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a. On April 1, "April Fool's Day," Anne says that she is not in the mood for jokes.

misfortunes does she speak of that day?

First, Mr. Kuophuis had a hemorrhage in his stomach and would have to be on bed rest for 3
weeks, Ellik had the flu and Vassen apparently has a stomach ulcer and is going to be
admitted for surgery.

b. What is the importance of radios for those who live in the Secret Annex, as well as for
other people in the country?

The use of radio to people who are in a secret place or in other countries would be a method
of communication to know what is happening abroad.

C. Why are Anne and the others so excited about Miep's Saturday deliveries? What does
Anne say are her only amusements?

Because Miep always brings new things, and they seem like children like when she
promises to buy them a toy. Frank's distractions are books and the radio,

d. What disagreement did Ana and Mr. Dussel have in mid-July and how is it resolved?

The disagreement they had was that Dussel did not want to lend him the table in the room
twice a week in the afternoon, from 4:00 to 5:30 pm. He said Frank had no rights to deserve
The next day Dussel agreed after a long discussion, only to not hear later saying that Frank
had failed a class for not having the table in the room.

e,. On July 26, 1943, Ana wrote that the previous day had been a very “tumultuous” day.
What does this mean and what happened?

The word tumultuous in this case I mean that there were many events. First Fran lay in bed
for 1 hour because she had a headache. At 2:30 pm an alarm sounded which meant that
bombs were falling near the shelter, which caused them to get scared and caused the
ground to shake a lot. After 30 minutes, everything returned to normal although due to the
bombing a fire was created that was fortunately extinguished quickly although it did keep all
the members of the hideout alert.
At night, at dinner time, the bombings returned but this time 3 more times during the night,
causing Frank to not be able to sleep peacefully.

F. What does Anne consider to be the calmest time of the day?

The quietest time of the day is 1:45 pm since most people go to sleep and Frank cannot be
bothered by anyone.

g. In her diary entry for August 9, 1943, how does Anne describe each of the nine people at
her table? She thinks of a few words or a phrase for each person that demonstrates how
Anne sees them.
Mr. Van Daan is abundant in everything he likes, at the table you cannot contradict him, he is
always sure of his opinions, a phrase that represents him is What do you want?
Mrs. Van Daan, when she is in a bad mood it would be best not to see her. She is always the
cause of all disputes, everyone tries not to incur her anger. She can be nicknamed
Son of the Van Daans: He doesn't stand out, he is subdued most of the time. He devours his
family style (a lot) he can be described as a person without being satisfied with anything.
Margot, he eats like a little bird and doesn't talk. She has almost no appetite if it's not for
vegetables and fruits. A phrase that Frank gives to her is that the lack of appetite comes
from the lack of air and movement.
Mom: She is a great talker and has a big appetite, she is the lady who takes care of the
kitchen, cleaning pots, washing, ironing and cleaning. In short, she is the one who makes the
house look good.
Frank. Dad, he makes sure everyone has been served and leaves the best for the children,
being very kind.
Dussel: He serves himself food and doesn't look around, he eats and doesn't speak. He
absorbs enormous amounts, whether good or bad. In formal clothes he works at the little
table. He is characterized as he goes to the bathroom many times during the day.
Elli has a good appetite and never leaves anything behind. The slightest thing pleases her
with great satisfaction, being very grateful.

a. For Anne's birthday, her father writes her a poem. Which part of the poem is best?
demonstrates Pim's understanding of Anne's feelings and perceptions about the situation in
the annex? Explain.

For me the best part is when in the poem she says: You have to give in a thousand times in
life and accept many things as a bitter pill,
and all for peace.

Yes, since it takes aspects such as that life is not easy, referring to the moment they are
going through now. Also saying that unfortunately we have to accept things as a bitter pill
which is connected with the present they are going through, that although it is not what they
could imagine, it is the best for the family and thus not be in danger. She also says she
dissipates herself with studies, homework and reading which are normally the things she
uses to kill time. She also talks about the clothes which are too short for her, and the shoes
she has to suffer.

b. On July 16, when there is a “real” robbery, why is Pim likely to go down to the private
office to turn the radio on to a German station?

In my opinion he put it on the German station to distract and make it look like there were
Germans listening to the broadcast and make him leave.

c. On the day of July 26, 1943, why does Anne put the phrase “escape bag” in quotation

He put it in quotes because he knew that even if he had it, it would be impossible to go out
under such circumstances.
a. What do you think of the way Anne treats her mother, as she writes about it on April 2,
1943? Who do you relate to more: Anne or her mother??? Because?

I think that Anne treats her mother a little cold and very distant.
I relate more to her mother since I don't agree with the way Anne responds to her mother, we
have to remember that the mother also has feelings and there are other ways that can be
responded without pity.

a. What kinds of things does Anne do that her mother calls the “art of living”?

What Anne does is that when she feels very sleepy but knows she has to get up, she says
"I'll go to bed right away" and proceeds to open the curtain and breathe fresh air to stay
awake. She also organizes the sheets so as not to be forced to sleep.

b. What has happened to Ana's beloved Westertoren watch now? What effect does this have
on the people living in the annex?

The clock has been melted down for war materials, this affects a lot since no one knows the
time, whether day or night. They probably even miss time for different activities sometimes
because they don't have a watch.

C. What “wonderful” news does Anne report in her diary entry for September 10, 1943?

The news that Anne heard on the radio of a radio station in England at night was that Italy
had been capitated.

d. On November 3, 1943, Anne writes about what Pim made of her to help her and Margot
“get on our way by taking our minds off things and developing them.” What does he do for
the girls?

The father brought an Institto de Ensanña de Leyde, so that they could be distracted with an
educational activity. Margot didn't find any courses that really caught her attention but she
went for Latin classes. The dad has chosen an elementary Latin course. Frank would have
liked to learn Latin but since he needed something new he asked for a children's Bible, so he
could catch up with the New Testament..

e. What about Anne's beloved fountain pen? Why has her 'pen' been so important to her
about that?

Apparently Anne's pen was melted because it was left on her desk during Margot and Dad's
Latin class. The pen was very important, since it was a gift from her grandmother. In addition
to the fact that it already had several years of history, it was the ink that covered the
newspaper until now. It was also very important since she says that she likes thick ink pens
like the one she had.

F. On Saturday, November 27, 1943, Ana wrote about a dream she had. What happened,
who was there and how does Anne feel?
She was lying with her very thin face and with sunken and sad eyes, seeming to ask for
help, Anne felt quite bad, since she could not help her from the terrible Nazi persecution.
She felt sad because she knows that sometimes he treated her badly and says that if she
gets to see her after the war that she will apologize to her. Meanwhile Frank will pray for her

g. After having re-read portions of her diary, Anne confesses, on January 2, 1944, that she's
a little shocked. What upsets her about what she's written, and how does she explain it?

Anne is bothered by the fact that he has responded to her mother on different occasions in
her diary, thus discovering the reasons for the anger she had towards her. Anne says that
she has always suffered from a moral evil, as if she saw everything that happened but with
her head underwater and in a deformed way. She claims that when she was in that state,
she was unable to reflect on the words she had offended to her adversary, "blindly" hurting
the person she was offending. Her fury with her mother is due to the fact that she never
understood her, but Anne didn't understand her either, so she will try to improve her.

a. Compare Ana's opinion of Mr. Dussel, her roommate, with her opinion of Mr. Kleiman.
one of her assistants. What does Anne say in her diary to support your conclusions?

Anne says that Dussel is usually very selfish and unfriendly, and they also had a debate over
the small table in the room he shares, which seems very childish of Dussel. Anne's opinion
regarding Kleiman is that he is a very generous man who helped take the Frank family to the
hideout, he, like Miep, helps with the distribution of provisions so that everything is fine.

b. In general, what is the mood among the residents of the Secret Annex during this period
of time? How does Anne feel during these months of hiding?

Most of the time, the residents, including Anne, have been a little stressed, as they debate at
every turn and you never realize what is going on. Some have also become moody, but
there are others like Peter who, thanks to Anne, is starting to talk more. According to Anne in
her diary, most of the time she has a bad time in her moral state and in criticism, that is why
her best moment during the day is when everyone is taking a nap and Frank takes the
opportunity to do other things without being criticized or receiving opinions. negative. He has
recently gotten to know Peter more and changes his routine a little.

C. On the afternoon of Monday, November 8, 1943, Anne describes how she sees herself
and the others hiding. She describes the figurative language she uses and the effect on it.

When it talks about a castle in the air, it means something almost impossible to write since it
is not known exactly what will happen or what there will be.
When Anne talks about the piece of sky and the threatening clouds or darkness, she refers
to the fact that the sky is them and the threatening clouds are the naziz or people who want
to do harm to the Jews.
When she talks about looking down and up, she means that there is no way out, since it
would be to expose yourself to war and the other is to go to a concentration camp.
When she says that the circle has to widen, it means that they are occupying freedom and
that the war ends soon so that they can return to normality.

a. On December 24, 1943, Anne expresses feelings that she believes make her seem
ungrateful. She writes them in her journal instead of saying them out loud. What method do
you prefer when expressing your personal and unpleasant thoughts? Do you prefer
Write them down or talk about them with someone?

I prefer to talk about them with someone I trust, like my mother or my father, since when
writing them I would reserve myself, he would comment for me and he would not be able to
express it in the best possible way.

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