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published: 30 November 2021

doi: 10.3389/feduc.2021.785163

Competencies for Advancing

Transformations Towards
Aaron Redman 1,2,3* and Arnim Wiek 1,2,3
School of Sustainability, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States, 2Center for Global Sustainability and Cultural
Transformation, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Lüneburg, Germany, 3Center for Global Sustainability and Cultural
Transformation, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States

Advancing transformations towards sustainability calls for change agents equipped with a
new set of competencies. Such sustainability competencies have been articulated with
multiplicity and ambiguity, which is counterproductive to joint and accelerated progress. A
unified framework of sustainability learning objectives would provide guidance to students,
educators, and administrators of sustainability programs. To this end, we carried out a
systematic review of the relevant literature. After scanning thousands of publications, we
identified over 270 peer-reviewed articles of highest relevance, spanning two decades.
Despite appearance otherwise, we found that there is a high level of agreement among
scholars over the sustainability competencies that students should be trained in.
Expanding on the five key competencies, namely, systems-thinking, anticipatory,
Edited by:
Marco Rieckmann,
normative, strategic, and interpersonal competence, that have gained widespread use,
University of Vechta, Germany this article synthesizes the new suggestions made over the past decade into a unified
Reviewed by: framework. It centers on 8 key competencies in sustainability (the 5 established and 3
Renate Wesselink,
emerging—intrapersonal, implementation, and integration competence), which are
Wageningen University and Research,
Netherlands complemented by separate disciplinary, general, and other professional competencies.
Jana Dlouhá, This comprehensive framework of key competencies in sustainability is applicable across
Charles University, Czechia
disciplines and can guide faculty, students, and practitioners in their joint efforts to advance
*Correspondence: transformations towards sustainability.
Aaron Redman
[email protected] Keywords: learning objectives, sustainability education, transformations, change agents, key competencies in
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Higher Education, INTRODUCTION
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Education
To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by addressing persistent sustainability
Received: 28 September 2021 challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and socio-economic injustices requires
Accepted: 04 November 2021
ambitious and whole-scale transformations of societies worldwide (UNESCO, 2017; Scoones
Published: 30 November 2021
et al., 2020). Facilitating these transformations will require novel approaches (Linnér and
Citation: Wibeck, 2019) that ought to be carried out by change agents who are educated in sustainability
Redman A and Wiek A (2021)
and sustainable development (Franco et al., 2019; Redman et al., 2021). In response, the number of
Competencies for Advancing
sustainability programs at universities and colleges has substantially increased worldwide—to over
Towards Sustainability. 1,500 in the United States alone over the past decade (Weiss and Barth, 2019). Yet, critics have long
Front. Educ. 6:785163. noted that most of this education hews too close to the status quo (Orr, 2003) and graduates of these
doi: 10.3389/feduc.2021.785163 programs are equipped only to make incremental improvements, instead of being the change agents

Frontiers in Education | www.frontiersin.org 1 November 2021 | Volume 6 | Article 785163

Redman and Wiek Competencies for Advancing Sustainability

capable of advancing transformations (Gordon et al., 2019). The line with the transformational framing of this review,
characteristics of such transformational change agents should be education focused exclusively on incremental behavior changes
reflected in the learning objectives of sustainability programs. (e.g., how to sort recycling material) were excluded. The identified
Yet, there still remains a lack of clarity and coordination publications went through an iterative screening process
regarding a unified framework of sustainability learning (Figure 1) to create a final collection of articles for review. At
objectives (O’Byrne et al., 2015), which undermines each stage, publications were only excluded when they clearly did
effectiveness, innovation, and legitimacy of such programs not fit the above characteristics. For final inclusion, descriptions
(Vincent and Focht, 2009). Guidance is unlikely to come via of specific sustainability learning objectives had to be identified in
high-level policy (Mochizuki, 2016), as neither the UNDESD, nor the text. In addition, each of the databases was screened for
the more recent SDG 4.7, which calls for Education for articles published or in press until August 2021, and the most
Sustainable Development (ESD) globally (Giangrande et al., relevant were included in the overall qualitative analysis.
2019), provide any explicit learning objectives, let alone a For the analysis, bibliographic information as well as any
coherent framework for advancing transformations. In information coded or extracted from the publications was
contrast, UNESCO has articulated how key competencies in imported into R (R Core Team, 2020) for analysis. A variety
sustainability can be utilized to develop educational of analyses were performed such as text mining of the titles,
programming around all seventeen of the SDGs (UNESCO, keywords, and abstracts, citation analysis, and others. The
2017). learning objectives and their descriptions were extracted from
Scholarly reviews of university sustainability programs each publication for both quantitative and qualitative analysis.
(Trencher et al., 2018; Salovaara et al., 2020) and expert The overall collection was also reviewed and synthesized
surveys (Rieckmann, 2012; Demssie et al., 2019; Brundiers qualitatively. Specifics and more details on the methods used
et al., 2021) have brought those perspectives into the scholarly for analysis can be found in the Supplementary Materials.
literature. At the same time, the growing number of scholarly
works on sustainability learning objectives in diverse disciplines,
from science and engineering to teacher education, has remained RESULTS
dispersed and thus does not offer coherent direction. Some
literature reviews have been published, but these have either Study Selection
been large and systematic, yet, without a thorough synthesis After duplicates were removed, we were left with 4,520
(Hallinger and Chatpinyakoop, 2019), or synthesizing, yet, bibliographic entries to review. The iterative process is
small and non-systematic (Lozano et al., 2017). In summary, described in more detail in the PRISMA diagram (Figure 1),
there is a need for a comprehensive, systematic review which goes but essentially, we first made several passes to exclude those
beyond description. This study offers such a review and publications which were clearly irrelevant before reviewing the
synthesizes a unified framework of sustainability learning remaining ones. The collection ultimately contained 272
objectives to provide guidance to sustainability educators and publications used for complete analysis plus 5 more from 2021
accelerate transformations towards sustainability. which were qualitatively reviewed only (see Supplementary
Materials for a full list).

Increasing Publication Efforts and the
Synthesizing a growing body of research such as that on Challenge of Convergence
sustainability learning objectives is best done through a Publishing on sustainability learning objectives only began in
systematic literature review (Snyder, 2019). We followed the earnest this millennium and has grown continuously between
procedures laid out by Fink (2014) to be systematic, explicit, 1997 and 2020 (Figure 2). Across the most relevant publications
comprehensive and reproducible. One of the goals of this study (n  272), many perspectives are being represented among
was to be as thorough as possible and identify almost everything diverse scientific journals (more than 100), with the top 3
that has been published on sustainability learning objectives. In journals accounting for about one third (32%). Over half of
order to be sure that definitional differences did not accidentally the sampled articles (n  143) were written for a particular
exclude relevant articles, we searched for synonyms of learning discipline including teacher education (n  32), business/
objectives. We sought to draw from as broad a pool of entrepreneurship (n  29), engineering (n  29), and many
publications as possible; thus, we conducted our search on more such as design, computer science, health, tourism,
Web of Science, SCOPUS, ERIC, and Google Scholar. Based facility management, agriculture/food, and construction.
on other sustainability education literature reviews, we expected Geographically, the sample is far less diverse with only 9% of
these databases to provide comprehensive coverage. publications coming from outside of the OECD member
The exact search strings can be found in the supplementary countries.
materials, but in brief, we were looking for publications through This varied body of literature converges in the intention to
the end of 2020, in English which described specific learning prepare students for contributing to sustainability
objectives (e.g., competencies, capabilities, and attributes) for transformations. Publication abstracts and titles typically
sustainability education programs (degrees, courses, etc.). In include phrases explicitly referring to sustainability challenges

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Redman and Wiek Competencies for Advancing Sustainability

FIGURE 1 | PRISMA Flow Diagram Illustrating the Screening Process for this Study.

FIGURE 2 | Number of publications in collection (n  272) by year (1997–2020).

(77%) and pointing to the need to address them (76%). This is most widely used term (Figure 3). A competence is defined as “a
grounded, to some extent, in the literature, with Our Common complex combination of knowledge, skills, understanding, values,
Future and the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable attitudes and desire which lead to effective, embodied human
Development being the two most cited background references action in the world, in a particular domain (Crick, 2008).”
(by 23% of articles for each). Competencies are most often specified as independent of
The conducted literature search included common synonyms domain-specific content knowledge, which allows for
for learning objectives, e.g., “literacy” (Dawe et al., 2005) and articulating competencies across disciplines and professions.
“attributes” (Barrie, 2006), with “competencies” emerging as the The competencies approach to education was broadly

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Redman and Wiek Competencies for Advancing Sustainability

FIGURE 3 | Percentage of publications mentioning competencies versus all other synonyms (“literacy” etc.) in title, keywords, or abstract by year (2005–2020)
(publications prior to 2005 (n  10) were excluded for better presentability).

popularized beginning more than two decades ago through competencies, without synthesizing a framework, while the
efforts such as the OECD-led initiative on “Definition and third most cited publication (Barth et al., 2007) (by 21%)
Selection of Competencies (DeSeCo)” (Rychen and Salganik, focuses on how competencies may be developed rather than
2000). Yet, as late as in 2008, it was not seen as commonly offering a framework. Beyond citations, the 2011 key
used in sustainability education (Van Dam-Mieras et al., 2008), competencies framework has facilitated explicit
though with increased adoption since (Barth, 2015). convergence, being used as the full foundation in 32 articles
A common theme in the literature is that “no consensus has (14% of the sampled articles published 2011 and after) and as a
been reached within ESD discourses as to the process of how to partial foundation in 78 articles (35%). Mapping this
identify essential abilities and as to a list of abilities seen as framework over the entire sample (n  272) between 1997
important” (Wolbring and Burke, 2013). Even as recently as 2021, and 2020 demonstrates convergence on these competencies
scholars (and presumably practitioners) continue to operate as (Figure 4). Interviews with sustainability professionals have
though there is “no agreement on exactly what these key found these competencies to be well recognized (Salovaara
competencies are” (McCarthy and Eagle, 2021). This position et al., 2020). In addition, this framework has been applied in
lends legitimacy to the current practice of continuously re- many real-world contexts from university programs (Boone,
inventing sustainability competencies in the literature. At the 2015; Richard et al., 2017; Jarchow et al., 2018) to K-12 teacher
same time, there is little explicit connectivity in the literature, with training (Archambault et al., 2013; Kieu et al., 2016; Redman
40% of the articles (prior to 2019) not being cited by any others et al., 2018), K-12 education directly (Wiek et al., 2016;
(in the whole sample). Rodríguez-Aboytes and Nieto-Caraveo, 2018), and training
for in-service professionals (Thomas and Millar, 2016;
Withycombe Keeler et al., 2017).
Convergence on Key Competencies in
Yet, when looking beyond terminological differences, we find Updating the 2011 Key Competencies
convergence in the literature on what graduates and Framework
professionals need to be capable of to advance social In the ten years since the publication of the 2011 key
transformations to sustainability. The 2011 review article competencies framework (2011–2020), 110 articles were
“Key competencies in sustainability—a reference framework published that substantively engaged with the framework
for academic program development” (Wiek et al., 2011) was (beyond just citing it). Analysis of this body of literature
the first articulation of this convergence. The authors identifies both insufficient receptions and productive
synthesized from the literature a framework of suggestions relevant to an update (Wiek and Redman, 2021).
sustainability-problem solving competence, integrating five Indicative of the deficient, yet prevailing list-approach to
key competencies, namely, systems-thinking, anticipatory, competencies, scholars often acknowledge the relevance of the
normative, strategic, and interpersonal competence. This five competencies and then add a competence or two without
article has been received as a unifying framework• and offering how those might integrate into the framework and
identified as “the most influential paper” in ESD (Grosseck specifically contribute to sustainability problem solving
et al., 2019, 26). Over the past decade, it has been cited by over (Heiskanen et al., 2016). Beyond the lack of adopting the
63% (n  141) of the sampled articles published in 2011 or after framework-approach, many articles lack concise definitions
(n  225). The second most cited publication (Rieckmann, and clear conceptual development of new competencies, a
2012) (by 25%) distills expert opinions into a list of flaw called out by several other reviews (Sterling et al., 2017;

Frontiers in Education | www.frontiersin.org 4 November 2021 | Volume 6 | Article 785163

Redman and Wiek Competencies for Advancing Sustainability

FIGURE 4 | Percentage of sampled publications (n  272) on competencies that can be mapped onto the 2011 framework (1997–2020).

Galleli et al., 2019; Shephard et al., 2019; Wilhelm et al., 2019; interventions” (Clark, 2016; Perez Salgado et al., 2018) towards
Brundiers et al., 2021). One example is “action competence” “transformative social change” (Glasser, 2016). As indicated in
(Mogensen and Schnack, 2010), which is frequently added to the the original version of the framework (p. 214), this is a call for
2011 framework, but often confounded with strategic collective sustainability problem-solving competence that goes
competence (Lans et al., 2014). Another common reception beyond the capacity of individuals (Barth, 2015).
is to emphasize general and disciplinary competencies such as
creativity (Steiner and Scherr, 2013; Lozano et al., 2017) or
critical thinking (Rieckmann, 2012; Fukushima et al., 2017). As Framework of Competencies for Advancing
explained in the 2011 framework (p. 211), while these are Sustainability Transformations
necessary competencies for solving sustainability problems, The unified framework of competencies for advancing sustainability
they are not key competencies, as they are not distinct to transformations centers on 8 key competencies in sustainability (with
sustainability but considered learning objectives of education 5 established and 3 emerging), and is complemented by disciplinary,
in general (Voogt and Roblin, 2012). general, and other professional competencies (Figure 6; Table 1). As
Yet, there have also been a number of productive suggestions a framework, the key competencies are not compiled as a list to select
to expand the framework. Most relevant are three emerging from; instead, all key competencies need to be integrated for
competencies (for definitions, see Table 1), which have been advancing sustainability transformations. Systems-thinking,
proposed with varying frequencies (Figure 5). Intrapersonal futures-thinking, values-thinking, and strategies-thinking enable
competence has been called out in several conceptual crafting sustainability action plans that yield sustainability
(Anderson, 2013; Frank, 2021) and empirical (Giangrande outcomes if successfully implemented (which requires
et al., 2019; Brundiers et al., 2021) studies; yet, there remains implementation competence). Inter- and intra-personal
some disagreement on whether this is a competence (Gómez- competencies (key professional competencies) enable that
Olmedo et al., 2020) or an underlying disposition (Brundiers planning and implementation is undertaken in collaborative and
et al., 2021). Integration competence has already been mentioned self-caring ways—key factors for success (Sipos et al., 2008; Frisk and
in the original framework (p. 212) and elaborated in an early Larson, 2012). Finally, integration competence enables a coherent
update of the framework (Wiek et al., 2016); it has been combination of collaborative and self-caring planning and
mentioned frequently thereafter (Evans, 2019). The least implementation efforts, using established procedures for
frequent explicit proposal is for an implementation sustainability problem solving (Angelstam et al., 2013; Polk, 2014;
competence (see Figure 5). The 2011 framework focuses on Wiek and Lang, 2016; Henry, 2018). Complementary competencies
the competence to plan sustainability problem solving, and are organized on two axes: disciplinary competencies complement
only touches on competence to implement sustainability the (content-independent) key competencies through content-
interventions and solutions. Some authors have argued that dependent expertise; general competencies such as critical thinking
implementation competence deserves the status of a key and creativity as well as other professional competencies such as
competence in sustainability (Perez Salgado et al., 2018), responsive project management are generic competencies (used in
which is in line with other more vague descriptions of many different fields) that complement the sustainability-specific key
strategic action competence (Frisk and Larson, 2012). There is competencies in efforts to advance sustainability transformations.
emerging agreement that sustainability education ought to Competencies that fulfill important functions complementary
prepare students for taking action (Mogensen and Schnack, to the key competencies in sustainability can be differentiated
2010; Frisk and Larson, 2012); more specifically, for “collective into disciplinary, general, and other professional competencies.

Frontiers in Education | www.frontiersin.org 5 November 2021 | Volume 6 | Article 785163

Redman and Wiek Competencies for Advancing Sustainability

TABLE 1 | Definition and most common descriptors from the literature for each key competence in sustainability.

Competence Definition Descriptors from the


Systems-Thinking Ability to apply modeling and complex analytical approaches: 1) to Understand, identify, describe, analyze sustainability challenges and
Competence analyze complex systems and sustainability problems across different problems, complex issues, effects, relationships, impacts, patterns,
domains (environmental, social, economic) and across different structures, unintended consequences, feedback loops, context,
scales (local to global), including cascading effects, inertia, feedback interactions, etc. across different domains (environmental, social,
loops, and other system dynamics; 2) to analyze the impacts of economic), scales (local to global), and perspectives (interdisciplinary),
sustainability action plans (strategies) and interventions (how they etc.(Connell et al., 2012; Sandri, 2013; Gray, 2018; Levy et al., 2018;
change systems and problems) Schuler et al., 2018; Mahaffy et al., 2019)
Futures-Thinking Ability to carry out or construct simulations, forecasts, scenarios, and Anticipate, foresight, envision, craft, analyze, and evaluate long-term future
Competence visions: 1) to anticipate future states and dynamics of complex consequences, scenarios (multiple futures), and visions regarding
systems and sustainability problems; 2) to anticipate how intergenerational equity, future generations, uncertainty, etc.(Withycombe,
sustainability action plans (strategies) might play out in the future (if 2010; Gardiner and Rieckmann, 2015; Ojala, 2017)
Values-Thinking Ability to identify, map, specify, negotiate, and apply sustainability Identify, assess, negotiate, reconcile, reflect on, map, apply sustainability
Competence values, principles, and goals: 1) to assess the sustainability of current principles, morals, norms, ethics, goals, integrity, justice, conflicts, trade-
and/or future states of complex systems; and 2) to construct offs, etc.(Remington-Doucette et al., 2014; Verma et al., 2016;
sustainability visions for these systems; (3) to assess the sustainability Komasinkski and Ishimura, 2017)
of action plans (strategies) and interventions.
Strategies-Thinking Ability to construct and test viable strategies (action plans) for Design, create, develop, test transformative, innovative, viable, feasible
Competence interventions, transitions, and transformations toward sustainability. interventions, transitions, strategies, action plans, solutions, etc.
considering barriers, inertia, path dependence, carriers, assets, etc.(de
Haan, 2006; Wesselink et al., 2015; Fukushima et al., 2017)
Implemen-tation Ability to put sustainability strategies (action plans) into action, Implement, enact, adapt, manage, transfer, scale action plans, strategies,
Competence including implementation, adaptation, transfer and scaling, in effective change plans, intervention plans, governance initiatives, etc.(de Haan,
and efficient ways. 2006; Perez Salgado et al., 2018; Schank and Rieckmann, 2019)
Inter-personal Ability 1) to collaborate successfully in inter-disciplinary and Enable, motivate, facilitate interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, cross-
Competence -professional teams; and 2) to involve diverse stakeholders, in cultural collaboration in teams and among stakeholders through listening,
meaningful and effective ways, in advancing sustainability compassionate communication, negotiation, conflict resolution, empathic
transformations. leadership, etc.(Ulrich, 2016; Brundiers and Wiek, 2017; Sarpin et al.,
Intra-personal Ability to avoid personal health challenges and burnout in advancing Reflect, motivate, have respect for, be responsible, be empathetic, self-
Competence sustainability transformations through resilience-oriented self-care care for identity, commitment, feelings, burnout, personal boundaries,
(awareness and self-regulation) limits of capacity, etc.(Glasser, 2016; Lozano et al., 2017; Giangrande
et al., 2019)
Integration Ability to apply collective problem-solving procedures to complex Develop, apply, promote, make decisions to advance sustainability by
Competence sustainability problems: 1) to develop viable sustainability strategies using viable, equitable, and inclusive solution processes, procedures,
(action plans); and 2) successfully implement them, in collaborative frameworks, schemes, etc.(Jegstad and Sinnes, 2015; Hull et al., 2016;
and self-caring ways. Wiek et al., 2016)

FIGURE 5 | Percentage of sampled publications (n  272) that can be mapped onto the three emerging competencies (1997–2020).

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Redman and Wiek Competencies for Advancing Sustainability

FIGURE 6 | Unified framework of competencies for advancing sustainability transformations; centered on 8 key competencies in sustainability with 5 established
(bold) and 3 emerging (italic); and complemented by disciplinary, general, and other professional competencies.

Disciplinary competence: There is broad agreement that compassionate communication and responsive project
advancing sustainability transformations requires content- management, are important for advancing sustainability
dependent competencies, e.g., on climate, water, energy, food, transformations on a more basic level (MacDonald and Shriberg,
and international development (Dale and Newman, 2005; 2016; Brundiers and Wiek, 2017; Lozano et al., 2017).
Demssie et al., 2019). Disciplinary specialties will be critical
complements to the content-independent sustainability
competencies, resulting in “t-“, “pi” or “shield” shaped DISCUSSION
professional profiles (Uhlenbrook and de Jong, 2012; Conley
et al., 2017; Pennington et al., 2020). This systematic review of the growing body of literature found,
General: Although there are no universally agreed-upon general despite appearance to the contrary, a convergence on learning
competencies, Binkley et al. (2012) distilled a broad sample of objectives in sustainability education around a discrete set of
literature into a set of ten so-called “21st century skills”. Three of key competencies. In particular, the five key competencies
these general competencies were also frequently mentioned in the described through a framework in 2011 (Wiek et al., 2011),
literature reviewed in the present study and can therefore be namely, systems-thinking, anticipatory, normative, strategic,
considered important complementary general competencies for and interpersonal competence, have gained widespread use.
advancing sustainability transformations, namely, the abilities of Several productive propositions have emerged as well.
critical thinking, creativity, and learning. Integrating the advances of the last decade, a framework of
Professional Competencies: As indicated above, inter- and intra- eight key competencies in sustainability is described, along
personal competencies are considered key competencies in with three classes of complementary competencies which form
sustainability, shared mostly with other caring professions, e.g., the best published scholarly knowledge of how to equip
medicine, nursing, social work. In addition, two other, more sustainability change agents to advance sustainability
“regular”, professional competencies, namely (advanced) transformations. While this study focused on the

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Redman and Wiek Competencies for Advancing Sustainability

perspectives captured in the literature, reviews of university specifically with regards to learning objectives in
sustainability programs (Trencher et al., 2018; Salovaara et al., sustainability little has been published (in English) by
2020) and expert surveys (Rieckmann, 2012; Demssie et al., researchers from outside the OECD. After many early calls
2019; Brundiers et al., 2021) largely align with the findings for it (Mochizuki and Fadeeva, 2010), publications from
presented here. underrepresented countries have recently increased (23 of
Zooming into the review results, systems thinking is the most 25 identified were published in the last 5 years), but more
established of the planning competencies, followed by comprehensive inclusion of these perspectives is needed.
interpersonal competence, which is addressed in many project-
based sustainability courses (Konrad et al., 2020) (Figure 4).
However, these are the less transformative of the key CONCLUSIONS
competencies. Futures-, values-, and strategies-thinking
competencies, so far established to a lesser extent, are critical The results of this study show that, despite terminological
for change that disrupts the status quo (Hsu, 2020). These differences, there is substantive convergence in the literature on
competencies enable graduates and professionals to envision what change agents need to be capable of to advance social
sustainable futures, based on the SDGs, and develop effective transformations to sustainability. On this basis, the article
and efficient strategies (action plans) to achieve them. describes a framework of eight key competencies in sustainability,
Beyond this, the three emerging competencies are much more broadly applicable to sustainability education in all disciplines. The
unconventional, if not controversial. First, the aspects included as unified framework of key competencies in sustainability links
intrapersonal competence (self-awareness and self-care) are not part science, education, and society in the joint effort of broadening
of typical learning objectives (Shephard, 2008; Frank, 2021), and do and accelerating transformations towards the Sustainable
not fit well with how competencies are generally defined (Shephard Development Goals. This does not mark the endpoint of
et al., 2019; Gómez-Olmedo et al., 2020). Yet, this points more to a needed research, rather an opportunity to make much
broader issue in education: medical schools, for example, having long needed advances. Three immediate needs include: 1) research
realized they need to address emotional, and not just intellectual and development of the emerging competencies; 2)
development in students (Coombs and Virshup, 1994). Second, while operationalization of the framework across disciplines,
addressing sustainability problems is a common theme in learning settings, and global contexts; and 3) testing the
sustainability education at the university level (Brundiers et al., framework in real-world problem-solving settings. Even more
2010), this does not usually mean fully preparing graduates for fundamental though is the need for the community of scholars
doing sustainability (Alvarez and Rogers, 2006). Implementation to come together and better coordinate their efforts.
competence calls for that to change, yet, this is a largely Complementary and comparative studies would overcome
unexplored space for university programs. Finally, this review the current fractured structure of the field and allow for
showed that like other scientists, those in sustainability continue more robust and accelerated advances.
to dissect holistic processes (i.e., problem-solving), into constituent
parts (i.e., lists of competencies, as in (Lozano et al., 2017)).
Integration competence pushes against this tendency and urges an DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
emphasis on educating for the connections between competencies.
Sustainability science has developed and adopted a variety of The original contributions presented in the study are included in
approaches to solving problems (Angelstam et al., 2013; Polk, the article/Supplementary Material, further inquiries can be
2014; Wiek and Lang, 2016; Henry, 2018), with initial attempts to directed to the corresponding author.
explore how that can shape education (Wei et al., 2020). The unified
framework centers on how professionals can best collectively engage
in sustainability problem solving and advancing sustainability AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
transformations. Through this foundation, the framework is
explicitly not intended to serve any specific discipline but should AR and AW designed the research project together and
be adoptable by all disciplines and fields (with some relevance to structured the article and wrote the article together. AW
sustainability). The framework offers a base from which to build off secured the funding, and AR did the data collection and full
and specify learning objectives in life science, engineering, business, or literature review. Both authors approved the submitted version.
teacher’s education, to name a few. To this end, the language of the
unified framework has been further universalized (e.g., “normative” is
often mistranslated), and discilenary competencies are now situated FUNDING
within this more extended framework.
The reviewed literature focused on publications in English, The authors acknowledge funding from the Lower Saxony
which underrepresents large regions of the world; a problem Ministry of Science and Culture and Volkswagen Foundation
confirmed in other studies (Weiss and Barth, 2019). Indeed, for the Grant “Educating Future Change Agents—Higher
there is, for example, a growing discourse in Latin America (in Education as a Motor of the Sustainability Transformation”
Spanish) around how to develop sustainability education (A115235) through the program “Science for Sustainable
(Dieleman and Juarez-Najera, 2008). We found that Development”.

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Redman and Wiek Competencies for Advancing Sustainability


The authors would like to thank Charles Redman, Arizona State The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at:
University, and Matthias Barth, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/feduc.2021.785163/
for comments and suggestions on earlier versions of this article. full#supplementary-material

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