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INVESTIG Of «President’s
Month» In «Sun Life»
4 ting Fidelists Annual Competition
oe ting Then Jail
Three pint-sized followers of
leader, Fidel VOL. IX, SUNDAY NOVEMBER i6th. 1958 — No. 8 — PORT-AU- PRINCE
, Cuban rebel a

tro, Were lodged in -Port-au

oe National Penitentiary
t ac
past week
of local
Fire, on Friday, destroyed 13 The Port-au-Prince aqiiad: ar-
to do with thesé hu- houses in the pretty little hill Pompiers
P.-au-P. Po rived on the scene at about 12h.
r _ po w d e r - k e g s - is a d i l e m m a top town of Jacmel. The com- Save Southern Town 50 P. M. and it was not until
ntly facing the Haitian mercial section of the town also early on Saturday morning that
~ suffered heavily. Most of the they reported «Fire put out».
c ‘Cubans whose , names buildings were two storeyed already got a firm grip and it
wooden ones whdse period ar- was only magnificent work by The first weary fighters re-
chitecture had contributed so the fire-fighters and aid by local turned to Port-au-Prince by the
‘much to the charm of Jaecmel. early morning COHATA plane
resources that saved the town
from complete destruction, piloted by Colonel Albert Mai-
‘nan. By then Jacmelians in ‘Marc Lebon, Agent of the
Summoned from Port-au- Preliminary inve stigations
«Sun Life» of _ Canada (Mr.
“fight under the banner of Fidel Prince by a radio call, the fire- suggest that the fire started ai | Port-au-Prince were jamming Rony. Chenet,. District Super
Castro jn the Sierra Maedres. brigade responded quickly, an- about Il o'clock from a gas -j the communic ation lines seeking
visor) has beer named Leader
At least one of the Cubans, it eleven-man squad of veteran stove in a local residence and news of relatives or friends. One
of the «President ’s Month» in
| left Cuba on safe- fire-fighters being flown to the spread rapidly. It centered on Jacmelian at the airport on Sa- |"

Venezuelan Embassy in wever, the fire fanned by

| a from the Place des Armes to ther news Raa his hometow n |
the annual competition conduct
scene. Prompt as they were, ho- the narrow street -which runs turday morning, awaiting fur- | ed by that assurance company.
The «President ’s» is a com-
avana. To turn these men strong breeze from the bay, had the Cathiedral. — fast becoming a tourist resort
petition held every year during
‘over to the Cuban authorities hecause of its old-world atmos-
the month of October. During


ou ld be ha nd in g do wn th ei r phere and ‘beautiful beaches
that month the agents of ‘the
death sentence, -an © observer ‘close at hand — said that one
ate Sun Life have an opportunity
pointed out. of the town’s lar ‘west clinics, the
to prove their skill and ability.
' Rene Lherisson, had been des-
- Despite - unfavourable — cir-
STarkieh Envoy troyed.
(Continued on page 3) -
Meets Haitian Idol
After 28 Years No estimate of the financial
Turkish diplomat who for loss“ is yet available, but the
nty-eight years cherished a “figure is expected to he high
ope of meeting again a Hai- for this town of 10,000 popu-
The Pope Receives :
1 athlete whom he saw per- Mer. Poirier

The Archibishop of Port-au- —
n in Istanbul was nearer
Prince, Monsignor Francois

mnion this week.
Poirier, was received in au-
I . Tahan Carim, newly ap-
dience by his Holiness the Pope
nted Turkish Ambassador to Burelars Lift 1500 7th.
John XXIII, orf November
confessed his pleasure, Dollars MDSE From The audience was held for
upon arrival |her e Thiursday, Gerard Montasse French Bishops who were pre-
Store jsent in Rome for the Corona-
|tion ceremonies.
The «Au Maseulin Shop» on
Monsignor Poirier who was
; nance. Rue Pavée was pillaged by the -
accompanied by the Reverend
T saw him ‘win the 100-yards | «chevaliers de. nuit» Friday and.
Father Halaby, Chaplain of the
1041/4 at Istanbul in 1930 Jost $1.500 in coods. A large
Major-General Maurice P. Flambert, Commander of Haiti’s Armed Lyc ée du Tri cin qua nte nai re, is
sto ck of tro use rs, sui ts, wat che s
| Forces,. attending the celebration of the 183rd. Anniversary of the U. S, expected to return to Haiti at
Marine vorns in Port-au-Prince, Haiti and other articles were taken. He has
the end of this month.
this week. Siar oie was im- The party as offered by Marine
Guard Detail of the U. S. Embassy,
pas t six
at their home on Monday evening, November 10th Mr. . Gerard C. M o n t a s s |e be,en ab ro ad for the
(Continued on page 13)
Also attending the fete were members of the Temporary Marine Train-
ing Unit, assigned to train recruits in the Haitian Army. owner of the store on the cor- months.
ner of Rue Pavé e an d Gr an d- ; Thi s pas t we ek the Ar ch bi s-
The speech on this occasion was made by Major James T. Brecken-
( ahadian Spring ridge, head of the Temporary Marine Mission here. Rue, is keeping bu si ne ss go in g sh op pa rt ic ip at ed in the me et -
Collection Here (Left to right): U. S. Charge d’Affaires, Mr, Phillip Williams, General
while Police hope to tra ck do wn | ing of the Ca rd in al s, Ar ch bi s- _
With Models Mautice P. Flambert, Mrs. Flambert, Captain Charles P, Wiliamson (US
MC), Sergeant Edwin L. Buell of Reseburg, Oregon, Sergeant Roger A. the thieves an d- ret rie ve the i ho ps an d Bi sh op s of La ti n- Am e-
he leaves have fallen andl
Hillard, of Mineapolis, Minn., ao Technical Sergeant Lester J. Skates,
loot. discuss the problems confront-
“Sr: of ‘Columbus, Ohio. ZO. on page 3)
ing the Catholic Church in the

Latin-American countries.
ollowing the sun to the
bean vacationland for a
Ur of the major resort areas, SUSPECTED OF BEING OPPPOSITION AGENT Baseball Game |
ged by the Toronto Globe
Haiti’s Junior Tennis -Key-West — Haiti
hree -watdrobes in wool, zen Roger E, Chaudon, suspect
French-born American citi Arrested Champs To Compete The U. S. Key West boys.
€cted from the Spring collec As President In Miami Tourney scored 13 over the Haitian
ms of Canadian ladies, wear
ed of being an agent of exilec Attends Party The junior tennis champions night —
opponents of the administra team’s 8, on Thursday
of Haiti, Jn-Edouard Baker
| tion of President Dr Francois when the playe rs met on the
rics and colours chosen for an d Fr an tz Lu de ck e ma y be
Duvalier left Haiti Tuesday
Hait i dur ing ne Regi} 5baiticipants in the forthcoming field at Cité Simon e Duval ier.
Vel in the sun, left Montreal wisi ted
on ord ers of Por t-au-Prince Po- me of President Paul E. Ma- qc tennis ip in Nume rous Ameri can and Hai-
‘ovember 8th on three-week ch am pi on sh
of the game were on —
lice after spending two days in gloire. Magloire is now living Miami Florida if sufficient tian fans
and —
Jai l. in exil e in New Yor k whe re funds from exhibitions matches hand to spur the teams on,
ean Miller, Canada’s fore- fine action was obser ved.
Mr Cha tid on als o has an he re pr ov id e th e p e r a e a some
fashion artist, working |-
The Woo] Bureau of Ca. Mr Chaudon an impfessive address. : velling ~expenses.

nada, selected styles from Ca- looking middle aged blonde Mr Chaudon was taken into Championship |
The Miami
“nada’s top fashion houses to be grey hair with bushy ‘white , custody Sunday a few minutes | which is open to contestants—
de 2 up in the Se eyebrows and thin bonde mus-| after President Francois Duva} from any country is scheduled , D A Y TUESDAY
drobes,- tache an impeccable_ dresse1; lier arrived at a reception given] to take place© at the end of |
(Continued « page 2)
on | Speaks french fluently He had, (Continued on page 16) D-cember.
CANADIAN FASHION Officers Caribbean Travel Tops All Records
Get Pensions The foreign flavor, the friend popular due to small byt exea
(Continued from page 1) the easy access ac- lent hotels such as the Lit
ae liness and
Former Army Officers who 3 y
counts for part of the boom in} Bay, ithe Pasan-Grahan, ¢ ‘i
Each wardrobe is in two co-ordinated
pre fashion picture} hive been reformed from the tine
travel to the Caribbean, accord- beaches and the six flights
dominant colours — one in yel- which will be:seen in shows at Armed Forces of Haiti were gi-
ing to Lee Karwick, Executive week of Air France from Pus
low and white, one in beige | ‘major hotels and photograghed ven their pensions this week by
Director, Caribbean Tourist As- to Rico. <a
and coral, and one in blue and on location
and each is fully co-
by the Globe and
a fashion and travel
Presidential Dectee. Among
were Colonel Germain
sociation. For the third a conse- The «8. 8. Tortola> operae
white.— Mail for whem 7
between St. Thomas and To,
cutive year, these magic islands
ordinated from head to toe. feature. Ducheine, Captains Chenon Mi-
and countries have chalked up tola; fare is $4 upper deck, ‘i
With the air traveller espe- _ The hats. — all in wool jer- hel, Price Olivier, Max Cor-
more than a 15% increase in lower deck. Many places, Tike
cially in mind — the tour is sey — are travel- planned too, vington, Francis Etienne, Lieu-
the number of American visi- Yacht Haven in St. Thiomas and.
travelling Pan American—Mrs By El jamon, Toronto, milliner tenants Brutus, Fils-Aimé, Le-
tors. En@lish Harbor in Antign,
Miller has selected clothes and to Canada’s famous Stratford gros, and Sub-Lieutenants Mau-
that will ‘give each Festival, they are packable, Last year, travel to the Ca- charter motor or sailing Yachty
colours rice and Fife.
almost infinite crushable, reversible shapable rib bea n set a new hig h and U. with crew for trips to St. Jo !
wardrobe an / —o—
variety of combinations for any and ultra-smart. S. visitors spenta whopping 155 St. Croix, the British Virgin
Dr. Elmer Laughlin of New
vacation occasion without add million dollars. Those seeking Islands and the Grenadines, —
York University, a Nutrition
traveller’s For the hotel shows, no com the variety of recreation offered From St. Vincent the «iM, V
ing weight to the expert, who made an extensive
Luggage. mentator will be used. Instead in the Caribbean outnumbered Madinina», a motor boat, leaves
an ingenious programme design research on malnutrition im
From beach wear to evening pleasure travelers to Europe by Mondays on a five-hour trip
ed by Mrs Miller will give Haiti and was recently invested
gowns the ent ire col lec tio n is over 80%, an increase of 30% through the Grenadines. retum
vipwers all the information) with his second Haitian decora-
in wool. Fabrics range from 1956, nearly one-third ing Thursdays from Grenada,
about the garments: tion, returned to Port this week. aca’
the looped’ and shaggy surfaces taking package tours. 20 cabins are available ang
Travelling with the ward-
so popular this year to sheerest A ereater influx is expected for room for 200 deck passengers,
N e w featherweight robes are:Olive Dickason, Glo- the winter 1958-1959. De luxe Fare is about $7. a
challis. blicity, The Wool BareaG of
be and Mail Fashion Editor;
printed wools, because of their Canada. | hotels anid small guest houses A yacht «S.S: Carlottay (Co
in any climate make, Barbara Ellis, Ann Milling and and tuck»
comfort Greeted at the airport by| are meeting a «nip radina) offers luxury cruise:
Marilyn Speck, fashion models;
frequent appearances. Packabi- Jo Press Bureau chief Aubelin deadline for increased space, as between Trinidad, Tobago, S.
Erik Sharck, photographer; R.
lity was a major factor in select, licoeur, and Assistant director | special attrac tions are offered . Vincent, St Lucia, Barbados,
W. Ca mp be ll , As si st an t Di re c
‘ing the garmerits and fabrics. of the Tourist Board Rene | More than 1850 spanking new M a r t i n i q u e a n d G r e n a d a , ac e
tor of Advertising,
accessories; the Globe
The Canadian Victor, the party will spend the | hotel rooms and additions are ! commodating 8 pa ss en ge rs ,
, an d Mai l an d By ro n An de rs on ; ;
Shoes, handbags, hosiery, gloves weekend here. \ | ready with an expect ed total of | One may board for a day or
Dir ect or of Pr om ot io n and Pu-
jewellery, ate all a part of the 3700 in 1959. longer. ae
Carriers continue to make the In Puerto Rico, the Dorado
path to the Caribbean faster Beach Club, with the worlds
and cheaper. Airlines’ such as finest golf course opens in Da

Pan American and British West cember with a professional In|
Indian Airways have almost vitational Golf Tournament,
doubled their services to~ the Deluxe La Concha, with four|
area. Lower fares, family plans restaurants and a shell-shapel
and the go-ahead to initiate night club is opening. Mor

flights from Chicago, Boston, than 1100 new rooms are ex |
Baltimore and other cities sti- pected by the end of 195,
mulated Caribbean travel. many out on the island. Culty
The once remote islands of ral attractions by the new Puer
Nevis, Anguilla, Barbuda, Mont- to Rico Symphony Orchestra

with the

sefrat, Beef and Dominica have the Opera Festival, the famed
new airfields serviced by Lee- Annual Casals Festival during
ward Islands Air Transport May and a Drama Festival Q i
ftom Antigua. St. Vincent, St.! encouraging longer visits.° 4
Kitts and St. Lucia are extend-! In Jamaica, new hotels open
ling their runways for larger| ing this season are the 200.
Mauri c e B o n n e f i l | planes. ; ~ :room Marrakech near Ocho
Mer. | Soon one may enjoy a varied | Rios and the Casa Maria. The,
; tropical week-end covering as Montego Beach Hotel has 4
Haytian T r a c t o r S . A . many as~five islands. Jets are new rooms and a_ hotels
’ Chancerelles now flying to Puerto Rico in going up at Frenchman’s Cove|
3 hours and 20 minutes. Suri- A deluxe hotel is planned in
nam, Jamaica, Colombia and the beautiful 80 acre Knut
You've seen what the Cat No. 933 Traxcavator can Curacao will accommodate jets ford Park section of Kingston
do— it’s the fa t excavator-loader in its class. by early 1959. Haiti has plans Antigua has the new hotel
Now, with the exclusive Side Dump Bucket attach- | for a new airfield and Trinidad Anchorage and the Half Moon
ment, the No. 933 is even more productive. With
| expects to be the hub in jet Bay, with Antigua Beach Ho
this STRAIGHT-LINE LOADINC principle, the
Traxcavator can load and dump without turning. operations. : tel adding 40 rooms and at
Maneuvering becomes a simple forward-reverse Cruises will break all records hole golf course. Trans Cane
movement,.reducing track wear even in severe con- due to increased ports of call da Airways will start servile
ditions. Cycle time is cut to a minimum — loading
a0 os and the 115 special cruises by to Antigua from Montreal newt}
area is reduced. The Side Dump Attachment per-
mits dumping to the left or forward. Trans-Atlantic liners (40 more. month. Alexander Parrish (4!
See the No! 933 with the 1% cu. yd. Side Dump
than last year). Shipping com- tigua) Ltd. has expanded tou!
Bucket now at our headquarters — or as regularly
“equipped with a 1 cu. yd. bucket. Also ‘available
panies expect a forty-eight mil- and VEB Nicholson & Sots;
_is a selection of Traxcavator buckets, ‘dozer blades, lion dollar (business for the have added five yachts,
log and lumber forks, and pulpwood forks. winter season alone. Of great in- Barbados now allows a we
‘| terest are the sailings (more der range of duty-free articles
than 80) from southern ports The Hastings Hotel, the St Law
by Alcoa S. S. Co. Furness Line, rence and The Royal are a
The Holland-America Line & novated or have new accoll
Waterman. modations. Colleton House hi
There are now several inter- been refurbished for gue!
island scheduled boat services. Eastry House has air-conditio!
The Government Schooner ing with pool and The Edge
«Blue Peter» makes twice-week-
ly 2-day round trips from St-
Maarten to Saba, St. Eustatius, ‘apartment development, Be
vou: GA : Caterpillar, Cot ond Troacovato: ue Reyistered Trademarks of Caterpillar Tractor Co.
ao the Friday trip including St.
Kitts. St. Maarten is now more
Point» in St. Lucy, is planet

, NOVEMBER i6th. 1958 «HAITE SUN»

ng K o n g M i s s i o n 183rd. Anni oars Of Marine Corps

Seeks T o E x p a n d Observed Here
Trade W i t h H a i t i The 183rd. Anniversary of of Roseburg, Oregon, which is
Mis the United! States Marine Corps the fashion and then to the |
A t w o m a n C o m m e r c i a l
was celebrated here this year oldest, then a slice was pre-
n from Hong ‘Kong called
t o u r with more than thie traditional sented to Madame Maurice
a s p a r t o f a
ere this week exchange-of toasts. It was for- Flambert.
i c a a n d n e i g h -
of Central Amer mal and fun.
uring c o u n t r i e s i n a n e f f o r t
between the The U. S. Marine Corps Guard The U. S. Chareé d’Affaires,
expand trade
Detail assigned to the Embassy in a brief speech, stated that
Mr dressed-out in blues, were hosts in the new tradition the Marine
Phe mission Sempiive
merchant- at their sky-line residence jin Guard Detail were now Ambas-
ohn Kwok Chan,
Desprez, along with brother Ma- sadors of Goodwill. He spoke
anger, and Mr T. D. Sorby,
rines of the temporary training of the high esteem in which the V I C E
sssistant director in charge of
mission. Guests included the Marine Corps is held by Presi- c LASS PASS
‘Trade’ Development in the FIRST
De- Chief of Haiti’s Armed Forces dent Francois Duvalier and Ma-
“Commerce and Industry
Kong and Mrs. Maurice Flambert, jor-General Flambert, declaring
artment of the Hong
Brigadier-General and Mr s. that fitting testimony of this
Louis Roumain, high-ranking esteem was manifested by the
“The mission had talks with
members of the Armed Forces, inviting of the Marines to come
tian Government © officials
the U. S. Charge d’Affaires and to Haiti to assist in the training
as well as businesmen — who WwW
Mrs. Williams, and members of of Haitian Army. \ d i r e c t f
Jearnt some interesting facts Only 3% D a y s
A m e r i c a n Flag
bout that important British the Embassy with other United City - . m o d e r n
*» C R I S T
States agencies, and numerous A succulent buffet, and well- ANCO N
r i d a y s
land -off the coast of China. M o n d a y s a n d F
Sa i l i n g s
Haitian personalities. stocked bar made the 183rd.
trade with Cen-
Hong Kong’s and I T H P R I V A T E B ATH
To the tune of the Marine anniversary a milestone, A B I N O U T S I D E W
ral American and Caribbean EVERY C
Corps hymn, played by the able Doctor Stein, a Haitian fune- A I R - M M I N G P O O L —
untries runs to approrimately OUTDOOR TILES SEWI ALLOWANCE

meringue band, the Marines, in tionary of the U. S. Embassy LBS. BAGGAG
{1 million. Of this total Haiti who has attended every anmi- *

blues, stood to attention behind
provides about $210,000 a year. .
an enormous yellow-icing cake- versary since 1916, commented ‘ s e a - a i r t i c k e t s

u n d - t r i p
ong Kong imports $ 800, Ask about r o
o n l y f r o m
resembling the Hall of Monte- favorably on the success of this a c c u r a t e i n f o r m a t i o n
of U. S.. goods
t e

00,000 worth Compl e
nnually and exports $500,000, zuma — with the flags of the year’s celebration.
N A M A ee
00. ‘They always have a trade Corps and of the U.S. A. Be- A
P e Abraham Lincoln
e Telephone 3062

medaled veteran Technical Ser- The other hosts, membe rs of Ru

depucit but the difference is
geant Lester J. Skates, Jr., of) the Marine Guard’ of the Ame-
than made up by invisible nt
Colombus, Ohio, in a loud and| rican Embass y, were Sergea
Eroorts ‘such as banking, ship-
precise voice told of how a Ma- ‘Rog er A. Hill ard of Minn ea-
jing, insurance, tourism, etc.
Jes se F. Pow ell ,
here is practically no pubiic rine observes his traditional : poli s, Ser gea nt Insurance Award and sixth in written volume.
‘of Pensacola, Florida and Ser- George Gaetjens was placed
‘national debt and the only birthiday.
Major James T. Breckenridge geant Howard J. Vander Gee- (continued from page 1) '|€ourth in numbers of applica- —
mport duties are on tobacco.
of the Temporary Marine Mis- ten of Green Bay, Wisconsin. tions and seventh in written
liquor, patent medicines and
cumstances the Haiti Branch volume, while Arthur Petes
‘toilet preparations. The annual sion, as the highest ranking Ma-
Mr. Max Chauvet, Director- turned in a good report all was tenth in numbers of appli-
enue of the Government is rine present, spoke with a touch
Administrator of «Le Nouvel- the agents doing well. The five cations and eleventh in written
‘around $ 100 million dollars a of the bard and enlarged on
liste» left by air for Miami en- top leaders of the Haiti Branch volume. ;
year and there is a budget sur the tradition of the Corps. With
route to New York. He was ac- were Marc Lebon, George Gaet In addition, two of the: Haiti
his sword, he sliced the first
companied by Mrs. Chauvet. He jens, Arthur Peters, H. Moise, Branch won honors during the
piece of cake which was han-
= ‘aitian businessmen, is travelling for reasons of and P. Lebrun. President’s Month. Mr Lebon
ded to the youngest Marine pre-
although sympathetic, were ob- Edwin L. Buell, health. Refering to Mr Lebon’s per- won three Ordinary Honors
sent, Sergeant
viously too preoccupied with formance the and Mr Gaetjens one Ondinaly
company’s Head
the tightened credit situation Office and: «Mare Lebon of Honor. 2
_ the country’s struggle to Haiti, whose cahievements are! Seven agents among three
back on its finacial feet to Th e sad ne ws of the death of no less remarkable for despite ' Districts | reached or exceeded
hake any promises. Roberts Gets unfavourable conditions he won their quota Mr Lebon being in
Mu . Ma ur ic e Br un , ve te ra n jour-
Year For Rumor Honours in all three categories: third place with 174%, and Mr
nalist, was announced this week.
we re he ld on and led the District in all three Gaetjens in sixth place. with
Gabriel Ro be rt s wa s se nt en c Fu ne ra l se rv ic es
af te rn oo n, at the Sa- of them. A fjyne arhievement 129% Mr Peters got a special
ed Mond ay to on e ye ar in Tu es da y
t Ch ur ch of Tu rg ea u for whirh we are all happy to mention obtaining 80% of his
prison by a Mi li ta ry Co mm is cr ed He ar
er in g of rel a- extend to him hearty congratu- quota. Congratulating Mr Le-
sion upon co nv ic ti on of mi ds t a la rg e ga th
nd s. lations». bon, Head Office in the report
ch ar ge un de r rl ce nt de cr ee fo r tiv es ani d fr ie
Actually, among the twelve said: «The third prize winner
spreading malicious rumors also deserves special praise be-
The deceased is survived by top leaders of the three bran-
against the Chief of State. was working under
e pr os ec ut io n a la rg e fa mi ly in cl ud in g hi s ches: Puerto Rico, Dominicap cause he
According to th difficult conditions, and Mare
on s Pr e ne ic es an d ne ph es , Mr . an d Mr s. Republic and Haiti, three of
Robert told many pers Lebon’s splendid Applied-for
an d Da ni el Br un , Mr . an d Mr s. Ph i- Haiti’s Sun Life Agents did
| gident Duvalier had so ug ht
Re ne good work. Mare Lebon was total giving him 174% of his
va nc e li pe Br un , Mr . an d Mr s.
had been refused an ad personal quota, is aoe to
om ~ th e La fo nt an t, Mr . an d Mr s. Le on placed third in number of ap-
of two years salary fr vo lu me , be ee of».
plicatio ns , fi ft h in pa id
National Bank of Haiti. Dejean.


“Paml fa mi ly pa ys fu ll fa re . Al l ot he rs ca n sa ve $2 00 (d
ol la rs )
Only on e m e m b e r of th e
ur is t fa re , or $3 00 - (d ol la rs ) ea ch if th ey fly Fi rs t Cl as s.
econ on a ro un d tr ip to
Ro me , fo r ex am pl e, a fa mi ly of fi ve ca n sa ve as mu ch as
On a ro un d tr ip to
se e yo ur Tr av el Ag en t or Pa n Am .
$1,200 (dollars)! For reservations,



Rue Dant es De st ou ch es —P or t au Pr in ce —T el : 34 51
; = ad
_———, or


The Haitian-American Institute (known in French as L’Ins by students. A very ‘Popu.
titut Haitiano-Americain) opened the autumn semester or its lar feature is the large Ame.
regular academic year as usual early in October. This intercul- rican University Catalog Col.
ral center follows the American university system of the two- lection. It offers rany bro.
semester academic year, but it has been the Institute’s custom ehures and about 65 periodic¢a
for la number of years past to begin its ydar at the same time in three languages. The bra,
as the Haitian public schools. rans are Mrs Christiane Mora
via in the morning and Miss
One of the main functions Centers receive some support Marie Di Lorenzo in the after
of the Institute is teaching from local governments and noons. The Library is open |
practical oral English to Hai- modest annual subsidies from| Mondays through Fridays, ex.
tians and other non-English the United States Infornjation cept holifays, from 9 until 12
speakers. In recent years de- Agency. It is important, howe- | and from 4 until 7. 7
mand for English ‘courses has ver, to emphasize that the Bi- The smaller Institute buil ;
steadily increased here, as weil national Centers ar NOT a ing at the entrance is called|
as throughout Latin America. part of the diplomatic appayia- the Discothéque. ‘This houses
On the basis of past exper- tus of the United States. The the large collection of classical
ience, the Institute ordered trained American «grantees» and popular records and sy
225 sets of first-year textbooks assigned ‘to these centers re- plies space for one class. The |
during the > summer. To the ceive their salaries from the Institute Dixvector Mr. Charles St. John front office on the left is that)
astonishment of the faculty, U. S. Information Agency, but ~ and Secretary receptionist Mrs. Delia Kénol. of the! Secretary and Receptio-
over. 300 books were required they have no diplomatic status. nist; Mrs Delia Kénol. Behind!
In addition to about 560 about $1500.00 a month into
for first-year students alone! The worldwide total of these is the office of the director,
adult Haitians now studying Port - au - Prince commercial
Enrollment this autumn is by «gaantees» is not large. One Mr Charles St. John, wherejin
Engksh, people of the follow- channels, — a sizeable sum [at
far the highest in the history only is assigned to the Haitian- ing nationalities are now en- the end formation on any phase of life
of the year. The Hai-
of the Institute. Over 600 American Institute, acting as ,in the United States will be
rolled in English courses: Co- tian teachers of English on the
Adults have signed up for administrative director. cheerfully supplied. Here, too,
lombians, French, Swiss and staff at present are among the
‘Classes, and about 90 children a free English
nationals of the Diutch West very best available in the coun examination
from seven to fourteen are Under these circumstances, service is carried on for all)
Indies. try. All of them are mature
enrolled in the special Saturday most of the Binational Centers
It is possible for a person of and experienced; all of them Haitians who wish to study
morning English classes. find themselves in a position
serious purpose to study En- are quite at home in English; on any level in the United
where they must raise a con-
glish at the Institute for five and all of them _ have States. Mr St. John gives about!
The Haitian-American Insti siderable proportion of their
successive academic years with had special training in the Unit 100 such individual ee
tute is one of about sixty au- running expenses locally, by
out repeating a course. The ed States or Great Britain. tions each year.
tongmous, non-profit «<Binatio- charging fees for courses and
regular cycle is four years — The Institute also employs a On Friday evenings, and o¢¢: |
nal Centers» — dach with its memberships, and sometimes
English One through. English Haitian teacher of French who |casionally at other times, the |
own local name — to be found by other means. In Haiti the
Four. To move into the next holds-an advanced degree from | Institute offers cultural pro-|
in capitals and urban centers fee for a standard course in
covyse, a-student must pass an New York University. Follow grams at which th e ge ne ra l .
throughout Central America, English, meeting three hours oral examination at the end ing is the list of locally employ public is welcome free of
South Ameriea and the West a week for one semester, is
of the second semester, each ed teachers: Mr Emile Brun, charge — sh ow in gs of do cu -
Indies. There are a number of seven dollars — one of the
June. New students admitted Miss Marie-Marcelle Buteau, mentary and educational films
others in the Near. East and lowest in the world. All text-
to advanced standing must take Dr Russell Cos per , Mr Mau - (supplied by the U. S. Infor
the Har East. In most cases, books in English courses are
an. oral test administered, by rice De Young, Mrs Edith Du mation Service), and from time
the centers were founded un- free, Those who pay the class
the Director. At the Féte de’ roseau, Mr Donald Harms, Mr to time lectures or lecture
der private auspices by promi- fee automatically become Insti
Cléture dach June betw een Emmanuel Hogarth, Mrs Ca- series by eminent Haitians and
nent people who believed that tute Members, enjoying all pri
twelve and twenty students re theriné Lebedoff, Miss Joyce foreigners.
exchange of ideas and agree- vileges, ineluding the right to ceiv McC all a,
ments between nations at high withdraw books from the Li- e the Four th Year Cert i- Mr Fri tz Racine, Mr
diplomatic ficat e, a dinl oma whic h mean s Jea n Sor el, Mrs Cha rle s St. At times when classes and
levels was not bsary. A person may become
_ enqugh — and that there-was a. non-student member for five thev spea k Engl ish with ease. Joh n, and Mr Emi le Zép hir . regula r cultur al progr ams ate
and-is a great need or more dollars a year. Fach year some of thes e gra- Mis s McG all a and Mrs St- Joh n not in session , the Institute
understanding between the na duat es, plus a few othe rs from are exc lus ive ly occ upi ed wit h Auditor ium is available for use
tionals of these countries and outs ide who prov e they can the children’s courses Mr Zé- by embassies, Jlegations and}
Considering the economic sit-
the citizens of the United Sta- uation, and the fact that 80% aual ify, have enro lled in a phi r tea ches in both the chil- non-profit cultural organiza-)
tes’ «at a grass-roots level». In of the students attend. classes svec ial cour se on a fift h-ve ar dre ns’ and adults’ programs. tions,
the case of Haiti, the Institute between 4 and 7 p.m., this re- level , such as Ame ric an Lite - An imp ort ant feature of Ins For sixteen years ihe Tns
was founded bya group of Hai cord enrollment ratur e, Advanced English Pro- titute life is the Library, which ute has ‘been a modest b
of over 600
tian /and American diplomats adults is all the more remar- nunciation, ior Advanced Bu- is the only lending library in growing part of the life of P
in 1942: Among them were Dr kable; and does great credit sines s Engl ish. Hai ti open to the yeneral pu- au-Prince, It is open to eve
Glovis Kernisan, Dean of the to Haitians. On Monday, Wed- Alth ough ther e are peov le blic . It has about 3400 books one; and if. offers somethi
Liaw School and Acting Rector nesdavs and Fridays, during of American, Canadian and Ja on many subjects in English for a great variety of tast
of' the University of Haiti; and the afternoon ‘hours, literally mai can nationality on the Ins- and about 600 in French, in- Perhaps the Institute can s
Dr Jean Price-Mars, at present every available space is taken titut e * sniff at ‘present, policv eluding ‘a special collection of aly that- hard-to-get book
Haitian Ambassador to Fran- — evén the open-dir Auidito- has alw avs been to ernvlov as Haitiana. Its reference collec- | hat ‘elusive piece of informa
ce. rium is divided into three sec-
man y Hait ians as poss ible . This tion is exc ept ion all y wel l round
policy means that the Institu ed, and is consultéd every day In any case, dont hesitate.
tions. Institute teachers have
Most of these intercultural noted that many Haitians have te pour s, directly or indirectly. by the general public as wellsive it a try!
centers started with almost no exceptional ‘linguistic ability
resources except faith and end when properly motivated
zeal, As they grew, however; and guided learn spoken En-
and as demand for their ser- “lish rapidly. Several hundred |
vices increased, they caught leading Haitians, many of |
the attention of governmental ~vhom have had all or part-or
authorities of the various coun var of their training at the
tries, and governmental agen- Tastitute, are now quite fluent
cies in Washington, newly in oral English.
- awakened to the growing inter
dependence of all the countries First and second-year French
in the Western Hemisyhere, are also offered fat the Insti-
' began to give them grarits in tute. Students in these couyses
books, periodicals and money. are usually Latin Americans,
Todav in the maioritv of Latin “uropeans, Canadians an d
American countries, Binational North Americans. Joseph Nadal & Co. Distributor For Haiti
NOVEMBER 16th. 1958
“ FOR RENT q ie
HAITI SUN One two-bedroom house at |
| HE HAYIIAN ENGL: SH LANGUAGE NEWSPAPER Bois Patates, rent $ 70.00; one- |
Community Yec kly Pub lis hed Sun day Mor nin g bedroom house at Morne Her- |
EDI [OR-PUBLISHER BERNARD DIEDERICH cule (Petion-Ville) $30; one
BANT- -RES PO NS AB LE — PA UL EH. NA JA C 3-bedroom house at Morne Her- |,
cule, $60 rent. Apply at Librai- !
Figures On Haitians rie La Caravelle, Phone 3495. |
Army Day this year will be celebrated on November 18, the Mr.-and Mrs. Franck Claude,
rs ar y of the de ci si ve Ba tt le of Ve rt ie re s in Ha it i’ s Wa r HAITIANO-AMERICAIN an educated and well-mannered
A ni ve
of indepe nd en ce Pr eviously. the obser vance took place on Aug. Port-au-Prince, Haiti couple, wish to receive foreign
Dear Bernard: and Haitian students, or bache- Rene
is” “also the first occasion on which the newly combined [ haye just reecived the An-)Jors, in their Boarding House ASS SFR =
ed Forces of Haiti will mark {he Ja, as a-combined Yorce, nual Report for 1958 of the| «Les Buissonnets», situated at? tS PLUS BELLES “MOSAIQUES
uecessor | to the Army of Haiti. Institute of International’ Edu- Petion-Ville, Rue Sully Pierre, | - HAITIENNES
Perhaps at no time in the history of the Nation since Ver- cation of New. York City. I Number 30. Moderate Prices. >
fieres Have the Ar me d For ces of Hai ti fac ed a gre ate r psy cho - thor wht f would pass on the Friendly. atmosphere, courte- |
logical t test tha n in the pas t two yea rs ‘wh en the y hav e bee n follow: ing stat istics, whitch you} sy’ choice menu, modern house |
4 virtual footba ll in the str ugg le for pol iti cal pow er. An d it might pike to use in your news- with bathrooms.
‘was “not only psychological for they suffered the heayiest ca- paper:
qualties of any group when the clashes came. A score died, A year ago there were 53
ame in actual fighting as on July 29, some were murdered Haitian physjcjians acquiring
their beds at their post, and others died as peacemakers experience in the United States. | *
uring 1political clashes. Of these 22 were interns, and
The role of the defender against aggression from without is 31 were residents.
ways. clothed in glory, that of the enforcement of law and There were also 123 Haitian |}
‘order in ‘times of internecine strife is often cause for contumely. students, undergraduates and
‘Nevertheless, whatever the part it played it was always a graduates, studying in Ameri-
‘Haitian Army. . can universities. The University
i paying tribute, therefore, to the Heroes of Vertieres it is subjects most popular with
be hoped that Haitians will realise that it is not.enough to Haitians are business adminis-
1 their memories green, but in remembering them to de- tration, various types of engi-
erve them, and to prove that those whom they call fathers neering, language and _litera-
diddbee them. ture, and liberal arts. Six (6)
UNCIVILIZED Es Haitian students were majoring
No « one with any pretensions to being civilized but will view in theology.
h abhorrence- -the tactics being used by Fidel Castro in risk- ‘Onie Haitian visiting profes-
t ¢ lives of innocent travellers on aircraft to Cuba by means sor is teaching in the United
mags ra
0 one likes to hit a man wile: he is-down but Castro can One *Asperiean visiting pro-
fessor is teaching in thie Uni- b a r d s d o ,
rly fepaet to benefit by the rules of sportsmanship if he
ssc rink aatiectt re l a
versity of Haiti.
One American student is en- cae donne ue
yincing axanyone ‘that a Government in aah te and his party” e‘U
e in - je

génieuxu 3
rolled i in the Universsity of Haiti] “ seeurtte-supplementaires. © n
batticipate would be a good thing oe the Cuban people he is
and one American student is | deposit de silence réduit he os
enrolled in the College Saint- : rents bevits désagréables du pnewe
Pierre. fandlis que la censtruction légére dtu
Sincerely yours, n s C h a m b r e lui | oe
Perchoir ike such signs are prohibited. Mr. Castro is wel- : ‘S a p e r S u s p i c o n S a
Charles N . S t . J o h n , J r . l e s c a h o t s d e l a
¢con e to this sign if he wishes to take it as part of his campaign ‘permet d ‘ a b s o r b e r
eins! air travel to Cuba. ee route. Vo us au re z me in s de pn eu s a
e e
Bees LATIN WELCOME FOR ROCKFELLER For Rent | plat, ‘et moins de défais parce que fa!
Beautifully furnished house Gorstruction Stip- -Seal_exelusive =
for rent, drawingroom, dining- ‘Geodyear eltmine pratiquement <
room, . ‘2 bedrooms, bath, hot ctevaisens | habituelles.
and cold water, American style
kitchen, large verandah sur-
rounded by iron bars and vene-
tian blinds, garage, servants’
quarters with shower, Apply |
premises No. 48, Canape Vert

fuman beings».
local critic of the Republicans who foresees a Democratic
dslide victory in ‘the 1960 presidential election,opines that
ockefeller ought to cross the floor since he has come so
ls close to being a Democrat already. Actually party lines are so
‘fluid in
i the United States at present that it would not be sur-
Pris ing if there were a considerable exchange of personnel in
heory if not in fact before 1960.
; 2 (Under American Management)
5 Minutes to Downtown Port-au-Prince NEW O R L E A N S
SAN JUAN Ticka: Q: fice: Jos. Siaannes Bide. =

Nasal 6 C a , Ge ne ra ! A g e n t s
oe a yao Travet Ager.




HEMISPHERE DEFENSE BRINGS have its moments to lighten} Barring unforeseen holdups | returned home and Were cop
PERMANENT ECONOMIC AID TO HAITI the routine. Every now and the last one — they are all on nuing their work,
IAGS Map Service Helps Republic then they are asked to perform’ a scale of one in twentyfivie | The United State
s civil a
Plan Development | some chore outside the line of thousand— should be complet- neers and Army
Personne] yj,
ed by June 1961. are providing the technical
duty such as a recent errand
j y .
Port-au-Prince —One way in you have to keep revising yout of mercy when they arilifted Christopher Columbus was how have, most of t
hem, te
which United States Hemis- maps all the time». from a lonely hill-top in the the first recorded mapper o§) three years in Haiti, They are
phere defense plans are help- The need for dependable heart Of the country, a Catholic Haiti. He was followed by ee Frank Chavez, Project engin
ing Latin - American countries maps in Haiti is acute,\ Majot priest who had been stricken Spanish, the Boucanneers, and} who is a graduate of the Upi|
develop their economies was Slager went on to say, maps ill and was in need of speedy the French Colonials who drew | versity of New Mexico; Chae
demonstrated this week when can cut engineering cost by hospitalization. maps to suit themselves rather, C. Drysdale, photogrametnis .
represefitatives of the Inter fifty per cent. than with any regard to accu- gineer of Vermont who wes
Américan. Geodectic Survey Mapping in Haiti took on a Then there was last July racy. There seems to have) the Army before taking up his
and the United States Opera- new look in 1956 the ICA here when an 8-man group of exiles been no comprehensive attempt | present post; Sergent Letoy
tions Missién here presented found that they were spending and American adventurers to map Haiti until the present) Anestead, field classifier of the
Haiti’s President Dr Francois large sums on having their own made a_ fantastic attempt to gigantic task got underway. U. S. Army Engineers, fron!
Duvalier with a map of the ca- maps made through private invade the country and over Haiti is now tied to the|Muskogge, Oklahoma. : "1
pital, produced in color. companies and offered to join throw the Government. The he North American datum of 1927 Lieut. Charles T. Cook y
The map was the first fruit forces with IAGS by putting licopter lended in a remote which was. established oni Trenton, New Jersey, is Heh,
of twelve years’ work in Haiti up part of the finance. coastal area and the occupants Mead’s Ranch in Kansas, the copter and fix-wing pilot, Lia
by IAGS, part of which has Today the mapping of Haiti Lieut. Charles T. Cook and Hai- geographical center of the Unit Daniel F. Stefanowitch, of gy
been financed by the Interna- is financed by the United Stat- ‘tien Surveyor found themselveg ed States. Forge, Pennsylvania, is also fi
tional Co-operation Administra es Operations Mission under «captured» by a crowed of fat Major Slager pointed out wing and helicopter ‘pilot, :
tion under the Technical Aid which ICA _ functions. Haiti's mers armed with sticks and how important maps were to Carlos A. Herrera, now aly
program. Public Works Department, and| machetes. They had been mis- the economic development of ted States citizen, is formeriy
The map, with others now in the United States Army. taken for some of the invading the country, how they affected from Panama and ig in charge
the course of printing, will be The Public Works provided force. They were trussed up toad building, agricultural de-| of Supplemental Controj.
‘invaluable to the Haitian Go- funds for the cost of the aerial with sisal ropes and held pri velopment and even mining John Barajas, in chargeq
vernment in planning economic photography and the purchas- soner until word artived from The IAGS he-said, were concen’ transportation, is from San 4
development, especially in its ing of the two most cxpensive the nearest Army post that trating on building an organi- tonio, Texas, a
roads to market drive in the ru~| machines: t wo Swiss-made they were «friendly» doing) sation which would be able to Chief Warrant Officer The
tal districts, and irrigation and| «Wild A 7 and an A-8». These] very important wotk for the| continue the work after IAGS mas G. Brooks, U. §. Army, it)
drainage programs. /Private in-| machines, technically known
as) country. left. They wanted to have a/the administrative — officer ‘and
vestors, too, who have had autographs ate used for aerial The team of ten Americans sufficient cadre of trained per handles supplies. He is fron}
great difficulty in the past in triangulation — the correlation and 88 Haitians work quietly sonnel that would able to car Atlanta, Georgia. |
obtaining topographical data,
of features on aerial photogra- and efficiently under cigar- ry on and he remarked that Sergeant Kenneth L. Bradley
for likely projects, will now phs with features on a map smoking Major Jacob J. Slager Haitian personnel had been helicopter mechanic, js fron}
find it much easier to get the sheet, and the correlation of of the U. S. Army Engineers very responsive and. quick to Dodge City, Kangas. Maste*}
required data and already se physical data. A native of Chicago and vete- learn. Fifteen Haitians who Sergeant Richard L, Neault, i :
veral such concerns have taken The Inter-American Geode tan of World War 11, Major had been sent to cartographic charge of supply, is a survivy)
advantage of the IAGS service tic Survey is directly under the Slager was with the Korean schools at the IAGS Headqua-|of the Bataan Death Mant}
This mapping service which United States Army Map Ser occupation forces from 1947 ters in the Panama Canal Zone,| and three years in the «Cats|
began in 1947 is expected to vice of the Corps of Engineers to 1948. He returned to tha had all done well. They had) natuan» Japanese prison ca :
be completed in 1961 by which Often one sees one of their theatre in 1952, serving until
time a complete topcgraphical mud-spattered powet-waggons the following year.
tap of the 11,000 square miles in town just back from a rural The presentation to Presi.
of Haiti will be available. district, or hears the sputtering dent Duvalier was made in a
In addition, a Haitian cadre of their helicopter — the only brief ceremony at the IAGS
will have been trained in this one in Haiti— as it ccmes*chop Headquarters housed in a jum
type of work and a well-equip- ping in to a landing but to most bo-sized Quonsen hut left over
ped, Mechanically, service will people here it is only a matter from Haiti’s 1949 Bicentenial,


be at their disposal for keeping of passing interest. Neither Exposition.
the data up-to-date. from the men engaged, does The President was accompa-
. ©You can have a roomfull of one hear much. They are just
nied by Public Works Minister on the -fahel
maps but it is of no use unless a team of professionals with Jean Magloire and Chief of the
you have an organisation to a job in hand. They go at it
Armed Forces, General Mauti-
constantly revise. them,» Ma with a quiet officiency which
ce Flambert.
jor Jacob Slager, Chief of the only the recent
presentation In a brief speech, Major Sla-
TAGS here, said this’ week of the first map to President ger explained that that first
«Physical characteristics of the recently seemed
to provide a’ map of Port-au-Prince ,and its
terrain especially in a country! moment of
relaxation and an environs would be followed by
s like Haiti, are always changing obvious satisfaction in a job. 300 others which will cover
aS new roads are built, for ins- being well
done. inch of Haiti’s 11,000 Square |:
tance,» he pointed out, «and |

Luneh — :
— —00— ,
isting et mis en houteilte par
MErS, Se Paul Gardere O00
Porteous prince (Hatt) a

‘Swim, Spearfish, Snorkle, Water-Ski

And Sail In Safe Coastal
Waters From Kyona
HAVE YOUR PARTY AT KYONA Served Exczusivey at Haiti's Leading

Visher’s, the American’s fayerite shop wherr ;

all prices are clearly marked on every item. i
- Where a well-trained and ecourtcous staff wili -
help you to solve your shopping problems.
Where checks and forcign banknotes are accep.
ted. and your purchases shipped. We will gladl¢
give you free information about U.S. custome re
gulations and shipping ensts — eee See
Whieh has the best imports from all the corners of the werld.. You ean save up to 60%
from U.S. prices with your duty free allowance of $200. — over 48 heurs and $500 over ;
1z days outside U.S.A. Fisher's will be a reaishopper’s paradise. Not only free pert prices me — .
but modest mark-up, because everything isconeentrated in one large building. Are your ~ a

ite ;


biggest assets in buying at Fisher’s.

xuerlain — Liberty.of London Fabries _ THE MAHOGANY AND NATIVE HANDICRAFTS FLOOR
soulton and Perrin Gloves — Hawick | : : / aoe
‘cotiand Cashmire Sweaters — Lubin
mein —“Weil — Knize —. Griffe Perfumes
poleon — Godet — Louis De Salignae Cegnacs
rquis De Montesquieu Armagnac -- De Kuyper
yueurs — Aalbor Aquavit —— Danish Pures:
lains and Silver — Spalding of England f

——— =e Sh es
| be = edi hchc eco oa as] .
5 Po ——— ? ac i
~ = Sea cae tae

Manogany quality ‘goods from our own workshops

Z ° Sisal and Straw geods -— Vedoo Prins — Dolis — Hats

. Cunnn
= i

5 eeords —- Books. — Filmy — Piare vViate:

ce y ’ 5 : Ms ; 1

; <2
oo. ee
DISTRIBUTORS Fétk i fe cays : p = Ho



THE BEST NAMES INO | camaramemae Spa eds

FRENCH PERFUMES * : itr ca: ARVIN Shea G ne ‘ie

COSMETICS - i sinking Tea re Pree

Liqueurs — Brandies — dive Jemely oe
Champagnes ‘Sisal Shoes — Bags ac
\rt Poreelains Cea on ce ee Tortoise-Shell_ Jewelty so NRE
Royal Copenhagen Ynviee Up aeoy eee
Bing & Gr oendahl = PN es > a SY See an Soy Votes nye
Royal Vienna Augarten Se ea SH Macs Me ES ee ay
E Limeges ‘ RSL e Eta Ee
Yailian Finbrulaeved [resses —- Blouses — skirts Coalport / Sealer ee SLA: ; : : :
—smen’s shirts Cuban Guayabera — Shirts — Lalique and Bohemian Crys- De So hg SR ORS Be
lian Silk Scarves — Swiss HWandlerchiefs — talware Seager, aes hee PORES hans
ible Linens — Breaded Bags — Petit-point Bags "foreel Frank Atomsizerf
> Cashmire Sweaters . Peerin Glaves — liher Swiss Watehes
es Fronch Pimes

FRIENDS OF WAIT > ~ FOUNDER Tourism Is Haiti No. which had preceded him in of- said, but with the return of or-
1 Goal, Jolicoeur fice. | der anid lawfulness, Haiti could


A program for attracting fo-
look forward to a period of im-
provement in which Tourism
Tourism is now Haiti’s No. 1
reign investment by tax conces- would play an oustanding role.
ee: past week Haiti President Duvalier’s messa- goal, according to an interyiew sions and legal garantees was Haiti invited her friends abroad
conferred a decoration ge said that the decoration was|the Miami Herald» had with also in the making. The Presi- and specially the people of the
on the American born Lady siven «on behalf of the Go-|Aubelin Jolicoeur, newly ap- dent had indicated that the United States, her closest and
Malcolm Douglas - Hamilton, Trent and people of the| pointed Director of the Govern-
year ahead would be one of eco- most valued neighbours, to join
_ founder of the Friends of Haiti. Republic of Haiti in recogni-|ment’s Foreign Press Bureau
nomic struggle, Mr. Jolicoeur in sharing that future.
a ceremony at the Haitian tion of ‘your leadership in found | set up under the Ministry of
Embassy. In a citation accom- ‘ing the Friends of Haiti and | Information and Coordination,
-panying the award President ‘of your splendid efforts to help
valier stated that it was raise the living standard of our Mr. Jolicoeur spent the week
given to Lady Douglas-Hamil- country and . strengthen our end! in Miami er his way back
on «and through her to all the health and medical services.» {to Port-au-Prince from the
< American people to symbolize s ~| American Society of Travel
1e abiding friendship between | Friends of Haiti, Inc. is en-| Agent’s world convention in
= ut two countries.» gaged in a campaign to rebuild| New York City.
The order of Commander of the Medical School, the Gene- He pointed out that an all
he Legion of Merit, was award ral Hospital in Port au Prince| out drive, was being made since
- to Lady Douglas-Hamilton and the University of Haiti, to| Haiti had all the facilities, in-
for her work on behalf of the obtain new investment, stimu-| cluding «foreijen atmosphere»,
Jate tourism to Haiti and re-| to attract an increasing number
lieve the serious dietary defi-| of travellers from the Uni-
ciency of the native population | ted States and other countries.
of four million. | It was the industry which could
a TF ay
be most quickly expanded. in
order to end the country’s de- " r HE #2 es fe EL
pendence on coffee, with-all the ine: eet

vagaries of that market.

Normal life in Haiti, Mr. Jo-
licoeur told the «Herald» had
been resumed with night-time
entertainments in full swing
until 4 a.m.
. Referring to President Duva-
1 The Most Excl. uside Lac oe
lier’s efforts at economic reha- offering Tour LmeempavableViews
bilitation and his Austerity pro-
gram, Mr. Jolicoeur said this vevlacking the Bay
Bay , the enlize
erthine Cily,
was necessary if, as the Presi-
dent had announced the inten-
the Valley of €Canapée Vest and. the
tion of doing, Haiti was going Meese .
to free herself of the terrible
financial burden which ~ had
|been inherited from «six years
‘lef scandalous administration»

‘Haiti Offers Free-Port Shopping

Perhaps the most famoug for the surge in popularity of 8 f
freeport Shop in the ‘world is free port shopping. His adverti-
La Belle Créole located in the sing support of travel shop-
heart of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. ping has appeared in most lead

a - Hete one can find a verita- iss U. S. publications

ble wonderland full of the
and he

= world’s most desired merchan- cooperating with travel agents

continues to pursue a policy of
Designs or AND eSiea,
_ dise. Swiss watches, cashmeres, in their various phomonons Ue ~~ Quality,- tat ee sol isa
_ handmade bags, glores, crystal, PASTS tourism. GRAND RUE Meook weclurire Storeain-the 1.8 PHONE: 26840
china, silyer, French perfums,| ‘Among the most popular in
5 cameras, liqueurs and a see- novations he has created is the
mingly endless array of native practice of sending a bottle of
_ handcrafts make La Belle Crén free champagne to any visitor
- le more & shopping center than to Hait? who happens to be ce- |
an ordinary shop. : lebrating a wedding anniversa-
ry or to be on-a honeymoon.
z Consider that one can buy This year La Belle Créole is
the ‘world’s 1 t famous Swiss
mos itself celebrating a 10th Anni
- watches — Patek Philippe, versary and Elias Noustas has
_ Omega, Ulyss Neardin, Tissot, doubled his efforts to make the
_ Nivada, Jaeger Le Coultre, world conscious of the advan-
- Borel, Juvenia Audremar Pu- tages of travelling-to-shop. The
guet — at discounts of 50 per store will hold a two month
cent of the U. ‘Ss. advertised. long sale offering even greater
prices, and it is no wonder La discounts on famous brand mer ‘The new STUDEBAKER, 1958 model, Seas the tenue of
Belle Créole is famous. The chandise. the road of the sports miadel: top class style and the adequate
‘same applies in china, crystal Everyday exclusive items power for your needs — at a moderate price, and at great
and the rest—every fine brand will be selected to be sold to savings in gasoline consumption.
is represented. Before buying visitors at prices that will as- DISTRIBUTOR FOR HAITI . :
an expensive watch it might tound them. No doubt thous- AGENCIES PLACE GEFFRARD
‘be well worth your time to con ands of tourists this year will GARAGE RUE DES CESARS AND RUE DU CENTRE
_ sider a trip to Haiti. 2 ‘|come home from vacations in
_ Efias Noustas, President of Haiti,
La Belle
richer, in a way, than
Créole and -Haiti’s when they went away. ~ | THE CAR
_ most vigorous promoter of tour-
(The Boston Sunday Herald,
ism, is perhaps another reason ; Oct. 12, 1958.) WHICH SUITS YOUR BUDGET
A n to
king n
S o e l o u n g e i
yas to pla
r e l a x . A n d , n o
oe S a a s
c o n s i d e r t h e
ynder when you e
d t h r o u g h F r e
Wy ngs to be ha p l e w h o
a st Shopping A c o u
pitas ll y ‘ m i g h t$500 on
s p e n d
g i f t s f i n d s t h e y c a n
“ C h r i s t m a s
, i n f r e e - p o r t
the same gifts o f
u p t o 6 0 %
hops, at savings 50 $2
vu S. prices. So, for the
t h e y e n j o y a
they save,
a t i o n i n H a i t i .
iderful vac

haps the
ort shop in t
elle Creole.
f a s



















“feart of P. O. Box 676,
. H e r e o n e t a t
nce, Piaiti
t a b l e w o n d e r l a n d
“find a veri
e w o r l d ’ s m o s t d e -
:{ull of th
ed merch a n d i s e . S w i s s w a t -
‘Cashmeres, Handmade
ags, G l o v e s , C r y s i a l , C h i n a ,
“Silver, French Perfumes, Ca-
as, L i q u o u r s — a n d a s e e m -
a r r a y of n a t i v e
ly e n d l e s s
af t m a k
di cr
Creole more
r t h a n a o r d i n a r y s h o p . C o n - ROYAL COPENHAGEN, Sy.J° = AUDEMAR PIGUET, — RAPHAEL, PATOU,
sider that one can buy the ROYAL WORCESTER,
d's mast famous Swiss Z== ULYSE NARDIN, RIVO,
wat c h e s - P a t e k P h i l i p p e , ROYAL DOULTON,
eBBorel, Juvenia, Audemars Pi- JEAN D’ALBERT,
gh net——aat discounts of 50% of JACQUES GRIFFE
oe U. S.- advertised prices, FATH, PIGUET,
“and it is no wonder that La
& ae Creole is famous. The
‘same applies in China, Crystal s GEORGE JENSEN, ENGLISH DOESKIN,



& surge in ona” oa LALIQUE, BACCARRAT;

_ ttee-port™ shopping. His ad- “ ORREFORS, " HARVEY’S BRISTOL
ve ttising i in support of travel- WEBB & CORBETT, DANISH SILVER, CREAM, All FRENCSS,
opping has appeared in most
leading U.S. publications and SPANISH LIQUIEURS.
‘He continues to pursue a po- ‘STUART, LEERMAN, = and BRAZILAN GEMS.
icy of cooperating with tra-
‘Yl agents in their yarious
Promotions to increase tou- HAITIAN HANDICRAFTS
: mong the most popular
novations he has created is
tactice of sending a bot- SCULPTURES RAFKIA BAGS
f free champagne to any
Sitor to Haiti who happens
: celebrating a wedding
et hiversary or to be ona
‘This year La Belle Creole is
‘Welt celebrating a 10th an- Factory Outlet
te Native-Inspired
and Al Noustas has . — Collector’s Items
ie ed his efforts ‘to make SPORT SHIRTS MAHOGANY
he world conscious of the
4 es of traveling-to-
op. The store will hold a
ae long sale offering
bo discounts on fa-
om rand merchandise. : Ty pi ca l Co st um e- Dr es se d D O L L S
day ¢ xclusive items will
ected to be sold to visi- * World Famons RUGS & DRAPERY
en that will as- Haitian RUM}BARBANCOURT
em, No doubt thou-
of tourists this year w
e from | Vacations
" H a v e us se nd gi ft s to y o u r f r i e n d s in t h e U. S. A.
your que ‘See us for more information.
q icher, | in a way, than
y went away. without affecting

~ PAGE 10. ' . . nas Pos

: He held the post of Ss

DEJOIE TO B E T R I E D IN D E F A U L T Salvation Army Secretary» with some 2.00 musi
groups to supervise and Army Director in South

Commissioner To cal
and later in Australia, pr
The Haitian State Tuesday Wi th th e ar re st of th e me n Spend Two Days World his presest assignment, —
At the outbreak of
applied for judgement by de- un de r de at h se nt en ce th e wa r- Here ~<
st wa s War II he took charge of the Mr Durman will pres
fault against exiled former pre- |. ra nt fo r Mr . De jo ie ’s ar re
Co mm is si on er Ch ar le s Du r- Salvation Army Services for a Special Grand Reunion 1
s De- | al so is su ed bu t he ha d ta ke n
sidential candidate. Loui Se cr et ar y British troops in Europe and the held at the local branch of
Me xi ca n Em - ma n, In te rn at io na l
joie on the’ charge of attempt- asyl um . in th e Salvation Army here at | ;
fo r th e Sa lv at io n Ar my in th e East. He won the distinction
y fr om wh ic h hi e wa g su b-
ing to overthrow the govern- ba ss
at es , is ex pe ct ed he re , of «Member of the Order of Martin, on Wednesday eye)
y gi ve n sa fe co nd uc t in - Un it ed St
ment ‘by force. se qu en tl November
| Tu es da y. He wil l be ac compa- the British Empire (M. B. E)>». 19th at 7: 00 p}
to exile in Mexico. He worked on the strenous assisted by Col Stannarq
nied by Colonel J. S. Stannard,
Application was made by a - Mr. Dejoie is now living in task of rehabilitating and re- Brig. Frazer. oF
M. B. E., Territorial Comman-
military prosecutor before the New York. der for Central America and building the Army in Holland He will continue his ty)
» Military Commission set up un- Tuesday’s proceedings were the West Indies, and Brigadier during the post-war period, and Kingston on November|
der the declaration of a state largely confined to formalities James Frazer, of the Interna- Queen Wilhelminao recognized Prior to his arrival in Poy!
of Siege to try persons accused setting up of commission of tional Headquarters in London. his service by making him ap Prince he had visited P,
of crimes against the State. which Major Daniel Beauvoir The announcement of the ar officer of the «Order of Oranje- Curacao, Trinidad, Surinam
Penalty upon conviction is chief of Petionville Police rival of the Salvation Army of-| Nassau . tish Guiana and Barbados|
death and three men convicted heads. ficials was made by Senior Cap
of participation in the plot of tain J. Egger who heads the
which Dejoie is accused as being organizatiin’s Haiti branch.
the instigator already are in
death cells.
Commissionner Durman’s ax
' | signment, also iscludes the
_| British Dominions and South
Accusation hinges on the America. - ia AMERICAN STYLE
wave of terrorism which, hit this The Commissionner became
capital last April and climaxed an officer of the Salvation Ar-
by the explosion at the secret my in 1910, later serving with At Hotel Splendid
bomb factory at Mahotieres the Forces in the first World
four miles from Port-au-Prince War. He served in various ad-
on April 29th. last. ministrative posts is the Men’s From 1:00 To 8:00 P. M.
Social Services in Great Bri-
According to evidence as the tain, after the termination of $ 2.75
trial of thie convicted men the. _ hostilities.
plot called for a terror cam-| His “enthusiasm for brass AMERICAN FOOD
paign leading to the assassina- |, ‘bands and his competence as
tion of President Dr. Francois an instrumentalist found ample SERVED AT ITS BEST
Duvalier as he attended labor JOSEPH NADAL scope when he was appointed
_ day parade on May the first. & Co. DISTRIBUTORS as «National Band and Singer Telephone: — 5591.

IN Haiti
one name slands out

We sincerely hope that you will have a nice time in Port-au-Prince and we are looking forward to being
of service to you in our store and factory, where wecan offer you an immense array of figurines,
bowls, trays, carvings and sculptures.
David and Wally TALAMAS.


GRAND’ RUE No 144 3

“SUNDAY, N O V E M B E R 1 6 t h . 1 9 5 8 PAGE 1

Mme. Stankovich
Heard In Recital At
French Institute
Music lovers formed a large
and appreciative public, Friday
evening at the French Institute
to hear the brilliant Yugosla-
vian pianist, Nadia Stankowich,
in a program of the great mas-
an d sp ar kl in g «G ol d Co as t» un iq ue ly
Haiti has a brand new ters.
an d Ne w Je rs ey ’s in th at it
different from Florida, Australia Mrs.. Stankowich was presen-
nd s. Ta lk wi th th e fi sh er me n an d |’
actually has «Gold» in its sa ted unider the sponsorship of
wh o ha ve plante d a to ur is t be ac h re so rt ri gh t
the y ou ng co up le the «Société des Amis de la Mu-
snack in the middle of the Gold Coast and thay’ll hand you
sique», of which Mrs. Lina Ma-
legends, tales and <histoires»
down some finely embroidered thon Blanchet and Mr. Raoul Frés oe la Fharmacre TELEMAQUE—
re un co ve re d du ri ng th is de ca de . ry
Bat pirate treasu
nd of wh it e sa nd th at ri ms al on g th e Northern
Denis are the founders.
S/.Rue des Casernes
PHONE .3888
The ba The program included works
Go na ve fr om th e vi ll ag e of «L ul ly to
Coast of the Bay of of composers Schubert, Schu-
ty -f iv e cu rv ed la nd mi le s, ev er y
“Montrouis» covers some twen man, Chopin and Debussy.
d :
up ov er th e pa st tw o ye ar s bl y ;
inch of wh ic h ha s be en s n a p p e The artist was guest-of-honor
Port-au-Princiens with a yen for the sea. of Mr. and Mrs. Jules Blanchet
it an ts » of th e ne w «G ol d Co as t» Pi er re on: Thursday evening at a re- |
‘The most devoted «hab
d th ei r to ur is t be ac h in Ja nu ar y
and Future D’Adesky starte ception at the Blanchet villa in
to ur is t ac co mo da ti on s. Th ey fe at ur e Petion-Vile where she had the
4956 and are no w ad di ng
fishing trips to the Is la nd of La Go na ve ; wa te r an d Ba r
re th e
opportunity of meeting many You know
be ac h th ey te ll yo u we ‘interesting personalities and
The first tourist to enjoy this
Carib Indians who came down from a hard week in the hills members of the Press. _ it'sa really fine
r a
and often left their arrow-head s be hi nd on th e be ac h af te
a pe Scotch when it’s
weekend of carousing. Visitors can
st il l fi nd th em (T he ar ro w- |
Pierre Liautaud To €) JOHNNIE
the «jolly Roger» boys who discovered the safe Receive Distinction
Then came
and ideal beaches for careening their ships. The From Spanish
on the Matheux moun- Government.
or perched

the beach

bucaneers from

Attorney Pierre Liautaud, ee exe xe eH K

ee Sseseee

the ocea n fo r as fa r as th ei r sp y-
tains behind could survey former Haitian Amlbassador to
wo ul d pe rm it th em . ;
glas s ‘Ma dri d, wil l be pre sen ted with
in g sp ot an d th e b r o t h e r h o o d
Kyona was a favorite careen the ins gni a and di pl om a of the Born, F220— still going strong

l fo rt s on a sm al l kn ol l ov er -
(Pirates Incorp) built two smal Gra nid Cro ss of Civil Merit -of
T h e y w o u l d pl ac e th ei r c a n n o n in
looking the half-moon bay. thie Go ve rn me nt of Spa in.
il e th e c r e w s c r u b b e d of f th e
the fort along with the booty wh The presentation will be
d th e b o t t o m of th ei r sh ip s.
barnacles and re-corke ma de to morrow evening during
tw o f i s h e r m e n h a c k i n g d o w n a tr ee cl os e.
No t te n ye ar s ag o a rec ept ion given by the Spa-
rt s c a m e ac ro ss tw o <j ar s» co nt ai ni ng
‘to on e of th es e fo nish Ambassador, Mr. G. Spot-
i d e n t l y th e ra in , w a s h i n g a w a y th e to p
‘spani sh go ld co in s. E v tor no, at the Embassy here.
e to ps of th e ja rs an d it n e e d e d on ly ma -
soil ha d re ve al ed th
i s h e r m e n re po rt ed ly so ld s o m e
chetes to unearth them. The f
coins and reburied th e re st fo r a ra in da y. T w o U. S, N a v a l
The most attr ac ti ve l e d g e n d to da y s u r r o u n d s th e w e l l k n o w n Un it s H e r e
(in conversation) cave < T r o u F o r b a n » , On th e ba ld fa ce of Th is W e e k e n d
M a t h e u x ra ng e th e ca ve is vi si bl e fr om th e
a mo un ta in of th e al co ur », a sm al l
A t th e m o m e n t it s pr in - Th e U. S. «V
high wa y th at sk ir ts th e «G ol d Co as t» .
fr om be lo w. Na vy Se ap la ne Te nd er , un de r
b l e to a p p r o a c h
cipal treasure is guano. Impossi th e co mm an d of Ca pt ai n T. F.
by ro pe . Lo ca l hi st or ia ns fe el
one has to decend to the entrance Ca ld we ll , lef t ye st er da y af te r
ha s p r o b a b l y be en co ve re d up
there is another entrance which spending two days here.
by a na tu ra l or m a n - m a d e ro ck fa ll . va l un it, the
s te n An ot he r U. S. na
Cu rt is , a V o o d o o l o g i s t of no te , du ri ng hi This is The Finest and Fastest Gervice
The A m e r i c a n «U . S, S. Gr ea t Si tkin» which
wi ld li fe , in cl ud in g in se ct s an d sn ak es vi - _IN THE CARIBBEAN
years he re st ud yi ng ar iv ed Fr id ay li ft ed anchor yes-
ld fr ie nd s li tt le of w h a t he
sited the cave with a guide but to te rd ay . Ca pt ai n W. F. Schlech
te d he wa s ce rt ai n bu t w h a t
found there. It was once in
ha bi
k n e e de ep in gu an o. Cu rt is wa s co mm an de d the vessel, with ' LOOK FOR THE WHITE CROSS
was left of their presence wa Ca pt ai n T. F. Caldwell, Senior
secretive about his work and so hi s vi si t to th e ca ve di d no t
Of fi cer Present Afloat. , YO UR GU AR AN TE E OF IN TE GR IT Y
ft fo r Af ri ca w h e r e he is to da y
become public. He soon after le The two ships were manned
s ex te ns iv e w o r k s on V o o d o o . — Mrs. Paul
“reported completing hi e by 27 officers and 388 enlisted At Pétion-Ville:
e d e d th at th is ca ve ha s a sp ec ia l pl ac ao — Corvington i
_ It is genera ll y c o n c e men.
rs m e n t i o n th e ca ve it is us ua ll y
in Voodoo. When city dwelle
in connection wi th sp ec ia l v o o d o o ri te s w h i c h th ey sa y ar e At Port-au-Prince: — Joe Gaetjens Rue Pavée
held there on certain days of the year. — The Home —Albert Reiher Bois Verna ©
Some report seeing thousands of little lights, like so many Of French Cooking — Excelsior Sacré-Coeur
r o u n d th e di st an ce en tr an ce of th e ca ve . O n e lo ca l «Escargots» Pepper — Louis Garoute Ave. Christophe
ca nd le s a
authority accoun t s fo r th is by a ‘t he or y th at th e si le x ro ck Steak, Onion Soup
en tr an ce is se t al ig ht by th e Su n’ s ra ys Specialities At St.-Mare: —Nettoyage a sec Ave. Mag. Amb.
surrounding the cave’s
an d th es e li tt le fi re s ar e th e on es se en at ni gh t.

di ti on to th e ca ve th is w e e k
‘The <Sun» is sponsoring an expe
lo ca l su pe rs ti ti on an d pi ck up an y un -
_ t0 pr ov e or di sp ro ve

t be ly in g ar ou nd . L o o k fo r an in fo r-
buried treasure that migh A

_ Mative ar ti cl e an d pi ct ur es in ou r ne xt ed it io n — th at is un le ss
d do n’ t ge t lo st in th e gu an o.
_ we find enough treasure an

Thro u g h It s Po st ag e St am ps
in fo rm at io n in Ha it i
For co mp
Stamps and
le te
ot he r de ta il s wh ic h wi ll be nion Fire-Insurance Ltd. |
| furnished vou free of charge, write to : PHone .2238 22486

P.O. Box 72 3 — P o r t - a u - P o r t - a u - P r i n c e


OC a ee

Ne te

projects which involve risks ivaining and civilian-type equip

ment to military engineer corps

beyond these which a traditio-
nal banking institution would ior the construction of useful|
normally undertake, for public projects. e ¢
‘ or

ment of crops from farms to which the rate of repayment in addition to «special asgj
Education. —The work of One of these is the machinery
markets and thus create new required by conventional bank- vance». extended by the Inte
the International Cooperation consultative project. This has
sources of wealth in a country. ing terms would present diffi- national Cooperation Admini
Administration and its prede- been in operation for some
years. It takes care of the ins- A pilot project along this line culties to some countries. tration under circumstances.
cessors in the field of education
pection and purchase of excess was recently inaugurated in Maturities will run as high described above, it also gives |
has almost as long a history as
machinery for demonstrating Honduras, it is believed that as 40 years, and interest rates aid from a «contingency fund)
that in agriculture. It too, func-
and training purposes. other Latin American coun- as low as.3 1/2 per cent per set up to meet such special”
- tions largely through servicios
tries are interested in watching annum. ocurrences as the hurricane re.
which form an integral part of
the ministeries of education in - Then there is the Technical this project in order to see cently suffered by Haiti,
the various Latin American Demonstration Project. This whether the results can be Among the numerous bene-|. Thus, even though the regu. |
countries. operates on a cooperative basis adapted to the solution of some fits which this institution can ‘lar programs of the Internatio.
with the Caribbean Commis- of their own economic pro- bring to Latin America, one of nal Cooperation Administration
Since the areas of primary, sion in demonstration and train blems. the most important is the fact touch upo nalmost every facet_
secondary and university ins- ing projects for the benefit of that it will assist in the esta- of human activity, even those
_truction, normal schols and po- participants from Caribbean A relatively new function blishment and expansion of na- things which cannot be nor-
_ pular education per se do not countries in which the Inter- which has come under the wing tional development banks, ac- mally anticipated are taken
form a part of this ‘survey,|, national Cooperation Adminis- of the International Coopera- cording to a recent announce- care of as they arise. as
which is deyoted to inter-Ame- | tration has no missions. tion Administration has been ment. (To be continued with the
rican economic cooperation, we that of extending credit in cer- sixth and last article of a series
will not go into details as to Another special undertaking tain circumstances. In cases where the Interna- on the International Coopera-
tional Cooperation Administra- tion Administration). ° ay
how the program of inter-Ame- of the International Coopera-
rican educational cooperation tion Administration is the Re- The Development Loan Fund tion is unable to provide help
functions, except to say that sources and Car tog rap hy Pro - whi ch oper ates as a part of the through the Development Loan
International Cooperation Ad- Motorcycle Cop, 4
the International ject. This is administered under
Cooperation Fund or through its regular
_ Administration. is vitally -con- ‘contract with the Pan Ameri- ministration, was established technical assistance programs,
/ Injured When Truck
-eerned in the field of vocational can Institute of Geography and by the Congress of the United «special assistance» is extended
Strikes Vehicle
education, and has signed History, a specialized agency States in 1957 to help facilitate out of funds set aside for that A traffic cop received serious
a contract with Puerto Rico of the Organiation of Ameri- this function. It is a new de- purpose. head injuries and four’ other
_ whereby trainees from the coun can States. It prepares films parture in the way the United persons were less seriously hurt
tries in the Caribbean area may for use in training Latin Ame- States extends development as- For instance, situations arise on Monday morning, when a
receive assistance in preparing ricans in photographic interpre- sistance. The Development -— such as disasters and other pick-up collided with the mo-
for their duties. aoe tation and evaluation of natu- Loan Fund lends money for emergencies — which cannot torcycle of the policeman then
ral resources in their countries. specific; economically sound reasonably be expected to per- ran pele-mele into several pe-
Public Administration: The and technically feasible pro- mit of repayment, yet which destrians, at the corner of Rue
International Cooperation Ad- Within the recent year, se- jects, but is free from the re- involve the achievement of du Centre and Rue Joseph J an
_ ministration provides a consul- veral Latin American countries quirement to obligate its funds
tation service to assist’ Latin have indicated their desire to within fixed periods. This per-
some humanitarian objective
such as relief or resettlement.
yiet 5) ae
Yovin Joseph of the 4th. Com-
American countries in their train and equip part of their mits it to concentrate on pro-
pany of the Armed Forces of
census and statistical work. It standing armies to make im- jects connected with long-term The Congress of the United: Haiti riding down Rue Joseph
be is making available specialized portant contributions to their economic growth. It operates States established this special Janvier was knocked from hig
techniques in connection with national economies. -This, calls as a revolving fund, so that re- category largely in order to motorcycle when the truck
_ the proposed 1960 Census of for training, technicians and payments of loans and interest meet such unforeseen or con- struck him. Marianne. Boyer.
- the Americas. Two workshops equipment to create or assist payments will become available tingency situations, in which Alocilia Auxilien, Sylvia Ce=
are also being planned, one in Latin American Army Engi- for the extension. of new cre- quick action is obviously re- lotte Pierre, the latter moun-
# budgets and the other in orga- neer Corps, Among the econo- dits. i quired. ted on her burro, who were
nization and methods used in mic projects in connection with erouped on the sidewalk were.
public institutions. : which the services of such The Development Loan Fund One of the purposes for
also injured. *
_ Miscellaneous. — Several pro- corps is believed helpful, are is supposed only to supplement which funds from this reserve The case of the soldier Yovin
* jects sponsored by the Interna- the construction and mainte- investments from other sources are expected
Joseph is reported to be criti-
to be used is to
_ tional Cooperation Administra- mance of roads and airports not to extend credit when fi- assist in the worldwide cam- cal. He had received a large
tion which do not readily fall wherever private enterprise nancing at reasonable rates is paign against malaria. head wound on the- cranium
under any of the above classi- does not provide the ‘means. available elsewhere. It steps in Another is a program for when he hits the grounid, and
fications are worthy of mention. These roads facilitate the move- when there are basically sound atin America only, to provide is receiving care at the Military
Hospital. : a

~ Prudent Jeudy, driver of the
pick-up with license plates No.
| Lhe Seca STATION nt AN 11179, who lost control
whieel after striking the motor-
of the

Hotel” cycle
its occupant, was
custody by the Po-

$35,-per Week AYN Yncomporable

etic asain
Pls 8¢ per Mile AN a
DAY, N O V E M B E R . 1 6 t h . 1958 HAITI SUN»

blems, Ambassador Carim told


the «Sun» that the aim of the
Turkish Government was to
Meets Again Haitian Athlete He Admired open embassies all around the
: Dn RUSSELL A. COSPER | of Creole as written language. . (continued from world in order to establish di-
page 1)
| yisiting American Professor at| During his stay in Haiti Dr. plomatic relations so that the

“the Ecole Normale Superieure Cosper will present, from time pressed with his splendid per- partment of Foreign Affairs, people of the Western outlook
| pr. Russell A. Cosper, Pro- to time, public lectures on Jan- formance and I was one of those and maker of policy. could get to know each other.
; "fessor of English at Purdue Uni guage study in the United Sta- whio personally congratulated Fourteen months ago he was «We sometimes make mis-
- ‘yersity, West Lafayette, Indiana tes, and he will dliscuss the de- him. Since then, I have always appointed Minister to Venezue- takes, more from Jack of know-
“who arrived in Port-au-Prince velopment of the English lan- wondered whether I would have and later given full Ambassador ledge about a country, its cha-
Din September, has begun his guage in the United States. the opportunity of meeting him racter and its problems, than
courses in English language at Dr. Cosper received a B. A. again and now — here I am in Under his territory came five from any desire to hurt», he
BD ihe Ecole Normale Supérieure. from Western Michigan Col- his own homeland». countries, among them Haiti, ‘said.
‘Dr. Gosper, who is sponsored by lege. He was awarded his M. A. Tahan Carim,. First Turkish Colombia, Ecuador, the Domi- |. Tt may look like a luxury
‘the United States Government, and Ph. D. from the University Diplomat to be aceredited to nican Republic. He arrived bu t after 14 months, Mr. Carim

will be resident at the Kcole of Michigan in English lan- Haiti, is a suave Turk, an eco: | here on Thursday and will pre- knows just how useful this
Normale during the 1958-1959 guage and linguistics. He stu- nomist, anid specialist on World | sent his letters of creance to knowledge is.
~ academic year. died in Paris at the Sorbonne Affairs. For many years he was’ President Duvalier tomorrow. Ambassador Carim said he
' Based upon his many years and speaks French; fluently. a disciple of Attaturk and was| An energetic man with deep has great regard for Haiti’s Am-
of experience with) development Mr. Cosper accompanied her head of the International De-| understanding of world pro- bassador to Venezuela, Mr. Ro-
yeading and laboratory work in husband to Haiti. Dr. Cosper’s ger Dorsinyille, whom he con-
‘the English language, Dr. Cosper son Ronald attends the Univer- siders a top statesman.
hopes to develop greater stu-
dent interest in fields such as
sity of Haiti, taking courses at
the Ecole Normal Superieure,
BASIC PRINCIPLES FOR The Ambassador said if it
were possible his own country
the History of the English lan- the Ecole Polytechnique, .and
TOURISM ARE DEFINED would be very imterested in

' suage and phonetics. He is very the Faculty de Medecine. Ano- Haitian coffee andi sisal output,
interested in observing the me- ther son David attends the Col- q | but this is a case of exchange
thods of English teaching in The Honorable E. A. Issa,
lege St. Pierre. A daughter Syl- and now Turkey which has
he Haitian school system, and Chairman of the Jamaica Tou-
via attends the Union School. been without a single cup of
jn investigating the posibilities rist Board was approached,
The Cospers are staying in coffee for two years (because
- among other leaders of the in- ”
Desprez. of an austerity program and
dustry based on their particu-
lack of dollars) gets what she
El Rancho To Get lar experience, and gave the
needs on the international mar-
Famous Chef following answers as to the six
ket wherever possible: They are
.Jerseyite Enjoys cardinal principles for the Tou- a deal with Brazil to
Qlympes Passales who gain- making
|rist Trade:
ed a teputation and world re. Visit Commends exchange dried fruits for coffee
mown as the chef of the cele{
brated Duke and Duchess of
Wally T. 1, The maintenance of a
stable form of Government in
he informed.

the country, and the consequent MR ISSA

| Windsor, members Lovely New Jerseyite, Yolan-
of the Inter
asurance to the visitor at all
_ national set, and worked with se ida Miner, spent two weeks at
times that this is a land of peace and Jaw, wherea holiday can
Senator And Mrs.
_veral leading Hotels in the the Riviera Hotel here. She is
United States. with the Granston Print Works
be enjoyed without any fear of disturbance due to political _ St. Louis Hosts At
_ Mr Passales who is coming: a New York Textile firm. Yo- unrest
2. The
and instability.
devel opmen t of
Grand Reception
in Miami Beach will revolu- landa declared’ Haiti the land an atmosp here of service , friend liness
to Haiti from The Rony-Plaza of endless fascination, and said
and hospit ality which will make the visitor feel that he is not Senator and Mrs. Ulrick St.
tionize the FE] Rancho kitchen, that Canape Vert’s Wally was a strange r, but a welco me guest in. our midst. There must be Louis were hosts at a recep-
‘The famous chef will specialize the smoothest pilot a visitor an attitud e of cordial ity, of making the visitor feel <at home». tion in their villa in Petion-
in French, Italian, Greek, (cre- could wish for on a perfect va- 3. There must be proper provision of accomodation, facilities Ville, last Sunday ‘evening.
ole) and even Chinese food. and amenities, to cater to all the needs of the visitor. Attention Their guest of honor was newly
must be paid to a programme of activities and entertainment, ' appointed Ministers. Lamarti-
so that the visitor always has something interesting to do and niere Honorat and Lucien J.
can find something to keep him entertained, amused and en- Belizaire, whom they preesnted
For all kinds of French perfumes joying his holiday.
to their guests as authentic re-
visit Haiti’s Smartest Indian store 4, We must give value. It is not so much a question of what presentatives of the young ge-
is charged, but of what is given for what is charged. If a couple neration.
Select your favourite perfume | pays $50 a day they will be satisfied if they get value for their
This reception was attended
from our large collection money. On the other hand, a couple paying $10 a day will be
by President Franois Duvalier,
dissatisfied! if they feel they are not getting their money’s worth.
cabinet members, high ranking
5. We must give service for its own sake and not primarily
JEAN PATOU for reward. Nothing is more calculated to displease the visitor
‘officers of the Army and out-
CHRISTIAN DIOR than the outstretched palm. We must ‘give service that is not
standi ng person alitie s of the
Capital’s jbusiness and social
hut pleasan t, render ed gheerf ully and with a
We offer you the world’s famous| ly fficien t
smile; rather than as a mere exchange for remuneration or
brands at free port prices ‘reward. The wishes for a fruitful mi-
6 The visitor must be made to feel that we have something nisterial mission of the two
of our own to offer by way of culture, entertainment, food and guests of honor was toasted in
CARVEN the like. There must be a Jamaican flavour to the industry which champagne and a response from
will give it a national character, and thereby intrigue the visitor Minister Belizaire, after which
LANVIN NINA RICCI with that «foreigness» which has such an appeal for him». the guests enjoyed a succulent
CARON ‘Mr. Issa is considered the movin g spirit behind Tower Isle, buffet
from flower-garnered
Myrtle Bank and Monte go Inn Hotels in Jamaic a. His reply was
CHANEL first published in the West Indian Review of October, 1958, un- Senator St. Louis is an out-
MILOT der «The Industry Speaks». standing <«fils du Nord».

RAPHAEL Open Season of Shows with Haitian Artists at

etc... etc... West Coast U. A.
Le Palladium Night Club Girls Here
rah «Cecile» will perform in several of her sensational numbers United Airlines was well re-
ayer x : ; ~maire’s Lyd including the candle dance presented at Montana this week

Ae eee STORE Music by the «Nemours Jean Baptiste Ensemble»

by Miss Gloria Snyder Of Hol
lywood and Diane Lovely of
MERE THE LOWEST PRICE, IS THE OMLY..PRICE | a tnission eee eee eeee San Francisco. ‘


a later date.
can be chang
FACULTY IN PO IRT- AU- PRINCE The leecture-courses will
By Professor William J. Brockelbank eee two per week at thy
Faculty of Law on Speci
In accord with a proposal| 8. Contracts. days to be indicated shortly]
made by the American Em-}| 9. Torts (délits). Dr Clovis Kernizan |
bassy in Port-au-Prince and ac-| — 10.-Conflict of Laws. | Dean of the Faculty of
cepted by the Rectorate of the| The list of lectures is provi-| Law. a
See University with the approval
_ Mrs. Mellon left Schwitzer Hospital Sunday and flew to New| ,¢ ihe Seer etary of State for
York on business... Sheelagh Burns is up from Caracas for a} yational Education, the Dean | *_ ae
week to have her eee ear old watch fixed by La Belle Creole’s of the Faculty of Law ndvisax :
_ specialist... Senator Jean David clipperd to New York Sun- ehidecis of (avy ond ani eeneral A Cc OU L OU
day... The Dick Abbotts of P A A returned home this week ST Mion SFO ich ho digas » :
2 ae annual leave on the Virgin islands... that gorgeous blue- thei epecializedelenowledce Of
- eyes blonde sighted in Port this past week in Kathleen O’Dair emer haar cthat Dr Wile
from Ponce Puerto Rico. However local «briseurs» can relax hen Brockelbank Profescas ; WEDN ES D AY
she’s only three and a half years old and the granddaughter of hla cuihe University obida- 2
_ Captain and Mrs. John Cusick of the Panama line... Elsy Pierre- RO USAy. yallprecenta cories : 3
Louis, the attractive young graduate of Madrid’s top Beauty| |. | ye renehe on pCbLG ;
culture schools opened her «Salon de Beaute» at her parents ay “private AUnriaa nla AT 8. 30 PM :
Hotel Plaza on the Champ de Mars this past week... Pierre ate d
beginning the 23rd. of Novem-
Monosiet’s home is a «reclame» for the local arts with «fer forge» ber, and ‘continuing through to
to fabric utilized in functional and attractive ways... The old : g g
wooden landmark opposite «Au Lincoln» on Avenue J she Brown the gore, e January. A GR E AT CO LO Re FU La
that quartered the «Ecole Robin» for the past forty years was i
| dacslishea this past week... Eye-absorbing new hair styles are \ Hea is hoped ae this series S
being worn by Mlle. Michele Foucard and Jessie Ewald-rival aoe eo ae towar ;
to any BB... George Kenn Montana-Choucoune is expected! hiome ee University So ESD
from beating the tourist drum in New York and Miami Tues. | *2!4an and American Profes-
day... Newest in art is the copper portrait work of student ar- SOPS20 a
chetic Sacha Thebaud of Castelhaiti... Father Picard was air-
' lifted from a hill top in South Haiti last month by the IAGS Mr. Brockelbank is a jurist
helicopter when he was suddenly striken ill (Service!!) Mrs. of the first rank. He took his
- Major Sublet is returning from her visit with the folks in Texas Law studies at Harvard Uni-
on the 15th. The Airforce Major and Junior will be happy to versity, where he received a
- resign bachelorhood... Paul Klein of the Paul L. Kléin Travel|
Bachelor of Laws degree in
1923, and was accepted as Bar-
- Service of Chicago was in town this week at El Rancho getting
acquainted with Haiti. Mr. Klein guided around the Hotels
rister at Law in England in
1928. He received his Doctorate
by Mr: Marcel Esper of Heraux Tours had cocktails with the |
_ George Heraux at Sans Souci Wednesday night anid after dinner | in Law in France in 1934,
drink at the Montana with Mr. George Kenn... Hotels here are
hoping this November will set a record in the tourist Industry...| Dr Brockelbank’s thesis on
- Deputy A. Conde of Aux Cayes and Milo Rouzier flew to New| the development of the legal
York Tuesday by the direct flight... New York bound lJast| concept of marriage in Ameri-}.
_ Sunday were Gerard Salnave, the Beauboeufs, Horelle Auguste, | can Law — which was present-
the Dessable, Marcelle Bastien, Gerard Qualo, A. F. Cassagnol,| ed in France — was awarded
_M. Castera, C. Pouponneau, Jean Excellent, J. Kolly... SPCA| the prize for the Thesis of the
is after the person or persons who used a dog in a Political plank Year, and the Prix Dupin Ainé.
last week... In 1938, in collaboration with
z en Dr Pierre Wigny, Dr Brockel-
bank published a translation of,
Caribbean Construction Co. SA. «Restatement on the conflict of that’s why every
laws», (L’exposé du Droit In-

Builders Of The Military City ternational privé Américain). ROLLEI shot ~ i

For this translation France
hits the mark i
lL awarded Dr Brockelbank the
Gen. Manager: Gerard THEARD academic palms,
Subjects to be discussed by
Phone: 3955. P. O. BO. . 284 Doctor BROCKELBANK in his “OF iH Ser S.A. -
; lectures: :
ee oa pee 1. The Spirit of American
; Law.

= ' PP, 2. The Constitution of the

a\ ¢ Wy .. : _| United States — its general
ten \y fe framework — The powers of |
y 4 SCOTCH WHISKY the Federal Government.
3. The Constitution of the
United States — the powers
reserved to the individual

4. The powers of Federal

Courts and State Courts.
5. Procedure before Federal
| Courts and State Courts.
6. The Extension of Federal
Powers in recent times: :
a) by means of amendment.
b)») by means
n of interpreta-
Creole Buffet and Dice
7. Law of Persons: marriage, And
dyonee ete and dancing.

¥; NOV. EMBER 16th. 1958 ; « HATH SUN» PAGE 15
President of the National{ A lovely baby girl put in an’ on the Panama Line paqueboat, —
Council of Tourism and Mrs. appearance at the Raymond S. S. «Cristobal» on ‘Tuesday,
Rindall Assad returned Satur- Roy househ\ld on Friday, No morning are the following:
aN iday afternoon from New York vember 14th, at the matinal| Mr and Mrs Forst E. Ab~
where they attended the Asta hour of 4:30 A, M. Little «Ge. | buhl, and their 3 children,
congress and met with the tra- ‘nevieve» weighed in at 7—!4 | Mrs Felecienne Beauvais.
vel world. pounds at Hopital Canape Vert. Mrs Clélie Dorvilier. .
000 S h e w a s i m m e d i a t e l y claimed} Miss Nelly Jean.
Oe ee en a Penh ee

Dewitt Peters director of the by her godparents, Miss Janine Mrs Lian Jean, and son,
Centre d’Art returned from Bourjolly and Pierre Roy, her| Mr Albert Labriere,
New York Saturday afternoon. uncle and aunt. Geneveive and Miss Elizabeth Lauture,

Mr. Peters recently organized | her «maman», the former Gi-| Mr Edner Joseph Porndu-
a showing of Haitian art in | nette Bourjolly are in excellent} four. ; ;
form. She is thle new grand} Mrs Goldsby W. Swan.
000 3 Manhattan. Z
Mts. Lucienne Estimé, widow Mr and Mrs Lawrence Sym-
of Mrs Vve Henri Deschamps eae cies daughter of Senate’ President
“of the late former President
Hugues Bourjolly. mes. , {
to Detriot this past week Gladys Bogat Monier is back Mrs Claire Vilain.
“pitt returned last week from | flew in town after a sejourn in New StaG
: everal months sojourn in Eu-| with her son Robert.
_ Mr. Clifford A. Jones, Neva- —o—
"pope: ‘Robert will return home as| York and Miami. Pierre Rigaud,
ta ke n py da State leader of the Demo- Ambassador
me: 0@0 so on as fa mi ly bu si ne ss is
os , so n of Mr . | ca re of in th e U. S. Th e Ro be rt } Ma rt in e Ri ga ud ob se rv ed cratic party, accompanied by ex-Ambassador to Brazil, Libe-
* Ralph Corone
t bir thd ay Thu rsd ay. Mr. Thomas Duffy, Industrialist tia and Cuba, has been made
nd Mrs. Byron (Hasc o ) C o r o - Des cha mps are exp ect ing a new | hey firs
and Maritime Union leader, head of Haiti’s Diplomatic Mis
Vv a c a t i o n i n g here | Awith, adaice to the family for Christ —-O-—

e208 i s sion is Panama City

f i r s t t i m e i n Pauline § Trinnan of Dallas, arrived on Thursday from the
his family for t h e

three years. T h e y o u n g t e n o r is Maryse Questel and daughter |Mexas and Llewellyn Wom-~- U.S. Mr Rigaud replaces Ambas:
sador Pierre Hudicourt.

n , I t a l y . Marie flew to the United States |\meck of Arkansas are bathing Mr. Jones is ex-Lieutenant
in M i l a

studyin g 000
F 000 last weekend. beauties at El MRacnho this Governor of the State of Neva-
Mrs. George Dreyfuss left by 000 week. da, and a former Chief Justice
—o— of the Supre me Court of Ne- | Mr. Marcel Desroches who
aR Panama Line Yesterday for Atheton Lee, the good-humor
Ricot Chauv et return ed to vada. spent eight months in Washing- —
New York where she will spend |man from Kentopia is back from

t e r a brief busin ess trip to New |Ne w York Wedn esda y after a| The distin guishe d visitor s are ton D. C., on a SCHA ER scho-
three 2mon t h s w i t h h e r d a u g h
f a m i l y . York city. N. Y. has noth ing on | brief busi ness -tri to
p Port. i houseguests of Herbert J. (ti- larship , return ed last Sunday ,
“M rs . Ja ck ie A u g u s t e a n d

e c t i n g Ken seo ff Dem ocr at Lee rep ort s- barb) Morrisson, Director of Mr. Desroc hes, functi onary of
e x p

Eh e A u g u s t e ’ s a r e
t d o t » . exc ept Nel son Roc kfe lle r wh om Jacques Honorat returned to Publie Relations for the Haitian the UNES CO offices in Port-a u-
“their third a d d i t i o n « b i e n
> /

he used to wor k for him . his Haiti Consul General post Government. Prince, . during his sojour n in
: 000
4” 00 0 in Nassau Friday. Mr. Morris son, said on his the U. S. visited several schools
Ti Davenport, the 6 feet :
on O. J. Br an dt fle w ho me Sa- —O—
rece nt trip to the Stat es he in- in Michig an, New York, Mary-
former Bro wn. and Roo ter
Sa n Ju an Bill Tucker a Genera] Mo- vite d Mr. Jone s and Mr. Duff y land and New Jersey. He atten-
the Peligre Dam revisited Haiti .turday morning on the
clipper from a tw o we ek sw in g tors Corp. Exc is in town visit- to Hait i to look into vari ous ded the Intern ationa l Chill
this past week with his wife
Da- at es an d Ca na da ing Shasa and Claude Gentil. busi ness proj ects in Haiti . Study Organi zation in New Jer-
and two year old son. The around the St
Mr Tucker leaves town Mon- sey, and took part in the pre-
enports who are with Brown on business. ooo

o day. é Pa ul a Ant oin e and parati ons of the Schola rs Ma-

"and Root in Ponce, Puerto Ric 000 Mis s
al ‘ | Clau de Mev s are to be mar rie d nual, used for young. studen ts
where a 32 million chemic
Prominent television scr ee
in the

m «oc cu- on Dec emb er 6th. The nupt ial United States.
lant is keeping the writer John Nolan is revisiting | My. Jiean “Mallebranche, Secre-
seg ues ts of the bene dict ion will take plac e at After leavin g the States, Mr.
- pardo» were hou Haiti after a decade. Mr. Nolan | tary at the Haitian Embassy in
the Sacr ed Hear t Chu rch , in Destoc hes spent two months in
P Anton Kneers . is here to rest, relax and rink | London, arrived in the Capital
000 Tur gea u. The brid e-el ect is the Puerto Rico to becom e famili ar
- rum. on Wednesday.
Paul with the new educat ional sys-

ME U.S. Con sul and Mrs . ooo —O— dau ght er Mrs. and the late

Ton Davis spent sev era l day s .gro om, son of Mr. tem used in San Juan. He also
Victor and Jacqueline Bou- Voley, the
in Mia mi this pas t wee k and d ret urn ed fro m the U. s. and Mrs . Hen ri Mev s. specia lized in Social Admini s-
Enjo yi ng a pos t-e lec tio n va-| car
displayed keen interest in the cation in Haiti as house guest|by air Friday. 000
* tration. He met with the. mem-
mat ern ity -we ar ani d chi ldr en ss en ge rs sc he - bers of the Puerto Rican Tea-
of Marie Josie Gentil is Liz Fa- Amo n g th e pa

cloths. on the elec tion le d to arri ve fr om Ne w Yo rk chers Associ ation.

et 3 Ne
ean who wor ked du
. —o— of Nelson Rockfeller for Go-
vernor of New York. Asht on Rece ive Visit
Miss June Starck, General 000 From Grandson And
Electric girl from New York is
spending twelve days at the Ri- week that the Daniel Fignole
viera, She said that she found family in New York had been
Le Matin reported this past
Daughter-In-Law |
Haiti the most interesting and increased by one recently. The On Thursday. November 13th WELCOMES ITS MEMBERS TO HAITI-
4 friendly Carib isles. June took new adidition is said to be a girl via Pan American Airways.
. in the beauty and bathing and brings the total of children «Jan» and «Leedee> ‘Ashton AND SUGGESTS |
facilities of _Kyona Beach last wp to eight. idaughter-inJaw and first rand
week, piloted by the David and
son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE:
Wally team of Canape Vert. Ashton were welcomed at Bo-
wen Field. At PO RT -A U- PR IN CE . - FL OW ER SHO PS: Tab ou.
'. Vips travelling back to New An d PE TI ON VI LI LE . LI MO US IN E SE RV IC E and
_ looking years younger after York from the Isthmus aboard Jan is the wife of John B.
IN G: He aux Tou rs
HOTE LS : Be au Riv age , Cas - SI GH TS EE
8X months in Paris and New Ashton, their eldest son: who
the Panama liner this weekend telhaiti, Int ern ati ona l Co un tr y an d Mag ic Isl and Tou rs.
York is man about town and: resides in. Indianapolis. ;
were: Honorable and Mrs. Em- San s Sou ci Hot el, Riv ie- Aut o-R ent als U-D riv e: Her tz
:Pa Ben Aboudi who is «Butch», the Ashton’s young Club,
met F. Byrne daughter Molly Si mb e Hot el, Hot el Sys tem .
peck inoe suite at El Rancho. er son is presently in Indiana- ra Hotel
and Miss Patricia Vyrne, Hono- Pla za, Ho te l Sp le nd id .
—o— volis, attending his last year of
rable and Mrs. Melvin R. Laird
RE ST AU RA NT S: Au x Co- ‘ HO TE LS : Hot el Ch ou co un e,
Val Ween, of Hotel Ri-+ High School and working in
Leonore K. Sullivan and the & Bon del , Sa vo y Hot el Da mb al a, Ho te l Ibo -Lé lé,
Viera who is now Presid ent of his spare time. He sent news saq ues . No bb e
Honorable and Mrs. William K. : - Hot el Mo nt an a, Hot el Vi la
e Bon Aime comp an y in Ne w that ke was looking forward to Re st au ra nt .
La Bel le Cre - Cré ole , Hot el Maj est ic. Le Per -
a spent four days here on ! Va n Pel t. his return to Haiti next sum- GI FT S SH OP S:
A Mu si au e (al l Hai - cho ir, Le Pic ard ie, Re x Caf é.
_ business this past week. peg mer when he hopes to get back ole , Boi te
D Bob and Evelyn are engaged. rec ord s), Ca na pé Ver t,
into his water skiing routine tian TIE N.—
Dictienins to Haiti after a, ooo
tz Me ws , Hoi tia n AT CAP HAI
which: he so regretfully left off Fis her , Fri
Mic hel e and Bil ly are fia nce . ‘ H O T H L S : Ho st el le ri e du Ro i |
E decade of absence is Samuel Cr af t (A ir no rt ), Ma is on Or ie n-
in September. ri st op he an d Mo nt -J ol i Ho-
Abitbol who has been onan a 000 an ne , Na no tt e Ch
The Ashtons and their young- tale, Ma ri e- Je
The Hotel Oloffson is starring , tel U- Dr iv e: He rt z Sy st em .
_ tended> business trip in Moroo id er ie s) R a m i r e z Sh op
sters have been a part of the (embro
0, Now with the business over # new «chef>.. . reportage and Tam-Tam.°
Bam is returning to Haiti w'th' ing up «bientét».
Haitian landscape for the past |‘ ore
eighteen years, and Horace Ash- | Local Representative
wife and five children. He 000 ternational . And Cabane
arrived in town last
ton’s cultivating of orchids in P h o n e : 38 P. O. B O X 36 4.
here early Dcem- Lolita
S expected
his Villa Rosa est ate is a leg end . “ C h o u c o u n e .
ber. | week.


Dec. Ist.

Behind “an effective, lacy

gingerbread curtain, at Hotel
Oloffson, leaks the news that
one of the © most spectacular
shows (on earth) ever to be
produced in Haiti is now under

A peace-time «teledioliste»
reports spotting some of the
most beautiful damsdls keep-
ing afternoon rehearsal appoint
~ ments. «Couturiéres» — around
of Hai li sh ow n wit h Dr the city are being kept busy
Gioup of Mis sio nar ies of the Nor th
meeting a deadline on costumes:
and Mrs Clarence W. Jones, during their visit to Cap-Haitien
ast ing Sta tio n 4V EH . Mr M. E. Pic azo It all adds up that the Coster
and the Rad io Bro adc
show this year is going to out-
directs the réligious broadcast programs of the Station.
do last year’s and rival Broad-
Dr Clarence W. Jones, Presi- by M.,E. Picazo) in Cap-Hai- way — but all within the Oloff
‘dent of the World Radio Mis- tien, and one from the city of son «cadre». ROUND TRIP
_ sionary Fellowship is the Unit- Cayes made by the West In- Tourist Class $91.80
ed States and Ecuador, left dian Mission there. December Ist has been men- _* Cheapest Shopping Center
Wednesday after five days here The organizaion has no mo- tioned as a possible opening %,
- Best Shopping Center
as part of a world tour of radio mopoly, but is one of loose aff- date. sect 7 EC ' * Largest Shopping Center
stations doing religious broad- liation. Nineteen around-the-
_Y 08 WORLD OVER’ bY Discover en route the Royall
casting on five Continents.
was accompanied by Mrs Jones.
He world commercial stations car- Roger Coster, the producer,
ry religious programs in their metteur en scéne, and
ike ee eee | ger is-too busy to talk yet.
KLM Z | Service
of KLM Royal

- Dr and Mrs Jones will touch

See Your Travel Agent,

35 points in Latin America dur The distinguished radio states All seats to the show must
‘ing their tour. They visited man has been established in be obtained ‘through advance
-Cap-Haitien and were present- Quito, Ecuador for 27. years, reservation — that very, very
of the North,
ed to missionaries where he established the pio: Broadway-like procedure. The
on Tuesday, flying back to be neer missionary radio statiort dinner and show wil! be in a
en tioe
miss ries of the
nad HCJB, . (Voice of the Andes), good price bracket.
. Capital. = and remembers that when he Maestro Ferrier Laguerre is
In a_ visit to the «Sun» on began there were only six re- still with the Coster show and French-Born
_ Wednesday, accompanied by ceivers and not a single trans- has put in three months of pre- American Ordered
_ Mrs Wallace Turnbull, wife of mitter. Today there are 100 Out Of Haiti
paratory work.
_ the pastor who is evengelizing transmitters in Quito, with Though - To Be Exile
the people in the hills of Kens- more than 100,000 receivers. - There have been some book- Agent
_— coff, Mr and Mrs Jones express He said that there are 22,000, ings already for opening night.} (continued from page 1) The new Minister of
ed their satisfaction at meeting 000 receivers now in Latiix ny acredited to Haiti is I
the. people in the missionary ‘America. at the home of Senator Ulrick Lufédde Neurrath who cam
field in Haiti. pg Doctor Jones calls the se HERE ~UIN
KEES ON — _ _—s- | St. Louis here from five years in Barce
and attended by Ar
i on of the
| missi World Radio PELIGRE POWER my chief Major General Mau- lona Spain. The West German
_ Dr Jones said that the broad Missionary PROJECT
Fellowship an in- rice Flambert, members of the Diplomat replacees Mr Frit
casts sponsoreby d his organi- ternational battle of words new Cabinet, and Congress. ‘Wussow, now in Melbourn
zation are confined entirely to where in preaching the gospel Here in relation to the cons-| Mr Chaudon was uninvited and Australia.
religion, education and cultural the speakers ‘ combat commu-n truction of the hydroelectric spent most of his time stand. ‘Mr Neurrath is married an
subjects, no commercials are. ism. Their purpose is to esta~ plant at Peligre is-Mr Kings: ing by a door -flanking that is here at the Montana wit
included. The broadcasts may lish democracy and improve ley Ferguson of F. H. McGraw| through which the President his children Christa 12, Ike9
be picked up on short wave at world jeonditions. — land Co, of New York who re-| accompanied by- Major Gene and Ricard 5 awaiting the. ar
16, 19, 25, 31 and 49 meters;| The Doctor and his wife vi- turned to Haiti last weekend !fal Flambert and his aides were tival of their furniture befor
‘two of the programmes may be sited Mexico, Guatemala, Nica’ with Lawenence Howe repre- expected to pass.
found on long wave. Broadcasts ragua, Honduras, and Jamaica’ sentative o f International |, Th e Pre sident seated with
in Russian language are made prior to their arrival in Haiti, Power Co. irs
‘ Mrs.
. Duv ali er was lis tening to
four times daily and are heard last Saturday. ee the toast when the =
in Moscow and Siberia. The next leg of their trip! The American businessmen Of this man’s presence — no-
He spoke of the two broad- continues with their departure’ met with President Duvalier| body seemed to know him and
casts made in Haiti, one from from Haiti this week for Ciudad Wednisday. The outcome of| he was generally believed to
Station 4AEH (station directed Trujillo. their discussions has not yet| be a member of the diplomatic |
been made public. | corps — was further heighten
ISRAEL ENVOY \ phycology, has a chair at thei |ed when two members of the
_ PRESENTS Univerity, was
series Of
trips to Haiti
Mr Ferguson has ‘made a Presidént’s
personal bodyguard
as ae
LETTERS OF pressed with Haiti and said) quietly whisked him out of the
March in connection with the
CREDENCE prior to departure that he is
room, off _ the premises and
David Schslateil' looking forward to his next vi- Hydroafectric scheme. M ry into an Atmy jeep. It was sub-
newly accredited Ambassador
of Israel to Haiti who present~
neral was lodg ed
sit in severa months The Ge-
at Hotel Mon
stations in a
has operated
number of
sequently learned
been arrested and
that he had
lodged in
Salon de Beaitte
Latin American countries and
ed his letters of credence td tana and received members of jail awaitin
i aes aot inquiry into HOTEL PLAZA
Mr Ho we hit nse lf wo rk ed in
President Duvalier last week, the Foreign office to cocktails Pea ; iS presence and activities. -Chaiips-de-Mars _
Bolivia and Venezuela.
is one of the rounders or thie| after his
i "meeting with Presi- fi ae sources indicated
= Unoffical Phone: 5172
dent Duvalier. He also hopes y visit ed Peéli gre and,| that Chau don had at one time
_ Jewish State. denti al
went over the distr ibuti on sys- |bee n 4 confi
Born in Germany the poly- to make the acqua intan ce of agent for Mell. Elsy Pierre-Louis
glot who is stationed in Mexico! Haiti’s small Jewis h colon y on tem of the elect ric light. com4| Magl oire wheh the latte r was
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