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Project title: Evolutionary optimisation of streaming application

on many-core systems

Student name: Ali Abuassal

Today's Date: 7/28/2017
[42] Start Date: 1/8/2017 ###

Duration (Days)

04 - Sep - 17

11 - Sep - 17

18 - Sep - 17

25 - Sep - 17

06 - Nov - 17

13 - Nov - 17

20 - Nov - 17

27 - Nov - 17

04 - Dec - 17

11 - Dec - 17

18 - Dec - 17

25 - Dec - 17

05 - Feb - 18

12 - Feb - 18

19 - Feb - 18

26 - Feb - 18
07 - Aug - 17

14 - Aug - 17

21 - Aug - 17

28 - Aug - 17

01 - Jan - 18

08 - Jan - 18

15 - Jan - 18

22 - Jan - 18

29 - Jan - 18
02 - Oct - 17

09 - Oct - 17

16 - Oct - 17

23 - Oct - 17

30 - Oct - 17
31 - Jul - 17
% Complete
WBS Tasks Start End

1 XL-StaGe 2.0 01/08/17 20/10/17 80 0%

1.1 Add features of load 01/08/17 15/08/17 14 0%
1.2 Split and join tags 16/08/17 31/08/17 15 0%
1.3 Parallelise tag 01/09/17 15/09/17 14 0%
1.4 Migrate tag 16/09/17 30/09/17 14 0%

1.5 Online optimization tags 01/10/17 20/10/17 19 0%

2 Graceful G1.0 01/09/17 31/01/18 152 0%
2.1 Central monitor 01/09/17 30/09/17 29 0%
2.2 Task migration 01/10/17 20/11/17 50 0%
Remapping for Fault-
2.3 tolerance 21/11/17 21/12/17 30 0%
2.4 Remapping for power 22/12/17 10/01/18 19 0%
Remapping for
2.5 performance 11/01/18 31/01/18 20 0%
3 Graceful G2.0 01/01/18 31/07/18 211 0%
Implementation and
study of the scalability
features on Graceful
3.1 G2.0 01/01/18 31/07/18 211 0%

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