Look Out! It's Magic! - Text

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One of the best ways of helping
children to learn to read is by
reading stories to them and
with them. This way they
learn what reading ts, and
they will gradually come to recognise many
words, and begin to read for themselves.
First, grown-ups read the story on the left-
hand pages aloud to the child.
You can reread the story as often as the child
enjoys hearing it. Talk about the pictures as
you go.
Later the child is encouraged to read the words
under the pictures on the right-hand page.
The pages at the back of the book will give you
some ideas for helping your child to read.

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

McGullagh, Sheila K.
Look out! It's magic!— (Puddle Lane reading
programme, Stage 1; v.11)
a . Readers —1950-
I. Title I. Morris, Tony _ LIL. Series
ISBN 0-7214-0913-X

First edition
Published by Ladybird Books Ltd Loughborough Leicestershire UK
Ladybird Books inc Lewiston Maine 04240 USA
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in aretrieval
‘System, or transmitted in any form orbyany means, electronic. mechanical, photo-copying,
recording or otherwise, without the prior consent of the copyright owners.
Look out!
It’s magic!
illustrated by TONY MORRIS

This book belongs to:

Ladybird Books
Tim and Tessa Catchamouse
lived in a hole, in the steps of
a very old house.
They lived with their mother.
Her name was Pegs.
Most of the old house was empty,
but a magician lived
on the top floor.
Tim and Tessa
One day, Tim and Tessa went
to see the Magician.
They climbed up a tree
that grew near to the house,
and then they jumped on to the roof.
They looked down
through a window in the roof.
The Magician was sitting
in his chair, reading a book.
Tim and Tessa went
to see the Magician.
The Magician looked up, and saw
Tim and Tessa.
“Come down,” he said.
“I've been waiting for you.
I've something to show you.”
There was a pole leaning
up against the window.
Tim and Tessa
climbed down the pole,
and ran to the Magician.
“Now then,” said the Magician.
“Listen to me. Some of the things
in this room are part of my magic.
If you come to see me,
there are some things
you can touch,
and some things which
you mustn’t touch.”

“I know that,” said Tim.

“So do I,” said Tessa.

Tessa and Tim and
the Magician
There were some cards
on the table.
The Magician picked one up.
“Tm going to wiite ‘No’
on this card,” he said.
“If you see this card propped up
against anything, it means
that you mustn't touch it.
It means:
‘Look out! It’s magic!’”
He pointed to the word
he had written.
“That word is ‘No’,” he said.

“We'll try and remember,”

said Tim.
said the Magician.
The Magician picked up
another card.
He wrote ‘Yes’ on it.
“Look,” said the Magician.
“That word is ‘Yes’.
If you see that word on something,
it means that it is for you.”

“We'll remember that,”

said Tessa.

said the Magician.

“Now, watch very carefully,”
said the Magician.
He picked up two cards.
One was red and one was yellow.
The Magician wrote ‘Yes’
on one card, and he wrote
‘No’ on the other.
He put the cards on the table.
Tim jumped on to the table,
to look at them.
Tim jumped
on to the table.
“Put your paw on the card
that says ‘Yes’,”
said the Magician.
“Red or yellow?”
Tim put his paw
on the red card.
Tim put his paw
on the red card.
There was a flash of red light.
The cards vanished, and
all the bells in the house
started ringing.
Tim jumped off the table
in one big jump, and hid
under the Magician's coat.
. Tim jumped
off the table.
“It’s all right, Tim,”
said the Magician.
“Don't be frightened.”
He snapped his fingers.
The bells stopped ringing.
Tim poked out his head.
“You put your paw on
the ‘No’ card,”
said the Magician.
“Remember: ‘No’ means
‘Look out! It’s magic!’”
“T'll try to remember,” said Tim,
Tim and the Magician
“Now you try, Tessa,”
said the Magician.
“Don’t be frightened,
I won’t let anything hurt you.”
He took two more cards.
One was white and
one was yellow.
He wrote ‘Yes’ on one card,
and ‘No’ on the other.
He put the cards
on the table.
The Magician put
the cards on the table.
Tessa jumped on to the table.
She looked at the cards
for a long time.
Then she put her paw
on the yellow card.
Tessa put her paw
- on the yellow card.
There was a flash of light
and a big bang.
The cards disappeared.
Tessa jumped on to
the Magician’s shoulder
and hid.
Tessa jumped.
“It’s all right, Tessa,”
said the Magician.
“Don't be frightened.
You touched the card
that says ‘No’.
You remember that means,
“Look out! It’s magic!’
We'll try once again.”
He put Tim and Tessa
on the table.
Then he went to a cupboard,
and took out two bowls.
The Magician
put Tim and Tessa
on the table.
He set the bowls
on the table.
“Now, watch very carefully,”
he said.
The Magician took two cards.
One card was red, and
one card was green.
He wrote a word on each card,
and propped one card up
against each bowl.
Tim and Tessa watched him,
“Which card is ‘Yes’?”
asked the Magician.
One card was red.
One card was green.
Tim and Tessa
looked at the cards
for a long time.
At last Tim said,
“I think the green one
isi vest!

“So do I,” said Tessa.

She put her paw
on the green card.

Tessa put her paw
on the green card.
“You're right this time,”
said the Magician.
He snapped his fingers and
all the bells in the house
played a tune.
“Look inside the bowl,” he said.
The two little cats looked in.
The bowl was full of milk.
“That's for you,”
said the Magician.
“The card was: ‘Yes’.”
Tim and Tessa drank
the milk.
It tasted very good.
Tim and Tessa looked.
When Tim and Tessa went home,
they told Pegs all about
the Magician’s cards.
“I wish I could make cards like that,”
said Pegs. “Can you remember
the words?”
“T think so,” said Tessa.

“TI think so,” said Tim.

“You don’t sound very sure,”

said Pegs.
“We'll try very hard to remember,”
said Tim.

Tessa and Tim
and Pegs
Make a simple reading game with the words
‘Yes’ and ‘No’. Take some little boxes (match-
boxes will do) and hide a small object in one of
them. Write ‘No’ labels for all the boxes, except
the one in which the object is hidden, and write
a ‘Yes’ label for that box.
The game can be made more difficult, by
making labels using many of the words from the
stories (e.g. Tim, the, cat and so on) and
putting them on all the boxes except the one
with the ‘yes’ label.
There are many different ways this kind of
game can be played.

Read this to the child:
When Tim and Tessa next
went to see the Magician,
they took some of his cards home.
Pegs found them very useful.
On the next pages, you will see
how she used some of them.


Look at the illustrations, and ask
the child to read the cards. Then ash:
“Why did Pegs put the card on that?”
Notes for the Encourage the child
parent/teacher to read the words
under the illustrations.
Turn back to the Don't rush in with the
beginning, and print word before he/she has
the child’s name in the had time to think, but
Space on the title page, don’t leave him/her
using ordinary, not struggling.
capital letters. Read this story as
Now go through the often as the child likes
book again. Look at hearing it. The more
each picture and talk opportunities he/she
about it. Point to the has of looking at the
caption below, and illustrations and
read tt aloud yourself. reading the captions
with you, the more
Run your finger he/she will come to
along under the words recognise the words.
as you read, so that If you have several
the child learns that books, let the child
reading goes from left choose which story
to right. he/she would like.
Puddle Lane Reading Programme Stage 1
There are several books at this Stage about the
same characters, All the books at each Stage are
Separate stories and are written at the same
reading level.
There are more stories about Tessa and Tim
and the Magician in these books:
Stage 1
1 Tim Catchamouse
2 ‘Tessa and the Magician
? The flying saucer
» Tim turns green

Children should read as many books as possible

at Stage 1 before going onto Stage 2.
Stage 2
1 When the magic stopped
2 Tessa in Puddle Lane

Srom Tessa in
Puddle Lane
An exciting approach to the teaching of reading
designed for parents to use with young children.
If youwould likemore information JTSBN O-?214-05913-X
write to the publishers for a
free leaflet.
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