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AECS#4, /RBT/ 2017-18/Worksheet /Unit-1 to 5/Class V

1 Read the story.

A Donkey and the Load of Salt

Once a merchant bought many bags of salt. He had a donkey. He

carried the bags of salt on it from village to village. One day they were
crossing a stream. All of a sudden the donkey slipped and fell down.
About half of the salt got washed away .The donkey got up. It found the
bag light. It was very happy. It found a trick. It repeatedly did so while
crossing the stream.The merchant was angry. He thought of a plan to
teach it a lesson.
Next day he put a bag of cotton on its back. While crossing the stream it
repeated the trick. Because of water the cotton-load became very heavy.
It could not walk easily.The merchant beat it. It was very sad. Now it
left its bad habit .The merchant happily loaded salt on its back again.

1 Choose the correct answer.

a) The merchant sold _____________________ .

1) wood 2) salt 3)cotton.

b) The donkey slipped and fell down in a _______________________ .

1)pond 2)sea 3)stream
c) The donkey was happy because the _____________ got washed away.
1) sugar 2) salt 3) cotton

d) At last the donkey left its bad __________________.

1) habit 2) sad 3) merchant

2 Fill in the blanks.

a) The opposite of heavy is ______________________.

b) Give one word for the meaning-

a clever action ___________________

c) The merchant planned to teach the donkey a ____________________ .

d) The _______________________became very heavy because of water .

3 Answer the question.

1. What trick did the donkey play repeatedly ?


_____________________________________________________________ .

2. Read the poem.

Words Never Die

A word can never be recalled,

It remains forever said,
As long as there is memory,
No word is ever dead.

Now careless words once spoken,

can bring grief to a heart,
And sometimes in memory,
These words can never depart.

To make the world a sadder

or a happier place each day,
Is with in the power of each of us
By just the things we say.

Since words live on forever.

It’s up to you and me,
To see that what we say each day
Makes the better place to be.

1. a) Write the rhyming words.

1) said __________________ 2) heart _________________

b)Write true or false.

1. The words are dead very soon in our memory. ( )

2. It is upto us make the world a better place to be. ( )

c) Choose the correct answer.

1) The word ‘memory’ means ability to ______________. (remember/forget)

2) The opposite of ‘careless’ is _________________ . (carefree/careful)

d) Fill in the blanks.

1) Careless ____________________ can bring grief to a heart.

2) We make the world a sadder or a _________________ place.

3 Answer the question.

1. Can we recall a spoken word? Why ?

Ans- _________________________________________________________


4- Write a short story based on the proverb “Unity is strength”.







5.Complete the story by choosing the right words given below.

(sea , sand , ship , alone , footprint , company, heel, foot, mistaken , print )

Robinson Crusoe’s_________________ had been destroyed by the

________________. He had been _______________ for many years and
longed for _______________ . One day he discovers a ________________
on the ______________ . He was not _________________, for these was
exactly the ______________ of a foot-toes, ____________ every part of a
__________________ .

6- Write a letter to your friend in another city telling him/her about the
happiest day of your life.


Dear _____________________ ,









7 -Do as directed.

a) Write the contractions.

1. are not ________________ 2. we will ________________

b)Write the full forms.

1. can’t ______________ 2. there’s _________________

c) Add –er,-est,-est,-ed,-ing.

1. tasty tastier _______________ tasted ______________

d) Add –ness or –ly to the words.

1. frequent __________________ 2. sad ____________________

e) Write the opposite by using –un/-im

1. happy _________________ 2. polite ____________________

8- Make meaningful sentences by rearranging the words.

a) one / wise / bird / old / geese / of / was / the / a



b) named / Wolf / Rip’s / was / companion / constant / his / dog



9- Fill in the blanks.

a) Will you____________________ (teach / taught) me swimming?

b) I am ___________________ (written / writing) a story.

c) He is a good - ___________________ (dressed/natured) boy.

d) Nobody has seen him_________________ (since/for) yesterday.

e) He noticed the creeper ______________ the foot of the tree. (at / to)

f) ______________ (Where/When )do you get up?

10-Answer the following questions.

a) What did the frog do all day?


b) What kind of a man was Rip Van Winkle?



c) What did Bhayia do all day?



d) Who feels joyful on seeing the Ice-cream man?


11-Give one word for the following meanings.

a) spoken in a low tone _____________________________

b) a yellow flower _____________________________

c) combined effort of a group _____________________________

d) a situation hard to escape from ____________________________

3 Make sentences.

a) wise-


12-Correct the sentences.

a) A tempting sound started coming from the pot.



b) The geese remembered the wise old bird’s advice.



13-Complete the following sentences .

a) If nobody passes the ball in a basket ball game, then you can’t

_________________________________________________________ .
b) The old woman who recognized Rip was

__________________________________________________________ .
14-Read the following lines .

Crying only a little bit

is no use. You must cry
until your pillow is soaked!
Then you can jump in the shower
and splash-splash-splash!

a) Choose the correct answer.

1.The mood of the poet is ________________ .(happy/sad)

2. According to the poet ,one should cry ________________ .(a lot/a little)

b) Complete the lines of the poem.

1. After crying a lot you can________________________________

______________________________________________________ .

c) Are these sentences right or wrong?

1. Soaked means completely wet . ( )

2. The poet says you must not cry much . ( )

15-Complete the following sentences.

a) In a relay race, if no one passes the baton ,then

b) He is very very like me from the


16-Write the rhyming words .

a) hoop _____________ c) head ____________

b) whole ____________ d) grow ____________

17- Write the contractions and full forms.

a) cannot ___________________ b) isn’t ______________

c)will not ___________________ d) who's _____________

18-Give the answer in one word .

a) spoken in a low tone ______________________

b) wild people in primitive state ______________________

c)combined effort of a group ______________________

d) more confident ________________________

19-Answer the following questions.

a. Where did the geese live?


b. Who do you think your shadow looks like ?


c. How would you feel if you saw unknown footprints outside your front
door ?



20-Fill in the blanks with prepositions such as – at, of, on, in, into

a) The birds were caught _______ the net .

b)The children walked _________ the bridge .

c) This tree was the home ________ a flock of wild geese.

d) The old goose noticed the creeper _________ the foot of the tree .

21-Write the jumbled words in order.

a) island alone was not Robinson on the


b) I footprint went the towards large


c) I around me looked


22-Tick the correct answer.

1. Robinson ran back to his home, as fast as he could because he

a) was racing .

b) was afraid .

c) was in a hurry to go home.

23-Where was Robinson Crusoe?

a) On a boat.
b) In a town.
c) Alone on an island.

23-Refrence to context.
“So this is where the wild geese live”.
a) Who said this?

b) To whom was it said?

24- Reference to context.

a) “So this is where the wild geese live?”

_______________________ said to__________________

b) “What harm can a creeper do us?”

___________________ said to ___________________

25- Complete the proverbs.

a) A friend in __________ is a friend ___________.

b) United we ___________ divided we ___________.

26- Write the jumbled words in order.

a) neither / I / nor / could / see / her / anything.


b) creeper / destroy / the / while / young / still.


c) I / around / me / looked.

d) little / bit / crying / only / a / no / is / use.


27- Fill in the blanks.

a) The birds were caught ________ the net. (in / into)

b) Where is the child __________ parents have come to school?

(who / whose)
c) I saw a puppy running __________ the road. (after / across)

d) We were _________ to see the beautiful garden. (shocked /


e) ____________ do you come to school? (Where / When)

f) I was very tired __________ confused. (and / but)

28- Correct the sentences.

a) One of the goose was a wise old bird.


b) The more I thought about what I had seen, the less afraid I


c) You must cry until your pillow is dry.


29- Make words ending with -ness. Which words do they come

Example: darkness dark

__________________ ____________

28-Complete the following sentences.

a) If I am alone in a room and the lights to go
b) If a dog chases me, I __________________________
c)I like _____________ character more in the story ‘My
Elder Brother because ___________________________
d)Robinson ran back to his home, as fast he could
because he __________________________________
e)Robinson Crusoe was alone on __________________
f) In a relay race, if no one passes the baton, then ______

29-Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct word.

a- The child___________ parents have to come to school,
want to meet the principal.(who/whose)
b- There are many books___________ are quite
c- The young man____________ you met in the shop, is
my brother.(who/whom)

d- I like eating food____________ is spicy.(whose/that)
e- We were happy__________ excited.(but/and)
f- I felt tired__________ weak__________ stop.
g- Rohit decided to go to the beach__________ he went
along the water’s edge. (so/because)
h- I have lived in Rawatbhata__________ I was born.
i- Nobody has eaten__________ two day.(for/since)
j- As you sow so shall you ___________.(keep/reap)

30-Write a story based on the proverb “United we stand

Divided we fall.”

31- Join the sentences using the joining words.(conjunction)

or and so but because
a) I wrote the letter. a) I want a red.
b) Rohit missed the school b) He was late to school.
bus. c) It was raining.
c) She wore a raincoat. d) I may eat noodles.
d) I may eat rice. e) I forgot to post it.
e) I want a blue pen.

32- Write five words that ends in –ness
Example: happy happiness

33- Choose the correct form of verb and fill in the blanks.
a) Will you__________ me swimming? (teach/taught)
b) I have__________ the tables, I can do the sum.
c) We_______ the match, our school presented the trophy.
d) I am__________ (read/reading) a story.
e) All the boys__________ (was/were) playing.
8- Answer the following question.
a) What were the preparations in the palace for?
b) What is the ice-cream cart compared to in the poem?
c) Why did the geese pretend to be dead?
d) Who do you think your shadow looks like?

f) Why did Robinson pray when he saw the footprint?

g) What can you do after crying a lot?
h) What are the things that Munna liked to do?

34- Write a paragraph on any two characters from the
stories you have read in the book.

35- Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about your

preparation for Half yearly exam. Write about your
schedule in school & home.



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