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Internatioal Taxation 2024

PhD. Tran Nguyen Chat
Foreign Trade University – Hochiminh City Campus
E-mail: [email protected]



Chapter 3


Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 1

Internatioal Taxation 2024


1. Overview of Transfer Pricing

2. Tax competition and challenges
to the tax system
3. Basic solutions against transfer
pricing by goverments

Transfer pricing

Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 2

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Transfer pricing
Transfer pricing strategies offer many
advantages for a company from a taxation
perspective, although regulatory authorities
often frown upon the manipulation of transfer
prices to avoid taxes. Effective but legal
transfer pricing takes advantage of different tax
regimes in different countries by raising
transfer prices for goods and services
produced in countries with lower tax rates.

Benefits of Transfer Pricing

Risks of Transfer Pricing 5

Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 3

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Transfer pricing

“The art of transfer pricing consists in never losing sight of

the reality of a specific business when applying the arm’s
length principle; to find an appropriate balance between
the business and the tax considerations, you have to
avoid the myopia of a fragmented transaction-by-
transaction type of analysis and instead always be mindful
of the economic essence of the business relationship as a
whole”. (Oliver Treidler, 2020)

Transfer pricing

“Tax administrations should not automatically assume that

associated enterprises have sought to manipulate their
profits. There may be a genuine difficulty in accurately
determining a market price in the absence of market
forces or when adopting a particular commercial strategy.”
(OECD, 2017, Paragraph 1.2.)

Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 4

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Transfer pricing
- The Comparable Uncontrolled Price Method:
Comparing “Like with like” is not a trivial task.

- The Resale Price Method

Comparability doesn’t stop at the gross margin.
- The Transactional Net Margin Method
Arm’s length net margins should make everyone happy.
- The Profit Split Method
Internal negotiations are useful for approximating an arm’s length
allocation of profits within the MNE provided that entities engage in real
- The Cost Plus Method
Arm’s length net margins should make everyone happy.



Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 5

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Transfer pricing




Indirect tax
1. Law on Export and Import Duties
2. Law on Special Sales Tax
3. Law on Environmental Protection Tax
4. Law on Value Added Tax
Direct tax
1. Law on Corporate Income Tax
2. Law on Personal Income Tax


Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 6

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Corporate Income Tax



Corporate Income Tax

Corporate income taxes are imposed by
governments on business profits, earnings
or taxable income.
Corporates use everything in the tax code
to lower the cost of payable taxes by
reducing their taxable incomes.



Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 7

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Corporate Income Tax

Main characteristics/ Properties

▪ A domestic direct tax imposed on corporate
▪ Investment incentive - Can be varied without
adding complex tax brackets to incentivize
investors, creating jobs and supporting growth.
▪ In the absence of an agreement, double
taxation could reduce incentives to save and


Corporate Income Tax

Main characteristics/ Properties

▪ Progressive effect - If well structured, larger
and more profitable firms pay more taxes.
▪ Complex – numerous deductions and
exemptions to attract investment can make it
very complex and prone to abuse, reducing



Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 8

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Vietnam’s legislation on CIT

Law No. 14/2008/QH12 dated 03 June 2008

(effective from 01 Jan 2009) was amended by:
- Law No. 32/2013/QH13 dated 19 June 2013
(effective from 01 Jan 2014);
- Law No. 71/2014/QH13 dated 26 Nov 2014
(effective from 01 Jan 2015).



Law on Corporate Income Tax


Article 1. Scope
Article 2. Taxpayers
Article 3. Taxable income
Article 4. Tax-free incomes
Article 5. Tax period



Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 9

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Law on Corporate Income Tax


Article 6. Basis for tax calculation
Article 7. Determination of assessable income
Article 8. Revenue
Article 9. Deductible and non-deductible expenses
Article 10. Tax rate
Article 11. Tax calculation method
Article 12. Tax-collecting authorities


Law on Corporate Income Tax


Article 13. Preferential CIT rates
Article 14. Duration of tax exemption and reduction
Article 15. Other cases of CIT reduction
Article 16. Loss carryforward
Article 17. Contribution to science and technology
development fund
Article 18. Conditions for applying CIT incentives


Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 10

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Law on Corporate Income Tax


Article 19. Effect
Article 20. Guidelines for implementation



Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 2. Taxpayers
1. Taxpayers are organizations related to goods
and services production and business which have
taxable incomes under the provisions of this Law
(below referred to as enterprises), including:
a/ Enterprises established under Vietnamese law;
b/ Enterprises established under foreign laws (below
referred to as foreign enterprises) with or without
Vietnam-based permanent establishments;
c/ Organizations established under the Law on
Cooperatives; 22


Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 11

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 2. Taxpayers
1. Taxpayers are organizations related to goods
and service production and business which have
taxable incomes under the provisions of this Law
(below referred to as enterprises), including:
d/ Non-business units established under Vietnamese
e/ Other organizations engaged in income-generating
production and business activities.



Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 2. Taxpayers
2. Enterprises having taxable incomes under Article
3 of this Law shall pay CIT as follows:
a/ Enterprises established under Vietnamese law shall
pay tax on taxable incomes generated in and outside
b/ Foreign enterprises with Vietnam-based permanent
establishments shall pay tax on taxable incomes
generated in Vietnam and taxable incomes generated
outside Vietnam which are related to the operation of
such establishments;


Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 12

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 2. Taxpayers
2. Enterprises having taxable incomes under Article
3 of this Law shall pay CIT as follows:
c/ Foreign enterprises with Vietnam-based permanent
establishments shall pay tax on taxable incomes
generated in Vietnam which are NOT related to the
operation of such permanent establishments.
d/ Foreign enterprises WITHOUT Vietnam-based
permanent establishments shall pay tax on taxable
incomes generated in Vietnam.


Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 2. Taxpayers
3. The permanent establishments of a foreign
enterprise are the places through which the foreign
enterprise carries out part or the whole business in
Vietnam, including: (Law No. 32/2013/QH13)
a) Branches, executive offices, factories, workshops,
means of transport, oil fields, gas files, miles or other
natural resource extraction sites in Vietnam;
b) Construction sites;



Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 13

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 2. Taxpayers
3. The permanent establishments of a foreign
enterprise, including: (Law No. 32/2013/QH13)
c) Service providing centers, including counseling
services via employees or other organizations or
d) Agents of foreign enterprises;
dd) Representatives in Vietnam that are competent to
sign contracts under the name of the foreign enterprise
or that are not competent to sign contracts under the
name of the enterprise but regularly provide goods 27or
services in Vietnam

Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 3. Taxable incomes

1. Taxable incomes include income from
goods and service production and business
activities and other incomes specified in
Clause 2 of this Article.



Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 14

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 3. Taxable incomes

2. Other incomes include: income from transfer of capital,
transfer of the right to capital contribution; income from real
estate transfer, transfer of construction projects, transfer of the
right to participate in construction projects, transfer of the right to
mineral exploration, mineral extraction, and mineral processing;
income from the right to enjoyment of property, right to
ownership of property, including income from intellectual
property rights defined by law; income from transfer, lease,
liquidation of assets, including valuable papers; income from
deposit interest, loan interest, sale of foreign exchange;
collection of debts that were cancelled; receipts from debts
without creditors; incomes from business operation in previous
years that were committed, and other incomes (Law No. 29


Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 3. Taxable incomes

With regard to Vietnamese companies making investments
in the countries with which Vietnam have Double Taxation
Agreement and transfer incomes exclusive of corporate
income tax paid overseas to Vietnam, regulations of such
Double Taxation Agreements shall apply. If investments are
made in countries with which Vietnam has not had Double
Taxation Agreements, and if corporate income tax incurred
in such countries is lower than that imposed by the Law on
Corporate income tax of Vietnam, the tax difference shall be


Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 15

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 4. Non-taxable incomes

1. Income from farming, breeding, cultivation and
processing of agriculture and aquaculture products, salt
production of cooperatives; income of cooperatives
engaged in agriculture, forestry, aquaculture, or salt
production in disadvantaged areas or extremely
disadvantaged areas; income of companies from farming,
breeding, cultivation and processing of agriculture and
aquaculture products in disadvantaged areas; income from
marine fisheries. (Law No. 71/2014/QH13)



Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 4. Non-taxable incomes

2. Income from the application of technical services
directly for agriculture.
3. Income from the performance of contracts on
scientific research and technological development,
trial products and products turned out with
technologies applied for the first time in Vietnam.



Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 16

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 4. Non-taxable incomes

4. Incomes from production and sale of goods and
services of enterprises that have at least 30% of
the employees are disabled people, detoxified
people, suffers of HIV/AIDS, and have at least 20
employees, except for enterprises engaged in
finance and real estate business. (Law No.



Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 4. Non-taxable incomes

5. Income from job-training activities exclusively
reserved for ethnic minority people, the disabled,
children in extremely disadvantaged circumstances
and persons involved in social evils.
6. Incomes divided for capital contribution, joint
venture or association with domestic enterprises,
after enterprise income tax has been paid under
the provisions of this Law.


Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 17

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 4. Non-taxable incomes

7. Received financial supports used for
educational, scientific research, cultural, artistic,
charitable, humanitarian and other social activities
in Vietnam.
8. Incomes from the transfer of Certified Emissions
Reductions (CERs) of enterprises issued with
CERs. (Law No. 32/2013/QH13)



Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 4. Non-taxable incomes

9. Incomes from the performance of tasks of the Vietnam
Development Bank, which are assigned by the State, in
credit for development and export; incomes from granting
credit to the poor and beneficiaries of policies of Vietnam
Bank for Social Policies; incomes of state financial funds
and other state funds serving non-profit purpose incomes of
organizations, of which 100% charter capital is possessed
by the State, that are established by the Government to
settle bad debts of Vietnamese credit institutions. (Law No.



Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 18

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 4. Non-taxable incomes

10. Undistributed incomes of private organizations,
which make investment in education, health, and
other fields, that are kept to serve their
development in accordance with the laws on
education, health, and other fields; the incomes
that form the undistributed assets of cooperatives
established and operating in accordance with the
Law on Cooperatives. (Law No. 32/2013/QH13)


Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 4. Non-taxable incomes

11. Incomes from transfer of technologies that are
prioritized to be to organizations and individuals in
localities facing extreme socio-economic
difficulties. (Law No. 32/2013/QH13)



Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 19

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 5. Tax period

1. An enterprise income tax period is the
calendar year or fiscal year, except the
cases defined in Clause 2 of this Article.
2. The CIT period upon each time of income
generation applies to foreign enterprises
specified at Points c and d, Clause 2, Article
2 of this Law.


Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 6. Tax bases

Tax bases include taxed income (assessable
income) and tax rate of CIT.

Payable amount Assessable The CIT

= x
of CIT income of CIT rate (%)



Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 20

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 7. Determination of taxed income

1. Taxed income in a tax period is the
taxable income minus non-taxable incomes
and losses carried forward from previous
Non- Losses
Assessable Taxable - -
= taxable carried
income income
income forward



Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 7. Determination of taxed income

2. Taxable income is turnover minus
deductible expenses for production and
business activities plus other incomes,
including income received outside Vietnam.

Taxable - Other
= Turnover Expenses +
income incomes



Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 21

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Law on Corporate Income Tax

Payable amount Assessable The CIT

= x
of CIT income rate (%)

Non- Losses
Assessable Taxable - -
= taxable carried
income income
income forward

Taxable - Other
= Turnover Expenses +
income incomes



Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 7. Determination of taxed income

3. Incomes from transfers of real estate, project of
investment, the right to participate in projects of
investments, the right to explore, extract, and process
minerals must be separated. The loss on transfers of
projects of investment (except for mineral exploration and
mineral extraction projects), incomes from transfers of the
right to participate in projects of investment (except for the
mineral exploration and mineral extraction projects),
incomes from transfer of real estate shall be offset against
the profit in the tax period. (Law No. 32/2013/QH13)
The Government shall provide detailed regulation on the 44

implementation of this Article.


Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 22

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 8. Turnover
Turnover is the total sales, processing
remuneration, service provision charges,
subsidies and surcharges enjoyed by
The Government shall detail and guide the
implementation of this Article.
(Law No. 71/2014/QH13)


Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 9. Deductible and non-deductible expenses

upon determination of taxable incomes
1. Except the expenses specified in Clause 2 of this
Article, enterprises are entitled to deduction of all
expenses which fully meet the following conditions:
a) Actual expenditures on business operation of the
company; expenditures on vocational education;
expenditures on the company’s national defense and
security duties as prescribed by law
b/ They are accompanied with adequate invoices and
documents as prescribed by law.


Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 23

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 9. Deductible and non-deductible

2. Non-deductible expenses upon determination of
taxable incomes include:
a/ Expense not fully satisfying the conditions specified in
Clause 1 of this Article, except the uncompensated
value of losses caused by natural disasters, epidemics
or other force majeure circumstances;
b/ Fine for administrative violations;
c/ Expense already covered by other funding sources;


Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 9. Deductible and non-deductible expenses

2. Non-deductible expenses upon determination of taxable
incomes include:
d/ Business administration expense allocated by foreign
enterprises to their Vietnam-based permanent
establishments in excess of the level calculated according
to the allocation method prescribed by Vietnamese law;
e/ Expense in excess of the law-prescribed norm for the
deduction and setting up of provisions;
f/ Expense for raw materials, materials, fuel, energy or
goods in excess of the wastage rate set by enterprises and
notified to tax offices and the actual ex-warehousing price;48


Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 24

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 9. Deductible and non-deductible expenses

2. Non-deductible expenses upon determination of taxable
incomes include:
g/ Payment for interests on loans for production and
business activities of entities other than credit institutions or
economic organizations in excess of 150% of the basic
interest rate announced by the State Bank of Vietnam at the
time of loaning;
h/ Fixed asset depreciation made in contravention of law;
i/ Expenses advanced in contravention of law;



Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 9. Deductible and non-deductible expenses

2. Non-deductible expenses upon determination of taxable
incomes include:
j/ Salaries and wages of owners of private enterprises;
remuneration paid to enterprise founders who do not
personally administer production and business activities;
salaries, wages and other accounted amounts payable to
laborers which have actually not been paid to them or paid
without invoices or documents as prescribed by law;
k/ Loan interests paid corresponding to the insufficient
amount of the charter capital;


Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 25

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 9. Deductible and non-deductible expenses

2. Non-deductible expenses upon determination of taxable
incomes include:
l/ Credited input value-added tax, value-added tax to be
paid according to the credit method, and enterprise income
m/ Expense for advertisement (omitted by Law No.
n/ Financial supports, excluding those for educational and
healthcare activities and for mitigating natural disaster
consequences and building houses of gratitude for the poor
as prescribed by law. 51


Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 9. Deductible and non-deductible expenses

2. Non-deductible expenses upon determination of taxable
incomes include:
o) Voluntary payments to retirement funds or social security
funds, payments for voluntary retirement insurance for
employees that exceed the limits imposed by law; (Law No.
p) Expenditures on businesses: banking, insurance, lottery,
securities, and some other special businesses specified by
the Minister of Finance. (Law No. 32/2013/QH13)



Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 26

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 10. Tax rates (Law No. 32/2013/QH13)

1. The enterprise income tax rate is 22%, except
for the cases in Clause 2 and Clause 3 of this
Article and beneficiaries of tax incentives defined in
Article 13 of this Article.
The cases to which the tax rate of 22% in this
Clause shall apply the tax rate of 20% from
January 01, 2016.



Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 10. Tax rates (Law No. 32/2013/QH13)

2. Any enterprise of which the total revenue does not
exceed 20 billion VND per year are eligible for the tax rate
of 20%.
3. The rates of enterprise income tax on the
exploration and extraction of oil and other rare
resources in Vietnam range between 32% and 50%
depending on each project and each business
The Government shall elaborate and provide guidance on
the implementation of this Article. 54


Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 27

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 11. Tax calculation method

1. The CIT amount payable in a tax period is the
taxed income (assessable income) multiplied by
the tax rate
Payable amount Assessable The CIT
= x
of CIT income of CIT rate (%)

In case an enterprise has paid income tax outside

Vietnam, the paid tax amount may be subtracted but
must not exceed the CIT amount payable under the
provisions of this Law. 55


Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 11. Tax calculation method

2. The tax calculation method applicable to
enterprises listed at Points c and d, Clause 2,
Article 2 of this Law complies with the
Governments regulations.



Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 28

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 12. Places for tax payment

Enterprises shall pay tax at places where they are
In case an enterprise has a dependent cost-accounting
production establishment operating in a province or centrally run
city other than the place of its headquarters, the payable tax
amount shall be calculated based on the ratio of expenses
between the place where the production establishment is located
and the place where the enterprise is headquartered. The
decentralization, management and use of tax revenues comply
with the State Budget Law.
The Government shall detail and guide the implementation of this
Article. 57


Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 13. Tax rate incentives

Article 14. Tax exemption and reduction duration
Article 15. Other cases eligible for tax reduction



Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 29

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 16. Transferring loss (Law No.

1. An enterprise may transfer its loss to the next
year; this loss is deducted from assessable income
(taxed income).
The period of loss transfer must not exceed 5 years
from the year succeeding the year in which the loss
is incurred.



Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 16. Transferring loss (Law No.

2. Any enterprise which is still at a loss after offsetting its
loss on transfers of real estate, transfers of projects of
investment, transfers of the right to participate in project of
investment, according to Clause 3 Article 7 of this Law, and
any enterprise which makes a loss from transfers of the
right to explore and extract minerals may transfer the loss to
the next year and offset it against the assessable incomes
from such activities. The period of loss transfer shall comply
with Clause 1 of this Article


Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 30

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 17. Deduction for setting up of

enterprises scientific and technological
development funds (STDF)
1. Any enterprise established and operating within
Vietnam’s law may use no more than 10% of the
annual assessable income (taxed income) to
establish its STDF. (Law No. 32/2013/QH13)
Apart from establishing the STDF, state-owned
enterprise must ensure the minimum amount for the
fund according to the laws on science and technology


Law on Corporate Income Tax

Payable The CIT

Assessable - STDF x
amount = rate (%)
of CIT

Non- Losses
Assessable Taxable - -
= taxable carried
income income
income forward

Taxable - Other
= Turnover Expenses +
income incomes



Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 31

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 17. Deduction for STDF

2. Within five years after being set up, if a STDF is not used,
has been used below 70% or used for improper purposes,
the enterprise shall remit into the state budget the CIT
amount calculated on the income already deducted for
setting up the fund but not used or used for improper
purposes and the interest on that CIT amount.
The CIT rate used for calculating the to-be-recovered tax
amount is the tax rate applicable to the enterprise during the
time of operating the fund.



Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 17. Deduction for STDF

The interest rate for calculating the interest on the to-be-
recovered tax amount calculated on the unused fund
amount is the interest rate for one-year term treasury bonds
applicable at the time of recovery, and the interest payment
period is two years.
The interest rate for calculating the interest on the to-be-
recovered tax amount calculated on the fund amount used
for improper purposes is the interest used for late payment
fines under the provisions of the Tax Administration Law,
and the interest payment period is counted from the time64 a
fund is set up to the time of recovery.

Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 32

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 17. Deduction for STDF

3. Enterprises shall not account expenses covered by their
STDF as deductible ones upon the determination of taxable
incomes in a tax period.
4. Enterprises STDF may be used only for scientific and
technological investment in Vietnam.



Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 18. Conditions for tax incentives

1. The enterprise income tax incentives provided
for in Article 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 of this law are
applicable to the enterprises that follow the regime
for accounting and invoicing, and pay tax according
to declarations.
Enterprise income tax incentives for new project of
investment defined in Article 13 and Article 14 of this Law
are not applicable to division, merger, amalgamation, and
conversion of enterprises, change of ownership, and other
cases according to law. 66


Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 33

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 18. Conditions for tax incentives

2. Enterprises must separate the incomes from the
operations eligible for tax incentives defined in Article 13
and Article 14 of this Law from the incomes from the
operations that are not eligible for tax incentives; if such
incomes are not able to be separated, the income from the
operations eligible for tax incentives shall be determined
based on the ratio of the revenue from the operations
eligible for tax incentives to the total revenue of the



Law on Corporate Income Tax

Article 18. Conditions for tax incentives

3. The tax rate of 20% (amended)
4. If an enterprise is eligible to multiple tax incentives for the
same income at the same time, it may choose the most
advantageous incentive.



Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 34

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Law on Corporate Income Tax


Article 19. Effect
Article 20. Guidelines for implementation





Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 35

Internatioal Taxation 2024

Please be sure that




Ms. Tran Nguyen Chat 36

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