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Chapter 3

The Time Value

of Money
(Part 1)
Learning Objectives

1. Calculate future values and understand

2. Calculate present values and understand
3. Calculate implied interest rates and waiting time
from the time value of money equation.
4. Apply the time value of money equation using
formula, and spreadsheet.

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3.1 Future Value and
Compounding Interest
• The value of money at the end of the stated
period is called the future or compound
value of that sum of money.
– Determine the attractiveness of alternative
– Figure out the effect of inflation on the future
cost of assets, such as a car or a house.

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3.1 (A) The Single-Period
FV = PV + PV x interest rate, or
FV = PV(1+interest rate)
(in decimals)

Example 1: Let’s say John deposits $200 for a

year in an account that pays 6% per year. At
the end of the year, he will have:

FV = $200 + ($200 x .06) = $212

= $200(1.06) = $212

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3.1 (B) The Multiple-Period Scenario

FV = PV x (1+r)n
Example 2: If John closes out his account after 3
years, how much money will he have accumulated?
How much of that is the interest-on-interest
component? What about after 10 years?

FV3 = $200(1.06)3 = $200*1.191016 = $238.20,

where, 6% interest per year for 3 years = $200 x.06 x 3=$36
Interest on interest = $238.20 - $200 - $36 =$2.20

FV10 = $200(1.06)10 = $200 x 1.790847 = $358.17

where, 6% interest per year for 10 years = $200 x .06 x 10 =
Interest on interest = $358.17 - $200 - $120 = $38.17

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3.1 (C) Methods of Solving
Future Value Problems
• Method 1: The formula method
– Time-consuming, tedious
• Method 2: The financial calculator approach
– Quick and easy
• Method 3: The spreadsheet method
– Most versatile
• Method 4: The use of Time Value tables:
– Easy and convenient but most limiting in scope

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3.1 (C) Methods of Solving Future
Value Problems (continued)

Example 3: Compounding of Interest

Let’s say you want to know how much money

you will have accumulated in your bank account
after 4 years, if you deposit all $5,000 of your
high-school graduation gifts into an account that
pays a fixed interest rate of 5% per year. You
leave the money untouched for all four of your
college years.

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3.1 (C) Methods of Solving Future
Value Problems (continued)
Example 3: Answer
Formula Method:
FV = PV x (1+r)n$5,000(1.05)4=$6,077.53
Calculator method:
PV =-5,000; N=4; I/Y=5; PMT=0; CPT FV=$6077.53
Spreadsheet method:
Rate = .05; Nper = 4; Pmt=0; PV=-5,000; Type =0;
Time value table method:
FV = PV(FVIF, 5%, 4) = 5000*(1.215506)=6077.53,
where (FVIF, 5%,4) = Future value interest factor listed
under the 5% column and in the 4-year row of the Future
Value of $1 table.

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3.1 (C) Methods of Solving Future
Value Problems (continued)

Example 4: Future Cost due to

Let’s say that you have seen your dream
house, which is currently listed at
$300,000, but unfortunately, you are not
in a position to buy it right away and will
have to wait at least another 5 years
before you will be able to afford it. If
house values are appreciating at the
average annual rate of inflation of 5%,
how much will a similar house cost after
5 years?
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3.1 (C) Methods of Solving Future
Value Problems (continued)

Example 4 (Answer)

PV = current cost of the house = $300,000;

n = 5 years;
r = average annual inflation rate = 5%.
Solving for FV, we have
FV = $300,000*(1.05)(1.05)(1.05)(1.05)(1.05)
= $300,000*(1.276282)
= $382,884.5

So the house will cost $382,884.5 after 5 years

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3.2 Present Value and
• Involves discounting the interest that would have
been earned over a given period at a given rate of
• It is therefore the exact opposite or inverse of
calculating the future value of a sum of money.
• Such calculations are useful for determining today’s
price or the value today of an asset or cash flow
that will be received in the future.
• The formula used for determining PV is as follows:
PV = FV x 1/ (1+r)n

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3.2 (A) The Single-Period

When calculating the present or discounted

value of a future lump sum to be received
one period from today, we are basically
deducting the interest that would have been
earned on a sum of money from its future
value at the given rate of interest.
i.e. PV = FV/(1+r) since n = 1
So, if FV = 100; r = 10%; and n =1;
PV = 100/1.1=90.91

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3.2 (B) The Multiple-Period

When multiple periods are involved…

The formula used for determining PV is as
PV = FV x 1/(1+r)n
where the term in brackets is the present
value interest factor for the relevant rate of
interest and number of periods involved,
and is the reciprocal of the future value
interest factor (FVIF)

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3.2 Present Value and
Discounting (continued)

Example 5: Discounting Interest

Let’s say you just won a jackpot of $50,000
at the casino and would like to save a
portion of it so as to have $40,000 to put
down on a house after 5 years. Your bank
pays a 6% rate of interest. How much
money will you have to set aside from the
jackpot winnings?

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3.2 Present Value and
Discounting (continued)
Example 5 (Answer)
FV = amount needed = $40,000
N = 5 years; Interest rate = 6%;
• PV = FV x 1/ (1+r)n
• PV = $40,000 x 1/(1.06)5
• PV = $40,000 x 0.747258
• PV = $29,890.33 Amount needed to set
aside today

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3.2 (C) Using Time Lines

• When solving time value of money

problems, especially the ones involving
multiple periods and complex combinations
(which will be discussed later) it is always a
good idea to draw a time line and label the
cash flows, interest rates and number of
periods involved.

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3.2 (C) Using Time Lines

FIGURE 3.1 Time lines of growth rates (top)

and discount rates (bottom) illustrate
present value and future value.

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3.4 Applications of the Time
Value of Money Equation
• Calculating the amount of saving required
for retirement
• Determining future value of an asset
• Calculating the cost of a loan
• Calculating growth rates of cash flows
• Calculating number of periods required to
reach a financial goal.

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Example 3.3 Saving for

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Example 3.3 Saving for
retirement (continued)

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Example 3.3 Saving for
retirement (continued)

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Example 3.4 Let’s make a deal
(future value)

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Example 3.4 Let’s make a deal

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Example 3.4 Let’s make a deal

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Example 3.5 What’s the cost of
that loan?

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Example 3.5 What’s the cost of
that loan? (continued)

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Example 3.5 What’s the cost of
that loan? (continued)

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Example 3.6 Boomtown, USA
(growth rate)

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Example 3.6 Boomtown, USA

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Example 3.6 Boomtown, USA

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Example 3.7 When will I be rich?

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Example 3.7 When will I be rich?

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Example 3.7 When will I be rich?

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Additional Problems with Answers
Problem 1
Joanna’s Dad is looking to deposit a sum of money
immediately into an account that pays an annual
interest rate of 9% so that her first-year college
tuition costs are provided for. Currently, the
average college tuition cost is $15,000 and is
expected to increase by 4% (the average annual
inflation rate). Joanna just turned 5, and is
expected to start college when she turns 18. How
much money will Joanna’s Dad have to deposit into
the account?

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Additional Problems with Answers
Problem 1 (Answer)

Step 1. Calculate the average annual college tuition cost

when Joanna turns 18, i.e., the future compounded
value of the current tuition cost at an annual increase
of 4%.

PV = -15,000; n= 13; i=4%; PMT=0; CPT FV=$24,


FV= $15,000 x (1.04)13 = $15,000 x 1.66507 =


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Additional Problems with Answers
Problem 1 (Answer) (continued)
Step 2. Calculate the present value of the annual tuition
cost using an interest rate of 9% per year.

FV = 24,976.10; n=13; i=9%; PMT = 0; CPT PV = $8,146.67

(rounded to 2 decimals)

PV = $24,976.10 x (1/(1+0.09)13=$24,976.10 x 0.32618 =

So, Joanna’s Dad will have to deposit $8,146.67 into the

account today so that she will have her first-year tuition
costs provided for when she starts college at the age of

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Additional Problems with Answers
Problem 2
Bank A offers to pay you a lump sum of $20,000
after 5 years if you deposit $9,500 with them today.
Bank B, on the other hand, says that they will pay
you a lump sum of $22,000 after 5 years if you
deposit $10,700 with them today. Which offer
should you accept, and why?

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Additional Problems with Answers
Problem 2 (Answer)
To answer this question, you have to calculate the rate of
return that will be earned on each investment and accept
the one that has the higher rate of return.

Bank A’s Offer:

PV = -$9,500; n=5; FV =$20,000; PMT = 0; CPT I =



Rate = (FV/PV)1/n - 1 = ($20,000/$9,500)1/5 – 1 = 1.16054

- 1 = 16.054%

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Additional Problems with Answers
Problem 2 (Answer) (continued)

Bank B’s Offer:

PV = -$10,700; n=5; FV =$22,000; PMT = 0; CPT I =



Rate = (FV/PV)1/n - 1 = ($22,000/$10,700)1/5 – 1

= 1.15507 - 1 = 15.507%

You should accept Bank A’s offer, since it provides

a higher annual rate of return i.e 16.05%.

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Additional Problems with Answers
Problem 3

You have decided that you will sell off your house,
which is currently valued at $300,000, at a point
when it appreciates in value to $450,000. If houses
are appreciating at an average annual rate of 4.5%
in your neighborhood, for approximately how long
will you be staying in the house?

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Additional Problems with Answers
Problem 3 (Answer)

PV = -300,000; FV = 450,000; I = 4.5%; PMT =

0; CPT n = 9.21 years or 9 years and 3 months


n =[ ln(FV/PV)]/[ln(1+i)]
n =[ ln(450,000/(300,000])/[ln(1.045)]
= .40547 / .04402 = 9.21 years

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Additional Problems with Answers
Problem 4

You want to save $25,000 for a down

payment on a house. Bank A offers to pay
9.35% per year if you deposit $11,000 with
them, while Bank B offers 8.25% per year if
you invest $10,000 with them. How long will
you have to wait to have the down payment
accumulated under each option?

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Additional Problems with Answers
Problem 4 (Answer)

Bank A

FV = $25,000; I = 9.35%; PMT = 0; PV = -11,000;

CPT N = 9.18 years

Bank B

FV = $25,000; I = 8.25%; PMT = 0; PV = -10,000;

CPT N = 11.558 years

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Table 3.2 Variable Match for
Calculator and Spreadsheet

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