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Writing and Adventure design by Alison Cybe

Combat Specialization and Enemy Creation DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast,
by Patrick Johnson Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon
ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast
Cartography by Saga Mackenzie product names, and their respective logos are
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other
Proofreading by Chris Wellings countries.

Artwork by Amami Kapangyarihan and DM This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of
Guild asset packs, with additional artwork by the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used
with permission under the Community Content
permission of Maxa Postrophe.
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Title typeset by Andrea Milan
All other original material in this work is copyright 2023
by Alison Cybe and published under the Community
Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

This adventure is made possible by my Patreon supporters!

Benj – Saga – Snyder’s Return – Alexandru Bogatu – Dawn Upson
Spike Murphy – Billy Holder – ZakRulz – Stuart Lloyd – Malachite Idol
You can add your support at
Welcome to Gender Criminals, a D&D adventure, part of the Justice for Neverwinter adventure
series! Gender Criminals is designed for four to six 2nd-4th level characters. This adventure is
designed to take between 3 to 5 hours to play.

Preparing the Adventure

Before you show up to Dungeon Master this
adventure for a group of players, you should do
the following to prepare.

• Make sure to have a copy of the most current

version of the D&D basic rules or the Player’s
• Read through the adventure, taking notes of
anything you’d like to highlight or remind yourself
while running the adventure, such as a way you’d
like to portray an NPC or a tactic you’d like to use
in a combat.
• Get familiar with the monster and NPC details in
the Appendices.
• Gather together any resources you’d like to use to
What is Justice for Neverwinter?
aid you in Dungeon Mastering, such as notecards,
The Justice for Neverwinter adventure series is
a DM screen, miniatures, maps, etc. a series of adventures dedicated to exploring
• If you know the composition of the group themes of a socially progressive nature and
beforehand, you can make adjustments as noted discussing issues relevant to human rights,
throughout the adventure. social justice and progressive political change.
Each adventure in the series explores a
- different real-world issue through the lens of
allegory. Players and Dungeon Masters are
Before Play at the Table encouraged to explore these topics
Ask the players to provide you with relevant collabouratively together. Each adventure in
character information. This includes: the series contains resources including links to
relevant material, which can be used to learn
• Character name and level more about the subjects and become involved
• Character race and class in progressive causes.
• Passive Wisdom (Perception)—the most common
passive ability check
• Anything notable as specified by the adventure ‘Disability’ Aids
(such as backgrounds, traits, flaws, and so on) Playable characters in the Justice for Neverwinter
adventures may use any physical aid to assist in
Players should select their characters’ spells and
physical actions to make their involvement on par
other daily options prior to the start of the
with any other PC or NPC, such as assistance
adventure, unless the adventure specifies
animals or wheelchairs etc. There is no gold cost to
otherwise. Feel free to reread the adventure
acquire one, and no mechanical penalty in any
description to help give players hints about what
situation; they simply work.
they might face.
Dungeon Mastering the In short, being the DM isn’t about following the
adventure’s text word-for-word; it’s about
Adventure facilitating a fun, challenging game environment
As the DM of the session, you have the most for the players. The Dungeon Master’s Guide has
important role in facilitating the enjoyment of the more information on the art of running a D&D
game for the players. You help guide the narrative game.
and bring the words on these pages to life. The
outcome of a fun game session often creates -
stories that live well beyond the play at the table.
Always follow this golden rule when you DM for a Improvising Challenges
group: At times, players will choose to resolve a situation
in a manner which the DM does not anticipate and
Make decisions and adjudications that enhance is not outlined in this book. That’s great!
the fun of the adventure when possible. Encourage players to think outside of the box and
approach the challenges in new and innovative
To reinforce this golden rule, keep in mind the
ways. When this occurs, the DM should determine
what skills the adventurers will be attempting to
• You are empowered to make adjustments to the deploy, and ask the players to attempt skill checks
adventure and make decisions about how the in accordance with those.
group interacts with the world of this adventure.
Use the following rule of thumb for adventurers in
This is especially important and applicable outside
levels 1-5: the base DC for a skill check in a Justice
of combat, but feel free to adjust the adventure
for Neverwinter scenario should be 14. Other
for groups that are having too easy or too hard of
factors will impact on this DC, either making the
a time.
attempt harder or easier depending on the
• Don’t make the adventure too easy or too difficult
situation. Make the following adjustments to this
for a group. Never being challenged makes for a
DC based on the situation.
boring game, and being overwhelmed makes for a
frustrating game. Gauge the experience of the Very Easy Reduce the DC by 8
players (not the characters) with the game, try to Easy Reduce the DC by 4
feel out (or ask) what they like in a game, and Hard Increase the DC by 4
attempt to give each of them the experience Very Hard Increase the DC by 8
they’re after when they play D&D. Give everyone a
chance to shine. -
• Be mindful of pacing, and keep the game session
moving along appropriately. Watch for stalling,
since play loses momentum when this happens. At Justice for Neverwinter adventures do not use
the same time, make sure that the players don’t alignments. Creatures are themselves not ‘good’
finish too early; provide them with a full play or ‘evil’; instead, good and evil are actions, which
experience. Try to be aware of running long or PCs and NPCs are able to choose to undertake.
short. Adjust the pacing accordingly. Their actions are determined by their goals and
• Read-aloud text is just a suggestion; feel free to enacted by their own willpower, therefore
modify the text as you see fit, especially when anybody can choose to perform actions contrary
dialogue is present. to what their typical ‘alignment’ might be. It is
• Give the players appropriate hints so they can their actions, not their species, which determines
make informed choices about how to proceed. how they act. This is intended to create a more
freeing experience for players and DMs, so that
Players should be given clues and hints when
you can play whoever you want to play without
appropriate so they can tackle puzzles, combat,
the restrictions of alignment.
and interactions without getting frustrated over
lack of information. This helps to encourage
immersion in the adventure and gives players
“little victories” for figuring out good choices from
Wants Determining Wants Each adversary in Justice for
Neverwinter includes a Want. These are listed in
All conflict is born from diametrically opposed
their stat block. When out of combat, or as a
desires of those involved. Whether simple (one
Standard Action during combat, an adventurer can
animal wants food that the other animal has) or
attempt a Wisdom (Insight) check, DC 14, to
more complicated (one group of people desires
determine what that Want is. If successful, the DM
the land and resource that another has laid claim
should read the adversary’s want section –
to), whenever two parties want different things,
including the Conviction, Immunity and
conflict (and therefore combat encounters), may
Vulnerability – to the players.
Fulfilling Wants In order to defuse a volatile
To represent this, all antagonists in Justice for
situation, the PCs can attempt to fulfil a foe’s
Neverwinter adventures include an additional
want. In order to do this, they must accumulate
section in their statistics; Wants. This outlines
more successes than their adversary’s Conviction.
what it is the antagonist wishes to fight for, in
clear and direct terms. This is a look into the Conviction Every adversary has a Conviction; this
antagonist’s inner desires and mindset; be aware number indicates how many successes must be
that it may contradict the NPC’s own words. For reached before adversary relents or is swayed to
instance, an NPC who says they want to ‘protect avoid conflict. This rating can range from 1 (for
their loved ones’ may in fact, if they’re an minor foes) to 4 (for ardent adversaries). Each
antagonist, actually have a Want of ‘destroy that time the PCs gain a success, their adversary’s
which is different from me’! Conviction is reduced by 1. When the adversary’s
Conviction reaches 0, that adversary ceases
If the PCs are able to give the NPC what they want,
combat need not occur. This might be as simple as
giving some of their rations to a hungry lion before Non-Aggressive Actions During combat, a PC may
it attacks, or bribing the guards to look the other attempt to reduce their foe’s Conviction by taking
way. However at times this will be impossible; the a non-aggressive action. These actions cannot
distance between what the PCs and the antagonist involve talking, and must be non-defensive, such
needs may be irreconcilable. as offering some of their rations to a hungry lion. A
PC can only use a non-aggressive action on a foe
they have not inflicted damage upon.

To attempt a non-aggressive action, the player

must state which non-Charisma based skill they
wish to use, and attempt a skill check. The DC for
this check is 14. If successful, the antagonist’s
Conviction is reduced by one. If the dice result is a
20, or the total for the attempt is 18 or more, the
antagonist’s Conviction is reduced by two. If the
dice result is 1, the antagonist regains one
Conviction if able.

Open Communication Sometimes a dangerous

situation can be resolved with words alone;
enemies can be convinced not to fight or explained
the error of their ways. During combat as a
Standard Action, a PC can attempt to reduce a
foe’s Conviction by using an Open Communication
To attempt to use an Open Communication action, coalition of dwarven businessmen three years
the player should decide on which method they prior with the express purpose of growing a sizable
wish to use, from the options below. Each option consumer base by mining and selling high-quality
is associated with a different Attribute. ore. The ore which ForestCo employees mine is
treated with alchemical reagents to make it easier
• Reason (INT) Explain to the adversary the for smiths to work with, while at the same time
factual information which has led them ensuring blades and armour retain strength for
astray. longer. As a result, ForestCo has become a strong
• Beguile (WIS) Give the enemy pause with contender for the largest business of its type
quick wit or out-thinking their argument. within a very short period of time, and has enjoyed
• Connect (CHA) Employ empathy and rampant expansion.
understanding to form an emotional
bond. Angward hires the adventurers to kill a tribe of
Kobolds who are regularly undertaking raids on a
Once the player has decided which method to village called Shakevan. The village is situated half
take, roll a d20 and add the Attribute’s modifier. a day’s travel from Neverwinter and is entirely
No skill modifier is added during this roll. If owned by ForestCo, who use it to house the 150
successful, the foe’s Conviction is reduced by one. employees of one of their largest mining facilities.
Determining DC The typical DC for open Angward explains the kobold raids have become
communication is 14. However, if the adversary more brazen and deadly in the last few weeks, and
has been injured by the PCs, the DC is 16. If the the company are hiring independent contractors
adversary has lost half of more of their Hit Points (the adventurers) to put a stop to it.
as a result of battle with the PC, the DC is 18. In reality, the kobolds are indigenous inhabitants
All adversaries are Immune to one method. If that of the mining facility at Shakevan. Having been
method is used, the foe cannot lose Conviction displaced from the mines themselves, they are
due to open communication using that method; seeking a new area to live, which brings them into
they simply refuse to listen. However, each foe is conflict with the residents of Shakevan.
also Vulnerable to one method; if the PC is Meanwhile, management at the mining facility has
successful in their attempt at open communication grown progressively more draconian in pursuit of
using a method they are vulnerable to, they lose greater profitability, with many of the workers
two Conviction. experiencing terrible conditions.

Zero Conviction When an antagonist’s Conviction

is reduced to zero, they leave the combat. The DM
should describe how they do so; they might throw
down their sword and surrender, they might be
swayed by the argument the PC makes and
concede their point of view, they might storm off
in a rage.

It is important to note that their hatred and

animosity towards the PCs, if any, does not cease.
They do not immediately become the PCs new
friends; they may still be aligned against the
adventurers, and may return at a later date.

Adventure Background
The adventurers are hired by Angward Stonemar,
head of industrial operations at ForestCo, to act as
freelance mercenaries. A new up-and-rising
dwarven-run industry, ForestCo was formed by a
Adventure Overview attacker can choose to knock the opponent
unconscious instead of killing them.
The adventure is divided into three parts.
If the player states they wish to deal non-lethal
Act One. The adventurers are hired by Angward
damage to subdue their foe, there is never a
Stonemar, industrial operator for ForestCo, to kill a
penalty to doing so.
tribe of kobolds who are threatening their
settlement of Shakevan. They then travel to the Presuming lethal intent during combat encounters
village, enjoying a leisurely ride before the action robs players of their freedom to determine the
begins. type of character they wish to play. If a player
wishes to play a character who maintains a ‘no
Act Two. Arriving at Shakevan, the adventurers
killing’ rule, the Dungeon Master should
interrupt a conflict between the villagers and the
encourage them to do so; imposing penalties on
kobolds. They have a chance to speak with the
their attack rolls creates a mechanical impetus for
kobolds and learn their side of the story,
the player to act against how they genuinely wish
uncovering the truth about Shakevan’s mining
to play their character. It also creates an additional
challenge for a Dungeon Keeper if a foe in
Act Three. Infiltrating the mining facility, the question had important information to pass to the
adventurers find workers in terrible states of players.
abuse and unsure what to do. With the aid of the
Although the Dungeon Master shouldn’t share
kobolds, the adventurers assist the workers in
specific details of the adventure’s combat with the
forming a trade union to demand better pay and
players, ensure that everyone at the table knows
conditions, and reclaim the kobold’s homeland.
how much or how little combat is likely to occur in
- the adventure and that they’re aware of any
alternative outcomes of such encounters.
Content Warnings
This adventure deals with themes of child labour,
worker exploitation and physical injury. It also Adventure Hooks
discusses subjects of displaced peoples.
There are four possible hooks for adventurers to
Some players may find these subjects give them additional reason for being invested in
uncomfortable or distressing. If this is the case, the this particular mission. This isn’t an exhaustive list,
Dungeon Master should strive to make the game and the Dungeon Master should encourage any
feel safe and comfortable for that player, rather player who has ideas of their own.
than exclude any players from participating.
Indebted The adventurer owes a considerable sum
- to ForestCo for services rendered in the past. The
nature of these services are up to the player and
Managing Expectations the Dungeon Master; perhaps the adventurer
This adventure includes two combat encounters. purchased a significant amount of ore with the
promise of repaying their debt later. In either case,
The first pits the party against a group of Kobolds. ForestCo are offering to clear the debt in return
This combat is against a non-hostile force acting in for the adventurer completing a mission.
self-defence, and therefore can be completed
without the PCs inflicting any fatalities. The second Rivalry The adventurer is the child of a prestigious
combat is against the head of a ForestCo mine’s blacksmith who, due to ForestCo undercutting
security and their team, which the PCs cannot de- them on price, struggled to afford to pay the bills.
escalate. The adventurer turned to their current occupation
to make some additional gold, but has now heard
In all combat encounters during the Justice for that ForestCo are hiring. The adventurer aims to
Neverwinter series, adventurers retain the option take a job with them in the hopes of uncovering
to resolve fights without dealing fatal damage. some of their trade secrets or material they can
When a foe’s Hit Points are reduced to zero, the exploit for their own ends.
Investigator The adventurer is the sibling or
spouse of a ForestCo employee. Their loved one
joined the business during one of the company’s D4 Result Adventure Hook
recruitment drives, following which they vanished. 1 Indebted
The adventurer seeks answers and hopes this will 2 Rivalry
give them a chance to uncover some clues. 3 Investigator
4 Recruit
Recruit You joined ForestCo several days ago. 5 Infiltrator
Following an interview, you were accepted and the 6 Wise Folk
company now wish for you to undertake this
mission as part of your training. You understand
that with the right display of attitude, your future
in the business could be promising.

Infiltrator You’ve heard rumours about ForestCo’s

business practices. There’s stories of exploitative
practices and worker abuses. While you’ve got no
skin in the matter yourself, you’ve been paid by a
keen journalist to find out if there’s any truth to
the tales and report back.

Wise Folk In recent nights you’ve been having

troubled dreams; a group of kobolds fighting for
their lives, fleeing their homes, being hunted. You
don’t know what it means, but when you heard
ForestCo were hiring for adventurers to ‘stop a
Kobold menace’, you felt the dreams were leading
you to this.

If you wish to determine a character’s adventure

hook randomly, please use the table opposite.
Act One
Achievements Angward Stonemar
Dwarf, he/him, ANG’-Warrd STON-Marr
Throughout this adventure, players have the
A well-spoken dwarf with a throaty drawl to
chance to gain Achievements when they
his voice, and tends to keep his greying beard
accomplish minor goals. Each Achievement
cropped short. Angward is a long-time
grants a benefit, which is outlined in the details
resident of Neverwinter, residing there with
of the Achievement. Each Achievement may
his wife and two sons. He is a man with little in
only be gained by one player, and the benefit
the way of a sense of humour, and takes his
granted may only be used once.
work at ForestCo seriously. Despite that, he
tends to overlook matters which don’t directly
Setting the Scene involve him, making him rather short-sighted
and, as a result, reliant on others to manage
Read the following to the players.
his work.
The streets of Neverwinter have recently been
abuzz due to the recent formation of a new mining Angward Stonemar glances over at the
corporation. Even those outside of the adventurers from behind the desk, as if analysing
blacksmithing and metallurgy businesses have them. Then, with a clap of his hands, announces
heard of ForestCo, a newly established corporation “Yep, you’ll do. Looking to earn a bit of gold then, I
who provide magically infused alloys. Their take it? Well, we’ve got a job for you, if you’re not
products are not only phenomenally resilient, but afraid to get your hands dirty. I’m Angward
easy for smiths to work with, and they have Stonemar, regional manager of ForestCo.”
recently branched out into delivering their products
Read Angward Stonemar’s sidebar to the players
across the region. Word has come to your
attention that ForestCo is seeking freelance agents
– adventurers – to undertake a job for them. The dwarf motions towards the door, beckoning in
Interested parties are asked to meet at the his assistant; a beleaguered-looking elf who offers
company’s regional office. the adventurers a cup of coffee. Stonemar motions
to several chairs around the office, “Sit, sit.” If the
adventurers try the coffee, they find it to be a
The Boardroom strong blend with a smoky aftertaste. Stonemar
smiles broadly, asking the adventurers what they
The adventure begins as the adventurers are
think. “It’s an imported blend. Anyway, to
shown into the regional office of ForestCo, located
in the city of Neverwinter. When the players are
ready, read or paraphrase the following; “ForestCo owns a small town; more a village,
really.“He pauses to consult a piece of paper on his
Shuffled discretely in a small street in the Bluelake
desk. “Shakevan” he states, confidently. “It
District, the regional office of ForestCo is almost
doesn’t have its own governance, it’s managed by
inconspicuous, with white-painted walls and dark
ForestCo in order to provide housing for our
wooden cladding which surrounds tinted windows.
employees at the mine. They’ve been having issues
The smell of tobacco catches your nose as you’re
with kobolds recently. Apparently a tribe of the
hurried into the waiting area, before gradually
little buggers have moved into the area and are
being shown into a meticulously tidy office at the
raiding the place. We want you to handle it. Any
Back of the building. The room is lined by questions?”
bookshelves, most of which are empty of anything
If one of the PCs is a kobold, Stonemar gives them
other than wealthy decorations. A large polished
an uncomfortable look. “I, uhh… these ones,
table dominates the room, behind which sits an
they’re not like you. They’re feral. Savage, you
officious-looking dwarf.
might say. Not like you, I can see you’re a
respectable sort. You’re one of the good ones.”
Allow the adventurers to ask Stonemar any About our pay… “Yes yes yes, you’ll be paid 150
questions they wish; base his answers on the gold each for your trouble, once the job is
following responses. Stonemar remains cordial complete.”
with the adventurers, but after a few minutes he
If the adventurers wish to try to barter to obtain
grows progressively terser, before announcing that
money upfront, they can attempt Charisma
he has other appointments that require his
(Persuasion) check, DC 18. If the adventurer drank
the coffee earlier and complimented Stonemar on
What is ForestCo? Stonemar peers at the it, the DC is 14. If they succeed, Stonemar makes a
adventurer. “I’m surprised you’ve not heard of us. performance of not wishing to do so, but agrees to
We manage production and delivery of ore for pay the adventurers 50 gold each upfront. In truth,
smithing; not regular ore, either. We own licencing the dwarf expected the adventurers to ask as
for numerous means of enchanting, making our much, having worked with adventurers for some
ore not only cheaper to produce but of far higher decades already. There is adequate gold in his desk
quality than competitors. Don’t worry if you’ve drawer to cover this amount, which he will hand
not heard of us; we’re moving into other fields over.
too. Logistics, military research, journalism,
Once the adventurers have agreed to the mission,
brewcrafting; the future is ForestCo.”
Stonemar directs them to meet with his courier’s
Where is Shakevan? “The village is roughly four caravan early on the next day, before turning his
day’s ride to the south-east of Neverwinter. We attention back to his paperwork. “Oh, and speak to
built it at the mouth of the mine, a perfect my assistant on the way out; they’ll get you set up
designed settlement for our employees. with a free sample of our wares. I think you’ll soon
Population consists of almost two hundred miners, see why people choose ForestCo – and why this
along with management and staff. It’d be luxury, if task is so important “
it weren’t for the kobolds.”

Why are the Kobolds raiding? “I don’t know, and

frankly I don’t care. Savage pests, probably looking Free Samples
for an easy meal. Just get rid of them; I don’t care On their way out of the office, the PCs are given
how. They’re bothering our employees and, more the option to examine some of the weapons and
importantly, disrupting the work. The injuries armour made by ForestCo, which are displayed
they’ve caused have directly resulted in a loss of proudly in the building’s foyer. They are all quite
almost 3,000 gold this month alone.” exceptionally crafted. PCs who pass an Arcana
(Intelligence) check, DC 18, sense a lingering
Do you want us to kill them? “Don’t know, don’t
magical essence in the metal.
care. Just make the raids stop. That’s the job.”
“Do you like it?” asks Stonemar’s assistant. “The
What about the mine itself? “What about it? I
processing we do at the mine infuses latent
can’t go into too many details; trade secrets, you
magical compounds into the metal, giving it a
understand. Shakevan mine is an old mine; we’d
unique shine and resilience. If you’d like, we can
thought it was almost dry until the mages
arrange similar treatment for your own tools,
stumbled onto their refining enchantments. It
doesn’t matter anyway as you won’t have access
to the mine; got to protect our trademarks, after

How do we get to Shakevan? “I’ve arranged

transport. Every month we dispatch supplies to the
village from here in Neverwinter; the couriers who
run the caravan are ForestCo employees and will
get you to the village along with the next
shipment, which is due to leave tomorrow
morning. They’ll also see you back afterwards.
Don’t be late.”
Any PCs who volunteer may hand over their consists of salted meat and a hearty, rather
weapons to have them reinforced with ForestCo delicious broth full of potatoes. Throughout
metal. The process takes four hours, and non- dinner, Manyr exchanges polite pleasantries with
metal weapons cannot be processed. Weapons the adventurers, discussing their life and interests,
processed in this way deal 1 extra point of but noticeably steers clear of any discussion
damage. involving ForestCo or their destination.

The adventurers then have the rest of the day to After dinner, adventurers hear a startled cry from
make any preparations they wish. Typically this the back of one of the wagons. Those who hurry
involves purchasing any items or equipment they to investigate find Manyr chasing away four wiry
require; the Dungeon Master should try to ensure coyotes, who bark and flee into the sunset. “They
this is done quickly so as not to bog down the pace got into the foods” explains the elf. “Mostly got
of this part of the adventure. The PCs may the potatoes though; nothing valuable. But it looks
purchase any non-magical items. like dinner will be sparse on the ground for the
rest of the ride, I’m afraid.”

If the adventurers wish, they can scavenge for

Making Trails replacement vegetables to help with Manyr’s
When the adventurers have completed all the cooking over the course of the next three days of
purchases and preparations they wish to make, travel. To do so, each adventurer should attempt
they can retire for the evening. Those who have three skill checks, one for each day. They can
homes in Neverwinter may turn in for the night, choose any skill they wish from the following, but
whilst those who don’t can find shelter in any one may only roll three times in total. They may
of the city’s inns and taverns. attempt the following;

The next morning rises early. When the players are • Wisdom (Animal Handling), DC 18 to
ready, read or paraphrase the following; watch where nearby animals forage,
• Intelligence (Investigation), DC 14 to find
A thin layer of mist forms close to the ground this
where the ground is wet and fertile,
morning, below a crimson-orange sky. The street
• Intelligence (Nature), DC 10 to find
itself is chilly, and filled with three wagons. Several
berries and fruits among the trees by the
brawny individuals load them, filling them with
meats and fruits in one wagon, clothing and fabrics
• Wisdom (Survival), DC 10 to identify
in another, and assorted knick-knacks in the last.
various herbs and make them pleasantly
Glancing over to you, a wiry half-elf waves. “You
the passengers bound for Shakevan?” they call to
If half or more of the players succeed, they are
The half-elf is Manyr Elmeswear the lead driver of able to gather enough additional ingredients for a
the caravan. As soon as the adventurers confirm good meal on that day. As stated, the adventurers
who they are, Manyr assures them their passage may attempt scavenging for food in this way three
has been arranged and paid for. “Hop in the back; times; once per day of travel. Each day they do so,
there’s enough bedding to keep you comfortable Manyr’s disposition towards the party grows.
for the trip.”

Once the adventurers are onboard, the caravan Achievement: Po-tay-toes!

departs at a brisk pace, leaving Neverwinter Requirement: If the party are able to
behind. By mid-day, the city looks distant behind accumulate three successful dinners and learn
about the Kobolds, thee adventurer who rolled
the caravan.
the highest result in their attempt to gather
The first day’s travel passes without incident; ingredients gains this achievement.
Manyr is occupied throughout the day. As evening Benefit: The adventurer with this achievement
arrives, the half-elf announces they will stop for gains a +2 on their next WIS-based skill check.
dinner. The wagons are pulled to protect from
wind and animals, and a campfire is lit. Dinner
The party learn one additional piece of information
per day they collectively succeed in helping with
preparing food. They learn this information in the
order listed below;

First successful dinner: “I’m not officially

employed by ForestCo to make these trips; they
simply hire me as a freelance courier. That means
I’m technically not under their employ, so I don’t
have any contract with them, which means they
don’t pay me a full wage. Normally I’d simply take
a better job, but ForestCo have a habit of
undercutting their opposition in order to drive
them out of business. I need the money, so I take
the work, but I’m definitely making less then I was
a year ago. I understand a lot of their other
employees are in the same boat.” Manyr Elmeswear
Half-elf, non-binary, MAN-ee’r ELms-wer
Read Manyr Elmeswear’s sidebar to the players The 84 year old half-elf likes to dress well,
now. preferring bright blues and greens which
Second successful dinner: “We’re making good accentuate their sandy hair which is kept tied in
time here, but that’s only because ForestCo a short ponytail, and deep brown eyes. They
demand it. They keep a very tight leash on live in a small apartment in Neverwinter with
logistics; if I’m late I lose a large percentage of my two life-partners, although hopes to one day
pay. That kind of thing, it’s not safe for couriers; have children when their financial situation
especially in rougher areas. I’ve known more than improves. Manyr avoids discussing their
a few who’ve been picked off as easy targets by personal life, fearing it’s dull and that such
bandits. Because we’re on such a tight deadline, stories would bore others, instead deflecting
we’re not able to keep as close a lookout on the prying queries with jokes and humour. They
caravan as we’d like. But, well, ForestCo want their often hum while in deep thought. They are
deliveries done faster than anyone else, so…” preternaturally beautiful, and seems utterly
unaware of this fact.
Third successful dinner: “You’re going after the
kobolds, aren’t you? I’ve seen a lot of kobolds Ask each of the adventurers to make an active
around Shakevan, I won’t lie about that. They tend Wisdom (Perception) check, DC 18. If the
to just watch. They don’t seem hostile, at least not adventurer possesses darkvision or low-light
to me. More wary of the caravans than anything vision, the DC is reduced to 14 for that adventurer;
else, if I’m honest. I’ll tell you, there’s a lot of them however no magical means of creating light or
around the area. But if you were to tell me they’re torches can reduce the DC in this way.
aggressive or attack people, well, I’ve never seen
them do that.” Any adventurer who passes notices several squat,
scrawny figures shuffling out of sight of the
For the rest of the ride, the half-elf mostly keeps caravan, hiding behind rocky outcrops or trees. If
their eyes on the road, until eventually the party the adventurers gained three good meals and
arrive at the small village of Shakevan. heard Manyr’s tale about the kobolds, they know
that this matches the half-elf’s description of the
creatures. The kobolds make no aggressive action
Shakevan towards the caravan; if Manyr is asked to stop the
caravan so the party can fight the kobolds, Manyr
By the time the caravan is near to arriving in
refuses, explaining “It’s getting too dark for a
Shakevan, it’s late evening. The sun is close to
scuffle; we’re almost at the town anyway.”
setting, hanging low in the sky over the horizon.
When the adventurers arrive at Shakevan, read or
paraphrase the following;
The sunset blankets a thin, shale-covered valley If the adventurers respond positively to Galunder,
with a dying light. Nestled in the crook of a rocky he’ll laugh. “Well, it’s getting dark so we’ll be
hill sits a small collection of houses; no more than sending a patrol out to keep watch soon. Best
twenty or so, each with blue slate rooves and make yourself comfortable until then; but not too
composite walls. The small village is lit every few comfortable. It can get rough out here.”
yards by tall poles, upon which hang flickering oil
The adventurers can decide what they wish to do
lamps. On the far side of this narrow valley,
for an hour before the patrol leaves. The
several hundred yards from the village and barely
adventurers can select from the following options.
visible in the highest hillside, is a gaping entrance
The party can split up to accomplish multiple
into the mine itself.
options, but individual adventurers cannot change
The caravan pulls into the middle of the village, their option once selected.
where it’s met by several men in sturdy-looking
Galunder Terson
armour. Manyr dismounts and waves to them in
Human, he/they, Al-lun-DER TER’sun
greeting; “Ahoy, got this month’s supplies!”
A 42-year old human with a strong brow and
As the half-elf approaches, the adventurers can short-cropped brown hair and flat jaw.
discern a few details. Ask each adventurer to Galunder had hoped he’d have done more with
his life by this point. He never quite felt
attempt a Wisdom (Insight) check, DC 14. Based
particularly driven towards pursuing great
on the number of successes, additional details are
accomplishments, so didn’t hone many of his
revealed, as follows; skills in his youth aside from a sturdy sword
arm. Now he’s worried his best years are behind
1 The people who greet the caravan are him. He has taken a job as head of security for
entirely composed of men in leather armour the mine, which he sees as a distraction until
2 All of the men carry swords. something better comes along; if it ever does.
3 The armour the men wear is embroidered
on the upper right part of the chest with the Offload Supplies Manyr is surprised if the
ForestCo emblem. adventurers wish to help them remove barrels
4 None of the men look to be miners; they from the wagons, explaining ForestCo security
look more like trained guards.
generally never do so; the half-elf seems unhappy
5 There doesn’t seem to be anybody else
about this.
There are numerous barrels of fruit, salted meats
Manyr motions for the adventurers to come over and textiles which need to be loaded into the back
and speak to the guards, if they haven’t done so of The Rusty Tap. The adventurer should attempt a
already. “This is Galunder, head of security. He STR check; if they pass, Manyr is evidently very
should get you sorted with the rest of your work; impressed. If they fail, the adventurer soon tires of
I’ve got barrels to offload.” the work and grows exhausted; Manyr reassures
them that it’s tough work. Regardless of their
Galunder Terson steps forward and thrusts out his
success, they still gain their achievement (listed
hand to the adventurer with the highest STR,
expecting them to shake it. If an adventurer does,
they find the man’s grip to be very tight. Galunder Preparations Adventurers may opt to prepare for
grips down on the adventurer’s hand, looking the challenges ahead. This can include sharpening
them in the eye as if to see what the adventurers their weapons, gathering herbs, finalising potions
are made of. Ask that adventurer for a Charisma or anything else they feel appropriate. Doing so
(Intimidation) check, DC 14. If they succeed, grants the adventurer their achievement (listed
Galunder smiles broadly and gives a strong laugh; below).
if they fail, the man’s laugh is much more scornful
and somewhat mocking. In either case, he releases Get a Drink The town has one small tavern, The
his grip, and looks over the party. “So, you’re the Rusty Tap. It’s a tiny single-room building with
folks they’ve sent to take care of the kobold beverages stacked against the western wall. The
problem, eh?” room is divided by a wooden counter, to the east
of which sit three tables. The bartender, an elderly
gnome named Gloria Madrigal (gnome, she/her), There are several other buildings which contain
sits reading a well-thumbed book in one corner. many crates of ore, and various mining supplies. In
Aside from her, the tavern is empty. addition there are two administrative buildings
and one central security building, which is well
Gloria explains that usually meals are served for
stocked and very comfortable.
the employees twice a day (once for each shift),
but she can still make a small meal for the Check out the Mine The mine is currently off-
adventurers. If asked, she explains the employees bounds to outsiders, with two security guards
are divided into two shifts; day and night, both of posted at the entrance. It takes adventurers
which work for 12-hours. The day shift is currently roughly fifteen minutes to get there, along a path
asleep, while the night shift are working the mines which leads directly to a wide shaft dug into the
now. Gloria avoids discussing her feelings towards side of the rocky hill. Adventurers who speak with
ForestCo, other than snidely replying that they the guards directly are informed they require
don’t pay her enough to complain. Eating a meal special admittance before they’d be allowed in.
grants the adventurer their achievement (listed
Any adventurer who wishes to sneak in may do so;
doing so requires a Dexterity (Stealth) check, DC
Inspect the Town Those who wish to inspect the 18. The adventurer may reduce the DC of this
town are able to get a good sense of its layout. check by having another adventurer make a
Many of the buildings are not in fact residential, distraction or by extinguishing some of the
but given over to offices and storehouses. There gaslights which illuminate the mouth of the mine
are only six residential domiciles, each of which (which can be done easily and without a skill check
contain several large rooms which include multiple as long as they don’t attract too much focus from
bunks for sleeping. the guards), or any other imaginative means.
Doing so reduces the DC by 4.
At this time of the evening, three of those
domiciles are inhabited; most of the workers in Once inside the mine, the adventurer is able to
them are asleep. If the adventurers attempt to explore for a short time; they realize the mine is
rouse any, or speak with those who are already deep and well-illuminated but has a low ceiling. It
awake, they’re quickly shushed by the workers is very busy, with many miners who work heavily.
who complain that they need their sleep. There are also numerous security teams; the
Dungeon Master should allow the adventurer to
view Map B now.

The adventurer is invariably soon detected by the

guards and escorted out; as long as the adventurer
doesn’t start a fight they should face no serious
repercussions. If the adventurer does start a fight,
such an encounter is outside of the scope of this
adventure; more guards are summoned from the
town and the adventurer is soundly trounced.
Reduce their Hit Points to 1/5 of their maximum;
they are then delivered to Galunder who reminds
them that this outburst will result in a loss of 50%
of their pay, with a full termination (and criminal
proceedings) ready to go ahead for any further
disruptive behaviour.

Speak with Galunder The chief of security seems

bemused by any adventurers who wish to speak
with him. He’s civil but jovial, and more than a
little competitive. If he feels the adventurer may
be the strongest of the party, he may challenge
them to an arm wrestling contest to pass the time.
He doesn’t respond well to being asked questions
directly, often shutting down the conversation street or searching around the entrance to the
with short one-word answers. mine, she sidles quietly up to them. However she
always avoids any PC who is speaking with
Adventurers who take the time to try to get to
Galunder. “New face around here?” she asks.
know Galunder by asking him questions about
himself get him to open up much easier. He has Regardless of how the PC answers, she doesn’t
the following things to say about the following identify herself. “Listen, word to the wise; watch
subjects; yourself around here. Galunder’s not just the head
of security; he wields a lot of managerial control.
Shakevan “Not much to do here, if I’m honest. It’s
Basically runs this place by himself, like a prison
a business village, not a city. Don’t expect much
warden. Try not to get on his wrong side; bad
tourism. I also handle some of the worker
things happen to people that do.”
disputes, I suppose that’s the highlight of my day.
That and the kobold raids.” Once she’s told the PCs this, she refuses to answer
any question and leaves, returning to the worker’s
Workers “They’re fine. Few too many undesirables
though; the company has a tendency to hire
anyone. But I make sure they keep their noses
clean. Don’t go bugging them.”
Kobolds “Started about seven months after the
Galunder arrives to gather them if they’re
village was built; we’d just finished getting the
separate, and ushers them to the south side of
mining operations underway. They started off
town. “Okay folks, let’s see how good you are at
scavenging for food and the like, but then they got
kobold hunting.”
more assertive. Pushy little critters. We try to keep
them away from the workers; don’t want anyone
getting hurt.”

A successful Wisdom (Insight) check, DC 18,

reveals that Galunder does believe the kobolds are
a threat, but that he’s not blameless in
antagonizing them; he believes they are ‘nothing
but pests’ and barely considers them to be
intelligent creatures.

After each adventurer has completed one of the

above options, proceed to Hushed Words.

Hushed Words
The DM should select one of the adventurers; that
PC is approached by one of the miners, a young
woman with a heavy pair of goggles and fiery hair.
This is Emory Hemsford although she doesn’t
identify herself at this stage.

If the PC is at The Rusty Tap, she discretely taps

the adventurer on the shoulder. If the PC is on the
Act Two
Knives in the Dark
This act begins when the adventurers join
Galunder’s patrol. Each adventurer is given one
torch. “Stay in small groups,” Galunder explains,
“and call if you see one of the critters.” He allows
the adventurers to decide how they should split up
(in either two or three groups), stating the patrols
cover more ground this way.

If the adventurers refuse to form into groups or set

out to seek the kobolds on their own, Galunder
grumbles about them not understanding good
military tactics and lets them do as they wish. If
the PCs tell Galunder that they want to try to
communicate with the Kobolds, he laughs at them;
“Good luck! Hope you have better luck than we
have, I don’t think any of us speak Kobold.” If any
of the PCs point out that Kobolds speak draconic
and not ‘kobold’, Galunder snorts and waves his
hand dismissively.

The patrol groups quickly disperse into the night’s

darkness. It is soon past sundown, and
adventurers can occasionally see flickers of
Peaceful Communication If the PCs wish to beckon
torchlight between rocks on the roadway,
to the kobolds and convince them that they’re not
signifying the other groups. The patrol work is
a threat, the DM should ask each of the
relatively uneventful for an hour.
adventurers who are trying to communicate to
If the adventurers choose to move in small groups attempt a Charisma (Persuasion) check, DC 14.
as advised, the DM should select one of them. The This DC is reduced to 10 for the entire party if any
PCs in this group should each attempt a Wisdom one member speaks draconic, and the PC who
(Perception) check, DC 14, as they scout the area. speaks draconic has advantage to the roll.
This DC is increased by 4 if either of the
If the party together accumulate two or more
adventurers is lacking the torch they were offered
successes, immediately proceed to Making
earlier. Upon a success, they are able to hear
scuttling sounds from behind several boulders on
the roadside. If they try to see what is causing the
sound, they find six Kobolds; these are the
advanced scouting party, but they are not alone.
Torchlight Fight
Combat by torchlight is difficult, as it requires
Adventurers may be able to ambush the Kobolds if adventurers to either rely only on one-handed
they wish, however if they are carrying torches weapons and spells that can be cast without both
and move loudly the Kobolds will see them; a hands, or for the adventurers to place the torches
Dexterity (Stealth) check of DC 18 is required to around the battleground. Doing so allows the PCs
get into position to launch an ambush while to fight as normal, and there is no roll involved for
keeping torches lit. them to throw their lit torch to the ground, but the
area is darker as a result and imposes a -2 to all
attack rolls.
The group of Kobolds include four Breaker Kobolds wish to try to engage them diplomatically, the DM
and two Firetouch Kobolds (see Appendix B: should allow them to do so. If the adventurer
Antagonists). They all fight defensively, screeching prefers to attack, the arriving group of Kobolds will
and shouting to scare the adventurers away as be significantly less friendly to them, pointing their
they do so. When only two are left, they turn to weapons at the PCs.
flee. The DM should immediately narrate their
The main group of Kobolds contains 4 Breaker
escape, as a chase ensues. Use Map A for this
Kobolds per PC, and 3 Firetouch Kobolds. They
quickly move to surround the PCs, keeping them at
Adjusting the Encounter the point of their sharp pikes. The largest one of
Determine the Total Party Level by adding up the Kobolds steps forward, looks the adventurers
the levels of all PCs. over and slowly states “We’ll thank you to halt
- If the total is 6 or less, remove 1 Breaker your aggression; lower your weapons and we’ll
Kobold and 1 Firetouch Kobold. lower ours.”
- If the total is 10-13, add 1 Breaker Kobold and
1 Firetouch Kobold.
- If the total is 14 or more, add 2 Breaker
Achievement: Olive Branch
Kobolds and 2 Firetouch Kobolds
Requirement: Any player who resolves the
encounter with the Kobolds without resorting
The Kobolds do not immediately attack the PCs; to violence.
this is important to remember. They do, however, Benefit: The adventurer with this achievement
brandish their weapons threateningly and bark at gains advantage on any Charisma check to
the adventurers; a successful Charisma influence the Kobold clan for the rest of the
(Intimidation) check at DC 22 reveals to the PC adventure.
that the Kobolds are not intending to attack unless
the PCs begin the fight. If the PCs do not wish to
engage the Kobolds in a fight and choose to make
peaceful overtures as described earlier, proceed to Achievement: Kobold Killer
Making Contact. Requirement: Any player who slays 3 or more
Kobolds earns this Achievement.
Benefit: The adventurer with this achievement
gains advantage on their next Charisma check
Get ’Em! to influence ForestCo security guards.
Two Kobolds break away from the group and
attempt to flee. Galunder, who turns up late to the
fight and witnesses the Kobolds, shouts to the Making Contact
adventurers “Stop them! They’ll bring a swarm of The Kobold who speaks to the adventurers is
others!” Grish-Ta. She’s the tallest of the group, although
not any more muscular than the others, wearing a
Unknown to the PCs, a larger group of Kobolds has
woollen cloak and leaning on a sturdy oak walking
already heard the cries of the scouts and is closing
staff. She keeps close to two other kobolds; it’s
in. Allow each PC a chance to attempt a Strength
clear they act as her guardians.
(Athletics) check, DC 15, to keep up with the
scouts. If the adventurers lower their weapons as
requested, Grish-Ta nods to them approvingly. If
This DC can be reduced by 2 if the adventurer
they refuse, she gives a short order for her
thinks to bring one of the torches with them. Keep
associates to lower theirs, hoping the PCs will
track of the successes; the adventurer who rolls
follow suit. “Good. Now, who are yo? You’re not
the lowest result trips on the rocky shale on the
part of ForestCo’s security contingent; that much is
ground, sustaining 1D4 Hit Points of cuts and
Grish-Ta is happy to listen to the adventurer’s
Each adventurer who passes is able to catch up
explanation. Give the players a few moments to
with the scouts, and can perform one action
reiterate what has occurred, and ask a few
before the larger group of Kobolds arrive. If they
questions if they have any; they may be surprised
this band of Kobolds is not attacking them. For any
answers needed, abbreviate some from the
discussion with Grish-Ta later in this Act.

The DM should allow the players to ask a

maximum of two questions, before Grish-Ta’s ears
twitch and she looks attentively upwards. Allow
the adventurers to attempt a Wisdom
(Perception) check, DC 18, to hear the sound of
approaching footsteps from the darkness behind

If the adventurers want more reassurance that

they won’t be harmed, Grish-Ta reminds them that
her group could have attacked them already; there
are certainly enough Kobolds to, if not kill the
party outright, at very least give them a strong
New Allies
The rest of this Act presumes the adventurers Grish-Ta and the other kobolds hurry quickly out of
decide to journey with Grish-Ta. If the adventurers the way of Galunder’s security patrol, urging the
wait for Galunder’s patrol to catch up, the Kobolds adventurers to keep up with them. It’s a brisk
hurry away, quickly scurrying out of sight. If the pace, and the kobolds are used to moving at their
adventurers go with the kobolds, proceed to New own speed, and the environment is unfamiliar to
Allies. If they stay with Galunder, proceed to the PCs. Each adventurer must attempt a DC 14
Shadow over Shakevan instead. Strength (Athletics) check to keep up. The Kobolds
don’t wait for the adventurers to catch up, but
others in the party can if they wish; those who fall
Kobold Communication
behind can catch up with the kobolds but gain
When portraying the Kobolds in this adventure,
disadvantage to their next Saving Throw.
the DM should strive to avoid the typical
‘savage’ stereotype of communication. Be When the players are ready, read or paraphrase
aware that this type of stereotype derives from the following.
racist depictions of non-white peoples, and
should be avoided strongly. The group of kobolds scurry, on all-fours, free from
the rocky shale of the hillside and come to rest in a
These Kobolds are an indigenous and intelligent tangled, netted mass of barren dead trees. Grish-
race of beings, much like any other. They Ta motions for you to follow, pushing branches
possess their own language; it simply isn’t the
aside. The trees obscure from sight a small
same one shared by humans, elves and dwarves
settlement; cramped and tightly-packed, with
many more kobolds. They live in small ramshackle
Instead, strive to depict the Kobold accommodations, clearly very hastily constructed.
communication throughout this adventure as a As you draw close, you notice a number of wooden
challenge in trying to speak in another markings embedded into the ground. “The dead”
language; consider how you may struggle to Grish-Ta explains, noticing your curiosity. “The
communicate in a language like Polish, Russian ForestCo security teams killed our scouts, and
or Italian. You might struggle to remember the would kill more of us if they had the chance. Find a
correct word, translate a phrase literally, or seat by the campfire, I’ll brew you some tea.”
struggle with unfamiliar pronouns, for example.
For simplicity sake, this isn’t replicated in the Ask the PCs who wishes to drink the tea, then tell
adventure’s text. them the tea Grish-Ta offers is brewed from the
brambles in the woods, and has a spicy tang to it.
Anyone who drinks the tea gains advantage to The inhabitants have little to offer the
their next Constitution skill check. adventurers, having lost most of their meagre
possessions when they were forcibly relocated.
Grish-Ta offers to explain the situation with
They are nervous and visibly uncomfortable with
ForestCo to the best of her ability, and answer any
the adventurers, often hurrying out of the way to
lingering questions the PCs have. She discusses the
watch the PCs from a distance.
following topics.
Adventurers who wish to head back to Shakevan
Raiding Parties We have sent no such parties,
during the night face a difficult trek through the
although I’ve no doubt the Shakevan guards have
dark. It is currently late at night; if they wish to rest
told you otherwise. They kill us any time
there until sunrise it will be difficult to do so
our people draw close to the village, which we do
without the aid of the inhabitants. The best the
because we hope to speak to the workers.
adventurers can have is a short rest, earned from
ForestCo Workers We think we’ll have better luck the settlement’s hard ground. If they choose to
speaking with them, rather than the guards. With have this short rest but do not have food of their
any luck, we can convince them to let us return to own to eat, they gain a level of Exhaustion.
the mines. However, the adventurers may attempt to elicit
greater comfort by winning the trust of the
Return to the Mines The land where the mine is kobolds.
was our home. That was only a few months ago.
All the kobolds you see here, we all lived in the
mines. The Shakevan guards chased us out, and
killed those who resisted.

Shakevan Guards We have watched them from

afar, and know the workers are afraid of them.
When they see us, they try to kill us. We fight back
as best we can, but things are starting to get

Desperate We aren’t used to life in this

environment. We don’t know how to find food
above-ground; we can’t farm this land, and our
children are starving. The mine was our home, and
we knew how to live there. Our people are dying
and we need a plan!
Plan It is imperative we speak with the ForestCo Kobold, she/her, Greesh-TAH
workers, but the guards prevent us from doing so. A tall Kobold with a speckled snout and strong
Some of our stronger members want to attack and eyebrows, Grish-Ta is now considered to be
drive off the guards, but they are too heavily aged among her peers. Having studied druidic
armed. Doing so would only lead them to magic in her youth, she soon rose in reverence
massacre us all. We need people who can act for among the tribe, gaining a position of respect.
us and speak to the workers on our behalf – you, She has a no-nonsense attitude, and is seen by
for instance. many of the younger kobolds as a stern old
Grish-Ta pleads with the PCs to contact the
workers at Shakevan to speak with them on her
Fen’wrek (he/him) is an old kobold who has
tribe’s behalf. The PCs are free to promise to do so
worked as a mushroom farmer for most of his life,
if they wish, or deny the request, and the kobolds
before he injured his leg while fleeing from a
will not attempt to force the PCs to do anything
security team. The injury is healed, but not well
they do not wish to. Whatever they decide, Grish-
and requires a good splint to aid in the long-term
Ta explains the PCs are welcome to remain in the
recovery. If the adventurers can succeeding in the
kobolds’ settlement so long as they are respectful.
Wisdom (Medicine) check, DC 18, they can aid him
and in return he is willing to let them sleep in his Any adventurer who does wish to travel back to
tent. This constitutes a long rest, which may be Shakevan during the night finds the route
used instead of the short rest. challenging in the moonlight; each PC must
succeed in a Wisdom (Survival) check, DC 22, to
Shine’Fir (they/them) is a trainee healer, who has
avoid getting lost and separated from any allies. A
spent many months studying under Grish-Ta. Each
PC who is lost can attempt another Wisdom
PC can attempt a Charisma (Persuasion) check, DC
(Survival) check, this time at DC 18, to find their
14, those who succeed can try some of their moss-
way again; if they succeed they are able to find
based salve which can heal 2D6+6 Hit Points. They
their way back to Shakevan but gain a level of
nervously shrink away from those who fail this
Exhaustion. If they fail, they additionally manage
to trip and fall down one side of the valley, cutting
Mar’lak (she/her) was a trader, who made her way themselves on sharp shale and rocks, sustaining
bartering goods with other kobold tribes in the 1D8+4 Hit Points of damage as well as a level of
region. She is keen to learn about life in Exhaustion.
Neverwinter and, if told stories about the city’s
Whenever the adventurers return to Shakevan,
past, is happy to trade items with any PC who
proceed to Shadow over Shakevan.
succeeds at the Intelligence (History) check, DC
14; however her items are rudimentary at best.
The only items of any real value are a set of four
+1 arrows. She won’t accept coins for these,
though, and the PCs will need to be creative to
offer something else to barter in exchange for
these. Mar’lak favours practical items which will
aid in her day-to-day work and survival.
tunnels lead off from this chamber, both of which
Achievement: Bridge-Mender are guarded by Galunder’s security team.
Requirement: Pledge to help Grish-Ta to speak This chamber is dominated by a large, grime-
to the ForestCo workers on the kobold’s behalf.
encrusted machine. Any PC who succeeds in an
Benefit: During the encounter with Galunder in
Intelligence (Investigation) check at DC 18
Act 3, add 3 DM-controlled Breaker Kobolds
who fight on the side of the PCs. recognises from its entry tunnel and grinding
mechanism that rumbles constantly that its
intended function is to reduce chunks of ore to a
Shadow over Shakevan smaller size.
Regardless of when the PCs arrive back at the A crowd gathers around a dwarven man, Clem
town, they are met by Galunder. Wilback whose arm is caught in one of the gears of
the machine. He is slumped against the device,
• If they arrive late at night, he is perturbed
screaming in agony and trying to pull himself free.
by their arrival in the early hours, asking if
“Damn it all!” barks Galunder, shoving his way
they got lost and comes across as rather
through the crowd.
mocking; “Not many get lost during a
simple kobold hunt; you must be one of Each PC should attempt a skill check. The nature of
the poorest new hires I’ve seen in a long the skill check is up to each player, but it should
while!” contribute to how they wish to aid in the current
• If the PCs turn up in the early morning situation. The DC for each roll is 14. Examples
having stayed with the Kobolds, he is far include Charisma (Persuasion) to calm Clem,
less jovial and asks some very pointed Intelligence (Investigation) to analyse the machine
questions; “Where were you all night? and determine a way to ease the gears, Strength
You abandoned the patrol; we have no (Athletics) to help pry apart the machinery,
use for cowards here!” Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) to try to slip Clem’s
• If the PCs returned with Galunder after arm free, or Wisdom (Medicine) to apply first aid
the patrol, he is amicable but full of to the injuries. Each PC can attempt a skill check
bravado. “You did well enough, I suppose. twice, and may choose a different skill for their
Better get some sleep, you’re very fragile second attempt. If at least half the party succeed
and you’ll want all your strength for in their rolls, this is a success; they are able to pry
tomorrow.” Clem’s arm free although he suffers injury to it. If
the party fail, the man survives the experience but
During the discussion, the adventurers and his arm is permanently lost.
Galunder are hastily approached by two workers;
they are dressed in muck-coated smocks and their
pale features are coated in coal dust. “Galunder, Achievement: Saviours!
sir!” calls one of them, “There’s been an accident Requirement: This Achievement is awarded to
one player if the party succeed in saving Clem’s
in the mines! It’s Clem; the machine again!”
arm. As a group, the players should nominate
Galunder rolls his eyes. “Incompetent bloody…” he who receives it.
motions to the adventurers, “You, with me. Now.” Benefit: While gathering signatures to form the
Union in Act 3, the player with this achievement
If the adventurers follow Galunder, he escorts may re-roll one failed skill check roll.
them hurriedly into the mine. Two guards stand
posted at the entrance; they narrow their eyes at Regardless of success, Galunder is enraged at
the PCs and reach for their weapons. Galunder Clem. “You’ve been trained on how to use this
waves his hand dismissively, “They’re with me. machine; this is a result of your own clumsy
Stand aside.” The guards allow the adventurers to incompetence!” he rages. “I’ll be sending a missive
enter without further ado. to Stonemar as soon as we’re finished; you can
pack your bags and get out.”
The mineshaft continues into the hill at a steady
descent for thirty meters before banking sharply to No amount of pleading swats Galunder from this
the left and opening up into a large cavern. Two decision; if they challenge his authority, he
explains he has approval to dismiss employees if from the corner of a nearby house, motioning for
he feels they pose a risk. Several of Clem’s friends the adventurers to speak to him discretely.
try to carry him from the cavern, but they are
When the adventurers encounter Emory, she
shouted at by Galunder, “Leave him; you’re still on
speaks to them in a hushed tone, often glancing
the clock, so get back to work!” PCs who try to
around. It’s clear, and no rolls are required to
coerce or threaten Galunder to close operation of
notice, that she’s worried about being caught.
the machine can attempt a Charisma
(Intimidation) check, DC 22; if successful, Galunder
grudgingly agrees to suspend use of the machine
for the rest of the day, but insists work in the rest
of the mine must continue in order to reach quota.

The adventurers are free to help Clem if they wish;

if they do, Galunder tells them they shouldn’t
waste their time on ‘incompetent waster
employees’ like him, but is content for them to
offer any aid they wish. If the group’s attempt to
free him from the machine is successful, Clem’s
arm can eventually be mended with care. Magic
can be employed to mend the arm, which knits the
wounds back together, but the bone will take
longer to mend fully and can only be done with
long-term care.

Adventurers who don’t escort Galunder into the Emory Hemsford

mine are able to encounter Clem as he leaves the dwarf, she/her, Em-O-ree’ HEMs-fOrd
mine, likely without his arm. Galunder continues This young dwarf came from a large family, her
to bark insults at Clem as he does so. mothers tried to instil in her a sense of
responsibility and compassion for those around
Clem Wilback her. She trained as a candle-maker, but her true
dwarf, he/him, CL-em Will-BAK’ love is in machinery. She’s often covered in oil
An older dwarf with a pock-marked face and and grease from her work on her latest
strong smile lines around his eyes, his ruddy clockwork contraption. Unfortunately, she lacks
ginger hair has licks of grey throughout. Raised much in the way of funds for this, causing her to
in a traditional dwarven working class family, he look for employment which she had believed
has a strong ethic towards his own culture and she’d found in ForestCo. In actuality her
work. He doesn’t care much for ForestCo, experience with the company has been a
believing they lack a ‘personal touch’, but he’s nightmare, leading the young gadget-loving
taken work at the mine because he needs the dwarf to entertain plans of forming a union.
“This ain’t the first accident” Emory explains.
“You’re new here. If you’re looking for
Concerned Voices employment, my advice is to look elsewhere.
This scene occurs once the PCs have witnessed the Anywhere else.”
accident in the mines. They are discretely
approached by Emory Hemsford, a friend of Clem, Emory is happy to answer any questions,
who expresses her concern over the conditions in explaining the situation in the mines fully.
the mine and the unfair treatment of the workers.
“There have been seven incidents in the mine over
This scene likely takes place in the presence of the last month, three of which have resulted in
Clem, possibly back at his dormitory where he deaths. The company don’t let that get out.
struggles to pack and mend his damaged limb. If Workers are treated as disposable here; if they
the adventurers are with him then, they encounter can’t work due to injury or illness, they lose their
Emory there. Otherwise, Emory beckons to them job. That means they can’t afford to live!
Emory is happy to answer any questions,
explaining the situation in the mines fully.

“There have been seven incidents in the mine over

the last month, three of which have resulted in
deaths. The company don’t let that get out.
Workers are treated as disposable here; if they
can’t work due to injury or illness, they lose their
job. That means they can’t afford to live!

“We don’t get paid much, and the money we do

get the company comps for the food and board,
tools and everything. For every five coins we make,
we lose four to the company just for the privilege
of living in Shakevan and eating the dinner they
provide. We can’t afford to send anything home to
our families. It’s like there’s no way out, and the
management know it.”
“The management heavily rely on security guards
to monitor us constantly. They’re very punitive;
beatings are common and we’re always under
threat of losing our jobs. But because we need the Saying ‘No’?
money to keep our homes, we can’t leave.” This adventure presumes the PCs agree to help
Emory. They are free to turn down the request,
“There’s a lot of us who want to do something… but doing so falls outside the scope of this
get organized to resist, I think. But we don’t have adventure. The DM should feel free to create
the power to do so, and Galunder and the security further story hooks to inspire the players to aid
team has us all too afraid to even try.” the workers of Shakevan to form their union;
perhaps the Kobolds, learning of the situation in
Once she has explained the situation in full, she the mines, are eager for the adventurers to
asks the adventurers if they can help. “You’re assist the miners as well, recognising the
outsiders, and you’re new here; if you can workers to be more helpful than their
convince people they can have hope of a better management.
work environment, maybe they’ll listen to you. We If the players are certain they don’t wish to get
could form… something. An organization, or a… involved, such as if they feel the plight of the
union of workers, maybe? To prevent us being miners doesn’t concern them enough to risk
their payment, Galunder escorts them on two
exploited like this. Won’t you help us?”
further hunting patrols against the kobolds.
Each one yields progressively fewer sightings of
the kobolds, leading Galunder to be content
Resolution they’ve been driven off. He arranges for the PCs
to return to Neverwinter the next day. Each PC
When the adventurers agree to assist in forming
receives 150 gold from ForestCo for their work;
the worker’s union, proceed to Act 3
Act 3 does not occur and the adventure ends
Act Three
Getting Organized Eventually, Hemsford stands up. “We have only
one course of action” he states. “We must
This act begins with the PCs meeting with Emory
organize all of the workers together. If we all act as
Hemsford, Clem Wilbeck, and Manyr Elmeswear. If
one, we outnumber the guards and have more
the party has made alliance with the Kobolds
strength than the management; they must accede
during Act 2 and gained the trust of Grish-Ta, she is
to what we want!”
there too. The meeting is situated in a small hut at
the outskirts of Shakevan, the day after the Clem shakes his head, wearily. “They won’t hear
incident at the mine. If Grish-Ta is there, she points us” he states, holding up his injured limb. “They
out the significant amount of stealth she had to don’t care.”
employ to get here, but she believes it is important
to be present while the group discuss their plans. “They will care!” explains Hemsford. “If we all act
The miners and Manyr are initially concerned and together, the mine won’t operate. They’ll have no
even worried at her presence, but soon come to ore to sell; then, when the money starts to dry up,
accept her being there. they’ll care! I know that what I’m suggesting is
Hemsford is the main speaker during the
discussion, listing off the large number of poor “You’ll have us all killed!” hisses Clem. “Galunder
work conditions in the mine. Among the ones won’t stand for it.”
included, she states that workers;
“There are more of us than there are of him”
• Have no rights to lunch breaks, Hemsford states. “But it will take many of us,
• Are granted no payment for sickness, maybe all, to form this… this… union of workers, I
• Receive no remuneration for any personal suppose.” She turns to look at the adventurers.
injuries, “You’ll help us, won’t you?”
• Get no days off work,
• Have no free time to spend with their
families and loved ones,
• Work extremely long hours, upwards of
12 hours per day,
• Possess no security or certainty in their
employment, meaning they can be
dismissed without notice,
• Are subjected to punitive discrimination
and bullying from management and

And many more. If Grish-Ta is present, she adds

that the company has stolen her people’s land,
and her people have no peaceful means to address
that. Hemsford states that if the workers had more
strength, enough to change the way the company
operates, they would be more than willing to help
the kobolds right this injustice.
Map B
Hemsford hands the PCs a sheet of paper. “We’ll
need to get as many of the workers, at least the
majority, to sign up to create the union. Once
that’s done, we can begin taking action to change
things. Get as many names down as possible

With the aid of her allies, Hemsford focuses on

recruiting the workers who are currently off duty
in Shakevan, while the PCs should focus on those
in the mines themselves. There are eight areas in
the mine (A-H) where the PCs can focus their

Before the adventurers head into the mines, Area A: Entrance Chamber
Manyr pulls them aside and offers to cast an The PCs are able to access the mine without any
enchantment on them, disguising each of the PC as issue due to Manyr’s enchantment. A main tunnel
an employee. “This should let you pass the guards, descends from the open air into the mine proper.
but keep an eye open for Galunder; he’ll be
around and is best avoided.” If asked, Manyr Two miners huddle discretely in a dark corner of
explains that after they heard of Clem’s accident, the tunnel, speaking to each other in hushed
they’d had all of the work from ForestCo that they voices and occasionally looking up to glance
could stomach. around. One is a thin Halfling woman named
Berbet Firetongue (she/her) who, if the PCs
When the PCs are ready, they can head into the approach, ushers for the adventurers to keep their
mines. Consult Map B for guidance on the layout noise down. “You’re not with management, are
of the various chambers in the mines. you?” she asks.
• In each area of the mine, there is a skill As long as the PCs don’t tell her they represent the
challenge. If successful, this challenge will mine’s management, she’s willing to express her
yield a signature on the document. dissatisfaction with the situation in the mine. Every
now and then, she glances towards the guards at
• The PCs can visit any area of the mine
the entrance to make sure they’re looking in
they wish, in any order. They may revisit
another direction.
any area as often as they wish.
Any PC speaking to her must succeed at a Stealth
• Each PC may attempt each skill challenge
(Dexterity) check, DC 18, to ensure they don’t
attract the guard’s attention. If they succeed,
• Each skill challenge can be attempted Berbet is happy to sign the form for the PCs. If
once per party member. they fail, their voices carry just loudly enough to
catch the guard’s attention, causing Berbet to
• Only one success is required to succeed at discretely shuffle away into the tunnels and out of
an area’s skill challenge. sight.
• The skill challenge in each area is a failure If the PCs succeed in gaining Berbet’s signature,
once every PC who chooses to attempt she also teaches one of the PCs a few quick hand
them fails to succeed. signals which are used in the mines to allow
• Every successful skill challenge yields one workers to communicate. This grants one PC
signature on the PCs document. The DM advantage on their skill check in Area D.
should keep track of how many signatures
the PCs acquire.
Area B: Equipment Stores
A short distance down from the entrance
chamber, a thin tunnel leads to an alcove which
contains a large number of storage crates. They
contain picks, lanterns, uniforms and replacement
parts for machinery.

A chubby elf in drab, oil-smeared fabrics leans over

a table, shuffling around various loose cogs from
three piles of mechanical parts. “Ah; you!” the elf
states as the PCs enter, “thank goodness. I’ve been
stuck with the raw end of the deal, again! Spare
me a hand, eh?”

The elf, Waelyn Stenlighter (they/them) has been

asked to catalogue replacement parts for the
mineral extraction machines. Due to the
requirement to infuse magical energies into the
ore, the parts for the machinery needs to be
infused with arcane energies as well. Waelyn is
entirely unattuned to arcane energies, and is
struggling to tell the magical cogs from the
mundane ones.

Waelyn busily fumes about their dissatisfaction Area C: Dust Tunnels

with being allocated tasks unsuitable to their skills, This part of the tunnel contains troughs of water
and is happy to sign the PCs document if they can and several buckets; it is intended for workers to
pass an Arcana (Intelligence) check, DC 14. If the wash down the thick coating of dust and coal
PCs fail, Waelyn loses their patience with the PCs which they accumulate during their work day. By
fumbling and ushers them out of the chamber the time the PCs arrive, it is very quiet.
One of the workers, a human boy no older than
If the PCs succeed in gaining Waelyn’s signature, fourteen, kneels in the corner of the room. Kevin
they also give the party a small enchanted button, Walberforce (he/him) is trying to coax a small
explaining that when it’s placed onto a heavy mouse out of a hole in the wall into which it has
object, it makes the item easier to lift and carry for scurried. “Shh!” Kevin says, looking up at the
a short period of time. This grants one PC adventurers, “He’s my friend. I care for him, feed
advantage on their skill check in Area E. him some of the bread the guards give me. But
Galunder knocked him out of my hand and tried to
stamp on him; now he’s scared and won’t come

Kevin is far too young to be working in an

environment such as this; the formation of a union
would ensure children like him are not put at risk
of being employed in hazardous jobs such as
these. Kevin will sign the PC’s form if they’re
willing to help him coax his mouth from where
he’s hiding.
The mouse is currently in a small crevasse in the
ground under one of the water troughs. He can be
coaxed out if the PCs can succeed at an Animal
Handling (Wisdom) check, DC 18. If the PCs fail,
the mouse refuses to budge. Kevin grows fearful
the guards will note his absence and quickly
hurries back to the main shaft.
Area D: Main Shaft
If the PCs succeed in gaining Kevin’s signature, he This busy chamber is very large, essentially a single
excitedly tells the PCs about some of the things vast cavity filled with descending and ascending
he’s seen in the deeper parts of the tunnels. He stairways cut into the natural stone. Workers mine
hands one of them a sketch of some murals he away at the walls, and various sections of unmined
found, explaining they are of kobold origin. This ore form impromptu pillars from ground to ceiling
grants one PC advantage on their skill check in where the rest of the stone has been cut away.
Area H. The entire area is filled with the clanging of pick on

Guards watch over a large number of workers

here, most of whom have toiled away for many
hours. Most workers are close to exhaustion, and
due to the noise it’s nearly impossible for anyone’s
voice to be heard. The PCs do, however, notice a
small group of workers who hurriedly
communicate with one another through hand

Gebford Reily (he/him) is one of the workers

communicating with sign language; he does so
animatedly and angrily, expressing his
dissatisfaction. He explains that the noise in the
chamber is affecting his hearing, causing him to
experience ringing noises when he isn’t working.
He has spoken with healers and they indicate to
him the damage is likely permanent.

The workers don’t recognise the PCs and are

untrusting of them. If they can succeed at a
Persuasion (Charisma) check, DC 18, they convince
Gebford of their good intentions and he signs their
form. Otherwise, he distrusts them, suspecting the
PCs to be working for management, and storms

If the PCs succeed in gaining Gebford’s signature,

he also chooses the PC he trusts the most and tells
them the guard’s patrol schedule. This grants one
PC advantage on their skill check in Area F.
Area E: Mineral Extraction
This smaller chamber is supported by wooden
struts, although the ceiling looks perilously low.
Smoke fills the room, coughed out from various
machines. Carts filled with chunks of rock litter
most of the centre of the room. Workers struggle
to move large hunks of rock from the cards into an
array of mechanical apparatus arrayed around the
sides of the room.

As the PCs enter, two guards flank one of the

workers, a defeated-looking half-orc, Nesla Pakriv
(she/her). They insult her for going slow with her
work hauling rock, claiming a half-orc should be
stronger and shouldn’t need a rest. Their tone is
one of bullying.

As the guards leave, Nesla turns to the PCs;

“They’re always like that. They target me because
I’m a half-orc, unlike most of the employees. They
insult me, and treat me like an outsider. I’m not
allowed to rest, or they start again. I don’t know
about you, but I don’t feel management shouldn’t
be allowed to discriminate based on race.”

Nesla will happily sign the PCs’ form, but only if

they can help her clear the backlog of rocks which
need to be loaded into the machines. Other
workers are afraid to help her, lest they draw the
guard’s bullying as well. Doing so requires a
successful Athletics (Strength) check, DC 14. If the
PCs fail, it takes them too long to do so, and the
guards return which causes Nelsa to hurriedly
resume her unfair duties alone.

If the PCs succeed in gaining Nesla’s signature, she

also hands the PCs a small pocket-sized mirror
useful for looking around corners, emphasizing
that it’s useful for knowing when the guards are
approaching. This grants one PC advantage on
their skill check in Area A.
Area F: Breakthrough Chamber
In this narrow chamber, various workers strive to
tunnel away at the walls, hoping to break into new
veins of ore. This has caused much of the chamber
to end in long, thin tunnels which are difficult to
squeeze into.

Guards patrol this chamber regularly, keeping a

close eye on the workers to ensure that any newly-
found ore is documented. Because the ore is
valuable, a few workers have previously attempted
to steal newly discovered pieces and sell it on
outside of Shakevan, which resulted in the guards
assaulting them violently. As a result, employees in
this section are even more cautious than normal.

One worker, Margot Kendleworth (she/they)

quietly grumbles her discontent to the PCs when
approached, stating that one of her life partners
was amongst those injured. “We’re desperate and
need the money” she explains, “the pay just isn’t
enough, especially because so much of it goes
right back into the company’s coffers. There
should be laws against that.”

Margot refuses to sign the PCs documents while

the guards are around; but they are always
watching in this chamber. Therefore, a successful
Sleight of Hand (Dexterity) check, DC 18, is
required to get Margot’s signature. If the PCs fail,
they’re unable to get the paper ready in time
between the guard’s patrols and lose their chance
to get Margot to sign it.

If the PCs succeed in gaining Margot’s signature,

she 'accidentally' drops a small item as she leaves
the chamber. It’s a monocle which she usually
wears around her neck, which used to belong to
her father. The lens on it magnifies any image seen
Area G: Grinder Room
through it slightly. This grants one PC advantage
This chamber is actually two separate rooms which
on their skill check in Area G.
have been dug into the ground atop one another.
They are separated by a large whirring machine. In
the top room, segments of rock are fed into the
machine which then grinds them into smaller
segments suitable for ore extraction. The smaller
chunks are ejected into the lower room, where
they are loaded into carts.

When the PCs enter the lower chamber, they find

a gnome hurriedly digging through one of the
carts. Yates Hunpurton (he/him) looks up at the
PCs in confusion. “Don’t suppose you could help
me? Uhh, my wedding ring fell into the machine. It
should be too small to be ground up… grinded
Achievement: He was more than a
up?… It’s got to be here somewhere.”
hero; he was a union man!
Requirement: The PCs gathered 6 or more As the PCs talk to Yates, they discover he has been
signatures to found the trade union. hired because gnomes are small and can therefore
Benefit: Each PC gains +1 to attack rolls, saving squeeze into tunnels which are too narrow for
throws and damage rolls, OR a +1 to Open larger folk. This work puts him at greater risk of
Communication rolls, during the “Don’t cross
injury, however — as he is any time he’s asked to
the picket line!” scene. Each PC must decide
reach his quick hands into the grinder machine to
which benefit they individually receive.
fix it. Despite this greater risk, he’s not paid any
more than the rest of the workers; in fact,
management doesn’t allow any of the workers to when he leaves. It’s rather unappealing and has
discuss their pay at all. rodent bite marks along the crust. This grants one
PC advantage on their skill check in Area C.
Yates is too preoccupied with finding his ring to
sign the document unless the PCs can succeed at a
Perception (Wisdom) check, DC 18, to spot the
ring in the bottom of a pile of ore still piled near Counting
the grinder. If they succeed, Yates signs the Once each skill challenge has been completed with
document, otherwise he asks the PCs to please let successfully or unsuccessfully, the PCs reunite with
him resume his search. Hemsford to count their results.

If the PCs succeed in gaining Yates’s signature, he The DM should total up how many signatures the
also hands the PCs a small lump of ore, explaining PCs acquired. If they gained six or more, Hemsford
that the magical minerals within glow faintly while is ecstatic; the union is off to a grand start!
in the presence of arcane energies. This grants one
PC advantage on their skill check in Area B. If the PCs gathered fewer, Hemsford is
consolatory; the union can still go ahead, but it will
struggle to find its footing and the challenges it
meets along the way to being fully established will
Area H: Warrens be greater.
This spiralling network of tunnels was previously
Hemsford claps her hands together. “Now!” she
home to the cavern’s kobold population before
declares. “It’s time for action. We have our list of
they were displaced. Although much of the
demands; what we insist ForestCo does to make
kobold’s homes have been destroyed to make way
conditions better for us. We will put those to the
for the mine, parts of the warrens still exist. They
company see if they accept.”
are uncharted by ForestCo. The company has not
yet started mining in this section, so the workers Clem looks up from his chair, “Do you think they
are instructed that the warrens are off-limits. will?”
Near the entrance to the warrens, two workers Hemsford looks down. “Honestly? No, I think
stand staring at some of the murals etched on the they’ll fight us every step of the way. But that’s
walls. The younger of the two, a red-bearded why we must be ready to do what needs to be
dwarf called Brier Dowerfringe (he/they) looks at done next; put down our picks and strike!”
the murals uncertainly. “My father told me these
symbols were some form of warning. We’ve
probably dug too deep and tapped into a pocket of
toxic gas. Damn this company.”

Brier is too worried about the symbols on the walls

to sign any documents, convinced that he’s
probably already breathing in toxic gasses and
likely to perish soon. His discussion with his friend
does little to calm his nerves, and he’s soon
worked himself up into a panic.

If the PCs can succeed at a History (Intelligence)

check at DC 18, they recognise the paintings are
purely decorative kobold mosaics documenting the
history of the tunnel’s indigenous inhabitants. This
calms Brier, and he is happy to sign the document.
If unsuccessful, he hurriedly excuses himself and
rushes out of the section.

If the PCs succeed in gaining Brier’s signature, he

leaves behind a half-eaten sandwich from his lunch
In the Interim two choices; either return to your work, or stand
aside to let your replacements past.”
There are a variety of other actions the
adventurers can undertake while the miners Allow the PCs a moment to speak with Hemsford
complete the organization of their trade union. If to express their thoughts. Hemsford reminds them
players raise any other ideas, create challenges for that even if replacement workers are brought in,
them to overcome in the pursuit of doing so. their training period would still limit ForestCo’s
output, ensuring the strike continues to have some
Some useful ideas they may choose might be to
minimal effect. Hemsford also reiterates that the
contact the media in Neverwinter; like most large
replacement workers would still be subjected to
companies, ForestCo works hard to repress reports
poor treatment from the company. “Aye” she says
of worker abuses from leaking to the media. PCs
eventually, “it’s unethical to cross the picket line.
who have not caused Galunder to become too
We won’t be moved!”
suspicious of them may still have access to the
mine and possibly could recover witness With that, Galunder motions to several of his
statements. Paperwork reports, especially about union-busters. They draw their blades. “You
the physical abuses the workers suffer, could be ungrateful anarchists” he grumbles. “The company
stolen from the village’s administrative building. gave you work and this is how you repay us? I’m
Manyr is happy to deliver any documents along going to enjoy this… Okay boys, move them!”
with any reports the PCs with to have sent to
Neverwinter. This is the time for the adventurers to act as
bodyguards as the workers requested. Galunder is
Although particularly passionate PCs may wish to joined with 5 Union-Busters. Galunder is a
blow up ForestCo headquarters, the only local Ringleader (see Appendix B: Antagonists).
division is the one in Neverwinter; the company’s Galunder and one union-buster work in tandem to
headquarters is remote to the region and relatively attack the most physically imposing or heavily-
inaccessible in the scope of this adventure. armed PC, while the others focus their attention
on the rest of the group. Be sure to remember if
the PCs have the Bridge-Mender achievement or
Don’t cross the picket line! not.
The scenario resumes outside of the mines. It is Use Map A for this encounter.
morning; enough time has now passed to count as
a long rest, award each PC Inspiration for the fight The PCs should, ideally, win this combat. If they
ahead. succeed, they are able to disperse or nullify
Galunder. If they lose the fight, turn to Concluding
The majority of workers are amassed outside the the Adventure instead.
mine; they obstruct entrance to the tunnels. Most
carry placards and banners bearing home-made
slogans and quotes stating their dissatisfaction. For Adjusting the Encounter
most, it is their first time ever doing so and Determine the Total Party Level by adding up the
although their efforts are sloppy, their heart is levels of all PCs.
clearly in it. - If the total is 6 or less, Galunder (a Ringleader,
see Appendix B: Antagonists) remains on the
The striking workers have asked the adventurers outside of the combat, shouting orders to the
to stand with them for protection against Union-Busters. Remove him from the combat. His
ForestCo’s security, who are flanking the edges of Goad ability is not used.
the group. Galunder is leading them. Most of the - If the total is 10-13, add 1 Union-Buster and 1
guards are readied in armour and armed, prepared Ringleader.
as impromptu union-busters. - If the total is 14 or more, add 2 Union-Buster and
2 Ringleader.
The groups bark back and forth several times,
before Galunder steps forward. “As you’re clearly
not willing to return to work, Stonemar himself
approved new workers to replace you. You have
Slowly, Stonemar gives a long sigh. He slumps.
“Alright” he says, finally. “I’ll hear your demands.”
He turns his eyes towards the adventurers, “I don’t
know how you’re all involved in this, but I’m sure
you played a part somehow. You can forget about
your payment.”

However, the workers are having none of it. As a

ripple of celebration flows through the crowd,
Clem hurries from one striking worker to another,
proffering a bag and asking for donations.
Eventually he steps forward to the adventurers,
holding the bag out. “You’ve won the day for us,
and even if the company doesn’t appreciate it, the
union does. You’re more than heroes.”

Concluding the Adventure

If they fail, Galunder and his group of union-
busters are able to subdue and imprison the PCs.
The union strikers are brutally dispersed. Following
this, the PCs are shipped back to Neverwinter
under heavy guard, where the corporation seek
prison sentences against them. If the PCs have any
previous warrants or are known as troublemakers
to the guards of Neverwinter, they serve 2D6+2
weeks in the city’s jail; otherwise they are released
Fatalities with a warning for obstructing corporate work. In
Remember the combat in Justice for either case, they receive no payment for this
Neverwinter scenarios does not necessitate adventure.
killing the antagonists. If a PC kills one of the
If the adventurers win, which is the ideal outcome,
union-busters, it is likely to still be considered
murder in the eyes of the law. they each receive the donations from the union in
Killing an enemy in gaming is an active choice, gratitude. This amounts to slightly more than
not a default. Remember that in roleplaying Stonemar initially offered them. While they earn
games, the PCs can opt to simply declare a foe the ire of ForestCo, they have the favour of the
to be knocked out when they reach zero Hit newly-founded Miner’s Trade Union, both of
Points; there are no penalties to do so. which may be relevant in future Justice for
Neverwinter scenarios.
If Galunder is subdued, read or paraphrase the
following; Manyr offers to drive the PCs back to Neverwinter
so they can resume their journeys and adventures.
A cry breaks from the corner of the picket line, If the PCs allied with Grish-Ta, she speaks with
“Stop! Stop!” From the crowd, a dwarf in a sharp them before they go, offering her thanks. “The
business suit steps forward. Angward Stonemar human workers are far more understanding than
looks over the fracas and focuses his eyes on the the guards ever were. They’ve promised we’ll
striking workers. “You’ve no intent of stopping this, have our homes returned to us, but it seems much
do you?” of our warrens have been damaged and destroyed
by the mines. It’s going to take a long time to dig
Hemsford shakes her head, standing firm. “Even if
out new tunnels, but I’m confident we can make a
you can find people willing to cross the picket line
good start.”
and work the mine, the conditions that drove us
out will drive them out as well. We will not be
Hemsford claps her strong hands around each of
the PC’s own and shakes vigorously. “We’ve begun
our negotiations with Stonemar. It’s slow going,
but we will get there. Thank you for your help once

Achievement: Union Members!

Requirement: This Achievement is awarded to
each player in the party if they successfully
completed this adventure.
Benefit: This Achievement will have effects in
later Justice for Neverwinter adventures!

Each PC gains 250 + 2D20 gold coins.

In addition, if the play group utilize Experience

Points for advancement, each PC gains 600XP. If
the play group utilize milestone advancement, PCs
in Levels 1 or 2 each gain 1 level.

The party also receive the following item from the


Magical Item: Miner’s Trade Union

Wondrous item
This small copper disk, small enough to fit in
one’s palm, symbolizes honored membership
within the Miner’s Trade Union. Once per day,
the bearer of this token receives advantage to
one Charisma-based skill check related to
standing up to bullying, harassment or abuse of

If the PCs became allies with the kobolds, they also

gain the following item.

Magical Item: Friendship Thread

Wondrous item
A thin piece of enchanted cord dyed in various
colours is a gift from the kobolds of Shakevan. It
can be tied around the wrist, ankle or other
At the start of combat, before initiative is
determined, the wearer of this item rolls 1D20.
On a roll of 18-20, the wearer’s initiative roll
gains a +1.
Further Resources
A trade union is an organisation made up of members (a membership-based organisation) and its
membership must be made up mainly of workers. One of a trade union's main aims is to protect and
advance the interests of its members in the workplace.

Most trade unions are independent of any employer. However, trade unions try to develop close
working relationships with employers. This can sometimes take the form of a partnership agreement
between the employer and the trade union which identifies their common interests and objectives.

If agreement can't be reached and the organisation employs more than 20 people, a union may
apply for statutory recognition. To do so, it must first request recognition from the employer in
writing. If this is unsuccessful, the union can apply to outside agencies for a decision. If a union is
formally recognised by an employer, it can negotiate with the employer over terms and conditions.
This is known as 'collective bargaining'.

Labour unions are associations of workers formed to protect workers' rights and advance their
interests. Unions negotiate with employers through a process known as collective bargaining. The
resulting union contract specifies workers’ pay, hours, benefits, and job health and safety policies.

Thanks to the efforts of labour unions, workers have achieved higher wages, more reasonable hours,
safer working conditions, health benefits, and aid when retired or injured. Labour unions were also
instrumental in ending the practice of child labour. They have exerted a broad influence on
American life, reshaping the political, economic, and cultural fabric of the country.

Backing for unions has been rising in the USA Gallup poll, released Aug. 30, 2022, found that 71% of
Americans now support unions--up from 65% before the pandemic, and the highest support level
since 1965.

The largest unions in the USA today are the National Education Association (dedicated to public
school employees), the Service Employees International Union, and the American Federation of
State, Country and Municipal Employees. Affiliated with the SEIU is Workers United. The company of
ForestCo in this adventure is an allegory for Amazon; the Amazon Labour Union (ALU) is an
independent union specializing in Amazon employees created on April 20th, 2021.

Amazon Labour Union —

Starbucks Workers United —
National Education Association —
Service Employees International Union —
Communications Workers of America —
Writer’s Guild of Great Britain —
Appendix A: Non-Player Characters
Manyr Elmeswear
Half-elf, non-binary, MAN-ee’r ELms-wer The 84 year old half-elf likes to dress well,
preferring bright blues and greens which accentuate their sandy hair which is kept
tied in a short ponytail, and deep brown eyes. They live in a small apartment in
Neverwinter with two life-partners, although hopes to one day have children when
their financial situation improves. Manyr avoids discussing their personal life,
fearing it’s dull and that such stories would bore others, instead deflecting prying
queries with jokes and humour. They often hum while in deep thought. They are
preternaturally beautiful, and seems utterly unaware of this fact.

Emory Hemsford
Dwarf, she/her, Em-O-me’ HEMs-fOrd This young dwarf came from a large family,
her mothers tried to instil in her a sense of responsibility and compassion for those
around her. She trained as a candle-maker, but her true love is in machinery. She’s
often covered in oil and grease from her work on her latest clockwork contraption.
Unfortunately, she lacks much in the way of funds for this, causing her to look for
employment which she had believed she’d found in ForestCo. In actuality her
experience with the company has been a nightmare, leading the young gadget-
loving dwarf to entertain plans of forming a union.

Kobold, she/her, Greesh-TAH A tall Kobold with a speckled snout and strong
eyebrows, Grish-Ta is now considered to be aged among her peers. Having studied
druidic magic in her youth, she soon rose in reverence among the tribe, gaining a
position of respect. She has a no-nonsense attitude, and is seen by many of the
younger kobolds as a stern old grandmother.

Clem Wilback
Dwarf, he/him, CL-em Will-BAK’ An older dwarf with a pock-marked face and strong smile lines around his eyes, his
ruddy ginger hair has licks of grey throughout. Raised in a traditional dwarven working class family, he has a strong
ethic towards his own culture and work. He doesn’t care much for ForestCo, believing they lack a ‘personal touch’, but
he’s taken work at the mine because he needs the money.
Angward Stonemar
Dwarf, he/him, ANG’-Warrd STON-Marr A well-spoken dwarf with a throaty drawl to his voice, and tends to keep his
greying beard cropped short. Angward is a long-time resident of Neverwinter, residing there with his wife and two
sons. He is a man with little in the way of a sense of humour, and takes his work at ForestCo seriously. Despite that, he
tends to overlook matters which don’t directly involve him, making him rather short-sighted and, as a result, reliant on
others to manage his work.
Galunder Terson
Human, he/they, Gal-lun-DER TER’sun A 42-year old human with a strong brow and short-cropped brown hair and flat
jaw. Galunder had hoped he’d have done more with his life by this point. He never quite felt particularly driven
towards pursuing great accomplishments, so didn’t hone many of his skills in his youth aside from a sturdy sword arm.
Now he’s worried his best years are behind him. He has taken a job as head of security for the mine, which he sees as a
distraction until something better comes along; if it ever does.
Appendix B: Antagonists
Firetouch Kobold STR DEX CON
Small humanoid (kobold) 7 (-2) 15 (+2) 9 (-1)
Spellcasting. The kobold is a 1st-level spellcaster.
Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC
13 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2)
12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). It has the Armor Class 12 Hit Points 10 (3d6 - 3)
following sorcerer spells prepared: Speed 30 ft. Senses darkvision 60 ft.,
Cantrips (at will): Dancing Lights, Fire Bolt, Mage Passive Perception 10
Hand, Minor Illusion Languages Common, Draconic
1st level (2 slots): Burning Hands, Shield
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the kobold has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Pack Tactics. The kobold has advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the kobold's allies is
within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.

Dagger (Melee). Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Dagger (Ranged). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Fire Bolt (Cantrip). Ranged Spell Attack: +4 to hit, reach 120 ft., one target. Hit: (1d10) fire damage. A
flammable object hit by this spell ignites if it isn't being carried or worn.
Burning Hands (1st-Level Spell; 2/Day). Each creature in a 15-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw
(DC 12). A creature takes 3d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The
fire ignites any flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried.

Wants The Kobolds wish to protect themselves from harm. Conviction 1, Vulnerable Connect, Immune Reason

Union-Buster STR DEX CON

Medium humanoid (dwarf) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning Armor Class 16 Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
damage. Speed 25 ft. Senses darkvision 60 ft.,
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to Passive Perception 10
hit, reach 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 1)
Languages Common, Dwarven
piercing damage.

Wants The Union-Busters want to stop the workers from going on strike, believing doing so will cost them
their livelihoods. Conviction 1, Vulnerable Reason, Immune Beguile
Breaker Kobold STR DEX CON
Small humanoid (kobold) 9 (-1) 13 (+1) 11 (+0)
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the kobold INT WIS CHA
has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. Armor Class 12 Hit Points 7 (2d6)
Pack Tactics. The kobold has advantage on attack Speed 30 ft. Senses darkvision 60 ft.,
rolls against a creature if at least one of the Passive Perception 10
kobold's allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and Languages Common, Draconic
the ally isn't incapacitated.

Short sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.
Sling. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage.

Wants The Kobolds wish to protect themselves from harm. Conviction 2, Vulnerable Beguile, Immune Connect

Ringleader STR DEX CON

Medium humanoid (human) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2)
Pack Tactics. The ringleader has advantage on
attack rolls against a creature if at least one of 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0)
the ringleader's allies is within 5 ft. of the Armor Class 11 Hit Points 32 (5d8+10)
creature and the ally isn't incapacitated. Speed 30 ft.
Skills Intimidation +2
Passive Perception 10
Multiattack. The Ringleader makes two melee
attacks. Languages Common, Dwarven
Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: (1d10) piercing damage.
Goad (1/day). Two creatures of the ringleader's choice that are within 30 feet of it and can hear it make one
melee or ranged weapon attack as a reaction.

Wants The Ringleaders follow Galunder, who in turn doesn’t want the union’s strike to reflect on himself in
front of the company’s higher-ups, fearing it will make him look incompetent. Conviction 3, Vulnerable
Beguile, Immune Connect
Appendix C: Hand-outs
Map A
Map B
Appendix D: Pre-made Characters

Darius Morningblaze STR DEX CON

Tiefling (He/Him) Bard 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 10 (+0)
Background charlatan INT WIS CHA
Senses darkvision 60ft 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 16 (+3)
Class Feature Bardic inspiration Armor Class 12 Hit Points 8
Speed 30 ft. Initiative +1
Passive Perception 10
Rapier, melee. Attack +3, damage 1d8+1
Saving Throws DEX +3, CHA +5
Skills Performance +5, history +5,
Spellcasting Spell DC 13, To Hit +5 investigation +5, deception +5, sleight
Cantrips known: Minor Illusion, Vicious of hand +3
Lvl 1 Spells known: Cure Wounds, Feather Fall,
Hideous Laughter, Thunderwave

Entertainer's pack, guitar (prof, leather armour, dagger, disguise (prof +2), marked playing cards,

Hellish resistance, infernal legacy


Mariza Kostalyazen STR DEX CON

Wood Elf (She/They) Monk
10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Background entertainer
Senses darkvision 60ft
10 (+0) 15 (+2) 13 (+1)
Class Feature unarmoured defence, martial
arts Armor Class 16 Hit Points 8
Speed 35 ft. Initiative +3
Actions Passive Perception 14
Spear, melee and ranged. Attack +2, damage
Saving Throws STR +2, DEX +5
1d6 piercing, range 20ft
Skills Perception +4, insight +4, stealth +5,
Unarmed Strike, melee. Attack +5, damage
acrobatics +5, performance +3
1d4+3 bludgeoning

Explorer's pack, costume, kalimba (prof +2), 15gp

Fey ancestry, trance, elf weapon training, mask of the wild
Vicrius Amasette STR DEX CON
Forest Gnome (He/They) Ranger
10 (+0) 15 (+2) 10 (+0)
Background sage
Senses darkvision 60ft
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
Class Feature favoured enemy (elementals),
natural explorer (forest) Armor Class 13 Hit Points 10
Speed 25 ft. Initiative +2
Actions Passive Perception 12
Shortsword (2), melee. Attack +4, damage
Saving Throws STR +2, DEX +4
1d6+2 piercing
Skills insight +4, investigation +5, nature
Shortbow, ranged. Attack +4, damage 1d6
+5, arcana +5, history +5
piercing, range 80ft

Leather armour, explorer's pack, 20x arrows, quill and ink, 10gp

Gnome cunning, natural illusionist, speak with small beasts


Briona Hammerdell STR DEX CON

Hill dwarf (She/Her) Barbarian
14 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
Background outlander
Senses darkvision 60ft
10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
Class Feature Unarmoured defence
Armor Class 15 Hit Points 16
Actions Speed 25 ft. Initiative +2
Warhammer, melee. Attack +4, damage Passive Perception 10
1d10+2 bludgeoning
Saving Throws STR +4, CON +5
Handaxe (2), melee and ranged. Attack +4,
Skills Animal handling +2, nature +2,
damage 1d6+2 slashing, range 20ft
athletics +4, survival +2
Javelin (4), melee and ranged. Attack +4,
damage 1d6+2 piercing, range 30ft

Explorer's pack, brewing supplies (prof +2), drums (prof +2), walking staff, hunting trap, 10gp

Dwarven resilience, dwarven combat training, stonecunning, dwarven toughness
Leami Gemmerglow STR DEX CON
Lightfoot Halfling (Xe/Xer) Rogue
10 (+0) 15 (+2) 13 (+2)
Background guild artisan
Class Feature Sneak attack +1d6, thieves cant
12 (+1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3)
Actions Armor Class 13 Hit Points 9
Rapier, melee. Attack +4, damage 1d8+2 Speed 25 ft. Initiative +2
piercing Passive Perception 12
Shortbow, ranged. Attack +4, damage 1d6
Saving Throws DEX +4, INT +3
piercing, range 80ft
Skills Deception +7, intimidation +5,
Dagger, melee or ranged. Attack +4, damage
investigation +3, perception +2,
1d4+2, range 20ft
insight +3, persuasion +7
20x arrows, dungeoneer's pack, leather armour, thieves tools (prof +2), cartography tools (prof +2),

Lucky, brave, halfling nimbleness, naturally stealthy


Ser Maros Haversan STR DEX CON

Human (They/Them) Wizard
11 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1)
Background noble
Class Feature Arcane recovery
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)
Actions Armor Class 12 Hit Points 7
Staff, melee. Attack +2, damage 1d8 Speed 30 ft. Initiative +2
bludgeoning Passive Perception 11
Spellcasting Spell DC 13, To Hit +5 Saving Throws INT +5, WIS +3
Cantrips known: Control Flames, Fire Bolt, Skills Arcana +5, religion +5, history +5,
Mage Hand persuasion +4
Lvl 1 Spells known: Detect Magic, Earth
Tremor, Floating Disk, Ice Knife, Mage Armor, Magic Missile

Staff, arcane focus, scholar's pack, spellbook, playing cards (prof+2), fine clothes, gold ring, 25gp
Safety Mechanics
Adventures in the Justice for Neverwinter series are written with the purpose of having Safety
Mechanics in play. The series has the goal of exploring themes relevant to many people and
therefore it is appropriate that players and DMs approach the subjects with sensitivity, to avoid
hurting feelings, triggering distress, “bleeding” in-character emotions into out-of-character
emotions, or causing any other unintended upset. Games are meant to be fun, and safety mechanics
ensure everyone can do so without risk.

A good way to prepare for this kind of roleplay is to use safety tools at your table. These discussion
topics, sub-systems, or warning phrases provide players with simple ways to illustrate their
boundaries, and communicate their needs. Which safety tools are appropriate for your group should
be agreed with the DM and all players. Some popular safety tools you might choose to use include:

• Lines and Veils. Before starting play, in a “Session 0” or similar, players agree on content
they want to veto or regulate in play. Lines are topics or story beats that should not appear
in play at all, or even be alluded to. Veils instead apply to activities that can happen within
the fiction, but not “on camera” – they can be referenced, but not described in any detail.
Lines and Veils can be collected from each player anonymously, but the complete list should
be presented visible to all players for convenient reference.
• The X-Card. At the start of play, the DM introduces a card with an X written on it, which any
player can lift or tap at any time to indicate discomfort with the game’s content for any
reason. When that happens, the discomforting content is simply edited out of play. A player
using an X- Card is never required to justify its use.
• Post-Session Debriefs. At the end of each session, before leaving the table, every player
(including the DM!) is given an opportunity to describe something they enjoyed or found
challenging about the session. As well as providing DMs with useful feedback, it gives players
room to talk about events in the game they were troubled by, with confidence that their
concerns will be listened to. If everything went well, that’s a nice thing to celebrate too!
There are many other types of safety tools groups might prefer. Not all are appropriate for every
group; some are tailored for new groups or playing with strangers (such as at gaming conventions or
your local clubs), while others are better suited for games with long-term friends. Remember that
even if you feel that you know your long-term friends limits and boundaries, those may change over
time without your awareness.

The purpose of safety tools is not to provide blanket protection for every roleplaying session, but to
ease the process of discussion when/if a problem arises in play. It is better to have safety mechanics
in place and not need to use it than risk harm from playing without them. Introducing safety tools
clearly demonstrates that every player’s well-being takes priority over the game or the story, and
that everyone is committed to respecting each other’s limits. Whilst use of safety tools is especially
important for games engaging with challenging, stressful, emotional content, your group should
consider adopting them for all game sessions as a sensible extra precaution.
Moonbeam’s Alchemy provides Elixirs of Sex Shifting for the broad community throughout
Neverwinter, allowing those seeking to make medical changes to do so safely.
But when the store is targeted by a hate mob led by an embittered author, the alchemist
finds her business the subject of mass public hysteria and misinformation.
As members of the LGBTQ+ family and allies, the PCs are sought to help the gnome; but find
the mob are merely the tip of a wider force of corruption growing in the city!
For 4-6 players of levels 2-4

About the Author

Alison Cybe is an award-nominated fantasy and horror author with multiple books and short story
publications under their belt.

They work as a freelance writer for tabletop RPG publishers, where credits include game mechanics,
fiction and adventures created for Call of Cthulhu, Starfinder, World of Darkness, Star Trek
Adventures and many more, as well as development on ABYSS – The Tabletop RPG of Supernatural
Action-Horror, and Shield Maidens.

Recent work include the comedy fantasy novel Realms of Valeron by Dreamsphere Books, with
contributions to other works including Phantasmagoria magazine, Soteira Press, HellBound Books,
and the multi-award winning NoSleep Podcast, and Black Rainbow – a horror anthology with
LGBTQIA themes written by LGBTQIA authors and allies.

They have a degree in Film & Media with a minor in sociology and media, they are non-binary and
their pronouns are they/them and was born in Scotland. They currently live in England, and are co-
manager of a large gaming club, and have written extensively on inclusion and positive
representation within the gaming community in particular with relation to LGBTQ+ and transgender
visibility in several gaming publications and blogs.

They are also the manager of the gaming website in which they write
articles, editorials and reviews. Their interests include celtic mythology, transhumanism, garage kits
and pet rats.

They operate on a sliding rate of pay and are open to offers, and can be contacted directly via this
website for any questions or communications concerning this site, freelance writing queries
including available rates, and invitations to DM for your group. A full list and range of their currently
published works is available at

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