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A. Choose the best answer A, B, C, D, or E correctly!

1. Hey Siti, _____________ go star gazing tonight?
A. are you
B. how about she
C. Shall them
D. Would you like to
E. Are we
2. Sam : “Would you like to go watching a movie this weekend?”
Charly : “I can’t. I am low on cash right now,” ............................ stay at home and
watch TV instead.
A. How about
B. Let’s
C. What about we
D. I think
E. I want
3. What shall we do today? .................................. we go to the library.
A. Shall I
B. Let’s
C. Why don’t
D. would you
E. Will you
4. ................................ like a cup of coffee?
A. Can I
B. I’ll do
C. Would you
D. Should I
E. Can you
5. .................................. the washing if you like.
A. Can I
B. Would you
C. I will
D. I’ll do
E. I want
6. Edo: “I have a lot of work to finish; I don't know how I will manage. “
Sam: ______________ half of it if you want.
A. Would you give
B. I think you should
C. Why don’t work
D. I will help you with
E. Could you give
7. Carly: “I submitted my essay to the teacher few days ago, but I haven't received any
response from her.”
Edo:_______________ go and ask her?
A. Shall us
B. I'll do
C. Why don’t you
D. Would you
E. I propose
8. Aisya: “ I am so thirsty.”
Annie: _____________ get you something to drink?
A. How about I
B. What about
C. Can I
D. Why don’t
E. Shall you
9. …………………. like me to clean your car?
A. How about
B. Can I
C. Would I
D. Would you
E. Shall I

The dialog below refers to the question number 10 to 11

Bambang : hey look, I have these three novels.
Billy : hmm…they are nice. Let me see the title “Lord of the Ring”, “Harry
Potter”, and “Twilight”.
Bambang : yes, I like to read them a lot, but Harry potter is the (10) …….
interesting novel that I ever read.
Billy : I think Harry Potter is (11)…….. nice as Twilight.
Bambang : yeah, have you watched the movie of these novels?
Billy : Yup, the directors success in bringing the story into reality.
Especially Harry Potter movie, the animation is great.
Bambang : yes you are absolutely right. I love every scene in Harry potter
Billy : well, it makes Harry Potter movie the most (12)…….. movie around
the world.
10. A. most
B. more
C. main
D. mean
E. make
11. A. in
B. is
C. as
D. on
E. at
12. A. Famous
B. Friendly
C. Boring
D. Carefully
E. Careless
Complete the following table correctly!
Positive Comparative Superlative
cheap cheaper The cheapest
13……….. More expensive The most expensive
happy 14…………. The happiest
crazy Crazier The craziest
beautiful more beautiful The most beautiful
Generous More generous 15…………

13. A. As expensive
B. Main expensive
C. Expensive
D. An expensive
E. The expensive
14. A. happeir
B. happier
C. happyer
D. happer
E. haippier
15. A. The worst generous
B. The best generous
C. The more generous
D. The most generous
E. The generous

The questions number 16 – 18 refer to the following table.

Names Height Weight
Andy 175 cm 67 kg
Sully 165 cm 50 kg
Melly 150 cm 50 kg
Anita 175 cm 60 kg

16. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Andy is as fat as Sully.
B. Melly has the same weight as Anita.
C. Melly is taller than Sully.
D. Anita is taller than Melly.
E. Andy is the thinnest of all.
17. Who has the highest height?
A. Andy and Melly
B. Andy and Anita
C. Melly and Sully
D. Sully and Anita
E. Anita and Melly
18. Who has the same weight as Sully?
A. Melly
B. Anita
C. Andy
D. Sully and Andy
E. Melly and Anita
19. Dilan : What do you think about bullying at school?
Lea : As far as I ……………, I will not support bullying in my school.
A. Totally agree
B. Believe that
C. Am concerned
D. Opinion
E. Strongly believe
20. “Some people …………. Eating fish and yogurt at the same time causes severe skin
A. Totally opinion
B. Believe that
C. Am concerned
D. Opinion
E. Strongly opinion
21. Billy : nowadays, the medical fee is very expensive. I think it should be free to
support the society’s health
Caroline : I am ………….that medical care should be free for everyone.
A. Totally disagree
B. My opinion that
C. Am concerned
D. Support opinion
E. Strongly believe
22. Catherine : where are the students?
Doni : the students…….in the laboratory. They do science project.
A. Is
B. Are
C. Am
D. They
E. We
23. Endang : What do you usually do in the morning?
Maisha : In the morning, my family and I ……….always excited to the sound of the
A. Is
B. Am
C. Are
D. They
E. We
24. Bianca : Hey, I like your hat!
Chacha : Thank you.
Bianca : It is fashionable and up to date. ________ it expensive?
Chacha : no, it’s not.
A. Is
B. Am
C. Are
D. They
E. We
25. We ________ (go) to the seaside every Saturday.
A. goed
B. goes
C. go
D. went
E. gone
26. He _______(come) early because he ______(want) to see you.
A. comes – wants
B. comes – want
C. come – wants
D. come – want
E. came – wants
27. Some of us ________(work) overtime on Saturday.
A. work
B. works
C. worked
D. working
E. wark
28. Annabelle : ………………………….?
Cindy : yes, just go straight this street, and you will find the public library on your
left. It is next to the post office.
A. Can you go to the post office, please?
B. Could you show me how to go to the post office?
C. Would you like to go to the post office with me?
D. Could you tell me how to get to the public library?
E. Could you tell me how to get to the post office?
Questions number 29 -30 refer to the map below.

29. Benny : Can you show me where the nearest market is, please?
Tamara : yes, ……
A. It is on the Park Road.
B. It is next to cinema.
C. It is on the opposite of post office.
D. It is on the Queen Avenue.
E. It is in the park.
30. Andi : Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the football pitch?
Beni : are in the bank now, so you have to…………
A. Go straight ahead on the Queen Avenue, and then turn right.
B. Go down at the Prince Road until you arrive at intersection and then turn right.
C. Go ahead on the Oxford Street until you arrive at intersection, and then cross the
D. Go ahead on the Prince Road until you arrive at intersection, and then cross the street.
E. Go straight ahead on the King’s Way until you arrive at intersection, and then turn

Read the dialog below carefully! And then answer the question number 31 - 33
Afif is very busy doing his homework. Sheila calls him for asking to come to her party.
Sheila : Hello, this is Sheila. May I speak to Afif?
Afif : Hello, Afif is speaking now.
Sheila : Oh, hi Afif. I wonder if you’d like to come to my house right now. We’re having a
great party.
Afif : I don’t think I can. I’m doing my homework. My parents won’t let me out before I
finish my homework.
Sheila : That’s alright.
Afif : I hope you enjoy your party Sheila. Bye.
Sheila : It is okay Afif. Bye.
31. Why do Sheila calls Afif?
A. To do homework with Afif.
B. To come to Afif’s party.
C. To cancel her party at home.
D. To invite Afif to do homework.
E. To invite Afif to the party.
32. What does Afif do at the time Sheila calls him?
A. Afif is having party at his house.
B. Afif is doing his homework.
C. Sheila is doing her homework.
D. Afif is calling Sheila at his house.
E. Sheila is having a party at her house.
33. How does Afif response to Sheila’s invitation?
A. He receives Sheila’s invitation.
B. He accepts Sheila’s invitation.
C. He invites Sheila to the party.
D. He complains Sheila’s party.
E. He rejects Sheila’s invitation.
Question number 34 – 35 refers to the following dialog.
Dani : Do you have anything to do tonight, Deby?
Deby : I don’t think so. Why Deby?
Dani : My Friend is going to (34)……….. his wedding party tonight. He invited me and I
don’t want to go alone. Would you like to accompany me, Deby?
Deby : (35)……………., what time, Dani?
Dani : How about at 7 o’clock? I’ll pick you up.
Deby : Ok that’s fine.
Dani : Thank’s, Deby you’re very kind.

34. A. invite
B. invitation
C. celebration
D. celebrate
35. A. I’d love to
B. I can’t, I’m sorry
C. I want to, but…
D. I don’t think so
E. I am sorry
B. Essay
1. Change the following sentences into negative sentences correctly!
a. One of my brothers work for the Bank of America.
b. The man comes here just to take these letters.
2. Change the following sentences into interrogative sentences correctly!
a. The woman withdraws some money from her account once a week.
b. Some of them always finish their work on time.
3. Make 2 comparison based on the table below!

Names Height Weight

Andy 175 cm 67 kg
Sully 165 cm 50 kg
Melly 150 cm 50 kg
Anita 175 cm 60 kg
a. …………………………………………………
b. …………………………………………………
4. Write the message from the phone conversation correctly!
Secretary : Hello Finance department. Can I help you?
Jennifer : Hello, Can I speak to Adrian Hopwood, please?
Secretary : I’m afraid he is at the meeting now. Can I take a message?
Jennifer : Ok, tell him that Jennifer Mc.Andrews from Aviva Corporation called. I’m in
the office all day if he could call me back.
Secretary : can I take your number, please?
Jennifer : yes, it’s 5556677
Secretary : thank you very much

To : Date: / /
Company/ address:

5. Answer the following question correctly based on the dialog above!

a. Why does Jennifer Mc.Andrews call?
b. Who will probably give the message to Adrian Hopwood?

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