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Coste||o Nome: __________________________________ pd:____

8r|t L|t II
- fhe F85 f||m odopfof|on, d|recfed by kuperf Goo|d ond sforr|ng Fofr|ck 5feworf
Ihe purpc:e cf wcIching Ihe fi|m i: Iwc-fc|c: Fir:I, Shcke:pecrecn p|cy: were
u|IimcIe|y wriIIen Ic Le :een, ncI recc. /nc whi|e Ihe ver:icn we|| wcIch Icke:
p|cce in c mcre mccern :eIIing {WWll-erc), Ihe ccIicn cnc wcrc: wriIIen Ly
Shcke:pecre remcin inIccI. Seccnc|y, Leing cL|e Ic wcIch Ihe p|cy fir:I, cnc
Ihen |cck cI Ihe IexI :hcu|c he|p ec:e Ihe cnxieIy cf :Iucying Ihi: cifficu|I
mcIeric|. lI wi|| c||cw u: Ic fir:I cnc fcremc:I fccu: cn whcI we cc kncw, Lefcre
Iurning cur cIIenIicn Ic whcI we ccnI kncw. Hcpefu||y Ihi: wi|| LeIIer prepcre u:
fcr cur mcre fcrmc| :Iucy cf c Shcke:pecrecn ccmecy nexI :eme:Ier.
Mocbeth Study Quest|ons
Whi|e Ihe:e ue:Iicn: ccme frcm ycur IexI Lcck, Ihey wi|| c|:c guice cur :Iucy cf
Ihe F8S fi|m /cccetn. Ihe expecIcIicn i: IhcI ycu wi|| fir:I cIIempI Ic cn:wer Ihe
ue:Iicn: whi|e wcIching Ihe fi|m. Ihen, ycu wi|| u:e Ihe IexI Lcck {cnc
repecIec view: cf Ihe fi|m, if pc::iL|e/nece::cry) Ic c|crify ycur cn:wer:. Whi|e
ccmp|eIe :enIence: c|e nct |equ||ec, ciIing Ihe pcge numLer: cnc |ine: IhcI
:uppcrI Ihe cn:wer: ||| be requ|red.
O Ic prcper|y ciIe frcm Ihe IexI, u:e ccpiIc| Fcmcn numerc|: fcr Ihe /cI
numLer, |cwercc:e Fcmcn numerc|: fcr Ihe :cene numLer, cnc regu|cr cigiI:
fcr Ihe |ine numLer:
4 x: /cI 1 :cene 2 |ine: 30-3 wcu|c Le wriIIen c: I.ii.30-36
O Ihe IexI cf Ihe p|cy ccn Le fcunc cn p. 317-403.
O Ihe fi|m ccn Le fcunc vic Mr. Cc:Ie||c: weL:iIe cr F8S weL:iIe:
4 cc:Ie||cLriI|iI.L|cg:pcI.ccm/MccLeIh-cn-F8S
4 vicec.pL:.crg
/cI l - in IexILcck cn p. 31-33: in fi|m frcm 0:00:00 - 0:34:00
/cI ll - in IexILcck cn p. 337-351: in fi|m frcm 0:34:00 - 1:00:00
/cI lll - in IexILcck cn p. 352-38: in fi|m frcm 1:00:00 - 1:37:00
/cI lV - in IexILcck cn p. 3-387: in fi|m frcm 1:37:00 - 2:0:00
/cI V - in IexILcck cn p. 388-403: in fi|m frcm 2:0:00 - 2:37:00

Coste||o Nome: __________________________________ pd:____
8r|t L|t II
Ientot|ve Schedu|e:
W 11/23: inIrccuce MccLeIh p|cn cf cIIcck
M 11/28: view /cI l in c|c:: {ccmp|eIe /cI l ue:Iicn: fcr hcmewcrk)
I 11/2: ci:cu:: /cI l in c|c::
W 11/30: view /cI ll in c|c:: {ccmp|eIe /cI ll ue:Iicn: fcr hcmewcrk)
IH 12/1: view /cI lll in c|c:: {ccmp|eIe /cI lll ue:Iicn: fcr hcmewcrk)
F 12/2: ci:cu:: /cI: ll & lll in c|c::
M 12/5: nc :chcc| fcr :enicr: {mc:: w/Li:hcp)
I 12/: /cI: l-lll Cuiz
W 12/7: view /cI lV in c|c:: {ccmp|eIe /cI lV ue:Iicn: fcr hcmewcrk)
IH 12/8: view /cI V in c|c:: {wcrk cn /cI V ue:Iicn: fcr hcmewcrk)
F 12/: ci:cu:: /cI: lV & V in c|c::
M 12/12: /cI: lV-V Cuiz
I 12/13: review
W 12/14: in-c|c:: e::cy Ie:I

Coste||o Nome: __________________________________ pd:____
8r|t L|t II
Mocbeth Act I Study Quest|ons - p. 33
Whi|e Ihe:e ue:Iicn: ccme frcm ycur IexI Lcck, Ihey wi|| c|:c guice cur :Iucy cf Ihe F8S fi|m /cccetn. Ihe
expecIcIicn i: IhcI ycu wi|| fir:I cIIempI Ic cn:wer Ihe ue:Iicn: whi|e wcIching Ihe fi|m. Ihen, ycu wi|| u:e
Ihe IexI Lcck {cnc repecIec view: cf Ihe fi|m, if pc::iL|e/nece::cry) Ic c|crify ycur cn:wer:. Whi|e ccmp|eIe
:enIence: c|e nct |equ||ec, ciIing Ihe pcge numLer: cnc |ine: IhcI :uppcrI Ihe cn:wer: ||| be requ|red,
wriIIen in Ihe |efI mcrgin nexI Ic Ihe ue:Iicn.
O Ic prcper|y ciIe frcm Ihe IexI, u:e ccpiIc| Fcmcn numerc|: fcr Ihe /cI numLer, |cwercc:e Fcmcn
numerc|: fcr Ihe :cene numLer, cnc regu|cr cigiI: fcr Ihe |ine numLer:
4 x: /cI 1 :cene 2 |ine: 30-3 wcu|c Le wriIIen c: I.ii.30-36
2c) WhcI precicIicn: cc Ihe wiIche: mcke cLcuI MccLeIh: fuIure

2c) WhcI precicIicn: cc Ihe wiIche: mcke cLcuI 8cnuc: fuIure

2L) Hcw cce: MccLeIh: reccIicn ciffer frcm 8cnuc:

3c) WhcI ccnf|icI cri:e: in MccLeIh cfIer Ihe
precicIicn ccme: Irue

3L) WhcI cce: Ihi: ccnf|icI revec| cLcuI hi: chcrccIer

Coste||o Nome: __________________________________ pd:____
8r|t L|t II
4c) Which IrciI cf her hu:Lcnc: cce: Lccy MccLeIh fecr wi|| prevenI him frcm :ecuring Ihe Ihrcne

4L) WhcI cce: Ihi: Ie|| ycu cLcuI Lccy MccLeIh: chcrccIer

5) WhcI cce: MccLeIh: :c|i|cuy in :cene 7 revec| cLcuI him

c) WhcI crgumenI cce: Lccy MccLeIh u:e Ic ccnvince her hu:Lcnc Ic ki|| Dunccn

7c) WhcI mighI Ihe wiIche: :ymLc|ize Hcw cc Ihey cffecI MccLeIh

Coste||o Nome: __________________________________ pd:____
8r|t L|t II
Mocbeth Act II Study Quest|ons - p. 351
Whi|e Ihe:e ue:Iicn: ccme frcm ycur IexI Lcck, Ihey wi|| c|:c guice cur :Iucy cf Ihe F8S fi|m /cccetn. Ihe
expecIcIicn i: IhcI ycu wi|| fir:I cIIempI Ic cn:wer Ihe ue:Iicn: whi|e wcIching Ihe fi|m. Ihen, ycu wi|| u:e
Ihe IexI Lcck {cnc repecIec view: cf Ihe fi|m, if pc::iL|e/nece::cry) Ic c|crify ycur cn:wer:. Whi|e ccmp|eIe
:enIence: c|e nct |equ||ec, ciIing Ihe pcge numLer: cnc |ine: IhcI :uppcrI Ihe cn:wer: ||| be requ|red,
wriIIen in Ihe |efI mcrgin nexI Ic Ihe ue:Iicn.
O Ic prcper|y ciIe frcm Ihe IexI, u:e ccpiIc| Fcmcn numerc|: fcr Ihe /cI numLer, |cwercc:e Fcmcn
numerc|: fcr Ihe :cene numLer, cnc regu|cr cigiI: fcr Ihe |ine numLer:
4 x: /cI 2 :cene 3 |ine: 40-48 wcu|c Le wriIIen c: II.iii.40-48
2c) WhcI rec:cn: cce: 8cnuc give Ic exp|cin why he i: uncL|e Ic :|eep

2L) Hcw cc hi: IhcughI: cnc ccIicn: ccmpcre wiIh MccLeIh:

3c) WhcI cce: Ihe ccgger :c|i|cuy revec| cLcuI MccLeIh: :IcIe cf minc

3L) Why mighI Shcke:pecre hcve chc:en Ic hcve MccLeIh revec| hi: fee|ing: in c :c|i|cuy rcIher Ihcn c
:peech Ic cncIher chcrccIer

Coste||o Nome: __________________________________ pd:____
8r|t L|t II
4c) Hcw cce: Lccy MccLeIh geI L|ccc cn her hcnc:

4L) WhcI cce: her reccIicn Ic Ihe L|ccc revec| cLcuI her chcrccIer

5c) Why cc Dunccn: :cn: cecice Ic |ecve SccI|cnc cfIer Iheir fcIher: murcer

5L) WhcI ccnf|icI: mighI Dunccn: :cn: ccu:e fcr MccLeIh in Ihe fuIure

L) CcnIrc:I MccLeIh: cnc Lccy MccLeIh: reccIicn: :c fcr Ic Ihe murcercu: ceec.

Coste||o Nome: __________________________________ pd:____
8r|t L|t II
Mocbeth Act III Study Quest|ons - p. 38
Whi|e Ihe:e ue:Iicn: ccme frcm ycur IexI Lcck, Ihey wi|| c|:c guice cur :Iucy cf Ihe F8S fi|m /cccetn. Ihe
expecIcIicn i: IhcI ycu wi|| fir:I cIIempI Ic cn:wer Ihe ue:Iicn: whi|e wcIching Ihe fi|m. Ihen, ycu wi|| u:e
Ihe IexI Lcck {cnc repecIec view: cf Ihe fi|m, if pc::iL|e/nece::cry) Ic c|crify ycur cn:wer:. Whi|e ccmp|eIe
:enIence: c|e nct |equ||ec, ciIing Ihe pcge numLer: cnc |ine: IhcI :uppcrI Ihe cn:wer: ||| be requ|red,
wriIIen in Ihe |efI mcrgin nexI Ic Ihe ue:Iicn.
O Ic prcper|y ciIe frcm Ihe IexI, u:e ccpiIc| Fcmcn numerc|: fcr Ihe /cI numLer, |cwercc:e Fcmcn
numerc|: fcr Ihe :cene numLer, cnc regu|cr cigiI: fcr Ihe |ine numLer:
4 x: /cI 3 :cene 4 |ine: 100-104 wcu|c Le wriIIen c: III.iv.100-104
2c) De:criLe Ihe murcer p|cI IhcI MccLeIh cevi:e: cgcin:I 8cnuc.

2L) Hcw i: Ihi: p|cI cifferenI frcm Ihe murcer p|cI cgcin:I Dunccn

2c) WhcI cc Ihe:e cifference: :ugge:I cLcuI MccLeIh: chcrccIer

3c) Which inIencec vicIim cf MccLeIh: p|cI mcncge: Ic e:ccpe

3L) WhcI ccnf|icI: mighI Ihi: chcrccIer ccu:e fcr MccLeIh in Ihe fuIure

Coste||o Nome: __________________________________ pd:____
8r|t L|t II
4c) De:criLe MccLeIh: Lehcvicr curing Ihe fec:I :cene.

4L) Hcw mighI hi: gue:I: cpinicn cf him hcve Leen cffecIec Ly hi: Lehcvicr

5c) WhcI cce: MccLeIh cc when he |ecrn: cf Mcccuff: cppc:iIicn Ic him

c) WhcI :ign: cre Ihere IhcI MccLeIh: ccn:cience i: IrcuL|ing him

8) Hcw cce: Ihi: ccI revec| c chcnge in Ihe re|cIicn:hip LeIween MccLeIh cnc Lccy MccLeIh

Coste||o Nome: __________________________________ pd:____
8r|t L|t II
Mocbeth Act IV Study Quest|ons - p. 387
Whi|e Ihe:e ue:Iicn: ccme frcm ycur IexI Lcck, Ihey wi|| c|:c guice cur :Iucy cf Ihe F8S fi|m /cccetn. Ihe
expecIcIicn i: IhcI ycu wi|| fir:I cIIempI Ic cn:wer Ihe ue:Iicn: whi|e wcIching Ihe fi|m. Ihen, ycu wi|| u:e
Ihe IexI Lcck {cnc repecIec view: cf Ihe fi|m, if pc::iL|e/nece::cry) Ic c|crify ycur cn:wer:. Whi|e ccmp|eIe
:enIence: c|e nct |equ||ec, ciIing Ihe pcge numLer: cnc |ine: IhcI :uppcrI Ihe cn:wer: ||| be requ|red,
wriIIen in Ihe |efI mcrgin nexI Ic Ihe ue:Iicn.
O Ic prcper|y ciIe frcm Ihe IexI, u:e ccpiIc| Fcmcn numerc|: fcr Ihe /cI numLer, |cwercc:e Fcmcn
numerc|: fcr Ihe :cene numLer, cnc regu|cr cigiI: fcr Ihe |ine numLer:
4 x: /cI 4 :cene 1 |ine: 3-48 wcu|c Le wriIIen c: IV.i.36-48
2c) WhcI infcrmcIicn cce: MccLeIh gcIher frcm Ihe wiIche: cppcriIicn:

2L) Hcw cce: Ihi: infcrmcIicn :pur MccLeIh Ic ccmmiI mcre murcer:

3L) Why cc ycu Ihink Lccy Mcccuff cc||: her hu:Lcnc c IrciIcr cnc Ie||: her :cn, .ycur fcIher: cecc"

Coste||o Nome: __________________________________ pd:____
8r|t L|t II

4c) Hcw cce: Mc|cc|m Ie:I Mcccuff: |cyc|Iy

4L) WhcI cce: Ihi: Ie:I Ie|| ycu cLcuI Mcccuff

4L) WhcI cce: Ihi: Ie:I Ie|| ycu cLcuI Mc|cc|m

5L) WhcI cce: Ihe murcer cf Mcccuff: fcmi|y revec| cLcuI MccLeIh: chcrccIer

Coste||o Nome: __________________________________ pd:____
8r|t L|t II
Mocbeth Act V Study Quest|ons - p. 403
Whi|e Ihe:e ue:Iicn: ccme frcm ycur IexI Lcck, Ihey wi|| c|:c guice cur :Iucy cf Ihe F8S fi|m /cccetn. Ihe
expecIcIicn i: IhcI ycu wi|| fir:I cIIempI Ic cn:wer Ihe ue:Iicn: whi|e wcIching Ihe fi|m. Ihen, ycu wi|| u:e
Ihe IexI Lcck {cnc repecIec view: cf Ihe fi|m, if pc::iL|e/nece::cry) Ic c|crify ycur cn:wer:. Whi|e ccmp|eIe
:enIence: c|e nct |equ||ec, ciIing Ihe pcge numLer: cnc |ine: IhcI :uppcrI Ihe cn:wer: ||| be requ|red,
wriIIen in Ihe |efI mcrgin nexI Ic Ihe ue:Iicn.
O Ic prcper|y ciIe frcm Ihe IexI, u:e ccpiIc| Fcmcn numerc|: fcr Ihe /cI numLer, |cwercc:e Fcmcn
numerc|: fcr Ihe :cene numLer, cnc regu|cr cigiI: fcr Ihe |ine numLer:
4 x: /cI 5 :cene 8 |ine: 0-75 wcu|c Le wriIIen c: V.viii.60-75
2c) Summcrize Ihe :IcIemenI: Lccy MccLeIh mcke: whi|e :|eepwc|king.

2L) WhcI cce: :he :cy IhcI incrimincIe: her cnc MccLeIh in Ihe murcer:

3c) WhcI cce: Ihe :|eepwc|king :cene revec| cLcuI Lccy MccLeIh: chcrccIer

3L) WhcI mighI Lccy MccLeIh: hcnc mcvemenI: :ymLc|ize
Coste||o Nome: __________________________________ pd:____
8r|t L|t II
5c) Hcw cce: MccLeIh reccI when he i: Ic|c IhcI hi: wife i: cecc

5L) WhcI meIcphcr: cce: MccLeIh u:e in hi: :c|i|cuy cfIer her cecIh

5c) WhcI cc Ihe:e meIcphcr: revec| cLcuI MccLeIh: :IcIe cf minc

7c) De:criLe hcw Ihe wiIche: cppcriIicn:/prcphecie: {frcm /cI lV) cre fu|fi||ec in /cI V.

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