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Catalytically Active Nanomaterials: A Promising Candidate for

Artificial Enzymes
Youhui Lin,†,‡ Jinsong Ren,† and Xiaogang Qu*,†

Division of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, State Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Resource Utilization, and Laboratory of Chemical
Biology, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130022, China

Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China

CONSPECTUS: Natural enzymes, exquisite biocatalysts mediating every

biological process in living organisms, are able to accelerate the rate of chemical
reactions up to 1019 times for specific substrates and reactions. However, the
practical application of enzymes is often hampered by their intrinsic drawbacks,
such as low operational stability, sensitivity of catalytic activity to environ-
mental conditions, and high costs in preparation and purification. Therefore,
the discovery and development of artificial enzymes is highly desired. Recently,
the merging of nanotechnology with biology has ignited extensive research
efforts for designing functional nanomaterials that exhibit various properties
intrinsic to enzymes. As a promising candidate for artificial enzymes,
catalytically active nanomaterials (nanozymes) show several advantages over
natural enzymes, such as controlled synthesis in low cost, tunability in catalytic
activities, as well as high stability against stringent conditions.
In this Account, we focus on our recent progress in exploring and constructing
such nanoparticulate artificial enzymes, including graphene oxide, graphene-hemin nanocomposites, carbon nanotubes, carbon
nanodots, mesoporous silica-encapsulated gold nanoparticles, gold nanoclusters, and nanoceria. According to their structural
characteristics, these enzyme mimics are categorized into three classes: carbon-, metal-, and metal-oxide-based nanomaterials. We
aim to highlight the important role of catalytic nanomaterials in the fields of biomimetics. First, we provide a practical
introduction to the identification of these nanozymes, the source of the enzyme-like activities, and the enhancement of activities
via rational design and engineering. Then we briefly describe new or enhanced applications of certain nanozymes in biomedical
diagnosis, environmental monitoring, and therapeutics. For instance, we have successfully used these biomimetic catalysts as
colorimetric probes for the detection of cancer cells, nucleic acids, proteins, metal ions, and other small molecules. In addition,
we also introduce three exciting advances in the use of efficient modulators on artificial enzyme systems to improve the catalytic
performance of existing nanozymes. For example, we report that graphene oxide could serve as a modulator to greatly improve
the catalytic activity of lysozyme-stabilized gold nanoclusters at neutral pH, which will have great potential for applications in
biological systems. We show that, through the incorporation of modulator into artificial enzymes, we can offer a facile but highly
effective way to improve their overall catalytic performance or realize the catalytic reactions that were not possible in the past.
We expect that nanozymes with unique properties and functions will attract increasing research interest and lead to new
opportunities in various fields of research.

1. INTRODUCTION biology has also ignited intensive research efforts for designing
Enzymes are extremely efficient at catalyzing a variety of functional nanomaterials that exhibit various properties intrinsic
reactions with high substrate specificity, activities, and yields to enzymes.6,8−25 A variety of nanoscale materials, such as
under mild reaction conditions.1,2 As a result, there is significant cerium oxide nanoparticles,8−10 magnetic nanoparticles,3,11,12
interest in utilizing enzymes for applications in biosensor, gold nanoparticles (AuNPs),13−18 V2O5,19,20 PtPd−Fe3O4,21,22
pharmaceutical processes, food industry, and agrochemical graphene oxide, 23 and carbon nanotubes,24 have been
production. However, problems, including their low operational discovered to possess unique enzyme-mimic catalytic activities.
stability (denaturation and digestion), sensitivity of catalytic Due to the outstanding catalytic property of thiol monolayer
activity to environmental conditions, difficulties in recovery and protected nanogold, Scrimin, Pasquato, and co-workers called it
recycling, and high costs in preparation and purification, greatly “nanozyme” in analogy to the nomenclature of catalytic
limit their applications.3,4 To circumvent aforementioned polymer (synzyme).25 Here, to highlight enzyme-like activity
limitations, artificial enzymes have been established as low- of the nanomaterial, we adopt the term ‘‘nanozyme’’ to describe
cost and highly stable alternatives to natural enzymes.5−7 So far,
design of artificial enzymes has very rapidly emerged as a lively Received: October 16, 2013
field of research. Recently, the merging of nanotechnology with

© XXXX American Chemical Society A | Acc. Chem. Res. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Accounts of Chemical Research Article

a man-made nanomaterial that is capable of simulating catalytic

function demonstrated by natural enzyme.
In this Account, we will review our years’ efforts in exploring,
constructing, and improving nanoparticulate artificial enzymes,
inspired by their advantages. The scope intends to cover not
only the design and development of these nanozymes, but also
their promising applications and the search for efficient
modulators for promoting catalysis. In addition, the perspec-
tives on main challenges and future opportunities are also
discussed. Figure 1. Colorimetric detection of glucose by using GOx and GO−
COOH-catalyzed reactions.23 Copyright 2010, Wiley-VCH.
For ease of access, the examples treated in this Account are surface areas.26,27 Moreover, they possess a rich surface
classified according to the structural characteristics of nano- chemistry and have the potential to further promote the
zymes: carbon-, metal-, and metal-oxide-based nanomaterials. catalytic activity and stability of the supported molecular
systems.26,27 For instance, as a well-known natural metal-
2.1. Carbon-Based Nanomaterials loporphyrin, hemin can be assembled onto the surface of
Until now, carbon-based nanomaterials have been discovered to graphene through π−π stacking.26,27 As a result, the hemin−
possess peroxidase-like23,24,26−32 or superoxide dismutase-like33 graphene nanocomposite (GH) can function as a highly
activity. Our lab contributed much effort to the peroxidase-like effective catalyst in the oxidation reaction of peroxidase
activity of graphene oxide,23 graphene−hemin nanocompo- substrate.26,27 Recently, we reported a colorimetric assay for
sites,28,29 carbon nanotubes,24,30 and carbon nanodots.31 quantitative and fast detection of cancer cells based on the
As an atomically thick sheet of sp2-hybridized carbon atoms, synergetic peroxidase-like activity of folic acid conjugated
graphene-based material has recently emerged as a rapidly graphene−hemin hybrid (GFH) (Figure 2).28 Figure 2A
rising star.34,35 Intriguingly, we made the surprising discovery
that carboxyl-modified graphene oxide (GO−COOH) can
serve as an effective peroxidase mimic, which catalyzes the
reaction of peroxidase substrate 3,3,5,5-tetramethylbenzidine
(TMB) in the presence of H2O2 to produce a blue color
reaction.23 Similar to horseradish peroxidase HRP, the catalytic
activity of the GO−COOH was dependent on pH, temperature
and H2O2 concentration.23 After that, we investigated the
mechanism of catalytic graphene oxide through studying the
interactions between GO−COOH, H2O2 and TMB. First, the
different absorption spectra show that a bathochromic shift
occurs for GO−COOH upon the addition of H2O2.23 The
shifted absorbance suggests that electron transfer occurs from
the top of the valence band of graphene to the lowest
unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of H2O2.36,37 Mean-
while, since TMB can be absorbed on the surface of graphene
and donates lone-pair electrons in the amino groups to
graphene, TMB will confer an increase in electron density and
mobility in graphene.23 Such a charge-transfer n-type doping of
graphene increases the Fermi level and thus the electrochemical Figure 2. Schematic representation of (A) preparation of GFH and
potential from the LUMO of H2O2.36 This accelerates the (B) cancer cell detection by using target-directed GFH.28 Copyright
electron transfer from graphene to H2O2.23 As a result, nitrogen 2011, Royal Society of Chemistry.
enrichment in this way provides a higher density of catalytically
active centers with low stereo hindrance for binding redox illustrates the basic procedure for the fabrication of GFH.
species.23 On the basis of the intrinsic peroxidase property of Since folate receptors are overexpressed on the surface of
GO−COOH, we designed a simple, cheap, and highly sensitive different types of cancer cells, GFH could selectively bind to
and selective colorimetric method for glucose detection by the surface of cancer cells by targeting folate receptors, such as
coupling graphene-based nanozyme with glucose oxidase human cervical cancer cells (HeLa) and human breast cancer
(GOx) (Figure 1).23 In our experiment, glucose could be cells (MCF-7).28 Owing to the large size and peroxidase-
detected as low as 1 μM, and the protocol exhibited excellent mimicking activity of GFH, selective GFH binding not only
selectivity over other interferences.23 More significantly, our could be visualized under bright field microscopy, but also
method has shown great potential for analysis of glucose level could be quantitatively determined by a colorimetric method
in diluted blood and commercial fruit juices.23 Thereafter, (Figure 2B).28 With the optimized protocol, as few as 1000
Huang and co-workers used this catalytically active nanoma- cells could be detected.28 Later, we further developed a robust
terial for colorimetric detection of cancer biomarker prostate sensing strategy by utilizing the catalytic GH to detect a broad
specific antigen.38 range of targets including metal ions, DNA, and small
Apart from the intrinsic catalytic activity, graphene and its molecules (Figure 3).29 This nearly “universal” biosensor
derivatives can also be utilized as good supports for approach is based on DNA-directed assembly of GH by
heterogeneous catalytic processes due to their large specific targets.29 In the absence of targets, GH is stable as DNA
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Figure 3. Schematic illustration of procedures for targets detection by using the catalytic GH and targets-induced assembly.29 Copyright 2013,

hybridization between ssDNA probes does not happen. When a

particular target is present, GH aggregate resulting from DNA
hybridization will occur. Consequently, the colorimetric signal
of the centrifugal supernatant will be significantly lower
compared to that without targets.29 This colorimetric “readout”
offers great advantages of simple operation process, low-cost
portable instrument, and easy-to-use applications.29 More
importantly, we can detect a broad range of other different
targets, such as coralyne and DNA, only by changing label-free
and target-specific ssDNA probes.29 Therefore, such an
apparently simple method holds great potential of becoming
a routine tool for quantitative detection of a wide spectrum of
In recent years, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have also
attracted considerable attention.39,40 They are classified in
two main categories: single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs)
and multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), depending on the
number of graphene layers.40 Like COOH−GO, we demon-
strated for the first time that SWNTs possess intrinsic
peroxidase-like activity.24 Inspired by the intrinsic peroxidase
Figure 4. (A) Protocol for SNP detection of complementary (C-
property of CNTs, we further reported a label-free colorimetric DNA) and mismatched (M-DNA) duplex DNA.24 Copyright 2010,
detection system for disease-associated single nucleotide Wiley-VCH. (B) Protocol for sensing Cu2+ using click chemistry and
polymorphism (SNPs) in human DNA (Figure 4A).24 At peroxidase-like catalytic color reaction.30 Copyright 2010, Royal
optimum salt concentration, ssDNA could strongly adsorb on Society of Chemistry.
the SWNT surface and increase electrostatic repulsion due to
the π−π stacking interaction, thus resisting salt-induced SWNT In addition, Huang et al. and our groups also found that
aggregation. In contrast, dsDNA could not stably adsorb on photoluminescent carbon nanodots possess high peroxidase-
SWNT, resulting in large aggregates under the same salt like activity.31,32 Using this enzyme-mimicking activity, we
concentration.24 Afterward, the SWNTs settled on the bottom further developed a simple, cheap, and colorimetric assay for
of the vial after centrifugation, and the precipitate redispersed glucose in real samples.31
in phosphate buffer.24 In the presence of TMB and H2O2, the 2.2. Metal-Based Nanomaterials
colorimetric signal of the obtained SWNTs with dsDNA was In addition to carbon-based nanomaterials, metal nanomaterials
remarkably higher compared to that without target DNA.24 In have also been explored to mimic the functions of natural
addition, the target response proved to be sensitive, and our enzymes.13−18,41 Our interests were mainly put into GOx- or/
colorimetric detection approach could be used to distinguish and peroxidase-mimicking activities of gold-based nanomateri-
SNPs in human DNA.24 Besides the direct application of als (i.e., mesoporous silica-encapsulated gold nanoparticles42
catalytic CNTs, we further developed a sensing and selective and gold nanoclusters43).
strategy for copper detection by click chemistry and Gold colloids have fascinated scientists for over a century and
combination of magnetic silica nanoparticles with CNTs now have been heavily utilized in various applications.44,45
(Figure 4B).30 Historically, gold has been regarded as being chemically inert,
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but in recent years AuNPs with different surface modifications concentration of a buffer solution.42 Therefore, we offered an
have been found to exhibit GOx- or peroxidase-like effective way to eliminate the incompatibility of different
activity.14−16,46 After that, Fan et al. have constructed a new reactions and piece different activities together into a self-
sensor platform for sensitive detection of DNA and microRNA organized artificial cascade reaction. Initially, EMSN-AuNPs
by utilizing this GOx-like activity.17 However, the potential of catalytically oxidized glucose by oxygen to yield gluconic acid
AuNPs as enzyme mimics is limited by their relatively low and hydrogen peroxide in 0.5 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.4.42
catalytic activities and stability.17 In addition, single-component Next, gluconic acid produced in the system decreased the
AuNPs cannot simultaneously possess dual enzyme-like ambient pH, which could activate the peroxidase-like activity of
functionalities, as unsupported AuNPs with different surface EMSN-AuNPs.42 In the presence of TMB, EMSN-AuNPs
properties only keep one enzyme-like functionality active while could produce a blue color reaction owing to the oxidation of
the other catalytic activity can be completely blocked.15,46 TMB by cumulative product H2O2 (Figure 5D).42 This is the
Recently, the emergence and recent advance of nano- first example using nanomaterials alone as dual artificial
technology opens new opportunities for the development of enzymes for mimetic cascade catalysis.42 Therefore, the proof-
nanoparticles with stable and high catalytic activity.47,48 With of-principle results take an important step forward in
this in mind, we set out to investigate the fabrication of AuNPs developing enzyme mimics for realizing more complex
encapsulated in expanded mesoporous silica support (EMSN) functions.
(Figure 5A).42 EMSN as the skeleton assists the synthesis of a Recently, noble-metal nanoclusters have also become a
burgeoning area of scientific interest.49 Intriguingly, Wang et al.
discovered that bovine serum albumin-stabilized gold clusters
(BSA-AuNCs) possess intrinsic peroxidase-like activity.50
Inspired by these initial results, our group developed an easy
prepared fluorometric and colorimetric dual channel probe for
dopamine by using BSA-AuNCs.43 The as-prepared BSA-
AuNCs exhibited strong fluorescence and high peroxidase-like
activity.43 In the presence of dopamine, the fluorescence
intensity of the AuNCs decreased significantly through a
photoinduced electron transfer process (Figure 6A).43 Mean-

Figure 5. (A) Schematic illustration for the synthesis of EMSN-

AuNPs.42 (B) TEM image of EMSN-AuNPs.42 (C) Schematic
illustration for dual enzyme-like activities of EMSN-AuNPs.42 (D)
Schematic representation of EMSN-AuNPs as intelligent enzyme
mimics for realizing artificial catalytic cascade.42 Copyright 2013,

high density of very small and dispersed AuNPs, hinders the

aggregation of neighboring particles, and facilitates the catalytic
reaction by providing mesoporous diffusion channels. TEM
images reveal that a high density of very small AuNPs Figure 6. (A) Schematic representation of the fluorescence response
immobilized on EMSN is well dispersed (Figure 5B).42 Since of the BSA-AuNCs to dopamine.43 (B) Schematic illustration of
the catalytic properties of AuNPs are strongly dependent on peroxidase-mimicking catalytic color reaction for sensitive sensing of
their particle size and stability,47 the small and stable AuNPs dopamine.43 Copyright 2013, Elsevier.
may exhibit much higher catalytic activity. As expected, the
resulting EMSN-AuNPs showed high GOx- and peroxidase-like
while, as the catalytic activity of AuNCs is extremely sensitive to
catalytic activities (Figure 5C); whereas citrate-capped AuNPs
surface properties, their enzyme-like activity could be efficiently
had very little activities at the same concentration.42
restrained after their interaction with dopamine (Figure 6B).43
Although the prepared nanocomposites can be served as dual
Both methods exhibited high sensitivity and excellent selectivity
artificial enzymes with high activities and stability, it is still a big
toward dopamine over other interfering substances.43 More
challenge to scale them up for assembling an enzymatic cascade
importantly, we demonstrated the application of the present
system due to the incompatibility of various reactions
method in hydrochloride injection sample, human serum
operating. In our catalytic system, the optimal pH for their
sample and PC12 cells.43
GOx-like activity was 7.4, while this value for peroxidase-mimic
activity was about 4.0.42 Fortunately, as the first reaction 2.3. Metal Oxide-Based Nanomaterials
product gluconic acid is one of the organic acids, its production Like carbon- and metal-based nanomaterials, metal-oxides-
in the system could decrease the ambient pH under the low based nanomaterials have also emerged as efficient enzyme
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mimics.3,8−12,19,20 Among them, cerium oxide nanoparticles8−10 7B).51 To create this nanogated ensemble, ferrocene groups
and magnetic nanoparticles3,11,12 are two most widely used were first introduced onto the outlet of mesoporous silica.51
metal oxide catalysts. But this introduction will focus on our Therefore, β-CD-functionalized CeO2 nanoparticles could cap
interests in making use of CeO2 nanoparticle based ones.51 onto ferrocene-modified mesoporous silica through host−guest
CeO2 nanoparticles, which exist in a mixed valence state interactions.51 After internalization into A549 cells by a
(Ce3+, Ce4+), possess many unique properties that have proven lysosomal pathway, the ferrocenyl moieties were oxidized to
to be of high utility in biomedical and catalytic applica- ferrocenium ions by CeO2 lids, which could trigger uncapping
tions.8,52−57 Recently, they have been reported to possess of the CeO2 and cause drugs release.51 Moreover, as cancer
multienzyme, such as SOD,10,54 catalase,9 oxidase,8,56 and cells have a more acidic cytosolic pH than normal ones, CeO2
phosphatase,57 mimetic properties. For instance, Perez’s group with oxidase-like activity could oxidize some intracellular and
reported that nanoceria has an intrinsic oxidase-like activity at extracellular components to induce cancer cell apoptosis
acidic pH values, as it can quickly oxidize a series of (Figure 7C).51 This proof of concept provides a novel route
colorimertic dyes without any oxidizing agent.8 Following for using switchable enzymatic activity of CeO2 as capping
these early works, we found that the pH-tunable oxidation agents in the field of versatile controlled delivery nanodevices.
ability of nanoceria to ferrocenecarboxylic acid (Fc-COOH).51
After incubation nano-CeO2 with Fc-COOH solution at pH 3. EXPLORING EFFICIENT MODULATORS
7.4, there was no significant change in absorption or color.51 To keep up with the overall performance of natural enzymes,
While after incubation at pH 4.5, the mixture solution displayed one major activity is searching more efficient nanozymes, as
a yellow to green color change with a new absorption band reflected by numerous recent publications.8−25 An alternative
appeared at 632 nm, which suggested the ferrocenyl moieties strategy is exploring modulators to further enhance the
could be oxidized to positively charged ferrocenium ions by performance of existing artificial enzymes. Below, we introduce
nano-CeO2 under acidic pH (Figure 7A).51 More interestingly, three exciting push in the use of efficient modulators on
artificial catalytic systems.58−60
3.1. Ionic Liquid
In spite of the fascinating features of present peroxidase mimics,
one of the main shortcomings that these enzyme mimics
(including EMSN-AuNPs) suffer is that their catalytic perform-
ance at high temperature is far below expectations.3,23,58 As
they usually exhibit superior thermal stability to natural
enzyme,3,23,58 we rule out the possibility of this phenomenon
caused by nanozymes themselves, and point out that the
thermally induced instability of enzymatic product ABTS•+
inhibit their catalytic activity at high temperature (Figure 8A).58
Inspired by the unique properties of the ionic liquid, we
reasoned that it could serve as a stabilizing agent for improving
thermal stability of ABTS•+, and subsequently enabling high-
temperature reaction that were not working efficiently in buffer
solution. Indeed, in the presence of ionic liquid, their catalytic
activity and product stability at high temperature were much

Figure 7. (A) UV−vis spectra and photograph of (a) nanoceria alone,

(b) only Fc-COOH, and (c) their mixture at pH 7.4 and pH 4.5.51 (B)
Schematic illustration for pH-triggered release of the anticancer drug
from β-CD@CeO2 capped Fc-MSN.51 (C) Enzymatic activities of
CeO2 at different pH values.51 Copyright 2013, Wiley-VCH.

Figure 8. (A) Schematic illustration for the realization of high-

ferrocene residue could tightly bind to β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) temperature catalysis by using thermally stable EMSN-AuNPs and
via host−guest interactions, whereas the oxidized, positively ionic liquid.58 (B) Thermal stability of enzymatic product in different
charged ferrocenium ion did not.51 fluids.58 (C) Catalytic activities of EMSN-AuNPs as a function of
Inspired by these unique features, we demonstrated a pH incubation temperature in different fluids.58 Panels (A)−(C) reprinted
stimuli-responsive vehicle for intracellular drug delivery by with permission from ref 58. Copyright 2013 American Chemical
using the β-CD-modified CeO2 as the capping agent (Figure Society.

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Figure 9. (A) Schematic illustration of the high catalytic activity of synergistic GO-AuNCs hybrid in a fairly broad range of operating pH.59 (B)
Time-dependent absorbance changes at 652 nm in the presence of (1) GO, (2) AuNCs, and (3) the GO-AuNCs hybrid at pH 7.0.59 (C) Schematic
representation of preparation of GFA and cancer cell detection by using target-directed GFA.59 Copyright 2013, Wiley-VCH.

Figure 10. (A) Increased catalysis of nucleoside triphosphates (NTPs) to oxidase-like activity of nanoceria.60 (B) Schematic illustration of the
coupling of the oxidative reaction with the NTP hydrolysis reaction.60 Copyright 2013, Wiley-VCH.

greater than that obtained in the absence of ionic liquid (Figure catalytic activity at neutral pH, whereas, both GO and AuNCs
8B, C).58 Such a positive effect is possibly connected with their showed almost no activity.59 Significant activity enhancement
weak interactions with product, a large number of cations and indicated that GO played an important role in modulating the
anions, and their greater solvation power.58 Our findings pave catalytic activity of the AuNCs. Initially, TMB could be
the way to applying ionic liquid as a positive modulator in absorbed onto GO efficiently as GO possessed high surface-to-
nanozyme-based catalytic reactions. volume ratios as well as high affinity for hydrophobic
3.2. Graphene Oxide molecules.23 After that, the active site of AuNCs and substrate
TMB were confined in the same nanoscale region, which could
Compared with other nanomaterial-based peroxidase mimics, greatly enhance the catalytic activity of AuNCs.59 This
AuNCs as nanozymes are more prominent for bioanalysis due mechanism was similar to that of natural enzymes in which
to their small size, excellent stability, and biocompatibility.50 the extraordinarily high catalytic efficiency was largely due to
Despite these favorable properties, AuNCs usually suffer one the ability to bring substrates into proximity with their active
main shortcoming: its optimum reaction occurs in acidic sites.2 Consequently, the hybrid catalyst showed an excellent
solution, which seriously restrict its applications in biological peroxidase-like activity over a broad pH range, thus opening
systems where a near neutral pH is required. To overcome this this novel catalytic system for a multitude of potential
drawback, we demonstrated that GO could serve as the enzyme applications in biological systems.59 For instance, upon
modulator to regulate the peroxidase-like activity of lysozyme- conjugation of folic acid to the hybrid, we have utilized the
stabilized AuNCs (Figure 9A).59 The most exciting feature of target-functionalized nanohybrid (GFA) as a robust nanoprobe
the synergistic GO-AuNCs hybrid is that it exhibits high for selective, quantitative, and fast colorimetric detection of
catalytic activity over a broad pH range, even at neutral pH.59 cancer cells at physical pH, which would provide a drastic
As shown in Figure 9B, hybrid catalyst exhibited excellent positive effect on diagnosis and prognosis (Figure 9C).59
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Table 1. Comparison between Natural Enzymes and Nanozymesa

main advantages main disadvantages
natural (1) high efficiency (1) low operational stability
(2) high specificity (2) high cost
(3) high selectivity (3) sensitivity of catalytic activity to
(4) various catalytic types (4) difficulties in recovery and recycling

nanozymes (1) high operational stability (1) low efficiency

(2) low cost (2) low specificity and low selectivity
(3) facile preparation (3) limited catalytic types
(4) robustness against stringent conditions (4) difficulties in designing efficient
(5) large surface area for f urther modif ication
(6) other specific f unctions of nanozymes besides catalysis (e.g., magnetic property of magnetic nanoparticles
for recycling)
Items in italic font are unique for nanozymes.

3.3. Nucleoside Triphosphates bringing substrates into proximity with active sites.2 (3) The
Very recently, we reported that nucleoside triphosphates types of nanozyme catalytic reactions are limited to only redox
(NTPs) could be used as coenzymes improve the oxidase-like type reactions and hydrolytic reactions, whereas enzymes are
activity of nanoceria and that activity enhancement is related known to catalyze various types of biochemical reactions.
with the type of NTPs (Figure 10A).60 Since the nanoceria has Therefore, further investigations are indeed essential to
both oxidase-like8 and phosphatase-like57 activities, such construct novel nanozymes for catalyzing other types of
increased catalysis resulted from the coupling of the oxidative reactions. (4) Rational design of efficient nanozymes is still
reaction with the NTP hydrolysis reactions (Figure 10B).60 In remains a big challenge. A solution to this problem may be
addition, the difference of the improvement effect reflected the offered by the rapidly growing field of nanotechnology.47,48
different dephosphorylation catalytic activities of nanoceria to Besides resolving those problems mentioned above, future
the NTP used.2 Based on these intriguing results, we also work in nanozymes technology is likely to continue to focus on
developed series effective and high-throughput colorimetric the exploitation of their potential applications and piece these
assays for single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) typing.60 synthetic nanocomponents together into organized functional
To better understand the challenges and opportunities of
nanozymes, the main advantages and disadvantages of nano- Over the past few decades, natural enzymes have been a
zymes and natural enzymes are presented in Table 1. Under constant source of inspiration for chemists in their efforts to
comparison, artificial enzymes are less vulnerable to denatura- create synthetic structures that mimic their functions and
tion, low-cost, easy to obtain, and more stable to promote catalysis. In this Account, we summarized our recent
biodegradation. In addition to the above advantages shared development in the field of nanozymes. The studies featured
with other enzyme mimics, nanozymes also possess their herein attempt to understand and apply nanomaterials as
unique features, including large surface area for further enzyme mimics and, more significantly, shed light on the
modification and other specific functions besides catalysis improvements of these catalytic nanomaterials and their
(e.g., magnetic property of magnetic nanoparticles). promising applications in biomedical diagnosis, environmental
Despite these advantages, there are four important challenges monitoring, and therapeutics.
that remain for efficiently directing the development of Despite the fact that there are still many unresolved issues
nanomaterial-based artificial enzymes (Table 1). (1) Nano- and challenges, the unique properties and functions of these
zymes usually exhibit the relatively low catalytic activity, in enzyme mimics and the promising results exhibit that this field
comparison with natural enzymes. In this respect, the will continue to thrive and mature in the years to come.
development of enzyme mimics to be able to show excellent
enzyme-like activity will have great potential for the next
generation of mimetic enzyme systems. Alternatively, our
Corresponding Author
recent works have started to address this issue by exploring *E-mail: [email protected].
efficient modulators.58−60 (2) Nanozymes often have a lower
binding affinity and lower specificity for substrate than natural Notes
enzymes. In contrast, due to their unique catalytic micro- The authors declare no competing financial interest.
environments, enzymes exhibit high binding affinity and
substrate specificity. In their active site, a pocket is available
for substrate recognition and catalysis. For this reason, the Youhui Lin received his B.S. (2008) from Fuzhou University, China.
exterior surfaces of nanomaterials may be coated with He then joined to the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry as a
functional groups similar to those exposed by enzymes,6 thus Ph.D. candidate, majoring in Chemical Biology. His current scientific
enhancing their binding affinity and substrate specificity. interest is focused on the fabrication of nanozymes using smart
Meanwhile, it can accelerate the chemical transformations by materials.

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