English 9 Second Quarter Exam Revised

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V - Bicol
2nd Quarter Examination in English 9

Name: ____________________________________________ Date: __________________

Grade/Section: ___________________________________ Score: _________________

DIRECTIONS: Read the following items carefully. Choose the best answer and write the letter of the
correct answer on your answer sheet.

______ 1. It is the general character or attitude of a place, piece of writing, or situation.

A. Tone B. Style C. Imagery D. Word Choice

______ 2. It is a repetition of similar sounding words, occurring at the end of lines in poems or songs.
A. Rhyme B. Repetition C. Consonance D. Alliteration

______ 3. It refers to repetitive sounds produced by consonants within or at the end of a sentence or
A. Rhyme B. Assonance C. Alliteration D. Consonance

______ 4. This is the visually descriptive or figurative language in a literary work. These are all details
that the author will use to give a sense of emotion to the reader.
A. Tone B. Word Choice C. Theme D. Imagery
______ 5. It refers to the way that the author uses words – the author’s vocabulary, sentence structure,
figurative language, and sentence arrangement.
A. Tone B. Word Choice C. Theme D. Imagery
______ 6. This refers to the subject of a piece of writing, usually the author's thoughts on a specific
A. Tone B. Word Choice C. Theme D. Imagery

______ 7. “Father, give me my share of the state”. The son is…

A. envious B. disrespectful C. industrious D. honest

______ 8. She spoke as if her tongue had been dipped in acid. How did the girl speak?
A. cheerfully B. angrily C. calmly D. shakily

______ 9. I heard mother sigh,” I hope your father is safe on his way home tonight”. She fell
silent after that. The mother feels____
A. bad B. worried C. confident D. angry

______ 10. The night had come quickly, and stars were twinkling overhead. We could hear the
mighty throb of the engine far below down the deck. Where were the people.?
A. on a train B. on a plane C. on a ship D. in a car

______ 11. What does it mean by the idiom “bag of bones?”

A. Very thin B. very fat C. very angry D. very happy
______ 12. The performers are very popular because they always bring the house down when they
perform. What does it mean by “bring the house down?”
A. A successful performance which make the audience applaud again and again.
B. A successful gathering
C. They make the audience feel sleepy.
D. None of the above.

______ 13. “We can only set out nets a few times a day. Setting the nets and hauling them in
takes a lot of time and work” Who is the speaker?
A. a fisherman B. an acrobat C. a hunter D. a farmer

______ 14. Left alone, Cutie would lie down on her mattress with her fore paws under her head. It can
be inferred that Cutie is a __________?
A. baby B. cat C. chick D. bird

For nos. 15-19. Identify the sound device used below. Write the letter of the correct answer. Be guided
with the highlighted letters/words.
A. Rhyme B. Assonance C. Consonance D. Repetition E. Alliteration

______ 15. Bowed by the weight of centuries he leans

______ 16. The emptiness of ages in his face
______ 17. Whose breath blew out the light within this brain
______ 18. Is this the Dream He dream who shaped the suns
______ 19. Who loosened and let down this brutal jaw?
Whose was the hand that slanted back this brow

For nos. 20--24. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follows.

By: Edgar Albert Guest

When you’re up against a trouble, Even hope may seem but futile,
Meet it squarely, face to face; When with troubles you’re beset,
Lift your chin and set your shoulders, But remember you are facing
Plant your feet and take a brace. Just what other men have met.
When it’s vain to try to dodge it, You may fail, but fall still fighting;
Do the best that you can do; Don’t give up, whate’er you do;
You may fail, but you may conquer, Eyes front, head high to the finish.
See it through! See it through!

Black may be the clouds about you

And your future may seem grim,
But don’t let your nerve desert you;
Keep yourself in fighting trim.
If the worst is bound to happen,
Spite of all that you can do,
Running from it will not save you,
See it through!
______ 20. What does the speaker tell the readers in the first stanza of the poem?
A. Run away from problems. C. Face the challenges head on.
B. Love one another to survive. D. Give up whenever life gets hard.

______ 21. In the second stanza, what do the black clouds symbolize in the poem?
A. Rainy days C. Bright future ahead
B. Hope and love D. Problems and challenges

______ 22. What character trait is highlighted in the poem to get through life’s adversaries?
A. Courage B. Confidence C. Determination D. Forgiveness

______ 23. What style did the poet use to convey his message?
A. He argued about the importance of facing life’s difficulties
B. He employed informal language to mirror ups and downs in one’s life.
C. He used journalistic style to highlight the need to overcome challenges.
D. He used persuasive technique and original motivational lines to inspire the readers to
work through the problems they are facing.

______ 24. What is the best theme of the poem?

A. Faith, hope and love to achieve goals in life
B. Failure, survival and success in living life to the fullest
C. Perseverance, bravery and determination in facing challenges
D. Passion, dedication and commitment in pursuing one’s dream

______ 25. What is the author’s purpose of writing the poem?

A. to inform B. to entertain C. to persuade D. to argue

For nos. 26-29. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

“Poverty is hunger. Poverty is lack of shelter. Poverty is being sick and not being able to see a
doctor. Poverty is not having access to school and not knowing how to read. Poverty is not having a job,
is fear of future, living one day at a time. Poverty is losing a child to illness brought about by unclean
water. Poverty is powerlessness, lack of representation and freedom.”

______ 26. What social issue is being discussed in the text above?
A. Poverty B. freedom C. injustice D. corruption

______ 27. If you were the government, how would you resolve it?
A. Let the families in rural areas stay and work in provinces.
B. Provide low-end service jobs for workers moving out of agriculture.
C. Create more better jobs and offer more opportunities for the marginalized sector.
D. Ensure that the poor attend school and increase school fees to foster high quality

______ 28. What do you call the group of lines in poetry?

A. Part B. stanza C. section D. paragraph

______ 29. What do the lines below tell us about the persona in the poem?
“Once and only, I will pass,
If kindness I may show,
If a good deed I may do to a suffering old man,
Let me do it while I can.”
A. The persona shows the kindness only to people who are either suffering or old.
B. The persona is in hurry, so he helps those who are in need in the easiest and fastest
way possible.
C. The persona believes that kindness should not be delayed and should be shown while
one still has time.
D. The persona believes that anyone who is suffering should only be shown kindness
once and never again.

For nos 30-35. Read the passage below. And answer the questions that follow.

When the salted eggs are cool, Aling Marta labels them as she does in all the jars. She
likes to have everything neat and proper- so she had Frank build her some shelves right after
they were married. The salted eggs go on one side, condiments like ground garlic, black pepper,
and anato seeds on the other. It used to make her feel safe to have all that food in the shelves,
she would think to herself. Well, if there’s a typhoon or anything that were cut off, it won’t be so
bad. It doesn’t make her feel safe anymore. Instead, she thinks that if she has to leave suddenly,
she won’t be able to take any of the jars with her, they’d be too heavy to carry.

______ 30. You can infer from the passage that Aling Marta is _______________.
A. plain housewife C. a working student
B. owns a restaurant D. has salted egg online business

______ 31. Which of the following statements best describes what the phrase “if she has to leave
suddenly’ indicates about Aling Marta?
A. She is bored C. Something is bothering her
B. No one would miss her D. She worries about everything

______ 32. The following are the qualities of Aling Marta except?
A. well-organized B. well-prepared C. pessimist D. thoughtful

______ 33. What conclusion can you draw from the passage?
A. She will surprise her husband C. There is an approaching typhoon
B. Aling Marta will leave his family D. Aling Martha will be able to produce
more salted egg
______ 34. The tone of the passage is best described as ___________.
A. ironic B. serene C. humorous D. apologetic

______ 35. Barley is a couch potato.

A. Simile B. metaphor C. idiom D. proverb
______ 36. Every cloud has a silver lining.
A. Simile B. metaphor C. idiom D. proverb
______ 37. My brother and I fight like cats and dogs all the time.
A. Simile B. metaphor C. idiom D. proverb
______ 38. The old man took the handful of dust and sifted it through his skin and fingers.
A. Visual imagery B. Tactile imagery C. Olfactory imagery D. Gustatory imagery

______ 39. The sound of drum in the distance attracted him.

A. visual imagery B. Tactile imagery C. Auditory imagery D. Gustatory imagery
______ 40. The beacons of moonlight bathed the room in ethereal light.
A. Visual imagery B. Tactile imagery C. Olfactory imagery D. Gustatory imagery

For Nos. 41-45: Choose the correct word inside the parenthesis. Write your answer on the blank
provided before each number.

____________ 41. Mrs. Martinez has a (youthful, childish) approach in teaching. She does not age after
____________ 42. The price of the vase has dropped (low, small).
____________ 43. I like people who are friendly and (talkative, conversational).
____________ 44. I am (curious, inquirer) to know the reason why they broke up.
____________ 45. Her (reign,rain) as queen officially comes to an end.

For Nos. 45-50: Match the idiom in column A with its meaning in column B.

Column A Column B
____ 46. Once in a blue moon a. to go to bed
____ 47. Break a leg b. serious or intimate conversation
____ 48. Heart to heart talk c. rarely
____ 49. Hit the sack d. eat healthily
____ 50. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. e. wish someone good luck

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