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SOURGE REPORT. . 4, In the course of telks with ‘a few members of the i.3.5.S. {vi was understood that the Sangh had purchased the Latiry Press in Darya Gunj for > lekhs of rupees and they would now run it under the name of the "Bharet Parkash Limited", Thus 11 the wuslim employees from the prees would be turned out and would bef replaced by Hindu eteff. one Raje Rem a be the Wanager of the Preas; The local "organiser", Weekly, and the Hindi Daily *Uthen® would now akaxz be printed at this press, ‘ 2. ‘Recording to the Sangh volunteers the K.5.8.S. stood rer building the Hindus physically strong and for establishing Hindu rule in Indie, In order to achieve their Intter object~ ive they would resort to warfere even but at present they were not allowed to enter into any open fighting ageinet wucliged So far wk the Sengh workers were acting in their irdividual capacity ard were indulging in a sort of gue#rilk warfare as was done by them in the recent disturbances in Delhi/ and ‘according to them they would continue acting 4s such so long ‘a8 the Muslims would remain in India. They said that the present government was not cent percent ® Hindu Government but still they were not opposed to it as withthe helo of this | government they would be able to establish purely 6 Bindu State. They further gave out that the Sangh would try ty send *6 many of their representatives to the Acsenbly and : Councils in various provinces as posrible and so they would contest the next elections which would be held in Indi “course. Manohar ‘al, en Singh, Lacs Chand, Yaretnch 1 Singh, Poran Chand, Nester Kishin Uatt, Avand 9 Th was pointed out at the motine that a, had deolered their intentions not to take outs ae there and unless simi! miry pareast tore Totus |e pereesl could not be repose their confidenos into the preasnt Governmnt n agente, Tt wag disclosed that the R, 9.3.5, hed sn iro 5 : ‘thet the Muslims of Bara Hinds Sao wor : Bes out two coms inspite of the oronize oe fon etphsiraogaapen vould certainly % pies the Looal ity end 1 | admin.stration wou an aes the Muglims of Saddar Bazar and their consequent expulsion. Sher Singh and Bahadur of Pahari Uhiraj wore depated te see if it was possible, ee eee with instructions to warn every ere 18 truth in it bub } member of the R.8.8.8. residing in Sadar peed ee a es Barto ‘Tmap.0.1.D. 2 : roi" thers ie @ strong belief among the dangh workers that an attack wes being arranged by sangh workera in Liason with Silche of tio West Punjab who would be armed with The To wet the): Ste Daun, Bombs ete., on the Jam runour is. Masjid and Tdgeh on the id, or Sd/-tonras 2B/LO/AT They. O2.D. 4} wubsaquent days with a view to show to the Muslims that their desirs to Live in Delhi permanantiy wis being resented te by the Non-auslime of Delhi. They hop that this token atteck would regult in breaking the nerve: o. the local waslims followed by their voluntary sviction from Delhi. pases to be prepered for on atvant, SARTRE REE Ee Mote: Seerat. gnguity, wade by we in thie comection stow that whatever the plan chalked out by the R.S8.9.a ee in this comiection hes utterly failed by the aod son hatision of the danger of the yesce during these ae PYOED. Timeel? visited Jon Magjid an other places gush mer came into the notice of 3, P/0 golf, 1b mould te better for aii the Ssetion Off*o>: 3 further enquities and mibmit their reporta on <3. at 10 a.m. they shoulo Slo depute their men to waton the activities of £5305 workers on the places mentioned ab SGaSJAGAN NATE. Dy. hoi cack of Polise/.. aeeonuenrnsssesusnen D.S.P/PoL. To put hig heel sebecad at oe G. and D whe | pho should ot out the mechief-nonaers orf of R28. 8 Dave them errested before they pes a to matin 2 : anagtfgueanarat Blice, 0." — bib Moe i | i | he... : ead Oe cua, tae ax ALAR Move” fr Sek tor" 2 peths t hens & fp Aaete Aut of ae Tee ChR fp eaten Karen, LE fg faa.) = iy Lan fev We Soph. Uh i Ge es ag weer Le Dehra han nue fev Alon} Tove Chant Mar a eee 9 fevards ay Arsar ae Ma RASA Yohaslin; : We Weare fewgt 273 Ce Gln ier A Le AnH Har hows Lak Bre Mh ren Ler, Me SF They ae ie i ; ae Ref Aeaehee Paqenriss phew Mor fae Henry Med afprosck Lp poectber Or Move’ Gare Bel Source Prefer ov Leh 8 i pee lhe tree eger Wg ee Meg cert Sate pf hey C Me bd) Crease dk Che Mave. are eens L, L of, falele — frrwrk Cel hs Wag hey toon fre. baer mre aly Coren he weathers, Derptl S fre Me early! a Hadar Ce tar be ofr hAarhet af oe be pre een maa j 4 Lt a gg da BSSS. Ga Comer To Me Dereetee to feserty Ms. shu + ews aren te poe iw OVEN. Phe haa’ Ce [artery fang! : Imshr Ee 4 ge Mw 9517 Bi. Math % 4 | “hy te LUQRIG Wye SLE celetamd fet, 2 ufo cane end in-visw of the foot Baek 2. emis: export af Tirewe! othe Maer Pete gad their b spot do tela vetiviub a pera t are, homed. I ga trying to precise carter dabile shout Hie informtion/al ss go valrartacr? ye vickied the sbvet erred sad 22 ay thing more ‘sili come to way notios Towikh gabait the seve for drfansstion of the ne antes Of The Sauk ie on th aso rk Get. oe The Loo Seenhas of the Reehtriye vores gence Sen? bats nO ebarted abeerting, the “Gary Taksher ay” OF respectiyy vrenehes. The dey in the deer of eect Shakle falbe one “Eerant aay ape on tagb day al the voluntet gallacted on ie spots ‘Taoge who joined tke function were Loter serv 2d wht. avontneat ae S pressed’. vane Hor iolersetion pianse. NO Gopy tor 4, The, Assi stant Director (ap, Intel ligaot catatry of vane Gieiray Soverment of Te Boece Bin ati tn bcitear B2t, So Mierbaeheabe eben Sedo 1e: eoeigigisof Pate! Ke a aude’. o lion, Bel. Ba aaote the owls te cht ‘they: eroctucl £y eS A sincas and ates Lo dhowid help the he pally will de fold ond Shue the ban pangara 8 Me mablac pat share fas 3 qaha.s Se the poner: alt rauced foie the inde vahade Bamith yor ‘The Delhi.publie anvears to haye disliked the o-tbreak of disturbances in Delhi in and they. blame the To.nmuslim refutees for the sane. They believe that unless the nonsuslin refueees are here and the muslims do: not leave this plage, the disturbances would continue breaking out ab intervals, At the same time, it is generally stated by the Hindu and Sikh refuses that they vill avente tiie guiferoinga in Pakistan shenever they will cet an onportunity for the same, tm matter zhether this will nrove devoratery to the cause of the Coverrment or anybody else, The members. of the Rashtriya Swayam Sewak Sench, on the other hand, are quite happy over’ the disturnexces thay say that they had rightly prophesiod with revard te z ims would remain in Delhi, commmal sauffles would take place from tima to time, Accordine to them the recent disturoance wea of cory minor yoe and that communal strains of greater mpnitude still araited in Delhi. They are also pleased over the fact that the non-maslimk refuzees from the Punjab wha are in Delhi also share their opinion and so their cause hes further been strenethened, s Soup ogonle are of the opinion that ag a lane marhe- gf jate will be visitine delhi on the 28th of November, ig fave seared bath in the Jama, there ig. oosslbiltty of breskine ont of riots in lelhi'on that day. f GRIMINAY, INVEITTO ATION DatER Meer NO: o IS ts DRLHT, Dated the 27th Nov. 1947. Uony tos The Insnector General of Police, The Denuty Invector Cenral of Polics, ‘The Assistant Director (8), Wie! Lim nso Bureau, lanistty of Hone Ufatrs Government of India, New uel hi, om Superintenaent KE Lice, Ah ioe ST, 0, Delhi, fieo.of the Sharab Parga. 2* Ltd. has been ‘ ad to tht Presises of the nish plage 38 reported 4 from Burn Bastien 2 Saig Razor, Delis arojiaged by the RS. 8,3. orvontabion for che ir-duste, the press, .pn..sni, Raja Sam vers of the Sanch have, been employed to wrk at and care is teken-"ot to @mboy anybody who is not t of the 2,5,3,9. Admission to the vremises of the vekashen fd. Peiz Razer, is leo restricted to mecially permitied by the mmeagemont of the concern visitors are required to secure a cste=ass before 3 allowed to go within, This preemution is teken in io ensure the entry of subhoriced persons to the orem see of the concern, the “rese which will be aimed ns the "Bharat vudregeya" will start from the month of January 1948 and no sooner the press WiLL start functioning, the Hindi “Uthan* will be orinved and published from there. Tt ig believed that the 2.5.3,%., and the Hindu ¥eha Sabha wilt conjointly contest the next Ascembly elections from yayious constituencies in Tndia, Besides these who will qenvest elections on the end Winda “ahasabhe tickets, renresentati ves of the leftiet erouns and the donmress will also contest the elections. 5 ORIMEMAT, NYBSTTC ATION DEOARTERNT DELHT. Dated the 29th Nov. 1947, The Insnecter Geteral of Police, | 3 The Deputy Tieng tar General of Police. The Agsisi « Ws snt Dreator (&), Intelligenge B. ne Mee Hinistry of Home Affairs, Government of Tndia, New Delhi, yeh fa at: feds Superinsendent of Potice, Pepi bens 4 Heajnfs? : igaat ; toi eee 28-11-1947 a nesting of Ste Socters of the Soeinl int s'ngtd ta ard Horkas fhe, an ab then at Se be ‘an, ‘wri 3 “ahen ee Tapani 8s ‘ofinn eels est ana Matbervele the teat Font ‘the followin dealdian! herve 4 Tht! the Ongty: aPouls be ‘fade atrare enone te Licht sleationa, af Pes be antl Oe) of Hinda ad voslin volunteers steald bs fori, hey ot 1 wen Wheeniour badcua on twit arma. Setelin of mon-Ngel ign in Wastin oreae soni bo p27 3a0d and if the caves Taleted’eatjscred eit Se eo af 4 Vat e Poliae DE! serige, wwbovi thera sere Sormtaints should be oe te toa he Sakura and Ont! wi reyeat ta eanstor ree, °f ‘they oososed taving of Jed crakash Varain da the Cabin ts af ams eent ibe Soy to “te Head. ‘Ottiee et Bavbaz, . a Bap, ‘aa, co ny ae , o a ie sare aie vigew of the Social et Ng Sel aan inant Try x nicgah anka-thet he hed mio thee Sikes ee work re gs rene oe chet extoder antics: amemmeest aes ued in oth, “a arreste wire ade te the “alee, Bohra. ate? on Poulete Acad were tilorned agate: Lind 4D SOURGE REPORT. Jes, ye 46 reported that the Delht bran-S of the Rashiriya seayea Sewak Sangh has purchesed nearly 2000 copies of the book in Hinds d entitled the "Waharashtre Eharat" (Hindu Geurava Gatha), written by io ee the late Hari Narain Apte, printed by Kaw Shankar Lal Srivasteva, Shri Hanuman Fres>, Benares, end published by P. bardir Muttre for the Shri Gandhi Grenthegar, Eennres, which were ushered in Delhi by one Rem Kumar Srivastava who is loenl Manager of the SaryGandht Grenthager, Lai Rutlding, Nei Sarek, Delhi, and 1s working in tne | office of the “Vir Arjun", velHii, ine book contains the life’ sketc A of Sinaji and his activities to estetlich Hindu Raj in India and according to the Sangh authorities in Delhi, the book will prove helpful to the Sargn workers in cultivating the mindsa of Hindu youths jciring the R.S.s.8. with the objective of esteblishirg ‘Hindu rule in indie. Goptes of the book will be supplied tree rt to various Shskhes in Uelni for. the use of their members. Ah copy of the book is submitted herewith for perusal,end if epproved, the seme mry be purchased et its price of %.3/— for scrutiny ard necessary action by the press Bench. 2, “It 1s further understood thet memberehio of the R.S.S.S. increasing day by day in velhi, The workers of the Sangh a said to be meking efforts to contest the next Assembly for thet purpose they are organising public opinion towa favour, For information please. Di S.Fs DiSeF (Fe : 2 fips Ne ie KA Sen et mee : ge ped ee ee ‘ { | | . fl | Saat pee Mi het TO he a pip & protien } Ae Confer cents ve Me. i Seevee” = Souvee Reporte Stat Aafee: : AG He shattha, of fhe ip DUA bo leesut. n & cunt, Mes morring % eekearie€ A | phe a we Ae OE Ue thn her, AIG Monel Pheruser Ky. 20m eo mare Ke-€ whit wan flgeh 6 lox. pnebagnre of 7 eee” far ble Brenda fe Ae fp aay. The volunfiers Ate ae Ledge ve ns a Bee Be fact Aber aeeeet fee Cinceny ant, Abeer Nee whore wet © Mek Mpwel AKEVEt ze, Hs postmen) He veges © - * 6) thing Unity. He coreg qriischoe the. Tyee, Press Joamal' for its anbissangh Dulminations. thes: fas Load talk in many etroles that we wanted A ‘ORDA, piety Denar Mo.B/A0880 _ Delhi, deted the Sth Decanber, 47. te ‘Phe Inspector-General of Police, Dethi. 1 Superintendent of Po! ioe, GoTsDe Veopy tare ale 7 Bbewes RSS S, Souva Reppert: o Seca 4 ferris S Bn C242, Cee Me RASS, Ast tae” ee tae Lee y en s ae ay 2. Hee ped Pee Rok ren Look eff ; Dethe -— far.’ havd., Bano Be pot: Mas, Jett Chand, Hapet de Wa : pag Beagrue eae , ve hare (hers phen tA mst inition, Bafrr cot appeased atyay ota T Aim ha: aaratse en” - 2 : PATS BADR, Bx : | AOT/LGL Noerly 609 Dein from the Bt 2 t ee left this DLa0s he U.P, Tbe Rusk in y the BB. & 6, Bos this to Neerly 1000 non-Wuslita refugees ara st present ap ia One Tor esti Repo Lia AK! 1942 pt See fai reli priv in he 11th while about gsr, Onloxths and nee in are ruported to do travelling if ee on their way to ee They a seis publ tly 2000, yoluntoarg 0% the RS, 3.9. Olen see Bord op the th, Mier some rid, 113, anzh, a explained the sims and 9bj fe tion and “pl seid Moet St ons the outy rener- i? Sito face th coming. Ho sid. the a full programe of thy MDuld be oloced before then yory soon end fe Same ct oruryon, of tha would wrk on it men his tile ate Proceading +) cr exhorted, thom to enrol mon nt or any 6 tnt, po nave eat moul 1 is es = en ee would nave ae tho added id gould be immocitte ol oe to best my malice tomrds 2 Hindu, we 4] won, if thy were mL atta bal ere ete SBA thin tamara. . ND a soe ermal eouveshigation Department, CONFIDENTIAL on is srecingsenancn €é ven UN nay Sea 7 at eo Rne§ 1h Bases 6 a a ~ wee ‘Tak : oe ae : : I Shcc aor phe eee report re- 23k ceived from Muttre and will age BY your comments thereon, partioulerly in regard tothe all-India meatiog of delegates of the Saagh that was to-have been held at Balts = Bevaibag 8 2047. Be ods hs a’ ames oe eee) (@, Be Wea), 5 Fromm tir epf ope €vimimal Investigation Department, SPECIAL BRANCH Lucknow satiorre= UP oo 2 i ie ge ated-the . 18th December, 947, i ase Mm My dear Tek Singh, Pipe I will be extremely grateful if you kindly send me an early reply to my Jetter No. (./T.2/RS9/IA. dated December 11, 1947, regarding the All India meeting of dele~ gates of the R. S.'S. Sangh that was to have been held in your province on December 8, 1947. Yours ,sincerely, (Ss iS eR (G. EeWigeins) Sardar Tek Singh, Suptk. of Bolice, Delhi. GBW/R. ; oh 8 pein it Delhi soo) YY prepsred vo ‘vort th, ame, He ome s the qorkers to ath ie Gpecid Police Officers % : eptivities of the tustion oe ich ond there ba ‘becn no nes aEEe a mict oot oF a oe ig i yas = abetorent ond 4 die ee tos teen ts We ete “ths Hborty maxim Se ae “oy. and they ent & at arty & ‘Basi On 8.12.47 at 5.1, about 2500 volunteers of the a _ Selected tn thetn cans on Rohtak Road, Arter sone dri11, 4.3.4 Golwolkar, the Gary of the Sanh addressed the voluntecre, exolained the princintes of the Sangh and said that it. was te duty of every indivicual to be arerared for fxcine the o crises with full force, Very soon they would be placine a | comlsts schom before them, The tine for mere playing had cone. ur volunteers should enrol new volunteers in every house, an | should instal in thein the essence of Hiniaian, Referring to the “overament Ye said that law onald not met force, Ya stonta be | | mreered for merille warfare on the lines of the tactics of i Shivaji. The gench will not rest conten cuntit a had ie Pakistan, Tf anyone stood in our LL havé to finish hin oo, whether ik ws Nehru Government. ar any other Goverment. ‘The Sangh could not be won over, ‘they shoula carry of their work. ok eferrine to Yusling to said ‘that mo power on “earth could keer ty Serer enn meneee ae a wen ere

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