Páginas 26 - 31de ECCE Sample Test Booklet - Vol 1005

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This passage is about lobsters. 75. What is the main purpose of the passage?
A. to provide information about rare types of lobsters
American lobsters are marine animals that live in the
B. to compare lobsters with other ocean creatures
waters off the eastern coast of North America. They are
C. to encourage people to eat less lobster
generally dark blue, green, or brown, although some American
D. to educate readers about lobster diseases
lobsters with peculiar coloring have been discovered. One
of the most rare and interesting is the calico lobster. These
76. Where on lobsters does the calico pattern appear?
lobsters have an orange and blue pattern all over, from their
claws to their tails. It is estimated that only about one in thirty A. on the entire body
million lobsters are calico. B. on just one side
C. only on the claws
It is unclear why calico lobsters appear this way. Some
D. under the shell
scientists think it is caused by environmental factors. Others
think it is genetic. One researcher thought he found a clue
when he discovered a white paste under the shell of a calico 77. In the fifth sentence of paragraph 2, what does
lobster. The paste matched the calico pattern on the shell, it refer to?
and it appeared to be a type of bacteria. Bacteria can cause A. shell
illness, and some lobster illnesses cause their shell color to B. disease
change. However, calico lobsters are healthy and live as long C. pattern
as other lobsters. D. paste
Other lobster variations have been found, including blue,
red, and yellow. Even more rare are split-colored lobsters, 78. According to the passage, what does a change in a
which have a different color on each side of the body. The lobster’s color sometimes indicate?
rarest lobsters are albinos, which have no color at all. Some of A. It is old.
these variations are known to be caused by genetic defects, B. It is healthy.
but some are still a mystery. C. It is good to eat.
D. It is sick.
Today, lobsters of all types are at risk. Increasing demand
for lobsters as a luxury food means that conservation efforts,
research, and public education are needed to protect the 79. Based on the information in the second paragraph,
American lobster population. what can be concluded about lobsters’ calico coloring?
A. It is becoming more common.
B. Its cause is not known.
C. It is a sign of disease.
D. It is connected to the lobster’s genetics.

80. How does the author feel about the current status of
American lobsters?
A. American lobsters are not in danger.
B. Additional research on lobster color is important.
C. All American lobsters need protection.
D. Calico lobsters deserve special protection.


This passage is about geography. 81. What is this passage mainly about?
A. what Australia and New Zealand have in common
How many continents are there? Most of us learned in
B. what an area of land is classified as
school that there are seven, or, in some parts of the world, six.
C. how the continents are similar and different
But recently, a new addition has been made to this list.
D. different landmasses that are found underwater
Beneath New Zealand lies an enormous landmass about
two-thirds the size of Australia, called Zealandia. Nearly all of 82. In paragraph 2, why does the author mention
it is submerged underwater. The only parts above water are Australian islands?
New Zealand itself and several Australian islands. Though
A. to explain what part of Zealandia is above water
the islands are legally in Australia, geographically they’re part
B. to compare their size to another continent
of Zealandia.
C. to argue who the rightful owner of Zealandia is
Scientists only came to know the extent of Zealandia’s D. to indicate where a scientific discovery was made
size a couple of decades ago. Since then, they have debated
whether it qualifies as a continent. Recently, a team of 83. What is the purpose of paragraph 4?
scientists examined the data and agreed: the landmass
A. to explain how scientists reached a decision
meets enough conditions to be officially declared the world’s
B. to describe ecological features of Zealandia
eighth continent.
C. to discuss the implications of a study’s results
Imaging technology shows it’s one landmass, not a D. to show what research still needs to be done
collection of islands, and that it is separate from Australia.
The crust of Zealandia is not as thick as most continents are.
84. In the last sentence of paragraph 4, what does
However, the entire landmass is significantly thicker than the It refer to?
surrounding ocean floor. It also appears to have some unique
A. Australia
ecological features—another defining aspect of continents.
B. New Zealand
Zealandia has remained relatively unexplored, but new C. the ocean floor
research projects are shedding light on the area. Samples D. Zealandia
collected show that the region likely has not always been
underwater; for instance, some pollen is present that indicates
85. In the first sentence of the last paragraph, which phrase
above-ground plant life.
is closest in meaning to shedding light?
A. describing findings
B. writing an explanation
C. making brighter
D. increasing knowledge

86. According to the author, what does the pollen found on

Zealandia suggest?
A. Other land that is above water connects
to Zealandia.
B. Zealandia is more capable of supporting life than
C. More of Zealandia used to be above water.
D. Zealandia is older than other land masses
of its size.


A New street signs to be installed in Oakville C READER COMMENTS:

Peter H.
In early June, many existing street signs around the
city will be replaced with new, more visible signs. Tuesday, July 15: 2:43 p.m.
Lights will shine on the signs, making them easier to
read at night. Note that some roads may be briefly I completely disagree with this article. The new signs installed
closed while work is being completed. The work will around town last month are NOT an improvement. Am I really
be done early in the morning when traffic is light to the only one to think that they are awful? They’re ugly, and
minimize inconvenience. not consistent with the look of the other downtown signs in
Oakville. Plus, there’s way too much information on them to be
Dates: June 3–June 14 able to fully interpret them while driving.
Time: 4:30 a.m.–5:30 a.m.
I simply cannot understand why the city would spend so
much money on a project that wasn’t necessary in the first
place. I, for one, found nothing wrong with the previous signs—
they were simple and easy to read, unlike these. Why in the
world would the city feel the need to replace them?

D Elements of Effective Interior

Wayfinding Systems
by Sam Swanson

Many people have

B had the unfortunate
Good sign: Streets easier to navigate experience of getting lost
by Teresa Davis while trying to navigate
an unfamiliar building.
Visitors and new residents have long complained Finding one’s way in an
about how difficult it is to find their way around unknown space does not
Oakville. The city decided to address these need to be so difficult,
complaints and make a serious effort to solve this however. Building
problem. To this end, $85,000 was invested to designers can plan and
develop and implement an improved wayfinding implement wayfinding
system. systems to help people
figure out where they
An extensive study was conducted to determine are going.
where new signs were needed. It also took a look
at which existing signs should be modified. As a There are many ways
result of the study, ten brand-new road signs were to incorporate helpful
installed and twenty-five existing ones replaced. wayfinding elements in the design of a building. For example,
According to a recent poll, the majority of Oakville varying colors or materials could be used to help people
residents approve of the changes. They consider distinguish between different areas, floors, or paths. Also,
the new system to be a significant improvement staircases, elevators, and restrooms could be located in the
over the previous one. same place on each floor to make them easier to find.

Signs and maps can also be used to help people navigate

unfamiliar interiors. To be most effective, all text should be
concise and accompanied with images whenever possible.
Signs should be placed in a way that people of all heights will
be able to read them. Additionally, it is a good idea to include
a “you are here” symbol on all maps to help people orient
themselves. Finally, text and symbols should have a consistent
format and style in all signs throughout the building.

Refer to page 28 when answering the questions below.

The following question refers to section A. The following questions refer to section D.
87. What is the main purpose of section A? 93. What is the main purpose of section D?
A. to warn residents about driving at night A. to describe a type of building
B. to share information with city residents B. to help people who are lost
C. to encourage people to attend an event C. to give directions to a building
D. to discuss the benefits of waking up early D. to explain some helpful design ideas

The following questions refer to section B. 94. In the last sentence of paragraph 1, what does
88. According to the passage, why were city they refer to?
signs replaced? A. building visitors
A. The city had extra money to spend. B. wayfinding systems
B. The previous signs had been too small. C. unknown spaces
C. Some street names had changed. D. building designers
D. Many people didn’t like the previous signs.
95. According to the passage, what would help people
89. In the second sentence of paragraph 2, what does notice differences between areas of a building?
It refer to? A. changing the style of the text on signs
A. a result B. marking spaces with different colors
B. a sign C. putting elevators in several locations
C. a study D. installing a map in each area
D. a system
96. What is the author’s opinion of building
The following questions refer to section C. wayfinding systems?

90. What does the author think about the new signs? A. They should only use maps.
B. They are difficult to use.
A. There are too many of them.
C. They can help many people.
B. They are not easy to find.
D. They are easy to create.
C. They are worse than the old signs.
D. They look the same as the old signs.
The following questions refer to two or more sections.

91. According to the passage, who replaced the signs? 97. Based on the information in the passages, what can
probably be said about Peter H.?
A. Oakville residents
B. the city A. His opinion is different than most of his neighbors’.
C. Peter H. B. He has not lived in Oakville very long.
D. local businesses C. He has experience working in graphic design.
D. He donated money to improve signs in Oakville.
92. In the last sentence of paragraph 1, which word could
best replace interpret? 98. How does section D differ from the other sections?

A. believe A. It is written for Oakville residents.

B. explain B. It is about signs inside buildings.
C. see C. It mentions a specific project.
D. understand D. It discusses the cost of a system.


Pine Nature Center Camp
Looking for a way to keep Dear parents:
your children outside in Your child’s camp session is just around the corner! Your child
nature during the school is enrolled in the Little Explorers group. The group will enjoy
break? Join us for one of nature walks around the park, play time in our forest play area,
our day camps. Students and learning activities that will teach children about preserving
will enjoy taking nature the environment.
walks through the park, Along with this letter, I’ve included a list of reading
working on team projects, recommendations to help your child make the most of this camp
and learning about the experience. You can check out these books from our nature center
environment. library.
You can find more information, including camp schedules and
Little Explorers
suggestions for what children should wear each day, on our
Ages 3-5
website. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any other
June 5-9
questions. We’re excited to welcome you soon!
Busy Bees Best regards,
Ages 6-8 Nina Wilson
June 12-16 Camp Education Director

Trail Trackers
Ages 9-11
June 19-23 D Parent of Today Magazine

Past staff

Upcoming programs
Hi all, By Jen George

It’s that time again! We have a full schedule of The school year is almost over! With the arrival of a long break
events planned at the nature center! from school, parents will be looking for activities to occupy
their children. Finding the right educational opportunities for
Like last year, we have several camp sessions
kids can be a challenge—sometimes even the best of us rely
planned at the nature center for ages 3-11.
too much on the games and videos on electronic devices.
We’re looking forward to a great program that
motivates children to spend time learning about Of course, many software programs can be beneficial to
the environment. children’s education. However, research shows that too much
We’ve also added a nature program for adults screen time can slow children’s progress, while spending time
aged 60+ that starts June 25. This group will in nature can significantly benefit children’s development. It’s
enjoy taking weekly walks through the nature important not to let time with electronic devices take away
center’s beautiful trails and learning about time from outdoor experiences.
environmental issues that affect our community.
Being out in nature stimulates children’s learning processes.
Finally, we’re again offering several musical It allows them to be creative with materials such as sticks, soil,
events in our outdoor concert area. and water. When children play outside together, they learn to
solve problems cooperatively as they explore the materials
Let me know if you’d like to help with any of
around them. Materials in an outdoor environment are usually
these programs this season!
less controlled, so children learn to think creatively as they use
Regards, them in many different ways.
Fred Brown, Events Coordinator
Pine Nature Center This break is the perfect time to take advantage of outdoor
activities. Let’s make sure our children have plenty of
opportunities to learn outside!

Refer to page 30 when answering the questions below.

The following questions refer to section A. The following questions refer to section D.
99. What is the main purpose of section A? 105. What is section D mostly about?
A. to describe a new nature center for children A. the effects of nature on children’s development
B. to advertise children’s outdoor activities B. outdoor materials children can use in the classroom
C. to explain the benefits of playing outdoors C. a software program that benefits children’s learning
D. to suggest that children care for the environment D. where to find outdoor activities for children

100. How are children grouped in the sessions? 106. In the second sentence of paragraph 1, what does
A. according to their learning style occupy mean?
B. according to their interests A. expect
C. according to how old they are B. involve
D. according to when they register C. address
D. recommend
The following questions refer to section B.
101. In the second sentence of paragraph 2, what does 107. What does the author suggest about playing inside
motivates mean? rather than outside?

A. proposes A. It provides fewer opportunities to be creative.

B. organizes B. It can be difficult to organize children inside.
C. encourages C. It is usually safer than playing outdoors.
D. suggests D. It is preferred by most school children.

102. What is new at the nature center this year? 108. What example does the article give of how playing
outdoors benefits social development?
A. a program for older adults
B. newly created nature trails A. Children are introduced to more new people.
C. an outdoor concert program B. Children learn to find solutions in groups.
D. an activity for school children C. Children improve their moods by being active.
D. Children have opportunities to learn new games.
The following questions refer to section C.
The following questions refer to two or more sections.
103. What is the main purpose of section C?
109. Which sections were produced by the same
A. to promote a summer camp
B. to give details about a program
A. A, B, C
C. to describe a summer camp’s history
B. A, B, D
D. to provide information about a library program
C. A, C, D
D. B, C, D
104. What other information did Nina Wilson send with the
110. How does the organization in section A promote ideas
A. a daily schedule
from section D?
B. a registration form
A. It offers classes that teach parenting skills.
C. book suggestions
B. It produces new technologies that improve learning.
D. clothing recommendations
C. It provides opportunities for children to play
D. It organizes conferences on caring for the

End of the test 31

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