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Pre-Requisite: ME-211
Instructor: Dr. Khalid Rahman
Office # G-05, FME, GIK Institute, Ext. 2351
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: 10:00am ~ 11:30am (every day)

Teaching Assistant: Engr. Umar (GA)

Course Introduction
To develop the ability to set up a free body diagram, to determine the internal and external forces, and to calculate the
stress and strain response for common loading conditions (axial, bending, shear, and torsion) on simple structures. There
will be an emphasis on problem solving and the use of proper units. This course focuses on ability to apply the
knowledge of mechanics of solids on engineering applications and design problems.
Course Contents
1. Introduction: Design, Axial Loading: Normal Stress, Shearing Stress, Stress in Two Force Members, Maximum
Stresses, Stress Under General Loadings, State of Stress, Factor of Safety
2. Stress and Strain-Axial Loading: Normal Strain, Stress-Strain Test, Hooke’s Law: Modulus of Elasticity, Elastic
vs. Plastic Behavior, Static Indeterminacy, Thermal Stresses, Poisson’s Ratio, Generalized Hooke’s Law, Dilatation:
Bulk Modulus, Shearing Strain, Saint-Venant’s Principle, Stress Concentration, Elastoplastic Materials, Plastic
3. Torsion: Net Shaft Deformations, Shearing Strain, Stresses in Elastic Range, Normal Stresses, Torsional Failure
Mode, Angle of Twist in Elastic Range, Statically Indeterminate Shafts, Design of Transmission Shafts
4. Pure Bending: Pure Bending, Bending Deformations, Bending of Members Made of Several Materials, Eccentric
Axial Loading in a Plane of Symmetry, General Case of Eccentric Axial Loading
5. Shearing stresses in Beams and Thin Walled Members: Shear on the Horizontal Face of a Beam Element, Shear
on a Beam Element of Arbitrary Shape, Shearing Stresses in Thin-Walled Members
6. Transformation of Stress and Strain: Transformation of Plane Stress, Principal Stresses, Maximum Shearing
Stress, Mohr’s Circle for Plane Stress, General State of Stress, Application of Mohr’s Circle to the Three-
Dimensional Analysis of Stress, Stresses in Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels
7. Principal Stresses Under a Given Loading: Introduction, Stresses Under Combined Loading
8. Deflection of Beams: Deformation of a Beam Under Transverse Loading, Equation of the Elastic Curve from the
load distribution, Method of Superposition, Application to Cantilever Beams and Beams With Symmetric Loading,
Application of Superposition to Statically Indeterminate Beams
Mapping of CLOs and PLOs
Sr. No
Course Learning Outcomes PLOs Blooms Taxonomy
CLO_1 Apply fundamental concepts of stress, strain and
C3 (Application)
elastic behavior of materials on mechanical structural PLO_1
members subject to various loading(s).
CLO_2 Analyze principal stresses produced by combined C4 (Analysis)
loads in mechanical structure(s) WK4

Course is evaluated at a level of C4 (apply)

CLO Assessment Mechanism
Assessment tools CLO_1 CLO_2
Quizzes 5% 5%
Assignments 20% 45%
Project 15% 0%
Midterm Exam 30% 0%
Final Exam 30% 50%
Overall Grading Policy

Assessment Items
Announced Quizzes 10%
Assignments 10%
Project 10%
Midterm Exam 25%
Final Exam 45%

Text and Reference Books

Text books:
 “Mechanics of Materials”, by F.P. Beer, E.R. Johnston, John T. Dewolf & David F. Mazurek, 7th Edition
Reference books:
 “Mechanics of Materials”, by R.C. Hibbeler, 8th Edition
Online Resource:

Instructional Materials and LMS

 Instructional materials (such as PowerPoint slides, Lecture notes, Quiz/assignment Solutions, any other Helping
material) will be uploaded on CMS portal under Course Aid Material and through MS Teams.
 The lecture delivery will be synchronous and conducted through MS Teams and the recorded video link shared
through CMS.
Administrative Instruction
 According to institute policy, attendance is mandatory for all lectures
 For queries regarding course contents/materials students can use the platform of (MS TEAMS, e-mail etc.)
 Instructor will respond to student’s queries within (e.g. 2-3 days)
Computer Usage
 Students are encouraged to use any commercial FEA software for the simulation of the problem given for
Lecture Breakdown (Pre-Mid)

Online Course Delivery Plan

Week Lecture Lecture Breakdown Duration Assessment/

No. Learning Activities
No. (Topic) (Mins)

1 Lec 1. Introduction – Static 60 ~ 75

Review Force and
Stresses, Axial
Loading: Normal
Stress, Shearing

Lec 2. Bearing Stresses in 60 ~ 75

Application to the
Analysis and Design
of Simple Structures,
Method of Problem

2 Lec 3. Stress on an Oblique 60 ~ 75 Assignment Problems

Plane, Under Axial
Loading, Stress
Under General
Loading Conditions

Lec 4. Components of 60 ~ 75
Stress, Design
Problems related to
Chapter 1

3 Lec 5. Introduction, Normal 60 ~ 75 Assignment Problems

Strain Under Axial,
Loading, Stress-
Strain Diagram,
Hooke’s Law;
Modulus of
Elasticity, Repeated
Loadings; Fatigue,

Lec 6. Deformations of Members Under Axial Loading, Statically 60 ~ 75

Indeterminate Problems, Problems Involving Temperature
4 Lec 7. Poisson’s Ratio, Generalized Hooke’s Law, Shearing Strain, 60 ~ 75 Assignment Problems
Further Discussions of Deformations Under Axial Loading, + Quiz
Lec 8. Saint-Venant’s Principle, Stress Concentrations, Plastic 60 ~ 75
Deformations, Problems related to Chapter 2
5 Lec 9. Stresses in the Elastic Range, Angle of Twist in the Elastic 60 ~ 75 Assignment Problems
Lec 10. Statically Indeterminate Shafts, Design of Transmission Shafts, 60 ~ 75
Problem related to Chapter 3
6 Lec 11. Introduction, Symmetric Member in Pure Bending, 60 ~ 75 Assignment Problems
Deformations in a Symmetric Member in Pure Bending,
Stresses and Deformations in the Elastic Range
Lec 12. Deformations in a Transverse Cross Section, Bending of 60 ~ 75
Members Made of Several Materials
7 Lec 13. Eccentric Axial Loading in a Plane of Symmetry, Unsymmetric 60 ~ 75 Assignment Problems
Lec 14. General Case of Eccentric Axial Loading, Problems on chapter 60 ~ 75
8 Lec 15. Shear Force & Bending Moment Diagrams 60 ~ 75 Assignment Problems
and Quiz
Lec 16. Relation Between Load, Shear force and Bending Moment 60 ~ 75
9 Lec 17. Shearing Stresses in Common Types of Beams 60 ~ 75 Assignment Problems

Lec 18. Longitudinal Shear on a Beam 60 ~ 75

10 Lec 19. Shearing Stresses in Thin-Walled Members 60 ~ 75 Assignment Problems
+ Quiz

Lec 20. Deformation of a Beam under Transverse Loading, Equation of 60 ~ 75

the Elastic Curve
11 Lec 21. Deflection of beams 60 ~ 75 Assignment Problems

Lec 22. Statically Indeterminate Beams 60 ~ 75

12 Lec 23. Statically Indeterminate Beams, Method of Superposition 60 ~ 75 Assignment Problems
+ Quiz
Lec 24. Introduction, Transformation of Plane Stress 60 ~ 75
13 Lec 25. Principal Stresses; Maximum Shearing Stress, Mohr’s Circle 60 ~ 75 Assignment Problems

Lec 26. Stresses in Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels 60 ~ 75

14 Lec 27. Stresses under Combined Loadings 60 ~ 75 Assignment Problems
+ Quiz
Lec 28. Stresses under Combined Loadings 60 ~ 75
15 Lec 29. Stresses under Combined Loadings 60 ~ 75 Assignment Problems
Lec 30. Revision and Problem solving 60 ~ 75

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