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Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science. Vol. LXIV, No.

1, 2021
ISSN 2285-5750; ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5769; ISSN Online 2393-2260; ISSN-L 2285-5750



Alina MOGODAN1, Isabelle METAXA1, Ștefan-Mihai PETREA1, Ira-Adeline SIMIONOV1, 2,

Aurelia NICĂ1, Victor CRISTEA1, 3
“Dunărea de Jos” University of Galaţi, Food Science and Engineering Faculty, Food Science,
Food Engineering, Biotechnologies and Aquaculture Department - MoRAS Center, 800008,
Galaţi, Romania
“Dunărea de Jos” University of Galaţi, Food Science and Engineering Faculty, Food Science, Food
Engineering, Biotechnologies and Aquaculture Department, 800008, Galaţi, Romania and “Dunărea
de Jos” University of Galaţi, Multidisciplinary Research Platform (ReForm) - MoRAS, 800008,
Galaţi, Romania
“Dunărea de Jos” University of Galaţi, Border Faculty, 800008, Galaţi, Romania

Corresponding author email: [email protected]


The present study was carried out to measures and analyses the condition of cyprinids, reared in a two IMTA systems
by using a few organosomatic indices. The first pond (PCP) was used for rearing common carp in polyculture with
other cyprinids. The second pond was divided in two parts: first part-common carp (CP) and the second part -
polyculture (PP). During this experimental period (May to September), the biometric measurement was made monthly.
Regarding to the feeding regime, fish were feed only in PCP and CP pond (part of CP-PP pond). At the end of the
experiment the results showed an increase in viscerosomatic index (VSI), hepatosomatic index (HIS), gastrosomatic
index (GaSI) at cyprinids in CP and PCP. This is mainly due to the fact that only in CP and PCP feed was
administered. An increase in the relative gut length (RGL) index was observed especially in grass carp, followed by the
other cyprinids in the PP pond, part of the CP-PP pond, in which feed was not administered. In conclusion, this shows
us that cyprinids can adapt to the natural feeding conditions in case of feed absence (cereals mix).

Key words: cyprinids, IMTA, organosomatic indices, polyculture, relative gut length.

INTRODUCTION feed and feeding technology, as well as feeding

strategy (Boyd, 1998).
Over the past few decades, the increasing Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) is
demand for world fishery production has led to the farming, in proximity, of species from
a significant expansion of aquaculture, which different trophic levels and with comple-
accounts for about half of global seafood mentary ecosystem functions in a way that
production (Zhu et al., 2019). allows one species uneaten feed and wastes,
Impact of common carp (Cyprinus carpio, nutrients and by products to be recaptured and
Linnaeus 1758) pond production on fish pond converted into fertilizer, feed and energy for
ecosystems has been extensively studied in the other crops, and to take advantage of
Central and Eastern Europe (Pechar et al., synergistic interactions among species while
2002). Currently, the evaluation of possible biomitigation takes place (Chopin, 2013). The
positive, as well as negative effects of fishery multi-trophic sub-systems are integrated in
management on surface water quality IMTA that refers to the more intensive culti-
(Vsetickova et al., 2012) is another important vation of the different species in proximity of
issue, often linked to integrated aquaculture each other, linked by nutrient and energy transfer
systems. through water (Sasikumar & Viji, 2016).
Strategies that aimed to reduce the impact of Cyprinidae polyculture is also favored, based
nutrients on aquaculture effluents have focused on the assumption that each fish species has its
on optimizing feed composition, improving own feeding niche that does not overlap much
with the feeding niche of the other species. As more exactly in the Larga Jijia village. The
a result, a large fraction of natural food water source is represented by Jijia river. Both
available in the pond is used in multi-species inlet and outlet are made gravitationally, by
systems (Khan et al., 2016). using monk hydraulic constructions. The
Feed and feeding are the key components of location of the farm is described in the work
cost-effective aqua-culture, economic and published by Petrea et al. (2017).
nutritional achievements of the aquaculture Design experimental. The experiment was
mainly depend upon supplementary diets performed in two ponds with an area of 0.45 ha
(Omosowone & Ogunrinde, 2018). each, with an average water depth of 1.5 m.
Fish diet has been found to be an important The first pond (PCP) was used for rearing carps
factor governing fish growth, welfare, in polyculture like as: common carp (Cyprinus
condition factor, fecundity and migration carpio - 2500 exemplars) with grass carp
patterns (Adeyemi et al., 2009; Rao, 1974). (Ctenopharyngodon idella - 100 exemplars),
Feeding is the dominant activity of the entire bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis - 40
life cycle of fish (Joadder & Hossain, 2008). exemplars) and silver carp
The study of the food and feeding habit of (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix - 40 exemplars).
fishes provide keys for the selection of The second pond was divided by using a net,
culturable species and such information is and stocked as follows: first part with an area
necessary for successful fish farming (Manon of 0.15 ha (CP - with 2000 common carp
& Hossain, 2011). exemplars) and the second part with an area of
The study of fish condition is usually based on 0.30 ha (PP - with 500 common carp
the analysis of length-weight data and of other exemplars, 40 silver carp exemplars, 40
indices like organosomatic indicators. bighead exemplars and 100 grass carp
Organosomatic indices can be described as the exemplars).
ratios of organs to body weight when the At the beginning of the research the individual
measured organ in relation to body mass can be average of common carp biomass weight was
directly linked to some environmental changes 61.9±10.0 g/ex, for silver carp was
(Ronald & Bruce, 1990). It is manifested 2025.1±248.9 g/ex, for bighead carp was
through changes in size that are reflected 1880.5±193.3 g/ex and for grass carp was
through a reduction or increase, influenced by 199.9±19.7 g/ex.
environmental factors. Size and weight of the This experimental design was used for a growth
organs are related to the overall length and research that had lasted from May to September
weight of fish and indicate the general status of characteristic for a carp growth cycle.
health of the fish (Ronald & Bruce, 1990). In the second pond, CP-PP pond, an
However, organosomatic indices may provide intermittent hydraulic regime was applied
more specific information related to the during the day-time, in order to transport the
function of the selected organ (Martin-Diaz et fish metabolic wastes from CP pond area, to PP
al., 2005). It can also be used as indices of pond area, in order to assure the development
changes in nutritional and energy status of phytoplankton and therefore, to generate a
(Maxwell & Dutta, 2005). better wastes management and valorisation.
The aim of this research was to evaluate the Regarding to the feeding regime, fish were feed
condition of cyprinids, reared in a two IMTA only in PCP and CP pond (part of CP-PP
systems, by using a few organosomatic indices pond). The administered feed had a crude
like viscerosomatic index, hepatosomatic protein content of 28% and was represented by
index, gastrosomatic index and relative gut a mix of cereals (wheat lees, dry maize dregs,
length. sunflower groats) in equal amounts and flour
protein. Feed was manually administered
MATERIALS AND METHODS twice/day, only in PCP and CP, for five
Description of the study sites. The research During the research, fisheries control were
were conducted at the "S.C. Piscicola Iasi" fish carried out every month. At each fishing
farm, which is situated at 24 km from Iasi, control, biometric measurements were

performed and also, fish were retained for the aquaculture industry sustainability and
organosomatic analysis. profitability (Petrea et al., 2019).
Organosomatic analysis. The analysis of
organosomatic indices was determined at the The individual length-individual weight linear
Research Laboratory of Food Science, Food regression.
Engineering, Biotechnologies and Aquaculture A. PCP experimental variant
Department from “Dunărea de Jos” University At the beginning of the experimental period, no
of Galaţi. Until the laboratory, during the significant differences (p>0.05) were observed
transportation the fish were kept in refrigerated between the experimental variants in terms of
boxes. The fishes from sampling ponds were fish, individual length and individual weight.
wiped dry with the help of a cotton towel. Each Therefore, the homogeneity of fish
exemplar was weighed on a electronic balance. experimental biomass was statistically verified
Then was followed immediately by fish (Levene Test, p>0.05).
evisceration to determine the organosomatic Common carp. The individual length-
indices. Complete care was taken with the gut individual weight linear regression shows high
to prevent either the injury or pressure to avoid homogeneity both at the beginning and at the
the loss of gut contents. Total length and total end, but also during the experimental period.
weight of gut was also recorded. Among the Therefore, the following linear regression
determined indices are listed: viscerosomatic factors were recorded: R2 initial = 0.82; R2
index (VSI), hepatosomatic index (HSI), Int.1 = 0.953; R2 Int.2 = 0.819; R2 Int.3 =
gastrosomatic index (GaSI) and relative gut 0.909; R2 final = 0.768 (Figure 1).
length (RGL). These indices were calculated
using the following formulas (sources 4, 7):
VSI (%) = 100 x viscer weight (g)/weight (1)
of fish (g)

HSI (%) = 100 x liver weight (g)/weight of (2)

fish (g)

GaSI (%) = 100 x weight of full gut (g)/ (3)

weight of fish (g)

RGL = gut length (cm)/total length of fish (4)

Statistical analysis
The results obtained in this research were
statistically analysed using IBM SPSS
Statistics 20.0, Microsoft Excell 2010. To Figure 1. Linear regression of common carp biomass
determine significant differences among groups individual length-weight during the experimental period
was used the one-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA); p<0.05 was considered as Silver carp. The individual length-individual
significant. weight linear regression shows high
homogeneity at the initial, Int.3 and at the final
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS harvesting. Therefore, the following linear
regression factors were recorded: R2 initial =
Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) is 0.879; R2 Int.2 = 0.032; R2 Int.3 = 0.997;
considered a solution for converting the waste R2 final = 0.817 (Figure 2). The lowest value of
products from one food production process (in linear regression factor, recorded at Int.2 is due
this case, fish production) into a source of food to small number of silver carp caught at the
for other organisms, generating therefore control harvesting, this fact conducted to an
valuable products, thus, improving the inconclusive statistically result.

regression factors were recorded: R2 initial =
0.965; R2 Int.1 = 0.978; R2 Int.2 = 0.938;
R2 Int.3 = 0.746; R2 final = 0.981 (Figure 4).

Figure 2. Linear regression of silver carp biomass

individual length-weight during the experimental period

Bighead carp. The individual length-individual

weight linear regression shows high Figure 4. Linear regression of grass carp biomass
homogeneity at the initial, Int.1 and at the Int.2 individual length-weight during the experimental period
harvesting. Therefore, the following linear
regression factors were recorded: R2 initial = B. CP-PP experimental variant
0.905; R2 Int.1 = 0.979; R2 Int.2 = 0.856; Common Carp - CP. The individual length-
R2 Int.3 = 0.670; R2 final = 0.523 (Figure 3). individual weight linear regression shows high
The lowest values of linear regression factor, homogeneity throughout the experimental
recorded at Int.3 and final harvesting showed period. Therefore, the following linear
that there is an inconsistent linear relation regression factors were recorded: R2 initial =
between weight and length growth in the 0.799; R2 Int.1 = 0.998; R2 Int.2 = 0.978;
second half of the experimental period R2 Int.3 = 0.962; R2 final = 0.710 (Figure 5).
(Figure 3).

Figure 5. Linear regression of common carp biomass

Figure 3. Linear regression of bighead carp biomass individual length-weight during the experimental period
individual length-weight during the experimental period
Common Carp - PP. The individual length-
Grass carp. The individual length-individual individual weight linear regression shows high
weight linear regression shows high homogeneity from the beginning of the
homogeneity at the initial, Int.1, Int.2 and at the experimental period, until Int.3 (Figure 6).
final harvesting. Therefore, the following linear Therefore, the following linear regression
factors were recorded: R2 initial = 0.808; 0.694 (Figure 8). The lowest values of linear
R2 Int.1 = 0.938; R2 Int.2 = 0.934; R2 Int.3 = regression factor, recorded at Int.3 and final
0.695; R2 final = 0.702 (Figure 6). harvesting showed that there is an inconsistent
linear relation between weight and length
growth in the second half of the experimental
period (Figure 8).

Figure 6. Linear regression of common carp biomass

individual length-weight during the experimental period

Silver Carp - PP. Figure 8. Linear regression of bighead carp biomass

A high homogeneity of the initial and final fish individual length-weight during the experimental period
biomass is also highlighted by the individual
length-individual weight linear regression. Grass carp - PP. The individual length-
Therefore, the following linear regression individual weight linear regression shows high
factors were recorded: R2 initial = 0.992; homogeneity of grass carp biomass during the
R2 final = 0.932 (Figure 7). entire experimental period (Figure 9).

Figure 7. Linear regression of silver carp biomass

individual length-weight during the experimental period
Figure 9. Linear regression of grass carp biomass
Bighead carp - PP. The individual length- individual length-weight during the experimental period
individual weight linear regression shows high
homogeneity at the initial and Int.2 harvesting. Therefore, the following linear regression
Therefore, the following linear regression factors were recorded: R2 initial = 0.944;
factors were recorded: R2 initial = 0.910; R2 Int.1 = 0.841; R2 Int.2 = 0.990; R2 final =
R2 Int.2 = 896; R2 Int.3 = 0.692; R2 final = 0.972.
Organosomatic indices. When comparing the results obtained during
A. Viscerosomatic index (VSI %) the entire production cycle, it is found that VSI
In addition knowledge of some quantitative index recorded significant higher values
aspects in fishes is an important tool for the (p<0.05) in CP pond (14.07±0.93%) in case of
study of biological fundamentals such as common carp, followed by the values obtained
viscerosomatic and hepatosomatic indices, in PP pond (11.73±2.14%), respectively in PCP
because measurement and analysis of these pond (11.40±1.25%) (Figure 10).
indices are very important in assessing food
value (Ighwela et al., 2014).

Figure 10. Changes of the viscerosomatic index (VSI) in response to different feeding regime

At the same time, in the case of the other B. Hepatosomatic index (HSI %)
species, it is observed that the VSI index The study of viscerosomatic and hepatosomatic
showed higher values in PP pond (bighead carp indices has an important role in the metabolism
- 5.90±0.69%, silver carp - 11.00±2.89%, grass of the fishes, related to digestion and
carp - 9.21±2.10%), compared to the PCP pond absorption, synthesis and secretion of digestive
(bighead carp - 5.34±1.05%, silver carp - enzymes and carbohydrate metabolism
7.63±2.11%, grass carp - 7.19±1.55%), in which (McLaughlin, 1983).
the feed was administered. No results are avai- Singh and Canario (2004) observed that
lable during the experimental period, at inter- hepatosomatic index is one of the most
mediary stages (from June to August), because investigated biomarker due to important role of
no exemplars of silver carp were harvested. liver in detoxification of pollutants.

Figure 11. Changes of the hepatosomatic index (HSI) in response to different feeding regime
If at the VSI level there were significant The results of GaSI index are presented in
differences only in carps reared in CP pond Figure 12. Regarding to the results obtained at
compared to that raised in PP pond and PCP the level of GaSI index a significant differences
pond, in case of the hepatosomatic index there (p<0.05) between PCP and PP pond was
were no significant differences (p>0.05) in any registered in case of grass carp. The highest
of the carp species reared in those two systems mean value of GaSI were recorded for common
(PCP and CP-PP) (Figure 11). carp in CP-PP pond (4.24±0.44% - CP, respect-
During the entire production cycle the mean tively 3.31±0.90% - PP) and for bighead carp
highest values of HSI were registered for (2.21±0.81%), silver carp (1.98±0.47%,
common carp in CP pond (4.03±2.44%), for respectively for grass carp (4.47±0.86%) in PP
bighead carp and grass carp in PP pond pond.
(1.26±0.47%, respectively 2.45±0.59%) and for The higher values of GaSI obtained in PP part
silver carp in PCP pond (1.44±0.08%). of CP-PP pond may be due to the gravitational
current of water (the water supply of the pond
Gastrosomatic index (GaSI %) is made near to CP and the evacuation near to
The gastro-somatic index (GaSI) was used to PP part of the pond) which led to the movement
determine the feeding intensity of fish (Kurbah of nutrients from CP to PP resulting in PP a
& Bhuyan, 2018). better development of natural feed.

Fig. 12. Changes of the gastrosomatic index (GaSI) in response to different feeding regime

Although feed (mix of cereals) was Relative gut length (RGL)

administered in PCP, compared to PP pond, we Food and feeding habit of fish are important
can say that the fish were satisfied only with biological factors for selecting a group of fish
the food received and were no longer tempted for culture in ponds to avoid competition for
to consume a large amount of natural feed. This food among themselves and live in association
aspect can explain the fact that the GaSI index and to utilize all the available food (Dewan &
was higher in case of Asian cyprinids in PP Saha, 1979).
pond, because they had to eat only natural food, The relative gut length of the species may vary
showing in the literature are presented that the according to the difference in the food habits in
consumption of only natural feed leads to gut different life stages (Biswas, 1993). The food
increase in length and also in the weight than in preferences depend greatly on the nature of
the case of fish for which was administered food available in the living habitat,
feed (Koundal et al., 2013; Biswas, 1993). environmental conditions, size or sexual stages
At the same time, there was appeared the of fish as well as inter and intra specific
competition between carp species for the competition (Zacharia & Abdurahiman, 2004).
administered feed in PCP pond, for this reason Relative gut length (RGL) has been widely
the GaSI values were higher in the case of the used to determine the feeding habits of fish
common carp from CP pond. such as herbivorous, carnivorous, omnivorous,

herbi-omnivorous or carni-omnivorous Regarding to the RGL the results are presented
(Koundal et al., 2013, Dasgupta, 2002). in Figure 13. A significant differences (p<0.05)
The food items of common carp is mostly between PCP and PP pond, at the level of all
omnivorous in nature. Among the food items cyprinids, was registered in case of grass carp.
zooplankton and debris and detritus were most The mean value of RGL obtained during the
dominant followed by the aquatic plant parts, entire production cycle were 2.31±0.41 in CP,
phytoplankton, zooplankton, debris and 2.04±0.61 in PP, respectively 2.11±0.43 in PCP
detritus, insects and semi-digested food pond for common carp, 6.29±1.51 in PP and
materials (Manon & Hossain, 2011). In our 6.18±1.63 in PCP pond for bighead carp,
case fish is omnivorous because also feeds with 7.76±1.03 in PP and 7.64±1.18 in PCP pond for
zooplankton in culture ponds. silver carp, 3.37±0.24 in PP and 2.89±0.32 in
PCP pond for grass carp.

Figure 13. Changes of the relative gut length (RGL) in response to different feeding regime

Shafi et al. (2012) showed that the relative emergence of food competition as opposed to
contribution of animal matter in the food of those from the polyculture pond (PP part of
common carp clearly indicates that it is CP-PP pond) who each had their own trophic
omnivorous in its feeding habit, which is also niche as long as no additional food was
supported by its RLG which was present with a administered.
mean value of 1.87, value close to those In conclusion, this shows us that cyprinids can
obtained by us in case of common carp. adapt to the natural feeding conditions in case
The analysis of gut content, Gastro-Somatic of feed absence, a cereals mix in our case.
Index (GaSI) and Relative Length of the Gut Also, these results of organosomatic indices
(RLG) will definitely help in achieving basic can be considered useful as baseline data for
information on overall biology of this fish further monitoring the fish condition, nutrition
species. Also, that organosomatic index is an data and also inspirited the researchers to do
appropriate bioindicator for endocrine further research in this area.
disruption in fish consequent of chemical
exposure (Dogan & Can, 2011). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

CONCLUSIONS The work of Simionov Ira-Adeline was

supported by the project
Based on the obtained results of RGL, these "ANTREPRENORDOC", Contract no.
cyprinids are considered as a omnivorous fish 36355/23.05.2019, financed by The Human
because the values are greater than 1. Capital Operational Programme 2014-2020
Regarding to the GaSI value was observed low (POCU), Romania.
feeding intensity for cyprinids growth in This work was supported by a grant of the
polyculture carp pond (PCP) this is due to the Romanian National Authority for Scientific

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