BSBSUS511 Student Assessment Tasks 30-04-21

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Business Works is a series of training and assessment resources developed for qualifications within the Business
Services Training Package.

Introduction 4
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions 5
Assessment Task 1: Checklist 8
Assessment Task 2: Policies and Procedures Development Project 10
Assessment Task 2: Checklist 18
Assessment Task 3: Sustainability Initiatives Implementation Project 20
Assessment Task 3: Checklist (Option 1) 25
Assessment Task 3: Checklist (Option 2) 27
Final results record 28

The assessment tasks for BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for
sustainability are outlined in the assessment plan below. These tasks have been designed to help
you demonstrate the skills and knowledge that you have learnt during your course.
Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also
follow the advice provided in the Business Works Student User Guide. The Student User Guide
provides important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully.

Assessment for this unit

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability describes the skills and
knowledge required to develop and implement workplace sustainability policies and to modify the
policy to suit changed circumstances.
For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete three assessment tasks:

● Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions – You must answer all questions correctly.

● Assessment Task 2: Policy and Procedures Development Project – You must work through a
range of activities and complete a project portfolio.

● Assessment Task 3: Sustainability Initiatives Implementation Project – You must work through
a range of activities and complete a project portfolio.

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Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions

Information for students

Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have
acquired during the learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you:

● review the advice to students regarding answering knowledge questions in the Business
Works Student User Guide

● comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

● adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines

● answer all questions completely and correctly

● submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

● submit a completed cover sheet with your work

● avoid sharing your answers with other students.

Assessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix
A of the Business Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:

● where this task should be completed

● the maximum time allowed for completing this assessment task

● whether or not this task is open-book.

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A
template is provided in Appendix C of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO
has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

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Provide answers to all of the questions below:

1. Outline the Kyoto Protocol and Australia’s obligations under the Protocol, as well as its current
targets and the adequacy of these targets.

2. Outline the purpose and scope of the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and

3. Outline the purpose and scope of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation
Act 1999 (EPBC Act).

4. Outline the purpose and scope of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation
(EPBC) Act Regulations.

5. Outline the purpose and scope of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme.

6. Outline the purpose and scope of the Australian Packaging Covenant voluntary code of

7. Outline the purpose and scope of the Australian Ecolabel Program voluntary code of practice.

8. Identify one internal information source and one external information source that can be used
to plan and develop a company’s sustainability policy. For each source, explain how this
source can be used to develop the sustainability policy.

9. Explain the key steps in a policy development process.

10. Explain the main components of a policy document.

11. Outline policy development practices that may be used in response to resistance to the
introduction of policies.

12. Outline why a company may choose to implement an environmental management system
(EMS). List at least three reasons why a company may implement am EMS.

13. Outline at least three key components of an EMS.

14. Outline how a business can use environmental sustainability indicators and two examples of
indicators that can be used.

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15. Outline how a business can use life cycle management procedures to assist with
implementing sustainability practices.

16. Outline at least two barriers to introducing policies and procedures, and strategies that can be
used to address each of the barriers you identify.

17. Describe the role that quality systems like ISO and Australian Standards can play in
supporting corporate sustainability.

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Assessment Task 1: Checklist

Student’s name:

Did the student provide a Completed

sufficient and clear answer successfully? Comments
that addresses the
suggested answer for the Yes No

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Question 6

Question 7

Question 8

Question 9

Question 10

Question 11

Question 12

Question 13

Question 14

Question 15

Question 16

Question 17

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◻ ◻
Task outcome:
Satisfactory Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


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Assessment Task 2: Policies and Procedures
Development Project

Information for students

In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by working through a
number of activities and submitting a completed project portfolio (Part A only).
You will need access to:

● a business or simulated business which meets the requirements described in the activities

● a meeting space or meeting technology

● your learning resources and other information for reference

● Project Portfolio (Part A) template

● Simulation Pack (if you need a case study).

Ensure that you:

● review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the Business Works
Student User Guide

● comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

● adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines

● answer all questions completely and correctly

● submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

● submit a completed cover sheet with your work

● avoid sharing your answers with other students.

Assessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix
A of the Business Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 11

● where this task should be completed

● how your assessment should be submitted.

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A
template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO
has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

Complete the following activities:

1. Carefully read the following:

This project requires you to develop, implement and review at least two workplace
sustainability policies and procedures for one area of sustainability within a
business. You will do this by:

● consulting with relevant stakeholders

● reviewing current policies and procedures

● gathering information

● following organisational policies and procedures

● incorporating continuous improvement strategies

● considering resource requirements

● supporting implementation

● tracking results

● providing stakeholder feedback.

You will also integrate sustainability into your organisation’s wider policies and
Selecting a business to work with

Vocational education and training is all about gaining and developing practical skills

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that are industry relevant and that can help you to succeed in your chosen career.
For this reason, we are giving you the choice to base this project on your own
business, one you work in or a familiar with, or you can use the case study
provided. This will mean that you are applying your knowledge and skills in a
relevant, practical and meaningful way to your own situation!

If you choose to base your assessment on your own business or workplace, it is

important that you are able to access enough information for your chosen business
to be able to successfully complete each of the assessment tasks. As a minimum,
this will include organisational policies and procedures related to organisational
documentation, access to information sufficient to develop sustainability policies
and access to stakeholders.
You will make a final decision about whether to work with the case study business
or a real business in the next step.

Completing your Project Portfolio

You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio. The steps you
need to take to complete your Portfolio are described below.

Communicating with others

You will need to communicate with stakeholders to confirm their requirements and
to seek their advice and feedback. Your communication may be directly with actual
staff members from within your own business or workplace. Alternatively, your
fellow students and/or your assessor can play the roles of the relevant people. This
communication doesn’t have to be face-to-face. Where communication is face-to-
face, it doesn’t mean that all parties must be in the same room – you can use video
conferencing or any other appropriate format, as long as it meets the requirements
outlined in this guide and in your Project Portfolio.

2. Preparation

Select a business to work with

As you saw earlier, this unit requires you to develop sustainability policies and
procedures for one area of a business. Some examples of the policies and
procedures that you could prepare include:

● sustainable meetings

● sustainable purchasing practices

● sustainable workplaces

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● sustainable production

● sustainability site plans.

Decide whether you would like to work with your own business or the case study
business and follow the relevant instructions below.

For students working with their own business

Check that you have access to the required policies, procedures, information and
stakeholders that you will require. You should also decide on the area of the
business that you will work with, the area of sustainability that you will focus on and
the policies and procedures that you will prepare.
Complete Page 4 of your Project Portfolio by:

● describing the business

● describing the area of sustainability that you will focus on

● describing the two policies and procedures that you will develop.

Submit Page 4 to your assessor. Your assessor must approve your business and
the policies and procedures before you proceed with assessment.

For students working with the case study business

Take some time now to read through the Simulation Pack for this unit. You will
need to select an area of Grow Consultants to work with. Choose areas that
interest you. There are some ideas given below – or you might choose another
topic altogether. It’s up to you. Keep in mind though that you will need to be able to
easily access information for your policies and procedures.
Sustainability ideas:

● meetings

● production processes

● purchasing

● travel

● sustainable workplaces.

You will use your real names, backgrounds and communication preferences and
styles during all role plays or simulated communication to ensure that the

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simulation is realistic.
You will also use information from real products and services to combine with
information provided in the simulation pack and include in your presentations.

Complete Page 4 of your Project Portfolio by:

● describing the business

● describing the area of sustainability that you will focus on

● describing the policies and procedures that you will develop.

Submit Page 4 to your assessor. Your assessor must approve your planned
presentations before you proceed with your assessment.

Review all of your documents

Before you begin your assessment, read through all of your assessment
documents including this guide and your Project Portfolio. If you are working with
the case study business, you should also read through all of the documents in the
Simulation Pack.
If you are working with your own business or a business that you work in or are
familiar with, make sure that you have access to all of the documents that you need
and that you have familiarised yourself with them.
Make sure that you understand what you need to do and, if you have any
questions, speak to your assessor or workplace supervisor.

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3. Develop a briefing report

In this first activity, you will develop a briefing report. You should conduct research
relevant to your chosen area of sustainability which identifies the following:

● Relevant environmental and sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of


● Sources of information on sustainability, including incorporating sustainability

into business planning and using it as an opportunity to identify new business

● Sustainability policies and procedures developed by other organisations

● Life cycle mapping processes.

Here are two websites to get you started:
Using your research and analysis, develop a briefing report which you will use later
in this assessment. Your briefing report should address the following:

● Introduction, including current organisational practices.

● Key sustainability facts and figures and the benefits to businesses of

implementing sustainable initiatives.

● How sustainability can be built into business planning and can inform business
opportunities to reflect the organisation’s commitment to sustainability.

● Legal requirements in relation to workplace sustainability relevant to Grow

Management Consultants, as well as any relevant regulations and codes of

● Details of three sustainability policies and procedures researched and

inclusions within the policy and procedures.

● An overview of life cycle mapping, including life style stages, life cycle map, life
cycle matrix.

● Identification of the most effective strategies to reduce environmental impact

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relevant to your chosen sustainability area. Provide an example to illustrate
this concept. Attach your example to your report as appendices; you should
complete the life cycle map and life cycle matrix and mitigating strategies.
Example actions should be included as below.

● Example sustainability actions to inform the sustainability action plan for the
next 12 months. You should identify at least five ideas initially, including
identifying priority actions and longer-term actions.

● Recommendations on suitable performance indicators that can be used to

measure environmental performance once the policies and procedures are
Make sure you have answered all questions in each copy of Section 1 of your
Portfolio. Submit to your assessor for review.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence –
review the documents you need to attach as outlined in each copy of Section 1
of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.

4. Meet with your stakeholders

Now that you have developed a briefing report, you should consult with at least two
stakeholders to gather their advice and feedback. At the meeting, the stakeholders
will provide input into the development of the policy and procedures through their
comments and ideas. Encourage their participation.
During the meeting, demonstrate effective communication skills including:

● speaking clearly and concisely

● using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding

● asking questions to identify required information

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● responding to questions as required

● using active listening techniques to confirm understanding.

Following the meeting, summarise the stakeholder feedback and finalise the scope
of the sustainability policies and procedures including:

● required outcomes

● KPIs

● methods of implementation.

Work into Section 2 of your Portfolio.

This meeting may take place with actual people who work for/who are associated
with your chosen business. Alternatively, classmates or your assessor may play the
role of one or more stakeholders. If in the classroom setting, you will all take turns
within your group to share your individually developed briefing reports and to gather
feedback and input. Your discussions should take at least 20 minutes each.
This can either be viewed in person by your assessor or you may like to
video/audio record the session for your assessor to watch or listen to later. Your
assessor can provide you with more details at this step. If this session is not viewed
in person by your assessor, you will attach proof of the meeting to Section 2 of your
Project Portfolio.

Make sure you have answered all questions in each copy of Section 2 of your
Portfolio. Submit to your assessor for review.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence –
review the documents you need to attach as outlined in each copy of Section
2 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.

5. Developing the sustainability policies and procedures

Develop the policies and procedures based on your briefing report and stakeholder
Ensure that your policies and procedures include a statement about the
organisation’s commitment to sustainability, as well as how sustainability initiatives
will be incorporated into business planning and will also serve as business
Work into Section 3 of your Portfolio (note that two copies of Section 3 have been

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 18

Make sure you have answered all questions in each copy of Section 3 of your
Portfolio. Submit to your assessor for review.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence –
review the documents you need to attach as outlined in each copy of Section
3 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.

6. Developing an action plan

The next part of the assessment task requires you to develop an action plan to
implement one of the policies and procedures which you developed earlier.
Your action plan should include:

● The resources required for implementation of the policy (human, financial,


● A list of sources of resources required

● A priority list for implementation

● Individual responsibilities

● Strategies for continuous improvement

● Strategies for tracking and monitoring the success of the policy

● Strategies for supporting implementation

● Strategies for reviewing implementation (How will outcomes be documented?

How will feedback be provided? How will trends be identified and recorded?)
An important part of your action plan should be a strategy for communicating with
stakeholders to generate engagement with sustainability initiatives. As part of this,
seek and incorporate feedback on your action plan from one of the stakeholders
who you consulted in Activity 4. (If you are working on the Case Study business,
seek feedback from your Assessor.)
Work into Section 4 of your Portfolio.

Make sure you have answered all questions in each copy of Section 4 of your
Portfolio. Submit to your assessor for review.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence –
review the documents you need to attach as outlined in each copy of Section
4 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.

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BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 20
Assessment Task 2: Checklist

Student’s name:

successfully? Comments

Did the student: Yes No

Develop and review at least two workplace

sustainability policies and procedures for
one area of sustainability within a business
or organisation?

Consult and communicate with relevant

stakeholders regarding the development,
implementation and continuous
improvement of sustainability policy?

Demonstrate effective communication

skills including:

● speaking clearly and concisely

● using non-verbal communication to

assist with understanding

● asking questions to identify required


● responding to questions as required

● using active listening techniques to

confirm understanding?

Develop workplace sustainability policies

and procedures by:

● defining the scope

● defining the objectives

● gathering and analysing relevant


BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 21

● consulting with stakeholders

● working according to organisational


● embedding implementation processes

● embedding continuous improvement


◻ ◻
Task outcome:
Satisfactory Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 22

Assessment Task 3: Sustainability Initiatives
Implementation Project

Information for students

In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by working through a
number of activities and submitting a completed project portfolio (Part B).
You will need access to:

● the business or simulated business that you worked with in Assessment Task 2

● your learning resources and other information for reference

● Project Portfolio template (Part B)

● Simulation Pack (if you need the case study).

Ensure that you:

● review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the Business Works
Student User Guide

● comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

● adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines

● answer all questions completely and correctly

● submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

● submit a completed cover sheet with your work

● avoid sharing your answers with other students.

Assessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix
A of the Business Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:

● where this task should be completed

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● how your assessment should be submitted.

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A
template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO
has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

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You have two options for this section of your assessment – Option 1 is for students who are
working from the case study business. Option 2 is for students who are working from their own

Important: You should only complete ONE of the following options. If you are unsure which
option you should complete, speak to your assessor.

Activities – Option 1 (Grow Consultants)

Option 1 is for students who worked from the Grow Consultants case study in Assessment Task 2.
If you completed Assessment Task 2 using your own business, skip straight to Option 2. If you are
unsure, speak to your assessor. DO NOT COMPLETE BOTH OPTIONS.

Complete the following activities:

1. Undertake an inspection of your RTO facility

Assume that, following acceptance of your sustainability policy and procedures, you
have been asked to implement strategies identified in your action plan for the
continuous improvement of resource efficiency. This is to include an inspection of
the workplace to identify environmental sustainability and resource usage issues
and to identify and report on possible solutions.
You will therefore undertake an inspection of the RTO facility using the
environmental sustainability and resource Usage Record Template provided in
Section 5 of your Project Portfolio (Part B).
Record at least three actual or potential environmental sustainability and resource
usage issues that you find.
Your assessor will advise you of the date and time of the inspection and will
observe you conducting the inspection.

Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 5 of your Portfolio (Part B).
Submit to your assessor for review.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence –
review the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 5 of the
Project Portfolio (Part B) and make sure you attach these upon submission.

2. Develop a memo for staff about best practice sustainability procedures

Assume that you wish to commence implementing a further initiative from the action
plan, which is to provide regular communications to staff about sustainability

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Based on one of the issues identified in your environmental sustainability and
resource usage record, develop a short memo to send to staff about best practice
sustainability procedures. For example, if you have identified that water usage is
high, you could write about tips to reduce water usage. The memo you develop
must be written in plain English and in user-friendly language and be designed to
promote engagement in sustainability initiatives.
The memo should be no more than one page and include images such as photos
or graphs to assist with understanding and engagement.
Work into Section 6 of your Portfolio (Part B).

Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 6 of your Portfolio (Part B).
Submit to your assessor for review.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence –
review the documents you need to attach as outlined in each copy of Section 6 of
the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.

3. Develop a sustainability register

You are required to develop a register for recording and tracking all continuous
improvements in resource efficiency.
The register should be able to include, as a minimum, the ability to record the
reported opportunity, action to be taken, responsibility, timelines and outcome.

Work into Section 7 of your Portfolio (Part B).

Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 7 of your Portfolio. Submit
to your assessor for review.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence –
review the documents you need to attach as outlined in each copy of Section
7 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.

4. Develop a sustainability implementation report

Assume that the sustainability policy and procedure you developed has been
implemented, as well as findings from regular sustainability inspections.
Sustainability initiatives implemented include:

● Energy audit and all recommendations implemented including signage about

energy use (e.g. switch off lights at night, turn down brightness, turn off taps)

● Recycling policy introduced, and three more recycling bins introduced.

● Green purchasing policy developed (on staff intranet, email sent to staff to

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 26


● Green transport policy developed and implemented (on staff intranet, email
sent to staff to advise).
Assume also the following sustainability targets:

● Reduce electricity consumption by 20% within six months.

● Promote awareness of sustainability initiatives amongst all staff members

A staff survey has been undertaken (see the Simulation Pack for results), as well
as an energy audit.
The results of the energy audit are as follows:
Actions implemented:

● replace halogen downlights with energy efficient downlights and transformers

● connect to natural gas, converting to an energy source with one-third of the

greenhouse gas emissions of electricity from coal

● replace electric storage hot water heater with instant solar hot water

● replace air conditioner with a more efficient inverter unit.

Prior to energy audit:

● Annual energy bill: $2,415 a year

● Annual greenhouse emissions: 18 tonnes a year

Six months later:

● Annual energy bill: $1,800 a year

● Annual greenhouse emissions: 10.2 tonnes a year

One year later:

● Annual energy bill: $2,215 a year

● Annual greenhouse emissions: 14 tonnes a year

Note: Four new staff members employed may account for increase. Energy targets
were not adjusted to account for the new staff.

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You are required to review the results of the staff survey and the energy statistics
Based on your review, develop a short report that outlines:

● Analysis of staff survey results and achievements against targets

● Analysis of energy audit data and achievements against targets

● Recommendations for additional actions that need to be taken based on the

data above.

● Summary of the success of the sustainability policy and procedures based on


● Updates to sustainability policy and procedures to account for recommended


Work into Section 8 of your Portfolio (Part B).

Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 8 of your Portfolio. Submit
to your assessor for review.

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Assessment Task 3: Checklist (Option 1)

Student’s name:

successfully? Comments

Did the student: Yes No

Implement workplace policy for one area

of sustainability within a business or

Consult and communicate with relevant

stakeholders regarding the implementation
and improvement of sustainability policy?

Provide support for the implementation of

a sustainability policy or initiative?

Utilise a recording system to track

continuous improvement, identify trends
and outcomes?

Document implementation outcomes?

Provide implementation support?

Review implementation by:

● responding to trends

● applying continuous improvement


● modifying policy and procedures as


● tracking results?

◻ ◻
Task outcome:
Satisfactory Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:

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BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability | 30

Activities – Option 2 (Your own business)
Option 2 is for students who worked from their own business in Assessment Task 2. If you
completed Assessment Task 2 using the case study business, DO NOT COMPLETE OPTION 2.
You should only complete Option 1. If you are unsure, speak to your assessor. DO NOT

Complete the following activities:

1. Implement your action plan

Now that you have developed policies, procedures and an action plan, it is time to
implement. Put the action plan that you developed in Assessment Task 2 in place
and monitor the results for enough time to track results. Report on the following by
completing Section 5 of your Project Portfolio:

● Were the resources that you identified and sourced adequate to implement the
sustainability initiative/policy?

● What support did you provide to implement the policy?

● How did you track and record sustainability improvements?

● How did you provide feedback to stakeholders?

● How did you document outcomes?

● What trends did you identify?

● What changes did you make to the policy as a result of the implementation?

● What were the sustainability gains as a result of implementation?

Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 5 of your Portfolio (Part B).
Submit to your assessor for review.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence –
review the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 5 of the
Project Portfolio (Part B) and make sure you attach these upon submission.

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Assessment Task 3: Checklist (Option 2)

Student’s name:

successfully? Comments

Did the student: Yes No

Implement workplace policy for one area

of sustainability within a business or

Consult and communicate with relevant

stakeholders regarding the implementation
and improvement of sustainability policy?

Provide support for the implementation of

a sustainability policy or initiative?

Utilise a recording system to track

continuous improvement, identify trends
and outcomes?

Document implementation outcomes?

Provide implementation support?

Review implementation by:

● responding to trends

● applying continuous improvement


● modifying policy and procedures as


● tracking results?

◻ ◻
Task outcome:
Satisfactory Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:

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Final results record

Student name:

Assessor name:


Final assessment results


Task Type Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Did not submit

Assessment Task 1 Knowledge questions S U DNS

Project – Policy
Assessment Task 2 S U DNS

Project – Policy
Assessment Task 3 S U DNS
implementation and review

Overall unit results C NYC


◻ My performance in this unit has been discussed and explained to me.

◻ I would like to appeal this assessment decision.

Student signature: Date:

◻ I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been
carried out according to the required assessment procedures.

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Assessor signature: Date:

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