Barangay Documentary Checklist

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2024 Seal of Good Local Governance for Barangay

Barangay Documentary Checklist


Core Governance Area 1: Financial Administration and Sustainability
1.1 COMPLIANCE 1.1.1 Posted the following CY 2022 ☐ Three (3) BFDP Monitoring Form A of the
WITH THE BARANGAY financial documents in the BFDP board, DILG Advisory covering the 1st to 3rd quarter
FULL DISCLOSURE pursuant to DILG MC No. 2014-81 and monitoring data signed by the City
POLICY (BFDP) DILG MC No. 2022-027: Director/C/MLGOO, Punong Barangay and
BOARD Barangay Secretary
a) Barangay Financial Report
b) Barangay Budget ☐ Two (2) Photo Documentation of the BFDP
c) Summary of Income and board showing the name of the barangay
d) 20% Component of the NTA Photo Requirements:
Utilization One (1) photo with Distant View; and
e) Annual Procurement Plan or One (1) photo with Close-up View
Procurement List
f) List of Notices of Award (1st - 3rd
1.1.2 of CY 2023)and signed BFR
Accomplished ☐ Annex B of DBM-DOF-DILG JMC No. 2018-
with received stamp from the Office of 1
the C/M Accountant
1.2 INNOVATIONS ON 1.2.1 Increase in local resources in CY ☐ SRE for 2022 and 2023, signed by Barangay
REVENUE 2023 Treasurer and Punong Barangay; and
EXERCISE OF ☐ Certification on Increase in Local Resources
CORPORATE signed by the City/Municipal Treasurer/ Budget
POWERS Officer
1.3 APPROVAL OF 1.3.1 Presence of a Barangay ☐ Approved Barangay Appropriation
THE BARANGAY Appropriation Ordinance approved on Ordinance signed by the Sangguniang
BUDGET ON THE or before December 31, 2022 Barangay Members (SBMs), SK Chairperson,
SPECIFIED Barangay Secretary, and Punong Barangay.
TIMEFRAME Consideration: Approval until March 31,
1.4 ALLOCATION FOR 1.4.1 With allocated funds for the ☐ Approved Barangay Appropriation
STATUTORY following statutory programs and Ordinance;
PROGRAMS AND projects:
PROJECTS AS ☐ Annual Investment Program signed by
MANDATED BY LAWS a) At least 20% of the NTA is allocated Barangay Treasurer, Barangay Secretary, and
AND/OR OTHER for development programs; Punong Barangay;and
ISSUANCES b) Not less than five percent (5%) shall
be set aside as the Local Disaster Risk ☐ Certification for the Allocation for Statutory
Reduction and Management Fund; Programs and Projects signed by the
c) Gender and Development; City/Municipal Budget Officer
d) Senior Citizens and Persons with
e) Implementation of the programs of
the Local Councils for the Protection of
Children; and
f) Ten percent (10%) for the
1.5 POSTING OF THE Sangguniang
1.5.1 Barangay Kabataan
Citizens’ Charter ☐ Two (2) Photo documentation of the
BARANGAY posted at a conspicuous place (e.g. Barangay CitCha (name of the barangay
CITIZEN’S CHARTER barangay hall, market, transport should be visible)
(CitCha) terminal, or multi-purpose hall)
Photo Requirements:
One (1) photo with Distant View; and
One (1) photo with Close-up View

1.6 RELEASE OF THE 1.6.1 Compliance with Section 20 of the MOVs for
SANGGUNIANG SK Reform Act of 2015 and Item 3.2 of ☐ Copy of the written agreement; and
KABATAAN (SK) DBM-DILG-NYC JMC No. 1, s. 2019 ☐ Proof of deposit reflecting the Account No./
FUNDS OF THE dated January 23, 2019 Name of Barangay SK and the total allocated
BARANGAY amount for the 2023 SK funds The barangay has Barangay-SK
Agreement for the release/deposit; Consideration: In the absence of deposit slips,
OR bank statements will be considered, provided
that it shows the transaction date, and that the
total 10% of the SK Fund has been transferred.
1. 6.1.2 The barangay does not have MOV for
Barangay-SK Agreement but with ☐ Deposit slips reflecting the Account No./
current account; Name of Barangay SK and the total allocated
OR amount for the 2023 SK funds

Consideration: In the absence of deposit slips,

bank statements will be considered, provided
that it shows the transaction date, and that the
total 10% of the SK Fund has been transferred. The barangay does not have MOV for
SK Officials or with SK Officials but no
quorum and/or No SK Bank Account ☐ Proof of transfer of the 10% 2023 SK funds
to the trust fund of the Barangay such as
Note: SK Resolution authorizing the Deposit Slip or Official Receipt;
barangay to utilize the SK Funds if the OR
1.6.2 Presence of Approved Annual If the barangay has 5 and above SK Officials:
Barangay Youth Investment Program
(ABYIP) for 2023 ☐ Approved Resolution approving the 2023 SK
Annual/Supplemental Budget; and

☐ An Approved 2023 ABYIP signed by the SK

Chairperson and its members

If the barangay has 4 and below SK Officials:

☐ Certification from the C/MLGOO on number

1.7 CONDUCT OF 1.7.1 Conducted the 1st semester of
☐ SK
Activity Report/ Minutes on the conduct
BARANGAY Barangay Assembly for CY 2023 of the 1st semester Barangay Assembly 2023
ASSEMBLY duly approved by the Punong Barangay
Core Governance Area 2: Disaster Preparedness
2.1 FUNCTIONALITY 2.1.1 Structure ☐ EO (signed by the PB) or similar issuance
OF THE BARANGAY Organized BDRRMC with its (resolution/ordinance signed by the PB,
DISASTER RISK composition compliant to the provisions Barangay Secretary and SBMs) organizing the
REDUCTION AND of NDRRMC, DILG, DBM, and CSC BDRRMC with its composition compliant to the
MANAGEMENT JMC No. 2014-01. provisions of JMC No. 2014-01, covering
COMMITTEE Minimum Composition of the BDRRMC: January to October 2023
1. Punong Barangay;
2. A Representative from the
Sangguniang Barangay; and
3. 2 CSO representatives from the
existing and active community-based
people’s organizations representing the
most vulnerable and marginalized
groups in the barangay (Item 5.7. of
Plan ☐ Approved BDRRM Plan adopted by the
Approved Barangay Disaster Risk Sangguniang Barangay ;
Reduction and Management (BDRRM) ☐ Resolution adopting the BDRRM Plan signed
Plan covering CY 2023 by the Sangguniang Barangay with received
stamp from the C/MDRRMO; and
☐ Certification on the list of barangays with
approved BDRRM Plan covering CY 2023
signed by the C/MDRRMO.
2.1.3. Budget ☐ Certification on the allocation of at least 5%
Allocation of at least 5% of the of the Estimated Revenue from Regular
Estimated Revenue from Regular Sources as BDRRM Fund, signed by the
Sources as BDRRM Fund City/Municipal Budget Officer

Note: To compute the allocation:

(BDRRMF Allocated / Estimated Total
Revenue from Regular Sources) x 100
2.1.4 Accomplishment Reports MOVs for
☐ Accomplishment Report; and At least 50% accomplishment ☐ Certification on the submission and
of the physical targets in the BDRRM correctness of Accomplishment Report signed
Plan by the C/MDRRMO

OR MOVs for At least 50% fund utilization of ☐ Annual LDRRMF Utilization Report; and
the 70% component of CY 2023 ☐ Certification on the submission and
BDRRMF - Preparedness component correctness of fund utilization report signed by
as of December 31, 2023. the C/MDRRMO

Note: Barangay officials have the option

to submit both the physical and financial
reports. However, for the SGLGB
Assessment, only one of the above
2.2 EXTENT OF RISK reports is required.
2.2.1 Conducted an activity in relation to ☐ Post-Activity Report of activities such as
ASSESSMENT AND Risk Assessment in the barangay not Climate and Disaster Risk Assessment,
EARLY WARNING earlier than CY 2020 Participatory Disaster Risk Assessment,
SYSTEM (EWS) BDRRM Planning, etc.
2.2.2 Barangay Risk/Hazard Map which ☐ Two (2) Photo documentations of Barangay
indicates possible risks — natural or Risk/Hazard Map
man-made. (e.g. flood-prone and
landslide-prone areas, etc.) Photo Requirements:
One (1) photo with Distant View; and
One (1) photo with Close-up View
2.2.3 An established Early Warning ☐ Two (2) Photo documentations of Early
System (EWS) for the top two (2) Warning System for the top two (2) hazards
hazards present in the barangay present in the barangay

Photo Requirements:
One (1) photo with Distant View; and
One (1) photo with Close-up View
2.3 EXTENT OF 2.3.1. A barangay must have a ☐ Two (2) Photo documentation of the
PREPAREDNESS FOR permanent or temporary evacuation permanent or temporary evacuation center;
EFFECTIVE center and
RECOVERY Photo Requirements:
One (1) photo with Distant View; and
One (1) photo with Close-up View

☐ Certification on the presence and location of

a permanent or temporary evacuation center
signed by the C/MDRRMO
2.3.2 A barangay must have the ☐ Photo Documentation for each of disaster
following disaster supplies/equipment: supplies equipment:
a) Communication equipment (i.e., 2
way radio mobile phone) Photo Requirements:
b) Rescue vehicle/Barangay patrol One (1) photo each with Close-up View
c) Generator set / alternative sources
of energy
d) First aid kit
e) Flashlight with batteries
f) Personal Protective Equipment
Core Governance Area 3: Safety, Peace and Order
3.1 FUNCTIONALITY 3.1.1​​ Structure ☐ EO (signed by the PB) or similar issuance
OF THE BARANGAY Organized BADAC with its composition (resolution/ordinance signed by the PB,
ANTI-DRUG ABUSE and appropriate committees Barangay Secretary and SBMs) creating the
COUNCIL (BADAC) (Committees on Operations and on BADAC with its composition and appropriate
Advocacy) compliant to DILG-DDB committees, covering January to October 2023
JMC No. 2018-01

Minimum Composition of the BADAC:

1. Punong Barangay
2. SBM
3. SK Chairperson
4. Public School
5. Chief Tanod/ Executive Officer
6. At least 2 representatives of
7. Representative of Faith-Based
8. C/M Chief of Police or

Minimum Composition of the BADAC


A. Committee on Operations
1. SBM
2. Executive Officer/Chief Tanod
3.1.2 Establishment of Barangay ☐ EO (signed by the PB) or similar issuance
Rehabilitation Referral Desk with (resolution/ordinance signed by the PB,
Designated Barangay Duty Officer Barangay Secretary and SBMs) establishing
the Rehabilitation Referral Desk covering CY
3.1.3 Organization of House Clusters ☐ EO (signed by the PB) or similar issuance
with designated House Cluster Leaders (resolution/ordinance signed by the PB,
(HCL) Barangay Secretary and SBMs), organizing
house clusters with designated HCL
3.1.4 Organization of BADAC Auxiliary ☐ EO (signed by the PB) or similar issuance
Team (BAT) (resolution/ordinance signed by the PB,
Barangay Secretary and SBMs), organizing
3.1.5 Plan: ☐ Copy of approved BADPA Summary or copy
Formulation of BADAC Plan of Action of approved BPOPs Plan with BADPA covering
(BADPA) covering CY 2023 CY 2023
3.1.6 Budget: ☐ Approved Barangay Appropriation
Ordinance signed by the PB, Barangay
Allocation of substantial amount for anti- Secretary and SBMs.
illegal drugs initiative

☐ Copy of Barangay Annual Investment Plan

3.1.7. Implementation of Drug Abuse ☐ Copy of Activity Report prepared by the
Prevention Advocacy Campaigns - BADAC
Barangay organized at least 1
community-based IEC Activity during
CY 2023
3.1.8. Implementation of Drug-Clearing ☐ Three (3) Transmittals of CIR, covering the
Operations - Submission of 1st to 3rd quarter, received by CADAC/MADAC
Consolidated Information Report (CIR) and Local PNP Unit; AND
to CADAC/MADAC and Local PNP Unit
☐ Certification on the submitted CIR signed
Note: Drug-unaffected barangays shall by the CADAC/MADAC and Local PNP Unit
also submit updated CIR, stating in the
report that there is absence of illegal Note: The CIR contains data protected by the
drug-related activities in the barangays. Data Privacy Act of 2012. Hence, we
The same applies to drug-free and drug- recommend submitting only the transmittal.
cleared barangays
3.1.9. Implementation of Community- ☐ Accomplished BADAC Form 4 - Unified
Based Intervention for Person Who Barangay Report on Referral Action (UBRA)
Used Drugs (PWUDS) - Presence of
referral system
3.1.10. Conduct of Monthly Meetings ☐ Copy of the BADAC monthly minutes of the
meeting with attendance sheets (at least 3
minutes covering CY 2023)
3.2 FUNCTIONALITY 3.2.1. Structure: ☐ EO (signed by the PB) or similar issuance
OF THE BARANGAY Organized BPOC with its composition (resolution/ordinance signed by the PB,
PEACE AND ORDER compliant to the provisions of EO No. Barangay Secretary and SBMs) indicating
COMMITTEE (BPOC) 366, s. of 1996 correct membership in accordance to the EO
Minimum composition of the BPOC: 366 s. of 1996, covering January to October
1. Punong Barangay
2. Sangguniang Kabataan Chairperson
3. A member of the Lupon
4. A Public School Teacher
5. PNP Officer
6. A representative of the Interfaith
7. A Senior Citizen
8. At least three (3) members of the
existing Barangay-Based Anti-Crime or
Neighborhood Watch Groups or an
NGO representative
3.2.2 Plan ☐ Approved BPOPS Plan covering CY 2023
Formulated Barangay Peace and Order
and Public Safety (BPOPS) Plan in
accordance to DILG MC 2017-142
covering CY 2023
3.2.3. Accomplishment Reports ☐ Accomplishment Report with the status of
implementation of target activities and utilization At least 50% accomplishment of funds submitted to the C/M POC with
of the physical targets in the BPOPs received stamp of the DILG City Director or

OR At least 50% fund utilization rate

of the CY 2023 BPOPs Budget.

Note: Barangay officials have the option

to submit both the physical and financial
reports. However, for the SGLGB
Assessment, only one of the above
documents is required.
3.3 FUNCTIONALITY 3.3.1. Structure: ☐ At least ten (10) KP Form #5 - Oath of Office
OF THE LUPONG Organized Lupong Tagapamayapa of the Lupong Tagapamayapa members,
TAGAPAMAYAPA (LT) signed by the PB
3.3.2. System MOVs for
Systematic maintenance of records of ☐ Two (2) photos with caption of the computer
cases database with searchable information For barangays of cities: Photo Requirements:

Computer database with searchable One (1) photo with Distant View; and
information One (1) photo with Close-up View For barangays of municipalities: Note: Photos of the computer database using
Manual Records (Case Record Book) MS Excel and such are acceptable
OR Digital Record Filing (scanned copy
of KP files) MOVs for
☐ For barangays of municipalities: One (1)
photo, with caption on the manual record or
3.3.3. Meetings: ☐
digital file of minutes of meetings with
Conducted monthly meetings for the attendance sheets (at least 3 minutes covering
administration of the Katarungang meetings conducted in CY 2023)
3.3.4. Trainings: ☐ At least 1 copy of proof of training such as
Attendance of LT to KP training or Certificate of Completion and/or Participation
seminar not earlier than CY 2020
3.4 ORGANIZATION 3.4.1 Structure: ☐ EO (signed by the PB) or similar issuance
AND Organized Barangay Tanod with its (resolution/ordinance signed by the PB,
STRENGTHENING composition compliant to the provisions Barangay Secretary and SBMs) on the
CAPACITIES OF of DILG MC No. 2003-42 organization of the Barangay Tanod covering
BARANGAY TANOD January to October 2023
Composition of a Barangay Tanod:

1. Chief Tanod/Executive Officer

2. Team Leaders
3. Team Members
3.4.2 Trainings: ☐ At least one (1) copy of proof of training
Attendance of barangay tanod to such as Certificate of Completion and/or
necessary training not earlier than 2020 Participation
3.5 BARANGAY 3.5.1 Organized Barangay Health and ☐ EO (signed by the PB) or similar issuance
INITIATIVES DURING Emergency Response Team (BHERT) (resolution/ordinance signed by the PB,
HEALTH with its composition compliant to the Barangay Secretary and SBMs) on the
EMERGENCIES provisions of DILG MC No. 2020-023 organization of BHERTs covering January to
October 2023
Minimum composition of the BHERTs:

1. Executive Officer
2. A Barangay Tanod
3. 2 BHWs
3.5.2 Poster or tarpaulin containing the ☐ Two (2) Photo documentations of poster or
active telephone and/or cellphone tarpaulin
Numbers of the Barangay, Punong
Barangay and BHERT Members posted Photo Requirements:
in conspicuous public places within the One (1) photo with Distant View; and
barangay jurisdiction One (1) photo with Close-up View


☐ Screenshot of the posting on social media

with date covering CY 2023.
3.6. CONDUCT OF 3.6.1 Conducted BaRCO on a monthly ☐ Three (3) Monthly BaRCO Reports covering
MONTHLY basis in CY 2023 July-September 2023
Essential Governace Area 1: Social Protection and Sensitivity
4.1 FUNCTIONALITY 4.1.1. Structure: ☐ EO (signed by the PB) or similar issuance
OF BARANGAY Organized Barangay VAW Desk and (resolution/ordinance signed by the PB,
VIOLENCE AGAINST designated Barangay VAW Desk Barangay Secretary and SBMs) on the
WOMEN (VAW) DESK Officer establishment of Barangay VAW Desk and
designated VAW Desk Officer, covering
January to October 2023
4.1.2 Training: ☐ At least one (1) copy of proof of training
Attendance of the Barangay VAW Desk such as Certificate of Completion and/or
Officer to at least one (1) Participation
training/orientation related to gender-
sensitive handling of VAW Cases not
earlier than CY 2020
4.1.3 Plan and Budget: ☐ Approved Barangay GAD Plan and Budget
Approved CY 2023 Barangay Gender for CY 2023
and Development (GAD) Plan and
4.1.4 Accomplishment Reports: ☐ Accomplishment Report covering 1st to 3rd
quarter of CY 2023 with received stamp by the
Quarterly accomplishment reports C/MSWDO and C/MLGOO
based on the database/records of VAW
cases reported in the barangay
containing relevant information such as
total number of VAW cases received,
assistance provided to victim-
survivors, total number of cases
documented for violating RA 9262 and
other VAW-related laws, total barangay
population, number of male and female
in the barangay, and minor to adult ratio
4.1.5 Database: ☐ Copy of the generated report or screenshot
of the updated database of VAW cases
Updated database on VAW cases reported to the barangay with the total no. of
reported to the barangay, with the VAW Cases and assistance provided
following information at the minimum:
a) total number of VAW cases received
- number of cases documented for
violating RA 9262
- number of cases documented for
violating other VAW-related laws
b) assistance provided to victim-
4.1.6 Accomplishment Reports ☐ 2023 GAD Accomplishment Report; and At least 50% accomplishment ☐ Certification on the submitted CY 2023 GAD

of the physical targets in the GAD Plan Accomplishment Report signed by the
OR At least 50% fund utilization of

the CY 2023 GAD Budget
4.1.7. Referral Network Presence of Referral System ☐ Flow Chart based on Annex C -

Flow Chart (For profiling) ; and Establishment of Referral System Presence of Directory of ☐ Annex J - Directory Form

agencies/individuals providing services
to victim-survivors (For profiling)
4.2 ACCESS TO 4.2.1. Presence of a Barangay Health ☐ Photo documentation of the BHS/C
WELFARE SERVICES Photo Requirements:
IN THE BARANGAY Consideration: Clustered Health One (1) photo with Distant View; and
Station/Center accessed by several One (1) photo with Close-up View
barangays in a city/municipality
☐ For clustered BHS/C: Certification from
C/MHO on the clustering scheme
4.2.2. (For Profiling Purposes Only) ☐ EO (signed by the PB) or similar issuance
(resolution/ordinance signed by the PB,
4.2.2. Appointment of the following Barangay Secretary and SBMs) on the
Barangay Health Personnel: Appointment of BHW and/or BHO or BHAsst
covering January to October 2023
1. Accredited Barangay Health Worker


2.Barangay Health Officer (BHO) or

Barangay Health Assistant (BHAsst)
4.2.3. Appointment of a Barangay ☐ EO (signed by the PB) or similar issuance
Nutrition Scholar (BNS) (resolution/ordinance signed by the PB,
Barangay Secretary and SBMs) on the
appointment of BNS
4.2.4. Availability of health services in ☐ Certification on the provision of health
the BHS/C such as: services signed by the C/MHO
a) immunization
b) maternal and child healthcare
c) family planning
d) health education
4.3 FUNCTIONALITY 4.3.1. Structure: ☐ EO (signed by the PB) or similar issuance
OF THE BARANGAY Organized BDC with its composition (resolution/ordinance signed by the PB,
DEVELOPMENT compliant to Section 107 of RA 7160 Barangay Secretary and SBMs)
COUNCIL (BDC) organizing/reconstituting the BDC with its
composition compliant to Section 107 of RA
7160 covering January to October 2023
4.3.2. Meeting: ☐ Post activity report or Minutes with
Conducted meetings, public hearings, attendance sheet for CY 2023
and/or barangay assemblies for public
4.3.3 Plan ☐ Approved Barangay Development Plan
Approved Barangay Development Plan covering CY 2023
☐ SB Resolution adopting the approved BDP
4.3.4 Accomplishments Reports: ☐ CY 2023 Accomplishment Report with
received stamp by the C/MPDC
4.3.4 a) At least 50% accomplishment
of the physical targets in the BDP
4.3.4 b) At least 50% fund utilization
rate of the CY 2023 BDP Budget
4.4 IMPLEMENTATION 4.4.1 Presence of Kasambahay Desk ☐ EO (signed by the PB) or similar issuance
OF THE with designated Kasambahay Desk (resolution/ordinance signed by the PB,
KASAMBAHAY LAW Officer (KDO) Barangay Secretary and SBMs) designating a
KDO to manage the Kasambahay Desk, signed
by the PB, Barangay Secretary and SBMs
covering January to October 2023
4.4.2 Maintenance/updating of a ☐ Copy of the Updated Kasambahay Report
Kasambahay Masterlist for the 3rd Quarter (July-September 2023)
4.5. FUNCTIONALITY 4.5.1 Structure: ☐ EO (signed by the PB) or similar issuance
OF THE BARANGAY Organized Barangay Council for (resolution/ordinance signed by the PB,
COUNCIL FOR THE Protection of Children (BCPC) with its Barangay Secretary and SBMs) on the
PROTECTION OF composition compliant to the provisions establishment of BCPC, covering January to
CHILDREN (BCPC) of DILG MC No. 2021-039 October 2023
4.5.2 Trainings: ☐ At least one (1) copy of proof of training
Attendance of the Members of the such as Certificate of Completion and/or
Barangay Council for Protection of Participation
Children (BCPC) to a training/orientation
related to their functions not earlier than
CY 2020
4.5.3 Plan: ☐ Approved BCPC Annual Work and Financial
Presence of an approved BCPC Annual Plan (AWFP) for CY 2023
Work and Financial Plan
4.5.4 Database: ☐ Copy of the generated report or screenshot
Establishment and maintenance of of the updated database on children covering
updated Database on Children January to October 31, 2023
disaggregated by age, sex, ethnicity,
with or without disabilities, OSCY, etc.
4.5.5 System:
a) Presence of updated Localized Flow ☐ Updated Localized Flow Chart of Referral
Chart of Referral System not earlier System
than CY 2020; ☐ Copy of Comprehensive Barangay Juvenile
b) Presence of Comprehensive Intervention Program/diversion program
Barangay Juvenile Intervention ☐ Copy of Juvenile Justice and Welfare
Program (For profiling); and Council’s Children at Risk (CAR) and Children
c) Presence of Children at Risk (CAR) in Conflict with the Law (CICL) registry
and Children in Conflict with the Law
(CICL) registry (For profiling).
4.5.6 Accomplishment Reports: ☐ Approved Accomplishment Report on BCPC
AWFP for CY 2023 with received stamp by the
​4.5.6 a) At least 50% accomplishment City/Municipality Inter-Agency Monitoring Task
of the physical targets in the BCPC Force (IMTF)


4.5.6 b) At least 50% utilization rate of

CY 2023 BCPC AWFP Budget
4.6 MECHANISM FOR 4.6.1 Organized Barangay GAD Focal ☐ EO (signed by the PB) or similar issuance
GENDER AND Point System (resolution/ordinance signed by the PB,
DEVELOPMENT (GAD) Barangay Secretary and SBMs) organizing the
Barangay GAD Focal Point System covering
January to October 2023
4.7. MAINTENANCE 4.7.1 Presence of updated RBI for the ☐ RBI Monitoring Form C; and
OF UPDATED first (1st) semester of CY 2023 ☐ List of barangays with RBI covering the 1st
RECORD OF Semester of CY 2023 (generated from the BIS-
BARANGAY BPS) certified by the C/MLGOO
4.8. FUNCTIONALITY 4.8.1 Structure: ☐ EO (signed by the PB) or similar issuance
OF THE BARANGAY Organized BNC (resolution/ordinance signed by the PB,
NUTRITION Barangay Secretary and SBMs) organizing the
COMMITTEE (BNC) Barangay Nutrition Committee (BNC) covering
January to October 2023
4.8.2 Plan: ☐ Approved CY 2023 BNAP signed by the
Presence of approved CY 2023 BNAP BNC
4.8.3 Decrease in Prevalence Rate in ☐ Operation Timbang (OPT) Plus Form 1A
the barangay, for the following (Barangay Tally and Summary Sheet of
categories: Preschoolers with Weight & Height
1. Underweight and Severe Measurement by Age Group, Sex and
Underweight Nutritional Status) of CYs 2022 and 2023; and
2. Stunting and Severe Stunting;and
3. Moderate Wasting and Severe ☐ Certification from the C/MHO on the
Wasting Decrease in Prevalence Rate
4.8.4 Accomplishment Report: ☐ Accomplishment Report on CY 2023 BNAP;
4.8.4 a) At least 50% accomplishment ☐ Certification on the submitted BNAP
of the physical targets in the CY 2023 Accomplishment Report for CY 2023 signed by


4.8.4 b) At least 50% fund utilization

rate of the CY 2023 BNAP Budget
4.9. HALINA’T 4.9.1 Established a Barangay ☐ Photo documentation of the established
MAGTANIM NG Community Garden (BCG) BCG
(HAPAG) SA Photo Requirements:
BARANGAY PROJECT One (1) photo with Distant View; and
One (1) photo with Close-up View
(For Profiling
Purposes Only) 4.9.2. Enacted an Ordinance for the ☐ Ordinance signed by the PB, Barangay
Establishment of a Barangay Secretary and SBMs) on the establishment of a
Community Garden BCG
4.9.3 Designated SBM to Manage the ☐ EO (signed by the PB) or similar issuance
Barangay Community Garden (resolution/ordinance signed by the PB,
Barangay Secretary and SBMs) on the
designated SMB to manage the BCG
4.9.4. Conducted at least One (1) ☐ Proof of conduct of at least one (1)
Advocacy Campaign/ Awareness on Advocacy Campaign/Awareness (Photo/Social
community household gardening Media Post, PAR/AR, etc.)
4.9.5. Established Group of Volunteers ☐ EO (signed by the PB) or similar issuance
on the Implementation of the (resolution/ordinance signed by the PB,
Community Garden Barangay Secretary and SBMs) on the
established group volunteers
Essential Governance Area 2: Business-Friendliness and Competitiveness
5.1 POWER TO LEVY 5.1.1 Enacted Barangay Tax Ordinance ☐ Enacted Barangay Tax Ordinance signed by
OTHER TAXES, FEES pursuant to Sec. 129 of the LGC the PB, Barangay Secretary and SBMs
5.2. COMPLIANCE TO 5.2.1 Enacted Barangay Ordinance ☐ Enacted Barangay Ordinance (signed by the
SECTION 11 OF RA relative to Barangay Clearance fees on PB, Barangay Secretary and SBMs) relative to
11032 OR THE EASE business permit and locational Barangay Clearance Fees on business permit
OF DOING BUSINESS ​ clearance for building permit pursuant and locational clearance for building permit
to DILG MC No. 2019-177
5.2.2 Approved resolution authorizing ☐ Approved resolution authorizing the
the City/Municipal Treasurer to collect City/Municipal Treasurer to collect fees for
fees for Barangay Clearance for Barangay Clearance for Business permit and
Business permit and locational locational clearance purposes signed by PB,
clearance purposes pursuant to DILG Barangay Secretary and SBMs
MC No. 2019-177.
5.3 ISSUANCE OF 5.3.1 Presence of a Citizens’ Charter ☐ Photo documentation of the Citizens’ Charter
BARANGAY on the issuance of barangay on the issuance of barangay certification only
CLEARANCE NOT certification posted in the barangay hall (name of the barangay should be visible)
MC NO. 2019-177 Photo Requirements:
SUCH AS: One (1) photo with Distant View; and
RESIDENCY, One (1) photo with Close-up View
Essential Governance Area 3: Environmental Management
6.1.FUNCTIONALITY 6.1.1 Organized BESWMC with ☐ EO (signed by the PB) or similar issuance
OF THE BARANGAY composition compliant to DILG MC No. (resolution/ordinance signed by the PB,
ECOLOGICAL SOLID 2018-112 Barangay Secretary and SBMs) on the
WASTE organization of the BESWMC
MANAGEMENT 6.1.2 Approved Solid Waste ☐ Approved Solid Waste Management
COMMITTEE Management Program/Plan with Program/Plan covering CY 2023 with
(BESWMC) corresponding fund allocation corresponding fund allocation
6.1.3 Attendance of BESWMC to ☐ At least one (1) copy of proof of training
necessary training related to promoting such as Certificate of Completion and/or
environmental protection, preservation Participation
and awareness not earlier than CY
6.1.4 Accomplishment Reports: ☐ Three (3) Monthly Accomplishment Reports
6.1.4 a) At least 50% accomplishment covering July-September 2023
of the physical targets in the BESWMP

6.1.4 b) At least 50% utilization rate of
CY 2023 BESWM Budget
6.2 EXISTENCE OF A 6.2.1 Presence of a Materials Recovery For MRF operated by the barangay:
SOLID WASTE Facility (MRF)/ Materials Recovery ☐ Photo documentation of the MRF/MRF
MANAGEMENT System (MRS) Records of the barangay
TO R.A. 9003 - Established MRF operated by the Photo Requirements:
barangay One (1) photo with Distant View; and
- MRS One (1) photo with Close-up View
- Clustered MRF
For MRS:
☐ MOA with junkshop;
☐ Mechanism to process biodegradable
wastes; and
☐ MOA with service provider for collection of
biodegradable wastes and recyclables for
treatment and temporary storage

For Clustered MRFs:

☐ MOA with the host barangay (applicable for
barangay-clustered MRFs); and
☐ MOA or similar document indicating
coverage of city/municipal MRF (applicable for
barangays clustered to the Central MRF of
6.3 PROVISION OF 6.3.1 Enacted Barangay Ordinance or ☐ EO (signed by the PB) or similar issuance
SUPPORT similar issuance on segregation of (resolution/ordinance signed by the PB,
MECHANISMS FOR wastes at-source 2022 Barangay Secretary and SBMs) on segregation
SEGREGATED of wastes at-source

This is to respectfully submit the attached Means of Verifications (MOVs) for the purpose of the Seal of



Name of Punong Barangay



City Director / City SGLGB Assessor


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