8
5 • Passage tight west of the pit trap. You must
4 squeeze through. Large and awkward things
2 won’t fit (heavy armor included).
3 • Ceiling tunnel to the pit trap in the Corridor.
• wesT: opening to the Greenhouse.
1 • easT: opening to the Gem room.

11. Greenhouse
Hot, stuffy but pleasant. Smells sweet.

Lesdy • Oil lamps hang from chains in the ceiling.

Long dark hair, dressed in a gunny • Glass-walled room with plants: palms, cacti
sack with armholes. Nice but and f lowers grow rampantly. Behind the glass
manipulative. Is trying to turn the dim moonlight is visible.
Gutworm against Fletcher, the • Path to a small camp where Lesdy is seated
cannibal warlock (room 15). She by a campfire, reading. She offers Pcs food
seeks the tunnels and caves deep and rest. If they accept Lesdy introduces
beneath Rotblack Sludge and believes her three young companions as hosts.
consuming the sludge provides Initially they are outgoing and kind.
unique powers to control creatures • easT: tight crawlway to the Tunnel.
but, when she tries, the Gutworm
attacks her as soon as she gets close. I
hP 5 Morale 4 No armor

3 hosts
Young, dressed in rags. Zealous.
hP 7 Morale – No armor
Long knives d6

10 – 11 – 12 – 13
15 14

12. Statue room 11

7 12 13

Stinks of sulfur. Rotblack Sludge and violin music. 10

9 8
• Black statue of the one-eyed King Lenard II. 5
Obvious cavity where the eye would be. 4
Investigation reveals bloodstains in the socket. 2
• Cobbled f loor unlike the rest of the Den. 3
• wesT: Rotblack Sludge. The western wall
collapsed into a large cavern, 60 feet deep. Black, 1
mushy gunk. Sulfuric haze obscures the view
but one can almost see the Forge/slaughter-
house and the Gem room through the fumes.
• noRTH: wooden door to the Debris room.
locked. (Fletcher has the oddly-shaped key).
• souTH: iron door to the Chain room.
Can be opened from here.
• East: secret, heavy stone door to the Son’s room.

afTeR a few minuTes the f loor tilts to the west.

Test agility dr16 or fall into the sludge.

Place an eye in THe king’s sockeT: the door to

the Son’s room opens with a loud crack.

13. Son’s room

Torches burn, it is hot and confined. Violin music.

• The lost heir, Aldon, sits on a bench gnawing

human bones. He is pudgy and arrogant. Rotblack Sludge
• Bookshelf with a large iron hook, a mirror and Oily, black and reeks of sulfur.
a crossbow with four bolts. Scorching hot, test Toughness dr8
• A bullwhip with cryptic runes (d4 + necro- or take d4 damage every round
plasmic shock, d4 damage) hangs on the wall. submerged in the sludge.
• Bowls with water and food. 
• wesT: heavy stone door to the Statue room.
Every swim there is a 1–2 on a d6
Sp chance the Gutworm bites (d10
damage). Test agiliTy dr6 when bit
to avoid being devoured and dying.

10 – 11 – 12 – 13
15 14

14. Debris room Random

7 12 13

Very stale and frowst, hard to breathe. 10

9 8
• Random encounter, page III. 5
• Torch dimly illuminating the room. 4
• Trash and bones in enormous quantities. 2
• west: wooden door to Forge/slaughterhouse. 3
• south: wooden door to the Statue room,
locked. (Fletcher has the oddly-shaped key). 1

15. Forge/slaughterhouse
Sooty and very hot, sulfuric haze from Rotblack Sludge.
Fletcher, the cannibal warlock
• Fletcher, the cannibal warlock, dwells here. 7 feet tall, built like a grizzly. Sooty,
He has an oddly-shaped key to the door bald and covered in tattoos. Rules the
between the Debris room and the Statue room. Den. Hates Lesdy in the Greenhouse
• Lit by two large hearths. Used as smelters and but can’t fit through the Tunnel.
ovens for preparing meals. hP 20 Morale – Hardened skin −d4
• Chunks of meat hang on ceiling hooks. Red-hot flail d8 + severe burn
Largely human f lesh—adults and children. (agility tests −2 for a day).
• south: Rotblack Sludge: The southern wall Uses a Power every third round
collapsed into a large cavern, 60 feet deep. (automatically succeeds). d4:
Black, mushy gunk. Sulfuric haze obscures the 1–2. Nine Violet Signs Unknot the Storm:
view but one can almost see the Gem room and d2 bolts of lightning dealing d6
the Statue room through the fumes. damage each.
• east: wooden door to the Debris room. 3. Daemon of Capillaries: One
• west: stepladder to a hatch in the Pump room. creature chokes for d6 rounds,
d4 hP damage per round.
Fletcher’s story 4. Ich-bin-luft (unique Power):
As a child Fletcher was lead out into Sarkash Fletcher is invisible the next
and left to die. Desperate necromancers found two rounds. Can still attack.
the feral boy chewing on rabbit carcasses in a When Fletcher takes damage
gloomy glade. They took him in, but no force or big chunks of human flesh rain
threat could control him, and he slowly grew down, as if in sympathy. The Pc
more powerful. Eventually they too abandoned that hit him must test agility dr8
him to die, hurling him into the Accursed Den. or take d4 damage.
This became his domain, ruled purely by his will. 
He wants to use the heir Aldon to pressure the
Shadowking into getting rid of Lesdy for good.

14 – 15

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