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solved quantitative aptitude questions

Solved Quantitative Aptitude Paper in mcq Iormat

Quantitative Aptitude Questions Answers,
quantitative aptitude questions with answers
Solved Test Paper Exam Competitive Exams
1. Let a number oI three digits have Ior its middle digit the sum oI the other two digits. Then it is
a multiple oI:
(1) 11
(2) 10
(3) 18
(4) 50
Ans. (1)
2. A cube is cut into 216 identical smaller cubes. In how many diIIerent ways can the smaller
cubes be arranged to Iorm cuboids oI diIIerent surIace areas iI no two cubes are to be placed one
above another?
(1) 6
(2) 8
(3) 14
(4) 16
Ans. (1)
3. Four volunteers represent the school A, 5 volunteers represent the school 5, 6 volunteers
represent the school C, and 3 volunteers represent the school D.
Each oI the volunteers shakes hands with every volunteer Irom school other than his own. II each
volunteer shakes hands exactly once, what is the maximum possible number oI handshakes?
(1) 153
(2) 141
(3) 119
(4) 108
Ans. (1)
4. A two digit number is reversed. The larger oI the two numbers is divided by the smaller one.
What is the largest possible remainder?
(1) 27
(2) 36
(3) 45
(4) 54
Ans. (3)
5. Two persons start walking at a steady pace oI 3km/hour Irom a road intersection along two
roads that make an angle oI 60 with ach other. What will be the (shortest) distance separating
them at the end oI 20 minutes?
(3) 1.5km
(4) 1 km
Ans. (4)
6. Ram and Shyam work on a job together Ior Iour days and complete 60 oI it.
Ram takes leave then and Shyam works Ior eight more days to complete the job. How long
would Ram take to complete the entire job alone?
(l) 6 days
(2) 8 days
(3) 10 days
(4) 11 days
Ans. (3)
7. Six singers are taking part in a music competition. There are 4 judges Ior the competition.
How many comparisons does each judge make between all the singers to select the best among
(1) 15
(2) 20
(3) 24
(4) 2
Ans. (1)
8. A question booklet contains 100 questions Ior a test. A candidate gets 4 marks Ior every
correct answer, loses 1 mark Ior every wrong answer, and no mark Ior a blank answer. Which
one oI the Iollowing sets oI marks can be secured by three candidates?
(1) 396,395, 394
(2) 393, 392, 391
(3) 392, 391,390
(4) 389, 388, 387
Ans. (3)
9. There are three possible paths to go Irom A to B, and Iour, possible paths to go Irom B to C. A
person wishes to go Irom A to C. What is the probability that the person will not Iollow a
particular path while traveling Irom A to C?
(l) 1/12
(2) 1/7
(3) 6/7
(4) 11/12
Ans. (4)
10. In how, many diIIerent ways can 6 boys be seated on 4 chairs iI one chair can accommodate
only one boy?
(1) 24
(2) 120
(3) 240
(4) 360
Ans. (4)
11. How many numbers are there between 99 and 1000 such that the digit 8 occupies the units
(1) 64
(2) 80
(3) 90
Ans. (3)
12. In a question paper there are Iive questions to be attempted and answer to each question has
two choicesTrue (T) or False (F). It is given that no two candidates have given the answers to
the Iive questions in an identical sequence. For this to happen the maximum number oI
candidates is
(1) 10
(2) 18
(3) 26
(4) 32
Ans. (4)
13. Rs. 782 is divided into three parts proportional to the Iractions 1/2, 2/3 and 3/4. Then the Iirst
part is:
(1) Rs. 182
(2) Rs. 190
(3) Rs. 196
(4) Rs. 204
Ans. (4)
14. II the duty on an article is reduced by 40 oI its present rate, by how much per cent must the
consumption increase in order that the revenue remains unaltered?
(1) 60
(2) 62 1/3
(3) 66 2/3
(4) 72
Ans. (3)
15. A train passes through a tunnel whose length is 500 meters in 1 minute while running at a
speed oI 72 km. per hour. The length oI the train is:
(1) 700 meters
(2) 750 meters
(3) 800 meters
(4) 825 meters
Ans. (1)
16. Rakesh got married 8 years ago. His present age is 6/5 times his age at the time oI his
marriage. Rakesh`s sister was 10 years younger to him at the time oI his marriage. The age oI
Rakesh`s sister is:
(1) 40 years
(2) 38 years
(3) 36 years
(4) 32 years
Ans. (2)
17. The monthly income oI Komal and Asha are in the ratio oI 4:3. Their monthly expenses are
in the ratio oI 3:2. However, both save Rs. 600 per month.
What is their monthly income?
(1) Rs. 8,400/-
(2) Rs. 5,600/-
(3) Rs. 4,200/-
(4) Rs. 2,800/-
Ans. (3)
18. Which oI the Iollowing has a greater perimeter than the rest?
(1) A squat with an area oI 36 sq. cm.
(2) An equilateral triangle with a side oI 9cm.
(3) A rectangle with 10 cm as length and 40 as area.
(4) A circle with a radius oI 4cm.
Ans. (3)
19. II ABC x DEED ABCABC: where A, B, C, D and E are diIIerent digits, what are the
values oI D and E ?
(1) D 2, E 0
(2) D 0, E 1
(3) D 1, E 0
(4) D 1, E 1
Ans. (3)
20. There are three possible paths to go Irom A to B, and Iour possible paths to go Irom B to C.
A person wishes to go Irom A to C. What is the probability that the person will not Iollow a
particular path while traveling Irom A to C?
(1) 1/12
(2) 1/7
(3) 6/7
(4) 11/12
Ans. (4)
21. In how many diIIerent ways can 6 boys be seated on 4 chairs iI one chair can accommodate
only one boy?
(1) 24
(2) 120
(3) 240
(4) 360
Ans. (4)
22. The sum oI the ages oI 5 members comprising a Iamily, 3 years ago was 80 years. The
average age oI the Iamily today is the same as it was 3 years ago, because oI an addition oI a
baby during the intervening period. How old is the baby?
(1) 6 months
(2) l year
(3) 2 years
(4) 2 years and months
Ans. (2)
23. Rs. 782 is divided into three parts proportional to the Iractions 1/2, 2/3, and 3/4 .Then the
Iirst part is
(1) Rs. 182
(2) Rs. 190
(3) Rs. 196
(4) Rs. 204
Ans. (4)
24. II the duty on an article is reduced by 40 oI its present rate, by how much per cent must the
consumption increase in order that the revenue remains unaltered?
(1) 60
(2) 62 1/3
(3) 66 2/3
(4) 72 .
Ans. (3)
25. A train passes. through a tunnel whose length is 500 meters in 1 minute while running at a
speed oI 72 km per hour. The length oI the train is
(1) 700 meters
(2) 750 meters
(3) 800 meters
(4) 825 meters
Ans. (1)
26. Rakesh got married 8 years ago. His present age is times his age at the time oI his marriage.
Rakesh`s. sister was 10 years younger to him at the time oI his marriage. The age oI Rakesh`s
sister is:
(1) 40 years
(2) 38 years
(3) 36 years
(4) 32 years
Ans. (2)
27. A Iarmer traveled a distance oI 61 km. in 9 hours. He traveled partly on Ioot at the rate oI 4
km. per hour and partly on-bicycle at the rate oI 9 km. per hour. The distance traveled on Ioot is:
(1) 17 km
(2) 16 km
(3) 15 km
(4) 14 km
Ans. (2)
28. A Club has 106 members. Two-thirds oI them are men and the rest are women. All members
are married except Ior 9 women members. How many married women are there in the club?
(1) 20
(2) 24
(3) 27
(4) 30
Ans. (3)
29. A bag contains 20 balls, 8 balls are green, 7 are white and 5 are red. What is the
minimum number oI balls that must be picked up Irom the bag blind-Iolded (without re-
p1acing any oI it) to be assured picking at least one ball oI each colour?
(1) 4
(2) 7
(3) 11
(4) 16
Ans. (4)
30. In a wooden box, there are 4 red and 4 black balls. II two balls are taken out simultaneously
at random, then the` probability oI both the balls being red is:
(1) 1/2
(2) 1/4
(3) 3/8
(4) 3/14
Ans. (4)
31. Examine the Iollowing series oI numbers:
50, x, 32, x 2, 29, 95, 72, 48, 84, 78
II value oI the median is 63, and x lies between 55 and 66, the value oI x is:
(1) 56
(2) 59
(3) 62
(4) 65
Ans. (3)
32. A and B walk around a circular park. They start at 8 a.m. Irom the same point in the opposite
directions. A and B walk at a speed oI 2 rounds per hour and 3 rounds per hour respectively.
How many times shall they cross each other beIore 9.30 am?
(1) 5
(2) 6
(3) 7
(4) 8
Ans. (3)
33. A train starts Irom Delhi Ior Mumbai at 5.30 a.m. while another train starts Irom Mumbai at
6.00 a.m. Ior Delhi. Both the trains run at same speed and each takes 24 hours to complete the
journey. When shall the trains cross each other?
(1) 5.35 p.m.
(2) 5.45 p.m.
(3) 6.10 p.m.
(4) 6.15 p.m.
Ans. (2)
34. In a circle, points A an B lie on the opposite ends oI a diameter while point C lies on the
circumIerence. Given: AC 16 cm, BC 12 cm. Then, the length AB
(1) is equal to 3 cm.
(2) is equal to 28 cm.
(3) is equal to 20 cm.
(4) cannot be determined Irom the given data
Ans. (3)
35. II 8 men or 12 women can do a piece oI work in 25 days, in how many days can the same
work be done by 6 men and 11 women?
(1) 12 days
(2) 13 1/2 days
(3) 15days
(4) l8 days
Ans. (3)
36. Sound waves travel at 300 m/s. Sound produced at a point is heard by a person aIter 5
seconds while the same sound is heard by another person aIter 6 seconds. What could be the
maximum and minimum distances between the two persons?
(1) 1.8 km, 0.15 km
(2) 2.2 km, 0.20km
(3) 2.8 km. 0.25 km
(4) 3.3 km, 0.3 km
Ans. (4)
37. What is the maximum number oI pieces oI 5 cm x 5 cm x 10 cm cake that can be cut Irom a
big cake oI 5 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm size?
(1) 10
(2) 15
(3) 18
(4) 30
Ans. (3)
38. A rectangular water tank measures 15m x 6m at top and is 10 m deep. It is Iull oI water. II
water is drawn-out lowering the level by 1 metre, how much oI water has been drawn out?
(1) 90,000 liters
(2) 45,000 liters
(3) 4,500 liters
(4) 900 liters
Ans. (1)
39. In a question paper there are Iive questions to be attempted and answer to each question has
two choicesTrue (T) or False (F). It is given that no two candidates have given the answers to
the Iive questions in an identical sequence. For this to happen the maximum number oI
candidates is
(1) 10
(2) 18
(3) 26
(4) 32
Ans. (4)
40. II Rs. 1000 invested at 12 interest and interest compounded halI yearly, what will be the
total amount at the end oI one year?
(1) 1120.00
(2) 1123.60
(3) 1126.20
(4) 1134.40
Ans. (2)

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