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Learning Exercise II. Enumeration (15 pts.).

Enumerate the following:

1. At least 4 bases of law enforcement.





2. At least 4 sources of criminal law in the country.

a. Revised Penal Code

b. Special Law

c. Presidential Decrees

d. Penal Ordinances

3. At least 5 criminal laws enacted as Republic Act.

a. Republic Act No. 9165

b. Republic Act No. 9160

c. Republic Act No. 8505

d. Republic Act No. 8049

e. Republic Act No. 9194

4. At least 2 criminal laws enacted as Presidential Decree.

a. Presidential Decree No. 1836

b. Presidential Decree No. 1834

Learning Exercise III. Reflection/Essay (20 pts.). Discuss or explain your answer to the following
questions (use separate sheet of paper). (10 pts. each)

1. If you become a legislature, for purposes of crime prevention or policing. what specific law you would
want to promulgate and why?
2. If you are the Chief of Police of Cebu City, how will you enforce the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs
Act of 2002 without losing both the life of your policeman and civilian?


APPENDIX A: Lesson 1 Practical Exercises

Learning Exercise I. Identification (10 pts.). Identify the terms being referred to by the statements below.
Write your answer on the space provided before each number.

LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY 1. These are any agencies in a country that have the power to implement
law for the purpose of public safety, law and order, and prevention of crime.

PNP 2. It is most frequently applied to those who directly engage in patrols or discover criminal activity,
surveillance to dissuade and and those who investigate crimes and apprehendoffenders.

CRIME 3. It refers to an action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by the
state and is punishable by law.

ADMINISTRATION 4. It refers to the act of governing public affairs, the service rendered, or duties
assumed, in conducting affairs.

LAW ENFORCEMENT 5. It refers to the act of preventing, correcting, finding, and punishing any violations
of the Law of the Land in the concerned country or organization

POLICE 6. It refers to a government employee who is responsible for the prevention, investigation,
apprehension, or detention of individuals suspected or convicted of offenses against the criminal laws.

LAW 7. The set of rules and regulations or orders, usually written, created and enacted by the people
that must be abided by the people themselves.

LAW ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION 8. This term refers to administering or managing the

enforcement of law in order to ensure its observance or obedience for the common good. good.

ENFORCEMENT 9. It is commonly known as the act of enforcing: ensuring observance of or obedience

to; that which enforces, constraints, gives force, authority, or effect to.

CRIMINAL LAW 10. A body of laws that apply to criminal acts where an individual fails to adhere to a
particular criminal statute, he or she commits a criminal act by breaking the law.
APPENDIX C: Lesson 3 Practical Exercises

Learning Exercise I. Identification (15 pts.). Identify the terms being referred to by the statements
below. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.

COMMUNITY (ORIENTED) POLICING (CP/COP) 1. It is also known as Neighborhood Policing which

emphasizes proactive enforcement that proposes street crime which can be reduced through greater
community involvement and integration between citizens and police. The main idea is to allow police to
feel like the public can trust them.

EVIDENCE-BASED POLICING 2. It refers to a method that tries to seriously evaluate policing activity and
perhaps using properly designed trials to see "what works" to reduce crime or to respond to community

REACTIVE POLICING 3. This style of policing sometimes known as the Incident Driven Policing involves
following up on civilian calls notifying problems. Central to this police strategy is routine patrolling.

LEGALISTIC STYLE 4. It refers to a policing that operates according to the "letter of the law." Procedures
are "by the book" with little to no discretion because citizens in a legalistic-style community viewpolice
discretion as unethical.

POLICE DISCRETION 5. It refers to the fact that a police work with very little direct supervision once they
are in the field and often have to make choices about which course of action (if any) is to be pursued.

POLICING 6. It refers to the activities carried out by police officers in order to preserve law and order or
actions of a person or group in authority in order to ensure fairness and legality in an area of public life.

SERVICE STYLE 7. Service police departments place a high emphasis on community opinion and public
relations. It places less emphasis on minor infractions and more focus on crimes that violate a citizen's
privacy, such as burglary and robbery. The statement refers to:

PROBLEM-ORIENTED POLICING 8. This method of policing identifies a repeated problem and then setting
out to devise a solution. This can involve traditional reactive techniques, but may also require innovative
and cross-institutional work or be tied to community policing initiatives.

TEAM POLICING 9. This approach of policing emphasizes the delivery of round-the-clock decentralized
patrol services by a team of officers, usually under the direction of a sergeant or lieutenant, in a specific
geographic area.

INTELLIGENCE-LED POLICING 10. It is a policing model built around the assessment and management of
risk. Intelligence officers serve as guides to operations, rather than operations guiding intelligence.
Learning Exercise II. Enumeration (15 pts.). Enumerate the following:

1. Two Duties of Watchman and Ward.



2. Three persons generally associated with the development of the first modern police forces in England.

a. Henry Fielding
b. Patrick Colquhoun
c. Sir Robert Peel

3. Three new elements of the English Police that are important for Modern Policing

a. First, borrowing from the Bow Street Runners, their mission was crime prevention and control.
The philosophy that it was better to prevent crime than simply respond to it greatly influenced
the role of modern police officers.
b. Second, their strategy was to maintain a visible presence through preventive patrol.
c. Finally, the third element was that of a quasi-military organizational structure.

4. At least 7 law enforcement agencies in the country within Spaniards to Japanese Philippine








Learning Exercise III. Fill in the Blanks (15 pts.). Supply the missing word/s to complete the Significant
Statements of Vollmer.
1. Your main job as a cop on the beat is not to make a lot of arrests, but to help prevent crime. The best
way to do this is to start with the children. Make friends with them. Guide them towards law-abiding
citizenship. Show them that the law is their friend not their enemy.

2. The policeman's job is the highest calling in the world. The men who do that job should be the finest
men. They should be the best educated. They should be college graduates. That's what policemen
should be. And what are they? Dumbbells.

Learning Exercise IV. Essay (20 pts.). Answer the following statements to the best of your
comprehension (use separate sheet of paper). (10 pts. each)

1. Describe the modern policing in America.

2. Differentiate the law enforcement in the Philippines during Pre-Spanish Period and Spanish Period.

APPENDIX B: Lesson 2 Practical Exercises

Learning Exercise I. Modified True or False (10 pts.). Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and write
FALSE if it denotes a wrong statement. Underline the word/s that depict falseness in the sentence and
write at the end of the sentence the right word/s. (2 pts. each)

TRUE 1. After the Kingdom of England was formed in 927 citizens were responsible for law enforcement
in their communities; people were responsible for watching out for their relatives or kin which was
known to the English as Kin Police.

FALSE 2. The 5th Century A. D. marked Rome for the creation of the first specialized investigative unit
which was named as Questors or Trackers or Murderers. THE 5th CENTURY B.C

FALSE 3. In the later part of the 9th century, Alfred the Great established a system of Mutual Pledge,
organized for the security of the country. The very concept is that every male over 18 years of age,
unless exempted of his social status, was accountable for maintaining peace and answerable for his
neighbor's behavior. 12 YEARS

4. Ten Tithing is performed by grouping ten persons together to protect one another and to assume
responsibility for the acts of the group's members. The one who heads the group is called Chief.

TRUE 5. Tithing is done by grouping a hundred persons into one under the charge of a High Constable
that employed the Hue and Cry. Theconstable who is considered the first form of English Police deals
with more serious breaches of the law.
TRUE 6. One Hundred Tithing would be organized into a shire (county) and placed under the authority of
a shire reeve (sheriff), appointed by the king. This is supervised by constables (English first police

FALSE 7. Vigile is considered to be the first police officer in Rome with the job of protecting the Palace of
Rome and the emperor. PRAETORIAN GUARD

FALSE 8. Praefectus Urbi began as fire fighters, granted law enforcement responsibilities and patrolled
Rome's streets day and night. The Vigile was considered as a civil police force designed to protect
citizens. VIGILE

FALSE 9. Praetorian Guard protects the city exercising both executive and judicial power. PRAEFECTUS

TRUE 10. During the 6th Century B.C., Athens adapted an unpaid magistrate (judge) to make decisions to
the cases presented to them. This magistrate was only appointed by the citizens.

11. It is the practice of deterring criminal activity by showing police presence and engaging the public to
learn their concerns, thereby preventing crime from taking place in the first place.

12. This type of policing generally occurs in heavily populated communities that generate a high number
of calls for police assistance. This style employs discretion as a means of keeping the peace.

13. It refers to a doctrine stating that police are a substantially unarmed body who rely upon community
support and goodwill, rather than force, in the conduct of their duty.

14. It is one which imposes strict punishment for infractions of a stated rule, with the intention of
eliminating undesirable conduct. It is a strategy that involves cleaning up crime-prone areas through
saturation policing and arresting or ticketing even minor offenders.

15. It refers to a policing method that uses mathematical, predictive analytics, and other analytical
techniques in law enforcement to identify potential criminal activity.

Learning Exercise II. Fill in the Blanks (10 pts.). Supply the missing word/s.

1. Continental Theory. It states that police officers are considered as_____________ of the higher
authority and ____________ have little or _________________share of all their________________, nor
any direct_________with them.

2. Home Rule Theory. It states that police officers are considered as_________________ of the
community or the ________________ who depend for the________________ of their
_______________ upon the express wishes of the_______________

Learning Exercise III. Essay (25 pts.). Discuss the characteristics of the following experiments (use
separate sheet of paper). (5 pts, each)
1. The Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment.

2. The Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment.

3. The Cincinnati Team Policing Experiment.

4. The Newark Foot Patrol Experiment.

5. The San Diego One/Two-Officer Car Experiment.

APPENDIX D: Lesson 4 Practical Exercises

Learning Exercise I. Matching Type (15 pts.). Match Column A with Column B based on Fayol's
Principles of Management. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before the number.

Column B

1. This is one of the core principles a management must ensure; that the team remains constantly
motivated and is cooperative with each other

2. The management must encourage its employees to take volunteerism in the organization. It will make
them feel valued and develop their interest.

3. It is the duty of the management to offer job security to their employees along with a promise of

4. It falls on the manager to ensure that there is no discrimination of any kind happening in the

5. There must be a proper defined rule maintained at the work premises so that it makes for a conducive
work environment.

6. A clear line of hierarchy from the top rung to the lowest.

7. There must be a balance in the hierarchy and division of power.

8. It may be monetary or non-monetary where an employee must feel that he is appropriately rewarded
for his efforts.

9. This emphasizes the standard rule for any organization is the work on the collective interest of the
organization as a whole rather than personal interest of one person.

10. This principle is crucial as it incorporates theidea of a workforce working a singular direction with a
unified aim.

11. It basically means following a person should ideally answer to just one boss.
12. Good behavior and civilized interactions make the management work smoothly and efficiently.

13. It enables the management to delegate work and makes them accountable for any work done under
their leadership.

14. This principle leads to the specialization,accuracy, and speed of the workers and is applicable both in
managerial as well as technical work.

15. This can lead to the avoidance of confusion among the employees.

Column A e. Scalar Chain j. Unity of Command

a. Initiative f. Centralization k. Unity

b. Stability g. Unity of Direction l. Authority and

c. Esprit de Corps h. Remuneration
m. Discipline
d. Division of Work i. Subordination of Individual
Interest n. Order

Learning Exercise II. Definition of Terms (25 pts.). Define the following terms (use separate sheet of
paper). (5 pts. each)

1. Administration

2. Police Administration

3. Police Organization

4. Police Management

5. Line and Staff

Learning Exercise III. Essay (20 pts.). Explain the following questions (use separate sheet of paper). (10
pts. each)

1. Among leadership styles, which do you think is the most effective one? Justify.

2. What makes a good leader?


APPENDIX A: Lesson 1 Practical Exercises

Learning Exercise 1. Identification (10 pts.). Identify the terms being referred to by the statements
below. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.

THE PNP REFORM ACT OF 1998 1. It refers to an act providing for the reform and reorganization of the
Philippine National Police and for other purposes, amending certain provisions of R.A. 6975.

PNP 2. It refers to the primary law enforcement agency in the country which is community and service-
oriented agency responsible for the maintenance of peace and order and public safety.

3. It refers to a police force which is national in scope and civilian in character, administered and
controlled by a NAPOLCOM.

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6975 4. It refers to an act establishing the Philippine National Police under a
Reorganized Department of the Interior and Local Government, and for other purposes of 1990.

COLLEGIAL BODY 5. It means a governmental entity marked by power or authority vested equally in
each of a number of colleagues.

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9708 6. It is an act extending for 5 years the reglementary period for complying with
the minimum educational qualification for appointment to the PNP and adjusting the promotion system.

NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION 7. It is a government agency created to effectively discharging the

functions provided in the R.A. No. 8551.

8. It refers to a member of a body such as the NAPOLCOM who is part of it by virtue of holding another

THE PNP CORE VALUES 9. It refers to love of God, respect for authority, selfless love and service for
people, sanctity of marriage, and family life, responsible dominion and stewardship over material things,
and truthfulness.

EX OFFICIO 10. It is a Latin term that has a literal meaning from the office, and the sense intended is by
right of office.

Learning Exercise II. Fill in the Blanks (10 pts.). Supply the missing word/s to complete the vision and
mission of the PNP.

Vision of the PNP

Imploring the aid of the Almighty, by 2030, We shall be a highly capable, effective and credible police
service working in partnership with a responsive community towards the attainment of a safer place to
live, work and do business.

Mission of the PNP

The PNP is mandated to enforce the law, to prevent and control crimes, to maintain peace and order,
and to ensure public safety and internal security with the active support of the community.

Learning Exercise III. Modified Identification (16 pts.). Give the latest ranks equivalent to the previous
PNP ranks provided below.

Previous PNP Rank Latest PNP Rank Equivalent (2019)

Director General 1. Police General

Deputy Director General 2. Police Lieutenant General

Director 3. Police Major General

Chief Superintendent 4. Police Brigadier General

Senior Superintendent 5. Police Colonel

Superintendent 6. Police Lieutenant Colonel

Chief Inspector 7. Police Major

Senior Inspector 8. Police Captain

Inspector 9. Police Lieutenant

Senior Police Officer IV 10. Police Executive Master Sergeant

Senior Police Officer III 11. Police Chief Master Sergeant

Senior Police Officer II 12. Police Senior Master Sergeant

Senior Police Officer I 13. Police Master Sergeant

Police Officer III 14. Police Staff Sergeant

Police Officer II 15. Police Corporal

Police Officer 1 16. Patrolman/Patrolwoman

Learning Exercise IV. Performance Task (20 pts.). Draw the PNP Seal and PNP Badge and identify its
symbolisms and meanings. (10 pts. each)
APPENDIX B: Lesson 2 Practical Exercises

Learning Exercise I. Multiple Choices (20 pts.). Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It refers to a requirement for a specified amount of time that uniformed personnel must spend in a
grade before they are eligible for promotion.

a. Eligibility d. Seniority

b. Time-In-Grade and Experience e. Merit

c. Mandatory Schooling

2. It is a criterion for determining that an individual is qualified to meet the requirements of a higher-
level job.

a. Eligibility d. Seniority

b. Time-In-Grade and Experience e. Merit

c. Mandatory Schooling

3. It is a requirement for promotion of PNP uniformed personnel that speaks on their professional
growth and career advancement.

a. Eligibility d. Seniority

b. Time-In-Grade and Experience e. Merit

c. Mandatory Schooling

4. The length of service that an employee has accumulated is known as:

a. Eligibility d. Seniority

b. Time-In-Grade and Experience e. Merit

c. Mandatory Schooling

5. It refers to those provided by R.A. No. 11131, R.A. No. 1080, Police Executive Service Eligibility, and
the like.
a. Eligibility d. Seniority

b. Time-In-Grade and Experience e. Merit

c. Mandatory Schooling

6. It is a special promotion conferred by the President of the Republic of the Philippines which shall be
exempted from the validation of NAPOLCOM.

a. Regular Promotion d. Second Level Promotion

b. Third Level Promotion e. Spot Promotion

c. Posthumous Promotion

7. It is a promotion to the next higher rank granted to any uniformed personnel who passed the
minimum qualifications standard.

a. Regular Promotion d. Second Level Promotion

b. Third Level Promotion e. Spot Promotion

c. Posthumous Promotion

8. It is a promotion from Patrolman to he/she meets the approved qualification Police Lieutenant
Colonel provided standards required for every rank.

a. Regular Promotion d. Second Level Promotion

b. Third Level Promotion e. Spot Promotion

c. Posthumous Promotion

9. Promotion from the rank of Police Colonel up to Police General provided he/she is with the
Promotional Zone of Consideration and designated to the approved Table of Organization (TO) positions
refers to:

a. Regular Promotion d. Second Level Promotion

b. Third Level Promotion e. Spot Promotion

c. Posthumous Promotion

10. It is a special promotion given for acts of heroism exhibited in the face of an armed enemy or in the
conduct of rescue/disaster operations resulting inthe loss of life.

a. Regular Promotion c. Posthumous Promotion

b. Third Level Promotion d. Second Level Promotion

e. Spot Promotion

11. It refers to a promotion where in a PNP personnel designated to any key position whose rank is
lower than that which is required for such position shall, after 6 months of occupying the same, be
entitled to a rank adjustment corresponding to the position.

a. Regular Promotion d. Meritorious Promotion

b. Third Level Promotion e. Spot Promotion

c. Promotion by Virtue of Position

12. It refers to the promotion to the next higher rank granted to any uniformed personnel who has
exhibited acts of conspicuous courage and gallantry at the risk of his/her life above and beyond the call
of duty.

a. Regular Promotion d. Meritorious Promotion

b. Third Level Promotion e. Spot Promotion

c. Promotion by Virtue of Position

13. Any PNP personnel, civilian or uniformed, who is relieved and assigned to a position lower than what
is established for his or her grade in the PNP staffing pattern and who shall not be assigned to a position
commensurate to his or her grade within 18 months after such demotion in position shall be retired or
separated. The statement refers to:

a. Attrition by Attainment of Maximum Tenure c. Attrition by Demotion in Position or Rank

in Position
d. Attrition by Non-promotion
b. Attrition by Relief
e. Attrition by Other Means

14. Any PNP personnel who has not been promoted for a continuous period of 10 years shall be retired
or separated. The statement refers to:

a. Attrition by Attainment of Maximum Tenure c. Attrition by Demotion in Position or Rank

in Position
d. Attrition by Non-promotion
b. Attrition by Relief
e. Attrition by Other Means

15. A PNP member with at least 5 years of accumulated active service shall be separated due inefficiency
based on poor performance during the last 2 successive annual rating periods. The statement refers to:

a. Attrition by Attainment of Maximum Tenure b. Attrition by Relief

in Position
c. Attrition by Demotion in Position or Rank
d. Attrition by Non-promotion e. Attrition by Other Means

16. The maximum tenure of PNP members holding key positions such the Regional Director is:

a. 2 years d. 8 years

b. 4 years e. 9 years

c. 6 years

17. Which of the following do not belong to the group Compulsory Retirement?

a. Retirement Due to Age d. Retirement Due to Missing in Action

b. Optional Retirement e. None of the above

c. Retirement by Reason of Physical Disability

18. Under R.A. 11131, the appointment of Registered Criminologist in the PNP by means lateral entry is
equivalent to which of the following?

a. Police Lieutenant e. Police Inspector

d. Police Captain c. Police Senior Inspector

b. Police Major

19. Police Colonel to Police Lieutenant General promotion shall be appointed by the President of the
recommendation of the Chief PNP and Republic of the Philippines upon

a. NAPOLCOM en banc d. B only

b. Civil Service Commission e. None of the above

c. Commission on Appointment

20. The age of an applicant in the PNP, for initial appointment purposes, must:

a. not be below 20 nor over 35 years of age d. not be below 21 nor below 35 years of age

b. not be below 21 nor over 35 years of age d. B and C is wrong

c. not be below 20 nor below 35 years of age e. A and D is different

Learning Exercise II. Enumeration (20 pts.). Enumerate the following:

1. Two Types of Appointment in the PNP.



2. Five Appointing Authorities for PNP Officer.

a. c.

b. d.

APPENDIX C: Lesson 3 Practical Exercises

Learning Exercise L. Identification (10 pts.). Identify the following statements by choosing the words
given below.

Chief of Police Provincial Directors Citizen's Complaints

Regional Directors Minor Offense AWOL

Forum Shopping Summary Hearing

Moral Turpitude PNP Chief

Provincial Directors 1. He may summarily impose administrative punishment of admonition or

reprimand; restrictive custody, withholding of privileges, forfeiture of salary or suspension, or any
combination of the foregoing: provided, that, in all cases, the total period shall not exceed 30 days.

Minor Offense 2. An act or omission not involving moral turpitude, but affecting the internal discipline of
the PNP.

PNP Chief 3. He shall have the power to impose punishment of dismissal from the service; suspension
or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof for a period not exceeding one 180 days: provided,
further, that the chief of the PNP shall have the authority to place police personnel under restrictive
custody during the pendency of a grave administrative case filed against him or even after the filing of a
criminalcomplaint, grave in nature, against such police personnel.

Moral Turpitude 4. Everything that is done contrary to justice, honesty, modesty, or good morals.

Forum Shopping 5. Filing of multiple complaints. When an administrative complaint is filed before a
disciplinary authority, no other case involving the same cause of action shall be filed to any other
disciplinary authority.

AWOL 6. The status of any PNP member who absents him or herself from work without approved leave
of absence such as absence from place of work assignment without approved leave of absence.
Citizen's Complaints 7. Any complaint by a natural or juridical person against any member of the PNP.

Chief of Police 8. He may summarily impose the administrative punishment of admonition or reprimand;
restriction to specified limits; withholding of privileges; forfeiture of salary or suspension; or any of the
combination of the foregoing: provided, that, in all cases, the total period shall not exceed 15 days.

Summary Hearing 9. An expeditious administrative proceeding conducted consistent with due process
to determine the culpability or innocence of the respondent.

PNP Chief 10. He shall have the power to impose upon any member punishment of dismissal from the
service. He may also impose the administrative punishment of admonition or reprimand; restrictive
custody, withholding of privileges; suspension or forfeiture of salary; demotion; or any combination of
the foregoing: provided, that, in all cases, the total period shall not exceed 60 days.

Learning Exercise II. Essay (15 pts.). Discuss the following questions (use separate sheet of paper). (5 pts.

1. What is the exclusive jurisdiction of the PNP Disciplinary Authorities?

2. Can a police officer cause complaints or grievances against his/her superior or commander?

3. What would you do if you discovered that your superior is engaging into illegal activities such as

APPENDIX D: Lessons 4 and 5 Practical Exercises

Learning Exercise 1. Modified Identification (10 pts.). Spell out the following acronyms.

1. PPSC- Philippine Public Safety College

2. PNPA- Philippine National Police Academy

3. NPTI- National Police Training Institute


5. NPC- National Privacy Commission

6. NFSTI- National Forensic Science Training Institute

7. NJMPTI- National Jail Management & Penology Training Institute

8. BJMP- Bureau of Jail Management and Penology

9. BFP- Bureau of Fire Protection

10. DILG- Department of the Interior and Local Government

Learning Exercise II. Enumeration (20 pts.). Enumerate the following:

1. Four reasons for the suspension or withdrawal of the deputation of LGES NAPOLCOM





2. At least six powers and functions of the PPSC.







3. Based on the PNP Circular No. 99-012 dated September 13, 1999, provides for the following
mandatory courses/training for PNCO:




APPENDIX E: Lessons 6 and 7 Practical Exercises

Learning Exercise 1. Identification (10 pts.). Identify the terms being referred to by the statements
below. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.

DIVISION OF WORK 1. It refers to the process of dividing work guided primarily by the break-up of work
into its fundamental components and increase specialization at the lower levels of command.

GOAL ORIENTATION 2. It refers to the grouping of functions when setting up the structural framework of
an organizational unit oriented towards the accomplishment of the goals of the whole organization.
LEVELS OF AUTHORITY 3. Authority should be as minimal as possible so that the chain of command will
be short. This can be done by eliminating all unnecessary intermediate levels of authority provided that
the span of control will not be unreasonably wide. The statement refers to:

4. This doctrine consists of principles and rules governing the planning, organization, direction and
employment and deployment of PNP forces in the accomplishment of basic security operational mission
in crime prevention and solution, law enforcement, public safety and security.

5. It states that a subordinate should be responsible to only one commander only.

6. This personal trait tells that a PNP leader have to maintain the dignity and mutual interest among his
followers realizing that the job is always done through them.

7. The limits of effective supervision should be observed on the basis of the nature of the work, the
capabilities of commanders and subordinates, organizational communication system and physical lay-
out of the organization. The statement refers to:

EQUALITY 8. It means that for every responsibility there should always be a commensurate authority
and vice-versa to specify limits of power to avoid its abuse.

HUMAN SKILLS 9. It pertains to the ability to interact effectively with people and exhort teamwork or

AWARD 10. It refers to anything tangible granted to a PNP member in recognition of acts of gallantry or
heroism, meritorious service or skill and proficiency.

Learning Exercise II. Enumeration (15 pts.). Enumerate the following:

1. At least five benefits of the widow/widower and/or dependents of a Medal of Valor awardee.




2. At least 5 instances in which crime/case is considered "solved."





3. Five PNP's inherent duty for disaster risk reduction and management.





4. At least 2 PNP's Strategy on Public Safety and Security Operations.



Learning Exercise III. Essay (30 pts.). Answer following statements or questions (use separate sheet of

1. Explain the PNP Community Service-Oriented Policing System. (10 pts.)

2. Discuss the important role of PNP in disaster risk reduction and management. (5 pts.)

3. Explain the principle of Sir Robert Peel in crime prevention which states that, "the police are the
people, and the people are the police." (5 pts.)

4. Through the AIDA Model, how could PNP and community partnership be strengthened? Present and
discuss. (5 pts.)

5. Using the SARA Model, how does PNP solve community problems? Present and discuss. (5 pts.)

APPENDIX B: Lesson 3 Practical Exercises

Learning Exercise 1. Matching Type (15 pts.). Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of your
answer on the space provided before the number.

Column A

1. It was established by virtue of R.A. No. 9296.

I. 2. This agency is attached to the Department of Finance established on February 6, 1902, responsible
for the general administration and management of the bureau.

3. It was created by virtue of R.A. No. 8550 which was amended by R.A. 10654.

4. It was created by R.A. No. 6975 but was amended by R.A. No. 9263 which was further amended by
R.A. No. 9592 to exercise supervision and control over all city and municipal jails.

5. It was created by R.A. No. 6975 but was amended by R.A. No. 9263 which was further amended by
R.A. No. 9592 to enforce other fire-related laws.

L. 6. It is mandated to be the primary government agency responsible for the conservation,

management, development and proper use of the country's environment and natural resources.

7. It was reorganized and modernized by virtue of R.A. No. 10867.

A. 8. It was created by virtue of R.A. No. 9165 as amended.

K. 9. It was established by virtue of R.A. No. 9993.

M. 10. It was created by virtue of R.A. No. 10575.

B. 11. It is principally responsible for the administration and enforcement of immigration, citizenship and
alien admission and registration laws in the country.

O. 12. It was established by the authority of R.A. 4136.

13. The naval warfare service branch of the AFP. It shares the responsibility of patrolling the maritime
borders with the PCG.

H. 14. It sought to enhance cooperation in the realm of regional policing towards ensuring the safety of
the region (South East Asia) by mutually contributing and synergizing policing resources and expertise

J. 15. It is an international organization that facilitates worldwide police cooperation and crime control.

Column B.

a. PDEA f. BJMP k. PCG

b. BI g. BFP l. DENR


d. NMIS i. BOC n. DENR


APPENDIX A: Lessons 1 and 2 Practical Exercises

Learning Exercise I. Identification (10 pts.). Identify the terms being referred to by the statements
below. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.

1. Under the elements of crime, it refers to the ability of an individual to commit a crime.

CRIME VOLUME 2. It refers to the number of crime incidents committed in a given area over a period of
time which include index and non-index crimes.

INDEX CRIME 3. These are crimes which are serious in nature and which occur with sufficient frequency
and regularity such as crimes of murder, homicide, physical injuries, carnapping, cattle rustling, robbery,
theft, and rape.

4. Under the elements of crime, it refers to the reason or intent of an individual to commit a crime

CRIME PREVENTION 5. It refers to the act of adopting measures that lead to the early detection,
deterrence or denial of a crime.

PROACTIVE POLICING 6. It involves intensifying police presence and implementing strategies that
remove the opportunities or means in committing crimes.

7. The act of investigating the crime leading to the prosecution of its perpetrators is known as:

8. Under the PNP Crime Reporting, it refers to violations of special laws such as illegal logging or local

CRIME RATE 9. Under the PNP Crime Reporting, it refers to the number of crime incidents in a given
period of time for every 100,000 inhabitants of an area.

10. This involves operations geared towards protecting lives and properties, including measures that will
save lives, minimize injuries and establish control structures for rehabilitation of the community.

Learning Exercise II. Enumeration (15 pts.). Enumerate what is being asked in the following:

1. Three PNP CSOP System Components.





2. At least five PNP awards.






3. At least five personal traits a PNP leader must possess.






Learning Exercise III. Essay (20 pts.). Answer the following statements (use separated sheet of paper).
(5 pts. each)

1. Select at least 2 PNP's Fundamental Principles of Law Enforcement and explain or discuss.

2. Differentiate award from decoration.

3. Explain the importance of the Principles of the PNP Organization.

4. Explain why there is a need for the PNP organization to grant award to its members.

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