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ISE International Business: Competing

in the Global Marketplace 13th Edition

Charles Hill
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International Business - Competing in the Global

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International Page i

Competing in the Global Marketplace


Charles W.L. Hill

Page ii


Published by McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. Copyright © 2021 by McGraw-Hill
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ISBN 978-1-260-57586-6
MHID 1-260-57586-1

Cover Image: Buslik/Shutterstock

All credits appearing on page or at the end of the book are considered to be an extension of the copyright page.
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Page iii

For my children, Elizabeth,

Charlotte, and Michelle
—Charles W. L. Hill
Page iv

about the AUTHOR

Charles W. L. Hill
University of Washington

Charles W. L. Hill is the Hughes M. and Katherine Blake Professor of Strategy and International Business in the Foster
School of Business at the University of Washington. Professor Hill has taught in the Management, MBA, Executive
MBA, Technology Management MBA, and PhD programs at the University of Washington. During his time at the
University of Washington, he has received over 25 awards for teaching excellence, including the Charles E. Summer
Outstanding Teaching Award.
A native of the United Kingdom, Professor Hill received his PhD from the University of Manchester, UK. In
addition to the University of Washington, he has served on the faculties of the University of Manchester, Texas A&M
University, and Michigan State University.
Professor Hill has published over 50 articles in top academic journals, including the Academy of Management
Journal, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, and Organization Science. Professor Hill has
also published several textbooks, including International Business (McGraw-Hill) and Global Business Today (McGraw-
Hill). His work is among the most widely cited in international business and strategic management.
Professor Hill works on a private basis with a number of organizations. His clients have included Microsoft, where
he taught in-house executive education courses for two decades. He has also consulted for a variety of other large
companies (e.g., AT&T Wireless, Boeing, BF Goodrich, Group Health, Hexcel, Philips Healthcare, Philips Medical
Systems, Seattle City Light, Swedish Health Services, Tacoma City Light, Thompson Financial Services, WRQ, and
Wizards of the Coast). Additionally, Dr. Hill has served on the advisory board of several start-up companies.
For recreation, Professor Hill enjoys skiing and competitive sailing!
Page v

part one Introduction and Overview
Chapter 1 Globalization 2

part two National Differences

Chapter 2 National Differences in Political, Economic, and Legal Systems 38
Chapter 3 National Differences in Economic Development 62
Chapter 4 Differences in Culture 92
Chapter 5 Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Sustainability 132

part three The Global Trade and Investment Environment

Chapter 6 International Trade Theory 164
Chapter 7 Government Policy and International Trade 200
Chapter 8 Foreign Direct Investment 230
Chapter 9 Regional Economic Integration 260

part four The Global Monetary System

Chapter 10 The Foreign Exchange Market 294
Chapter 11 The International Monetary System 320
Chapter 12 The Global Capital Market 348

part five The Strategy and Structure of International Business

Chapter 13 The Strategy of International Business 370
Chapter 14 The Organization of International Business 402
Chapter 15 Entering Developed and Emerging Markets 440

part six International Business Functions

Chapter 16 Exporting, Importing, and Countertrade 470
Chapter 17 Global Production and Supply Chain Management 498
Chapter 18 Global Marketing and Business Analytics 528
Chapter 19 Global Human Resource Management 566
Chapter 20 Accounting and Finance in International Business 596
Page vi
part seven Integrative Cases
Globalization of BMW, Rolls-Royce, and the MINI 625
The Decline of Zimbabwe 627
Economic Development in Bangladesh 629
The Swatch Group and Cultural Uniqueness 630
Woolworths’ Corporate Responsibility Strategy 632
The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Is Dead: Long Live the CPTPP! 634
Boeing and Airbus Are in a Dogfight over Illegal Subsidies 636
FDI in the Indian Retail Sector 637
Free Trade in Africa 639
The Mexican Peso, the Japanese Yen, and Pokémon Go 641
Egypt and the IMF 642
Alibaba’s Record-Setting IPO 643
Sony Corporation: Still a Leader Globally? 644
Organizational Architecture at P&G 646
Cutco Corporation—Sharpening Your Market Entry 647
Tata Motors and Exporting 649
Alibaba and Global Supply Chains 650
Best Buy Doing a Turnaround Again 651
Sodexo: Building a Diverse Global Workforce 653
Tesla, Inc.—Subsidizing Tesla Automobiles Globally 654

Glossary 656
Indexes 666
Page vii


It is now more than a quarter of a century since work began on the first edition of International Business: Competing in
the Global Marketplace. By the third edition the book was the most widely used international business text in the world.
Since then its market share has only increased. The success of the book can be attributed to a number of unique features.
Specifically, for the thirteenth edition we have developed a learning program that
• Is comprehensive, state of the art, and timely.
• Is theoretically sound and practically relevant.
• Focuses on applications of international business concepts.
• Tightly integrates the chapter topics throughout.
• Is fully integrated with results-driven technology.
• Takes full and integrative advantage of globalEDGE.—the Google-ranked #1 web resource for “international business resources.”
International Business, now in its thirteenth edition, authored by Charles W. L. Hill, is a comprehensive
and case-oriented version of our text that lends itself to the core course in international business for those courses that
want a deeper focus on the global monetary system, structure of international business, international accounting, and
international finance. We cover more and integrated cases in International Business 13e and we provide a deeper
treatment of the global capital market, the organization of an international business, international accounting, and
international finance–topics that are allocated chapters in International Business 13e but are not attended to in the shorter
treatment of IB in Global Business Today 11e.
Like our shorter text, Global Business Today 11e (2019), International Business 13e focuses on being current,
relevant, application rich, accessible, and student focused. Our goal has always been to cover macro and micro issues
equally and in a relevant, practical, accessible, and student focused approach. We believe that anything short of such a
breadth and depth of coverage is a serious deficiency. Many of the students in these international business courses will
soon be working in global businesses, and they will be expected to understand the implications of international business
for their organization’s strategy, structure, and functions in the context of the global marketplace. We are proud and
delighted to have put together this international business learning experience for the leaders of tomorrow.
Over the years, and through now 13 editions,
Dr. Charles Hill has worked hard to adhere to these goals. Since Global Business Today 9e (2015), and International
Business 11e (2017), Charles has been guided not only by his own reading, teaching, and research but also by the
invaluable feedback he receives from professors and students around the world, from reviewers, and from the editorial
staff at McGraw-Hill Education. His thanks goes out to all of them.


To be relevant and comprehensive, an international business package must
• Explain how and why the world’s cultures, countries, and regions differ.
• Cover economics and politics of international trade and investment.
• Tackle international issues related to ethics, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability.
• Explain the functions and form of the global monetary system.
• Examine the strategies and structures of international businesses.
• Assess the special roles of the various functions of an international business.
Relevance and comprehensiveness also require coverage of the major theories. It has always been a goal to incorporate
the insights gleaned from recent academic scholarship into the book. Consistent with this goal, insights from the
following research, as a sample of theoretical streams used in the book, have been incorporated: Page viii
• New trade theory and strategic trade policy.
• The work of Nobel Prize–winning economist Amartya Sen on economic development.
• Samuel Huntington’s influential thesis on the “clash of civilizations.”
• Growth theory of economic development championed by Paul Romer and Gene Grossman.
• Empirical work by Jeffrey Sachs and others on the relationship between international trade and economic
• Michael Porter’s theory of the competitive advantage of nations.
• Robert Reich’s work on national competitive advantage.
• The work of Nobel Prize–winner Douglass North and others on national institutional structures and the
protection of property rights.
• The market imperfections approach to foreign direct investment that has grown out of Ronald Coase and Oliver
Williamson’s work on transaction cost economics.
• Bartlett and Ghoshal’s research on the transnational corporation.
• The writings of C. K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel on core competencies, global competition, and global strategic
• Insights for international business strategy that can be derived from the resource-based view of the firm and
complementary theories.
• Paul Samuelson’s critique of free trade theory.
• Conceptual and empirical work on global supply chain management—logistics, purchasing (sourcing),
operations, and marketing channels.
In addition to including leading-edge theory, in light of the fast-changing nature of the international business
environment, we have made every effort to ensure that this product is as up-to-date as possible. A significant amount has
happened in the world since we began revisions of this book. By 2019, almost $4 trillion per day were flowing across
national borders. The size of such flows fueled concern about the ability of short-term speculative shifts in global capital
markets to destabilize the world economy.
The world continued to become more global. As you can see in Chapter 1 on Globalization, trade across country
borders has almost exponentially escalated in the last few years. Several Asian economies, most notably China and India,
continued to grow their economies at a rapid rate. New multinationals continued to emerge from developing nations in
addition to the world’s established industrial powers.
Increasingly, the globalization of the world economy affected a wide range of firms of all sizes, from the very large
to the very small. We take great pride in covering international business for small- and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs), as well as larger multinational corporations. We also take great pride in covering firms from all around the
world. Some sixty SMEs and multinational corporations from all six core continents are covered in the chapters’ opening
cases, closing cases, and/or Management Focus boxes.
And unfortunately, global terrorism and the attendant geopolitical risks keep emerging in various places globally,
many new and inconceivable just a decade ago. These represent a threat to global economic integration and activity.
Plus, with the United Kingdom opting to leave the European Union (Brexit), which has implications past 2019, the
election of President Donald Trump in the United States (who espouses views on international trade that break with the
long established consensus), and several elections around the world, the globe—in many ways—has paid more attention
to nationalistic issues over trade. These topics and many more are integrated into this text for maximum learning

What’s New in the 13th Edition

The success of the first twelve editions of International Business was based in part on the incorporation of leading-edge
research into the text, the use of the up-to-date examples and statistics to illustrate global trends and enterprise strategy,
and the discussion of current events within the context of the appropriate theory. Building on these strengths, our goals
for the twelfth edition have focused on the following:
1. Incorporate new insights from scholarly research.
2. Make sure the content covers all appropriate issues.
3. Make sure the text is up-to-date with current events, statistics, and examples.
4. Add new and insightful opening and closing cases in most chapters.
5. Incorporate value-added globalEDGETM features in every chapter.
6. Connect every chapter to a focus on managerial implications.
7. Provide 20 new integrated cases that can be used as additional cases for specific chapters but, more importantly,
as learning vehicles across multiple chapters.
As part of the overall revision process, changes have been made to every chapter in the book. All statistics have Page ix
been updated to incorporate the most recently available data. As before, we are the only text in International
Business that ensures that all material is up-to-date on virtually a daily basis. The copyright for the book is 2021 but you
are likely using the text in 2020, 2021, or 2022–we keep it updated to each semester you use the text in your course! We
are able to do this by integrating globalEDGE features in every chapter. Specifically, the Google number-one-ranked site (for “international business resources”) is used in each chapter to add value to the chapter
material and provide up-to-date data and information. This keeps chapter material constantly and dynamically updated
for teachers who want to infuse globalEDGE material into the chapter topics, and it keeps students abreast of current
developments in international business.
In addition to updating all statistics, figures, and maps to incorporate most recently published data, a chapter-by-
chapter selection of changes for the 13th edition include the following:

Chapter 1: Globalization
• New opening case: How the iPhone is made: Apple’s Global Production System
• Updated statistics and figures to incorporate the most recent data on global trade flows and foreign direct
• Discussion of the implications of recent political trends (Brexit and the Trump Presidency) and what this might
mean for cross border trade and investment
• New closing case: General Motors in China

Chapter 2: National Differences In Political, Economic, and Legal Systems

• New opening case: Kenya: An African Lion
• Updated data on corruption
• New closing case: Transformation in Saudi Arabia

Chapter 3: National Differences In Economic Development

• New opening case: Poland: Eastern Europe’s Economic Miracle
• Updated maps, figures, and in-text statistics to reflect most recently available data
• Addition of demographic trends to the discussion of Political Economy and Economic Progress
• Updated discussion of the spread of democracy to reflect recent countertrends toward greater authoritarianism in
several nations (e.g., Turkey)
• New closing case: Brazil’s Struggling Economy

Chapter 4: Differences In Culture

• New opening case: Singapore: One of the World’s Most Multicultural Places
• Inclusion of a discussion of patience across cultures
• Revised the foundation that most religions are now pro-business
• New Country Focus: Determining Your Social Class by Birth
• New Country Focus: Turkey, Its Religion, and Politics
• New closing case: China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan

Chapter 5: Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Sustainability

• New opening case: Ericsson, Sweden, and Sustainability
• Deepened focus related to United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals
• Core focus on ethics as a lead-in to corporate social responsibility and sustainability issues (e.g., UN’s
Sustainable Development Goals).
• New closing case: Sustainability Initiatives at Natura, the Bodyshop, and Aesop

Chapter 6: International Trade Theory

• New opening case: A Tale of Two Nations: Ghana and South Korea
• Updated Country Focus on China and currency manipulation
• Reference to Donal Trump’s trade policies under section on mercantilism
• New closing case: Trade Wars are Good and Easy to Win
• Updated balance of payments data in the Appendix to reflect 2018 data
Chapter 7: Government Policy and International Trade
• New opening case: American Steel Tariffs
• Updated discussion of the world trading system to reflect recent developments, including Brexit and the trade
policies of President Trump Page x
• New closing case: The United States and South Korea Strike a Revised Trade Deal

Chapter 8: Foreign Direct Investment

• New opening case: Starbuck’s Foreign Direct Investment
• Updated statistics and figures on foreign direct investment in the world economy to incorporate the most recently
available data
• New Management Focus: Burberry Shifts its Entry Strategy in Japan
• New closing case: Geely Goes Global

Chapter 9: Regional Economic Integration

• New opening case: The Cost of Brexit
• Updated discussion of Brexit
• Added discussion of the renegotiation of NAFTA by the Trump administration and the details of the United
States–Canada–Mexico Agreement (USCMA)
• Additional discussion of new free trade deals in Africa
• Closing case: NAFTA 2.0: The USCMA

Chapter 10: The Foreign Exchange Market

• New opening case: Managing Foreign Currency Exposure at 3M
• Updated data throughout the chapter to reflect currency exchange rates in 2019.
• New closing case: The Fluctuating Value of the Yuan Gives Chinese Business a Lesson in Foreign Exchange

Chapter 11: The International Monetary System

• New opening case: Pakistan Takes Another IMF Loan
• Updated data and discussion of the floating exchange rate regime through till 2019
• New Country Focus: China’s Exchange Rate Regime
• New closing case: Can Dollarization Save Venezuela?

Chapter 12: The Global Capital Market

• New opening case: Chinese IPOs in the United States
• Updated statistics and discussion to reflect most recently available data
• New closing case: Saudi Aramco

Chapter 13: The Strategy of International Business

• New opening case: International Strategy in the Sharing Economy
• Inclusion of materials on the “sharing economy” related to strategy, including a discussion of Airbnb, Uber,
Lyft, and Turo
• New Management Focus: IKEA’s Global Strategy
• New Management Focus: Unilever’s Global Organization
• New closing case: Red Bull, A Leader in International Strategy

Chapter 14: The Organization of International Business

• New opening case: Bird, Lime, and Organizing Globally
• Integration of new materials on the “sharing economy” related to organizations, including a discussion of Bird
and Lime
• Deeper focus on small, medium, and sharing economy organizations
• New closing case: Walmart International

Chapter 15: Entering Developed and Emerging Markets

• New opening case: Volkswagen, Toyota, and GM in China
• New scope of the chapter to include entering developed and emerging markets
• Inclusion of a discussion of less developed markets and base-of-the-pyramid
• New closing case: IKEA Entering India, Finally!

Chapter 16: Exporting, Importing, and Countertrade

• New opening case: Higher Education in the U.S. Is about Exporting and International Competitiveness
• Revised material on globalEDGETM Diagnostic Tools
• New Management Focus: Embraer and Brazilian Importing
• New Management Focus: Exporting Desserts by a Hispanic Entrepreneur Page xi
• New Management Focus: Two Men and a Truck
• New closing case: Spotify and SoundCloud

Chapter 17: Global Production and Supply Chain Management

• New opening case: Blockchain Technology and Global Supply Chains
• New material on blockchain technology
• New Management Focus: IKEA Production in China
• New Management Focus: Amazon’s Global Supply Chains
• New closing case: Procter & Gamble Remakes Its Global Supply Chains

Chapter 18: Global Marketing and Business Analytics

• New chapter title to signal significant new material on Business Analytics
• New opening case: Marketing Sneakers
• New section on Business Analytics
• Revised section: International Marketing Research
• Inclusion of more social media topics throughout
• New Management Focus: Global Branding, Marvel Studios, and Walt Disney Company
• New Management Focus: Burberry’s Social Media Marketing
• New closing case: Fake News and Alternative Facts

Chapter 19: Global Human Resource Management

• New opening case: Evolution of the Kraft Heinz Company
• New section: Building a Diverse Global Workforce
• New Management Focus: AstraZeneca and Global Staffing Policy
• New closing case: Global Mobility at Shell

Chapter 20: Accounting and Finance in the International Business

• New opening case: Pfizer, Novartis, Bayer, and GlaxoSmithKline
• New material on the U.S. corporate tax rate and implications
• New Management Focus: Microsoft and Its Foreign Cash Holdings
• New closing case: Shoprite—Financial Success of a Food Retailer in Africa

Integrated Cases
All of the 20 integrated cases are new for International Business 13e. Many of these cases build on previous opening and
closing chapter cases that have been revised, updated, and oftentimes adopted a new angle or focus. A unique feature of
the opening and closing cases for the chapters as well as the integrated cases at the back-end of the text is that we cover
all continents of the world and we do so with regional or country issues and large, medium, and small company
scenarios. This makes the 60 total cases we have included in International Business 13e remarkably wealthy as a
learning program.
• Globalization of BMW, Rolls-Royce, and the MINI
• The Decline of Zimbabwe
• Economic Development in Bangladesh
• The Swatch Group and Cultural Uniqueness
• Woolworths’ Corporate Responsibility Strategy
• The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) is Dead: Long Live the CTPP!
• Boeing and Airbus Are in a Dogfight over Illegal Subsidies
• FDI in the Indian Retail Sector
• Free Trade in Africa
• The Mexican Peso, the Japanese Yen, and Pokemon Go
• Egypt and the IMF
• Alibaba’s Record-Setting IPO
• Sony Corporation: Still a Leader Globally?
• Organizational Architecture at P&G
• Cutco Corporation--Sharpening Your Market Entry
• Tata Motors and Exporting
• Alibaba and Global Supply Chains
• Best Buy Doing a Turnaround Again
• Sodexo: Building a Diverse Global Workforce
• Tesla, Inc.--Subsidizing Tesla Automobiles Globally


Many issues in international business are complex and thus necessitate considerations of pros and cons. To demonstrate
this to students, we have adopted a critical approach that presents the arguments for and against economic Page xii
theories, government policies, business strategies, organizational structures, and so on.
Related to this, we have attempted to explain the complexities of the many theories and phenomena unique to
international business so the student might fully comprehend the statements of a theory or the reasons a phenomenon is
the way it is. We believe that these theories and phenomena are explained in more depth in this work than they are in the
competition, which seem to use the rationale that a shallow explanation is little better than no explanation. In
international business, a little knowledge is indeed a dangerous thing.


We have always believed that it is important to show students how the material covered in the text is relevant to the
actual practice of international business. This is explicit in the later chapters of the book, which focus on the practice of
international business, but it is not always obvious in the first half of the book, which considers macro topics.
Accordingly, at the end of each chapter in Parts Two, Three, and Four—where the focus is on the environment of
international business, as opposed to particular firms—there is a section titled Focus on Managerial Implications. In
this section, the managerial implications of the material discussed in the chapter are clearly explained. Additionally, most
chapters have at least one Management Focus box. The purpose of these boxes is to illustrate the relevance of chapter
material for the practice of international business.
A Did You Know? feature challenges students to view the world around them through the lens of international
business (e.g., Did you know that sugar prices in the United States are much higher than sugar prices in the rest of the
world?). The author recorded short videos explaining the phenomenon.
In addition, each chapter begins with an opening case that sets the stage for the chapter and ends with a closing
case that illustrates the relevance of chapter material for the practice of international business.
To help students go a step further in expanding their application-level understanding of international business, each
chapter incorporates two globalEDGETM research tasks. The exercises dovetail with the content just covered.


A weakness of many texts is that they lack a tight, integrated flow of topics from chapter to chapter. This book explains
to students in Chapter 1 how the book’s topics are related to each other. Integration has been achieved by organizing the
material so that each chapter builds on the material of the previous ones in a logical fashion.
Part One

Chapter 1 provides an overview of the key issues to be addressed and explains the plan of the book. Globalization of
markets and globalization of production is the core focus.

Part Two
Chapters 2 through 4 focus on country differences in political economy and culture, and Chapter 5 on ethics, corporate
social responsibility, and sustainability issues in international business. Most international business textbooks place this
material at a later point, but we believe it is vital to discuss national differences first. After all, many of the central issues
in international trade and investment, the global monetary system, international business strategy and structure, and
international business functions arise out of national differences in political economy and culture.

Part Three
Chapters 6 through 9 investigate the political economy of global trade and investment. The purpose of this part is to
describe and explain the trade and investment environment in which international business occurs.

Part Four
Chapters 10 and 11 describe and explain the global monetary system, laying out in detail the monetary framework in
which international business transactions are conducted.

Part Five
In Chapters 12 and 13, attention shifts from the environment to the firm. In other words, we move from a macro focus to
a micro focus at this stage of the book. We examine strategies that firms adopt to compete effectively in the international
business environment.

Part Six
In Chapters 14 through 17, the focus narrows further to investigate business functions and related operations. These
chap t er s expl ain how f ir ms can per f ormthei r key f uncti ons —expor ti ng, importing, and counter tr ade; gl obal produ ct i on;
global supply chain management; global marketing; global research and development (R&D); human resource
management—to compete and succeed in the international business environment.
Throughout the book, the relationship of new material to topics discussed in earlier chapters is pointed out to the
students to reinforce their understanding of how the material comprises an integrated whole. We deliberately Page xiii
bring a management focus to the macro chapters (Chapters 1 through 12). We also integrate macro themes in
covering the micro chapters (Chapters 13 through 20).


The international business arena is fascinating and exciting, and we have tried to communicate our enthusiasm for it to
the student. Learning is easier and better if the subject matter is communicated in an interesting, informative, and
accessible manner. One technique we have used to achieve this is weaving interesting anecdotes into the narrative of the
text, that is, stories that illustrate theory.
Most chapters also have a Country Focus box that provides background on the political, economic, social, or
cultural aspects of countries grappling with an international business issue.

Numerous people deserve to be thanked for their assistance in preparing this book. First, thank you to all the people at
McGraw-Hill Education who have worked with us on this project:

Peter Jurmu, Portfolio Manager

Haley Burmeister, Product Developer
Nicole Young, Senior Marketing Manager
Julia Blankenship, Marketing Coordinator
Harvey Yep, Content Project Manager (Core)
Keri Johnson, Content Project Manager (Assessment)
Sandy Ludovissy, Senior Buyer
Egzon Shaqiri, Designer
Carrie Burger, Content Licensing Specialist

Second, our thanks go to the reviewers who provided good feedback that helped shape this book:

Yimai Lewis, Georgia State University

Long S. Le, Santa Clara University
Clare R. Greenlaw, Jr., Southern New Hampshire University – COCE
Richard Ajayi, University of Central Florida
Hussain Ahmad, Hofstra University
Erica Kovacs, Indiana University
Marta Szabo White, Georgia State University
C. Jayachandran, Montclair State University, NJ
T.S. Gardner, UNC Wilmington
Marcel Zondag, Western Michigan University
Mamoun Benmamoun, Saint Louis University
Manveer Mann, Montclair State University
Jose Luis Daniel, Saint Xavier University
Walter C. van Hoof, San Jose State University,
San Jose, CA
Riikka M. Sarala, UNC Greensboro
Samuel Okoroafo, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio
Pamela S. Evers, University of North Carolina Wilmington

A special thanks to David Closs and David Frayer for allowing us to borrow elements of the sections on Strategic Roles
for Production Facilities; Make-or-Buy Decisions; Global Supply Chain Functions; Coordination in Global Supply
Chains; and Interorganizational Relationships for Chapter 15 of this text from Tomas Hult, David Closs, and David
Frayer (2014), Global Supply Chain Management, New York: McGraw-Hill.
Page ivx
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Page xvi


part one
Introduction and Overview
Globalization 2
Opening Case
How the iPhone Is Made: Apple’s Global Production System 3
Introduction 4
What Is Globalization? 6
The Globalization of Markets 6
The Globalization of Production 7
Management Focus
Boeing’s Global Production System 8
The Emergence of Global Institutions 9
Drivers of Globalization 11
Declining Trade and Investment Barriers 11
Role of Technological Change 13
The Changing Demographics of the Global Economy 15
The Changing World Output and World Trade Picture 15
Country Focus
India’s Software Sector 17
The Changing Foreign Direct Investment Picture 17
The Changing Nature of the Multinational Enterprise 19
Management Focus
The Dalian Wanda Group 20
The Changing World Order 21
Global Economy of the Twenty-First Century 22
The Globalization Debate 22
Antiglobalization Protests 23
Country Focus
Protesting Globalization in France 24
Globalization, Jobs, and Income 24
Globalization, Labor Policies, and the Environment 26
Globalization and National Sovereignty 28
Globalization and the World’s Poor 29
Managing in the Global Marketplace 31
Key Terms 33
Summary 33
Critical Thinking and Discussion Questions 34
Research Task 34
Closing Case
General Motors in China 35
Endnotes 36
part two
National Differences
National Differences in Political, Economic, and Legal Systems 38
Opening Case
Kenya: An African Lion 39
Introduction 40
Political Systems 41
Collectivism and Individualism 41
Democracy and Totalitarianism 43
Country Focus
Putin’s Russia 44
Economic Systems 46
Market Economy 46
Command Economy 47
Mixed Economy 48
Legal Systems 49
Different Legal Systems 49
Differences in Contract Law 50
Property Rights and Corruption 51
Country Focus
Corruption in Brazil 53
Management Focus
Did Walmart Violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act? 54
The Protection of Intellectual Property 55
Management Focus
Starbucks Wins Key Trademark Case in China 56
Product Safety and Product Liability 57
Focus on Managerial Implications: The Macro Environment Influences Market Attractiveness 57
Key Terms 58 Page xvii

Summary 58
Critical Thinking and Discussion Questions 59
Research Task 59
Closing Case
Transformation in Saudi Arabia 59
Endnotes 61

National Differences in Economic Development 62
Opening Case
Poland: Eastern Europe’s Economic Miracle 63
Introduction 64
Differences in Economic Development 64
Map 3.1 GNI per Capita, 2018 65
Map 3.2 GNI PPP per Capita, 2018 66
Map 3.3 Average Annual Growth Rate in GDP (%), 2009–2018 67
Broader Conceptions of Development: Amartya Sen 68
Map 3.4 Human Development Index, 2017 69
Political Economy and Economic Progress 69
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Are the Engines of Growth 69
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Require a Market Economy 70
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Require Strong Property Rights 70
The Required Political System 71
Economic Progress Begets Democracy 71
Country Focus
Property Rights in China 72
Geography, Education, and Economic Development 72
States in Transition 74
The Spread of Democracy 74
Map 3.5 Freedom in the World, 2019 74
The New World Order and Global Terrorism 76
The Spread of Market-Based Systems 77
Map 3.6 Index of Economic Freedom, 2019 79
The Nature of Economic Transformation 79
Deregulation 79
Country Focus
India’s Economic Transformation 80
Privatization 81
Legal Systems 81
Implications of Changing Political Economy 82
Focus on Managerial Implications: Benefits, Costs, Risks, and Overall Attractiveness of Doing Business Internationally 83
Key Terms 87
Summary 87
Critical Thinking and Discussion Questions 87
Research Task 88
Closing Case
Brazil’s Struggling Economy 88
Endnotes 90

Differences in Culture 92
Opening Case
Singapore: One of the World’ Most Multicultural Places 93
Introduction 94
What Is Culture? 95
Values and Norms 96
Culture, Society, and the Nation-State 98
Determinants of Culture 99
Social Structure 99
Individuals and Groups 100
Social Stratification 102
Country Focus
Determining Your Social Class by Birth 103
Religious and Ethical Systems 105
Map 4.1 World Religions 106
Christianity 106
Islam 107
Country Focus
Turkey: Its Religion and Politics 110
Hinduism 111
Buddhism 112
Confucianism 113
Management Focus
China and Its Guanxi 114
Language 115
Spoken Language 115
Unspoken Language 116
Education 116
Culture and Business 117
Cultural Change 120
Focus on Managerial Implications: Cultural Literacy and Competitive Advantage 122 Page xviii

Key Terms 124

Summary 124
Critical Thinking and Discussion Questions 125
Research Task 126
Closing Case
China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan 126
Endnotes 128

Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Sustainability 132
Opening Case
Ericsson, Sweden, and Sustainability 133
Introduction 134
Ethics and International Business 135
Employment Practices 136
Human Rights 137
Management Focus
“Emissionsgate” at Volkswagen 138
Environmental Pollution 139
Corruption 140
Ethical Dilemmas 142
The Roots of Unethical Behavior 143
Personal Ethics 143
Decision-Making Processes 144
Organizational Culture 144
Unrealistic Performance Goals 145
Leadership 145
Societal Culture 145
Philosophical Approaches to Ethics 146
Straw Men 146
Utilitarian and Kantian Ethics 148
Rights Theories 149
Justice Theories 150
Focus on Managerial Implications: Making Ethical Decisions Internationally 151
Management Focus
Corporate Social Responsibility at Stora Enso 156
Key Terms 157
Summary 158
Critical Thinking and Discussion Questions 159
Research Task 159
Closing Case
Sustainability Initiatives at Natura, The Body Shop, and Aesop 160
Endnotes 161

part three
The Global Trade and Investment Environment
International Trade Theory 164
Opening Case
A Tale of Two Nations: Ghana and South Korea 165
Introduction 166
An Overview of Trade Theory 166
The Benefits of Trade 167
The Pattern of International Trade 168
Trade Theory and Government Policy 169
Mercantilism 169
Country Focus
Is China Manipulating Its Currency in Pursuit of a Neo-Mercantilist Policy? 170
Absolute Advantage 170
Comparative Advantage 172
The Gains from Trade 173
Qualifications and Assumptions 175
Extensions of the Ricardian Model 175
Country Focus
Moving U.S. White-Collar Jobs Offshore 179
Heckscher–Ohlin Theory 180
The Leontief Paradox 181
The Product Life-Cycle Theory 182
Product Life-Cycle Theory in the Twenty-First Century 183
New Trade Theory 183
Increasing Product Variety and Reducing Costs 184
Economies of Scale, First-Mover Advantages, and the Pattern of Trade 184
Implications of New Trade Theory 185
National Competitive Advantage: Porter’s Diamond 186
Factor Endowments 187
Demand Conditions 188
Related and Supporting Industries 188 Page xix
Firm Strategy, Structure, and Rivalry 188
Evaluating Porter’s Theory 189
Focus on Managerial Implications: Location, First-Mover Advantages, and Government Policy 189
Key Terms 191
Summary 191
Critical Thinking and Discussion Questions 192
Research Task 193
Closing Case
“Trade Wars Are Good and Easy to Win” 193
Appendix: International Trade and the Balance of Payments 195
Endnotes 197

Government Policy and International Trade 200
Opening Case
American Steel Tariffs 201
Introduction 202
Instruments of Trade Policy 202
Tariffs 202
Subsidies 203
Country Focus
Are the Chinese Illegally Subsidizing Auto Exports? 204
Import Quotas and Voluntary Export Restraints 205
Export Tariffs and Bans 206
Local Content Requirements 206
Administrative Policies 207
Antidumping Policies 207
The Case for Government Intervention 207
Management Focus
Protecting U.S. Magnesium 208
Political Arguments for Intervention 209
Economic Arguments for Intervention 211
The Revised Case for Free Trade 213
Retaliation and Trade War 213
Domestic Policies 214
Development of the World Trading System 214
From Smith to the Great Depression 215
1947–1979: GATT, Trade Liberalization, and Economic Growth 215
1980–1993: Protectionist Trends 215
The Uruguay Round and the World Trade Organization 216
WTO: Experience to Date 217
The Future of the WTO: Unresolved Issues and the Doha Round 218
Country Focus
Estimating the Gains from Trade for the United States 221
Multilateral and Bilateral Trade Agreements 222
The World Trading System under Threat 222
Focus on Managerial Implications: Trade Barriers, Firm Strategy, and Policy Implications 223
Key Terms 225
Summary 225
Critical Thinking and Discussion Questions 226
Research Task 226
Closing Case
The United States and South Korea Strike a Revised Trade Deal 227
Endnotes 228

Foreign Direct Investment 230
Opening Case
Starbucks’ Foreign Direct Investment 231
Introduction 232
Foreign Direct Investment in the World Economy 232
Trends in FDI 232
The Direction of FDI 233
The Source of FDI 234
Country Focus
Foreign Direct Investment in China 235
The Form of FDI: Acquisitions versus Greenfield Investments 236
Theories of Foreign Direct Investment 236
Why Foreign Direct Investment? 236
Management Focus
Burberry Shifts Its Entry Strategy in Japan 237
The Pattern of Foreign Direct Investment 240
The Eclectic Paradigm 241
Political Ideology and Foreign Direct Investment 242
The Radical View 242
The Free Market View 243
Pragmatic Nationalism 243
Shifting Ideology 244
Benefits and Costs of FDI 244
Host-Country Benefits 245
Host-Country Costs 247
Home-Country Benefits 248 Page xx
Home-Country Costs 249
International Trade Theory and FDI 249
Government Policy Instruments and FDI 249
Home-Country Policies 249
Host-Country Policies 250
International Institutions and the Liberalization of FDI 251
Focus on Managerial Implications: FDI and Government Policy 252
Key Terms 254
Summary 254
Critical Thinking and Discussion Questions 255
Research Task 256
Closing Case
Geely Goes Global 256
Endnotes 257

Regional Economic Integration 260
Opening Case
The Cost of Brexit 261
Introduction 262
Levels of Economic Integration 263
The Case for Regional Integration 265
The Economic Case for Integration 265
The Political Case for Integration 265
Impediments to Integration 266
The Case against Regional Integration 267
Regional Economic Integration in Europe 267
Evolution of the European Union 267
Map 9.1 Member States of the European Union in 2019 268
Political Structure of the European Union 269
Management Focus
The European Commission and Google 270
The Single European Act 271
The Establishment of the Euro 272
Enlargement of the European Union 275
Country Focus
The Greek Sovereign Debt Crisis 276
British Exit from the European Union (BREXIT) 277
Regional Economic Integration in the Americas 278
The North American Free Trade Agreement 278
Map 9.2 Economic Integration in the Americas 279
The United States–Canada–Mexico Agreement (USCMA) 281
The Andean Community 282
Mercosur 282
Central American Common Market, CAFTA, and CARICOM 283
Regional Economic Integration Elsewhere 284
Association of Southeast Asian Nations 284
Regional Trade Blocs in Africa 284
Map 9.3 ASEAN countries 285
Other Trade Agreements 286
Focus on Managerial Implications: Regional Economic Integration Threats 286
Key Terms 288
Summary 288
Critical Thinking and Discussion Questions 289
Research Task 290
Closing Case
NAFTA 2.0: The USCMA 290
Endnotes 291

part four
The Global Monetary System
The Foreign Exchange Market 294
Opening Case
Managing Foreign Currency Exposure at 3M 295
Introduction 296
The Functions of the Foreign Exchange Market 297
Currency Conversion 297
Insuring against Foreign Exchange Risk 299
Management Focus
Embraer and the Gyrations of the Brazilian Real 301
The Nature of the Foreign Exchange Market 301
Economic Theories of Exchange Rate Determination 302
Prices and Exchange Rates 303
Country Focus
Quantitative Easing, Inflation, and the Value of the U.S. Dollar 307
Interest Rates and Exchange Rates 308
Investor Psychology and Bandwagon Effects 309
Summary of Exchange Rate Theories 309 Page xxi
Exchange Rate Forecasting 310
The Efficient Market School 310
The Inefficient Market School 310
Approaches to Forecasting 310
Currency Convertibility 311
Focus on Managerial Implications: Foreign Exchange Rate Risk 312
Key Terms 315
Summary 315
Critical Thinking and Discussion Questions 316
Research Task 317
Closing Case
The Fluctuating Value of the Yuan Gives Chinese Businesses a Lesson in Foreign Exchange Risk 317
Endnotes 318

The International Monetary System 320
Opening Case
Pakistan Takes Another IMF Loan 321
Introduction 322
The Gold Standard 323
Mechanics of the Gold Standard 323
Strength of the Gold Standard 324
The Period between the Wars: 1918–1939 324
The Bretton Woods System 325
The Role of the IMF 325
The Role of the World Bank 326
The Collapse of the Fixed Exchange Rate System 327
The Floating Exchange Rate Regime 328
The Jamaica Agreement 328
Exchange Rates since 1973 328
Fixed versus Floating Exchange Rates 331
The Case for Floating Exchange Rates 331
The Case for Fixed Exchange Rates 332
Who Is Right? 333
Exchange Rate Regimes in Practice 333
Country Focus
China’s Exchange Rate Regime 334
Pegged Exchange Rates 335
Currency Boards 335
Crisis Management by the IMF 336
Financial Crises in the Post–Bretton Woods Era 337
Country Focus
The IMF and Iceland’s Economic Recovery 337
Evaluating the IMF’s Policy Prescriptions 338
Focus on Managerial Implications: Currency Management, Business Strategy, and Government Relations 341
Management Focus
Airbus and the Euro 342
Key Terms 344
Summary 344
Critical Thinking and Discussion Questions 345
Research Task 345
Closing Case
Can Dollarization Save Venezuela? 346
Endnotes 347

The Global Capital Market 348
Opening Case
Chinese IPOs in the United States 349
Introduction 350
Benefits of the Global Capital Market 350
The Functions of a Generic Capital Market 350
Attractions of the Global Capital Market 351
Management Focus
The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Taps the Global Capital Market 353
Growth of the Global Capital Market 355
Global Capital Market Risks 357
Country Focus
Did the Global Capital Markets Fail Mexico? 358
The Eurocurrency Market 359
Genesis and Growth of the Market 359
Attractions of the Eurocurrency Market 359
Drawbacks of the Eurocurrency Market 361
The Global Bond Market 361
Attractions of the Global Bond Market 362
The Global Equity Market 362
Foreign Exchange Risk and the Cost of Capital 363
Focus on Managerial Implications: Growth of the Global Capital Market 364
Key Terms 364
Summary 365
Critical Thinking and Discussion Questions 365
Research Task 366
Closing Case Page xxii
Saudi Aramco 366
Endnotes 368

part five
The Strategy and Structure of International Business
The Strategy of International Business 370
Opening Case
International Strategy in the Sharing Economy 371
Introduction 372
Strategy and the Firm 373
Value Creation 374
Strategic Positioning 375
Management Focus
AB InBev, Beer Globally, and Creating Value 377
The Firm as a Value Chain 378
Global Expansion, Profitability, and Profit Growth 380
Expanding the Market 381
Location Economies 382
Experience Effects 384
Leveraging Subsidiary Skills 386
Profitability and Profit Growth Summary 386
Cost Pressures and Pressures for Local Responsiveness 387
Pressures for Cost Reductions 387
Management Focus
IKEA’s Global Strategy 388
Pressures for Local Responsiveness 388
Choosing a Strategy 392
Global Standardization Strategy 393
Localization Strategy 393
Management Focus
Unilever’s Responsiveness to Its Dutch–British Roots 394
Transnational Strategy 395
International Strategy 396
The Evolution of Strategy 396
Key Terms 397
Summary 397
Critical Thinking and Discussion Questions 398
Research Task 398
Closing Case
Red Bull: A Leader in International Strategy 399
Endnotes 400

The Organization of International Business 402
Opening Case
Bird, Lime, and Organizing Globally 403
Introduction 404
Organizational Architecture 405
Organizational Structure 406
Vertical Differentiation 406
Horizontal Differentiation 408
Management Focus
Dow—(Failed) Early Global Matrix Adopter 414
Integrating Mechanisms 415
Control Systems and Incentives 420
Types of Control Systems 420
Incentive Systems 421
Control Systems and Incentives 422
Processes 424
Organizational Culture 425
Creating and Maintaining Organizational Culture 425
Organizational Culture and Performance 427
Management Focus
Lincoln Electric and Culture 428
Synthesis: Strategy and Architecture 429
Localization Strategy 429
International Strategy 430
Global Standardization Strategy 430
Transnational Strategy 431
Environment, Strategy, Architecture, and Performance 431
Organizational Change 432
Organizational Inertia 432
Implementing Organizational Change 433
Key Terms 434
Summary 435
Critical Thinking and Discussion Questions 435
Research Task 436
Closing Case Page xxiii
Walmart International 436
Endnotes 438

Entering Developed and Emerging Markets 440
Opening Case
Volkswagen, Toyota, and GM in China 441
Introduction 442
Basic Entry Decisions 443
Which Foreign Markets? 443
Management Focus
Tesco’s International Growth Strategy 444
Timing of Entry 445
Scale of Entry and Strategic Commitments 446
Market Entry Summary 447
Entry Modes 448
Exporting 448
Turnkey Projects 449
Licensing 450
Franchising 451
Joint Ventures 452
Wholly Owned Subsidiaries 453
Selecting an Entry Mode 454
Core Competencies and Entry Mode 454
Pressures for Cost Reductions and Entry Mode 456
Greenfield Venture or Acquisition? 456
Pros and Cons of Acquisitions 456
Pros and Cons of Greenfield Ventures 458
Which Choice? 459
Strategic Alliances 459
Advantages of Strategic Alliances 460
Disadvantages of Strategic Alliances 460
Management Focus
Gazprom and Global Strategic Alliances 461
Making Alliances Work 461
Key Terms 464
Summary 464
Critical Thinking and Discussion Questions 465
Research Task 465
Closing Case
IKEA Entering India, Finally! 466
Endnotes 467

part six
International Business Functions
Exporting, Importing, and Countertrade 470
Opening Case
Higher-Education Exporting and International Competitiveness 471
Introduction 472
The Promise and Pitfalls of Exporting 473
Management Focus
Embraer and Brazilian Importing 476
Improving Export Performance 476
International Comparisons 477
Information Sources 477
Management Focus
Exporting Desserts by a Hispanic Entrepreneur 478
Service Providers 479
Export Strategy 480
Management Focus
Two Men and a Truck 481
The globalEDGETM Exporting Tool 482
Export and Import Financing 483
Lack of Trust 483
Letter of Credit 485
Draft 485
Bill of Lading 486
A Typical International Trade Transaction 486
Export Assistance 488
The Export-Import Bank 488
Export Credit Insurance 489
Countertrade 489
The Popularity of Countertrade 490
Types of Countertrade 490
Pros and Cons of Countertrade 491
Key Terms 492
Summary 492
Critical Thinking and Discussion Questions 493
Research Task 493
Closing Case
Spotify and SoundCloud 494
Endnotes 495
Page xxiv
Global Production and Supply Chain Management 498
Opening Case
Blockchain Technology and Global Supply Chains 499
Introduction 500
Strategy, Production, and Supply Chain Management 501
Where to Produce 504
Country Factors 504
Management Focus
IKEA Production in China 505
Technological Factors 505
Production Factors 508
The Hidden Costs of Foreign Locations 511
Management Focus
Amazon’s Global Supply Chains 512
Make-or-Buy Decisions 513
Global Supply Chain Functions 516
Global Logistics 516
Global Purchasing 518
Managing a Global Supply Chain 519
Role of Just-in-Time Inventory 519
Role of Information Technology 520
Coordination in Global Supply Chains 521
Interorganizational Relationships 522
Key Terms 523
Summary 523
Critical Thinking and Discussion Questions 524
Research Task 525
Closing Case
Procter & Gamble Remakes Its Global Supply Chains 525
Endnotes 526

Global Marketing and Business Analytics 528
Opening Case
Marketing Sneakers 529
Introduction 530
Globalization of Markets and Brands 531
Market Segmentation 533
Management Focus
Global Branding, Marvel Studios, and the Walt Disney Company 534
Business Analytics 535
International Marketing Research 536
Product Attributes 540
Cultural Differences 540
Economic Development 541
Product and Technical Standards 541
Distribution Strategy 542
Differences between Countries 542
Choosing a Distribution Strategy 544
Communication Strategy 545
Management Focus
Burberry’s Social Media Marketing 546
Barriers to International Communication 547
Push versus Pull Strategies 548
Global Advertising 549
Pricing Strategy 550
Price Discrimination 550
Strategic Pricing 552
Regulatory Influences on Prices 553
Configuring the Marketing Mix 554
Product Development and R&D 554
The Location of R&D 555
Integrating R&D, Marketing, and Production 556
Cross-Functional Teams 557
Building Global R&D Capabilities 558
Key Terms 559
Summary 560
Critical Thinking and Discussion Questions 561
Research Task 561
Closing Case
Fake News and Alternative Facts 562
Endnotes 563

Global Human Resource Management 566
Opening Case
Evolution of the Kraft Heinz Company 567
Introduction 568
Strategic Role of Global HRM: Managing a Global Workforce 569
Staffing Policy 570 Page xxv
Types of Staffing Policies 571
Expatriate Managers 574
Management Focus
AstraZeneca and Global Staffing Policy 577
Global Mindset 578
Training and Management Development 579
Training for Expatriate Managers 580
Repatriation of Expatriates 580
Management Development and Strategy 581
Management Focus
Monsanto’s Repatriation Program 582
Performance Appraisal 582
Performance Appraisal Problems 583
Guidelines for Performance Appraisal 583
Compensation 583
National Differences in Compensation 583
Expatriate Pay 584
Management Focus
McDonald’s Global Compensation Practices 585
Building a Diverse Global Workforce 586
International Labor Relations 588
The Concerns of Organized Labor 588
The Strategy of Organized Labor 589
Approaches to Labor Relations 589
Key Terms 590
Summary 590
Critical Thinking and Discussion Questions 591
Research Task 591
Closing Case
Global Mobility at Shell 592
Endnotes 593

Accounting and Finance in International Business 596
Opening Case
Pfizer, Novartis, Bayer, and GlaxoSmithKline 597
Introduction 598
National Differences in Accounting Standards 599
International Accounting Standards 600
Country Focus
Chinese Accounting 601
Accounting Aspects of Control Systems 602
Exchange Rate Changes and Control Systems 603
Transfer Pricing and Control Systems 604
Separation of Subsidiary and Manager Performance 605
Financial Management: The Investment Decision 605
Capital Budgeting 606
Project and Parent Cash Flows 606
Management Focus
Black Sea Oil and Gas Ltd. 607
Adjusting for Political and Economic Risk 607
Risk and Capital Budgeting 608
Financial Management: The Financing Decision 609
Financial Management: Global Money Management 610
Minimizing Cash Balances 610
Reducing Transaction Costs 611
Managing the Tax Burden 612
Management Focus
Microsoft and Its Foreign Cash Holdings 614
Moving Money across Borders 614
Key Terms 618
Summary 619
Critical Thinking and Discussion Questions 620
Research Task 620
Closing Case
Shoprite: The Financial Success of a Food Retailer in Africa 621
Endnotes 622

part seven
Integrative Cases
Globalization of BMW, Rolls-Royce, and the MINI 625
The Decline of Zimbabwe 627
Economic Development in Bangladesh 629
The Swatch Group and Cultural Uniqueness 630
Woolworths’ Corporate Responsibility Strategy 632
The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Is Dead: Long Live the CPTPP! 634
Boeing and Airbus Are in a Dogfight over Illegal Subsidies 636
FDI in the Indian Retail Sector 637
Free Trade in Africa 639
The Mexican Peso, the Japanese Yen, and Pokémon Go 641
Egypt and the IMF 642
Alibaba’s Record-Setting IPO 643
Sony Corporation: Still a Leader Globally? 644
Organizational Architecture at P&G 646 Page xxvi
Cutco Corporation—Sharpening Your Market Entry 647
Tata Motors and Exporting 649
Alibaba and Global Supply Chains 650
Best Buy Doing a Turnaround Again 651
Sodexo: Building a Diverse Global Workforce 653
Tesla, Inc.—Subsidizing Tesla Automobiles Globally 654

Glossary 656
Indexes 666
International Page 1

Competing in the Global Marketplace

part one Introduction and Overview Page 2

After reading this chapter, you will be able to:
LO1-1 Understand what is meant by the term globalization.
LO1-2 Recognize the main drivers of globalization.
LO1-3 Describe the changing nature of the global economy.
LO1-4 Explain the main arguments in the debate over the impact of globalization.
LO1-5 Understand how the process of globalization is creating opportunities and challenges for management practice.

Qilai Shen/In Pictures Ltd./Corbis/Getty Images

How the iPhone Is Made: Apple’s Global Production System

In its early days, Apple usually didn’t look beyond its own backyard to manufacture its devices. A few years after Apple Page 3
started making its Macintosh computer back in 1983, Steve Jobs bragged that it was “a machine that was made in America.”
As late as the early 2000s, Apple still manufactured many of its computers at the company’s iMac plant in Elk Grove, California.
Jobs often said that he was as proud of the Apple’s manufacturing plants as he was of the devices themselves.
By 2004, however, Apple had largely turned to foreign manufacturing. The shift to offshore production and assembly reached its
peak with the iconic iPhone, which Apple first introduced in 2007. The iPhone contains hundreds of parts, an estimated 90 percent of
which are manufactured abroad. Advanced semiconductors come from Germany and Taiwan, memory from Korea and Japan, display
panels and circuitry from Korea and Taiwan, rare metals from Africa and Asia, and the gyroscope used for tracking the iPhone’s
orientation comes from Switzerland. Apple’s major subcontractor, the Taiwanese multinational firm, Foxconn, assembles half of all
the iPhones sold in the world today at a huge factory in China. Foxconn also has factories devoted to iPhone assembly at several other
locations, including Brazil and India. Another Taiwanese-based company, Pegatron, also assembles iPhones for Apple at a factory in
Apple still employs some 80,000 people in the United States, and it has kept important activities at home, including product
design, software engineering, and marketing. Furthermore, Apple claims that its business supports another 450,000 jobs at U.S.-based
suppliers. For example, the glass for the iPhone is manufactured at Corning’s U.S. plants in Kentucky, Analog Devices in
Massachusetts produces chips that enable the iPhone’s touch display, and a Texas Instruments plant in Maine makes electronic
components that go in the iPhone. However, over 1.5 million people are involved in the engineering, building, and final assembly of
its products outside of the United States, many of them working at subcontractors like Foxconn.
When explaining its decision to assemble the iPhone in China, Apple cites a number of factors. While it is true that labor costs
are lower in China, Apple executives point out that labor costs only account for a small portion of the total value of its products and
are not the main driver of location decisions. Far more important, according to Apple, is the ability of its Chinese subcontractors to
respond very quickly to requests from Apple to scale production up and down. In a famous illustration of this capability, back in 2007
Steve Jobs demanded that a glass screen replace the plastic screen on his prototype iPhone. Jobs didn’t like the look and feel of plastic
screens, which at the time were standard in the industry, nor did he like the way they scratched easily. This last-minute change in the
design of the iPhone put Apple’s market introduction date at risk. Apple had selected Corning to manufacture large panes of
strengthened glass, but finding a manufacturer that could cut those panes into millions of iPhone screens wasn’t easy. Then, a bid
arrived from a Chinese factory. When the Apple team visited the factory, they found that the plant’s owners were already constructing
a new wing to cut the glass and were installing equipment. “This is in case you give us the contract,” the manager said. The plant also
had a warehouse full of glass samples for Apple, and a team of engineers available to work with Apple. They had built onsite
dormitories so the factory could run three shifts seven days a week to meet Apple’s demanding production schedule. The Chinese
company got the bid.
Another critical advantage of China for Apple was that it was much easier to hire engineers there. Apple calculated that about
8,700 industrial engineers were needed to oversee and guide the 200,000 assembly-line workers involved in manufacturing the
original iPhone. The company had estimated it would take as long as nine months to find that many engineers in the United States. In
China, it took 15 days.
Also important is the clustering together of factories in China. Many of the factories providing components for the iPhone are
located close to Foxconn’s assembly plant. As one executive noted, “The entire supply chain is in China. You need a thousand rubber
gaskets? That’s the factory next door. You need a million screws? That factory is a block away. You need a screw made a little bit
different? That will take three hours.”*
All this being said, there are drawbacks to outsourcing to China. Several of Apple’s subcontractors have been targeted for their
poor working conditions. Criticisms include low pay of line workers, long hours, mandatory overtime for little or no additional pay,
and poor safety records. Some former Apple executives say there is an unresolved tension within the company: Executives want to
improve working conditions within the factories of subcontractors, such as Foxconn, but that dedication falters when it conflicts with
crucial supplier relationships or the fast delivery of new products. In addition, Apple’s outsourcing decisions have been criticized by
President Trump, who argues that the company is guilty of moving U.S. jobs overseas. While Apple disagrees with this assessment, it
has responded by increasing its investment in U.S. facilities. In 2018, for example, the company announced it would invest $30
billion over five years to create 20,000 new Apple jobs in the United States. Most of these jobs, however, are expected to be in
software development and data center operations, not manufacturing and assembly.
*C. Duhigg and K. Bradsher, “How U.S. Lost Out on iPhone Work.” The New York Times, January 22, 2012.

Sources: Sam Costello, “Where Is the iPhone Made?" Lifewire, July 14, 2018; David Barboza, “How China Built iPhone City with Billions in Perks for Apple’s Partner,” The
New York Times, December 29, 2016; Gu Huini, “Human Costs Are Built into iPad in China,” The New York Times, January 26, 2012; Chuck Jones, “Apple’s $350 Billion US
Contribution Was Already on the Cards,” Forbes, January 19, 2018. Page 4

Over the past five decades, a fundamental shift has been occurring in the world economy. We have been moving away
from a world in which national economies were relatively self-contained entities, isolated from each other by barriers to
cross-border trade and investment; by distance, time zones, and language; and by national differences in government
regulation, culture, and business systems. We have moved toward a world in which barriers to cross-border trade and
investment have declined; perceived distance is shrinking due to advances in transportation and telecommunications
technology; material culture is starting to look similar the world over; and national economies are merging into an
interdependent, integrated global economic system. The process by which this transformation is occurring is commonly
referred to as globalization.
At the same time, recent political events have raised some questions about the inevitability of the globalization
process. The exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union (Brexit), the renegotiation of the North American
Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) by the Trump Administration, and trade disputes between the United States and many
of its trading partners, including most notably China, have all contributed to uncertainty about the future of globalization.
While the world seems unlikely to pull back significantly from globalization, there is no doubt that the benefits of
globalization are more in dispute now than at any time in the last half century. This is a new reality, albeit perhaps a
temporary one, but it is one the international business community will have to adjust to.
The opening case illustrates how one company, Apple, has taken advantage of globalization. Apple has created a
global supply chain to efficiently produce its icon iPhone. While product design and software development are
undertaken in California, component parts are manufactured all over the world, and the final product is assembled for
Apple by Foxconn in factories in China, Brazil, India, and elsewhere. In configuring the production system of the iPhone
in this manner, Apple is trying to partner with the most efficient subcontractors, wherever in the world they might reside.
Apple could not have configured its production system in this manner had it not been for the systematic reductions in
barriers to cross-border trade and investment that have occurred over the last half century.
At the same time, Apple has been criticized by President Trump for placing too much productive activity outside of
the United States. Moreover, trade disputes between the United States and China have raised the possibility that China
may at some point not be the optimal location for assembling the iPhone. Apple has started to adjust its strategy to
account for the potential risks here, establishing assembly operations outside of China (in India, for example), increasing
its investment in the United States (in 2018, Apple announced it would invest $30 billion over five years in U.S.
facilities, creating 20,000 new jobs in the process), and working with U.S.-based suppliers to help them become efficient
Apple partners (Apple has established a $5 billion fund to help those suppliers upgrade their capabilities). Thus, Apple is
taking advantage of globalization, and simultaneously hedging against any possible pullback from the level of
globalization that existed in 2016, which for now at least may have been a high-water mark, albeit a temporary one.
Proponents of increased global trade argue that cross-cultural engagement and trade across country borders is the
future and that returning back to a nationalistic perspective is the past. On the other hand, the nationalistic argument rests
in citizens wanting their country to be sovereign, self-sufficient as much as possible, and basically in charge of their own
economy and country environment. We will touch on many aspects of this debate throughout this text’s 20 integrated
Globalization now has an impact on almost everything we do. For example, an American medical doctor—let’s call
her Laurie—might drive to work at her pediatric office in a sports utility vehicle (SUV) that was designed in Stuttgart,
Germany, and assembled in Leipzig, Germany, and Bratislava, Slovakia, by Porsche from components from parts
suppliers worldwide, which in turn were fabricated from Korean steel and Malaysian rubber. Laurie may have filled her
car with gasoline at a Shell service station owned by a British-Dutch multinational company. The gasoline could Page 5
have been made from oil pumped out of a well off the coast of Africa by a French oil company that transported it
to the United States in a ship owned by a Greek shipping line. While driving to work, Laurie might talk to her
stockbroker (using a hands-free, in-car speaker) on an Apple iPhone that was designed in California and assembled in
China using chip sets produced in Japan and Europe, glass made by Corning in Kentucky, and memory chips from South
Korea. Perhaps on her way, Laurie might tell the stockbroker to purchase shares in Lenovo, a multinational Chinese PC
manufacturer whose operational headquarters is in North Carolina and whose shares are listed on the New York Stock
This is the world in which we live. In many cases, we simply do not know, or perhaps even care, where a product
was designed and where it was made. Just a couple of decades ago, “Made in the USA” or “Made in Germany” had
strong meaning and referred to something. The U.S. often stood for quality, and Germany often stood for sophisticated
engineering. Now the country of origin for a product has given way to, for example, “Made by BMW,” and the company
is the quality assurance platform, not the country. In many cases, it goes even beyond the company to the personal
relationship a customer has developed with a representative of the company, and so we focus on what has become known
as CRM (Customer Relationship Management).
Whether it is still the quality associated with the country of origin of a product, or the assurance given by a specific
company regardless of where they manufacture their product, we live in a world where the volume of goods, services,
and investments crossing national borders has expanded faster than world output for more than half a century. It is a
world in which international institutions such as the World Trade Organization and gatherings of leaders from the
world’s most powerful economies continue to work for even lower barriers to cross-border trade and investment. The
symbols of material culture and popular culture are increasingly global, from Coca-Cola and Starbucks, to Sony
PlayStation, Facebook, Netflix video streaming service, IKEA stores, and Apple iPads and iPhones. Vigorous and vocal
groups protest against globalization, which they blame for a list of ills from unemployment in developed nations to
environmental degradation and the Westernization or Americanization of local cultures. These protesters come from
environmental groups, which have been around for some time, but more recently also from nationalistic groups focused
on their countries being more sovereign.
For businesses, the globalization process has many opportunities. Firms can expand their revenues by selling
around the world and/or reduce their costs by producing in nations where key inputs, including labor, are cheap. The
global expansion of enterprises has been facilitated by generally favorable political and economic trends. This has
allowed businesses both large and small, from both advanced nations and developing nations, to expand internationally.
As globalization unfolds, it is transforming industries and creating anxiety among those who believed their jobs were
protected from foreign competition. Advances in technology, lower transportation costs, and the rise of skilled workers
in developing countries imply that many services no longer need to be performed where they are delivered. As best-
selling author Thomas Friedman has argued, the world is becoming “flat.”1 People living in developed nations no longer
have the playing field tilted in their favor. Increasingly, enterprising individuals based in India, China, or Brazil have the
same opportunities to better themselves as those living in Western Europe, the United States, or Canada.
In this text, we will take a close look at these issues and many more. We will explore how changes in regulations
governing international trade and investment, when coupled with changes in political systems and technology, have
dramatically altered the competitive playing field confronting many businesses. We will discuss the resulting
opportunities and threats and review the strategies that managers can pursue to exploit the opportunities and counter the
threats. We will consider whether globalization benefits or harms national economies. We will look at what economic
theory has to say about the outsourcing of manufacturing and service jobs to places such as India and China and look at
the benefits and costs of outsourcing, not just to business firms and their employees but to entire economies. Page 6
First, though, we need to get a better overview of the nature and process of globalization, and that is the function
of this first chapter.

What Is Globalization?

Understand what is meant by the term globalization.
As used in this text, globalization refers to the shift toward a more integrated and interdependent world economy.
Globalization has several facets, including the globalization of markets and the globalization of production.


The globalization of markets refers to the merging of historically distinct and separate national markets into one huge
global marketplace. Falling barriers to cross-border trade and investment have made it easier to sell internationally. It has
been argued for some time that the tastes and preferences of consumers in different nations are beginning to converge on
some global norm, thereby helping create a global market.2 Consumer products such as Citigroup credit cards, Coca-
Cola soft drinks, Sony video games, McDonald’s hamburgers, Starbucks coffee, IKEA furniture, and Apple iPhones are
frequently held up as prototypical examples of this trend. The firms that produce these products are more than just
benefactors of this trend; they are also facilitators of it. By offering the same basic product worldwide, they help create a
global market.
A company does not have to be the size of these multinational giants to facilitate, and benefit from, the
globalization of markets. In the United States, for example, according to the International Trade Administration, more
than 300,000 small and medium-sized firms with fewer than 500 employees account for 98 percent of the companies that
export. More generally, exports from small and medium-sized companies account for 33 percent of the value of U.S.
exports of manufactured goods.3 Typical of these is B&S Aircraft Alloys, a New York company whose exports account
for 40 percent of its $8 million annual revenues.4 The situation is similar in several other nations. For example, in
Germany, a staggering 98 percent of small and midsize companies have exposure to international markets, via either
exports or international production. Since 2009, China has been the world’s largest exporter, sending more than $2
trillion worth of products and services last year to the rest of the world.



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Page 7

Despite the global prevalence of Citigroup credit cards, McDonald’s hamburgers, Starbucks coffee, and IKEA
stores, for example, it is important not to push too far the view that national markets are giving way to the global market.
As we shall see in later chapters, significant differences still exist among national markets along many relevant
dimensions, including consumer tastes and preferences, distribution channels, culturally embedded value systems,
business systems, and legal regulations. Uber, for example, the fast-growing ride-for-hire service, is finding it needs to
refine its entry strategy in many foreign cities in order to take differences in the regulatory regime into account. Such
differences frequently require companies to customize marketing strategies, product features, and operating practices to
best match conditions in a particular country.
The most global of markets are not typically markets for consumer products—where national differences in tastes
and preferences can still be important enough to act as a brake on globalization. They are markets for industrial goods
and materials that serve universal needs the world over. These include markets for commodities such as aluminum, oil,
and wheat; for industrial products such as microprocessors, DRAMs (computer memory chips), and commercial jet
aircraft; for computer software; and for financial assets, from U.S. Treasury bills to Eurobonds, and futures on the Nikkei
index or the euro. That being said, it is increasingly evident that many newer high-technology consumer products, such
as Apple’s iPhone, are being successfully sold the same way the world over.
In many global markets, the same firms frequently confront each other as competitors in nation after nation. Coca-
Cola’s rivalry with PepsiCo is a global one, as are the rivalries between Ford and Toyota; Boeing and Airbus; Caterpillar
and Komatsu in earthmoving equipment; General Electric and Rolls-Royce in aero engines; Sony, Nintendo, and
Microsoft in video-game consoles; and Samsung and Apple in smartphones. If a firm moves into a nation not currently
served by its rivals, many of those rivals are sure to follow to prevent their competitor from gaining an advantage.5 As
firms follow each other around the world, they bring with them many of the assets that served them well in other national
markets—their products, operating strategies, marketing strategies, and brand names—creating some homogeneity
across markets. Thus, greater uniformity replaces diversity. In an increasing number of industries, it is no longer
meaningful to talk about “the German market,” “the American market,” “the Brazilian market,” or “the Japanese
market”; for many firms, there is only the global market.


The globalization of production refers to the sourcing of goods and services from locations around the globe to take
advantage of national differences in the cost and quality of factors of production (such as labor, energy, land, and
capital). By doing this, companies hope to lower their overall cost structure or improve the quality or functionality of
their product offering, thereby allowing them to compete more effectively. For example, Boeing has made extensive use
of outsourcing to foreign suppliers. Consider Boeing’s 777 first introduced in 1995: Eight Japanese suppliers make parts
for the fuselage, doors, and wings; a supplier in Singapore makes the doors for the nose landing gear; three suppliers in
Italy manufacture wing flaps; and so on.6 In total, some 30 percent of the 777, by value, is built by foreign companies.
And for its most recent jet airliner, the 787, Boeing has pushed this trend even further; some 65 percent of the total value
of the aircraft is outsourced to foreign companies, 35 percent of which goes to three major Japanese companies.
Part of Boeing’s rationale for outsourcing so much production to foreign suppliers is that these suppliers are the
best in the world at their particular activity. A global web of suppliers yields a better final product, which enhances the
chances of Boeing winning a greater share of total orders for aircraft than its global rival, Airbus. Boeing also outsources
some production to foreign countries to increase the chance it will win significant orders from airlines based in that
country. For a more detailed look at the globalization of production at Boeing, see the accompanying Management
Focus. Page 8

Boeing’s Global Production System
Executives at the Boeing Corporation, America’s largest exporter, say that building a large commercial jet aircraft like the 787
Dreamliner involves bringing together more than a million parts in flying formation. Half a century ago, when the early models of
Boeing’s venerable 737 and 747 jets were rolling off the company’s Seattle-area production lines, foreign suppliers accounted for
only 5 percent of those parts, on average. Boeing was vertically integrated and manufactured many of the major components that
went into the planes. The largest parts produced by outside suppliers were the jet engines, where two of the three suppliers were
American companies. The lone foreign engine manufacturer was the British company Rolls-Royce.
Fast-forward to the modern era, and things look very different. In the case of Boeing’s super-efficient 787 Dreamliner, 50
outside suppliers spread around the world account for 65 percent of the value of the aircraft. Italian firm Alenia Aeronautica makes
the center fuselage and horizontal stabilizer. Kawasaki of Japan makes part of the forward fuselage and the fixed trailing edge of
the wing. French firm Messier-Dowty makes the aircraft’s landing gear. German firm Diehl Luftahrt Elektronik supplies the main
cabin lighting. Sweden’s Saab Aerostructures makes the access doors. Japanese company Jamco makes parts for the lavatories,
flight deck interiors, and galleys. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries of Japan makes the wings. KAA of Korea makes the wing tips. And
so on.
Why the change? One reason is that 80 percent of Boeing’s customers are foreign airlines, and to sell into those nations, it
often helps to be giving business to those nations. The trend started in 1974 when Mitsubishi of Japan was given contracts to
produce inboard wing flaps for the 747. The Japanese reciprocated by placing big orders for Boeing jets. A second rationale was to
disperse component part production to those suppliers who are the best in the world at their particular activity. Over the years, for
example, Mitsubishi has acquired considerable expertise in the manufacture of wings, so it was logical for Boeing to use
Mitsubishi to make the wings for the 787. Similarly, the 787 is the first commercial jet aircraft to be made almost entirely out of
carbon fiber, so Boeing tapped Japan’s Toray Industries, a world-class expert in sturdy but light carbon-fiber composites, to supply
materials for the fuselage. A third reason for the extensive outsourcing on the 787 was that Boeing wanted to unburden itself of
some of the risks and costs associated with developing production facilities for the 787. By outsourcing, it pushed some of those
risks and costs onto suppliers, who had to undertake major investments in capacity to ramp up to produce for the 787.
So what did Boeing retain for itself? Engineering design, marketing and sales, and final assembly are done at its Everett plant
north of Seattle, all activities where Boeing maintains it is the best in the world. Of major component parts, Boeing made only the
tail fin and wing to body fairing (which attaches the wings to the fuselage of the plane). Everything else was outsourced.
As the 787 moved through development, it became clear that Boeing had pushed the outsourcing paradigm too far.
Coordinating a globally dispersed production system this extensive turned out to be very challenging. Parts turned up late, some
parts didn’t “snap together” the way Boeing had envisioned, and several suppliers ran into engineering problems that slowed down
the entire production process. As a consequence, the date for delivery of the first jet was pushed back more than four years, and
Boeing had to take millions of dollars in penalties for late deliveries. The problems at one supplier, Vought Aircraft in North
Carolina, were so severe that Boeing ultimately agreed to acquire the company and bring its production in-house. Vought was co-
owned by Alenia of Italy and made parts of the main fuselage.
There are now signs that Boeing is rethinking some of its global outsourcing policy. For its next jet, a new version of its
popular wide-bodied 777 jet, the 777X, which will use the same carbon-fiber technology as the 787, Boeing will bring wing
production back in-house. Mitsubishi and Kawasaki of Japan produce much of the wing structure for the 787 and for the original
version of the 777. However, recently Japan’s airlines have been placing large orders with Airbus, breaking with their traditional
allegiance to Boeing. This seems to have given Boeing an opening to bring wing production back in-house. Boeing executives also
note that Boeing has lost much of its expertise in wing production over the last 20 years due to outsourcing, and bringing it back
in-house for new carbon-fiber wings might enable Boeing to regain these important core skills and strengthen the company’s
competitive position.
Sources: M. Ehrenfreund, “The Economic Reality Behind the Boeing Plane Trump Showed Off,” The Washington Post, February 17, 2017; K. Epstein and J. Crown,
“Globalization Bites Boeing,” Bloomberg Businessweek, March 12, 2008; H. Mallick, “Out of Control Outsourcing Ruined Boeing’s Beautiful Dreamliner,” The Star,
February 25, 2013; P. Kavilanz, “Dreamliner: Where in the World Its Parts Come From,” CNN Money, January 18, 2013; S. Dubois, “Boeing’s Dreamliner Mess: Simply
Inevitable?” CNN Money, January 22, 2013; and A. Scott and T. Kelly, “Boeing’s Loss of a $9.5 Billion Deal Could Bring Jobs Back to the U.S.,” Business Insider, October
14, 2013. Page 9

Early outsourcing efforts were primarily confined to manufacturing activities, such as those undertaken by Boeing
and Apple. Increasingly, however, companies are taking advantage of modern communications technology, particularly
the Internet, to outsource service activities to low-cost producers in other nations. The Internet has allowed hospitals to
outsource some radiology work to India, where images from MRI scans and the like are read at night while U.S.
physicians sleep; the results are ready for them in the morning. Many software companies, including Microsoft, now use
Indian engineers to perform test functions on software designed in the United States. The time difference allows Indian
engineers to run debugging tests on software written in the United States when U.S. engineers sleep, transmitting the
corrected code back to the United States over secure Internet connections so it is ready for U.S. engineers to work on the
following day. Dispersing value-creation activities in this way can compress the time and lower the costs required to
develop new software programs. Other companies, from computer makers to banks, are outsourcing customer service
functions, such as customer call centers, to developing nations where labor is cheaper. In another example from health
care, workers in the Philippines transcribe American medical files (such as audio files from doctors seeking approval
from insurance companies for performing a procedure). Some estimates suggest the outsourcing of many administrative
procedures in health care, such as customer service and claims processing, could reduce health care costs in America by
more than $100 billion.

Did You Know?

Did you know that trade as a percentage of GDP for the U.S. has nearly tripled since 1960?
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The economist Robert Reich has argued that as a consequence of the trend exemplified by companies such as
Boeing, Apple, and Microsoft, in many cases it is becoming irrelevant to talk about American products, Japanese
products, German products, or Korean products. Increasingly, according to Reich, the outsourcing of productive
activities to different suppliers results in the creation of products that are global in nature—that is, “global products.”7
But as with the globalization of markets, companies must be careful not to push the globalization of production too far.
As we will see in later chapters, substantial impediments still make it difficult for firms to achieve the optimal dispersion
of their productive activities to locations around the globe. These impediments include formal and informal barriers to
trade between countries, barriers to foreign direct investment, transportation costs, issues associated with economic and
political risk, and the sheer managerial challenge of coordinating a globally dispersed supply chain (an issue for Boeing
with the 787 Dreamliner, as discussed in the Management Focus). For example, government regulations ultimately limit
the ability of hospitals to outsource the process of interpreting MRI scans to developing nations where radiologists are

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Nevertheless, the globalization of markets and production will probably continue. Modern firms are important
actors in this trend, their actions fostering increased globalization. These firms, however, are merely responding in an
efficient manner to changing conditions in their operating environment—as well they should.

The Emergence of Global Institutions

As markets globalize and an increasing proportion of business activity transcends national borders, institutions are
needed to help manage, regulate, and police the global marketplace and to promote the establishment of multinational
treaties to govern the global business system. Over the past 75 years, a number of important global institutions have been
created to help perform these functions, including the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and its
successor, the World Trade Organization; the International Monetary Fund and its sister institution, the World Bank; and
the United Nations. All these institutions were created by voluntary agreement between individual nation-states, and their
functions are enshrined in international treaties.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) (like the GATT before it) is primarily responsible for policing the world
trading system and making sure nation-states adhere to the rules laid down in trade treaties signed by WTO member
states. As of 2019, 164 nations that collectively accounted for 98 percent of world trade were WTO members, Page 10
thereby giving the organization enormous scope and influence. The WTO is also responsible for facilitating the
establishment of additional multinational agreements among WTO member states. Over its entire history, and that of the
GATT before it, the WTO has promoted the lowering of barriers to cross-border trade and investment. In doing so, the
WTO has been the instrument of its member states, which have sought to create a more open global business system
unencumbered by barriers to trade and investment between countries. Without an institution such as the WTO, the
globalization of markets and production is unlikely to have proceeded as far as it has. However, as we shall see in this
chapter and in Chapter 7 when we look closely at the WTO, critics charge that the organization is usurping the national
sovereignty of individual nation-states.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank were both created in 1944 by 44 nations that met
at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. The IMF was established to maintain order in the international monetary system; the
World Bank was set up to promote economic development. In the more than seven decades since their creation, both
institutions have emerged as significant players in the global economy. The World Bank is the less controversial of the
two sister institutions. It has focused on making low-interest loans to cash-strapped governments in poor nations that
wish to undertake significant infrastructure investments (such as building dams or roads).
The IMF is often seen as the lender of last resort to nation-states whose economies are in turmoil and whose
currencies are losing value against those of other nations. During the past two decades, for example, the IMF has lent
money to the governments of troubled states including Argentina, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia, South Korea, Thailand,
and Turkey. More recently, the IMF took a proactive role in helping countries cope with some of the effects of the 2008–
2009 global financial crisis. IMF loans come with strings attached, however; in return for loans, the IMF requires nation-
states to adopt specific economic policies aimed at returning their troubled economies to stability and growth. These
requirements have sparked controversy. Some critics charge that the IMF’s policy recommendations are often
inappropriate; others maintain that by telling national governments what economic policies they must adopt, the IMF,
like the WTO, is usurping the sovereignty of nation-states. We will look at the debate over the role of the IMF in Chapter
The United Nations (UN) was established October 24, 1945, by 51 countries committed to preserving peace
through international cooperation and collective security. Today, nearly every nation in the world belongs to the United
Nations; membership now totals 193 countries. When states become members of the United Nations, they agree to accept
the obligations of the UN Charter, an international treaty that establishes basic principles of international relations.
According to the charter, the UN has four purposes: to maintain international peace and security, to develop friendly
relations among nations, to cooperate in solving international problems and in promoting respect for human rights, and to
be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations. Although the UN is perhaps best known for its peacekeeping role, one
of the organization’s central mandates is the promotion of higher standards of living, full employment, and conditions of
economic and social progress and development—all issues that are central to the creation of a vibrant global economy.
As much as 70 percent of the work of the UN system is devoted to accomplishing this mandate. To do so, the UN works
closely with other international institutions such as the World Bank. Guiding the work is the belief that eradicating
poverty and improving the well-being of people everywhere are necessary steps in creating conditions for lasting world
Another institution in the news is the Group of Twenty (G20). Established in 1999, the G20 comprises the finance
ministers and central bank governors of the 19 largest economies in the world, plus representatives from the European
Union and the European Central Bank. Collectively, the G20 represents 90 percent of global GDP and 80 percent of
international global trade. Originally established to formulate a coordinated policy response to financial crises in
developing nations, in 2008 and 2009 it became the forum through which major nations attempted to launch a Page 11
coordinated policy response to the global financial crisis that started in America and then rapidly spread around
the world, ushering in the first serious global economic recession since 1981.

Drivers of Globalization

Recognize the main drivers of globalization.
Two macro factors underlie the trend toward greater globalization.9 The first is the decline in barriers to the free flow of
goods, services, and capital that has occurred in recent decades. The second factor is technological change, particularly
the dramatic developments in communication, information processing, and transportation technologies.


During the 1920s and 1930s, many of the world’s nation-states erected formidable barriers to international trade and
foreign direct investment. International trade occurs when a firm exports goods or services to consumers in another
country. Foreign direct investment (FDI) occurs when a firm invests resources in business activities outside its home
country. Many of the barriers to international trade took the form of high tariffs on imports of manufactured goods. The
typical aim of such tariffs was to protect domestic industries from foreign competition. One consequence, however, was
“beggar thy neighbor” retaliatory trade policies, with countries progressively raising trade barriers against each other.
Ultimately, this depressed world demand and contributed to the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Having learned from this experience, the advanced industrial nations of the West committed themselves after World
War II to progressively reducing barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and capital among nations.10 This goal was
enshrined in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Under the umbrella of GATT, eight rounds of negotiations
among member states worked to lower barriers to the free flow of goods and services. The first round of negotiations
went into effect in 1948. The most recent negotiations to be completed, known as the Uruguay Round, were finalized in
December 1993. The Uruguay Round further reduced trade barriers; extended GATT to cover services as well as
manufactured goods; provided enhanced protection for patents, trademarks, and copyrights; and established the World
Another random document with
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which belongs to the night, when there are no sounds of busy life, no
distractions of bright light and vivid color to divert the attention, she
saw both the dangers on the one hand, the attractions on the other,
of a deeper dive into the mystery which surrounded her. For a few
seconds the impulses struggled against each other, and then
curiosity and youthful daring carried the day.
Throwing open the door, which had not been relocked, and in
which there was no key, Mabin, considering this circumstance as she
went, dashed through in pursuit.
It was indeed a daring thing to do, for she was not even mistress
of the topography of the house. The room in which she now found
herself she had never been in before, and the only light to guide her
footsteps came through the window and was obscured by a yellow-
white blind. It was by this light that Mabin knew that the dawn had
come, and the knowledge gave her more courage. She could follow
the intruder with greater security now that she knew that, if she
chased him to the place where he had entered the house, she would
see his face in the daylight.
As she entered the room the man was in the act of opening a door
on the left which led into the corridor. Mabin saw him for a moment,
against the brighter light which came through the windows on the
east side of the house; and then this door closed between her and
him as the other had done.
By the time she had got into the corridor in her turn, she saw the
man disappear down the stairs at the end. She followed still. He
reached the hall; he went down the four steps to the drawing-room,
through the doorway of which he again passed out of her sight.
In the midst of the excitement which hurried her on to the drawing-
room door, the young girl felt a chill in her blood as she remembered
Mrs. Dale’s description of the gloom of the deserted apartment. She
had described it as “a damp and mouldy mausoleum.” Mabin would
have avoided the room if she could. The meeting with her mysterious
visitor would be more uncanny there than in the warmer, more
habitable parts of the house.
But she went on. Dashing into the room with impetuosity all the
greater for her vague fears, Mabin found herself in a very long, wide,
low-ceilinged room, the roof of which was supported by two rows of
pillars, and the air of which struck a chill into her.
There were three large windows, two on the right hand, and one at
the end of the room, in front of her. Above the shutters of those on
her right the gray rays of the morning were creeping, making the
marble of the heavy old mantelpiece look livid, and showing the
stains of damp on the white and gold wall-paper.
This was all that the girl had time to notice when suddenly the
shutters of the window at the end of the room were thrown back with
a clatter of wood and a clang of iron, and she saw the green of the
trees outside, and the man of whom she was in pursuit standing in
the opening he had made. And then she saw that the French window
was open, and knew that this was the way by which he had entered
the house.
The word “Stop!” was on her lips when suddenly he seemed to
stagger, and she heard him gasp and struggle for his breath. Surely
this was no burglar, this man with the thin white hands, who could
not run a distance of a hundred yards without inconvenience.
She tumbled over a footstool, and as she drew herself up again,
she saw that she was alone in the room.
Running lightly and quickly to the window she looked out into the
garden. The fresh morning breeze blew the open window against the
wooden shutter with a loud crash. At the same moment she caught
sight of the figure of which she had been in pursuit so long, under
the trees to the right. At the noise of the crashing window the man
turned quickly round, and in the pale light of the dawn Mabin saw his
face distinctly.
In a moment the last trace of fear of him which had lingered in her
heart disappeared. Almost as pale as a mask of the dead, the face
she saw was that of a man on whom every form of suffering seemed
to have left its mark. The hollow eyes were full of unspeakable
sadness; the deep lines about the mouth were those of illness or
sorrow rather than of age; while even the thick sprinkling of gray
hairs among the brown which Mabin detected in the searching cold
light of the morning told the same tale of weight of grief rather than of
All these things the girl’s quick young eyes saw in one brief look.
Then, instinctively, she took a step forward into the garden, with
some vague intention of asking him a question. But the moment she
moved he turned; and disappearing from her sight behind the trees
and shrubs which grew between the lawn and the spot where she
stood, left her in a state of surprise and bewilderment from which it
took her some minutes to recover.
It was the physical fact that she began to shiver violently in the
keen morning air which at last roused her from the dazed condition
into which the chase and its end had thrown her. She got into the
house again, shut the window, fastened the shutter carefully,
wondering by what magical means it had been opened from the
outside, and stumbled along the musty drawing-room in the half-light
until she reached the door.
Opening it quickly, she caught sight of Annie, the housemaid,
rapidly turning the corner of the staircase above. With suspicion in
her mind, she called the girl; but Annie disappeared into the upper
regions of the house, paying no attention to her.
Uneasy, interested, puzzled, Mabin went slowly upstairs, started
violently when the tall clock on the stairs struck four close to her ear,
and stood before the open door of the room through which the
intruder had passed on his way to and from hers.
Who was this man with the grave, sad, handsome face, who got
into the house by night, and stole his way to the very bed-chamber of
Mrs. Dale? In what relation did he stand to the lovely widow?
No honest man, whether relation, friend, or lover, would pay his
mysterious visits like these! And yet there was something in his face
so attractive, so interesting, that Mabin would fain have believed that
there was some reason, some excuse, for his strange conduct. And
the one excuse which she unwillingly had to find was this: the man
must be mad.
This began to show a way out of the mystery; but it was by no
means cleared up. Was he the man who had taken her father’s
house as “Mr. Banks”? This seemed probable, and at any rate this
could be easily ascertained. If so, and if “Mr. Banks” was a madman,
why was he unattended by any keeper?
And what, “Mr. Banks” or no “Mr. Banks,” was the meaning of
these stealthy nocturnal visits? That they were so unexpected, so
unwelcome, as to be inconceivable on the part of Mrs. Dale, had
been abundantly proved by the fact that she had believed the visitor
to be a vision of her imagination only, and not a human being. For
Mabin could not doubt that the appearance which Mrs. Dale had
taken for a horrible dream had been in reality the living man she had
just seen.
Who then could he be, and what could he want? Was the refined,
sensitive face, with its sad eyes and worn mouth, the mask and not
the index of the man?
The more Mabin thought, the clearer it seemed to grow to her that
the man was either a relation or a lover, who had gone out of his
mind, and whose insanity had taken this strange form of nocturnal
But then, again, if he had been insane, would not Mrs. Dale have
heard of it? And was it not rather the act of a sane man than of a
madman to assume a name not his own in order to hide his identity
from the woman he meant to harass? Again, was the intruder the
tenant of “Stone House” at all?
Even of this she was not sure; and Mabin decided that this
question must be answered definitely before she could think herself
on the road to the discovery of the mystery.
In the mean time, the door of the room through which she had
passed in pursuit of the intruder being still open, she entered, and
instinctively looked round, to see if he had left any trace of his
She drew up the blind and let the daylight stream into the corners.
The room was like the rest of the house, shabby and furnished
with little taste. It had perhaps been a study or a school-room, for in
front of the one window there was a large leather-covered writing-
table, much splashed with ink. The rest of the furniture consisted of a
couple of small ottomans and half a dozen chairs, all covered with
green rep, and trimmed with green worsted fringe, and of a
mahogany bookcase which stood near the door.
Mabin, with one glance round, had satisfied herself that nothing in
the room betrayed the recent presence of an intruder, when her
attention was suddenly arrested by a picture on the wall to her left.
It was a portrait in oils of a man, very young, very handsome, and
bearing, as she saw at once, a great resemblance to the man she
had seen a quarter of an hour before escaping from the house.
A great resemblance, that was all; it did not occur to her for some
minutes that the man in the picture and the man she had seen could
be the same person. But as her fascinated eyes pored over the
painting, studying each feature, it grew upon her gradually that the
likeness between it and the man was that of a face in happiness to a
face in sorrow, and she saw the possibility that they were one and
the same person.
As this thought crossed her mind, she stepped back startled by
her own discovery. The light, growing stronger every moment, began
to bathe the picture in the brightness of a summer morning, and she
noticed then with what care it had been preserved. A tiny rod ran
along the top of the picture, and from it hung two curtains, now
drawn aside, of dark blue satin, hung with bullion fringe, and
embroidered richly in shades of blue and gold.
Mabin’s eyes, attracted by the beautiful colors, were fixed upon
this handsome hanging, when a piercing cry, uttered by a voice she
did not recognize, but which thrilled her by its wild grief, made her
start and turn round.
Just within the door by which she had entered the room Mrs. Dale
was lying prone, motionless, on the floor.
Mabin, trembling from head to foot, went down on her knees
beside her friend, and found that she had fainted. Not wishing to call
the servants, she ran into the adjoining bedroom, fetched some
water, and sprinkled it on the face of the unconscious woman. But at
first Mrs. Dale gave no sign of life, and Mabin had time to reflect on
the course she had better take.
And as, she thought, Mrs. Dale’s sudden loss of consciousness
must be in some way connected with the picture, it would be better
that she should find herself, on recovering, in another room.
Mabin was so much taller than Mrs. Dale that she found it a
comparatively easy task to drag the little, slenderly made creature
into the adjoining bedroom, and when she got her upon the sofa at
the foot of the bed she found that the pink color was returning to her
patient’s cheeks, that her hands and eyelids were moving slightly,
and that a sigh was struggling up to her lips.
“Do you feel better now, dear?” asked Mabin rather tremulously.
For she had some doubts as to the scene which might be
Mrs. Dale opened her eyes, but made no answer. She did not
seem to hear Mabin; she seemed to be listening, trying to remember.
“Would you like a little water?” went on Mabin, rather frightened by
the silence, and betraying her feelings in her tone and in the
expression of her face. Then Mrs. Dale sat up, and the rather vacant
look on her face grew into one of weary sadness.
“No, dear, thank you. I am not thirsty; and I—and I—am quite
As she said this she rose, and glanced anxiously round the room.
Then she looked at the door which communicated with the adjoining
apartment, and suddenly sprang toward it.
“Don’t, don’t go in there!” cried Mabin, quickly, imploringly.
Mrs. Dale, with a deadly white face, stopped short, turned and
looked at her.
“Why not?” she asked abruptly, in a whisper.
“Why, because—because—” stammered the girl, “it was in there
you fainted. Don’t you remember?”
She took one of Mrs. Dale’s ice-cold hands in her own, in the hope
of communicating the warmth of her own young blood to her terror-
stricken friend.
“I—I remember. I found you looking——”
She broke off suddenly, snatched her hand from the girl’s, and ran
into the next room. Mabin followed hesitatingly, and found her
standing in front of the picture, with her eyes fixed upon it. Mabin
said nothing, afraid lest by some unlucky word she should increase
the mental distress of the unhappy woman. She uttered a cry as Mrs.
Dale, turning upon her fiercely, asked in a tone which she had never
used to her before:
“Why did you come in here? And what made you draw back the
curtains?” Then evidently regretting her violence of manner when
she saw how strong an effect it had upon the girl, she added with an
abrupt change to apologetic gentleness, and with tears of penitence
in her eyes: “I beg your pardon, dear; but—but it is not like you to be
so curious.”
Mabin hesitated. She did not dare to tell Mrs. Dale what it was that
had brought her into the room. For, she argued to herself, if the mere
sight of this man’s portrait, and the belief that she had only dreamed
she saw him, had such an effect upon the little woman, what might
not the result be of finding that he had been there in the flesh?
“The door was open,” she said at last.
And she felt quite glad that Mrs. Dale evidently doubted her word,
and looked again in a puzzled manner at the portrait.
“What made you draw back the curtains?” was her next question.
“I didn’t. I found the picture like that. I haven’t touched it,”
answered Mabin quickly and rather indignantly.
But her transitory anger passed away when she saw the change to
deep trouble which instantly took place in Mrs. Dale’s face. Putting
up her handkerchief with shaking fingers to her wet, white face, the
little lady clung with the other hand to the old writing-table, by which
she was standing. She was in a state of great agitation, but Mabin
did not know whether she ought to appear to be conscious of the fact
or not. At last Mrs. Dale asked, in a hoarse whisper:
“That noise—I heard a noise in the house—and Annie, I saw
Annie running upstairs—What was it?”
“The drawing-room window had been left open and it banged
against the shutter,” replied Mabin. “I went down and shut it, and
Annie went down too.”
She was ashamed to have to make this equivocal answer, but she
dared not tell the whole truth—yet. She must have more of her
friend’s confidence first, she must know more. And again she asked
herself whether this man was some old lover of Mrs. Dale’s, who had
been shut up on account of insanity, and of whose confinement Mrs.
Dale had heard. She thought she would make an attempt to find out.
“What a handsome face this is!” she said, controlling her own
nervous agitation as well as she could, and fixing her gaze upon the
picture. “I don’t think I ever saw a face I admired so much.”
There was a pause, and Mabin, without looking round, heard her
companion draw a deep breath. Presently, however, the latter
recovered her self-possession sufficiently to ask, with an assumption
of her usual playful tone:
Mabin was taken completely off her guard. Her mind filled with the
story of her friend, she had for the time forgotten her own.
“Oh, that is a different type of face, quite different,” she replied,
relapsing at once into the formal tone of the shy school-girl.
“But not without its good points?” suggested Mrs. Dale, coming
behind the girl and putting her little hands on her waist.
Mabin, with an inspiration of astuteness, thought she received a
short cut to her friend’s confidence, a confidence which would clear
the ground for further discoveries, further enlightenments.
“Haven’t you ever felt that one—person—was outside everything
else? And not to be measured by standards at all?” she asked in a
soft, shy voice.
Mrs. Dale’s answer, the answer, too, of a widow, came upon her
like a thunderbolt.
“No, dear. I have had no such experience myself. I have never
cared for a man in all my life.”
And she spoke with the accents of sincerity.

A single syllable hardly conveys the amount of alarm, of horror, of
paralyzing fright which Mabin puts into the exclamation.
And yet the occasion was an ordinary one enough. It had simply
happened that she had taken her work to the old seat at the edge of
the plantation, where the primitive picnics used to take place in the
old days, and that Rudolph had come up softly over the fields without
her hearing his footsteps on the yielding grass.
“I frightened you?”
“N—no, not exactly, but you made me drop my needle. I thought
you were at Portsmouth!”
“So I was. But that isn’t five thousand miles off. I came back this
Mabin said nothing. She had not seen him for a fortnight,—not, in
fact, since the morning when he had met her on the seashore, and
when he had applauded her resolution of sleeping in the room in
which Mrs. Dale had had her bad dream. He had been called away
suddenly on the following day, and had therefore heard nothing of
Mabin’s adventure.
“Haven’t you got any news for me? I had rather expected a
Now Mabin had a budget for him, and had been looking forward
most anxiously for his return, that she might confide in him some of
the suspicions, the surmises, which filled her brain by day, and even
kept her awake at night. But as usual with events long looked
forward to, this return of Rudolph’s had not taken place as she
expected, and she found herself in a state of unreadiness to meet
In the first place, she felt so ridiculously excited, so absurdly glad,
that all the things she had been storing up in her mind to tell him
dwindled into sudden insignificance. What did they matter, what did
anything matter just now, except that Rudolph had come back, and
that she must try not to let him guess how glad she was?
“Yes,” she said deliberately, after a short pause, looking across the
clover field to the sea, and carefully choosing another needle, “I have
plenty to tell you. I had it all ready, but—but you came up so
suddenly that you have scattered all the threads of the story, and
now I don’t remember where to begin.”
“I’m so awfully sorry. First you say I make you lose your needle,
and then I scatter your threads. I’m afraid you think me in the way.”
No answer.
“Must I go?”
Rudolph got up and drew back a step, standing in the long, rank
grass which bordered the clover field in the shade of the trees of the
“If I say yes, I suppose you will say I’m being rude again!” said
Mabin, as she threw up at him, from under her big shady hat, a shy
glance so full of attraction in its unconscious coquetry that Rudolph
also forgot the budget, and thought he had never seen any girl look
half so pretty as she did.
“I should say,” said he, bending his head as he spoke, and looking
with great apparent interest at the work in her hands, “that you were
There was another pause. Never before, even in the days of her
wooden shyness, had Mabin found speech with him so difficult. A
lump seemed to rise in her throat whenever she had a remark ready,
and for fear of betraying the fact she remained silent altogether.
It was odd, too, that Rudolph, who had always been so fluent of
speech himself, and had made her seem so dull, had now become
infected with her own stupid reticence.
“You are a long time finding one,” said he at last.
“Yes. I—I seem to have lost all the fine ones,” replied Mabin,
bending her head still lower than before over her needle case.
“Let me help you. Give me the work first, so that I can judge what
size you want.”
“How can you tell—a man?” asked Mabin with indignation.
And in her contempt she looked up at him again.
“Oh-ho, madam! Don’t you know that we sailors can use a needle
as well as any woman. Here let me show you.”
This was an admirable opportunity for seating himself on the
bench beside her; and Rudolph, who had felt a strange hesitation
about doing so before, now took the plunge, and placed himself on
the end of the wooden seat.
“What is this? An antimacassar?”
“No. A cooking apron.”
“How interesting! Ladies ought not to make such things. They
should do things that want lots of bundles of silks of all sorts of
colors. This isn’t sufficiently decorative.”
“You mean fancy-work!” exclaimed Mabin with an expression of
horror. “I hate fancy-work!”
“Girls who do fancy-work can always give a fellow things they
have made themselves to remember them by. I have a heap of
tobacco pouches, all very pretty and too good to use. Now you
couldn’t give a fellow a cooking apron, to remember you by, could
“I shouldn’t want anybody to remember me—with a lot of other
girls!” retorted Mabin fiercely.
And then she felt the blood rush to her cheeks, and she thrust the
needle-case quickly into his hands.
“Find one now, find one!” cried she imperiously, “and let me see
what you can do. I believe you are only boasting when you say you
can sew.”
Rudolph took the apron from her, and the needle-case, found a
needle of the size he wanted in half the time she had spent in
searching for one, and took up her hem where she had left off,
working with fine, even stitches which called forth her unwilling
“Why,” she cried, in great surprise, “you do it beautifully! It’s better
than mine!”
“Of course it is,” remarked Rudolph calmly. “Whatever the superior
sex does bears, of course, the mark of superiority. The only thing
that women can do really well is to receive prettily the attentions of
the sex, it is useless for them to try to emulate. You used to do it very
well once. I am hoping you haven’t lost the knack.”
“You haven’t lost your old knack of conceit, I see.”
“Oh, no. I have just the same opinion of myself and just the same
opinion of you as when you used to send me wading into the pools
between the rocks to get little crabs for you, and into the hedges for
bird’s eggs, one from each nest, don’t you remember? And when
you used to make me so proud by saying I found them quicker than
anybody else. And then—do you remember what you used to do
“Break them on the way home, I suppose,” said she, trying to look
as if she had forgotten.
“Come, don’t you really remember any better than that?”
He had finished his needleful of thread, and handed her back the
apron. So that he was at leisure to watch her face as she folded the
big piece of holland, and collected the odds and ends of her work-
bag. And it was quite clear to him that her memory was as true as
“Don’t you remember that you always gave me a kiss when I found
a robin’s nest?”
“No, indeed, I don’t.”
But she did. Eyes, cheeks, and mouth all betrayed the
scandalizing recollection.
“And used to promise to marry me when you grew up? Now, do
you mean to say you’ve forgotten that?”
Evidently loss of memory was no protection with this person.
Mabin blushed, and tried another sort of answer.
“Yes, I remember. What funny things children say!”
“Was it—funny?”
“Why, yes, I can’t help laughing at the idea now!”
And Mabin began to laugh hysterically, unnaturally, but withal so
prettily, with so much of maidenly confusion and subdued happiness
mingling with her amusement, that Rudolph threw his arm round her
in the midst of her mirth, and cut it short by snatching a kiss.
The monosyllable was meant to express astonishment and
indignation, but it was a poor little protest after all, and one of which
Rudolph did not feel bound to take much notice.
“Are you angry?” said he, not withdrawing his arm. “Are you very
angry, Mabin? Don’t you think you will ever be able to forgive me?”
“I am angry, certainly,” answered she, trying to release herself. “I
hope you are going to apologize for—for forgetting that I am not nine
“How old are you, Mabin?”
“Quite old enough to take up the promises you made ten years
ago. Quite old enough to marry me.”
“Rudolph! What nonsense!”
“Oh, is it nonsense? If you think I’m going to allow my feelings to
be trifled with by a chit of a girl who used to go halves with me in
bull’s eyes, you’re very much mistaken! Now then, are you willing to
ratify your promise, or am I to bring an action for breach?”
But Mabin, trembling with excitement and happiness so great as to
be bewildering, felt dimly that there was too much levity about this
abrupt settlement of the affairs of two lifetimes. This sudden proposal
did not accord with her serious disposition, with her sense of the
fitness of things. She looked at him with eyes pathetically full of
something like terror.
“Rudolph!” she whispered, in a voice which was unsteady with
strong emotion, “how can you talk like this? How can you? Don’t you
know that it hurts?”
“Hurts, little one? What do you mean by that?”
His tone was tender enough to satisfy the most exacting damsel,
but Mabin was struck with fresh terror on remarking that instead of
releasing her he tightened the grasp in which he held her.
“Why, I mean—I mean—that you are in play, that, it is amusement,
fun, to you; while to me—”
And then she saw in his eyes something new, something of the
earnestness, the seriousness which she had longed for, but which
she had not before detected in the light-hearted sailor.
“While to you—? Why, little one, do you think it is anything to you,
this promise that I am to have you to guard and to keep near my
heart for our lives, more than it is to me? Do you think one must
meet one’s happiness with a sour face, Mabin, and ask a girl to love
you from the other side of a stone wall? Oh, my little sweetheart, with
the shy eyes and the proud heart, you have a great deal to learn;
and the very first thing is to trust me, and not to think my love of no
account because I can woo you with a light heart.”
Every word seemed to echo in the young girl’s heart. She was
taken off her feet, lifted high into an enchanted region where words
were music, and a touch of the fingers ecstasy, and she hardly dared
to speak, to move, to draw breath lest the spell should be broken,
and she should wake up to commonplace life again. She listened,
hardly speaking, to her lover as he told her how she had always
remained in his mind as the childish figure that foreshadowed his
womanly ideal; how her cold reserve had piqued him, made him
study her the more; and finally how quickly these feelings had given
place to warmer ones when he and she became friends once more.
They did not know how the time went. The sun rose high, the
shadows shifted gradually, the dew dried on the long grass. At last a
bell, ringing loudly in the garden behind the plantation, startled
Mabin, and made her spring up.
“That’s for luncheon, it must be for luncheon!” she cried in blushing
confusion. “I’d forgotten—forgotten everything!”
Rudolph laughed gently, and picked up her bag and her work.
“I won’t come in,” said he. “But I’ll go through the plantation with
you to carry these.”
Across Mabin’s face there came a cloud.
“You must see Mrs. Dale,” she said. “She will want to see you, and
“And yet what?”
“I’m jealous.”
“Are you? For shame, for shame! Can’t you trust me?”
“I will say yes, of course, but——”
“But you mean no. Well, I can promise not to break your heart.”
And he laughed at her and teased her, and told her that Mrs. Dale
was too well off to trouble her head about a poor lieutenant.
But Mabin was only half comforted; she remembered how well
they had got on together on that memorable evening when a
misunderstanding had caused her to sulk, and she was too diffident
to believe that her own charms could compete with brilliant Mrs.
As soon as they came out of the plantation, and within sight of the
house, they saw across the lawn the young housemaid, Annie,
shading her eyes with her hand, as if watching for some one. Mabin,
thinking the girl was looking out for her, sprang away from Rudolph,
calling out a last “Good-by” as she hurried over the lawn.
“Tell Mrs. Dale that I am coming to call upon her this afternoon, to
ask her to give me some tea. And please remind her that she
promised me peaches next time I came,” called out Rudolph after
her as she ran.
Mabin merely waved her hand to imply that she heard, and ran on
toward the house. Annie, instead of retreating into the hall at the
approach of the young lady, stepped out into the garden. And when
Rudolph, after skirting the plantation, reached the gravelled space on
his way to the gate, he found the young housemaid holding it open
for him. He saw, before he came up, by the girl’s look and manner
that she had something to say to him.
“I beg your pardon, sir,” she said in a low voice, as soon as he was
near enough to hear, “but I hope you won’t mind me taking the liberty
of speaking to you.”
The girl was a bright-looking young person, with intelligent eyes
and an open, pleasant face.
“Well, what is the portentous secret?” asked Rudolph, smiling,
much amused by her assumed airs of mystery and importance.
“Well, sir, it is a secret,” she retorted, rather nettled by his
amusement. “It’s a warning I have to give you, sir.”
“A warning! Come, this begins to be interesting.”
“It isn’t a joke at all, sir,” said the housemaid, half offended, yet
with increasing earnestness. “I saw you coming over the field this
morning, sir, when I was out speaking to the gardener about the
salad. And I thought you was most likely coming here, sir, and I’ve
been on the lookout for you ever since.”
“Much obliged to you, I’m sure. But have you been told to warn me
off the premises?”
The girl drew herself up.
“Well, I can tell you, sir, that you’d better not come about the place
more than you can help, for if you do there’s some one that will find it
out and maybe do you a mischief. Hoping you’ll excuse the liberty,
sir; but I know something nobody else does, and I shouldn’t like you
to come to any harm, sir.”
And leaving Rudolph in a state of mingled incredulity, amusement,
and surprise, the girl shut the gate, through which he had by this
time passed, ran back quickly and disappeared through the back
door into the house.
It was with a shock that Mabin remembered, when she met Mrs.
Dale, that in the excitement of her own happiness she had neglected
to tell Rudolph the story of her midnight adventure. This
remembrance filled the girl with compunction. She reproached
herself with thinking of no one but herself, and was as miserable
over her omission as she had been happy while with her lover. As it
was in the dining-room that she met Mrs. Dale, the presence of the
parlormaid prevented her from confiding to her friend’s ear the
events of the morning. She said with a hot blush that she had met
Rudolph and gave his message; but although Mrs. Dale received the
intelligence with an arch smile she did not guess how extremely
interesting the interview had proved.
And as after luncheon Mrs. Dale sent her into Seagate for
peaches, while she wrote some letters, Mabin kept the secret of her
engagement, saving it up until Rudolph should himself break the
The young girl felt an odd shyness about confessing her
happiness. She was quite glad of the excuse circumstances afforded
of keeping it all to herself for a few hours longer. It was a joy so far
above all other joys that it seemed to her its bloom would not bear
the rough touch of arch words and looks which would certainly follow
the announcement of it.
Hugging her happiness to her heart, she went quickly to Seagate
and back, not heeding the scorching heat of the sun, or the glare of
the chalky roads, or the dust made by the vehicles which passed her
on the way. And when she reached “The Towers” again, finding that
Mrs. Dale had not yet come downstairs, she put on her hat and went
back to the seat where Rudolph had sat with her that morning, to live
over again the golden time they had spent there together.
But she could not free her mind from the self-reproach she felt at
having forgotten, in the pleasure of the meeting with Rudolph, the
affairs of her friend. There was just this excuse for her, that it was
now a whole fortnight since the strange night adventure had
happened, and during all that time nothing had occurred at “The
Towers” to recall the visit of the intruder whom Mabin had chased out
of the house. After that strange confidence of Mrs. Dale’s, following
the incident of the picture, no word more had been exchanged by the
two ladies on the subject. It was this new but unavoidable reserve
between them which had made Mabin so shy of mentioning her new
happiness. If Mrs. Dale had, as she averred, never been in love
herself, what sympathy could she be expected to have for Mabin?
With these thoughts in her mind Mabin had at last got up from the
seat, and sauntered along the narrow path through the plantation in
the direction of her father’s house. Crossing the lane which
separated the grounds of the two houses, she found herself, without
thinking how she came there, on the path which ran along outside
the wall at the bottom of her father’s garden.
She had gone about ten yards when she heard a slight noise on
the inner side of the wall. She stopped. There flashed quickly into
her mind the old forgotten question: Was her father’s tenant the man
who had got into “The Towers” at night a fortnight ago?
Coming noiselessly close to the wall, she reached the top of it by a
sudden spring, and saw, between the bushes of the border, the bent
figure of a gentleman, sauntering along slowly with the aid of a stick.
The cry she uttered made him look up.
And the face she saw was the face of the picture in the shut-up
room, the face of the man she had pursued through the house,
whose thin, worn features she had seen a fortnight ago in the pale
light of the morning.

Mabin had only just time to recognize the face of the man who had
got into “The Towers” at night as Mr. Banks, her father’s tenant,
when he turned abruptly and hurried away toward the house.
Mabin’s first thought was to get over the wall, a proceeding to
which, it must be admitted, she was not unaccustomed, and pursue
him, as she had done upon a recent and well-remembered occasion.
But she felt a certain natural shyness about such a bold course, and
decided that she would proceed in more orthodox fashion by going
round to the front door and asking for him.
It was not without fears that she would be unsuccessful that she
made her way, slowly and with the slight limp which still remained
from her bicycle accident, along the lane to the front of the house.
This was the first time she had been inside her father’s gates since
the morning the family went away, and it struck her with a sense of
strangeness that she had lived a great deal faster than ever before
since that memorable day. Mrs. Dale’s mysterious story; the visit of
the old lady with the cruel tongue; the midnight intrusion of Mr.
Banks; last, and chief of all, Rudolph’s confession of love—these
things had opened a wide abyss between the child Mabin and the
woman. She felt that she was not the shy girl who had had a nervous
dread of leaving home mingling with the thoughts of coming
pleasure. And she told herself that when the family came back they
would find, not the angular girl they had left, but a woman, a full-
fledged woman.
Perhaps she congratulated herself prematurely upon the
enormous advance she had made; at any rate, when she rang the
bell, she found her heart beating very fast, and a curious feeling
rising in her throat which threatened to affect the steadiness of her
It was Langford who opened the door. The old servant had not
seen Mabin since the day she had left the house, and her face broke
out into smiles as she greeted her.
“Bless me, Miss Mabin, I never thought of its being you! But I am
glad to see you. And how have you been getting on? And have you
heard from Mrs. Rose lately?”
“I’m getting on splendidly, and I heard from mamma two days ago.
Ethel’s got the mumps, but the rest are all right. I’ll talk to you
another time. Come round and see me some evening. Can’t you get
away? I’m in a hurry now; I want to see Mr. Banks.”
Langford shook her head emphatically.
“It’s no use wanting that, Miss Mabin. Mr. Banks never sees
anybody, not even his lawyer if he can help it. He’s a character, he is.
Is it a message you’ve got for him from Mr. Rose?”
“Oh, no. It’s something very important, much more important than
that. And I must see him; I tell you I must! And if you won’t help me, I
shall go to work in a way of my own, and give the poor man a fright.”
“Oh, no, Miss Mabin, you won’t do that, I’m sure! You don’t know
how delicate the poor gentleman is; more than once since he’s been
here he has given me a fright, and made me think he was going to
die. And he’s so peculiar; he won’t let one send for a doctor, not if it’s
ever so, he won’t. I’m sure one morning, a fortnight ago, when I
found him lying on the floor in the hall with the back garden door
open, I thought he was dead, that I did. But when I’d brought him to
—for he’d fainted, just like a woman—he wouldn’t hear of my getting
any one to come and see him——”
“Ah!” exclaimed Mabin. “Was that on a Tuesday night—I mean
Wednesday morning?”
“Yes, so it was.”
Mabin smiled.
“Well, I know the reason of that attack. And perhaps I’ll tell you
some day, if you’ll manage to let me see him now. And first tell me
what you think of him. Is he mad, do you think, or what? You
remember, when he first came, you thought he was.”
Langford shook her head dubiously.
“Well, really, Miss Mabin, I can’t rightly tell you what I do think
about him. Sometimes I do think he’s off his head altogether; he
marches up and down the drawing-room—that’s the room he has
taken to himself—by the hour together, going faster and faster, till I
listen outside the door wondering if anything is going to happen, and
whether he’s going to break out like and do himself a mischief. But if
I make an excuse to go in, though his eyes are wide and glaring, so
that at the first look he frightens one, yet he always speaks to me
quite gently, and says he doesn’t want anything. Of course I pretend
not to notice anything, and I think he likes the way I take him. For,
though he’s always civil-spoken to every one, he doesn’t let the two
girls come near him, if he can help it. If they come up from the
kitchen or out of a room when he’s by, he just turns his back and
waits till they’ve gone past.”
Mabin listened with deep interest, and without interrupting by a
question. But when Langford paused for breath, the young girl asked
“Does he have any letters? It isn’t just curiosity that makes me
ask, I needn’t tell you.”
“No, Miss Mabin. He doesn’t have any letters sent here except
under cover from his lawyer. They come in big envelopes, with the
address stamped on the back, so I know. It looks as if he was in
hiding or something, doesn’t it?” she added in a discreet whisper.
Mabin thought that it did, and the fact added to the fascination of
the mystery.
“You don’t think he’s a detective, do you?” she whispered close to
Langford’s ear.
“No, I’m quite sure he isn’t. Detectives aren’t gentlemen, and Mr.
Banks is a gentleman, if ever there was one.”
“It’s very strange,” murmured Mabin vaguely, pondering on the
fresh facts.
“You may well say that, Miss Mabin. I don’t know what to think
myself. Some days he’ll sit all day long with his head in his hands
without moving scarcely. Or he’ll sit poring over what looks like old
letters and bits of things that I think must have been a woman’s
somehow. But there, I feel like a sneak telling these things even to
you; for it’s only by chance that I know anything about them myself,
and for certain Mr. Banks didn’t think I should chatter about what I
“Ah, well, I know more than you do as it is,” said Mabin softly.

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