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Al Manar Modern School

Strategic Digital Plan

2023 - 2025
Haneen Mohtar
Lana Kamand

Al-Manar Modern School is a private school founded

in 1985, that has more than 550 enrolled students.
Offering opportunities for all ages of diverse learning
styles, academic excellence, and instructive
The school encompasses kindergarten, elementary,
intermediate, and secondary departments (K-12),
managed by skilled, creative, and active teams. The
school aims to deliver a vigorous, rich, cultivated, and
pleasant educational atmosphere by means of recent
accommodations and strategies to support the
students’ accomplishments, develop their knowledge
and character. The school purposes to be a green,
environmentally friendly institution.
The AMS philosophy promotes providing chances for
students at all levels in a learning organization where
the individual is educated to become a completely
functioning member of society.
Emotional and social sensitivity, discipline and
mindfulness, responsibility, self-confidence, critical
reasoning, and collaboration are among the values
cultivated by Al-Manar graduates.
Vision and Mission
Al Manar Modern School website

Our vision at Al Manar Modern School is
to empower students to acquire,
demonstrate, and value knowledge and
skills that will support them to become
life-long learners with an outward
orientation looking beyond the school
gates. Our dedication to providing
education of the highest standards in a
safe and motivating environment is driven
by the desire of implementing Education
for Sustainable Development to produce
creative and independent leaders in a
global society.

As a school committed to academic
excellence for tomorrow’s leaders, we
strive to enhance our students’ thinking
and inquiry skills that will increase their
capacity to solve social, economic, and
environmental problems that they will
encounter in their lifetimes. AMS aims to
provide a highly effective learning
environment that engages, inspires, and
challenges our students to become
productive citizens, ethical leaders, and
positive contributors to our community,
country, and global society.
The Strategy


Four Themes Taken from “Digital

Strategy for Schools 2015-2020” by
the Department of Education and
Skills in Ireland.
Theme 1 Teaching, Learning and
Assessment Using ICT
Theme 2 Teacher Professional
Theme 3 Leadership, Research and
Theme 4 ICT Infrastructure

ISTE standards “dedicated to

leveraging the power of technology
in the classroom to "transform
teaching and learning".

Technologies and their

affordances from:
Howland, J. L., Jonassen,
D., & Marra, R. M.


The availability of
projectors in classrooms
allows teachers to
incorporate and use
many applications and
technologies in class,
they can include images,
videos, PowerPoint
presentations, e-books
and games in their lesson
plans. In addition, it
allows students to
experience new tools
and become more
creative. Moreover, it will
create a student-
centered classroom
where students share
experiences and
knowledge from each

Funds should be allocated to

1. Cost of Hardware (Projectors, laptops, speakers)

2. Teachers and staff professional trainings
3. Cost of teacher’s E-books

(NB: the school already has Wi-Fi)

Category Details Quantity Sum

Projectors Hardware 12 $4,680


Laptop Hardware 12 $4,200


Speakers Hardware 6 $120


E-books Digital content 6 $164

(Only for
teachers/ year)

A professional Professional 2 $1000

projector development
trainer for training
TOTAL $10,056
the IT staff
Stakeholders and their Roles

Teachers Coordinators
Key personnel in this project Teacher’s Support and Reference

▪ Be active users of the projectors. ▪ Participate in professional

▪ Participate in professional development trainings to master the
development trainings. use of projectors.
▪ Prepare lesson plans that are suitable
with the use of projectors. ▪ Perform trainings for teachers to
▪ Conduct and share necessary become prepared to use projectors.
resources among each other.
▪ Explore and understand the ▪ Support teachers when needed and
pedagogical benefits of responsive provide them with all materials and
learning strategies. resources needed to best use
▪ Give continuous feedback about the projectors.
functionality of the projectors during
teacher in service and during classes.
▪ Report any mal function to IT staff.

IT Staff
Teacher’s Support and Reference

▪ Assist curriculum designers, coordinators, SMEs (subject matter experts), and

instructors as needed before, during and after the implementation process.
▪ Determine the best place to put these projectors in the classroom in a way that
allows all students to see carefully.
▪ Be always accessible to assist instructors with any technical problems they may
▪ Analyze provided feedback on regular basis to enable and ensure the appropriate
understanding of learner’s knowledge and skills.
▪ Support the development of a student journey that allows students to keep track
of their interactions with the university as well as their academic achievement.
▪ Support curriculum designers with the construction of new curricula.
▪ Update the school community about professional development opportunities and

Students Curriculum designers

Main beneficiaries of this project Teacher’s Support and Reference

▪ Throughout the two years, they will ▪ Create a new curriculum that allows
help provide feedback on their both teachers and students to put
educational experiences in class their know-hows into practice.
▪ Devise strategies and techniques to
make the best use of projectors.

Theme 1
Teaching, Learning and
Assessment Using ICT

Theme 2
Teacher Professional

Theme 3
Leadership, Research and

Theme 4
ICT Infrastructure
Theme One - Related ISTE Standards
ISTE standards for Educators which relates to teachers and their multiple roles
not only as educators but also as learners and leaders. The standards also
relate in how educators use resources, technology and collaborate with
students and each other to facilitate learning and find alternative ways to
assess students and build their self-directed learning.
ISTE standards for Education Leaders which relates to their role in digital age
learning, one that uses technology to empowers teachers. increase equity,
inclusion, and digital citizenship practices among students and provides
everyone including themselves with the chance of becoming connected


Actions Timeline Stakeholders

Integrate whole class formative assessment First two weeks of school Teachers
using projectors and e books via clicker, during teacher in service. Coordinators
polls, engaging activities such as edpuzzle,
quizlet, kahoot instead of papers. (September 1- 14)

These activities will be done

through out the year

2023 -2024

2024 -2025
Teachers Create more engaging learning First two weeks of school Teachers
activities where learners participate during teacher in service. Coordinators
cooperative learning via projectors by (September 1- 14)
dividing students in groups then ask them
to watch a video to discuss, argue, and Weekly coordination hours
build opinions to share with class. throughout the year.
2023 -2024
2024 -2025

Teachers use projectors as information Throughout the school year. Teachers

vehicle for exploring knowledge to support (September 14 – June 14) Coordinators
learning by constructing such as accessing
needed information via the world wide 2023 -2024
web, online videos, news for comparing 2024 -2025
perspectives, beliefs, and worldviews.

Projectors act as a big screen for various Throughout the school year. Teachers
instructional material such as in history (September 14 – June 14) Coordinators
class, art class, and math class. Thus, it 2023 -2024
makes learning more authentic and leaves a 2024 -2025
deeper impact on the learners.

Enhance curriculum to include material that First two weeks of school Teachers
provides both teachers and students with during teacher in service. Curriculum
Theme Two - Related ISTE Standards

ISTE standards for Educators which relates to teachers constructing learning and
teaching objectives to investigate and implement educational techniques by
technological practices, and to evaluate their efficacy as well as to establishing
and engaging effectively in learning networks to achieve qualified benefits. In
addition to their ability to transmit concepts, information to advance creativity by
staying up to date with the latest research that promotes enhanced learning

ISTE standards for coaches which directly relates to IT specially that it is tailored
to “today’s instructional technology coaches, as well as those needed for future
practice in this evolving role”. In addition to their role in providing and evaluating
the impact of professional learning for educators and leaders to use technology to
advance teaching and learning. This highly resonates with the future role of the IT
in our Digital strategy which is one combining technology knowledge and


Actions Timeline Stakeholders

Set a schedule on the school calendar by First two weeks of school Curriculum
the dates of meetings. during teacher in service. designers,
(September 1- 14) coordinators, and
IT staff.
2023 -2024

2024 -2025

Set a schedule on the school calendar by First two weeks of school Coordinators and
the dates of meetings. during teacher in service. IT staff.
(September 1- 14)

2023 -2024
2024 -2025

Set a schedule on the school calendar by Each 3 months during the Coordinators and
the dates of meetings. school year IT staff.

2023 -2024
2024 -2025

Monitor the Digital Plan's progress and First 3 months of school, Coordinators and
provide guidance and personalized and when needed. IT staff.
2023 -2024
2024 -2025
Theme Three - Related ISTE Standards

ISTE standards for coaches which directly relates their role in modeling and
support educators to design learning experiences and environments to meet
the needs and interests of all students.
ISTE standards for Education Leaders which relates to their role as leaders
who build teams and systems to implement, sustain and continually improve
the use of technology to support learning. Education leaders also have the
responsibility to engage others in establishing a vision, strategic plan, and
ongoing evaluation cycle for transforming learning with technology.


Actions Timeline Stakeholders

Develop guidelines for the use of First two weeks of school Curriculum
technology for curriculum designers, during teacher in service. designers
coordinators, teachers, students in school (September 1- 14) Coordinators
and at home (e-books) IT
Weekly coordination hours
throughout the year.

Supply students with e books (middle and 2023 -2024

high school). E books fees will be added to 2024 -2025
the tuition fees.

Provide trainings for curriculum designers, First two weeks of school Curriculum
coordinators, teachers and parents. during teacher in service. designers
(September 1- 14). Coordinators
2023 -2024 Parents
2024 -2025

Develop a system of checking student First two weeks of school Curriculum

progress with the help of parents. during teacher in service. designers
(September 1- 14) Coordinators
2023 -2024 Parents
Theme Four - Related ISTE Standards

ISTE standards for Education Leaders which relates to their role establishing
infrastructure and systems needed to implement the strategic plan along with
partnerships that not only ensure that resources are sufficient and scalable for
supporting effective use of technology for learning to meet future needs but
also support the strategic vision, achieve learning priories and improve
operations. In addition to making sure effective privacy and data management
policies are present.
ISTE standards for coaches which directly relates their role in designing
environments that support the transition to future learning.


Actions Timeline Stakeholders

Provide an e book technology guide for all First two weeks of school Curriculum
stakeholders, one that can be accessed during teacher in service. designers
easily with clear explanations and (September 1- 14) Coordinators
instructions to ensure all stakeholders IT
have a solid foundation in the effective 2024 -2025
usage of digital teaching and learning

Create a plan that includes a program First two weeks of school IT

where teachers can participate in to during teacher in service. Teachers
deepen their knowledge in effective digital (September 1- 14)
learning and teaching for next year.
2023 -2024

Supply school with good internet First two weeks of school IT

connectivity during teacher in service.
(September 1- 14)

2023 -2024

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