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Ayesha Sagheer Sec A (BS IR) Roll no: 006

Ayesha Sagheer

Sec A (BS IR)

Roll no: 006

Submitted to ; Sir Usama

Subject : Civics and Community Engagement

Civics Project
Helping others
Ayesha Sagheer Sec A (BS IR) Roll no: 006

Helping others is frequently identified as the purpose or result of someone without increasing the

well being expecting financial gain in return. Thus, the term "helping others" suggests that to

help others can refer to both well-intentioned acts that succeed in increasing the well-being of

another person and courteous behaviors that miss to achieve their purpose (Schultz, n.d.). There

is some evidence to show that helping others may lead to improvements in the brain associated

with happiness. This increased sense of well-being might be attributed to being more physically

active because of volunteering, or it could be due to the fact that it increases our social activity

(10 benefits of helping others, 2020).

Everyone could benefit from a little help now and then, but some individuals require a bit more

help than others. For example, persons who are homeless, whose houses have been ruined by an

unforeseen event, or refugees who have fled their homes due to severe hunger, war, or other

kinds of violence may benefit greatly from stuff such as money, food, or clothing (Schultz, n.d.).

Helping those around you, especially those who are less fortunate than you, might help you put

things in comparison and feel better about your own situation (10 benefits of helping others,


We are aware that showing kindness to others deepens our relationships with them and serves as

a source of support. According to research, we could gain more from offering help than from

getting it, and we also have a higher chance of receiving help ourselves in the future. While it

might not be from the same person or group or even be support for like, showing kindness to

others creates a larger support system that improves wellness overall (Do things for Others, n.d.).

Two things you could get by your good works are respect and trust. They are not something that

can be easily bestow to someone. One method to gain respect and trust is to help others. People

are going to be more likely to trust someone they know is generous and able to help when they
Ayesha Sagheer Sec A (BS IR) Roll no: 006

need it. People will also respect someone who is able to display this behavior. Just keep in mind

that assisting others isn't the only way to earn their respect and trust. When you truly want to

help people, these things will come to you naturally (MorningCoach, 2022).


In Pakistan, because of inflation it is getting really difficult for the people to buy even everyday

items. As most of the population of Pakistan is living under poverty line, they face difficulty to

meet their ends. As a responsible citizen, we should help these people as much as we can. Even a

small contribution can make a huge difference.

In Pakistan, different NGO’s are working to help the needy ones. People contribute through

Zakat and khirat to these organizations. It is our moral duty to help those round us. Our religion

also teaches us to help the people around us who are struggling. In Pakistan and other Muslim

countries, through Zakat and khirat government finances the project to aid the people and also

provides them subsidies.

Keeping in view the learnings of the subject “Civics”, our instructor gave us an activity to help

the poor. For the activity, the packet of daal and ghee were given to a poor woman. Keeping in

view the privacy and ethics , the woman face has been hidden with a sticker.

Through this activity, I went to a women’s house in village and helped her. By helping her, I felt

happiness. She is single divorced parent who is parenting her children alone and is very much

worried about the expenses as the inflation is growing at much faster rate. She told me that she

works even on Sundays to meet the ends. But due to raising inflation , its getting really difficult

for her to raise her children.

Ayesha Sagheer Sec A (BS IR) Roll no: 006

10 benefits of helping others. (2020, April 28). From UCL:

Do things for Others. (n.d.). From Action For Happiness :


MorningCoach. (2022, July 19). From Helping Others is Good:

Schultz, K. (n.d.). Helping Others: Definition, Benefits, & Examples. From Berkeley well being institute:
Ayesha Sagheer Sec A (BS IR) Roll no: 006

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