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STS REVIEWER Science - comes from a Latin word Scientia, meaning 'knowledge'
✓It refers to a systematic and methodological activity of building and organizing
knowledge about how the universe behaves through observation.

Technology - is the application of scientific knowledge, laws, and principles to produce service,
materials, tools and machines aimed at solving real-world problems
✓It comes from the Greek root word techne, meaning 'art, skill, or cunning of hand.'
Wolpert - made it clear that science is not the same as technology

Science, Technology and Society

✓Bridges the gap between two traditionally exclusive cultures - humanities (interpretive)
and natural sciences (rational)

Ethical DILEMMAS and Policy issues in Science, Technology every year. Below is the list for

1.Helix - a digital app store designed to read genomes

2.BlessU-2 and Pepper - first robot priest and monk
3.Emotions-Sensing Facial Recognition - a software being developed to assess your reactions to
anything such as shopping and playing games.
4.Ransomware - a way holding data hostage through hacking and requiring a ransom to be paid
5.Textalyzer - a device that analyzes whether a driver was using his or hers phone during driving
an accident
6.Social Credit System - a system of scoring citizens through their actions by placing them under
constant surveillance (which China plays to adopt)
7.Google Clips - a hands-free camera that let the user capture every moment effortlessly
8.Sentencing Software - a mysterious algorithm designed to aid courts in sentencing decisions
9.Friendbot - an app that store the deceased's digital footprint so one can still "chat" with them
10.Citizen App - an app that notifies users of ongoing crimes or major events in a specific area

Historical Antecedents of Science and Technology

Antecedent-is defined as precursor to the unfolding or existence of something. Thus, historical
antecedents in science and technology are factors that paved the way for the presence of
advanced and sophisticated scientific and technological innovations today.

Ancient Period
✓The rise of ancient civilizations
✓Allowed civilization to flourish by finding better ways of communication,
transportation, self-organization, and of living in general.

Ancient Wheel- people from ancient civilizations used animals for transportation long before the
invention of the wheel.
✓Ancient wheel grew out of a mechanical device called the potter's wheel
✓Potter's wheel: a heavy flat disk made of hardened clay which was spun horizontally
on an axis.
✓Sumerians invented the potter's wheel

Paper - the ancient Egyptians began writing onpapyrus, a material similar to thick paper.
Papyrus is made from the pith of the papyrus plant cyprus papyrus.

Shadoof - was an early tool invented and used by ancient Egyptians to irrigate land.

Antikythera mechanism - before the invention of the modern computer, the Greeks had already
invented the ancient world's analog computer orrery.
✓Antikythera mechanism is like a mantel clock.
✓Antikythera mechanism was used to predict astronomical positions and eclipse for
calendar and astrological purposes.
✓Also known as the oldest known antecedents of modern clockwork.

Aeolipile - also known as the Hero's Engine, the aeolipile is widely believed to be the ancient
precursor of the steam engine.
✓Hero of Alexandria is credited for the demonstration of the use of the aeolipole during
1st century AD.
Middle Ages
✓Major advances in scientific and technological development took place.
✓These include steady increase of new inventions, introduction of innovations in
traditional production, and emergence of scientific thinking and method.
✓The Middle Ages was not as segment as alternate term such as the 'Medieval Period' or
'Dar Ages' suggest.

Heavy Plough- Clay soil, despite being more fertile than lighter types of soil, was not cultivated
because of the weight. However, through the invention of Heavy Plough, it became possible to
harness clay soil.
✓Turned as a European Agriculture and Economy on its head.
✓Stirred an agricultural revolution in Northern Europe.

Gunpowder - invented by Chinese alchemist.

✓Gunpowder has prompted foundation for the functionality of almost every new weapon
used in war since its invention. It ushered in an unprecedented advancement in warfare
and combat throughout the Middle Ages.

Paper Money - first paper money could be traced back to the Chinese in 17thcentury AD
✓The huge advantage of using paper money because it was easier to transport around
compared to the previous forms of currencies (gold, metals, silver).

Mechanical Clock- the development of the mechanical clock paved the way for accurately
keeping track of time.

Spinning Wheel- a machine use for transforming fiber into thread or yarn and eventually woven
into cloth on a loom

Modern Ages
As the world population steadily increased, people of the Modern Ages realized the utmost
importance of increasing the efficiency of transportation, communication and production.

Compound Microscope. - (Dutch)

✓Zacharias Janssen is credited for the invention of the first compound microscope in
✓It is capable of magnifying objects three times their size when fully closed and up to
ten times when extended the maximum.

Telescope- was invented by Galileo Galilei.

✓This invention could magnify objects 20 times larger than Dutch perspective glasses.
✓Galileo who first used the telescope skyward and made important astronomical

Jacquard Loom- Built by French weaver Joseph Marie Jacquard

✓A drawloom was used which requires two individuals to operate-the weaver and
"drawboy"-if figured designs on textiles were needed.
✓Making different textiles.

Engine-Powered Airplane- Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright

✓first engine powered aircraft
✓could fly without airfoil-shaped wings.
✓Flying Machine patent (US patent #821393)

Television- the invention of the modern television developed by Scottish Engineer John Logie
Bairdin 1924.


Electronic Jeepney (E-Jeepney)- e-jeepneys are designed to be environment-friendly,
eliminating noise and air pollution as they run on electricity.

Erythromycin- most important medical inventions by Ilonggo Scientist Abelardo Aguilar.

✓This is antibiotic out of strain of bacterium called Streptomyces erythreus.

Medical Incubator- World renowned Filipino pediatrician and national scientist, Fel De Mundo
Mole Remover- In 2000, Rolando dela Cruz is credited for the innovation of a local mole
remover that made use of extracts of cashew nuts (Annacardium occidentale)
✓local invention that had the ability to easily remove moles and warts on the skin
without the need for any surgical shot to fame.

Banana Ketchup - Filipino food technologist, Maria Orosa, is credited for the invention of
Banana Ketchup.
✓Orosa developed a variety of ketchup that made use of mashed banana, sugar, vinegar,
and spices, which were all readily available.


✓In this area, interest lies in how intellectual revolutions emerged as a result of the
interaction of science and technology and of society.
✓It covers how intellectual revolutions altered the way modern science was understood
and approached.
Copernican Revolution - 16th-century paradigm
✓Nicolaus Copernicus formulated the heliocentric model of the universe
✓At the time, the belief was that the Earth was the center of the Solar System based on
the geocentric model of Ptolemy (Ptolemaic model).
✓Enlightened understanding of the universe.
✓40-page outline entitled Commentariolus.
✓He formalized his model in the publication of his treatise, De Revolutionibus Orbium
Coelestium(The Revolution of Celestial Spheres).

Darwinian Revolution - Charles Darwin, is credited for stirring in the mid-19th century
intellectual revolution.
✓His treatise on the science on the science of revolution
✓Published his book, "On the Origin of Species" on 1859
✓Gathered evidence pointing to what is known as natural selection
✓The beak of an ancestral species of Finches found in the Galapagoshad evolved to be
able to survive in acquiring different food sources.
✓This idea—that species could change over time—eventually led to Darwin's theory of
evolution by natural selection.
✓Through Darwinian Revolution, the development of organisms and the origin of
unique forms of life and humanity could be rationalized by lawful system or an orderly process
of change underpinned by laws of nature.

Freudian Revolution - Sigmund Freud, is credited for stirring a 20th-century intellectual

revolution, the Freudian Revolution.
✓Psychoanalysisis the center of this revolution.
✓The founding father of psychoanalysis, a method for treating mental illness and also a
theory which explain human behavior.
✓Psychoanalysis- a scientific method of understanding inner and unconscious conflicts
embedded within one's personality
✓Psychosexual development, libido and egowere met with both support and resistance
from many scholars.
✓Amidst controversy, Freud's psychoanalysis is widely credited for dominating
psychotherapeutic practice in the early 20th century.



✓Gregorio Ynciong Zara(1902-1978): Filipino engineer, physicist, inventor.
✓"Father of videoconferencing": Invented the first two-way videophone.
✓Pioneering aeronautical engineer: Created an alcohol-fueled airplane engine.
✓Innovations: Solar-powered water heater, discovered Zara effect in physics, and a propeller-
cutting machine.
✓Impact: Significantly influenced technology and science globally, not just in the Philippines.
✓• Dr. Gregorio Velasquez, a Filipino scientist, pioneered Philippine phycology, specializing in
✓blue-green algae.
✓• He devoted 30 years to researching local algae.
✓• Recognized for his contributions, he became an Academician in 1978 and a National
Scientist in 1982.
✓• Born on September 2, 1901, in Calumpit, Bulacan, and passed away on July 29, 1983.
✓• His legacy lives on with a street and research vessel named after him

ANACLETO DEL ROSARIO Anacleto Del Rosario (1866-): Prominent Filipino chemist.
✓Contributions: Extracted essential oils from local plants, with applications in perfumery and
✓Key role in advancing science education in the Philippines.
✓Helped establish the Philippine Chemical Society.
✓Pioneer in Philippine science and education.

✓Julián Arca Banzón (1908-1988): Filipino biochemist, National Scientist
✓Renowned for pioneering work in alternative fuels.
✓Researched ethyl ester fuels from sugarcane and coconuts.
✓Developed a method to extract residual coconut oil through chemical processes.
✓Lasting impact on fuel research and sustainability in the Philippines.

✓Ramon Barba: Renowned Filipino horticulturist.
✓Pioneering work in banana and mango tissue culture.
✓Improved fruit production.
✓Significant impact on agriculture in the Philippines and beyond.
✓Promotes sustainable farming practices.
✓Received numerous awards for his contributions

✓Pre-colonial era marked the beginnings of Filipino science and technology.
✓Indigenous knowledge thrived, evident in the use of herbal medicine for healing.
✓Development of systems for writing, numerical representation, measurements, and calendars.
✓Vital livelihood skills included agriculture, fishing, mining, and weaving.
✓These skills contributed to architectural wonders like the Banaue Rice Terraces of Ifugao.


✓The arrival of Spanish colonizers introduced formal educationand scientific organization in the
Philippines. Schools were founded, teaching subjects like religion, mathematics, and health.
Medicine and biology were introduced in various educational institutions, and innovative
farming techniques improved agriculture. Engineering skills contributed to the construction of
various structures. However, scientific development was constrained as trade was prioritized
over agriculture and industry.
✓Opening of Suez Canal in 1869 shortened the route from the Philippines to Europe
✓Filipino scientists were mostly interested on animal and plant systems were mostly interested
on animal and plant systems (1521 -1898).

✓Under American rule, the Philippines reorganized its science and technology institutions. The
Laboratorio Municipal became the Bureau of Government Laboratories, focusing on tropical
disease research. By 1905, it transformed into the Bureau of Science, the nation's primary
research center. American influence hastened the development of scientific principles, leading to
progress in agriculture and industry.

Schurman Commission -Jacob Gould Schurman 1898-1941

✓recommended the replacement of military government with a civil government and
establishment of free public educational system in the country.

Taft Commission -William Howard Taft 1898 - 1941

✓The Taft commission started the gradual Filipinization of the government and encouraged
education in preparation for self-government.
✓Philippine public school system was established in 1901.
✓765 Thomasites were recruited
✓Insular Bureau of Agriculture and Bureau of Government Laboratories* were established.
✓The Philippine Commission expanded and included Dr. Trinidad Pardo de Tavera, a Filipino
The Bureau of Government Laboratories was reorganized into the Bureau of Science in 1905.
✓In 1906, the Bureau of Science was made the custodian of the International Standards of
Weights and Measurements in the country
✓The University of the Philippines was established in 1908, followed by the College of
Agriculture in Los Baños
✓Jones Law(The Philippine Autonomy Act) replaced the Philippine Commission with the
House of Representatives, wholly composed of Filipinos.
✓Manuel L. Quezon was the president when the war between Japan and the US broke out in

Manuel Roxas
✓Manuel Roxas became the first president of the Republic
✓Laid down his policies to rebuild the economy (industrialization, people participation in the
government, closer cooperation with the US, and the restoration of peace and justice)
✓Bell Trade Relations Act provided for free trade relations between Philippines and the US
until 1954
✓This gives the Americans the right to dispose of, exploit, develop, and utilize all agricultural,
timber, and mineral lands of the country.

Quirino Administration
✓President Elpidio Quirino desperately sought the help of the US. President Truman proposed
an economic survey mission -the Bell Mission.
✓Institute of Science was renamed Institute of Science and Technology and placed under the
National Economic Coordination (funding became favorable)
Magsaysay Administration, 1953-1957
✓President Ramon Magsaysay directed all his efforts to the upliftment of the rural people.
✓Improved land reform system
✓Provided easy-term credit and facilities
✓Constructed roads and buildings for the masses Provided technical advice for farmers on farm
management and intensive development.
✓Extended the duty-free trade under the Bell Trade Ac

Garcia Administration, 1957-1961

✓President Carlos Garcia adopted the "Filipino First Policy"
✓The National Science Board was replaced with the National Science Development Board
(NSDB), raising it to a department level with a budget of its own
✓1959 was called the "crop year"
✓President Diosdado Macapagal instituted the full decontrol program which lifted all
government controls on foreign exchange
✓The country's foreign reserves were depleted Ended the protection of Filipino enterprises
✓Unlimited importation and the Filipino colonial mentality of buying "stateside" goods caused a
substantial drop in sales of Philippine-made commodities
✓The NSDB was mandated in 1963 to undertake research in all fields through its 2
✓National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) and the Philippine Atomic Energy
Commission (PAEC)
✓The Scientific Instrumentation Division was added to NSDB which shifted its efforts to
extensive training and expansion
✓The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) was established in 1960

Marcos Administration (Pre-Martial Law Years, 1965-1971)

✓President Ferdinand Marcos' national goals emphasized economic and rural developments
✓UP College of Agriculture underwent rapid development in its facilities, faculty and staff,
academic programs and extension
✓Training ground for Filipinos and other Asian graduate students
✓The Ford Foundation granted funds for the establishment of the UP Computer Center in 1967,
laboratory facilities and research equipment.
✓The Philippine Sugar Industry granted funds to support, revive and develop a strong sugar
technology curriculum Thrust of research were redirected towards 5 areas of priority:
1. Basic necessities
2. Import substitutes
3. Exports
4. Waste materials and product utilization
5. Science education program

Science Education in the Philippines

✓Science education focuses on the teaching, learning, and understanding of science
✓Schools have the responsibility to develop
✓"Science culture "Philippine Science High School System (PSHSS)
✓Special Science Elementary Schools (SSES)
✓Regional Science High School
✓Indigenous S&T in the Philippines
✓Indigenous S&T refers to the practice of indigenous knowledge in everyday life (parents and
older folks served as first teachers)

Martial Law Years (1972-1982)

✓President Marcos created Proclamation 1081 placing the entire Philippines under

Martial Law
✓He made himself head of the National
✓Economic Development Authority(NEDA) Reorganized many government agencies (NSDB,
✓Created Philippine Council for Agricultural Research (PCAR), which later became PCARR
Philippine Root Crop Research and Training Center, Philippine Tobacco Research and Training
✓Institute of Plant Breeding, BIOTECH, CLSU Cotton Research and Development Institute,
National Academy of Science and Technology and Filipino Inventors Society, Inc.

The Marcos Era (After Martial Law, 1981-1985)

✓President Marcos issued Proclamation 2045 that lifted Martial Law
✓NSDB drafted a comprehensive science and technology plan for the country(Five- Year
Science and Technology Development Plan)
✓NSDB was reorganized to National Science and Technology Authority(NSTA)Mandated to
formulate a comprehensive National Plan for Science and Technology

The following agencies were created: Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resource Research
and Development (PCARRD)
✓National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP)
✓Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD)
✓Philippine Council for Industry and Energy Research Development (PCIERD) NAST tackled
3 major issues:
✓Collection of biological specimens
✓State of the dairy industry
✓Effects of radiation on human health

Corazon Aquino Administration

✓Post EDSA revolution (1986-present)inherited a serious economic crisis
✓Organized the Philippine Commission on Good Government (PCGG)
✓Created the Commission on Human rights (CHR)
✓NSTA was reorganized to Department of Science and Technology (DOST)
✓PAGASA was transferred to the DOST from the Department of National Defense

Fidel Ramos Administration (1987)

✓Established the "Doctors of the Barrio"
✓"The National Program for gifted Filipino children in Science and Technology"
✓Mandated the RA 8439: Magna Carta for Scientist Engineers, Researchers and other Science
Technology Personnel in Government.
✓RA 7687: Science Technology Scholarship Act of 1994;
✓RA 7459: Inventors and Inventions Incentives Act; and
✓RA 8239: The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines.

Joseph Estrada Administration

✓RA 8749: The Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999
✓RA 8792: Electronic Commerce Act of 2000 were both signed and mandated during the term
of President Joseph Estrada.
✓Irrigation Technologies

President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo Administration

✓Strengthen the education system and to address poverty.
✓The term Filipinnovation was coined to refer to the Philippines
✓Promulgated the RA 9367: Biofuels Act, to utilize indigenous materials as sources of energy.
✓RA 10601: Agriculture and Fisheries Mechanization (AFMech) Law was alos passed to
modernize agricultural and fisheries machinery and equipment.

Ninoy Aquino Administration

✓President Benigno Aquino III named new National Scientists namely, Gavino C. Trono, for
Marine Biology, Angel C. Alcalafor Biological Science, Ramon C. Barba, for Horticulture, and
Edgardo D. Gomez, also for Marine Biology.
President Rodrigo Duterte Administration
✓Prioritize the budget for research and development (R&D) Philippine Space Technology
Program which launch Diwata-2 in 2018after the launch of Diwata- 1 in 2016that displayed the
flag of the Philippines in space.
Technology as a Way of Revealing
✓The essence of technology is by no means anything technological" - Martin Heidegger (1997)
✓Martin Heidegger is a famous German Philosopher from the 20th Century who was part of
Continental tradition of Philosophy.
✓He has a stern opposition to positivism and technological world domination.
✓He received unequivocal support from post- modernists and post-structuralists during his time
from the likes of Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, and Jean-Francois Lyotard
✓He joined the Nazi Party (NSDAP) in 1993 and remained until it was dismantled at the end of

The Essence of Technology

In treat rise of Martin Heidegger, The Question Concerning Technology, he explained two
widely embraced definitions of technology.
✓1. Instrumental -Technology is a means to an end.
✓2. Anthropological-Technology is a human activity.
NOTE:Instrumental and Anthropological are correct, however, both do not touch on the true
essence of technology.
-Heidegger stressed that the true can only be pursued through the correct
-Heidegger envisioned technology as way of revealing-a mode of 'bringing forth.'
-Bringing forth can be understood through the Ancient Greek philosophical concept,
poiesis,which refers to the act of bringing something out of concealment.
-The truth is understood through another Ancient Greek concept of Aletheia, which is
translated as unclosedness, unconcealednes, disclosure or truth.

Emframing as Modern Technology's Way of Revealing

-Heidegger distinguished the way of revealing of modern technology by considering it as
a process of enframing.
-Humakind's desire to control everything, including nature, is capture in this process. By
putting things, in this case, the nature in a frame. It becomes easier for humans to control
it however they like.
-Enframing, according to Heidegger, is akin to two ways of looking at the world:
•Calculative Thinking- to put an order to nature to better understand and control it.
•Meditative Thinking-humans allow nature to reveal itself to them without the use of force or
Calculative thinking tends to be more commonly utilized because of human's desire to control
due to their fear of irregularity.

Enframing then is a way of ordering (or framing) nature to better manipulate it.
-It happens because of humans desire for security even if it puts all of nature as standing reserve
ready for exploitation.
Modern Technology challenges humans to enframe nature.
-Thus humans become part of the standing reserve and and instrument of technology, to be
exploited in the ordering of nature.

The role of humans take as instruments of technology through enframingis called destining.
-In destining, humans are challenged forth by enframingto reveal what is real. But, the
destining of humans to reveal nature carries with it the danger of misconstruction or


Eudaimonia: The Ultimate Good
•Eudaimonia, often translated as happiness, is the central concept.
•It signifies the ultimate good in Aristotle's philosophy.
•Unlike pleasure, wealth, fame, or honor, Eudaimonia stands out as the highest good.
•These other pursuits may bring momentary satisfaction, but Eudaimonia goes beyond.
•In Aristotle's view, happiness is not a fleeting feeling but involves "living well and doingwell."
•Eudaimonia originates from the Greek words "eu" (good)and "daimon" (spirit), combining to
mean happiness or welfare.
•While happiness is a common translation, Eudaimoniais also understood as human
•flourishing or prosperity.
•These alternative interpretations reflect the multidimensional nature of the concept

Aristotle's Hallmarks of Eudaimonia:

•Aristotle identified two key hallmarks of Eudaimonia:
1. Virtue: Moral and intellectual excellence is a fundamental component of a truly
2. Excellence: Striving for excellence in all aspects of life contributes to Eudaimonia.
•These hallmarks distinguish Eudaimonia from merely living a comfortable or "good" life.

Eudaimonia: Uniquely Human

•Unlike animals driven by instinct or immediate desires, humans possess the capacity to pursue
deeper, long-term well-being.
•Aristotle's theory of the soul consists of three degrees or functions:
1. Nutritive Degree: Basic functions such as nourishment and reproduction. All living
beings, including plants, animals, and humans, possess this degree.
2. Sensitive Degree: The ability to move and perceive one's surroundings. Only animals
and humans have this degree.
3. Rational Degree: Uniquely human, it includes the capacity for theoretical and practical
•Eudaimonia(happiness) is a quality unique to humans.
•Humans possess all three degrees of the soul: nutritive, sensitive, and rational.
•This distinctive combination sets humans apart as rational and sentient beings.
•Human rationality is the linchpin of Eudaimonia.
•It allows individuals to make choices beyond immediate gratification, enabling long-
term planning and ethical decisions.

Achieving Eudaimonia
•Eudaimonia is uniquely human and can only be achieved through a rationally directed life.
•It involves the cultivation of moral virtues, such as courage, wisdom, and justice, as essential for
a flourishing life.
•The pursuit of Eudaimonia remains a central theme in modern positive psychology and well-
being research.

Arête and Human Happiness

•Define Eudaimonia as the concept that defines the good life. •Emphasize that living a good life
equates to living a happy life.
•Explain Aristotle's perspective: Eudaimonia can only be achieved by living a life of virtue.
•Highlight the centrality of virtue in the pursuit of happiness.
•Introduce "Arête" as a Greek term meaning "excellence of any kind."
•Note that "Arête" can also refer to "moral virtue."
•Emphasize that virtue, or "Arête," is what enables individuals to function effectively
Aristotle's Two Types of Virtue:
Intellectual Virtue: Related to knowledge and rationality
Moral Virtue: Concerned with ethical behavior and character

When is the Good Life?

The good life, or eudaimonia, is about being happy, healthy, and prosperous through virtuous
living. Virtues of thought and character help balance between excess and deficiency. Similar to
pursuing progress in science and technology, one should use Aristotelian virtues to assess their
impact on human happiness. Striking a balance between embracing and ethical considerations is
essential for both scientific and technological advancements and human well-being.

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