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Based on CiteSpace Insights into Illicium verum Hook. f.
Current Hotspots and Emerging Trends and China
Resources Distribution
Zhoujian He 1,2,† , Jie Huan 3,† , Meng Ye 1, *, Dan Liang 4 , Yongfei Wu 5 , Wenjun Li 6 , Xiao Gong 1
and Liqiong Jiang 6

1 College of Forestry, Sichuan Agricultural University, Huimin Road 211, Wenjiang District,
Chengdu 611130, China; [email protected] (Z.H.); [email protected] (X.G.)
2 School of Life Sciences, Sichuan University, Wangjiang Road 29, Wuhou District, Chengdu 610064, China
3 Enyang District Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Bazhong City, No. 6, Planning Road 40, Enyang District,
Bazhong 636600, China; [email protected]
4 Baoxing County Natural Resources and Planning Bureau of Yaan City, Lingxiu Road 256, Baoxing County,
Yaan 625700, China; [email protected]
5 Animal Nutrition Institute, Sichuan Agricultural University, Huimin Road 211, Wenjiang District,
Chengdu 611130, China; [email protected]
6 Institute of Forestry, Chengdu Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Nongke Road 200, Wenjiang
District, Chengdu 611130, China; [email protected] (W.L.); [email protected] (L.J.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +86-028-8629-1456
† These authors contributed equally to this work.

Abstract: Illicium verum Hook. f. is a globally significant spice, which is recognized in China as a
food-medicine homolog and extensively utilized across the pharmaceutical, food, and spice industries.
China boasts the world’s leading resources of I. verum, yet its comprehensive utilization remains
relatively underexplored. Through a resource survey of I. verum and the application of bibliometric
visualization using CiteSpace, this study analyzed 324 papers published in the Web of Science Core
Citation: He, Z.; Huan, J.; Ye, M.; Collection (WOSCC) from 1962 to 2023 and 353 core documents from China’s three major databases
Liang, D.; Wu, Y.; Li, W.; Gong, X.; (CNKI, Wanfang Database, and VIP Database). I. verum from Guangxi province towards various
Jiang, L. Based on CiteSpace Insights southern provinces in China, with autumn fruits exhibited superior quality and market value over
into Illicium verum Hook. f. Current their spring fruits. Literature in WOSCC emerged earlier, with a research emphasis on food science
Hotspots and Emerging Trends and technology and pharmacology pharmacy domains. WOSCC research on I. verum could be divided
China Resources Distribution. Foods into two phases: an embryonic period (1962–2001) and a growth period (2002–2023), showing an
2024, 13, 1510. overall upward trend in publication. The three major Chinese databases contain a larger number
of publications, with a focus on the food sector, which could be categorized into three stages: an
Academic Editors: Marìa embryonic period (1990–1999), a growth period (2000–2010), and a stable period (2011–2023), with an
Soledad Prats Moya, Ana Leahu and overall downward trend in publication. Both Chinese and international research hotspots converge
Cristina Ghinea on the medical applications of I. verum, with antioxidant bioactivity research emerging as a prevailing
Received: 6 April 2024
trend. This study delineated the resource distribution of I. verum across China and identified the
Revised: 10 May 2024 research hotspots and trends both in China and internationally. The findings are beneficial for
Accepted: 10 May 2024 guiding researchers in swiftly establishing their research focus and furnishing decision-makers with
Published: 13 May 2024 a comprehensive reference for industry information.

Keywords: Illicium verum; resource; CiteSpace; bibliometrics

Copyright: © 2024 by the authors.

Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article 1. Introduction
distributed under the terms and
Star anise (Illicium verum Hook. f.), as known globally, generates an annual output
conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
value exceeding 10 billion RMB [1] and is extensively utilized in both the food and phar-
maceutical industries [2]. This spice is a common ingredient in the culinary traditions of
4.0/). China and Southeast Asia, enhancing the flavor of meat dishes [3], and it is also employed

Foods 2024, 13, 1510.

Foods 2024, 13, 1510 2 of 16

in Western countries for the production of sweet wines, confections, and cakes [4]. Beyond
its culinary applications, I. verum is recognized as a medicinal resource, possessing antimi-
crobial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties [5]. It features in traditional Chinese
medicine and the Indian healthcare system [4]. The plant is rich in bioactive compounds
such as shikimic acid, essential oil, tannins, and anethole (85–90%), which can inhibit
various viruses, including the avian influenza virus H5N1 and the human influenza virus
H1N1 [6,7]. These compounds also find their way into daily chemical products [1]. In
China, I. verum is classified as a food-medicinal plant and has been included in successive
editions of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia [8]. The I. verum belongs to the Schisandraceae
Blume family, within the Illicium L. genus [9], and is widely distributed across the south-
western part of the Asian continent [4], with the primary production areas located in the
subtropical provinces of southern China [1]. China has a history of cultivating I. verum
spanning over 300 years [10] and is the sole large-scale exporter of I. verum globally [11].
Understanding the distribution of this valuable resource is crucial for its optimal devel-
opment and utilization. I. verum holds significant economic value on a global scale [6–8].
Gaining insights into its research hotspots and trends is anticipated to further stimulate
the development and application of this valuable spice. However, the current landscape is
replete with a vast body of literature on I. verum, both within China and internationally.
Traditional literature review methods are often insufficient to extract the hotspot and trend
information pertinent to I. verum research, underscoring the need for advanced analytical
tools to navigate this complex field.
Literature review is instrumental in understanding the cutting-edge developments
within a field. However, the sheer volume of publications in databases presents a challenge
in achieving a comprehensive grasp of the domain’s evolution [12,13]. Traditional reviews
often focus on a specific domain, and it is seldom feasible to encompass the entirety of
the literature to analyze the current state of research within a particular field [13], thus
necessitating more convenient methods for literature analysis. Rapidly identifying the
developmental hotspots and trends within a field can significantly save researchers time by
swiftly guiding them toward promising research directions [10,14]. Moreover, such insights
also serve to provide a more comprehensive industry information base, which is invaluable
for strategic planning and decision-making [15,16]. Bibliometrics offers a solution by
visualizing the literature, which can be employed to explore the dynamic changes in past
research and predict future trends [14,15]. CiteSpace is a pivotal statistical software within
the realm of bibliometrics, capable of rapidly mapping subject networks and assisting
researchers in identifying trends and hotspots [16–18]. The application of the CiteSpace
tool has facilitated the identification of research hotspots and trends across a spectrum
of scientific disciplines, thereby significantly advancing scientific inquiry. Notably, this
tool has been instrumental in fields such as food science [12,19], medicine [20], traditional
Chinese medicine [21], and ecology [22], where it has helped to distill complex information
and highlight areas ripe for further exploration. I. verum, as a globally significant research
material, has been the subject of several literature reviews. However, these reviews often
focus on food or medical aspects [2,23] and do not adequately reflect the dynamic evolution
of research in this area.
The present study synthesizes the distribution of I. verum resources in China and
employs CiteSpace to visualize journal articles from the three major Chinese databases
and the Web of Science Core Collection (WOSCC). By doing so, we analyze the trends
and hotspots in both Chinese and international research on I. verum. The findings of this
study not only showcase the current state of I. verum resources in China but also serve as
a reference for policymakers and growers. Furthermore, this research facilitates a better
understanding for scientific researchers of the dynamic evolution and emerging trends
within I. verum studies.
Foods 2024, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 16

Foods 2024, 13, 1510 3 of 16

2. Materials and Methods
International literature databases such as Scopus and Google Scholar are available,
but2. the
Web ofand Methods
Science (WOS) is more suited for large-scale bibliometric analysis [24]. The
WOSCC is an integral
International component
literature of the
databases WOS
such database,
as Scopus andencompassing
Google Scholar a wide array of
are available,
but the Web
influential of Science
literature from(WOS)
aroundis more suitedThe
the globe. for large-scale
subject searchbibliometric analysis using
was conducted [24]. Thethe
search is an integral
function of WOSCC, component of the the
employing WOS database,strategy:
following encompassing a wide
Topical array
Subject of influ-
= Illicium
verum literature
Title =from around
Illicium the globe.
verum The subject
OR Author search=was
Keywords conducted
Illicium verumusing the search=
OR Abstract
function of WOSCC, employing the following strategy: Topical Subject
Illicium verum; the language was restricted to English, and the document type was limited = Illicium verum
OR Title = Illicium verum OR Author Keywords = Illicium verum
to articles. The search was accessed on 25 March 2024. Literature published in 2024 was OR Abstract = Illicium
verum; the
excluded, and language was restricted
the analysis focused on to English,
articles, and the document
resulting type was
in a selection limited
of 324 papersto arti-
analysis.The search was accessed on 25 March 2024. Literature published in 2024 was excluded,
and the analysis focused on articles, resulting in a selection of 324 papers for analysis.
The literature search was conducted across three Chinese databases: China National
The literature search was conducted across three Chinese databases: China National
Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI, accessed on 8 February 2024),
Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI, accessed on 8 February 2024),
Weipu Database (VIP, accessed on 8 February 2024), and the Wan-
Weipu Database (VIP, accessed on 8 February 2024), and the
fang Database (, accessed on 8 Feb-
Wanfang Database (, accessed on
ruary 2024). The
8 February search
2024). The criteria included
search criteria publications
included with “Illicium
publications verum”verum”
with “Illicium in the subject
in the
title from 1990 to 2023. The query was restricted to journals indexed as
or title from 1990 to 2023. The query was restricted to journals indexed as core by core by Peking
University, and duplicates
Peking University, were removed.
and duplicates This process
were removed. yielded
This process a total
yielded of 353
a total papers
of 353 for
analysis. The specific analytical procedure is depicted in
for analysis. The specific analytical procedure is depicted in Figure 1.Figure 1.

Figure 1. The process of literature analysis. CWV: CNKI (, Wanfan data
Figure 1. The process of literature analysis. CWV: CNKI (, Wanfan data
(, and VIP data (
(, and VIP data (
about publications of I. verum. WOSCC: Web of Science core collection about publications of I. verum.
about publications of I. verum. WOSCC: Web of Science core collection about publications of I. verum.
Foods 2024, 13, 1510 4 of 16

Visualization of the literature was performed using CiteSpace V.6.2.R4 (Drexel Univer-
sity, Philadelphia, PA, USA), with the following parameter settings: (1) Time slicing was set
from 1962 to 2023, with a slice width of 5 years; (2) The g-index was configured with a k-
value of 25; (3) For network pruning, the Pathfinder and slicing network pruning algorithms
were selected. Keyword co-occurrence maps were generated using the Log-Likelihood
Ratio (LLR) algorithm to extract keywords. All clustering results had modularity above
0.3 and silhouette values above 0.7, indicating robust clustering outcomes [12].

3. Results
3.1. Resource of I. verum
In this study, we have mapped the primary distribution areas of the I. verum resources
in China [1,9,25–28], as depicted in Figure 2. According to the literature, I. verum was
predominantly found in the southern regions of the country [1], near the tropic of can-
cer [11]. The resource was mainly distributed across provinces such as Guangxi, Yunnan,
Guangdong, Guizhou, Hunan, Jiangxi, Fujian, and Zhejiang, with small-scale cultivation in
the Shigang Forest Farm in Lu County, Sichuan, and sporadic plantings in other provinces
of the south [1]. Among the cultivating provinces, Guangxi had the largest planting area,
covering 36,506 km2 across 24 counties (cities or districts), with Baise and Ningming coun-
ties known for their superior quality and cultivation history exceeding 300 years [1,28].
Longzhou County, Fangcheng District, and Teng County are the top producers of I. verum,
with an output exceeding 200,000 kg. The distribution of I. verum resources was centered in
Guangxi and radiated to the adjacent southern provinces.

Figure 2. Distribution of I. verum in China. The green-shaded regions in the figure delineate the
primary areas of I. verum cultivation in China, while the red dots indicate the distribution points of I.
verum across various provinces. YN: Yunnan province; SC: Sichuan province; GZ: Guizhou province;
GX: Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region; HN: Hunan province; GD: Guangdong province; JX:
Jiangxi province; FJ: Fujian province; ZJ: Zhejiang province; TW: Taiwan province. Morphological
images of I. verum fruits and flowers. The image was created using ArcGIS 10.5.

Foods 2024, 13, 1510 5 of 16

In the Illicium, certain species closely resemble I. verum, leading to the emergence of
counterfeit I. verum that was challenging to distinguish from the authentic product. These
counterfeits had not only disrupted the market for I. verum but had been responsible for
incidents of poisoning due to their toxic properties. Here, we listed the common adulterants
of I. verum and their toxic parts, as depicted in Table 1.

Table 1. Common adulterants and toxic parts of I. verum.

Species Toxic of Location Resources

Illicium anisatum seeds and carpels [22,27]
Illicium floridanum fruits and leaves [22,27]
Illicium merrillianum pericarps [22,27]
Illicium majus fruits [22,27]
Illicium verum fruits [22,27]
Illicium arborescens fruits [22,27]
Illicium brevystylum fruits [22,27]
Illicium henryi fruits [22,27]
Illicium macranthum fruits [22,27]
Illicium majus fruits [22,27]
Illicium minwanense fruits [22,27]
Illicium simonsii fruits [22,27]
Illicium ternstroemioides fruits [22,27]

In addition to the presence of morphologically similar counterfeits, I. verum was often

classified into two varieties based on the harvest time: the spring fruit (horn flower star
anise) and the autumn fruit (big red star anise). These two varieties differ not only in
their chemical composition but also in their market value [29]. Data from the Chinese
Medicinal Materials World Network (, accessed
on 6 March 2024), which span from 2019 to 2023, provides a detailed analysis of the prices
of different types of I. verum across various trading markets, as well as the morphological
characteristics of the spring and autumn fruits, as depicted in Figure 3. The price trend of I.
verum exhibited an overall “inverted V” pattern, reaching its peak in 2021 before stabilizing.
Despite this stabilization, prices remained higher compared to those in 2019 and 2020.
Interestingly, the price of the spring fruit is consistently lower than that of the autumn
fruit across different regions, with minimal price fluctuations observed within the same
type of fruit (Figure 3A). Within the same year, the price of autumn fruit was relatively
constant across different trading markets (Figure 3C). Morphologically, the autumn fruit of
I. verum was characterized by a better opening degree and a bright yellow fruit color, which
gives it an overall superior appearance compared to the spring fruit (Figure 3B,D). The
microscopic morphology of I. verum is illustrated in Figure S1. These findings underscore
the importance of distinguishing between the different varieties of I. verum not only to
combat counterfeit products but also to understand the economic implications of seasonal
variations in the harvest.

3.2. Annual Number and Trend of Publications

The annual variation in the number of publications was a significant metric for gauging
the academic research activity within a field [30], and it could reflect the pace of research
development [31]. An analysis of articles related to I. verum in three Chinese databases
and the WOSCC was presented in Figure 4. The initial publication of literature in WOSCC
occurred in 1962, predating the first literature in three Chinese databases, which appeared
in 1990. The annual publication trend of literature in three Chinese databases could be
divided into three distinct phases: the embryonic phase (1990–1999), during which the
number of publications was relatively low; the growth phase (2000–2010), characterized by
an overall upward trend in publication numbers, peaking at 29 articles in 2010; and the
stable phase (2011–2023), where the overall publication trend experienced a decline, yet the
number of publications remained above seven per year. These findings provided valuable
Foods 2024, 13, 1510 6 of 16

R REVIEW 6 of 16
insights into the trajectory of academic interest and research output in the field of I. verum,
highlighting the dynamic nature of research focus and the potential for future exploration.

Figure 3. Price and Morphology of Two I. verum Varieties from 2019 to 2023. (A) Price of I. verum in
Figure 3. Price and Morphology of Two I. verum Varieties from 2019 to 2023. (A) Price of I. verum in
Fangchenggang and Wuzhou cities in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. FCG_CG: spring
Fangchenggang and Wuzhou citiesin in
fruits of I. verum the Guangxi
Fangchenggang city; Zhuang Autonomous
FCG_DH: autumn Region.
fruits of I. verum FCG_CG: city;
in Fangchenggang spring
fruits of I. verum in Fangchenggang city; FCG_DH: autumn fruits of I. verum in Fangchenggang
WZ_CG: spring fruits of I. verum in Wuzhou city; WZ_DH: autumn fruits of I. verum in Wuzhou city;
(C) Annual price changes for autumn fruits of I. verum in
WZ_CG: spring fruits of I. verum in Wuzhou city; WZ_DH: autumn fruits of I. verum in Wuzhou four major traditional Chinese medicine
markets in China. AG: Anguo Medicine Market in Baoding; HZ: Heze Medicine Market in Bozhou;
city. (C) Annual price changes for autumn fruits of I. verum in four major traditional Chinese medi-
HHC: Hehuachi Medicine Market; YL: Yulin Medicine Market in Yulin. (B) Morphological features of
Foods 2024, x FOR PEERin China.
REVIEW AG: fruits
autumn Anguo Medicine
of I. verum. Market in
(D) Morphological Baoding;
features of springHZ:
fruits Heze Medicine
of I. verum. The prices Market
depicted in
7 of 16

Bozhou; HHC: Hehuachi in theMedicine Market;

figure represent YL: annual
the average Yulinvalues
Medicinefor eachMarket in Yulin.
variety. Scale = 1 cm. (B) Morphological
features of autumn fruits of I. verum. (D) Morphological features of spring fruits of I. verum. The
prices depicted in the figure represent the average annual values for each variety. Scale = 1 cm.

3.2. Annual Number and Trend of Publications

The annual variation in the number of publications was a significant metric for gaug-
ing the academic research activity within a field [30], and it could reflect the pace of re-
search development [31]. An analysis of articles related to I. verum in three Chinese data-
bases and the WOSCC was presented in Figure 4. The initial publication of literature in
WOSCC occurred in 1962, predating the first literature in three Chinese databases, which
appeared in 1990. The annual publication trend of literature in three Chinese databases
could be divided into three distinct phases: the embryonic phase (1990–1999), during
which the number of publications was relatively low; the growth phase (2000–2010), char-
Figure 4. Trends of the number of publications issued by I. verum. CWV: CNKI (
acterized by an overall
Figure 4. upward
Trends oftrend in publication
the number numbers,
of publications issued by peaking
I. verum.atCWV:
29 articles, Wanfan data (, and VIP data
(, Wanfan data (, and
2010; and the stable phase (2011–2023),about
( where the overall
publications publication
of I. verum. WOSCC: Web of trend
core collection a
VIP data ( about publications of I. verum. WOSCC: Web of Science core col-
decline, yet the numberabout publications of
of publications
lection about I.
publications verum. remained above seven per year. These findings
of I. verum.
provided valuable insights into the trajectory of academic interest and research output in
3.3. Main Research Forces
the field of I. verum, highlighting the dynamic nature of research focus and the potential
3.3.1. Countries and Institutions
for future exploration.International scientific collaboration played a significant role in integrating into the
The growth trend
global of literature
research community,in WOSCC oncollaborative
reflecting the I. verum could be delineated
relationships into two
between different
Figure 4. Trends of the number of publications issued by I. verum. CWV: CNKI
(, Wanfan data (, and
VIP data ( about publications of I. verum. WOSCC: Web of Science core col-
lection about publications of I. verum.
Foods 2024, 13, 1510 7 of 16

3.3. Main Research Forces

3.3.1. Countries and Institutions
The growth trend of literature in WOSCC on I. verum could be delineated into two
distinct phases. The first phase, termed the embryonic phase (1962–2001), was characterized
Internationalbyscientific collaboration played a significant role in integrating into the
an unstable number of publications. The second phase, known as the growth phase
global research community, reflecting
(2002–2023), witnessed the upward
an overall collaborative relationships
trend in publication volume,between
in a
peak of 41 articles in the year 2022.
countries and academic institutions [32]. The WOSCC, as a pivotal bibliographic database,
effectively mirrors cooperation. By employing CiteSpace for visualization,
Main Research Forces
we depicted the leading institutions
3.3.1. Countries and countries in terms of publication output on I.
and Institutions
verum within the WOSCC, as shown incollaboration
International scientific Figure 5.played
Both athesignificant
Chinese role in integratingof
Academy intoSciences
global research community, reflecting the collaborative relationships between different
and Shandong Agricultural University
countries and academic have [32].
institutions published
The WOSCC, over as a10 articles
pivotal relateddatabase,
bibliographic to I. verum
(Figure 5A), with effectively
all thesemirrors
publications originating
international cooperation. from China, indicating
By employing CiteSpace for a close engage-
ment of Chinese we depicted thein
institutions leading institutionsof
the research andI.countries
verum. in terms of three
Among publication on I.
verum within the WOSCC, as shown in Figure 5. Both the Chinese Academy of Sciences
research institutions, those from
and Shandong Guangxi
Agricultural Zhuang
University haveAutonomous
published over 10 Prefecture had
articles related to the highest
I. verum
number of publications on with
(Figure 5A), I. verum (Figure
all these S2).originating
publications The research on I.indicating
from China, verum spanned over 50
a close engage-
ment of Chinese institutions in the research of I. verum. Among three Chinese database
countries and regions, demonstrating its global attention. The country with the most ex-
research institutions, those from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Prefecture had the highest
tensive research on I. verum
number was the People’s
of publications on I. verumRepublic
(Figure S2).of China,
The researchwith
on I.over
verum120 publications
spanned over
(Figure 5B). The size of theand
50 countries circles was
regions, proportional
demonstrating to the
its global number
attention. of publications
The country with the mostfrom
extensive research on I. verum was the People’s Republic of China, with over 120 publica-
each country [33].tions
Among the top 10 countries in I. verum research, the majority were lo-
(Figure 5B). The size of the circles was proportional to the number of publications
cated in Asia. In summary, the visualization
from each country [33]. Among the analysis of research
top 10 countries institutions
in I. verum and
research, the countries
indicated a close correlation between the volume of scientific literature and the distribu-
were located in Asia. In summary, the visualization analysis of research institutions and
countries indicated a close correlation between the volume of scientific literature and the
tion of I. verum resources.
distribution of I. verum resources.

Figure 5. Network visualization map of cooperation between countries and institutions. (A) CiteSpace
network map of institutions involved in I. verum, Modularity (Q = 0.9243), Silhouette (S = 0.9903).
(B) CiteSpace network map of countries involved in I. verum, the size of the circle indicates the number
of countries that had published papers, and the yellow line indicates the cooperation between different
countries. Only the top 20 countries with the number of articles were shown. Modularity (Q = 0.5526),
Silhouette (S = 0.7253).

The tier of research journals serves as a critical instrument for gauging the quality of
research [13]. Subsequently, we conducted a statistical analysis of the top 10 journals by
publication count, both Chinese and internationally, with the results presented in Table 2.
Based on the data from WOSCC, the research field of I. verum abroad was primarily
concentrated in “Food Science & Technology” (60 publications) and “Pharmacology &
Foods 2024, 13, 1510 8 of 16

Pharmacy” (47 publications). Among the top 10 journals with the highest publication
count on I. verum in the WOSCC, “Molecules” (11 publications) published the most papers,
showcasing a diverse range of research topics. The proportion of journals with a Journal
Citation Report (JCR) rank of Q1 is 60%, indicating a high level of research quality. In
the three Chinese databases, the research field of I. verum was predominantly focused
on “Light Industrial Handicrafts” and “Traditional Chinese Medicine”, with a relatively
stable research domain. In the top 10 Chinese journals by publication count, “China
Condiment” (60 publications) published the most papers. Only the journal “Food Science”
was recognized as an outstanding Chinese journal, suggesting that the overall level of
research on I. verum in Chinese journals was relatively low, and the influence was weak.

Table 2. Top 10 Journals by publication count for I. verum research.

Type Journal Impact Factor Categories Number

Molecules 4.6 Biochemistry & molecular biology 11
Industrial crops and products 5.9 Agricultural engineering 7
Food chemistry 8.8 Chemistry, applied 5
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 6.1 Agriculture, multidisciplinary 5
Poultry science 4.4 Agriculture, dairy, and animal science 5
Food and chemical toxicology 4.3 Toxicology 4
Phytotherapy research 7.2 Chemistry, medicinal 4
Animal science journal 2.0 Agriculture, dairy, and animal science 3
Environmental science and pollution research 5.8 Environmental sciences 3
Evidence-based complementary and alternative
2.65 Integrative and complementary medicine 3
China condiment 2.749 Light industrial handicrafts 60
Food science and technology 1.623 Light industrial handicrafts 15
Lishizhen medicine and materia medica research 1.496 Traditional Chinese medicine 14
Science and technology of the food industry 2.592 Light industrial handicrafts 14
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences 0.900 Comprehensive agriculture 11
Food science 3.894 Light industrial handicrafts 9
Food research and development 2.251 Light industrial handicrafts 9
Chinese journal of pharmaceutical analysis 1.665 Medicine 9
Chinese traditional and herbal drugs 4.694 Traditional Chinese medicine 9
Journal of the Chinese cereals and oils association 2.278 Light industrial handicrafts 11
Note: The impact factors and subject categories of international journals were obtained through the WOSCC.
The impact factors listed were as of the year 2022, and where multiple subject categories are available, the one
with the highest ranking in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) was selected. Journals highlighted in red were
those classified in the Q1 zone of the JCR. The acronym “CWV” represents a composite of the China National
Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) (, Wanfang (
html?index=true), and VIP ( The impact factors and subject categories for journals were
retrieved via the CNKI platform.

3.3.2. Main Author

The co-citation network of literature represents the structure and development of a
field, and identifying key researchers within this network could aid in discovering leading
research teams [30,34]. We analyzed the primary authors and co-cited authors within the
WOSCC, as depicted in Figure 6. The correlation between publication count and citation
frequency in I. verum research was not significant. Both the most prolific author and the
author with the highest citation count were scholars from China, indicating a deep level of
research engagement in this field within the country. Yang Zaibin had the highest number
of publications (12 papers), suggesting extensive research contributions. Wang GW had
the highest number of citations (114), indicating a high quality of published work. Further
analysis of I. verum researchers in China’s three major databases was presented in Figure
S3. The principal investigator in Chinese I. verum research is “Miu Jianhua”, who was
characterized by close collaborations with other researchers within China.
of research engagement in this field within the country. Yang Zaibin had the highest num-
ber of publications (12 papers), suggesting extensive research contributions. Wang GW
had the highest number of citations (114), indicating a high quality of published work.
Further analysis of I. verum researchers in China’s three major databases was presented in
Foods 2024, 13, 1510 Figure S3. The principal investigator in Chinese I. verum research is “Miu Jianhua”,
9 of 16 who
was characterized by close collaborations with other researchers within China.

Figure 6. 6.Citespace
network ofof co-cited
authorship and
and TOP TOP 13 authors.
13 authors. (A) co-cited
(A) co-cited authorship
authorship in in
fieldofofI.I.verum research.The
verum research. Thesize
size of the
of the circle
circle is positively
is positively correlated
correlated with thewith
citedthe cited
counts of counts
the of
authors, andandthe the yellow
yellow lines represent
lines represent a collaboration
a collaboration between two between two
authors. authors.(Q
Modularity Modularity
= 0.7921), (Q =
0.7921), Silhouette
Silhouette (S = 0.8684).
(S = 0.8684). (B) TOP (B) TOP 13
13 author author
in the fieldin
of the fieldresearch.
I. verum of I. verum
Theresearch. The of
small number small number
of within
points thewithin
module the reflects
module reflects
the number the
of number of articles
articles published bypublished
the the author.
Modularity (Q =Modularity
0.9661), (Q
= 0.9661),
Silhouette Silhouette (S = 0.9828).
(S = 0.9828).

3.4. Research Trend and Hotspot Analysis

3.4. Research Trend and Hotspot Analysis
3.4.1. Hotspot in I. verum
3.4.1. Hotspot in I. verum
Understanding the relevance of other related topics could provide insights into a
Understanding the[18].
field of study The evolution
relevance of otherofrelated
article topics
keywords could
could reflectinsights
provide the structure
into a spe-
cific field of study [18]. The evolution of article keywords could reflect the the
and dynamics of a knowledge domain [35]. By utilizing CiteSpace to visualize high- and
dynamics ofkeywords
a knowledge I. verum[35].
in thedomain literature from the
By utilizing WOSCC, to
CiteSpace wevisualize
could reveal the
the high-fre-
hotspots of research in this field, as shown in Figure 7. The effective clustering results
quency keywords in the I. verum literature from the WOSCC, we could reveal the hotspots
encompass a total of 12 clusters (Figure 7A), which were primarily divided into two main
of categories.
research inThe thisfirst
field, as shown in Figure 7. The effective clustering results encompass a
category pertains to the classification research of I. verum resources,
total of 12 clusters (Figure
including cluster #1, “star anise”,7A), which
cluster were primarily
#2, “Illicium divided
verum”, into two
and cluster main categories.
#7, “foeniculum
The first category
vulgare mill”. The pertains
timelines to the classification
of these research
clusters were notably of I. verum
extensive (Figure resources, including
7B), indicating
cluster #1, “star anise”,
that resource-related cluster
issues had #2, “Illicium
become verum”,
a significant and cluster
foundation #7, “foeniculum
for research on I. verum.vulgare
mill”. The timelines
The second of these
category clusters
pertains were
to the notablyresearch
application extensive
of I.(Figure 7B), indicating
verum, which includes that
cluster #0, “antibacterial
resource-related issues had activity”,
become cluster #3, “layingfoundation
a significant hen”, clusterfor
“Aspergilluson I.flavus”,
cluster #5, “natural fumigant”, cluster #6, “Aedes aegypti”, cluster
The second category pertains to the application research of I. verum, which #8, “shikimic acid”,
cluster #9, “quality control”, cluster #10, “Blattella germanica”, and cluster #11, “behavior”.
cluster #0, “antibacterial activity”, cluster #3, “laying hen”, cluster #4, “Aspergillus flavus”,
The clusters within the application domain of I. verum demonstrated a primary focus on
cluster #5, “natural fumigant”, cluster #6, “Aedes aegypti”, cluster #8, “shikimic acid”,
the medical and pharmaceutical fields. The keyword clustering of I. verum in three Chinese
cluster #9, “quality
databases (Figures S4 control”, cluster
and S5) could #10, “Blattella
likewise be dividedgermanica”,
into two main and clusterHowever,
categories. #11, “behav-
Chinesewithin the application
databases’ domain
keyword clusters of more
were I. verum demonstrated
concentrated on thearesources
primary focus
onofthe medical and pharmaceutical fields. The keyword clustering
I. verum rather than its applications. Both international and Chinese research on the of I. verum in three
Chinese databases
application (Figures
of I. verum S4 andthe
emphasizes S5)medical
could likewise
field. be divided into two main categories.
However, the three Chinese databasesʹ keyword clusters were more concentrated on the
3.4.2. Trend in I. verum
resources of I. verum rather than its applications. Both international and Chinese research
on the Keyword
application clustering analysis
of I. verum enables thethe
emphasizes identification of emerging research trends [17].
medical field.
By conducting an analysis of the strongest citation bursts for keywords in both Chinese and
international databases, the results are depicted in Figure 8. Based on the top 10 keywords
bursts from the WOSCC, the outcomes could be categorized into two groups (Figure 8A):
the first group pertains to I. verum resources (10%), and the second to the application
of I. verum (90%), indicating that research on I. verum was predominantly focused on its
applications. Within the domain of I. verum applications, high-frequency keywords could
be divided into two categories: the first category involves the chemical composition and
extraction methods (60%), and the second category concerns the application of bioactive
substances (30%). “Essential oil” and “Illicium verum Hook f” emerged as the earliest high-
frequency keywords, suggesting that the initial research on I. verum centered on its chemical
Foods 2024, 13, 1510 10 of 16

constituents and resources. While the chemical composition and extraction methods were
once the primary high-frequency terms associated with I. verum, more recent research
Foods 2024, 13, x FOR have shifted towards “antioxidant” and “nutrient digestibility”. The emergence of
“nutrient digestibility” as a new high-frequency keyword likely extends from the plant’s
antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.

Figure 7. Keyword 7. Keyword
analysis analysis in I. verum-related
in I. verum-related study.mapping
study. (A) Visual (A) Visual
ofmapping ofin
keywords keywords
I. verum in I. verum
using CiteSpace; The black lines showed the connections between them. (B) The keyword time zone
using CiteSpace; The black lines showed the connections between them. (B) The keyword time zones
of I. verum. Modularity (Q = 0.6483), Silhouette (S = 0.8486).
of I. verum. Modularity (Q = 0.6483), Silhouette (S = 0.8486).
3.4.2. Trend in I. verum
Keyword clustering analysis enables the identification of emerging research trend
[17]. By conducting an analysis of the strongest citation bursts for keywords in both Chi
nese and international databases, the results are depicted in Figure 8. Based on the top 10
relevance to the medicinal quality of I. verum [36]. Subsequently, “Illicium” emerged as a
research trend, potentially due to concerns regarding counterfeits in the resource pool of
I. verum. In recent years, “biological activity” has become a prominent research trend,
which might be associated with the antimicrobial and antioxidant characteristics of I.
verum [4]. This shift in focus towards the biological activity of I. verum reflected the grow-
Foods 2024, 13, 1510 11 of 16
ing interest in understanding and harnessing the plant’s therapeutic potential.

Figure 8. Keywords with the strongest citation bursts of I. verum. (A) Keywords from 1962 to 2023
appear in WOSCC. (B) The keywords of 1990~2023 in the three major Chinese databases appear. The
red part indicated that the keyword was in a high-frequency state during the time period.

Based on the top 10 keyword bursts from three Chinese databases, the research
results were categorized into two groups: resources and applications, with the latter still
constituting the majority. The early study of the “fennel brain” might be attributed to its
relevance to the medicinal quality of I. verum [36]. Subsequently, “Illicium” emerged as a
research trend, potentially due to concerns regarding counterfeits in the resource pool of I.
verum. In recent years, “biological activity” has become a prominent research trend, which
might be associated with the antimicrobial and antioxidant characteristics of I. verum [4].
This shift in focus towards the biological activity of I. verum reflected the growing interest
in understanding and harnessing the plant’s therapeutic potential.

4. Discussion
Resource Distribution of I. verum
The plants within the Illicium exhibit similar morphological characteristics, yet they
can have significant differences in their chemical compositions. These differences have led
to the emergence of various counterfeits of I. verum (Table 1). The I. verum itself is non-toxic
and is utilized across multiple domains due to its content of volatile oils and trans-anethole,
among other active constituents [2,8]. However, these morphologically similar counterfeits
pose a threat to human health because they contain toxins [23]. Reports from Europe and
the United States have indicated that accidental consumption of these counterfeits can lead
to adverse neurological reactions [37]. The distribution and habitat preferences of different
counterfeits may vary. For instance, Illicium simonsii Maxim is found in the mountainous
Foods 2024, 13, 1510 12 of 16

regions of Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan provinces in China [38], while Illicium henryi Diels
is distributed in the moist areas of Hubei and Sichuan provinces, among other locations in
China [9]. Although these counterfeits can be harmful if consumed directly, they possess
significant value as they can be extracted to yield shikimic acid, a compound that has
been used to treat avian influenza, among other applications [23]. Therefore, the judicious
utilization of these I. verum counterfeits could be beneficial to humanity. Understanding
the distribution of I. verum resources is crucial for the identification and differentiation
of counterfeits.
The I. verum is native to China and Vietnam [23] and thrives in subtropical regions of
southern Asia [9]. However, China stands out as the country with the richest resources and
the capacity for substantial export [11]. The plant is predominantly found in provinces near
the Tropic of Cancer in China, such as Guangxi, Guangdong, and Guizhou provinces in
China, where it is cultivated extensively. Although I. verum has been introduced to other
provinces, it has not reached a significant scale of cultivation [1]. Economic development
has prompted the introduction of I. verum in many regions, but often, the outcomes have
been less than satisfactory, failing to yield substantial economic benefits. There are sev-
eral potential reasons for the poor performance of I. verum in introduced settings. Firstly,
while introduction to colder climates may reduce the incidence of pests and diseases [39],
different species vary in their adaptability, and excessively low temperatures can limit
plant growth [40]. Secondly, when temperatures exceed the optimal range for the plant,
net photosynthesis may decline due to increased respiration and stomatal closure [41],
potentially preventing the plant from completing reproductive tasks and merely maintain-
ing normal growth. Lastly, when plants are introduced to new environments, they may
encounter new herbivores or re-encounter local herbivores [42], leading to a decrease in
their adaptive capabilities. Biogenic volatiles are crucial substances that plants produce in
response to biotic or abiotic stress, enhancing their survival [43]. Variations in the content
and composition of volatiles in I. verum from different regions [2,4,23,44] indicate that
different environments can influence the accumulation of active components in I. verum,
which also limits the effectiveness of its introduction to new areas. Consequently, these
factors contribute to the current distribution pattern of I. verum.
The fruits and foliage of I. verum contain a variety of important active compounds.
These include over 20 active substances such as cis- and trans-anethole and tannins, a
small number of nitrogenous components, 14 types of hydrocarbon constituents, and 22
oxygenated hydrocarbon derivatives [2,45,46]. These compounds are known for their
antimicrobial, antioxidant, and insecticidal properties [47,48]. As a food-medicinal plant,
the I. verum is widely used in both food and pharmaceutical applications. In countries such
as China, Vietnam, and India, I. verum is frequently used in the preparation of meat dishes,
while in Western countries, it is employed in the making of alcoholic beverages, teas, and
jams [4]. Beyond enhancing the flavor of food, I verum is also utilized as a pharmaceutical
agent due to its numerous active ingredients. For instance, it is used in the manufacturing
of the antiviral drug oseltamivir (Tamiflu® ) [49]. Trans-anethole and volatile oil are critical
indicators of the medicinal quality of I. verum, and since the 2010 edition of the Chinese
Pharmacopoeia, a minimum trans-anethole content of 4% has been stipulated [36]. An
analysis of keyword clustering trends and hotspots in recent years reveals a pronounced
focus on the pharmaceutical applications of I. verum (Figures 7 and 8), highlighting the
plant’s significance in medical research.
The primary research on I. verum has predominantly focused on the pharmaceutical
domain due to several key reasons. Initially, advancements in extraction technologies have
facilitated the identification of a growing number of active constituents. I. verum, like many
traditional Chinese medicinal herbs, is a rich source of bioactive compounds [38]. The
evolution of extraction techniques has led to the uncovering of an increasing variety of
these compounds, thereby enhancing research efforts in their medicinal applications [50].
With the discovery of the harmful effects of antibiotic misuse in both livestock and human
medicine, the search for alternatives to antibiotics has become a research priority [51,52].
Foods 2024, 13, 1510 13 of 16

The I. verum, with its antiviral and antioxidant properties, has emerged as a significant
candidate in this context. Its potential to serve as a substitute for conventional antibiotics
has garnered considerable attention in the scientific community. In conclusion, the future
trajectory of research on I. verum is poised to continue its emphasis on pharmaceutical
applications. The exploration of its bioactive components and the development of novel
therapeutic strategies leveraging these properties will likely remain at the forefront of
scientific inquiry.

5. Conclusions
China stands as the country with the richest resources of I. verum, predominantly
centered around the Guangxi province and extending to surrounding provinces. Chinese
scholars have the highest publication count in WOSCC and engage in close collaboration
with researchers. The abundance of I. verum resources facilitates the advancement of
research in academic institutions. Currently, the focus of research interest in I. verum is
primarily within the medicinal domain, and the investigation of its bioactive properties is
poised to become a new direction for future studies.
Due to the presence of many morphologically similar toxic plants within the same
genus, the application of I. verum in the food industry has been constrained. However,
I. verum and its related species possess significant medicinal value, as documented in
references [4–8], which has led to a focused research interest in the medical field for I.
verum. Based on the analysis of current research hotspots and trends regarding I. verum
presented in this article, potential future developments in star anise research may include
the following areas.
(1) The proportion of research into the selection and breeding of superior resources of I.
verum and its counterfeits is increasing. Current trends in research from both China
and internationally indicate a growing focus on antioxidant activity, which is emerging
as a prevailing research trend. This outcome is expected to stimulate an increased
demand for the antioxidant components of I. verum in the future. Consequently, the
development of superior varieties of I. verum rich in antioxidant constituents or the
cultivation of high-quality resources from related species within the same genus may
present new avenues for research;
(2) The research proportion dedicated to the application of I. verum in the food sector
is anticipated to expand. A growing number of researchers are likely to follow
the prevailing trends in I. verum research, delving into the study of its chemical
constituents. The discovery of an increasing array of compounds may facilitate the
development of I. verum within the food industry, potentially leading to the creation
of a variety of foods with distinctive flavors. The promotion of superior sources of
I. verum is anticipated to augment the yield of this spice. Concurrently, an increase
in production is likely to enhance the circulation of I. verum in the market, thereby
elevating its proportion within the culinary sector.

Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at https:

//, Figure S1: Morphology of spring and autumn
fruits of I. verum. Figure S2: Institution collaboration network in I. verum based on three Chinese
databases. Figure S3: Researcher collaboration network in I. verum based on three Chinese databases.
Figure S4: Visual mapping of keyword in I. verum using CiteSpace based on three Chinese databases.
Figure S5: The keyword time zones of I. verum based on three Chinese databases.
Author Contributions: Z.H. and J.H.: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Data
curation, Writing—original draft preparation; Y.W.: Conceptualization, Supervision, Software; W.L.
and L.J.: Data curation, Funding acquisition; X.G.: Conceptualization, Supervision; M.Y.: Data
curation, Visualization, Project administration, Funding acquisition; D.L.: Software. All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Foods 2024, 13, 1510 14 of 16

Funding: Research was funded by the Sichuan Agricultural University Double Support Plan
(035/03571828), Chengdu Functional Plant Germplasm Collection, and Tianfu Forest Granary Science
and Technology Innovation Demonstration Base Construction Project.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: No new data were created or analyzed in this study. Data sharing is
not applicable to this article.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any
commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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