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132 EarthRotationUpdate InstalledUICulture: fr-FR,

CurrentUICulture: fr-FR, CurrentCulture: fr-FR
09:24:01.195 EarthRotationParameters Getting built-in leap second
09:24:01.242 EarthRotationParameters Received 42leap second values
09:24:01.258 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1960, Leap seconds: 1,417818, (vendredi 1 janvier 1960)
09:24:01.258 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1961, Leap seconds: 1,422818, (dimanche 1 janvier 1961)
09:24:01.258 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 8
1961, Leap seconds: 1,372818, (mardi 1 ao[FB]t 1961)
09:24:01.274 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1962, Leap seconds: 1,845858, (lundi 1 janvier 1962)
09:24:01.274 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 11
1963, Leap seconds: 1,945858, (vendredi 1 novembre 1963)
09:24:01.274 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1964, Leap seconds: 3,24013, (mercredi 1 janvier 1964)
09:24:01.274 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 4
1964, Leap seconds: 3,34013, (mercredi 1 avril 1964)
09:24:01.274 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 9
1964, Leap seconds: 3,44013, (mardi 1 septembre 1964)
09:24:01.274 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1965, Leap seconds: 3,54013, (vendredi 1 janvier 1965)
09:24:01.282 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 3
1965, Leap seconds: 3,64013, (lundi 1 mars 1965)
09:24:01.282 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 7
1965, Leap seconds: 3,74013, (jeudi 1 juillet 1965)
09:24:01.282 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 9
1965, Leap seconds: 3,84013, (mercredi 1 septembre 1965)
09:24:01.282 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1966, Leap seconds: 4,31317, (samedi 1 janvier 1966)
09:24:01.282 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 2
1968, Leap seconds: 4,21317, (jeudi 1 f[E9]vrier 1968)
09:24:01.282 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1972, Leap seconds: 10, (samedi 1 janvier 1972)
09:24:01.290 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 7
1972, Leap seconds: 11, (samedi 1 juillet 1972)
09:24:01.290 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1973, Leap seconds: 12, (lundi 1 janvier 1973)
09:24:01.290 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1974, Leap seconds: 13, (mardi 1 janvier 1974)
09:24:01.290 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1975, Leap seconds: 14, (mercredi 1 janvier 1975)
09:24:01.290 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1976, Leap seconds: 15, (jeudi 1 janvier 1976)
09:24:01.290 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1977, Leap seconds: 16, (samedi 1 janvier 1977)
09:24:01.290 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1978, Leap seconds: 17, (dimanche 1 janvier 1978)
09:24:01.290 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1979, Leap seconds: 18, (lundi 1 janvier 1979)
09:24:01.290 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1980, Leap seconds: 19, (mardi 1 janvier 1980)
09:24:01.305 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 7
1981, Leap seconds: 20, (mercredi 1 juillet 1981)
09:24:01.305 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 7
1982, Leap seconds: 21, (jeudi 1 juillet 1982)
09:24:01.305 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 7
1983, Leap seconds: 22, (vendredi 1 juillet 1983)
09:24:01.305 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 7
1985, Leap seconds: 23, (lundi 1 juillet 1985)
09:24:01.305 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1988, Leap seconds: 24, (vendredi 1 janvier 1988)
09:24:01.305 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1990, Leap seconds: 25, (lundi 1 janvier 1990)
09:24:01.305 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1991, Leap seconds: 26, (mardi 1 janvier 1991)
09:24:01.321 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 7
1992, Leap seconds: 27, (mercredi 1 juillet 1992)
09:24:01.321 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 7
1993, Leap seconds: 28, (jeudi 1 juillet 1993)
09:24:01.321 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 7
1994, Leap seconds: 29, (vendredi 1 juillet 1994)
09:24:01.336 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1996, Leap seconds: 30, (lundi 1 janvier 1996)
09:24:01.336 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 7
1997, Leap seconds: 31, (mardi 1 juillet 1997)
09:24:01.336 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1999, Leap seconds: 32, (vendredi 1 janvier 1999)
09:24:01.336 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
2006, Leap seconds: 33, (dimanche 1 janvier 2006)
09:24:01.336 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
2009, Leap seconds: 34, (jeudi 1 janvier 2009)
09:24:01.336 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 7
2012, Leap seconds: 35, (dimanche 1 juillet 2012)
09:24:01.336 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 7
2015, Leap seconds: 36, (mercredi 1 juillet 2015)
09:24:01.336 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
2017, Leap seconds: 37, (dimanche 1 janvier 2017)
09:24:01.462 EarthRotationUpdate Run on samedi 20 mai 2023 -
09:24:00 by AUTORITE NT\Syst[E8]me, IsSystem: True
09:24:01.462 EarthRotationUpdate Log file: \\Mac\Home\Documents\
ASCOM\EarthRotationUpdate\Log 2023-5-20 092400.txt, Trace state: True, Log file
path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ASCOM\SystemLogs\Logs 2023-05-20
09:24:01.462 EarthRotationUpdate Earth rotation data last updated:
09:24:01.462 EarthRotationUpdate Data source:
09:24:02.726 EarthRotationUpdate No proxy server detected, going
directly to Internet
09:24:02.774 DeltaUT1 About to download finals.daily
from as C:\Windows\TEMP\tmp3FB2.tmp
09:24:04.469 DeltaUT1 Waiting for download to
complete...1 / 30 seconds
09:24:04.912 Download Progress Progress %: 93, 31785 / 34028
bytes, Complete: False
09:24:04.912 Download Progress Progress %: 100, 34028 / 34028
bytes, Complete: False
09:24:04.912 Download Progress Progress %: 100, 34028 / 34028
bytes, Complete: False
09:24:04.912 Download Status Download Completed OK,
09:24:04.912 Download Progress Progress %: 22, 7785 / 34028
bytes, Complete: True
09:24:04.912 Download Progress Progress %: 46, 15785 / 34028
bytes, Complete: True
09:24:04.928 Download Progress Progress %: 69, 23785 / 34028
bytes, Complete: True
09:24:05.008 DeltaUT1 Response headers
09:24:05.008 DeltaUT1 Response header Strict-Transport-
Security = max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains
09:24:05.008 DeltaUT1 Response header X-Frame-Options =
09:24:05.008 DeltaUT1 Response header X-Content-Type-
Options = nosniff
09:24:05.008 DeltaUT1 Response header Upgrade = h2,h2c
09:24:05.008 DeltaUT1 Response header Connection =
Upgrade, Keep-Alive
09:24:05.008 DeltaUT1 Response header Keep-Alive =
timeout=3, max=500
09:24:05.008 DeltaUT1 Response header Accept-Ranges =
09:24:05.008 DeltaUT1 Response header Content-Length =
09:24:05.008 DeltaUT1 Response header Date = Sat, 20 May
2023 07:24:04 GMT
09:24:05.008 DeltaUT1 Response header ETag = "7523b69-
09:24:05.008 DeltaUT1 Response header Last-Modified =
Fri, 19 May 2023 08:00:06 GMT
09:24:05.008 DeltaUT1 Response header Server = Apache
09:24:05.008 DeltaUT1 Successfully downloaded
finals.daily from as C:\Windows\
TEMP\tmp3FB2.tmp. Size: 34028
09:24:05.008 DeltaUT1 Expected file format for the
finals.daily file
09:24:05.008 DeltaUT1 Year string start position: 0,
Year string length: 2
09:24:05.008 DeltaUT1 Month string start position: 2,
Month string length: 2
09:24:05.008 DeltaUT1 Day string start position: 4, Day
string length: 2
09:24:05.008 DeltaUT1 Julian date start position: 7,
Julian date string length: 8
09:24:05.008 DeltaUT1 Delta UT1 start position: 58,
Delta UT1 string length: 10
09:24:05.055 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 30 avril 2023, JD
= 60064 - DUT1 = -0,0337778 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 04 - 30
09:24:05.070 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 1 mai 2023, JD =
60065 - DUT1 = -0,0342363 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 01
09:24:05.070 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 2 mai 2023, JD =
60066 - DUT1 = -0,034827 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 02
09:24:05.070 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 3 mai 2023, JD =
60067 - DUT1 = -0,0354586 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 03
09:24:05.070 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 4 mai 2023, JD =
60068 - DUT1 = -0,0361413 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 04
09:24:05.070 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 5 mai 2023, JD =
60069 - DUT1 = -0,036795 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 05
09:24:05.070 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 6 mai 2023, JD =
60070 - DUT1 = -0,0373236 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 06
09:24:05.070 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 7 mai 2023, JD =
60071 - DUT1 = -0,0377561 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 07
09:24:05.070 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 8 mai 2023, JD =
60072 - DUT1 = -0,0379611 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 08
09:24:05.070 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 9 mai 2023, JD =
60073 - DUT1 = -0,0380489 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 09
09:24:05.070 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 10 mai 2023, JD =
60074 - DUT1 = -0,0381458 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 10
09:24:05.070 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 11 mai 2023, JD =
60075 - DUT1 = -0,0383571 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 11
09:24:05.070 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 12 mai 2023, JD =
60076 - DUT1 = -0,0388332 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 12
09:24:05.070 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 13 mai 2023, JD =
60077 - DUT1 = -0,039526 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 13
09:24:05.070 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 14 mai 2023, JD =
60078 - DUT1 = -0,0405254 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 14
09:24:05.070 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 15 mai 2023, JD =
60079 - DUT1 = -0,0417673 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 15
09:24:05.070 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 16 mai 2023, JD =
60080 - DUT1 = -0,0430864 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 16
09:24:05.084 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 17 mai 2023, JD =
60081 - DUT1 = -0,0443124 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 17
09:24:05.084 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 18 mai 2023, JD =
60082 - DUT1 = -0,0453028 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 18
09:24:05.084 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 19 mai 2023, JD =
60083 - DUT1 = -0,0459819 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 19
09:24:05.084 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 20 mai 2023, JD =
60084 - DUT1 = -0,0463301 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 20
09:24:05.084 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 21 mai 2023, JD =
60085 - DUT1 = -0,0464053 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 21
09:24:05.086 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 22 mai 2023, JD =
60086 - DUT1 = -0,0462694 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 22
09:24:05.086 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 23 mai 2023, JD =
60087 - DUT1 = -0,0460048 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 23
09:24:05.086 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 24 mai 2023, JD =
60088 - DUT1 = -0,0456985 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 24
09:24:05.086 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 25 mai 2023, JD =
60089 - DUT1 = -0,045428 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 25
09:24:05.086 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 26 mai 2023, JD =
60090 - DUT1 = -0,0452668 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 26
09:24:05.086 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 27 mai 2023, JD =
60091 - DUT1 = -0,0452618 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 27
09:24:05.086 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 28 mai 2023, JD =
60092 - DUT1 = -0,045445 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 28
09:24:05.086 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 29 mai 2023, JD =
60093 - DUT1 = -0,0458116 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 29
09:24:05.086 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 30 mai 2023, JD =
60094 - DUT1 = -0,046326 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 30
09:24:05.086 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 31 mai 2023, JD =
60095 - DUT1 = -0,0469406 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 05 - 31
09:24:05.086 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 1 juin 2023, JD =
60096 - DUT1 = -0,0475696 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 01
09:24:05.086 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 2 juin 2023, JD =
60097 - DUT1 = -0,0480828 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 02
09:24:05.086 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 3 juin 2023, JD =
60098 - DUT1 = -0,0483804 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 03
09:24:05.086 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 4 juin 2023, JD =
60099 - DUT1 = -0,0484055 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 04
09:24:05.086 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 5 juin 2023, JD =
60100 - DUT1 = -0,0481767 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 05
09:24:05.086 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 6 juin 2023, JD =
60101 - DUT1 = -0,0477809 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 06
09:24:05.086 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 7 juin 2023, JD =
60102 - DUT1 = -0,047349 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 07
09:24:05.086 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 8 juin 2023, JD =
60103 - DUT1 = -0,0470242 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 08
09:24:05.086 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 9 juin 2023, JD =
60104 - DUT1 = -0,0468939 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 09
09:24:05.086 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 10 juin 2023, JD =
60105 - DUT1 = -0,0469667 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 10
09:24:05.086 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 11 juin 2023, JD
= 60106 - DUT1 = -0,0471867 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 11
09:24:05.086 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 12 juin 2023, JD =
60107 - DUT1 = -0,0474457 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 12
09:24:05.086 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 13 juin 2023, JD =
60108 - DUT1 = -0,0476173 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 13
09:24:05.086 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 14 juin 2023, JD
= 60109 - DUT1 = -0,0475983 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 14
09:24:05.086 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 15 juin 2023, JD =
60110 - DUT1 = -0,0473281 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 15
09:24:05.102 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 16 juin 2023, JD
= 60111 - DUT1 = -0,0467807 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 16
09:24:05.102 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 17 juin 2023, JD =
60112 - DUT1 = -0,0459728 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 17
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 18 juin 2023, JD
= 60113 - DUT1 = -0,0449642 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 18
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 19 juin 2023, JD =
60114 - DUT1 = -0,0438331 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 19
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 20 juin 2023, JD =
60115 - DUT1 = -0,0426546 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 20
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 21 juin 2023, JD
= 60116 - DUT1 = -0,0415022 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 21
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 22 juin 2023, JD =
60117 - DUT1 = -0,040442 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 22
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 23 juin 2023, JD
= 60118 - DUT1 = -0,039517 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 23
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 24 juin 2023, JD =
60119 - DUT1 = -0,0387427 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 24
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 25 juin 2023, JD
= 60120 - DUT1 = -0,0381059 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 25
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 26 juin 2023, JD =
60121 - DUT1 = -0,0375736 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 26
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 27 juin 2023, JD =
60122 - DUT1 = -0,0370974 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 27
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 28 juin 2023, JD
= 60123 - DUT1 = -0,0366087 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 28
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 29 juin 2023, JD =
60124 - DUT1 = -0,0360305 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 29
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 30 juin 2023, JD
= 60125 - DUT1 = -0,0352887 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 06 - 30
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 1 juillet 2023, JD
= 60126 - DUT1 = -0,0343333 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 01
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 2 juillet 2023,
JD = 60127 - DUT1 = -0,0331733 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 02
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 3 juillet 2023, JD =
60128 - DUT1 = -0,0318785 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 03
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 4 juillet 2023, JD =
60129 - DUT1 = -0,0305784 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 04
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 5 juillet 2023,
JD = 60130 - DUT1 = -0,0294203 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 05
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 6 juillet 2023, JD =
60131 - DUT1 = -0,0285136 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 06
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 7 juillet 2023,
JD = 60132 - DUT1 = -0,0278895 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 07
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 8 juillet 2023, JD
= 60133 - DUT1 = -0,0274937 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 08
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 9 juillet 2023,
JD = 60134 - DUT1 = -0,027208 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 09
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 10 juillet 2023, JD
= 60135 - DUT1 = -0,0268923 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 10
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 11 juillet 2023, JD
= 60136 - DUT1 = -0,0264268 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 11
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 12 juillet 2023,
JD = 60137 - DUT1 = -0,0257295 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 12
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 13 juillet 2023, JD
= 60138 - DUT1 = -0,0247737 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 13
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 14 juillet 2023,
JD = 60139 - DUT1 = -0,0235752 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 14
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 15 juillet 2023, JD
= 60140 - DUT1 = -0,0221837 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 15
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 16 juillet 2023,
JD = 60141 - DUT1 = -0,0206713 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 16
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 17 juillet 2023, JD
= 60142 - DUT1 = -0,0191184 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 17
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 18 juillet 2023, JD
= 60143 - DUT1 = -0,0176011 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 18
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 19 juillet 2023,
JD = 60144 - DUT1 = -0,0161831 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 19
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 20 juillet 2023, JD
= 60145 - DUT1 = -0,0149138 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 20
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 21 juillet 2023,
JD = 60146 - DUT1 = -0,0138158 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 21
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 22 juillet 2023, JD
= 60147 - DUT1 = -0,01288 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 22
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 23 juillet 2023,
JD = 60148 - DUT1 = -0,0120754 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 23
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 24 juillet 2023, JD
= 60149 - DUT1 = -0,0113511 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 24
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 25 juillet 2023, JD
= 60150 - DUT1 = -0,0106405 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 25
09:24:05.118 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 26 juillet 2023,
JD = 60151 - DUT1 = -0,0098745 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 26
09:24:05.133 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 27 juillet 2023, JD
= 60152 - DUT1 = -0,0089841 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 27
09:24:05.133 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 28 juillet 2023,
JD = 60153 - DUT1 = -0,0079161 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 28
09:24:05.133 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 29 juillet 2023, JD
= 60154 - DUT1 = -0,0066575 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 29
09:24:05.133 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 30 juillet 2023,
JD = 60155 - DUT1 = -0,0052484 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 30
09:24:05.133 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 31 juillet 2023, JD
= 60156 - DUT1 = -0,0037939 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 07 - 31
09:24:05.133 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 1 ao[FB]t 2023, JD =
60157 - DUT1 = -0,0024418 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 08 - 01
09:24:05.149 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 2 ao[FB]t 2023,
JD = 60158 - DUT1 = -0,0013384 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 08 - 02
09:24:05.149 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 3 ao[FB]t 2023, JD =
60159 - DUT1 = -0,0005642 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 08 - 03
09:24:05.149 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 4 ao[FB]t 2023,
JD = 60160 - DUT1 = -0,0001006 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 08 - 04
09:24:05.149 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 5 ao[FB]t 2023, JD
= 60161 - DUT1 = 0,0001628 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 08 - 05
09:24:05.164 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 6 ao[FB]t 2023,
JD = 60162 - DUT1 = 0,000387 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 08 - 06
09:24:05.164 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 7 ao[FB]t 2023, JD =
60163 - DUT1 = 0,0007265 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 08 - 07
09:24:05.164 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 8 ao[FB]t 2023, JD =
60164 - DUT1 = 0,0012878 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 08 - 08
09:24:05.164 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 9 ao[FB]t 2023,
JD = 60165 - DUT1 = 0,0021116 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 08 - 09
09:24:05.164 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 10 ao[FB]t 2023, JD
= 60166 - DUT1 = 0,0031801 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 08 - 10
09:24:05.164 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 11 ao[FB]t 2023,
JD = 60167 - DUT1 = 0,00444 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 08 - 11
09:24:05.164 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 12 ao[FB]t 2023, JD
= 60168 - DUT1 = 0,0058169 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 08 - 12
09:24:05.164 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 13 ao[FB]t 2023,
JD = 60169 - DUT1 = 0,0072332 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 08 - 13
09:24:05.164 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 14 ao[FB]t 2023, JD
= 60170 - DUT1 = 0,0086137 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 08 - 14
09:24:05.164 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 15 ao[FB]t 2023, JD
= 60171 - DUT1 = 0,0098891 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 08 - 15
09:24:05.164 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 16 ao[FB]t 2023,
JD = 60172 - DUT1 = 0,0110082 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 08 - 16
09:24:05.164 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 17 ao[FB]t 2023, JD
= 60173 - DUT1 = 0,0119424 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 08 - 17
09:24:05.164 LeapSeconds About to download tai-utc.dat from as C:\Windows\TEMP\tmp4909.tmp
09:24:05.342 Download Progress Progress %: 100, 3321 / 3321
bytes, Complete: False
09:24:05.342 Download Progress Progress %: 100, 3321 / 3321
bytes, Complete: False
09:24:05.349 Download Status Download Completed OK,
09:24:05.431 LeapSeconds Response headers
09:24:05.431 LeapSeconds Response header Strict-Transport-
Security = max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains
09:24:05.432 LeapSeconds Response header X-Frame-Options =
09:24:05.432 LeapSeconds Response header X-Content-Type-
Options = nosniff
09:24:05.432 LeapSeconds Response header Accept-Ranges =
09:24:05.433 LeapSeconds Response header Content-Length =
09:24:05.433 LeapSeconds Response header Date = Sat, 20 May
2023 07:24:05 GMT
09:24:05.433 LeapSeconds Response header ETag = "7523b9c-
09:24:05.433 LeapSeconds Response header Last-Modified =
Tue, 16 May 2023 09:00:05 GMT
09:24:05.433 LeapSeconds Response header Server = Apache
09:24:05.434 LeapSeconds Successfully downloaded tai-
utc.dat from as C:\Windows\TEMP\
tmp4909.tmp. Size: 3321
09:24:05.434 LeapSeconds Expected file format for the
finals.daily file
09:24:05.434 LeapSeconds Year string start position: 0,
Year string length: 5
09:24:05.435 LeapSeconds Month string start position: 5,
Month string length: 4
09:24:05.435 LeapSeconds Day string start position: 9, Day
string length: 4
09:24:05.435 LeapSeconds Julian date start position: 17,
Julian date string length: 10
09:24:05.435 LeapSeconds Leap seconds start position: 36,
Leap seconds string length: 12
09:24:05.452 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
dimanche 1 janvier 1961, Modified JD = 37300 - Current Leap Seconds = 1,422818,
Latest Leap Seconds: 1,422818, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.453 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: mardi
1 ao[FB]t 1961, Modified JD = 37512 - Current Leap Seconds = 1,372818, Latest Leap
Seconds: 1,372818, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.453 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: lundi
1 janvier 1962, Modified JD = 37665 - Current Leap Seconds = 1,845858, Latest Leap
Seconds: 1,845858, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.453 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
vendredi 1 novembre 1963, Modified JD = 38334 - Current Leap Seconds = 1,945858,
Latest Leap Seconds: 1,945858, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.454 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
mercredi 1 janvier 1964, Modified JD = 38395 - Current Leap Seconds = 3,24013,
Latest Leap Seconds: 3,24013, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.454 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
mercredi 1 avril 1964, Modified JD = 38486 - Current Leap Seconds = 3,34013, Latest
Leap Seconds: 3,34013, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.454 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: mardi
1 septembre 1964, Modified JD = 38639 - Current Leap Seconds = 3,44013, Latest Leap
Seconds: 3,44013, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.455 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
vendredi 1 janvier 1965, Modified JD = 38761 - Current Leap Seconds = 3,54013,
Latest Leap Seconds: 3,54013, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.455 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: lundi
1 mars 1965, Modified JD = 38820 - Current Leap Seconds = 3,64013, Latest Leap
Seconds: 3,64013, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.455 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: jeudi
1 juillet 1965, Modified JD = 38942 - Current Leap Seconds = 3,74013, Latest Leap
Seconds: 3,74013, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.456 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
mercredi 1 septembre 1965, Modified JD = 39004 - Current Leap Seconds = 3,84013,
Latest Leap Seconds: 3,84013, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.456 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
samedi 1 janvier 1966, Modified JD = 39126 - Current Leap Seconds = 4,31317, Latest
Leap Seconds: 4,31317, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.456 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: jeudi
1 f[E9]vrier 1968, Modified JD = 39887 - Current Leap Seconds = 4,21317, Latest
Leap Seconds: 4,21317, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.457 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
samedi 1 janvier 1972, Modified JD = 41317 - Current Leap Seconds = 10, Latest Leap
Seconds: 10, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.457 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
samedi 1 juillet 1972, Modified JD = 41499 - Current Leap Seconds = 11, Latest Leap
Seconds: 11, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.457 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: lundi
1 janvier 1973, Modified JD = 41683 - Current Leap Seconds = 12, Latest Leap
Seconds: 12, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.458 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: mardi
1 janvier 1974, Modified JD = 42048 - Current Leap Seconds = 13, Latest Leap
Seconds: 13, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.458 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
mercredi 1 janvier 1975, Modified JD = 42413 - Current Leap Seconds = 14, Latest
Leap Seconds: 14, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.458 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: jeudi
1 janvier 1976, Modified JD = 42778 - Current Leap Seconds = 15, Latest Leap
Seconds: 15, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.458 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
samedi 1 janvier 1977, Modified JD = 43144 - Current Leap Seconds = 16, Latest Leap
Seconds: 16, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.459 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
dimanche 1 janvier 1978, Modified JD = 43509 - Current Leap Seconds = 17, Latest
Leap Seconds: 17, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.459 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: lundi
1 janvier 1979, Modified JD = 43874 - Current Leap Seconds = 18, Latest Leap
Seconds: 18, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.459 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: mardi
1 janvier 1980, Modified JD = 44239 - Current Leap Seconds = 19, Latest Leap
Seconds: 19, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.460 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
mercredi 1 juillet 1981, Modified JD = 44786 - Current Leap Seconds = 20, Latest
Leap Seconds: 20, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.460 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: jeudi
1 juillet 1982, Modified JD = 45151 - Current Leap Seconds = 21, Latest Leap
Seconds: 21, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.460 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
vendredi 1 juillet 1983, Modified JD = 45516 - Current Leap Seconds = 22, Latest
Leap Seconds: 22, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.460 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: lundi
1 juillet 1985, Modified JD = 46247 - Current Leap Seconds = 23, Latest Leap
Seconds: 23, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.461 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
vendredi 1 janvier 1988, Modified JD = 47161 - Current Leap Seconds = 24, Latest
Leap Seconds: 24, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.461 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: lundi
1 janvier 1990, Modified JD = 47892 - Current Leap Seconds = 25, Latest Leap
Seconds: 25, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.469 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: mardi
1 janvier 1991, Modified JD = 48257 - Current Leap Seconds = 26, Latest Leap
Seconds: 26, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.470 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
mercredi 1 juillet 1992, Modified JD = 48804 - Current Leap Seconds = 27, Latest
Leap Seconds: 27, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.470 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: jeudi
1 juillet 1993, Modified JD = 49169 - Current Leap Seconds = 28, Latest Leap
Seconds: 28, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.470 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
vendredi 1 juillet 1994, Modified JD = 49534 - Current Leap Seconds = 29, Latest
Leap Seconds: 29, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.471 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: lundi
1 janvier 1996, Modified JD = 50083 - Current Leap Seconds = 30, Latest Leap
Seconds: 30, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.471 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: mardi
1 juillet 1997, Modified JD = 50630 - Current Leap Seconds = 31, Latest Leap
Seconds: 31, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.472 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
vendredi 1 janvier 1999, Modified JD = 51179 - Current Leap Seconds = 32, Latest
Leap Seconds: 32, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.472 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
dimanche 1 janvier 2006, Modified JD = 53736 - Current Leap Seconds = 33, Latest
Leap Seconds: 33, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.472 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: jeudi
1 janvier 2009, Modified JD = 54832 - Current Leap Seconds = 34, Latest Leap
Seconds: 34, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.473 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
dimanche 1 juillet 2012, Modified JD = 56109 - Current Leap Seconds = 35, Latest
Leap Seconds: 35, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.473 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
mercredi 1 juillet 2015, Modified JD = 57204 - Current Leap Seconds = 36, Latest
Leap Seconds: 36, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.473 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
dimanche 1 janvier 2017, Modified JD = 57754 - Current Leap Seconds = 37, Latest
Leap Seconds: 37, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.480 LeapSeconds Current Leap Seconds = 37, Next
Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
09:24:05.501 LeapSeconds Task completed.

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