Straighterline Communications Final Exam Study Guide

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Straighterline Communications Final Exam

1. which is the least public form of communication?: Ans- intrapersonal

2. which is NOT part of the definition of communication?: Ans- signs

3. the accumulation of various types of mass communication (radio,

televi- sion, newspapers, internet, etc;) into one medium is: Ans- media


4. public communication is best defined as: Ans- the process of using

messages to generate meanings in a situation in which a speaker transmits a message to a

number of receivers

5. saying "uh huh" to indicate you understand is using what is classified

as a: Ans- nonverbal code

6. which term refers to communication between two people?: Ans- dyadic

communi- cation

7. communication begins with the: Ans- self

8. as a communicator, what are the three separate activities you engage

in during the perception process?: Ans- selection, organization, and


9. personal identity is: a perception of what makes an individual unique with regard to

various personality characteristics, interests, and values

10. which activity does NOT occur in perception?: exploration

11. which is the best example of selective attention?: she immediately spotted

the guy with the earring who looked so much like someone she had known before

12. when you remember how wonderful your mother was but forget how

often she made you feel inadequate, then you are exhibiting the

perception called: selective retention

13. Erving Goffman's theory of self-presentation is based on what type of

perspective?: dramaturgy

14. technical language that has been developed by a profession group

is known as: jargon

15. which does NOT accurately describe what we mean when we say

language is personal?: we each have developed language without the influence of our

age, gender, or personality

16. Juan, who is majoring in political science, is giving a speech in class

about the Electoral College. During his speech, he often talks very intimately

about the legal functions and rules of the Electoral College. Juan ultimately

bores his audience and does not get a very strong grade. What error might

Juan have committed with his language usage?: jargon

17. which statement is an example of euphemism?: rest room

18. the term that refers to the arrangement of words is: syntax

19. which best typifies the meaning of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?: your lan-

guage shapes your perception

20. with whom are you most likely to stand the closest?: a person of the same


21. a distance of 10 feet between two people talking is what Edward T.

Hall referred to as: social distance

22. in reference to chronemics, polychronic people might ,

whereas monochronic people might .: arrive and leave late

arrive and leave on time or early

23. Kelly is listening intently to her friend, Sheri, talk about her boyfriend

who is leaving for a year to serve in the Army. Kelly says "mmm-hmm"


the conversation to show Sheri that she is listening. She is

communicating using: paralinguistic features

24. which type of facial expression will likely receive the most attention?: an-


25. paralinguistic cues can indicate all of the following EXCEPT: intelligence

26. when engaging in critical listening, one challenges the speaker's

message by evaluating its: accuracy, meaningfulness, and utility

27. which two concepts seem most closely related?: egocentrism and personal

28. Dante was walking across campus in a hurry. On the way he saw his

friend, Aarav, who he hadn't seen in quite some time. Dante stopped and

told Aarav his cell phone number and told him to call him later. Just a few

seconds later, Aarav had already forgotten the number. This would be

because the information only went as far as Aarav's: short term memory

29. children with higher levels of language development are more likely to: -

have more efficient working memory

30. which of the following is not necessarily part of the process of listening?-

: the receiver responds with a return message

31. which of the following statements about active listening is FALSE?:

active listening and empathic listening are exactly the same thing

32. college students spend approximately what proportion of their time

listen- ing to others and the mass media?: 50%

33. Tinnitus is something that would most likely to affect your: hearing

34. the phrases "This will be on your quiz Friday" and "The second type

of listening is..." are examples of: lecture cues

35. when you paraphrase the speaker's message and intent, ask questions,

or invite corrections, you are: checking your understanding or perception of the


36. One of the suggestions for being a better listener in the workplace is to

"plan for nuggets." The strategy recommended for doing this involves: using

a separate column in your notes

37. "You need to remember this because it will be on the quiz." What type of

lecture cues is in this statement?: importance

38. which is true about men's listening behaviors as compared to

women's listening behaviors?: men listen in order to take action and solve


39. which best exhibits critical thinking?: you are able to use what you know

apply standards to what your hear and decide the merits of the message

40. three basic interpersonal needs that are satisfied through interaction

with others, according to psychologist William Schultz are: need for inclusion,

affec- tion, and control

41. which association is NOT part of the textbook definition of interpersonal

relationships?: one between two or more people who exhibit affection toward each


42. in relationships, formalized patterns of actions or words that are

followed regularly and are indicators of relational uniqueness are called:

43. in which stage of how friends develop do people think of themselves as

friends and begin to establish their own private ways of interacting?:

friendly relations

44. what is one strategy for appropriate self-disclosure in interpersonal

rela- tionships?: reveal information to others as they reveal information to you

45. which would be a good example of self-disclosure?: you tell the person that

you meet that your parents were originally from Mississippi

46. Iakopa is good at writing and understanding literature. Marian is a whiz

at math and statistics; together they make a great pair. The concept of

friendship illustrated here is: complementarity

47. Rosa and Mike are out on a date. During the course of conversation,

Mike tells Rosa that his parents recently got divorced. After hearing this,

Rosa feels compelled to tell Mike that her parents divorced when she was

very young. What factor affecting self-disclosure can be identified here?:

disclosure tends to be reciprocal

48. relationships in which the two people are not romantically involved

but have a sexual relationship are called: friends with benefits

49. Rashi and Anita marry because they are of the same cultural

background. This is most likely what type of relationship?: symmetrical

50. the word communication comes from the Latin "communicare,"

which means: "to make common"

51. the "systematic arrangement of symbols to create meaning in the mind

of another" is known as: code

52. James is at home watching a politically oriented discussion show on

cable TV. One of the commentators is making arguments that are faulty,

which makes James very angry. But James cannot express that to the

commentator on TV. James is feeling the frustrations of which context of

communication?: mass context

53. small-group communication occurs in a: small group of people

54. Carmella and Jesus are sitting in a coffee shop having a friendly conver-

sation. What descriptor of their communication interaction is most


: dyadic communication

55. decoding is the process would be the reason an individual looking at a

class picture might see his or her own face first?: because it is figure and the

rest of the class is ground

56. if I notice that Heng and Yolanda are often together and I "fill in" my infer-

ence that they are now lovers, then I am illustrating the concept of

perception called: closure

57. a person groups stimuli into meaningful units during which part of
percep- tion?: organization

58. which of the following activities does NOT occur in perception?: exploration

59. which would NOT be an example of an identity factor that affects

percep- tion?: mental distractions such as daydreaming

60. impression management is: sharing personal details in order to present an

idealized self

61. which is NOT a true statement about slang and jargon?: slang is not under-

stood or used by most people

62. which statement about language is FALSE?: the meaning of a word does not

change once it is included in the dictionary

63. which is the best example of concreteness?: my hometown is Isle, Minneso-

ta, population 409

64. which is NOT an example of a cliche?: "Our country is more of a banquet than a

melting pot."

65. which statement is descriptive as oppose to evaluative?: I counted twenty

questions of which I was uncertain

66. The same bottom-feeding fish known as bullheads in Minnesota are

called catfish in Ohio. This language phenomenon is classified as:


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67. which does NOT mean that "words are arbitrary?": words have inherent


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68. words and phrases specific to a particular region of the country are


: regionalisms

69. which is NOT included in the study of proxemics?: sound

70. communication by touch is called: tactile communication

71. As he drove out of the driveway, he saw his wife waving but did not

realize that she wanted him to stop to avoid running over the tricycle. He

thought she was just waving good-bye. The problem in this nonverbal

episode is that we: use the same cue to communication a variety of meanings

72. when a person leans forward and has positive facial expression, he or

she is exhibiting the concept of: liking

73. which is not necessarily part of the process of listening?: the receiver

responds with a return message

74. which is essential to demonstrating active listening?: sit or stand so you are

directly facing the speaker

75. which is an inference?: the road appears dangerous for ordinary travel

76. Pria's boyfriend, Leonard, doesn't tell her about his family anymore. This

makes her upset with their relationship. What factor affecting self-

disclosure can be identified here?: relational satisfaction and disclosure are

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curvilinearly related

77. Raymond and Terry have a strong relationship and share many things

with each other. At times, however, Raymond feels that Terry wants to know

what he is doing at all times. Which dialectical tension is Raymond most

likely experiencing?: expression and privacy

78. the concept that suggests that your roommate is more likely to

become your friend that a person ten blocks away is known as: proximity

79. the opposite of defensive communication is: supportive communication

80. which is a good example of a complementary relationship?: she is shy, and

he likes to speak for both of them

81. what is code sensitivity?: using words and nonverbal communication that are

easy for the interpreter to understand

82. where you assume that all members of a group are alike: stereotyping

83. which culture fears silence rather than embracing it?: european americans

84. in which type of culture would it be more likely for extended family

mem- bers to live with nuclear family members?: collectivism

85. where you have a negative attitude toward a group of people just

because of who they are: prejudice

86. which is NOT an example of ethnocentrism?: American workers get higher

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pay for less work than most people in the world

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87. which is NOT a strategy for improving intercultural communication?:

adopt an ethnocentrism perspective

88. which is NOT a characteristic of a collectivist culture?: high levels of divorce

89. Kevin and Paul are having a conversation in which Kevin says, "All gay

men are every effeminate." What type of intercultural communication

problem might Kevin be engaging in?: stereotyping

90. the preferred way to avoid an ethnocentric perspective is to: be cautious

about assuming similarity and recognize differences among people

91. which is the best example of an uncertainty-rejecting culture?: Japan

92. pointing with the index finger is regarded as very insulting in which

cul- ture?: Kenya

93. which statement about resume writing style is NOT accurate?: you should

use the pronoun "I"

94. the army is what type of organization?: political

95. engaging in small talk is a representation behavior illustrating which

type of workplace communication competence?: relationship maintenance

96. when you organize your experience by type, which type of resume are

you using?: functional

97. the ways in which groups of people both maintain structure and
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order through their symbolic interaction refers to: organizational


98. conditions in the workplace that are sexually offensive or intimidating

are known as: hostile

99. informal communication consists of all of the following EXCEPT: the


100. a school is what type of organization?: integration

101. Angela tells Richard that he will not receive a raise unless he gives her

a massage. This is what type of sexual harassment?: quid pro quo

102. when people engage in communication behaviors intended to

create perceptions of psychological closeness with others is called:


103. people who listen with empathy, acknowledge the feelings of others,

and engage in dialogue to help others maintain personal control is called:

support- ive communication

104. which is most likely an example of an assigned group?: a group of students

asked by their resident advisor to repaint the cafeteria

105. which would NOT be considered a leader according to the definitions

presented in the text?: one member persuading another to sabotage a group goal

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106. which situation invites an emergent leader?: the company has just an-

nounced impending personnel reductions, and a small group of recently hired

employees have gathered to discuss strategy

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107. which is an implicit characteristic of group members?: individuals' world-


108. which concept of group leadership assumes that interpersonal

influence is the primary skill needed by an effective group leader?:

communicative com- petencies approach

109. which group may be classified as a secondary group?: a student commit-

tee on improving campus meal plans

110. when other members value the knowledge or expertise of a person,

that person has: expert power

111. Swetha gave his persuasive speech on why you run a West Coast

football offense to his general population speech class. Raymond likely

didn't do which part of speech preparation?: demographic analysis

112. which is NOT required for individual brainstorming?: critically evaluate

every choice before listing them

113. Leslie really likes coffee-flavored ice cream. This would be an

example of: an attitude

114. which is NOT a criterion for evaluating sources of information?: Is the

supporting material personal?

115. the sleeper effect refers to the speech: having a delayed message impact
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because of the separation of the speaker from message over time

116. establishing a shared future trajectory- showing that we can all do

some- thing together for the betterment of others- is a way of establishing

which dimension of source credibility?: goodwill

117. which is more of a transition than a signpost?: having now discussed why

you should activate your savings account, we will look next at how much money to place

in it

118. which is an example of a purpose/thesis for an inspiration/motivational

speech?: our goal tonight is to honor the sacrifice made by students serving in the armed


119. which is NOT a principle of outlining as described in this chapter on

organization?: the outline should contain a mixture of sentences, phrases, and words

120. which approach to reducing anxiety would be best implemented

through taking a public speaking course?: skills approach

121. which is NOT one of the four bodily aspects of speech delivery?: vocal


122. vocal aspects of delivery include all of the following EXCEPT: gestures

123. audiences tend to remember and comprehend and

better than and .: generalizations and main

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details and specific facts

124. which is NOT a purpose of an informative speech?: to change the minds of

the audience members about an issue or idea

125. which comment provides the best example of extrinsic motivation?:

"Be- cause my employer said our raises would be based on it, I am increasing my number

of contract reports."

126. personal proof, consisting of expertise and authority, is also known as: -


127. Nadine was giving a speech at the main intersection of campus, trying

to get students to vote for her candidate for state senate. Her speech was

very passionate and emotional. What type of arguments might she have

been using?: pathos

128. to rebut an argument means to: argue against it

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