Aktivitas Kayu Manis

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IJPST - 11 (1), 2024; 17-25

Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

Journal Homepage : http://jurnal.unpad.ac.id/ijpst/
UNPAD Research Article

Antioxidant Potential, Anti-Diabetes, and Toxicity of Aceh Cinnamon

Extract (Cinnamomum burmannii)

Suhaila1, Fauzul Husna2*, Dedy Syahrizal3, Zulkarnain4, Hasya Washilah5, Ananda P.

1Magister of Biomedical Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Aceh, Indonesia.
2Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Aceh, Indonesia.
3Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Aceh, Indonesia.
4Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Aceh, Indonesia.
5Bachelor in Medicine Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Aceh, Indonesia.
Submitted 29 November 2022; Revised 16 June 2023; Accepted 16 June 2023; Published 01 February 2024
*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Cinnamon ums often used empirically to overcome diabetes. This study aims to assess the effectiveness
of Aceh cinnamon extract as an antioxidant and antidiabetic in vitro and to evaluate the toxicity of
the extract. Cinnamons, obtained from coffee plantations in Aceh, were macerated with 96% ethanol
for extraction. The extract phytochemical content was determined qualitatively, semiquantitatively
(GC-MS), and quantitatively. The toxicity level was measured by an acute toxicity test based on the
OECD and the BSLT assay. Antioxidant and anti-diabetes testing was determined in vitro by the DPPH
inhibition method and α-glucosidase inhibition. The results showed that cinnamon extract contains
alkaloids, flavonoids, polyphenols, tannins, quinones, saponins, and triterpenoid compounds. The total
amount of phenol, flavonoid, and tannin extract levels were 66.34 mg GAE/gr, 80.52 mg QE/gr, and
566.33 mg AT/gr. The IC50 extract value against DPPH and α-glucosidase enzymes were 16.07 μg/mL
and 123.52 μg/mL. LD50 ≥15 gr/ kg BW and LC50 extract was 350.57 ppm. Aceh cinnamon extract is
categorized as a non-toxic ingredient, strong antioxidant activity, and moderate antidiabetics.
Keywords: Acute toxicity, Cinnamon, Shrimp larvae, α-glucosidase

Potensi antioksidan, Anti-Diabetes dan toksisitas Ekstrak Kayu Manis

Aceh (Cinnamomum burmannii)

Kayu manis merupakan salah satu tumbuhan yang sering digunakan masyarakat secara empiris untuk
mengatasi diabetes. Penelitian ini bertujuan menilai efektifitas ekstrak kayu manis Aceh sebagai
antioksidan dan antidiabetes secara in vitro serta menilai toksisitas ekstrak. Sejumlah kayu manis yang
diperoleh dari perkebunan kopi di Aceh di maserasi dengan etanol 96% sehingga diperoleh ekstrak
kayu manis. Ekstrak dianalisis fitokimia secara kualitatif, semikuantitatif (GC-MS) dan kuantitatif.
Toksisitas ekstrak dinilai dengan uji toksisitas akut berdasarkan OECD dan uji BSLT. Pengujian
antioksidan dan antidiabetes ditentukan secara in vitro dengan metode inhibisi DPPH dan inhibisi
α-glukosidase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak kayu manis mengandung senyawa alkaloid,
flavonoid, polifenol, tanin, kuinon, saponin, dan triterpenoid. Kadar fenol, flavonoid dan tanin total
ekstrak adalah 66,34 mg GAE/ gr, 80,52 mg QE/ gr dan 566.33 mg AT/gr. Nilai IC50 ekstrak terhadap
DPPH dan enzim α-glukosidase berturut-turut adalah 16,07 μg/mL dan 123,52 μg/mL. Nilai LD50 ≥15
gr/kgBB dan LC50 ekstrak adalah 350,57 ppm. Ekstrak kayu manis Aceh dikategorikan sebagai bahan
yang tidak toksik, memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang kuat, dan antidiabetes yang sedang.
Kata Kunci: Toksisitas akut, Kayu manis, Larva udang, α-glukosidase

IJPST - 11 (1), 2024; 17-25

1. Introduction which is a plateau with an altitude of 1000-

Indonesia is the third largest mega- 2000 m.dpl, air temperature ranges from 20-
biodiversity country in the world. It should be 23 ºC with air humidity of 77-91% is an ideal
a power and motivation for the discovering condition for cinnamon herbs. The content
and developing of new drugs from natural of these plant metabolites must be evaluated
origin. Spices are one of the natural wealth to get information about their phytochemical
of Indonesian forests which are valuable characteristics.
commodities. Besides being used as a The plant’s preparation conditions
seasoning for cooking, spices are also used as medicine and environmental conditions
as supplements to maintain immunity, can affect the type and metabolites level
cosmetics, and overcome various health produced by plants, therefore affecting safety
problems. Furthermore, spices have also and efficacy.7 Environmental conditions
been used in many herbal decoctions. They trigger the adaptation process resulting in
are part of the traditional medicine system different secondary metabolites to survive.7
in Indonesia, which has been passed down Differences in the content of metabolites
orally and written forseveral generations.1 affect the therapeutic effect.
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannii) is People often use medicinal plants
one of the most commonly utilized spices. independently to cope with chronic diseases,
Various studies have reported the properties including diabetes mellitus (DM).8 Riskesdas
of cinnamon such as antihyperglycemic, anti- 2018 data shows an increase in the prevalence
cholesterol, antihypertensive, antimicrobial, of DM disease from 6.9% in 2013 to 8.5% in
and anti-inflammatory.2 The study associated 2018. The data also showed that about 9% of
the therapeutic effect of cinnamon with its patients with DM did not continue treatment.
phytochemical content. Some studies report One of the reasons people stopped the
that cinnamon contains alkaloids, flavonoids, treatment is because they consume traditional
polyphenols, tannins, quinones, saponins, and medicine.9 This condition increases the
triterpenoids.3 Identification of compounds interest of researchers to prove that traditional
by chromatography techniques shows that medicine carried out by the community has
eugenol and cinnamaldehydes compounds are efficacy and is also safe as DM treatment.
metabolites that act most as intermediaries to In vitro assay can be selected to conduct
the biological effects of cinnamon.2,3 a preliminary screening of the efficacy of
Cinnamon grows at an altitude of medicinal plants. One of the tests is the
up to 2,000 meters above sea level (m.dpl). α-glucosidase enzyme inhibition test.10 The
However, the growing process will be better data obtained can be an initial reference for
in areas with an altitude of 500 – 1,500 m.dpl, continuing efficacy trials to pre-clinical trials
an average temperature of 25 ºC (18-27 ºC), using experimental animals and clinical trials.
and a humidity of 70-90 ºC.4 Aceh, one of All these data are needed as evidence so that
the largest cinnamon-producing regions in drugs can be used as treatment. In addition
Indonesia, has the potential to develop the to efficacy tests, safety tests also need to be
use of this plant as medicinal raw material carried out. There are several toxicity test
if it issupported by safety and efficacy data.5 options, one of which is a test using shrimp
The availability of this data can increase the larvae called the brine shrimp lethality test
classification of medicinal plants from herbal (BSLT). This test is cheap, easy, and simple
medicine to standardized herbal medicine to determine the safety of the test substance.11
and even phytopharmaceuticals.6 One of DM is also associated with a state of
the areas that produce cinnamon in Aceh is oxidative stress. Administration of compounds
Simpang Teritit, Bener Meriah. This area with antioxidant activity can inhibit oxidative
uses an intercropping planting system by damage, thereby minimizing cell damage.
planting cinnamon alongside coffee plants. One example is flavonoids which are found
Natural characteristics in Bener Meriah in many plants.

IJPST - 11 (1), 2024; 17-25

This is the earliest research to provide extract was then measured yield, water
toxicity data and evidence of anti-diabetic content, and ash content, phytochemical
efficacy in vitro against cinnamon extracts analysis qualitatively (based on standards in
in Aceh. Several studies have reported the Materia Medika Indonesia (Ministry of Health
anti-diabetic activity of cinnamon extract. RI, 1995),12 semiquantitative with GC-MS as
However, the activity value still varies well as the quantitative examination of total
depending on the source of the plant. In phenol, flavonoids, and tannin levels.
addition, the cinnamon cultivation system and
the growing conditions in Aceh may produce 2.3.2. Acute toxicity test
secondary metabolites that are different Extract safety data were examined
from other studies, so we are interested in according to the OECD (Organization for
conducting this research in proving toxicity, Economic Cooperation and Development)
antioxidant activity, and in vitro α-glucosidase Guidelines for Testing of Chemicals Section
activity in Aceh cinnamon. 4, Health Effects, 1981.13 Five rats were
fasted overnight, then given an extract orally
2. Method at 15 g/kg BW. Clinical assessment and
This is an experimental study in vitro counting of the number of deaths were carried
using cinnamon ethanol extract and in vivo out at 1, 2, and 4 hours after administration
with Rattus norvegicus and shrimp larvae to of the extract. Observations continued for
test for acute toxicity of the extract. up to 14 days. All rats were decapitated and
macroscopic examination was carried out on
2.1. Tools the last observation day. Abnormalities in the
The tools used in this research were a internal organs are recorded and examined
blender (Philips), micropipettes (Socorex), microscopically when encountered.
rotary evaporator (Heidolph), UV-Vis
spectrophotometer (shimadzu UV mini- 2.3.3. Toxicity test with BSLT
1240 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer), GC-MS The toxicity test method with BSLT
(Shimadzu GCMS-QP2010 Ultra). follows the method of Meyer et al.11 In short,
the eggs of shrimp larvae (Artemia salina)
2.2. Materials were hatched in seawater. Testing using
The chemicals used were the enzyme nauplii (mature shrimp larva). 20 mg of
α glucosidase (Sigma-aldrich, USA), the extract was dissolved in 1 ml of Tween 80
substrate P-nitrophenyl-α-D-glucopyranose to becomes a stock solution of 2000 ppm.
(PNPG) (Sigma-aldrich, USA), Tween 80, Furthermore, the solution concentration was
dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) (Sigma-aldrich, manufactured using seawater, so a solution
USA), acarbose (Glucobay), distilled water, with a serial concentration of 10-1000 ppm
70% ethanol, quercetin (Merck, Germany), was obtained. Each test performs twice by
tannic acid (Merck, Germany). examining the number of dead larvae after 24
hours. The percentage of mortality and lethal
2.3. Methods concentration (LC50) was determined based
2.3.1. Cinnamon extraction on the formula:
A total of 500 gr of cinnamon bark was
harvested from a plantation in Simpang Teritit, Percent of death (%) =
Bener Meriah. It was dried without direct (Total naupii – alive naupii) x 100%/Total
exposure to sunlight and crushed into a fine naupii
powder. The fine powder was macerated in
96% ethanol with a ratio of extract and solvent The number of dead larvae described the tox-
of 1:10 for 12 hours with twice remacerations. icity of the extract with a probit regression
Maserate was processed into a viscous extract analysis program.
using a pressurized rotary evaporator. The

IJPST - 11 (1), 2024; 17-25

Table 1. LC50 of cinnamon extract

Response (amount of dead larvae)
Cinnamon LC50 (ppm)
Control 50 ppm 100 ppm 500 ppm 1000 ppm
0 0 0 0 1 0 3 2 1 8 7 7 10 10 10 350.57

2.3.4. Antioxidant activity test measured with an ELISA reader at 410 nm.
DPPH radical scavenger activity was The percent inhibition of α -glucosidase was
carried out in Kikuzaki et al.14 50 μL test calculated by the formula:
samples with various concentrations coupled
with 1.0 mL DPPH 0.4 mM, and 3,950 mL % inhibition =
ethanol. The mixture was then vortexed [1-(ABS sample/ ABS control)] x 100
and left for 30 minutes. The solution was
measured for absorbance at a wavelength of The IC50 value was determined based on the
517 nm against the blank (consisting of 50 μL regression equation obtained from data fitting
of extract and 4,950 mL of ethanol). Control with plots of percent α -glucosidase inhibition
absorbance measurements of 1.0 mL DPPH to acarbose concentration.
and 4.0 mL ethanol were also carried out. As a
comparison, Vitamin C was used, which was 2.3.6. Statistical Analysis
known as an antioxidant. IC50 values were The analysis was carried out in duplicate.
assessed based on the regression curve and Data are presented as mean ± SD and data
the formula: analysis is descriptive and categorical based
on parameters.
Percent (%) radical capture =
((Ao –A1) / Ao)) x 100% 3. Result
The Cinnamon ethanol extract obtained
Ao is the control absorbance (does not con- was a thick reddish-brown extract. The
tain the test extract) and A1 is the absorbance characterization of the cinnamon extract
in the presence of a test sample or compari- obtained was 1.028% extract water content
son compound. with 4.23% ash content. Phytochemical
analysis of cinnamon ethanol extract contains
2.3.5. Antidiabetic activity test alkaloids, flavonoids, polyphenols, tannins,
The antidiabetic activity was quinones, saponins, and triterpenoids.
determined based on the inhibition of Quantitative analysis of total phenol, flavonoid
α-glucosidase activity referring to the and tannin levels from the cinnamon extract
Sancheti method.15 Briefly made extract was obtained using a standard curve using
concentrations of 50-1000 μg/mL. In the quercetin and gallic acid standards. The total
microplate, the α-glucosidase solution was phenol content was 66.34 mg GAE/gr, the
mixed with the sample solution, phosphate total flavonoids content was 80.52 mg QE/gr,
buffer, 4-nitrophenyl-D-glucopyranoside as and total tannin extract was 566.33 mg AT/gr.
substrate. The absorbance of the solution was The content of cinnamon extract

Table 2. % Inhibition to DPPH and IC50 of cinnamon extract

Concentration Absorbance % inhibition IC50 (μg/mL)
(μg/mL) Vit C Cinnamon Vit C Cinnamon Vit C Cinnamon
2 0,071 0,095 35,45 13,64
4 0,064 0,09 41,82 18,18
6 0,063 0,086 42,73 21,82 8,32 16,07
8 0,056 0,078 49,09 29,09
10 0,05 0,072 54,55 34,55

IJPST - 11 (1), 2024; 17-25

Figure 1. Calibration curve of vitamin C and cinnamon extract

with GC-MS was found that cinnamon of a single preparation orally in white rats at a
extract contained 2-furan carboxy aldehyde dose of 15 g/kg BW does not cause death, and
5-(hydroxymethyl), coumarin, 2,3-dihydro- this was following the criteria for practically
3,5-dihydroxy-6-methyl-4H-piran-4-one, non-toxic in the classification of the degree of
2-amino-5-guanidino-pentanoic acid, toxicity of the test preparation.
cinnamyl alcohol, glycerin, -furol, N-Acetyl-
d,l-norleusenin, cinnamaldehyde, d-Glycero- 3.2. Toxicity test with BSLT
d-galacto-heptose, 1,5-anhydro-d- talitol, The results of the toxicity test using
3,4-altrosan, imidazole, 2-hydroxy-4-methyl, BSLT were determined based on the number
and hydro coumarin. of dead shrimp larvae at various extract
concentrations (Table 1). The LC50 value
3.1. Acute toxicity test of the extract was obtained through probit analysis of the
This study proves that after data and it was found that the LC50 value of
administration of a dose of cinnamon extract cinnamon was 350.57 ppm.
15 g/kg BW rats did not find death in rats.
Observation of the organs after the autopsy 3.3. The antioxidant activity of cinnamon
also did not reveal any abnormalities. Based extract
on these data, it showed that the administration The percentage of extract inhibition

Table 3. Absorbance and IC50 to α-glucosidase of cinnamon extract

Absorbance IC50 (μg/mL)
Concentration (μg/mL)
Abs % inhibition Acarbose Cinnamon
0 0,94 0
25 0,796 15.25
50 0,635 32,34
0.207 123.523
100 0,504 46,38
250 0,312 66.81
500 0.219 76,67

IJPST - 11 (1), 2024; 17-25


Figure 2. Calibration curve of cinnamon extract (A) dan acarbose (B)

data can be seen in Table 2. The antioxidant extrinsic factors, including genes, structure,
activity of cinnamon extract obtained from and the number of precursors of secondary
the IC50 value of the extract in inhibiting metabolite biosynthesis.7 Differences in
DPPH was 16.07 μg/mL with a comparison of phytochemical content are due to differences
vitamin C whose IC50 was 8.32 μg/mL. (Figure in exposure to light, temperature, humidity,
1) Based on the results of the antioxidant test pH, nutrient content in the soil, radiation,
of cinnamon extract using the DPPH method and altitude in the plant’s growing area.16
in vitro, it was shown that cinnamon extract In this study, the cinnamon extract contained
showed strong antioxidant abilities. alkaloids, flavonoids, polyphenols, tannins,
quinones, saponins, and triterpenoids. This
3.4. The antidiabetic activity with finding was in line with various other studies.17
α-glucosidase inhibition This study proved that cinnamon extract
The antidiabetic activity was carried contains abundant phenolic compounds in
out in vitro by assessing the IC50 of the extract the form of flavonoids and tannins. Various
in inhibiting the α-glucosidase enzyme. The studies have proven that cinnamon contains
absorbance values of cinnamon and acarbose many flavonoids. Ervina et al17 reported
are shown in Table 3. Figure 2 shows the that cinnamon contains high polyphenols
calibration curve to obtain the regression and other researchers isolated the active
equation in determining the IC50 of cinnamon ingredients in cinnamon extract and found
extract. that cinnamon contains cinnamaldehyde,
Based on the absorbance value and IC50 linalool, caffeic acid, coumarin, and benzoic
value calculation, the IC50 value of cinnamon acid compounds.18 Semiquantitative analysis
extract was 123.52 μg/mL. These results with GC-MS found that the most compounds
were obtained by comparing with acarbose found in Aceh cinnamon extract were 2-furan
standard which has an IC50 of 0.21 μg/mL. carboxy aldehyde 5-(hydroxymethyl),
coumarin, and cinnamaldehyde.
4. Discussion In this study, the IC50 value of cinnamon
This study conducted an acute toxicity extract in inhibiting DPPH was calculated
test as a preliminary safety test and an in vitro to determine the antioxidant activity of this
test to assess the antioxidant and antidiabetic compound. Based on the regression equation,
activity of cinnamon extract (Cinnamomum it was found that the IC50 of cinnamon in
burmannii). Cinnamon is widely used as a inhibiting DPPH was 16.07 μg/mL. This
spice and traditional medicine to treat various concentration value was classified as a
health problems.3 The content of secondary compound that has strong antioxidant activity.
metabolites in cinnamon is specific according Other studies have proven that cinnamon
to where it grows. The content of metabolites has strong antioxidant activity.8,17 Research
in plants is highly dependent on intrinsic and has shown a correlation between levels of

IJPST - 11 (1), 2024; 17-25

flavonoid and tannin metabolites in plants of IC50 were 206.86 and 220.00 μg/mL,
and their antioxidant activity. In this study, respectively.22 Vijayakumar K et al. also
cinnamon contains high levels of flavonoids reported IC50 values for cinnamon extract in
and tannins, so these compounds might water, ethanol, and methanol as 0.79 mg/mL,
mediate the effect. 0.62 mg/mL, and 0.77 mg/mL, respectively.23
Antioxidants play an important role Despite the varying reported IC50 values by
in protecting the body against free radical different researchers, all studies conclude that
damage. Free radicals can be formed in vivo cinnamon extract has the potential as an anti-
from a series of biochemical reactions in the diabetic agent by inhibiting α-glucosidase
body. In the DM state, an environment triggers enzyme activity in the gastrointestinal tract.
the production of free radicals, thereby In the development of herbal medicines,
triggering oxidative stress. An imbalance in addition to efficacy considerations, it is
between the concentration of pro-oxidants imperative to assess the level of toxicity of
and endogenous antioxidants causes oxidative these herbs. Good herbs are herbs that have
stress. The state of oxidative stress is the good efficacy with low toxicity. In this study,
main pathway that causes the progression of the toxicity of the extract was assessed by the
disorders in DM, so it triggers complications acute toxicity test and the BSLT method. This
in various organs, both microvascular study proved that after the administration of
and macrovascular. Hyperglycemia is a a dose of 15 g/kg BW of cinnamon extract,
condition that can trigger an increase in the there was no death in rats. In the conventional
production of ROS (reactive oxygen species) method, determining acute toxicity values
and nitrogen species. The four classical for drugs, traditional medicines, and other
pathways that play a role in the formation materials uses the classification contained
of ROS in hyperglycemic conditions are in the toxicity test guide. This result is in
increased polyol pathway, increased AGE- accordance with the research of Yesi Nursofia
RAGE formation, PKC-NFĸB activation, and et al., where the toxicity category of cinnamon
increased hexosamine pathway.3,19 leaf extract (Cinnamomum burmanii) is
Thus, antioxidant supplementation classified as practically non-toxic because it
plays a role in preventing complications has LD 15 gr/KgBW.
and protecting body tissues against further Cinnamon extract toxicity was also
oxidative damage. According to Lee et al., assessed by BSLT. The BSLT test is easy
non-enzymatic protection systems can be and relatively inexpensive. Many researchers
vitamin C, E, carotenoids, and polyphenols. use this test to assess the toxicity of their
The antioxidant role of these compounds can test materials. The LC50 value of cinnamon
be through free radical quenchers, donating in this study was 350.57 ppm. This value
hydrogen atoms, free radical scavengers, was categorized as a substance that has low
and metal chelating agents. Based on this toxicity. This study shows that cinnamon
research, it was proven that cinnamon has extract is good to be developed as a herbal
strong antioxidant activity. medicine because it has good efficacy as
This extract also had antidiabetic activity an antioxidant and anti-diabetic with low
although at moderate levels. The IC50 value toxicity.
of cinnamon in inhibiting the -glucosidase Some limitations need to be discussed
enzyme was 123.52 μg/mL. Various studies in this study. Our results suggested that the
have also proven that cinnamon extract has activity of cinnamon extracts was potent
antidiabetic activity.20 antioxidants using DPPH methods. However,
Ercan et al. demonstrated that the IC50 in vitro studies to prove the antioxidant
of cinnamon in inhibiting α-glucosidase is activity of the extracts could be carried out to
1592 ± 17.58 μg/mL.21 A study by Gulcin et support this result.
al. comparing the IC50 of water and ethanol
cinnamon extract reported that values

IJPST - 11 (1), 2024; 17-25

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