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HTU Course No: HTU Course Name:

40201261 Prototyping
BTEC Unit Code: BTEC UNIT Name:
D/615/1666 Prototyping

Version: 3
Student Name/ID Number/Section
HTU Course Number and Title 40201261 Prototyping
BTEC Unit Code and Title D/615/1666 Prototyping
Academic Year 2023-2024 Spring
Assignment Author Hana' Rashid
Course Tutor Hana' Rashid - Razan AlQuran - Laheeb Alselehat
Build multiple iterations of prototypes for a software
Assignment Title
Assignment Ref No 1
Issue Date 04/04/2024
Formative Assessment dates From 11/04/2024 to 30/05/2024
Submission Date 09/06/2024
IV Name & Date Hazem Arabiyat 03/04/2024
Submission Format
The submission for this assignment is divided into the following deliverables:
1- An individual written Report as word document, written in a formal business style (headings,
content page, paragraphs, subsections and illustrations as appropriate, single spacing & font size 12),
supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system.
2- Low-fidelity, Medium-fidelity, High-fidelity prototypes files.
3- Video as a demonstration on the developed multiple iterations prototype.
4- Signed assessment submission and declaration form attached at the end of the assignment brief.
5- Oral discussion to elaborate your accomplished work.
Unit Learning Outcomes
LO1 Explore forms of prototypes appropriate for various functionality and end user testing requirements.
LO2 Plan a prototype for specific target end users and planned tests.
LO3 Develop multiple iterations of the prototype using appropriate tools.
LO4 Evaluate user feedback and test results from multiple iterations of the prototype and end user testing.
Assignment Brief and Guidance
You are an entrepreneur who has an idea of a software product that provides a service or solves an issue in a field of
your choice (Health care, Education, Government, etc). And you want to participate in a competition to convince
potential investors by showing them a prototype of your product, to be legible for the competition enrolment terms
and conditions, you have to design a wireframe of your product and use it as a base for a low-fidelity prototype,
design a mock-up and use it as a base to a medium-fidelity prototype. At the end you have to design a high-
fidelity prototype; that is so close to your final product. You should prepare a full report that contains core
information about your software product that is going to be developed, your prototyping plan and the impact of
prototypes for your product with the following requirements:
1- Provide a generic description of the product that is being developed.
2- Recognise specific forms of prototyping functionality and end user testing requirements
used in software development. You are asked to review specific forms of prototyping with
the advantages, disadvantages of end-user testing requirements in terms of
appropriateness to different testing outcomes, and usefulness of identified prototyping
forms and their appropriateness of them to meet different testing outcomes. Additionally,
your report should evaluate the standard tools available for use in prototyping by providing
a brief explanation about each tool and how they can be used in identifying and testing user
requirements effectively. (Report)
3- Having completed previous tasks, you will need to review different end user categorizations,
classifications and behavior modelling techniques specific to your prototype Next, your
report should explore a specific end user and an appropriate prototyping methodology to
test with a specific end user from the user population and apply them to select an
appropriate prototyping methodology. You are asked to suggest a plan to use appropriate
prototyping methodology and tools to conduct end-user testing effectively. Now, you will
need to evaluate the impact of common prototyping methodology within the software
development lifecycle. (Report)
4- You are asked to develop multiple iterations of the prototype using appropriate tools, during the
development process of your prototype, you should do the followings:
Explore appropriate tools to develop multiple prototypes.
Employ an appropriate set of tools to develop your plan into a prototype.
Perform end user experiments and examine feedback.
Using end user feedback build a new iteration of your prototype modified using the most
important feedback and enhancements.
Create multiple iterations of your prototype and modify each iteration with enhancements
gathered from user feedback and experimentation. based on the produced plan in the previous task,
using appropriate prototyping methodology and tool by building multiple iterations of a prototype and
modify each iteration with enhancements gathered from user feedback and experimentation as follows:

In two iterations: design a first iteration wireframe and use it as a base for low-fidelity
prototype then collect the feedback from three end-users and build a second iteration
modified using the most important end user feedback and enhancements (Low-fidelity
Prototype and Report)
In two iterations: design a mock-up and use it as a base for medium-fidelity prototype then
collect the feedback from the same three end users in and use them in your next iteration of
your medium-fidelity prototype (Medium-fidelity Protype and Report).
In the last iteration: Design a high- fidelity Prototype that reflects the feedback gathered in the
previous iterations. (High-fidelity Protype and Report).
5- Then you are asked to analyse end-user feedback from multiple iterations of your prototype and
undertake a critical review and compare your final prototype and your test results with your original
plan . (Report)
6- Finally, you are asked to Critically evaluate the overall success of your prototype and discuss your
insight using prototyping. (Report)
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction
P1 Recognise specific
M1 Review specific forms
forms of prototyping
of prototyping and the D1 Evaluate the impact of
LO1 Explore forms of functionality and end user
advantages and common prototyping
prototypes appropriate for testing requirements.
disadvantages of end user methodology within the
various functionality and
testing requirements for software development
end user testing P2 Evaluate standard tools
appropriateness to lifecycle.
requirements. available for use in
different testing outcomes.

P3 Review different end M2 Apply end user

user categorisations, classification and
classifications and behaviour modelling to
behaviour modelling select an appropriate
LO2 Plan a prototype for techniques. prototyping methodology.
specific target end users
and planned tests. P4 Explore a specific end M3 Suggest a plan to use
user and an appropriate appropriate prototyping
prototyping methodology methodology and tools to
to test with this user type. conduct end user testing.

M4 Employ an
appropriate set of tools to
P5 Explore appropriate develop your plan into a D2 Create multiple
tools to develop multiple prototype. iterations of your
prototypes. prototype and modify each
LO3 Develop multiple
M5 Using end user iteration with
iterations of the prototype
P6 Perform end user feedback build a new enhancements gathered
using appropriate tools.
experiments and examine iteration of your prototype from user feedback and
feedback. modified using the most experimentation.
important feedback and

M6 Undertake a critical
LO4 Evaluate user P7 Analyse end use D3 Critically evaluate the
review and compare your
feedback and test results feedback from multiple overall success of your
final prototype and your
from multiple iterations of iterations of your prototype and discuss your
test results with your
the prototype and end user prototype. insight using prototyping.
original plan.

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