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MIX 250 BPRD 43


APPEARANCE Limpid to yellowish liquid.

APPLICATION Additive to caustic soda solution for use in the preparation of lye
baths in bottle washers and for general purpose alkaline

COMPOSITION Product based on non-ionic biodegradable surfactants,

phosphonic and phosphoric acids.


- a powerful antiscaling action, stable in alkaline conditions
- excellent peptizing properties on soiling
- a strong wetting power
- an excellent rinsability
- a good antifoaming effect.
MIX 250 BPRD 43 must be dosed into the baths separately from
the caustic soda solution.
Never mix concentrated NaOH with concentrated MIX 250
BPRD 43.
Pumps and pipework for distributing concentrated MIX 250
BPRD 43 should be constructed from acid resistant materials,
because it is acidic in character.

This product can be applied in the food industry (brewery, soft

drink, etc.) and meets all national and European related
legislations currently in force.


2.5-10 % v/w of the quantity of caustic soda in the first baths.
0.05-0.15 % v/v in the final bath before the water rinse.

Alkaline cleaning
0.05 - 0.1 % v/v in presence of 1-2 % w/v NaOH.
Temperature : ambient.

SA SOPURA NV TEL +32 71 46 80 10

Rue de Trazegnies 199 FAX +32 71 45 25 90
B – 6180 COURCELLES - Belgium E-mail : [email protected]
MIX 250 BPRD 43

CONCENTRATION Measurement of the surface tension (stalagmometer)

ANALYSIS 0.1 % v/v MIX 250 BPRD 43 + 1 % w/v NaOH =
40 mN/m +/- 2.

Measurement of the caustic soda losses

No presence of aluminates :
. Pipette 25 ml of the working solution of the product.
. Add ca 2 g BaCl2 and a few drops of phenolphthalein; shake.
. Titrate against a N HCl solution until decoularation of the

% w/v free NaOH = ml of 1 N HCl x 0.16

Titration method by means of test kit

For more details on the method and test kit, please contact your
Sopura technical representative.

Specific weight : 1.215 +/- 0.015.

PACKAGING Jerrycan - drum - IBC on request.

FIRST AID re : material safety data sheet.

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS re : material safety data sheet.

IMO : re : material safety data sheet.

SA SOPURA NV TEL +32 71 46 80 10

Rue de Trazegnies 199 FAX +32 71 45 25 90
B – 6180 COURCELLES - Belgium E-mail : [email protected]

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