Test 02

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BPSC English

Group - A 7. “Woman is the earth, air, either, sound; woman is

1. To what subgenre did the Senecan influence give the microcosm of the mind”?
rise, as evidenced in the first English tragedy (a) Raja Rao (b) R.K. Narayan
Gorboduc, or Ferrex and Porrex? (c) Kamala Markandaya (d) Kamala Das
(a) villain tragedy (b) poetic tragedy (e) None/more than one
(c) heroic tragedy (d) revenge tragedy 8. In which of Anita Desai’s novel an insane wife
(e) None/more than one kills her husband?
2. Which of the following was a typically Romantic (a) Voices in The City
means of achieving visionary states? (b) In Custody

(a) opium (b) dreams (c) Cry, The Peacock
(c) childhood (d) a, b and c (d) Baumgartner’s Bombay
(e) None/more than one (e) None/more than one
3. How did one critic sum up Samuel Beckett’s 9. Arrange the following chronologically :
Waiting for Godot?
(a) “nothing happens-twice” Learning App
(b) “political correctness gone mad”
I. Henry VIII II. Hamlet
III. Measure for Measure IV. Macbeth
(c) “kitchen sink drama” (c) I—III—II—IV (d) III—IV—I—II
(d) “better than Cats” (e) None/more than one
(e) None/more than one 10. Match I with II
4. Who coined the phrase ‘Egotistical Sublime’? I II
(a) William Wordsworth a. The Friar 1. Theseus
(b) P.B. Shelley b. The Host 2. Nicholas
(c) S.T. Coleridge c. The Knight’s Tale 3. Herbert
(d) John Keats d. The Miller’s Tale 4. Harry Bailey
(e) None/more than one (a) a-3, b-4, c-2, d-1 (b) a-1, b-4, c-3, d-2
5. Who wrote the poems, “On death” and “Women, (c) a-2, b-3, c-4, d-1 (d) a-3, b-4, c-1, d-2
Wine and Snuff”? (e) None/more than one
(a) John Milton (b) John Keats 11. Match I with II
(c) P.B. Shelley (d) William Wordsworth I II
(e) None/more than one a. Lake Poets 1. Richard Lovelance
6. Which of the following novels ends with the word b. Cavalier Poets 2. Sylvia Plath
“Tomorrow”? c. Metaphysical Poets 3. Robert Southey
(a) God of Small Things d. Confessional Poetry 4. Andrew Marvell
(b) The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Code:
(c) Lady Chatterley’s Lover (a) a-4, b-1, c-3, d-2 (b) a-3, b-1, c-4, d-2
(d) Jude the Obscure (c) a-1, b-3, c-4, d-2 (d) a-3, b-4, c-2, d-1
(e) None/more than one (e) None/more than one
12. “Silverman has never read Browning.” This is an (a) .... grandeur of thought
example of (b) .... use of figures
(a) chiasmus (b) conceit (c) .... dignified elevated and elaborated
(c) zeugma (d) metonymy composition
(e) None/more than one (d) .... noble diction
13. Put the following novels by Charles Dickens in a (e) None/more than one
sequential order with the help of the code: 21. A famous lyric opens with the following line —
1. Great Expectations “Drink to me only with thine eye.”
2. Hard Times Who is the poet who wrote it?
3. Bleak House (a) Shakespeare (b) Ben Jonson
4. A Tale of Two Cities (c) Marlowe (d) John Donne
Code: (e) None/more than one
(a) 3, 2, 4, 1 (b) 2, 4, 3, 1 22. Which of the following plays of Shakespeare is a
(c) 1, 2, 4, 3 (d) 4, 2, 1, 3 tragi-comedy?
(e) None/more than one (a) Romeo and Juliet
14. The expression “murderous innocence” is an (b) Antony and Cleopatra
example of (c) Cymbeline
(a) Oxymoron (b) Zeugma (d) A Midsummer Night’s Dream
(c) Chiasmus (d) Pun (e) None/more than one
(e) None/more than one 23. “Poetry is emotions recollected in tranquillity.”
15. For which book Swift said the following words? Who has defined poetry in these words?

“Good God! What a genius I had when I wrote (a) Shelley (b) Wordsworth
that book!” (c)Coleridge (d) Matthew Arnold
(a) ......... The Battle of the Books (1704) (e) None/more than one
(b) ......... Guliver’s Travels (1726) 24. What is common amongst the following three

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(c) ......... A Tale of a Tub (1704) critical expressions?
(d) ......... Cadenus and Vanessa ‘Objective correlative’
(e) None/more than one ‘Dissociation of sensibilities’
16. Who wrote On the Tragedies of Shakespeare? ‘Unification of sensibility’
(a) ..... Southey (a) All the three come from T.S. Eliot
(b) ..... Hazlitt (b) All the three come from I.A. Richards
(c) ..... Thomas De Quincey (c) All the three come from F.R. Leavis
(d) ..... Charles Lamb (d) All the three come from William Empson
(e) None/more than one (e) None/more than one
17. Who is not the member of Pre-Raphaelite school 25. ‘Dryden found English poetry brick and left it
of artists and poetry? marble’. Who said this?
(a) ..... D.G. Rossetti (b) ..... C.G. Rossetti (a) Dr. Johnson (b) Pope
(c) ..... Walt Whitman (d) ..... Arnold (c) Matthew Arnold (d) Coleridge
(e) None/more than one (e) None/more than one
18. George Bernard Shaw got Nobel Prize in Group - B
(a) ..... 1920 (b) ..... 1924 26. Find correct spelt word :
(c) ..... 1931 (d) ..... 1926 (a) Camoflage (b) Camoflage
(e) None/more than one (c) Camofluage (d) Camouflage
19. Rushdie’s famous work Midnight’s Children got (e) None/more than one
Booker Prize in 27. Find correct spelt word :
(a) .... 1981 (b) .... 1982 (a) hygiene (b) hygene
(c) .... 1983 (d) .... 1984 (c) hygeine (d) hygine
(e) None/more than one (e) None/more than one
20. Which of the following, according to Longinus, 28. Find correct sentence :
is the natural gift of source of the sublimity? (a) He had not come here yet
(b) He had not come here so far (c) miss (d) missed
(c) He has not come here yet (e) None/more than one
(d) He has not come here so far 39. We are fighting ______ poverty.
(e) None/more than one (a) for (b) against
29. Find correct sentence : (c) to (d) from
(a) She is the same girl who abused me Yesterday (e) None/more than one
(b) She was the same girl who abused me 40. Chandan has been cooking food _____ five years.
Yesterday (a) since (b) for
(c) She is the same girl that abused me Yesterday (c) in (d) from
(d) She is the same girl that abuse me Yesterday (e) None/more than one
(e) None/more than one 41. Find similar word :
30. Sonu is a highly qualified boy of my village. GRISLY
(a) Noun (b) Adjective (a) Pleasing (b) Attractive
(c) Adverb (d) Pronoun (c) Atrocious (d) Monstrous
(e) None/more than one (e) None/more than one
31. Anika met me Yesterday. 42. Find similar word :
(a) Adv. of Time (b) Adv. of place BANKRUPT
(c) Adv. of manner (d) Adv. of Frequency (a) Insolvent (b) Wealthy
(e) None/more than one (c) Interpid (d) Bold
32. Find the error. (e) None/more than one
One of my friends are teachers in Patna. 43. I don’t harm anyone. (Change into passive)
(a) One of (b) My friends (a) I can not be harm anyone

(c) in Patna (d) are teachers (b) Anyone was not harmed by me
(e) None/more than one (c) Anyone is not harmed by me
33. He was leaning _________ the wall. (d) No one is harmed by me
(a) against (b) by (e) None/more than one
(c) of
(e) None/more than one Learning App
(d) to

34. My friend left me in lurch Yesterday.

44. Who has done it? (Change into passive voice)
(a) By whom has it been done?
(b) Who has it been done?
(a) to keep confuse (c) By whom it been done?
(b) in difficulty (d) By whom was it done?
(c) to be furious (e) None/more than one
(d) in progress 45. COMMOTION (Choose opposite)
(e) None/more than one (a) Agitation (b) Decay
35. Muskan is under the cloud in her office. (c) Tranquility (d) Noise
(a) to be happy (e) None/more than one
(b) to be confused 46. CORPULENT (Choose opposite)
(c) to be under suspicion (a) Fat (b) Lean
(d) to be under progress (c) Flourish (d) Reveal
(e) None/more than one (e) None/more than one
36. I with my friend _____ ready to meet S.K. Bharti 47. He said to me, “Thank you” (Choose indirect
Sir. speech)
(a) is (b) am (a) He thanked me
(c) are (d) were (b) He told me thank you
(e) None/more than one (c) He thanked you said to me
37. Half of two girls _____ cheater in my class. (d) He requested thank you
(a) were (b) are (e) None/more than one
(c) have been (d) is 48. He said to me, “where do you live”?
(e) None/more than one (a) He told me that where do you live.
38. Run fast lest you _______ your train. (b) He asked me that where did you live.
(a) will miss (b) should miss (c) He asked me where did I live.
(d) He asked me where I lived. 53. According to the paragraph, what was the strategy
(e) None/more than one used to eliminate the spread of small-pox?
49. One which is not in use now. (a) Vaccinaion of the entire village
(a) Primitive (b) Opaque (b) Treatement of individual victims
(c) Obsolete (d) Novice (c) Isolation of victims and mass vaccinations
(e) None/more than one (d) extensive reporting of outbreaks
50. One who walks in sleep. (e) None/more than one
(a) Somniloquist (b) Somnabulist 54. Which statement doesn’s refer to small-pox?
(c) Lethargy (d) Stoic (a) Previous projects had failed
(e) None/more than one (b) People are no longer vaccinated for it
51-55. Read the above passage and give the (c) The World Health Organisation mounted a
answers of following question. worldwide campaign to eradicate the disease.
In May 1966, the world Health Organisation was (d) It was serious threat.
authorised to initiated a global campaign to (e) None/more than one
eradicate smallpox. The goal was to eradicate the 55. It can be inferred that
disease in one decade. Because similar projects (a) no new cases of small-pox have been reported
for malaria and yellow fever had failed, few this year.
belived that smallpox could actually be (b) Malaria and Yellow fever have been
eardicated; but eleven years after the intial eliminated
organisation of the campaing, no cases were (c) small-pox victims no longer die when they
reported in the field. contract the disease.
(d) small-pox is not transmitted from one person

The strategy was not only to provide mass
vaccinations, but also to isolate patients with to another.
active small pox in order to contain the spread of (e) None/more than one
the disease and to break the chain of human Group - C

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tranmission, Rewards for reporting small-pox 56. Who is a parsi (Zoroastrain) ..... by religion?
assisted in motivating the public to aid health (a) Rupert Brooke (b) K.N. Daruwala
workers. One by one, each small-pox victim was (c) W.H. Auden (d) T.S. Eliot
sought out, removed from contact with others and (e) None/more than one
treated. At the same time, the entire village where 57. D.H. Lawrence wishes to talk to the ...........
the victim had lived was vaccinated. (a) snake like a king (b) Lion like a king
Today small-pox is no longer a threat to (c) servant like a hero (d) Dog like a king
humanity. Routine vaccinations have been (e) None/more than one
stopped world-wide. 58. W.H. Auden is a ................ Poet.
51. Which of the following is the best title for the (a) Classical (b) War
passage? (c) Romantic (d) Modern
(a) The World Health Organisation. (e) None/more than one
(b) The Eradication of small-pox. 59. “A pulse in the enternal mind”
(c) Small-pox Vaccinations. Or, “has been taken from ........ by ......... .
(d) Infectious Disease. (a) The Soldier, Rupert Brooke
(e) None/more than one (b) The Daffodils, Wordsworth
52. What was the goal of the campaign against small- (c) Echo, Walter De La Mare
pox? (d) None/more than one
(a) To decrease the spread of smallpox worldwide. 60. Banjy left his school at the age of ........ years old.
(b) To eliminate smallpox worldwide in ten years. (a) 14 (b) 15
(c) To provide mass vaccinations against smallpox (c) 18 (d) 20
worldwide. (e) None/more than one
(d) To initiate worldwide projects for small-pox, 61. The name of Natilia’s dog was
malaria and yellow fever at the same time. (a) Leap (b) Guess
(e) None/more than one (c) Julie (d) Tommy
(e) None/more than one
62. The narrator was the ............ on probation. 73. ........ says that most friendship is feigning and
(a) under secretary (b) typist most loving is morre folly.
(c) Chief secretary (d) Head clerk (a) John Keats (b) Arjuan Dev Charan
(e) None/more than one (c) Shakespeare (d) Nehru
63. The first step in the progress of man was ....... . (e) None/more than one
(a) language begin (b) taming animal 74. The tourist will visit the green jungle of
(c) invention of fire (d) agriculture (a) Punjab (b) Ludhiana
(e) None/more than one (c) Amritsar (d) Barnala
64. What is the colour of Martha’s eyes? (e) None/more than one
(a) grey (b) white 75. ‘On his Blindness’ deals with poet’s
(c) green (d) blue (a) Mental condition (b) suffering
(e) None/more than one (c) though (d) philosophy
65. This article is an adapted version of the lecture (e) None/more than one
delivered by Humayu Kabir in. 76. ‘Where the mind withour Fear’ is written by
(a) Delhi University (b) JNU (a) R.N. Tagore (b) T.S. Eliot
(c) Baroda University (d) Allahabad University (c) Robert Frost (d) William Blake
(e) None/more than one (e) None/more than one
66. Mahadevi Verma was born in. 77. Which book of Gavaskar was released on the eve
(a) 1905 (b) 1906 of the test?
(c) 1907 (d) 1908 (a) Little master (b) Sunny Days
(e) None/more than one (c) Idols (d) Runs’n Ruins
67. And she ........... on its bank. (e) None/more than one

(a) looks (b) cries 78. At what age Roop singh get married?
(c) broods (d) sings (a) at the age of 15
(e) None/more than one (b) at the age of 16
68. What is the poet’s desire? (c) at the age of 20

(b) To enjoy luxury

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(a) To enjoy comfortable conditions

(c) To energy green environment

(d) at the age of 50
(e) None/more than one
79. The extract ‘Animals in Prison’ is taken from
(d) The pleasure of natural objects Nehru’s book .............. .
(e) None/more than one (a) An Autobiography
69. Who exhibits an exceptional flair for touching (b) The Discovery of India
the sensitive issues of the contemporary society? (c) Glimpses of World History
(a) William Cowper (b) Joan Lexau (d) Letters from a Father to his daughter
(c) Walter de la Mare (d) R.C. Hutchinson (e) None/more than one
(e) None/more than one 80. The revenue of ........... Villages had been set part,
70. A poem addressed to a person or thing or in the form of a trust of Nalanda?
celebrating of an event. (a) 1000 (b) 100
(a) Satire (b) Ode (c) 200 (d) 300
(c) Ballad (d) Elegy (e) None/more than one
(e) None/more than one
71. Emperor Aurangzeb banned the playing of fungi
because of its shrill
(a) pleasant sound (b) unpleasant sound
(c) bad sound (d) good sound
(e) None/more than one
72. Every year, in fact, the world’s population grows
by more than
(a) 60 million people (b) 200 million people
(c) 80 million people (d) 100 million people
(e) None/more than one

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