Pre Essay

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This pre-essay has to explain the theoretical concepts and the activities that the group will
work in the scholar orchard. According that, you must have present that this essay has to
related the scholar orchard with the green chemistry and the twelve principles of the green
chemistry, and how those green chemistry actions contribute, benefit or affect the ecology, the
specific interactions, the biodiversity and save of the living environment in the school
neighborhood and in the city.

The pre-essay has to obey the seventh edition of APA, besides the pre-essay must be in
English and Spanish and the structure of both languages has to be:

1) Cover:
a. Title of pre-essay.
b. Student full names as authors.
c. Teacher full name as editor.
d. School name.
e. City, Country.
f. Date (year).
2) Copyright laws: One page.
3) Gratitude: Short paragraph less than one page.
4) Dedicatory: Short paragraph less than one page.
5) Index: Has to appear in a list from the introduction to the Bibliographical references,
with the number of the pages.
6) Introduction: One page where you explain what are you going to do in the following
7) Background: No more than five pages, where you explain what is it know about the
central topics.
8) Justification: In one page, you must explain the reason that encourage you to do the
pre-essay topic.
9) Hypothesis: In the same page of the justification, you have to write the question that
you want to answer with your practical and writing essay.
10) Objectives: Remember, you have to start with an infinitive verb.
a. One general.
b. Two or three specifics.
11) Theoretical framework: Now that you know what do you want to do in the essay, you
have to search information that contribute for your essay.
12) Methodology: In a Gantt chart or SmartArt (of WORD) you have to explain which
activities are you going to do in the scholar orchard for your essay, besides, you have
to specify the months when you are planning to do each activity. REMEMBER, each
activity has to be related with the purpose of the essay.
13) Bibliographical references: Has to be in a list.
In the copyright laws, you must translate and copy the following text according the

Para todos los efectos legales de este trabajo de grado se acude a las siguientes disposicio nes
que se dictaminan como reglas en la construcción, difusión y uso de este documento:

Ley 23 de 1982, Congreso de la Republica de Colombia, Capítulo I, Articulo 1: Sobre derechos

de autor, disposiciones generales: “Los autores de obras literarias, científicas y artísticas gozarán
de protección para sus obras en la forma prescrita por la presente ley y, en cuanto fuere
compatible con ella, por el derecho común. También protege esta ley a los intérpretes o
ejecutantes, a los productores de fonogramas y a los organismos de radiodifusión, en sus
derechos conexos a los del autor (…)”.

Circular No. 006 de 2002, Dirección Nacional de Derechos de Autor: Sobre las disposicio nes
generales de derechos de autor en las Instituciones de Educación Superior Colombianas, donde
se deben cumplir a través de la adhesión del país al Convenio de Berna para la protección de las
obras literarias y artísticas (Ley 33 de 1987) y al Tratado de la OMPI sobre derecho de autor
(Ley 565 de 2000), la Decisión Andina 351 de 1993 y la Ley 23 de 1982 comporta para los
autores de obras literarias y artísticas atributos de orden moral y patrimonial.

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